class PackagesTranslationLoader extends AbstractTranslationLoader (View source)
Translation loader that loads the package translations for the Laminas translation adapter.
protected | $app | from AbstractTranslationLoader |
Loads the translations from this loader type into the given translator instance.
Get the locale identifier alternatives (eg: 'en_US' gives ['en_US', 'en']).
Get the full path to the file containing the localized strings for a specific locale.
__construct(Application $app)
No description
loadTranslations(TranslatorAdapterInterface $translatorAdapter)
Loads the translations from this loader type into the given translator instance.
The given translator instance should have the correct locale already set for it which defines the loader which translations should be loaded.
protected string[]
getLocaleIDAlternatives(string $localeID)
Get the locale identifier alternatives (eg: 'en_US' gives ['en_US', 'en']).
private string|null
locateLanguageFile(Package $package, string $localeID)
Get the full path to the file containing the localized strings for a specific locale.