class PhpFixerOptions (View source)
Options for PhpFixer.
protected Repository | $config | ||
private string|null | $webRoot | The absolute path to the web root directory. |
private string[]|null | $filterByExtensions | The list of file extensions to be parsed. |
private string[]|null | $filterIncludeFiles | The list of additional files (relative to the webroot) to be parsed. |
private string[]|null | $ignoredDirectoriesByName | The directory names that should not be parsed. |
private string[]|null | $ignoredDirectoriesByPath | The directory paths (relative to the webroot) that should not be parsed (allowed placeholders: |
private string[]|null | $bootstrapFiles | The file paths (relative to the webroot) that are executed before checking the PHP version. |
private string[]|null | $phpOnlyNonPsr4Files | The file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: |
private string[]|null | $phpOnlyNonPsr4Directories | The directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: |
private string[]|null | $phpOnlyNonPsr4Regexes | The regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names. |
private string[]|null | $phpOnlyPsr4Files | The file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: |
private string[]|null | $phpOnlyPsr4Directories | The directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: |
private string[]|null | $phpOnlyPsr4Regexes | The regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names. |
private string[]|null | $directoriesWithMixedContentsRegex | The list of regular expressions that should be used to check if a directory contains files with mixed flags. |
private bool | $isCacheDisabled | Is the fixers cache disabled? |
private string | $minimumPhpVersion | The minimum PHP version. |
Normalize a path.
Get the default absolute path to the web root directory.
Get the absolute path to the web root directory.
Set the absolute path to the web root directory.
Get the list of file extensions to be parsed.
Set the list of file extensions to be parsed.
Get the list of additional files (relative to the webroot) to be parsed.
Set the list of additional files (relative to the webroot) to be parsed.
Get the directory names that should not be parsed.
Set the directory names that should not be parsed.
Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that should not be parsed (allowed placeholders:
Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that should not be parsed (allowed placeholders:
Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that are executed before checking the PHP version.
Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that are executed before checking the PHP version.
Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Get the regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names.
Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Get the regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names.
Is the fixers cache disabled.
Is the fixers cache disabled.
Get the minimum PHP version.
Set the minimum PHP version.
Check if a directory contains PHP files with mixed flags.
Get the list of regular expressions that should be used to check if a directory contains files with mixed flags.
Add items to the list of regular expressions that should be used to check if a directory contains files with mixed flags.
__construct(Repository $config)
Initialize the instance.
normalizePath(string $path, bool $isDir, bool $isRelative)
Normalize a path.
static string
Get the default absolute path to the web root directory.
Get the absolute path to the web root directory.
setWebRoot(string|mixed $value)
Set the absolute path to the web root directory.
Get the list of file extensions to be parsed.
setFilterByExtensions(array $value)
Set the list of file extensions to be parsed.
Get the list of additional files (relative to the webroot) to be parsed.
setFilterIncludeFiles(string[] $value)
Set the list of additional files (relative to the webroot) to be parsed.
Get the directory names that should not be parsed.
setIgnoredDirectoriesByName(array $value)
Set the directory names that should not be parsed.
Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that should not be parsed (allowed placeholders:
setIgnoredDirectoriesByPath(array $value)
Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that should not be parsed (allowed placeholders:
Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that are executed before checking the PHP version.
setBootstrapFiles(array $value)
Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that are executed before checking the PHP version.
Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
setPhpOnlyNonPsr4Files(array $value)
Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
setPhpOnlyNonPsr4Directories(array $value)
Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Get the regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names.
Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
setPhpOnlyPsr4Files(array $value)
Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
setPhpOnlyPsr4Directories(array $value)
Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders:
Get the regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names.
Is the fixers cache disabled.
setIsCacheDisabled(bool $value)
Is the fixers cache disabled.
Get the minimum PHP version.
setMinimumPhpVersion(string $value)
Set the minimum PHP version.
isDirectoryWithMixedContents(string $path)
Check if a directory contains PHP files with mixed flags.
protected string[]
Get the list of regular expressions that should be used to check if a directory contains files with mixed flags.
addDirectoriesWithMixedContentsRegex(string $path, array $directoriesWithMixedContentsRegex)
Add items to the list of regular expressions that should be used to check if a directory contains files with mixed flags.