class Text (View source)
URL-encodes collection path.
Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.
Remove unsafe characters for URL slug.
Strips tags and optionally reduces string to specified length.
Leaves only characters that are valid in email addresses (RFC).
Leaves only characters that are alpha-numeric.
always use in place of htmlentites(), so it works with different languages.
Decodes html-encoded entities (for instance: from '>' to '>').
A concrete5 specific version of htmlspecialchars(). Double encoding is OFF, and the character set is set to your site's.
An alias for shortText().
Like sanitize, but requiring a certain number characters, and assuming a tail.
Takes a string and turns it into the CamelCase or StudlyCaps version.
automatically add hyperlinks to any twitter style @usernames in a string.
Runs a number of text functions, including autolink, nl2br, strip_tags. Assumes that you want simple text comments but with a few niceties.
Runs strip_tags but ensures that spaces are kept between the stripped tags.
Scans passed text and automatically hyperlinks any URL inside it.
A wrapper for PHP's fnmatch() function, which some installations don't have.
Takes a CamelCase string and turns it into camel_case.
Takes a handle-based string like "blah_blah" or "blah-blah" or "blah/blah" and turns it into "Blah Blah".
Takes a string and turns it into a handle.
No description
Takes text and returns it in the "lowercase-and-dashed-with-no-punctuation" format.
Takes text and converts it to an ASCII-only string (characters with code between 32 and 127, plus \t, \n and \r).
alias of shortenTextWord().
Shortens and sanitizes a string but only cuts at word boundaries.
Strips out non-alpha-numeric characters.
Highlights a string within a string with the class ccm-highlight-search.
Formats a passed XML string nicely.
Appends a SimpleXMLElement to a SimpleXMLElement.
static string
encodePath(string $path)
URL-encodes collection path.
static bool
match(string $pattern, string $value)
Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.
slugSafeString(string $handle, int $maxlength = 128)
Remove unsafe characters for URL slug.
sanitize(string $string, int $max_length = 0, string $allowed = '')
Strips tags and optionally reduces string to specified length.
email(string $email)
Leaves only characters that are valid in email addresses (RFC).
alphanum(string $string)
Leaves only characters that are alpha-numeric.
entities(string $v)
always use in place of htmlentites(), so it works with different languages.
decodeEntities(string $v)
Decodes html-encoded entities (for instance: from '>' to '>').
specialchars(string $v)
A concrete5 specific version of htmlspecialchars(). Double encoding is OFF, and the character set is set to your site's.
shorten(string $textStr, int $numChars = 255, string $tail = '…')
An alias for shortText().
shortText(string $textStr, int $numChars = 255, string $tail = '…')
Like sanitize, but requiring a certain number characters, and assuming a tail.
camelcase(string $string)
Takes a string and turns it into the CamelCase or StudlyCaps version.
twitterAutolink(string $input, int $newWindow = 0, int $withSearch = 0)
automatically add hyperlinks to any twitter style @usernames in a string.
makenice(string $input)
Runs a number of text functions, including autolink, nl2br, strip_tags. Assumes that you want simple text comments but with a few niceties.
prettyStripTags($input, $allowedTags = null)
Runs strip_tags but ensures that spaces are kept between the stripped tags.
autolink(string $input, bool $newWindow = false, string $defaultProtocol = 'http://')
Scans passed text and automatically hyperlinks any URL inside it.
fnmatch(string $pattern, string $string)
A wrapper for PHP's fnmatch() function, which some installations don't have.
uncamelcase(string $string)
Takes a CamelCase string and turns it into camel_case.
unhandle(string $string)
Takes a handle-based string like "blah_blah" or "blah-blah" or "blah/blah" and turns it into "Blah Blah".
handle($handle, bool $leaveSlashes = false)
Takes a string and turns it into a handle.
sanitizeFileSystem(string $handle)
No description
urlify(string $handle, int $max_length = null, string $locale = '', bool $removeExcludedWords = true)
Takes text and returns it in the "lowercase-and-dashed-with-no-punctuation" format.
asciify(string $text, string $locale = '')
Takes text and converts it to an ASCII-only string (characters with code between 32 and 127, plus \t, \n and \r).
wordSafeShortText(string $textStr, int $numChars = 255, string $tail = '…')
alias of shortenTextWord().
shortenTextWord($textStr, int $numChars = 255, string $tail = '…')
Shortens and sanitizes a string but only cuts at word boundaries.
filterNonAlphaNum(string $val)
Strips out non-alpha-numeric characters.
highlightSearch(string $value, string $searchString)
Highlights a string within a string with the class ccm-highlight-search.
Formats a passed XML string nicely.
appendXML(SimpleXMLElement $root, SimpleXMLElement $new)
Appends a SimpleXMLElement to a SimpleXMLElement.