class BasicThumbnailer implements ThumbnailerInterface, ApplicationAwareInterface (View source)
Trait ApplicationAwareTrait A trait used with ApplicationAwareInterface
protected Application | $app | from ApplicationAwareTrait | |
protected int|null | $jpegCompression | The currently configured JPEG compression level. |
protected int|null | $webpCompression | The currently configured WEBP compression level. |
protected int|null | $pngCompression | The currently configured PNG compression level. |
protected string|null | $thumbnailsFormat | The currently configured format of the generated thumbnails. |
private StorageLocationInterface | $storageLocation |
Get the storage location to use.
Set the storage location to use. Note that the $savePath is going to be relative to this location.
Overrides the default JPEG compression level per instance of the image helper.
Get the currently set JPEG compression level.
Overrides the default WEBP compression level per instance of the image helper.
Get the currently set WEBP compression level.
Overrides the default PNG compression level per instance of the image helper.
Get the currently set PNG compression level.
Set the format of the generated thumbnails.
Get the format of the generated thumbnails.
Create a thumbnail given an image (or a path to an image).
Checks thumbnail resolver for filename, schedule for creation via ajax if necessary.
Checks filesystem for thumbnail and if file doesn't exist will create it immediately.
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Returns a path to the specified item, resized and/or cropped to meet max width and height. $obj can e Returns an object with the following properties: src, width, height.
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setApplication(Application $app)
Setter method for the application
__construct(StorageLocationInterface $storageLocation = null)
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Get the storage location to use.
setStorageLocation(StorageLocationInterface $storageLocation)
Set the storage location to use. Note that the $savePath is going to be relative to this location.
setJpegCompression(int $level)
Overrides the default JPEG compression level per instance of the image helper.
This allows for a single-use for a particularly low or high compression value.
Get the currently set JPEG compression level.
setWebpCompression(int $level)
Overrides the default WEBP compression level per instance of the image helper.
This allows for a single-use for a particularly low or high compression value.
Get the currently set WEBP compression level.
setPngCompression(int $level)
Overrides the default PNG compression level per instance of the image helper.
This allows for a single-use for a particularly low or high compression value.
Get the currently set PNG compression level.
setThumbnailsFormat(string $thumbnailsFormat)
Set the format of the generated thumbnails.
Get the format of the generated thumbnails.
create($mixed, string $savePath, int|null $width, int|null $height, bool $fit = false, $format = false)
Create a thumbnail given an image (or a path to an image).
private stdClass
returnThumbnailObjectFromResolver(File|string $obj, int|null $maxWidth, int|null $maxHeight, bool $crop = false)
Checks thumbnail resolver for filename, schedule for creation via ajax if necessary.
private stdClass
checkForThumbnailAndCreateIfNecessary(File|string $obj, int|null $maxWidth, int|null $maxHeight, bool $crop = false)
Checks filesystem for thumbnail and if file doesn't exist will create it immediately.
concrete5's default behavior from the beginning up to 8.1.
processThumbnail(bool $async, File|string $obj, int|null $maxWidth, int|null $maxHeight, bool $crop)
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getThumbnail(File|string $obj, int|null $maxWidth, int|null $maxHeight, bool $crop = false)
Returns a path to the specified item, resized and/or cropped to meet max width and height. $obj can e Returns an object with the following properties: src, width, height.
outputThumbnail($mixed, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $alt = null, $return = false, $crop = false)
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