$ Controller#akHasCustomCountriesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akDefaultCountryProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akCustomCountriesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akGeolocateCountryProperty in class Controller
Controller::action_load_provinces_js() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#akUseNowIfEmptyProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akDateDisplayModeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akTextCustomFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akTimeResolutionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akSelectAllowMultipleValuesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akSelectAllowOtherValuesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akHideNoneOptionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akSelectOptionDisplayOrderProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akDisplayMultipleValuesOnSelectProperty in class Controller
Controller::action_select_autocomplete_values() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_load_autocomplete_values() — Method in class Controller
Option::add() — Method in class Option
$ Controller#akTextPlaceholderProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akTextareaDisplayModeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akTextareaDisplayModeCustomOptionsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akTopicParentNodeIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akTopicTreeIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akTopicAllowMultipleValuesProperty in class Controller
Controller::allowMultipleValues() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#akGroupSelectionMethodProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akDisplayGroupsBeneathSpecificParentProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#akDisplayGroupsBeneathParentIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#apiMethodsProperty in class Controller
Controller::authenticate() — Method in class Controller

Method used to verify the user and log them in.

$ Controller#apiMethodsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#apiMethodsProperty in class Controller
AccordionEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Accordion
$ Controller#alwaysOpenProperty in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_preview_pane() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_get_instances() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_regenerate() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#allowExportProperty in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_get_events() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#arLayoutIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#arLayoutProperty in class Controller
Controller::addFromPost() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#addMessageLabelProperty in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_filter_by_date() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_reload_drafts() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_reload_results() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#addFilesToSetIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#allowFileUploadingProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#allowInPageFileManagementProperty in class Controller
Controller::action_navigate() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_upload() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_view_express_entity() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_load_entity_data() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_add_search_field() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_load_entity_data() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#addFilesToSetProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#addFilesToFolderProperty in class Controller
Controller::action_add_new_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_update_control_order() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_delete_control() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_add_control() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_update_control() — Method in class Controller
Controller::areFormSubmissionsStored() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_form_success() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_submit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_get_type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_get_control() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
TestForm::action_test_search() — Method in class TestForm
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#addFilesToSetProperty in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_submit_form() — Method in class Controller

Users submits the completed survey.

Controller::action_services() — Method in class Controller
MiniSurvey::addEditQuestion() — Method in class MiniSurvey
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller

Controller method for the add template

Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#altTextProperty in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#attributeHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#attributeTitleTextProperty in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_preview_pane() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_filter_by_topic() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_filter_by_tag() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_search_keywords() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_filter_by_date() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_topic() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_tag() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_date() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#allow_user_optionsProperty in class Controller

Whether or not to users can search all sites from the frontend.

Controller::add() — Method in class Controller

Method called when the "add block" dialog is going to be shown.

Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::addService() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_form_save_vote() — Method in class Controller
$ SurveyList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class SurveyList
Controller::action_switch_language() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_set_current_language() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#attributeHandleProperty in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_tag() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#awardImageIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::add() — Method in class Controller
Controller::action_topic() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#autoplayProperty in class Controller
AccountClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
AnnouncementClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
ActionClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Attribute
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
ActionClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Block
Action::add() — Method in class Action
Action::add_composer() — Method in class Action
Process::alias() — Method in class Process
AutocompleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Express\Entry
File::approveVersion() — Method in class File
File::addFavoriteFolder() — Method in class File
Thumbnailer::attemptBuild() — Method in class Thumbnailer

Try building an unbuilt thumbnail.

AlertClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Notification
Alert::archive() — Method in class Alert
Page::approveRecent() — Method in class Page
AddContainerClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
AddContainer::addContainer() — Method in class AddContainer
AddStackClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
AddStack::addStack() — Method in class AddStack
ArrangeBlocksClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
ArrangeBlocks::arrange() — Method in class ArrangeBlocks
AutocompleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
Multilingual::assign() — Method in class Multilingual
AddControlClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page\Type\Composer\Form
PrivacyPolicy::acceptPrivacyPolicy() — Method in class PrivacyPolicy
User::addGroup() — Method in class User
$ UserInterface#appProperty in class UserInterface
UserInterface::action() — Method in class UserInterface
$ Block#areaProperty in class Block
Block::action() — Method in class Block
File::action() — Method in class File
Page::action() — Method in class Page
AutocompleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\User
$ Design#areaProperty in class Design
Design::action() — Method in class Design
$ Edit#areaProperty in class Edit
$ Edit#areaPermissionsProperty in class Edit
AdvancedPermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Area\Edit
AliasingClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Block
AdvancedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Event
Edit::add() — Method in class Edit
Edit::addCalendarEventVersionFromRequest() — Method in class Edit
Edit::addEvent() — Method in class Edit
SummaryTemplates::action() — Method in class SummaryTemplates
AdvancedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Express
AdvancedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
AdvancedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Groups
AdvancedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Logs
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
AddBlockClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
$ AddBlock#areaProperty in class AddBlock
$ AddBlock#areaToModifyProperty in class AddBlock
$ AddBlock#areaPermissionsProperty in class AddBlock
AddBlockListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
AddExternalClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
AddMobileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
AdvancedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
ActivityClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Process
AdvancedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Search
AdvancedSearch::addField() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\SiteType
Node::action() — Method in class Node
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\Category
Add::add_category_node() — Method in class Add
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\FileFolder
Add::add_file_folder_node() — Method in class Add
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\GroupFolder
Add::add_group_folder_node() — Method in class Add
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\Topic
Add::add_topic_node() — Method in class Add
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Type
$ Attributes#allowedEditAttributesProperty in class Attributes
AdvancedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User
$ Attributes#allowedEditAttributesProperty in class Attributes
ActivateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User\Bulk
Activate::activate() — Method in class Activate
Activate::activatesubmit() — Method in class Activate
$ Properties#allowedEditAttributesProperty in class Properties
$ Details#attributeCategoryServiceProperty in class Details
$ EditableList#attributedObjectProperty in class EditableList
$ EditableSetList#attributedObjectProperty in class EditableSetList
$ KeyList#attribute_setsProperty in class KeyList
AccountMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Navigation
AttributeTypeItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Package
$ SearchFieldSelector#addFieldActionProperty in class SearchFieldSelector
EventVersion::approve() — Method in class EventVersion
AssetsLocalizationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
AddFileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
AddFile::assignImportedFileToFileSet() — Method in class AddFile
AddMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
EditMessage::areArrachmentsEnabled() — Method in class EditMessage
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel
Dashboard::addFavorite() — Method in class Dashboard
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Page
Attributes::add_attribute() — Method in class Attributes

Retrieve attribute HTML to inject into the other view.

Composer::autosave() — Method in class Composer
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Page
Versions::approve() — Method in class Versions
AccessEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
$ SiteGroup#applicationProperty in class SiteGroup
AdminClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
AreaClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
Block::addAccessEntity() — Method in class Block
Conversation::addAccessEntity() — Method in class Conversation
Page::addAccessEntity() — Method in class Page
AccountClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
AvatarClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Account
Stacks::add_stack() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::add_localized_stack() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::add_folder() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::approve_stack() — Method in class Stacks
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
AppearanceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
DataSources::add() — Method in class DataSources
DataSources::add_data_source() — Method in class DataSources
Designer::add() — Method in class Designer
Designer::add_element() — Method in class Designer
Details::add_content() — Method in class Details
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Calendar
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Calendar
Attributes::add() — Method in class Attributes
Messages::approve_message() — Method in class Messages
AddonsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Extend
AddSetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Files
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Files
Attributes::add() — Method in class Attributes
Search::advanced_search() — Method in class Search
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages
Attributes::add() — Method in class Attributes
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Containers
Add::add_container() — Method in class Add
Feeds::add_feed() — Method in class Feeds
Feeds::add() — Method in class Feeds
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Templates
Add::add_page_template() — Method in class Add
Themes::activate() — Method in class Themes
Themes::activate_confirm() — Method in class Themes
Inspect::activate_files() — Method in class Inspect
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Types
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Types
Form::add_set() — Method in class Form
Logs::advanced_search() — Method in class Logs
Search::advanced_search() — Method in class Search
ApiClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
Integrations::add() — Method in class Integrations
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
Sets::add_set() — Method in class Sets
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Attributes\Topics
Types::add_attribute_type() — Method in class Types
AutomationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
ActivityClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Automation
AccessibilityClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
Attributes::add() — Method in class Attributes
Social::add_link() — Method in class Social
Social::add() — Method in class Social
Entities::add() — Method in class Entities
AssociationsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Express\Entities
$ Associations#associationRepositoryProperty in class Associations
Associations::add() — Method in class Associations
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Express\Entities
Attributes::add() — Method in class Attributes
Forms::add() — Method in class Forms
Forms::add_control() — Method in class Forms
Forms::add_set() — Method in class Forms
ExternalFileProvider::add() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
Storage::add() — Method in class Storage
AddressesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Mail
Setup::add_content_section() — Method in class Setup
Sites::add() — Method in class Sites
Sites::add_domain() — Method in class Sites
Types::add() — Method in class Types
Types::add_group() — Method in class Types
AlertsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Notification
AdvancedClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
AntispamClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
Range::add_range() — Method in class Range
Workflows::add() — Method in class Workflows
AuthenticationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
AutomatedLogoutClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
Urls::applyUrlRewriting() — Method in class Urls
AddClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users
AddGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users
AttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users
Attributes::add() — Method in class Attributes
GroupSets::add_set() — Method in class GroupSets
GroupTypes::added() — Method in class GroupTypes
GroupTypes::add() — Method in class GroupTypes
Groups::advanced_search() — Method in class Groups
Search::advanced_search() — Method in class Search
Login::account_deactivated() — Method in class Login
Login::authenticate() — Method in class Login

Authenticate the user using a specific authentication type.

ApprovePagePreviewClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Workflow\Dialogs
ActionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Action
AnnouncementServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement
AnnouncementServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement
AnnouncementClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Announcement
$ Announcement#announcementHandleProperty in class Announcement
Announcement::addSlide() — Method in class Announcement
Announcement::addSlides() — Method in class Announcement
AnnouncementInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Announcement
$ Broadcast#announcementsProperty in class Broadcast
Broadcast::addAnnouncement() — Method in class Broadcast
Broadcast::addAnnouncements() — Method in class Broadcast
AbstractComponentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Component
AbstractControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Controller
AbstractIconClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Icon
AbstractStandardItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item
$ StandardItem#actionsProperty in class StandardItem
ArchitectureItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item\Welcome
AbstractSlideClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Slide
Library::add() — Method in class Library
Library::activate() — Method in class Library

Activate an Antispam library.

ApiClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api
ApiControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api
ApiResourceValueInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api
ApiRouteListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api
ApiServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api
AttributeValueMapClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Attribute

Used to join a command to a set of attributes and their associated proposed attribute values entities.

AttributeValueMap::addEntry() — Method in class AttributeValueMap
AttributeValueMapEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Attribute
$ AttributeValueMapEntry#attributeKeyProperty in class AttributeValueMapEntry
$ AttributeValueMapEntry#attributeValueProperty in class AttributeValueMapEntry
AttributeValueMapFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Attribute
AccountClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
AreasClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
Areas::addBlock() — Method in class Areas
Express::add() — Method in class Express
Files::add() — Method in class Files
Groups::add() — Method in class Groups
Pages::add() — Method in class Pages
Users::add() — Method in class Users
AssociationMapClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Express\Association

Used to join a command to a set of associations and their proposed entries.

AssociationMap::addEntry() — Method in class AssociationMap
AssociationMapEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Express\Association
$ AssociationMapEntry#associationProperty in class AssociationMapEntry
AreaContentTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
AreaTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
$ AreaTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class AreaTransformer
AttributeValueTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
$ BaseBlockTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class BaseBlockTransformer
$ BlockTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class BlockTransformer
$ CalendarEventTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class CalendarEventTransformer
$ CalendarTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class CalendarTransformer
$ ExpressEntryTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class ExpressEntryTransformer
$ FileTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class FileTransformer
$ PageTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class PageTransformer
$ SiteTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class SiteTransformer
$ UserTransformer#availableIncludesProperty in class UserTransformer
$ IntegrationList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class IntegrationList
AddressAttributeValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ AddressAttributeValue#address1Property in class AddressAttributeValue
$ AddressAttributeValue#address2Property in class AddressAttributeValue
$ AddressAttributeValue#address3Property in class AddressAttributeValue
AreaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ Page#areasProperty in class Page
$ User#avatarProperty in class User
$ ClientFactory#appProperty in class ClientFactory
Controller::authorize() — Method in class Controller

Route handler that deals with authorization

$ DefaultValidator#appProperty in class DefaultValidator
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::addReadSchema() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::addCreateSchema() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::addList() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::addRead() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::addCreate() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::addUpdate() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::addDelete() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::addScopes() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
AfterParameterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi\Parameter
SourceRegistry::addDefaultSources() — Method in class SourceRegistry
SourceRegistry::addSource() — Method in class SourceRegistry
SourceRegistry::addSources() — Method in class SourceRegistry
SpecComponents::addModel() — Method in class SpecComponents
SpecComponents::addRequestBody() — Method in class SpecComponents
SpecFragment::addPath() — Method in class SpecFragment
SpecFragment::addSecurityScheme() — Method in class SpecFragment
SpecGenerator::addExpressSpec() — Method in class SpecGenerator
SpecGenerator::addCustomAttributesToModels() — Method in class SpecGenerator
SpecModel::addProperty() — Method in class SpecModel
SpecPath::addParameter() — Method in class SpecPath
SpecPath::addResponse() — Method in class SpecPath
SpecPathCollection::add() — Method in class SpecPathCollection
SpecProperty::addObjectProperty() — Method in class SpecProperty
SpecResponseList::addResponse() — Method in class SpecResponseList
SetListLimitFromQueryTrait::addLimitToPaginationIfSpecified() — Method in class SetListLimitFromQueryTrait
SupportsCursorTrait::addCursorToResource() — Method in class SupportsCursorTrait
ApplicationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application
ApplicationAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application

Interface ApplicationAwareInterface This interface declares awareness of the concrete5 application.

ApplicationAwareTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application

Trait ApplicationAwareTrait A trait used with ApplicationAwareInterface

$ ApplicationAwareTrait#appProperty in class ApplicationAwareTrait
ApplicationServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application
$ EditResponse#additionalDataProperty in class EditResponse

Additional response data.

Composer::addAssetsToRequest() — Method in class Composer
DashboardMenu::add() — Method in class DashboardMenu
$ Sitemap#appProperty in class Sitemap
FileManager::audio() — Method in class FileManager

Sets up a form field to let users pick an audio file.

FileManager::app() — Method in class FileManager

Sets up a form field to let users pick a application file.

AbstractManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
HelpPanelMessageFormatter::addMedia() — Method in class HelpPanelMessageFormatter
HelpPanelMessageFormatter::addLinkAndGuide() — Method in class HelpPanelMessageFormatter
HelpPanelMessageFormatter::addLink() — Method in class HelpPanelMessageFormatter
HelpPanelMessageFormatter::addGuide() — Method in class HelpPanelMessageFormatter
Message::addGuide() — Method in class Message
Message::addLearnMoreLink() — Method in class Message
Menu::addPageHeaderMenuItem() — Method in class Menu
Menu::addMenuItem() — Method in class Menu
AbstractManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu
AbstractManager::addMenuModifier() — Method in class AbstractManager
AbstractMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu
AbstractMenu::addItem() — Method in class AbstractMenu
AbstractItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu\Item
$ LinkItem#attributesProperty in class LinkItem
ModifiableMenuInterface::addItem() — Method in class ModifiableMenuInterface
AbstractModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu\Modifier
AbstractNavigationCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Dashboard\Navigation
$ StandardSitemapProvider#appProperty in class StandardSitemapProvider
TreeCollection::addEntry() — Method in class TreeCollection

Add an entry to the entry list.

TreeCollection::addEntryGroup() — Method in class TreeCollection

Add a group to the group list.

ApiAreaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area

Class ApiArea. Wrapper object for working with areas without all the cruft of the legacy area class, and an easier way to set the page object, etc... Used in the REST API.

$ ApiArea#arHandleProperty in class ApiArea
AreaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area
$ Area#arIDProperty in class Area
$ Area#arHandleProperty in class Area
$ Area#areaBlocksArrayProperty in class Area

Array of Blocks within the current area.

$ Area#arIsLoadedProperty in class Area
$ Area#arUseGridContainerProperty in class Area
$ Area#arDisplayNameProperty in class Area
$ Area#arGridMaximumColumnsProperty in class Area
$ Area#arOverrideCollectionPermissionsProperty in class Area
$ Area#arInheritPermissionsFromAreaOnCIDProperty in class Area
$ Area#arCustomTemplatesProperty in class Area
$ ContainerArea#areaDisplayNameProperty in class ContainerArea
$ CustomStyle#areaProperty in class CustomStyle
AreaNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Exception
$ Column#arLayoutProperty in class Column
$ Column#arLayoutColumnIndexProperty in class Column
$ Column#arLayoutIDProperty in class Column
$ Column#arLayoutColumnIDProperty in class Column
$ Column#arLayoutColumnDisplayIDProperty in class Column
$ Column#arIDProperty in class Column
$ CustomColumn#arLayoutColumnWidthProperty in class CustomColumn
$ CustomLayout#arLayoutTypeProperty in class CustomLayout
$ CustomLayout#arLayoutSpacingProperty in class CustomLayout
$ CustomLayout#arLayoutIDProperty in class CustomLayout
$ CustomLayout#arLayoutIsCustomProperty in class CustomLayout
CustomLayout::add() — Method in class CustomLayout
CustomLayout::addLayoutColumn() — Method in class CustomLayout
$ Layout#areaProperty in class Layout
$ Layout#arLayoutIDProperty in class Layout
$ Layout#arLayoutUsesThemeGridFrameworkProperty in class Layout
$ Layout#arLayoutNumColumnsProperty in class Layout
Layout::addLayoutColumn() — Method in class Layout
$ PresetLayout#arLayoutTypeProperty in class PresetLayout
$ PresetLayout#arLayoutIDProperty in class PresetLayout
$ PresetLayout#arLayoutIsPresetProperty in class PresetLayout
PresetLayout::add() — Method in class PresetLayout
$ ThemeFormatter#arrayPresetProperty in class ThemeFormatter
Preset::addColumn() — Method in class Preset
ActiveThemeProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider
$ UserPreset#arLayoutPresetIDProperty in class UserPreset
$ UserPreset#arLayoutPresetNameProperty in class UserPreset
$ UserPreset#arLayoutIDProperty in class UserPreset
UserPreset::add() — Method in class UserPreset
$ ThemeGridColumn#arLayoutColumnSpanProperty in class ThemeGridColumn
$ ThemeGridColumn#arLayoutColumnOffsetProperty in class ThemeGridColumn
$ ThemeGridLayout#arLayoutTypeProperty in class ThemeGridLayout
$ ThemeGridLayout#arLayoutMaxColumnsProperty in class ThemeGridLayout
$ ThemeGridLayout#arLayoutSpacingProperty in class ThemeGridLayout
$ ThemeGridLayout#arLayoutIsCustomProperty in class ThemeGridLayout
ThemeGridLayout::addLayoutColumn() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
ThemeGridLayout::add() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
AssetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
$ Asset#assetHandleProperty in class Asset

The handle of this asset (together with getAssetType, identifies this asset).

$ Asset#assetSupportsMinificationProperty in class Asset

Does this asset support minification?

$ Asset#assetSupportsCombinationProperty in class Asset

Can this asset be combined with other assets?

$ Asset#assetURLProperty in class Asset

The URL of this asset.

$ Asset#assetPathProperty in class Asset

The path to this asset.

$ Asset#assetHasBeenMappedProperty in class Asset

Does the URL/path have already been resolved (starting from the location) for this (local) assets?

$ Asset#assetVersionProperty in class Asset

The asset version.

Asset::assetSupportsMinification() — Method in class Asset

Does this asset support minification?

Asset::assetSupportsCombination() — Method in class Asset

Can this asset be combined with other assets?

AssetGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
$ AssetGroup#assetPointersProperty in class AssetGroup
$ AssetGroup#assetsProperty in class AssetGroup
AssetGroup::addGroup() — Method in class AssetGroup
AssetGroup::addAsset() — Method in class AssetGroup
AssetGroup::add() — Method in class AssetGroup
AssetInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset

Interface that all the assets must implement.

AssetInterface::assetSupportsMinification() — Method in class AssetInterface

Does this asset support minification?

AssetInterface::assetSupportsCombination() — Method in class AssetInterface

Can this asset be combined with other assets?

AssetListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
$ AssetList#assetsProperty in class AssetList
$ AssetList#assetGroupsProperty in class AssetList
AssetPointerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
$ AssetPointer#assetTypeProperty in class AssetPointer
$ AssetPointer#assetHandleProperty in class AssetPointer
$ CssAsset#assetSupportsMinificationProperty in class CssAsset
$ CssAsset#assetSupportsCombinationProperty in class CssAsset
$ CssAsset#assetMediaProperty in class CssAsset

The default media of this asset.

$ CssInlineAsset#assetSupportsMinificationProperty in class CssInlineAsset
$ CssInlineAsset#assetSupportsCombinationProperty in class CssInlineAsset
$ CssLocalizedAsset#assetSupportsMinificationProperty in class CssLocalizedAsset
$ JavascriptAsset#assetSupportsMinificationProperty in class JavascriptAsset
$ JavascriptAsset#assetSupportsCombinationProperty in class JavascriptAsset
$ JavascriptConditionalAsset#assetSupportsMinificationProperty in class JavascriptConditionalAsset
$ JavascriptConditionalAsset#assetSupportsCombinationProperty in class JavascriptConditionalAsset
$ JavascriptInlineAsset#assetSupportsMinificationProperty in class JavascriptInlineAsset
$ JavascriptInlineAsset#assetSupportsCombinationProperty in class JavascriptInlineAsset
$ JavascriptLocalizedAsset#assetSupportsMinificationProperty in class JavascriptLocalizedAsset
AttributeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
AttributeKeyHandleGeneratorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
AttributeKeyInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Interface that any attribute key must implement.

AttributeServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
AttributeValueInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
AbstractCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category

Abstract class to be used by attribute category classes.

$ AbstractCategory#applicationProperty in class AbstractCategory

The Application instance.

AbstractCategory::add() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Add a new attribute key.

AbstractCategory::addFromRequest() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Create a new attribute key starting from the data contained in a request.

AbstractStandardCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
AbstractStandardCategory::add() — Method in class AbstractStandardCategory

Add a new attribute key.

CategoryInterface::addFromRequest() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Create a new attribute key starting from the data contained in a request.

CategoryService::add() — Method in class CategoryService

Create a new attribute category.

ExpressCategory::allowAttributeSets() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Does this attribute category support attribute sets?

ExpressCategory::addFromRequest() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Create a new attribute key starting from the data contained in a request.

LegacyCategory::addFromRequest() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Create a new attribute key starting from the data contained in a request.

LegacyCategory::addAttributeKey() — Method in class LegacyCategory
StandardCategoryTrait::addSet() — Method in class StandardCategoryTrait
StandardCategoryTrait::associateAttributeKeyType() — Method in class StandardCategoryTrait
UserCategory::addFromRequest() — Method in class UserCategory

Create a new attribute key starting from the data contained in a request.

$ ClearAttributesCommand#attributeKeysProperty in class ClearAttributesCommand
$ SaveAttributesCommand#attributeKeysProperty in class SaveAttributesCommand
$ OptionSelectInstance#accessTokenProperty in class OptionSelectInstance
$ OptionSelectInstance#attributeKeyProperty in class OptionSelectInstance
AttributePanelContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
AttributeTypeSettingsContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
$ Context#actionsProperty in class Context
$ Controller#attributeTypeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#attributeKeyProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#attributeValueProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#attributeObjectProperty in class Controller
ExpressSetManager::allowAttributeSets() — Method in class ExpressSetManager

Get one of the \Concrete\Core\Attribute\StandardSetManager::ASETALLOW... constants.

CollectionKey::add() — Method in class CollectionKey

We need this here for old package installers that call CollectionKey::add()

$ ControllerTrait#appProperty in class ControllerTrait
FileKey::add() — Method in class FileKey

We need this here for old package installers that call FileKey::add()

Key::add() — Method in class Key

This is how old attribute keys used to install themselves. They extended this class and would call parent::add(). Do NOT use this method. It is here for backward compatibility.

Key::addAttributeValue() — Method in class Key
UserKey::add() — Method in class UserKey

We need this here for old package installers that call UserKey::add()

SetManagerInterface::allowAttributeSets() — Method in class SetManagerInterface

Get one of the \Concrete\Core\Attribute\StandardSetManager::ASETALLOW... constants.

$ StandardSetManager#allowAttributeSetsProperty in class StandardSetManager
StandardSetManager::allowAttributeSets() — Method in class StandardSetManager
StandardSetManager::addSet() — Method in class StandardSetManager
StandardSetManager::addKey() — Method in class StandardSetManager
$ StandardValidator#applicationProperty in class StandardValidator
TypeFactory::add() — Method in class TypeFactory

Create a new attribute type.

$ Value#attributeTypeProperty in class Value
$ Value#attributeKeyProperty in class Value
$ ValueList#attributesProperty in class ValueList
ValueList::addAttributeValue() — Method in class ValueList
$ View#attributeValueProperty in class View
$ View#attributeKeyProperty in class View
$ View#attributeObjectProperty in class View
$ View#attributeTypeProperty in class View
$ View#attributePkgHandleProperty in class View
View::action() — Method in class View
AuthenticationTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication
$ AuthenticationType#authTypeIDProperty in class AuthenticationType
$ AuthenticationType#authTypeNameProperty in class AuthenticationType
$ AuthenticationType#authTypeHandleProperty in class AuthenticationType
$ AuthenticationType#authTypeDisplayOrderProperty in class AuthenticationType
$ AuthenticationType#authTypeIsEnabledProperty in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::add() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationTypeControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication
$ AuthenticationTypeController#authenticationTypeProperty in class AuthenticationTypeController
$ AuthenticationTypeController#appProperty in class AuthenticationTypeController
AuthenticationTypeControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication
AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface

Method used to verify the user and log them in.

AuthenticationTypeFailureExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication
$ GenericOauthTypeController#apiMethodsProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::authenticate() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController

Empty because we don't use the authenticate entry point.

GenericOauthTypeController::attemptAuthentication() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController

We now check if the user allows access to email address as twitter does not provide this and users can deny access to on facebook).

ContentExporter::addMasterCollectionBlockID() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::addPageTypeComposerOutputControlID() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentImporter::addMasterCollectionBlockID() — Method in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::addPageTypeComposerOutputControlID() — Method in class ContentImporter
$ Manager#additionalRoutinesProperty in class Manager
Manager::addImporterRoutine() — Method in class Manager
AbstractPageContentRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
AbstractPageStructureRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
AbstractRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
AbstractRegularExpressionRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
AbstractItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
Result::addInspectionRoutine() — Method in class Result
Result::addMatchedItem() — Method in class Result
$ Block#aProperty in class Block
$ Block#arHandleProperty in class Block

The handle of the area containing the block.

Block::activate() — Method in class Block

Activate the block.

Block::alias() — Method in class Block

Create an alias of the block, attached to this collection, within the CollectionVersionBlocks table.

$ BlockController#areaProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockTypeList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class BlockTypeList
Set::add() — Method in class Set

Create a new block type set.

Set::addBlockType() — Method in class Set

Associate a block type to this set.

AddAliasDefaultsBlockCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
AddAliasDefaultsBlockCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
AddBlockToPageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
$ AddBlockToPageCommand#areaProperty in class AddBlockToPageCommand
AddBlockToPageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
$ BlockCommand#areaHandleProperty in class BlockCommand
$ Manager#appProperty in class Manager
$ Menu#areaProperty in class Menu
$ BlockView#areaProperty in class BlockView
BlockView::action() — Method in class BlockView
AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
$ AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandler#appProperty in class AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandler
AddCustomSlotToBoardCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
AddCustomSlotToBoardCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
$ CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler#appProperty in class CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandler#appProperty in class RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ RegenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler#appProperty in class RegenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommand::addWeighting() — Method in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommand
AbstractDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Driver
AbstractSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Saver
AbstractSaver::addConfiguredDataSourceFromRequest() — Method in class AbstractSaver
SaverInterface::addConfiguredDataSourceFromRequest() — Method in class SaverInterface
AbstractCustomElementCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler#appProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler
AbstractPopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Populator
AvailableObjectClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
AvailableObjectCollectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
$ ContentRenderer#appProperty in class ContentRenderer
$ ContentSlotRenderer#appProperty in class ContentSlotRenderer
ObjectCollection::addContentObject() — Method in class ObjectCollection
AbstractPopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content\Populator
PlannedInstance::addPlannedSlot() — Method in class PlannedInstance
$ PossibleContentObjectCollection#availableContentObjectsProperty in class PossibleContentObjectCollection
PossibleContentObjectCollection::addContentObjects() — Method in class PossibleContentObjectCollection
$ SlotFilterer#availableTemplateCollectionFactoryProperty in class SlotFilterer
AbstractFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Rule
$ SlotRenderer#appProperty in class SlotRenderer
AvailableTemplateCollectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Template
$ ClearCacheCommandHandler#applicationProperty in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
$ EventList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class EventList
EventService::addEventVersion() — Method in class EventService
EventService::approve() — Method in class EventService
Library::add() — Method in class Library

Add a new library.

Library::activate() — Method in class Library

Make this library the active one.

Batch::add() — Method in class Batch
$ BatchUpdater#appProperty in class BatchUpdater
AbstractFailedMessageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
$ ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler#appProperty in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler
AbstractControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
BooleanField::addToCommand() — Method in class BooleanField
Definition::addField() — Method in class Definition
Definition::addToCommand() — Method in class Definition
Field::addToCommand() — Method in class Field
FieldInterface::addToCommand() — Method in class FieldInterface
SelectField::addToCommand() — Method in class SelectField
Input::addField() — Method in class Input
AggregateOutputClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Output
AggregateOutput::addOutput() — Method in class AggregateOutput
AbstractContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner\Context
$ ContextFactory#appProperty in class ContextFactory
TaskService::add() — Method in class TaskService
TaskSetService::add() — Method in class TaskSetService
TaskSetService::addTaskToSet() — Method in class TaskSetService
ActivityServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\ConcreteCms
ActivitySlotItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\ConcreteCms
$ CompositeLoader#appProperty in class CompositeLoader
CompositeLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class CompositeLoader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

DatabaseLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class DatabaseLoader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

RedisLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class RedisLoader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

FileLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class FileLoader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

LoaderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class LoaderInterface

Add a new namespace to the loader.

$ Repository#afterLoadProperty in class Repository

The after load callbacks for namespaces.

Repository::afterLoading() — Method in class Repository

Register an after load callback for a given namespace.

Repository::addNamespace() — Method in class Repository

Add a new namespace to the loader.

ApplicationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console
$ Application#appProperty in class Application
Command::argument() — Method in class Command

Get the value of a command argument.

Command::arguments() — Method in class Command

Get all of the arguments passed to the command.

Command::ask() — Method in class Command

Prompt the user for input.

Command::askWithCompletion() — Method in class Command

Prompt the user for input with auto completion.

Command::addEnvOption() — Method in class Command

Add the "env" option to the command options.

ActivateThemeCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
ActivateThemeSkinCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
$ InstallLanguageCommand#appProperty in class InstallLanguageCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::addLanguages() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::addLanguage() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::addLanguageFor() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
$ TranslatePackageCommand#appProperty in class TranslatePackageCommand
OutputStyle::askWithCompletion() — Method in class OutputStyle

Ask a question with autocompletion

OutputStyle::askSecretQuestion() — Method in class OutputStyle

Ask a question while hiding the response

AbstractControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller

Base class for all the controllers.

$ AbstractController#actionProperty in class AbstractController

The action to be performed.

AbstractController::addHeaderItem() — Method in class AbstractController

Adds an item to the view's header. This item will then be automatically printed out before the section of the page.

AbstractController::addFooterItem() — Method in class AbstractController

Adds an item to the view's footer. This item will then be automatically printed out before the section of the page.

ApplicationAwareControllerResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller
Controller::action() — Method in class Controller
DashboardExpressEntityTrait::advanced_search() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntityTrait
DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTrait::advanced_search() — Method in class DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTrait
AbstractConversationMessageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Command
$ HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler#appProperty in class HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler
Conversation::add() — Method in class Conversation
ConversationService::assignAverage() — Method in class ConversationService
Editor::add() — Method in class Editor

Creates a database record for the Conversation Editor, then attempts to return the object.

Editor::activate() — Method in class Editor

Deactivates all other Conversation Editors, and activates the current one.

FlagType::add() — Method in class FlagType
$ FrontendController#areaHandleProperty in class FrontendController

The handle of the area as specified by the request.

$ FrontendController#areaProperty in class FrontendController

The area as specified by the request.

AuthorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message
AuthorFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message
$ AuthorFormatter#authorProperty in class AuthorFormatter
Message::approve() — Method in class Message
Message::attachFile() — Method in class Message
Message::add() — Method in class Message
$ MessageList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class MessageList
DownVoteType::adjustConversationMessageRatingTotalScore() — Method in class DownVoteType
Type::adjustConversationMessageRatingTotalScore() — Method in class Type
Type::add() — Method in class Type
UpVoteType::adjustConversationMessageRatingTotalScore() — Method in class UpVoteType
CookieJar::add() — Method in class CookieJar
ResponseCookieJar::addCookie() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

Adds a Cookie object to the cookie pantry.

ResponseCookieJar::addCookieObject() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

Adds a Cookie object to the array of cookies for the object.

AbstractExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv\Export
$ AbstractExporter#attributeKeysAndControllersProperty in class AbstractExporter

The memoized attribute keys and controllers for the attribute category.

$ DownloadStatisticsExporter#appTimezoneProperty in class DownloadStatisticsExporter
$ UserExporter#appTimezoneProperty in class UserExporter
AbstractImporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv\Import
$ AbstractImporter#appProperty in class AbstractImporter

The Application container instance.

$ AbstractImporter#attributeKeysAndControllersProperty in class AbstractImporter

The memoized attribute keys and controllers for the attribute category.

AbstractImporter::assignCsvAttributes() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Set/update the object attributes with the data read from the CSV.

ImportResult::addLineProblem() — Method in class ImportResult

Add an error message to the errors/warnings list.

Manager::apply() — Method in class Manager

Apply the character set and collation to a connection.

$ ConnectionFactory#appProperty in class ConnectionFactory
$ DatabaseManager#appProperty in class DatabaseManager

The application instance.

$ DatabaseManagerORM#appProperty in class DatabaseManagerORM

The application instance.

EntityManagerConfigUpdater::addProvider() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigUpdater
EntityManagerConfigUpdater::addDriver() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigUpdater
ApplicationDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Driver
$ ApplicationDriver#appProperty in class ApplicationDriver
$ CoreDriver#appProperty in class CoreDriver
AbstractPackageProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Provider
$ AbstractPackageProvider#appProperty in class AbstractPackageProvider
$ PackageProviderFactory#appProperty in class PackageProviderFactory
XmlProvider::addDriver() — Method in class XmlProvider

Add additional driver

YamlProvider::addDriver() — Method in class YamlProvider

Add additional driver

AndWhereNotExistsTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Query
AndWhereNotExistsTrait::andWhereNotExists() — Method in class AndWhereNotExistsTrait
$ LikeBuilder#anyCharacterWildcardProperty in class LikeBuilder

The wildcard that matches any number of characters in a LIKE query.

ArrayParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Schema\Parser
ArrayParser::addColumns() — Method in class ArrayParser
AxmlsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Schema\Parser
TagCollection::addTag() — Method in class TagCollection
AppleDeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device\Apple
$ Device#agentProperty in class Device
$ CkeditorEditor#assetsProperty in class CkeditorEditor
$ CkeditorEditor#allowFileManagerProperty in class CkeditorEditor

Can the editor offer the "browse files" feature?

$ CkeditorEditor#allowSitemapProperty in class CkeditorEditor

Can the editor offer the "browse sitemap" feature?

$ CkeditorEditor#appProperty in class CkeditorEditor
CkeditorEditor::allowFileManager() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Can the editor offer the "browse files" feature?

CkeditorEditor::allowSitemap() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Can the editor offer the "browse sitemap" feature?

Snippet::add() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::activate() — Method in class Snippet
$ PasswordHasher#algorithmProperty in class PasswordHasher

The hash algorithm to use for passwords

AnnouncementClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Announcement
AnnouncementUserViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Announcement
$ AnnouncementUserView#announcementProperty in class AnnouncementUserView
$ Category#akCategoryIDProperty in class Category
$ Category#akCategoryHandleProperty in class Category
$ Category#akCategoryAllowSetsProperty in class Category
Category::allowAttributeSets() — Method in class Category
Category::addSet() — Method in class Category
Category::associateAttributeKeyType() — Method in class Category
$ Key#akIDProperty in class Key
$ Key#akHandleProperty in class Key
$ Key#akNameProperty in class Key
$ Key#akIsSearchableProperty in class Key
$ Key#akIsInternalProperty in class Key
$ Key#akIsSearchableIndexedProperty in class Key
AddressSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
$ AddressSettings#akDefaultCountryProperty in class AddressSettings
$ AddressSettings#akHasCustomCountriesProperty in class AddressSettings
$ AddressSettings#akGeolocateCountryProperty in class AddressSettings
$ BooleanSettings#akCheckedByDefaultProperty in class BooleanSettings
$ DateTimeSettings#akUseNowIfEmptyProperty in class DateTimeSettings
$ DateTimeSettings#akDateDisplayModeProperty in class DateTimeSettings
$ DateTimeSettings#akTextCustomFormatProperty in class DateTimeSettings
$ DateTimeSettings#akTimeResolutionProperty in class DateTimeSettings
$ DurationSettings#akUnitTypeProperty in class DurationSettings
$ ImageFileSettings#akFileManagerModeProperty in class ImageFileSettings
$ SelectSettings#akSelectAllowMultipleValuesProperty in class SelectSettings
$ SelectSettings#akSelectAllowOtherValuesProperty in class SelectSettings
$ SelectSettings#akHideNoneOptionProperty in class SelectSettings
$ SelectSettings#akSelectOptionDisplayOrderProperty in class SelectSettings
$ SelectSettings#akDisplayMultipleValuesOnSelectProperty in class SelectSettings
$ TextSettings#akTextPlaceholderProperty in class TextSettings
$ TextareaSettings#akTextareaDisplayModeProperty in class TextareaSettings
$ TopicsSettings#akTopicParentNodeIDProperty in class TopicsSettings
$ TopicsSettings#akTopicTreeIDProperty in class TopicsSettings
$ TopicsSettings#akTopicAllowMultipleValuesProperty in class TopicsSettings
TopicsSettings::allowMultipleValues() — Method in class TopicsSettings
$ UserGroupSettings#akDisplayGroupsBeneathSpecificParentProperty in class UserGroupSettings
$ UserGroupSettings#akDisplayGroupsBeneathParentIDProperty in class UserGroupSettings
$ UserGroupSettings#akGroupSelectionMethodProperty in class UserGroupSettings
$ Set#asIDProperty in class Set
$ Set#asHandleProperty in class Set
$ Set#asNameProperty in class Set
$ Set#asDisplayOrderProperty in class Set
$ Set#asIsLockedProperty in class Set
Set::addKey() — Method in class Set
$ SetKey#attribute_keyProperty in class SetKey
$ SetKey#asDisplayOrderProperty in class SetKey
$ Type#atIDProperty in class Type
$ Type#atHandleProperty in class Type
$ Type#atNameProperty in class Type
AbstractValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
$ AbstractValue#attribute_keyProperty in class AbstractValue
$ AbstractValue#attribute_valueProperty in class AbstractValue

This is NOT an ORM association. It is a pointer to the attributevalue object that is retrieved via the generic_value join column above.

AbstractValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
AddressValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ AddressValue#address1Property in class AddressValue

Note: It's the public portion of this property that is deprecated.

$ AddressValue#address2Property in class AddressValue

Note: It's the public portion of this property that is deprecated.

$ AddressValue#address3Property in class AddressValue

Note: It's the public portion of this property that is deprecated.

$ SelectValueOption#avSelectOptionIDProperty in class SelectValueOption
$ SelectValueOptionList#avSelectOptionListIDProperty in class SelectValueOptionList
$ SelectValueUsedOption#avSelectOptionIDProperty in class SelectValueUsedOption
$ SelectedSocialLink#avsIDProperty in class SelectedSocialLink
$ SelectedTopic#avTreeTopicNodeIDProperty in class SelectedTopic
$ Value#avIDProperty in class Value
$ Value#attribute_keyProperty in class Value

This is needed for backward compatibility –but it also might be handy if you need to figure out what kind of attribute something is but we don't want a direct association due to performance concerns

BlockType::add() — Method in class BlockType

Adds a block to the system without adding it to a collection.

Board::arePermissionsSetToOverride() — Method in class Board
$ CustomElement#authorProperty in class CustomElement
Calendar::arePermissionsSetToOverride() — Method in class Calendar
$ CalendarEventVersion#authorProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
AssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
AssociationControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Control
$ AssociationControl#associationProperty in class AssociationControl
$ AssociationControl#association_entity_label_maskProperty in class AssociationControl
AttributeKeyControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Control
$ AttributeKeyControl#attribute_keyProperty in class AttributeKeyControl
AuthorControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Control
$ Entity#attributesProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#associationsProperty in class Entity
$ Entry#authorProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#attributesProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#associationsProperty in class Entry
Entry::associateEntries() — Method in class Entry
AssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Entry
$ Association#associationProperty in class Association
AssociationEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Entry
$ AssociationEntry#associationProperty in class AssociationEntry
$ ManyToManyAssociation#association_typeProperty in class ManyToManyAssociation
$ OneToOneAssociation#association_typeProperty in class OneToOneAssociation
$ File#authorProperty in class File
Version::add() — Method in class Version

Add a new file version.

Version::approve() — Method in class Version

Mark this file version as approved (and disapprove all the other versions of the file).

AlertFindingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Health\Report
$ Notification#alertsProperty in class Notification
$ UserDeactivatedNotification#actorIDProperty in class UserDeactivatedNotification

The user doing the deactivating.

AccessTokenClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
AccessToken::addScope() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessTokenRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
AuthCodeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
AuthCode::addScope() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCodeRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
$ RefreshToken#accessTokenProperty in class RefreshToken
$ InstanceArea#arIDProperty in class InstanceArea
$ CustomSkin#authorProperty in class CustomSkin
Query::addField() — Method in class Query

Adds a field to the query object.

$ StyleSet#alignmentProperty in class StyleSet
AttributeRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
LoginAttemptRepository::after() — Method in class LoginAttemptRepository

Get a list of login attempts after a given date

$ User#alertsProperty in class User
$ User#attributesProperty in class User
ErrorList::addError() — Method in class ErrorList

Add an error message/object or exception to the internal error array.

ErrorList::add() — Method in class ErrorList

Add an error message/object or exception to the internal error array (error messages are in plain text if not otherwise specified).

ErrorList::addHtml() — Method in class ErrorList

Add an error message/object or exception to the internal error array (error messages are in HTML if not otherwise specified).

AbstractErrorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Error
AbstractFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Field
AttributeFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Field
AbstractFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Formatter
JsonFormatter::asArray() — Method in class JsonFormatter

Build an array describing the errors.

ErrorHandler::addDetails() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Add the c5 specific debug stuff.

AttributeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
AttributeSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
AttributeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
AssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express
AssociationControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express\Control
AttributeKeyControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express\Control
AuthorControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express\Control
$ Site#attributeCategoryProperty in class Site
ApplierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association
Applier::associate() — Method in class Applier

A generic associate method that can be run from elsewhere. Determines the appropriate associate* method to run.

Applier::associateManyToOne() — Method in class Applier
Applier::associateOneToMany() — Method in class Applier
Applier::associateManyToMany() — Method in class Applier
Applier::associateOneToOne() — Method in class Applier
AbstractAssociationBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Builder
$ AbstractAssociationBuilder#associationProperty in class AbstractAssociationBuilder
$ ManyToManyAssociationBuilder#associationProperty in class ManyToManyAssociationBuilder
$ OneToOneAssociationBuilder#associationProperty in class OneToOneAssociationBuilder
AbstractFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Formatter
$ AbstractFormatter#associationProperty in class AbstractFormatter
AttributeKeyHandleGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Attribute
AbstractEntityCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
AddExpressEntryCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
$ AddExpressEntryCommand#attributeMapProperty in class AddExpressEntryCommand
$ AddExpressEntryCommand#associationMapProperty in class AddExpressEntryCommand
AddExpressEntryCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
$ AddExpressEntryCommandHandler#applierProperty in class AddExpressEntryCommandHandler
$ ExpressEntryCommandFactory#attributeValueMapFactoryProperty in class ExpressEntryCommandFactory
$ UpdateExpressEntryCommand#attributeMapProperty in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
$ UpdateExpressEntryCommand#associationMapProperty in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
$ UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandler#applierProperty in class UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandler
$ ExpressEntrySelectInstance#accessTokenProperty in class ExpressEntrySelectInstance
$ StandardController#appProperty in class StandardController
$ EntryBuilder#attributesProperty in class EntryBuilder
$ EntryBuilder#associationsProperty in class EntryBuilder
AssociationUpdaterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\EntryBuilder
$ AssociationUpdater#applierProperty in class AssociationUpdater
AssociationUpdater::associate() — Method in class AssociationUpdater
$ EntryList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class EntryList

Columns in this array can be sorted via the request.

EntryManagerInterface::addEntry() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface
$ Manager#appProperty in class Manager
Manager::addEntry() — Method in class Manager
AbstractNotifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier
NotificationList::addNotification() — Method in class NotificationList
NotificationListInterface::addNotification() — Method in class NotificationListInterface
AbstractFormBlockSubmissionNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier\Notification
$ AbstractFormBlockSubmissionNotification#appProperty in class AbstractFormBlockSubmissionNotification
$ FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification#attributeValuesProperty in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
AttributeKeySaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
AuthorSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
$ ManyAssociationSaveHandler#applierProperty in class ManyAssociationSaveHandler
$ OneAssociationSaveHandler#applierProperty in class OneAssociationSaveHandler
AssociationTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type
$ AssociationType#appProperty in class AssociationType
AttributeKeyTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type
AssociationItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\Item
$ AssociationItem#associationProperty in class AssociationItem
AttributeKeyItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\Item
AuthorEntityPropertyItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\Item
AssociationControlSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\SaveHandler
AssociationControlValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Validator
AttributeKeyControlValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Validator
AssociationFormViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
$ AssociationFormView#associationProperty in class AssociationFormView
AssociationViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
$ AssociationView#associationProperty in class AssociationView
$ AssociationView#allEntriesProperty in class AssociationView
AttributeKeyFormViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
AttributeKeyViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
AuthorViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
$ StandardProcessor#appProperty in class StandardProcessor
AbstractValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator
AbstractValidator::addRoutine() — Method in class AbstractValidator
ValidatorInterface::addRoutine() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
ObjectAssociationBuilder::addAssociation() — Method in class ObjectAssociationBuilder
ObjectAssociationBuilder::addManyToOne() — Method in class ObjectAssociationBuilder
ObjectAssociationBuilder::addOneToMany() — Method in class ObjectAssociationBuilder
ObjectAssociationBuilder::addManyToMany() — Method in class ObjectAssociationBuilder
ObjectAssociationBuilder::addOneToOneUnidirectional() — Method in class ObjectAssociationBuilder
ObjectAssociationBuilder::addOneToOne() — Method in class ObjectAssociationBuilder
$ ObjectBuilder#attributeTypeFactoryProperty in class ObjectBuilder
$ ObjectBuilder#appProperty in class ObjectBuilder
ObjectBuilder::addAttribute() — Method in class ObjectBuilder

Add an attribute to the object.

AssociationBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\ObjectBuilder
$ AssociationBuilder#associationBuilderProperty in class AssociationBuilder
AssociationBuilder::addEntityToSave() — Method in class AssociationBuilder
FieldsetBuilder::addAttributeKeyControl() — Method in class FieldsetBuilder
FieldsetBuilder::addAssociationControl() — Method in class FieldsetBuilder
FieldsetBuilder::addTextControl() — Method in class FieldsetBuilder
FormBuilder::addFieldSet() — Method in class FormBuilder
$ ObjectManager#appProperty in class ObjectManager
AvailableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\ColumnSet
AssociationColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\ColumnSet\Column
$ AssociationColumn#associationProperty in class AssociationColumn
$ AssociationColumn#associationIDProperty in class AssociationColumn
AssociationColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\Column
AssociationFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\Field
$ AssociationField#associationProperty in class AssociationField
$ AssociationField#associationIDProperty in class AssociationField
$ FilesController#appProperty in class FilesController
$ ReindexFileTaskCommandHandler#attributeCategoryProperty in class ReindexFileTaskCommandHandler
ChooserConfiguration::addChooser() — Method in class ChooserConfiguration
ChooserConfiguration::addUploader() — Method in class ChooserConfiguration
FilterCollection::addFilter() — Method in class FilterCollection
ExternalFileList::addFile() — Method in class ExternalFileList
Type::add() — Method in class Type
File::add() — Method in class File

Create and persist a File entity and a File\Version entity (the filesystem file must already have been imported).

$ FileList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class FileList

Columns in this array can be sorted via the request.

Filesystem::addFolder() — Method in class Filesystem

Create a new folder.

$ FolderItemList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class FolderItemList
$ BitmapFormat#allImageFormatsProperty in class BitmapFormat

All the image formats (if initialized).

$ SanitizerOptions#attributeAllowlistProperty in class SanitizerOptions

The list of XML attributes to not consider as unsafe.

AtomicThumbnailStreamClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail

Class AtomicThumbnailStream Outputs a stream of thumbnails in an atomic way. This ensures a thumbnail will only be built on a single thread at a time

$ Resolver#appProperty in class Resolver
$ Version#associatedFileSetIDsProperty in class Version

Associated file set IDs (whose meaning depends on the value of limitedToFileSets).

AutorotateImageProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ImportProcessor
$ AutorotateImageProcessor#appProperty in class AutorotateImageProcessor
$ ConstrainImageProcessor#appProperty in class ConstrainImageProcessor
$ FileImporter#appProperty in class FileImporter

The container instance to be used to build dependencies.

$ FileImporter#applicationFileServiceProperty in class FileImporter
FileImporter::applyValidators() — Method in class FileImporter

Apply the validators to the file being imported.

FileImporter::applyPreProcessors() — Method in class FileImporter

Apply the pre-processors to the file being imported.

FileImporter::applyPostProcessors() — Method in class FileImporter

Apply the post-processors to the imported file.

$ ImportOptions#addNewFileVersionProperty in class ImportOptions
$ SvgProcessor#actionProperty in class SvgProcessor

The action that this processor should perform.

$ Importer#appProperty in class Importer
Importer::addImportProcessor() — Method in class Importer
$ Rescanner#appProperty in class Rescanner
Rescanner::applyPreProcessors() — Method in class Rescanner
AvailableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet
$ ColumnSet#attributeClassProperty in class ColumnSet
AddedToPageFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field\Field
ApplicationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Service
File::append() — Method in class File

Adds content to a new line in a file. If a file is not there it will be created.

$ Zip#availableNativeCommandsProperty in class Zip

Cache for the available native commands.

File::add() — Method in class File
Set::addFileToSet() — Method in class Set

Adds the file to the set.

Set::add() — Method in class Set

Deprecated method. Use Set::create instead.

StorageLocation::add() — Method in class StorageLocation
Type::add() — Method in class Type
$ FileLocator#appProperty in class FileLocator
FileLocator::addDefaultLocations() — Method in class FileLocator
FileLocator::addLocation() — Method in class FileLocator
FileLocator::addPackageLocation() — Method in class FileLocator
AbstractLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
AllPackagesLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
ApplicationLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
AbstractIconRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\Icon
TemplateLocator::addLocation() — Method in class TemplateLocator

Adding a location tells our locator to look in an additional spot.

ControlRegistry::addOrReplaceEntry() — Method in class ControlRegistry
View::addScopeItem() — Method in class View
$ DestinationPicker#appProperty in class DestinationPicker
$ Form#appProperty in class Form

The Application instance.

$ Form#ahProperty in class Form

Arrays helper instance.

Form::action() — Method in class Form

Returns an action suitable for including in a form action property.

Validation::addUploadedImage() — Method in class Validation

Adds a test to a field to ensure that, if set, it is a valid uploaded image.

Validation::addRequired() — Method in class Validation

Adds a required field to the form helper object. This will then be typically used in conjunction with the test() method to see if the test is passed.

Validation::addUploadedFile() — Method in class Validation

Adds a test to a field to ensure that, if set, it is a valid uploaded file.

Validation::addInteger() — Method in class Validation

Adds a required field and tests that it is integer only.

Validation::addRequiredToken() — Method in class Validation
Validation::addRequiredEmail() — Method in class Validation

Adds a required email address to the suite of tests to be run.

AttributeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
$ GroupSelector#assetGroupProperty in class GroupSelector
$ UserSelector#appProperty in class UserSelector

The application container instance.

AliasClassLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation
$ ClassAutoloader#applicationNamespaceProperty in class ClassAutoloader

The application namespace, with a trailing '\' and without a leading '\' (or an empty string if no namespace).

$ ClassAutoloader#applicationDirProperty in class ClassAutoloader

The absolute path to the application directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

$ ClassAutoloader#applicationStartingPointDirProperty in class ClassAutoloader

The absolute path to the application starting point directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

$ ClassAutoloader#applicationLegacyNamespaceEnabledProperty in class ClassAutoloader

Should we enable loading classes in the Application\Src namespace from the /application/src folder?

$ ClassAutoloader#aliasesProperty in class ClassAutoloader

Array keys are the aliases (without a leading '\'), array values are the actual classes (without a leading '\').

ClassAutoloader::addClassAlias() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Add a class alias.

ClassAutoloader::addClassAliases() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Add multiple class aliases.

ClassAutoloader::autoloadAliasesAtBoot() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Load the class aliases that must be autoloaded at boot time.

ClassLoader::activateAutoloaders() — Method in class ClassLoader
AsyncCommandInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Command

Interface AsyncCommandInterface Marks a command as asynchronous when used with the default bus.

ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader::addPrefix() — Method in class ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader
AbstractRepetitionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Repetition

Abstract repetition class This class is used to define and match against various time windows.

AbstractRepetition::activeRangesBetween() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
Comparator::areEqual() — Method in class Comparator

Returns true if the two repetitions are equal.

RepetitionInterface::activeRangesBetween() — Method in class RepetitionInterface

Get all active time slots that start within two time periods.

$ Provider#appProperty in class Provider
$ ProviderList#appProperty in class ProviderList
$ GeolocatorService#appProperty in class GeolocatorService
AbstractGradeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Grade
AutomationSettingsLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Location
AlertFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Formatter
AttributeFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message\Formatter\Search
AttributeMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message\Search
AbstractReportMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
$ ResultList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class ResultList
Runner::alert() — Method in class Runner
Suite::add() — Method in class Suite
AbstractPageTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
SimpleBlockContentTest::auditTable() — Method in class SimpleBlockContentTest
SimpleBlockContentTest::addTable() — Method in class SimpleBlockContentTest

Locate a block's db.xml file and track its table to be scanned

SearchContentTrait::applyQueryFilters() — Method in class SearchContentTrait

Take a query object and add "or having" or "and having" for each filter on the Report This object gives us one place to implement new types of filters added to the Report class

SearchContentTrait::auditDbal() — Method in class SearchContentTrait

Audit a dbal table or set of tables

SearchContentTrait::addBlockWarning() — Method in class SearchContentTrait
Collection::add() — Method in class Collection
JavaScriptLazyImage::alt() — Method in class JavaScriptLazyImage

Set the image and noscript image fallback "alt" attribute value.

JavaScriptLazyImage::addClass() — Method in class JavaScriptLazyImage

Add one or more CSS classes to the image and noscript image fallback.

Picture::alt() — Method in class Picture

Set the image fallback and noscript image fallback "alt" attribute value.

Picture::addClass() — Method in class Picture

Add one or more CSS classes to the image and noscript image fallback.

Seo::addTitleSegment() — Method in class Seo
Seo::addTitleSegmentBefore() — Method in class Seo
$ Factory#appProperty in class Factory
$ DefaultDispatcher#appProperty in class DefaultDispatcher
DefaultServer::addMiddleware() — Method in class DefaultServer

Add a middleware to the stack

APIAuthenticatorMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
$ APIAuthenticatorMiddleware#appProperty in class APIAuthenticatorMiddleware
ApiLoggerMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware

Class ApiLoggerMiddleware

ApplicationMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware

Middleware for applying state changes to the application

$ OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware#appProperty in class OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware
ResponseAssetGroup::addHeaderAsset() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Add an asset that should be loaded in the header.

ResponseAssetGroup::addFooterAsset() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Add an asset that should be loaded in the footer.

ResponseAssetGroup::addOutputAsset() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Add an asset at the position that's defined in the asset.

ResponseAssetGroup::addOutputAssetAt() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Add an asset at a specific position.

ServerInterface::addMiddleware() — Method in class ServerInterface

Add a middlware callable to the stack Middleware are callables that get an opportunity to do stuff with the request during handling.

AjaxClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Service
$ ImageEditorService#appProperty in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::addEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
AssociationControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Import\Item\Express\Control
AttributeKeyControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Import\Item\Express\Control
$ AttributeKeyControl#applicationProperty in class AttributeKeyControl
$ Installer#applicationProperty in class Installer

The application instance.

$ InstallerOptions#autoAttachEnabledProperty in class InstallerOptions

If the database already exists and is valid, lets just attach to it rather than installing over it?

$ PreconditionService#appProperty in class PreconditionService

The application instance.

$ CanonicalUrls#applicationProperty in class CanonicalUrls
$ DatabaseTimeZone#applicationProperty in class DatabaseTimeZone
$ StartingPoint#applicationProperty in class StartingPoint
$ Job#availableJStatusProperty in class Job
Job::authenticateRequest() — Method in class Job
Set::addJob() — Method in class Set
Set::add() — Method in class Set
AvatarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy

Class Avatar.

$ DatabaseItemList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class DatabaseItemList
$ DatabaseItemList#attributeClassProperty in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::addToQuery() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
$ FileList#attributeFiltersProperty in class FileList
$ FileList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class FileList
$ FileList#attributeClassProperty in class FileList
ItemList::addToSearchRequest() — Method in class ItemList
$ PageList#attributeFiltersProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#attributeClassProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class PageList
$ Pagination#additionalVarsProperty in class Pagination
$ UserList#attributeFiltersProperty in class UserList
$ UserList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class UserList
$ UserList#attributeClassProperty in class UserList
Service::add() — Method in class Service
Service::addHomePage() — Method in class Service
$ Localization#activeContextProperty in class Localization

The currently active translation context.

$ Localization#activeContextQueueProperty in class Localization

Tracks the list of active contexts.

Localization::activeLocale() — Method in class Localization

Returns the currently active locale for the currently active context from the singleton instance of this class.

Localization::activeLanguage() — Method in class Localization

Returns the language for the currently active locale for the currently active context from the singleton instance of this class.

AddressFormatClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Service
$ AddressFormat#addressFormatRepositoryProperty in class AddressFormat
$ TranslationsChecker#appProperty in class TranslationsChecker
$ TranslationsInstaller#appProperty in class TranslationsInstaller
LocaleStatus::addInstalledUpdated() — Method in class LocaleStatus
LocaleStatus::addInstalledOutdated() — Method in class LocaleStatus
LocaleStatus::addOnlyRemote() — Method in class LocaleStatus
LocaleStatus::addOnlyLocal() — Method in class LocaleStatus
$ CommunityStoreTranslationProvider#apiTokenProperty in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

The API token.

AbstractTranslationLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Translation\Loader

Abstract translation loader provides general methods needed in most translation loader implementations.

$ AbstractTranslationLoader#appProperty in class AbstractTranslationLoader
$ TranslatorAdapterRepository#appProperty in class TranslatorAdapterRepository
$ TranslatorAdapterRepository#adaptersProperty in class TranslatorAdapterRepository
AdvancedConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Configuration
$ ConfigurationFactory#appProperty in class ConfigurationFactory

The IOC container we use to build configurations

ApplierEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry
$ ApplierEntry#applierProperty in class ApplierEntry

The user performing the operation

AddGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\Group
AssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\Permission\Assignment

Log entry for permission assignments

$ Assignment#accessProperty in class Assignment

The access object being granted to the key.

$ Assignment#applierProperty in class Assignment

The user applying the permission assignment

ActivateUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User
AddUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User
$ LogList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class LogList

Columns in this array can be sorted via the request.

$ LoggerFactory#appProperty in class LoggerFactory
$ ConcreteUserProcessor#appProperty in class ConcreteUserProcessor
AvailableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet
$ ColumnSet#attributeClassProperty in class ColumnSet
$ DefaultSet#attributeClassProperty in class DefaultSet
MailImporter::add() — Method in class MailImporter
$ SenderConfiguration#allConfigurationKeysProperty in class SenderConfiguration
SenderConfiguration::addEntries() — Method in class SenderConfiguration
SenderConfiguration::addEntry() — Method in class SenderConfiguration
$ Service#appProperty in class Service

The application instance.

$ Service#attachmentsProperty in class Service

The message attachments.

Service::addParameter() — Method in class Service

Adds a parameter for the mail template.

Service::addAttachment() — Method in class Service

Add a File entity as an attachment of the message.

Service::addAttachmentWithHeaders() — Method in class Service

Add a File entity as an attachment of the message, specifying the headers of the mail MIME part.

Service::addRawAttachment() — Method in class Service

Add a mail attachment by specifying its raw binary data.

Service::addRawAttachmentWithHeaders() — Method in class Service

Add a mail attachment by specifying its raw binary data, specifying the headers of the mail MIME part.

PackageRepository::authenticate() — Method in class PackageRepository
PackageRepository::addQuery() — Method in class PackageRepository
$ HandlersLocator#appProperty in class HandlersLocator
$ MessageBusManager#appProperty in class MessageBusManager
MessageBusManager::addMiddleware() — Method in class MessageBusManager
$ DefaultAsyncConnection#appProperty in class DefaultAsyncConnection
$ DefaultAsyncTransport#appProperty in class DefaultAsyncTransport
$ DefaultSyncTransport#appProperty in class DefaultSyncTransport
$ DefaultFailedConnection#appProperty in class DefaultFailedConnection
$ DefaultFailedTransport#appProperty in class DefaultFailedTransport
ReceiverLocator::addReceiver() — Method in class ReceiverLocator
SenderLocator::addSender() — Method in class SenderLocator
TransportManager::addTransport() — Method in class TransportManager
DashboardBreadcrumb::add() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb

Adds an item to the navigation.

PageBreadcrumb::add() — Method in class PageBreadcrumb

Adds an item to the navigation.

Item::addChild() — Method in class Item
AppendHTMLModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Modifier
Navigation::add() — Method in class Navigation

Adds an item to the navigation.

NavigationInterface::add() — Method in class NavigationInterface

Adds an item to the navigation.

NavigationModifier::addModifier() — Method in class NavigationModifier
AlertListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Alert
$ AlertList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class AlertList
FilterList::addFilter() — Method in class FilterList
ArchiveItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\ContextMenu\Item
$ MercureService#appProperty in class MercureService
AbstractConcreteEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent

Used by all core events that want to interact with Mercure. Translates event names into topics, etc.

AbstractEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent
$ Subscriber#appProperty in class Subscriber
Subscriber::addTopics() — Method in class Subscriber
Subscriber::addTopic() — Method in class Subscriber
AbstractTopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\Topic
$ UserDeactivatedType#appProperty in class UserDeactivatedType

The application we use to build dependencies

$ WorkflowProgressListView#actionsProperty in class WorkflowProgressListView
ContentSwapper::allowsFullContentSwap() — Method in class ContentSwapper
ContentSwapperInterface::allowsFullContentSwap() — Method in class ContentSwapperInterface
$ DependencyChecker#applicationProperty in class DependencyChecker
PackageEntities::addEntityManager() — Method in class PackageEntities

Add an EntityManagerInterface instance to the list.

AbstractCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
AntispamLibraryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
AttributeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
AttributeKeyCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
AttributeSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
AttributeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
AuthenticationTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
Inspector::addParser() — Method in class Inspector

Add a parser to the parsers list.

$ Package#appProperty in class Package

The Application instance.

$ Package#appVersionRequiredProperty in class Package

The minimum Concrete version compatible with the package.

Package::allowsFullContentSwap() — Method in class Package

Does this package clear all existing website content when it's being installed?

PackageList::add() — Method in class PackageList
$ PackageService#applicationProperty in class PackageService

The Application container instance.

FileExcluder::apply() — Method in class FileExcluder

Process a file/directory.

FilterInterface::apply() — Method in class FilterInterface

Process a file/directory.

ShortTagExpander::apply() — Method in class ShortTagExpander

Process a file/directory.

SvgIconRasterizer::apply() — Method in class SvgIconRasterizer

Process a file/directory.

TranslationCompiler::apply() — Method in class TranslationCompiler

Process a file/directory.

PackagePacker::applyFilters() — Method in class PackagePacker

Apply the filters to a file found in the package directory or in one of its sub-directories.

$ PackerFile#absolutePathProperty in class PackerFile

The absolute path to the actual file/directory (with directory separators normalized to '/', without trailing slashes).

Cloner::add() — Method in class Cloner

Add a file/directory.

SourceUpdater::add() — Method in class SourceUpdater

Add a file/directory.

WriterInterface::add() — Method in class WriterInterface

Add a file/directory.

Zipper::add() — Method in class Zipper

Add a file/directory.

Zipper::addRootDirectory() — Method in class Zipper

Create the root directory inside the archive (if specified), and returns the prefix for further files/directoryes added to the archive.

Zipper::addDirectory() — Method in class Zipper

Add a directory to a ZIP archive.

Zipper::addFile() — Method in class Zipper

Add a directory to a ZIP archive.

AttachModeCompatibleRoutineInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Routine

Interface AttachModeCompatibleRoutineInterface.

AttachModeInstallRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Routine
StartingPointPackage::add_home_page() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::add_users() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
$ Collection#attributesProperty in class Collection
Collection::addCollection() — Method in class Collection

Create a new Collection instance, using the same theme as this instance (if it's a Page instance).

Collection::addBlock() — Method in class Collection

Add a new block to a specific area of the currently loaded collection version.

EditResponse::addCollectionVersion() — Method in class EditResponse
$ Version#attributesProperty in class Version
Version::approve() — Method in class Version

Approve this collection version.

Version::avoidApprovalOverlapping() — Method in class Version

Make sure that other collection versions aren't approved and valid at the same time as this version.

AbstractRebuildIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
$ UpdateStatisticsTrackersTaskCommandHandler#appProperty in class UpdateStatisticsTrackersTaskCommandHandler
$ PageSelectInstance#accessTokenProperty in class PageSelectInstance
AddContainerCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container\Command
AccountPageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller
DashboardAttributesPageController::assignToSetFromRequest() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Assign an attribute key to the set (which is read from the request).

$ PageController#actionProperty in class PageController
$ Page#aliasHandleProperty in class Page

The handle of the alias page

Page::assignPermissionSet() — Method in class Page

This is the legacy function that is called just by xml. We pass these values in as though they were the old ones.

Page::addCollectionAlias() — Method in class Page

Make an alias to a page.

Page::addCollectionAliasExternal() — Method in class Page

Add a new external link as a child of this page.

Page::addAdditionalPagePath() — Method in class Page

Add a non-canonical page path to the current page.

Page::acquireAreaPermissions() — Method in class Page

Acquire the area permissions, copying them from the inherited ones.

Page::acquirePagePermissions() — Method in class Page

Acquire the page permissions, copying them from the inherited ones.

Page::addBlock() — Method in class Page

Add a new block to a specific area of the page.

Page::activate() — Method in class Page

Mark this page as active.

Page::addHomePage() — Method in class Page

Add the home page to the system. Typically used only by the installation program.

Page::add() — Method in class Page

Add a new page, child of this page.

Page::addStatic() — Method in class Page

Create a new page.

Page::acquireAreaStylesFromDefaults() — Method in class Page

Copy the area styles from a page template.

$ PageList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class PageList

Columns in this array can be sorted via the request.

AvailableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet
$ Available#attributeClassProperty in class Available
$ ColumnSet#attributeClassProperty in class ColumnSet
$ DefaultSet#attributeClassProperty in class DefaultSet
Single::addGlobal() — Method in class Single

Adds a single page outside of any site trees. The global=true declaration in content importer XML must come at on the first URL segment, so we don't have to be smart and check to see if the parents already eixst.

Single::add() — Method in class Single
$ DragRequestData#appProperty in class DragRequestData
$ SitemapPage#alternativeLanguagesProperty in class SitemapPage

The pages in alternative languages mapped to this page.

SitemapPage::addAlternativeLanguage() — Method in class SitemapPage

Add a page in an alternative language that's mapped to this page.

$ PageListGenerator#appProperty in class PageListGenerator
$ SitemapGenerator#appProperty in class SitemapGenerator
$ SitemapWriter#appProperty in class SitemapWriter
Folder::assignPermissions() — Method in class Folder
$ FolderService#applicationProperty in class FolderService
FolderService::add() — Method in class FolderService
Pile::add() — Method in class Pile
Stack::addStackToCategory() — Method in class Stack
Stack::addGlobalArea() — Method in class Stack
Stack::addStack() — Method in class Stack
Stack::addLocalizedStack() — Method in class Stack
Template::add() — Method in class Template
ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command

This command is used by the legacy non-skin-based customizer.

ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command

This command is used by the legacy non-skin-based customizer.

ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
$ CreateCustomSkinCommand#authorIDProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
$ CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler#appProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler
$ ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler#appProperty in class ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler
$ UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler#appProperty in class UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler
AbstractDocumentationContentPageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
AtomikDocumentationProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
DocumentationProvider::addPage() — Method in class DocumentationProvider
Theme::add() — Method in class Theme

Install a theme given its handle.

Theme::applyToSite() — Method in class Theme

Apply this theme to all the pages of a site.

$ TimedContentPermissionRecord#accessEntityProperty in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
BlockControl::addAssetsToRequest() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::addToPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSet() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::action() — Method in class BlockControl
$ CollectionAttributeControl#akIDProperty in class CollectionAttributeControl
$ CollectionAttributeControl#akProperty in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::addAssetsToRequest() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
Control::addAssetsToRequest() — Method in class Control
Control::addToPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSet() — Method in class Control
CorePageProperty::addAssetsToRequest() — Method in class CorePageProperty
CorePageProperty::addPageTypeComposerControlRequestValue() — Method in class CorePageProperty
Type::add() — Method in class Type
OutputControl::add() — Method in class OutputControl
AllConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\PublishTarget\Configuration
AllTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\PublishTarget\Type
Type::add() — Method in class Type
Type::add() — Method in class Type

Add a page type.

Type::addPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSet() — Method in class Type
$ ProgressList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class ProgressList
AccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
Access::attachWorkflow() — Method in class Access
Access::addListItem() — Method in class Access
AddBlockBlockTypeAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
AddBlockToAreaAreaAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
AddConversationMessageConversationAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
AddFileFileFolderAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
AddSubpagePageAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
AdminAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
AreaAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
$ Factory#appProperty in class Factory
Type::add() — Method in class Type
AddBlockBlockTypeListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
AddBlockToAreaAreaListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
AddConversationMessageConversationListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
AddConversationMessageConversationListItem::approveNewConversationMessages() — Method in class AddConversationMessageConversationListItem
AddFileFileFolderListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
AddSubpagePageListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
$ AddSubpagePageListItem#allowExternalLinksProperty in class AddSubpagePageListItem
AddSubpagePageListItem::allowExternalLinks() — Method in class AddSubpagePageListItem
AdminListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
AreaListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
$ EditPagePropertiesPageListItem#attributesAllowedPermissionProperty in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
$ EditPagePropertiesPageListItem#allowEditNameProperty in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
$ EditPagePropertiesPageListItem#allowEditDateTimeProperty in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
$ EditPagePropertiesPageListItem#allowEditUIDProperty in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
$ EditPagePropertiesPageListItem#allowEditDescriptionProperty in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
$ EditPagePropertiesPageListItem#allowEditPathsProperty in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::allowEditName() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::allowEditDateTime() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::allowEditUserID() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::allowEditDescription() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::allowEditPaths() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#attributesAllowedPermissionProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#allowEditUNameProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#allowEditUEmailProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#allowEditUPasswordProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#allowEditUAvatarProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#allowEditTimezoneProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#allowEditDefaultLanguageProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#allowEditHomeFileManagerFolderIDProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::allowEditUserName() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::allowEditEmail() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::allowEditPassword() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::allowEditAvatar() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::allowEditTimezone() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::allowEditDefaultLanguage() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::allowEditHomeFileManagerFolderID() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ ListItem#accessTypeProperty in class ListItem

One of the \Concrete\Core\Permission\Key\Key::ACCESSTYPE constants.

$ ListItem#accessEntityProperty in class ListItem
$ ViewUserAttributesUserListItem#attributesAllowedPermissionProperty in class ViewUserAttributesUserListItem
AssignableObjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
AssignableObjectInterface::assignPermissions() — Method in class AssignableObjectInterface
AssignableObjectTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
AssignableObjectTrait::assignPermissions() — Method in class AssignableObjectTrait
AreaAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
$ AreaAssignment#areaProperty in class AreaAssignment
AreaAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class AreaAssignment
AssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
Assignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class Assignment
BasicWorkflowAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class BasicWorkflowAssignment
BlockAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class BlockAssignment
BoardAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class BoardAssignment
CalendarAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class CalendarAssignment
ConversationAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class ConversationAssignment
FileAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class FileAssignment
PageAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class PageAssignment
$ PageTimedAssignment#accessEntityProperty in class PageTimedAssignment
PageTypeAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class PageTypeAssignment
TreeNodeAssignment::assignPermissionAccess() — Method in class TreeNodeAssignment
Category::associateAccessEntityType() — Method in class Category
Category::add() — Method in class Category
GenericTaskHandler::addAccessEntity() — Method in class GenericTaskHandler
ObjectTaskHandler::addAccessEntity() — Method in class ObjectTaskHandler
IPService::addToDenylistForThresholdReached() — Method in class IPService
AbstractRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Inheritance\Registry
AbstractRegistry::addEntry() — Method in class AbstractRegistry
IpAccessControlService::addToDenylistForThresholdReached() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Add an IP address to the list of denylisted IP address when too many events occur.

AddBlockBlockTypeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
AddBlockToAreaAreaKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
AddConversationMessageConversationKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
AddFileFileFolderKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
AddFileFileSetKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
AddSubpagePageKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
AdminKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
AreaKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
Key::add() — Method in class Key

Adds an permission key.

AbstractAccessRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
AbstractAccessRegistry::addEntry() — Method in class AbstractAccessRegistry
AbstractAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
$ AbstractAssignment#accessEntryProperty in class AbstractAssignment
AbstractAssignmentListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
$ AbstractAssignmentList#assignmentsProperty in class AbstractAssignmentList
AbstractAssignmentList::addAssignment() — Method in class AbstractAssignmentList
AbstractObjectRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
AbstractObjectRegistry::addEntry() — Method in class AbstractObjectRegistry
AccessAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
AccessRegistryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
ApplierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
Applier::apply() — Method in class Applier
Applier::applyAssignment() — Method in class Applier
Applier::applyAssignmentList() — Method in class Applier
AssignmentInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
AssignmentListInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
EntryInterface::apply() — Method in class EntryInterface
$ PermissionsEntry#accessEntryProperty in class PermissionsEntry
$ PermissionsEntry#accessTypeProperty in class PermissionsEntry
PermissionsEntry::apply() — Method in class PermissionsEntry
WorkflowEntry::apply() — Method in class WorkflowEntry
EntryInterface::apply() — Method in class EntryInterface
EntryInterface::apply() — Method in class EntryInterface
$ PermissionsEntry#accessTypeProperty in class PermissionsEntry
PermissionsEntry::apply() — Method in class PermissionsEntry
$ TaskPermissionsEntry#accessTypeProperty in class TaskPermissionsEntry
TaskPermissionsEntry::apply() — Method in class TaskPermissionsEntry
$ DefaultHomePageAccessRegistry#administratorPermissionsProperty in class DefaultHomePageAccessRegistry
ApproverObjectRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite\Object
AuthorObjectRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite\Object
AreaResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
Set::addPermissionAssignment() — Method in class Set
ApplicationRouteActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ ApplicationRouteAction#appProperty in class ApplicationRouteAction
$ MatchedRoute#argumentsProperty in class MatchedRoute
$ Route#actionProperty in class Route

The action that the route will execute when it is run.

Route::addMiddleware() — Method in class Route

Adds middleware to the route.

RouteBuilder::addMiddleware() — Method in class RouteBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::addMiddleware() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
$ Router#actionFactoryProperty in class Router
Router::all() — Method in class Router
Router::addRoute() — Method in class Router
RouterInterface::addRoute() — Method in class RouterInterface
AbstractSearchProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search
AttributeKeyColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
$ AttributeKeyColumn#attributeKeyProperty in class AttributeKeyColumn
Set::addColumn() — Method in class Set
Set::addColumnAfterKey() — Method in class Set

Add a column after a specific key.

Set::addColumnBeforeKey() — Method in class Set

Add a column before a specific key.

AbstractFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
AbstractSiteFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
AttributeKeyFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
$ AttributeKeyField#attributeKeyProperty in class AttributeKeyField

The attribute key instance.

$ AttributeKeyField#akIDProperty in class AttributeKeyField

The attribute key ID.

Group::addField() — Method in class Group

Add a field to this group.

Manager::addGroup() — Method in class Manager

Add a group of fields.

Manager::addGroupObject() — Method in class Manager

Add a field group.

AbstractIndexClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Index

Pretty much all the Index anyone ever needs.

DefaultManager::addIndex() — Method in class DefaultManager

Add an index to this manager

AttributedItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Database
$ ItemList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class ItemList
AbstractPagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
$ PagerPagination#appProperty in class PagerPagination
PagerPagination::advanceToNextPage() — Method in class PagerPagination
AbstractRequestModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query\Modifier
AutoSortColumnRequestModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query\Modifier
QueryModifier::addModifier() — Method in class QueryModifier
StickyRequest::addToSearchRequest() — Method in class StickyRequest
ConfiguratorInterface::addRule() — Method in class ConfiguratorInterface

Adds a rule to the configuration (if not already there).

GeneratorInterface::addRule() — Method in class GeneratorInterface

Add a new rule to be handled.

ApacheConfiguratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration\HTTP
ApacheConfigurator::addRule() — Method in class ApacheConfigurator

Adds a rule to the configuration (if not already there).

ApacheGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration\HTTP
ApacheStorageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration\HTTP
Generator::addRule() — Method in class Generator

Add a new rule to be handled.

NginxConfigurator::addRule() — Method in class NginxConfigurator

Adds a rule to the configuration (if not already there).

ApacheDetectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Detector\HTTP
ApacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\HTTP
$ Apache#appProperty in class Apache
$ Nginx#appProperty in class Nginx
$ ServiceManager#appProperty in class ServiceManager
ConfigurableRuleInterface::addOption() — Method in class ConfigurableRuleInterface

Add an option to this rule.

Rule::addOption() — Method in class Rule

Add an option to this rule.

$ Session#appProperty in class Session
$ SessionFactory#appProperty in class SessionFactory
$ SessionValidator#appProperty in class SessionValidator
AbstractSurveyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation
AbstractQuestionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation\Question
AbstractSelectQuestionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation\Question
$ SiteInformationSaver#appProperty in class SiteInformationSaver
$ ResolverFactory#applicationProperty in class ResolverFactory
$ Service#appProperty in class Service
Service::add() — Method in class Service
ControllerInterface::add() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::addType() — Method in class ControllerInterface
$ StandardController#appProperty in class StandardController
StandardController::add() — Method in class StandardController
StandardController::addType() — Method in class StandardController
StandardController::addSiteFolder() — Method in class StandardController
AbstractFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type\Formatter
$ Service#appProperty in class Service
Service::add() — Method in class Service
$ Service#applicationProperty in class Service
Service::addGroup() — Method in class Service
AggregateTrackerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Statistics\UsageTracker

Class PolyTracker A tracker that employes \Illuminate\Support\Manager to keep track of a list of Trackers.

AggregateTracker::addTracker() — Method in class AggregateTracker

Register a custom tracker creator Closure.

TrackerManagerInterface::addTracker() — Method in class TrackerManagerInterface

Register a custom tracker creator callable.

Compiler::addCustomizerVariablesToCollection() — Method in class Compiler
$ Customizer#appProperty in class Customizer
$ CustomizerFactory#appProperty in class CustomizerFactory
AbstractCustomizerTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizer\Type
$ AbstractCustomizerType#appProperty in class AbstractCustomizerType
$ ColorVariable#aProperty in class ColorVariable
NormalizedVariableCollection::add() — Method in class NormalizedVariableCollection
Set::addStyle() — Method in class Set

Add a style to this set.

StyleList::addSet() — Method in class StyleList

Add a new empty style set.

CustomizerVariableCollection::add() — Method in class CustomizerVariableCollection
GroupedStyleValueList::addSet() — Method in class GroupedStyleValueList
GroupedStyleValueListSet::addValue() — Method in class GroupedStyleValueListSet
AbstractParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
AbstractManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser\Manager
$ AbstractManager#appProperty in class AbstractManager
StyleValueList::addValue() — Method in class StyleValueList
StyleValueList::add() — Method in class StyleValueList
$ ColorValue#aProperty in class ColorValue

The value of the alpha channel.

ValueContainerTrait::addSubStyleValue() — Method in class ValueContainerTrait
ExtractPresetFontsFileStyleFromLegacyPresetTrait::addPresetFontsFileStyleToStyleValueList() — Method in class ExtractPresetFontsFileStyleFromLegacyPresetTrait
WebFontCollection::add() — Method in class WebFontCollection
AbstractDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Category\Driver
Collection::addField() — Method in class Collection
DriverCollection::addDriver() — Method in class DriverCollection
$ DriverManager#appProperty in class DriverManager
AbstractLazyDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
AuthorDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
AbstractPopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Template

Responsible for taking an instance of a category's object (e.g. a Page object), and saving all the available summary templates that can be used with that object.

InlineTagFixer::applyFix() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
PhpFixerOptions::addDirectoriesWithMixedContentsRegex() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Add items to the list of regular expressions that should be used to check if a directory contains files with mixed flags.

PhpFixerRunner::addStep() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::apply() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::applyStep() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
ApplicationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
$ Facade#appProperty in class Facade
Log::addEntry() — Method in class Log
UserInfo::add() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::addSuperUser() — Method in class UserInfo
JSConstantGenerator::addConstant() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
JSConstantGenerator::addConstants() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
$ Manager#appProperty in class Manager
$ ClassSymbol#aliasProperty in class ClassSymbol

Fully-qualified class alias name.

$ ClassSymbol#aliasNamespaceProperty in class ClassSymbol

Namespace of the alias

$ ClassSymbol#aliasBasenameProperty in class ClassSymbol

Base name of the alias (that is, without namespace)

$ SymbolGenerator#aliasNamespacesProperty in class SymbolGenerator

All the alias namespaces.

$ Info#appProperty in class Info
FileLockMutex::acquire() — Method in class FileLockMutex

Acquire a mutex given its key.

MutexInterface::acquire() — Method in class MutexInterface

Acquire a mutex given its key.

SemaphoreMutex::acquire() — Method in class SemaphoreMutex

Acquire a mutex given its key.

$ QueueStatus#appProperty in class QueueStatus
AbstractItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item
AbstractNodeItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item
AddCategoryItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Category
AddExpressEntryCategoryItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Category
AddExpressEntryResultsFolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Category
AddTopicItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Topic
Node::add() — Method in class Node

Add a new node.

NodeType::add() — Method in class NodeType
Category::add() — Method in class Category

Add a new node.

ExpressEntrySiteResults::add() — Method in class ExpressEntrySiteResults

Add a new node.

File::add() — Method in class File

Add a new node.

FileFolder::add() — Method in class FileFolder
Group::add() — Method in class Group
GroupFolder::add() — Method in class GroupFolder
SearchPreset::addSearchPreset() — Method in class SearchPreset
Topic::add() — Method in class Topic

Add a new node.

TreeType::add() — Method in class TreeType
ExpressEntryResults::add() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
FileManager::add() — Method in class FileManager
Group::add() — Method in class Group
Topic::add() — Method in class Topic
ApplicationUpdateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater
ApplicationUpdate::apply() — Method in class ApplicationUpdate

Writes the core pointer into config/update.php.

Diagnostic::addMarketplaceItemStatusObject() — Method in class Diagnostic
Diagnostic::addNoticeStatusObject() — Method in class Diagnostic
ArchiveClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater
AbstractMigrationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations
$ AbstractMigration#appProperty in class AbstractMigration
Version20160725000000::addNotifications() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::addAttributeValue() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::addDashboard() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::addBlockTypes() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::addTreeNodeTypes() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::addPermissions() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20170118000000::addVersionIdToPageTypeOutputBlocks() — Method in class Version20170118000000
Version20171110032423::addEarlyCalendarFunctionality() — Method in class Version20171110032423
Version20171110032423::addCalendarFunctionality() — Method in class Version20171110032423
AddPageDraftsBooleanTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Routine
AddPageDraftsBooleanTrait::addColumnIfMissing() — Method in class AddPageDraftsBooleanTrait
$ CanonicalUrlResolver#appProperty in class CanonicalUrlResolver
ResolverManager::addResolver() — Method in class ResolverManager
ResolverManagerInterface::addResolver() — Method in class ResolverManagerInterface
$ UserInfoUrlResolver#appProperty in class UserInfoUrlResolver
SeoCanonical::addIncludedQuerystringParameter() — Method in class SeoCanonical
AccountServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Account

Useful functions when working with "My Account" functionality

AnonymousAvatarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Avatar
$ AnonymousAvatar#applicationProperty in class AnonymousAvatar
$ AnonymousAvatar#altProperty in class AnonymousAvatar
AvatarInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Avatar
AvatarServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Avatar
$ AvatarService#applicationProperty in class AvatarService
AvatarServiceInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Avatar
$ StandardAvatar#applicationProperty in class StandardAvatar
$ DeactivateUsersCommandHandler#appProperty in class DeactivateUsersCommandHandler
$ ReindexUserTaskCommandHandler#attributeCategoryProperty in class ReindexUserTaskCommandHandler
$ UpdateUserAvatarCommand#avatarFileProperty in class UpdateUserAvatarCommand
$ UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandler#appProperty in class UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandler
AvatarCropperInstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Component
$ AvatarCropperInstance#accessTokenProperty in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstanceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Component
$ UserSelectInstance#accessTokenProperty in class UserSelectInstance
AddUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
$ DeactivateUser#actorProperty in class DeactivateUser

The user that is running the deactivate operation

$ UserInfo#applierProperty in class UserInfo
AddGroupCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Command
AddGroupCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Command
AddGroupCommandValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Command
Result::addDeletedGroup() — Method in class Result
Result::addUndeletableGrup() — Method in class Result
EditResponse::addGroup() — Method in class EditResponse
EditResponse::addGroups() — Method in class EditResponse
$ FolderItemList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class FolderItemList
FolderManager::addFolder() — Method in class FolderManager

Create a new folder.

Group::addRole() — Method in class Group
Group::add() — Method in class Group

Creates a new user group.

Group::addBeneathFolder() — Method in class Group

Creates a new user group.

GroupJoinRequest::accept() — Method in class GroupJoinRequest
$ GroupList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class GroupList
GroupRole::add() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupSet::addGroup() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::add() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupType::add() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::addRole() — Method in class GroupType
AvailableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\ColumnSet
$ ColumnSet#attributeClassProperty in class ColumnSet
$ DefaultSet#attributeClassProperty in class DefaultSet
$ CookieValue#authenticationTypeHandleProperty in class CookieValue

The handle of the authentication type.

$ PrivateMessage#authorNameProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#attachmentsProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ RegistrationService#applicationProperty in class RegistrationService
AvailableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet
$ Available#attributeClassProperty in class Available
$ ColumnSet#attributeClassProperty in class ColumnSet
$ DefaultSet#attributeClassProperty in class DefaultSet
$ StatusService#applicationProperty in class StatusService
$ User#accessEntitiesProperty in class User
$ UserInfo#avatarServiceProperty in class UserInfo
$ UserInfo#applicationProperty in class UserInfo
$ UserInfo#attributeCategoryProperty in class UserInfo
UserInfo::activate() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::add() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::addSuperUser() — Method in class UserInfo
$ UserInfoRepository#applicationProperty in class UserInfoRepository
UserInfoRepository::all() — Method in class UserInfoRepository

Get all users

$ UserList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class UserList

Columns in this array can be sorted via the request.

ValidationHash::add() — Method in class ValidationHash

Adds a hash to the lookup table for a user and type, removes any other existing hashes for the same user and type.

$ ProgressList#autoSortColumnsProperty in class ProgressList
ArraysClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service
Text::alphanum() — Method in class Text

Leaves only characters that are alpha-numeric.

Text::autolink() — Method in class Text

Scans passed text and automatically hyperlinks any URL inside it.

Text::asciify() — Method in class Text

Takes text and converts it to an ASCII-only string (characters with code between 32 and 127, plus \t, \n and \r).

Text::appendXML() — Method in class Text

Appends a SimpleXMLElement to a SimpleXMLElement.

ArraysClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Validation
$ Strings#appProperty in class Strings
Strings::alphanum() — Method in class Strings

Returns true on whether the passed string is completely alpha-numeric, if the value is not a string or is an empty string false will be returned.

Xml::appendCData() — Method in class Xml

Append a new CDATA section to an existing element.

BannedWord::add() — Method in class BannedWord
AbstractTranslatableValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

Abstract class for managing translatable requirements and errors.

PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::applyPasswordReuseValidator() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider
PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::applyLengthValidators() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

Apply configured password length validators

PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::applyMinMaxStrings() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

Apply translatable strings to minimum and maximum requirements

PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::applyStringRequirementValidators() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

Apply validators that require specific substrings

PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::applyRegexRequirements() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider
AbstractViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\View

Abstract view class

AbstractView::addScopeItems() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::action() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::addHeaderAsset() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::addFooterAsset() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::addOutputAsset() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::addHeaderItem() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::addFooterItem() — Method in class AbstractView
BasicFileView::action() — Method in class BasicFileView
ErrorView::action() — Method in class ErrorView

A shortcut to posting back to the current page with a task and optional parameters. Only works in the context of.

FileLocatorView::action() — Method in class FileLocatorView
View::action() — Method in class View

A shortcut to posting back to the current page with a task and optional parameters. Only works in the context of.

BasicWorkflow::approve() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
ActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress\Action
Action::addWorkflowProgressActionButtonParameter() — Method in class Action
ApprovalActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress\Action
CalendarEventProgress::add() — Method in class CalendarEventProgress

Deprecated method. Use Progress::create instead.

Category::add() — Method in class Category
PageProgress::add() — Method in class PageProgress

Deprecated method. Use Progress::create instead.

Progress::addWorkflowProgressHistoryObject() — Method in class Progress
Progress::add() — Method in class Progress

Deprecated method. Use Progress::create instead.

UserProgress::add() — Method in class UserProgress

Deprecated method. Use Progress::create instead.

ActivateUserRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
ActivateUserRequest::approve() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::addWorkflowProgress() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::approve() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApprovePageRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
ApprovePageRequest::approve() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApproveStackRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
ApproveStackRequest::approve() — Method in class ApproveStackRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::approve() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::approve() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::approve() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
DeleteCalendarEventRequest::approve() — Method in class DeleteCalendarEventRequest
DeletePageRequest::approve() — Method in class DeletePageRequest
DeleteUserRequest::approve() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest
MovePageRequest::approve() — Method in class MovePageRequest
PageRequest::addWorkflowProgress() — Method in class PageRequest
Request::addWorkflowProgress() — Method in class Request
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::addWorkflowProgress() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::approve() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::approve() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UserRequest::approve() — Method in class UserRequest
UserRequest::addWorkflowProgress() — Method in class UserRequest
Type::add() — Method in class Type

Add a new workflow type.

$ Workflow#allowedTasksProperty in class Workflow

The list of allowed tasks.

Workflow::add() — Method in class Workflow

Create a new workflow.


Controller::buildHash() — Method in class Controller

Create a cookie hash to identify the user indefinitely.

Controller::base64_url_decode() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportTablesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btDefaultSetProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#boardIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#boardInstanceIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btSupportsInlineEditProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btSupportsInlineEditProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btSupportsInlineAddProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
Controller::br2nl() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#btSupportsInlineAddProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btSupportsInlineEditProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIsInternalProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheSettingsInitializedProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIsInternalProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIsInternalProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCopyWhenPropagateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIsInternalProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIsInternalProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#bOriginalIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIsInternalProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#bOriginalIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIsInternalProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIsInternalProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageTypeColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileFolderColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCopyWhenPropagateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#blockTitleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportTablesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#bodyProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonTextProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonExternalLinkProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonInternalLinkCIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonFileLinkIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonColorProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonStyleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonSizeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonIconProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btDefaultSetProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btQuestionsTablenameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btAnswerSetTablenameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btAnswersTablenameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportTablesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCopyWhenPropagateProperty in class Controller
$ MiniSurvey#btTableProperty in class MiniSurvey
$ MiniSurvey#btQuestionsTablenameProperty in class MiniSurvey
$ MiniSurvey#btAnswerSetTablenameProperty in class MiniSurvey
$ MiniSurvey#btAnswersTablenameProperty in class MiniSurvey
Statistics::buildAnswerSetsArray() — Method in class Statistics
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportTablesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#bodyProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonTextProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonExternalLinkProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonInternalLinkCIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonFileLinkIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonColorProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonStyleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonSizeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonIconProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btDefaultSetProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportTablesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportContentColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#buttonLinkTextProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageTypeColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageFeedColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller

Default number of seconds that the output of this block should be cached (Can be overridden by the user within C5 UI).

$ Controller#buttonTextProperty in class Controller

Button text.

$ Controller#baseSearchPathProperty in class Controller

The base search path.

$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller

The name of the database that holds the block data.

$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller

Add/Edit dialog width (in pixels).

$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller

Add/Edit dialog height (in pixels).

$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller

The CSS class of the block wrapper (unused?).

$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller

List of database table fields that contains fields with collection identifiers.

$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller

Should the database record be cached?

$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller

Should the block output be cached?

$ Controller#btShareThisPageIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btSocialLinkIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportTablesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#brandingTextProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#brandingLogoProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#brandingTransparentLogoProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheSettingsInitializedProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btWrapperClassProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btTableProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class Controller
BlockClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend

Class Block is a backend controller for ajax requests

$ Preview#blockProperty in class Preview
$ Rules#boardInstanceRuleProperty in class Rules
GetImageData::buildResponse() — Method in class GetImageData
SitemapUpdate::buildResponse() — Method in class SitemapUpdate
Entry::buildExpressListFractalArray() — Method in class Entry
File::buildImportResponse() — Method in class File
Chooser::buildFileListFractalResponse() — Method in class Chooser
Thumbnailer::buildThumbnail() — Method in class Thumbnailer
$ Messenger#busProperty in class Messenger
UrlSlug::buildResponse() — Method in class UrlSlug
BlockClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\UserInterface
$ Block#blockProperty in class Block
$ Schedule#boardInstanceProperty in class Schedule
$ AddBlock#blockTypeProperty in class AddBlock
$ AddBlock#blockTypeControllerProperty in class AddBlock
DragRequest::buildOperationCompletedResponse() — Method in class DragRequest
BasicWorkflowClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
BlockTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
$ Form#back_button_urlProperty in class Form
BlockTypeItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Package
BlockTypeSetItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Package
AddMessage::buildErrorsResponse() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::buildSuccessResponse() — Method in class AddMessage
DeleteMessage::buildSuccessResponse() — Method in class DeleteMessage
DeleteMessage::buildErrorsResponse() — Method in class DeleteMessage
FlagMessage::buildSuccessResponse() — Method in class FlagMessage
FlagMessage::buildErrorsResponse() — Method in class FlagMessage
MessagePage::buildMessageList() — Method in class MessagePage
UpdateMessage::buildErrorsResponse() — Method in class UpdateMessage
UpdateMessage::buildSuccessResponse() — Method in class UpdateMessage
ViewAjax::buildMessageList() — Method in class ViewAjax
Add::buildSetsAndBlockTypes() — Method in class Add
BasicWorkflowClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
BlockClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
BlockTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
BoardClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
BoardAdminClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
BlocksClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
BoardsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
BoardsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
BackupClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
BasicsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
BoardsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
BannedWordsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Conversations
BulkClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Seo
Groups::bulk_update_complete() — Method in class Groups
BulkUserAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users\Groups
BulkupdateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users\Groups
BroadcastClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Broadcast
BroadcastInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Broadcast
ButtonInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Button
BuildingAThemeItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item\Welcome
$ FeatureSlide#buttonProperty in class FeatureSlide
$ Api#baseUrlProperty in class Api
BlocksClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
BaseBlockTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
BlockTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer

Class BlockTransformer. Used when requested blocks directly via the /blocks API endpoint. This transformer makes an include of "pages" available to show you what pages blocks are on. When blocks are requested through other means, like the pages endpoints, they use the base block transformer because we don't want a recursive situation

$ Area#blocksProperty in class Area
BlockClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
ExpressEntitySpecFactory::build() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
Application::build() — Method in class Application

Instantiate a concrete instance of the given type.

Application::bindShared() — Method in class Application
UserInterface::button() — Method in class UserInterface

Generates a simple link button in the Concrete style.

UserInterface::buttonJs() — Method in class UserInterface

Generates a JavaScript function button in the Concrete style.

UserInterface::button_js() — Method in class UserInterface
UserInterface::buttons() — Method in class UserInterface

Outputs button text passed as arguments with a special Concrete wrapper for positioning

   $bh->buttons($myButton1, $myButton2, $myButton3);
UserInterface::buildErrorResponse() — Method in class UserInterface
BlockTypeManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
BasicIconFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Icon
$ Layout#blockProperty in class Layout
BasicFormContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
BasicFormViewContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
BasicSearchContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
Renderer::buildView() — Method in class Renderer
AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface::buildHash() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface

Create a cookie hash to identify the user indefinitely.

BindingServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\OAuth
BindingService::bindUserId() — Method in class BindingService

Bind a user against a remote binding in a namespace EX: $bindings->bindUserId($id, $facebookUserId, 'facebook');.

BindingService::bindUser() — Method in class BindingService

Bind a user object to a given binding.

BindingService::bindUserInfo() — Method in class BindingService

Bind a user info object to a given binding.

BindingService::bindUserEntity() — Method in class BindingService

Bind a user entity object to a given binding.

$ GenericOauthTypeController#bindingServiceProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::buildHash() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController

Create a cookie hash to identify the user indefinitely.

GenericOauthTypeController::bindUser() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::bindUserID() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
BlockClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block
$ Block#bNameProperty in class Block
$ Block#btIDProperty in class Block
$ Block#bActionCIDProperty in class Block

The ID of the collection that's associated to the block actions.

$ Block#bFilenameProperty in class Block

The custom template name.

$ Block#btHandleProperty in class Block
$ Block#btNameProperty in class Block
$ Block#bDateAddedProperty in class Block
$ Block#bDateModifiedProperty in class Block
$ Block#bIsActiveProperty in class Block
$ Block#btCachedBlockRecordProperty in class Block
BlockControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block
$ BlockController#blockViewRenderOverrideProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#blockProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#bIDProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btDescriptionProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btNameProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btHandleProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btIsInternalProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btSupportsInlineAddProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btSupportsInlineEditProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btCopyWhenPropagateProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btIncludeAllProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btHasRenderedProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btCacheBlockRecordProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#bActionCIDProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btExportPageColumnsProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btExportFileColumnsProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btExportContentColumnsProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btExportPageTypeColumnsProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btExportPageFeedColumnsProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btExportFileFolderColumnsProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btWrapperClassProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btDefaultSetProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btTableProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btIDProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btCachedBlockRecordProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#btTitleFormatsProperty in class BlockController
BlockServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block
BlockTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\BlockType
BlockTypeListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\BlockType
$ CacheSettings#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class CacheSettings
$ CacheSettings#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class CacheSettings
$ CacheSettings#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class CacheSettings
$ CacheSettings#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class CacheSettings
$ AddBlockToPageCommand#blockTypeProperty in class AddBlockToPageCommand
BlockCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
$ BlockCommand#blockIDProperty in class BlockCommand
$ UpdatePageBlockCommand#blockProperty in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
$ CustomStyle#blockProperty in class CustomStyle
BlockAddClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Events
BlockBeforeRenderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Events
BlockDeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Events
BlockDuplicateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Events
BlockEditClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Events
BlockEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Events
BlockOutputClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Events
BlockNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Exception
$ Menu#blockProperty in class Menu
$ HasSubBlocksTrait#btCacheBlockOutputProperty in class HasSubBlocksTrait
$ HasSubBlocksTrait#btCacheBlockOutputLifetimeProperty in class HasSubBlocksTrait
$ HasSubBlocksTrait#btCacheBlockOutputOnPostProperty in class HasSubBlocksTrait
$ HasSubBlocksTrait#btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsersProperty in class HasSubBlocksTrait
$ HasSubBlocksTrait#btCacheSettingsInitializedProperty in class HasSubBlocksTrait
BlockViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\View

Work with the rendered view of a block.

$ BlockView#blockProperty in class BlockView
$ BlockView#blockTypeProperty in class BlockView
$ BlockView#blockTypePkgHandleProperty in class BlockView
$ BlockView#blockViewHeaderFileProperty in class BlockView
$ BlockView#blockViewFooterFileProperty in class BlockView
BlockViewTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\View
$ BlockViewTemplate#basePathProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
$ BlockViewTemplate#bFilenameProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
$ BlockViewTemplate#btHandleProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
$ BlockViewTemplate#baseURLProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
BoardDetailsTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
BoardInstanceTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
BoardSlotCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
$ BoardSlotCommand#bIDProperty in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
BoardTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
$ BoardTrait#boardProperty in class BoardTrait
$ CreateBoardInstanceCommand#boardInstanceNameProperty in class CreateBoardInstanceCommand
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand#boardInstanceSlotRuleIDProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
$ AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand#batchIdentifierProperty in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
$ RenderedSlot#bIDProperty in class RenderedSlot
$ RenderedSlot#boardInstanceSlotRuleIDProperty in class RenderedSlot

Does the current rendered slot contain content based on a board instance rule? If so the ID of the rule is present here

BoardDesignerSharedSlotFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Rule
BlogDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Driver
BlogImageLeftDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Slot\Driver
BlogImageRightDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Slot\Driver
BlogThreeUpDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Slot\Driver
BlogTwoUpDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Slot\Driver
Cache::buildDriver() — Method in class Cache

Function used to build a driver from a driverConfig array.

BatchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch

Batch builder object for use before the batch is actually dispatched and converted into an entity.

BatchAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch
BatchAwareTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch
$ BatchAwareTrait#batchProperty in class BatchAwareTrait
BatchUpdaterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch
BatchProcessMessageInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch\Command
$ HandleBatchMessageCommand#batchIdProperty in class HandleBatchMessageCommand
$ HandleBatchMessageCommandHandler#batchUpdaterProperty in class HandleBatchMessageCommandHandler
BatchStampClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch\Stamp
$ BatchStamp#batchIdProperty in class BatchStamp
$ ProcessFactory#batchUpdaterProperty in class ProcessFactory
BooleanFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input\Definition
BatchProcessTaskRunnerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner
$ BatchProcessTaskRunner#batchProperty in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
BatchProcessTaskRunnerHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner
CommandTaskRunnerHandler::boot() — Method in class CommandTaskRunnerHandler
HandlerInterface::boot() — Method in class HandlerInterface
ProcessTaskRunnerHandler::boot() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunnerHandler
BulkUserAssignCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
InstallCommand::buildInstaller() — Method in class InstallCommand
AbstractController::buildRedirect() — Method in class AbstractController

Build a response that redirects clients to a specific URL/page (specify path(s) as argument(s) of $args).

$ FrontendController#blockIDProperty in class FrontendController

The block ID as specified by the request.

$ FrontendController#blockProperty in class FrontendController

The block instance as specified by the request.

$ FrontendController#blockControllerProperty in class FrontendController

The block controller as specified by the request.

$ FrontendController#blockConversationProperty in class FrontendController

The Conversation instance for in tbe block specified by the request.

Connection::BeginTrans() — Method in class Connection
BuilderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Schema
BuilderInterface::build() — Method in class BuilderInterface
$ Device#brandProperty in class Device
$ LinkAbstractor#blackListImgAttributesProperty in class LinkAbstractor

Takes a chunk of content containing full urls and converts them to abstract link references.

BooleanSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
BooleanValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
BlockTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Block\BlockType
$ BlockType#btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainerProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btIDProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btHandleProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btNameProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btDescriptionProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btCopyWhenPropagateProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btIncludeAllProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btIsInternalProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btSupportsInlineEditProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btSupportsInlineAddProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btDisplayOrderProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btInterfaceHeightProperty in class BlockType
$ BlockType#btInterfaceWidthProperty in class BlockType
BoardClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ Board#boardIDProperty in class Board
$ Board#boardNameProperty in class Board
BoardPermissionAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ BoardPermissionAssignment#boardProperty in class BoardPermissionAssignment
$ ConfiguredDataSource#boardProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
$ CustomElement#batchIdentifierProperty in class CustomElement
$ Instance#boardInstanceIDProperty in class Instance
$ Instance#boardProperty in class Instance
$ Instance#batchesProperty in class Instance
$ Instance#boardInstanceNameProperty in class Instance
$ InstanceItem#boardInstanceItemIDProperty in class InstanceItem
$ InstanceItem#batchProperty in class InstanceItem
$ InstanceItemBatch#boardInstanceItemBatchIDProperty in class InstanceItemBatch
$ InstanceSlot#boardInstanceSlotIDProperty in class InstanceSlot
$ InstanceSlot#bIDProperty in class InstanceSlot
$ InstanceSlotRule#boardInstanceSlotRuleIDProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ InstanceSlotRule#batchIdentifierProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ InstanceSlotRule#bIDProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ Item#boardItemIDProperty in class Item
$ ItemCategory#boardItemCategoryIDProperty in class ItemCategory
$ ItemTag#boardItemTagIDProperty in class ItemTag
BatchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Command
$ Process#batchProperty in class Process
AttributeKeyControl::build() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
Control::build() — Method in class Control
$ TextControl#bodyProperty in class TextControl
Version::buildForceDownloadResponse() — Method in class Version

Get a Response instance that will force the browser to download the file, even if the browser can display it.

Version::buildNonpublicURLDownloadResponse() — Method in class Version

Get a Response instance that will allow the browser to download a file and possibly display it. This is specifically useful when the file is in a storage location outside of the webroot and therefore cannot be directly accessed.

Version::buildDownloadResponse() — Method in class Version

Get a Response instance with configurable content disposition

$ IpAccessControlCategory#banDurationProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The duration (in seconds) of the ban when the maximum number of events occur in the time window (NULL means forever).

$ FileUsageRecord#block_idProperty in class FileUsageRecord
$ StackUsageRecord#block_idProperty in class StackUsageRecord
$ StyleSet#backgroundColorProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#backgroundImageFileIDProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#backgroundRepeatProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#backgroundSizeProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#backgroundPositionProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#borderColorProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#borderStyleProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#borderWidthProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#borderRadiusProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#baseFontSizeProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#boxShadowHorizontalProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#boxShadowVerticalProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#boxShadowBlurProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#boxShadowSpreadProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#boxShadowColorProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#boxShadowInsetProperty in class StyleSet
LoginAttemptRepository::before() — Method in class LoginAttemptRepository

Get a list of login attempts prior to a date

BannedWordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Validation
$ BannedWord#bwIDProperty in class BannedWord
$ BannedWord#bannedWordProperty in class BannedWord
BoardClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
ManyToManyAssociationBuilder::build() — Method in class ManyToManyAssociationBuilder
ManyToOneAssociationBuilder::build() — Method in class ManyToOneAssociationBuilder
OneToManyAssociationBuilder::build() — Method in class OneToManyAssociationBuilder
OneToOneAssociationBuilder::build() — Method in class OneToOneAssociationBuilder
$ AbstractFormBlockSubmissionNotification#blockControllerProperty in class AbstractFormBlockSubmissionNotification
ObjectBuilder::buildForm() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
ObjectBuilder::buildAssociation() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
ObjectBuilder::buildObject() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
FieldsetBuilder::build() — Method in class FieldsetBuilder
FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl::build() — Method in class FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl
ObjectManager::buildObject() — Method in class ObjectManager
ObjectManager::buildEntry() — Method in class ObjectManager
BasicThumbnailerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image
BitmapFormatClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image

Helper class for bitmap image formats.

$ ThumbnailFormatService#bitmapFormatProperty in class ThumbnailFormatService
$ ImportingFile#bitmapFormatProperty in class ImportingFile
Importer::buildOptions() — Method in class Importer
$ ClientSideUploader#bitmapFormatProperty in class ClientSideUploader
DestinationPicker::buildWhichSelector() — Method in class DestinationPicker
Form::button() — Method in class Form

Creates a button.

Form::buildNameAndID() — Method in class Form

Generate the HTML code containing the name and the id attributes (if any).

BasicRepetitionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Repetition
BootInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Boot
BootInterface::boot() — Method in class BootInterface

Boot up.

DefaultBooter::boot() — Method in class DefaultBooter

Boot up Return a response if we're ready to output.

DefaultBooter::bootHttpSapi() — Method in class DefaultBooter
$ DefaultRuntime#boot_classProperty in class DefaultRuntime
DefaultRuntime::boot() — Method in class DefaultRuntime

Initialize the environment and prepare for running.

RuntimeInterface::boot() — Method in class RuntimeInterface

Initialize the environment and prepare for running.

ButtonControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control
ButtonFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Formatter
BlockFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message\Formatter\Search
BlockMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message\Search
$ BlockMessage#bIDProperty in class BlockMessage
Runner::button() — Method in class Runner
$ FontAwesomeIcon#borderedProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
$ JobQueueMessage#bodyProperty in class JobQueueMessage
BlockRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
$ BlockRecord#bIDProperty in class BlockRecord
Formatter::buildView() — Method in class Formatter

Customized method to get the administrative area's full name for US where they are stored as codes. Both formats work for mail but this is done to preserve backwards compatibility for c5 older versions which print out the state's full name in the address.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::buildRequest() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider
$ MailImportedMessage#bodyProperty in class MailImportedMessage
$ Service#bccProperty in class Service

List of "BCC" recipients (every item is an array with at key 0 the email address and at key 1 an optional name).

$ Service#bodyProperty in class Service

The plain text body.

$ Service#bodyHTMLProperty in class Service

The HTML body.

Service::bcc() — Method in class Service

Add one or more "BCC" recipients to the message.

Service::buildTextPart() — Method in class Service

Get the MIME part for the plain text body (if available).

Service::buildHtmlPart() — Method in class Service

Get the MIME part for the plain text body (if available).

$ PackageRepository#baseUriProperty in class PackageRepository
$ MessageBusManager#busesProperty in class MessageBusManager
MessageBusManager::buildBusFromConfig() — Method in class MessageBusManager
BreadcrumbInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb
$ DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactory#breadcrumbFactoryProperty in class DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactory#breadcrumbFactoryProperty in class DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactory#breadcrumbFactoryProperty in class DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory#breadcrumbFactoryProperty in class DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactory#breadcrumbFactoryProperty in class DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactory
BatchUpdatedEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent
$ BatchUpdatedEvent#batchProperty in class BatchUpdatedEvent
BrokenPackageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
$ IncompatiblePackagesException#blockingPackageProperty in class IncompatiblePackagesException

The package that doesn't want the other package.

$ RequiredPackageException#blockingPackageProperty in class RequiredPackageException

The package that requires the package that can't be uninstalled.

$ VersionMismatchException#blockingPackageProperty in class VersionMismatchException

The package that causes the dependency problem.

BlockTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
BlockTypeSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
$ Package#backedUpFnameProperty in class Package

The full path of the package directory moved to the trash folder.

Package::backup() — Method in class Package

Move the current package directory to the trash directory, and rename it with the package handle and a date code.

PackageService::bootPackageEntityManager() — Method in class PackageService

Initialize the entity manager for a package.

$ PackerFile#basenameProperty in class PackerFile

The name of the file/directory, without the path.

$ SourceUpdater#basePathProperty in class SourceUpdater

The path to the package directory (with directory separators normalized to '/', without trailing slashes).

$ ContainerBlockInstance#blockProperty in class ContainerBlockInstance
$ DashboardPageController#breadcrumbProperty in class DashboardPageController
$ PageController#blocksProperty in class PageController
PageController::buildRedirectToFirstAccessibleChildPage() — Method in class PageController

Build a Redirect Response that instruct the browser to load the first accessible child page of this page.

$ Page#blocksAliasedFromMasterCollectionProperty in class Page

The list of block IDs that are alias.

BedrockThemeTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme

This is a trait you can add to your theme's PageTheme class if it is built with the Concrete bedrock. That means it includes the bedrock SCSS and JS files. If your theme's JS and CSS files include these starter assets, you'll automatically need to require jQuery and Bootstrap4, and you'll automatically support the bootstrap4 grid system.

BedrockDocumentationPageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
Bootstrap2Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework\Type
Bootstrap3Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework\Type
Bootstrap4Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework\Type
Bootstrap5Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework\Type
$ UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand#blocksToUpdateProperty in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
$ UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand#blocksToAddProperty in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
BlockControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control
$ BlockControl#btIDProperty in class BlockControl
$ BlockControl#btProperty in class BlockControl
$ BlockControl#bProperty in class BlockControl
BlockTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\Type
Access::buildAssignmentFilterString() — Method in class Access
BasicWorkflowAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
BlockAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
BlockTypeAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
BoardAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
BoardAdminAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
$ Factory#bindingsProperty in class Factory
$ AddBlockBlockTypeListItem#blockTypesAllowedPermissionProperty in class AddBlockBlockTypeListItem
$ AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem#blockTypesAllowedPermissionProperty in class AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem
BasicWorkflowListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
BlockListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
BlockTypeListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
BoardAdminListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
BoardListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
$ AreaAssignment#blockTypeInheritedPermissionsProperty in class AreaAssignment

Mapping between area permissions (keys) and block type permissions (values) when an area inherit permissions.

BasicWorkflowAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
BlockAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
BlockTypeAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
BoardAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
$ BoardAssignment#boardProperty in class BoardAssignment
BanIPEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Event
$ BanIPEvent#banExpirationProperty in class BanIPEvent

The ban expiration date/time (or null if not expiration).

BlockRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Inheritance\Registry
BasicWorkflowKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
BlockKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
BlockTypeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
BoardAdminKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
BoardKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
BasicWorkflowClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
BlockResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
BoardInstanceResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
BoardInstanceSlotRuleResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
BoardResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
RouteGroupBuilder::buildGroup() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
Router::buildGroup() — Method in class Router
$ Pagination#baseURLProperty in class Pagination
$ Result#baseURLProperty in class Result
$ Result#breadcrumbProperty in class Result
ServiceManager::buildService() — Method in class ServiceManager

Build a service from an abstract.

BuildQuestionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation\Question
$ ColorVariable#bProperty in class ColorVariable
BasicValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ ColorValue#bProperty in class ColorValue

The value of the blue channel.

BasicCalendarEventDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Extractor\Driver
BasicPageDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Extractor\Driver
$ PhpFixerOptions#bootstrapFilesProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The file paths (relative to the webroot) that are executed before checking the PHP version.

Version20171110032423::backupLegacyCalendar() — Method in class Version20171110032423
PathUrlResolver::basePath() — Method in class PathUrlResolver
$ GroupDetailsTrait#badgeDescriptionProperty in class GroupDetailsTrait
$ LoginAttemptService#batchProperty in class LoginAttemptService

The currently waiting login attempts

UserServiceProvider::bindContainer() — Method in class UserServiceProvider

Bind things to the container

UserServiceProvider::bindEvents() — Method in class UserServiceProvider
Url::buildQuery() — Method in class Url
BannedWordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validation\BannedWord
$ Service#bannedWordsProperty in class Service
BasicFileViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\View

Includes a file with all of the functionality of views and controller. Simply takes a path to a file.

BasicWorkflowClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow
BasicHistoryEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\HistoryEntry
BasicDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress


ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Address
Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Boolean
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createDefaultAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Create the default attribute value (if needed).

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\CalendarEvent
$ Controller#calendarProperty in class Controller
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Calendar
$ Controller#calendarProperty in class Controller
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\DateTime
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Duration
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Email
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Express
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\ImageFile
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Number
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\PageSelector
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Rating
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Select
Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Sets select options for a particular attribute If the $value == string, then 1 item is selected if array, then multiple, but only if the attribute in question is a select multiple Note, items CANNOT be added to the pool (even if the attribute allows it) through this process.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Site
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\SocialLinks
Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Telephone
Controller::composer() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Text
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Textarea
Controller::composer() — Method in class Controller
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Topics
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Url
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\UserGroup
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\UserSelector
Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class Controller

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Authentication\Community
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Authentication\Concrete
Controller::change_password() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Authentication\ExternalConcrete
$ Controller#configProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Authentication\Facebook
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Authentication\Google
Controller::completeAuthentication() — Method in class Controller

tasks to finalize authentication, call on login events etc.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Authentication\Twitter
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Accordion
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Autonav

The controller for the Auto-Nav block.

$ Controller#collectionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cParentIDArrayProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cParentIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cIDProperty in class Controller
$ NavItem#cIDProperty in class NavItem
$ NavItem#cPathProperty in class NavItem
$ NavItem#cPointerExternalLinkProperty in class NavItem
$ NavItem#cPointerExternalLinkNewWindowProperty in class NavItem
$ NavItem#cvDescriptionProperty in class NavItem
$ NavItem#cvNameProperty in class NavItem
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Board
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Breadcrumbs
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CalendarEvent
$ Controller#calendarEventAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#calendarIDProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Calendar
$ Controller#caIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#calendarAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Controller
Controller::composer() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Content

The controller for the content block.

$ Controller#contentProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CoreAreaLayout
Controller::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutputOnPost() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CoreBoardSlot
$ Controller#contentObjectCollectionProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CoreContainer
$ Controller#containerInstanceIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutputOnPost() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CoreConversation

The controller for the conversation block. This block is used to display conversations in a page.

$ Controller#cnvIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#customDateFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#conversationProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CorePageTypeComposerControlOutput
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CoreScrapbookDisplay

The controller for the core scrapbook display block. This block is automatically used when a block is copied into a page from a clipboard. It is a proxy block.

Controller::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers() — Method in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutputOnPost() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CoreStackDisplay

The controller for the stack display block. This is an internal proxy block that is inserted when a stack's contents are displayed in a page.

Controller::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutputOnPost() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CoreThemeDocumentationBreadcrumb
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\CoreThemeDocumentationToc
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DateNavigation
$ Controller#cParentIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cTargetIDProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopAppStatus
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopConcreteLatest
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopDraftList
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopFeaturedAddon

The controller for the block that displays featured add-ons in the dashboard news overlay.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopFeaturedTheme

The controller for the block that displays featured themes in the dashboard news overlay.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopLatestForm
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopLatestHealthResult
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopSiteActivity
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DesktopWaitingForMe
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\DocumentLibrary
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\EventList
$ Controller#caIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#calendarAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\ExpressEntryDetail
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\ExpressEntryList
$ Controller#columnsProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\ExpressForm
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\ExternalForm
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Faq
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\FeatureLink
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Feature
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\File
Controller::composer() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Form
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Gallery
$ Controller#connectionProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\GoogleMap
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\HeroImage
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\HorizontalRule
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Html
$ Controller#contentProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\ImageSlider
Controller::composer() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Image
$ Controller#cropImageProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\NextPrevious
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\PageAttributeDisplay
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\PageList
$ Controller#cParentIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cThisProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cThisParentProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#customTopicAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#customTopicTreeNodeIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cPIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\PageTitle
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\RssDisplayer
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Search
Controller::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\ShareThisPage
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\SocialLinks
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Survey
$ Controller#customMessageProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#cIDProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\SwitchLanguage
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Tags
$ Controller#cloudCountProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Testimonial
$ Controller#companyProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#companyURLProperty in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\TopNavigationBar
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\TopicList
$ Controller#cParentIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutputOnPost() — Method in class Controller
Controller::cacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers() — Method in class Controller
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Video
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Youtube
$ Controller#colorProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#controlsProperty in class Controller
Controller::convertStringToSeconds() — Method in class Controller
Documentation::canAccess() — Method in class Documentation
Redirect::canAccess() — Method in class Redirect
UpdateOrder::canAccess() — Method in class UpdateOrder

Can the current page be accessed?

Attributes::canAccess() — Method in class Attributes
Block::canAccess() — Method in class Block

Can the current page be accessed?

Preview::canAccess() — Method in class Preview

Can the current page be accessed?

Process::copy() — Method in class Process
Instance::clearSlot() — Method in class Instance
SitemapUpdate::checkUser() — Method in class SitemapUpdate
Autocomplete::checkAccess() — Method in class Autocomplete
File::checkExistingIncomingFiles() — Method in class File

Check that a list of strings are valid "incoming" file names.

File::checkRemoteURlsToImport() — Method in class File

Check that a list of strings are valid "incoming" file names.

File::combineFileChunks() — Method in class File
File::createDirectory() — Method in class File
ChooserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\File
Edit::checkAccessibleFile() — Method in class Edit
ImageEditor::checkCSRF() — Method in class ImageEditor
Permissions::checkCSRF() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::checkFileAccess() — Method in class Permissions
Thumbnailer::completeBuild() — Method in class Thumbnailer

Mark the build complete.

View::checkFileAccess() — Method in class View
GetRemoteHelp::canAccess() — Method in class GetRemoteHelp

Can the current page be accessed?

Group::checkAccess() — Method in class Group
ChooserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Group
Chooser::canAccess() — Method in class Chooser
IntelligentSearch::canAccess() — Method in class IntelligentSearch

Can the current page be accessed?

ConnectClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Marketplace
Connect::canAccess() — Method in class Connect

Can the current page be accessed?

Search::canAccess() — Method in class Search

Can the current page be accessed?

Messenger::consume() — Method in class Messenger
Page::create() — Method in class Page
Page::checkout() — Method in class Page
Page::cancelSchedule() — Method in class Page
AddContainer::canAccess() — Method in class AddContainer

Can the current page be accessed?

AddStack::canAccess() — Method in class AddStack

Can the current page be accessed?

ArrangeBlocks::canAccess() — Method in class ArrangeBlocks

Can the current page be accessed?

Autocomplete::checkAccess() — Method in class Autocomplete
ChooserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
Chooser::createSearchResult() — Method in class Chooser
$ Multilingual#controllerActionPathProperty in class Multilingual
Multilingual::canAccess() — Method in class Multilingual

Can the current page be accessed?

Multilingual::create_new() — Method in class Multilingual
SitemapData::canAccess() — Method in class SitemapData

Can the current page be accessed?

SitemapDeleteForever::canAccess() — Method in class SitemapDeleteForever
AddControl::checkAccess() — Method in class AddControl
EditControl::checkAccess() — Method in class EditControl
Save::checkCSRF() — Method in class Save
UrlSlug::checkCSRF() — Method in class UrlSlug
$ Processes#configurationResponseFactoryProperty in class Processes
Tree::canAccess() — Method in class Tree

Can the current page be accessed?

Node::canAccess() — Method in class Node

Can the current page be accessed?

DragRequest::canAccess() — Method in class DragRequest

Can the current page be accessed?

Duplicate::canAccess() — Method in class Duplicate

Can the current page be accessed?

UserInterface::canAccess() — Method in class UserInterface

Can the current page be accessed?

MarketplaceItem::canAccess() — Method in class MarketplaceItem

Can the current page be accessed?

Autocomplete::checkAccess() — Method in class Autocomplete
ChooserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\User
CalendarFeedClass in namespace Concrete\Controller
Design::canAccess() — Method in class Design

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

AdvancedPermissions::canAccess() — Method in class AdvancedPermissions

Can the current page be accessed?

Permissions::canAccess() — Method in class Permissions

Can the current page be accessed?

Presets::canAccess() — Method in class Presets

Can the current page be accessed?

Aliasing::canAccess() — Method in class Aliasing

Can the current page be accessed?

CacheClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Block
Cache::canAccess() — Method in class Cache

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Delete#controllerActionPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Design::canAccess() — Method in class Design

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

Permissions::canAccess() — Method in class Permissions

Can the current page be accessed?

CustomSlotClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Board
Schedule::canAccess() — Method in class Schedule

Can the current page be accessed?

ChooseEventClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog
ChooseEvent::canAccess() — Method in class ChooseEvent
$ Subscribe#controllerActionPathProperty in class Subscribe
Preview::canAccess() — Method in class Preview

Can the current page be accessed?

EventOccurrence::canAccess() — Method in class EventOccurrence

Can the current page be accessed?

AdvancedSearch::canAccess() — Method in class AdvancedSearch

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

DeleteOccurrence::canAccess() — Method in class DeleteOccurrence

Can the current page be accessed?

Duplicate::canAccess() — Method in class Duplicate

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

SummaryTemplates::canAccess() — Method in class SummaryTemplates

Can the current page be accessed?

Versions::canAccess() — Method in class Versions

Can the current page be accessed?

ViewVersion::canAccess() — Method in class ViewVersion

Can the current page be accessed?

AdvancedSearch::canAccess() — Method in class AdvancedSearch

Can the current page be accessed?

Reorder::canAccess() — Method in class Reorder

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

Search::canAccess() — Method in class Search

Can the current page be accessed?

AdvancedSearch::canAccess() — Method in class AdvancedSearch

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Delete#canEditProperty in class Delete
Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Folder#canEditProperty in class Folder
Folder::canAccess() — Method in class Folder

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Properties#categoryProperty in class Properties
$ Properties#canEditProperty in class Properties

Define whether the user can edit file properties.

Properties::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class Properties
Properties::canAccess() — Method in class Properties

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Sets#canEditProperty in class Sets
Sets::canAccess() — Method in class Sets

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Storage#canEditProperty in class Storage
Storage::canAccess() — Method in class Storage

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Folder::canAccess() — Method in class Folder

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Import#currentFolderProperty in class Import

The current folder (false: not yet initialized; null: global folder; FileFolder: specific folder).

$ Import#currentFolderPermissionsProperty in class Import

The permission checker for the current folder.

Import::canAccess() — Method in class Import

Can the current page be accessed?

JumpToFolder::canAccess() — Method in class JumpToFolder

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Properties#categoryProperty in class Properties
Properties::canAccess() — Method in class Properties

Can the current page be accessed?

Properties::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class Properties
Replace::canAccess() — Method in class Replace

Can the current page be accessed?

Search::canAccess() — Method in class Search

Can the current page be accessed?

Sets::canAccess() — Method in class Sets

Can the current page be accessed?

Thumbnails::canAccess() — Method in class Thumbnails

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

UploadComplete::checkPermissions() — Method in class UploadComplete
Versions::canAccess() — Method in class Versions

Can the current page be accessed?

Event::canAccess() — Method in class Event

Can the current page be accessed?

AdvancedSearch::canAccess() — Method in class AdvancedSearch

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

JumpToFolder::canAccess() — Method in class JumpToFolder

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

Search::canAccess() — Method in class Search

Can the current page be accessed?

Help::canAccess() — Method in class Help

Can the current page be accessed?

Details::canAccess() — Method in class Details

Can the current page be accessed?

AdvancedSearch::canAccess() — Method in class AdvancedSearch

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Delete#canEditProperty in class Delete
Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Delete#controllerActionPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

$ DeleteAll#controllerActionPathProperty in class DeleteAll
DeleteAll::canAccess() — Method in class DeleteAll

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

CheckoutClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Marketplace
Add::canAccess() — Method in class Add

Can the current page be accessed?

AddBlock::canAccess() — Method in class AddBlock

Can the current page be accessed?

AddExternal::canAccess() — Method in class AddExternal

Can the current page be accessed?

ComposeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page\Add
$ Compose#controllerActionPathProperty in class Compose
AdvancedSearch::canAccess() — Method in class AdvancedSearch

Can the current page be accessed?

Attributes::canAccess() — Method in class Attributes

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Delete#canEditProperty in class Delete
Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Permissions#canEditProperty in class Permissions
$ Permissions#configProperty in class Permissions
Permissions::canAccess() — Method in class Permissions

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Properties#categoryProperty in class Properties
$ Properties#canEditProperty in class Properties

Define whether the user can edit page properties.

Properties::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class Properties
Properties::canAccess() — Method in class Properties

Can the current page be accessed?

ClipboardClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
$ Delete#controllerActionPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

DeleteAlias::canAccess() — Method in class DeleteAlias

Can the current page be accessed?

Design::canAccess() — Method in class Design

Can the current page be accessed?

CssClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page\Design
Css::canAccess() — Method in class Css

Can the current page be accessed?

$ DragRequest#controllerActionPathProperty in class DragRequest
DragRequest::canAccess() — Method in class DragRequest

Can the current page be accessed?

EditAlias::canAccess() — Method in class EditAlias

Can the current page be accessed?

EditExternal::canAccess() — Method in class EditExternal

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

$ SitemapSelector#controllerActionPathProperty in class SitemapSelector
SitemapSelector::canAccess() — Method in class SitemapSelector

Can the current page be accessed?

SummaryTemplates::canAccess() — Method in class SummaryTemplates

Can the current page be accessed?

SiteGroup::canAccess() — Method in class SiteGroup

Can the current page be accessed?

GroupCombination::canAccess() — Method in class GroupCombination

Can the current page be accessed?

GroupSet::canAccess() — Method in class GroupSet

Can the current page be accessed?

BasicWorkflow::canAccess() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Can the current page be accessed?

BlockType::canAccess() — Method in class BlockType

Can the current page be accessed?

CollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
Collection::canAccess() — Method in class Collection

Can the current page be accessed?

ConversationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
Conversation::canAccess() — Method in class Conversation

Can the current page be accessed?

File::canAccess() — Method in class File

Can the current page be accessed?

FileSet::canAccess() — Method in class FileSet

Can the current page be accessed?

Miscellaneous::canAccess() — Method in class Miscellaneous

Can the current page be accessed?

PageType::canAccess() — Method in class PageType

Can the current page be accessed?

Node::canAccess() — Method in class Node

Can the current page be accessed?

User::canAccess() — Method in class User

Can the current page be accessed?

Activity::canAccess() — Method in class Activity

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Attributes#categoryProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::canAccess() — Method in class Attributes

Can the current page be accessed?

Attributes::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class Attributes
Add::canAccess() — Method in class Add

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Add::canAccess() — Method in class Add

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

Move::canAccess() — Method in class Move

Can the current page be accessed?

Add::canAccess() — Method in class Add

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

Permissions::canAccess() — Method in class Permissions

Can the current page be accessed?

Add::canAccess() — Method in class Add

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Attributes#categoryProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::canAccess() — Method in class Attributes

Can the current page be accessed?

Attributes::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class Attributes
UpdateFromType::canAccess() — Method in class UpdateFromType

Can the current page be accessed?

AdvancedSearch::canAccess() — Method in class AdvancedSearch

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Attributes#categoryProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::canAccess() — Method in class Attributes

Can the current page be accessed?

Attributes::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class Attributes
$ Activate#canEditProperty in class Activate
Activate::canAccess() — Method in class Activate

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Delete#canEditProperty in class Delete
Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Group#canEditProperty in class Group
Group::canAccess() — Method in class Group

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Properties#categoryProperty in class Properties
$ Properties#canEditProperty in class Properties

Define whether the current user can edit user properties.

Properties::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class Properties
Properties::canAccess() — Method in class Properties

Can the current page be accessed?

Details::canAccess() — Method in class Details

Can the current page be accessed?

Delete::canAccess() — Method in class Delete

Can the current page be accessed?

Edit::canAccess() — Method in class Edit

Can the current page be accessed?

Search::canAccess() — Method in class Search

Can the current page be accessed?

ChangePagePermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Workflow
$ KeySelector#categoryProperty in class KeySelector
$ EditableList#categoryEntityProperty in class EditableList
$ EditableSetList#categoryEntityProperty in class EditableSetList
$ Form#categoryProperty in class Form
$ KeyList#categoryProperty in class KeyList
$ StandardListHeader#categoryProperty in class StandardListHeader
CalendarEventClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Boards\Configuration
ControlClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Express
$ Control#controlProperty in class Control
$ Options#controlProperty in class Options
$ Header#createURLProperty in class Header
$ Menu#currentEntityProperty in class Menu
$ Mobile#currentPageProperty in class Mobile
$ Section#currentPageProperty in class Section
$ Menu#createURLProperty in class Menu
ConcreteThumbnailEditorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Files\Edit\ThumbnailEditor
$ Menu#currentFolderProperty in class Menu
$ Menu#currentFolderProperty in class Menu
$ Menu#currentPageProperty in class Menu
$ ItemList#categoryProperty in class ItemList
$ Notice#configProperty in class Notice
CustomizeResultsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Search
CustomizeResultsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Search\Express
$ Header#canAddGroupProperty in class Header
AssetsLocalization::createJavascriptResponse() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AddFile::checkToken() — Method in class AddFile
AddFile::checkConversation() — Method in class AddFile
AddFile::checkPostedFileLimits() — Method in class AddFile
AddFile::checkPostedFileExtension() — Method in class AddFile
AddMessage::checkToken() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::checkUser() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::checkCaptcha() — Method in class AddMessage
CountHeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
DeleteMessage::checkToken() — Method in class DeleteMessage
DeleteMessage::checkMessage() — Method in class DeleteMessage
EditMessage::checkMessage() — Method in class EditMessage
FlagMessage::checkToken() — Method in class FlagMessage
FlagMessage::checkMessage() — Method in class FlagMessage
MessagePage::configureMessageList() — Method in class MessagePage
Rate::checkMessage() — Method in class Rate
UpdateMessage::checkToken() — Method in class UpdateMessage
UpdateMessage::canReview() — Method in class UpdateMessage
ViewAjax::configureMessageList() — Method in class ViewAjax
CountryDataLinkClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
Jobs::check_queue() — Method in class Jobs
Install::configure() — Method in class Install
Marketplace::canAccess() — Method in class Marketplace

Can the current page be accessed?

Marketplace::connect() — Method in class Marketplace
CoreStackClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\PageType
CoreThemeDocumentationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\PageType
CoreThemeDocumentationCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\PageType
Add::canAccess() — Method in class Add

Can the current page be accessed?

Dashboard::canAccess() — Method in class Dashboard

Can the current page be accessed?

LoadMenu::canAccess() — Method in class LoadMenu

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Attributes#controllerActionPathProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::canAccess() — Method in class Attributes

Can the current page be accessed?

CachingClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Page
Caching::canAccess() — Method in class Caching

Can the current page be accessed?

ComposerClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Page
Composer::canAccess() — Method in class Composer

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Location#controllerActionPathProperty in class Location
Location::canAccess() — Method in class Location

Can the current page be accessed?

Permissions::canAccess() — Method in class Permissions

Can the current page be accessed?

$ Seo#controllerActionPathProperty in class Seo
Seo::canAccess() — Method in class Seo

Can the current page be accessed?

Versions::canAccess() — Method in class Versions

Can the current page be accessed?

PreviewPageLegacy::canAccess() — Method in class PreviewPageLegacy

Can the current page be accessed?

PreviewPreset::canAccess() — Method in class PreviewPreset

Can the current page be accessed?

PreviewSkin::canAccess() — Method in class PreviewSkin

Can the current page be accessed?

Help::canAccess() — Method in class Help

Can the current page be accessed?

Page::canAccess() — Method in class Page

Can the current page be accessed?

PageRelations::canAccessPanel() — Method in class PageRelations
PageRelations::canAccess() — Method in class PageRelations

Can the current page be accessed?

Attributes::canAccess() — Method in class Attributes

Can the current page be accessed?

CheckInClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Page
$ CheckIn#controllerActionPathProperty in class CheckIn
CheckIn::canAccess() — Method in class CheckIn

Can the current page be accessed?

CheckIn::checkForPublishing() — Method in class CheckIn
Design::canAccess() — Method in class Design

Can the current page be accessed?

Devices::canAccess() — Method in class Devices

Can the current page be accessed?

Versions::canAccess() — Method in class Versions
Versions::countVersions() — Method in class Versions
$ Sitemap#canViewSitemapProperty in class Sitemap
Sitemap::canAccess() — Method in class Sitemap

Can the current page be accessed?

CustomizeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Theme
$ Customize#controllerActionPathProperty in class Customize
Customize::canAccess() — Method in class Customize

Can the current page be accessed?

CustomizeLegacyClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Theme
$ CustomizeLegacy#controllerActionPathProperty in class CustomizeLegacy
CustomizePresetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Theme
$ CustomizePreset#controllerActionPathProperty in class CustomizePreset
CustomizePreset::createSkin() — Method in class CustomizePreset

Controller method run when a preset skin is saved as a new skin, with or without customizations.

Entity::checkAccess() — Method in class Entity
ConversationMessageAuthorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
Admin::checkAccess() — Method in class Admin
Block::configurePageVersion() — Method in class Block
BlockType::checkAccess() — Method in class BlockType
BoardAdmin::checkAccess() — Method in class BoardAdmin
CalendarClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
CalendarAdminClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
CalendarAdmin::checkAccess() — Method in class CalendarAdmin
CategoryTreeNodeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
ConversationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
Logs::checkAccess() — Method in class Logs
Marketplace::checkAccess() — Method in class Marketplace
Notification::checkAccess() — Method in class Notification
Page::changePermissionInheritance() — Method in class Page
Page::changeSubpageDefaultsInheritance() — Method in class Page
Sitemap::checkAccess() — Method in class Sitemap
User::checkAccess() — Method in class User
ClipboardClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Set
Clipboard::copy() — Method in class Clipboard
Clipboard::checkCSRF() — Method in class Clipboard
Express::canAccess() — Method in class Express
$ Entries#columnSetProperty in class Entries
Pages::canAccess() — Method in class Pages
Standard::canAccess() — Method in class Standard
Standard::clearSearch() — Method in class Standard
Users::canAccess() — Method in class Users
EditProfile::callback() — Method in class EditProfile
Stacks::createBreadcrumbFactory() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::canMoveStacks() — Method in class Stacks

Check if stacks in a Page or StackFolder can be moved.

ChooseItemsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards\Designer
CustomizeSlotClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards\Designer
CalendarClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
Events::calendar_deleted() — Method in class Events
ConversationsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
ConnectClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Extend
$ Install#connectionProperty in class Install
Details::configureBreadcrumb() — Method in class Details
Details::configurePageTitle() — Method in class Details
Search::createBreadcrumbFactory() — Method in class Search
Search::createSearchResult() — Method in class Search
ContainersClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages
Legacy::csv() — Method in class Legacy
Logs::createSearchResult() — Method in class Logs
PageChanges::csv_export() — Method in class PageChanges
Explore::canRead() — Method in class Explore
Full::canRead() — Method in class Full
Search::createSearchResult() — Method in class Search
Integrations::create() — Method in class Integrations

Request handler to create new client objects

$ Sets#categoryProperty in class Sets
Sets::category() — Method in class Sets
Activity::clear_processes() — Method in class Activity
$ Timezone#connectionTimezoneProperty in class Timezone
CalendarClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
ColorsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Calendar
ConversationsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
Geolocation::configure() — Method in class Geolocation
Entities::clear_entries() — Method in class Entities
$ Attributes#categoryProperty in class Attributes

The current express entity.

CustomizeSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Express\Entities
$ Forms#controlRepositoryProperty in class Forms
Forms::canDeleteForm() — Method in class Forms
CopyClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Multilingual
Setup::change_locale_section() — Method in class Setup
Types::create() — Method in class Types
Types::create_group() — Method in class Types
CacheClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Optimization
ClearcacheClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Optimization
Jobs::canInstallCoreJobs() — Method in class Jobs
CaptchaClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
Captcha::captcha_saved() — Method in class Captcha
$ Denylist#categoryRepositoryProperty in class Denylist
ConfigureClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions\Denylist
Range::clear_data() — Method in class Range
$ AutomatedLogout#configProperty in class AutomatedLogout

The config repository we save to.

CodesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Seo
Searchindex::clear_index() — Method in class Searchindex
Update::check_for_updates() — Method in class Update
AddGroup::checkGroupTypeOptions() — Method in class AddGroup
AddGroup::checkExpirationOptions() — Method in class AddGroup
AddGroup::checkBadgeOptions() — Method in class AddGroup
AddGroup::checkAutomationOptions() — Method in class AddGroup
$ GroupSets#categoryProperty in class GroupSets
Groups::createSearchResult() — Method in class Groups
Groups::createBreadcrumbFactory() — Method in class Groups
Bulkupdate::confirm() — Method in class Bulkupdate
$ Search#canResetPasswordProperty in class Search
Search::createSearchResult() — Method in class Search
Search::createBreadcrumbFactory() — Method in class Search
Search::clear_attribute() — Method in class Search
Search::csv_export() — Method in class Search

Export Users using the current search filters into a CSV.

Search::canEditIgnoredIPMismatches() — Method in class Search
Login::callback() — Method in class Login
PageForbidden::checkRedirectToLogin() — Method in class PageForbidden
Upgrade::canAccess() — Method in class Upgrade

Can the current page be accessed?

Upgrade::checkSecurity() — Method in class Upgrade
CalendarEventClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Workflow\Categories
CalendarEvent::checkCSRF() — Method in class CalendarEvent
Page::checkCSRF() — Method in class Page
User::checkCSRF() — Method in class User
$ AnnouncementService#checkerProperty in class AnnouncementService
AnnouncementService::createAnnouncementIfNotExists() — Method in class AnnouncementService
ComponentInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Component
AbstractController::createAnnouncementComponent() — Method in class AbstractController
CollectSiteInformationControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Controller
ControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Controller
ControllerInterface::createAnnouncementComponent() — Method in class ControllerInterface
$ WelcomeController#configProperty in class WelcomeController
Manager::createWelcomeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createCollectSiteInformationDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createConcreteVersion920Driver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createConcreteVersion929Driver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createConcreteVersion930Driver() — Method in class Manager
$ Slide#componentProperty in class Slide
$ Slide#componentPropsProperty in class Slide
$ Service#controllerProperty in class Service
Service::check() — Method in class Service
$ Api#configProperty in class Api
$ Api#clientProperty in class Api
AttributeValueMap::containsKey() — Method in class AttributeValueMap
AttributeValueMapFactory::createFromRequestData() — Method in class AttributeValueMapFactory
SupportsAttributeValueFromJsonInterface::createAttributeValueFromNormalizedJson() — Method in class SupportsAttributeValueFromJsonInterface

Could be a string, could be an array representation of a more complex request body object

Users::changePassword() — Method in class Users
RedirectUriFactory::createDocumentationRedirectUri() — Method in class RedirectUriFactory
CalendarEventTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
CalendarEventVersionTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
CalendarTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
CollectionVersionTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
IntegrationList::createQuery() — Method in class IntegrationList
IntegrationList::createPaginationObject() — Method in class IntegrationList
$ AddressAttributeValue#cityProperty in class AddressAttributeValue
$ AddressAttributeValue#countryProperty in class AddressAttributeValue
$ Area#contentProperty in class Area
CalendarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
CalendarEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ CalendarEvent#custom_attributesProperty in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEventVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
ChangeUserPasswordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
ChangeUserPasswordRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
ContentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ Content#contentProperty in class Content
CustomAttributeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ File#custom_attributesProperty in class File
$ Locale#countryProperty in class Locale
$ Page#custom_attributesProperty in class Page
$ Page#contentProperty in class Page
$ User#custom_attributesProperty in class User
ClientFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Client
ClientFactory::createClient() — Method in class ClientFactory

Create a new OAuth client object and provide it a proper UUID

CredentialsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Client

OAuth Client Credentials A value object for communicating plain text keys and secrets

CreateOAuthClientCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Command
$ CreateOAuthClientCommand#consentTypeProperty in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
$ CreateOAuthClientCommand#customScopesProperty in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Command
$ CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler#clientFactoryProperty in class CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler
$ DeleteOAuthClientCommand#clientIdProperty in class DeleteOAuthClientCommand
$ UpdateOAuthClientCommand#clientIdentifierProperty in class UpdateOAuthClientCommand
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth
$ Controller#configProperty in class Controller
Controller::clearTokenBuffer() — Method in class Controller

Remove items in a buffer from the entity manager

Controller::clearRequest() — Method in class Controller

Remove all session data related to this flow

Controller::createLoginView() — Method in class Controller

Create a new authorize login view with the given data in scope

ClaimsSetFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Server
ClaimsSetFactory::createFromUserInfo() — Method in class ClaimsSetFactory
$ IdTokenResponse#claimFactoryProperty in class IdTokenResponse

A factory for building claim sets

IdTokenResponse::createIdToken() — Method in class IdTokenResponse

Create an ID token to include with our response

$ SpecFragment#componentsProperty in class SpecFragment
$ SpecResponse#codeProperty in class SpecResponse
$ SpecResponse#contentProperty in class SpecResponse
Application::clearCaches() — Method in class Application

Utility method for clearing all application caches.

Application::checkPageCache() — Method in class Application

Checks to see whether we should deliver a Concrete response from the page cache.

ComposerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service
$ Dashboard#canReadProperty in class Dashboard
$ Dashboard#canAccessComposerProperty in class Dashboard
Dashboard::canRead() — Method in class Dashboard

Checks to see if a user has access to the C5 dashboard.

Dashboard::canAccessComposer() — Method in class Dashboard
DashboardMenu::contains() — Method in class DashboardMenu
$ Sitemap#canViewSitemapPanelProperty in class Sitemap
$ Sitemap#canReadProperty in class Sitemap
Sitemap::canViewSitemapPanel() — Method in class Sitemap
Sitemap::canRead() — Method in class Sitemap
User::canAccessUserSearchInterface() — Method in class User
UserInterface::clearInterfaceItemsCache() — Method in class UserInterface

Clears the Interface Items Cache (clears the session).

UserInterface::cacheInterfaceItems() — Method in class UserInterface

Cache the interface items.

CoreManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
HelpPanelMessageFormatter::createElement() — Method in class HelpPanelMessageFormatter
$ Message#contentProperty in class Message

The message content, in HTML format.

AbstractNavigationCache::clear() — Method in class AbstractNavigationCache
$ FavoritesNavigationFactory#cacheProperty in class FavoritesNavigationFactory
FavoritesNavigationFactory::createNavigation() — Method in class FavoritesNavigationFactory
$ FullNavigationFactory#cacheProperty in class FullNavigationFactory
FullNavigationFactory::createNavigation() — Method in class FullNavigationFactory

Returns an entire dashboard navigation tree. Optionally starts at a particular section in the tree.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Menu\Item
ControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Menu\Item
$ Item#controllerProperty in class Item
$ StandardSitemapProvider#cookieJarProperty in class StandardSitemapProvider
StandardSitemapProvider::checkPermissions() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider
$ TreeCollectionJsonFormatter#collectionProperty in class TreeCollectionJsonFormatter
$ Area#cIDProperty in class Area
$ Area#cProperty in class Area
Area::create() — Method in class Area

Creates an area in the database. I would like to make this static but PHP pre 5.3 sucks at this stuff.

ContainerAreaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area
CustomStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area
GlobalArea::create() — Method in class GlobalArea
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
ColumnInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
CustomColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
CustomLayoutClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
CustomFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Formatter
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset
$ Column#columnProperty in class Column
$ Preset#columnsProperty in class Preset
SubArea::create() — Method in class SubArea
$ Asset#combinedAssetSourceFilesProperty in class Asset

The URL of the source files this asset has been built from (useful to understand the origin of this asset).

AssetGroup::contains() — Method in class AssetGroup
CssAssetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
CssAsset::changePaths() — Method in class CssAsset
CssInlineAssetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
CssLocalizedAssetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
CoreConversationAssetGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset\Group
$ JavascriptConditionalAsset#conditionalProperty in class JavascriptConditionalAsset
AttributeInterface::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class AttributeInterface

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

AttributeInterface::createAttributeValue() — Method in class AttributeInterface

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

CategoryObjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Interface that category objects (for instance, Express entities) must implement.

AbstractCategory::createAttributeKey() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Create a new attribute key.

CategoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category

The interface that any attribute category must implement.

CategoryServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
EventCategory::createAttributeKey() — Method in class EventCategory

Create a new attribute key.

ExpressCategory::createAttributeKey() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Create a new attribute key.

FileCategory::createAttributeKey() — Method in class FileCategory

Create a new attribute key.

LegacyCategory::clearAttributeSet() — Method in class LegacyCategory
Manager::createPageDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createCollectionDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createFileDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createUserDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createSiteDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createSiteTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createExpressDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createEventDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createLegacyDriver() — Method in class Manager
PageCategory::createAttributeKey() — Method in class PageCategory

Create a new attribute key.

SearchIndexerInterface::createRepository() — Method in class SearchIndexerInterface

Create the database table where the data of the indexed attributes will be stored.

SearchIndexerInterface::clearIndexEntry() — Method in class SearchIndexerInterface

Remove from the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

$ StandardSearchIndexer#connectionProperty in class StandardSearchIndexer
StandardSearchIndexer::clearIndexEntry() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Remove from the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

StandardSearchIndexer::createRepository() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Create the database table where the data of the indexed attributes will be stored.

SiteCategory::createAttributeKey() — Method in class SiteCategory

Create a new attribute key.

SiteTypeCategory::createAttributeKey() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory

Create a new attribute key.

$ StandardCategoryTrait#categoryEntityProperty in class StandardCategoryTrait
UserCategory::createAttributeKey() — Method in class UserCategory

Create a new attribute key.

ClearAttributesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Command

Clears a group of attribute keys against an object.

ClearAttributesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Command
$ RebuildIndexCommandHandler#connectionProperty in class RebuildIndexCommandHandler
OptionSelectInstance::createResultFromOption() — Method in class OptionSelectInstance
OptionSelectInstanceFactory::createInstance() — Method in class OptionSelectInstanceFactory
ComposerContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
ContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
$ Context#controlTemplatesProperty in class Context
ContextInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
Controller::createAttributeKeySettings() — Method in class Controller
Controller::createDefaultAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Create the default attribute value (if needed).

Controller::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class Controller

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

Controller::createAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

CustomNoValueTextAttributeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Attribute controllers should implement this interface to customize the display value when there's no current value.

DefaultController::createAttributeValue() — Method in class DefaultController

Is run whenever $object->setAttribute('my_property_location_attribute', $value) is run through code, with whatever you happen to pass through.

DefaultController::createAttributeValueFromRequest() — Method in class DefaultController

Is run when an attribute is saved through the standard user interfaces like the sitemap attributes dialog, the attributes panel, or the user attributes slideouts.

$ FileIconFormatter#controllerProperty in class FileIconFormatter
CalendarRendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Form
$ CalendarRenderer#calendarProperty in class CalendarRenderer
GroupedView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class GroupedView
$ View#controllerProperty in class View
$ View#contextProperty in class View
View::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class View
$ Renderer#contextProperty in class Renderer
CategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
CollectionKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
ControllerTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Component\KeySelector

Adds required methods to actual REST controllers.

ControllerTrait::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class ControllerTrait
$ ObjectSerializer#categoryProperty in class ObjectSerializer
$ ObjectsSerializer#categoryProperty in class ObjectsSerializer
$ Factory#categoryServiceProperty in class Factory
SearchIndexerInterface::clearIndexEntry() — Method in class SearchIndexerInterface

Remove from the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

$ StandardSearchIndexer#connectionProperty in class StandardSearchIndexer
$ StandardSearchIndexer#comparatorProperty in class StandardSearchIndexer
StandardSearchIndexer::clearIndexEntry() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Remove from the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

ObjectInterface::clearAttribute() — Method in class ObjectInterface
ObjectTrait::clearAttribute() — Method in class ObjectTrait
$ StandardSetManager#categoryEntityProperty in class StandardSetManager
$ TypeFactory#categoryServiceProperty in class TypeFactory
ValueList::count() — Method in class ValueList
ValueList::current() — Method in class ValueList
$ View#controllerActionProperty in class View
View::constructView() — Method in class View
$ AuthenticationType#controllerProperty in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationTypeController::completeAuthentication() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeController

tasks to finalize authentication, call on login events etc.

AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface::completeAuthentication() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface

tasks to finalize authentication, call on login events etc.

CommunityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Community\Extractor
CommunityServiceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Community\Factory

Class CommunityServiceFactory A simple factory class for creating community authentication services

$ CommunityServiceFactory#configProperty in class CommunityServiceFactory
CommunityServiceFactory::createService() — Method in class CommunityServiceFactory

Create a service object given a ServiceFactory object

CommunityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Community\Service
Extractor::claim() — Method in class Extractor

Convert a claim into its raw value

$ ServiceFactory#configProperty in class ServiceFactory
ServiceFactory::createService() — Method in class ServiceFactory

Create a service object given a ServiceFactory object

$ FacebookServiceFactory#configProperty in class FacebookServiceFactory
FacebookServiceFactory::createService() — Method in class FacebookServiceFactory

Create a service object given a ServiceFactory object

$ GoogleServiceFactory#configProperty in class GoogleServiceFactory
GoogleServiceFactory::createService() — Method in class GoogleServiceFactory

Create a service object given a ServiceFactory object

BindingService::clearBinding() — Method in class BindingService

Clear bindings for BOTH the given binding and for the given user id in a given namespace.

GenericOauthTypeController::createUser() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
$ HttpClient#clientProperty in class HttpClient
$ TwitterServiceFactory#configProperty in class TwitterServiceFactory
TwitterServiceFactory::createService() — Method in class TwitterServiceFactory

Create a service object given a ServiceFactory object

ContentExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup
ContentImporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup
ContentImporterServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter
$ Block#cIDProperty in class Block

The ID of the collection containing the block.

$ Block#cProperty in class Block

The collection instance containing the block.

$ Block#cbRelationIDProperty in class Block

The ID of the associated block.

$ Block#cacheSettingsProperty in class Block

The block cache settings.

$ Block#cbOverrideBlockTypeCacheSettingsProperty in class Block

Override cache settings?

$ Block#cbIncludeAllProperty in class Block
$ Block#cbOverrideBlockTypeContainerSettingsProperty in class Block
$ Block#cbEnableBlockContainerProperty in class Block
$ Block#cbOverrideAreaPermissionsProperty in class Block
Block::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class Block

Should the block output be cached?

Block::cacheBlockOutputOnPost() — Method in class Block

Should the block output be cached upon POST requests?

Block::cacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers() — Method in class Block

Should the block output be cached when site visitors are registered users?

BlockController::cacheBlockRecord() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::cacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::cacheBlockOutputOnPost() — Method in class BlockController
BlockType::clearCache() — Method in class BlockType

Clears output and record caches.

Set::clearBlockTypes() — Method in class Set

Disassociate all the block types currently associated to this set.

Set::contains() — Method in class Set

Does this set contain a block type?

CacheSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block
CacheSettings::cacheBlockOutput() — Method in class CacheSettings
CacheSettings::cacheBlockOutputOnPost() — Method in class CacheSettings
CacheSettings::cacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers() — Method in class CacheSettings
$ BlockCommand#collectionVersionIDProperty in class BlockCommand
CoreAreaLayoutCustomStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block
CustomStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block
$ Manager#configProperty in class Manager
BlockView::constructView() — Method in class BlockView

Construct a block view object.

$ BlockViewTemplate#checkAssetsProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
BlockViewTemplate::computeView() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
ClearBoardInstanceCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
ClearBoardInstanceCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
ClearBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
ClearBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
ClearSlotFromBoardCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
CreateBoardCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
CreateBoardCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
CreateBoardInstanceCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler::createInstanceDateTime() — Method in class CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler::clearBoardTemplatesCollection() — Method in class DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler::clearBoardTemplatesCollection() — Method in class EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler
$ GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler#contentPopulatorProperty in class GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ DataSourceElementController#configuredDataSourceProperty in class DataSourceElementController
CalendarEventDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Driver
Manager::createPageDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createCalendarEventDriver() — Method in class Manager
AbstractSaver::createConfiguration() — Method in class AbstractSaver
CalendarEventSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Saver
CalendarEventSaver::createConfiguration() — Method in class CalendarEventSaver
CalendarEventSaver::createConfigurationFromImport() — Method in class CalendarEventSaver
PageSaver::createConfiguration() — Method in class PageSaver
PageSaver::createConfigurationFromImport() — Method in class PageSaver
SaverInterface::createConfigurationFromImport() — Method in class SaverInterface
CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
SlotTemplateJsonHelperTrait::createSlotTemplateJsonArray() — Method in class SlotTemplateJsonHelperTrait
CalendarEventDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Data
$ PageData#cIDProperty in class PageData
CalendarEventFiltererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Filterer
CalendarEventFilterer::configurationSupportsFiltering() — Method in class CalendarEventFilterer
FiltererInterface::configurationSupportsFiltering() — Method in class FiltererInterface

Does our current configuration support filtering? If not, let us know here for performance reasons, to skip a lot of meaningless checks.

AbstractPopulator::createItemsFromDataSource() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::createItemFromObject() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
CalendarEventPopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Populator
PopulatorInterface::createItemsFromDataSource() — Method in class PopulatorInterface
PopulatorInterface::createItemFromObject() — Method in class PopulatorInterface
$ AvailableObject#contentObjectProperty in class AvailableObject
ContentPopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
ContentPopulator::createContentObjects() — Method in class ContentPopulator

Goes through all the possible items that are going to make it into this board, and creates a large pool of potential content objects for them. These will be placed into slot templates.

ContentRendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
$ ContentRenderer#currentPageProperty in class ContentRenderer
ContentSlotRendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
$ ItemObjectGroup#contentObjectsProperty in class ItemObjectGroup
$ ObjectCollection#contentObjectsProperty in class ObjectCollection
CalendarEventPopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content\Populator
CalendarEventPopulator::createContentObjects() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
PagePopulator::createContentObjects() — Method in class PagePopulator
PopulatorInterface::createContentObjects() — Method in class PopulatorInterface
SummaryObjectCreatorTrait::createSummaryContentObjects() — Method in class SummaryObjectCreatorTrait
$ PlannedInstance#contentObjectGroupsProperty in class PlannedInstance
Planner::createPlannedInstance() — Method in class Planner
SlotFilterer::createValidContentObjectCollection() — Method in class SlotFilterer
RenderedSlotCollectionFactory::createCollection() — Method in class RenderedSlotCollectionFactory
CustomSlotContentFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Rule
PermissionsManager::clearCustomPermissions() — Method in class PermissionsManager
Manager::createThreeByThreeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBlogDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBlogImageLeftDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBlogImageRightDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBlogCardDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBlogTwoUpDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBlogThreeUpDriver() — Method in class Manager
$ DoctrineCacheDriver#c5CacheProperty in class DoctrineCacheDriver
$ DoctrineCacheDriver#cacheNameProperty in class DoctrineCacheDriver
$ LaminasCacheDriver#cacheNameProperty in class LaminasCacheDriver
$ LaminasCacheDriver#cacheLifetimeProperty in class LaminasCacheDriver
CacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache

Base class for the three caching layers present in Concrete5:

  • ExpensiveCache
  • ObjectCache
  • RequestCache
CacheInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache
CacheLocalClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache
CacheServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache
ClearCacheCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Command
$ ClearCacheCommand#clearGlobalAreasProperty in class ClearCacheCommand
ClearCacheCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Command
$ ClearCacheCommandHandler#cachesProperty in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
$ ClearCacheCommandHandler#clearGlobalAreasProperty in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
ClearCacheCommandHandler::clearCacheDirectory() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler

Clear out items from the cache directory

ClearCacheCommandHandler::clearDatabaseCache() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
ClearCacheCommandHandler::clearLocalizationCache() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
ClearCacheCommandHandler::clearBlockTypeCache() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
ClearCacheCommandHandler::clearOpcodeCache() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
RedisStashDriver::clear() — Method in class RedisStashDriver
OpCache::clear() — Method in class OpCache

Clear the opcache.

CalendarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar
CalendarServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar
CalendarServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Calendar
PermissionsManager::clearCustomPermissions() — Method in class PermissionsManager
CalendarEventCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Command
EventList::createQuery() — Method in class EventList
EventList::createPaginationObject() — Method in class EventList
EventOccurrenceFactory::createEventOccurrence() — Method in class EventOccurrenceFactory
EventOccurrenceList::createQuery() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::createPaginationObject() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceService::cancel() — Method in class EventOccurrenceService
$ EventService#configProperty in class EventService
$ LinkFormatter#configProperty in class LinkFormatter
DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::clearCustomCollection() — Method in class DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::clearCustomCollection() — Method in class EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
Populator::clearAvailableTemplates() — Method in class Populator
Populator::createCategoryTemplate() — Method in class Populator
ProgressList::createQuery() — Method in class ProgressList
$ Preferences#configProperty in class Preferences
CaptchaInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha

Interface that all captcha controllers must implement.

CaptchaInterface::check() — Method in class CaptchaInterface

Check if the user input is valid for the captcha.

CaptchaWithPictureInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha

Interface that captcha controllers .

ConfigurableCaptchaInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha

Interface that configurable captcha controllers can implement to let users customize the captcha.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha
NoCaptchaController::check() — Method in class NoCaptchaController

Check if the user input is valid for the captcha.

RecaptchaV3Controller::check() — Method in class RecaptchaV3Controller

Check if the user input is valid for the captcha.

SecurimageController::check() — Method in class SecurimageController

Check if the user input is valid for the captcha.

Batch::create() — Method in class Batch
BatchUpdater::checkBatchProcessForClose() — Method in class BatchUpdater
ClearProcessDataCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
ClearProcessDataCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
LoggerFactoryInterface::createFromRunner() — Method in class LoggerFactoryInterface
LoggerFactoryInterface::createFromProcess() — Method in class LoggerFactoryInterface
$ StandardLoggerFactory#configProperty in class StandardLoggerFactory
StandardLoggerFactory::createLogger() — Method in class StandardLoggerFactory
StandardLoggerFactory::createFromRunner() — Method in class StandardLoggerFactory
StandardLoggerFactory::createFromProcess() — Method in class StandardLoggerFactory
$ RunningProcessesController#configProperty in class RunningProcessesController
$ ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory#configProperty in class ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory
ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory::createResponse() — Method in class ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory
ProcessFactory::createTaskProcess() — Method in class ProcessFactory
ProcessFactory::createProcess() — Method in class ProcessFactory
ProcessFactory::createBatchEntity() — Method in class ProcessFactory
ProcessFactory::createWithBatch() — Method in class ProcessFactory
$ ProcessResponseFactory#configProperty in class ProcessResponseFactory
ProcessResponseFactory::createResponse() — Method in class ProcessResponseFactory
$ ProcessUpdater#configProperty in class ProcessUpdater
ProcessUpdater::closeProcess() — Method in class ProcessUpdater
ProcessUpdater::clearOldProcesses() — Method in class ProcessUpdater
HttpResponseFactory::createResponse() — Method in class HttpResponseFactory
$ Scheduler#configProperty in class Scheduler
Scheduler::createScheduledTask() — Method in class Scheduler
$ ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler#contextFactoryProperty in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler
CheckAutomatedGroupsControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
ClearCacheControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
ControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
CustomJavascriptReportControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
InputFactory::createFromRequest() — Method in class InputFactory
InputFactory::createFromConsoleInput() — Method in class InputFactory
Manager::createRescanFilesDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createClearCacheDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGenerateSitemapDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createCheckAutomatedGroupsDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createDeactivateUsersDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGenerateThumbnailsDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createUpdateStatisticsDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createRemoveOldPageVersionsDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createReindexContentDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createProcessEmailDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createRemoveOldFileAttachmentsDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createRemoveUnvalidatedUsersDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createProductionStatusDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createCustomJavascriptReportDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createPageCacheReportDriver() — Method in class Manager
ConsoleOutputClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Output
HttpResponseFactory::createResponse() — Method in class HttpResponseFactory
ResponseFactoryInterface::createResponse() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface
CommandTaskRunnerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner

Receives a task and a command, and synchronously executes the command. On complete, returns the response.

$ CommandTaskRunner#commandProperty in class CommandTaskRunner
$ CommandTaskRunner#completionMessageProperty in class CommandTaskRunner
CommandTaskRunnerHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner
CommandTaskRunnerHandler::complete() — Method in class CommandTaskRunnerHandler
ConsoleContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner\Context
ContextFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner\Context
ContextFactory::createConsoleOutput() — Method in class ContextFactory
ContextFactory::createDashboardOutput() — Method in class ContextFactory
ContextFactory::createDashboardContext() — Method in class ContextFactory
ContextFactory::createConsoleContext() — Method in class ContextFactory
ContextInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner\Context
HandlerInterface::complete() — Method in class HandlerInterface
ProcessTaskRunnerHandler::complete() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunnerHandler

Note: this returns a process started response because the completion of the task is actually just the beginning: the process itself has been deferred via an async message, which will actually be done running at some later point.

TaskService::complete() — Method in class TaskService
$ ActivityService#configProperty in class ActivityService
$ ActivitySlotItem#contentProperty in class ActivitySlotItem
CompositeLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config

A loader that delegates method calls to multiple other loaders

CompositeLoader::clearNamespace() — Method in class CompositeLoader
CompositeLoader::cascadePackage() — Method in class CompositeLoader

Apply any cascades to an array of package options.

ConfigServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
ConfigStoreClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
CoreFileLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config

A file loader specific to default core file loading.

DatabaseLoader::cascadePackage() — Method in class DatabaseLoader

Apply any cascades to an array of package options.

DatabaseLoader::clearNamespace() — Method in class DatabaseLoader
$ DatabaseSaver#connectionProperty in class DatabaseSaver
$ RedisLoader#connectionProperty in class RedisLoader
RedisLoader::clearNamespace() — Method in class RedisLoader
RedisLoader::cascadePackage() — Method in class RedisLoader

Apply any cascades to an array of package options.

$ RedisSaver#connectionProperty in class RedisSaver
FileLoader::cascadePackage() — Method in class FileLoader

Apply any cascades to an array of package options.

FileLoader::clearNamespace() — Method in class FileLoader

Clear groups in a namespace.

LoaderInterface::clearNamespace() — Method in class LoaderInterface
LoaderInterface::cascadePackage() — Method in class LoaderInterface

Apply any cascades to an array of package options.

$ Renderer#configProperty in class Renderer
Liaison::clear() — Method in class Liaison
Repository::clear() — Method in class Repository

Clear specific key.

Repository::clearCache() — Method in class Repository

Clear cached items.

Repository::clearNamespace() — Method in class Repository

Clear a namespace (Note: this deletes items permanently).

Repository::callAfterLoad() — Method in class Repository

Call the after load callback for a namespace.

CommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console

base command class Large swaths of this class have been copied from illuminate/config 5.2 and 5.5 so you may refer to their documentation for some things.

$ Command#canRunAsRootProperty in class Command

Can this command be executed as root? If set to false, the command can be executed if one of these conditions is satisfied:

  • the users is not root
  • the --allow-as-root option is set
  • the C5_CLI_ALLOW_AS_ROOT environment variable is set
  • the console is interactive and the user explicitly confirm the operation.
Command::call() — Method in class Command

Call another console command.

Command::callSilent() — Method in class Command

Call another console command silently.

Command::confirm() — Method in class Command

Confirm a question with the user.

Command::choice() — Method in class Command

Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.

Command::configureUsingFluentDefinition() — Method in class Command

Configure the console command using a fluent definition.

Command::confirmRunningAsRoot() — Method in class Command
CommandRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console

Adds commands to the console

$ CommandRegistry#consoleProperty in class CommandRegistry
$ CommandRegistry#commandsProperty in class CommandRegistry

Commands that are always available.

ActivateThemeCommand::configure() — Method in class ActivateThemeCommand
ActivateThemeSkinCommand::configure() — Method in class ActivateThemeSkinCommand
BulkUserAssignCommand::configure() — Method in class BulkUserAssignCommand
ClearCacheCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
ClearCacheCommand::configure() — Method in class ClearCacheCommand
CompareSchemaCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
CompareSchemaCommand::configure() — Method in class CompareSchemaCommand
ConfigCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
ConfigCommand::configure() — Method in class ConfigCommand
DenylistClear::configure() — Method in class DenylistClear
ExecCommand::configure() — Method in class ExecCommand
$ FixDatabaseForeignKeys#canRunAsRootProperty in class FixDatabaseForeignKeys
GenerateFileIdentifiersCommand::configure() — Method in class GenerateFileIdentifiersCommand
GenerateIDESymbolsCommand::configure() — Method in class GenerateIDESymbolsCommand
GenerateSitemapCommand::configure() — Method in class GenerateSitemapCommand
InfoCommand::configure() — Method in class InfoCommand
$ InstallCommand#configuredInstallerProperty in class InstallCommand
InstallCommand::configure() — Method in class InstallCommand
InstallCommand::checkPreconditions() — Method in class InstallCommand
InstallCommand::checkOptionPreconditions() — Method in class InstallCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::configure() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::checkCoreFlag() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::checkPackagesFlag() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
InstallPackageCommand::configure() — Method in class InstallPackageCommand
InstallThemeCommand::configure() — Method in class InstallThemeCommand
IsInstalledCommand::configure() — Method in class IsInstalledCommand
JobCommand::configure() — Method in class JobCommand
PackPackageCommand::configure() — Method in class PackPackageCommand
PackPackageCommand::createFilters() — Method in class PackPackageCommand

Generate the filters analyzing the command-line options.

PackPackageCommand::createWriters() — Method in class PackPackageCommand

Generate the writers analyzing the command-line options.

PhpCodingStyleCommand::configure() — Method in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
RefreshBoardsCommand::configure() — Method in class RefreshBoardsCommand
RefreshEntitiesCommand::configure() — Method in class RefreshEntitiesCommand
ReindexCommand::configure() — Method in class ReindexCommand
ReindexCommand::clearCache() — Method in class ReindexCommand
RescanFilesCommand::configure() — Method in class RescanFilesCommand
ResetCommand::configure() — Method in class ResetCommand
RunSchedulerCommand::configure() — Method in class RunSchedulerCommand
RunSchedulerInForegroundCommand::configure() — Method in class RunSchedulerInForegroundCommand
ServiceCommand::configure() — Method in class ServiceCommand
ServiceCommand::checkConfiguration() — Method in class ServiceCommand
ServiceCommand::configureRule() — Method in class ServiceCommand
$ SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommand#canRunAsRootProperty in class SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommand
TaskCommand::configure() — Method in class TaskCommand
TranslatePackageCommand::configure() — Method in class TranslatePackageCommand
UninstallPackageCommand::configure() — Method in class UninstallPackageCommand
UpdateCommand::configure() — Method in class UpdateCommand
UpdatePackageCommand::configure() — Method in class UpdatePackageCommand
ConsoleAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console

Interface to flag an object as being aware of the symfony console components.

ConsoleAwareTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console

A trait that provides awareness of the console to objects

OutputStyle::choice() — Method in class OutputStyle

Ask a question with a list of allowed answers

OutputStyle::columns() — Method in class OutputStyle

Output in even width columns

OutputStyle::chunk() — Method in class OutputStyle
ApplicationAwareControllerResolver::createController() — Method in class ApplicationAwareControllerResolver

Returns a callable for the given controller.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller
$ Controller#controllerActionPathProperty in class Controller
ControllerResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller

Class ControllerResolver.

ControllerResolver::createController() — Method in class ControllerResolver
DashboardExpressEntityTrait::csv_export() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntityTrait
DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::create_entry() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::createBreadcrumbFactory() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::createDefaultQuery() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::createSearchResult() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTrait::csv_export() — Method in class DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTrait
ConversationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation
ConversationServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation

Class ConversationService Currently manages tracking review aggregates

$ ConversationService#connectionProperty in class ConversationService
$ Editor#cnvEditorHandleProperty in class Editor
$ Editor#cnvEditorIDProperty in class Editor
$ Editor#cnvEditorIsActiveProperty in class Editor
$ Editor#cnvEditorInputNameProperty in class Editor
$ Editor#cnvEditorNameProperty in class Editor
$ Editor#cnvMessageProperty in class Editor
$ Editor#cnvObjectProperty in class Editor
Editor::createFromRecord() — Method in class Editor

This function is used to instantiate a Conversation Editor object from an associative array.

$ Message#cnvMessageIDProperty in class Message
$ Message#cnvMessageDateCreatedProperty in class Message
$ Message#cnvMessageFlagTypesProperty in class Message
$ Message#cnvMessageReviewProperty in class Message
Message::conversationMessageHasActiveChildren() — Method in class Message
Message::conversationMessageHasChildren() — Method in class Message
Message::conversationMessageHasFlag() — Method in class Message
$ MessageList#cnvIDProperty in class MessageList
$ ThreadedList#cnvIDProperty in class ThreadedList
CookieJarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cookie

A class that holds operations performed on both request and response cookies.

CookieJar::clear() — Method in class CookieJar
CookieServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cookie
$ ResponseCookieJar#cookiesProperty in class ResponseCookieJar

The list of new cookies to be added to the response.

$ ResponseCookieJar#clearedCookiesProperty in class ResponseCookieJar

The names of the request cookies to be cleared out in response.

ResponseCookieJar::clear() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

Clear a cookie.

$ AbstractExporter#categoryProperty in class AbstractExporter

The attribute category.

$ AbstractImporter#categoryProperty in class AbstractImporter

The attribute category.

$ AbstractImporter#csvSchemaProperty in class AbstractImporter

The CSV Schema.

AbstractImporter::convertCsvDataForAttributeController() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Convert the data read from CSV to be passed to the attribute controller.

CsvSchemaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv\Import
ImportResult::countRowProcessed() — Method in class ImportResult

Count a row as processed.

WriterFactory::createFromString() — Method in class WriterFactory

Create a CSV writer from a string.

WriterFactory::createFromFileObject() — Method in class WriterFactory

Create a CSV writer from a file object.

WriterFactory::createFromStream() — Method in class WriterFactory

Create a CSV writer from a stream.

WriterFactory::createFromPath() — Method in class WriterFactory

Create a CSV writer from a string.

$ InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination#characterSetProperty in class InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination
$ InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination#collationProperty in class InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination
$ InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination#charsetForCollationProperty in class InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination
$ LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation#collationProperty in class LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation
Manager::convertTables() — Method in class Manager

Convert all the database tables a specific character set/collation combination.

Manager::convertTable() — Method in class Manager

Convert a table to a specific character set/collation combination.

$ Resolver#configProperty in class Resolver
$ Resolver#characterSetProperty in class Resolver

The character set.

$ Resolver#collationProperty in class Resolver

The collation.

ConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
ConnectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Connection
Connection::createEntityManager() — Method in class Connection
Connection::createTextIndexes() — Method in class Connection

This is essentially a workaround for not being able to define indexes on TEXT fields with the current version of Doctrine DBAL.

Connection::CommitTrans() — Method in class Connection
Connection::CompleteTrans() — Method in class Connection
ConnectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Connection
ConnectionFactory::createConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
$ Timezone#connectionProperty in class Timezone

The database connection.

$ DatabaseManager#connectionsProperty in class DatabaseManager

The active connection instances.

DatabaseManager::connection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get a database connection instance.

DatabaseStructureManager::clearCacheAndProxies() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager
DriverManager::configExtensions() — Method in class DriverManager
Driver::connect() — Method in class Driver
Driver::createDatabasePlatformForVersion() — Method in class Driver
PDOStatement::Close() — Method in class PDOStatement
$ EntityManagerConfigFactory#configurationProperty in class EntityManagerConfigFactory

Doctrine ORM config

$ EntityManagerConfigFactory#configRepositoryProperty in class EntityManagerConfigFactory

Concrete5 configuration files repository

$ EntityManagerFactory#cachedAnnotationsReaderProperty in class EntityManagerFactory

Contains the cached AnnotationReader which is used by all packages using Doctrine entities with annotations as mapping information for a concrete version > 8.0.0

$ EntityManagerFactory#cachedSimpleAnnotationsReaderProperty in class EntityManagerFactory

Contains the cached SimpleAnnotationReader which is used by all packages using doctrine entities with annotations for a concrete version less than 8.0.0

$ EntityManagerFactory#configFactoryProperty in class EntityManagerFactory

Factory for bootstraping the doctrine orm configuration

EntityManagerFactory::create() — Method in class EntityManagerFactory

Create EntityManager

EntityManagerFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class EntityManagerFactoryInterface
$ ApplicationDriver#configProperty in class ApplicationDriver
CoreDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Driver
$ ForeignKeyFixer#connectionProperty in class ForeignKeyFixer
MySqlSchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class MySqlSchemaManager
TagCollection::contains() — Method in class TagCollection
Device::configConstructor() — Method in class Device

Construct from given configuration.

DeviceInterface::configConstructor() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Construct from given configuration.

$ DeviceManager#containerProperty in class DeviceManager
CkeditorEditorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor
$ CkeditorEditor#configProperty in class CkeditorEditor

The configuration repository.

PasswordHasher::checkPassword() — Method in class PasswordHasher

Check if a password corresponds to a stored hash previosly created with the hashPassword() method.

CategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute
Category::clearAttributeKeyCategoryTypes() — Method in class Category
$ Key#categoryProperty in class Key
$ AddressSettings#customCountriesProperty in class AddressSettings
$ BooleanSettings#checkboxLabelProperty in class BooleanSettings
Settings::createController() — Method in class Settings
$ Set#categoryProperty in class Set
Set::clearAttributeKeys() — Method in class Set
$ Type#controllerProperty in class Type
$ Type#categoriesProperty in class Type
$ PageValue#cIDProperty in class PageValue
$ PageValue#cvIDProperty in class PageValue
$ AddressValue#cityProperty in class AddressValue

Note: It's the public portion of this property that is deprecated.

$ AddressValue#countryProperty in class AddressValue

Note: It's the public portion of this property that is deprecated.

SelectValueOptionList::contains() — Method in class SelectValueOptionList
$ SelectValueUsedOption#countProperty in class SelectValueUsedOption
$ BlockType#controllerProperty in class BlockType
BlockType::canUnInstall() — Method in class BlockType

Not a permissions call. Actually checks to see whether this block is not an internal one.

$ Board#custom_slot_templatesProperty in class Board
CalendarEventConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board\DataSource\Configuration
$ CalendarEventConfiguration#calendarProperty in class CalendarEventConfiguration
ConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board\DataSource\Configuration
$ Configuration#configurationIDProperty in class Configuration
ConfiguredDataSourceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board\DataSource
$ ConfiguredDataSource#configuredDataSourceIDProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
$ ConfiguredDataSource#customWeightProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
$ ConfiguredDataSource#configurationProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
CustomElementClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board\Designer
CustomElement::createBlock() — Method in class CustomElement
$ ItemSelectorCustomElement#contentObjectCollectionProperty in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElement::createBlock() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
$ Item#categoriesProperty in class Item
CalendarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
$ Calendar#caIDProperty in class Calendar
$ Calendar#caNameProperty in class Calendar
$ Calendar#caOverridePermissionsProperty in class Calendar
CalendarEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
$ CalendarEvent#calendarProperty in class CalendarEvent
$ CalendarEvent#custom_summary_templatesProperty in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::clearCustomSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEventOccurrenceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
$ CalendarEventOccurrence#cancelledProperty in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::cancel() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventRepetitionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
CalendarEventRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
CalendarEventVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
$ CalendarEventVersion#categoriesProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersion#cIDProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersionOccurrenceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::clearAttribute() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionRepetitionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
CalendarEventWorkflowProgressClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
CalendarPermissionAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
$ CalendarPermissionAssignment#calendarProperty in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
CalendarRelatedEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
CalendarRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar
CalendarEventTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Calendar\Summary
$ ScheduledTask#cronExpressionProperty in class ScheduledTask
$ Association#controlsProperty in class Association
ControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Control
$ Control#custom_labelProperty in class Control
$ Entity#created_dateProperty in class Entity
$ FieldSet#controlsProperty in class FieldSet
DownloadStatistics::create() — Method in class DownloadStatistics
File::createNewVersion() — Method in class File

Create a new version of a file.

File::clearAttribute() — Method in class File
StorageLocation::clearCache() — Method in class StorageLocation

Clear the Flysystem cache.

Version::cleanTags() — Method in class Version

Normalize the tags separator, remove empty tags.

Version::canView() — Method in class Version

Check if there is a viewer for the type of the file.

Version::canEdit() — Method in class Version

Check if there is an editor for the type of the file.

Geolocator::create() — Method in class Geolocator

Create a new Geolocator instance.

$ Finding#controlProperty in class Finding
$ GroupCreateNotification#createProperty in class GroupCreateNotification
$ NewConversationMessageNotification#cnvMessageIDProperty in class NewConversationMessageNotification
$ AccessToken#clientProperty in class AccessToken
$ AuthCode#clientProperty in class AuthCode
ClientClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
$ Client#clientKeyProperty in class Client
$ Client#clientSecretProperty in class Client
$ Client#consentTypeProperty in class Client

The type of consent this client must get from the user

ClientRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
$ Scope#clientsProperty in class Scope
ContainerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page
$ Container#containerIDProperty in class Container
$ Container#containerHandleProperty in class Container
$ Container#containerIconProperty in class Container
$ Container#containerNameProperty in class Container
$ Instance#containerInstanceIDProperty in class Instance
$ Instance#containerProperty in class Instance
$ InstanceArea#containerInstanceAreaIDProperty in class InstanceArea
$ InstanceArea#containerAreaNameProperty in class InstanceArea
$ Feed#checkPagePermissionsProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#customTopicAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#customTopicTreeNodeIDProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#cParentIDProperty in class Feed
$ PagePath#cPathProperty in class PagePath
$ PagePath#cIDProperty in class PagePath
$ Relation#cIDProperty in class Relation
CustomPageTemplateCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page\Summary
$ CustomPageTemplateCollection#cIDProperty in class CustomPageTemplateCollection
$ PageTemplate#cIDProperty in class PageTemplate
CustomSkinClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page\Theme
$ CustomSkin#customCssProperty in class CustomSkin
$ IpAccessControlEvent#categoryProperty in class IpAccessControlEvent

The associated IP Access Control Category.

$ IpAccessControlRange#categoryProperty in class IpAccessControlRange

The associated IP Access Control Category.

$ Query#columnsProperty in class Query
$ FileUsageRecord#collection_idProperty in class FileUsageRecord
$ FileUsageRecord#collection_version_idProperty in class FileUsageRecord
$ StackUsageRecord#collection_idProperty in class StackUsageRecord
$ StackUsageRecord#collection_version_idProperty in class StackUsageRecord
CustomCssRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\StyleCustomizer
$ StyleSet#customClassProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#customIDProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#customElementAttributeProperty in class StyleSet
CategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Summary
$ Template#categoriesProperty in class Template
$ UserSignup#createdByProperty in class UserSignup
ErrorList::containsField() — Method in class ErrorList

Does this list contain error associated to a field?

ErrorList::createResponse() — Method in class ErrorList

Create a JSON response describing the errors in this list.

CustomFieldNotPresentErrorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Error
ErrorHandler::cleanedConfig() — Method in class ErrorHandler
JsonErrorHandler::clientSupportsJson() — Method in class JsonErrorHandler

Check if the client supports JSON.

$ UserMessageException#canBeLoggedProperty in class UserMessageException

Can this exception be added to the log?

UserMessageException::canBeLogged() — Method in class UserMessageException

Can this exception be added to the log?

ControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express
EntryStore::convertNumericEntryIdToIdentifier() — Method in class EntryStore
$ AttributeKeyHandleGenerator#categoryProperty in class AttributeKeyHandleGenerator
ClearEntityIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
ClearEntityIndexCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
$ ClearEntityIndexCommandHandler#connectionProperty in class ClearEntityIndexCommandHandler
ExpressEntryCommandFactory::createAddEntryCommand() — Method in class ExpressEntryCommandFactory
ExpressEntryCommandFactory::createUpdateEntryCommand() — Method in class ExpressEntryCommandFactory
$ RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandler#connectionProperty in class RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandler
ExpressEntrySelectInstance::createResultFromEntry() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstance
ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory::createInstance() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory
ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory::createInstanceFromRequest() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory
ControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Controller
ClonerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entity

Class to clone express entities.

Cloner::cloneEntity() — Method in class Cloner

Duplicate Express Entity and return the newly created Entity.

Cloner::cloneEntityAttributes() — Method in class Cloner

Clone Entity Attributes

Cloner::cloneEntityAssociations() — Method in class Cloner

Clone Entity Associations

Cloner::cloneEntityForms() — Method in class Cloner

Clone Entity Forms

EntryBuilder::createEntry() — Method in class EntryBuilder
$ EntryList#categoryProperty in class EntryList
EntryList::checkPermissions() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::createQuery() — Method in class EntryList
EntryManagerInterface::createEntry() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface

Method that create empty entry.

Manager::createEntry() — Method in class Manager

Method that create empty entry.

CsvWriterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Export\EntryList

A Writer class for Express Entry objects

ContextInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Context
AssociationType::createControlByIdentifier() — Method in class AssociationType
AttributeKeyType::createControlByIdentifier() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
EntityPropertyType::createControlByIdentifier() — Method in class EntityPropertyType
Manager::createEntityPropertyDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createAttributeKeyDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createAssociationDriver() — Method in class Manager
ControlSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\SaveHandler
TypeInterface::createControlByIdentifier() — Method in class TypeInterface
AssociationFormView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class AssociationFormView
AssociationView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class AssociationView
AttributeKeyFormView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class AttributeKeyFormView
AttributeKeyView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class AttributeKeyView
AuthorView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class AuthorView
FormView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class FormView
PublicIdentifierView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class PublicIdentifierView
TextView::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class TextView
$ View#controlProperty in class View
$ Renderer#contextProperty in class Renderer
CSRFTokenRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator\Routine
$ CSRFTokenRoutine#csrfValidatorProperty in class CSRFTokenRoutine
CaptchaRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator\Routine
$ CaptchaRoutine#captchaValidatorProperty in class CaptchaRoutine
CheckPermissionsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator\Routine
CheckPublishedStatusRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator\Routine
ObjectBuilder::createObject() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
$ FieldsetBuilder#controlsProperty in class FieldsetBuilder
ColumnSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\ColumnSet
$ ColumnSet#categoryProperty in class ColumnSet
$ EntityIndex#connectionProperty in class EntityIndex
EntityIndex::clear() — Method in class EntityIndex

Clear out all indexed items

$ SearchProvider#categoryProperty in class SearchProvider
$ SearchProvider#columnSetProperty in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::createSearchResultObject() — Method in class SearchProvider
$ GuzzleClient#clientProperty in class GuzzleClient
ChangeFileStorageLocationCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
ChangeFileStorageLocationCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
ClearFileIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
ClearFileIndexCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
$ GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand#cropProperty in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
$ RescanFileCommandHandler#configProperty in class RescanFileCommandHandler
ChooserConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
$ ChooserConfiguration#choosersProperty in class ChooserConfiguration
ChooserConfigurationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
ChooserOptionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
DefaultConfigurationFactory::createConfiguration() — Method in class DefaultConfigurationFactory
FilterCollectionFactory::createFromRequest() — Method in class FilterCollectionFactory
DeleteFile::cancelDelete() — Method in class DeleteFile
ConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ExternalFileProvider\Configuration
ConfigurationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ExternalFileProvider\Configuration
ExternalFileProviderFactory::create() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderFactory

Create a new ExternalFileProvider, pass this to ExternalFileProviderFactory->persist() to store this external file provider.

$ ExternalSearchRequest#currentPageProperty in class ExternalSearchRequest
FileList::createQuery() — Method in class FileList
FileList::checkPermissions() — Method in class FileList
Filesystem::create() — Method in class Filesystem

Creates everything necessary to store files in folders.

FolderItemList::createQuery() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::checkPermissions() — Method in class FolderItemList
BasicThumbnailer::create() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Create a thumbnail given an image (or a path to an image).

BasicThumbnailer::checkForThumbnailAndCreateIfNecessary() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Checks filesystem for thumbnail and if file doesn't exist will create it immediately.

$ BitmapFormat#configProperty in class BitmapFormat
Sanitizer::checkFile() — Method in class Sanitizer

Check if an SVG file contain nodes to be sanitized.

Sanitizer::checkData() — Method in class Sanitizer

Check if a string containing an SVG document contains nodes to be sanitized.

SanitizerException::create() — Method in class SanitizerException
$ Resolver#connectionProperty in class Resolver
$ ThumbnailFormatService#configProperty in class ThumbnailFormatService
ThumbnailerInterface::create() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Create a thumbnail given an image (or a path to an image).

CustomThumbnailClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type
$ CustomThumbnail#croppedProperty in class CustomThumbnail
ConstrainImageProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ImportProcessor
$ ConstrainImageProcessor#constraintModeProperty in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Resize mode (one of the ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_... constants).

$ ImportOptions#customPrefixProperty in class ImportOptions
$ ImportOptions#canChangeLocalFileProperty in class ImportOptions

Can the local file be changed by file processors? If no, we'll create a copy of the file being imported.

ImportOptions::canChangeLocalFile() — Method in class ImportOptions

Can the local file be changed by file processors? If no, we'll create a copy of the file being imported.

$ ImportingFile#concreteFilenameProperty in class ImportingFile

The name of the file for concrete5.

$ ImportingFile#concreteFilenameSanitizedProperty in class ImportingFile

The sanitized name of the file for concrete5.

$ ImportingFile#customDataProperty in class ImportingFile

Custom data stored by processors for inter-processors communication.

ImportingFile::changeConcreteFilename() — Method in class ImportingFile
$ ExifDataExtractor#categoryServiceProperty in class ExifDataExtractor
$ ImageSizeConstrain#constraintModeProperty in class ImageSizeConstrain

Resize mode (one of the ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_... constants).

Rescanner::createImportingFile() — Method in class Rescanner
ColumnSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet
MenuFactory::createBulkMenu() — Method in class MenuFactory
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Result
$ SearchProvider#categoryProperty in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::createSearchResultObject() — Method in class SearchProvider
File::copyAll() — Method in class File

Recursively copies all items in the source directory or file to the target directory.

File::clear() — Method in class File

Removes contents of the file.

File::createAndGetFile() — Method in class File
Set::createAndGetSet() — Method in class Set

Creats a new fileset if set doesn't exists.

Set::create() — Method in class Set

Adds a File set.

ConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation\Configuration
ConfigurationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation\Configuration
StorageLocationFactory::create() — Method in class StorageLocationFactory

Create a new StorageLocation, pass this to StorageLocationFactory->persist() to store this location.

$ Type#customImporterProperty in class Type

Handle of the custom importer (empty string if not available).

ClientSideUploaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Upload
$ ClientSideUploader#configProperty in class ClientSideUploader
$ Element#controllerProperty in class Element

The element controller.

$ Element#controllerArgumentsProperty in class Element

The arguments to be used when calling the constructor of the element controller.

Element::createLocator() — Method in class Element
$ FileLocator#cacheProperty in class FileLocator
AbstractLocation::contains() — Method in class AbstractLocation
AllPackagesLocation::contains() — Method in class AllPackagesLocation
CoreLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
CoreLocation::contains() — Method in class CoreLocation
LocationInterface::contains() — Method in class LocationInterface
$ PackageLocation#checkExistsProperty in class PackageLocation
PackageLocation::contains() — Method in class PackageLocation
ThemeElementLocation::contains() — Method in class ThemeElementLocation
TemplateLocator::createTemplateFromInput() — Method in class TemplateLocator
TemplateLocator::createLocationFromInput() — Method in class TemplateLocator
ContextFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Context
ContextInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Context
ContextProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Context
ContextRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Context\Registry
$ ContextRegistry#contextsProperty in class ContextRegistry
ContextRegistryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Context\Registry
ControlEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Context\Registry
$ ControlEntry#contextProperty in class ControlEntry
ControlRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Context\Registry

A simple class for registering context to view bindings, in the event that certain contexts ought to deliver different views. (Used by Express Attribute Key View vs Form).

ControlInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Control
$ Renderer#contextProperty in class Renderer
$ View#contextProperty in class View
ViewInterface::createTemplateLocator() — Method in class ViewInterface
Form::checkbox() — Method in class Form

Generates a checkbox.

CalendarEventSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
ColorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
$ AliasClassLoader#classAliasListProperty in class AliasClassLoader
ClassAliasListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation
ClassAutoloaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation
$ ClassAutoloader#coreDirProperty in class ClassAutoloader

The absolute path to the core directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

$ ClassAutoloader#coreStartingPointDirProperty in class ClassAutoloader

The absolute path to the core starting point directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

ClassLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation
ClassLoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation
CommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Command

This is a convenience superclass. You do NOT have to use this in order to use the command bus. This command will automatically provide a handler for you in the same namespace as your command.

ConcreteObjectClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation
ConcreteObject::camelcase() — Method in class ConcreteObject
Environment::clearOverrideCache() — Method in class Environment
ComparatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Repetition
DefaultBooter::checkInstall() — Method in class DefaultBooter

If we haven't installed and we're not looking at the install directory, redirect.

DefaultBooter::checkCache() — Method in class DefaultBooter
CLIRunnerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Run
$ CLIRunner#consoleProperty in class CLIRunner
$ DefaultRunner#configProperty in class DefaultRunner
DefaultRunner::createRequest() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Create the request object to use.

ProviderList::createInstance() — Method in class ProviderList

Creates an instance of the passed class string, override this to change how providers are instantiated.

$ GeolocationResult#cityNameProperty in class GeolocationResult

The city name.

$ GeolocationResult#countryCodeProperty in class GeolocationResult

The code of the country (two letter upper case ISO-3166 code).

$ GeolocationResult#countryNameProperty in class GeolocationResult

The name of the country (in American English).

$ GeolocatorController#configurationRecordProperty in class GeolocatorController
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Export
ColumnInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Export
ControlInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control
$ DropdownControl#controlsProperty in class DropdownControl
CacheSettingsLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Location
CsvWriterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding
$ CsvWriter#configProperty in class CsvWriter
$ BlockMessage#contentProperty in class BlockMessage
$ EmailReportMessageHandler#csvWriterProperty in class EmailReportMessageHandler
ResultList::createQuery() — Method in class ResultList
ResultList::createPaginationObject() — Method in class ResultList
RunnerFactory::createRunnerFromResultId() — Method in class RunnerFactory
CheckConfigAutomationSettingsForProductionTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
$ CheckConfigAutomationSettingsForProductionTest#configProperty in class CheckConfigAutomationSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigCacheSettingsForProductionTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
$ CheckConfigCacheSettingsForProductionTest#configProperty in class CheckConfigCacheSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigErrorSettingsForProductionTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
$ CheckConfigErrorSettingsForProductionTest#configProperty in class CheckConfigErrorSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigLoggingSettingsForProductionTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
$ CheckConfigLoggingSettingsForProductionTest#configProperty in class CheckConfigLoggingSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigServerSentEventsSettingsForProductionTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
$ CheckConfigServerSentEventsSettingsForProductionTest#configProperty in class CheckConfigServerSentEventsSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigUrlSettingsForProductionTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
CheckPageCustomCacheSettingsTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
CheckPagesCustomCacheSettingsTestGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test
FaqBlockTest::createFinding() — Method in class FaqBlockTest
GalleryBlockTest::createFinding() — Method in class GalleryBlockTest
CollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Object
Collection::current() — Method in class Collection
HeadLink::create() — Method in class HeadLink

Static alias for constructor.

JavaScriptLazyImage::create() — Method in class JavaScriptLazyImage

Static alias for constructor.

Picture::create() — Method in class Picture

Static alias for constructor.

Html::css() — Method in class Html
Seo::clearTitleSegments() — Method in class Seo
ClientClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Client
Factory::createFromConfig() — Method in class Factory

Create a new HTTP Client instance starting from configuration.

Factory::createFromOptions() — Method in class Factory

Create a new HTTP Client instance starting from configuration.

FlysystemFileResponse::create() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse
ContentSecurityPolicyMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
$ ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware#configProperty in class ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware
CookieMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware

Middleware for adding and deleting cookies to an http response.

$ FrameOptionsMiddleware#configProperty in class FrameOptionsMiddleware
$ StrictTransportSecurityMiddleware#configProperty in class StrictTransportSecurityMiddleware
GuzzleFactory::createRequest() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
GuzzleFactory::createResponse() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
GuzzleFactory::createUploadedFiles() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
GuzzleFactory::createUploadedFile() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
GuzzleFactory::createResponseHeaders() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
GuzzleFactory::createResponseStream() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
GuzzleFactory::createStreamFromBinaryFileResponse() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
GuzzleFactory::createStreamFromStreamedResponse() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
GuzzleFactory::createStreamFromResponseContent() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
$ RequestBase#customRequestUserProperty in class RequestBase
$ RequestBase#customRequestDateTimeProperty in class RequestBase
$ RequestBase#cProperty in class RequestBase
RequestBase::clearCurrentPage() — Method in class RequestBase
$ ResponseFactory#configProperty in class ResponseFactory
ResponseFactory::create() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a response

ResponseFactory::controller() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a response from a controller object

ResponseFactory::collection() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a response from a collection object

ResponseFactory::collectionNotFound() — Method in class ResponseFactory
ResponseFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create a response

ResponseFactoryInterface::controller() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create a response from a controller object

ResponseFactoryInterface::collection() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create a response from a collection object

$ ImageEditorService#configProperty in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::checkDefaultEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
Manager::createDefaultDriver() — Method in class Manager
ConnectionOptionsPreconditionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install

Interface for the checks to be performed against the connection before installing concrete5 but after the configuration has been specified.

$ Installer#characterSetCollationResolverProperty in class Installer
Installer::createConnection() — Method in class Installer

Create a new Connection instance using the values specified in the options.

Installer::checkOptions() — Method in class Installer
$ InstallerOptions#configurationProperty in class InstallerOptions

The installation configuration options (persisted as /application/config/site_install.php).

$ PreconditionService#configProperty in class PreconditionService

The configuration repository.

CanonicalUrlsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
CookiesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
$ DatabaseCharsetCollation#characterSetCollationResolverProperty in class DatabaseCharsetCollation
$ DatabaseCharsetCollation#connectionProperty in class DatabaseCharsetCollation
$ DatabaseTimeZone#connectionProperty in class DatabaseTimeZone
$ EmptyDatabase#connectionProperty in class EmptyDatabase
$ InnoDB#connectionProperty in class InnoDB
$ TableCase#connectionProperty in class TableCase
Job::canUninstall() — Method in class Job
Job::clearLog() — Method in class Job

Removes Job log entries.

Set::clearJobs() — Method in class Set
Set::contains() — Method in class Set
Set::canDelete() — Method in class Set
FileList::createQuery() — Method in class FileList
$ ItemList#currentPageProperty in class ItemList
Loader::controller() — Method in class Loader
$ Pagination#current_pageProperty in class Pagination
$ Pagination#classOffProperty in class Pagination
$ Pagination#classOnProperty in class Pagination
$ Pagination#classCurrentProperty in class Pagination
PasswordHash::crypt_private() — Method in class PasswordHash
PasswordHash::CheckPassword() — Method in class PasswordHash
UserList::createQuery() — Method in class UserList
$ Localization#contextLocalesProperty in class Localization

The locale identifier to be used for every translation context.

Localization::changeLocale() — Method in class Localization

Sets the locale for the active context for the singleton instance of this class.

Localization::clearCache() — Method in class Localization

Clear the translations cache.

Localization::currentLocaleChanged() — Method in class Localization

To be called every time the current locale changes.

AddressFormat::convertLocale() — Method in class AddressFormat

Converts the passed locale to the format expected by the underlying address formatting library.

AddressFormat::convertFormat() — Method in class AddressFormat

Converts the underlying address format field array to the "local" format better understood within the concrete5 context.

CountryListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Service
$ CountryList#countriesProperty in class CountryList
TranslationsChecker::computeUpdates() — Method in class TranslationsChecker
$ TranslationsInstaller#configProperty in class TranslationsInstaller
$ Factory#cacheProperty in class Factory
Factory::clearCache() — Method in class Factory

Clear (eventually) cached data about local translation stats.

FactoryInterface::clearCache() — Method in class FactoryInterface

Clear (eventually) cached data about local translation stats.

CommunityStoreTranslationProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation\Remote
$ CommunityStoreTranslationProvider#configProperty in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

The configuration repository containind the default values.

$ CommunityStoreTranslationProvider#cacheProperty in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

The cache to be used (won't be used if the cache lifetime is 0).

$ CommunityStoreTranslationProvider#cacheLifetimeProperty in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

The cache life time (in seconds).

$ TranslatorAdapterFactory#configProperty in class TranslatorAdapterFactory
TranslatorAdapterFactory::createTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterFactory

Creates a translator adapter for the given locale.

CoreTranslationLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Adapter\Laminas\Translation\Loader\Gettext

Translation loader that loads the concrete5 core translations for the Laminas translation adapter.

TranslatorAdapterFactory::createTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterFactory

Creates a translator adapter for the given locale.

TranslatorAdapterFactory::createTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterFactory

Creates a translator adapter for the given locale.

TranslatorAdapterFactoryInterface::createTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterFactoryInterface

Creates a translator adapter for the given locale.

ChannelsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
$ AdvancedConfiguration#configProperty in class AdvancedConfiguration
AdvancedConfiguration::createLogger() — Method in class AdvancedConfiguration

Create a new logger instance for a specific logigng channel.

ConfigurationFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Configuration
$ ConfigurationFactory#configProperty in class ConfigurationFactory
ConfigurationFactory::createConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigurationFactory
ConfigurationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Configuration
ConfigurationInterface::createLogger() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Create a new logger instance for a specific logigng channel.

$ SimpleConfiguration#coreLevelProperty in class SimpleConfiguration

The logging level to care about for all core logs.

SimpleConfiguration::createLogger() — Method in class SimpleConfiguration

Create a new logger instance for a specific logigng channel.

SimpleConfiguration::createHandler() — Method in class SimpleConfiguration

Create a handler for a specific log level.

SimpleDatabaseConfiguration::createHandler() — Method in class SimpleDatabaseConfiguration

Create a handler for a specific log level.

SimpleFileConfiguration::createHandler() — Method in class SimpleFileConfiguration

Create a handler for a specific log level.

ChangeUserPasswordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User
GroupLogger::close() — Method in class GroupLogger
DatabaseHandler::clearAll() — Method in class DatabaseHandler

Clears all log entries. Requires the database handler.

DatabaseHandler::clearByChannel() — Method in class DatabaseHandler

Clears log entries by channel. Requires the database handler.

$ LogEntry#channelProperty in class LogEntry
LogList::createQuery() — Method in class LogList
LogList::checkPermissions() — Method in class LogList
Logger::clearAll() — Method in class Logger

Deprecated. Use Concrete\Core\Logging\Handler\DatabaseHandler::clearAll() instead.

Logger::clearByChannel() — Method in class Logger

Deprecated. Use Concrete\Core\Logging\Handler\DatabaseHandler::clearAll() instead.

$ LoggerFactory#configurationFactoryProperty in class LoggerFactory
$ LoggerFactory#configProperty in class LoggerFactory
LoggerFactory::createLogger() — Method in class LoggerFactory

Create a new logger instance.

ConcreteUserProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Processor

A processor for adding the Concrete user into the extra log info

ColumnSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet
ChannelColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet\Column
ChannelFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Field\Field
MenuFactory::createBulkMenu() — Method in class MenuFactory
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Result
$ SearchProvider#categoryProperty in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::createSearchResultObject() — Method in class SearchProvider
$ MailImportedAttachment#contentProperty in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImporter::cleanup() — Method in class MailImporter
MailServiceProvider::configureSenders() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
$ Service#ccProperty in class Service

List of "CC" recipients (every item is an array with at key 0 the email address and at key 1 an optional name).

Service::cc() — Method in class Service

Add one or more "CC" recipients to the message.

Factory::createTransportFromConfig() — Method in class Factory
  • Create a Transport instance from a configuration repository.
Factory::createTransportFromArray() — Method in class Factory

Create a Transport instance from a configuration array.

Factory::createPhpMailTransportFromArray() — Method in class Factory
Factory::createSmtpTransportFromArray() — Method in class Factory
ConnectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
ConnectionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
$ Marketplace#connectionErrorProperty in class Marketplace
$ Marketplace#configProperty in class Marketplace
Marketplace::checkPackageUpdates() — Method in class Marketplace

Runs through all packages on the marketplace, sees if they're installed here, and updates the available version number for them.

ConnectErrorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Model
$ ConnectError#codeProperty in class ConnectError
ConnectResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Model
$ RemotePackage#compatibilityProperty in class RemotePackage
$ ValidateResult#codeProperty in class ValidateResult
$ PackageRepository#clientProperty in class PackageRepository
$ PackageRepository#configProperty in class PackageRepository
PackageRepository::connect() — Method in class PackageRepository

Attempt to connect to the package repository

PackageRepositoryInterface::connect() — Method in class PackageRepositoryInterface

Attempt to connect to the package repository

$ PurchaseConnectionCoordinator#configProperty in class PurchaseConnectionCoordinator
PurchaseConnectionCoordinator::createPurchaseConnectionUrl() — Method in class PurchaseConnectionCoordinator
$ HandlersLocator#configProperty in class HandlersLocator
$ MessageBusManager#configProperty in class MessageBusManager
$ MessageBusManager#customMiddlewareProperty in class MessageBusManager
MessengerConsumeResponseFactory::createResponse() — Method in class MessengerConsumeResponseFactory
$ DefaultAsyncTransport#connectionProperty in class DefaultAsyncTransport
$ DefaultFailedTransport#connectionProperty in class DefaultFailedTransport
$ Detector#cacheProperty in class Detector
Detector::canSetSessionValue() — Method in class Detector

Check if we can set a session value.

Extractor::clearTranslationsFromDatabase() — Method in class Extractor
DashboardBreadcrumb::current() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb
PageBreadcrumb::current() — Method in class PageBreadcrumb
PageBreadcrumbFactory::canViewPage() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
$ Item#childrenProperty in class Item
$ AppendHTMLModifier#currentPageProperty in class AppendHTMLModifier
$ OpenToCurrentPageModifier#currentPageProperty in class OpenToCurrentPageModifier
NavigationFactory::createItemFromPage() — Method in class NavigationFactory
NavigationFactory::createNavigation() — Method in class NavigationFactory
AlertList::createQuery() — Method in class AlertList
FilterListFactory::createList() — Method in class FilterListFactory
$ MercureService#configProperty in class MercureService
AbstractEvent::createTopic() — Method in class AbstractEvent
BatchUpdatedEvent::createTopic() — Method in class BatchUpdatedEvent
ProcessClosedEvent::createTopic() — Method in class ProcessClosedEvent
ProcessOutputEvent::createTopic() — Method in class ProcessOutputEvent
TestConnectionEvent::createTopic() — Method in class TestConnectionEvent
ThumbnailGeneratedEvent::createTopic() — Method in class ThumbnailGeneratedEvent
$ Subscriber#cookieJarProperty in class Subscriber
ConcreteProcessTopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\Topic
ConcreteTopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\Topic

All topics that work with the core CMS should use this. It's just a convenience method so that we don't have to always remember and pass our canonical URL

CoreUpdateTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
CoreUpdateType::createNotification() — Method in class CoreUpdateType

Create a notification for a specific subject

CoreUpdateType::createSubscription() — Method in class CoreUpdateType
CoreUpdateType::createFilter() — Method in class CoreUpdateType
GroupCreateType::createNotification() — Method in class GroupCreateType

Create a notification for a specific subject

GroupCreateType::createSubscription() — Method in class GroupCreateType
GroupRoleChangeType::createNotification() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeType

Create a notification for a specific subject

GroupRoleChangeType::createSubscription() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeType
GroupSignupRequestAcceptType::createNotification() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptType
GroupSignupRequestAcceptType::createSubscription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptType
GroupSignupRequestDeclineType::createNotification() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineType
GroupSignupRequestDeclineType::createSubscription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineType
GroupSignupRequestType::createNotification() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestType
GroupSignupRequestType::createSubscription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestType
GroupSignupType::createNotification() — Method in class GroupSignupType

Create a notification for a specific subject

GroupSignupType::createSubscription() — Method in class GroupSignupType
Manager::createCoreUpdateDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createUserDeactivatedDriver() — Method in class Manager

Create a user deactivated type

Manager::createNewConversationMessageDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createNewFormSubmissionDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createNewPrivateMessageDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createUserSignupDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createWorkflowProgressDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGroupSignupRequestDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGroupSignupDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGroupRoleChangeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGroupCreateDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGroupSignupRequestAcceptDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGroupSignupRequestDeclineDriver() — Method in class Manager
NewConversationMessageType::createNotification() — Method in class NewConversationMessageType
NewConversationMessageType::createSubscription() — Method in class NewConversationMessageType
NewFormSubmissionType::createNotification() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionType

Create a notification for a specific subject

NewFormSubmissionType::createSubscription() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionType
NewPrivateMessageType::createNotification() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageType

Create a notification for a specific subject

NewPrivateMessageType::createSubscription() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageType
TypeInterface::createNotification() — Method in class TypeInterface

Create a notification for a specific subject

UserDeactivatedType::createNotification() — Method in class UserDeactivatedType

Create a notification for a specific subject

UserSignupType::createNotification() — Method in class UserSignupType
UserSignupType::createSubscription() — Method in class UserSignupType
WorkflowProgressType::createNotification() — Method in class WorkflowProgressType

Create a notification for a specific subject

WorkflowProgressType::createSubscription() — Method in class WorkflowProgressType
WorkflowProgressType::clearNotification() — Method in class WorkflowProgressType
ContentSwapperClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
ContentSwapperInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
DependencyChecker::checkPackageCompatibility() — Method in class DependencyChecker
ContentSwapEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Event
CaptchaLibraryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
ContainerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
ContentEditorSnippetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
ConversationRatingTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
Manager::createAuthenticationTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createContentEditorSnippetDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createConversationRatingTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createJobDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createPermissionKeyDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createWorkflowTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createStorageLocationTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createExternalFileProviderTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createImageEditorDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createAntispamLibraryDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createAttributeSetDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createCaptchaLibraryDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGeolocatorLibraryDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGroupSetDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createGroupDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createAttributeKeyCategoryDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createPermissionAccessEntityTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createPermissionKeyCategoryDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createWorkflowProgressCategoryDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createPageTypePublishTargetTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createPageTypeComposerControlTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createPageTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createPageTemplateDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createMailImporterDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createAttributeTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createAttributeKeyDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createSinglePageDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBlockTypeSetDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBlockTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createThemeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createWorkflowDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createTreeTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createTreeNodeTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createExpressEntityDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createSiteTypeDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createIpAccessControlCategoryDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createTaskSetDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createTaskDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createContainerDriver() — Method in class Manager
Exception::create() — Method in class Exception

Create a new instance of this class.

PackageInfo::create() — Method in class PackageInfo

Create a new instance of this class.

Parser::canParseTokens() — Method in class Parser

Determine if this parser can be used for the specified PHP tokens of the package controlller.php file.

FiveSeven::canParseTokens() — Method in class FiveSeven

Determine if this parser can be used for the specified PHP tokens of the package controlller.php file.

Legacy::canParseTokens() — Method in class Legacy

Determine if this parser can be used for the specified PHP tokens of the package controlller.php file.

$ Package#configProperty in class Package

The database configuration liaison.

Package::contentProvidesFileThumbnails() — Method in class Package

Does this package provide the file thumbnails? If false, the file thumbnails are generated during the install process.

PackageService::checkPackageUpdates() — Method in class PackageService
$ SvgIconRasterizer#coreVersionProperty in class SvgIconRasterizer

The concrete5 version for which the bitmap icons should be created for.

$ SvgIconRasterizer#checkEditDateProperty in class SvgIconRasterizer

Should the bitmap icons be created only if they don't exist, or if they are older than the source SVG files?

SvgIconRasterizer::createBitmap() — Method in class SvgIconRasterizer

Create the bitmap associated to an SVG file.

$ TranslationCompiler#checkEditDateProperty in class TranslationCompiler

Should the compiled .mo translation files be created only if they don't exist, or if they are older than the source .po translation files?

TranslationCompiler::createMO() — Method in class TranslationCompiler
ClonerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Writer

Class that save the package files to a new directory.

Cloner::completed() — Method in class Cloner

Called after all the files have been processed succesfully.

Cloner::createDestinationDirectory() — Method in class Cloner

Create the destination directory.

Cloner::createDirectory() — Method in class Cloner

Create a directory in the destination directory.

Cloner::copyFile() — Method in class Cloner

Copy a file.

SourceUpdater::completed() — Method in class SourceUpdater

Called after all the files have been processed succesfully.

WriterInterface::completed() — Method in class WriterInterface

Called after all the files have been processed succesfully.

Zipper::completed() — Method in class Zipper

Called after all the files have been processed succesfully.

Zipper::createZipArchive() — Method in class Zipper

Create the ZIP archive.

ClonerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page

A class to copy pages and page versions.

$ Cloner#connectionProperty in class Cloner
Cloner::clonePage() — Method in class Cloner

Duplicate a page and return the newly created page.

Cloner::cloneCollection() — Method in class Cloner

Create a clone of a collection, and all its versions, contents and attributes.

Cloner::cloneCollectionVersion() — Method in class Cloner

Create a copy of a collection version to another collection.

Cloner::cloneBlock() — Method in class Cloner

Create an alias of a block to another collection.

Cloner::copyData() — Method in class Cloner

Copy the data from one collection version (or all versions of a collection) to another collection version (or all versions of a collection).

Cloner::copyAttributes() — Method in class Cloner

Copy the attributes from one collection version (or all versions of a collection) to another collection version (or all versions of a collection).

Cloner::copyPageTypeComposerOutputBlocks() — Method in class Cloner

Copy the page type composer block output records from one version to another.

Cloner::copyCustomStyles() — Method in class Cloner

Copy the custom theme styles from one collection version (or all versions of a collection) to another collection version (or all versions of a collection).

Cloner::copyBlocks() — Method in class Cloner

Copy the blocks from one collection version (or all versions of a collection) to another collection version (or all versions of a collection).

Cloner::copyAreaStyles() — Method in class Cloner

Copy the area styles from one collection version (or all versions of a collection) to another collection version (or all versions of a collection).

ClonerOptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page

A class representing the options for the page/collection/version Cloner.

$ ClonerOptions#currentUserProperty in class ClonerOptions

The currently logged in user.

$ ClonerOptions#copyAttributesProperty in class ClonerOptions

Should the collection version attributes be copied?

$ ClonerOptions#copyPageTypeComposerOutputBlocksProperty in class ClonerOptions

Should the page type composer output block records be copied?

$ ClonerOptions#copyCustomStylesProperty in class ClonerOptions

Should the custom theme styles be copied?

$ ClonerOptions#copyContentsProperty in class ClonerOptions

Should the collection version contents (blocks/areas/...) be copied?

ClonerOptions::copyAttributes() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the collection version attributes be copied?

ClonerOptions::copyPageTypeComposerOutputBlocks() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the page type composer output block records be copied?

ClonerOptions::copyCustomStyles() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the custom theme styles be copied?

ClonerOptions::copyContents() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the collection version contents (blocks/areas/...) be copied?

CollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Collection
$ Collection#cIDProperty in class Collection

The collection ID.

$ Collection#cHandleProperty in class Collection

The collection handle.

$ Collection#cDateAddedProperty in class Collection

The date/time when the collection has been created.

$ Collection#cDateModifiedProperty in class Collection

The date/time when the collection was last modified.

Collection::createCollection() — Method in class Collection

Create a new Collection instance.

Collection::clearCollectionAttributes() — Method in class Collection

Delete the values of the attributes associated to the currently loaded collection version.

Collection::clearAttribute() — Method in class Collection

Delete the value of a specific attribute key associated to the currently loaded collection version.

Collection::cloneVersion() — Method in class Collection

Clone the currently loaded version and returns a Page instance containing the new version.

GlobalVersionList::createQuery() — Method in class GlobalVersionList
$ Version#cvIDProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvIsApprovedProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvIsNewProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvHandleProperty in class Version

The collection version handle.

$ Version#cvNameProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvDescriptionProperty in class Version

The collection version description.

$ Version#cvDateCreatedProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvDatePublicProperty in class Version

The date/time when this collection version was made public.

$ Version#cvAuthorUIDProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvApproverUIDProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvCommentsProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvPublishDateProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvPublishEndDateProperty in class Version
$ Version#cvDateApprovedProperty in class Version
$ Version#cIDProperty in class Version
$ Version#customAreaStylesProperty in class Version

The custom area style IDs.

Version::createNew() — Method in class Version

Create a new version for the same collection as this collection version.

Version::canDiscard() — Method in class Version

Check if this collection version can be discarded.

$ VersionList#cProperty in class VersionList
ClearPageCopyCommandBatchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
$ ClearPageCopyCommandBatch#copyBatchIDProperty in class ClearPageCopyCommandBatch
ClearPageCopyCommandBatchHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
ClearPageIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
ClearPageIndexCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
CopyPageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
$ CopyPageCommand#copyBatchIDProperty in class CopyPageCommand
CopyPageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
PageSelectInstance::createResultFromPage() — Method in class PageSelectInstance
PageSelectInstanceFactory::createInstance() — Method in class PageSelectInstanceFactory
PageSelectInstanceFactory::createInstanceFromRequest() — Method in class PageSelectInstanceFactory
ContainerCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container\Command
$ ContainerCommand#containerProperty in class ContainerCommand
ContainerCommandValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container\Command
ContainerBlockInstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container
ContainerExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container
DashboardPageController::createBreadcrumbFactory() — Method in class DashboardPageController
DashboardPageController::createBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardPageController
$ PageController#customRequestPathProperty in class PageController

Custom request path - overrides Request::getPath() (useful when replacing controllers).

$ PageController#cProperty in class PageController
CustomStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
DeletePageEvent::cancelDelete() — Method in class DeletePageEvent
$ EditResponse#cIDProperty in class EditResponse
$ EditResponse#cIDsProperty in class EditResponse
$ HandleGenerator#configProperty in class HandleGenerator
$ Page#controllerProperty in class Page

The page controller.

$ Page#cCheckedOutUIDProperty in class Page

The user id of the user that has checked out the page.

$ Page#cPointerOriginalIDProperty in class Page

The original cID of a page (if it's a page alias).

$ Page#cPointerOriginalSiteTreeIDProperty in class Page

The original siteTreeID of a page (if it's a page alias).

$ Page#cPointerExternalLinkProperty in class Page

The link for the aliased page.

$ Page#cPointerExternalLinkNewWindowProperty in class Page

Should the alias link to be opened in a new window?

$ Page#cInheritPermissionsFromCIDProperty in class Page

The ID of the page from which this page inherits permissions from.

$ Page#cIsSystemPageProperty in class Page

Is this a system page?

$ Page#cPointerIDProperty in class Page
$ Page#cIsDraftProperty in class Page
$ Page#cIsActiveProperty in class Page
$ Page#cFilenameProperty in class Page
$ Page#cDisplayOrderProperty in class Page
$ Page#cInheritPermissionsFromProperty in class Page
$ Page#cOverrideTemplatePermissionsProperty in class Page
$ Page#cIsTemplateProperty in class Page
$ Page#cPathProperty in class Page
$ Page#cParentIDProperty in class Page
$ Page#cChildrenProperty in class Page
$ Page#cCacheFullPageContentProperty in class Page
$ Page#customAliasNameProperty in class Page

The custom name of the alias page.

$ Page#cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetimeProperty in class Page
$ Page#cCacheFullPageContentLifetimeCustomProperty in class Page
Page::clearPagePaths() — Method in class Page

Clears all page paths for a page.

Page::canMoveCopyTo() — Method in class Page

Check if a collection is this page itself or one of its sub-pages.

Page::clearPagePermissions() — Method in class Page

Clear all the page permissions.

Page::computeCanonicalPagePath() — Method in class Page

Get the canonical path string of this page .

PageList::createQuery() — Method in class PageList
PageList::checkPermissions() — Method in class PageList
ColumnSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet
CollectionVersionColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet\Column
CacheSettingFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
ContainsBlockTypeFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
ContainsContainerFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
PageIndex::clear() — Method in class PageIndex

Clear out all indexed items

$ IndexedSearch#cPathSectionsProperty in class IndexedSearch
IndexedSearch::clearSearchIndex() — Method in class IndexedSearch
$ MenuFactory#configProperty in class MenuFactory
MenuFactory::createBulkMenu() — Method in class MenuFactory
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Result
$ Item#cIDProperty in class Item
$ SearchProvider#categoryProperty in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::createSearchResultObject() — Method in class SearchProvider
Single::createPageInTree() — Method in class Single
DeprecatedPageListGenerator::canIncludePageInSitemap() — Method in class DeprecatedPageListGenerator

Should a page be included in the sitemap?

DragRequestData::canDo() — Method in class DragRequestData

Check if an operation can be performed.

DragRequestData::canDoAnyOf() — Method in class DragRequestData

Check if at least one operation can be performed.

$ SitemapPage#changeFrequencyProperty in class SitemapPage

The page change frequency (one of the SitemapPage::CHANGEFREQUENCY_... constants, or an empty string in unavailable).

$ PageListGenerator#connectionProperty in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::canIncludePageInSitemap() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Should a page be included in the sitemap?

$ SitemapGenerator#configProperty in class SitemapGenerator
$ SitemapGenerator#customSiteCanonicalUrlProperty in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::createSitemapPage() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapWriter::checkOutputFilename() — Method in class SitemapWriter
$ Folder#connectionProperty in class Folder
$ FolderService#connectionProperty in class FolderService
Pile::create() — Method in class Pile
Pile::createDefaultPile() — Method in class Pile
Stack::copyLocalizedStacksFrom() — Method in class Stack

Copy localized versions from an another neutral stack.

StackCategory::copyToTargetCategory() — Method in class StackCategory
StackCategory::createFromMultilingualSection() — Method in class StackCategory
DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::clearCustomCollection() — Method in class DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::clearCustomCollection() — Method in class EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
Populator::clearAvailableTemplates() — Method in class Populator
Populator::createCategoryTemplate() — Method in class Populator
ColorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Color
ColorCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Color
ColorCollectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Color
ColorCollectionFactory::createFromArray() — Method in class ColorCollectionFactory
$ ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand#customCssProperty in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
$ CreateCustomSkinCommand#customCssProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
$ DeleteCustomSkinCommand#customSkinProperty in class DeleteCustomSkinCommand
$ GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand#customSkinProperty in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand
$ GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler#compilerProperty in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler
$ UpdateCustomSkinCommand#customSkinProperty in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand
$ UpdateCustomSkinCommand#customCssProperty in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand
CustomizableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme
AtomikDocumentationProvider::clearSupportingElements() — Method in class AtomikDocumentationProvider
$ BedrockDocumentationPage#contentFileProperty in class BedrockDocumentationPage
CustomDocumentationPageInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
CustomThemeDocumentationPageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
$ CustomThemeDocumentationPage#contentFileProperty in class CustomThemeDocumentationPage
DocumentationNavigationFactory::createItemFromPage() — Method in class DocumentationNavigationFactory
DocumentationProvider::clearSupportingElements() — Method in class DocumentationProvider
DocumentationProvider::createFromArray() — Method in class DocumentationProvider
DocumentationProviderInterface::clearSupportingElements() — Method in class DocumentationProviderInterface
Installer::clearDocumentation() — Method in class Installer

Clears the documentation for the provided theme.

$ ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage#childPagesProperty in class ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage
$ ThemeDocumentationPage#contentFileProperty in class ThemeDocumentationPage
Manager::createNineSixtyDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBootstrap2Driver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBootstrap3Driver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBootstrap4Driver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createBootstrap5Driver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createFoundationDriver() — Method in class Manager
$ UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand#collectionVersionIDProperty in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
$ BlockControl#controllerProperty in class BlockControl
BlockControl::canPageTypeComposerControlSetPageName() — Method in class BlockControl
CollectionAttributeControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control
CollectionAttributeControl::canPageTypeComposerControlSetPageName() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
ControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control
Control::canPageTypeComposerControlSetPageName() — Method in class Control
CorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
CorePageProperty::clearComposerRequestProcessControls() — Method in class CorePageProperty
CustomTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control
BlockType::controlTypeSupportsOutputControl() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::configureFromImportHandle() — Method in class BlockType
CollectionAttributeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\Type
CollectionAttributeType::configureFromImportHandle() — Method in class CollectionAttributeType
CorePagePropertyTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\Type
$ CorePagePropertyType#corePagePropertiesProperty in class CorePagePropertyType
CorePagePropertyType::configureFromImportHandle() — Method in class CorePagePropertyType
Type::configureFromImportHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::controlTypeSupportsOutputControl() — Method in class Type
AllConfiguration::canPublishPageTypeBeneathTarget() — Method in class AllConfiguration
ConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\PublishTarget\Configuration
Configuration::canPublishPageTypeBeneathTarget() — Method in class Configuration
PageTypeConfiguration::canPublishPageTypeBeneathTarget() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
$ ParentPageConfiguration#cParentIDProperty in class ParentPageConfiguration
ParentPageConfiguration::canPublishPageTypeBeneathTarget() — Method in class ParentPageConfiguration
AllType::configurePageTypePublishTarget() — Method in class AllType
AllType::configurePageTypePublishTargetFromImport() — Method in class AllType
PageTypeType::configurePageTypePublishTarget() — Method in class PageTypeType
PageTypeType::configurePageTypePublishTargetFromImport() — Method in class PageTypeType
ParentPageType::configurePageTypePublishTarget() — Method in class ParentPageType
ParentPageType::configurePageTypePublishTargetFromImport() — Method in class ParentPageType
Type::configurePageTypePublishTarget() — Method in class Type
Type::configurePageTypePublishTargetFromImport() — Method in class Type
Type::canPublishPageTypeBeneathPage() — Method in class Type

Returns true if pages of the current type are allowed beneath the passed parent page.

Type::createDraft() — Method in class Type
$ PageView#cProperty in class PageView
$ PageView#cpProperty in class PageView
$ PageView#customPreviewRequestProperty in class PageView
PageView::constructView() — Method in class PageView
$ ThemeCustomizerRequest#customCssProperty in class ThemeCustomizerRequest
Access::createByMerge() — Method in class Access
Access::clearWorkflows() — Method in class Access
Access::create() — Method in class Access
CalendarAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
CalendarAdminAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
CategoryTreeNodeAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
ConversationAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
ConversationMessageAuthorEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
Factory::createEntity() — Method in class Factory
GroupEntity::configureFromImport() — Method in class GroupEntity
$ AddBlockBlockTypeListItem#customBlockTypeArrayProperty in class AddBlockBlockTypeListItem
$ AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem#customBlockTypeArrayProperty in class AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem
$ AddConversationMessageConversationListItem#cnvNewMessageApprovalStatusProperty in class AddConversationMessageConversationListItem
$ AddFileFileFolderListItem#customFileTypesArrayProperty in class AddFileFileFolderListItem
$ AddSubpagePageListItem#customPageTypeArrayProperty in class AddSubpagePageListItem
CalendarAdminListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
CalendarListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
CategoryTreeNodeListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
$ EditPagePropertiesPageListItem#customAttributeKeyArrayProperty in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::canEditAttributeKey() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
$ EditPageThemePageListItem#customThemeArrayProperty in class EditPageThemePageListItem
$ EditUserPropertiesUserListItem#customAttributeKeyArrayProperty in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
$ NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem#customSubscriptionsArrayProperty in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem
$ ViewUserAttributesUserListItem#customAttributeArrayProperty in class ViewUserAttributesUserListItem
AreaAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class AreaAssignment
Assignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class Assignment
BasicWorkflowAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class BasicWorkflowAssignment
BlockAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class BlockAssignment
BoardAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class BoardAssignment
CalendarAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
$ CalendarAssignment#calendarProperty in class CalendarAssignment
CalendarAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class CalendarAssignment
CategoryTreeNodeAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
ConversationAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
ConversationAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class ConversationAssignment
FileAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class FileAssignment
PageAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class PageAssignment
PageTypeAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class PageTypeAssignment
TreeNodeAssignment::clearPermissionAssignment() — Method in class TreeNodeAssignment
CategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
$ Category#categoriesProperty in class Category
Category::clearAccessEntityTypeCategories() — Method in class Category
GenericTaskHandler::checkAccess() — Method in class GenericTaskHandler
TaskLauncher::checkCSRF() — Method in class TaskLauncher
CheckerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
Duration::createFromRequest() — Method in class Duration
BanIPEvent::cancelBan() — Method in class BanIPEvent

Cancel the ban.

IPRange::createFromRow() — Method in class IPRange
IPRange::createFromEntity() — Method in class IPRange
$ IPService#configProperty in class IPService
$ IPService#connectionProperty in class IPService
IPService::createRange() — Method in class IPService
IPService::createIPBan() — Method in class IPService
$ IpAccessControlService#categoryProperty in class IpAccessControlService

The IP Access Control Category.

IpAccessControlService::createRange() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Add persist an IP address range type.

AddBlockToAreaAreaKey::copyFromPageToArea() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaKey
AddSubpagePageKey::canAddExternalLink() — Method in class AddSubpagePageKey
AreaKey::copyFromPageToArea() — Method in class AreaKey
BlockKey::copyFromPageOrAreaToBlock() — Method in class BlockKey
CalendarAdminKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
CalendarKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
CategoryTreeNodeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
ConversationKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
ConversationMessageKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
FileKey::copyFromFileSetToFile() — Method in class FileKey
Key::canPermissionKeyTriggerWorkflow() — Method in class Key

Returns whether a permission key can start a workflow.

Key::can() — Method in class Key
PageTypeKey::copyFromDefaultsToPageType() — Method in class PageTypeKey
TreeNodeKey::copyFromParentNodeToCurrentNode() — Method in class TreeNodeKey
$ PermissionsEntry#cascadeToChildrenProperty in class PermissionsEntry
CalendarObjectClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
$ CalendarObject#calendarProperty in class CalendarObject
$ PermissionsEntry#cascadeToChildrenProperty in class PermissionsEntry
AreaResponse::canRead() — Method in class AreaResponse
AreaResponse::canWrite() — Method in class AreaResponse
AreaResponse::canAdmin() — Method in class AreaResponse
AreaResponse::canAddBlocks() — Method in class AreaResponse
AreaResponse::canAddStacks() — Method in class AreaResponse
AreaResponse::canAddStack() — Method in class AreaResponse
AreaResponse::canAddLayout() — Method in class AreaResponse
AreaResponse::canAddBlock() — Method in class AreaResponse

Check if a new block can be added to the area, or if an existing block can be moved to it.

AreaResponse::canViewAreaControls() — Method in class AreaResponse
BlockResponse::canRead() — Method in class BlockResponse
BlockResponse::canWrite() — Method in class BlockResponse
BlockResponse::canDeleteBlock() — Method in class BlockResponse
BlockResponse::canAdmin() — Method in class BlockResponse
BlockResponse::canAdminBlock() — Method in class BlockResponse
BlockResponse::canViewEditInterface() — Method in class BlockResponse
BlockResponse::canGuestsViewThisBlock() — Method in class BlockResponse
BoardInstanceResponse::canEditBoardInstanceSlot() — Method in class BoardInstanceResponse

Checks the current slot as well as the current time. If the slot is locked, it uses the canEditLockedRules command, otherwise it just uses canEditBoardContents(). However in both cases if the timestamp of the rule in the slot is in the future or ends in the past, we disregard the rule.

BoardInstanceSlotRuleResponse::canDeleteBoardInstanceSlotRule() — Method in class BoardInstanceSlotRuleResponse
CalendarResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
CalendarResponse::canCopyCalendarEvents() — Method in class CalendarResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canAccessTopics() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canViewTreeNode() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canDuplicateTreeNode() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNode() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canDeleteTreeNode() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canAddTopicTreeNode() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canAddCategoryTreeNode() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CategoryTreeNodeResponse::canAddTreeSubNode() — Method in class CategoryTreeNodeResponse
CollectionVersionResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response

Class CollectionVersionResponse.

ConversationResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
ConversationResponse::canViewConversation() — Method in class ConversationResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canAccessEntryLocations() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canViewTreeNode() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canDuplicateTreeNode() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNode() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canDeleteTreeNode() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canAddCategoryTreeNode() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canAddTreeSubNode() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
ExpressTreeNodeResponse::canAddTopicTreeNode() — Method in class ExpressTreeNodeResponse
FileFolderResponse::canViewTreeNode() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canAccessFileManager() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canSearchFiles() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canDeleteTreeNode() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canAddTreeSubNode() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canDuplicateTreeNode() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canEditTreeNode() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canEditTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canAddFiles() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canAddFileType() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileFolderResponse::canDeleteFileSet() — Method in class FileFolderResponse
FileResponse::canRead() — Method in class FileResponse
FileResponse::canWrite() — Method in class FileResponse
FileResponse::canAdmin() — Method in class FileResponse
FileTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class FileTreeNodeResponse
FileTreeNodeResponse::canViewTreeNode() — Method in class FileTreeNodeResponse
FileTreeNodeResponse::canDuplicateTreeNode() — Method in class FileTreeNodeResponse
FileTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNode() — Method in class FileTreeNodeResponse
FileTreeNodeResponse::canAddTreeSubNode() — Method in class FileTreeNodeResponse
FileTreeNodeResponse::canDeleteTreeNode() — Method in class FileTreeNodeResponse
GroupFolderResponse::canViewTreeNode() — Method in class GroupFolderResponse
GroupFolderResponse::canDeleteTreeNode() — Method in class GroupFolderResponse
GroupFolderResponse::canAddTreeSubNode() — Method in class GroupFolderResponse
GroupFolderResponse::canDuplicateTreeNode() — Method in class GroupFolderResponse
GroupFolderResponse::canEditTreeNode() — Method in class GroupFolderResponse
GroupFolderResponse::canEditTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class GroupFolderResponse
GroupFolderResponse::canAddFiles() — Method in class GroupFolderResponse
GroupTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class GroupTreeNodeResponse
GroupTreeNodeResponse::canViewTreeNode() — Method in class GroupTreeNodeResponse
GroupTreeNodeResponse::canDuplicateTreeNode() — Method in class GroupTreeNodeResponse
GroupTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNode() — Method in class GroupTreeNodeResponse
GroupTreeNodeResponse::canAddTreeSubNode() — Method in class GroupTreeNodeResponse
GroupTreeNodeResponse::canDeleteTreeNode() — Method in class GroupTreeNodeResponse
MultilingualSectionResponse::canImportMultilingualSection() — Method in class MultilingualSectionResponse
PageResponse::canWrite() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canReadVersions() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canRead() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canAddSubContent() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canViewPageInSitemap() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canViewPage() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canAddSubpages() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canDeleteCollection() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canEditPageType() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canApproveCollection() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canAdminPage() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canAdmin() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canAddExternalLink() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canAddSubCollection() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canAddBlockType() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canEditPageProperties() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canDeletePage() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::canViewToolbar() — Method in class PageResponse
$ Response#categoryProperty in class Response
$ Response#cacheProperty in class Response
SiteResponse::canViewSiteInSelector() — Method in class SiteResponse
TopicTreeNodeResponse::canAccessTopics() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeResponse
TopicTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeResponse
TopicTreeNodeResponse::canViewTreeNode() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeResponse
TopicTreeNodeResponse::canDuplicateTreeNode() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeResponse
TopicTreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNode() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeResponse
TopicTreeNodeResponse::canDeleteTreeNode() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeResponse
TopicTreeNodeResponse::canAddTreeSubNode() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeResponse
TopicTreeNodeResponse::canAddTopicTreeNode() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeResponse
TreeNodeResponse::canViewTreeNode() — Method in class TreeNodeResponse
TreeNodeResponse::canDeleteTreeNode() — Method in class TreeNodeResponse
TreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class TreeNodeResponse
TreeNodeResponse::canEditTreeNode() — Method in class TreeNodeResponse
TreeNodeResponse::canAddTreeSubNode() — Method in class TreeNodeResponse
UserInfoResponse::canViewUser() — Method in class UserInfoResponse
UserInfoResponse::canEditUser() — Method in class UserInfoResponse
$ ApplicationRouteAction#callbackProperty in class ApplicationRouteAction
ClosureRouteActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ ClosureRouteAction#callbackProperty in class ClosureRouteAction
ControllerRouteActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ ControllerRouteAction#controllerCallbackProperty in class ControllerRouteAction
Redirect::createRedirectResponse() — Method in class Redirect

Actually sends a redirect.

$ Route#customNameProperty in class Route

If this route has a custom name, it appears here. Otherwise it is automatically generated from the path.

RouteActionFactory::createAction() — Method in class RouteActionFactory
RouteActionFactoryInterface::createAction() — Method in class RouteActionFactoryInterface
Router::createRouteBuilder() — Method in class Router
AbstractSearchProvider::clearSessionCurrentQuery() — Method in class AbstractSearchProvider
CollectionAttributeKeyColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
$ Column#columnKeyProperty in class Column
$ Column#columnNameProperty in class Column
$ Column#callbackProperty in class Column
ColumnInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
$ Set#columnsProperty in class Set
Set::contains() — Method in class Set
DefaultManager::clear() — Method in class DefaultManager

Clear out a type.

IndexInterface::clear() — Method in class IndexInterface

Clear out all indexed items

IndexManagerInterface::clear() — Method in class IndexManagerInterface

Clear out a type.

$ IndexObjectProvider#connectionProperty in class IndexObjectProvider
ItemList::createQuery() — Method in class ItemList
EntityItemList::createQuery() — Method in class EntityItemList
PagerAdapter::checkPermissions() — Method in class PagerAdapter
$ PagerPagination#cursorProperty in class PagerPagination
$ PagerPagination#currentPageResultsProperty in class PagerPagination
PaginationFactory::canUseSimplePagination() — Method in class PaginationFactory
PaginationFactory::createPaginationObject() — Method in class PaginationFactory
ConcreteBootstrap3TemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteBootstrap3Template::container() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap3Template
ConcreteBootstrap3ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteBootstrap3View::createDefaultTemplate() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap3View
ConcreteBootstrap4TemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteBootstrap4Template::container() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap4Template
ConcreteBootstrap4ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteBootstrap4View::createDefaultTemplate() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap4View
ConcreteBootstrap5TemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteBootstrap5Template::container() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap5Template
ConcreteBootstrap5ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteBootstrap5View::createDefaultTemplate() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap5View
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::container() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::current() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
ConcreteCMSPagerViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteCMSPagerView::createDefaultTemplate() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerView
ConcreteCMSTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteCMSTemplate::container() — Method in class ConcreteCMSTemplate
ConcreteCMSViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ConcreteCMSView::createDefaultTemplate() — Method in class ConcreteCMSView
Manager::createApplicationDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createDashboardDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createCmsDriver() — Method in class Manager
PagerManager::createApplicationDriver() — Method in class PagerManager
PagerManager::createDashboardDriver() — Method in class PagerManager
PagerManager::createCmsDriver() — Method in class PagerManager
PermissionableListItemInterface::checkPermissions() — Method in class PermissionableListItemInterface
ProviderInterface::createSearchResultObject() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ConfigurableItemsPerPageRequestModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query\Modifier
CustomItemsPerPageRequestModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query\Modifier
QueryFactory::createQuery() — Method in class QueryFactory

Creates the default query object for a particular search provider. Pre-loaded search fields can be added to filter the query.

QueryFactory::createFromAdvancedSearchRequest() — Method in class QueryFactory

Creates a Query object from the request of the standard Advanced Search dialog. This is the dialog that includes the stackable filters, customizable columns, items per page, etc.

QueryFactory::createFromSavedSearch() — Method in class QueryFactory

Creates a query object from a saved search. You could easily just call getQuery on the preset directly; this is mainly here for code purity.

ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Result
$ Column#classNameProperty in class Column
$ Item#columnsProperty in class Item
$ ItemColumn#columnProperty in class ItemColumn
$ Result#columnsProperty in class Result
ResultFactory::createFromQuery() — Method in class ResultFactory
SessionQueryProviderInterface::clearSessionCurrentQuery() — Method in class SessionQueryProviderInterface
ConfiguratorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration
ApacheStorage::canRead() — Method in class ApacheStorage

Determine whether the configuration can be read.

ApacheStorage::canWrite() — Method in class ApacheStorage

Determine whether this configuration can be written.

NginxStorage::canRead() — Method in class NginxStorage

Determine whether the configuration can be read.

NginxStorage::canWrite() — Method in class NginxStorage

Determine whether this configuration can be written.

StorageInterface::canRead() — Method in class StorageInterface

Determine whether the configuration can be read.

StorageInterface::canWrite() — Method in class StorageInterface

Determine whether this configuration can be written.

$ Apache#configurator_classProperty in class Apache

The class to use to manage configuration rules.

$ Nginx#configurator_classProperty in class Nginx

The class to use to manage configuration rules.

ConfigurableRuleInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Rule

Interface describing a configurable rule for the web server.

$ Rule#codeProperty in class Rule

The code of the rule.

$ Rule#commentsBeforeProperty in class Rule

Optional comments to be placed before the rule itself.

$ Rule#commentsAfterProperty in class Rule

Optional comments to be placed after the rule itself.

SessionFactory::createSession() — Method in class SessionFactory

Create a new symfony session object This method MUST NOT start the session.

SessionFactoryInterface::createSession() — Method in class SessionFactoryInterface

Create a new symfony session object This method MUST NOT start the session.

$ SessionValidator#configProperty in class SessionValidator
SessionValidator::considerIPChanged() — Method in class SessionValidator
RedisSessionHandler::close() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
LoggedStorage::clear() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Clear all session data in memory.

$ Service#customHTMLProperty in class Service
$ DatabaseConfigSaver#configProperty in class DatabaseConfigSaver
$ Factory#configProperty in class Factory
Factory::createEntity() — Method in class Factory

Either creates a completely new entity, or ensures that the passed entity has all the items it needs to function (e.g. a config repository)

Factory::createDefaultEntity() — Method in class Factory
$ InstallationService#configProperty in class InstallationService
InstallationService::createSharedFilesFolders() — Method in class InstallationService
InstallationService::createMultisiteUserGroup() — Method in class InstallationService
InstallationService::createDefaultNotificationSubscriptions() — Method in class InstallationService

Takes care of adding "/Sites" to workflow notifications

ResolverFactory::createResolver() — Method in class ResolverFactory
$ Service#configProperty in class Service
$ Service#cacheProperty in class Service
SiteList::createPaginationObject() — Method in class SiteList

Gets the pagination object for the query.

SiteList::createQuery() — Method in class SiteList
ControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type\Controller
Factory::createDefaultEntity() — Method in class Factory
Factory::createEntity() — Method in class Factory
Service::createAndPersistType() — Method in class Service
Service::createSkeleton() — Method in class Service
Service::createSiteGroup() — Method in class Service

Creates the concrete5 user group that will hold instance groups for this site.

Service::createInstanceGroup() — Method in class Service
$ AggregateTracker#creatorsProperty in class AggregateTracker
CompilerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Compiler
Compiler::compileFromPreset() — Method in class Compiler
Compiler::compileFromCustomSkin() — Method in class Compiler
CustomCssRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer
CustomizerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizer
$ Customizer#configurationFileProperty in class Customizer
CustomizerFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizer
CustomizerFactory::createFromTheme() — Method in class CustomizerFactory
CustomStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Inline
ColorVariableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
LegacyNormalizer::createVariableCollectionFromFile() — Method in class LegacyNormalizer
LessNormalizer::createVariableCollectionFromFile() — Method in class LessNormalizer
NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory::createFromStyleValueList() — Method in class NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory
NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory::createFromPreset() — Method in class NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory
NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory::createFromCustomSkin() — Method in class NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory
NormalizerInterface::createVariableCollectionFromFile() — Method in class NormalizerInterface
$ ScssNormalizer#compilerProperty in class ScssNormalizer
ScssNormalizer::createVariableCollectionFromFile() — Method in class ScssNormalizer
PresetFactory::createFromTheme() — Method in class PresetFactory

Returns an array of SkinInterface objects found in the path.

LessFilePresetType::createPresetFromPath() — Method in class LessFilePresetType
ScssDirectoryPresetType::createPresetFromPath() — Method in class ScssDirectoryPresetType
TypeInterface::createPresetFromPath() — Method in class TypeInterface
$ StandardPreviewHandler#compilerProperty in class StandardPreviewHandler
LessProcessor::compileFileToString() — Method in class LessProcessor
ProcessorInterface::compileFileToString() — Method in class ProcessorInterface
$ ScssProcessor#compilerProperty in class ScssProcessor
ScssProcessor::compileFileToString() — Method in class ScssProcessor
SkinFactory::createFromPath() — Method in class SkinFactory
SkinFactory::createMultipleFromDirectory() — Method in class SkinFactory

Returns an array of SkinInterface objects found in the path.

StyleListFactory::createStyleList() — Method in class StyleListFactory
ColorStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
ColorStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class ColorStyle
ColorStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class ColorStyle
ColorStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class ColorStyle
CustomizerVariableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
CustomizerVariableCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
CustomizerVariableCollectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style

Responsible for looking at a style list and turning that list into a collection of variables fed to the customizer Why do we need this class? Because some types of controls like TypeStyle can have sub controls, but we want to know about their variables at a high level.

CustomizerVariableCollectionFactory::createFromStyleValueList() — Method in class CustomizerVariableCollectionFactory
FontFamilyStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class FontFamilyStyle
FontFamilyStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class FontFamilyStyle
FontFamilyStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class FontFamilyStyle
FontStyleStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class FontStyleStyle
FontStyleStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class FontStyleStyle
FontStyleStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class FontStyleStyle
FontWeightStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class FontWeightStyle
FontWeightStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class FontWeightStyle
FontWeightStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class FontWeightStyle
ImageStyle::createImageVariable() — Method in class ImageStyle
ImageStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class ImageStyle
ImageStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class ImageStyle
ImageStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class ImageStyle
ColorStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Legacy
ImageStyle::createImageVariable() — Method in class ImageStyle
AbstractParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class AbstractParser
ColorParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
ColorParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class ColorParser
FontFamilyParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class FontFamilyParser
FontStyleParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class FontStyleParser
FontWeightParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class FontWeightParser
ImageParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class ImageParser
ColorParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser\Legacy
ColorParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class ColorParser
ImageParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class ImageParser
SizeParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class SizeParser
TypeParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class TypeParser
Version1Manager::createColorParser() — Method in class Version1Manager
Version1Manager::createSizeParser() — Method in class Version1Manager
Version1Manager::createImageParser() — Method in class Version1Manager
Version1Manager::createTypeParser() — Method in class Version1Manager
Version2Manager::createColorParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
Version2Manager::createFontFamilyParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
Version2Manager::createSizeParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
Version2Manager::createFontStyleParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
Version2Manager::createFontWeightParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
Version2Manager::createTextDecorationParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
Version2Manager::createTextTransformParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
Version2Manager::createImageParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
Version2Manager::createTypeParser() — Method in class Version2Manager
SizeParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class SizeParser
TextDecorationParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class TextDecorationParser
TextTransformParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class TextTransformParser
TypeParser::createStyleObject() — Method in class TypeParser
PresetFontsFileStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class PresetFontsFileStyle
PresetFontsFileStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class PresetFontsFileStyle
PresetFontsFileStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class PresetFontsFileStyle
SizeStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class SizeStyle
SizeStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class SizeStyle
SizeStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class SizeStyle
StyleInterface::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class StyleInterface
StyleInterface::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class StyleInterface
StyleInterface::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class StyleInterface
StyleValueList::createGroupedStyleValueList() — Method in class StyleValueList
StyleValueListFactory::createFromVariableCollection() — Method in class StyleValueListFactory
StyleValueListFactory::createFromRequestArray() — Method in class StyleValueListFactory
TextDecorationStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class TextDecorationStyle
TextDecorationStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class TextDecorationStyle
TextDecorationStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class TextDecorationStyle
TextTransformStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class TextTransformStyle
TextTransformStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class TextTransformStyle
TextTransformStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class TextTransformStyle
TypeStyle::createValueFromVariableCollection() — Method in class TypeStyle
TypeStyle::createValueFromRequestDataCollection() — Method in class TypeStyle
TypeStyle::createVariableFromValue() — Method in class TypeStyle
ColorValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
Stylesheet::clearOutputFile() — Method in class Stylesheet
CustomizeControllerTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Traits
CustomizeControllerTrait::canAccess() — Method in class CustomizeControllerTrait
WebFontCollectionFactory::createFromPreset() — Method in class WebFontCollectionFactory
Writer::clearStyles() — Method in class Writer
CategoryMemberInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Category
CalendarEventDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Category\Driver
Manager::createPageDriver() — Method in class Manager
Manager::createCalendarEventDriver() — Method in class Manager
CollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data

Responsible for joining fields in the system to actual data gleaned from an object.

$ Collection#collectionProperty in class Collection
Collection::containsField() — Method in class Collection
AbstractPopulator::clearAvailableTemplates() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::createCategoryTemplate() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
$ Renderer#currentPageProperty in class Renderer
Differ::countTrailingUnchangedLines() — Method in class Differ

Count the number of unchanged trailing lines.

InlineTagFixer::createConfigurationDefinition() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
$ PhpFixerOptions#configProperty in class PhpFixerOptions
PhpFixerRunner::calculateNumberOfFiles() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::createFinder() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::createCacheManager() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
ConfigClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
CookieClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
Facade::clearResolvedInstance() — Method in class Facade

Clear a resolved facade instance.

Facade::clearResolvedInstances() — Method in class Facade

Clear all of the resolved instances.

Manager::createDriver() — Method in class Manager
ClassSymbolClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Symbol\ClassSymbol
$ ClassSymbol#commentProperty in class ClassSymbol

The class's docblock.

$ MethodSymbol#classSymbolProperty in class MethodSymbol
$ MethodSymbol#commentProperty in class MethodSymbol

The docblock.

$ SymbolGenerator#classesProperty in class SymbolGenerator

The ClassSymbol objects.

$ Info#coreRootDirectoryProperty in class Info
$ Info#coreVersionsProperty in class Info
$ Info#cacheProperty in class Info
$ Info#codeVersionProperty in class Info
$ QueueStatusQueue#countProperty in class QueueStatusQueue
CategoryItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Category
$ CategoryItem#categoryProperty in class CategoryItem
CloneItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item
$ Node#childNodesProperty in class Node
$ Node#childNodesLoadedProperty in class Node
Node::checkMove() — Method in class Node

Check if this node can be moved under another parent.

Node::clearLoadedChildren() — Method in class Node

Clear the child nodes loaded by populateChildren() / populateDirectChildrenOnly().

CategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
CategoryListFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Formatter
$ GroupFolder#containsProperty in class GroupFolder
CategoryMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Menu
Tree::create() — Method in class Tree
$ AbstractMigration#connectionProperty in class AbstractMigration
AbstractMigration::createSinglePage() — Method in class AbstractMigration

Create a new SinglePage (if it does not exist).

ConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations
Version20160725000000::cleanupOldPermissions() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20190708000000::createFailedLoginCategory() — Method in class Version20190708000000
Version20190708000000::copyLoginControlIpRanges() — Method in class Version20190708000000
Version20190708000000::copyFailedLoginAttempts() — Method in class Version20190708000000
Version20211023155414::cleanDataArray() — Method in class Version20211023155414
CallableUrlResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver
CanonicalUrlResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver
$ CanonicalUrlResolver#cachedProperty in class CanonicalUrlResolver
CanonicalUrlResolver::clearCached() — Method in class CanonicalUrlResolver

Clear the cached canonical URL.

$ PathUrlResolver#configProperty in class PathUrlResolver
$ PathUrlResolver#canonicalProperty in class PathUrlResolver
Url::createFromUrl() — Method in class Url
UrlImmutable::createFromUrl() — Method in class UrlImmutable
$ AvatarService#connectionProperty in class AvatarService
CheckAutomatedGroupsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
CheckAutomatedGroupsCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
ClearUserIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
ClearUserIndexCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
$ DeactivateUsersCommandHandler#configProperty in class DeactivateUsersCommandHandler
$ RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandler#connectionProperty in class RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandler
$ RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandler#configProperty in class RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandler
$ AvatarCropperInstanceFactory#configProperty in class AvatarCropperInstanceFactory
AvatarCropperInstanceFactory::createInstance() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstanceFactory
AvatarCropperInstanceFactory::createInstanceFromRequest() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstanceFactory
$ UserSelectInstance#configProperty in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstance::createResultFromUser() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstanceFactory::createInstance() — Method in class UserSelectInstanceFactory
UserSelectInstanceFactory::createInstanceFromRequest() — Method in class UserSelectInstanceFactory
CsvWriterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
$ CsvWriter#categoryProperty in class CsvWriter
AddUser::cancelAdd() — Method in class AddUser
$ DeactivateUser#createdProperty in class DeactivateUser

The datetime this event was created

DeactivateUser::create() — Method in class DeactivateUser

Factory method for creating new User event objects

DeleteUser::cancelDelete() — Method in class DeleteUser
DefaultAutomation::check() — Method in class DefaultAutomation

Return true to automatically enter the current ux into the group.

CanDeleteGroupsTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ AddGroupCommandHandler#connectionProperty in class AddGroupCommandHandler
$ AddGroupCommandValidator#checkPermissionsProperty in class AddGroupCommandValidator

Whether to use the permissions checker to validate against the currently logged in user.

$ DeleteGroupCommandHandler#connectionProperty in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
DeleteGroupCommandHandler::checkDeletableGroup() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
DeleteGroupCommandHandler::cleanupReferences() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
DeleteEvent::cancelDelete() — Method in class DeleteEvent
EditResponse::clearGroups() — Method in class EditResponse
FolderItemList::createQuery() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::checkPermissions() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderManager::create() — Method in class FolderManager

Creates everything necessary to store files in folders.

Group::changeUserRole() — Method in class Group
Group::checkGroupAutomationOnRegister() — Method in class Group
Group::checkGroupAutomationOnLogin() — Method in class Group
Group::checkGroupAutomationOnJobRun() — Method in class Group
Group::clearBadgeOptions() — Method in class Group
Group::clearAutomationOptions() — Method in class Group
GroupAutomationController::check() — Method in class GroupAutomationController

Return true to automatically enter the current ux into the group.

GroupList::createQuery() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::createPaginationObject() — Method in class GroupList

Gets the pagination object for the query.

GroupList::checkPermissions() — Method in class GroupList
$ GroupRepository#connectionProperty in class GroupRepository
$ GroupRepository#cacheProperty in class GroupRepository
GroupSet::clearGroups() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::contains() — Method in class GroupSet
ColumnSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\ColumnSet
MenuFactory::createBulkMenu() — Method in class MenuFactory
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\Result
SearchProvider::createSearchResultObject() — Method in class SearchProvider
$ LoginAttemptService#configProperty in class LoginAttemptService

The config repository that has configuration for this service

$ LoginService#configProperty in class LoginService

The config repository we use to format errors appropriately

$ PasswordUpgrade#configProperty in class PasswordUpgrade
CookieServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\PersistentAuthentication
$ CookieService#cookieJarProperty in class CookieService
$ CookieService#configProperty in class CookieService
CookieValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\PersistentAuthentication
$ PostLoginLocation#configProperty in class PostLoginLocation
RegistrationService::createSuperUser() — Method in class RegistrationService
RegistrationService::create() — Method in class RegistrationService
RegistrationService::createFromPublicRegistration() — Method in class RegistrationService
RegistrationServiceInterface::create() — Method in class RegistrationServiceInterface
RegistrationServiceInterface::createSuperUser() — Method in class RegistrationServiceInterface
RegistrationServiceInterface::createFromPublicRegistration() — Method in class RegistrationServiceInterface
ColumnSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet
MenuFactory::createBulkMenu() — Method in class MenuFactory
ColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Result
SearchProvider::createSearchResultObject() — Method in class SearchProvider
$ StatusService#configProperty in class StatusService
User::checkLogin() — Method in class User
User::changeGroupRole() — Method in class User
User::config() — Method in class User
$ UserInfo#connectionProperty in class UserInfo
UserInfo::canReadPrivateMessage() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::changePassword() — Method in class UserInfo
UserList::checkPermissions() — Method in class UserList
UserList::createQuery() — Method in class UserList
UserList::checkGroupJoin() — Method in class UserList

Function used to check if a group join has already been set.

Text::camelcase() — Method in class Text

Takes a string and turns it into the CamelCase or StudlyCaps version.

Arrays::containsString() — Method in class Arrays

Returns true if any string in the "haystack" contains the "needle".

Strings::containsNumber() — Method in class Strings

Returns 0 if there are no numbers in the string, or returns the number of numbers in the string.

Strings::containsUpperCase() — Method in class Strings

Returns 0 if there are no upper case letters in the string, or returns the number of upper case letters in the string.

Strings::containsLowerCase() — Method in class Strings

Returns 0 if there are no lower case letters in the string, or returns the number of lower case letters in the string.

Strings::containsSymbol() — Method in class Strings

Returns 0 if there are no symbols in the string, or returns the number of symbols in the string.

Xml::createChildElement() — Method in class Xml

Create a new element with the specified value.

Xml::createCDataNode() — Method in class Xml
ClosureValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

A generic validator cabable of describing itself and validating mixed values using closures.

$ PasswordValidatorServiceProvider#configProperty in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

The config repository we're using to register

EmailValidator::checkEmail() — Method in class EmailValidator

Actually check if an email address is valid.

$ UniqueUserEmailValidator#connectionProperty in class UniqueUserEmailValidator

The connection to the database.

$ UniqueUserNameValidator#connectionProperty in class UniqueUserNameValidator

The connection to the database.

$ AbstractView#controllerProperty in class AbstractView
AbstractView::constructView() — Method in class AbstractView
BasicFileView::constructView() — Method in class BasicFileView
ErrorView::constructView() — Method in class ErrorView
FileLocatorView::constructView() — Method in class FileLocatorView
View::constructView() — Method in class View
BasicWorkflow::canApproveWorkflow() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Returns true if the logged-in user can approve the current workflow.

BasicWorkflow::cancel() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
BasicWorkflow::canApproveWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Check if the currently logged-in user can approve an operation.

EmptyWorkflow::canApproveWorkflow() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Check if the currently logged-in user can approve this workflow.

EmptyWorkflow::canApproveWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Check if the currently logged-in user can approve an operation.

CancelActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress\Action
CalendarEventProgressClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress
CategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress
$ PageProgress#cIDProperty in class PageProgress
Progress::create() — Method in class Progress

Creates a WorkflowProgress object (which will be assigned to a Page, File, etc... in our system.

ActivateUserRequest::cancel() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest

after caneling activate(register activate) request, do nothing

$ ApprovePageRequest#cvPublishDateProperty in class ApprovePageRequest
$ ApprovePageRequest#cvPublishEndDateProperty in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::cancel() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
CalendarEventRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
ChangePagePermissionsRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
DeleteUserRequest::cancel() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest

After canceling delete request, do nothing

PageRequest::cancel() — Method in class PageRequest
$ Request#currentWPProperty in class Request
UserRequest::cancel() — Method in class UserRequest
Workflow::canApproveWorkflow() — Method in class Workflow

Check if the currently logged-in user can approve this workflow.

Workflow::canApproveWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class Workflow

Check if the currently logged-in user can approve an operation.

ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Geolocator\Geoplugin
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\StartingPointPackage\AtomikBlank
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\StartingPointPackage\AtomikFull
ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\StartingPointPackage\ElementalFull


Controller::duplicateKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::deauthenticate() — Method in class Controller

Method used to clean up.

$ AccordionEntry#descriptionProperty in class AccordionEntry
Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller
Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#displayPagesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayPagesCIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayPagesIncludeSelfProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displaySubPagesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displaySubPageLevelsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displaySubPageLevelsNumProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayUnavailablePagesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayUnapprovedProperty in class Controller
Controller::displayPage() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#displayEventAttributesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayEventNameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayEventDateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayEventDescriptionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#defaultViewProperty in class Controller
Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller
Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

$ Controller#displayModeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displaySocialLinksProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayPostingFormProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#dateFormatProperty in class Controller
Controller::duplicate_master() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#draftsPerPageProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#defaultDraftsPerPageProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayLimitProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayOrderDescProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#downloadFileMethodProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#detailPageProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayLimitProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayCaptchaProperty in class Controller
Controller::duplicate_clipboard() — Method in class Controller
Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

$ Controller#displayCaptchaProperty in class Controller
Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Duplicate will run when copying a page with a block, or editing a block for the first time within a page version (before the save).

Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

$ MiniSurvey#dbProperty in class MiniSurvey
MiniSurvey::deleteQuestion() — Method in class MiniSurvey
Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

Controller::database() — Method in class Controller

Memoized database instance

Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

On delete update the tracker.

$ Controller#displayTagProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#dateFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#delimiterProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayAliasesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displaySystemPagesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayFeaturedOnlyProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#displayThumbnailProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#dateTextFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#dateFormatProperty in class Controller
Controller::do_search() — Method in class Controller

Perform the search.

$ Controller#displayOrderProperty in class Controller
Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

$ Controller#displayOrderProperty in class Controller
Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

Controller::delete() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

Controller::duplicate() — Method in class Controller

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

$ Option#displayOrderProperty in class Option
$ Controller#displayModeProperty in class Controller
DocumentationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Api
Action::dispatch() — Method in class Action
Action::deliverResponse() — Method in class Action
Instance::deleteRule() — Method in class Instance
Instance::deleteRuleByBatch() — Method in class Instance
$ File#destinationFolderProperty in class File

The destination folder where the uploaded files should be placed.

File::deleteVersion() — Method in class File
File::duplicate() — Method in class File
File::download() — Method in class File
File::doRescan() — Method in class File
File::downloadRemoteURL() — Method in class File

Download an URL to the temporary directory.

ImageEditor::decodeRawImageData() — Method in class ImageEditor
Thumbnail::decodeRawImageData() — Method in class Thumbnail
DragRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Tree\Node
DuplicateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Tree\Node
DesignClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Area
Manage::delete() — Method in class Manage
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Block
DesignClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Block
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Event
DeleteOccurrenceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Event
DuplicateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Event
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Express\Preset
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File\Bulk
Delete::deleteFiles() — Method in class Delete
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File\Preset
Statistics::download() — Method in class Statistics
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Groups\Bulk
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Groups
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Groups\Preset
DetailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Language\Update
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Logs\Bulk
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Logs
DeleteAllClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Logs
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Logs\Preset
DownloadClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Marketplace
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page\Bulk
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
DeleteAliasClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
DesignClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
DragRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
DragRequest::doCopyAll() — Method in class DragRequest
DragRequest::doAlias() — Method in class DragRequest
DragRequest::doCopy() — Method in class DragRequest
DragRequest::doMove() — Method in class DragRequest
DragRequest::doCopyVersion() — Method in class DragRequest
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page\Preset
AdvancedSearch::deserializeQuery() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Search\Preset
DeleteExpressClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\Category
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node
Delete::deleteNode() — Method in class Delete
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\FileFolder
Delete::deleteNode() — Method in class Delete
$ Attributes#defaultPageProperty in class Attributes
Activate::deactivate() — Method in class Activate
Activate::deactivatesubmit() — Method in class Activate
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User\Bulk
DetailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User
DeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User\Preset
$ EditKey#dashboard_page_submit_actionProperty in class EditKey
$ Form#dashboard_page_submit_actionProperty in class Form
$ Form#dashboard_page_parametersProperty in class Form
$ KeyHeader#dashboard_page_delete_actionProperty in class KeyHeader
$ KeyHeader#dashboard_page_parametersProperty in class KeyHeader
$ KeyList#dashboard_page_pathProperty in class KeyList
$ KeyList#dashboard_page_add_actionProperty in class KeyList
$ KeyList#dashboard_page_edit_actionProperty in class KeyList
$ KeyList#dashboard_page_sort_actionProperty in class KeyList
$ KeyList#dashboard_page_parametersProperty in class KeyList
AccountMenu::displayChildPages() — Method in class AccountMenu
Menu::displayChildPages() — Method in class Menu
Menu::displayDivider() — Method in class Menu
EventVersion::delete() — Method in class EventVersion
AddMessage::dispatchEvent() — Method in class AddMessage
DeleteFileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
DeleteMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
DeleteMessage::deleteMessage() — Method in class DeleteMessage
UpdateMessage::dispatchEvent() — Method in class UpdateMessage
DashboardClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel
Composer::discard() — Method in class Composer
DesignClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Page
DevicesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Page
Devices::detail() — Method in class Devices
Versions::duplicate() — Method in class Versions
Versions::delete() — Method in class Versions
CustomizePreset::delete() — Method in class CustomizePreset

Method run when deleting a theme.

AccessEntity::deliverEntity() — Method in class AccessEntity
ConversationMessageAuthor::deliverEntity() — Method in class ConversationMessageAuthor
FileUploader::deliverEntity() — Method in class FileUploader
Group::deliverEntity() — Method in class Group
GroupCombination::deliverEntity() — Method in class GroupCombination
GroupSet::deliverEntity() — Method in class GroupSet
PageOwner::deliverEntity() — Method in class PageOwner
SiteGroup::deliverEntity() — Method in class SiteGroup
User::deliverEntity() — Method in class User
Block::displayAccessCell() — Method in class Block
Conversation::displayAccessCell() — Method in class Conversation
Page::displayAccessCell() — Method in class Page
Avatar::deleted() — Method in class Avatar
Avatar::delete() — Method in class Avatar
$ EditProfile#displayUserNameProperty in class EditProfile
Messages::delete_message() — Method in class Messages
DashboardClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
Stacks::delete_stack() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::duplicate() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::delete_stackfolder() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::deliverStackList() — Method in class Stacks
DataSourcesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
DataSources::delete_data_source() — Method in class DataSources
DesignerClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
Designer::delete_element() — Method in class Designer
DetailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
Edit::delete_board() — Method in class Edit
DetailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards\Instances
Details::delete_instance() — Method in class Details
Attributes::delete() — Method in class Attributes
Events::delete_calendar() — Method in class Events
Connect::do_connect() — Method in class Connect
Install::do_uninstall_package() — Method in class Install
Install::download() — Method in class Install
Install::delete_package() — Method in class Install
Update::do_update() — Method in class Update
AddSet::do_add() — Method in class AddSet
Attributes::delete() — Method in class Attributes
DetailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Files
Sets::delete() — Method in class Sets
Attributes::delete() — Method in class Attributes
Containers::delete_container() — Method in class Containers
Feeds::delete_feed() — Method in class Feeds
Templates::delete() — Method in class Templates
Types::delete() — Method in class Types
Types::duplicate() — Method in class Types
$ Attributes#defaultPageProperty in class Attributes
Form::delete_set() — Method in class Form
Form::delete_set_control() — Method in class Form
Legacy::deleteAnswers() — Method in class Legacy
Legacy::deleteFormAnswers() — Method in class Legacy
Legacy::deleteForm() — Method in class Legacy
DetailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Reports\Health
Details::delete() — Method in class Details
Surveys::displayChart() — Method in class Surveys
Full::display_double_sitemap() — Method in class Full
Integrations::delete() — Method in class Integrations
Sets::delete_set() — Method in class Sets
Activity::delete() — Method in class Activity
Activity::details() — Method in class Activity
Failed::delete_message() — Method in class Failed
Schedule::delete() — Method in class Schedule
Attributes::delete() — Method in class Attributes
Marketplace::do_connect() — Method in class Marketplace
Social::delete_link() — Method in class Social
DatabaseCharsetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
DebugClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
Debug::debug_example() — Method in class Debug
Debug::disabled_example() — Method in class Debug
Geolocation::details() — Method in class Geolocation
Entities::delete() — Method in class Entities
Entities::delete_entries() — Method in class Entities
Associations::delete_association() — Method in class Associations
Attributes::delete() — Method in class Attributes
Forms::delete_form() — Method in class Forms
Forms::delete_set() — Method in class Forms
Forms::delete_set_control() — Method in class Forms
ExternalFileProvider::delete() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
Storage::delete() — Method in class Storage
Thumbnails::delete() — Method in class Thumbnails
Test::do_test() — Method in class Test
Sites::delete_site() — Method in class Sites
Sites::delete_domain() — Method in class Sites
Types::delete_type() — Method in class Types
Types::delete_group() — Method in class Types
Clearcache::do_clear() — Method in class Clearcache
Jobs::delete_set() — Method in class Jobs
DenylistClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
Range::delete_range() — Method in class Range
Workflows::delete() — Method in class Workflows
DeactivationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
Profiles::disablePublicProfiles() — Method in class Profiles
Update::download_update() — Method in class Update
Update::do_update() — Method in class Update
AddGroup::do_add() — Method in class AddGroup
Attributes::delete() — Method in class Attributes
GroupSets::delete_set() — Method in class GroupSets
Groups::delete() — Method in class Groups
Search::delete_avatar() — Method in class Search
DesktopClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
DownloadFileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
DownloadFile::download() — Method in class DownloadFile
Login::do_logout() — Method in class Login
DirectoryClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Members
$ Register#displayUserNameProperty in class Register
Register::do_register() — Method in class Register
$ StandardItem#descriptionProperty in class StandardItem
Library::delete() — Method in class Library

Delete a library.

Library::deactivateAll() — Method in class Library

Deactivate all Antispam Libraries, (called by activate()).

ApiController::deleted() — Method in class ApiController
Areas::deleteBlock() — Method in class Areas
Blocks::delete() — Method in class Blocks
Express::delete() — Method in class Express
Files::delete() — Method in class Files
Pages::delete() — Method in class Pages
Users::delete() — Method in class Users
Versions::delete() — Method in class Versions
$ AreaTransformer#defaultIncludesProperty in class AreaTransformer
$ CalendarEventTransformer#defaultIncludesProperty in class CalendarEventTransformer
$ PageTransformer#defaultIncludesProperty in class PageTransformer
$ File#descriptionProperty in class File
$ File#date_addedProperty in class File
$ OptionListOption#display_valueProperty in class OptionListOption
$ Page#date_addedProperty in class Page
$ Page#date_last_updatedProperty in class Page
$ Page#descriptionProperty in class Page
$ PageVersion#date_createdProperty in class PageVersion
$ PageVersion#date_approvedProperty in class PageVersion
$ Site#default_localeProperty in class Site
$ Topic#display_nameProperty in class Topic
$ UpdatedFile#descriptionProperty in class UpdatedFile
$ UpdatedPage#descriptionProperty in class UpdatedPage
$ User#date_addedProperty in class User
$ User#date_password_last_changedProperty in class User
$ User#date_last_updatedProperty in class User
DeleteOAuthClientCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Command
DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Command
Controller::determineStep() — Method in class Controller

Figure out what step we should be rendering based on the active authorization request This method should handle verifying authorization and login

DefaultValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Validator
$ Parameter#descriptionProperty in class Parameter
$ SpecRequestBody#descriptionProperty in class SpecRequestBody
$ SpecResponse#descriptionProperty in class SpecResponse
DeletedAreaBlockResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Response
DeletedResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Response
$ DeletedResponse#deletedProperty in class DeletedResponse
Application::dispatch() — Method in class Application
Application::detectEnvironment() — Method in class Application

Detect the application's current environment.

Composer::display() — Method in class Composer
Composer::displayButtons() — Method in class Composer
Composer::displayPublishScheduleSettings() — Method in class Composer
DashboardClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service
DashboardMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service
$ Sitemap#displayNodePaginationProperty in class Sitemap
DefaultDashboardMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service
FileManager::doc() — Method in class FileManager

Sets up a form field to let users pick a document file.

Help::display() — Method in class Help
Help::displayHelpDialogLauncher() — Method in class Help
DashboardManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
AbstractManager::deliverMenu() — Method in class AbstractManager
DropdownMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu
DialogLinkItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu\Item
DividerItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu\Item
ManagerInterface::deliverMenu() — Method in class ManagerInterface
Navigation::denormalize() — Method in class Navigation
Controller::displayItem() — Method in class Controller

Determine whether item should be displayed.

ControllerInterface::displayItem() — Method in class ControllerInterface

Determine whether item should be displayed.

StandardTreeCollection::displayMenu() — Method in class StandardTreeCollection

Should the site locales menu be displayed?

TreeCollectionInterface::displayMenu() — Method in class TreeCollectionInterface

Should the site locales menu be displayed?

Area::disableControls() — Method in class Area

disables controls for the current area.

Area::display() — Method in class Area

displays the Area in the page ex: $a = new Area('Main'); $a->display($c);.

ContainerArea::display() — Method in class ContainerArea
GlobalArea::display() — Method in class GlobalArea

displays the Area in the page ex: $a = new Area('Main'); $a->display($c);.

GlobalArea::deleteByName() — Method in class GlobalArea

Note that this function does not delete the global area's stack.

GlobalArea::deleteEmptyAreas() — Method in class GlobalArea

Searches for global areas without any blocks in it and deletes them.

Column::duplicate() — Method in class Column
Column::display() — Method in class Column
Column::delete() — Method in class Column
CustomColumn::duplicate() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomColumn::delete() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomLayout::duplicate() — Method in class CustomLayout
CustomLayout::disableAreaLayoutCustomColumnWidths() — Method in class CustomLayout

Disable custom column widths on layouts.

Layout::duplicate() — Method in class Layout
Layout::delete() — Method in class Layout
PresetLayout::duplicate() — Method in class PresetLayout
UserPreset::delete() — Method in class UserPreset
ThemeGridColumn::duplicate() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::delete() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridLayout::duplicate() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
SubArea::delete() — Method in class SubArea
AbstractCategory::delete() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Delete this category and all the associated attribute keys.

AbstractCategory::deleteKey() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Method called when a key is deleted. This is usually used to delete all the values associated to an attribute key.

AbstractCategory::deleteValue() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Delete an attribute value.

AbstractStandardCategory::delete() — Method in class AbstractStandardCategory

Delete this category and all the associated attribute keys.

CategoryInterface::deleteKey() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Method called when a key is deleted. This is usually used to delete all the values associated to an attribute key.

CategoryInterface::deleteValue() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Delete an attribute value.

CategoryInterface::delete() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Delete this category and all the associated attribute keys.

ExpressCategory::deleteKey() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Method called when a key is deleted. This is usually used to delete all the values associated to an attribute key.

LegacyCategory::deleteKey() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Method called when a key is deleted. This is usually used to delete all the values associated to an attribute key.

LegacyCategory::deleteValue() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Delete an attribute value.

StandardCategoryTrait::delete() — Method in class StandardCategoryTrait
DashboardFormContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
Controller::duplicateKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::deleteKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::deleteValue() — Method in class Controller
DefaultControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
Value::delete() — Method in class Value
AuthenticationType::disable() — Method in class AuthenticationType

AuthenticationType::disable Disable an authentication type.

AuthenticationType::delete() — Method in class AuthenticationType

AuthenticationType::delete Remove an AuthenticationType, this should be used sparingly.

AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface::deauthenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface

Method used to clean up.

$ BindingService#databaseManagerProperty in class BindingService
GenericOauth1aTypeController::deauthenticate() — Method in class GenericOauth1aTypeController

Method used to clean up.

GenericOauth2TypeController::deauthenticate() — Method in class GenericOauth2TypeController

Method used to clean up.

ContentImporter::deleteFilesByName() — Method in class ContentImporter

Deletes files with a particular filename.

Block::deactivate() — Method in class Block

Deactivate the block.

Block::disableBlockVersioning() — Method in class Block

Is the block versioning disabled?

Block::doOverrideAreaPermissions() — Method in class Block

Mark the block as having permissions that override the ones of the area.

Block::disableBlockContainer() — Method in class Block

Disable the original block container for the current request.

Block::display() — Method in class Block

Render the block display.

Block::duplicate() — Method in class Block

Duplicate this block to a new collection. Runs the $controllerMethodToTryAndRun on the block controller to copy relevant data for a particular context. Valid options for $controllerMethodToTryAndRun are 'duplicate', 'duplicate_master' and 'duplicate_clipboard'. If a method is specified but does not exist we fall back to duplicate in all situations.

Block::deleteBlock() — Method in class Block

Delete this block instance.

Block::delete() — Method in class Block
BlockController::duplicate() — Method in class BlockController

Automatically run when a block is duplicated. This most likely happens when a block is edited: a block is first duplicated, and then presented to the user to make changes.

BlockController::delete() — Method in class BlockController

Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more than this this method should be overridden.

Set::deleteKey() — Method in class Set

Dissociate a specific block type currently associated to this set.

Set::displayOrder() — Method in class Set

Get the display order of a block type as sorted for this set.

Set::delete() — Method in class Set

Delete this set.

$ AddBlockToPageCommand#dataProperty in class AddBlockToPageCommand
$ AddBlockToPageCommandHandler#dispatcherProperty in class AddBlockToPageCommandHandler
DefaultsBlockCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
DeleteBlockCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
DeleteBlockCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
$ UpdatePageBlockCommand#dataProperty in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
$ UpdatePageBlockCommandHandler#dispatcherProperty in class UpdatePageBlockCommandHandler
$ BlockView#didPullFromOutputCacheProperty in class BlockView
BlockView::disableControls() — Method in class BlockView
DeleteBoardCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DeleteBoardCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DeleteBoardInstanceCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DataSourceElementControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource
DriverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Driver
CalendarEventData::denormalize() — Method in class CalendarEventData
DataInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Data
PageData::denormalize() — Method in class PageData
ContentRenderer::denormalizeIntoCollection() — Method in class ContentRenderer
$ ContentSlotRenderer#dataProperty in class ContentSlotRenderer
ContentSlotRenderer::display() — Method in class ContentSlotRenderer
ObjectCollection::denormalize() — Method in class ObjectCollection
ObjectInterface::display() — Method in class ObjectInterface

Prints out the current object, rendering it in a template.

SummaryObject::display() — Method in class SummaryObject

Prints out the current object, rendering it in a template.

SummaryObject::denormalize() — Method in class SummaryObject
SlotRenderer::display() — Method in class SlotRenderer
DriverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Driver
DriverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Slot\Driver
DoctrineCacheDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Adapter

Simple cache driver that enables doctrine to use c5's caching library.

DoctrineCacheDriver::doFetch() — Method in class DoctrineCacheDriver
DoctrineCacheDriver::doContains() — Method in class DoctrineCacheDriver
DoctrineCacheDriver::doSave() — Method in class DoctrineCacheDriver
DoctrineCacheDriver::doDelete() — Method in class DoctrineCacheDriver
DoctrineCacheDriver::doFlush() — Method in class DoctrineCacheDriver
DoctrineCacheDriver::doGetStats() — Method in class DoctrineCacheDriver
$ Cache#driverProperty in class Cache
Cache::delete() — Method in class Cache

Deletes an item from the cache.

Cache::disable() — Method in class Cache

Disables the cache.

Cache::disableAll() — Method in class Cache

Disables all cache levels.

CacheInterface::delete() — Method in class CacheInterface

Deletes an item from the cache.

CacheInterface::disable() — Method in class CacheInterface

Disables the cache.

CacheInterface::disableAll() — Method in class CacheInterface

Disables all cache levels.

CacheLocal::delete() — Method in class CacheLocal
ClearCacheCommand::doClearGlobalAreas() — Method in class ClearCacheCommand
$ ClearCacheCommandHandler#dispatcherProperty in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
ClearCacheCommandHandler::deleteEmptyGlobalAreas() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
PageCache::deliver() — Method in class PageCache

Build a Response object starting from a cached page.

CalendarService::delete() — Method in class CalendarService
EventOccurrenceService::delete() — Method in class EventOccurrenceService
$ EventService#dispatcherProperty in class EventService
EventService::duplicate() — Method in class EventService
EventService::delete() — Method in class EventService
EventService::deleteVersion() — Method in class EventService
DuplicateEventEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Event
DateFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Formatter
DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Summary\Template\Command
DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Summary\Template\Command
CaptchaInterface::display() — Method in class CaptchaInterface

Displays the graphical portion of the captcha.

CaptchaWithPictureInterface::displayCaptchaPicture() — Method in class CaptchaWithPictureInterface

Sends the picture data to the client.

Controller::displayCaptchaPicture() — Method in class Controller

Sends the picture data to the client.

Library::delete() — Method in class Library

Delete this library (if it's the default one we'll activate the default core library).

NoCaptchaController::display() — Method in class NoCaptchaController

Displays the graphical portion of the captcha.

NoCaptchaController::displayCaptchaPicture() — Method in class NoCaptchaController

Sends the picture data to the client.

RecaptchaV3Controller::display() — Method in class RecaptchaV3Controller

Displays the graphical portion of the captcha.

SecurimageController::display() — Method in class SecurimageController

Displays the graphical portion of the captcha.

SecurimageController::displayCaptchaPicture() — Method in class SecurimageController

Sends the picture data to the client.

HandleBatchMessageCommand::denormalize() — Method in class HandleBatchMessageCommand
$ ClearProcessDataCommandHandler#dbProperty in class ClearProcessDataCommandHandler
DeleteFailedMessageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
DeleteFailedMessageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
DeleteProcessCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
DeleteProcessCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
DeleteScheduledTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
DeleteScheduledTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
HandleProcessMessageCommand::denormalize() — Method in class HandleProcessMessageCommand
$ FileLogger#directoryProperty in class FileLogger
FileLogger::denormalize() — Method in class FileLogger
RunningProcessesController::displayItem() — Method in class RunningProcessesController

Determine whether item should be displayed

$ ProcessFactory#dateServiceProperty in class ProcessFactory
$ ProcessUpdater#dateServiceProperty in class ProcessUpdater
$ Scheduler#dateServiceProperty in class Scheduler
$ CheckAutomatedGroupsController#dbProperty in class CheckAutomatedGroupsController
DeactivateUsersControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
$ ReindexContentController#dbProperty in class ReindexContentController
$ RemoveOldPageVersionsController#dbProperty in class RemoveOldPageVersionsController
$ RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController#dbProperty in class RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController
$ RescanFilesController#dbProperty in class RescanFilesController
$ UpdateStatisticsController#dbProperty in class UpdateStatisticsController
DefinitionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input\Definition
$ Field#descriptionProperty in class Field
Field::denormalize() — Method in class Field
Input::denormalize() — Method in class Input
AggregateOutput::denormalize() — Method in class AggregateOutput
PushOutput::denormalize() — Method in class PushOutput
ConsoleContext::dispatchCommand() — Method in class ConsoleContext
ContextInterface::dispatchCommand() — Method in class ContextInterface
DashboardContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner\Context
DashboardContext::dispatchCommand() — Method in class DashboardContext
OutputStamp::denormalize() — Method in class OutputStamp
$ TaskService#dateServiceProperty in class TaskService
TaskService::delete() — Method in class TaskService
DashboardTaskRunnerTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Traits
$ ConfigStore#dbProperty in class ConfigStore
ConfigStore::delete() — Method in class ConfigStore
DatabaseLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
DatabaseSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
DatabaseSaver::doSave() — Method in class DatabaseSaver
DirectFileSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
$ FileLoader#defaultPathProperty in class FileLoader

The default configuration path.

FileLoader::defaultLoad() — Method in class FileLoader

Load the given configuration group.

$ Liaison#default_namespaceProperty in class Liaison

Default Namespace.

$ Command#descriptionProperty in class Command
$ ConfigCommand#descriptionProperty in class ConfigCommand
ConfigCommand::doGetAction() — Method in class ConfigCommand

Complete a requested get action.

ConfigCommand::doSetAction() — Method in class ConfigCommand

Complete a requested set action.

DenylistClearClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
$ ExportCommand#descriptionProperty in class ExportCommand

Our command description

$ FixDatabaseForeignKeys#descriptionProperty in class FixDatabaseForeignKeys
$ PhpCodingStyleCommand#descriptionProperty in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
PhpCodingStyleCommand::detectWebRoot() — Method in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
$ SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommand#descriptionProperty in class SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommand
AbstractController::dispatchBatch() — Method in class AbstractController
DashboardExpressEntityTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller\Traits

Adds specific Dashboard endpoints for viewing an entity's results and advanced search.

DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller\Traits

Adds viewing, creation, update and deletion to a page.

DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::delete_entry() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller\Traits

Adds listing of dashboard express entries to a page.

DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller\Traits

Adds specific Dashboard endpoints for viewing an entity's results and advanced search.

Editor::delete() — Method in class Editor

Removes the current editor object's record from the database.

Editor::deactivateAll() — Method in class Editor

Function used to deactivate.

FlagType::delete() — Method in class FlagType
Message::delete() — Method in class Message
DownVoteTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Rating
Type::delete() — Method in class Type
DownloadStatisticsExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv\Export
$ PageActivityExporter#dateServiceProperty in class PageActivityExporter
$ AbstractImporter#dryRunProperty in class AbstractImporter

Is the import process just a test?

$ ImportResult#dataCollectedProperty in class ImportResult

The data collected during the import process.

$ Manager#databaseManagerProperty in class Manager
$ ConnectionFactory#driver_managerProperty in class ConnectionFactory
$ Timezone#dateHelperProperty in class Timezone

The date date.

$ Timezone#databaseTimestampsProperty in class Timezone

Cache the result of getDatabaseTimestamps.

$ Timezone#databaseTimezoneNameProperty in class Timezone

Cache the result of getDatabaseTimezoneName().

Timezone::describeDeltaTimezone() — Method in class Timezone

Get a textual representation of the result of getDeltaTimezone().

DatabaseManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
DatabaseManager::disconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Disconnect from the given database.

DatabaseManagerORMClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
DatabaseServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
DatabaseStructureManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
DatabaseStructureManager::destroyProxyClasses() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Destroys all the proxy classes that have the defined prefix. No need to define the generic doctrine proxy marker prefix, i.e. "CG" but the part after that, e.g. "ConcreteCore".

DatabaseStructureManager::dropObsoleteDatabaseTables() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Drops all the database tables that a) are prefixed with the given prefix string b) are not linked to any existing entity managed by this class c) are not contained within the $excludeTables array.

DriverManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Driver
$ DriverManager#driversProperty in class DriverManager

The array of created "drivers".

DriverManager::driver() — Method in class DriverManager
DriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Driver\PDOMySqlConcrete

PDO MySql driver.

DriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Driver

Each Doctrine MappingDriver must be wrapped by this class, so all Drivers can be loaded correctly during the bootstrap of the application Each new Doctrine MappingDriver must also be wrapped in a new instance of this class

$ Driver#driverProperty in class Driver
DriverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Driver

Specify a namespace for a Doctrine ORM driver, as well as what kind of mapping driver it should be.

DefaultPackageProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Provider

The standard package entity manager provider. If the package enables legacy namespaces, the provider simply creates a namespace at Concrete\Package\PackageHandle\Src, and considers all classes found at package/package_handle/src potential entities. If the legacy namespace is not enabled, we look for entities at Concrete\Package\PackageHandle\Entity, which maps to packages/package_handle/src/Entity. Additionally, by default any additional autoloader registries are all considered possible entity locations and namespaces.

$ XmlProvider#driversProperty in class XmlProvider
$ YamlProvider#driversProperty in class YamlProvider
DoctrineXml05Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Schema\Parser
DeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device

Class Device A representation of a device.

DeviceInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device

Class Device A representation of a device.

DeviceManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device
DeviceManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device
DeviceServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device
$ Plugin#descriptionProperty in class Plugin

The plugin description.

PluginManager::deselect() — Method in class PluginManager

Mark a plugin as not selected (disabled).

Snippet::delete() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::deactivate() — Method in class Snippet
$ Announcement#dateCreatedProperty in class Announcement
$ AnnouncementUserView#dateViewedProperty in class AnnouncementUserView
LegacyKey::delete() — Method in class LegacyKey
DateTimeSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
DurationSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
UserGroupSettings::displayGroupsBeneathSpecificParent() — Method in class UserGroupSettings
Type::delete() — Method in class Type
DateTimeValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
DurationValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ SelectValueOption#displayOrderProperty in class SelectValueOption
$ Task#dateLastStartedProperty in class Task
$ Task#dateLastCompletedProperty in class Task
$ TaskSet#displayOrderProperty in class TaskSet
$ TaskSetTask#displayOrderProperty in class TaskSetTask
BlockType::delete() — Method in class BlockType

Removes the block type. Also removes instances of content.

$ Board#data_sourcesProperty in class Board
$ Configuration#data_sourceProperty in class Configuration
$ ConfiguredDataSource#data_sourceProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
DataSourceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board\DataSource
$ DataSource#dataSourceIDProperty in class DataSource
$ CustomElement#dateCreatedProperty in class CustomElement
$ Instance#dateCreatedProperty in class Instance
$ Instance#dateDataPoolLastUpdatedProperty in class Instance
$ InstanceItem#data_sourceProperty in class InstanceItem
$ InstanceItem#dateAddedToBoardProperty in class InstanceItem
$ InstanceItemBatch#dateCreatedProperty in class InstanceItemBatch
$ InstanceSlotRule#dateCreatedProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ Item#dateCreatedProperty in class Item
$ Item#data_sourceProperty in class Item
$ Item#dataProperty in class Item
$ CalendarEventTemplate#dataProperty in class CalendarEventTemplate
$ Process#dateStartedProperty in class Process
$ Process#dateCompletedProperty in class Process
$ ScheduledTask#dateScheduledProperty in class ScheduledTask
DesignTagClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Design
$ Entity#descriptionProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#default_view_formProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#default_edit_formProperty in class Entity
$ AssociationEntry#displayOrderProperty in class AssociationEntry
$ FieldSet#descriptionProperty in class FieldSet
DownloadStatisticsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File
$ DownloadStatistics#downloaderIDProperty in class DownloadStatistics

The ID of the user that downloaded the file.

$ DownloadStatistics#downloadDateTimeProperty in class DownloadStatistics

The date/time when the file has been downloaded.

ExternalFileProvider::delete() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider

Delete this external file provider

Type::delete() — Method in class Type

Removes the external file provider type if no configurations exist.

File::duplicate() — Method in class File

Duplicate a file The new file will have no version history.

File::delete() — Method in class File

Removes a file, including all of its versions.

Type::delete() — Method in class Type

Delete this instance from the database.

StorageLocation::delete() — Method in class StorageLocation

Delete this storage location

Type::delete() — Method in class Type

Removes the storage type if no configurations exist.

Version::deny() — Method in class Version

Mark this file version as not approved.

Version::duplicate() — Method in class Version

Create a new (unapproved) copy of this file version.

Version::duplicateUnderlyingFile() — Method in class Version

Duplicate the underlying file and assign its new position to this instance.

Version::delete() — Method in class Version

Delete this version of the file.

Version::deleteThumbnail() — Method in class Version

Delete the thumbnail for a specific thumbnail type version.

Version::duplicateUnderlyingThumbnailFiles() — Method in class Version

Copy the thumbnail of a specific thumbnail type version from another file version (useful for instance when duplicating a file).

$ Result#dateStartedProperty in class Result
$ Result#dateCompletedProperty in class Result
$ Client#documentationEnabledProperty in class Client
$ Scope#descriptionProperty in class Scope
Feed::displayShortDescriptionContent() — Method in class Feed
Feed::displayAreaContent() — Method in class Feed
Feed::delete() — Method in class Feed
$ PageTemplate#dataProperty in class PageTemplate
Template::delete() — Method in class Template
$ CustomSkin#dateCreatedProperty in class CustomSkin
$ CustomSkin#dateUpdatedProperty in class CustomSkin
IpAccessControlCategory::describeTimeWindow() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory
$ IpAccessControlEvent#dateTimeProperty in class IpAccessControlEvent

The date/time when this event occurred.

Query::denormalize() — Method in class Query
Link::delete() — Method in class Link
DomainClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
$ Domain#domainIDProperty in class Domain
$ Domain#domainProperty in class Domain
DomainRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
$ UsedString#dateProperty in class UsedString

The DateTime the string was used

$ Field#displayNameProperty in class Field
PlainTextHandler::dump() — Method in class PlainTextHandler
EventDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class EventDispatcher
RebuildEntityIndexCommand::denormalize() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommand
$ RescanEntityCommandHandler#dbProperty in class RescanEntityCommandHandler
Manager::driver() — Method in class Manager
EntryManagerInterface::deleteEntry() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface
Manager::deleteEntry() — Method in class Manager
$ CsvWriter#dateFormatterProperty in class CsvWriter
$ CsvWriter#datetime_formatProperty in class CsvWriter
DashboardFormContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Context
DashboardViewContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Context
ProcessorInterface::deliverResponse() — Method in class ProcessorInterface
StandardProcessor::deliverResponse() — Method in class StandardProcessor
ObjectManager::deleteEntry() — Method in class ObjectManager
DateCreatedColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\ColumnSet\Column
DateLastModifiedColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\ColumnSet\Column
DisplayOrderColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\ColumnSet\Column
DefaultSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\ColumnSet
AssociationField::denormalize() — Method in class AssociationField
$ ClearFileIndexCommandHandler#dbProperty in class ClearFileIndexCommandHandler
DefaultConfigurationFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
DeleteFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
DuplicateFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
ExternalFileProviderInterface::delete() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderInterface

Delete this external file provider

FolderItemList::deliverQueryObject() — Method in class FolderItemList
Sanitizer::dataContainsValidXml() — Method in class Sanitizer

Check if a string contains valid XML data.

Sanitizer::dataToXml() — Method in class Sanitizer

Create a DOMDocument instance from a string.

$ SanitizerOptions#defaultUnsafeElementsProperty in class SanitizerOptions

The default space-separated list of unsafe XML elements.

$ SanitizerOptions#defaultUnsafeAttributesProperty in class SanitizerOptions

The default space-separated list of unsafe XML attributes.

$ SanitizerOptions#defaultElementWhiteListProperty in class SanitizerOptions

The default space-separated list of XML elements to not consider as unsafe.

$ SanitizerOptions#defaultAttributeWhiteListProperty in class SanitizerOptions

The default space-separated list of XML attributes to not consider as unsafe.

Resolver::determineThumbnailPath() — Method in class Resolver

Determine the path for a file version thumbnail based on the storage location

Resolver::determinePath() — Method in class Resolver
$ Version#directoryNameProperty in class Version

The name of the directory that contains the thumbnails.

ImportException::describeErrorCode() — Method in class ImportException

Returns a text string explaining the error that was passed.

$ Importer#deprecatedProcessorUsedProperty in class Importer
DeleteFileItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Menu\Item
DateModifiedColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet\Column
DefaultSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet
DateAddedFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field\Field
Zip::disableNativeCommands() — Method in class Zip

State that we can NOT try to use native commands.

Zip::describeZipArchiveError() — Method in class Zip

Describe a ZipArchive related problem.

Set::delete() — Method in class Set
DefaultConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation\Configuration
$ DefaultConfiguration#defaultProperty in class DefaultConfiguration
DeferredConfigurationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation\Configuration

Implementations of this interface will provide their own path in the event that

StorageLocationInterface::delete() — Method in class StorageLocationInterface

Delete this storage location

TypeList::define() — Method in class TypeList

Register a file type.

TypeList::defineMultiple() — Method in class TypeList

Register multiple file types.

TypeList::defineImporterAttribute() — Method in class TypeList
TypeList::defineImporterAttributeMultiple() — Method in class TypeList
DropzoneClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Upload
DestinationPickerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\DestinationPicker
DestinationPicker::decode() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Parse and validate the data received in POST.

EmailPicker::decode() — Method in class EmailPicker

Decode the value received via post.

ExternalUrlPicker::decode() — Method in class ExternalUrlPicker

Decode the value received via post.

FilePicker::decode() — Method in class FilePicker

Decode the value received via post.

NoDestinationPicker::decode() — Method in class NoDestinationPicker

Decode the value received via post.

PagePicker::decode() — Method in class PagePicker

Decode the value received via post.

PickerInterface::decode() — Method in class PickerInterface

Decode the value received via post.

$ Validation#dataProperty in class Validation
Attribute::display() — Method in class Attribute
DateTimeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
DateTime::datetime() — Method in class DateTime

Creates form fields and JavaScript calendar includes for a particular item (date/time string representations will be converted from the user system-zone to the time-zone).

DateTime::date() — Method in class DateTime

Creates form fields and JavaScript calendar includes for a particular item but includes only calendar controls (no time, so no time-zone conversions will be applied).

DurationSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
ClassLoader::disableLegacyNamespace() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::disable() — Method in class ClassLoader
EnvironmentDetector::detect() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Detect the application's current environment.

EnvironmentDetector::detectWebEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Set the application environment for a web request.

EnvironmentDetector::detectConsoleEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Set the application environment from command-line arguments.

EnvironmentDetector::detectVariableEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Set the application environment from environment variable.

EnvironmentDetector::detectClosureEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Set the application environment from the passed closure in case a closure was passed.

$ FunctionInspector#disabledFunctionsProperty in class FunctionInspector

List of system-level disabled functions.

AbstractRepetition::dateDiffNoDST() — Method in class AbstractRepetition

Returns the difference between two DateTime objects without considering DST changes.

DefaultBooterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Boot
DefaultRuntimeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime
DefaultRunnerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Run

Default HTTP Runner.

DeleteReportResultCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Command
DeleteReportResultCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Command
$ Column#displayNameProperty in class Column
ButtonControl::denormalize() — Method in class ButtonControl
DashboardPageLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control
DashboardPageLocationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control
DropdownControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control
DropdownControl::denormalize() — Method in class DropdownControl
DropdownItemControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control
DropdownFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Formatter
DropdownItemFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Formatter
Location::denormalize() — Method in class Location
DebugSettingsLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Location
SimpleSerializableAndDenormalizableClassTrait::denormalize() — Method in class SimpleSerializableAndDenormalizableClassTrait
Message::denormalize() — Method in class Message
AttributeMessage::denormalize() — Method in class AttributeMessage
BlockMessage::denormalize() — Method in class BlockMessage
RunReportTestMessage::denormalize() — Method in class RunReportTestMessage
$ CheckPagesCustomCacheSettingsTestGroup#dbProperty in class CheckPagesCustomCacheSettingsTestGroup
$ Picture#defaultChildProperty in class Picture

Default element for nested children.

DefaultDispatcherClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
DefaultDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class DefaultDispatcher
DefaultServerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
$ DefaultServer#dispatcherProperty in class DefaultServer
DispatcherInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
DispatcherInterface::dispatch() — Method in class DispatcherInterface

Take a request and populate the provided response.

DelegateInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
DispatcherDelegateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware

A middleware delegate for dispatching a request and returning a response.

$ DispatcherDelegate#dispatcherProperty in class DispatcherDelegate
$ MiddlewareStack#dispatcherProperty in class MiddlewareStack
GuzzleFactory::detectRequestProtocol() — Method in class GuzzleFactory
RouteActionDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class RouteActionDispatcher
RouteDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class RouteDispatcher
Json::decode() — Method in class Json

Decodes a JSON string into a php variable.

DefaultEditorControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\ImageEditor\Controller
$ InstallerOptions#deferInstallationProperty in class InstallerOptions
InstallerOptions::deferInstallation() — Method in class InstallerOptions
InstallerOptions::deleteFiles() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Delete the configuration files (if they exist).

DatabaseCharsetCollationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
DatabaseTimeZoneClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
DomExtensionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
$ PhpCommentsPreserved#docCommentCanaryProperty in class PhpCommentsPreserved

This is to check if comments are being stripped (Doctrine ORM depends on comments not being stripped).

Job::didFail() — Method in class Job
Set::delete() — Method in class Set
DatabaseItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
$ DatabaseItemList#debugProperty in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::debug() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
ItemList::displaySummary() — Method in class ItemList

Displays summary text about a list.

ItemList::displayPagingV2() — Method in class ItemList

Gets paging that works in our new format

ItemList::displayPaging() — Method in class ItemList

Gets standard HTML to display paging

Loader::db() — Method in class Loader
Model::Delete() — Method in class Model
$ PageList#displayOnlyPermittedPagesProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#displayOnlyApprovedPagesProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#displayOnlyActivePagesProperty in class PageList
PageList::displayUnapprovedPages() — Method in class PageList
PageList::displayOnlyPermittedPages() — Method in class PageList

If true, pages will be checked for permissions prior to being returned.

$ Formatter#defaultOptionsProperty in class Formatter

The default options.

Service::delete() — Method in class Service
DateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Service
Date::date() — Method in class Date

Subsitute for the native date() function that adds localized date support.

Date::describeInterval() — Method in class Date

Returns the localized representation of a time interval specified as seconds.

Date::dateTimeFormatLocal() — Method in class Date
DeleteGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\Group
DeactivateUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User
DeleteUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User
DatabaseHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Handler
LogEntry::delete() — Method in class LogEntry

Deletes the log entry.

$ LoggerFactory#dispatcherProperty in class LoggerFactory
DefaultSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet
DateFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Field\Field
MailImportedMessage::delete() — Method in class MailImportedMessage

Deletes this mail by unique id

MailImporter::delete() — Method in class MailImporter
$ Service#dataProperty in class Service

A dictionary with the parameters to be sent to the template.

$ Marketplace#databaseConfigProperty in class Marketplace
Marketplace::downloadRemoteFile() — Method in class Marketplace
$ RemotePackage#descriptionProperty in class RemotePackage
$ RemotePackage#downloadProperty in class RemotePackage
$ PackageRepository#databaseConfigProperty in class PackageRepository
PackageRepository::download() — Method in class PackageRepository

Download a remote package and make it available for install

PackageRepositoryInterface::download() — Method in class PackageRepositoryInterface

Download a remote package and make it available for install

RemoteItem::downloadUpdate() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::download() — Method in class RemoteItem
$ Inspector#dbProperty in class Inspector
$ UpdatedField#dataProperty in class UpdatedField
DefaultAsyncConnectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\DefaultAsync

A decorator for the default Doctrine Transport Connection.

DefaultAsyncTransportClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\DefaultAsync
DefaultSyncTransportClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\DefaultAsync
DefaultFailedConnectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\DefaultFailed
DefaultFailedTransportClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\DefaultFailed
$ FailedTransportManager#defaultFailedReceiverNameProperty in class FailedTransportManager
DefinedTransportSendersLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\Sender
DetectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Service
Extractor::deleteSectionTranslationFile() — Method in class Extractor
DashboardBreadcrumbClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb\Dashboard
DashboardBreadcrumbFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb\Dashboard
DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb\Dashboard
DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb\Dashboard
DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb\Dashboard
DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb\Dashboard
$ DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory#displayGlobalAreasLandingPageProperty in class DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb\Dashboard
$ StandardFilter#databaseNotificationTypeProperty in class StandardFilter
$ UserDeactivatedType#defaultSubscriptionProperty in class UserDeactivatedType

The default subscription to output

$ UserDeactivatedType#defaultFilterProperty in class UserDeactivatedType

The filter we output by default

DependencyCheckerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Dependency
DependencyExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Dependency

Package dependency failure.

Inspector::determineParser() — Method in class Inspector

Analyze the tokens to determine the analyzer to be used.

$ PackageInfo#descriptionProperty in class PackageInfo

The package description, in English.

Parser::decodeValueToken() — Method in class Parser

Get the actual PHP value described by a value token.

Parser::decodeString() — Method in class Parser

Decode the value of a T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING token.

$ Package#DIR_PACKAGES_COREProperty in class Package

Absolute path to the /concrete/packages directory.

$ Package#DIR_PACKAGESProperty in class Package

Absolute path to the /packages directory.

Package::destroyProxyClasses() — Method in class Package

Destroys all proxies related to a package.

$ Cloner#destinationDirectoryProperty in class Cloner

The absolute path to the destination directory.

$ Cloner#directoriesToAddProperty in class Cloner
$ Zipper#directoriesToAddProperty in class Zipper
$ StartingPointPackage#DIR_PACKAGES_COREProperty in class StartingPointPackage
$ StartingPointPackage#DIR_PACKAGESProperty in class StartingPointPackage
$ Cloner#dateHelperProperty in class Cloner
Cloner::directCopy() — Method in class Cloner
Collection::delete() — Method in class Collection

Delete this collection, and all its versions, contents and attributes.

Collection::duplicateCollection() — Method in class Collection

Create a clone of this collection, and all its versions, contents and attributes.

Version::discard() — Method in class Version

Discard my most recent edit that is pending.

Version::deny() — Method in class Version

Mark this collection version as not approved.

Version::delete() — Method in class Version

Delete this version and its related data (blocks, attributes, custom styles, ...).

AbstractRebuildIndexCommand::denormalize() — Method in class AbstractRebuildIndexCommand
$ ClearPageCopyCommandBatchHandler#dbProperty in class ClearPageCopyCommandBatchHandler
$ CopyPageCommand#destinationPageIDProperty in class CopyPageCommand
DeletePageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
DeletePageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
DeletePageForeverCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
DeletePageForeverCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
DeleteContainerCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container\Command
DeleteContainerCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container\Command
DashboardAttributesPageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller
DashboardCalendarPageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller
DashboardExpressEntityPageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller

Deprecated. Just implement DashboardExpressEntityTrait instead.

DashboardPageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller
DashboardSitePageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller
PageController::disableEditing() — Method in class PageController

Disables the display of an editing toolbar on the page. This does not impact permissions – it's an additional check that is used when pages are previewed (e.g. when we want to show a page but not the toolbar, even if the user is logged in.) This has to be a separate check because sometimes pages are protected but we still want to act like the user can't edit the page. We can't just use setCustomRequestUser and set it to -1.

DeletePageEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
DesktopListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Desktop
DisplayOrderUpdateEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
DuplicatePageEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
Page::duplicateAll() — Method in class Page

Duplicate this page and all its child pages and return the new Page created.

Page::duplicate() — Method in class Page

Duplicate this page and return the new Page created.

Page::delete() — Method in class Page

Delete this page and all its child pages.

Page::deactivate() — Method in class Page

Mark this page as non active.

PageList::displayUnapprovedPages() — Method in class PageList
$ RelationListController#dashboardProperty in class RelationListController
RelationListController::displayItem() — Method in class RelationListController

Determine whether item should be displayed

DateLastModifiedColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet\Column
DatePublicColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet\Column
DefaultSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet
DateAddedFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
DateLastModifiedFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
DatePublicFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
DeprecatedPageListGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap
$ DeprecatedPageListGenerator#deprecatedCheckerProperty in class DeprecatedPageListGenerator
DragRequestDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap
$ DragRequestData#dragModeProperty in class DragRequestData
$ DragRequestData#destinationPageProperty in class DragRequestData
$ DragRequestData#destinationSiblingProperty in class DragRequestData
DeprecatedPageReadyEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Event
$ XmlReadyEvent#documentProperty in class XmlReadyEvent

The sitemap XML document.

$ PageListGenerator#dashboardHelperProperty in class PageListGenerator
$ SitemapGenerator#defaultChangeFrequencyProperty in class SitemapGenerator
$ SitemapGenerator#defaultPriorityProperty in class SitemapGenerator
$ SitemapWriter#directorProperty in class SitemapWriter
Pile::delete() — Method in class Pile

Delete a pile.

$ PileContent#displayOrderProperty in class PileContent
PileContent::delete() — Method in class PileContent
Stack::delete() — Method in class Stack
Stack::display() — Method in class Stack
Statistics::decrementParents() — Method in class Statistics

For a particular page ID, grabs all the pages of this page, and decrements the cTotalChildren number for them.

DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Summary\Template\Command
DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Summary\Template\Command
$ ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler#dbProperty in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler
DeleteCustomSkinCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
$ ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler#dbProperty in class ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler
$ ResetPageThemeSkinsCommandHandler#dbProperty in class ResetPageThemeSkinsCommandHandler
$ ResetSiteThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler#dbProperty in class ResetSiteThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler
DocumentationNavigationFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
DocumentationNavigationPageItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
DocumentationPageInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
DocumentationProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
DocumentationProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
$ TimedContentPermissionRecord#durationObjectProperty in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
DateTimeCorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
DescriptionCorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
Type::delete() — Method in class Type
FormLayoutSet::delete() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::duplicate() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSetControl::delete() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::duplicate() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
OutputControl::delete() — Method in class OutputControl
Type::delete() — Method in class Type
Manager::driver() — Method in class Manager
Type::doesPageTypeLaunchInComposer() — Method in class Type
Type::duplicate() — Method in class Type
Type::delete() — Method in class Type
Manager::driver() — Method in class Manager
Access::duplicate() — Method in class Access
Access::deliverAccessListItems() — Method in class Access
AddBlockBlockTypeAccess::duplicate() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeAccess
AddBlockToAreaAreaAccess::duplicate() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaAccess
AddConversationMessageConversationAccess::duplicate() — Method in class AddConversationMessageConversationAccess
AddFileFileFolderAccess::duplicate() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderAccess
AddSubpagePageAccess::duplicate() — Method in class AddSubpagePageAccess
EditPagePropertiesPageAccess::duplicate() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageAccess
EditPageThemePageAccess::duplicate() — Method in class EditPageThemePageAccess
EditUserPropertiesUserAccess::duplicate() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserAccess
Type::delete() — Method in class Type
$ ListItem#durationProperty in class ListItem
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationAccess::duplicate() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationAccess
ViewUserAttributesUserAccess::duplicate() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserAccess
$ PageTimedAssignment#durationObjectProperty in class PageTimedAssignment
Category::delete() — Method in class Category
Category::deassociateAccessEntityType() — Method in class Category
GenericTaskHandler::displayAccessCell() — Method in class GenericTaskHandler
ObjectTaskHandler::displayAccessCell() — Method in class ObjectTaskHandler
DurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
$ IPRangesCsvWriter#dateHelperProperty in class IPRangesCsvWriter

The date localization service.

IPService::deleteRange() — Method in class IPService
IPService::deleteFailedLoginAttempts() — Method in class IPService
IPService::deleteAutomaticDenylist() — Method in class IPService
$ IpAccessControlService#defaultIpAddressProperty in class IpAccessControlService
IpAccessControlService::deleteRange() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Delete a saved range given its instance or its ID.

IpAccessControlService::deleteEvents() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Delete the recorded events.

IpAccessControlService::deleteEventsFor() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Delete the recorded events.

IpAccessControlService::deleteAutomaticDenylist() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Clear the IP addresses automatically denylisted.

Key::delete() — Method in class Key

Delete this permission key.

DefaultHomePageAccessRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite\Access
DefaultRootFileFolderAccessRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite\Access
DefaultSharedFolderAccessRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite\Access
DefaultFileManagerAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite
DefaultSharedFolderAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite
Router::delete() — Method in class Router
$ Set#defaultSortColumnProperty in class Set
$ AbstractField#dataProperty in class AbstractField

The current search data.

AbstractField::denormalize() — Method in class AbstractField
AttributeKeyField::denormalize() — Method in class AttributeKeyField
DefaultManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Index

Default Search Index Manager This manager allows indexing a type against all applicable registered indexes.

ItemList::deliverQueryObject() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::debugStart() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::debugStop() — Method in class ItemList
EntityItemList::deliverQueryObject() — Method in class EntityItemList
EntityItemList::debugStart() — Method in class EntityItemList
EntityItemList::debugStop() — Method in class EntityItemList
$ ItemList#debugProperty in class ItemList
ItemList::debugStart() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::debugStop() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::debug() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::disableAutomaticSorting() — Method in class ItemList
AbstractPagerManager::displaySegmentAtCursor() — Method in class AbstractPagerManager
PagerManagerInterface::displaySegmentAtCursor() — Method in class PagerManagerInterface
PaginationFactory::deliverPaginationObject() — Method in class PaginationFactory
DetectorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Detector
DetectorInterface::detect() — Method in class DetectorInterface

Determine whether this environment matches the expected service environment.

ApacheDetector::detect() — Method in class ApacheDetector

Determine whether this environment matches the expected service environment.

ApacheDetector::detectFromServer() — Method in class ApacheDetector

Detect from the SERVER_SOFTWARE key of the superglobal server array.

ApacheDetector::detectFromSPL() — Method in class ApacheDetector

Detect using the result of the SPL apache_get_version().

ApacheDetector::detectFromPHPInfo() — Method in class ApacheDetector

Detect using PHPInfo.

ApacheDetector::detectFromSapiName() — Method in class ApacheDetector

Detect using PHP_SAPI/php_sapi_name.

NginxDetector::detect() — Method in class NginxDetector

Determine whether this environment matches the expected service environment.

NginxDetector::detectFromServer() — Method in class NginxDetector

Detect from the SERVER_SOFTWARE key of the superglobal server array.

NginxDetector::detectFromSPL() — Method in class NginxDetector

Detect using the result of the SPL apache_get_version().

NginxDetector::detectFromPHPInfo() — Method in class NginxDetector

Detect using PHPInfo.

$ Apache#detector_classProperty in class Apache

The class to use for our detector.

$ Apache#detectorProperty in class Apache
$ Nginx#detector_classProperty in class Nginx

The class to use for our detector.

$ Nginx#detectorProperty in class Nginx
$ Option#descriptionProperty in class Option

Option description.

RedisSessionHandler::doRead() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::doWrite() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::doDestroy() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
DatabaseConfigSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation
$ SiteListController#dashboardProperty in class SiteListController
SiteListController::displayItem() — Method in class SiteListController

Determine whether item should be displayed

DriverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Resolver
$ Resolver#driverProperty in class Resolver
$ ResolverFactory#driverProperty in class ResolverFactory
Service::delete() — Method in class Service
ControllerInterface::delete() — Method in class ControllerInterface
Manager::driver() — Method in class Manager
StandardController::delete() — Method in class StandardController
DefaultFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type\Formatter
Service::delete() — Method in class Service
Service::delete() — Method in class Service
$ LegacyCustomizationsManager#dbProperty in class LegacyCustomizationsManager
$ SkinCustomizationsManager#dbProperty in class SkinCustomizationsManager
NormalizedVariableCollection::denormalize() — Method in class NormalizedVariableCollection
LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler::deliverResponse() — Method in class LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler
StandardPreviewHandler::deliverResponse() — Method in class StandardPreviewHandler
DriverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Category\Driver
Collection::denormalize() — Method in class Collection
DriverCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Extractor\Driver
$ DriverCollection#driversProperty in class DriverCollection
DriverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Extractor\Driver
DriverManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Extractor\Driver
$ DriverManager#driversProperty in class DriverManager
$ RegisteredDriver#driverProperty in class RegisteredDriver
AbstractLazyDataFieldData::denormalize() — Method in class AbstractLazyDataFieldData
$ AuthorDataFieldData#dataProperty in class AuthorDataFieldData
AuthorDataFieldData::denormalize() — Method in class AuthorDataFieldData
DataFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
$ DataField#dataProperty in class DataField
DataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
$ DataFieldData#dataProperty in class DataFieldData
DataFieldData::denormalize() — Method in class DataFieldData
DataFieldDataInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field

Represents a piece of data that is stored against a data field. Needs to be serializable and renderable.

DataFieldInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
DatetimeDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
$ DatetimeDataFieldData#dateTimeProperty in class DatetimeDataFieldData
DatetimeDataFieldData::denormalize() — Method in class DatetimeDataFieldData
ExpressEntryDataFieldData::denormalize() — Method in class ExpressEntryDataFieldData
ImageDataFieldData::denormalize() — Method in class ImageDataFieldData
LinkDataFieldData::denormalize() — Method in class LinkDataFieldData
TopicsDataFieldData::denormalize() — Method in class TopicsDataFieldData
$ SummaryObject#dataSourceCategoryHandleProperty in class SummaryObject
$ SummaryObject#dataProperty in class SummaryObject
SummaryObject::denormalize() — Method in class SummaryObject
$ AbstractPopulator#driverManagerProperty in class AbstractPopulator
DifferClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\CodingStyle
$ Differ#differProperty in class Differ
Differ::diff() — Method in class Differ
$ PhpFixerOptions#directoriesWithMixedContentsRegexProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The list of regular expressions that should be used to check if a directory contains files with mixed flags.

PhpFixerRuleResolver::describeFlags() — Method in class PhpFixerRuleResolver

Get a description of the specified flags.

DatabaseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
DatabaseORMClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
$ Manager#defaultDriverProperty in class Manager
PhpDocGenerator::describeVar() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Generate the PHPDoc to describe a variable.

PhpDocGenerator::describeVars() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Generate the PHPDoc to describe a list of variables.

PhpDocGenerator::describeVarUncommented() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Generate the PHPDoc content to describe a variable (without opening/closing comments).

$ Info#dbVersionProperty in class Info
$ Info#dbmsVersionProperty in class Info
$ Info#dbmsSqlModeProperty in class Info
$ Info#dbCharsetProperty in class Info
$ Info#dbCollationProperty in class Info
DeleteExpressEntryCategoryItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Category
DeleteItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item
DeleteFolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\File
Node::deleteDetails() — Method in class Node
Node::duplicate() — Method in class Node
Node::delete() — Method in class Node
Node::duplicateChildren() — Method in class Node
NodeType::delete() — Method in class NodeType
Category::deleteDetails() — Method in class Category
Category::duplicate() — Method in class Category
File::deleteDetails() — Method in class File
File::duplicate() — Method in class File
FileFolder::deleteDetails() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::duplicate() — Method in class FileFolder
Group::deleteDetails() — Method in class Group
GroupFolder::deleteDetails() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::duplicate() — Method in class GroupFolder
SearchPreset::deleteDetails() — Method in class SearchPreset
Topic::deleteDetails() — Method in class Topic
Topic::duplicate() — Method in class Topic
Tree::deleteDetails() — Method in class Tree
Tree::delete() — Method in class Tree
Tree::duplicate() — Method in class Tree
TreeType::delete() — Method in class TreeType
ExpressEntryResults::deleteDetails() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
FileManager::deleteDetails() — Method in class FileManager
Group::deleteDetails() — Method in class Group
Topic::deleteDetails() — Method in class Topic
DiagnosticClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\ApplicationUpdate
DiagnosticFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\ApplicationUpdate
AbstractMigration::downgradeSchema() — Method in class AbstractMigration

Override this method when the database structure is downgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

AbstractMigration::downgradeDatabase() — Method in class AbstractMigration

Override this method when database schema is not downgraded, or when it's downgraded without using a Schema.

AbstractMigration::down() — Method in class AbstractMigration
AbstractMigration::deleteInvalidForeignKey() — Method in class AbstractMigration

Delete the records in a table whose field references not existing values of another table.

Version20140919000000::downgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20140919000000

Override this method when database schema is not downgraded, or when it's downgraded without using a Schema.

$ Version20160725000000#delayedQueriesProperty in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::deleteInvalidAttributeValuesForeignKeys() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20170201000000::downgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170201000000

Override this method when database schema is not downgraded, or when it's downgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181029223809::downgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181029223809

Override this method when database schema is not downgraded, or when it's downgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181222183445::downgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20181222183445

Override this method when the database structure is downgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20190110194848::downgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190110194848

Override this method when database schema is not downgraded, or when it's downgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190417180607::downgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190417180607

Override this method when database schema is not downgraded, or when it's downgraded without using a Schema.

$ RemoteApplicationUpdate#dateProperty in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
$ RemoteApplicationUpdate#directDownloadURLProperty in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
$ ResolverManager#defaultProperty in class ResolverManager
$ PathUrlResolver#dashboardProperty in class PathUrlResolver
$ ClearUserIndexCommandHandler#dbProperty in class ClearUserIndexCommandHandler
DeactivateUsersCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
DeactivateUsersCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
$ DeactivateUsersCommandHandler#dispatcherProperty in class DeactivateUsersCommandHandler
DeactivateUsersCommandHandler::deactivateUser() — Method in class DeactivateUsersCommandHandler
DeleteUserCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
DeleteUserCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
DeleteUserTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
DeleteUserTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
$ CsvWriter#dateProperty in class CsvWriter
$ AddUser#dataProperty in class AddUser
DeactivateUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
DeleteUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
DefaultAutomationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\AutomatedGroup
$ AddGroupCommandHandler#dispatcherProperty in class AddGroupCommandHandler
DeleteGroupCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Command
DeleteGroupCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Command
$ DeleteGroupCommandHandler#dispatcherProperty in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
$ Result#deletedGroupIDsProperty in class Result
$ GroupDetailsTrait#descriptionProperty in class GroupDetailsTrait
DeleteEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
FolderItemList::deliverQueryObject() — Method in class FolderItemList
Group::delete() — Method in class Group
GroupJoinRequest::decline() — Method in class GroupJoinRequest
GroupRole::delete() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupSet::delete() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupType::delete() — Method in class GroupType
DefaultSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\ColumnSet
$ LoginAttemptService#directorProperty in class LoginAttemptService

The event dispatcher we use to send out events

LoginAttemptService::deactivate() — Method in class LoginAttemptService

Deactivate a given username

UserNotificationEventHandler::deactivated() — Method in class UserNotificationEventHandler

Handle deactivated user events

CookieService::deleteCookie() — Method in class CookieService

Delete the authentication cookie.

PrivateMessage::delete() — Method in class PrivateMessage
DateAddedColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet\Column
DateLastLoginColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet\Column
DefaultSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet
DateAddedFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Field\Field
$ UserInfo#directorProperty in class UserInfo
UserInfo::delete() — Method in class UserInfo

Deletes a user.

UserInfo::deactivate() — Method in class UserInfo
$ UserTransformer#dateProperty in class UserTransformer
Identifier::deleteKey() — Method in class Identifier
Text::decodeEntities() — Method in class Text

Decodes html-encoded entities (for instance: from '>' to '>').

BannedWord::delete() — Method in class BannedWord
DialogViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\View
BasicWorkflow::delete() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Delete this workflow and all its associated progresses.

DescriptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow
BasicData::delete() — Method in class BasicData
CalendarEventProgress::delete() — Method in class CalendarEventProgress
Category::delete() — Method in class Category
PageProgress::delete() — Method in class PageProgress
Progress::delete() — Method in class Progress
UserProgress::delete() — Method in class UserProgress
DeleteCalendarEventRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
DeletePageRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
DeleteUserRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
Request::delete() — Method in class Request
Type::delete() — Method in class Type

Delete this workflow type and all workflows belonging to this type.

Workflow::delete() — Method in class Workflow

Delete this workflow and all its associated progresses.

Controller::dataToGeolocationResult() — Method in class Controller


Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Option::exportTranslations() — Method in class Option
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::email_validated() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller

Controller method for type_form This method is called just before rendering type_form.php, use it to set data for that template.

Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#emailProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::excludeFromNavViaAttribute() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#eventIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enableLinkToPageProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#eventLimitProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#eventAttributesProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#enablePostingProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enableOrderingProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enableCommentRatingProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enableTopCommentReviewsProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportChildren() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#expandablePropertiesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enableSearchProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::enableSubFolderSearch() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#eventListTitleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#eventPeriodProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#eventOrderProperty in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#exEntityIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#exSpecificEntryIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#exEntryAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#exFormIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#entryModeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#entityManagerProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#exEntityIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enableItemsPerPageSelectionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enablePaginationProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enableSearchProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#enableKeywordSearchProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#entityManagerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#entityAttributesProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#exFormIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#externalLinkProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller

Controller method for the edit template

Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#externalLinkProperty in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#enableExternalFilteringProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#excludeCurrentPageProperty in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller

Method called when the "edit block" dialog is going to be shown.

Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Controller::export() — Method in class Controller
Controller::edit() — Method in class Controller
Action::edit() — Method in class Action
Action::edit_composer() — Method in class Action
EditorDataClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
EntryClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Express
$ Entry#entityManagerProperty in class Entry
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\File
$ Thumbnailer#entityManagerProperty in class Thumbnailer
$ Messenger#eventDispatcherProperty in class Messenger
$ Alert#entityManagerProperty in class Alert
Page::exitEditMode() — Method in class Page
Chooser::extractSearchResultPages() — Method in class Chooser

Gets an array of page objects

EditControlClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page\Type\Composer\Form
$ Processes#entityManagerProperty in class Processes
$ Tasks#errorListProperty in class Tasks
$ Tasks#entityManagerProperty in class Tasks
Tasks::execute() — Method in class Tasks
DragRequest::execute() — Method in class DragRequest
Duplicate::execute() — Method in class Duplicate
$ UserInterface#errorProperty in class UserInterface

The current errors container.

EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Area
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Block
EventOccurrenceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog
$ Delete#eventServiceProperty in class Delete
$ DeleteOccurrence#eventServiceProperty in class DeleteOccurrence
$ Duplicate#eventServiceProperty in class Duplicate
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Event
$ Edit#eventServiceProperty in class Edit
$ Edit#eventRepetitionServiceProperty in class Edit
$ Edit#eventOccurrenceServiceProperty in class Edit
Edit::edit() — Method in class Edit
$ SummaryTemplates#eventServiceProperty in class SummaryTemplates
$ Versions#eventServiceProperty in class Versions
$ ViewVersion#eventServiceProperty in class ViewVersion
$ AdvancedSearch#entityProperty in class AdvancedSearch
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Express\Preset
$ Search#entityManagerProperty in class Search
Search::entries() — Method in class Search
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File\Preset
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File\Thumbnails
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Frontend
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Groups\Preset
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Logs\Preset
EditAliasClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
EditExternalClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page\Preset
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Search\Preset
Edit::edit_search_preset() — Method in class Edit
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\Category
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\FileFolder
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\GroupFolder
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\Topic
$ Activate#excludedProperty in class Activate
$ Delete#excludedProperty in class Delete
$ Group#excludedProperty in class Group
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User\Preset
EditKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute
EditableListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute
$ EditableList#editDialogURLProperty in class EditableList
EditableSetListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute
$ EditableSetList#editDialogURLProperty in class EditableSetList
$ KeyList#enable_sortingProperty in class KeyList
KeyList::enableSorting() — Method in class KeyList
$ Header#entityProperty in class Header
$ Header#exportURLProperty in class Header
$ Menu#entityActionProperty in class Menu
Menu::enableViewEntityAction() — Method in class Menu
ExtendClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Marketplace
$ Header#entityProperty in class Header
$ Menu#exportURLProperty in class Menu
$ Menu#entityProperty in class Menu
$ Search#entityProperty in class Search
$ Menu#exportURLProperty in class Menu
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Event
EventVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Event
$ EventVersion#eventServiceProperty in class EventVersion
ExportClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Event
Export::export() — Method in class Export
EditMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
EntityClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access
$ SiteGroup#entityManagerProperty in class SiteGroup
ExpressTreeNodeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
ExpressClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Search
Express::expressSearchPreset() — Method in class Express
EntriesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Search\Express
$ Entries#entryListProperty in class Entries
$ Entries#entityProperty in class Entries
EditProfileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Account
EditClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
Attributes::edit() — Method in class Attributes
EventListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Calendar
EventsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Calendar
ExpressClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
EntriesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Express
ExtendClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
Attributes::edit() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::edit() — Method in class Attributes
Containers::edit() — Method in class Containers
Feeds::edit_feed() — Method in class Feeds
Feeds::edit() — Method in class Feeds
Templates::edit() — Method in class Templates
Types::edit() — Method in class Types
Output::edit_defaults() — Method in class Output

This function mainly redirects to the master collection for the given page type and page template.

Details::export() — Method in class Details
Logs::export() — Method in class Logs
ExploreClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Sitemap
Integrations::edit() — Method in class Integrations
Sets::edit() — Method in class Sets
Attributes::edit() — Method in class Attributes
EditorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
ProductionMode::enable_production_mode() — Method in class ProductionMode
Social::edit_link() — Method in class Social
Social::edit() — Method in class Social
EditorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Conversations
Editor::error() — Method in class Editor
EnvironmentClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
EntitiesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
ExampleExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
ExpressClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
EntitiesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Express
Entities::edit() — Method in class Entities
$ Associations#entityProperty in class Associations
Associations::edit() — Method in class Associations
Attributes::edit() — Method in class Attributes
Forms::edit_control() — Method in class Forms
Forms::edit() — Method in class Forms
EntriesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Express
ExportOptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
ExternalFileProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
ExternalFileProvider::external_file_provider_added() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::external_file_provider_deleted() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::external_file_provider_updated() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::edit() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
$ ImageEditor#editorServiceProperty in class ImageEditor
Storage::edit() — Method in class Storage
Thumbnails::edit() — Method in class Thumbnails
Importers::edit_importer() — Method in class Importers
TranslateInterface::exported() — Method in class TranslateInterface
TranslateInterface::export_translations() — Method in class TranslateInterface
Settings::enable_multisite() — Method in class Settings
Types::edit() — Method in class Types
Types::edit_group() — Method in class Types
EventsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Notification
Events::enable_server_sent_events() — Method in class Events
Jobs::edit_set() — Method in class Jobs
Advanced::enable_advanced_permissions() — Method in class Advanced
Range::export() — Method in class Range
Workflows::edit_details() — Method in class Workflows
Authentication::edit() — Method in class Authentication
Profiles::enablePublicProfiles() — Method in class Profiles
ExcludedClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Seo
Attributes::edit() — Method in class Attributes
GroupSets::edit() — Method in class GroupSets
GroupTypes::edit() — Method in class GroupTypes
Groups::edit() — Method in class Groups
Search::edit() — Method in class Search
$ Login#errorProperty in class Login
$ AnnouncementService#entityManagerProperty in class AnnouncementService
EcommerceItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item\Welcome
EditingBasicsItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item\Welcome
Library::exportList() — Method in class Library
ApiController::error() — Method in class ApiController

Returns an error response in the standard Concrete error response format.

$ AttributeValueMap#entriesProperty in class AttributeValueMap
$ SynchronizeScopesCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class SynchronizeScopesCommandHandler
ExpressClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
$ AssociationMap#entriesProperty in class AssociationMap
$ AssociationMapEntry#entriesProperty in class AssociationMapEntry
ExpressEntryTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
$ IntegrationList#entityManagerProperty in class IntegrationList
$ File#extensionProperty in class File
$ NewUser#emailProperty in class NewUser
$ Page#external_link_urlProperty in class Page
$ UpdatedUser#emailProperty in class UpdatedUser
$ User#emailProperty in class User
$ ClientFactory#entityManagerProperty in class ClientFactory
$ CreateOAuthClientCommand#enableDocumentationProperty in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
$ CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler
$ DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandler
$ UpdateOAuthClientCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class UpdateOAuthClientCommandHandler
$ Controller#entityManagerProperty in class Controller
ExpressEntitySpecFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi\Factory
$ SpecGenerator#eventDispatcherProperty in class SpecGenerator
$ SpecSchema#enumProperty in class SpecSchema
$ Application#environmentProperty in class Application
Application::executeCommand() — Method in class Application

Dispatches a command/message on the message bus. If the command is executed immediately, the result is returned.

Application::environment() — Method in class Application

Get or check the current application environment.

EditResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application

The result of an edit operation.

$ EditResponse#errorProperty in class EditResponse

The error(s) of the response.

$ Sitemap#expandedNodesProperty in class Sitemap
$ OptionsForm#environmentProperty in class OptionsForm
EntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection\Entry
EntryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection\Entry
EntryJsonFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection\Entry
$ EntryJsonFormatter#entryProperty in class EntryJsonFormatter
$ GroupJsonFormatter#entryGroupProperty in class GroupJsonFormatter
$ TreeCollection#entriesProperty in class TreeCollection
$ TreeCollection#entryGroupsProperty in class TreeCollection
$ Area#enclosingStartProperty in class Area
$ Area#enclosingEndProperty in class Area
Area::enableGridContainer() — Method in class Area

Enable Grid containers.

Area::export() — Method in class Area

Exports the area to content format.

ContainerArea::enableGridContainer() — Method in class ContainerArea

Enable Grid containers.

Column::exportDetails() — Method in class Column
Column::export() — Method in class Column
CustomColumn::exportDetails() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomLayout::exportDetails() — Method in class CustomLayout
CustomLayout::enableAreaLayoutCustomColumnWidths() — Method in class CustomLayout

Enable custom column widths on layouts.

Layout::exportDetails() — Method in class Layout
Layout::export() — Method in class Layout
PresetColumn::exportDetails() — Method in class PresetColumn
PresetLayout::exportDetails() — Method in class PresetLayout
ThemeGridColumn::exportDetails() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridLayout::exportDetails() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
SubArea::export() — Method in class SubArea
$ AbstractCategory#entityManagerProperty in class AbstractCategory

The EntityManager instance.

$ AbstractCategory#entityProperty in class AbstractCategory
$ CategoryService#entityManagerProperty in class CategoryService
CategoryService::exportTranslations() — Method in class CategoryService
EventCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
ExpressCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
$ ExpressCategory#expressEntityProperty in class ExpressCategory

The Express entity owning this attribute category.

ExpressSearchIndexerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category\SearchIndexer
$ Controller#entityManagerProperty in class Controller
Controller::exportKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::exportValue() — Method in class Controller
ExpressSetManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Handles adding and removing keys from attribute sets.

$ ExpressSetManager#entityManagerProperty in class ExpressSetManager
$ ExpressSetManager#entityProperty in class ExpressSetManager
Category::exportTranslations() — Method in class Category
EventKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
ExpressKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
$ Factory#entityManagerProperty in class Factory
Factory::exportTranslations() — Method in class Factory
Key::exportTranslations() — Method in class Key
Set::exportTranslations() — Method in class Set
$ SetFactory#entityManagerProperty in class SetFactory
SetFactory::exportTranslations() — Method in class SetFactory
$ StandardSetManager#entityManagerProperty in class StandardSetManager
Type::exportTranslations() — Method in class Type
$ TypeFactory#entityManagerProperty in class TypeFactory
$ TypeFactory#environmentProperty in class TypeFactory
TypeFactory::exportTranslations() — Method in class TypeFactory
EmptyRequestAttributeValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Value
AuthenticationType::enable() — Method in class AuthenticationType

AuthenticationType::enable Enable an authentication type.

ExternalConcreteServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\ExternalConcrete
ExtractorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\ExternalConcrete
Extractor::emailNormalizer() — Method in class Extractor
Google::extrasNormalizer() — Method in class Google
Google::emailVerifiedNormalizer() — Method in class Google
Google::emailNormalizer() — Method in class Google
$ GenericOauthTypeController#extractorProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
$ GenericOauthTypeController#emailProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
ContentExporter::exportAll() — Method in class ContentExporter
$ ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine#entityManagerProperty in class ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine
$ ImportSiteTypesRoutine#entityManagerProperty in class ImportSiteTypesRoutine
Block::enableBlockContainer() — Method in class Block

Is the block grid container enabled?

Block::export() — Method in class Block

Export the data associated to this block to an XML node.

BlockController::export() — Method in class BlockController
BlockTypeList::exportList() — Method in class BlockTypeList
Set::exportList() — Method in class Set

Export all the block type sets to a SimpleXMLElement element.

Set::export() — Method in class Set

Export this set to a SimpleXMLElement element.

$ DeleteBlockCommandHandler#eventDispatcherProperty in class DeleteBlockCommandHandler
$ AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ BoardSlotCommand#endDateProperty in class BoardSlotCommand
$ BoardSlotCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class BoardSlotCommandHandler
$ ClearBoardInstanceCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class ClearBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ ClearBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class ClearBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler
$ ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandler
$ CreateBoardCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class CreateBoardCommandHandler
$ CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ DeleteBoardCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteBoardCommandHandler
$ DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandler
$ DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
$ EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler
$ GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler
$ ResetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class ResetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand#endDateProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand#endTimeProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandler
$ SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler
$ SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandValidator#errorListProperty in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandValidator
$ UpdateBoardCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class UpdateBoardCommandHandler
$ AbstractSaver#entityManagerProperty in class AbstractSaver
$ AbstractCustomElementCommand#elementNameProperty in class AbstractCustomElementCommand
$ AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommandHandler
$ CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommand#elementProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommand#endDateTimeProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler
$ SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand#elementProperty in class SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand
$ SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommandHandler
$ ItemSegmenter#entityManagerProperty in class ItemSegmenter
$ CalendarEventFilterer#eventOccurrenceServiceProperty in class CalendarEventFilterer
$ Renderer#enableEditingProperty in class Renderer
$ ContentPopulator#entityManagerProperty in class ContentPopulator
$ CalendarEventPopulator#eventOccurrenceServiceProperty in class CalendarEventPopulator
$ RenderedSlotCollectionFactory#entityManagerProperty in class RenderedSlotCollectionFactory
$ SlotRenderer#enableEditingProperty in class SlotRenderer
$ AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory#entityManagerProperty in class AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory
$ PermissionsManager#entityManagerProperty in class PermissionsManager
$ Cache#enabledProperty in class Cache
Cache::exists() — Method in class Cache

Checks if an item exists in the cache.

Cache::enable() — Method in class Cache

Enables the cache.

Cache::enableAll() — Method in class Cache

Enables all cache levels.

CacheInterface::exists() — Method in class CacheInterface

Checks if an item exists in the cache.

CacheInterface::enable() — Method in class CacheInterface

Enables the cache.

CacheInterface::enableAll() — Method in class CacheInterface

Enables all cache levels.

ExpensiveCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Level

Class ExpensiveCache This cache stores data that is expensive to build that will see a performance boost if stored on disk.

$ CalendarService#entityManagerProperty in class CalendarService
$ PermissionsManager#entityManagerProperty in class PermissionsManager
$ CalendarEventCommand#eventIDProperty in class CalendarEventCommand
EditResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
$ EditResponse#eventVersionProperty in class EditResponse
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
EventListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
EventOccurrenceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
EventOccurrenceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
EventOccurrenceListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
$ EventOccurrenceList#evProperty in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::executePeriodFilter() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
$ EventOccurrenceService#entityManagerProperty in class EventOccurrenceService
EventRepetitionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
EventRepetitionServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
$ EventRepetitionService#entityManagerProperty in class EventRepetitionService
EventServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event
$ EventService#entityManagerProperty in class EventService
$ EventService#eventCategoryProperty in class EventService
$ DuplicateEventEvent#entityManagerProperty in class DuplicateEventEvent
EventOccurrenceMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Menu
$ Manager#eventCategoryProperty in class Manager
$ DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler#eventServiceProperty in class DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
$ DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Summary\Template\Command
EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Summary\Template\Command
$ EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler#eventServiceProperty in class EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
$ EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Workflow\Progress
$ Event#eventProperty in class Event
$ Preferences#eventCategoryProperty in class Preferences
Library::export() — Method in class Library

Export the data of this library.

Library::exportList() — Method in class Library

Export the data of all the libraries.

EmptyResultCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command
EmptyResultCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command
$ DeleteProcessCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteProcessCommandHandler
$ DeleteScheduledTaskCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteScheduledTaskCommandHandler
$ RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler#eventDispatcherProperty in class RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler
$ RunningProcessesController#entityManagerProperty in class RunningProcessesController
$ ProcessFactory#entityManagerProperty in class ProcessFactory
$ ProcessUpdater#entityManagerProperty in class ProcessUpdater
$ ProcessUpdater#eventDispatcherProperty in class ProcessUpdater
$ Scheduler#entityManagerProperty in class Scheduler
ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Command
ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Command
$ TaskService#entityManagerProperty in class TaskService
$ TaskSetService#entityManagerProperty in class TaskSetService
DashboardTaskRunnerTrait::executeTask() — Method in class DashboardTaskRunnerTrait
CompositeLoader::exists() — Method in class CompositeLoader

Determine if the given configuration group exists.

DatabaseLoader::exists() — Method in class DatabaseLoader

Determine if the given configuration group exists.

$ DirectFileSaver#environmentProperty in class DirectFileSaver
RedisLoader::exists() — Method in class RedisLoader

Determine if the given configuration group exists.

$ FileLoader#existsProperty in class FileLoader

A cache of whether namespaces and groups exists.

FileLoader::exists() — Method in class FileLoader

Determine if the given group exists.

LoaderInterface::exists() — Method in class LoaderInterface

Determine if the given configuration group exists.

$ Repository#environmentProperty in class Repository

The current environment.

Command::execute() — Method in class Command

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

ActivateThemeCommand::execute() — Method in class ActivateThemeCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

ActivateThemeSkinCommand::execute() — Method in class ActivateThemeSkinCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

BulkUserAssignCommand::execute() — Method in class BulkUserAssignCommand
ClearCacheCommand::execute() — Method in class ClearCacheCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

CompareSchemaCommand::execute() — Method in class CompareSchemaCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

DenylistClear::execute() — Method in class DenylistClear

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

ExecCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
ExecCommand::execute() — Method in class ExecCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

ExportCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command\Express
GenerateFileIdentifiersCommand::execute() — Method in class GenerateFileIdentifiersCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

GenerateIDESymbolsCommand::execute() — Method in class GenerateIDESymbolsCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

GenerateSitemapCommand::execute() — Method in class GenerateSitemapCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

InfoCommand::execute() — Method in class InfoCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

InstallCommand::execute() — Method in class InstallCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

InstallLanguageCommand::execute() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

InstallPackageCommand::execute() — Method in class InstallPackageCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

InstallThemeCommand::execute() — Method in class InstallThemeCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

IsInstalledCommand::execute() — Method in class IsInstalledCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

JobCommand::execute() — Method in class JobCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

RefreshEntitiesCommand::execute() — Method in class RefreshEntitiesCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

RescanFilesCommand::execute() — Method in class RescanFilesCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

ResetCommand::execute() — Method in class ResetCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

ServiceCommand::execute() — Method in class ServiceCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

TaskCommand::execute() — Method in class TaskCommand
TranslatePackageCommand::execute() — Method in class TranslatePackageCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

UninstallPackageCommand::execute() — Method in class UninstallPackageCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

UpdateCommand::execute() — Method in class UpdateCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

UpdatePackageCommand::execute() — Method in class UpdatePackageCommand

This method is overridden to pipe execution to the handle method hiding input and output.

Parser::extractDescription() — Method in class Parser

Parse the token into its token and description segments.

AbstractController::executeCommand() — Method in class AbstractController

Dispatches a command to the command bus.

ElementControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller
DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::edit_entry() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::exportCsv() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait

Export Express entries into a CSV.

$ HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler#eventDispatcherProperty in class HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler
EditorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Editor
Editor::export() — Method in class Editor
Editor::exportList() — Method in class Editor

Adds a ConversationEditors node and all Editor records to the provided SimleXMLElement object provided.

$ Author#emailProperty in class Author
Type::export() — Method in class Type
Type::exportList() — Method in class Type
EscapeFormulaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv

A League CSV formatter to tackle CSV Formula Injection.

$ EscapeFormula#escapeProperty in class EscapeFormula

Escape character to escape each CSV formula field.

EscapeFormula::escapeRecord() — Method in class EscapeFormula

Escape a CSV record.

EscapeFormula::escapeField() — Method in class EscapeFormula

Escape a CSV cell.

$ DownloadStatisticsExporter#entityManagerProperty in class DownloadStatisticsExporter
$ AbstractImporter#entityManagerProperty in class AbstractImporter

The EntityManager instance.

$ ImportResult#errorsProperty in class ImportResult

The list of import errros.

ExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\CharacterSetCollation
$ Connection#entityManagerProperty in class Connection
Connection::Execute() — Method in class Connection
Connection::ErrorMsg() — Method in class Connection
$ DatabaseManager#extensionsProperty in class DatabaseManager

The custom connection resolvers.

DatabaseManager::extend() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Register an extension connection resolver.

$ DatabaseManagerORM#entityManagerProperty in class DatabaseManagerORM
DatabaseManagerORM::entityManager() — Method in class DatabaseManagerORM
$ DatabaseStructureManager#entityManagerProperty in class DatabaseStructureManager

The entity manager instance.

EntityManagerConfigFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database

EntityManagerConfigFactory Responsible for bootstrapping the core concrete5 entity manager (Concrete\Core\Entity) and the application level entity manager. Sets the stage for the package entity manager once its time for them to come online.

EntityManagerConfigFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database

Interface for EntityManagerConfig factories

EntityManagerConfigUpdaterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
$ EntityManagerConfigUpdater#entityManagerProperty in class EntityManagerConfigUpdater
EntityManagerFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
EntityManagerFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
$ LikeBuilder#escapeCharacterProperty in class LikeBuilder

The character used to escape wildcards and other special characters.

$ LikeBuilder#escapeMapProperty in class LikeBuilder

The string mapping used to escape special characters.

LikeBuilder::escapeForLike() — Method in class LikeBuilder

Escape a string to be safely used as a parameter for a LIKE query.

EditorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor

Interface that all rich-text editors must implement.

EditorServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor
LinkAbstractor::export() — Method in class LinkAbstractor

For the content block's export() function.

Snippet::exportList() — Method in class Snippet
EventKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
ExpressKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
$ ExpressKey#entityProperty in class ExpressKey
$ ExpressKey#eakUniqueProperty in class ExpressKey
EmptySettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
ExpressSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
$ ExpressSettings#entityProperty in class ExpressSettings
EventValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
ExpressValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
$ ExpressValue#entryProperty in class ExpressValue
ExpressValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
CalendarEventConfiguration::export() — Method in class CalendarEventConfiguration
Configuration::export() — Method in class Configuration
PageConfiguration::export() — Method in class PageConfiguration
$ CustomElement#elementNameProperty in class CustomElement
$ ItemSelectorCustomElementItem#elementProperty in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
$ InstanceSlotRule#endDateProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
SlotTemplate::export() — Method in class SlotTemplate
Template::export() — Method in class Template
$ Calendar#eventsProperty in class Calendar
$ Calendar#eventPageAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Calendar
$ Calendar#enableMoreDetailsProperty in class Calendar

C = create page, A = associate, null = don't enable

$ Calendar#eventPageParentIDProperty in class Calendar
$ Calendar#eventPageTypeIDProperty in class Calendar
$ Calendar#eventPageAssociatedIDProperty in class Calendar
Calendar::enableMoreDetails() — Method in class Calendar
$ CalendarEvent#eventIDProperty in class CalendarEvent
$ CalendarEventOccurrence#endTimeProperty in class CalendarEventOccurrence
$ CalendarEventVersion#eventProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersion#eventVersionIDProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersion#evDateAddedProperty in class CalendarEventVersion

These have to be public so we can use doctrine criteria from another class. Sigh.

$ CalendarEventVersion#evActivateDateTimeProperty in class CalendarEventVersion

These have to be public so we can use doctrine criteria from another class. Sigh.

$ CalendarEventVersion#evIsApprovedProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersion#evDescriptionProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersion#evNameProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersion#evRelatedPageRelationTypeProperty in class CalendarEventVersion

C = created page, A = associated page, null = don't enable

$ CalendarEventWorkflowProgress#eventProperty in class CalendarEventWorkflowProgress
$ CalendarRelatedEvent#eventProperty in class CalendarRelatedEvent
$ CalendarEventTemplate#eventProperty in class CalendarEventTemplate
$ Process#exitCodeProperty in class Process
$ Process#exitMessageProperty in class Process
$ Association#entryProperty in class Association
$ AssociationControl#entry_selector_modeProperty in class AssociationControl

The association selector mode (one of the self::TYPE_... constants).

$ AssociationControl#enable_entry_reorderingProperty in class AssociationControl

Does the control give us the ability to reorder entries in the association?

AssociationControl::enableEntryReordering() — Method in class AssociationControl
EntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
$ Entity#entity_results_node_idProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#entriesProperty in class Entity
EntityRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
EntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
$ Entry#entryFormatterProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#exEntryIDProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#exEntryDisplayOrderProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#exEntryDateCreatedProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#entityProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#exEntryDateModifiedProperty in class Entry
EntryRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
$ Association#entryProperty in class Association
$ AssociationEntry#entryProperty in class AssociationEntry
FieldSet::exportTranslations() — Method in class FieldSet

Export all the translations associates to every fielset.

$ Form#entityProperty in class Form
ExternalFileProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File\ExternalFileProvider
$ ExternalFileProvider#efpNameProperty in class ExternalFileProvider
$ ExternalFileProvider#efpConfigurationProperty in class ExternalFileProvider
$ ExternalFileProvider#efpIDProperty in class ExternalFileProvider
$ Type#efpTypeHandleProperty in class Type
$ Type#efpTypeNameProperty in class Type
$ Type#efpTypeIDProperty in class Type
EditorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File\Image
Type::export() — Method in class Type
$ NewFormSubmissionNotification#entryProperty in class NewFormSubmissionNotification
$ AccessToken#expiryDateTimeProperty in class AccessToken
$ AuthCode#expiryDateTimeProperty in class AuthCode
$ RefreshToken#expiryDateTimeProperty in class RefreshToken
Container::export() — Method in class Container
Template::export() — Method in class Template
$ IpAccessControlCategory#enabledProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

Is this IP Access Control Category enabled?

$ IpAccessControlCategory#eventsProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The list of recorded events associated to this category.

$ IpAccessControlRange#expirationProperty in class IpAccessControlRange

The date/time when this range expires (NULL means no expiration).

$ SavedExpressSearch#entityProperty in class SavedExpressSearch
Link::export() — Method in class Link
StyleSet::export() — Method in class StyleSet
Category::export() — Method in class Category
Field::export() — Method in class Field
Template::export() — Method in class Template
ErrorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error
ErrorListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList
$ ErrorList#errorsProperty in class ErrorList
ErrorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Error
ErrorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Error
ExceptionErrorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Error
$ ExceptionError#exceptionProperty in class ExceptionError

The associated Exception.

$ Field#elementNameProperty in class Field
$ AbstractFormatter#errorProperty in class AbstractFormatter

The error list to be formatted.

ErrorHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\Handler

Class ErrorHandler.

EventDispatcherClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Events
$ EventDispatcher#eventDispatcherProperty in class EventDispatcher
EventsServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Events
ExportServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export
ExportableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export
AttributeKey::export() — Method in class AttributeKey
AttributeSet::export() — Method in class AttributeSet
AttributeType::export() — Method in class AttributeType
Board::export() — Method in class Board
Association::export() — Method in class Association
Control::export() — Method in class Control
AssociationControl::export() — Method in class AssociationControl
AttributeKeyControl::export() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
AuthorControl::export() — Method in class AuthorControl
PublicIdentifierControl::export() — Method in class PublicIdentifierControl
TextControl::export() — Method in class TextControl
EntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express
Entity::export() — Method in class Entity
EntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express
Entry::export() — Method in class Entry
EntryStoreClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express
$ EntryStore#entryIDsProperty in class EntryStore
Form::export() — Method in class Form
ItemInterface::export() — Method in class ItemInterface
Locale::export() — Method in class Locale
Site::export() — Method in class Site
SiteType::export() — Method in class SiteType
Stack::export() — Method in class Stack
StackFolder::export() — Method in class StackFolder
User::export() — Method in class User
$ Applier#entityManagerProperty in class Applier
$ AbstractFormatter#entryFormatterProperty in class AbstractFormatter
$ AbstractEntityCommand#entityProperty in class AbstractEntityCommand
$ AddExpressEntryCommand#entityProperty in class AddExpressEntryCommand
$ AddExpressEntryCommandHandler#entryManagerProperty in class AddExpressEntryCommandHandler
$ ClearEntityIndexCommand#entityIdProperty in class ClearEntityIndexCommand
ExpressEntryCommandFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
ExpressEntryCommandHandlerTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
$ RebuildEntityIndexCommand#entityIdProperty in class RebuildEntityIndexCommand
$ ReindexEntryTaskCommand#entryIdProperty in class ReindexEntryTaskCommand
$ UpdateExpressEntryCommand#entryProperty in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
ExpressEntrySelectInstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Component
$ ExpressEntrySelectInstance#entityHandleProperty in class ExpressEntrySelectInstance
ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Component
$ Cloner#entityHandleGeneratorProperty in class Cloner
$ Cloner#entityManagerProperty in class Cloner
EntryBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express
$ EntryBuilder#entryManagerProperty in class EntryBuilder
$ EntryBuilder#entityProperty in class EntryBuilder
$ AssociationUpdater#entryProperty in class AssociationUpdater
EntryListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express
$ EntryList#entityProperty in class EntryList
$ EntryList#enableAutomaticSortingProperty in class EntryList

Determines whether the list should automatically always sort by a column that's in the automatic sort.

EntryList::enablePermissions() — Method in class EntryList
EntryManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry
EntryFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Formatter
$ Manager#entityManagerProperty in class Manager
EntrySubjectClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier\Notification
$ EntrySubject#entryProperty in class EntrySubject
$ Item#entryProperty in class Item
$ Result#entityProperty in class Result
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Event
$ Event#entryProperty in class Event
$ Event#entityManagerProperty in class Event
$ CsvWriter#entityManagerProperty in class CsvWriter
ExpressServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express
ExpressTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express
$ ViewContext#entryProperty in class ViewContext
$ ManyAssociationSaveHandler#entityManagerProperty in class ManyAssociationSaveHandler
$ OneAssociationSaveHandler#entityManagerProperty in class OneAssociationSaveHandler
$ AssociationType#entityManagerProperty in class AssociationType
$ AttributeKeyType#entityManagerProperty in class AttributeKeyType
EntityPropertyTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type
$ Manager#entityManagerProperty in class Manager
$ AssociationControlValidator#errorListProperty in class AssociationControlValidator
$ AssociationView#entryProperty in class AssociationView
$ AbstractValidator#errorProperty in class AbstractValidator
$ StandardValidator#errorProperty in class StandardValidator
EntityHandleGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Generator
$ EntityHandleGenerator#entityManagerProperty in class EntityHandleGenerator
$ ObjectBuilder#entityProperty in class ObjectBuilder
$ ObjectBuilder#entityManagerProperty in class ObjectBuilder
$ AssociationBuilder#entitiesToSaveProperty in class AssociationBuilder
$ ObjectManager#entityManagerProperty in class ObjectManager
$ Manager#expressCategoryProperty in class Manager
EntityIndexClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\Index
$ EntityIndex#entityProperty in class EntityIndex
EntryIndexerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\Index
$ SearchProvider#entityProperty in class SearchProvider
$ GenerateThumbnailCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class GenerateThumbnailCommandHandler
$ RescanFileCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class RescanFileCommandHandler
$ DefaultConfigurationFactory#entityManagerProperty in class DefaultConfigurationFactory
$ DefaultConfigurationFactory#externalFileProviderFactoryProperty in class DefaultConfigurationFactory
ExternalFileProviderOptionTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
$ FileExtensionFilter#extensionsProperty in class FileExtensionFilter
ExternalFileProviderOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser\Option
$ ExternalFileProviderOption#externalFileProviderProperty in class ExternalFileProviderOption
EditResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File

The result of file import.

ExternalFileEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ExternalFileProvider

Class ExternalFileEntry

ExternalFileListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProviderFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ExternalFileProvider

Class ExternalFileProviderFactory Get ahold of existing external file providers and create new ones.

$ ExternalFileProviderFactory#entityManagerProperty in class ExternalFileProviderFactory
ExternalFileProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ExternalFileProvider
ExternalSearchRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
FileList::enablePermissions() — Method in class FileList
$ FolderItemList#enableAutomaticSortingProperty in class FolderItemList

Determines whether the list should automatically always sort by a column that's in the automatic sort.

FolderItemList::enableSubFolderSearch() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::enableAutomaticSorting() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::enablePermissions() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::executeSanitizedSortBy() — Method in class FolderItemList
$ Sanitizer#enshrinedSvgSanitizerProperty in class Sanitizer

3rd party SVG Sanitizer for additional checkups.

$ SanitizerOptions#elementAllowlistProperty in class SanitizerOptions

The list of XML elements to not consider as unsafe.

Type::exportList() — Method in class Type

Export the list of all the thumbnail types.

ExifDataExtractorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
$ ImageAutorotator#enabledProperty in class ImageAutorotator

Is this pre-processor enabled?

ExtensionFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field\Field
$ Zip#enableNativeCommandsProperty in class Zip

Can we try to use native commands?

Zip::enableNativeCommands() — Method in class Zip

State that we can try to use native commands.

$ StorageLocationFactory#entityManagerProperty in class StorageLocationFactory
FlvInspector::extractScriptTagBody() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::extractScriptDataValue() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::extractScriptDataValue_UI16() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::extractScriptDataValue_Double() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::extractScriptDataValue_Boolean() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::extractScriptDataValue_String() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::extractScriptDataValue_ECMAArray() — Method in class FlvInspector
$ Type#extensionProperty in class Type

Single file extension.

$ Type#editorProperty in class Type

Handle of the editor (empty string if not available).

ValidationService::extension() — Method in class ValidationService

Parses the file extension for a given file name, checks it to see if it's in the the extension array if provided if not, it checks to see if it's in the concrete.upload.extensions configuration option.

ElementClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem

An object-oriented wrapper for core element functionality, with support for events, locators, controllers and elements.

$ Element#elementProperty in class Element

The element name.

Element::exists() — Method in class Element

Check if the element view file exists.

ElementManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
$ Record#existsProperty in class Record
Record::exists() — Method in class Record
$ ControlRegistry#entriesProperty in class ControlRegistry
DestinationPicker::export() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Add child nodes that compatible with importing via the destination picker to exporting blocks in CIF format xml

EmailPickerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\DestinationPicker

A picker for DestinationPicker that allows users specify an email address.

ExternalUrlPickerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\DestinationPicker

A picker for DestinationPicker that allows users specify an external URL.

$ FilePicker#entityManagerProperty in class FilePicker
Form::email() — Method in class Form

Renders an email input field.

Form::extractNameAndID() — Method in class Form

Extract the value of the name and the id attributes.

$ Validation#errorProperty in class Validation
ExpressEntrySelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
ClassLoader::enableLegacyNamespace() — Method in class ClassLoader

Set legacy namespaces to enabled. This method unsets and resets this loader.

ClassLoader::enableAliasClassAutoloading() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::enable() — Method in class ClassLoader
$ ConcreteObject#errorProperty in class ConcreteObject
EnvironmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation

Deprecated. Use Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator instead.

EnvironmentDetectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation

Class EnvironmentDetector.

EnvironmentRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation

Useful functions for getting paths for concrete5 items.

EnvironmentRecord::exists() — Method in class EnvironmentRecord
$ AbstractRepetition#endDateProperty in class AbstractRepetition
$ AbstractRepetition#endDateAllDayProperty in class AbstractRepetition
$ DefaultRunner#eventDispatcherProperty in class DefaultRunner
$ GeolocationResult#errorCodeProperty in class GeolocationResult

The error category (one of the GeolocationResult::ERR_... constants).

$ GeolocationResult#errorMessageProperty in class GeolocationResult

The error message.

$ GeolocatorService#emProperty in class GeolocatorService
$ DeleteReportResultCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteReportResultCommandHandler
ExporterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Export
EmailReportMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
$ EmailReportMessage#emailProperty in class EmailReportMessage
EmailReportMessageHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
$ EmailReportMessageHandler#entityManagerProperty in class EmailReportMessageHandler
$ FinishReportMessageHandler#entityManagerProperty in class FinishReportMessageHandler
$ GradeReportMessageHandler#entityManagerProperty in class GradeReportMessageHandler
$ ReportController#entityManagerProperty in class ReportController
$ ResultList#entityManagerProperty in class ResultList
$ Runner#entityManagerProperty in class Runner
$ RunnerFactory#entityManagerProperty in class RunnerFactory
$ SimpleAttributeContentTest#entityManagerProperty in class SimpleAttributeContentTest
$ SimpleBlockContentTest#emProperty in class SimpleBlockContentTest
$ Collection#elementsProperty in class Collection
$ HeadLink#elementProperty in class HeadLink

Default element.

$ Picture#elementProperty in class Picture

Default element.

$ Source#elementProperty in class Source

Default element.

ResponseFactory::error() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create an error response

ResponseFactoryInterface::error() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create an error response

Json::encode() — Method in class Json

Encodes a data structure into a JSON string.

EditorControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\ImageEditor\Controller
$ ImageEditorService#entityManagerProperty in class ImageEditorService
$ AssociationControl#entityManagerProperty in class AssociationControl
$ AttributeKeyControl#entityManagerProperty in class AttributeKeyControl
EntityPropertyControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Import\Item\Express\Control
EmptyDatabaseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Job
Job::exportList() — Method in class Job
Job::executeJob() — Method in class Job
$ JobResult#errorProperty in class JobResult
QueueableJob::executeJob() — Method in class QueueableJob

Executejob for queueable jobs actually starts the queue, runs, and ends all in one function. This happens if we run a job in legacy mode.

Set::exportTranslations() — Method in class Set
DatabaseItemList::executeBase() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
FileList::export() — Method in class FileList
FileList::exportArchive() — Method in class FileList
$ ItemList#enableStickySearchRequestProperty in class ItemList
ItemList::enableStickySearchRequest() — Method in class ItemList
Loader::element() — Method in class Loader
PasswordHash::encode64() — Method in class PasswordHash
UserList::excludeUsers() — Method in class UserList
$ Service#entityManagerProperty in class Service
$ CommunityStoreTranslationProvider#entryPointProperty in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

The API entry point.

EntryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry

An interface for making complex log entries

EnterGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\Group

Log entry for users being added to groups

ExitGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\Group

Log entry for users being removed from groups

$ LoginAttempt#errorsProperty in class LoginAttempt

The errors encountered when attempting login

EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
LogList::enablePermissions() — Method in class LogList
$ SenderConfiguration#entriesProperty in class SenderConfiguration
EntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\SenderConfiguration
$ Entry#emailKeyProperty in class Entry
Service::enableMailResponseProcessing() — Method in class Service
ErrorSavingRemoteDataExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Exception
ExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Exception
$ ConnectError#errorProperty in class ConnectError
$ ValidateResult#errorProperty in class ValidateResult
RemoteItem::enableFreeLicense() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItemList::execute() — Method in class RemoteItemList
$ HandlersLocator#entityManagerProperty in class HandlersLocator
$ MessengerConsumeResponseFactory#entityManagerProperty in class MessengerConsumeResponseFactory
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Page
$ Detector#enabledProperty in class Detector
ExtractorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Service
Extractor::extractTranslatableSiteStrings() — Method in class Extractor

return \GetText\Translations $translations;.

$ AlertList#entityManagerProperty in class AlertList
$ ProcessClosedEvent#exitCodeProperty in class ProcessClosedEvent
$ StandardNotifier#entityManagerProperty in class StandardNotifier
$ Type#entityManagerProperty in class Type
$ BrokenPackage#errorDetailsProperty in class BrokenPackage
$ PackageEntities#entityManagersProperty in class PackageEntities
$ AttributeKey#entityManagerProperty in class AttributeKey
$ AttributeSet#entityManagerProperty in class AttributeSet
$ AttributeType#entityManagerProperty in class AttributeType
ExpressEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
$ ExpressEntity#entityManagerProperty in class ExpressEntity
ExternalFileProviderTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
ExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Offline

Exception thrown while inspecting an offline package.

$ Exception#exceptionDataProperty in class Exception

The contextual data associated to the exception.

Parser::extractInfo() — Method in class Parser

Extract package details from the PHP tokens of the package controller.php file.

$ Package#entityProperty in class Package

Associated package entity.

PackageList::export() — Method in class PackageList
$ PackageService#entityManagerProperty in class PackageService

The EntityManagerInterface instance.

$ FileExcluder#excludeFilesProperty in class FileExcluder

The EXCLUDE_... bit flags.

$ ShortTagExpander#expandEchoProperty in class ShortTagExpander

Should the short PHP echo tags be expanded too?

$ ShortTagExpander#expanderProperty in class ShortTagExpander
$ PackerFile#extensionProperty in class PackerFile

The extension of the file, lower case without the leading dot.

StartingPointPackage::executeInstallRoutine() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
$ Cloner#entityManagerProperty in class Cloner
$ Cloner#eventDispatcherProperty in class Cloner
EditResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version
$ ContainerCommandValidator#errorListProperty in class ContainerCommandValidator
$ DeleteContainerCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteContainerCommandHandler
$ PersistContainerCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class PersistContainerCommandHandler
$ ContainerBlockInstance#entityManagerProperty in class ContainerBlockInstance
ContainerBlockInstance::endRender() — Method in class ContainerBlockInstance

Runs when render is completed. This way we can trigger area recompute in a performant way.

ContainerExporter::export() — Method in class ContainerExporter
DashboardAttributesPageController::executeAdd() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Create a new attribute key for the specified type, reading the type-specific data from the current request.

DashboardAttributesPageController::executeUpdate() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Update an existing attribute key, reading the type-specific data from the current request.

DashboardAttributesPageController::executeDelete() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Delete an existing attribute key.

$ DashboardPageController#errorProperty in class DashboardPageController

The ErrorList instance (available after the on_start method has been called).

$ DashboardPageController#entityManagerProperty in class DashboardPageController

The EntityManager instance (available after the on_start method has been called).

$ DashboardPageController#elementManagerProperty in class DashboardPageController

Useful for traversing the site for elements and their associated controls, while allowing for overriding.

DashboardPageController::enableNativeMobile() — Method in class DashboardPageController

Check if the current user is using a mobile device: if so, configure the dashboard page accordingly.

$ PageController#editingDisabledProperty in class PageController
EditResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
ExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
Exporter::export() — Method in class Exporter
Feed::exportList() — Method in class Feed
Page::export() — Method in class Page
$ PageList#enableAutomaticSortingProperty in class PageList

Determines whether the list should automatically always sort by a column that's in the automatic sort.

PageList::enablePermissions() — Method in class PageList
PageTypeField::export() — Method in class PageTypeField

Exports the data to CIF

ElementReadyEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Event
$ ElementReadyEvent#elementProperty in class ElementReadyEvent

The sitemap element (may be set to null by an event listener).

$ PageListGenerator#excludeFromSiteMapAttributeKeyProperty in class PageListGenerator
StackList::excludeGlobalAreas() — Method in class StackList
$ DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Summary\Template\Command
EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Summary\Template\Command
$ EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
Template::exportList() — Method in class Template
$ CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler
$ DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandler
$ ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandler
$ SkinCommandValidator#entityManagerProperty in class SkinCommandValidator
$ UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler
Theme::enablePreviewRequest() — Method in class Theme
Theme::export() — Method in class Theme

Export this theme by creating the XML nodes under the provided XML node.

Theme::exportList() — Method in class Theme

Export all the installed themes by creating the XML nodes under the provided XML node.

BlockControl::export() — Method in class BlockControl
CollectionAttributeControl::export() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
Control::export() — Method in class Control
CorePageProperty::export() — Method in class CorePageProperty
Type::export() — Method in class Type
Type::exportList() — Method in class Type
FormLayoutSet::export() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSetControl::ensureOutputControlExists() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::export() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type
AllConfiguration::export() — Method in class AllConfiguration
Configuration::export() — Method in class Configuration
PageTypeConfiguration::export() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
ParentPageConfiguration::export() — Method in class ParentPageConfiguration
Type::export() — Method in class Type
Type::exportList() — Method in class Type
Type::export() — Method in class Type
Type::exportList() — Method in class Type
EditPagePropertiesPageAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
EditPageThemePageAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
EditUserPropertiesUserAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
EntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
Type::exportList() — Method in class Type
Type::exportTranslations() — Method in class Type
ExpressTreeNodeAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
EditPagePropertiesPageListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
EditPageThemePageListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
ExpressTreeNodeListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
ExpressEntryAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
ExpressTreeNodeAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
Category::exportList() — Method in class Category
$ Checker#errorProperty in class Checker

The ID of an error (if not falsy), of false|null if no errors.

$ IPRange#expiresProperty in class IPRange
$ AbstractRegistry#entriesProperty in class AbstractRegistry
EntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Inheritance\Registry\Entry
EntryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Inheritance\Registry\Entry
$ IpAccessControlService#emProperty in class IpAccessControlService
EditPagePropertiesPageKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
EditPageThemePageKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
EditUserPropertiesUserKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
ExpressEntryKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
ExpressTreeNodeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
Key::export() — Method in class Key

Export this permission key to a SimpleXMLElement instance.

Key::exportList() — Method in class Key

Export the list of all permissions of this category to a SimpleXMLElement instance.

Key::exportAccess() — Method in class Key
Key::exportTranslations() — Method in class Key

Export the strings that should be translated.

$ AbstractAccessRegistry#entriesProperty in class AbstractAccessRegistry
$ AbstractAccessRegistry#entriesToRemoveProperty in class AbstractAccessRegistry
$ AbstractObjectRegistry#entriesProperty in class AbstractObjectRegistry
$ AbstractObjectRegistry#entriesToRemoveProperty in class AbstractObjectRegistry
EntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Access\Entity
$ Entity#entityProperty in class Entity
EntityInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Access\Entity
EntryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Access
EntryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry
EntrySubjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry
EntryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object
ExpressEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
$ ExpressEntity#entityProperty in class ExpressEntity
$ DefaultHomePageAccessRegistry#editorPermissionsProperty in class DefaultHomePageAccessRegistry
ExpressEntityResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
ExpressEntryResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
ExpressTreeNodeResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
ApplicationRouteAction::execute() — Method in class ApplicationRouteAction
ClosureRouteAction::execute() — Method in class ClosureRouteAction
ControllerRouteAction::execute() — Method in class ControllerRouteAction
RouteActionInterface::execute() — Method in class RouteActionInterface
ExpressAttributeKeyColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
AbstractField::export() — Method in class AbstractField

Exports the data to CIF

FieldInterface::export() — Method in class FieldInterface

Exports the data to CIF

ItemList::executeGetResults() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::executeSortBy() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::executeSanitizedSortBy() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::ensureSelected() — Method in class ItemList
EntityItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList
EntityItemList::executeGetResults() — Method in class EntityItemList
EntityItemList::executeSortBy() — Method in class EntityItemList
$ ItemList#enableAutomaticSortingProperty in class ItemList
ItemList::executeSortBy() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::executeSanitizedSortBy() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::executeGetResults() — Method in class ItemList
ExpressEntryListPagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
$ ExpressEntryListPagerManager#entityProperty in class ExpressEntryListPagerManager
PermissionableListItemInterface::enablePermissions() — Method in class PermissionableListItemInterface
ManagerInterface::extend() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Add an extension to this manager.

$ ServiceManager#extensionsProperty in class ServiceManager
ServiceManager::extend() — Method in class ServiceManager

Add an extension to this manager.

$ Rule#enabledProperty in class Rule

Is this rule enabled (should be present in the configuration) or disabled (should not be present in the configuration)?

Link::exportList() — Method in class Link
$ InstallationService#entityManagerProperty in class InstallationService
InstallationService::enableMultisite() — Method in class InstallationService
$ Service#entityManagerProperty in class Service
$ Service#entityManagerProperty in class Service
$ Service#entityManagerProperty in class Service
$ Service#entityManagerProperty in class Service
ExtractPresetFontsFileStyleFromLegacyPresetTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Traits
$ AbstractDriver#entityManagerProperty in class AbstractDriver
$ BasicCalendarEventDriver#entityManagerProperty in class BasicCalendarEventDriver
BasicCalendarEventDriver::extractData() — Method in class BasicCalendarEventDriver
BasicPageDriver::extractData() — Method in class BasicPageDriver
DriverCollection::extractData() — Method in class DriverCollection
DriverInterface::extractData() — Method in class DriverInterface

Extracts data from an object and returns it normalized into a collection.

ExpressEntryDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
$ ExpressEntryDataFieldData#entryProperty in class ExpressEntryDataFieldData
$ SummaryObjectExtractor#entityManagerProperty in class SummaryObjectExtractor
$ SummaryObjectInspector#entityManagerProperty in class SummaryObjectInspector
$ AbstractPopulator#entityManagerProperty in class AbstractPopulator
$ Filterer#entityManagerProperty in class Filterer
$ Renderer#entityManagerProperty in class Renderer
$ PhpFixerRunner#eventDispatcherProperty in class PhpFixerRunner
$ PhpFixerRunner#errorManagerProperty in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::expandFinder() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
ElementClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
EventsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
ExpressClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
ShortTagExpander::expandCode() — Method in class ShortTagExpander

Replace the short PHP open tags to long tags (<? to <?php) and optionally the short echo tags (<?= to <?php echo).

$ Info#entitiesProperty in class Info
FileLockMutex::execute() — Method in class FileLockMutex

Execute a callable by acquiring and releasing a mutex, so that the callable won't be executed by multiple processes concurrently.

MutexInterface::execute() — Method in class MutexInterface

Execute a callable by acquiring and releasing a mutex, so that the callable won't be executed by multiple processes concurrently.

SemaphoreMutex::execute() — Method in class SemaphoreMutex

Execute a callable by acquiring and releasing a mutex, so that the callable won't be executed by multiple processes concurrently.

EditCategoryItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Category
EditExpressEntryResultsFolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Category
EditPermissionsItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item
EditFolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\File
EditFolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Group
EditTopicItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Topic
Node::export() — Method in class Node
Node::exportTranslations() — Method in class Node
NodeType::export() — Method in class NodeType
ExpressEntryCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
ExpressEntryResultsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
ExpressEntrySiteResultsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
FileFolder::exportTranslations() — Method in class FileFolder
ExpressEntryResultsListFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Formatter
GroupFolder::exportTranslations() — Method in class GroupFolder
ExpressEntryCategoryMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Menu
ExpressEntryResultsFolderMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Menu
Tree::exportDetails() — Method in class Tree
Tree::export() — Method in class Tree
Tree::exportList() — Method in class Tree
Tree::exportTranslations() — Method in class Tree

Export all the translations associates to every trees.

TreeType::export() — Method in class TreeType
ExpressEntryResultsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Type
ExpressEntryResults::exportDetails() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
FileManager::exportDetails() — Method in class FileManager
Group::exportDetails() — Method in class Group
Group::ensureGroupNodes() — Method in class Group
Topic::exportDetails() — Method in class Topic
Version20160725000000::executeDelayedQueries() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20181116072400::ensureCollectionVersionPublicDates() — Method in class Version20181116072400
EmptyAvatarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Avatar
EditResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
$ DeleteGroupCommand#extendedResultsProperty in class DeleteGroupCommand
$ DeleteGroupCommandHandler#entityManagerProperty in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
ExistingGroupTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Command\Traits
EditResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ FolderItemList#enableAutomaticSortingProperty in class FolderItemList

Determines whether the list should automatically always sort by a column that's in the automatic sort.

FolderItemList::enableSubFolderSearch() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::enableAutomaticSorting() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::enablePermissions() — Method in class FolderItemList
Group::export() — Method in class Group
Group::exportTranslations() — Method in class Group
$ GroupList#enableAutomaticSortingProperty in class GroupList
GroupList::enablePermissions() — Method in class GroupList
GroupSet::exportTranslations() — Method in class GroupSet
$ LoginAttemptService#entityManagerProperty in class LoginAttemptService

The entitymanager we're tracking attempts with

$ LoginService#entityManagerProperty in class LoginService

The entity manager to use to find out more information about a login attempt

$ PasswordUsageTracker#entityManagerProperty in class PasswordUsageTracker

The entity manager we're saving usages against

EventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\PrivateMessage
$ Limit#enabledProperty in class Limit
$ RegistrationService#entityManagerProperty in class RegistrationService
EmailColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet\Column
User::encryptPassword() — Method in class User

$salt is retained for compatibilty with older versions of concerete5, but not used.

User::enterGroup() — Method in class User
User::exitGroup() — Method in class User
$ UserInfo#entityManagerProperty in class UserInfo
$ UserInfo#entityProperty in class UserInfo
$ UserInfoRepository#entityManagerProperty in class UserInfoRepository
$ UserList#enableAutomaticSortingProperty in class UserList

Determines whether the list should automatically always sort by a column that's in the automatic sort.

UserList::enablePermissions() — Method in class UserList
Text::encodePath() — Method in class Text

URL-encodes collection path.

Text::email() — Method in class Text

Leaves only characters that are valid in email addresses (RFC).

Text::entities() — Method in class Text

always use in place of htmlentites(), so it works with different languages.

Strings::email() — Method in class Strings
$ BannedWord#entityProperty in class BannedWord
Service::explodeString() — Method in class Service

Explode string by whitespaces, line separators, tabs, punctuations, etc.

$ Response#errorProperty in class Response
EmailValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator\String

Validate the length of a string.

$ EmailValidator#eguliasEmailValidatorProperty in class EmailValidator

The instance of Egulias\EmailValidator to be used.

$ ReuseValidator#entityManagerProperty in class ReuseValidator
ErrorViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\View
$ ErrorView#errorProperty in class ErrorView
View::element() — Method in class View
BasicWorkflow::executeBeforePermissionAssignment() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
$ Description#emailtextProperty in class Description
EmptyWorkflowClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow

This is the final workflow that fires any time a workflow request is triggered. It HAS to be final because it takes care of approving the workflow request object. If a previous workflow actually exists and fires, this workflow is skipped because the previous workflow cancels it.

$ CalendarEventProgress#eventIDProperty in class CalendarEventProgress
Category::exportList() — Method in class Category
$ CalendarEventRequest#eventVersionIDProperty in class CalendarEventRequest
Type::exportList() — Method in class Type

Export the currently installed workflow types to XML.


Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::filterByAttribute() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::filterByAttribute() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::filterByAttribute() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::forgot_password() — Method in class Controller

Called when a user wants a password reset email sent, is passed in the user's email address.

$ Controller#factoryProperty in class Controller
Controller::form() — Method in class Controller

Controller method for form This method is called just before form.php is rendered, use it to set data for that template.

$ Controller#firstNameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#flushProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByTopicAttributeKeyIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByTopicIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::findBlockForAction() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByParentProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#folderIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#fixedHeightSizeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#fileAttributesProperty in class Controller
Controller::formatBreadcrumbs() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByTopicAttributeKeyIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByTopicIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByPageTopicAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByFeaturedProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterFieldsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filenameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#fIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#fIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#fileLinkTextProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#fIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#forceDownloadProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filePasswordProperty in class Controller
Controller::formSetup() — Method in class Controller
$ MiniSurvey#frontEndModeProperty in class MiniSurvey
Controller::formatEntry() — Method in class Controller

Format a given entry row into the expected order and populate file details

$ Controller#fIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#fOnstateIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#fileLinkIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByRelatedProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterByCustomTopicProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterDateOptionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterDateDaysProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterDateStartProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterDateEndProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#filterDateFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#formattingProperty in class Controller
Controller::formatPageTitle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::formatDateTime() — Method in class Controller

Format a \DateTime instance accordingly to $format.

$ Controller#fIDProperty in class Controller
GetImageData::fetchImageData() — Method in class GetImageData
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
$ File#fileToBeReplacedProperty in class File

The file to be replaced (if any).

File::fetchDirectories() — Method in class File
File::fetchIncomingFiles() — Method in class File
$ Chooser#filesystemProperty in class Chooser
$ Thumbnailer#factoryProperty in class Thumbnailer
SitemapDeleteForever::fillQueue() — Method in class SitemapDeleteForever
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\UserInterface
$ File#fileProperty in class File
$ Delete#filesProperty in class Delete
FolderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File\Bulk
$ Folder#filesProperty in class Folder
$ Properties#filesProperty in class Properties

List of files to edit.

$ Properties#filesystemProperty in class Properties
$ Sets#filesProperty in class Sets
$ Storage#filesProperty in class Storage
FolderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
$ Search#filesystemProperty in class Search
Statistics::formatRecord() — Method in class Statistics
$ Add#frequentPageTypesProperty in class Add
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
FileSetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
UpdateFromType::fetchTypeAndTemplate() — Method in class UpdateFromType
Activate::form() — Method in class Activate
Group::form() — Method in class Group
FormClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute
$ Header#fileProperty in class Header
$ Mobile#factoryProperty in class Mobile
FavoritesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Navigation\Panel
$ Favorites#factoryProperty in class Favorites
$ Section#factoryProperty in class Section
$ Top#factoryProperty in class Top
$ IntelligentSearch#factoryProperty in class IntelligentSearch
$ SearchFieldSelector#fieldManagerProperty in class SearchFieldSelector
FeedClass in namespace Concrete\Controller
FlagMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
FlagMessage::flagMessage() — Method in class FlagMessage
$ CoreStack#factoryProperty in class CoreStack
$ CoreThemeDocumentation#factoryProperty in class CoreThemeDocumentation
PreviewAsUser::frame_page() — Method in class PreviewAsUser
$ Sitemap#frequentPageTypesProperty in class Sitemap
FileUploaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
FileFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
FilesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
Search::folder() — Method in class Search
Sets::file_set_added() — Method in class Sets
Sets::file_set_deleted() — Method in class Sets
Sets::file_sets_edit() — Method in class Sets
FeedsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages
Feeds::feed_updated() — Method in class Feeds
Feeds::feed_deleted() — Method in class Feeds
Feeds::feed_added() — Method in class Feeds
FormClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Types
FormsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Reports
Surveys::formatDate() — Method in class Surveys
FullClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Sitemap
FailedClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Automation
FormsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Express\Entities
$ Forms#formRepositoryProperty in class Forms
$ Forms#fieldSetRepositoryProperty in class Forms
FilesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
FileManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
FiletypesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
Filetypes::file_access_extensions() — Method in class Filetypes
Range::formatRangeRow() — Method in class Range
$ AutomatedLogout#factoryProperty in class AutomatedLogout

The response factory we use to generate responses.

Groups::folder() — Method in class Groups
$ DownloadFile#forceProperty in class DownloadFile
DownloadFile::force() — Method in class DownloadFile
DownloadFile::force_download() — Method in class DownloadFile

Forces the download of a file and shuts down.

Login::finishAuthentication() — Method in class Login
Login::fill_attributes() — Method in class Login
Login::forward() — Method in class Login
Register::forward() — Method in class Register
FindingYourLookItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item\Welcome
FeatureSlideClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Slide
$ Api#factoryProperty in class Api
FilesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
FileTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
IntegrationList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class IntegrationList
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ File#file_typeProperty in class File
$ File#folderProperty in class File
$ MoveFile#folderProperty in class MoveFile
$ NewFile#folderProperty in class NewFile
$ NewFile#fileProperty in class NewFile
$ Page#filesProperty in class Page
FileContentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
$ FileContent#fileTypeProperty in class FileContent
$ SpecProperty#formatProperty in class SpecProperty
$ SpecSchema#formatProperty in class SpecSchema
FileManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service
FileManager::file() — Method in class FileManager

Sets up a form field to let users pick a file.

FileManager::fileOfType() — Method in class FileManager

Sets up a form field to let users pick a file of a specific type.

FormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
HelpPanelMessageFormatter::format() — Method in class HelpPanelMessageFormatter

Format the message for the help panel.

MessageFormatterInterface::format() — Method in class MessageFormatterInterface

Format the message for the help panel.

FavoritesNavigationCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Dashboard\Navigation
FavoritesNavigationFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Dashboard\Navigation
FullNavigationFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Dashboard\Navigation
OptionsForm::formExists() — Method in class OptionsForm
FlatSitemapProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap
Area::forceControlsToDisplay() — Method in class Area

Force enables controls to show.

FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Formatter
Column::fromHtml() — Method in class Column
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Formatter
$ Preset#formatterProperty in class Preset
$ Asset#filenameProperty in class Asset

The name of the file of this asset.

FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset\Output
FileCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
FrontendFormContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
Controller::filterByAttribute() — Method in class Controller
Controller::field() — Method in class Controller
DefaultController::form() — Method in class DefaultController
DefaultController::filterByExactValue() — Method in class DefaultController
FileIconFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Formerly the only way to specify an icon – lets attributes provide one as icon.png in their folder.

FilterableByValueInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Attribute controllers should implement this interface if they want to make it possible to filter a result list by the exact value of an attribute. This enables support things like unique/SKU filtering in Express.

FilterableByValueInterface::filterByExactValue() — Method in class FilterableByValueInterface

Filters list by exact value

FontAwesomeIconFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
FactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
FileKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
View::finishRender() — Method in class View
View::field() — Method in class View
Extractor::firstNameNormalizer() — Method in class Extractor
FacebookServiceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Facebook\Factory
Google::firstNameNormalizer() — Method in class Google
$ GenericOauthTypeController#firstNameProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
$ GenericOauthTypeController#fullNameProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::form() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
FileFolderRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
FileRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
FileFolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
FileItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
$ FileItem#filenameProperty in class FileItem
BlockController::field() — Method in class BlockController
BlockTypeList::filterByPackage() — Method in class BlockTypeList
$ DefaultsBlockCommand#forceDisplayOrderProperty in class DefaultsBlockCommand
ForceDefaultDisplayOrderBlockCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
ForceDefaultDisplayOrderBlockCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
BlockView::field() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::finishRender() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::fireOnBlockOutputEvent() — Method in class BlockView

Fire an event just before the block is outputted on the page.

ItemSegmenter::filterItemsByDataSource() — Method in class ItemSegmenter

Goes through each item returned for inclusion in the potential instance. Looks at all the configurations present in the instance, and allows each configuration to optionally prune items out based on criteria they don't like.

CalendarEventFilterer::filterItems() — Method in class CalendarEventFilterer
FiltererInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Filterer
FiltererInterface::filterItems() — Method in class FiltererInterface

Should this current instance item be removed from the full item pool?

$ Renderer#fileLocatorProperty in class Renderer
FiltererInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content\Filterer
FiltererInterface::findContentObjectsForSlot() — Method in class FiltererInterface
SummaryObjectFilterer::findContentObjectsForSlot() — Method in class SummaryObjectFilterer
$ TemplateLocator#fileLocatorProperty in class TemplateLocator
SlotFilterer::findValidTemplateForSlot() — Method in class SlotFilterer
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Rule
$ SlotRenderer#fileLocatorProperty in class SlotRenderer
$ TemplateLocator#fileLocatorProperty in class TemplateLocator
LaminasCacheDriver::flush() — Method in class LaminasCacheDriver

Flush the whole storage.

Cache::flush() — Method in class Cache

Removes all values from the cache.

CacheInterface::flush() — Method in class CacheInterface

Removes all values from the cache.

CacheLocal::flush() — Method in class CacheLocal
$ ClearCacheCommandHandler#filesystemProperty in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
ClearCacheCommandHandler::flushCaches() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler

Flush all the caches

ClearCacheCommandHandler::filesToClear() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
FileSystemStashDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Driver
FlushableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache

A cache store that has the ability to be flushed

FlushableInterface::flush() — Method in class FlushableInterface

Removes all values from the cache.

FilePageCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Page
FilePageCache::flush() — Method in class FilePageCache

Removes all values from the cache.

PageCache::flush() — Method in class PageCache

Removes all values from the cache.

RedisPageCache::flush() — Method in class RedisPageCache
EventList::filterByCalendar() — Method in class EventList
EventList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class EventList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByEvent() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByCancelled() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByCalendar() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByStartTimeAfter() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByStartTimeBefore() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByEndTimeAfter() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByEndTimeBefore() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByMonth() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByDateAfter() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByDate() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::filterByTopic() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
$ EventRepetitionService#formDateTimeProperty in class EventRepetitionService
$ SecurimageController#formServiceProperty in class SecurimageController
$ AbstractFailedMessageCommandHandler#failedTransportManagerProperty in class AbstractFailedMessageCommandHandler
FileLoggerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Logger
$ FileLogger#filesystemProperty in class FileLogger
$ StandardLoggerFactory#filesystemProperty in class StandardLoggerFactory
ProcessFactory::fillProcess() — Method in class ProcessFactory
$ Definition#fieldsProperty in class Definition
FieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input\Definition
FieldInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input\Definition
FieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input
FieldInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input
$ Input#fieldsProperty in class Input
$ ActivityService#fileServiceProperty in class ActivityService
RedisSaver::flattenValue() — Method in class RedisSaver

Flatten a given value into a list of keys => serialized values ['a' => ['b' => 'c']] would become ['a.b' => 's:1:"c";']

FileLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
$ FileLoader#filesProperty in class FileLoader

The filesystem instance.

FileSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
$ FileSaver#filesProperty in class FileSaver

The filesystem instance.

CompareSchemaCommand::filterQueries() — Method in class CompareSchemaCommand

Filter out all the queries that are platform specific that Doctrine doens't give us a good way to deal with. This is mostly index lengths that are set in installation that Doctrine doesn't support.

FixDatabaseForeignKeysClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
Controller::flash() — Method in class Controller
FunctionControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller
$ FunctionController#functionNameProperty in class FunctionController
ConversationService::fetchConversationAverage() — Method in class ConversationService
Editor::formatConversationMessageBody() — Method in class Editor

Returns a formatted conversation message body string, based on configuration options supplied.

MarkdownEditor::formatConversationMessageBody() — Method in class MarkdownEditor

Returns a formatted conversation message body string, based on configuration options supplied.

PlainTextEditor::formatConversationMessageBody() — Method in class PlainTextEditor

Returns a formatted conversation message body string, based on configuration options supplied.

RichTextEditor::formatConversationMessageBody() — Method in class RichTextEditor

Returns a formatted conversation message body string, based on configuration options supplied.

FlagTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\FlagType
FlagTypeListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\FlagType
FrontendControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation

Base class for all the conversations frontend controllers.

Message::flag() — Method in class Message
MessageList::filterByConversation() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::filterByFlag() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::filterByApproved() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::filterByNotDeleted() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::filterByUnapproved() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::filterByUser() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::filterByDeleted() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class MessageList
ThreadedList::flattenMessages() — Method in class ThreadedList
EscapeFormula::filterSpecialCharacters() — Method in class EscapeFormula

Filter submitted special characters.

$ DownloadStatisticsExporter#fileProperty in class DownloadStatisticsExporter
$ CsvSchema#fieldsMapProperty in class CsvSchema

The map between the CSV field indexes and the object fields/attributes.

$ WriterFactory#formatterProperty in class WriterFactory
$ Manager#fileSystemProperty in class Manager
Connection::FailTrans() — Method in class Connection
$ DatabaseManager#factoryProperty in class DatabaseManager

The database connection factory instance.

PDOStatement::fetchRow() — Method in class PDOStatement
ForeignKeyFixerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database
ForeignKeyFixer::fixForeignKeys() — Method in class ForeignKeyFixer

Fix the foreign key definitions.

ForeignKeyFixer::fixForeignKeysInTable() — Method in class ForeignKeyFixer
ForeignKeyFixer::fixForeignKey() — Method in class ForeignKeyFixer
Snippet::findAndReplace() — Method in class Snippet
FileKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
FileValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
$ FileValue#fIDProperty in class FileValue
$ FileValue#fvIDProperty in class FileValue
$ ImageFileValue#fileProperty in class ImageFileValue
Task::formatDateLastStarted() — Method in class Task
Task::formatDateLastCompleted() — Method in class Task
InstanceItemRepository::findByDataSource() — Method in class InstanceItemRepository
InstanceSlotRuleRepository::findByMultipleInstances() — Method in class InstanceSlotRuleRepository
CalendarEventRepository::findOneById() — Method in class CalendarEventRepository
CalendarRepository::findBySite() — Method in class CalendarRepository
CalendarRepository::findAll() — Method in class CalendarRepository
CalendarRepository::findOneById() — Method in class CalendarRepository
CalendarRepository::findOneByName() — Method in class CalendarRepository
$ Batch#failedJobsProperty in class Batch
ProcessRepository::findRunning() — Method in class ProcessRepository
$ Control#field_setProperty in class Control
$ Entity#formsProperty in class Entity
EntityRepository::findPublicEntities() — Method in class EntityRepository
EntityRepository::findExpressForms() — Method in class EntityRepository
EntityRepository::findOneByResultsNode() — Method in class EntityRepository
EntryRepository::findOneByID() — Method in class EntryRepository
FieldSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
$ FieldSet#formProperty in class FieldSet
FormClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
$ Form#field_setsProperty in class Form
$ DownloadStatistics#fileProperty in class DownloadStatistics

The downloaded file.

$ DownloadStatistics#fileVersionProperty in class DownloadStatistics

The version of the downloaded file.

FileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File
$ File#fIDProperty in class File
$ File#fUUIDProperty in class File
$ File#fDateAddedProperty in class File
$ File#fPasswordProperty in class File
$ File#fOverrideSetPermissionsProperty in class File
$ File#folderTreeNodeIDProperty in class File
FavoriteFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File\Folder
$ Type#ftTypeIDProperty in class Type

The thumbnail unique identifier.

$ Type#ftTypeHandleProperty in class Type

The handle that identifies the thumbnail type.

$ Type#ftTypeNameProperty in class Type

The name of the thumbnail type.

$ Type#ftTypeWidthProperty in class Type

The width of the thumbnails (or the maximum width in case of proportional sizing).

$ Type#ftTypeHeightProperty in class Type

The height of the thumbnails (or the maximum height in case of proportional sizing).

$ Type#ftTypeIsRequiredProperty in class Type

Is this thumbnail type required? If yes, it can't be deleted.

$ Type#ftTypeSizingModeProperty in class Type

The thumbnail sizing mode (one of the Type::RESIZE_... constants).

$ Type#ftUpscalingEnabledProperty in class Type

Upscaling is enabled?

$ Type#ftLimitedToFileSetsProperty in class Type

Should the thumbnails be build for every file that ARE NOT in the file sets (false), or only for files that ARE in the specified file sets (true)?

$ Type#ftAssociatedFileSetsProperty in class Type

Associated file sets (whose meaning depends on the value of ftLimitedToFileSets).

$ Type#ftKeepAnimationsProperty in class Type

Should we create animated thumbnails for animated images?

$ Type#ftSaveAreaBackgroundColorProperty in class Type

Background color of the Image Editor save area

$ TypeFileSet#ftfsThumbnailTypeProperty in class TypeFileSet

The associated thumbnail type.

$ TypeFileSet#ftfsFileSetIDProperty in class TypeFileSet

The ID of the associated file set.

$ StorageLocation#fslNameProperty in class StorageLocation
$ StorageLocation#fslConfigurationProperty in class StorageLocation
$ StorageLocation#fslIDProperty in class StorageLocation
$ StorageLocation#filesProperty in class StorageLocation
$ StorageLocation#fslIsDefaultProperty in class StorageLocation
$ Type#fslTypeHandleProperty in class Type
$ Type#fslTypeNameProperty in class Type
$ Type#fslTypeIDProperty in class Type
$ Version#fileProperty in class Version

The associated File instance.

$ Version#fvIDProperty in class Version

The progressive file version identifier.

$ Version#fvFilenameProperty in class Version

The name of the file.

$ Version#fvPrefixProperty in class Version

The path prefix used to store the file in the file system.

$ Version#fvDateAddedProperty in class Version

The date/time when the file version has been added.

$ Version#fvActivateDateTimeProperty in class Version

The date/time when the file version has been approved.

$ Version#fvIsApprovedProperty in class Version

Is this version the approved one for the associated file?

$ Version#fvAuthorUIDProperty in class Version

The ID of the user that created the file version.

$ Version#fvApproverUIDProperty in class Version

The ID of the user that approved the file version.

$ Version#fvSizeProperty in class Version

The size (in bytes) of the file version.

$ Version#fvTitleProperty in class Version

The title of the file version.

$ Version#fvDescriptionProperty in class Version

The description of the file version.

$ Version#fvExtensionProperty in class Version

The extension of the file version.

$ Version#fvTagsProperty in class Version

The tags assigned to the file version (separated by a newline character - '\n').

$ Version#fvTypeProperty in class Version

The type of the file version.

$ Version#fvHasListingThumbnailProperty in class Version

Does this file version has a thumbnail to be used for file listing?

$ Version#fvHasDetailThumbnailProperty in class Version

Does this file version has a thumbnail to be used used for details?

$ Version#fvGenericTypeProperty in class Version
Version::forceDownload() — Method in class Version
FindingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Health\Report
FindingRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Health\Report
$ Result#findingsProperty in class Result
NotificationAlertRepository::findMyAlerts() — Method in class NotificationAlertRepository
NotificationAlertRepository::findOneById() — Method in class NotificationAlertRepository
ClientRepository::find() — Method in class ClientRepository
ScopeRepository::finalizeScopes() — Method in class ScopeRepository

Given a client, grant type and optional user identifier validate the set of scopes requested are valid and optionally append additional scopes or remove requested scopes.

FeedClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page
$ Query#fieldsProperty in class Query
DomainRepository::findOneByID() — Method in class DomainRepository
GroupRepository::findOneByID() — Method in class GroupRepository
RelationRepository::findByGroupID() — Method in class RelationRepository
FileUsageRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Statistics\UsageTracker

Class StackUsageRecord

$ FileUsageRecord#file_idProperty in class FileUsageRecord
FileUsageRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Statistics\UsageTracker
FileUsageRepository::findByFile() — Method in class FileUsageRepository

Find usage records related to a file

FileUsageRepository::findByCollection() — Method in class FileUsageRepository

Find FileUsageRecords given a collection and a version

FileUsageRepository::findByBlock() — Method in class FileUsageRepository

Find FileUsageRecords given a block

FileUsageRepository::findBy() — Method in class FileUsageRepository
FieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Summary
$ Template#fieldsProperty in class Template
$ TemplateField#fieldProperty in class TemplateField
TemplateRepository::findByCategory() — Method in class TemplateRepository
$ AbstractError#fieldProperty in class AbstractError

The field associated to the error.

FieldNotPresentErrorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Error
FieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Field
FieldInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Field
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Formatter
ErrorHandler::flatConfig() — Method in class ErrorHandler
FormClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Formatter
EntryList::filterBySite() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::filterByAssociatedEntry() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::filterByAuthorUserID() — Method in class EntryList

Filters by a user ID.

EntryFormatterInterface::format() — Method in class EntryFormatterInterface

Format a mask given an entry

$ LabelFormatter#formatterProperty in class LabelFormatter
LabelFormatter::format() — Method in class LabelFormatter

Format a mask given an entry

FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier\Notification
$ FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification#fromProperty in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
FormBlockSubmissionNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier\Notification
FormContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Context
FrontendFormContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Context
FrontendViewContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Context
$ ViewContext#formProperty in class ViewContext
FormViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
FormInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form
$ OwnedEntityForm#formProperty in class OwnedEntityForm
$ Renderer#formProperty in class Renderer

The form that's going to be rendered.

FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Formatter
FormatterInterface::format() — Method in class FormatterInterface

Format a mask using the standard format given a callable

LabelFormatter::format() — Method in class LabelFormatter

Format a mask using the standard format given a callable

FieldsetBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\ObjectBuilder
$ FieldsetBuilder#fieldsetNameProperty in class FieldsetBuilder
FieldsetBuilderAssociationControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\ObjectBuilder
FormBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\ObjectBuilder
$ FormBuilder#formNameProperty in class FormBuilder
$ FormBuilder#fieldsetsProperty in class FormBuilder
DateCreatedColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class DateCreatedColumn
DateLastModifiedColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class DateLastModifiedColumn
DisplayOrderColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class DisplayOrderColumn
AssociationField::filterList() — Method in class AssociationField

Apply the filter to an ItemList instance.

SiteField::filterList() — Method in class SiteField
EntryIndexer::forget() — Method in class EntryIndexer

Remove an object from the index

FeaturesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Feature

This is a simple registry class to codify all the core features used by the asset system. Features listed in here are provided in some capacity by the core. Fundamental features like pages, files and users aren't used by the block feature system, because it's assumed the core will always have these available. However, they may be used in the future with a fully modular installation procedure.

FeedPostClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Feed

Decorator class around Laminas\Feed\Reader\Entry\Rss that adds sanitization

$ FeedPost#feedProperty in class FeedPost
FeedServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Feed
FeedServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Feed
FilesControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Api
FileCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
$ FileCommand#fileIDProperty in class FileCommand
$ GeneratedThumbnailCommand#fileVersionIDProperty in class GeneratedThumbnailCommand
$ ChooserConfiguration#filtersProperty in class ChooserConfiguration
FileExtensionFilterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
FileTypeFilterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
FilterCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
$ FilterCollection#filtersProperty in class FilterCollection
FilterCollectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
FilterCollectionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
FilterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
FileManagerOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser\Option
FileSetsOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser\Option
FileUploadOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser\Option
FolderBookmarkOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser\Option
$ FolderBookmarkOption#favoriteFolderProperty in class FolderBookmarkOption
$ EditResponse#filesProperty in class EditResponse

The added/modified file versions.

FileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
$ File#fProperty in class File
FileAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
FileSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
$ FileSet#fsProperty in class FileSet
FileSetFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
$ FileSetFile#fsProperty in class FileSetFile
FileVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
$ FileVersion#fvProperty in class FileVersion
FileWithPasswordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
FileExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Exception
$ FileException#fileObjectProperty in class FileException
FileVersionExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Exception
$ FileVersionException#fileVersionObjectProperty in class FileVersionException
$ ExternalFileEntry#fIDProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
$ ExternalFileEntry#fvDateAddedProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
$ ExternalFileList#filesProperty in class ExternalFileList
ExternalFileProviderFactory::fetchByID() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderFactory

Fetch a external file provider by its ID.

ExternalFileProviderFactory::fetchByName() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderFactory

Fetch a external file provider by its name.

ExternalFileProviderFactory::fetchList() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderFactory

Fetch a list of external file providers.

$ ExternalSearchRequest#fileTypeProperty in class ExternalSearchRequest
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File

Service class for the File entity

FileListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
FileList::filterByType() — Method in class FileList
FileList::filterByExtension() — Method in class FileList

Filter the files by their extension.

FileList::filterByStorageLocation() — Method in class FileList

Filter the files by their storage location using a storage location object.

FileList::filterByStorageLocationID() — Method in class FileList

Filter the files by their storage location using a storage location id.

FileList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class FileList

Filters by "keywords" (which searches everything including filenames, title, users who uploaded the file, tags).

FileList::filterBySet() — Method in class FileList
FileList::filterByNoSet() — Method in class FileList
FileList::filterBySize() — Method in class FileList

Filters the file list by file size (in kilobytes).

FileList::filterByDateAdded() — Method in class FileList

Filters by public date.

FileList::filterByApproverUserID() — Method in class FileList

filters a FileList by the uID of the approving User.

FileList::filterByAuthorUserID() — Method in class FileList

filters a FileList by the uID of the owning User.

FileList::filterByTags() — Method in class FileList

Filters by "tags" only.

FileProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
FileServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
FileTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
FilesystemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
FolderItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
FolderItemList::filterByParentFolder() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::filterByType() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::filterByDateAdded() — Method in class FolderItemList

Filters by public date.

FolderItemList::filterByAddedToPageID() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::filterByStorageLocationID() — Method in class FolderItemList

Filter the files by their storage location using a storage location id.

FolderItemList::filterByStorageLocation() — Method in class FolderItemList

Filter the files by their storage location using a storage location object.

FolderItemList::filterByExtension() — Method in class FolderItemList

Filter the files by their extension.

FolderItemList::filterBySet() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::filterBySize() — Method in class FolderItemList

Filters the file list by file size (in kilobytes).

FolderItemList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class FolderItemList

Filters by "keywords" (which searches everything including filenames, title, folder names, etc.

FolderItemList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class FolderItemList
$ Sanitizer#filesystemProperty in class Sanitizer

The Filesystem instance to be used for file operations.

Sanitizer::fileContainsValidXml() — Method in class Sanitizer

Check if a file is a valid XML file.

Sanitizer::fileToData() — Method in class Sanitizer

Reads a file.

Sanitizer::fileToXml() — Method in class Sanitizer

Create a DOMDocument instance from a file name.

$ Resolver#formatServiceProperty in class Resolver
$ ThumbnailFormatService#fileServiceProperty in class ThumbnailFormatService
ForceImageFormatProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ImportProcessor
$ ForceImageFormatProcessor#formatProperty in class ForceImageFormatProcessor
FileImporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import

A class to be used to import files into the application file manager.

ImportException::fromErrorCode() — Method in class ImportException

Create a new instance given the error code.

$ ImportOptions#filesystemProperty in class ImportOptions
$ ImportingFile#fileServiceProperty in class ImportingFile
$ ImportingFile#fileExtensionProperty in class ImportingFile

The extension of the file.

$ ImportingFile#fileTypeProperty in class ImportingFile

The type of the file.

FileExistingValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
FileExtensionValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
$ Importer#fileImporterProperty in class Importer
$ DeleteFileItem#fileProperty in class DeleteFileItem
DateModifiedColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class DateModifiedColumn
FileIDColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet\Column
FileIDColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class FileIDColumn
FileVersionDateAddedColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet\Column
FileVersionDateAddedColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class FileVersionDateAddedColumn
FileVersionFilenameColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet\Column
FileVersionFilenameColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class FileVersionFilenameColumn
NameColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class NameColumn
SizeColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class SizeColumn
TypeColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class TypeColumn
AddedToPageField::filterList() — Method in class AddedToPageField
DateAddedField::filterList() — Method in class DateAddedField
ExtensionField::filterList() — Method in class ExtensionField
FileSetFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field\Field
FileSetField::filterList() — Method in class FileSetField
FolderFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field\Field
FolderField::filterList() — Method in class FolderField
SizeField::filterList() — Method in class SizeField
StorageLocationField::filterList() — Method in class StorageLocationField
TypeField::filterList() — Method in class TypeField
$ Manager#fileCategoryProperty in class Manager
$ Result#folderProperty in class Result
$ SearchProvider#filesystemProperty in class SearchProvider
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Service

File helper.

File::forceDownload() — Method in class File

Takes a path to a file and sends it to the browser, streaming it, and closing the HTTP connection afterwards. Basically a force download method.

$ VolatileDirectory#filesystemProperty in class VolatileDirectory

The used Filesystem instance.

$ Zip#filesystemProperty in class Zip

The Filesystem instance to use.

$ Zip#functionInspectorProperty in class Zip

The FunctionInspector instance to use.

FileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Set
$ File#fsfIDProperty in class File
$ File#fIDProperty in class File
$ File#fsIDProperty in class File
$ File#fsDisplayOrderProperty in class File
$ Set#fileSetFilesProperty in class Set
$ Set#fsIDProperty in class Set
$ Set#fsNameProperty in class Set
$ Set#fsOverrideGlobalPermissionsProperty in class Set
$ Set#fsTypeProperty in class Set
$ Set#fsSearchRequestProperty in class Set
$ Set#fsResultColumnsProperty in class Set
SetList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class SetList
SetList::filterByType() — Method in class SetList
StorageLocationFactory::fetchByID() — Method in class StorageLocationFactory

Fetch a storage location by its ID.

StorageLocationFactory::fetchByName() — Method in class StorageLocationFactory

Fetch a storage location by its name.

StorageLocationFactory::fetchList() — Method in class StorageLocationFactory

Fetch a list of storage locations.

StorageLocationFactory::fetchDefault() — Method in class StorageLocationFactory

Fetch the default storage location.

FileTrackableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Tracker
UsageTracker::forget() — Method in class UsageTracker

Forget a trackable object Any object could be passed to this method so long as it implements TrackableInterface

UsageTracker::forgetCollection() — Method in class UsageTracker

Forget about a collection object

FlvInspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Type\Inspector

An inspector to process FLV (Flash Video) files.

ValidationService::file() — Method in class ValidationService

Tests whether a file exists.

ValidationService::filetype() — Method in class ValidationService
FileLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
$ FileLocator#filesystemProperty in class FileLocator
$ AbstractLocation#filesystemProperty in class AbstractLocation
$ AllPackagesLocation#filesystemProperty in class AllPackagesLocation
$ CoreLocation#filesystemProperty in class CoreLocation
$ Record#fileProperty in class Record
$ Record#filesystemProperty in class Record
$ ThemeLocation#filesystemProperty in class ThemeLocation
FilesystemServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
FlysystemCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
$ AbstractIconRepository#filesystemProperty in class AbstractIconRepository
$ Icon#filenameProperty in class Icon
$ TemplateFile#filenameProperty in class TemplateFile

Stores the file name

FormViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Control
FormViewInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Control
FormServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form
$ DestinationPicker#formServiceProperty in class DestinationPicker
$ EmailPicker#formServiceProperty in class EmailPicker
$ ExternalUrlPicker#formServiceProperty in class ExternalUrlPicker
FilePickerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\DestinationPicker

A picker for DestinationPicker that allows users specify a concrete5 file.

$ FilePicker#fileManagerProperty in class FilePicker
FormClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service

Helpful functions for working with forms. Includes HTML input tags and the like.

Form::file() — Method in class Form

Creates a file input element.

$ Validation#fieldsProperty in class Validation
$ Validation#fieldsInvalidProperty in class Validation
$ Validation#filesProperty in class Validation
FileFolderSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
$ GroupSelector#formHelperProperty in class GroupSelector
ClassAutoloader::findPSR4Class() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
$ EnvironmentRecord#fileProperty in class EnvironmentRecord
FunctionInspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Environment
FunctionInspector::functionAvailable() — Method in class FunctionInspector

Check if a function exists and is not disabled.

$ User#functionInspectorProperty in class User
ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader::findFile() — Method in class ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Grade\Formatter
FindingDetailControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control

Opens a modal window to show the details about a particular Finding.

FindingDetailFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Formatter
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Formatter
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Formatter
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message\Formatter
FinishReportMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
FinishReportMessageHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Result\Formatter
ResultList::filterByTask() — Method in class ResultList
Runner::finding() — Method in class Runner
FaqBlockTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test\Search
Picture::fallback() — Method in class Picture

Create the img element fallback for the picture element.

FontAwesomeIconClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Service

Helper class to render a Font Awesome 5 icon.

$ FontAwesomeIcon#fixedWidthProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
$ FontAwesomeIcon#flipProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
FactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Client
DefaultDispatcher::filterRouteCollectionForPath() — Method in class DefaultDispatcher
FlysystemFileResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http

Heavily based on BinaryFileResponse represents an HTTP response delivering a file.

$ FlysystemFileResponse#fileProperty in class FlysystemFileResponse
$ FlysystemFileResponse#filesystemProperty in class FlysystemFileResponse
$ APIAuthenticatorMiddleware#factoryProperty in class APIAuthenticatorMiddleware
FractalNegotiatorMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
$ FractalNegotiatorMiddleware#fractalProperty in class FractalNegotiatorMiddleware
FrameOptionsMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware

Middleware for applying frame options

$ MiddlewareDelegate#foundationFactoryProperty in class MiddlewareDelegate
$ OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware#foundationFactoryProperty in class OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware
ResponseAssetGroup::filterProvidedAssets() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup
ResponseFactory::forbidden() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a forbidden response

ResponseFactoryInterface::forbidden() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create a forbidden response

$ InstallerOptions#filesystemProperty in class InstallerOptions

The Filesystem instance to use.

FileinfoExtensionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
$ FileinfoExtension#functionInspectorProperty in class FileinfoExtension

The FunctionInspector instance.

$ ImageManipulation#functionInspectorProperty in class ImageManipulation

The FunctionInspector instance.

$ InternationalizationSupport#functionInspectorProperty in class InternationalizationSupport

The FunctionInspector instance.

$ RemoteFileImporting#functionInspectorProperty in class RemoteFileImporting

The FunctionInspector instance.

$ TokenizerExtension#functionInspectorProperty in class TokenizerExtension

The FunctionInspector instance.

$ WritableDirectories#fsProperty in class WritableDirectories

The Filesystem to be used to check directories.

$ XmlSupport#functionInspectorProperty in class XmlSupport

The FunctionInspector instance.

QueueableJob::finish() — Method in class QueueableJob

Finish processing a queue

$ DatabaseItemList#filtersProperty in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::filter() — Method in class DatabaseItemList

Adds a filter to this item list.

DatabaseItemList::filterByAttribute() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
FileListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy

An object that allows a filtered list of files to be returned.

$ FileList#filteredFileSetIDsProperty in class FileList
FileList::filterByExtension() — Method in class FileList

Filters by file extension.

FileList::filterByType() — Method in class FileList

Filters by type of file.

FileList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class FileList

Filters by "keywords" (which searches everything including filenames, title, tags, users who uploaded the file, tags).

FileList::filterBySet() — Method in class FileList
FileList::filterBySize() — Method in class FileList

Filters the file list by file size (in kilobytes).

FileList::filterByDateAdded() — Method in class FileList

Filters by public date.

FileList::filterByApproverUID() — Method in class FileList

filters a FileList by the uID of the approving User.

FileList::filterByAuthorUID() — Method in class FileList

filters a FileList by the uID of the owning User.

FileList::filterByTag() — Method in class FileList

Filters by tag.

FilePermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
Model::Find() — Method in class Model
$ PageList#filterByCParentIDProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#filterByPageTypeProperty in class PageList
PageList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class PageList

Filters by "keywords" (which searches everything including filenames, title, tags, users who uploaded the file, tags).

PageList::filterByName() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByPath() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByParentID() — Method in class PageList

Sets the parent ID that we will grab pages from.

PageList::filterByPageTypeID() — Method in class PageList

Filters by type of collection (using the ID field).

PageList::filterByCollectionTypeID() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByUserID() — Method in class PageList

Filters by user ID of collection (using the uID field).

PageList::filterByIsApproved() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByIsAlias() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByPageTypeHandle() — Method in class PageList

Filters by type of collection (using the handle field).

PageList::filterByCollectionTypeHandle() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByDateAdded() — Method in class PageList

Filters by date added.

PageList::filterByNumberOfChildren() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByDateLastModified() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByPublicDate() — Method in class PageList

Filters by public date.

PageList::filterBySelectAttribute() — Method in class PageList
UserList::filterByUserName() — Method in class UserList
UserList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class UserList
UserList::filterByGroup() — Method in class UserList

Filters the user list for only users within the provided group. Accepts an instance of a group object or a string group name.

UserList::filterByGroupID() — Method in class UserList
UserList::filterByDateAdded() — Method in class UserList
UserList::filterByIsActive() — Method in class UserList
FormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Address
$ AddressFormat#formatterProperty in class AddressFormat
AddressFormat::format() — Method in class AddressFormat

Formats a local concrete5 address lines array with the underlying address formatting library.

AddressFormat::formatWithoutCountry() — Method in class AddressFormat

This is used only used when no country value is provided. Otherwise formatting is handled by the underlying address formatting library.

Date::formatDate() — Method in class Date

Render the date part of a date/time as a localized string.

Date::formatTime() — Method in class Date

Render the time part of a date/time as a localized string.

Date::formatDateTime() — Method in class Date

Render both the date and time parts of a date/time as a localized string.

Date::formatPrettyDate() — Method in class Date

Render the date part of a date/time as a localized string. If the day is yesterday we'll print 'Yesterday' (the same for today, tomorrow).

Date::formatPrettyDateTime() — Method in class Date

Render both the date and time parts of a date/time as a localized string. If the day is yesterday we'll print 'Yesterday' (the same for today, tomorrow).

Date::formatCustom() — Method in class Date

Render a date/time as a localized string, by specifying a custom format.

$ TranslationsInstaller#fsProperty in class TranslationsInstaller
FactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation\Local
$ Factory#fsProperty in class Factory
FactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation\Local
$ Stats#formatHandleProperty in class Stats

The translations file format handle.

$ Stats#filenameProperty in class Stats

The translations file name.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::fetchCoreTranslations() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Fetch the translations for the concrete5 core.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::fetchPackageTranslations() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Fetch the translations for a package.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::fillTranslations() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Fill-in already known translations.

ProviderInterface::fetchCoreTranslations() — Method in class ProviderInterface

Fetch the translations for the concrete5 core.

ProviderInterface::fetchPackageTranslations() — Method in class ProviderInterface

Fetch the translations for a package.

ProviderInterface::fillTranslations() — Method in class ProviderInterface

Fill-in already known translations.

TranslatorAdapter::formatString() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Formats the string in the with the PHP sprintf format with the given arguments.

TranslatorAdapter::formatString() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Formats the string in the with the PHP sprintf format with the given arguments.

Gettext::fixPlurals() — Method in class Gettext

Fix the plural rules of the translations loaded from a file.

$ SimpleFileConfiguration#filenameProperty in class SimpleFileConfiguration

The file where the log is to be stored.

LogList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class LogList
LogList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class LogList
LogList::filterByIds() — Method in class LogList
LogList::filterByChannel() — Method in class LogList
LogList::filterByLevels() — Method in class LogList
LogList::filterByStartTime() — Method in class LogList
LogList::filterByEndTime() — Method in class LogList
ChannelColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class ChannelColumn
LevelColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class LevelColumn
LogIdentifierColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class LogIdentifierColumn
MessageColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class MessageColumn
TimeColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class TimeColumn
UserIdentifierColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class UserIdentifierColumn
ChannelField::filterList() — Method in class ChannelField
DateField::filterList() — Method in class DateField
KeywordsField::filterList() — Method in class KeywordsField
LevelField::filterList() — Method in class LevelField
MailImportedMessage::findAttachedFilesInPart() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
$ Service#fromProperty in class Service

The sender email address and its name.

Service::from() — Method in class Service

Set the from address on the message.

FactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\Transport
$ Marketplace#fileHelperProperty in class Marketplace
$ RemotePackage#fileDescriptionProperty in class RemotePackage
$ PackageRepository#fileHelperProperty in class PackageRepository
RemoteItemList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class RemoteItemList
RemoteItemList::filterByMarketplaceItemID() — Method in class RemoteItemList
RemoteItemList::filterBySet() — Method in class RemoteItemList
RemoteItemList::filterByIsFeaturedRemotely() — Method in class RemoteItemList
RemoteItemList::filterByCompatibility() — Method in class RemoteItemList
$ UpdateRemoteDataCommand#fieldsProperty in class UpdateRemoteDataCommand
FailedTransportInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport
FailedTransportManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport
$ FailedTransportManager#failureRoutesProperty in class FailedTransportManager
PageList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByMissingTargets() — Method in class PageList
FlagClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Service\UserInterface
FileManagerBreadcrumbFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb
FileFolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Item
$ FileFolderItem#folderIdProperty in class FileFolderItem
FlatChildrenModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Modifier
FlatChildrenModifier::flatChildren() — Method in class FlatChildrenModifier
FilterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Alert\Filter
FilterInterface::filterAlertList() — Method in class FilterInterface

Apply this filter to a given alertlist

FilterListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Alert\Filter
$ FilterList#filtersProperty in class FilterList
FilterListFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Alert\Filter
StandardFilter::filterAlertList() — Method in class StandardFilter

Apply this filter to a given alertlist

WorkflowFilter::filterAlertList() — Method in class WorkflowFilter

Apply this filter to a given alertlist

$ ThumbnailGeneratedEvent#fileVersionProperty in class ThumbnailGeneratedEvent
$ Inspector#fsProperty in class Inspector

The Filesystem instance to be used for filesystem operations.

Parser::findControllerClass() — Method in class Parser

Find the package controller class.

Parser::findTypedToken() — Method in class Parser

Find the index of a token given its type.

Parser::findTextToken() — Method in class Parser

Find the index of a text token given its contents.

FiveSevenClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Offline\Parser

The token parser for concrete5 5.7+ packages.

$ Package#fileConfigProperty in class Package

The file configuration liaison.

FileExcluderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Filter

Filter out files accordingly to their type.

FilterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Filter

Interface that filters that change/exclude package files must implement.

$ ShortTagExpander#fsProperty in class ShortTagExpander
$ SvgIconRasterizer#fsProperty in class SvgIconRasterizer
$ TranslationCompiler#fsProperty in class TranslationCompiler
PackerFile::fromSourceFileInfo() — Method in class PackerFile

Create a new instance of a file/directory as read from the source package directory (marking it as not changed).

$ Cloner#fsProperty in class Cloner
$ Cloner#filesToAddProperty in class Cloner
$ SourceUpdater#fsProperty in class SourceUpdater
$ SourceUpdater#filesToReplaceProperty in class SourceUpdater
$ Zipper#fsProperty in class Zipper
$ Zipper#filesToAddProperty in class Zipper
StartingPointPackage::finish() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
$ ClonerOptions#forceUnapprovedProperty in class ClonerOptions

Mark the copied data as not approved?

ClonerOptions::forceUnapproved() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Mark the copied data as not approved?

GlobalVersionList::filterByApprovedAfter() — Method in class GlobalVersionList

Filter versions that are approved after a certain date.

GlobalVersionList::filterByApprovedBefore() — Method in class GlobalVersionList

Filter versions that are approved before a certain date.

$ TemplateLocator#fileLocatorProperty in class TemplateLocator
FeedClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
FeedEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
$ FeedEvent#feedProperty in class FeedEvent
Page::forceCheckIn() — Method in class Page

Forces the page to be checked in if its checked out.

Page::forceCheckInForAllPages() — Method in class Page
PageList::filterBySite() — Method in class PageList
PageList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByPageTypeHandle() — Method in class PageList

Filters by type of collection (using the handle field).

PageList::filterByPageTemplate() — Method in class PageList

Filters by page template.

PageList::filterByDateAdded() — Method in class PageList

Filters by date added.

PageList::filterByNumberOfChildren() — Method in class PageList

Filter by number of children.

PageList::filterByDateLastModified() — Method in class PageList

Filter by last modified date.

PageList::filterByPublicDate() — Method in class PageList

Filters by public date.

PageList::filterByPackage() — Method in class PageList

Filters by package.

PageList::filterByPagesWithCustomStyles() — Method in class PageList

Displays only those pages that have style customizations.

PageList::filterByUserID() — Method in class PageList

Filters by user ID).

PageList::filterByPageTypeID() — Method in class PageList

Filters by page type ID.

PageList::filterByParentID() — Method in class PageList

Filters by parent ID.

PageList::filterByName() — Method in class PageList

Filters a list by page name.

PageList::filterByPath() — Method in class PageList

Filter a list by page path.

PageList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class PageList

Filters keyword fields by keywords (including name, description, content, and attributes.

PageList::filterByFulltextKeywords() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByTopic() — Method in class PageList

Filters by topic. Doesn't look at specific attributes –instead, actually joins to the topics table.

PageList::filterByBlockType() — Method in class PageList

Filters a page list by a particular block type occurring in the version of a page.

PageList::filterByContainer() — Method in class PageList

Filters a page list by a particular container occurring in a page

PageList::filterByCacheSettings() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByCollectionTypeHandle() — Method in class PageList
PageList::filterByCollectionTypeID() — Method in class PageList
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Relation\Formatter
$ RelationListController#flagServiceProperty in class RelationListController
CollectionVersionColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class CollectionVersionColumn
DateLastModifiedColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class DateLastModifiedColumn
DatePublicColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class DatePublicColumn
PageIDColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class PageIDColumn
SitemapDisplayOrderColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class SitemapDisplayOrderColumn
CacheSettingField::filterList() — Method in class CacheSettingField
ContainsBlockTypeField::filterList() — Method in class ContainsBlockTypeField
ContainsContainerField::filterList() — Method in class ContainsContainerField
DateAddedField::filterList() — Method in class DateAddedField
DateLastModifiedField::filterList() — Method in class DateLastModifiedField
DatePublicField::filterList() — Method in class DatePublicField
IncludePageAliasesField::filterList() — Method in class IncludePageAliasesField
NumberOfChildrenField::filterList() — Method in class NumberOfChildrenField
PageOwnerField::filterList() — Method in class PageOwnerField
PageTemplateField::filterList() — Method in class PageTemplateField
PageTypeField::filterList() — Method in class PageTypeField
ParentPageField::filterList() — Method in class ParentPageField
PermissionsInheritanceField::filterList() — Method in class PermissionsInheritanceField
SiteField::filterList() — Method in class SiteField
SiteLocaleField::filterList() — Method in class SiteLocaleField

Apply the filter to an ItemList instance.

ThemeField::filterList() — Method in class ThemeField
VersionStatusField::filterList() — Method in class VersionStatusField
$ Manager#fileCategoryProperty in class Manager
PageIndexer::forget() — Method in class PageIndexer

Remove a page from the index

$ SitemapWriter#filesystemProperty in class SitemapWriter
FolderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack\Folder
FolderServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack\Folder
FormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack
$ StackList#foldersFirstProperty in class StackList
StackList::filterByLanguageSection() — Method in class StackList
StackList::filterByFolder() — Method in class StackList
StackList::filterByGlobalAreas() — Method in class StackList
StackList::filterByUserAdded() — Method in class StackList
StackList::filterByStackCategory() — Method in class StackList
UsageTracker::forget() — Method in class UsageTracker

Forget a trackable object Any object could be passed to this method so long as it implements TrackableInterface

UsageTracker::forgetCollection() — Method in class UsageTracker

Forget about a collection object

AtomikDocumentationProvider::finishInstallation() — Method in class AtomikDocumentationProvider
DocumentationProvider::finishInstallation() — Method in class DocumentationProvider
DocumentationProviderInterface::finishInstallation() — Method in class DocumentationProviderInterface
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme

When activating a theme, any file within the theme is loaded into the system as a Page Theme File. At that point the file can then be used to create a new page type.

$ File#filenameProperty in class File
FoundationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework\Type
Control::field() — Method in class Control
FormElementControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer
FormLayoutSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer
FormLayoutSetControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer
PageView::finishRender() — Method in class PageView
FactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
FileUploaderEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
FileAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
FileFolderAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
$ AddFileFileFolderListItem#fileTypesAllowedPermissionProperty in class AddFileFileFolderListItem
FileFolderListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
FileListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
FileAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
FileFolderAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
Duration::filterByActive() — Method in class Duration
IPService::failedLoginsThresholdReached() — Method in class IPService
FileFolderKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
FileKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
FileSetKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
FileUploaderEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Access\Entity
FileFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
$ FileFolder#folderProperty in class FileFolder
$ StackFolder#folderProperty in class StackFolder
FileFolderResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
FileResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
FileSetResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
FileTreeNodeResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
Router::filterRouteCollectionForPath() — Method in class Router
CollectionAttributeKeyColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class CollectionAttributeKeyColumn
ExpressAttributeKeyColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class ExpressAttributeKeyColumn
FileAttributeKeyColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
FileAttributeKeyColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class FileAttributeKeyColumn
PagerColumnInterface::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class PagerColumnInterface
UserAttributeKeyColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class UserAttributeKeyColumn
AttributeKeyField::filterList() — Method in class AttributeKeyField

Apply the filter to an ItemList instance.

FieldInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
FieldInterface::filterList() — Method in class FieldInterface

Apply the filter to an ItemList instance.

KeywordsField::filterList() — Method in class KeywordsField

Apply the filter to an ItemList instance.

$ Group#fieldsProperty in class Group

The fields in this group.

AbstractIndex::forget() — Method in class AbstractIndex

Remove an object from the index

DefaultManager::forget() — Method in class DefaultManager

Forget an object

IndexingDriverInterface::forget() — Method in class IndexingDriverInterface

Remove an object from the index

IndexManagerInterface::forget() — Method in class IndexManagerInterface

Forget an object

IndexObjectProvider::fetchPages() — Method in class IndexObjectProvider

Get Pages to add to the queue.

IndexObjectProvider::fetchUsers() — Method in class IndexObjectProvider

Get Users to add to the queue.

IndexObjectProvider::fetchExpressObjects() — Method in class IndexObjectProvider

Get Express objects to add to the queue.

IndexObjectProvider::fetchExpressEntries() — Method in class IndexObjectProvider

Get Express entries to add to the queue.

IndexObjectProvider::fetchFiles() — Method in class IndexObjectProvider

Get Files to add to the queue.

IndexObjectProvider::fetchSites() — Method in class IndexObjectProvider

Get Sites to add to the queue.

AttributedItemList::filterByAttribute() — Method in class AttributedItemList

Filters by an attribute.

ItemList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::filter() — Method in class ItemList
EntityItemList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class EntityItemList
FileListPagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
FolderItemListPagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
$ PagerAdapter#firstResultProperty in class PagerAdapter
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::first() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
$ Result#filtersProperty in class Result
$ Result#fieldsProperty in class Result
$ ApacheStorage#filesystemProperty in class ApacheStorage
$ DatabaseConfigSaver#fieldKeysProperty in class DatabaseConfigSaver
FactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site
$ InstallationService#filesystemProperty in class InstallationService
Listener::fixMultilingualPageRelations() — Method in class Listener
SiteList::filterBySiteTypeHandle() — Method in class SiteList
FactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type
FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type\Formatter
AggregateTracker::forget() — Method in class AggregateTracker

Forget a trackable object Any object could be passed to this method so long as it implements TrackableInterface

TrackerInterface::forget() — Method in class TrackerInterface

Forget a trackable object Any object could be passed to this method so long as it implements TrackableInterface

$ CustomizerFactory#fileLocatorProperty in class CustomizerFactory
$ ImageVariable#fIDProperty in class ImageVariable
$ ScssNormalizer#fileSystemProperty in class ScssNormalizer
ScssNormalizer::fixVariable() — Method in class ScssNormalizer
$ PresetFactory#filesystemProperty in class PresetFactory
$ PresetFactory#fileLocatorProperty in class PresetFactory
$ ScssProcessor#filesystemProperty in class ScssProcessor
$ SkinFactory#filesystemProperty in class SkinFactory
FontFamilyStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
FontStyleStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
FontWeightStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
FontFamilyParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
FontStyleParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
FontWeightParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
FontFamilyValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ FontFamilyValue#fontFamilyProperty in class FontFamilyValue
FontStyleValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ FontStyleValue#fontStyleProperty in class FontStyleValue
FontWeightValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ FontWeightValue#fontWeightProperty in class FontWeightValue
$ Stylesheet#fileProperty in class Stylesheet
$ Writer#filesystemProperty in class Writer
$ DataField#fieldIdentifierProperty in class DataField
FieldInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
$ ImageDataFieldData#fIDProperty in class ImageDataFieldData
$ AbstractPopulator#filtererProperty in class AbstractPopulator
FiltererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Template

Responsible for taking a summary category handle, retrieving all the possible templates available for that handle taking a collection of summary data fields, and returning only those templates that are available given their summary field requirements

$ Renderer#fileLocatorProperty in class Renderer
$ TemplateLocator#fileLocatorProperty in class TemplateLocator
InlineTagFixer::findApplicableRange() — Method in class InlineTagFixer

Find the next range of tokens that should be fixes.

InlineTagFixer::fixRange() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
InlineTagFixer::fixStart() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
InlineTagFixer::fixEnd() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
PhpFixer::fix() — Method in class PhpFixer
$ PhpFixerOptions#filterByExtensionsProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The list of file extensions to be parsed.

$ PhpFixerOptions#filterIncludeFilesProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The list of additional files (relative to the webroot) to be parsed.

$ PhpFixerRuleResolver#fixerFactoryProperty in class PhpFixerRuleResolver
Events::fire() — Method in class Events
FacadeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade

Adapted and included from Laravel's Support Facade class.

TreeCallColor::fromTreeCall() — Method in class TreeCallColor
$ ClassSymbol#fqnProperty in class ClassSymbol

Fully qualified class name.

$ ClassSymbol#facadeProperty in class ClassSymbol

If the class is a facade, here we have the facade ReflectionClass, otherwise it's null.

FileLockMutexClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System\Mutex
$ SystemUser#functionInspectorProperty in class SystemUser
FolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\File
$ FolderItem#folderProperty in class FolderItem
FolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Group
$ FolderItem#folderProperty in class FolderItem
FileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
$ File#fIDProperty in class File
FileFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
$ FileFolder#fslIDProperty in class FileFolder
FileFolderMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Menu
FileManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Type
$ Archive#fProperty in class Archive

File helper instance.

$ Configuration#forcedInitialMigrationProperty in class Configuration

Forced initial migration.

Configuration::forceMaxInitialMigration() — Method in class Configuration

Force the initial migration to be the least recent repeatable one.

Configuration::forceInitialMigration() — Method in class Configuration

Force the initial migration, using a specific point.

Configuration::findInitialMigration() — Method in class Configuration

Get the initial migration given a reference (in form YYYYMMDDhhmmss or as a core version).

Configuration::findInitialMigrationByIdentifier() — Method in class Configuration

Get the initial migration starting from its identifier (in form YYYYMMDDhhmmss).

Configuration::findInitialMigrationByCoreVersion() — Method in class Configuration

Get the initial migration starting from a core version.

Version20160725000000::fixStacks() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::fixMultilingualPageRelations() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::fixMissingCategoryNames() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20161203000000::fixFileFolderPermissions() — Method in class Version20161203000000
Version20161203000000::fixWorkflows() — Method in class Version20161203000000
Version20161203000000::fixTrackingCode() — Method in class Version20161203000000
Version20161216100000::fixSerializedComposerControls() — Method in class Version20161216100000
Version20180926070300::fixAttributeIndexTable() — Method in class Version20180926070300
Version20180926070300::fixExpressEntityAttributeIndexTable() — Method in class Version20180926070300
Version20181116072400::fixPublishStartEndDates() — Method in class Version20181116072400

Be sure that cvPublishDate is not greater than cvPublishEndDate.

Version20181116072400::fixOverlappingStartEndDates() — Method in class Version20181116072400

Be sure that there are not approved collection versions with overlapping publish dates.

Version20190301133300::fixDuplicatedStacks() — Method in class Version20190301133300
Version20190301133300::fixDuplicatedStack() — Method in class Version20190301133300
Version20190625177700::fixWorkflowsPackage() — Method in class Version20190625177700
Version20190822160700::fixCookieTable() — Method in class Version20190822160700
FailedLoginThresholdExceededExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception
$ AddGroupCommand#forcedNewGroupIDProperty in class AddGroupCommand
FolderItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
FolderItemList::filterByName() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::filterByParentFolder() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
GroupList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class GroupList

Filters keyword fields by keywords (including name and description).

GroupList::filterByPackage() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::filterByExpirable() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::filterByAssignable() — Method in class GroupList

Only return groups the user has the ability to assign.

GroupList::filterByHavingMembership() — Method in class GroupList

Only return groups the user is actually a member of

GroupList::filterByParentGroup() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::filterByGroupType() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::filterByUserID() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::filterByName() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class GroupList
GroupIdColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class GroupIdColumn
NameColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class NameColumn
FolderFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\Field\Field
FolderField::filterList() — Method in class FolderField
NameField::filterList() — Method in class NameField
LoginService::failLogin() — Method in class LoginService

Handle a failed login attempt

PasswordUpgrade::fillPlaceholders() — Method in class PasswordUpgrade
PrivateMessageList::filterByMailbox() — Method in class PrivateMessageList
DateAddedColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class DateAddedColumn
DateLastLoginColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class DateLastLoginColumn
EmailColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class EmailColumn
HomeFolderColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class HomeFolderColumn
NumberOfLoginsColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class NumberOfLoginsColumn
UserIDColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class UserIDColumn
UsernameColumn::filterListAtOffset() — Method in class UsernameColumn
DateAddedField::filterList() — Method in class DateAddedField
GroupSetField::filterList() — Method in class GroupSetField
HomeFolderField::filterList() — Method in class HomeFolderField
IsActiveField::filterList() — Method in class IsActiveField
IsValidatedField::filterList() — Method in class IsValidatedField
UserGroupField::filterList() — Method in class UserGroupField
$ Manager#fileCategoryProperty in class Manager
User::forceCollectionCheckInAll() — Method in class User
UserBannedIp::Find() — Method in class UserBannedIp
UserList::finalizeQuery() — Method in class UserList
UserList::filterByIsActive() — Method in class UserList

Explicitly filters by whether a user is active or not. Does this by setting "include inactive users" to true, THEN filtering them in our out. Some settings here are redundant given the default settings but a little duplication is ok sometimes.

UserList::filterByHomeFolderID() — Method in class UserList
UserList::filterByIsValidated() — Method in class UserList

Filter list by whether a user is validated or not.

UserList::filterByUserName() — Method in class UserList

Filter list by user name.

UserList::filterByFuzzyUserName() — Method in class UserList

Filter list by user name but as a like parameter.

UserList::filterByKeywords() — Method in class UserList

Filters keyword fields by keywords (including username, email and attributes).

UserList::filterByGroup() — Method in class UserList

Filters the user list for only users within the provided group. Accepts an instance of a group object or a string group name.

UserList::filterByInAnyGroup() — Method in class UserList

Filters the user list for only users within at least one of the provided groups.

UserList::filterByDateAdded() — Method in class UserList

Filters by date added.

UserList::filterByGroupID() — Method in class UserList

Filters by Group ID.

UserList::filterByNoGroup() — Method in class UserList
Arrays::flatten() — Method in class Arrays

Takes a multidimensional array and flattens it.

Number::flexround() — Method in class Number

Rounds the value only out to its most significant digit.

Number::format() — Method in class Number

Format a number with grouped thousands and localized decimal point/thousands separator.

Number::formatSize() — Method in class Number

Formats a size (measured in bytes, KB, MB, ...).

Text::fnmatch() — Method in class Text

A wrapper for PHP's fnmatch() function, which some installations don't have.

Text::filterNonAlphaNum() — Method in class Text

Strips out non-alpha-numeric characters.

Text::formatXML() — Method in class Text

Formats a passed XML string nicely.

AbstractView::finishRender() — Method in class AbstractView
$ BasicFileView#fileProperty in class BasicFileView
BasicFileView::finishRender() — Method in class BasicFileView
FileLocatorViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\View
FileLocatorView::finishRender() — Method in class FileLocatorView
View::finishRender() — Method in class View


Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getControlView() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeTextRepresentationHeaders() — Method in class Controller

Get the handles of the columns that will contain parts of attribute values.

Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get the strings containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getCheckboxLabel() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getPlainTextValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPlainTextValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getDateTime() — Method in class Controller

Retrieve the date/time value.

Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getPlaintextValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getSeconds() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getEntity() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getPlainTextValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getPlainTextValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getOptionByID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOptionByValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getSelectedOptions() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOptionUsageArray() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOptions() — Method in class Controller

Returns a list of available options optionally filtered by an sql $like statement ex: startswith%.

Controller::getAllowMultipleValues() — Method in class Controller

Convenience methods to retrieve a select attribute key's settings.

Controller::getAllowOtherValues() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOptionDisplayOrder() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getControlID() — Method in class Controller

Get the ID to use for label elements. Not applicable in form views that do not contain

Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getSelectValuesFromPost() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Option::getByID() — Method in class Option
Option::getByValue() — Method in class Option
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getControlView() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getSelectedOptions() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getTopicParentNode() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getTopicTreeID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAssignableGroups() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getPlainTextValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getGroup() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getPlainTextValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getApiValueResource() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAuthenticationTypeIconHTML() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getHandle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getService() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAdditionalRequestParameters() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getExtractor() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getConcreteProfileURL() — Method in class Controller

Get the URL of the Concrete account associated to a user.

Controller::getHandle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAuthenticationTypeIconHTML() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAuthenticationTypeIconHTML() — Method in class Controller

Build and return this authentication type's icon HTML.

Controller::getHandle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getService() — Method in class Controller

Get the service object associated with this authentication type This method uses the oauth/factory/service object to create our service if one is not set.

Controller::getBindingForUser() — Method in class Controller

Get the binding associated to a specific user.

Controller::getAuthenticationTypeIconHTML() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getHandle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getService() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAuthenticationTypeIconHTML() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getHandle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getService() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAuthenticationTypeIconHTML() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getHandle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getService() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getEmail() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFirstName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLastName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsername() — Method in class Controller
AccordionEntry::getTitle() — Method in class AccordionEntry
AccordionEntry::getDescription() — Method in class AccordionEntry
AccordionEntry::getId() — Method in class AccordionEntry
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getChildPages() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getNavItems() — Method in class Controller

New and improved version of "generateNav()" function.

Controller::generateNav() — Method in class Controller

This function is used by the getNavItems() method to generate the raw "pre-processed" nav items array.

Controller::getParentParentID() — Method in class Controller

heh. probably should've gone the simpler route and named this getGrandparentID().

Controller::getParentAtLevel() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getNavigationArray() — Method in class Controller
NavItem::getDescription() — Method in class NavItem

Returns the description of the current navigation item (typically grabbed from the page's short description field).

NavItem::getTarget() — Method in class NavItem

Returns a target for the nav item.

NavItem::getURL() — Method in class NavItem

Gets a URL that will take the user to this particular page. Checks against concrete.seo.url_rewriting, the page's path, etc.

NavItem::getName() — Method in class NavItem

Gets the name of the page or link.

NavItem::getCollectionID() — Method in class NavItem

Gets the pageID for the navigation item.

NavItem::getLevel() — Method in class NavItem

Gets the current level at the nav tree that we're at.

NavItem::getCollectionObject() — Method in class NavItem

Gets the collection Object of the navigation item.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getOccurrence() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getEvent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getCalendar() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSelectedLightboxProperties() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getViewTypeString() — Method in class Controller

Extract the view type from the $viewTypesOrder array values.

Controller::getPropertyTitle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPropertyValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getContentEditMode() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFilesImages() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFilesDownload() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeCacheOutputLifetime() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getAreaLayoutObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getInstanceSlotID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getContainerInstanceObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeCacheOutputLifetime() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getConversationObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileSettings() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getActiveUsers() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getReviewAttributeKeys() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getComposerOutputControlObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOriginalBlockID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getScrapbookBlockController() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPassThruActionAndParameters() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeCacheOutputLifetime() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOriginalBlockID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeCacheOutputLifetime() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getStackID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getStack() — Method in class Controller

Returns the Stack instance (if found).

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDateLink() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDateLabel() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPassThruActionAndParameters() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLatestSignups() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLatestSurveyResults() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLatestMessages() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLatestFormSubmissions() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getWorkflowProgressItems() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getSortColumnKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getTableColumns() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getTableExpandableProperties() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getTableSearchProperties() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getColumnTitle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getColumnClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSortAction() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getColumnValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRootFolder() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFolderColumnValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getCalendarOrCalendars() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeInSetName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeInSetName() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getSearchFieldManager() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchPropertiesJsonArray() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchAssociationsJsonArray() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getItemsPerPageOptions() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDetailPageObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getFormFieldSet() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFormSubmissionConfigValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getNotifications() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAssetsDefinedDuringOutput() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFormEntity() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getFilename() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getExternalFormFilenamePath() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getController() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFormList() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getImageLinkPickers() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getFileID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImageFeatureDetailFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLinkURL() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getLinkURL() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getParagraph() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getParagraphEditMode() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImageFeatureDetailFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLinkText() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getDefaultThankYouMsg() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getDefaultSubmitText() — Method in class Controller
MiniSurvey::getQuestionInfo() — Method in class MiniSurvey
MiniSurvey::getAnswerCount() — Method in class MiniSurvey
MiniSurvey::getMiniSurveyBlockInfo() — Method in class MiniSurvey
MiniSurvey::getMiniSurveyBlockInfoByQuestionId() — Method in class MiniSurvey
Statistics::getTotalSubmissions() — Method in class Statistics

Gets the total number of submissions.

Statistics::getTotalSubmissionsBetween() — Method in class Statistics

Gets the total number of submissions in specific date/time ranges.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

Return a list of features used by this block

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getEntries() — Method in class Controller

Fetch entries associated with this block and output properly formatted arrays

Controller::getDisplayChoices() — Method in class Controller

Get the display options to show in the edit interface per image Override this method to easily add more options to the interface

Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getImageLinkPickers() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getLinkURL() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getEntries() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getActiveThemeResponsiveImageMap() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSelectedThumbnailTypes() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getThumbnailTypes() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImageFeatureDetailFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileOnstateID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileLinkID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileOnstateObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getFileLinkObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAltText() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getTitle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLazyLoad() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getExternalLink() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getInternalLinkCID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getLinkURL() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImageLinkPickers() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getNextCollection() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPreviousCollection() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getNextPreviousCollection() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPlaceHolderText() — Method in class Controller

Returns a place holder for pages that are new or when editing default page types.

Controller::getTitle() — Method in class Controller

Returns the title text to display in front of the value.

Controller::getAvailablePageValues() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAvailableAttributes() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getTemplateHandle() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOpenTag() — Method in class Controller

Returns opening html tag.

Controller::getCloseTag() — Method in class Controller

Returns closing html tag.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getPassThruActionAndParameters() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getTitleText() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getPassThruActionAndParameters() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getDefaultDateTimeFormats() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getSelectedServices() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getSelectedLinks() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getQuestion() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getShowResults() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getCustomMessage() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPollOptions() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Option::getOptionID() — Method in class Option
Option::getOptionName() — Method in class Option
Option::getOptionDisplayOrder() — Method in class Option
Option::getResults() — Method in class Option
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getTagLink() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getSearchableContent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getParentIDsToCurrent() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getHomePage() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getNavigation() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getUsedFiles() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPageItemNavTarget() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getTopicLink() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getImportData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getMp4FileID() — Method in class Controller

Get the file id for the mp4 file.

Controller::getWebmFileID() — Method in class Controller

Get the file id for the webm file.

Controller::getOggFileID() — Method in class Controller

Get the file id for the webm file.

Controller::getPosterFileID() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getMp4FileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getOggFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getWebmFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getPosterFileObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Controller::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class Controller

Returns the description of the block type.

Controller::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Controller

Returns the name of the block type.

Controller::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Controller

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

OpenApi::generate() — Method in class OpenApi
Action::getMethodAndParameters() — Method in class Action
GetImageDataClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Dashboard
GetImageData::getBaseUrl() — Method in class GetImageData
GetImageData::getImage() — Method in class GetImageData
GetImageData::getCacheItem() — Method in class GetImageData
GetImageData::getImageDataUrl() — Method in class GetImageData
SitemapCheckIn::getPageID() — Method in class SitemapCheckIn
SitemapCheckIn::getPage() — Method in class SitemapCheckIn
SitemapUpdate::getPageIDs() — Method in class SitemapUpdate
Entry::getJSON() — Method in class Entry
Autocomplete::getSelectedEntries() — Method in class Autocomplete
File::getFavoriteFolders() — Method in class File
File::getJSON() — Method in class File
File::getRequestFiles() — Method in class File
File::getFileToBeReplaced() — Method in class File

Get the file instance to be replaced by the uploaded file (if any).

File::getDestinationFolder() — Method in class File

Get the destination folder where the uploaded files should be placed.

File::getImportOriginalPage() — Method in class File

Get the original page to be used when importing files (if any).

File::getFileToImport() — Method in class File
File::getReceivedFiles() — Method in class File
Chooser::getRecent() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getFileSets() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getFileSetFiles() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getSearchPresets() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getSearchPresetFiles() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getFolderFiles() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getExternalFileTypes() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class Chooser
Edit::getFile() — Method in class Edit
ImageEditor::getFile() — Method in class ImageEditor
ImageEditor::getFileID() — Method in class ImageEditor
ImageEditor::getRawImageData() — Method in class ImageEditor
Thumbnail::getFileID() — Method in class Thumbnail
Thumbnail::getFileVersionID() — Method in class Thumbnail
Thumbnail::getThumbnailHandle() — Method in class Thumbnail
Thumbnail::getFile() — Method in class Thumbnail
Thumbnail::getFileVersion() — Method in class Thumbnail
Thumbnail::getThumbnail() — Method in class Thumbnail
Thumbnail::getRawImageData() — Method in class Thumbnail
Permissions::getFileID() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::getFile() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::getFileStorageLocationID() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::getFileStorageLocation() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::getPermissionsModel() — Method in class Permissions
Thumbnailer::generate() — Method in class Thumbnailer
Thumbnailer::getDimensions() — Method in class Thumbnailer

Get the dimensions out of a thumbnail array.

View::getFile() — Method in class View
View::getFileVersion() — Method in class View
View::getFileID() — Method in class View
View::getFileVersionID() — Method in class View
GetRemoteHelpClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
Group::getJSON() — Method in class Group
Group::getRequestGroupsIDs() — Method in class Group
Group::getRequestGroups() — Method in class Group
Chooser::getTree() — Method in class Chooser
Page::getJSON() — Method in class Page
Autocomplete::getSelectedPages() — Method in class Autocomplete
Chooser::getSearchProvider() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getQueryFactory() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getSearchKeywordsField() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::getSearchResponse() — Method in class Chooser

From the search results create a response that includes results and metadata

PreviewVersion::getPageID() — Method in class PreviewVersion
PreviewVersion::getVersionID() — Method in class PreviewVersion
PreviewVersion::getCompareVersionID() — Method in class PreviewVersion
PreviewVersion::getPage() — Method in class PreviewVersion
SitemapData::getViewObject() — Method in class SitemapData
AddControl::getFormLayoutSetID() — Method in class AddControl
AddControl::getFormLayoutSet() — Method in class AddControl
Pick::getControlTypeID() — Method in class Pick
Pick::getControlIdentifier() — Method in class Pick
Pick::getControlType() — Method in class Pick
Pick::getControl() — Method in class Pick
EditControl::getSetControlID() — Method in class EditControl
EditControl::getSetControl() — Method in class EditControl
EditControl::getControl() — Method in class EditControl
EditControl::getTemplates() — Method in class EditControl
Save::getPostedLabel() — Method in class Save
Save::getPostedTemplate() — Method in class Save
Save::getPostedDescription() — Method in class Save
Save::getPostedRequired() — Method in class Save
UrlSlug::getRequestedName() — Method in class UrlSlug
UrlSlug::getLanguageCode() — Method in class UrlSlug
UrlSlug::getSectionLanguageCode() — Method in class UrlSlug
UrlSlug::getDefaultLanguageCode() — Method in class UrlSlug
UrlSlug::getUrlSlugMaxLength() — Method in class UrlSlug
Processes::getConfiguration() — Method in class Processes
Tree::getTree() — Method in class Tree
Node::getNode() — Method in class Node
DragRequest::getNodes() — Method in class DragRequest
Duplicate::getNode() — Method in class Duplicate
User::getRequestUsers() — Method in class User
User::getJSON() — Method in class User
UserInterface::getViewObject() — Method in class UserInterface
Block::getEditResponse() — Method in class Block
Block::getViewObject() — Method in class Block
Block::getBlockToEdit() — Method in class Block
File::getViewObject() — Method in class File
Autocomplete::getSelectedUsers() — Method in class Autocomplete
Presets::getPresetData() — Method in class Presets
CustomSlot::getInstanceFromRequest() — Method in class CustomSlot
CustomSlot::getTemplates() — Method in class CustomSlot
CustomSlot::getDataSourcesJson() — Method in class CustomSlot
ChooseEvent::getEvents() — Method in class ChooseEvent
AdvancedSearch::getSearchProvider() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchPresets() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getFieldManager() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getCurrentSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getBasicSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchDeleteURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchEditURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
SummaryTemplates::getOccurrenceFromRequest() — Method in class SummaryTemplates
AdvancedSearch::getAttributeCategory() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchProvider() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchPresets() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitMethod() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getFieldManager() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getAddFieldAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavePresetAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchDeleteURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchEditURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
Reorder::getEntry() — Method in class Reorder
Reorder::getControl() — Method in class Reorder
Delete::getEntity() — Method in class Delete
Delete::getDeleteSearchPresetAction() — Method in class Delete
Delete::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Delete
Edit::getEditSearchPresetAction() — Method in class Edit
Edit::getEntity() — Method in class Edit
Edit::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Edit
Edit::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class Edit
Search::getEntity() — Method in class Search
AdvancedSearch::getSearchProvider() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchPresets() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitMethod() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getFieldManager() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchDeleteURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchEditURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
Properties::getObjects() — Method in class Properties
Properties::getCategory() — Method in class Properties
Import::getCurrentFolder() — Method in class Import

Get the current folder.

Import::getCurrentFolderPermissions() — Method in class Import

Get the permissions for the current folder.

Import::getOriginalPage() — Method in class Import

Get the page where the file is originally placed on.

Import::getIncomingFiles() — Method in class Import

Get the list of files available in the "incoming" directory.

Delete::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Delete
Edit::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Edit
Edit::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class Edit
Properties::getObjects() — Method in class Properties
Properties::getCategory() — Method in class Properties
Replace::getReplacingFile() — Method in class Replace

Get the file being replaced.

Replace::getCurrentFolder() — Method in class Replace

Get the current folder.

Replace::getOriginalPage() — Method in class Replace

Get the page where the file is originally placed on.

Replace::getReloadOnReplace() — Method in class Replace
Statistics::getFile() — Method in class Statistics
Edit::getThumbnailTypeVersionFromRequest() — Method in class Edit
AdvancedSearch::getSearchProvider() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchPresets() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitMethod() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getFieldManager() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchDeleteURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchEditURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getCurrentSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getBasicSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
Delete::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Delete
Edit::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Edit
Edit::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class Edit
Help::getItems() — Method in class Help

This method is used by the help component directly. We have to have the help component query the backend for its information because in the initial introduction flow we render the items in the welcome type at the same time as we grab the original survey, so we don't know what the answers are going to be.

AdvancedSearch::getSearchProvider() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchPresets() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitMethod() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getFieldManager() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchDeleteURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchEditURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
Delete::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Delete
Edit::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Edit
Edit::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class Edit
AddBlockList::getSelectedTab() — Method in class AddBlockList
AdvancedSearch::getSearchProvider() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchPresets() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitMethod() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getFieldManager() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchDeleteURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchEditURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
Permissions::getAllAccessEntities() — Method in class Permissions
Properties::getObjects() — Method in class Properties
Properties::getCategory() — Method in class Properties
Clipboard::getSelectedTab() — Method in class Clipboard
Css::getCss() — Method in class Css
Delete::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Delete
Edit::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Edit
Edit::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class Edit
$ SiteGroup#groupServiceProperty in class SiteGroup
GroupCombinationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions\Access\Entity\Types
GroupSetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions\Access\Entity\Types
BasicWorkflow::getWorkflow() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
Collection::getPage() — Method in class Collection
Conversation::getConversation() — Method in class Conversation
File::getFile() — Method in class File
FileSet::getFileSet() — Method in class FileSet
PageType::getPageType() — Method in class PageType
Node::getNode() — Method in class Node
AdvancedSearch::getFieldManager() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchPresets() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getAddFieldAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavePresetAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitMethod() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchProvider() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchFieldSelectorElement() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getCustomizeResultsElement() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchQuery() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getQueryFromRequest() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
Delete::getDeleteSearchPresetAction() — Method in class Delete
Delete::getObjectID() — Method in class Delete
Edit::getEditSearchPresetAction() — Method in class Edit
Attributes::getObjects() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::getCategory() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::getTypeSkeleton() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::getSiteTypeFromRequest() — Method in class Attributes
Node::getNode() — Method in class Node
Add::getCategoryClass() — Method in class Add
Add::getNode() — Method in class Add
Attributes::getObjects() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::getCategory() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::getPageTypeDefaultPage() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::getPageTypeFromRequest() — Method in class Attributes
AdvancedSearch::getSearchProvider() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSearchPresets() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitMethod() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSubmitAction() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getFieldManager() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchDeleteURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getSavedSearchEditURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getCurrentSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::getBasicSearchBaseURL() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
Attributes::getUserFromRequest() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::getObjects() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::getCategory() — Method in class Attributes
GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User\Bulk
Group::groupadd() — Method in class Group
Group::groupremove() — Method in class Group
Group::groupremovesubmit() — Method in class Group
Group::groupaddsubmit() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroups() — Method in class Group
Properties::getObjects() — Method in class Properties
Properties::getCategory() — Method in class Properties
Details::getUserFromRequest() — Method in class Details
Delete::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Delete
Edit::getSavedSearchEntity() — Method in class Edit
Edit::getSavedSearchBaseURL() — Method in class Edit
ChangePagePermissions::getWorkflowRequest() — Method in class ChangePagePermissions
KeySelector::getElement() — Method in class KeySelector

Get the element name.

KeySelector::getSelectAttributeUrl() — Method in class KeySelector
KeySelector::getObjects() — Method in class KeySelector
EditableList::getElement() — Method in class EditableList

Get the element name.

EditableList::getEditDialogURL() — Method in class EditableList
EditableList::getSectionTitle() — Method in class EditableList
EditableSetList::getElement() — Method in class EditableSetList

Get the element name.

EditableSetList::getEditDialogURL() — Method in class EditableSetList
EditableSetList::getSectionTitle() — Method in class EditableSetList
Form::getBackButtonUrl() — Method in class Form
Form::getElement() — Method in class Form

Get the element name.

Form::getCategory() — Method in class Form
Form::getDashboardPageParameters() — Method in class Form
Form::getDashboardPageSubmitAction() — Method in class Form
KeyHeader::getDashboardPageDeleteAction() — Method in class KeyHeader
KeyHeader::getDashboardPageParameters() — Method in class KeyHeader
KeyHeader::getElement() — Method in class KeyHeader

Get the element name.

KeyList::getAttributeSets() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getUnassignedAttributeKeys() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getCategory() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getElement() — Method in class KeyList

Get the element name.

KeyList::getAttributeTypes() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getSortAttributeCategoryURL() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getAddAttributeTypeURL() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getEditAttributeKeyURL() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getDashboardPagePath() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getDashboardPageSortAction() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getDashboardPageAddAction() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getDashboardPageParameters() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::getDashboardPageEditAction() — Method in class KeyList
SiteStandardListHeader::getElement() — Method in class SiteStandardListHeader

Get the element name.

StandardListHeader::getElement() — Method in class StandardListHeader

Get the element name.

Search::getElement() — Method in class Search

Get the element name.

CalendarEvent::getElement() — Method in class CalendarEvent

Get the element name.

Page::getElement() — Method in class Page

Get the element name.

Control::getElement() — Method in class Control

Get the element name.

Options::getElement() — Method in class Options

Get the element name.

TextOptions::getElement() — Method in class TextOptions

Get the element name.

Header::getCreateURL() — Method in class Header
Header::getExportURL() — Method in class Header
Header::getEntity() — Method in class Header
Header::getElement() — Method in class Header

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Header::getElement() — Method in class Header

Get the element name.

Extend::getElement() — Method in class Extend
Extend::getPurchaseConnectionUrl() — Method in class Extend
Mobile::getElement() — Method in class Mobile

Get the element name.

Favorites::getElement() — Method in class Favorites

Get the element name.

Section::getElement() — Method in class Section

Get the element name.

Top::getElement() — Method in class Top

Get the element name.

Header::getElement() — Method in class Header

Get the element name.

Header::getElement() — Method in class Header

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Search::getElement() — Method in class Search

Get the element name.

SitemapOverlay::getElement() — Method in class SitemapOverlay
Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Header::getElement() — Method in class Header

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Menu::getCreateURL() — Method in class Menu
Menu::getExportURL() — Method in class Menu
Search::getElement() — Method in class Search

Get the element name.

Toast::getElement() — Method in class Toast

Get the element name.

ConcreteThumbnailEditor::getThumbnail() — Method in class ConcreteThumbnailEditor
ConcreteThumbnailEditor::getElement() — Method in class ConcreteThumbnailEditor

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Search::getElement() — Method in class Search

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Search::getElement() — Method in class Search

Get the element name.

AccountMenu::getPageList() — Method in class AccountMenu
AccountMenu::getChildPages() — Method in class AccountMenu
IntelligentSearch::getElement() — Method in class IntelligentSearch

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Menu::getMenuItemClass() — Method in class Menu
Menu::getPageList() — Method in class Menu
Menu::getChildPages() — Method in class Menu
ListDetails::getElement() — Method in class ListDetails

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

AttributeTypeItemList::getElement() — Method in class AttributeTypeItemList

Get the element name.

BlockTypeItemList::getElement() — Method in class BlockTypeItemList

Get the element name.

BlockTypeSetItemList::getElement() — Method in class BlockTypeSetItemList

Get the element name.

ItemList::getElement() — Method in class ItemList

Get the element name.

SinglePagesItemList::getElement() — Method in class SinglePagesItemList

Get the element name.

ThemeItemList::getElement() — Method in class ThemeItemList

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Search::getElement() — Method in class Search

Get the element name.

Notice::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class Notice

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

Notice::getElement() — Method in class Notice

Get the element name.

CustomizeResults::getElement() — Method in class CustomizeResults

Get the element name.

CustomizeResults::getElement() — Method in class CustomizeResults

Get the element name.

Header::getElement() — Method in class Header

Get the element name.

SearchFieldSelector::getElement() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector

Get the element name.

SearchFieldSelector::getAddFieldAction() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector
SearchFieldSelector::getFieldManager() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector
SearchFieldSelector::getQuery() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector
Header::getElement() — Method in class Header

Get the element name.

Menu::getElement() — Method in class Menu

Get the element name.

Search::getElement() — Method in class Search

Get the element name.

Event::getJSON() — Method in class Event
Event::getOccurrence() — Method in class Event
AssetsLocalization::getCoreJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getSelect2Javascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getRedactorJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getFancytreeJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getImageEditorJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getJQueryUIJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getTranslatorJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getDropzoneJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getConversationsJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AssetsLocalization::getMomentJavascript() — Method in class AssetsLocalization
AddFile::getPostedFile() — Method in class AddFile
AddFile::getAttachmentLimits() — Method in class AddFile
AddFile::getDenylistedFileExtensions() — Method in class AddFile

Get the list of denylisted file extensions (lower case).

AddFile::getAllowedFileExtensions() — Method in class AddFile

Get the list of allowed file extensions (lower case).

AddFile::getFileSetForUploadedFile() — Method in class AddFile
AddMessage::getConversationID() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::getConversation() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::getParentMessage() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::getAuthor() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::getRawMessageBody() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::getMessageBody() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::getAttachmentIDs() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::getAttachments() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::getReview() — Method in class AddMessage
DeleteFile::getAttachmentID() — Method in class DeleteFile
DeleteMessage::getMessageID() — Method in class DeleteMessage
DeleteMessage::getMessage() — Method in class DeleteMessage
EditMessage::getMessageID() — Method in class EditMessage
EditMessage::getMessage() — Method in class EditMessage
EditMessage::getEditor() — Method in class EditMessage
EditMessage::getUserInfo() — Method in class EditMessage
FlagMessage::getMessageID() — Method in class FlagMessage
FlagMessage::getMessage() — Method in class FlagMessage
GetRatingClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
GetRating::getMessageID() — Method in class GetRating
GetRating::getMessage() — Method in class GetRating
MessageDetail::getMessageID() — Method in class MessageDetail
MessageDetail::getMessage() — Method in class MessageDetail
MessageDetail::getDisplayMode() — Method in class MessageDetail
MessagePage::getConversationID() — Method in class MessagePage
MessagePage::getConversation() — Method in class MessagePage
MessagePage::getDisplayMode() — Method in class MessagePage
MessagePage::getOrderBy() — Method in class MessagePage
MessagePage::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class MessagePage
MessagePage::getPageIndex() — Method in class MessagePage
Rate::getMessageID() — Method in class Rate
Rate::getMessage() — Method in class Rate
Rate::getRatingTypeHandle() — Method in class Rate
Rate::getRatingType() — Method in class Rate
Rate::getRatingUserID() — Method in class Rate
UpdateMessage::getMessageID() — Method in class UpdateMessage
UpdateMessage::getMessage() — Method in class UpdateMessage
UpdateMessage::getRawMessageBody() — Method in class UpdateMessage
UpdateMessage::getMessageBody() — Method in class UpdateMessage
UpdateMessage::getAttachmentIDs() — Method in class UpdateMessage
UpdateMessage::getAttachments() — Method in class UpdateMessage
UpdateMessage::getReview() — Method in class UpdateMessage
ViewAjax::getConversationID() — Method in class ViewAjax
ViewAjax::getConversation() — Method in class ViewAjax
ViewAjax::getEnabledPosting() — Method in class ViewAjax
ViewAjax::getDisplayMode() — Method in class ViewAjax
ViewAjax::getAddMessageLabel() — Method in class ViewAjax
ViewAjax::getOrderBy() — Method in class ViewAjax
ViewAjax::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class ViewAjax
CountryDataLink::getAll() — Method in class CountryDataLink
CountryDataLink::getStateprovinces() — Method in class CountryDataLink
CountryDataLink::getStatesProvicesList() — Method in class CountryDataLink
Install::getViewObject() — Method in class Install
Install::getPreconditions() — Method in class Install
Install::get_site_locale_countries() — Method in class Install
Install::getInstaller() — Method in class Install

Get the installer instance.

Install::getInstallerOptions() — Method in class Install

Get the options used by the installer.

Install::getLocales() — Method in class Install
Install::getCountriesForLanguage() — Method in class Install
Oauth2::getServer() — Method in class Oauth2
Add::getOrphanedBlockIds() — Method in class Add

Get a collection of all orphaned blocks used on this page.

Add::getOrphanedBlockContents() — Method in class Add
Add::getClipboardContents() — Method in class Add
Add::getStackFolderContents() — Method in class Add
Add::getStackContents() — Method in class Add
Add::getSelectedTab() — Method in class Add
Attributes::getAttributeJSONRepresentation() — Method in class Attributes
Help::getHelpMessage() — Method in class Help
Help::getHelpMessageIdentifier() — Method in class Help
Help::getPage() — Method in class Help
Versions::get_json() — Method in class Versions
Versions::getPageVersionListResponse() — Method in class Versions
Entity::getPermissionAccessEntityID() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPermissionAccessEntity() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPermissionDurationID() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPermissionDuration() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAccessType() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPermissionKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPermissionKeyCategory() — Method in class Entity
AccessEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class AccessEntity
GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
GroupCombinationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
GroupSetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
Area::getPermissionObject() — Method in class Area
BasicWorkflow::getPermissionObject() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
Block::getSubject() — Method in class Block
Board::getPermissionObject() — Method in class Board
Calendar::getPermissionObject() — Method in class Calendar
Conversation::getConversation() — Method in class Conversation
File::getPermissionObject() — Method in class File
GroupFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
GroupTreeNodeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
Page::getPages() — Method in class Page
PageType::getPermissionObject() — Method in class PageType
TreeNode::getPermissionObject() — Method in class TreeNode
Clipboard::getCategoryHandle() — Method in class Clipboard
Clipboard::getPermissionKeysAndEntityIDs() — Method in class Clipboard
Express::getAdvancedSearchDialogController() — Method in class Express
Express::getSavedSearchPreset() — Method in class Express
Express::getBasicSearchFieldsFromRequest() — Method in class Express
Entries::getSearchResultObject() — Method in class Entries
Entries::getListObject() — Method in class Entries
Pages::getAdvancedSearchDialogController() — Method in class Pages
Pages::getSavedSearchPreset() — Method in class Pages
Pages::getBasicSearchFieldsFromRequest() — Method in class Pages
Standard::getAdvancedSearchDialogController() — Method in class Standard
Standard::getDefaultResetSearchResultObject() — Method in class Standard
Standard::getDefaultBasicSearchResultObject() — Method in class Standard
Standard::getSavedSearchPreset() — Method in class Standard
Standard::getBasicSearchFieldsFromRequest() — Method in class Standard
Standard::getCurrentSearchObject() — Method in class Standard
Users::getAdvancedSearchDialogController() — Method in class Users
Users::getSavedSearchPreset() — Method in class Users
Users::getBasicSearchFieldsFromRequest() — Method in class Users
Messages::getMessageMailboxID() — Method in class Messages
Stacks::getMultilingualSections() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::getUsageGenerator() — Method in class Stacks

Generator for transforming a list of StackUsageRecords into Collection objects This method can be used to do some interesting things with the list two sine it is ordered by Collection ID /and/ Collection Version ID.

Types::getSetsData() — Method in class Types
Appearance::getBoard() — Method in class Appearance
DataSources::getBoard() — Method in class DataSources
Designer::getContinueURL() — Method in class Designer
ChooseItems::getCustomElement() — Method in class ChooseItems
CustomizeSlot::getCustomElement() — Method in class CustomizeSlot
Edit::getBoard() — Method in class Edit
Instances::getBoard() — Method in class Instances
Instances::generate_instance() — Method in class Instances
Details::getInstance() — Method in class Details
Rules::getInstance() — Method in class Rules
Permissions::getBoard() — Method in class Permissions
Scheduler::getCustomElement() — Method in class Scheduler
Scheduler::get_shared_rules() — Method in class Scheduler

Returns a JSON encoded list of all rules that are shared across all the selected instances.

Weighting::getBoard() — Method in class Weighting
Attributes::getCategoryObject() — Method in class Attributes

Get the attribute category we are working on.

Messages::getDefaultMessageFilter() — Method in class Messages

Returns default message filter for search interface. We default to all, UNLESS we have at least one access entity that publishes its messages and has them be unapproved. If that's the case, then we default to unapproved.

Addons::getRedirectLocation() — Method in class Addons
Install::getPackageRepository() — Method in class Install
Install::getConnection() — Method in class Install
Install::getLogger() — Method in class Install
Install::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class Install
Themes::getRedirectLocation() — Method in class Themes
Attributes::getCategoryObject() — Method in class Attributes

Get the attribute category we are working on.

Details::getFileVersion() — Method in class Details
Details::getUsageRecords() — Method in class Details
Details::getRecentDownloads() — Method in class Details
Search::getSearchProvider() — Method in class Search
Search::getQueryFactory() — Method in class Search
Search::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class Search
Search::getHeaderSearch() — Method in class Search
Search::getSearchKeywordsField() — Method in class Search
Search::getSearchFolderField() — Method in class Search
Search::getRootFolder() — Method in class Search
Attributes::getCategoryObject() — Method in class Attributes

Get the attribute category we are working on.

Containers::getContainer() — Method in class Containers
Attributes::getCategoryObject() — Method in class Attributes
Forms::getParentNode() — Method in class Forms
Details::getResult() — Method in class Details
Logs::getSearchProvider() — Method in class Logs
Logs::getQueryFactory() — Method in class Logs
Logs::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class Logs
Logs::getHeaderSearch() — Method in class Logs
Logs::getSearchKeywordsField() — Method in class Logs
PageChanges::getWriter() — Method in class PageChanges

Get the writer that will create the CSV.

PageChanges::getVersionList() — Method in class PageChanges

Get the item list object.

Surveys::getSurveyDetails() — Method in class Surveys
Search::getSearchProvider() — Method in class Search
Search::getQueryFactory() — Method in class Search
Search::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class Search
Search::getHeaderSearch() — Method in class Search
Search::getSearchKeywordsField() — Method in class Search
Settings::getAvailableGrantTypes() — Method in class Settings
Attributes::getCategoryObject() — Method in class Attributes

Get the attribute category we are working on.

Attributes::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class Attributes

Get the controller of the element to be placed in the header of the "Attribute List" page.

Update::getData() — Method in class Update
Update::getLocaleRowHtml() — Method in class Update
Timezone::getConnectionTimezone() — Method in class Timezone
BannedWords::getBannedWords() — Method in class BannedWords
DatabaseCharset::getConfiguredCollation() — Method in class DatabaseCharset
GeolocationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
Info::get_environment_info() — Method in class Info
Attributes::getEntity() — Method in class Attributes

Get the express entity given its ID.

Attributes::getCategoryObject() — Method in class Attributes

Get the attribute category we are working on.

Attributes::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class Attributes

Get the controller of the element to be placed in the header of the "Attribute List" page.

ImageUploading::getManipulationLibraries() — Method in class ImageUploading
Thumbnails::getSizingModes() — Method in class Thumbnails
Thumbnails::getSizingModeHelps() — Method in class Thumbnails
Thumbnails::getFileSetOptions() — Method in class Thumbnails
Thumbnails::getPublicFileSets() — Method in class Thumbnails
Options::getThumbnailGenerationStrategies() — Method in class Options
Options::getThumbnailsFormats() — Method in class Options
Setup::get_countries_for_language() — Method in class Setup
Types::get_sitemap() — Method in class Types
Types::getTypeSkeleton() — Method in class Types
Types::getCategoryObject() — Method in class Types
Denylist::getCategoryRepository() — Method in class Denylist
Denylist::getCategory() — Method in class Denylist
Denylist::getService() — Method in class Denylist
Configure::getPostedSeconds() — Method in class Configure
TrustedProxies::getTrustableHeaderNames() — Method in class TrustedProxies

Get the list of headers that can be marked as trusted.

TrustedProxies::getSymfonyHeadersMap() — Method in class TrustedProxies

Get the map from the Symfony header bits to the header names.

TrustedProxies::getLegacySymfonyHeadersMap() — Method in class TrustedProxies

Get the map from the Symfony header bits to the header names.

TrustedProxies::getTrustedHeaderNames() — Method in class TrustedProxies

Get the currently configured trusted header names.

TrustedProxies::getRequestForwardedHeaders() — Method in class TrustedProxies

Extract the prospective forwarded header names and their values.

AutomatedLogout::getConfirmInvalidateString() — Method in class AutomatedLogout
GlobalPasswordResetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
GlobalPasswordReset::getResetText() — Method in class GlobalPasswordReset
Open::getAvailableRegistrationTypes() — Method in class Open
Postlogin::getAvailableLoginRedirects() — Method in class Postlogin
Profiles::getAvailableGravatarLevels() — Method in class Profiles
Profiles::getAvailableGravatarImageSets() — Method in class Profiles
Bulk::getSiteNameForPage() — Method in class Bulk

Get the site name localized for a specific page.

Bulk::getRequestedSearchResults() — Method in class Bulk
Bulk::getSearchRequest() — Method in class Bulk
Bulk::getSiteNameForLocale() — Method in class Bulk

Get the localized site name.

Searchindex::getAvailableAreas() — Method in class Searchindex
Searchindex::getAvailableAreaIndexMethods() — Method in class Searchindex
Urls::getPostedCanonicalUrl() — Method in class Urls
Urls::getPrettyUrlStateMessage() — Method in class Urls
Urls::getServerCodeHtml() — Method in class Urls
Update::get_update_diagnostic_information() — Method in class Update
Attributes::getCategoryObject() — Method in class Attributes

Get the attribute category we are working on.

GroupSetsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users
GroupTypesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users
GroupTypes::get_group_type() — Method in class GroupTypes
GroupsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users
Groups::group_added() — Method in class Groups
Groups::group_updated() — Method in class Groups
Groups::getSearchProvider() — Method in class Groups
Groups::getQueryFactory() — Method in class Groups
Groups::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class Groups
Groups::getHeaderSearch() — Method in class Groups
Groups::getSearchKeywordsField() — Method in class Groups
Groups::getRootFolder() — Method in class Groups
Groups::getSearchFolderField() — Method in class Groups
Message::getSender() — Method in class Message

Get the user that should be the sender.

Message::getRecipients() — Method in class Message

Get the recipients.

Search::getSearchProvider() — Method in class Search
Search::getQueryFactory() — Method in class Search
Search::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class Search
Search::getHeaderSearch() — Method in class Search
Search::getSearchKeywordsField() — Method in class Search
Search::getFolderList() — Method in class Search
Login::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class Login
Login::getRedirectUrl() — Method in class Login
Login::getRedirectUrlFromSession() — Method in class Login
Register::getRegisterSuccessMsg() — Method in class Register
Register::getRegisterSuccessValidateMsgs() — Method in class Register
Register::getRegisterPendingMsg() — Method in class Register
CalendarEvent::getWorkflowProgress() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getWorkflowProgressTask() — Method in class CalendarEvent
Page::getWorkflowProgress() — Method in class Page
Page::getWorkflowProgressTask() — Method in class Page
Page::getPage() — Method in class Page
User::getWorkflowProgress() — Method in class User
ApprovePagePreview::getWorkflowProgressID() — Method in class ApprovePagePreview
ApprovePagePreview::getWorkflowProgress() — Method in class ApprovePagePreview
ApprovePagePreview::getPage() — Method in class ApprovePagePreview
GuideActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Action
$ GuideAction#guideProperty in class GuideAction
GuideAction::getComponent() — Method in class GuideAction
GuideAction::getComponentProps() — Method in class GuideAction
LearnMoreAction::getComponent() — Method in class LearnMoreAction
LearnMoreAction::getComponentProps() — Method in class LearnMoreAction
VideoAction::getComponent() — Method in class VideoAction
VideoAction::getComponentProps() — Method in class VideoAction
AnnouncementService::getAnnouncementsForUser() — Method in class AnnouncementService
AnnouncementService::getBroadcast() — Method in class AnnouncementService
Announcement::getAnnouncementHandle() — Method in class Announcement
Announcement::getSlides() — Method in class Announcement
Announcement::getComponent() — Method in class Announcement
AnnouncementInterface::getComponent() — Method in class AnnouncementInterface
AnnouncementInterface::getSlides() — Method in class AnnouncementInterface
Broadcast::getAnnouncements() — Method in class Broadcast
BroadcastInterface::getAnnouncements() — Method in class BroadcastInterface
LearnMoreButton::getComponent() — Method in class LearnMoreButton
LearnMoreButton::getComponentProps() — Method in class LearnMoreButton
ComponentInterface::getComponent() — Method in class ComponentInterface
ComponentInterface::getComponentProps() — Method in class ComponentInterface
CollectSiteInformationController::getSurvey() — Method in class CollectSiteInformationController
CollectSiteInformationController::getSlide() — Method in class CollectSiteInformationController
ControllerInterface::getSlides() — Method in class ControllerInterface
SingleSlideTrait::getSlide() — Method in class SingleSlideTrait
SingleSlideTrait::getSlides() — Method in class SingleSlideTrait
Version920Controller::getSlides() — Method in class Version920Controller
Version929Controller::getSlides() — Method in class Version929Controller
Version930Controller::getSlides() — Method in class Version930Controller
WelcomeController::getSlide() — Method in class WelcomeController
IconInterface::getElement() — Method in class IconInterface
ImgIcon::getElement() — Method in class ImgIcon
SvgIcon::getElement() — Method in class SvgIcon
AbstractStandardItem::getTitle() — Method in class AbstractStandardItem
AbstractStandardItem::getDescription() — Method in class AbstractStandardItem
AbstractStandardItem::getActions() — Method in class AbstractStandardItem
WelcomeItemFactory::getItems() — Method in class WelcomeItemFactory
StandardItem::getTitle() — Method in class StandardItem
StandardItem::getIcon() — Method in class StandardItem
StandardItem::getDescription() — Method in class StandardItem
StandardItem::getActions() — Method in class StandardItem
ArchitectureItem::getTitle() — Method in class ArchitectureItem
ArchitectureItem::getDescription() — Method in class ArchitectureItem
ArchitectureItem::getActions() — Method in class ArchitectureItem
BuildingAThemeItem::getTitle() — Method in class BuildingAThemeItem
BuildingAThemeItem::getDescription() — Method in class BuildingAThemeItem
BuildingAThemeItem::getActions() — Method in class BuildingAThemeItem
EcommerceItem::getTitle() — Method in class EcommerceItem
EcommerceItem::getDescription() — Method in class EcommerceItem
EcommerceItem::getActions() — Method in class EcommerceItem
EditingBasicsItem::getTitle() — Method in class EditingBasicsItem
EditingBasicsItem::getDescription() — Method in class EditingBasicsItem
EditingBasicsItem::getActions() — Method in class EditingBasicsItem
FindingYourLookItem::getTitle() — Method in class FindingYourLookItem
FindingYourLookItem::getDescription() — Method in class FindingYourLookItem
FindingYourLookItem::getActions() — Method in class FindingYourLookItem
IntranetsAndPortalsItem::getTitle() — Method in class IntranetsAndPortalsItem
IntranetsAndPortalsItem::getDescription() — Method in class IntranetsAndPortalsItem
IntranetsAndPortalsItem::getActions() — Method in class IntranetsAndPortalsItem
PowerMovesItem::getTitle() — Method in class PowerMovesItem
PowerMovesItem::getDescription() — Method in class PowerMovesItem
PowerMovesItem::getActions() — Method in class PowerMovesItem
FeatureSlide::getTitle() — Method in class FeatureSlide
FeatureSlide::getItems() — Method in class FeatureSlide
FeatureSlide::getComponent() — Method in class FeatureSlide
FeatureSlide::getButton() — Method in class FeatureSlide
FeatureSlide::getComponentProps() — Method in class FeatureSlide
Slide::getComponent() — Method in class Slide
Slide::getComponentProps() — Method in class Slide
Library::getSystemAntispamLibraryHandle() — Method in class Library
Library::getSystemAntispamLibraryName() — Method in class Library
Library::getPackageID() — Method in class Library
Library::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Library
Library::getPackageObject() — Method in class Library
Library::getActive() — Method in class Library
Library::getByHandle() — Method in class Library
Library::getList() — Method in class Library
Library::getListByPackage() — Method in class Library
Library::getController() — Method in class Library

Returns the controller class for the currently selected captcha library.

Service::getAllowlistGroup() — Method in class Service
Api::getBaseUrl() — Method in class Api
Api::getServiceClient() — Method in class Api
Api::getDescription() — Method in class Api
Api::getHttpClient() — Method in class Api
ApiResourceValueInterface::getApiValueResource() — Method in class ApiResourceValueInterface
ApiServiceProvider::getKeyPair() — Method in class ApiServiceProvider

Generate new RSA keys if needed

ApiServiceProvider::getKey() — Method in class ApiServiceProvider

Get a key by handle

AttributeValueMap::getEntries() — Method in class AttributeValueMap
AttributeValueMapEntry::getAttributeKey() — Method in class AttributeValueMapEntry
AttributeValueMapEntry::getAttributeValue() — Method in class AttributeValueMapEntry
OpenApiSpecifiableInterface::getOpenApiSpecProperty() — Method in class OpenApiSpecifiableInterface
SimpleApiAttributeValueInterface::getApiAttributeValue() — Method in class SimpleApiAttributeValueInterface
Express::getEntry() — Method in class Express
GroupsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
Sites::getDefault() — Method in class Sites
GenerateApiSpecEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Events
GenerateApiSpecEvent::getOpenApi() — Method in class GenerateApiSpecEvent
AssociationMap::getEntries() — Method in class AssociationMap
AssociationMapEntry::getAssociation() — Method in class AssociationMapEntry
AssociationMapEntry::getEntries() — Method in class AssociationMapEntry
GroupTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
GetPageApiAreasTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer\Traits
GetPageApiAreasTrait::getAreas() — Method in class GetPageApiAreasTrait
UserTransformer::getUserStatus() — Method in class UserTransformer
IntegrationList::getEntityManager() — Method in class IntegrationList
IntegrationList::getResult() — Method in class IntegrationList
IntegrationList::getTotalResults() — Method in class IntegrationList

Returns the total results in this item list.

GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ ClientFactory#generatorProperty in class ClientFactory
ClientFactory::generateCredentials() — Method in class ClientFactory

Generate new credentials for use with a client Note: the secret provided by with these credentials is in plain text and should be hashed before storing to the database.

ClientFactory::generateString() — Method in class ClientFactory

Generate a cryptographically secure strig

Credentials::getKey() — Method in class Credentials

Get the associated key

Credentials::getSecret() — Method in class Credentials

Get the associated secret WARNING: This is a secure string and is meant to be kept secret. Be sure to hash this value before storing to a database.

CreateOAuthClientCommand::getName() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::getRedirect() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::getConsentType() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::getCustomScopes() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
DeleteOAuthClientCommand::getClientId() — Method in class DeleteOAuthClientCommand
UpdateOAuthClientCommand::getClientIdentifier() — Method in class UpdateOAuthClientCommand
Controller::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAuthorizationRequest() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getConsentType() — Method in class Controller

Get the consent type associated with the current request

IdTokenResponse::getExtraParams() — Method in class IdTokenResponse

Get the extra params to include If this is an OIDC request we include the ID token

ExpressEntitySpecFactory::getIncludesForObject() — Method in class ExpressEntitySpecFactory
AfterParameter::getName() — Method in class AfterParameter
AfterParameter::getIn() — Method in class AfterParameter
AfterParameter::getDescription() — Method in class AfterParameter
AfterParameter::getSchema() — Method in class AfterParameter
LimitParameter::getName() — Method in class LimitParameter
LimitParameter::getIn() — Method in class LimitParameter
LimitParameter::getDescription() — Method in class LimitParameter
LimitParameter::getSchema() — Method in class LimitParameter
Parameter::getName() — Method in class Parameter
Parameter::getIn() — Method in class Parameter
Parameter::getDescription() — Method in class Parameter
Parameter::getSchema() — Method in class Parameter
SourceRegistry::getSources() — Method in class SourceRegistry
SpecComponents::getModels() — Method in class SpecComponents
SpecComponents::getRequestBodies() — Method in class SpecComponents
SpecFragment::getPaths() — Method in class SpecFragment
SpecFragment::getComponents() — Method in class SpecFragment
SpecFragment::getSecuritySchemes() — Method in class SpecFragment
SpecGenerator::getSpec() — Method in class SpecGenerator
SpecModel::getObjectName() — Method in class SpecModel
SpecModel::getName() — Method in class SpecModel
SpecPathCollection::getPathsAsPathItems() — Method in class SpecPathCollection
SpecProperty::getTitle() — Method in class SpecProperty
SpecProperty::getType() — Method in class SpecProperty
SpecProperty::getPropertyKey() — Method in class SpecProperty
SpecRequestBody::getModelName() — Method in class SpecRequestBody
SpecResponse::getCode() — Method in class SpecResponse
SpecResponse::getDescription() — Method in class SpecResponse
SpecResponse::getContent() — Method in class SpecResponse
SpecSchema::getType() — Method in class SpecSchema
SpecSchema::getFormat() — Method in class SpecSchema
SpecSecurity::getSchemeName() — Method in class SpecSecurity
SpecSecurity::getScopes() — Method in class SpecSecurity
SpecSecurityScheme::getName() — Method in class SpecSecurityScheme
SpecSecurityScheme::getScopes() — Method in class SpecSecurityScheme
SupportsCursorTrait::getCurrentCursorFromRequest() — Method in class SupportsCursorTrait
Application::getRuntime() — Method in class Application
Application::getRegisteredAliases() — Method in class Application

Get the list of registered aliases.

Application::getRegisteredInstances() — Method in class Application

Get the list of registered instances.

EditResponse::getError() — Method in class EditResponse

Get the error(s) of the response.

EditResponse::getTime() — Method in class EditResponse

Get the date/time of the response in ISO-9075 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss).

EditResponse::getTitle() — Method in class EditResponse

Get the title of the response.

EditResponse::getMessage() — Method in class EditResponse

Get the message of the response.

EditResponse::getRedirectURL() — Method in class EditResponse

Get the redirect URL of the response.

EditResponse::getJSON() — Method in class EditResponse

Get the JSON representation of the data of this instance.

EditResponse::getJSONObject() — Method in class EditResponse

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

EditResponse::getBaseJSONObject() — Method in class EditResponse

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

Composer::getPublishButtonTitle() — Method in class Composer
Dashboard::getDashboardPaneFooterWrapper() — Method in class Dashboard
Dashboard::getDashboardPaneHeaderWrapper() — Method in class Dashboard
DashboardMenu::getItems() — Method in class DashboardMenu
DashboardMenu::getMine() — Method in class DashboardMenu
Sitemap::getSubNodes() — Method in class Sitemap
Sitemap::getNode() — Method in class Sitemap
Urls::getPackageIconURL() — Method in class Urls

Gets a full URL to an icon for a particular application.

Urls::getPackageURL() — Method in class Urls

Get the package's URL.

Urls::getBlockTypeIconURL() — Method in class Urls

Gets a full URL to an icon for a particular block type.

Urls::getBlockTypeAssetsURL() — Method in class Urls

Gets a full URL to the directory containing all of a block's items, including JavaScript, tools, icons, etc.

Urls::getBlockTypeJavaScriptURL() — Method in class Urls

Get the URL of the "auto.js" file of a block type, to be loaded when adding/editing a block.

Urls::getBlockTypeCssURL() — Method in class Urls

Get the URL of the "auto.css" file of a block type, to be loaded when adding/editing a block.

User::getOnlineNow() — Method in class User
User::generateUsernameFromEmail() — Method in class User
UserInterface::getQuickNavigationLinkHTML() — Method in class UserInterface
UserInterface::getToolbarLogoSRC() — Method in class UserInterface
AbstractManager::getMessage() — Method in class AbstractManager
AbstractManager::getFormatter() — Method in class AbstractManager
CoreManager::getMessage() — Method in class CoreManager
CoreManager::getFormatter() — Method in class CoreManager
Formatter::getLauncherHtml() — Method in class Formatter
Formatter::getMessageHtml() — Method in class Formatter
FormatterInterface::getLauncherHtml() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getMessageHtml() — Method in class FormatterInterface
ManagerInterface::getMessage() — Method in class ManagerInterface
ManagerInterface::getFormatter() — Method in class ManagerInterface
$ Message#guideProperty in class Message

The handle of the tour guide.

Message::getContent() — Method in class Message
Message::getMessageContent() — Method in class Message
Message::getIdentifier() — Method in class Message
Message::getGuide() — Method in class Message
Message::getLink() — Method in class Message
MessageInterface::getContent() — Method in class MessageInterface
MessageInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class MessageInterface
Menu::getPageHeaderMenuItems() — Method in class Menu

Returns current menu items.

DropdownMenu::getMenuElement() — Method in class DropdownMenu
DividerItem::getItemElement() — Method in class DividerItem
ItemInterface::getItemElement() — Method in class ItemInterface
LinkItem::getItemElement() — Method in class LinkItem
ManagerInterface::getMenu() — Method in class ManagerInterface
MenuInterface::getMenuElement() — Method in class MenuInterface
PopoverMenu::getMenuElement() — Method in class PopoverMenu
AbstractNavigationCache::getIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractNavigationCache
AbstractNavigationCache::get() — Method in class AbstractNavigationCache
AbstractNavigationCache::getSessionIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractNavigationCache
FavoritesNavigationCache::getIdentifier() — Method in class FavoritesNavigationCache
FullNavigationFactory::getPageChildren() — Method in class FullNavigationFactory
NavigationCache::getIdentifier() — Method in class NavigationCache
BasicIconFormatter::getListIconElement() — Method in class BasicIconFormatter
IconFormatterInterface::getListIconElement() — Method in class IconFormatterInterface
Controller::getMenuItemLinkElement() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getMenuItem() — Method in class Controller
ControllerInterface::getMenuItemLinkElement() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getMenuItem() — Method in class ControllerInterface
Item::getHandle() — Method in class Item
Item::getLabel() — Method in class Item
Item::getPosition() — Method in class Item
Item::getLinkAttributes() — Method in class Item
Item::getLink() — Method in class Item
Item::getIcon() — Method in class Item
Item::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Item
Item::getPackageObject() — Method in class Item
Item::getController() — Method in class Item
ItemInterface::getController() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getPosition() — Method in class ItemInterface
OptionsForm::getController() — Method in class OptionsForm
OptionsFormProviderInterface::getElementController() — Method in class OptionsFormProviderInterface
OptionsFormProviderInterface::getPackageHandle() — Method in class OptionsFormProviderInterface
FlatSitemapProvider::getRequestedNodes() — Method in class FlatSitemapProvider
ProviderInterface::getTreeCollection() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getRequestedNodes() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getRequestedSiteTree() — Method in class ProviderInterface
SkeletonSitemapProvider::getTreeCollection() — Method in class SkeletonSitemapProvider
SkeletonSitemapProvider::getRequestedSiteTree() — Method in class SkeletonSitemapProvider
StandardSitemapProvider::getTreeCollection() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider
StandardSitemapProvider::getRequestedSiteTree() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider
StandardSitemapProvider::getRequestedNodes() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider
StandardSitemapProvider::getSitemapDataProvider() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider
Entry::getIconElement() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getOptionElement() — Method in class Entry
EntryInterface::getSiteTreeID() — Method in class EntryInterface
EntryInterface::getOptionElement() — Method in class EntryInterface
EntryInterface::getLabel() — Method in class EntryInterface
EntryInterface::getIcon() — Method in class EntryInterface
EntryInterface::getID() — Method in class EntryInterface
EntryInterface::getGroupClass() — Method in class EntryInterface
GroupInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection\Entry\Group
GroupInterface::getEntryGroupIdentifier() — Method in class GroupInterface
GroupInterface::getEntryGroupLabel() — Method in class GroupInterface
GroupJsonFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection\Entry\Group
SiteGroup::getEntryGroupLabel() — Method in class SiteGroup
SiteGroup::getEntryGroupIdentifier() — Method in class SiteGroup
LocaleEntry::getLabel() — Method in class LocaleEntry
LocaleEntry::getSiteTreeID() — Method in class LocaleEntry
LocaleEntry::getIconElement() — Method in class LocaleEntry
LocaleEntry::getIcon() — Method in class LocaleEntry
LocaleEntry::getID() — Method in class LocaleEntry
LocaleEntry::getGroupClass() — Method in class LocaleEntry
SiteEntry::getLabel() — Method in class SiteEntry
SiteEntry::getSiteTreeID() — Method in class SiteEntry
SiteEntry::getIconElement() — Method in class SiteEntry
SiteEntry::getIcon() — Method in class SiteEntry
SiteEntry::getID() — Method in class SiteEntry
SiteEntry::getGroupClass() — Method in class SiteEntry
TreeCollection::getEntries() — Method in class TreeCollection

Get the list of sitemap entries.

TreeCollection::getEntryGroups() — Method in class TreeCollection

Get the list of sitemap groups.

TreeCollectionInterface::getEntries() — Method in class TreeCollectionInterface

Get the list of sitemap entries.

TreeCollectionInterface::getEntryGroups() — Method in class TreeCollectionInterface

Get the list of sitemap groups.

ApiArea::getPage() — Method in class ApiArea
ApiArea::getAreaHandle() — Method in class ApiArea
Area::getAreaGridMaximumColumns() — Method in class Area
Area::getAreaDisplayName() — Method in class Area
Area::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Area
Area::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Area
Area::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Area
Area::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Area
Area::getCollectionID() — Method in class Area

returns the Collection's cID.

Area::getAreaCollectionObject() — Method in class Area

returns the Collection object for the current Area.

Area::getAreaID() — Method in class Area

returns the arID of the current area.

Area::getAreaHandle() — Method in class Area

returns the handle for the current area.

Area::getTotalBlocksInArea() — Method in class Area

Returns the total number of blocks in an area.

Area::getTotalBlocksInAreaEditMode() — Method in class Area

Returns the amount of actual blocks in the area, does not exclude core blocks or layouts, does not recurse.

Area::getAreaCollectionInheritID() — Method in class Area
Area::getMaximumBlocks() — Method in class Area

gets the maximum allowed number of blocks, -1 if unlimited.

Area::get() — Method in class Area

Gets the Area object for the given page and area handle.

Area::getAreaHandleFromID() — Method in class Area
Area::getAreaBlocksArray() — Method in class Area

Get all of the blocks within the current area for a given page.

Area::getHandleList() — Method in class Area

Gets a list of all areas.

Area::getListOnPage() — Method in class Area
Area::getOrCreate() — Method in class Area
Area::getAreaBlocks() — Method in class Area
Area::getAreaCustomTemplates() — Method in class Area

returns an array of custom templates defined for this Area object.

$ ContainerArea#gridContainerEnabledProperty in class ContainerArea
$ ContainerArea#gridMaximumColumnsProperty in class ContainerArea
ContainerArea::getAreaBlocksArray() — Method in class ContainerArea
ContainerArea::getSubAreaObject() — Method in class ContainerArea
ContainerArea::getTotalBlocksInArea() — Method in class ContainerArea
CustomStyle::getStyleWrapper() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCSS() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCustomStyleClass() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getContainerClass() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCustomStyleID() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCustomStyleElementAttribute() — Method in class CustomStyle
GlobalAreaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area
GlobalArea::getAreaDisplayName() — Method in class GlobalArea
GlobalArea::getTotalBlocksInArea() — Method in class GlobalArea
GlobalArea::getTotalBlocksInAreaEditMode() — Method in class GlobalArea
GlobalArea::getAreaBlocks() — Method in class GlobalArea
GlobalArea::getGlobalAreaStackObject() — Method in class GlobalArea
Column::getByID() — Method in class Column
Column::getAreaLayoutColumnClass() — Method in class Column
Column::getAreaLayoutObject() — Method in class Column
Column::getAreaLayoutColumnIndex() — Method in class Column
Column::getAreaLayoutID() — Method in class Column
Column::getAreaID() — Method in class Column
Column::getAreaObject() — Method in class Column
Column::getAreaLayoutColumnID() — Method in class Column
Column::getAreaLayoutColumnDisplayID() — Method in class Column

unique but doesn't change between version edits on a given page.

Column::getContents() — Method in class Column
Column::getSubAreaMaximumColumns() — Method in class Column
Column::getSubAreaObject() — Method in class Column
ColumnInterface::getColumnHtmlObject() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ColumnInterface::getColumnHtmlObjectEditMode() — Method in class ColumnInterface
CustomColumn::getByID() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomColumn::getAreaLayoutColumnClass() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomColumn::getColumnElement() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomColumn::getColumnHtmlObject() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomColumn::getColumnHtmlObjectEditMode() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomColumn::getAreaLayoutColumnWidth() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomLayout::getAreaLayoutSpacing() — Method in class CustomLayout
CustomLayout::getDisplayName() — Method in class CustomLayout
CustomFormatter::getLayoutContainerHtmlObject() — Method in class CustomFormatter
FormatterInterface::getLayoutContainerHtmlObject() — Method in class FormatterInterface
PresetFormatter::getLayoutContainerHtmlObject() — Method in class PresetFormatter
ThemeGridFormatter::getLayoutContainerHtmlObject() — Method in class ThemeGridFormatter
Layout::getByID() — Method in class Layout
Layout::getBlockObject() — Method in class Layout
Layout::getAreaObject() — Method in class Layout
Layout::getAreaLayoutID() — Method in class Layout
Layout::getAreaLayoutNumColumns() — Method in class Layout
Layout::getAreaLayoutColumns() — Method in class Layout
Layout::getDisplayName() — Method in class Layout
Layout::getFormatter() — Method in class Layout
PresetColumn::getByID() — Method in class PresetColumn
PresetColumn::getAreaLayoutColumnClass() — Method in class PresetColumn
PresetColumn::getPresetObject() — Method in class PresetColumn
PresetColumn::getPresetColumnObject() — Method in class PresetColumn
PresetColumn::getColumnHtmlObject() — Method in class PresetColumn
PresetColumn::getColumnHtmlObjectEditMode() — Method in class PresetColumn
PresetLayout::getPresetObject() — Method in class PresetLayout
PresetLayout::getDisplayName() — Method in class PresetLayout
PresetLayout::getAreaLayoutPresetHandle() — Method in class PresetLayout
Column::getColumnHtmlObject() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnHtmlObjectEditMode() — Method in class Column
FormatterInterface::getPresetContainerHtmlObject() — Method in class FormatterInterface
ThemeFormatter::getPresetContainerHtmlObject() — Method in class ThemeFormatter
ThemeFormatter::getElementForNode() — Method in class ThemeFormatter
UserFormatter::getPresetContainerHtmlObject() — Method in class UserFormatter
Preset::getColumns() — Method in class Preset
Preset::getName() — Method in class Preset
Preset::getIdentifier() — Method in class Preset
Preset::getByID() — Method in class Preset
Preset::getFormatter() — Method in class Preset
PresetInterface::getName() — Method in class PresetInterface
PresetInterface::getColumns() — Method in class PresetInterface
PresetInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class PresetInterface
PresetInterface::getFormatter() — Method in class PresetInterface
ActiveThemeProvider::getName() — Method in class ActiveThemeProvider
ActiveThemeProvider::getPresets() — Method in class ActiveThemeProvider
ActiveThemeProvider::getTheme() — Method in class ActiveThemeProvider

Get the theme that provides the presets.

ActiveThemeProvider::getThemeHandle() — Method in class ActiveThemeProvider

Get the handle of the theme that provides the presets.

Manager::getByName() — Method in class Manager

Get a provider by its name.

Manager::getProviders() — Method in class Manager

Get the keyed (by name) list of registered providers.

Manager::getPresets() — Method in class Manager

Get all the presets.

Manager::getPresetByIdentifier() — Method in class Manager

Get a preset by its identifier.

ProviderInterface::getPresets() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getName() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ThemeProvider::getName() — Method in class ThemeProvider
ThemeProvider::getPresets() — Method in class ThemeProvider
ThemeProvider::getThemeHandle() — Method in class ThemeProvider

Get the handle of the theme.

ThemeProvider::getThemeProvider() — Method in class ThemeProvider

Get the theme preset provider.

ThemeProviderInterface::getThemeAreaLayoutPresets() — Method in class ThemeProviderInterface
ThemeProviderInterface::getThemeName() — Method in class ThemeProviderInterface
ThemeProviderInterface::getThemeHandle() — Method in class ThemeProviderInterface
UserProvider::getPresets() — Method in class UserProvider
UserProvider::getName() — Method in class UserProvider
UserPreset::getList() — Method in class UserPreset
UserPreset::getByID() — Method in class UserPreset
UserPreset::getAreaLayoutPresetID() — Method in class UserPreset
UserPreset::getAreaLayoutPresetName() — Method in class UserPreset
UserPreset::getAreaLayoutID() — Method in class UserPreset
UserPreset::getAreaLayoutObject() — Method in class UserPreset
UserPreset::getPresetObject() — Method in class UserPreset
ThemeGridColumn::getByID() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::getSubAreaMaximumColumns() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::getAreaLayoutColumnSpan() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::getAreaLayoutColumnOffset() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::getAreaLayoutColumnClass() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::getAreaLayoutColumnOffsetEditClass() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn

this returns offsets in the form of spans.

ThemeGridColumn::getColumnHtmlObject() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::getColumnHtmlObjectEditMode() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::getColumnElement() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::getAreaLayoutColumnOffsetClass() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
$ ThemeGridLayout#gfProperty in class ThemeGridLayout
ThemeGridLayout::getThemeGridFrameworkObject() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
ThemeGridLayout::getDisplayName() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
ThemeGridLayout::getAreaLayoutSpacing() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
ThemeGridLayout::getAreaLayoutMaxColumns() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
SubArea::getSubAreaParentPermissionsObject() — Method in class SubArea
SubArea::getSubAreaBlockObject() — Method in class SubArea
SubArea::getAreaParentID() — Method in class SubArea
SubArea::getAreaCustomTemplates() — Method in class SubArea

returns an array of custom templates defined for this Area object.

Asset::getAssetPosition() — Method in class Asset

Get the position of this asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_HEADER or \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_FOOTER).

Asset::getAssetHandle() — Method in class Asset

Get the handle of this asset (together with getAssetType, identifies this asset).

Asset::getOutputAssetType() — Method in class Asset

Get the resulting type of the asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_CSS, \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_JAVASCRIPT or other values).

Asset::getAssetURL() — Method in class Asset

Get the URL of this asset.

Asset::getAssetPath() — Method in class Asset

Get the path to this asset.

Asset::getAssetURLPath() — Method in class Asset

Get the path of the parent "folder" that contains this asset.

Asset::getAssetFilename() — Method in class Asset

Get the name of the file of this asset.

Asset::getAssetHashKey() — Method in class Asset

Get a string that unambiguously identifies this asset.

Asset::getAssetVersion() — Method in class Asset

Get the version of this asset.

Asset::getAssetContents() — Method in class Asset

Get the contents of the asset (if applicable).

Asset::getAssetPointer() — Method in class Asset

Get an AssetPointer instance that identifies this asset.

Asset::getAssetContentsByRoute() — Method in class Asset

Get the contents of an asset given its route.

AssetGroup::getAssets() — Method in class AssetGroup
AssetGroup::getAssetPointers() — Method in class AssetGroup
AssetInterface::getAssetDefaultPosition() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the default asset position (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_HEADER or \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_FOOTER).

AssetInterface::getAssetPosition() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the position of this asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_HEADER or \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_FOOTER).

AssetInterface::getAssetType() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the unique identifier of the asset type.

AssetInterface::getAssetHandle() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the handle of this asset (together with getAssetType, identifies this asset).

AssetInterface::getOutputAssetType() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the resulting type of the asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_CSS, \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_JAVASCRIPT or other values).

AssetInterface::getAssetURL() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the URL of this asset.

AssetInterface::getAssetPath() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the path to this asset.

AssetInterface::getAssetURLPath() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the path of the parent "folder" that contains this asset.

AssetInterface::getAssetFilename() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the name of the file of this asset.

AssetInterface::getAssetHashKey() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get a string that unambiguously identifies this asset.

AssetInterface::getAssetVersion() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the version of this asset.

AssetInterface::getAssetContents() — Method in class AssetInterface

Get the contents of the asset (if applicable).

AssetList::getRegisteredAssets() — Method in class AssetList
AssetList::getRegisteredAssetGroups() — Method in class AssetList
AssetList::getInstance() — Method in class AssetList
AssetList::getAsset() — Method in class AssetList
AssetList::getAssetGroup() — Method in class AssetList
AssetPointer::getType() — Method in class AssetPointer
AssetPointer::getHandle() — Method in class AssetPointer
AssetPointer::getIdentifier() — Method in class AssetPointer
AssetPointer::getAsset() — Method in class AssetPointer
CssAsset::getAssetDefaultPosition() — Method in class CssAsset
CssAsset::getAssetType() — Method in class CssAsset
CssAsset::getAssetMedia() — Method in class CssAsset

Get the media of this asset.

CssAsset::getRelativeOutputDirectory() — Method in class CssAsset
CssAsset::getOutputDirectory() — Method in class CssAsset
CssInlineAsset::getAssetType() — Method in class CssInlineAsset
CssInlineAsset::getOutputAssetType() — Method in class CssInlineAsset

Get the resulting type of the asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_CSS, \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_JAVASCRIPT or other values).

CssInlineAsset::getAssetHashKey() — Method in class CssInlineAsset
CssInlineAsset::getAssetContents() — Method in class CssInlineAsset
CssLocalizedAsset::getAssetType() — Method in class CssLocalizedAsset
CssLocalizedAsset::getOutputAssetType() — Method in class CssLocalizedAsset

Get the resulting type of the asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_CSS, \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_JAVASCRIPT or other values).

CssLocalizedAsset::getAssetURL() — Method in class CssLocalizedAsset

Get the URL of this asset.

CssLocalizedAsset::getAssetHashKey() — Method in class CssLocalizedAsset
CssLocalizedAsset::getAssetContents() — Method in class CssLocalizedAsset
CoreConversationAssetGroup::getAssetPointers() — Method in class CoreConversationAssetGroup
JavascriptAsset::getAssetDefaultPosition() — Method in class JavascriptAsset
JavascriptAsset::getRelativeOutputDirectory() — Method in class JavascriptAsset
JavascriptAsset::getOutputDirectory() — Method in class JavascriptAsset
JavascriptAsset::getAssetType() — Method in class JavascriptAsset
JavascriptConditionalAsset::getAssetType() — Method in class JavascriptConditionalAsset
JavascriptConditionalAsset::getOutputAssetType() — Method in class JavascriptConditionalAsset

Get the resulting type of the asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_CSS, \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_JAVASCRIPT or other values).

JavascriptConditionalAsset::getAssetDefaultPosition() — Method in class JavascriptConditionalAsset
JavascriptInlineAsset::getAssetType() — Method in class JavascriptInlineAsset
JavascriptInlineAsset::getOutputAssetType() — Method in class JavascriptInlineAsset

Get the resulting type of the asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_CSS, \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_JAVASCRIPT or other values).

JavascriptInlineAsset::getAssetHashKey() — Method in class JavascriptInlineAsset
JavascriptInlineAsset::getAssetContents() — Method in class JavascriptInlineAsset
JavascriptLocalizedAsset::getAssetType() — Method in class JavascriptLocalizedAsset
JavascriptLocalizedAsset::getOutputAssetType() — Method in class JavascriptLocalizedAsset

Get the resulting type of the asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_CSS, \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::OUTPUTASSETTYPE_JAVASCRIPT or other values).

JavascriptLocalizedAsset::getAssetHashKey() — Method in class JavascriptLocalizedAsset
JavascriptLocalizedAsset::getAssetContents() — Method in class JavascriptLocalizedAsset
AttributeInterface::getAttributeValue() — Method in class AttributeInterface

Get Attribute Value object.

AttributeInterface::getDisplayValue() — Method in class AttributeInterface

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

AttributeInterface::getAttributeType() — Method in class AttributeInterface

Returns a Type entity.

AttributeInterface::getAttributeKey() — Method in class AttributeInterface

Returns a Key entity.

AttributeInterface::getIconFormatter() — Method in class AttributeInterface

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

AttributeInterface::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class AttributeInterface

This value will be used by the search index.

AttributeInterface::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class AttributeInterface

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

AttributeKeyHandleGeneratorInterface::generate() — Method in class AttributeKeyHandleGeneratorInterface
AttributeKeyInterface::getAttributeKeyID() — Method in class AttributeKeyInterface

Get the attribute key identifier.

AttributeKeyInterface::getAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class AttributeKeyInterface

Get the attribute key handle.

AttributeKeyInterface::getAttributeType() — Method in class AttributeKeyInterface

Get the attribute key type.

AttributeKeyInterface::getSearchIndexer() — Method in class AttributeKeyInterface

Get the search indexer.

AttributeKeyInterface::getController() — Method in class AttributeKeyInterface

Get the attribute key controller.

AttributeValueInterface::getAttributeTypeObject() — Method in class AttributeValueInterface
AttributeValueInterface::getAttributeKey() — Method in class AttributeValueInterface
AttributeValueInterface::getValue() — Method in class AttributeValueInterface
AttributeValueInterface::getValueObject() — Method in class AttributeValueInterface
AttributeValueInterface::getController() — Method in class AttributeValueInterface
CategoryObjectInterface::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class CategoryObjectInterface

Get the attribute key category.

AbstractCategory::getAttributeKeyRepository() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get the repository for the attribute keys.

AbstractCategory::getAttributeValueRepository() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get the repository for the attribute values.

AbstractCategory::getSearchIndexer() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get the indexer instance that manages search indexing (if the attribute category supports indexing).

AbstractCategory::getList() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get all the attribute keys.

AbstractCategory::getSearchableList() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get the list of attribute keys that are searchable.

AbstractCategory::getSearchableIndexedList() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get the list of attribute keys that are searchable and indexed.

AbstractCategory::getCacheNamespace() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AbstractCategory::getAttributeKeyByHandle() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get an attribute key given its handle.

AbstractCategory::getAttributeKeyByHandleUncached() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AbstractCategory::getAttributeKeyByID() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get an attribute key given its ID.

AbstractCategory::getEntityManager() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AbstractCategory::getRequestLoader() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get the object to be used to update attribute keys with the data contained in a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request instance.

AbstractCategory::getImportLoader() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get the object to be used to update attribute keys with the data contained in a SimpleXMLElement instance.

AbstractCategory::getByID() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AbstractCategory::getByHandle() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AbstractStandardCategory::getAttributeValueEntity() — Method in class AbstractStandardCategory
CategoryInterface::getAttributeKeyByID() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Get an attribute key given its ID.

CategoryInterface::getAttributeKeyByHandle() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Get an attribute key given its handle.

CategoryInterface::getList() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Get all the attribute keys.

CategoryInterface::getSetManager() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Get the set manager.

CategoryInterface::getAttributeTypes() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Get the attribute types.

CategoryInterface::getSearchIndexer() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Get the indexer instance that manages search indexing (if the attribute category supports indexing).

CategoryInterface::getAttributeValues() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

CategoryInterface::getAttributeValue() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Get the generic attribute value of an object for a specific key.

CategoryService::getByHandle() — Method in class CategoryService

Get a attribute category given its handle.

CategoryService::getByID() — Method in class CategoryService

Get a attribute category given its ID.

CategoryService::getList() — Method in class CategoryService

Get all the available attribute categories.

CategoryService::getListByPackage() — Method in class CategoryService

Get all the available attribute categories created by a package.

EventCategory::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class EventCategory

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

EventCategory::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class EventCategory

Get the value of the primary key column of the indexing table that identifies the object to be indexed.

EventCategory::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class EventCategory

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

EventCategory::getAttributeKeyRepository() — Method in class EventCategory

Get the repository for the attribute keys.

EventCategory::getAttributeValueRepository() — Method in class EventCategory

Get the repository for the attribute values.

EventCategory::getAttributeValues() — Method in class EventCategory

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

EventCategory::getAttributeValue() — Method in class EventCategory
ExpressCategory::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

ExpressCategory::getExpressEntity() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the Express entity owning this attribute category.

ExpressCategory::getSearchIndexer() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the indexer instance that manages search indexing (if the attribute category supports indexing).

ExpressCategory::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the value of the primary key column of the indexing table that identifies the object to be indexed.

ExpressCategory::getCacheNamespace() — Method in class ExpressCategory
ExpressCategory::getSearchableIndexedList() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the list of attribute keys that are searchable and indexed.

ExpressCategory::getSearchableList() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the list of attribute keys that are searchable.

ExpressCategory::getAttributeKeyByHandleUncached() — Method in class ExpressCategory
ExpressCategory::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

ExpressCategory::getSetManager() — Method in class ExpressCategory
ExpressCategory::getAttributeKeyRepository() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the repository for the attribute keys.

ExpressCategory::getAttributeValueRepository() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the repository for the attribute values.

ExpressCategory::getList() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get all the attribute keys.

ExpressCategory::getAttributeTypes() — Method in class ExpressCategory
ExpressCategory::getAttributeValues() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

ExpressCategory::getAttributeValue() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Get the generic attribute value of an object for a specific key.

FileCategory::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class FileCategory

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

FileCategory::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class FileCategory

Get the value of the primary key column of the indexing table that identifies the object to be indexed.

FileCategory::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class FileCategory

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

FileCategory::getAttributeKeyRepository() — Method in class FileCategory

Get the repository for the attribute keys.

FileCategory::getAttributeValueRepository() — Method in class FileCategory

Get the repository for the attribute values.

FileCategory::getAttributeValues() — Method in class FileCategory

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

FileCategory::getAttributeValue() — Method in class FileCategory

Get the generic attribute value of an object for a specific key.

LegacyCategory::getEntityManager() — Method in class LegacyCategory
LegacyCategory::getLegacyKeyClass() — Method in class LegacyCategory
LegacyCategory::getSearchIndexer() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get the indexer instance that manages search indexing (if the attribute category supports indexing).

LegacyCategory::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

LegacyCategory::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get the value of the primary key column of the indexing table that identifies the object to be indexed.

LegacyCategory::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

LegacyCategory::getAttributeKeyByHandle() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get an attribute key given its handle.

LegacyCategory::getList() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get all the attribute keys.

LegacyCategory::getAttributeValues() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

LegacyCategory::getAttributeKeyByID() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get an attribute key given its ID.

LegacyCategory::getAttributeValue() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Get the generic attribute value of an object for a specific key.

PageCategory::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class PageCategory

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

PageCategory::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class PageCategory

Get the value of the primary key column of the indexing table that identifies the object to be indexed.

PageCategory::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class PageCategory

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

PageCategory::getAttributeKeyRepository() — Method in class PageCategory

Get the repository for the attribute keys.

PageCategory::getAttributeValueRepository() — Method in class PageCategory

Get the repository for the attribute values.

PageCategory::getAttributeValues() — Method in class PageCategory

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

PageCategory::getAttributeValue() — Method in class PageCategory

Get the generic attribute value of an object for a specific key.

StandardSearchIndexerInterface::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexerInterface

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

StandardSearchIndexerInterface::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexerInterface

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

StandardSearchIndexerInterface::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexerInterface

Get the value of the primary key column of the indexing table that identifies the object to be indexed.

SiteCategory::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class SiteCategory

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

SiteCategory::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class SiteCategory

Get the value of the primary key column of the indexing table that identifies the object to be indexed.

SiteCategory::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class SiteCategory

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

SiteCategory::getAttributeKeyRepository() — Method in class SiteCategory

Get the repository for the attribute keys.

SiteCategory::getAttributeValueRepository() — Method in class SiteCategory

Get the repository for the attribute values.

SiteCategory::getAttributeValues() — Method in class SiteCategory

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

SiteCategory::getAttributeValue() — Method in class SiteCategory

Get the generic attribute value of an object for a specific key.

SiteTypeCategory::getSearchIndexer() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory

Get the indexer instance that manages search indexing (if the attribute category supports indexing).

SiteTypeCategory::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

SiteTypeCategory::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory
SiteTypeCategory::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

SiteTypeCategory::getAttributeKeyRepository() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory

Get the repository for the attribute keys.

SiteTypeCategory::getAttributeValueRepository() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory

Get the repository for the attribute values.

SiteTypeCategory::getAttributeValues() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

SiteTypeCategory::getAttributeValue() — Method in class SiteTypeCategory
StandardCategoryInterface::getCategoryEntity() — Method in class StandardCategoryInterface
StandardCategoryTrait::getEntityManager() — Method in class StandardCategoryTrait
StandardCategoryTrait::getCategoryEntity() — Method in class StandardCategoryTrait
StandardCategoryTrait::getSetManager() — Method in class StandardCategoryTrait
StandardCategoryTrait::getAttributeTypes() — Method in class StandardCategoryTrait
UserCategory::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the name of the indexing table (return false if there's no indexing table).

UserCategory::getIndexedSearchPrimaryKeyValue() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the value of the primary key column of the indexing table that identifies the object to be indexed.

UserCategory::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the definition of the indexing table, excluding attribute-related fields (return false if there's no indexing table).

UserCategory::getAttributeKeyRepository() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the repository for the attribute keys.

UserCategory::getAttributeValueRepository() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the repository for the attribute values.

UserCategory::getMemberListList() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the attribute keys to be displayed in the member list page.

UserCategory::getPublicProfileList() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the attribute keys to be displayed in the public profile page.

UserCategory::getRegistrationList() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the attribute keys to be displayed in the users' registration page.

UserCategory::getEditableInProfileList() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the attribute keys that can be modified in the user profile page.

UserCategory::getAttributeValues() — Method in class UserCategory

Get all the generic attribute values for an object instance.

UserCategory::getAttributeValue() — Method in class UserCategory

Get the generic attribute value of an object for a specific key.

ClearAttributesCommand::getAttributeKeys() — Method in class ClearAttributesCommand
ClearAttributesCommand::getObject() — Method in class ClearAttributesCommand
RebuildIndexCommandInterface::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class RebuildIndexCommandInterface
RebuildIndexCommandInterface::getIndexName() — Method in class RebuildIndexCommandInterface
SaveAttributesCommand::getAttributeKeys() — Method in class SaveAttributesCommand
SaveAttributesCommand::getObject() — Method in class SaveAttributesCommand
OptionSelectInstance::getAccessToken() — Method in class OptionSelectInstance
OptionSelectInstance::getAttributeKey() — Method in class OptionSelectInstance
OptionSelectInstance::getDataSourceUrl() — Method in class OptionSelectInstance

Returns the URL needed to search these options using the autocomplete component

OptionSelectInstance::getSelectedOptionsUrl() — Method in class OptionSelectInstance

Returns the URL needed to selected options when coming to a pre-filled option component

OptionSelectInstanceFactory::getAccessTokenString() — Method in class OptionSelectInstanceFactory
ComposerContext::getTooltip() — Method in class ComposerContext
Context::getActions() — Method in class Context
Context::getControlTemplates() — Method in class Context
ContextInterface::getActions() — Method in class ContextInterface
ContextInterface::getControlTemplates() — Method in class ContextInterface
Controller::getIconFormatter() — Method in class Controller

Return a formatter object that provides an icon that will be shown in the list of attributes.

Controller::getAttributeType() — Method in class Controller

Returns a Type entity.

Controller::getAttributeTypeFileURL() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeKey() — Method in class Controller

Returns a Key entity.

Controller::getAttributeKeySettings() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class Controller

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

Controller::getAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller

Get Attribute Value object.

Controller::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Controller

This value will be used by the search index.

Controller::getDisplayValue() — Method in class Controller

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

Controller::getControlView() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getView() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getControlID() — Method in class Controller

Get the ID to use for label elements. Not applicable in form views that do not contain

Controller::getLabelID() — Method in class Controller

Get the ID to use for label elements.

Controller::getValidator() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getAttributeValueID() — Method in class Controller
CustomNoValueTextAttributeInterface::getNoneTextDisplayValue() — Method in class CustomNoValueTextAttributeInterface

Return the text (in HTML format) to be displayed when there's no current value.

DefaultController::getDisplayValue() — Method in class DefaultController

For a DateTime implementation this could for example mean that the value is formatted and localized.

DefaultController::getAttributeValueClass() — Method in class DefaultController

Is used to determine the name of the entity used to store the attribute value.

DefaultController::getAttributeKeySettingsClass() — Method in class DefaultController
DefaultController::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class DefaultController

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

ExpressSetManager::getUnassignedAttributeKeys() — Method in class ExpressSetManager

Get the attribute keys that are not in any set.

ExpressSetManager::getAttributeSets() — Method in class ExpressSetManager

Get the attribute sets.

FileIconFormatter::getListIconElement() — Method in class FileIconFormatter
FontAwesomeIconFormatter::getListIconElement() — Method in class FontAwesomeIconFormatter
GroupedViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Form\Control\View
View::getControlID() — Method in class View

Returns the ID of the current form control – may return null if the form control doesn't need it.

Renderer::getKey() — Method in class Renderer
Renderer::getContext() — Method in class Renderer
Renderer::getView() — Method in class Renderer
IconFormatterInterface::getListIconElement() — Method in class IconFormatterInterface
Category::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Category

Get the registered name of the component.

CollectionKey::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class CollectionKey

Get the registered name of the component.

CollectionKey::getByHandle() — Method in class CollectionKey
CollectionKey::getByID() — Method in class CollectionKey
ControllerTrait::getCategory() — Method in class ControllerTrait
ControllerTrait::getObjects() — Method in class ControllerTrait
ControllerTrait::getAttribute() — Method in class ControllerTrait
KeySerializer::getAssets() — Method in class KeySerializer
EventKey::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class EventKey

Get the registered name of the component.

EventKey::getByHandle() — Method in class EventKey
EventKey::getByID() — Method in class EventKey
ExpressKey::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class ExpressKey

Get the registered name of the component.

ExpressKey::getByHandle() — Method in class ExpressKey
Factory::getInstanceByID() — Method in class Factory
Factory::getByID() — Method in class Factory
Factory::getAttributeKeyList() — Method in class Factory
Factory::getList() — Method in class Factory
FileKey::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class FileKey

Get the registered name of the component.

FileKey::getByHandle() — Method in class FileKey
Key::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Key

Get the registered name of the component.

Key::getController() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeKeyID() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeType() — Method in class Key
Key::getSearchIndexer() — Method in class Key

Get the search indexer.

Key::getSearchIndexFieldDefinition() — Method in class Key
Key::getIndexedSearchTable() — Method in class Key
StandardSearchIndexer::getIndexEntryColumnName() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Get the name of the column associated to an attribute key.

StandardSearchIndexer::getIndexEntryColumn() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer
SiteKey::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class SiteKey

Get the registered name of the component.

SiteTypeKey::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class SiteTypeKey

Get the registered name of the component.

UserKey::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class UserKey

Get the registered name of the component.

UserKey::getByHandle() — Method in class UserKey
MulticolumnTextExportableAttributeInterface::getAttributeTextRepresentationHeaders() — Method in class MulticolumnTextExportableAttributeInterface

Get the handles of the columns that will contain parts of attribute values.

MulticolumnTextExportableAttributeInterface::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class MulticolumnTextExportableAttributeInterface

Get the strings containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

ObjectInterface::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class ObjectInterface
ObjectInterface::getAttributeValue() — Method in class ObjectInterface

Alias of getAttributeValueObject (assuming $createIfNotExists is false).

ObjectInterface::getAttribute() — Method in class ObjectInterface
ObjectInterface::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class ObjectInterface
ObjectTrait::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class ObjectTrait
ObjectTrait::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class ObjectTrait
ObjectTrait::getAttribute() — Method in class ObjectTrait
ObjectTrait::getAttributeValue() — Method in class ObjectTrait
PendingType::getList() — Method in class PendingType
PendingType::getByHandle() — Method in class PendingType
Set::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Set

Get the registered name of the component.

SetFactory::getByHandle() — Method in class SetFactory
SetFactory::getListByPackage() — Method in class SetFactory
SetFactory::getByID() — Method in class SetFactory
SetFactory::getByAttributeKey() — Method in class SetFactory
SetManagerInterface::getAttributeSets() — Method in class SetManagerInterface

Get the attribute sets.

SetManagerInterface::getUnassignedAttributeKeys() — Method in class SetManagerInterface

Get the attribute keys that are not in any set.

SimpleTextExportableAttributeInterface::getAttributeValueTextRepresentation() — Method in class SimpleTextExportableAttributeInterface

Get a string containing the text representation of the attribute value currently set in the controller.

StandardSetManager::getUnassignedAttributeKeys() — Method in class StandardSetManager

Get the attribute keys that are not in any set.

StandardSetManager::getAttributeSets() — Method in class StandardSetManager

Get the attribute sets.

Type::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Type

Get the registered name of the component.

TypeFactory::getByHandle() — Method in class TypeFactory

Search an attribute type given its handle.

TypeFactory::getListByPackage() — Method in class TypeFactory

Get the list of attribute types defined by a package.

TypeFactory::getByID() — Method in class TypeFactory

Search an attribute type given its id.

TypeFactory::getList() — Method in class TypeFactory

Get the list of attribute types.

TypeFactory::getAttributeTypeList() — Method in class TypeFactory
Value::getController() — Method in class Value
Value::getAttributeValue() — Method in class Value
Value::getValueObject() — Method in class Value
Value::getByID() — Method in class Value
Value::getValue() — Method in class Value
Value::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class Value
Value::getAttributeKey() — Method in class Value
Value::getAttributeValueID() — Method in class Value
Value::getAttributeValueUserID() — Method in class Value
Value::getAttributeValueDateAdded() — Method in class Value
Value::getAttributeTypeID() — Method in class Value
Value::getAttributeTypeObject() — Method in class Value
ValueList::getAttribute() — Method in class ValueList
View::getValue() — Method in class View
View::getAttributeKey() — Method in class View
View::getContextFromString() — Method in class View
AuthenticationType::getListSorted() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getList() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Return a raw list of authentication types.

AuthenticationType::getPackageHandle() — Method in class AuthenticationType

AuthenticationType::getPackageHandle Return the package handle.

AuthenticationType::getListByPackage() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Return an array of AuthenticationTypes that are associated with a specific package.

AuthenticationType::getByHandle() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Return loaded AuthenticationType with the given handle.

AuthenticationType::getByID() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Return loaded AuthenticationType with the given ID.

AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypeName() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypeDisplayName() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Returns the display name for this instance (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypeDisplayOrder() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypePackageID() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getController() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypeIconHTML() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypeID() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypeStatus() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypeFilePath() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Return the path to a file.

AuthenticationType::getAuthenticationTypeHandle() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationTypeController::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeController
AuthenticationTypeController::getAuthenticationTypeIconHTML() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeController
AuthenticationTypeController::getAuthenticationType() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeController
AuthenticationTypeController::getHandle() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeController
ExternalConcreteService::getAuthorizationEndpoint() — Method in class ExternalConcreteService

Returns the authorization API endpoint.

ExternalConcreteService::getAccessTokenEndpoint() — Method in class ExternalConcreteService

Returns the access token API endpoint.

ExternalConcreteService::getBaseApiUri() — Method in class ExternalConcreteService

Return a copy of our base api uri

ExternalConcreteService::getAuthorizationMethod() — Method in class ExternalConcreteService

Declare that we use the bearer header field We want our headers to be: Authorization: Bearer SOMETOKEN

Extractor::getSupports() — Method in class Extractor
Extractor::getNormalizersMap() — Method in class Extractor
GoogleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Google\Extractor
Google::getNormalizersMap() — Method in class Google
Google::getSupports() — Method in class Google
GoogleServiceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Google\Factory
BindingService::getBoundUserId() — Method in class BindingService

Get the bound user id.

BindingService::getUserBinding() — Method in class BindingService

Get the bound binding.

BindingService::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class BindingService

Get the logger channel expected by this LoggerAwareTrait implementation The user is expected to declare this method and return a valid channel name.

BindingService::getConnection() — Method in class BindingService
GenericOauthTypeControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\OAuth
GenericOauthTypeController::getAdditionalRequestParameters() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getToken() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getExtractor() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getService() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getBoundUserID() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getEmail() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getFirstName() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getLastName() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getFullName() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getUsername() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getBindingForUser() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController

Get the binding associated to a specific user.

GenericOauthTypeController::getUniqueId() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::getBindingService() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauth1aTypeControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\OAuth\OAuth1a
GenericOauth2TypeControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\OAuth\OAuth2
GenericOauth2TypeController::getService() — Method in class GenericOauth2TypeController
ContentExporter::getMasterCollectionTemporaryBlockID() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::getPageTypeComposerOutputControlTemporaryID() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentImporter::getMasterCollectionTemporaryBlockIDs() — Method in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::getMasterCollectionTemporaryBlockID() — Method in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlFromTemporaryID() — Method in class ContentImporter
Manager::getImporterRoutines() — Method in class Manager
AbstractRoutine::getPackageObject() — Method in class AbstractRoutine

Get a package entity given its handle.

ImportAttributeCategoriesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportAttributeCategoriesRoutine
ImportAttributeSetsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportAttributeSetsRoutine
ImportAttributeTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportAttributeTypesRoutine
ImportAttributesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportAttributesRoutine
ImportBannedWordsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportBannedWordsRoutine
ImportBlockTypeSetsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportBlockTypeSetsRoutine
ImportBlockTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportBlockTypesRoutine
ImportBoardDataSourcesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportBoardDataSourcesRoutine
ImportBoardSlotTemplatesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportBoardSlotTemplatesRoutine
ImportBoardTemplatesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportBoardTemplatesRoutine
ImportBoardsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportBoardsRoutine
ImportConfigValuesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportConfigValuesRoutine
ImportContainersRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportContainersRoutine
ImportConversationEditorsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportConversationEditorsRoutine
ImportConversationFlagTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportConversationFlagTypesRoutine
ImportConversationRatingTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportConversationRatingTypesRoutine
ImportDesignTagsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportDesignTagsRoutine
ImportExpressAssociationsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportExpressAssociationsRoutine
ImportExpressEntitiesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportExpressEntitiesRoutine
ImportExpressFormsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportExpressFormsRoutine
ImportExpressRelationsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportExpressRelationsRoutine
ImportFileImportantThumbnailTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportFileImportantThumbnailTypesRoutine
ImportGeolocatorsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportGeolocatorsRoutine
ImportGroupsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportGroupsRoutine
ImportIpAccessControlCategoriesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportIpAccessControlCategoriesRoutine
ImportJobSetsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportJobSetsRoutine
ImportJobsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportJobsRoutine
ImportPackagesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPackagesRoutine
ImportPageContentRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageContentRoutine
ImportPageFeedsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageFeedsRoutine
ImportPageStructureRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageStructureRoutine
ImportPageTemplatesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageTemplatesRoutine
ImportPageTypeComposerControlTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageTypeComposerControlTypesRoutine
ImportPageTypeDefaultsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageTypeDefaultsRoutine
ImportPageTypePublishTargetTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageTypePublishTargetTypesRoutine
ImportPageTypeTargetsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageTypeTargetsRoutine
ImportPageTypesBaseRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPageTypesBaseRoutine
ImportPermissionAccessEntityTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPermissionAccessEntityTypesRoutine
ImportPermissionKeyCategoriesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPermissionKeyCategoriesRoutine
ImportPermissionsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportPermissionsRoutine
ImportSinglePageContentRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSinglePageContentRoutine
ImportSinglePageStructureRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSinglePageStructureRoutine
$ ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine#groupServiceProperty in class ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine
ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine
ImportSiteTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSiteTypesRoutine
ImportSocialLinksRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSocialLinksRoutine
ImportStacksContentRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportStacksContentRoutine
ImportStacksStructureRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportStacksStructureRoutine
ImportSummaryCategoriesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSummaryCategoriesRoutine
ImportSummaryFieldsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSummaryFieldsRoutine
ImportSummaryTemplatesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSummaryTemplatesRoutine
ImportSystemCaptchaLibrariesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSystemCaptchaLibrariesRoutine
ImportSystemContentEditorSnippetsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportSystemContentEditorSnippetsRoutine
ImportTaskSetsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportTaskSetsRoutine
ImportTasksRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportTasksRoutine
ImportThemesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportThemesRoutine
ImportTreeNodeTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportTreeNodeTypesRoutine
ImportTreeTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportTreeTypesRoutine
ImportTreesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportTreesRoutine
ImportWorkflowProgressCategoriesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportWorkflowProgressCategoriesRoutine
ImportWorkflowTypesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportWorkflowTypesRoutine
ImportWorkflowsRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImportWorkflowsRoutine
PopulateBoardInstancesRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class PopulateBoardInstancesRoutine
RoutineInterface::getHandle() — Method in class RoutineInterface
AbstractRegularExpressionRoutine::getRegularExpression() — Method in class AbstractRegularExpressionRoutine
AbstractRegularExpressionRoutine::getItem() — Method in class AbstractRegularExpressionRoutine
FileFolderRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class FileFolderRoutine
FileFolderRoutine::getRegularExpression() — Method in class FileFolderRoutine
FileFolderRoutine::getItem() — Method in class FileFolderRoutine
FileRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class FileRoutine
FileRoutine::getRegularExpression() — Method in class FileRoutine
FileRoutine::getItem() — Method in class FileRoutine
ImageRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class ImageRoutine
ImageRoutine::getRegularExpression() — Method in class ImageRoutine
ImageRoutine::getItem() — Method in class ImageRoutine
PageFeedRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class PageFeedRoutine
PageFeedRoutine::getRegularExpression() — Method in class PageFeedRoutine
PageFeedRoutine::getItem() — Method in class PageFeedRoutine
PageRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class PageRoutine
PageRoutine::getRegularExpression() — Method in class PageRoutine
PageRoutine::getItem() — Method in class PageRoutine
PageTypeRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class PageTypeRoutine
PageTypeRoutine::getRegularExpression() — Method in class PageTypeRoutine
PageTypeRoutine::getItem() — Method in class PageTypeRoutine
PictureRoutine::getHandle() — Method in class PictureRoutine
PictureRoutine::getRegularExpression() — Method in class PictureRoutine
PictureRoutine::getItem() — Method in class PictureRoutine
RoutineInterface::getHandle() — Method in class RoutineInterface
AbstractItem::getReference() — Method in class AbstractItem
AbstractItem::getContentValue() — Method in class AbstractItem
FileFolderItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class FileFolderItem
FileFolderItem::getContentObject() — Method in class FileFolderItem
FileFolderItem::getFieldValue() — Method in class FileFolderItem
FileItem::getReference() — Method in class FileItem
FileItem::getFilename() — Method in class FileItem
FileItem::getPrefix() — Method in class FileItem
FileItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class FileItem
FileItem::getContentObject() — Method in class FileItem
FileItem::getContentValue() — Method in class FileItem
FileItem::getFieldValue() — Method in class FileItem
ImageItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class ImageItem
ImageItem::getContentValue() — Method in class ImageItem
ItemInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getReference() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getContentObject() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getContentValue() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getFieldValue() — Method in class ItemInterface
PageFeedItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class PageFeedItem
PageFeedItem::getContentObject() — Method in class PageFeedItem
PageFeedItem::getContentValue() — Method in class PageFeedItem
PageFeedItem::getFieldValue() — Method in class PageFeedItem
PageItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class PageItem
PageItem::getContentObject() — Method in class PageItem
PageItem::getContentValue() — Method in class PageItem
PageItem::getFieldValue() — Method in class PageItem
PageTemplateItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class PageTemplateItem
PageTemplateItem::getContentObject() — Method in class PageTemplateItem
PageTemplateItem::getFieldValue() — Method in class PageTemplateItem
PageTypeItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class PageTypeItem
PageTypeItem::getContentObject() — Method in class PageTypeItem
PageTypeItem::getFieldValue() — Method in class PageTypeItem
PictureItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class PictureItem
PictureItem::getContentValue() — Method in class PictureItem
StackItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class StackItem
StackItem::getContentObject() — Method in class StackItem
StackItem::getContentValue() — Method in class StackItem
StackItem::getFieldValue() — Method in class StackItem
Result::getOriginalContent() — Method in class Result
Result::getReplacedContent() — Method in class Result
Result::getMatchedItems() — Method in class Result
Result::getReplacedValue() — Method in class Result
ResultInterface::getMatchedItems() — Method in class ResultInterface
ResultInterface::getReplacedContent() — Method in class ResultInterface
ResultInterface::getReplacedValue() — Method in class ResultInterface
ValueInspector::getInspectionRoutines() — Method in class ValueInspector
Block::getByID() — Method in class Block

Get a block instance given its ID.

Block::getByName() — Method in class Block

Get a block instance given its name.

Block::getBlockID() — Method in class Block

Returns the block identifier (if available).

Block::getBlockPath() — Method in class Block

Get the absolute path of the block directory (.../blocks/block_handle).

Block::getBlockName() — Method in class Block

Get the block name.

Block::getBlockFilename() — Method in class Block

Get the name of the custom template.

Block::getBlockTypeID() — Method in class Block

Get the ID of the block type (if available).

Block::getBlockTypeObject() — Method in class Block

Get the block type instance.

Block::getBlockTypeHandle() — Method in class Block

Get the block type handle.

Block::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class Block

Get the block type name.

Block::getBlockUserID() — Method in class Block

Get the ID of the user that created the block instance.

Block::getBlockDateAdded() — Method in class Block

Gets the date/time when block was added (in the system time zone).

Block::getBlockDateLastModified() — Method in class Block

Gets the date/time when block was last modified (in the system time zone).

Block::getPackageID() — Method in class Block

Get the ID of the package owning this block type.

Block::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Block

Get the handle of the package owning this block type.

Block::getBlockCollectionID() — Method in class Block

Get the ID of the collection containing the block.

Block::getBlockCollectionObject() — Method in class Block

Get the collection instance containing the block.

Block::getOriginalCollection() — Method in class Block

Get the page instance where this block is defined (or the page where the original block is defined if this block is an alias).

Block::getPageList() — Method in class Block

Gets a list of pages that include this block, along with area name, etc.

Block::getAreaHandle() — Method in class Block

Get the handle of the area containing the block.

Block::getBlockAreaObject() — Method in class Block

Get the the instance of the Area containing the block.

Block::getBlockDisplayOrder() — Method in class Block

Get the block display order (if available).

Block::getProxyBlock() — Method in class Block

Get the proxy block instance.

Block::getBlockRelationID() — Method in class Block

Get the ID of the associated block.

Block::getBlockActionCollectionID() — Method in class Block

Get the ID of the collection that's associated to the block actions (or false if not found).

Block::getNumChildren() — Method in class Block

Get the number of alias of this block.

Block::getCustomStyleSetID() — Method in class Block

Get the ID of the custom style set.

Block::getCustomStyle() — Method in class Block

Get the custom style object associated to this block.

Block::getBlockCacheSettingsObject() — Method in class Block

Get the cache settings instance.

Block::getBlockCachedRecord() — Method in class Block

Get the cached record of the block instance.

Block::getBlockOutputCacheLifetime() — Method in class Block

Get the lifetime (in seconds) of the block output cache.

Block::getBlockCachedOutput() — Method in class Block

Get the cached output of the block instance (if available and not expired).

Block::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Block
Block::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Block
Block::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Block
Block::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Block
Block::getController() — Method in class Block

Get the block type controller.

Block::getBlockEditAction() — Method in class Block
Block::getBlockUpdateInformationAction() — Method in class Block
Block::getBlockUpdateCssAction() — Method in class Block
Block::getInstance() — Method in class Block
BlockController::getBlockTypeInSetName() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getBlockTypeExportPageColumns() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getIdentifier() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getBlockTypeWrapperClass() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getBlockControllerData() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getPermissionsObject() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getBlockTypeDefaultSet() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getPermissionObject() — Method in class BlockController

Gets the permissions object for this controller's block.

BlockController::getBlockTypeDatabaseTable() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getImportData() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getBlockTypeID() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getPassThruActionAndParameters() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getActionURL() — Method in class BlockController

Creates a URL that can be posted or navigated to that, when done so, will automatically run the corresponding method inside the block's controller.

BlockController::getBlockTypeCacheOutputLifetime() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getCollectionObject() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::getBlockObject() — Method in class BlockController

Gets the generic Block object attached to this controller's instance.

BlockController::getAreaObject() — Method in class BlockController

Gets the Area object attached to this controller's instance.

BlockController::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class BlockController

Returns the name of the block type.

BlockController::getInterfaceWidth() — Method in class BlockController

Returns the width of the block type's interface when presented in page.

BlockController::getInterfaceHeight() — Method in class BlockController

Returns the height of the block type's interface when presented in page.

BlockController::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class BlockController

Returns the description of the block type.

BlockController::getBlockTypeHelp() — Method in class BlockController

Returns HTML that will be shown when a user wants help for a given block type.

BlockController::getJavaScriptStrings() — Method in class BlockController

Returns a key/value array of strings that is used to translate items when used in javascript.

BlockType::getByHandle() — Method in class BlockType

Get a BlockType given its handle.

BlockType::getByID() — Method in class BlockType

Get a BlockType given its ID.

BlockType::getBlockTypeMappedClass() — Method in class BlockType

Return the class file that this BlockType uses.

BlockTypeList::get() — Method in class BlockTypeList
BlockTypeList::getAvailableList() — Method in class BlockTypeList

Gets a list of block types that are not installed, used to get blocks that can be installed This function only surveys the web/blocks directory - it's not looking at the package level.

BlockTypeList::getInstalledList() — Method in class BlockTypeList

gets a list of installed BlockTypes.

Set::getByID() — Method in class Set

Get a block type set given its ID.

Set::getByHandle() — Method in class Set

Get a block type set given its handle.

Set::getListByPackage() — Method in class Set

Get the list of block type sets defined by a package.

Set::getList() — Method in class Set

Get the list of block type sets.

Set::getUnassignedBlockTypes() — Method in class Set

Get the list of block types that don't belong to any block type set.

Set::getBlockTypeSetID() — Method in class Set

Get the block type set ID.

Set::getBlockTypeSetHandle() — Method in class Set

Get the block type set handle.

Set::getBlockTypeSetName() — Method in class Set

Get the block type set name.

Set::getBlockTypeSetDisplayName() — Method in class Set

Get the block type set name (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Set::getPackageID() — Method in class Set

Get the ID of the package that defined this set.

Set::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Set

Get the handle of the package that defined this set.

Set::getBlockTypes() — Method in class Set

Get the list of block types associated to this set.

Set::get() — Method in class Set
CacheSettings::get() — Method in class CacheSettings
CacheSettings::getBlockOutputCacheLifetime() — Method in class CacheSettings
AddBlockToPageCommand::getBlockType() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommand
AddBlockToPageCommand::getPage() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommand
AddBlockToPageCommand::getArea() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommand
AddBlockToPageCommand::getData() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommand
BlockCommand::getBlockID() — Method in class BlockCommand
BlockCommand::getPageID() — Method in class BlockCommand
BlockCommand::getCollectionVersionID() — Method in class BlockCommand
BlockCommand::getAreaHandle() — Method in class BlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::getOriginalBlockID() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::getOriginalPageID() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::getOriginalCollectionVersionID() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::getOriginalAreaHandle() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::getForceDisplayOrder() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
UpdatePageBlockCommand::getBlock() — Method in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
UpdatePageBlockCommand::getData() — Method in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
UpdatePageBlockCommand::getPage() — Method in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
CustomStyle::getStyleWrapper() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCSS() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCustomStyleClass() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getContainerClass() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCustomStyleID() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCustomStyleElementAttribute() — Method in class CustomStyle
BlockBeforeRender::getBlock() — Method in class BlockBeforeRender
BlockDuplicate::getNewBlock() — Method in class BlockDuplicate
BlockDuplicate::getOldBlock() — Method in class BlockDuplicate
BlockEvent::getSubject() — Method in class BlockEvent

Overridden to provide typehint

BlockEvent::getPage() — Method in class BlockEvent

The page attached to this event

BlockOutput::getBlock() — Method in class BlockOutput
BlockOutput::getContents() — Method in class BlockOutput
Manager::getMenu() — Method in class Manager
Menu::getPermissions() — Method in class Menu
Menu::getBlock() — Method in class Menu
Menu::getPage() — Method in class Menu
Menu::getArea() — Method in class Menu
GetBlockToEditTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Traits

A port of \Concrete\Controller\Backend\UserInterface\Block::getBlockToEdit functionality that can be more easily included in different situations

GetBlockToEditTrait::getBlockToWorkWith() — Method in class GetBlockToEditTrait

Given a page, area handle and block ID, retrieves a block to work with. This function exists because if the area in question is global we have to retrieve a block differently and set different data on it.

GetBlockToEditTrait::getBlockToEdit() — Method in class GetBlockToEditTrait

Given a block we do things like ensure the proper version of the page for that block is loaded (and sometimes create a new version); we relate edits to pages if the block is in a stack, etc.

BlockView::getAreaObject() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::getBlockPath() — Method in class BlockView

Returns the path to the current block's directory.

BlockView::getBlockURL() — Method in class BlockView

Returns a relative path to the current block's directory. If a filename is specified it will be appended and searched for as well.

BlockView::getBlock() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::getScopeItems() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::getThemePath() — Method in class BlockView
BlockViewTemplate::getPackageList() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
BlockViewTemplate::getBasePath() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
BlockViewTemplate::getBaseURL() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
BlockViewTemplate::getTemplate() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
AddCustomSlotToBoardCommandHandler::getRuleType() — Method in class AddCustomSlotToBoardCommandHandler
BoardDetailsTrait::getName() — Method in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardDetailsTrait::getTemplate() — Method in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardDetailsTrait::getSite() — Method in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardDetailsTrait::getSortBy() — Method in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardInstanceTrait::getInstance() — Method in class BoardInstanceTrait
BoardSlotCommand::getSlot() — Method in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommand::getBlockID() — Method in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommand::getStartDate() — Method in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommand::getEndDate() — Method in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommandHandler::getRuleType() — Method in class BoardSlotCommandHandler
BoardTrait::getBoard() — Method in class BoardTrait
ClearSlotFromBoardCommand::getSlot() — Method in class ClearSlotFromBoardCommand
CreateBoardInstanceCommand::getBoardInstanceName() — Method in class CreateBoardInstanceCommand
CreateBoardInstanceCommand::getSite() — Method in class CreateBoardInstanceCommand
DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommand::getRule() — Method in class DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommand
EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommand::getTemplateIDs() — Method in class EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommand
GenerateBoardInstanceCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
PinSlotToBoardCommandHandler::getRuleType() — Method in class PinSlotToBoardCommandHandler
PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommand::getRetrieveDataObjectsAfter() — Method in class PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommand
PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::getBoardInstanceSlotRuleID() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::getStartDate() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::getEndDate() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::getStartTime() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::getEndTime() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::getSlot() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::getTimezone() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::getName() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommand::getWeightings() — Method in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommand
CalendarEventDriver::getIconFormatter() — Method in class CalendarEventDriver
CalendarEventDriver::getConfigurationFormElement() — Method in class CalendarEventDriver
CalendarEventDriver::getSaver() — Method in class CalendarEventDriver
CalendarEventDriver::getItemPopulator() — Method in class CalendarEventDriver
CalendarEventDriver::getContentPopulator() — Method in class CalendarEventDriver
CalendarEventDriver::getItemFilterer() — Method in class CalendarEventDriver
DriverInterface::getIconFormatter() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getConfigurationFormElement() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getSaver() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getItemPopulator() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getItemFilterer() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getContentPopulator() — Method in class DriverInterface
PageDriver::getIconFormatter() — Method in class PageDriver
PageDriver::getConfigurationFormElement() — Method in class PageDriver
PageDriver::getSaver() — Method in class PageDriver
PageDriver::getItemPopulator() — Method in class PageDriver
PageDriver::getContentPopulator() — Method in class PageDriver
PageDriver::getItemFilterer() — Method in class PageDriver
AbstractCustomElementCommand::getElementName() — Method in class AbstractCustomElementCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::getTimezone() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::getRuleType() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::getUser() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::getNotes() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::getBatchIdentifier() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::getElement() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::getInstances() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::getStartDateTime() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::getEndDateTime() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::getTimezone() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::getLockType() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::getSlot() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand::getElement() — Method in class SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand
SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand::getItems() — Method in class SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand
ItemSegmenter::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class ItemSegmenter
ItemSegmenter::getBoardItemsForInstance() — Method in class ItemSegmenter

Responsible for Getting board data items and returning them. This may involve taking a sub-set of all data objects, for example, or it may involve complex weighting. Used by create board instance commands and other commands that populate content into boards.

CalendarEventData::getOccurrenceID() — Method in class CalendarEventData
PageData::getPageID() — Method in class PageData
AbstractPopulator::getDataObjects() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getObjectRelevantDate() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getObjectRelevantThumbnail() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getObjectUniqueItemId() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getObjectName() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getObjectData() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getObjectTags() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getObjectCategories() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getPopulationDayIntervalFutureDatetime() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
AbstractPopulator::getPopulationDayIntervalPastDatetime() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getDataObjects() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getObjectUniqueItemId() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getObjectRelevantThumbnail() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getObjectRelevantDate() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getObjectName() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getObjectData() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getObjectCategories() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getObjectTags() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
PagePopulator::getDataObjects() — Method in class PagePopulator
PagePopulator::getObjectRelevantDate() — Method in class PagePopulator
PagePopulator::getObjectUniqueItemId() — Method in class PagePopulator
PagePopulator::getObjectName() — Method in class PagePopulator
PagePopulator::getObjectData() — Method in class PagePopulator
PagePopulator::getObjectRelevantThumbnail() — Method in class PagePopulator
PagePopulator::getObjectCategories() — Method in class PagePopulator
PagePopulator::getObjectTags() — Method in class PagePopulator
AvailableObject::getSlot() — Method in class AvailableObject
AvailableObject::getItem() — Method in class AvailableObject
AvailableObject::getContentObject() — Method in class AvailableObject
AvailableObjectCollectionFactory::generateCombinations() — Method in class AvailableObjectCollectionFactory
AvailableObjectCollectionFactory::getObjectCollectionsForTemplate() — Method in class AvailableObjectCollectionFactory

Given a particular slot template and an array of ItemObjectGroup objects, return all possible ObjectCollections for admin editors to choose from.

ContentPopulator::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class ContentPopulator
ContentRenderer::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class ContentRenderer
ItemObjectGroup::getItem() — Method in class ItemObjectGroup
ItemObjectGroup::getContentObjects() — Method in class ItemObjectGroup
ObjectCollection::getContentObjects() — Method in class ObjectCollection
ObjectInterface::getSlotContentObjectTitle() — Method in class ObjectInterface

Returns the title of the content object. Useful in admin interfaces when we choose from potential content object form factors

AbstractPopulator::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
CalendarEventPopulator::getDataClass() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
PagePopulator::getDataClass() — Method in class PagePopulator
PopulatorInterface::getDataClass() — Method in class PopulatorInterface
SummaryObject::getSummaryObject() — Method in class SummaryObject
SummaryObject::getSlotContentObjectTitle() — Method in class SummaryObject

Returns the title of the content object. Useful in admin interfaces when we choose from potential content object form factors

SummaryObject::getDesignTags() — Method in class SummaryObject
TemplateLocator::getFileToRender() — Method in class TemplateLocator
Manager::getMenu() — Method in class Manager
PlannedInstance::getInstance() — Method in class PlannedInstance
PlannedInstance::getContentObjectGroups() — Method in class PlannedInstance
PlannedInstance::getPlannedSlot() — Method in class PlannedInstance
PlannedInstance::getPlannedSlots() — Method in class PlannedInstance
PlannedSlot::getSlot() — Method in class PlannedSlot
PlannedSlot::getTemplate() — Method in class PlannedSlot
PlannedSlot::getDesignTags() — Method in class PlannedSlot
PlannedSlotTemplate::getSlotTemplate() — Method in class PlannedSlotTemplate
PlannedSlotTemplate::getObjectCollection() — Method in class PlannedSlotTemplate
Planner::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class Planner
Planner::getVerificationChecksRun() — Method in class Planner
PossibleContentObjectCollection::getArray() — Method in class PossibleContentObjectCollection
SlotFilterer::getPotentialSlotTemplates() — Method in class SlotFilterer

Given a planned instance and a slot number, get all potential templates that could work. This filters out templates not available for the current board instance, as well as templates that have more content slots than what are remaining in the planned instance object.

SlotFilterer::getPossibleContentObjectCollection() — Method in class SlotFilterer
RenderedSlot::getBlockID() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::getSlot() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::getInstance() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::getSlotType() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::getBoardInstanceSlotRuleID() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlotCollection::getRenderedSlot() — Method in class RenderedSlotCollection
RenderedSlotCollectionFactory::getCurrentRules() — Method in class RenderedSlotCollectionFactory
RenderedSlotCollectionFactory::getRenderedSlotsFromRules() — Method in class RenderedSlotCollectionFactory
AbstractFormatter::getRuleName() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
BoardDesignerSharedSlotFormatter::getRuleActionDescription() — Method in class BoardDesignerSharedSlotFormatter
CustomSlotContentFormatter::getRuleActionDescription() — Method in class CustomSlotContentFormatter
FormatterInterface::getRuleActionDescription() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getRuleName() — Method in class FormatterInterface
SlotPinnedFormatter::getRuleActionDescription() — Method in class SlotPinnedFormatter
AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory::getAllSlotTemplates() — Method in class AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory
AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory::getBoardSlotTemplates() — Method in class AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory
AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory::getAvailableTemplates() — Method in class AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory
ItemProviderInterface::getItem() — Method in class ItemProviderInterface
BlogDriver::getTotalSlots() — Method in class BlogDriver
BlogDriver::getLayoutPlanner() — Method in class BlogDriver
DriverInterface::getTotalSlots() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getLayoutPlanner() — Method in class DriverInterface
ThreeByThreeDriver::getTotalSlots() — Method in class ThreeByThreeDriver
ThreeByThreeDriver::getLayoutPlanner() — Method in class ThreeByThreeDriver
BlogImageLeftDriver::getTotalContentSlots() — Method in class BlogImageLeftDriver
BlogImageLeftDriver::getSlotFilterer() — Method in class BlogImageLeftDriver
BlogImageRightDriver::getTotalContentSlots() — Method in class BlogImageRightDriver
BlogImageRightDriver::getSlotFilterer() — Method in class BlogImageRightDriver
BlogThreeUpDriver::getTotalContentSlots() — Method in class BlogThreeUpDriver
BlogThreeUpDriver::getSlotFilterer() — Method in class BlogThreeUpDriver
BlogTwoUpDriver::getTotalContentSlots() — Method in class BlogTwoUpDriver
BlogTwoUpDriver::getSlotFilterer() — Method in class BlogTwoUpDriver
DriverInterface::getTotalContentSlots() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getSlotFilterer() — Method in class DriverInterface
TemplateLocator::getFileToRender() — Method in class TemplateLocator
DoctrineCacheDriver::getC5Cache() — Method in class DoctrineCacheDriver
Cache::getPool() — Method in class Cache
Cache::getItem() — Method in class Cache

Gets a value from the cache.

CacheInterface::getItem() — Method in class CacheInterface

Gets a value from the cache.

CacheLocal::get() — Method in class CacheLocal
CacheLocal::getEntry() — Method in class CacheLocal
ClearCacheCommandHandler::getCaches() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler

A generator that populates the cache objects from the container

RedisStashDriver::getRedisInstance() — Method in class RedisStashDriver

Decides whether to return a Redis Instance or RedisArray Instance depending on the number of servers passed to it.

RedisStashDriver::getRedisServers() — Method in class RedisStashDriver
RedisStashDriver::getData() — Method in class RedisStashDriver
FilePageCache::getRecord() — Method in class FilePageCache

Get the cached item for a page or a request.

FilePageCache::getCacheFile() — Method in class FilePageCache
PageCache::getLibrary() — Method in class PageCache

Get the page cache library.

PageCache::getCacheHeaders() — Method in class PageCache

Get the cache-related HTTP headers for a page.

PageCache::getCacheKey() — Method in class PageCache

Get the key that identifies the cache entry for a page or a request.

PageCache::getCacheHost() — Method in class PageCache

Get the host name under which the page or request belongs to.

PageCache::getRecord() — Method in class PageCache

Get the cached item for a page or a request.

PageCacheRecord::getCanonicalURL() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
PageCacheRecord::getCacheRecordExpiration() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
PageCacheRecord::getCacheRecordContent() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
PageCacheRecord::getCacheRecordHeaders() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
PageCacheRecord::getCacheRecordKey() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
RedisPageCache::getRecord() — Method in class RedisPageCache
RedisPageCache::getCacheItem() — Method in class RedisPageCache
Calendar::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Calendar

Get the registered name of the component.

CalendarServiceProvider::getLinkFormatter() — Method in class CalendarServiceProvider
CalendarServiceProvider::getDateFormatter() — Method in class CalendarServiceProvider
CalendarService::getList() — Method in class CalendarService
CalendarService::getByID() — Method in class CalendarService
CalendarService::getByName() — Method in class CalendarService
CalendarEventCommand::getEventID() — Method in class CalendarEventCommand
EditResponse::getEventVersion() — Method in class EditResponse
EditResponse::getJSONObject() — Method in class EditResponse

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

Event::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Event

Get the registered name of the component.

EventList::getResult() — Method in class EventList
EventList::getTotalResults() — Method in class EventList

Returns the total results in this item list.

EventList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class EventList
EventOccurrence::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class EventOccurrence

Get the registered name of the component.

EventOccurrenceFactory::generateOccurrences() — Method in class EventOccurrenceFactory
EventOccurrenceList::getTimezone() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::getResult() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::groupByEvent() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::getTotalResults() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList

Returns the total results in this item list.

EventOccurrenceList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceService::getByID() — Method in class EventOccurrenceService
EventOccurrenceService::getByOccurrenceID() — Method in class EventOccurrenceService

This code below retrieves based on the occurrence ID which can remain the same across versions.

EventRepetition::getID() — Method in class EventRepetition
EventRepetitionService::getByID() — Method in class EventRepetitionService
EventService::getByID() — Method in class EventService
EventService::getVersionByID() — Method in class EventService
EventService::getVersionToModify() — Method in class EventService

Returns a new calendar event version object, duplicated from the most recent one – or if the event has no version objects simply returns a new one.

EventService::generateDefaultOccurrences() — Method in class EventService

Handles generating occurrences with the default start and end times

DuplicateEventEvent::getEntityManager() — Method in class DuplicateEventEvent
DuplicateEventEvent::getNewEventObject() — Method in class DuplicateEventEvent
DateFormatter::getOccurrenceDateString() — Method in class DateFormatter
LinkFormatter::getEventOccurrenceBackgroundColor() — Method in class LinkFormatter
LinkFormatter::getEventOccurrenceTextColor() — Method in class LinkFormatter
LinkFormatter::getEventOccurrenceLinkObject() — Method in class LinkFormatter
LinkFormatter::getEventOccurrenceFrontendViewLink() — Method in class LinkFormatter
LinkFormatter::getEventFrontendViewLink() — Method in class LinkFormatter
LinkFormatterInterface::getEventOccurrenceBackgroundColor() — Method in class LinkFormatterInterface
LinkFormatterInterface::getEventOccurrenceTextColor() — Method in class LinkFormatterInterface
LinkFormatterInterface::getEventOccurrenceLinkObject() — Method in class LinkFormatterInterface
LinkFormatterInterface::getEventOccurrenceFrontendViewLink() — Method in class LinkFormatterInterface
LinkFormatterInterface::getEventFrontendViewLink() — Method in class LinkFormatterInterface
EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommand::getTemplateIDs() — Method in class EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommand
Event::getEventObject() — Method in class Event
Event::getWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class Event
ProgressList::getResult() — Method in class ProgressList
Preferences::getPreferredViewPath() — Method in class Preferences
Preferences::getCalendarTopicsAttributeKey() — Method in class Preferences
ConfigurableCaptchaInterface::getLabelAttributes() — Method in class ConfigurableCaptchaInterface

Get the custom attributes for the captcha label field.

ConfigurableCaptchaInterface::getPictureAttributes() — Method in class ConfigurableCaptchaInterface

Get the custom attributes for the captcha picture.

ConfigurableCaptchaInterface::getInputAttributes() — Method in class ConfigurableCaptchaInterface

Get the custom attributes of the captcha input field.

Library::getSystemCaptchaLibraryHandle() — Method in class Library

Get the library handle.

Library::getSystemCaptchaLibraryName() — Method in class Library

Get the library name.

Library::getPackageID() — Method in class Library

Get the package ID (or 0 if it's a core library).

Library::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Library

Get the package handle (or false if it's a core library).

Library::getPackageObject() — Method in class Library

Get the package instance (or null if it's a core library).

Library::getActive() — Method in class Library

Get the active library.

Library::getByHandle() — Method in class Library

Get a library given its handle.

Library::getList() — Method in class Library

Retrieve all the installed libraries.

Library::getListByPackage() — Method in class Library

Retrieve the libraries installed by a package.

Library::getController() — Method in class Library

Returns the controller class for the currently selected captcha library.

RecaptchaV3Controller::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class RecaptchaV3Controller
SecurimageController::getLabelAttributes() — Method in class SecurimageController

Get the custom attributes for the captcha label field.

SecurimageController::getPictureAttributes() — Method in class SecurimageController

Get the custom attributes for the captcha picture.

SecurimageController::getInputAttributes() — Method in class SecurimageController

Get the custom attributes of the captcha input field.

Batch::getName() — Method in class Batch
Batch::getMessages() — Method in class Batch
Batch::getWrappedMessages() — Method in class Batch
BatchAwareTrait::getBatch() — Method in class BatchAwareTrait
BatchProcessMessageInterface::getBatch() — Method in class BatchProcessMessageInterface

Returns the UUID of the batch this message belongs to.

HandleBatchMessageCommand::getMessage() — Method in class HandleBatchMessageCommand
HandleBatchMessageCommand::getBatch() — Method in class HandleBatchMessageCommand
BatchStamp::getBatchId() — Method in class BatchStamp
AbstractFailedMessageCommandHandler::getReceiverFromCommand() — Method in class AbstractFailedMessageCommandHandler
DeleteProcessCommand::getProcessId() — Method in class DeleteProcessCommand
DeleteScheduledTaskCommand::getScheduledTaskId() — Method in class DeleteScheduledTaskCommand
HandleProcessMessageCommand::getMessage() — Method in class HandleProcessMessageCommand
HandleProcessMessageCommand::getProcess() — Method in class HandleProcessMessageCommand
ProcessMessageInterface::getProcess() — Method in class ProcessMessageInterface

Returns the UUID of the process this message belongs to.

RetryFailedMessageCommand::getMessageId() — Method in class RetryFailedMessageCommand
RetryFailedMessageCommand::getReceiverName() — Method in class RetryFailedMessageCommand
RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler
ProcessEvent::getProcess() — Method in class ProcessEvent
FileLogger::getLogFileName() — Method in class FileLogger
FileLogger::getFilePath() — Method in class FileLogger
RunningProcessesController::getMenuItemLinkElement() — Method in class RunningProcessesController
ProcessResponseFactory::getData() — Method in class ProcessResponseFactory
ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand::getTask() — Method in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand
ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand::getInput() — Method in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand
ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand::getOutput() — Method in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand
AbstractController::getHelpText() — Method in class AbstractController
AbstractController::getConsoleCommandName() — Method in class AbstractController
AbstractController::getInputDefinition() — Method in class AbstractController
CheckAutomatedGroupsController::getName() — Method in class CheckAutomatedGroupsController
CheckAutomatedGroupsController::getDescription() — Method in class CheckAutomatedGroupsController
CheckAutomatedGroupsController::getInputDefinition() — Method in class CheckAutomatedGroupsController
CheckAutomatedGroupsController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class CheckAutomatedGroupsController
ClearCacheController::getName() — Method in class ClearCacheController
ClearCacheController::getDescription() — Method in class ClearCacheController
ClearCacheController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class ClearCacheController
ControllerInterface::getName() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getConsoleCommandName() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getDescription() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getHelpText() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getTaskRunner() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getInputDefinition() — Method in class ControllerInterface
CustomJavascriptReportController::getName() — Method in class CustomJavascriptReportController
CustomJavascriptReportController::getConsoleCommandName() — Method in class CustomJavascriptReportController
CustomJavascriptReportController::getDescription() — Method in class CustomJavascriptReportController
CustomJavascriptReportController::getTestSuite() — Method in class CustomJavascriptReportController
CustomJavascriptReportController::getResult() — Method in class CustomJavascriptReportController
CustomJavascriptReportController::getResultGrader() — Method in class CustomJavascriptReportController
DeactivateUsersController::getName() — Method in class DeactivateUsersController
DeactivateUsersController::getDescription() — Method in class DeactivateUsersController
DeactivateUsersController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class DeactivateUsersController
GenerateSitemapControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
GenerateSitemapController::getName() — Method in class GenerateSitemapController
GenerateSitemapController::getDescription() — Method in class GenerateSitemapController
GenerateSitemapController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class GenerateSitemapController
GenerateThumbnailsControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
GenerateThumbnailsController::getName() — Method in class GenerateThumbnailsController
GenerateThumbnailsController::getDescription() — Method in class GenerateThumbnailsController
GenerateThumbnailsController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class GenerateThumbnailsController
PageCacheReportController::getName() — Method in class PageCacheReportController
PageCacheReportController::getConsoleCommandName() — Method in class PageCacheReportController
PageCacheReportController::getDescription() — Method in class PageCacheReportController
PageCacheReportController::getTestSuite() — Method in class PageCacheReportController
PageCacheReportController::getResultGrader() — Method in class PageCacheReportController
ProcessEmailController::getName() — Method in class ProcessEmailController
ProcessEmailController::getDescription() — Method in class ProcessEmailController
ProcessEmailController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class ProcessEmailController
ProductionStatusController::getName() — Method in class ProductionStatusController
ProductionStatusController::getConsoleCommandName() — Method in class ProductionStatusController
ProductionStatusController::getDescription() — Method in class ProductionStatusController
ProductionStatusController::getTestSuite() — Method in class ProductionStatusController
ProductionStatusController::getResultGrader() — Method in class ProductionStatusController
ReindexContentController::getName() — Method in class ReindexContentController
ReindexContentController::getDescription() — Method in class ReindexContentController
ReindexContentController::getInputDefinition() — Method in class ReindexContentController
ReindexContentController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class ReindexContentController
RemoveOldFileAttachmentsController::getName() — Method in class RemoveOldFileAttachmentsController
RemoveOldFileAttachmentsController::getDescription() — Method in class RemoveOldFileAttachmentsController
RemoveOldFileAttachmentsController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class RemoveOldFileAttachmentsController
RemoveOldPageVersionsController::getName() — Method in class RemoveOldPageVersionsController
RemoveOldPageVersionsController::getDescription() — Method in class RemoveOldPageVersionsController
RemoveOldPageVersionsController::getInputDefinition() — Method in class RemoveOldPageVersionsController
RemoveOldPageVersionsController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class RemoveOldPageVersionsController
RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController::getName() — Method in class RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController
RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController::getDescription() — Method in class RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController
RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController
RescanFilesController::getName() — Method in class RescanFilesController
RescanFilesController::getDescription() — Method in class RescanFilesController
RescanFilesController::getInputDefinition() — Method in class RescanFilesController
RescanFilesController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class RescanFilesController
UpdateStatisticsController::getName() — Method in class UpdateStatisticsController
UpdateStatisticsController::getDescription() — Method in class UpdateStatisticsController
UpdateStatisticsController::getInputDefinition() — Method in class UpdateStatisticsController
UpdateStatisticsController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class UpdateStatisticsController
Definition::getFields() — Method in class Definition
Field::getKey() — Method in class Field
Field::getLabel() — Method in class Field
Field::getDescription() — Method in class Field
Field::getShortcut() — Method in class Field
FieldInterface::getKey() — Method in class FieldInterface
FieldInterface::getLabel() — Method in class FieldInterface
FieldInterface::getDescription() — Method in class FieldInterface
SelectField::getOptions() — Method in class SelectField
SelectField::getConsoleDescription() — Method in class SelectField
Field::getKey() — Method in class Field
Field::getValue() — Method in class Field
FieldInterface::getKey() — Method in class FieldInterface
FieldInterface::getValue() — Method in class FieldInterface
Input::getField() — Method in class Input
Input::getFields() — Method in class Input
InputFactory::getRequestData() — Method in class InputFactory
InputInterface::getField() — Method in class InputInterface
MemoryOutput::getMessages() — Method in class MemoryOutput
BatchProcessTaskRunner::getProcess() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
BatchProcessTaskRunner::getTask() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
BatchProcessTaskRunner::getProcessStartedMessage() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
BatchProcessTaskRunner::getBatch() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
BatchProcessTaskRunner::getInput() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
BatchProcessTaskRunner::getTaskRunnerHandler() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
CommandTaskRunner::getTask() — Method in class CommandTaskRunner
CommandTaskRunner::getCommand() — Method in class CommandTaskRunner
CommandTaskRunner::getCompletionMessage() — Method in class CommandTaskRunner
CommandTaskRunner::getTaskRunnerHandler() — Method in class CommandTaskRunner
AbstractContext::getMessageBus() — Method in class AbstractContext
AbstractContext::getOutput() — Method in class AbstractContext
ContextFactory::getPushOutput() — Method in class ContextFactory
ContextInterface::getOutput() — Method in class ContextInterface
ProcessTaskRunner::getProcess() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunner::getTask() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunner::getMessage() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunner::getProcessStartedMessage() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunner::getInput() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunner::getTaskRunnerHandler() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunnerInterface::getProcess() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunnerInterface
ProcessStartedResponse::getMessage() — Method in class ProcessStartedResponse
ProcessStartedResponse::getProcess() — Method in class ProcessStartedResponse
ResponseInterface::getMessage() — Method in class ResponseInterface
TaskCompletedResponse::getMessage() — Method in class TaskCompletedResponse
TaskRunnerInterface::getTaskRunnerHandler() — Method in class TaskRunnerInterface
OutputStamp::getOutput() — Method in class OutputStamp
TaskInterface::getID() — Method in class TaskInterface
TaskInterface::getController() — Method in class TaskInterface
TaskService::getList() — Method in class TaskService
TaskService::getByID() — Method in class TaskService
TaskService::getByHandle() — Method in class TaskService
TaskService::getCurrentUserEntity() — Method in class TaskService
TaskSetService::getList() — Method in class TaskSetService
TaskSetService::getByHandle() — Method in class TaskSetService
TaskSetService::getGroupedTasks() — Method in class TaskSetService

Used in the tasks dashboard page, this returns a grouped set of tasks. If any tasks are not in a set they are added in a final set named 'Other'

ActivityService::getSlotContents() — Method in class ActivityService
ActivitySlotItem::getContent() — Method in class ActivitySlotItem
CompositeLoader::getNamespaces() — Method in class CompositeLoader

Returns all registered namespaces with the config loader.

CompositeLoader::getLoaders() — Method in class CompositeLoader

Get the loaders associated with this class, populate instances using the application as needed

ConfigStore::get() — Method in class ConfigStore

Get a config item.

ConfigStore::getListByPackage() — Method in class ConfigStore
DatabaseLoader::getNamespaces() — Method in class DatabaseLoader

Returns all registered namespaces with the config loader.

DatabaseSaver::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseSaver
DirectFileSaver::getStorageDirectory() — Method in class DirectFileSaver
DirectFileSaver::getFilename() — Method in class DirectFileSaver
RedisLoader::getNamespaces() — Method in class RedisLoader

Returns all registered namespaces with the config loader.

FileLoader::getNamespaces() — Method in class FileLoader

Returns all registered namespaces with the config loader.

FileLoader::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileLoader

Get the Filesystem instance.

FileLoader::getPackagePath() — Method in class FileLoader

Get the package path for an environment and group.

FileLoader::getPath() — Method in class FileLoader

Get the configuration path for a namespace.

FileLoader::getRequire() — Method in class FileLoader

Get a file's contents by requiring it.

FileLoader::getNamespaceDefaultPaths() — Method in class FileLoader
FileSaver::getStorageDirectory() — Method in class FileSaver
FileSaver::getFilename() — Method in class FileSaver
LoaderInterface::getNamespaces() — Method in class LoaderInterface

Returns all registered namespaces with the config loader.

Liaison::get() — Method in class Liaison
Liaison::getRepository() — Method in class Liaison
Liaison::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class Liaison
Repository::get() — Method in class Repository

Get the specified configuration value.

Repository::getNamespaces() — Method in class Repository

Returns all registered namespaces with the config loader.

Repository::getLoader() — Method in class Repository

Get the loader implementation.

Repository::getSaver() — Method in class Repository

Get the saver implementation.

Repository::getEnvironment() — Method in class Repository

Get the current configuration environment.

Repository::getAfterLoadCallbacks() — Method in class Repository

Get the after load callback array.

Repository::getItems() — Method in class Repository

Get all of the configuration items.

Repository::getPackageNamespace() — Method in class Repository

Get the configuration namespace for a package.

Repository::getCollection() — Method in class Repository

Get the collection identifier.

Application::getConcrete5() — Method in class Application
Application::getConcrete() — Method in class Application

Get the concrete5 application instance

Command::getApplication() — Method in class Command
Command::getArguments() — Method in class Command

Get the arguments for this command.

Command::getOptions() — Method in class Command

Get the options for this command.

CommandRegistry::getMigrationConfiguration() — Method in class CommandRegistry
ConfigCommand::getRepository() — Method in class ConfigCommand
GenerateFileIdentifiersCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
GenerateIDESymbolsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
GenerateIDESymbolsCommand::generatePHPStorm() — Method in class GenerateIDESymbolsCommand
GenerateIDESymbolsCommand::generateIDEClasses() — Method in class GenerateIDESymbolsCommand
GenerateSitemapCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
InstallCommand::getQuestion() — Method in class InstallCommand

Do some procedural work to a row in the wizard step list to turn it into a proper question.

InstallCommand::getWizard() — Method in class InstallCommand

A wizard generator.

InstallCommand::getQuestionString() — Method in class InstallCommand

Take an option and return a question string.

InstallCommand::getPreconditionsPassed() — Method in class InstallCommand
InstallCommand::getFinalOptions() — Method in class InstallCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::getTranslationsData() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
TranslatePackageCommand::guessPackageDetails() — Method in class TranslatePackageCommand
ConsoleAwareTrait::getOutput() — Method in class ConsoleAwareTrait

Get an output object

ConsoleAwareTrait::getInput() — Method in class ConsoleAwareTrait

Get an input object

OutputStyle::getColumnWidths() — Method in class OutputStyle
AbstractController::getRequest() — Method in class AbstractController

Get the current request instance.

AbstractController::getSets() — Method in class AbstractController

Get the values to be sent to views.

AbstractController::getHelperObjects() — Method in class AbstractController

Get the the helpers that will be be automatically sent to Views as variables.

AbstractController::get() — Method in class AbstractController

Get the whole $_GET array or a specific querystring value.

AbstractController::getTask() — Method in class AbstractController
AbstractController::getAction() — Method in class AbstractController

Get the action to be performed.

AbstractController::getParameters() — Method in class AbstractController

Get the action parameters.

ApplicationAwareControllerResolver::getController() — Method in class ApplicationAwareControllerResolver
Controller::getTheme() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getThemeViewTemplate() — Method in class Controller

Returns the wrapper file that holds the content of the view. Usually view.php.

Controller::getControllerActionPath() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getViewPath() — Method in class Controller

Get the path to the view file.

Controller::getViewObject() — Method in class Controller
ElementController::getElement() — Method in class ElementController

Get the element name.

ElementController::getViewObject() — Method in class ElementController

Get the view instance to be used when rendering the view.

ElementController::getPackageHandle() — Method in class ElementController

Get the handle of the package defining this element.

FunctionController::getFunctionName() — Method in class FunctionController
DashboardExpressEntityTrait::getBackURL() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntityTrait
DashboardExpressEntityTrait::getExpressEntity() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntityTrait
DashboardExpressEntityTrait::getHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntityTrait
DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::getBackURL() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::getCreateURL() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::getEditEntryURL() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::getViewEntryURL() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::getPageObject() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::getHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::getAdvancedSearchDialogPath() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::getHeaderSearch() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::getQueryFactory() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::getSearchProvider() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::getSearchKeywordsField() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTrait::getHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTrait
AbstractConversationMessageCommand::getMessage() — Method in class AbstractConversationMessageCommand
Conversation::getConversationID() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationParentMessageID() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationDateCreated() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationDateLastMessage() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationMessagesTotal() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationMaxFileSizeGuest() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationMaxFileSizeRegistered() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationMaxFilesGuest() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationMaxFilesRegistered() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationFileExtensions() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationAttachmentOverridesEnabled() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationAttachmentsEnabled() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationNotificationOverridesEnabled() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getByID() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationPageObject() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationMessageUsers() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationSubscriptionEnabled() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getConversationUsersToEmail() — Method in class Conversation

Similar to the method below, but excludes global subscribers who have opted out of conversations, etc... This method should be used any time we actually act on subscriptions, send emails, etc.

Conversation::getConversationSubscribedUsers() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::getDefaultSubscribedUsers() — Method in class Conversation
ConversationService::getConnection() — Method in class ConversationService
Editor::getConversationEditorAssetPointers() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getConversationEditorInputName() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getConversationObject() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getConversationMessageObject() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getConversationEditorMessageBody() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getConversationEditorHandle() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getConversationEditorID() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getConversationEditorName() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getPackageID() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Editor

Looks up and returns the Package.

Editor::getPackageObject() — Method in class Editor

Looks up and returns a Package object for the current Editor's Package ID.

Editor::getActive() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getByID() — Method in class Editor

Returns the appropriate conversation editor object for the given cnvEditorID.

Editor::getByHandle() — Method in class Editor

Returns the appropriate conversation editor object for the given cnvEditorHandle.

Editor::getList() — Method in class Editor

Returns an array of all Editor Objects.

Editor::getListByPackage() — Method in class Editor

Returns an array of all Editor objects for the given package object.

MarkdownEditor::getConversationEditorAssetPointers() — Method in class MarkdownEditor
PlainTextEditor::getConversationEditorAssetPointers() — Method in class PlainTextEditor
RichTextEditor::getConversationEditorAssetPointers() — Method in class RichTextEditor
FlagType::getConversationFlagTypeHandle() — Method in class FlagType
FlagType::getConversationFlagTypeID() — Method in class FlagType
FlagType::getByID() — Method in class FlagType
FlagType::getByHandle() — Method in class FlagType
FlagTypeList::get() — Method in class FlagTypeList

Returns an array of whatever objects extends this class (e.g. PageList returns a list of pages).

FrontendController::getPageID() — Method in class FrontendController

Get the page ID as specified by the request.

FrontendController::getPage() — Method in class FrontendController

Get the page as specified by the request.

FrontendController::getAreaHandle() — Method in class FrontendController

Get the handle of the area as specified by the request.

FrontendController::getArea() — Method in class FrontendController

Get the area as specified by the details of the request.

FrontendController::getBlockID() — Method in class FrontendController

Get the block ID as specified by the request.

FrontendController::getBlock() — Method in class FrontendController

Get the block instance as specified by the details of the request.

FrontendController::getBlockController() — Method in class FrontendController

Get the block controller as specified by the request.

FrontendController::getBlockConversation() — Method in class FrontendController

Get the block controller as specified by the request.

Author::getUser() — Method in class Author
Author::getName() — Method in class Author
Author::getWebsite() — Method in class Author
Author::getEmail() — Method in class Author
Author::getFormatter() — Method in class Author
AuthorFormatter::getDisplayName() — Method in class AuthorFormatter
AuthorFormatter::getLinkedAdministrativeDisplayName() — Method in class AuthorFormatter
AuthorFormatter::getAvatar() — Method in class AuthorFormatter
AuthorFormatter::getAvatarObject() — Method in class AuthorFormatter
Message::getConversationMessageID() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageSubject() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageBody() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageDateCreated() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationID() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationEditorID() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageLevel() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageParentID() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageSubmitIP() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageReview() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageSubmitUserAgent() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageFlagTypes() — Method in class Message
Message::getNotificationDate() — Method in class Message

Get the date of this notification

Message::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class Message

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

Message::getConversationMessageTotalRatingScore() — Method in class Message
Message::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Message
Message::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Message
Message::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Message
Message::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageAuthorObject() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageBodyOutput() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationObject() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageUserObject() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageUserID() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageDateTime() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageDateTimeOutput() — Method in class Message
Message::getConversationMessageRating() — Method in class Message
Message::getByID() — Method in class Message
Message::getAttachments() — Method in class Message
Message::getByAttachmentID() — Method in class Message
MessageEvent::getMessage() — Method in class MessageEvent
MessageList::get() — Method in class MessageList

Returns an array of whatever objects extends this class (e.g. PageList returns a list of pages).

NewMessage::getConversationMessage() — Method in class NewMessage
NewMessage::getNotificationDate() — Method in class NewMessage

Get the date of this notification

NewMessage::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class NewMessage

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

ThreadedList::get() — Method in class ThreadedList
ThreadedList::getTotal() — Method in class ThreadedList

Returns the total number of items found by this list.

ThreadedList::getMessages() — Method in class ThreadedList
Type::getRatingTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getRatingTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getList() — Method in class Type

Returns the list of all conversation rating types

Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getByID() — Method in class Type
Type::getListByPackage() — Method in class Type
Type::getConversationRatingTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getConversationRatingTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::getConversationRatingTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getConversationRatingTypePoints() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getConversationRatingTypeDisplayName() — Method in class Type

Returns the display name for this instance (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

CookieJar::getResponseCookies() — Method in class CookieJar

Get the object containing the response cookies.

CookieJar::get() — Method in class CookieJar

Get the value of a cookie (from response or from request) given its name.

CookieJar::getAll() — Method in class CookieJar

Get a list of cookie names and values (both from response and from request).

CookieJar::getCookies() — Method in class CookieJar
CookieJar::getRequest() — Method in class CookieJar

Get the request for this cookie jar.

ResponseCookieJar::getCookies() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

The list of new cookies to be added to the response.

ResponseCookieJar::getCookieByName() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

Get the response cookie given its name.

ResponseCookieJar::getClearedCookies() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

The names of the request cookies to be cleared out in response.

EscapeFormula::getSpecialCharacters() — Method in class EscapeFormula

Returns the list of character the instance will escape.

EscapeFormula::getEscape() — Method in class EscapeFormula

Returns the escape character.

AbstractExporter::getUnloadDoctrineEveryTick() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Get the number of ticks after which doctrine entities should be unloaded (0 for never).

AbstractExporter::getStaticHeaders() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Get the list of fixed headers.

AbstractExporter::getStaticFieldValues() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Get the list of fixed values of an object instance.

AbstractExporter::getObjectFromListResult() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Override this method if the item returned by an ItemList is not already an ObjectInterface instance.

AbstractExporter::getWriter() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Get the CSV Writer instance.

AbstractExporter::getCategory() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Get the attribute category to be used to export the data.

AbstractExporter::getAttributeKeysAndControllers() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Get a list the attribute keys and controllers for the current category.

DownloadStatisticsExporter::generateHeaders() — Method in class DownloadStatisticsExporter
DownloadStatisticsExporter::generateRecordList() — Method in class DownloadStatisticsExporter
DownloadStatisticsExporter::generateRecord() — Method in class DownloadStatisticsExporter
PageActivityExporter::getStaticHeaders() — Method in class PageActivityExporter

Get the list of fixed headers.

PageActivityExporter::getStaticFieldValues() — Method in class PageActivityExporter

Get the list of fixed values of an object instance.

PageActivityExporter::getLocalizedDate() — Method in class PageActivityExporter

Converts a system string date to a (localized) app string date.

UserExporter::getStaticHeaders() — Method in class UserExporter

Get the list of fixed headers.

UserExporter::getStaticFieldValues() — Method in class UserExporter

Get the list of fixed values of an object instance.

AbstractImporter::getStaticHeaders() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Get the list of fixed headers.

AbstractImporter::getObjectWithStaticValues() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Get or create a ObjectInterface instance starting from its static values.

AbstractImporter::getReader() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Get the CSV Reader instance.

AbstractImporter::getCategory() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Get the attribute category to be used to export the data.

AbstractImporter::getAttributesMap() — Method in class AbstractImporter
AbstractImporter::getAttributeKeysAndControllers() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Get a list the attribute keys and controllers for the current category.

CsvSchema::getRowIndex() — Method in class CsvSchema

Get the row index of the CSV header.

CsvSchema::getMissingHeaders() — Method in class CsvSchema

Get the list of missing headers.

CsvSchema::getStaticValues() — Method in class CsvSchema

Get the values of the cells associated to the static headers.

CsvSchema::getAttributesValues() — Method in class CsvSchema

Get the values of the cells associated to the attributes.

CsvSchema::getUnrecognizedHeaders() — Method in class CsvSchema

Get the list of unrecognized headers.

ImportResult::getErrors() — Method in class ImportResult

Get the list of import errros.

ImportResult::getWarnings() — Method in class ImportResult

Get the list of import warnings.

ImportResult::getLastDataRowIndex() — Method in class ImportResult

Get the index of the last processed row (if any).

ImportResult::getTotalDataRowsProcessed() — Method in class ImportResult

Get the total number of the data rows processed.

ImportResult::getImportSuccessCount() — Method in class ImportResult

Get the total number successfully imported rows.

ImportResult::getDataCollected() — Method in class ImportResult

Get the data collected during the import process.

InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination::getCharacterSet() — Method in class InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination
InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination::getCollation() — Method in class InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination
InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination::getCharsetForCollation() — Method in class InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination
LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation::getCollation() — Method in class LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation
LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation::getWantedKeyLength() — Method in class LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation
UnsupportedCharacterSetException::getUnsupportedCharacterSet() — Method in class UnsupportedCharacterSetException
UnsupportedCollationException::getUnsupportedCollation() — Method in class UnsupportedCollationException
Manager::getRepository() — Method in class Manager
Resolver::getConfig() — Method in class Resolver

Get the configuration instance.

Resolver::getDefaultCharacterSet() — Method in class Resolver

Get the default character set.

Resolver::getCharacterSet() — Method in class Resolver

Get the character set.

Resolver::getDefaultCollation() — Method in class Resolver

Get the default collation.

Resolver::getCollation() — Method in class Resolver

Get the collation.

Resolver::getMaximumStringKeyLength() — Method in class Resolver

Get the maximum length of string fields that should be supported using the specified collation.

Connection::getEntityManager() — Method in class Connection
Connection::GetRow() — Method in class Connection
Connection::GetOne() — Method in class Connection
Connection::GetAll() — Method in class Connection
Connection::GetArray() — Method in class Connection
Connection::GetAssoc() — Method in class Connection
Connection::GetCol() — Method in class Connection
Connection::getSupportedCharsets() — Method in class Connection

Get the supported character sets and associated default collation.

Connection::getSupportedCollations() — Method in class Connection

Get the supported collations and the associated character sets.

Connection::getParams() — Method in class Connection
ConnectionFactory::getDriverManager() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Timezone::getCompatibleTimezones() — Method in class Timezone

Get a list of time zones that are compatible with the database.

Timezone::getDeltaTimezone() — Method in class Timezone

Check if a PHP time zone is compatible with the database timezone.

Timezone::getDatabaseTimestamps() — Method in class Timezone

Get a list of date/times checked against the database.

Timezone::getDatabaseTimezoneName() — Method in class Timezone

Get the database time zone name (example: 'SYSTEM').

DatabaseManager::getActiveConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Legacy entry point.

DatabaseManager::get() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Legacy entry point.

DatabaseManager::getConfig() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get the configuration for a connection.

DatabaseManager::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get the default connection name.

DatabaseManager::getConnections() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Return all of the created connections.

DatabaseManager::getFactory() — Method in class DatabaseManager
DatabaseManager::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
DatabaseManager::getConnectionNames() — Method in class DatabaseManager
DatabaseManager::getDefaultConnectionName() — Method in class DatabaseManager
DatabaseStructureManager::getEntityManager() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Get the entity manager object for this structure manager.

DatabaseStructureManager::getProxyDir() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Returns the proxies path.

DatabaseStructureManager::generateProxyClasses() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Generates the proxy classes for all the entities managed by this class.

DatabaseStructureManager::generateProxyClassesFor() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Generates the proxy classes for all given classes contained in the $metadatas array. Returns true on successful generation and false if there were no proxy classes to be generated.

DatabaseStructureManager::getMetadatas() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Returns the entity classes and their metadata. Loads this data if it has not been already loaded by this instancfe.

DriverManager::getDrivers() — Method in class DriverManager
DriverManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class DriverManager
Driver::getSchemaManager() — Method in class Driver
EntityManagerConfigFactory::getConfigRepository() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigFactory

Get configRepository

EntityManagerConfigFactory::getConfiguration() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigFactory

Add driverChain and get orm config

EntityManagerConfigFactory::getMetadataDriverImpl() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigFactory
EntityManagerConfigFactoryInterface::getConfiguration() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigFactoryInterface
EntityManagerConfigUpdater::getDriverChain() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigUpdater
ApplicationDriver::getDriver() — Method in class ApplicationDriver

Return the correct MappingDriver base on the application config

ApplicationDriver::getNamespace() — Method in class ApplicationDriver

Get eather the default application namespace, or the legacy appliation namespace

CoreDriver::getDriver() — Method in class CoreDriver

Get the AnnotationDriver

CoreDriver::getNamespace() — Method in class CoreDriver
Driver::getDriver() — Method in class Driver
Driver::getNamespace() — Method in class Driver
DriverInterface::getDriver() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getNamespace() — Method in class DriverInterface
AbstractPackageProvider::getLegacyAnnotationReader() — Method in class AbstractPackageProvider

Get LegacyAnnotationReader

AbstractPackageProvider::getStandardAnnotationReader() — Method in class AbstractPackageProvider

Get StandardAnnotationReader

AbstractPackageProvider::getAnnotationReader() — Method in class AbstractPackageProvider

Get the correct AnnotationReader based on the packages support for LegacyCore

DefaultPackageProvider::getDrivers() — Method in class DefaultPackageProvider
PackageProviderFactory::getEntityManagerProvider() — Method in class PackageProviderFactory

Get the EntityManager(Metadata)Provider

ProviderAggregateInterface::getEntityManagerProvider() — Method in class ProviderAggregateInterface
ProviderInterface::getDrivers() — Method in class ProviderInterface
StandardPackageProvider::getDrivers() — Method in class StandardPackageProvider
XmlProvider::getDrivers() — Method in class XmlProvider
YamlProvider::getDrivers() — Method in class YamlProvider
MySQL80Keywords::getName() — Method in class MySQL80Keywords
MySQL80Keywords::getKeywords() — Method in class MySQL80Keywords
MySQL80Platform::getReservedKeywordsClass() — Method in class MySQL80Platform
LikeBuilder::getAnyCharacterWildcard() — Method in class LikeBuilder

Get the wildcard that matches any number of characters in a LIKE query.

LikeBuilder::getOneCharacterWildcard() — Method in class LikeBuilder

Get the wildcard that matches exactly one character in a LIKE query.

LikeBuilder::getEscapeMap() — Method in class LikeBuilder

Get the string mapping used to escape special characters.

XmlParser::getDatabaseVersion() — Method in class XmlParser
Schema::getSchemaParser() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getCoreXMLSchema() — Method in class Schema
ProvidesTagsInterface::getDesignTags() — Method in class ProvidesTagsInterface
Tag::getValue() — Method in class Tag
TagCollection::getTags() — Method in class TagCollection
TagInspector::getTags() — Method in class TagInspector
TagInterface::getValue() — Method in class TagInterface
AppleDevice::getIconClass() — Method in class AppleDevice

Get the class to be used for this device's icon.

IPadDevice::getViewportHTML() — Method in class IPadDevice

Get the HTML for this device's viewport.

IPhone13Device::getViewportHTML() — Method in class IPhone13Device

Get the HTML for this device's viewport.

IPhone5Device::getViewportHTML() — Method in class IPhone5Device

Get the HTML for this device's viewport.

IPhone6Device::getViewportHTML() — Method in class IPhone6Device

Get the HTML for this device's viewport.

IPhone6PlusDevice::getViewportHTML() — Method in class IPhone6PlusDevice

Get the HTML for this device's viewport.

Device::getHandle() — Method in class Device

Get the device handle.

Device::getName() — Method in class Device

Get the device name.

Device::getBrand() — Method in class Device

Get the device brand.

Device::getUserAgent() — Method in class Device

Get the device user agent.

Device::getWidth() — Method in class Device

Get the screen width of the device in pixels Be sure to adjust this by the device pixel ratio.

Device::getHeight() — Method in class Device

Get the screen height of the device in pixels Be sure to adjust this by the device pixel ratio.

Device::getType() — Method in class Device

Get the devices type this is an int that maps to a constant on this class, UNKNOWN MOBILE TABLET or DESKTOP If testing against a device and not against "UNKNOWN", do not test this directly against a device type, instead use bitwise AND to test for the enum you'd like to test:.

Device::getPixelRatio() — Method in class Device

Get the device pixel ratio.

Device::getViewportHTML() — Method in class Device

Get the HTML for this device's viewport.

Device::getIconClass() — Method in class Device

Get the class to be used for this device's icon.

Device::getDefaultOrientation() — Method in class Device

Get the device's default orientation.

DeviceInterface::getHandle() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the device handle.

DeviceInterface::getName() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the device name.

DeviceInterface::getBrand() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the device brand.

DeviceInterface::getUserAgent() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the device user agent.

DeviceInterface::getWidth() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the screen width of the device in pixels Be sure to adjust this by the device pixel ratio.

DeviceInterface::getHeight() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the screen height of the device in pixels Be sure to adjust this by the device pixel ratio.

DeviceInterface::getType() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the devices type this is an int that maps to a constant on this class, UNKNOWN MOBILE TABLET or DESKTOP If testing against a device and not against "UNKNOWN", do not test this directly against a device type, instead use bitwise AND to test for the enum you'd like to test:.

DeviceInterface::getPixelRatio() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the device pixel ratio.

DeviceInterface::getViewportHTML() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the HTML for this device's viewport.

DeviceInterface::getIconClass() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the class to be used for this device's icon.

DeviceInterface::getDefaultOrientation() — Method in class DeviceInterface

Get the device's default orientation.

DeviceManager::get() — Method in class DeviceManager
DeviceManager::getList() — Method in class DeviceManager
DeviceManagerInterface::get() — Method in class DeviceManagerInterface
DeviceManagerInterface::getList() — Method in class DeviceManagerInterface
S5Device::getViewportHTML() — Method in class S5Device

Get the HTML for this device's viewport.

CkeditorEditor::getOptions() — Method in class CkeditorEditor
CkeditorEditor::getEditorInitJSFunction() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Generate the Javascript code that initialize the plugin.

CkeditorEditor::getStylesJson() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Returns a JSON Encoded string of styles.

CkeditorEditor::getPluginManager() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Get the plugin manager instance.

CkeditorEditor::getIdentifier() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Get the editor identifier.

CkeditorEditor::getEditorScript() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Get the HTML code to be used to initialize the editor.

CkeditorEditor::getLanguageOption() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Get the CKEditor language configuration.

CkeditorEditor::getEditorSnippetsAndClasses() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Build an object containing the CKEditor preconfigured snippets and classes.

EditorInterface::getPluginManager() — Method in class EditorInterface

Get the plugin manager instance.

Plugin::getRequiredAssets() — Method in class Plugin

Get the list of required assets for this plugin.

Plugin::getKey() — Method in class Plugin

Get the plugin key.

Plugin::getName() — Method in class Plugin

Get the plugin name.

Plugin::getDescription() — Method in class Plugin

Get the plugin description.

PluginManager::getAvailablePlugins() — Method in class PluginManager

Get the list of available plugins.

PluginManager::getSelectedPlugins() — Method in class PluginManager

Get the list of selected (enabled) plugin handles.

PluginManager::getSelectedPluginObjects() — Method in class PluginManager

Get the list of selected (enabled) plugin instances.

Snippet::getSystemContentEditorSnippetHandle() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::getSystemContentEditorSnippetName() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::getPackageID() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::getPackageObject() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::getByHandle() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::getList() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::getActiveList() — Method in class Snippet
Snippet::getListByPackage() — Method in class Snippet
Announcement::getId() — Method in class Announcement
Announcement::getHandle() — Method in class Announcement
Announcement::getDateCreated() — Method in class Announcement
Announcement::getController() — Method in class Announcement
AnnouncementUserView::getUser() — Method in class AnnouncementUserView
AnnouncementUserView::getAnnouncement() — Method in class AnnouncementUserView
AnnouncementUserView::getDateViewed() — Method in class AnnouncementUserView
Category::getAttributeKeyCategoryID() — Method in class Category
Category::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getController() — Method in class Category
Category::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class Category

Get the attribute key category.

Category::getAttributeSets() — Method in class Category
Category::getAttributeTypes() — Method in class Category
EventKey::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class EventKey
ExpressKey::getEntity() — Method in class ExpressKey
ExpressKey::getAttributeCategory() — Method in class ExpressKey
FileKey::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class FileKey
Key::getAttributeKeyID() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeKeyName() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeKeySettings() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeType() — Method in class Key

Get the attribute key type.

Key::getAttributeTypeHandle() — Method in class Key
Key::getController() — Method in class Key

Get the attribute key controller.

Key::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeCategoryEntity() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeCategory() — Method in class Key
Key::getExporter() — Method in class Key
Key::getControlView() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeKeyDisplayName() — Method in class Key
Key::getAttributeSets() — Method in class Key
Key::getSearchIndexer() — Method in class Key

Get the search indexer.

Key::getAttributeValueIDList() — Method in class Key
LegacyKey::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class LegacyKey
LegacyKey::getAttributeKeyIconSRC() — Method in class LegacyKey
PageKey::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class PageKey
AddressSettings::getDefaultCountry() — Method in class AddressSettings
AddressSettings::getCustomCountries() — Method in class AddressSettings
AddressSettings::geolocateCountry() — Method in class AddressSettings

Should we try to determine the Country starting from the visitor's IP address?

BooleanSettings::getCheckboxLabel() — Method in class BooleanSettings
BooleanSettings::getAttributeTypeHandle() — Method in class BooleanSettings
DateTimeSettings::getUseNowIfEmpty() — Method in class DateTimeSettings
DateTimeSettings::getMode() — Method in class DateTimeSettings
DateTimeSettings::getTextCustomFormat() — Method in class DateTimeSettings
DateTimeSettings::getTimeResolution() — Method in class DateTimeSettings

Get the time resolution (in seconds).

DurationSettings::getUnitType() — Method in class DurationSettings
ExpressSettings::getEntity() — Method in class ExpressSettings
ImageFileSettings::getMode() — Method in class ImageFileSettings
SelectSettings::getOptionList() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::getAllowMultipleValues() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::getAllowOtherValues() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::getHideNoneOption() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::getDisplayOrder() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::getDisplayMultipleValuesOnSelect() — Method in class SelectSettings
Settings::getAttributeKey() — Method in class Settings
Settings::getAttributeType() — Method in class Settings
Settings::getController() — Method in class Settings
TextSettings::getPlaceholder() — Method in class TextSettings
TextareaSettings::getMode() — Method in class TextareaSettings
TopicsSettings::getTopicTreeID() — Method in class TopicsSettings
TopicsSettings::getParentNodeID() — Method in class TopicsSettings
TopicsSettings::getTopicTreeObject() — Method in class TopicsSettings
UserGroupSettings::getDisplayGroupsBeneathParentID() — Method in class UserGroupSettings
UserGroupSettings::getGroupSelectionMethod() — Method in class UserGroupSettings
SiteKey::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class SiteKey
SiteTypeKey::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class SiteTypeKey
UserKey::getAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class UserKey
Set::getAttributeKeyCollection() — Method in class Set
Set::getExporter() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeKeys() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeSetID() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeSetHandle() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeSetName() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeSetKeyCategoryID() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeSetDisplayName() — Method in class Set
SetKey::getAttributeKey() — Method in class SetKey
SetKey::getAttributeSet() — Method in class SetKey
SetKey::getDisplayOrder() — Method in class SetKey
Type::getAttributeTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getAttributeTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getAttributeTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::getAttributeCategories() — Method in class Type
Type::getAttributeTypeDisplayName() — Method in class Type
Type::getExporter() — Method in class Type
Type::getController() — Method in class Type
$ AbstractValue#generic_valueProperty in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getAttributeKey() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getAttributeValueID() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getAttributeTypeObject() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getController() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getValueObject() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getValue() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getDisplaySanitizedValue() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getDisplayValue() — Method in class AbstractValue

Returns content that can be displayed on profile pages, elsewhere. Filters problematic content (sanitizes)

AbstractValue::getPlainTextValue() — Method in class AbstractValue

Returns content that is useful in plain text contexts.

AbstractValue::getSearchIndexValue() — Method in class AbstractValue

Returns the attribute in the context of search indexing (for search index database tables)

AbstractValue::getGenericValue() — Method in class AbstractValue
EventValue::getVersion() — Method in class EventValue
ExpressValue::getEntry() — Method in class ExpressValue
FileValue::getVersion() — Method in class FileValue
PageValue::getPageID() — Method in class PageValue
PageValue::getVersionID() — Method in class PageValue
SiteTypeValue::getSkeleton() — Method in class SiteTypeValue
SiteValue::getSite() — Method in class SiteValue
UserValue::getUser() — Method in class UserValue
$ AbstractValue#generic_valueProperty in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getValue() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::getGenericValue() — Method in class AbstractValue
AddressValue::getAddress1() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::getAddress2() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::getAddress3() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::getCity() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::getStateProvince() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::getCountry() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::getPostalCode() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::getFullCountry() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::getFullStateProvince() — Method in class AddressValue
BooleanValue::getValue() — Method in class BooleanValue
DateTimeValue::getValue() — Method in class DateTimeValue
DurationValue::getValue() — Method in class DurationValue
ExpressValue::getSelectedEntries() — Method in class ExpressValue
ImageFileValue::getFileID() — Method in class ImageFileValue
ImageFileValue::getFileObjects() — Method in class ImageFileValue
ImageFileValue::getValue() — Method in class ImageFileValue
ImageFileValue::getFileObject() — Method in class ImageFileValue
NumberValue::getValue() — Method in class NumberValue
SelectValue::getOptions() — Method in class SelectValue
SelectValue::getSelectedOptions() — Method in class SelectValue
SelectValue::getIterator() — Method in class SelectValue
SelectValueOption::getOptionList() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::getSelectAttributeOptionID() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::getSelectAttributeOptionValue() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::getDisplayOrder() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::getSelectAttributeOptionDisplayValue() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOptionList::getOptions() — Method in class SelectValueOptionList
SelectValueUsedOption::getSelectAttributeOptionID() — Method in class SelectValueUsedOption
SelectValueUsedOption::getSelectAttributeOptionValue() — Method in class SelectValueUsedOption
SelectValueUsedOption::getSelectAttributeOptionUsageCount() — Method in class SelectValueUsedOption
SelectValueUsedOption::getSelectAttributeOptionDisplayValue() — Method in class SelectValueUsedOption
SelectedSocialLink::getService() — Method in class SelectedSocialLink
SelectedSocialLink::getServiceInfo() — Method in class SelectedSocialLink
SelectedSocialLink::getAttributeValue() — Method in class SelectedSocialLink
SelectedTopic::getTreeNodeID() — Method in class SelectedTopic
SelectedTopic::getAttributeValue() — Method in class SelectedTopic
SiteValue::getSite() — Method in class SiteValue
SiteValue::getValue() — Method in class SiteValue
SocialLinksValue::getSelectedLinks() — Method in class SocialLinksValue
TextValue::getValue() — Method in class TextValue
TopicsValue::getSelectedTopics() — Method in class TopicsValue
TopicsValue::getSelectedTopicNodes() — Method in class TopicsValue
TopicsValue::getValue() — Method in class TopicsValue
Value::getAttributeValueID() — Method in class Value
Value::getAttributeKey() — Method in class Value
Task::getID() — Method in class Task
Task::getHandle() — Method in class Task
Task::getLastRunBy() — Method in class Task
Task::getDateLastStarted() — Method in class Task
Task::getDateLastCompleted() — Method in class Task
Task::getController() — Method in class Task
TaskSet::getTaskCollection() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::getTasks() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::getID() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::getHandle() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::getName() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::getDisplayOrder() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::getDisplayName() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSetTask::getTask() — Method in class TaskSetTask
TaskSetTask::getTaskSet() — Method in class TaskSetTask
TaskSetTask::getDisplayOrder() — Method in class TaskSetTask
BlockType::getBlockTypeInSetName() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::getBlockTypeComposerTemplates() — Method in class BlockType

gets the available composer templates used for editing instances of the BlockType while in the composer ui in the dashboard.

BlockType::getBlockTypeHandle() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::getBlockTypeInterfaceWidth() — Method in class BlockType

returns the width in pixels that the block type's editing dialog will open in.

BlockType::getBlockTypeInterfaceHeight() — Method in class BlockType

returns the height in pixels that the block type's editing dialog will open in.

BlockType::getPackageID() — Method in class BlockType

returns the id of the BlockType's package if it's in a package.

BlockType::getBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class BlockType

gets the BlockTypes description text.

BlockType::getBlockTypeName() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::getBlockTypeClassFromHandle() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::getBlockTypeClass() — Method in class BlockType

Returns the class for the current block type.

BlockType::getPackageHandle() — Method in class BlockType

returns the handle of the BlockType's package if it's in a package.

BlockType::getBlockTypeSets() — Method in class BlockType

Returns an array of all BlockTypeSet objects that this block is in.

BlockType::getBlockTypeID() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::getCount() — Method in class BlockType

Returns the number of unique instances of this block throughout the entire site note - this count could include blocks in areas that are no longer rendered by the theme.

BlockType::getController() — Method in class BlockType

get's the block type controller.

BlockType::getBlockTypeCustomTemplates() — Method in class BlockType

Gets the custom templates available for the current BlockType.

BlockType::getBlockTypeDisplayOrder() — Method in class BlockType

Get the display order of this block type when it's not assigned to any block type set.

Board::getSite() — Method in class Board
Board::getBoardID() — Method in class Board
Board::getBoardName() — Method in class Board
Board::getDataSources() — Method in class Board
Board::getTemplate() — Method in class Board
Board::getCustomSlotTemplates() — Method in class Board
Board::getInstances() — Method in class Board
Board::getSortBy() — Method in class Board
Board::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Board
Board::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Board
Board::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Board
Board::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Board
Board::getExporter() — Method in class Board
BoardPermissionAssignment::getBoard() — Method in class BoardPermissionAssignment
BoardPermissionAssignment::getPermissionKeyID() — Method in class BoardPermissionAssignment
BoardPermissionAssignment::getPermissionAccessID() — Method in class BoardPermissionAssignment
CalendarEventConfiguration::getQuery() — Method in class CalendarEventConfiguration
CalendarEventConfiguration::getCalendar() — Method in class CalendarEventConfiguration
CalendarEventConfiguration::getMaxOccurrencesOfSameEvent() — Method in class CalendarEventConfiguration
Configuration::getConfigurationID() — Method in class Configuration
Configuration::getDataSource() — Method in class Configuration
PageConfiguration::getQuery() — Method in class PageConfiguration
ConfiguredDataSource::getBoard() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::getConfiguration() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::getConfiguredDataSourceID() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::getDataSource() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::getName() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::getCustomWeight() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::getPopulationDayIntervalFuture() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::getPopulationDayIntervalPast() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::getItems() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
DataSource::getId() — Method in class DataSource
DataSource::getHandle() — Method in class DataSource
DataSource::getName() — Method in class DataSource
DataSource::getDisplayName() — Method in class DataSource
DataSource::getDriver() — Method in class DataSource
CustomElement::getID() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::getElementName() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::getDateCreated() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::getAuthor() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::getBatchIdentifier() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::getStatus() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::getDateCreatedDateTime() — Method in class CustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElement::getItems() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElement::getContentObjectCollection() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElement::getSlotTemplate() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElementItem::getItemId() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
ItemSelectorCustomElementItem::getItem() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
ItemSelectorCustomElementItem::getElement() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
Instance::getItems() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getBatches() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getBoardInstanceID() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getBoardInstanceName() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getSite() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getSlots() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getBoard() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getDateCreated() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getDateCreatedObject() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getDateDataPoolLastUpdated() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getRules() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Instance
InstanceItem::getBoardInstanceItemID() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::getDataSource() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::getInstance() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::getBatch() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::getDateAddedToBoard() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::getItem() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItemBatch::getBoardItemBatchID() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceItemBatch::getItems() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceItemBatch::getInstance() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceItemBatch::getDateCreated() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceItemRepository::getDataSourceQueryBuilder() — Method in class InstanceItemRepository
InstanceItemRepository::getItemCount() — Method in class InstanceItemRepository
InstanceSlot::getBoardInstanceSlotID() — Method in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlot::getTemplate() — Method in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlot::getSlot() — Method in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlot::getInstance() — Method in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlot::getBlockID() — Method in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlotRule::getBoardInstanceSlotRuleID() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getInstance() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getSlot() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getUser() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getDateCreated() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getRuleType() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getBlockID() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getStartDate() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getEndDate() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getTimezone() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getNotes() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getRuleFormatter() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getBatchIdentifier() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
Item::getDataSource() — Method in class Item
Item::getUniqueItemId() — Method in class Item
Item::getBoardItemID() — Method in class Item
Item::getDateCreated() — Method in class Item
Item::getRelevantDate() — Method in class Item
Item::getName() — Method in class Item
Item::getCategories() — Method in class Item
Item::getTags() — Method in class Item
Item::getData() — Method in class Item
Item::getRelevantThumbnail() — Method in class Item
ItemCategory::getBoardItemCategoryID() — Method in class ItemCategory
ItemCategory::getItem() — Method in class ItemCategory
ItemCategory::getTreeNodeID() — Method in class ItemCategory
ItemTag::getBoardItemTagID() — Method in class ItemTag
ItemTag::getItem() — Method in class ItemTag
ItemTag::getTag() — Method in class ItemTag
SlotTemplate::getId() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::getHandle() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::getIcon() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::getName() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::getDisplayName() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::getTags() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::getTemplateIconImage() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::getDesignTags() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::getDriver() — Method in class SlotTemplate
Template::getId() — Method in class Template
Template::getHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::getIcon() — Method in class Template
Template::getName() — Method in class Template
Template::getDisplayName() — Method in class Template
Template::getTemplateIconImage() — Method in class Template
Template::getDriver() — Method in class Template
Calendar::getSite() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getID() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getEventPageAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getEventPageTypeID() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getEventPageParentID() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getName() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getTimezone() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getCalendarTopicsAttributeKey() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getEventPageAssociatedID() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Calendar
CalendarEvent::getOccurrenceList() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getOccurrences() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getCalendar() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getCalendarID() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getID() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getVersions() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getSelectedVersion() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getApprovedVersion() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getRecentVersion() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getSummaryIdentifier() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getSummaryCategoryHandle() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getSummaryTemplatesCollection() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::getCustomSelectedSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEventOccurrence::getRepetitionEntity() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::getRepetition() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::getStart() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::getEnd() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::getVersion() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::getID() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventRepetition::getID() — Method in class CalendarEventRepetition
CalendarEventRepetition::getRepetitionObject() — Method in class CalendarEventRepetition
CalendarEventVersion::getAuthor() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getRelatedPageRelationType() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getName() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getPageObject() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getPageID() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getDescription() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getID() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getEvent() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getOccurrences() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getCategories() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getRepetitions() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getRepetitionEntityCollection() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getDateAdded() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::getDateActivated() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getAttribute() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getAttributeValue() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence

Alias of getAttributeValueObject (assuming $createIfNotExists is false).

CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getJSONObject() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getEvent() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getVersion() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getOccurrence() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getID() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getSummaryIdentifier() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getSummaryCategoryHandle() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::getCustomSelectedSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionRepetition::getVersion() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
CalendarEventVersionRepetition::getID() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
CalendarEventVersionRepetition::getRepetition() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
CalendarPermissionAssignment::getCalendar() — Method in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
CalendarPermissionAssignment::getPermissionKeyID() — Method in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
CalendarPermissionAssignment::getPermissionAccessID() — Method in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
CalendarRelatedEvent::getRelationID() — Method in class CalendarRelatedEvent
CalendarEventTemplate::getId() — Method in class CalendarEventTemplate
CalendarEventTemplate::getEvent() — Method in class CalendarEventTemplate
CalendarEventTemplate::getTemplate() — Method in class CalendarEventTemplate
CalendarEventTemplate::getRawData() — Method in class CalendarEventTemplate
Batch::getTotalJobs() — Method in class Batch
Batch::getPendingJobs() — Method in class Batch
Batch::getFailedJobs() — Method in class Batch
Batch::getCompletedJobs() — Method in class Batch
Batch::getId() — Method in class Batch
Process::getID() — Method in class Process
Process::getDateStarted() — Method in class Process
Process::getDateCompleted() — Method in class Process
Process::getName() — Method in class Process
Process::getUser() — Method in class Process
Process::getBatch() — Method in class Process
Process::getExitCode() — Method in class Process
Process::getExitMessage() — Method in class Process
ScheduledTask::getInput() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::getTask() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::getCronExpression() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::getId() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::getUser() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::getDateScheduled() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::getCronExpressionObject() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::getTaskInput() — Method in class ScheduledTask
TaskProcess::getInput() — Method in class TaskProcess
TaskProcess::getTask() — Method in class TaskProcess
DesignTag::getDesignTagID() — Method in class DesignTag
DesignTag::getValue() — Method in class DesignTag
Association::getAssociationBuilder() — Method in class Association
Association::getId() — Method in class Association
Association::getTargetPropertyName() — Method in class Association
Association::getInversedByPropertyName() — Method in class Association
Association::getSourceEntity() — Method in class Association
Association::getTargetEntity() — Method in class Association
Association::getComputedTargetPropertyName() — Method in class Association
Association::getComputedInversedByPropertyName() — Method in class Association
Association::getFormatter() — Method in class Association
Association::getSaveHandler() — Method in class Association
Association::getExporter() — Method in class Association
AssociationControl::getAssociationEntityLabelMask() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::getControlView() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::getEntrySelectorMode() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::getAssociation() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::getControlSaveHandler() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::getControlLabel() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::getType() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::getExporter() — Method in class AssociationControl
AttributeKeyControl::getAttributeKey() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
AttributeKeyControl::getControlLabel() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
AttributeKeyControl::getType() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
AttributeKeyControl::getExporter() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
AttributeKeyControl::getControlView() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
AuthorControl::getControlLabel() — Method in class AuthorControl
AuthorControl::getControlView() — Method in class AuthorControl
AuthorControl::getType() — Method in class AuthorControl
AuthorControl::getExporter() — Method in class AuthorControl
Control::getId() — Method in class Control
Control::getCustomLabel() — Method in class Control
Control::getPosition() — Method in class Control
Control::getFieldSet() — Method in class Control
Control::getControlOptionsController() — Method in class Control
Control::getControlSaveHandler() — Method in class Control
Control::getControlLabel() — Method in class Control
Control::getType() — Method in class Control
Control::getDisplayLabel() — Method in class Control
Control::getControlType() — Method in class Control
PublicIdentifierControl::getControlLabel() — Method in class PublicIdentifierControl
PublicIdentifierControl::getControlView() — Method in class PublicIdentifierControl
PublicIdentifierControl::getType() — Method in class PublicIdentifierControl
PublicIdentifierControl::getExporter() — Method in class PublicIdentifierControl
TextControl::getHeadline() — Method in class TextControl
TextControl::getBody() — Method in class TextControl
TextControl::getControlSaveHandler() — Method in class TextControl
TextControl::getControlLabel() — Method in class TextControl
TextControl::getControlView() — Method in class TextControl
TextControl::getType() — Method in class TextControl
TextControl::getControlOptionsController() — Method in class TextControl
TextControl::getExporter() — Method in class TextControl
Entity::getEntries() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getHandle() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPluralHandle() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getOwnedBy() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getIncludeInPublicList() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getLabelMask() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getDescription() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getEntityDisplayDescription() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getCreatedDate() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getResultColumnSet() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getDefaultViewForm() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getDefaultEditForm() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getId() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getName() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getEntityDisplayName() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAttributes() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAssociations() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getForms() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getForm() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getEntityResultsNodeId() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getEntityResultsNodeObject() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class Entity

Get the attribute key category.

Entity::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAssociation() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getExporter() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getController() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getEntryListingUrl() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getIncludeInRestApi() — Method in class Entity
Entry::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Entry

Returns the ID of this Entry.

Entry::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getEntity() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getID() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getAttributes() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getEntryDisplayOrder() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getAssociations() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getResultsNodeID() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getAssociation() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getEntryAssociation() — Method in class Entry

Get the EntryAssociation for a given association.

Entry::getOwnedByEntry() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getLabel() — Method in class Entry

Formats the label of this entry to the mask (e.g. %product-name%) or the standard format.

Entry::getURL() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getDateModified() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getDateCreated() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getExporter() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getAuthor() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getPublicIdentifier() — Method in class Entry
Association::getAssociation() — Method in class Association
Association::getId() — Method in class Association
Association::getEntry() — Method in class Association
Association::getSelectedEntriesCollection() — Method in class Association
Association::getSelectedEntries() — Method in class Association
Association::getAssociationEntry() — Method in class Association
AssociationEntry::getAssociation() — Method in class AssociationEntry
AssociationEntry::getId() — Method in class AssociationEntry
AssociationEntry::getEntry() — Method in class AssociationEntry
AssociationEntry::getDisplayOrder() — Method in class AssociationEntry
OneAssociation::getSelectedEntry() — Method in class OneAssociation
FieldSet::getId() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::getTitle() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::getDescription() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::getForm() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::getControls() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::getPosition() — Method in class FieldSet
Form::getId() — Method in class Form
Form::getName() — Method in class Form
Form::getFieldSets() — Method in class Form
Form::getEntity() — Method in class Form
Form::getControlView() — Method in class Form
Form::getControls() — Method in class Form
Form::getExporter() — Method in class Form
ManyToManyAssociation::getAssociationType() — Method in class ManyToManyAssociation
ManyToManyAssociation::getAssociationBuilder() — Method in class ManyToManyAssociation
ManyToManyAssociation::getFormatter() — Method in class ManyToManyAssociation
ManyToManyAssociation::getSaveHandler() — Method in class ManyToManyAssociation
ManyToOneAssociation::getAssociationBuilder() — Method in class ManyToOneAssociation
ManyToOneAssociation::getFormatter() — Method in class ManyToOneAssociation
ManyToOneAssociation::getSaveHandler() — Method in class ManyToOneAssociation
OneToManyAssociation::getAssociationBuilder() — Method in class OneToManyAssociation
OneToManyAssociation::getFormatter() — Method in class OneToManyAssociation
OneToManyAssociation::getSaveHandler() — Method in class OneToManyAssociation
OneToOneAssociation::getAssociationType() — Method in class OneToOneAssociation
OneToOneAssociation::getAssociationBuilder() — Method in class OneToOneAssociation
OneToOneAssociation::getFormatter() — Method in class OneToOneAssociation
OneToOneAssociation::getSaveHandler() — Method in class OneToOneAssociation
DownloadStatistics::getID() — Method in class DownloadStatistics

Get tthe downloadStatistics record ID.

DownloadStatistics::getFile() — Method in class DownloadStatistics

Get the downloaded file.

DownloadStatistics::getFileVersion() — Method in class DownloadStatistics

Get the version of the downloaded file.

DownloadStatistics::getDownloaderID() — Method in class DownloadStatistics

Get the ID of the user that downloaded the file.

DownloadStatistics::getRelatedPageID() — Method in class DownloadStatistics

Get the ID of the user that downloaded the file.

DownloadStatistics::getDownloadDateTime() — Method in class DownloadStatistics

Get the ID of the user that downloaded the file.

ExternalFileProvider::getID() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::getName() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::getDisplayName() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider

Returns the display name for this external file provider (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

ExternalFileProvider::getConfigurationObject() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::getTypeObject() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
Type::getHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getID() — Method in class Type
Type::getName() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getConfigurationObject() — Method in class Type
File::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class File
File::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class File
File::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class File
File::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class File

Returns the identifier for the object, in this case the File ID.

File::getPassword() — Method in class File

Password used to protect the file if set.

File::getStorageLocationID() — Method in class File

Returns the FSL ID for the current file.

File::getFileStorageLocationObject() — Method in class File
File::getFileVersions() — Method in class File
File::getOriginalPageObject() — Method in class File
File::getUserID() — Method in class File

Get the user ID of the author of the file (if available).

File::getUser() — Method in class File

Get the author of the file (if available).

File::getFileSetIDs() — Method in class File

Get the IDs of the file sets that this file belongs to.

File::getFileSets() — Method in class File

Get the file sets that this file belongs to.

File::getDateAdded() — Method in class File
File::getVersionToModify() — Method in class File

Returns a file version object that is to be written to. Computes whether we can use the current most recent version, OR a new one should be created.

File::getFileID() — Method in class File

File ID of the file.

File::getFileUUID() — Method in class File

Get the file UUID.

File::generateFileUUID() — Method in class File

Assign a new UUID to this file.

File::getFileFolderObject() — Method in class File
File::getFileNodeObject() — Method in class File
File::getApprovedVersion() — Method in class File
File::getRecentVersion() — Method in class File

Returns the most recent FileVersion object.

File::getVersion() — Method in class File

returns the FileVersion object for the provided fvID if none provided returns the approved version.

File::getVersionList() — Method in class File

Returns an array of all FileVersion objects owned by this file.

File::getTotalDownloads() — Method in class File

Total number of downloads for a file.

File::getDownloadStatistics() — Method in class File
File::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class File
File::getAttributeValue() — Method in class File

Alias of getAttributeValueObject (assuming $createIfNotExists is false).

File::getAttribute() — Method in class File
File::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class File
File::getDetailsURL() — Method in class File

Returns a URL to the file in the file manager

FavoriteFolder::getOwner() — Method in class FavoriteFolder

Get the owner of the favorite folder.

FavoriteFolder::getTreeNodeFolderId() — Method in class FavoriteFolder

Get the tree node id of the favorite folder.

FavoriteFolder::getTreeNodeFolderObject() — Method in class FavoriteFolder
Editor::getName() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getHandle() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getController() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getImageEditorElement() — Method in class Editor
Editor::getThumbnailEditorHandle() — Method in class Editor
Type::getID() — Method in class Type

Get the thumbnail unique identifier.

Type::getHandle() — Method in class Type

Get the handle that identifies the thumbnail type.

Type::getName() — Method in class Type

Get the name of the thumbnail type.

Type::getDisplayName() — Method in class Type

Get the display name for this thumbnail type (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Type::getWidth() — Method in class Type

Get the width of the thumbnails (or the maximum width in case of proportional sizing).

Type::getHeight() — Method in class Type

Get the height of the thumbnails (or the maximum height in case of proportional sizing).

Type::getSizingMode() — Method in class Type

Get the thumbnail sizing mode.

Type::getSizingModeDisplayName() — Method in class Type

Get the display name of the thumbnail sizing mode.

Type::getAssociatedFileSets() — Method in class Type

Get the associated file sets (whose meaning depends on the value of ftLimitedToFileSets).

Type::getSaveAreaBackgroundColor() — Method in class Type

Background color of the Image Editor save area

Type::getBaseVersion() — Method in class Type

Get a thumbnail type version instance representing this thumbnail type (normal-DPI).

Type::getDoubledVersion() — Method in class Type

Get a thumbnail type version instance representing this thumbnail type (high-DPI).

Type::getVersion() — Method in class Type
TypeFileSet::getThumbnailType() — Method in class TypeFileSet

Get the associated thumbnail type.

TypeFileSet::getFileSetID() — Method in class TypeFileSet

Get the ID of the associated file set.

StorageLocation::getID() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::getName() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::getDisplayName() — Method in class StorageLocation

Returns the display name for this storage location (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

StorageLocation::getConfigurationObject() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::getTypeObject() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::getFileSystemObject() — Method in class StorageLocation

Returns the proper file system object for the current storage location, by mapping it through Flysystem.

Type::getHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getID() — Method in class Type
Type::getName() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getConfigurationObject() — Method in class Type
Version::getFile() — Method in class Version

Get the associated File instance.

Version::getFileID() — Method in class Version

Get the ID of the associated file instance.

Version::getFileUUID() — Method in class Version

Get the ID of the associated file instance.

Version::getFileVersionID() — Method in class Version

Get the progressive file version identifier.

Version::getFileName() — Method in class Version

Get the name of the file.

Version::getPrefix() — Method in class Version

Get the path prefix used to store the file in the file system.

Version::getDateAdded() — Method in class Version

Get the date/time when the file version has been added.

Version::getActivateDateTime() — Method in class Version

Get the date/time when the file version has been activated (or NULL if the file version is not approved).

Version::getAuthorUserID() — Method in class Version

Get the ID of the user that created the file version.

Version::getAuthorName() — Method in class Version

Get the username of the user that created the file version (or "Unknown").

Version::getApproverUserID() — Method in class Version

Get the ID of the user that approved the file version.

Version::getApproverName() — Method in class Version

Get the username of the user that approved the file version (or "Unknown").

Version::getFullSize() — Method in class Version

Get the file size of the file (in bytes).

Version::getSize() — Method in class Version

Get the formatted file size.

Version::getTitle() — Method in class Version

Get the title of the file version.

Version::getDescription() — Method in class Version

Get the description of the file version.

Version::getExtension() — Method in class Version

Get the extension of the file version.

Version::getTagsList() — Method in class Version

Get the tags assigned to the file version (as a list of strings).

Version::getTags() — Method in class Version

Get the tags assigned to the file version (one tag per line - lines are separated by '\n').

Version::getMimeType() — Method in class Version

Get the mime type of the file if known.

Version::getTypeObject() — Method in class Version

Get the type of the file.

Version::getType() — Method in class Version

Get the name of the file type.

Version::getDisplayType() — Method in class Version

Get the localized name of the file type.

Version::getGenericTypeText() — Method in class Version

Get the localized name of the generic category type.

Version::getVersionLogComments() — Method in class Version

Get an array containing human-readable descriptions of everything that happened to this file version.

Version::getRelativePath() — Method in class Version

Get the path to the file relative to the webroot (may not exist).

Version::getURL() — Method in class Version

Get an URL that points to the file on disk (if not available, you'll get the result of the getDownloadURL method).

Version::getFileStorageLocationConfiguration() — Method in class Version

Get File Storage Location Configuration object of this file.

Version::getDownloadURL() — Method in class Version

Get an URL that can be used to download the file.

Version::getForceDownloadURL() — Method in class Version

Get an URL that can be used to download the file (it will force the download of all file types, even if the browser can display them).

Version::getFileResource() — Method in class Version

Get an abstract object to work with the actual file resource (note: this is NOT a concrete5 File object).

Version::getFileContents() — Method in class Version

Get the contents of the file.

Version::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class Version
Version::getAttributes() — Method in class Version

Get the list of attributes associated to this file version.

Version::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class Version
Version::getImagineImage() — Method in class Version

Get an \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface representing the image.

Version::generateThumbnail() — Method in class Version

Generate a thumbnail for a specific thumbnail type version.

Version::getThumbnailURL() — Method in class Version

Get the URL of a thumbnail type.

Version::getThumbnails() — Method in class Version

Get the list of all the thumbnails.

Version::getDetailThumbnailImage() — Method in class Version

Get the HTML that renders the thumbnail for the details (a generic type icon if the thumbnail does not exist).

Version::getListingThumbnailImage() — Method in class Version

Get the HTML that renders the thumbnail for the file listing (a generic type icon if the thumbnail does not exist).

Version::getJSONObject() — Method in class Version

Get a representation of this Version instance that's easily serializable.

GeolocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity

Represent Geolocator library.

$ Geolocator#glIDProperty in class Geolocator

The Geolocator ID.

$ Geolocator#glHandleProperty in class Geolocator

The Geolocator handle.

$ Geolocator#glNameProperty in class Geolocator

The Geolocator name.

$ Geolocator#glDescriptionProperty in class Geolocator

The Geolocator description.

$ Geolocator#glConfigurationProperty in class Geolocator

The Geolocator configuration options.

$ Geolocator#glPackageProperty in class Geolocator
$ Geolocator#glActiveProperty in class Geolocator

Is this Geolocator the active one?

Geolocator::getGeolocatorID() — Method in class Geolocator

Get the Geolocator ID.

Geolocator::getGeolocatorHandle() — Method in class Geolocator

Get the Geolocator handle.

Geolocator::getGeolocatorName() — Method in class Geolocator

Get the Geolocator name.

Geolocator::getGeolocatorDisplayName() — Method in class Geolocator

Get the Geolocator display name.

Geolocator::getGeolocatorDescription() — Method in class Geolocator

Get the Geolocator description.

Geolocator::getGeolocatorDisplayDescription() — Method in class Geolocator

Get the Geolocator display description.

Geolocator::getGeolocatorConfiguration() — Method in class Geolocator

Get the Geolocator configuration options.

Geolocator::getGeolocatorPackage() — Method in class Geolocator

Get the package associated to this Geolocator entity.

AlertFinding::getFormatter() — Method in class AlertFinding
Finding::getId() — Method in class Finding
Finding::getResult() — Method in class Finding
Finding::getMessage() — Method in class Finding
Finding::getRawMessage() — Method in class Finding
Finding::getHandle() — Method in class Finding
Finding::getRawControl() — Method in class Finding
Finding::getControl() — Method in class Finding
Finding::getFormatter() — Method in class Finding
InfoFinding::getFormatter() — Method in class InfoFinding
$ Result#gradeProperty in class Result
Result::getId() — Method in class Result
Result::getTask() — Method in class Result
Result::getName() — Method in class Result
Result::getTotalFindings() — Method in class Result
Result::getDateStarted() — Method in class Result
Result::getDateCompleted() — Method in class Result
Result::getFindings() — Method in class Result
Result::getWeightedFindings() — Method in class Result

Returns all findings for the current report result, but weights them, with items by type coming in the following positions

Result::getScore() — Method in class Result
Result::getRawGrade() — Method in class Result
Result::getGrade() — Method in class Result
Result::getFormatter() — Method in class Result
SearchResult::getSearchString() — Method in class SearchResult
SearchResult::getSearchType() — Method in class SearchResult
SearchResult::getFormatter() — Method in class SearchResult
SuccessFinding::getFormatter() — Method in class SuccessFinding
WarningFinding::getFormatter() — Method in class WarningFinding
LocaleTrait::getLanguage() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Get the language code.

LocaleTrait::getCountry() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Get the Country/territory code.

LocaleTrait::getNumPlurals() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Get the number of plural rules used in this locale.

LocaleTrait::getPluralRule() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Get the plural rules definition of this locale (using gettext format).

LocaleTrait::getPluralCases() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Get the plural rule names with examples (using CLDR format).

LocaleTrait::getLocale() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Get the full code of this locale.

LocaleTrait::getLanguageText() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Get the display name of this locale.

LocaleTrait::getExporter() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Get the object to be used to export this item to aSimpleXMLElement.

GroupCreateNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
GroupCreateNotification::getCreate() — Method in class GroupCreateNotification
GroupCreateNotification::getListView() — Method in class GroupCreateNotification
GroupRoleChangeNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
$ GroupRoleChangeNotification#groupRoleChangeProperty in class GroupRoleChangeNotification
GroupRoleChangeNotification::getGroupRoleChange() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeNotification
GroupRoleChangeNotification::getListView() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeNotification
GroupSignupNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
GroupSignupNotification::getSignup() — Method in class GroupSignupNotification
GroupSignupNotification::getListView() — Method in class GroupSignupNotification
GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotification::getSignupRequestAccept() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotification
GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotification::getListView() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotification
GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotification::getSignupRequestDecline() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotification
GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotification::getListView() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotification
GroupSignupRequestNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
GroupSignupRequestNotification::getSignupRequest() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestNotification
GroupSignupRequestNotification::getListView() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestNotification
NewConversationMessageNotification::getListView() — Method in class NewConversationMessageNotification
NewConversationMessageNotification::getConversationMessageID() — Method in class NewConversationMessageNotification
NewConversationMessageNotification::getConversationMessageObject() — Method in class NewConversationMessageNotification
NewFormSubmissionNotification::getListView() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionNotification
NewFormSubmissionNotification::getEntry() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionNotification
NewPrivateMessageNotification::getListView() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageNotification
NewPrivateMessageNotification::getMessageObject() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageNotification
Notification::getNotificationID() — Method in class Notification
Notification::getNotificationDate() — Method in class Notification
Notification::getNotificationDateTimeZone() — Method in class Notification
Notification::getListView() — Method in class Notification
Notification::getAlerts() — Method in class Notification
NotificationAlert::getUser() — Method in class NotificationAlert
NotificationAlert::getNotification() — Method in class NotificationAlert
NotificationAlert::getNotificationAlertID() — Method in class NotificationAlert
UserDeactivatedNotification::getListView() — Method in class UserDeactivatedNotification
UserDeactivatedNotification::getUserID() — Method in class UserDeactivatedNotification

Get the deactivated user id.

UserDeactivatedNotification::getActorID() — Method in class UserDeactivatedNotification

Get the user id of the user that triggered deactivation, if available.

UserSignupNotification::getSignupRequest() — Method in class UserSignupNotification
UserSignupNotification::getListView() — Method in class UserSignupNotification
WorkflowProgressNotification::getListView() — Method in class WorkflowProgressNotification
WorkflowProgressNotification::getNotificationDateTimeZone() — Method in class WorkflowProgressNotification
WorkflowProgressNotification::getWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class WorkflowProgressNotification
AccessToken::getIdentifier() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessToken::getScopes() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessToken::getExpiryDateTime() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessToken::getUserIdentifier() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessToken::getClient() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessTokenRepository::getNewToken() — Method in class AccessTokenRepository

Create a new access token

AuthCode::getIdentifier() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCode::getScopes() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCode::getExpiryDateTime() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCode::getUserIdentifier() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCode::getClient() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCodeRepository::getNewAuthCode() — Method in class AuthCodeRepository

Creates a new AuthCode

Client::getIdentifier() — Method in class Client
Client::getName() — Method in class Client
Client::getClientKey() — Method in class Client
Client::getClientSecret() — Method in class Client
Client::getSpecifiedRedirectUri() — Method in class Client

Returns the actual redirect URI bound to the entity. This is a string (sometimes containing a | to explode into multiple.) We have a separate method because the getRedirectUri method below actually splits piped strings into arrays, and it also appends the Swagger UI doc redirectUri if docs are enabled on the client.

Client::getRedirectUri() — Method in class Client
Client::getConsentType() — Method in class Client

Get the consent type required by this client

Client::getScopes() — Method in class Client
ClientRepository::getClientEntity() — Method in class ClientRepository

Get a client.

RefreshToken::getIdentifier() — Method in class RefreshToken
RefreshToken::getAccessToken() — Method in class RefreshToken
RefreshToken::getExpiryDateTime() — Method in class RefreshToken
RefreshTokenRepository::getNewRefreshToken() — Method in class RefreshTokenRepository

Creates a new refresh token

Scope::getIdentifier() — Method in class Scope
Scope::getDescription() — Method in class Scope
ScopeRepository::getScopeEntityByIdentifier() — Method in class ScopeRepository

Return information about a scope.

UserRepository::getUserEntityByUserCredentials() — Method in class UserRepository

Get a user entity.

Package::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Package
Package::getPackageID() — Method in class Package
Package::getPackageVersion() — Method in class Package
Package::getPackageVersionUpdateAvailable() — Method in class Package
Package::getPackageDescription() — Method in class Package
Package::getPackageDateInstalled() — Method in class Package
Package::getPackageName() — Method in class Package
Package::getController() — Method in class Package
Package::getTranslationFile() — Method in class Package
PackageTrait::getPackage() — Method in class PackageTrait
PackageTrait::getPackageID() — Method in class PackageTrait
PackageTrait::getPackageHandle() — Method in class PackageTrait
Container::getContainerID() — Method in class Container
Container::getContainerHandle() — Method in class Container
Container::getContainerName() — Method in class Container
Container::getContainerDisplayName() — Method in class Container
Container::getContainerIcon() — Method in class Container
Container::getContainerIconImage() — Method in class Container
Instance::getContainerInstanceID() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getContainer() — Method in class Instance
Instance::getInstanceAreas() — Method in class Instance
InstanceArea::getContainerInstanceAreaID() — Method in class InstanceArea
InstanceArea::getInstance() — Method in class InstanceArea
InstanceArea::getAreaID() — Method in class InstanceArea
InstanceArea::getContainerAreaName() — Method in class InstanceArea
Feed::getIconFileID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getParentID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getDescription() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getDisplaySystemPages() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getDisplayAliases() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getDisplayFeaturedOnly() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getIncludeAllDescendents() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getTitle() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getFeedDisplayTitle() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getCustomTopicAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getCustomTopicTreeNodeID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getPageTypeID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getHandle() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getTypeOfContentToDisplay() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getAreaHandleToDisplay() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getFeedURL() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getPageListObject() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getPageFeedContent() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getOutput() — Method in class Feed

Get the feed output in RSS form given a Request object.

Feed::getHeadLinkElement() — Method in class Feed
PagePath::getPagePathID() — Method in class PagePath
PagePath::getPagePath() — Method in class PagePath
PagePath::getCollectionID() — Method in class PagePath
MultilingualRelation::getLocale() — Method in class MultilingualRelation
MultilingualRelation::getLanguage() — Method in class MultilingualRelation
Relation::getPageRelationID() — Method in class Relation
Relation::getPageID() — Method in class Relation
Relation::getPageObject() — Method in class Relation
SiblingRelation::getFormatter() — Method in class SiblingRelation
CustomPageTemplateCollection::getPageID() — Method in class CustomPageTemplateCollection
CustomPageTemplateCollection::getTemplates() — Method in class CustomPageTemplateCollection
PageTemplate::getId() — Method in class PageTemplate
PageTemplate::getPageID() — Method in class PageTemplate
PageTemplate::getTemplate() — Method in class PageTemplate
PageTemplate::getRawData() — Method in class PageTemplate
Template::getPageTemplateID() — Method in class Template
Template::getPageTemplateName() — Method in class Template
Template::getPageTemplateHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::getPageTemplateIcon() — Method in class Template
Template::getPackageID() — Method in class Template
Template::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::getPageTemplateDisplayName() — Method in class Template

Returns the display name for this page template (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

Template::getPageTemplateIconImage() — Method in class Template
CustomSkin::getSkinID() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getSkinIdentifier() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getSkinName() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getAuthor() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getDateCreated() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getDateUpdated() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getVariableCollection() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getThemeID() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getCustomCss() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getIdentifier() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getName() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getPresetStartingPoint() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getTheme() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::getStylesheet() — Method in class CustomSkin
IpAccessControlCategory::getIpAccessControlCategoryID() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the IP Access Control Category identifier.

IpAccessControlCategory::getHandle() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the IP Access Control handle.

IpAccessControlCategory::getName() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the IP Access Control name.

IpAccessControlCategory::getDisplayName() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the IP Access Control display name.

IpAccessControlCategory::getPackage() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the package that defines this IP Access Control Category.

IpAccessControlCategory::getMaxEvents() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the maximum allowed events in the time window.

IpAccessControlCategory::getTimeWindow() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the time window (in seconds) where the events should be counted (NULL means no limits).

IpAccessControlCategory::getBanDuration() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the duration (in seconds) of the ban when the maximum number of events occur in the time window (NULL means forever).

IpAccessControlCategory::getLogChannelHandle() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the log channel handle (empty string if log is disabled).

IpAccessControlCategory::getEvents() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the list of recorded events associated to this category.

IpAccessControlCategory::getRanges() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the list of defined ranges associated to this category.

IpAccessControlEvent::getIpAccessControlEventID() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Get the IP Access Control Event identifier.

IpAccessControlEvent::getCategory() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Get the associated IP Access Control Category.

IpAccessControlEvent::getSite() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Get the Site where this event occurred (if applicable).

IpAccessControlEvent::getIpAddress() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Get the IP address associated to this event.

IpAccessControlEvent::getDateTime() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Get the date/time when this event occurred.

IpAccessControlEvent::getIp() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Get the IP address associated to this event.

IpAccessControlRange::getIpAccessControlRangeID() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Get the IP Access Control Range identifier.

IpAccessControlRange::getCategory() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Get the associated IP Access Control Category.

IpAccessControlRange::getSite() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Get the Site where this range is defined occurred (if applicable).

IpAccessControlRange::getIpRange() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Get the RangeInterface instance associated to this range.

IpAccessControlRange::getType() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Get the type of this range.

IpAccessControlRange::getExpiration() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Get the date/time when this range expires (NULL means no expiration).

IpAccessControlRange::getIpFrom() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Get the initial IP address of the range.

IpAccessControlRange::getIpTo() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Get the final IP address of the range.

$ SiteGroup#groupProperty in class SiteGroup
SiteGroup::getSiteGroupEntityID() — Method in class SiteGroup
SiteGroup::getPermissionAccessEntityID() — Method in class SiteGroup
SiteGroup::getSiteGroup() — Method in class SiteGroup
Query::getFields() — Method in class Query
Query::getColumns() — Method in class Query
Query::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class Query
SavedExpressSearch::getEntity() — Method in class SavedExpressSearch
SavedSearch::getID() — Method in class SavedSearch
SavedSearch::getPresetName() — Method in class SavedSearch
SavedSearch::getQuery() — Method in class SavedSearch
Link::getURL() — Method in class Link
Link::getSite() — Method in class Link
Link::getID() — Method in class Link
Link::getServiceHandle() — Method in class Link
Link::getServiceIconHTML() — Method in class Link
Link::getServiceObject() — Method in class Link
Domain::getDomainID() — Method in class Domain
Domain::getSite() — Method in class Domain
Domain::getDomain() — Method in class Domain
GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site\Group
$ Group#group_relationsProperty in class Group
$ Group#groupNameProperty in class Group
Group::getSiteGroupID() — Method in class Group
Group::getSiteGroupRelations() — Method in class Group
Group::getSiteGroupName() — Method in class Group
Group::getSiteType() — Method in class Group
GroupRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site\Group
$ Relation#groupRelationIDProperty in class Relation
$ Relation#groupProperty in class Relation
$ Relation#gIDProperty in class Relation
Relation::getSiteGroup() — Method in class Relation
Relation::getSite() — Method in class Relation
Relation::getInstanceGroupID() — Method in class Relation
Locale::getLocaleID() — Method in class Locale

Get the locale record identifier.

Locale::getIsDefault() — Method in class Locale

Is this the default locale?

Locale::getSite() — Method in class Locale

Get the site associated to this locale.

Locale::getSiteTree() — Method in class Locale

Get the site tree associated to this locale.

Locale::getSiteTreeID() — Method in class Locale
Locale::getSiteTreeObject() — Method in class Locale
LocaleEntityInterface::getSiteTree() — Method in class LocaleEntityInterface
Site::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Site
Site::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Site
Site::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Site
Site::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Site
Site::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class Site
Site::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class Site
Site::getConfigRepository() — Method in class Site

Get the site configuration repository.

Site::getType() — Method in class Site

Get the site type object.

Site::getLocales() — Method in class Site

Get the language sections of this site.

Site::getSiteHomePageID() — Method in class Site

Get the ID of the home page.

Site::getSiteTreeID() — Method in class Site
Site::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class Site

Get the default locale (if set).

Site::getSiteTreeObject() — Method in class Site
Site::getSiteHomePageObject() — Method in class Site

Get the home page of the default language.

Site::getSiteID() — Method in class Site

Get the ID of the site.

Site::getSiteHandle() — Method in class Site

Get the handle of the site.

Site::getSiteName() — Method in class Site

Get the name of the site.

Site::getSiteCanonicalURL() — Method in class Site

Get the main site canonical URL.

Site::getSiteAlternativeCanonicalURL() — Method in class Site

Get the alternative site canonical URL.

Site::getSiteSSLCanonicalURL() — Method in class Site

Get the HTTPS site canonical URL (it may be the main or the alternative canonical URL).

Site::getTimezone() — Method in class Site

Get the site time zone identifier.

Site::getThemeID() — Method in class Site

Get the ID of the theme.

Site::getThemeSkinIdentifier() — Method in class Site
SiteTree::getLocale() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::getSite() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::getSiteType() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::getDisplayName() — Method in class SiteTree
Skeleton::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class Skeleton
Skeleton::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class Skeleton
Skeleton::getSiteSkeletonID() — Method in class Skeleton
Skeleton::getType() — Method in class Skeleton
Skeleton::getLocales() — Method in class Skeleton
Skeleton::getMatchingLocale() — Method in class Skeleton
SkeletonLocale::getLocaleID() — Method in class SkeletonLocale

Get the locale record identifier.

SkeletonLocale::getSkeleton() — Method in class SkeletonLocale
SkeletonLocale::getSiteTree() — Method in class SkeletonLocale
SkeletonTree::getSiteType() — Method in class SkeletonTree
SkeletonTree::getDisplayName() — Method in class SkeletonTree
SkeletonTree::getLocale() — Method in class SkeletonTree
Tree::getSiteHomePageID() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getSiteHomePageObject() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getSiteTreeID() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getSiteTreeObject() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getDisplayName() — Method in class Tree
Type::getSiteTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getSiteTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getSiteTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::getSites() — Method in class Type
Type::getSiteTypeThemeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getSiteTypeHomePageTemplateID() — Method in class Type
FileUsageRecord::getFileId() — Method in class FileUsageRecord
FileUsageRecord::getBlockId() — Method in class FileUsageRecord
FileUsageRecord::getCollectionId() — Method in class FileUsageRecord
FileUsageRecord::getCollectionVersionId() — Method in class FileUsageRecord
StackUsageRecord::getStackId() — Method in class StackUsageRecord
StackUsageRecord::getBlockId() — Method in class StackUsageRecord
StackUsageRecord::getCollectionId() — Method in class StackUsageRecord
StackUsageRecord::getCollectionVersionId() — Method in class StackUsageRecord
CustomCssRecord::getValue() — Method in class CustomCssRecord
CustomCssRecord::getRecordID() — Method in class CustomCssRecord
StyleSet::getCustomClass() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getCustomID() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getCustomElementAttribute() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBorderWidth() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getAlignment() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBackgroundRepeat() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBackgroundSize() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBackgroundPosition() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBaseFontSize() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBorderColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBorderStyle() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBorderRadius() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBoxShadowBlur() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBoxShadowColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBoxShadowHorizontal() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBoxShadowSpread() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBoxShadowVertical() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBoxShadowInset() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getLinkColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getTextColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getRotate() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getID() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getMarginBottom() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getMarginLeft() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getMarginRight() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getMarginTop() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getPaddingBottom() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getPaddingLeft() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getPaddingRight() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getPaddingTop() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBackgroundColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBackgroundImageFileID() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getBackgroundImageFileObject() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getHideOnExtraSmallDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getHideOnSmallDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getHideOnMediumDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::getHideOnLargeDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
Category::getId() — Method in class Category
Category::getName() — Method in class Category
Category::getDisplayName() — Method in class Category
Category::getHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getTemplates() — Method in class Category
Category::getDriver() — Method in class Category
Field::getId() — Method in class Field
Field::getName() — Method in class Field
Field::getDisplayName() — Method in class Field
Field::getHandle() — Method in class Field
Field::getFieldIdentifier() — Method in class Field
GetTemplateDataTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Summary
GetTemplateDataTrait::getData() — Method in class GetTemplateDataTrait
Template::getId() — Method in class Template
Template::getHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::getIcon() — Method in class Template
Template::getName() — Method in class Template
Template::getDisplayName() — Method in class Template
Template::getCategories() — Method in class Template
Template::getFields() — Method in class Template
Template::getRequiredFields() — Method in class Template

Goes through all TemplateField objects for this template, checks to see if they're required and if they are returns the Field object.

Template::getTags() — Method in class Template
Template::getTemplateIconImage() — Method in class Template
TemplateField::getId() — Method in class TemplateField
TemplateField::getTemplate() — Method in class TemplateField
TemplateField::getField() — Method in class TemplateField
AttributeRepository::getRegistrationList() — Method in class AttributeRepository
AttributeRepository::getMemberListList() — Method in class AttributeRepository
AttributeRepository::getPublicProfileList() — Method in class AttributeRepository
AttributeRepository::getEditableInProfileList() — Method in class AttributeRepository
GroupCreateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
$ GroupCreate#gIDProperty in class GroupCreate
GroupCreate::getGroup() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupCreate::getGID() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupCreate::getUser() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupCreate::getRequested() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupCreate::getNotificationDate() — Method in class GroupCreate

Get the date of this notification.

GroupCreate::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class GroupCreate

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

GroupCreate::getNotifications() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupRoleChangeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
$ GroupRoleChange#gIDProperty in class GroupRoleChange
$ GroupRoleChange#grIDProperty in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::getGroup() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::getRole() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::getGID() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::getGrID() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::getUser() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::getRequested() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::getNotificationDate() — Method in class GroupRoleChange

Get the date of this notification.

GroupRoleChange::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class GroupRoleChange

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

GroupRoleChange::getNotifications() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupSignupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
$ GroupSignup#gIDProperty in class GroupSignup
GroupSignup::getGroup() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignup::getGID() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignup::getUser() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignup::getRequested() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignup::getNotificationDate() — Method in class GroupSignup

Get the date of this notification.

GroupSignup::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class GroupSignup

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

GroupSignup::getNotifications() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignupRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
$ GroupSignupRequest#gIDProperty in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::getGroup() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::getId() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::getGID() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::getUser() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::getRequested() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::getNotificationDate() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest

Get the date of this notification.

GroupSignupRequest::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

GroupSignupRequest::getNotifications() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequestAcceptClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
$ GroupSignupRequestAccept#gIDProperty in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::getManager() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::getGroup() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::getId() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::getGID() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::getUser() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::getRequestAccepted() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::getNotificationDate() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept

Get the date of this notification.

GroupSignupRequestAccept::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

GroupSignupRequestAccept::getNotifications() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestDeclineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
$ GroupSignupRequestDecline#gIDProperty in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::getManager() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::getGroup() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::getId() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::getGID() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::getUser() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::getRequestDeclineed() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::getNotificationDate() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline

Get the date of this notification.

GroupSignupRequestDecline::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

GroupSignupRequestDecline::getNotifications() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
LoginAttempt::getId() — Method in class LoginAttempt
LoginAttempt::getUserId() — Method in class LoginAttempt
LoginAttempt::getUtcDate() — Method in class LoginAttempt
User::getUserID() — Method in class User
User::getUserName() — Method in class User
User::getUserEmail() — Method in class User
User::getUserPassword() — Method in class User
User::getUserDateAdded() — Method in class User

Gets the date a user was added to the system.

User::getUserLastPasswordChange() — Method in class User
User::getUserDateLastUpdated() — Method in class User
User::getUserLastOnline() — Method in class User
User::getUserLastLogin() — Method in class User
User::getUserPreviousLogin() — Method in class User
User::getUserTotalLogins() — Method in class User
User::getUserLastAuthenticationTypeID() — Method in class User
User::getUserLastIP() — Method in class User
User::getUserTimezone() — Method in class User
User::getUserDefaultLanguage() — Method in class User
User::getHomeFileManagerFolderID() — Method in class User
User::getIgnoredIPMismatches() — Method in class User
User::getUserInfoObject() — Method in class User
User::getIdentifier() — Method in class User

Return the user's identifier.

User::getAlerts() — Method in class User
UserSignup::getUser() — Method in class UserSignup
UserSignup::getNotificationDate() — Method in class UserSignup
UserSignup::getCreatedBy() — Method in class UserSignup
UserSignup::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class UserSignup

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

UserSignup::getNotifications() — Method in class UserSignup
BannedWord::getID() — Method in class BannedWord
BannedWord::getWord() — Method in class BannedWord
UsedString::getUsedString() — Method in class UsedString

Get the used string

UsedString::getSubject() — Method in class UsedString

Get the subject the string was used with

UsedString::getDate() — Method in class UsedString

Get the date this string was used

ErrorList::getList() — Method in class ErrorList

Get the list of errors contained in this error list.

ErrorList::getMessage() — Method in class ErrorList

Get the error message (if any) associated to a field.

AbstractError::getField() — Method in class AbstractError

Get the field associated to the error.

CustomFieldNotPresentError::getMessage() — Method in class CustomFieldNotPresentError

Get the error message.

Error::getMessage() — Method in class Error

Get the error message.

ErrorInterface::getMessage() — Method in class ErrorInterface

Get the error message.

ExceptionError::getException() — Method in class ExceptionError

Get the associated Exception.

ExceptionError::getMessage() — Method in class ExceptionError

Get the error message.

FieldNotPresentError::getMessage() — Method in class FieldNotPresentError

Get the error message.

ThrowableError::getThrowable() — Method in class ThrowableError

Get the associated Throwable.

ThrowableError::getMessage() — Method in class ThrowableError

Get the error message.

AttributeField::getFieldElementName() — Method in class AttributeField
AttributeField::getDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeField
Field::getFieldElementName() — Method in class Field
Field::getDisplayName() — Method in class Field
FieldInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class FieldInterface
FieldInterface::getFieldElementName() — Method in class FieldInterface
StandardFormatter::getString() — Method in class StandardFormatter

Build an HTML-formatted string describing the errors.

TextFormatter::getText() — Method in class TextFormatter

Build an plain text string describing the errors.

WhoopsServiceProvider::getDisallowedKeys() — Method in class WhoopsServiceProvider

Get the list of superglobal keys that should be masked in whoops output

EventDispatcher::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class EventDispatcher
ExportableInterface::getExporter() — Method in class ExportableInterface
$ SiteType#groupServiceProperty in class SiteType
Applier::getEntityManager() — Method in class Applier
Applier::getInverseAssociation() — Method in class Applier
AbstractFormatter::getEntryDisplayName() — Method in class AbstractFormatter

Get the display label for an entry

AbstractFormatter::getEntryFormatter() — Method in class AbstractFormatter

Get the entry formatter to use

AbstractFormatter::getDisplayName() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
FormatterInterface::getIcon() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getEntryDisplayName() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getTypeDisplayName() — Method in class FormatterInterface
ManyToManyFormatter::getIcon() — Method in class ManyToManyFormatter
ManyToManyFormatter::getTypeDisplayName() — Method in class ManyToManyFormatter
ManyToOneFormatter::getIcon() — Method in class ManyToOneFormatter
ManyToOneFormatter::getTypeDisplayName() — Method in class ManyToOneFormatter
OneToManyFormatter::getIcon() — Method in class OneToManyFormatter
OneToManyFormatter::getTypeDisplayName() — Method in class OneToManyFormatter
OneToOneFormatter::getIcon() — Method in class OneToOneFormatter
OneToOneFormatter::getTypeDisplayName() — Method in class OneToOneFormatter
AttributeKeyHandleGenerator::generate() — Method in class AttributeKeyHandleGenerator
AbstractEntityCommand::getEntity() — Method in class AbstractEntityCommand
AddExpressEntryCommand::getEntity() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommand
AddExpressEntryCommand::getAttributeMap() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommand
AddExpressEntryCommand::getAssociationMap() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommand
ClearEntityIndexCommand::getEntityId() — Method in class ClearEntityIndexCommand
ExpressEntryCommandFactory::getMapsFromRequest() — Method in class ExpressEntryCommandFactory
RebuildEntityIndexCommand::getEntityId() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommand
RebuildEntityIndexCommand::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommand
RebuildEntityIndexCommand::getHandler() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommand
RebuildEntityIndexCommand::getIndexName() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommand
ReindexEntryTaskCommand::getEntryId() — Method in class ReindexEntryTaskCommand
RescanEntityCommandHandler::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class RescanEntityCommandHandler
UpdateExpressEntryCommand::getEntry() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
UpdateExpressEntryCommand::getAttributeMap() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
UpdateExpressEntryCommand::getAssociationMap() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
ExpressEntrySelectInstance::getAccessToken() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstance
ExpressEntrySelectInstance::getEntityHandle() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstance
ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory::getAccessTokenString() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory
ControllerInterface::getContextRegistry() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getFormProcessor() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getEntryManager() — Method in class ControllerInterface
ControllerInterface::getNotifier() — Method in class ControllerInterface
Manager::getStandardController() — Method in class Manager
StandardController::getContextRegistry() — Method in class StandardController
StandardController::getFormProcessor() — Method in class StandardController
StandardController::getEntryManager() — Method in class StandardController
StandardController::getNotifier() — Method in class StandardController
EntryBuilder::getEntityManager() — Method in class EntryBuilder
EntryBuilder::getEntity() — Method in class EntryBuilder
EntryList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::getEntity() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::getTotalResults() — Method in class EntryList

The total results of the query.

EntryList::getPagerManager() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class EntryList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

EntryList::getResult() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class EntryList
EntryManagerInterface::getEntryAttributeValuesForm() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface
EntryFormatterInterface::getLabel() — Method in class EntryFormatterInterface

Given no mask, we inspect the attributes on an entry to retrieve a display text label for it.

LabelFormatter::getLabel() — Method in class LabelFormatter

Given no mask, we inspect the attributes on an entry to retrieve a display text label for it.

Manager::getEntityManager() — Method in class Manager
Manager::getNewDisplayOrder() — Method in class Manager
Manager::getEntryAttributeValuesForm() — Method in class Manager
NotificationList::getNotifications() — Method in class NotificationList
NotificationListInterface::getNotifications() — Method in class NotificationListInterface
NotificationProviderInterface::getNotifications() — Method in class NotificationProviderInterface
EntrySubject::getNotificationDate() — Method in class EntrySubject

Get the date of this notification

EntrySubject::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class EntrySubject

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

EntrySubject::getEntry() — Method in class EntrySubject
FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification::getFromEmail() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification::getReplyToEmail() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification::getToEmail() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification::getAttributeValues() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification::getAssociations() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification::getFormName() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
NotifierInterface::getNotificationList() — Method in class NotifierInterface
StandardNotifier::getNotificationList() — Method in class StandardNotifier
PublicIdentifierGenerator::generate() — Method in class PublicIdentifierGenerator
Item::getEntry() — Method in class Item
Result::getEntity() — Method in class Result
Result::getItemDetails() — Method in class Result
Event::getEntityManager() — Method in class Event
Event::getEntry() — Method in class Event
CsvWriter::getHeaders() — Method in class CsvWriter

A generator that returns all headers

CsvWriter::getSiteService() — Method in class CsvWriter

Get the site service instance to use

ContextInterface::getAttributeContext() — Method in class ContextInterface
ContextInterface::getEntry() — Method in class ContextInterface
ContextInterface::getForm() — Method in class ContextInterface
DashboardFormContext::getAttributeContext() — Method in class DashboardFormContext
FormContext::getAttributeContext() — Method in class FormContext
ViewContext::getEntry() — Method in class ViewContext
ViewContext::getAttributeContext() — Method in class ViewContext
ViewContext::getForm() — Method in class ViewContext
ManyAssociationSaveHandler::getAssociatedEntriesFromRequest() — Method in class ManyAssociationSaveHandler
ManySaveHandlerInterface::getAssociatedEntriesFromRequest() — Method in class ManySaveHandlerInterface
OneAssociationSaveHandler::getAssociatedEntryFromRequest() — Method in class OneAssociationSaveHandler
AssociationType::getType() — Method in class AssociationType
AssociationType::getValidator() — Method in class AssociationType
AssociationType::getPluralDisplayName() — Method in class AssociationType
AssociationType::getDisplayName() — Method in class AssociationType
AssociationType::getItems() — Method in class AssociationType
AssociationType::getSaveHandler() — Method in class AssociationType
AssociationType::getImporter() — Method in class AssociationType
AttributeKeyType::getType() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
AttributeKeyType::getValidator() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
AttributeKeyType::getPluralDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
AttributeKeyType::getDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
AttributeKeyType::getItems() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
AttributeKeyType::getSaveHandler() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
AttributeKeyType::getImporter() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
EntityPropertyType::getPluralDisplayName() — Method in class EntityPropertyType
EntityPropertyType::getType() — Method in class EntityPropertyType
EntityPropertyType::getValidator() — Method in class EntityPropertyType
EntityPropertyType::getDisplayName() — Method in class EntityPropertyType
EntityPropertyType::getItems() — Method in class EntityPropertyType
EntityPropertyType::getSaveHandler() — Method in class EntityPropertyType
EntityPropertyType::getImporter() — Method in class EntityPropertyType
AssociationItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class AssociationItem
AssociationItem::getIcon() — Method in class AssociationItem
AssociationItem::getItemIdentifier() — Method in class AssociationItem
AttributeKeyItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeKeyItem
AttributeKeyItem::getIcon() — Method in class AttributeKeyItem
AttributeKeyItem::getItemIdentifier() — Method in class AttributeKeyItem
AuthorEntityPropertyItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class AuthorEntityPropertyItem
AuthorEntityPropertyItem::getIcon() — Method in class AuthorEntityPropertyItem
AuthorEntityPropertyItem::getItemIdentifier() — Method in class AuthorEntityPropertyItem
ItemInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getIcon() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getItemIdentifier() — Method in class ItemInterface
NameEntityPropertyItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class NameEntityPropertyItem
NameEntityPropertyItem::getIcon() — Method in class NameEntityPropertyItem
NameEntityPropertyItem::getItemIdentifier() — Method in class NameEntityPropertyItem
PublicIdentifierPropertyItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class PublicIdentifierPropertyItem
PublicIdentifierPropertyItem::getIcon() — Method in class PublicIdentifierPropertyItem
PublicIdentifierPropertyItem::getItemIdentifier() — Method in class PublicIdentifierPropertyItem
TextEntityPropertyItem::getDisplayName() — Method in class TextEntityPropertyItem
TextEntityPropertyItem::getIcon() — Method in class TextEntityPropertyItem
TextEntityPropertyItem::getItemIdentifier() — Method in class TextEntityPropertyItem
TypeInterface::getType() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getPluralDisplayName() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getValidator() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getItems() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getSaveHandler() — Method in class TypeInterface
AssociationFormView::getFormFieldElement() — Method in class AssociationFormView
AssociationView::getControlID() — Method in class AssociationView

Returns the ID of the current form control – may return null if the form control doesn't need it.

AttributeKeyFormView::getControlID() — Method in class AttributeKeyFormView

Returns the ID of the current form control – may return null if the form control doesn't need it.

AttributeKeyFormView::getView() — Method in class AttributeKeyFormView
AttributeKeyView::getControlID() — Method in class AttributeKeyView

Returns the ID of the current form control – may return null if the form control doesn't need it.

AuthorView::getControlID() — Method in class AuthorView

Returns the ID of the current form control – may return null if the form control doesn't need it.

PublicIdentifierView::getControlID() — Method in class PublicIdentifierView

Returns the ID of the current form control – may return null if the form control doesn't need it.

TextView::getControlID() — Method in class TextView

Returns the ID of the current form control – may return null if the form control doesn't need it.

FormInterface::getFieldSets() — Method in class FormInterface
FormInterface::getId() — Method in class FormInterface
OwnedEntityForm::getFieldSets() — Method in class OwnedEntityForm
OwnedEntityForm::getOwningEntry() — Method in class OwnedEntityForm
OwnedEntityForm::getId() — Method in class OwnedEntityForm
OwnedEntityForm::getControlView() — Method in class OwnedEntityForm
ProcessorInterface::getValidator() — Method in class ProcessorInterface
StandardProcessor::getValidator() — Method in class StandardProcessor
Renderer::getContext() — Method in class Renderer
AbstractValidator::getErrorList() — Method in class AbstractValidator
ValidatorInterface::getErrorList() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
LabelFormatter::getResult() — Method in class LabelFormatter

Get a result given a key

EntityHandleGenerator::generate() — Method in class EntityHandleGenerator
ObjectBuilder::getAttributeTypeFactory() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
ObjectBuilder::getEntityManager() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
ObjectBuilder::getEntity() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
ObjectBuilder::getObject() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl::getTargetPropertyName() — Method in class FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl
ObjectManager::getEntities() — Method in class ObjectManager
ObjectManager::getList() — Method in class ObjectManager
ObjectManager::getEntry() — Method in class ObjectManager

Entry ID may be the integer ID or the public identifier

ObjectManager::getEntryByPublicIdentifier() — Method in class ObjectManager
ObjectManager::getObjectByID() — Method in class ObjectManager
ObjectManager::getObjectByHandle() — Method in class ObjectManager
ObjectManager::getEntityController() — Method in class ObjectManager
Available::getAuthor() — Method in class Available
ColumnSet::getAttributeKeyColumn() — Method in class ColumnSet
AssociationColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class AssociationColumn
AssociationColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class AssociationColumn
AssociationColumn::getAssociation() — Method in class AssociationColumn
AssociationColumn::getColumnValue() — Method in class AssociationColumn
DateCreatedColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class DateCreatedColumn
DateCreatedColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class DateCreatedColumn
DateCreatedColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class DateCreatedColumn
DateLastModifiedColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class DateLastModifiedColumn
DateLastModifiedColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class DateLastModifiedColumn
DateLastModifiedColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class DateLastModifiedColumn
DisplayOrderColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class DisplayOrderColumn
DisplayOrderColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class DisplayOrderColumn
DisplayOrderColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class DisplayOrderColumn
DefaultSet::getDateAdded() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getDateModified() — Method in class DefaultSet

Return the Date this entry was last modified or date created if getDateModified returns null (for backwards compaitibility)

DefaultSet::getDisplayOrder() — Method in class DefaultSet
AssociationField::getKey() — Method in class AssociationField

Get the field key.

AssociationField::getDisplayName() — Method in class AssociationField

Get the field display name.

AssociationField::getSelectedEntry() — Method in class AssociationField
Manager::getGroups() — Method in class Manager

Get the groups of fields.

Manager::getFieldByKey() — Method in class Manager

Search a field across all the groups.

Manager::getFieldsFromRequest() — Method in class Manager

Get the list of fields whose keys are in the 'field' of an array, and initialize the fields with the data.

EntityIndex::getIndexer() — Method in class EntityIndex
SearchProvider::getFieldManager() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSessionNamespace() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getEntity() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCustomAttributeKeys() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getBaseColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCurrentColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getItemList() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getDefaultColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class SearchProvider

Returns the number of items per page.

SearchProvider::getSavedSearch() — Method in class SearchProvider
UsesFeatureInterface::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class UsesFeatureInterface

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

FeedPost::getLink() — Method in class FeedPost
FeedService::getPosts() — Method in class FeedService
GuzzleClientClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Feed
GuzzleClient::get() — Method in class GuzzleClient
ChangeFileStorageLocationCommand::getStorageLocationID() — Method in class ChangeFileStorageLocationCommand
FileCommand::getFileID() — Method in class FileCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::getFileID() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::getMaxWidth() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::getMaxHeight() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::getHandler() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
GenerateThumbnailAsyncCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
GenerateThumbnailAsyncCommand::getHandler() — Method in class GenerateThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateThumbnailCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
GeneratedThumbnailCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
GeneratedThumbnailCommand::getFileVersionID() — Method in class GeneratedThumbnailCommand
GeneratedThumbnailCommand::getThumbnailTypeHandle() — Method in class GeneratedThumbnailCommand
GeneratedThumbnailCommand::getHandler() — Method in class GeneratedThumbnailCommand
RebuildFileIndexCommand::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class RebuildFileIndexCommand
RebuildFileIndexCommand::getHandler() — Method in class RebuildFileIndexCommand
RebuildFileIndexCommand::getIndexName() — Method in class RebuildFileIndexCommand
RescanFileAsyncCommand::getHandler() — Method in class RescanFileAsyncCommand
ChooserConfiguration::getUploaders() — Method in class ChooserConfiguration
ChooserConfiguration::getChoosers() — Method in class ChooserConfiguration
ChooserConfiguration::getFilters() — Method in class ChooserConfiguration
ChooserConfigurationInterface::getUploaders() — Method in class ChooserConfigurationInterface
ChooserConfigurationInterface::getChoosers() — Method in class ChooserConfigurationInterface
ChooserConfigurationInterface::getFilters() — Method in class ChooserConfigurationInterface
FileExtensionFilter::getExtensions() — Method in class FileExtensionFilter
FileTypeFilter::getType() — Method in class FileTypeFilter
FilterCollection::getFilters() — Method in class FilterCollection
FilterCollectionInterface::getFilters() — Method in class FilterCollectionInterface
OptionInterface::getComponentKey() — Method in class OptionInterface
OptionInterface::getTitle() — Method in class OptionInterface
OptionSerializableTrait::getId() — Method in class OptionSerializableTrait
ExternalFileProviderOption::getId() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderOption
ExternalFileProviderOption::getComponentKey() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderOption
ExternalFileProviderOption::getTitle() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderOption
FileManagerOption::getComponentKey() — Method in class FileManagerOption
FileManagerOption::getTitle() — Method in class FileManagerOption
FileManagerOption::getId() — Method in class FileManagerOption
FileSetsOption::getComponentKey() — Method in class FileSetsOption
FileSetsOption::getTitle() — Method in class FileSetsOption
FileUploadOption::getComponentKey() — Method in class FileUploadOption
FileUploadOption::getTitle() — Method in class FileUploadOption
FolderBookmarkOption::getId() — Method in class FolderBookmarkOption
FolderBookmarkOption::getComponentKey() — Method in class FolderBookmarkOption
FolderBookmarkOption::getTitle() — Method in class FolderBookmarkOption
RecentUploadsOption::getComponentKey() — Method in class RecentUploadsOption
RecentUploadsOption::getTitle() — Method in class RecentUploadsOption
SavedSearchOption::getComponentKey() — Method in class SavedSearchOption
SavedSearchOption::getTitle() — Method in class SavedSearchOption
SearchOption::getComponentKey() — Method in class SearchOption
SearchOption::getTitle() — Method in class SearchOption
EditResponse::getJSONObject() — Method in class EditResponse

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

DuplicateFile::getNewFileObject() — Method in class DuplicateFile
File::getFileObject() — Method in class File
FileAccess::getUserObject() — Method in class FileAccess
FileSet::getFileSetObject() — Method in class FileSet
FileSetFile::getFileSetFileObject() — Method in class FileSetFile
FileVersion::getFileVersionObject() — Method in class FileVersion
FileWithPassword::getFilePassword() — Method in class FileWithPassword
ThumbnailDelete::getPath() — Method in class ThumbnailDelete
ThumbnailDelete::getThumbnailType() — Method in class ThumbnailDelete
ThumbnailGenerate::getPath() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerate
ThumbnailGenerate::getThumbnailType() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerate
FileException::getFileObject() — Method in class FileException
FileVersionException::getFileVersionObject() — Method in class FileVersionException
Configuration::getTypeObject() — Method in class Configuration
ConfigurationInterface::getTypeObject() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface
ConfigurationInterface::getFileTypes() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface
ExternalFileEntry::getFID() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getTitle() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getThumbnailUrl() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getSize() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getWidth() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getHeight() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getFvDateAdded() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getTreeNodeID() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getListingThumbnailImage() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::getDetailThumbnailImage() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileList::getFiles() — Method in class ExternalFileList
ExternalFileList::getTotalFiles() — Method in class ExternalFileList
ExternalFileProviderInterface::getConfigurationObject() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderInterface

Get the configuration for this external file provider

ExternalSearchRequest::getSearchTerm() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::getFileType() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::getOrderBy() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::getOrderByDirection() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::getCurrentPage() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
Type::getByID() — Method in class Type
Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getList() — Method in class Type

Returns an array of \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\ExternalFileProvider\Type\Type objects.

Type::getListByPackage() — Method in class Type

Return an array of Types that are associated with a specific package.

File::getByID() — Method in class File

Return a file object for the given file ID.

File::getByUUID() — Method in class File

Return a file object for the given file UUID.

File::getByUUIDOrID() — Method in class File

Returns a file object in several conditions. If a UUID is given, we only check using that method.

File::getRelativePathFromID() — Method in class File

Return the relative path for a file (may not exist).

FileList::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class FileList
FileList::getPagerManager() — Method in class FileList
FileList::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class FileList
FileList::getTotalResults() — Method in class FileList

Returns the total results in this item list.

FileList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class FileList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

FileList::getResult() — Method in class FileList
FileList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class FileList
FileProviderInterface::getFileObjects() — Method in class FileProviderInterface
Filesystem::getFolder() — Method in class Filesystem

Get a folder given its ID.

Filesystem::getRootFolder() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the root folder.

FolderItemList::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::getPagerManager() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::getTotalResults() — Method in class FolderItemList

Returns the total results in this item list.

FolderItemList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class FolderItemList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

FolderItemList::getResult() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class FolderItemList
BasicThumbnailer::getStorageLocation() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Get the storage location to use.

BasicThumbnailer::getJpegCompression() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Get the currently set JPEG compression level.

BasicThumbnailer::getWebpCompression() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Get the currently set WEBP compression level.

BasicThumbnailer::getPngCompression() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Get the currently set PNG compression level.

BasicThumbnailer::getThumbnailsFormat() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Get the format of the generated thumbnails.

BasicThumbnailer::getThumbnail() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Returns a path to the specified item, resized and/or cropped to meet max width and height. $obj can e Returns an object with the following properties: src, width, height.

BitmapFormat::getAllImageFormats() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Get all the image formats.

BitmapFormat::getFormatMimeType() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Get the MIME type for a specific format.

BitmapFormat::getFormatFromMimeType() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Get the bitmap format corresponding to a specific MIME type.

BitmapFormat::getFormatImagineSaveOptions() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Get the Imagine save options for the specified image format.

BitmapFormat::getFormatFileExtension() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Get the file extension for the specified format.

BitmapFormat::getDefaultJpegQuality() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Get the default JPEG quality.

BitmapFormat::getDefaultWebpQuality() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Get the default WEBP quality.

BitmapFormat::getDefaultPngCompressionLevel() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Get the default PNG compression level.

Sanitizer::getLoadFlags() — Method in class Sanitizer

Get the flags to be used when loading the XML.

SanitizerOptions::getUnsafeElements() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Get the list of unsafe XML elements.

SanitizerOptions::getUnsafeAttributes() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Get the list of unsafe XML attributes.

SanitizerOptions::getElementAllowlist() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Get the list of XML elements to not consider as unsafe.

SanitizerOptions::getAttributeAllowlist() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Get the list of XML attributes to not consider as unsafe.

AtomicThumbnailStream::getIterator() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream

Get an iterator that outputs locked thumbnail rows

AtomicThumbnailStream::getNextQuery() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream
AtomicThumbnailStream::getLockID() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream

Get and memoize the current lock ID

Resolver::getPath() — Method in class Resolver

Get the path for a file version

Resolver::getStoredThumnbailPath() — Method in class Resolver
Resolver::getStoredThumbnailPath() — Method in class Resolver

Get the stored path for a file.

Resolver::getBuiltThumbnailPath() — Method in class Resolver

An access point for overriding how paths are built

Resolver::getPathFromConfiguration() — Method in class Resolver

Get the path from a configuration object

Resolver::getStoredPath() — Method in class Resolver
Resolver::getBuiltPath() — Method in class Resolver
Thumbnail::getThumbnailTypeVersionObject() — Method in class Thumbnail

Get the thumbnail type version.

Thumbnail::getPath() — Method in class Thumbnail

Get the thumbnail full URL (if available) or its path relative to the webroot.

ThumbnailFormatService::getFormatForFile() — Method in class ThumbnailFormatService

Get the format to be used for a specific file (using the configured format option).

ThumbnailFormatService::getAutomaticFormatForFile() — Method in class ThumbnailFormatService

Get the format to be used for a specific file (calculating if from the file extension).

ThumbnailFormatService::getFormatForFileExtension() — Method in class ThumbnailFormatService

Get the format to be used for a specific file extension (using the configured format option).

ThumbnailFormatService::getAutomaticFormatForFileExtension() — Method in class ThumbnailFormatService

Get the format to be used for a specific file extension (calculating if from the file extension).

ThumbnailFormatService::getConfiguredFormat() — Method in class ThumbnailFormatService

Get the configured format.

ThumbnailPlaceholderService::getThumbnailImage() — Method in class ThumbnailPlaceholderService
ThumbnailPlaceholderService::getThumbnailPlaceholder() — Method in class ThumbnailPlaceholderService

Generates a SVG placeholder graphic with wrapped in an div container that contains all required attributes to swap out this placeholder image by mercure service.

ThumbnailerInterface::getStorageLocation() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Get the storage location to use.

ThumbnailerInterface::getJpegCompression() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Get the currently set JPEG compression level.

ThumbnailerInterface::getWebpCompression() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Get the currently set WEBP compression level.

ThumbnailerInterface::getPngCompression() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Get the currently set PNG compression level.

ThumbnailerInterface::getThumbnailsFormat() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Get the format of the generated thumbnails.

ThumbnailerInterface::getThumbnail() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Returns a path to the specified item, resized and/or cropped to meet max width and height. $obj can e Returns an object with the following properties: src, width, height.

CustomThumbnail::getFilePath() — Method in class CustomThumbnail

Get the path to the thumbnail of a file version (relative to the to the storage location root).

Type::getList() — Method in class Type

Get the list of all the available thumbnail types.

Type::getVersionList() — Method in class Type

Get the list of all the available thumbnail type versions.

Type::getByID() — Method in class Type

Get a thumbnail type given its id.

Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type

Get a thumbnail type given its handle.

Type::getSizingOptions() — Method in class Type

Get all the available thumbnail sizing options.

Version::getByHandle() — Method in class Version

Get a thumbnail type version given its handle.

Version::getDirectoryName() — Method in class Version

Get the name of the directory that contains the thumbnails.

Version::getHandle() — Method in class Version

Get the handle of the thumbnail type version.

Version::getName() — Method in class Version

Get the name of the thumbnail type version.

Version::getDisplayName() — Method in class Version

Get the display name for this thumbnail type version (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Version::getWidth() — Method in class Version

Get the width of the thumbnails (or the maximum width in case of proportional sizing).

Version::getHeight() — Method in class Version

Get the height of the thumbnails (or the maximum height in case of proportional sizing).

Version::getSizingMode() — Method in class Version

Get the thumbnail sizing mode.

Version::getAssociatedFileSetIDs() — Method in class Version

Get the IDs of associated file sets (whose meaning depends on the value of limitedToFileSets).

Version::getSaveAreaBackgroundColor() — Method in class Version

Background color of the Image Editor save area

Version::getSizingModeDisplayName() — Method in class Version

Get the display name of the thumbnail sizing mode.

Version::getFilePath() — Method in class Version

Get the path to the thumbnail of a file version (relative to the to the storage location root).

ConstrainImageProcessor::getMaxWidth() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Get the maximum image width (if set).

ConstrainImageProcessor::getMaxHeight() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Get the maximum image height (if set).

ConstrainImageProcessor::getConstraintMode() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Get the resize mode.

ConstrainImageProcessor::getResizeInPlace() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor
ForceImageFormatProcessor::getFormat() — Method in class ForceImageFormatProcessor
SetJPEGQualityProcessor::getQuality() — Method in class SetJPEGQualityProcessor
FileImporter::getProcessorManager() — Method in class FileImporter

Get the processor list manager.

FileImporter::generatePrefix() — Method in class FileImporter

Generate a file prefix.

ImportOptions::getImportToFolder() — Method in class ImportOptions

The import process should store the file in this folder.

ImportOptions::getAddNewVersionTo() — Method in class ImportOptions

The import process should add a new file Version to this File object (NULL: no).

ImportOptions::getStorageLocation() — Method in class ImportOptions

Get the storage location where imported files should be saved to.

ImportOptions::getCustomPrefix() — Method in class ImportOptions

Get the custom prefix to be used to store the file.

ImportOptions::getFileStorageLocation() — Method in class ImportOptions

Get the storage location associated to a file.

ImportOptions::getFolderStorageLocation() — Method in class ImportOptions

Get the storage location associated to a folder.

ImportingFile::getLocalFilename() — Method in class ImportingFile

Get the full path to the local file being imported.

ImportingFile::getConcreteFilename() — Method in class ImportingFile

Get the name of the file for concrete5.

ImportingFile::getConcreteFilenameSanitized() — Method in class ImportingFile

Get the sanitized name of the file for concrete5.

ImportingFile::getFileExtension() — Method in class ImportingFile

Get the extension of the file (lower case, without leading dots).

ImportingFile::getMimeType() — Method in class ImportingFile

Get the MIME type of the file (starting from the sanitized file extension).

ImportingFile::getFileType() — Method in class ImportingFile

Get the type of the file.

ImportingFile::getImage() — Method in class ImportingFile

Load the image from the local file.

ImportingFile::getCustomData() — Method in class ImportingFile

Get custom data for inter-processors communication.

ProcessorManager::getRegisteredProcessors() — Method in class ProcessorManager

Get the list of all registered processors.

ProcessorManager::getValidators() — Method in class ProcessorManager

Get the list of registered validators.

ProcessorManager::getPreProcessors() — Method in class ProcessorManager

Get the list of registered pre-processors.

ProcessorManager::getPostProcessors() — Method in class ProcessorManager

Get the list of registered post-processors.

ExifDataExtractor::getPostProcessPriority() — Method in class ExifDataExtractor

Get the priority of this post-processor.

ExifDataExtractor::getMetadataBag() — Method in class ExifDataExtractor
FileExistingValidator::getValidationPriority() — Method in class FileExistingValidator

Get the priority of this validator.

FileExtensionValidator::getValidationPriority() — Method in class FileExtensionValidator

Get the priority of this validator.

ImageAutorotator::getPreProcessPriority() — Method in class ImageAutorotator

Get the priority of this pre-processor.

ImageSizeConstrain::getMaxWidth() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Get the maximum image width (if set).

ImageSizeConstrain::getMaxHeight() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Get the maximum image height (if set).

ImageSizeConstrain::getConstraintMode() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Get the resize mode.

ImageSizeConstrain::getPreProcessPriority() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Get the priority of this pre-processor.

LegacyPostProcessor::getPostProcessPriority() — Method in class LegacyPostProcessor

Get the priority of this post-processor.

PostProcessorInterface::getPostProcessPriority() — Method in class PostProcessorInterface

Get the priority of this post-processor.

PreProcessorInterface::getPreProcessPriority() — Method in class PreProcessorInterface

Get the priority of this pre-processor.

SvgProcessor::getValidationPriority() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Get the priority of this validator.

SvgProcessor::getPreProcessPriority() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Get the priority of this pre-processor.

SvgProcessor::getAction() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Get the action that should be taken.

ThumbnailGenerator::getPostProcessPriority() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator

Get the priority of this post-processor.

ValidatorInterface::getValidationPriority() — Method in class ValidatorInterface

Get the priority of this validator.

Importer::getErrorMessage() — Method in class Importer
Importer::generatePrefix() — Method in class Importer
Incoming::getIncomingPath() — Method in class Incoming

Get the path of the "incoming" directory (relative to the incoming filesystem).

Incoming::getIncomingStorageLocation() — Method in class Incoming

Get the storage location for the "incoming" files.

Incoming::getIncomingFilesystem() — Method in class Incoming

Get the filesystem object to be used to work with the incoming directory.

DeleteFileItem::getActionURL() — Method in class DeleteFileItem
DeleteFileItem::getAction() — Method in class DeleteFileItem
DeleteFileItem::getItemName() — Method in class DeleteFileItem
DeleteFileItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class DeleteFileItem
Available::getAuthorName() — Method in class Available
Available::getType() — Method in class Available
Available::getDateModified() — Method in class Available
Available::getName() — Method in class Available
Available::getSize() — Method in class Available
Available::getFileDateActivated() — Method in class Available
ColumnSet::getAttributeKeyColumn() — Method in class ColumnSet
DateModifiedColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class DateModifiedColumn
DateModifiedColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class DateModifiedColumn
DateModifiedColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class DateModifiedColumn
FileIDColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class FileIDColumn
FileIDColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class FileIDColumn
FileIDColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class FileIDColumn
FileIDColumn::getFileID() — Method in class FileIDColumn
FileVersionDateAddedColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class FileVersionDateAddedColumn
FileVersionDateAddedColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class FileVersionDateAddedColumn
FileVersionDateAddedColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class FileVersionDateAddedColumn
FileVersionFilenameColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class FileVersionFilenameColumn
FileVersionFilenameColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class FileVersionFilenameColumn
FileVersionFilenameColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class FileVersionFilenameColumn
FileVersionFilenameColumn::getFilename() — Method in class FileVersionFilenameColumn
NameColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class NameColumn
NameColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class NameColumn
NameColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class NameColumn
SizeColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class SizeColumn
SizeColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class SizeColumn
SizeColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class SizeColumn
TypeColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class TypeColumn
TypeColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class TypeColumn
TypeColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class TypeColumn
TypeColumn::getTypeValue() — Method in class TypeColumn
DefaultSet::getType() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getDateModified() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getName() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getSize() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getFileDateActivated() — Method in class DefaultSet
AddedToPageField::getKey() — Method in class AddedToPageField

Get the field key.

AddedToPageField::getDisplayName() — Method in class AddedToPageField

Get the field display name.

DateAddedField::getKey() — Method in class DateAddedField

Get the field key.

DateAddedField::getDisplayName() — Method in class DateAddedField

Get the field display name.

ExtensionField::getKey() — Method in class ExtensionField

Get the field key.

ExtensionField::getDisplayName() — Method in class ExtensionField

Get the field display name.

FileSetField::getKey() — Method in class FileSetField

Get the field key.

FileSetField::getDisplayName() — Method in class FileSetField

Get the field display name.

FolderField::getKey() — Method in class FolderField

Get the field key.

FolderField::getDisplayName() — Method in class FolderField

Get the field display name.

SizeField::getKey() — Method in class SizeField

Get the field key.

SizeField::getDisplayName() — Method in class SizeField

Get the field display name.

StorageLocationField::getKey() — Method in class StorageLocationField
StorageLocationField::getDisplayName() — Method in class StorageLocationField
TypeField::getKey() — Method in class TypeField

Get the field key.

TypeField::getDisplayName() — Method in class TypeField

Get the field display name.

Item::getListingThumbnailImage() — Method in class Item
Item::getDetailsURL() — Method in class Item
Item::getResultFileUUID() — Method in class Item

Returns an integer for a file ID if the result is a file, otherwise returns null.

Item::getResultFileID() — Method in class Item

Returns an integer for a file ID if the result is a file, otherwise returns null.

Result::getFolder() — Method in class Result
Result::getJSONObject() — Method in class Result
Result::getItemDetails() — Method in class Result
Result::getColumnDetails() — Method in class Result
SearchProvider::getFieldManager() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSessionNamespace() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCustomAttributeKeys() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCurrentColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getBaseColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getDefaultColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getItemList() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class SearchProvider

Gets items per page from the current preset or from the session.

SearchProvider::getItemsPerPageOptions() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSavedSearch() — Method in class SearchProvider
Application::getThumbnailFilePath() — Method in class Application
Application::getIncomingDirectoryContents() — Method in class Application
Application::getAllowedFileExtensions() — Method in class Application

Returns an array of all allowed file extensions within the system.

File::getDirectoryContents() — Method in class File

Returns the contents of a directory.

File::getCreateFilePermissions() — Method in class File

Returns an object with two permissions modes (octal): one for files: $res->file and another for directories: $res->dir.

File::getTemporaryDirectory() — Method in class File

Returns the full path to the temporary directory.

File::getContents() — Method in class File

Just a consistency wrapper for file_get_contents Should use curl if it exists and fopen isn't allowed (thanks Remo).

File::getExtension() — Method in class File

Returns the extension for a file name.

VolatileDirectory::getFilesystem() — Method in class VolatileDirectory

Get the used Filesystem instance.

VolatileDirectory::getPath() — Method in class VolatileDirectory

Get the absolute path of this volatile directory (always with '/' as directory separator, without the trailing '/').

Zip::getFilesystem() — Method in class Zip

Get the Filesystem instance to use.

File::getFileSetFiles() — Method in class File
File::getByID() — Method in class File
Set::getGlobal() — Method in class Set

Returns an object mapping to the global file set, fsID = 0.

Set::getMySets() — Method in class Set

Returns all sets currently available to the User

Set::getOwnedSets() — Method in class Set

Returns all sets (except saved searches) for a User

Set::getByID() — Method in class Set

Get a file set object by a file set's id.

Set::getFilesBySetID() — Method in class Set

Static method to return an array of File objects by the set id.

Set::getFilesBySetName() — Method in class Set

Static method to return an array of File objects by the set name.

Set::getByName() — Method in class Set

Get a file set object by a file name.

Set::getFiles() — Method in class Set

Returns an array of File objects from the current set.

Set::getFileSetUserID() — Method in class Set
Set::getFileSetType() — Method in class Set
Set::getSavedSearches() — Method in class Set
Set::getFileSetID() — Method in class Set
Set::getFileSetName() — Method in class Set
Set::getFileSetDisplayName() — Method in class Set

Returns the display name for this file set (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Set::getSavedSearchRequest() — Method in class Set
Set::getSavedSearchColumns() — Method in class Set
Set::getJSONObject() — Method in class Set
Set::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Set
Set::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Set
Set::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Set
SetList::get() — Method in class SetList

Returns an array of whatever objects extends this class (e.g. PageList returns a list of pages).

Configuration::getTypeObject() — Method in class Configuration
ConfigurationInterface::getAdapter() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Get the flysystem adapter

ConfigurationInterface::getPublicURLToFile() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Get the public url to a file

ConfigurationInterface::getRelativePathToFile() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Get the relative path to a file

LocalConfiguration::getRootPath() — Method in class LocalConfiguration
LocalConfiguration::getWebRootRelativePath() — Method in class LocalConfiguration
LocalConfiguration::getRelativePathToFile() — Method in class LocalConfiguration

Get the relative path to a file

LocalConfiguration::getPublicURLToFile() — Method in class LocalConfiguration

Get the public url to a file

LocalConfiguration::getAdapter() — Method in class LocalConfiguration

Get the flysystem adapter

StorageLocation::getByID() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::getList() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::getDefault() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocationInterface::getConfigurationObject() — Method in class StorageLocationInterface

Get the configuration for this storage location

StorageLocationInterface::getFileSystemObject() — Method in class StorageLocationInterface

Returns the proper file system object for the current storage location by mapping it through Flysystem.

Type::getByID() — Method in class Type
Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getList() — Method in class Type

Returns an array of \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\StorageLocation\Type\Type objects.

Type::getListByPackage() — Method in class Type

Return an array of AuthenticationTypes that are associated with a specific package.

FileTrackableInterface::getUsedFiles() — Method in class FileTrackableInterface
UsageTracker::getTrackables() — Method in class UsageTracker
FlvInspector::getFlvMetadata() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::getStream() — Method in class FlvInspector
Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type

Get the handle of the owner package (empty string if not available).

Type::getGenericType() — Method in class Type

Get the generic category type (one of the \Concrete\Core\File\Type\Type::T_... constants).

Type::getGenericDisplayType() — Method in class Type

Get the name of the generic category type.

Type::getName() — Method in class Type

Get the name (empty string if generic type).

Type::getDisplayName() — Method in class Type

Get the display name (localized).

Type::getExtension() — Method in class Type

Get the single file extension.

Type::getCustomImporter() — Method in class Type

Get the handle of the custom importer (empty string if not available).

Type::getEditor() — Method in class Type

Get the handle of the editor (empty string if not available).

Type::getView() — Method in class Type

Get the handle of the inline viewer (empty string if not available).

Type::getCustomInspector() — Method in class Type

Get the inspector for this file type (if available).

Type::getUsedExtensionList() — Method in class Type

Get the list of all the file extensions used by approved file versions.

Type::getUsedTypeList() — Method in class Type

Get the list of all the file types used by approved file versions.

Type::getTypeList() — Method in class Type

Get the list of all the available type IDs.

Type::getThumbnail() — Method in class Type

Returns a thumbnail for this type of file.

Type::getGenericTypeText() — Method in class Type

Get the name of a generic file type.

TypeList::getInstance() — Method in class TypeList
TypeList::getImporterAttribute() — Method in class TypeList
TypeList::getType() — Method in class TypeList

Can take an extension or a filename Returns any registered information we have for the particular file type, based on its registration.

ClientSideUploader::getTimeout() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Get the maximum time (in seconds) before PHP aborts uploads.

ClientSideUploader::getParallelUploads() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Get the number of parallel uploads.

ClientSideUploader::getChunkSize() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Get the size of the uploaded file chunks (in bytes), by considering both the configured value and the PHP settings.

ClientSideUploader::getConfiguredChunkSize() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Get the configured size (in bytes) of the uploaded file chunks.

ClientSideUploader::getPHPMaxFileSize() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Get the maximim size (in bytes) allowed by PHP for a single uploaded file.

Dropzone::getLocalizationOptions() — Method in class Dropzone

Get the Dropzone localization options.

Dropzone::getConfigurationOptions() — Method in class Dropzone

Get the Dropzone configuration options.

Element::getLocator() — Method in class Element

Get the locator instance to be used to get the actual PHP file that implements the view.

Element::getElementPath() — Method in class Element

Get the path of the element view (relative to the webroot).

Element::getFileLocatorRecord() — Method in class Element
Element::getElementController() — Method in class Element

Get the element controller.

Element::getContents() — Method in class Element
Element::getBaseLocator() — Method in class Element
ElementManager::get() — Method in class ElementManager
FileLocator::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileLocator
FileLocator::getAllRecords() — Method in class FileLocator
FileLocator::getRecord() — Method in class FileLocator
FileLocator::getLocations() — Method in class FileLocator
FileLocator::getCacheKey() — Method in class FileLocator
AbstractLocation::getPath() — Method in class AbstractLocation
AbstractLocation::getURL() — Method in class AbstractLocation
AbstractLocation::getPackageHandle() — Method in class AbstractLocation
AbstractLocation::getRecord() — Method in class AbstractLocation
AllPackagesLocation::getCacheKey() — Method in class AllPackagesLocation
ApplicationLocation::getCacheKey() — Method in class ApplicationLocation
ApplicationLocation::getPath() — Method in class ApplicationLocation
ApplicationLocation::getURL() — Method in class ApplicationLocation
CoreLocation::getCacheKey() — Method in class CoreLocation
LocationInterface::getCacheKey() — Method in class LocationInterface
PackageLocation::getPackageHandle() — Method in class PackageLocation
PackageLocation::getCacheKey() — Method in class PackageLocation
PackageLocation::getPath() — Method in class PackageLocation
PackageLocation::getURL() — Method in class PackageLocation
Record::getFile() — Method in class Record
Record::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Record
Record::getUrl() — Method in class Record
ThemeElementLocation::getPath() — Method in class ThemeElementLocation
ThemeElementLocation::getURL() — Method in class ThemeElementLocation
ThemeLocation::getCacheKey() — Method in class ThemeLocation
ThemeLocation::getThemeHandle() — Method in class ThemeLocation
ThemeLocation::getPath() — Method in class ThemeLocation
ThemeLocation::getURL() — Method in class ThemeLocation
AbstractIconRepository::getPath() — Method in class AbstractIconRepository
AbstractIconRepository::getBaseUrl() — Method in class AbstractIconRepository
AbstractIconRepository::getIcons() — Method in class AbstractIconRepository
Icon::getFilename() — Method in class Icon
Icon::getUrl() — Method in class Icon
IconInterface::getFilename() — Method in class IconInterface
IconInterface::getUrl() — Method in class IconInterface
IconRepositoryInterface::getIcons() — Method in class IconRepositoryInterface
LocatableFileInterface::getFileLocatorRecord() — Method in class LocatableFileInterface
Template::getTemplateHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Template
TemplateFile::getTemplateFileParentObject() — Method in class TemplateFile

Returns the parent object of this template file

TemplateFile::getTemplateFileFilename() — Method in class TemplateFile

Returns the file name

TemplateFile::getTemplateFileName() — Method in class TemplateFile

Returns the name of this template file

TemplateFile::getTemplateFileDisplayName() — Method in class TemplateFile

Returns the display name for this template file (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

TemplateLocation::getPackageHandle() — Method in class TemplateLocation
TemplateLocation::getLocation() — Method in class TemplateLocation
TemplateLocator::getTemplate() — Method in class TemplateLocator
TemplateLocator::getPath() — Method in class TemplateLocator
TemplateLocator::getFile() — Method in class TemplateLocator
TemplateLocator::getLocations() — Method in class TemplateLocator
TemplateLocator::getLocation() — Method in class TemplateLocator
ContextFactory::getContext() — Method in class ContextFactory
ContextProviderInterface::getContextRegistry() — Method in class ContextProviderInterface
ContextRegistry::getContexts() — Method in class ContextRegistry
ContextRegistryInterface::getContexts() — Method in class ContextRegistryInterface
ControlEntry::getContext() — Method in class ControlEntry
ControlEntry::getHandle() — Method in class ControlEntry
ControlEntry::getViewClass() — Method in class ControlEntry
ControlRegistry::getEntryFromContext() — Method in class ControlRegistry
ControlRegistry::getControlView() — Method in class ControlRegistry
ControlInterface::getControlView() — Method in class ControlInterface
FormView::getLabel() — Method in class FormView

Returns the label for the current form control.

FormViewInterface::getLabel() — Method in class FormViewInterface

Returns the label for the current form control.

FormViewInterface::getControlID() — Method in class FormViewInterface

Returns the ID of the current form control – may return null if the form control doesn't need it.

View::getScopeItems() — Method in class View
View::getView() — Method in class View
View::getContext() — Method in class View
View::getControlRenderer() — Method in class View
ViewInterface::getControlRenderer() — Method in class ViewInterface
ViewInterface::getContext() — Method in class ViewInterface
ViewInterface::getScopeItems() — Method in class ViewInterface
DestinationPicker::getPicker() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Get a registered picker given its handle.

DestinationPicker::getRegisteredPickers() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Get the list of currently registered pickers.

DestinationPicker::generate() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Generate the HTML that renders the destination picker.

DestinationPicker::getHandlesWithOptions() — Method in class DestinationPicker
EmailPicker::getDisplayName() — Method in class EmailPicker

Get the display name of this picker (to be used in the SELECT html element).

EmailPicker::getHeight() — Method in class EmailPicker

Get the height of this picker (in pixels).

EmailPicker::generate() — Method in class EmailPicker

Generate the HTML for the picker.

ExternalUrlPicker::getDisplayName() — Method in class ExternalUrlPicker

Get the display name of this picker (to be used in the SELECT html element).

ExternalUrlPicker::getHeight() — Method in class ExternalUrlPicker

Get the height of this picker (in pixels).

ExternalUrlPicker::generate() — Method in class ExternalUrlPicker

Generate the HTML for the picker.

FilePicker::getDisplayName() — Method in class FilePicker

Get the display name of this picker (to be used in the SELECT html element).

FilePicker::getHeight() — Method in class FilePicker

Get the height of this picker (in pixels).

FilePicker::generate() — Method in class FilePicker

Generate the HTML for the picker.

NoDestinationPicker::getDisplayName() — Method in class NoDestinationPicker

Get the display name of this picker (to be used in the SELECT html element).

NoDestinationPicker::getHeight() — Method in class NoDestinationPicker

Get the height of this picker (in pixels).

NoDestinationPicker::generate() — Method in class NoDestinationPicker

Generate the HTML for the picker.

PagePicker::getDisplayName() — Method in class PagePicker

Get the display name of this picker (to be used in the SELECT html element).

PagePicker::getHeight() — Method in class PagePicker

Get the height of this picker (in pixels).

PagePicker::generate() — Method in class PagePicker

Generate the HTML for the picker.

PickerInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class PickerInterface

Get the display name of this picker (to be used in the SELECT html element).

PickerInterface::getHeight() — Method in class PickerInterface

Get the height of this picker (in pixels).

PickerInterface::generate() — Method in class PickerInterface

Generate the HTML for the picker.

Form::getRequest() — Method in class Form
Form::getRequestValue() — Method in class Form

Checks the request (first POST then GET) based on the key passed.

Form::getAutocompletionDisabler() — Method in class Form

Generates HTML code that can be added at the beginning of a form to disable username/password autocompletion.

Validation::getError() — Method in class Validation
DurationSelector::getDefaultRepetition() — Method in class DurationSelector
GroupSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
$ GroupSelector#groupListProperty in class GroupSelector
GroupSelector::getGroupFromGroupTreeRequestValue() — Method in class GroupSelector
ClassAliasList::getRegisteredAliases() — Method in class ClassAliasList
ClassAliasList::getInstance() — Method in class ClassAliasList
ClassAutoloader::getInstance() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Get the singleton ClassAutoloader instance.

ClassAutoloader::getCoreDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Get the absolute path to the core directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

ClassAutoloader::getCoreStartingPointDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Get the absolute path to the core starting point directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

ClassAutoloader::getApplicationNamespace() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Get the application namespace, with a trailing '\' and without a leading '\' (or an empty string if no namespace).

ClassAutoloader::getApplicationDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Get the absolute path to the application directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

ClassAutoloader::getApplicationStartingPointDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Get the absolute path to the application starting point directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

ClassAutoloader::getPackagesDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Ghe absolute path to the packages directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

ClassAutoloader::getClassAliases() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Get the registered class aliases.

ClassAutoloader::getRequiredAliases() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Get the of class aliases that must be autoloaded at boot time (without leading '\').

ClassLoader::getApplicationNamespace() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::getInstance() — Method in class ClassLoader
Command::getHandler() — Method in class Command
HandlerAwareCommandInterface::getHandler() — Method in class HandlerAwareCommandInterface
ConcreteObject::getError() — Method in class ConcreteObject
Environment::get() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getRecord() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getUncachedRecord() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getPath() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getURL() — Method in class Environment
EnvironmentDetector::getEnvironmentArgument() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Get the environment argument from the console.

EnvironmentDetector::getEnvironmentFromVariable() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Gets the environment from the CONCRETE5_ENV environment variable.

EnvironmentRecord::getFile() — Method in class EnvironmentRecord
EnvironmentRecord::getUrl() — Method in class EnvironmentRecord
FunctionInspector::getDisabledFunctions() — Method in class FunctionInspector

Set the system-level disabled functions.

AbstractRepetition::getStartDateTimestamp() — Method in class AbstractRepetition

Returns the start date/time as a timestamp

AbstractRepetition::getEndDateTimestamp() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getTimezone() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getActiveRange() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getRepeatPeriod() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getStartDate() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getEndDate() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getRepeatPeriodEnd() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getRepeatEveryNum() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getRepeatPeriodWeekDays() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getRepeatMonthBy() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getTextRepresentation() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getRepeatPeriodEveryNum() — Method in class AbstractRepetition

This method is deprecated, use getRepeatEveryNum.

AbstractRepetition::getRepeatMonthLastWeekday() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::getDayString() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
BasicRepetition::getID() — Method in class BasicRepetition

The ID of this repetition, null for unsaved.

RepetitionInterface::getTimezone() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::getID() — Method in class RepetitionInterface

The ID of this repetition, null for unsaved.

RepetitionInterface::getStartDateTimestamp() — Method in class RepetitionInterface

Returns the start date/time as a timestamp

RepetitionInterface::getStartDate() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::getEndDate() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::getRepeatPeriod() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::getRepeatPeriodWeekDays() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::getRepeatMonthBy() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::getRepeatEveryNum() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::getRepeatPeriodEnd() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::getTextRepresentation() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
DefaultRuntime::getBooter() — Method in class DefaultRuntime
DefaultRuntime::getRunner() — Method in class DefaultRuntime
DefaultRunner::getConfig() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the config repository to use.

DefaultRunner::getDefaultConfig() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the default config repository to use.

DefaultRunner::getRouter() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the router to use.

DefaultRunner::getDefaultRouter() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the default router to use.

DefaultRunner::getSiteService() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the site service to use.

DefaultRunner::getDefaultSiteService() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the default site service to use.

DefaultRunner::getUrlResolver() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the url resolver to use.

DefaultRunner::getDefaultUrlResolver() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the default url resolver to use.

DefaultRunner::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the url resolver to use.

DefaultRunner::getDefaultEventDispatcher() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Get the default url resolver to use.

GeolocationResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Geolocator
GeolocationResult::getErrorCode() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the error category (one of the GeolocationResult::ERR_... constants).

GeolocationResult::getErrorMessage() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the error message ().

GeolocationResult::getInnerException() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the underlying exception causing the error (if available).

GeolocationResult::getCityName() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the city name.

GeolocationResult::getStateProvinceCode() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the code of the province/state.

GeolocationResult::getStateProvinceName() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the name of the province/state (in American English).

GeolocationResult::getPostalCode() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the postal code.

GeolocationResult::getCountryCode() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the code of the country (two letter upper case ISO-3166 code).

GeolocationResult::getCountryName() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the name of the country (in American English).

GeolocationResult::getCountryNameLocalized() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the name of the country (in the current language).

GeolocationResult::getLatitude() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the latitude.

GeolocationResult::getLongitude() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Get the longitude.

GeolocatorControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Geolocator
$ GeolocatorController#geolocatorProperty in class GeolocatorController
GeolocatorController::getFileRecord() — Method in class GeolocatorController

Get the path to a geolocator file.

GeolocatorController::getConfigurationRecord() — Method in class GeolocatorController
GeolocatorController::geolocateIPAddress() — Method in class GeolocatorController

Geolocate an IP address.

GeolocatorControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Geolocator
GeolocatorControllerInterface::geolocateIPAddress() — Method in class GeolocatorControllerInterface

Geolocate an IP address.

GeolocatorServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Geolocator
GeolocatorService::getByID() — Method in class GeolocatorService

Get a geolocator library given its ID.

GeolocatorService::getByHandle() — Method in class GeolocatorService

Get a geolocator library given its handle.

GeolocatorService::getCurrent() — Method in class GeolocatorService

Get the currently active geolocator library.

GeolocatorService::getList() — Method in class GeolocatorService

Get all the installed geolocator libraries.

GeolocatorService::getEntityManager() — Method in class GeolocatorService
GeolocatorService::getController() — Method in class GeolocatorService
GeolocatorServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Geolocator
AbstractGrade::getScore() — Method in class AbstractGrade
FormatterInterface::getResultsListIcon() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getBannerElement() — Method in class FormatterInterface

The main score/notice element shown at the top of the report

$ PassFailFormatter#gradeProperty in class PassFailFormatter
PassFailFormatter::getBannerElement() — Method in class PassFailFormatter

The main score/notice element shown at the top of the report

PassFailFormatter::getResultsListIcon() — Method in class PassFailFormatter
$ ScoreFormatter#gradeProperty in class ScoreFormatter
ScoreFormatter::getBannerElement() — Method in class ScoreFormatter

The main score/notice element shown at the top of the report

ScoreFormatter::getResultsListIcon() — Method in class ScoreFormatter
GradeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Grade
GradeInterface::getFormatter() — Method in class GradeInterface
PassFailGrade::getFormatter() — Method in class PassFailGrade
ScoreGrade::getFormatter() — Method in class ScoreGrade
DeleteReportResultCommand::getResultId() — Method in class DeleteReportResultCommand
Column::getKey() — Method in class Column
Column::getDisplayName() — Method in class Column
ColumnInterface::getKey() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ColumnInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ExporterInterface::getColumns() — Method in class ExporterInterface
ExporterInterface::getColumnValue() — Method in class ExporterInterface
SearchResultExporter::getColumns() — Method in class SearchResultExporter
SearchResultExporter::getColumnValue() — Method in class SearchResultExporter
StandardExporter::getColumns() — Method in class StandardExporter
StandardExporter::getColumnValue() — Method in class StandardExporter
ButtonControl::getLocation() — Method in class ButtonControl
ButtonControl::getFormatter() — Method in class ButtonControl
ControlInterface::getFormatter() — Method in class ControlInterface
DashboardPageLocation::getUrl() — Method in class DashboardPageLocation
DashboardPageLocationInterface::getPagePath() — Method in class DashboardPageLocationInterface
DropdownControl::getFormatter() — Method in class DropdownControl
DropdownControl::getControls() — Method in class DropdownControl
DropdownItemControl::getFormatter() — Method in class DropdownItemControl
FindingDetailControl::getFormatter() — Method in class FindingDetailControl
ButtonFormatter::getFindingsListElement() — Method in class ButtonFormatter
DropdownFormatter::getFindingsListElement() — Method in class DropdownFormatter
DropdownItemFormatter::getFindingsListElement() — Method in class DropdownItemFormatter
FindingDetailFormatter::getFindingsListElement() — Method in class FindingDetailFormatter
FormatterInterface::getFindingsListElement() — Method in class FormatterInterface
Location::getName() — Method in class Location
Location::getUrl() — Method in class Location
LocationInterface::getName() — Method in class LocationInterface
LocationInterface::getUrl() — Method in class LocationInterface
AutomationSettingsLocation::getPagePath() — Method in class AutomationSettingsLocation
AutomationSettingsLocation::getName() — Method in class AutomationSettingsLocation
CacheSettingsLocation::getPagePath() — Method in class CacheSettingsLocation
CacheSettingsLocation::getName() — Method in class CacheSettingsLocation
DebugSettingsLocation::getPagePath() — Method in class DebugSettingsLocation
DebugSettingsLocation::getName() — Method in class DebugSettingsLocation
LoggingSettingsLocation::getPagePath() — Method in class LoggingSettingsLocation
LoggingSettingsLocation::getName() — Method in class LoggingSettingsLocation
ServerSentEventsSettingsLocation::getPagePath() — Method in class ServerSentEventsSettingsLocation
ServerSentEventsSettingsLocation::getName() — Method in class ServerSentEventsSettingsLocation
UrlSettingsLocation::getPagePath() — Method in class UrlSettingsLocation
UrlSettingsLocation::getName() — Method in class UrlSettingsLocation
CsvWriter::getFilenameForResult() — Method in class CsvWriter
AlertFormatter::getIcon() — Method in class AlertFormatter
AlertFormatter::getFindingEntryTextClass() — Method in class AlertFormatter
AlertFormatter::getType() — Method in class AlertFormatter
FormatterInterface::getIcon() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getFindingEntryTextClass() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getType() — Method in class FormatterInterface
InfoFormatter::getIcon() — Method in class InfoFormatter
InfoFormatter::getFindingEntryTextClass() — Method in class InfoFormatter
InfoFormatter::getType() — Method in class InfoFormatter
SuccessFormatter::getIcon() — Method in class SuccessFormatter
SuccessFormatter::getFindingEntryTextClass() — Method in class SuccessFormatter
SuccessFormatter::getType() — Method in class SuccessFormatter
WarningFormatter::getIcon() — Method in class WarningFormatter
WarningFormatter::getFindingEntryTextClass() — Method in class WarningFormatter
WarningFormatter::getType() — Method in class WarningFormatter
FormatterInterface::getFindingsListMessage() — Method in class FormatterInterface
MessageFormatter::getFindingsListMessage() — Method in class MessageFormatter
AttributeFormatter::getFindingsListMessage() — Method in class AttributeFormatter
AttributeFormatter::getDetailsElement() — Method in class AttributeFormatter
AttributeFormatter::getDetailsString() — Method in class AttributeFormatter
AttributeFormatter::getLocation() — Method in class AttributeFormatter
BlockFormatter::getFindingsListMessage() — Method in class BlockFormatter
BlockFormatter::getDetailsElement() — Method in class BlockFormatter
BlockFormatter::getDetailsString() — Method in class BlockFormatter
BlockFormatter::getLocation() — Method in class BlockFormatter
HasLocationInterface::getLocation() — Method in class HasLocationInterface
Message::getMessage() — Method in class Message
Message::getFormatter() — Method in class Message
MessageHasDetailsInterface::getDetailsElement() — Method in class MessageHasDetailsInterface
MessageHasDetailsInterface::getDetailsString() — Method in class MessageHasDetailsInterface
MessageInterface::getFormatter() — Method in class MessageInterface
AttributeMessage::getCategoryValue() — Method in class AttributeMessage
AttributeMessage::getDetails() — Method in class AttributeMessage
AttributeMessage::getValue() — Method in class AttributeMessage
AttributeMessage::getFormatter() — Method in class AttributeMessage
BlockMessage::getContent() — Method in class BlockMessage
BlockMessage::getBlockID() — Method in class BlockMessage
BlockMessage::getFormatter() — Method in class BlockMessage
GraderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Grader
GraderInterface::getGrade() — Method in class GraderInterface
PageCacheReportGrader::getScoreFromResult() — Method in class PageCacheReportGrader
PageCacheReportGrader::getGrade() — Method in class PageCacheReportGrader

Note: I'm actually kind of shocked I'm allowed to do this (override the parent methods with a semi-different signature. Let's keep an eye on whether this continues to work.)

ProductionGrader::getScoreFromResult() — Method in class ProductionGrader
ProductionGrader::getGrade() — Method in class ProductionGrader

Note: I'm actually kind of shocked I'm allowed to do this (override the parent methods with a semi-different signature. Let's keep an eye on whether this continues to work.)

ScoringGraderInterface::getScoreFromResult() — Method in class ScoringGraderInterface
ScoringGraderInterface::getGrade() — Method in class ScoringGraderInterface

Note: I'm actually kind of shocked I'm allowed to do this (override the parent methods with a semi-different signature. Let's keep an eye on whether this continues to work.)

StandardGrader::getScoreFromResult() — Method in class StandardGrader
StandardGrader::getGrade() — Method in class StandardGrader

Note: I'm actually kind of shocked I'm allowed to do this (override the parent methods with a semi-different signature. Let's keep an eye on whether this continues to work.)

AbstractReportMessage::getResultId() — Method in class AbstractReportMessage
EmailReportMessage::getEmail() — Method in class EmailReportMessage
GradeReportMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
GradeReportMessageHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
RunReportTestMessage::getResultId() — Method in class RunReportTestMessage
RunReportTestMessage::getTest() — Method in class RunReportTestMessage
ReportController::getConsoleCommandName() — Method in class ReportController
ReportController::getResult() — Method in class ReportController
ReportController::getInputDefinition() — Method in class ReportController
ReportController::getTaskRunner() — Method in class ReportController
ReportControllerInterface::getTestSuite() — Method in class ReportControllerInterface
ReportControllerInterface::getResultGrader() — Method in class ReportControllerInterface
FormatterInterface::getFindingsHeading() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getExporter() — Method in class FormatterInterface
SearchResultFormatter::getFindingsHeading() — Method in class SearchResultFormatter
SearchResultFormatter::getExporter() — Method in class SearchResultFormatter
StandardFormatter::getFindingsHeading() — Method in class StandardFormatter
StandardFormatter::getExporter() — Method in class StandardFormatter
ResultInterface::getFormatter() — Method in class ResultInterface
ResultList::getEntityManager() — Method in class ResultList
ResultList::getResult() — Method in class ResultList
ResultList::getTotalResults() — Method in class ResultList

Returns the total results in this item list.

ResultList::getLatestResult() — Method in class ResultList

Just a useful helper function

Runner::getEntityManager() — Method in class Runner
Runner::getResult() — Method in class Runner
PageTestInterface::getPageId() — Method in class PageTestInterface
Suite::getTests() — Method in class Suite
TestGroupInterface::getTests() — Method in class TestGroupInterface
AbstractPageTest::getPageId() — Method in class AbstractPageTest
CheckPagesCustomCacheSettingsTestGroup::getTests() — Method in class CheckPagesCustomCacheSettingsTestGroup
GalleryBlockTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test\Search
Image::getTag() — Method in class Image

Returns an object that represents the HTML tag.

Collection::get() — Method in class Collection
FontAwesomeIcon::getName() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::getPrefix() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::getSize() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::getRotate() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::getFlip() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::getPull() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::getFromClassNames() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon

Get helper class from full class name list like 'far fa-address'.

FontAwesomeIcon::getTag() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
Navigation::getLinkToCollection() — Method in class Navigation

Returns a link to a page. Note: this always returns a string.

Navigation::getTrailToCollection() — Method in class Navigation

Returns an array of collections as a breadcrumb to the current page.

Navigation::getCollectionURL() — Method in class Navigation

Returns the URL of a collection so that it can be clicked on.

Navigation::getLogInOutLink() — Method in class Navigation
Seo::getTitle() — Method in class Seo
Client::getLogger() — Method in class Client

Get the currently configured logger.

Client::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class Client
Factory::getOptions() — Method in class Factory

Read the HTTP Client configuration.

Factory::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class Factory

Get the default options for the HTTP client.

DefaultDispatcher::getEarlyDispatchResponse() — Method in class DefaultDispatcher
FlysystemFileResponse::getFile() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse

Gets the file.

FlysystemFileResponse::getContent() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse
ApiLoggerMiddleware::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class ApiLoggerMiddleware
FractalNegotiatorMiddleware::getSerializer() — Method in class FractalNegotiatorMiddleware
FractalNegotiatorMiddleware::getDefaultSerializer() — Method in class FractalNegotiatorMiddleware
MiddlewareStack::getStack() — Method in class MiddlewareStack

Reduce middleware into a stack of functions that each call the next

MiddlewareStack::getZipper() — Method in class MiddlewareStack

Get the function used to zip up the middleware This function runs as part of the array_reduce routine and reduces the list of middlewares into a single delegate

GuzzleFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\PSR7

Guzzle HTTP message factory. Credits to https://github.com/Majkl578/symfony-guzzle-psr7-bridge

RequestBase::getInstance() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestBase::getCurrentPage() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestBase::getCustomRequestUser() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestBase::getCustomRequestDateTime() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestBase::getPath() — Method in class RequestBase

Returns the full path for a request.

RequestEventInterface::getRequest() — Method in class RequestEventInterface
RequestMediaTypeParser::getMediaTypeData() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser

Get the data associated to a media type.

RequestMediaTypeParser::getRequestAcceptMap() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser

Get the data extracted from the 'Accept' header.

RequestMediaTypeParser::getRequestAccept() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser

Get the 'Accept' header of the request.

RequestMediaTypeParser::getTypeSubtypeRegularExpression() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser
RequestMediaTypeParser::getParameterAndValueRegularExpression() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser
RequestMediaTypeParser::getMediaTypeAlternatives() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser
$ ResponseAssetGroup#groupProperty in class ResponseAssetGroup
ResponseAssetGroup::get() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Get an instance of this singleton.

ResponseAssetGroup::getAssetsToOutput() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Get a list of assets that need to be outputted.

ResponseAssetGroup::getRequiredAssets() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Returns all required assets.

ResponseAssetGroup::getRequiredAssetsToOutput() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Returns only assets that are required but that aren't also in the providedAssetGroup.

DefaultEditorController::getImageEditorHandle() — Method in class DefaultEditorController
DefaultEditorController::getThumbnailEditorHandle() — Method in class DefaultEditorController
EditorControllerInterface::getImageEditorHandle() — Method in class EditorControllerInterface
EditorControllerInterface::getThumbnailEditorHandle() — Method in class EditorControllerInterface
ImageEditorService::getListByPackage() — Method in class ImageEditorService

Return an array of Types that are associated with a specific package.

ImageEditorService::getAllEditors() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::getEditorList() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::getEditorByHandle() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::getActiveEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::getDefaultEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImportableInterface::getImporter() — Method in class ImportableInterface
Installer::getOptions() — Method in class Installer

Get the options to be used by the installer.

Installer::getStartingPoint() — Method in class Installer

Get the StartingPointPackage instance.

Installer::getDefaultConnectionConfiguration() — Method in class Installer
InstallerOptions::getConfiguration() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the installation configuration options (persisted as /application/config/site_install.php).

InstallerOptions::getUserEmail() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the admin user email.

InstallerOptions::getUserPasswordHash() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the admin password hash.

InstallerOptions::getStartingPointHandle() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the handle of the starting point.

InstallerOptions::getSiteName() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the name of the site.

InstallerOptions::getSiteLocaleId() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the identifier of the site locale.

InstallerOptions::getUiLocaleId() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the identifier of the UI locale.

InstallerOptions::getServerTimeZoneId() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the server time zone identifier.

InstallerOptions::getServerTimeZone() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the server time zone instance.

PreconditionInterface::getName() — Method in class PreconditionInterface

Get the precondition name.

PreconditionInterface::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class PreconditionInterface

Get the precondition handle.

PreconditionResult::getState() — Method in class PreconditionResult

Get the precondition result state.

PreconditionResult::getMessage() — Method in class PreconditionResult

Get the warning/error message.

PreconditionService::getPreconditions() — Method in class PreconditionService

Get the pre-configuration preconditions.

PreconditionService::getOptionsPreconditions() — Method in class PreconditionService

Get the post-configuration preconditions.

PreconditionService::getPreconditionByHandle() — Method in class PreconditionService

Get a precondition given its handle.

PreconditionService::getPreconditionByClassName() — Method in class PreconditionService

Get a precondition given its fully-qualified class name.

PreconditionService::getAllPreconditions() — Method in class PreconditionService

Get all the defined preconditions, of any kind.

CanonicalUrls::getName() — Method in class CanonicalUrls

Get the precondition name.

CanonicalUrls::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class CanonicalUrls

Get the precondition handle.

Cookies::getName() — Method in class Cookies

Get the precondition name.

Cookies::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class Cookies

Get the precondition handle.

Cookies::getInitialState() — Method in class Cookies

Get the initial state of the precondition.

Cookies::getInitialMessage() — Method in class Cookies

Get the initial message of the precondition.

Cookies::getHtml() — Method in class Cookies

Get the HTML used to check the precondition.

Cookies::getAjaxAnswer() — Method in class Cookies

Get the answer of ajax calls.

DatabaseCharsetCollation::getName() — Method in class DatabaseCharsetCollation

Get the precondition name.

DatabaseCharsetCollation::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class DatabaseCharsetCollation

Get the precondition handle.

DatabaseTimeZone::getName() — Method in class DatabaseTimeZone

Get the precondition name.

DatabaseTimeZone::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class DatabaseTimeZone

Get the precondition handle.

DomExtension::getName() — Method in class DomExtension

Get the precondition name.

DomExtension::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class DomExtension

Get the precondition handle.

EmptyDatabase::getName() — Method in class EmptyDatabase

Get the precondition name.

EmptyDatabase::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class EmptyDatabase

Get the precondition handle.

FileinfoExtension::getName() — Method in class FileinfoExtension

Get the precondition name.

FileinfoExtension::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class FileinfoExtension

Get the precondition handle.

ImageManipulation::getName() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get the precondition name.

ImageManipulation::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get the precondition handle.

InnoDB::getName() — Method in class InnoDB

Get the precondition name.

InnoDB::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class InnoDB

Get the precondition handle.

InternationalizationSupport::getName() — Method in class InternationalizationSupport

Get the precondition name.

InternationalizationSupport::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class InternationalizationSupport

Get the precondition handle.

Javascript::getName() — Method in class Javascript

Get the precondition name.

Javascript::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class Javascript

Get the precondition handle.

Javascript::getInitialState() — Method in class Javascript

Get the initial state of the precondition.

Javascript::getInitialMessage() — Method in class Javascript

Get the initial message of the precondition.

Javascript::getHtml() — Method in class Javascript

Get the HTML used to check the precondition.

Javascript::getAjaxAnswer() — Method in class Javascript

Get the answer of ajax calls.

JsonExtension::getName() — Method in class JsonExtension

Get the precondition name.

JsonExtension::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class JsonExtension

Get the precondition handle.

MemoryLimit::getName() — Method in class MemoryLimit

Get the precondition name.

MemoryLimit::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class MemoryLimit

Get the precondition handle.

NoAspStyleTags::getName() — Method in class NoAspStyleTags

Get the precondition name.

NoAspStyleTags::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class NoAspStyleTags

Get the precondition handle.

PdoMysqlExtension::getName() — Method in class PdoMysqlExtension

Get the precondition name.

PdoMysqlExtension::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class PdoMysqlExtension

Get the precondition handle.

PhpCommentsPreserved::getName() — Method in class PhpCommentsPreserved

Get the precondition name.

PhpCommentsPreserved::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class PhpCommentsPreserved

Get the precondition handle.

PhpVersion::getName() — Method in class PhpVersion

Get the precondition name.

PhpVersion::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class PhpVersion

Get the precondition handle.

RemoteFileImporting::getName() — Method in class RemoteFileImporting

Get the precondition name.

RemoteFileImporting::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class RemoteFileImporting

Get the precondition handle.

RequestUrls::getName() — Method in class RequestUrls

Get the precondition name.

RequestUrls::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class RequestUrls

Get the precondition handle.

RequestUrls::getInitialState() — Method in class RequestUrls

Get the initial state of the precondition.

RequestUrls::getInitialMessage() — Method in class RequestUrls

Get the initial message of the precondition.

RequestUrls::getHtml() — Method in class RequestUrls

Get the HTML used to check the precondition.

RequestUrls::getAjaxAnswer() — Method in class RequestUrls

Get the answer of ajax calls.

StartingPoint::getName() — Method in class StartingPoint

Get the precondition name.

StartingPoint::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class StartingPoint

Get the precondition handle.

TableCase::getName() — Method in class TableCase

Get the precondition name.

TableCase::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class TableCase

Get the precondition handle.

TokenizerExtension::getName() — Method in class TokenizerExtension

Get the precondition name.

TokenizerExtension::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class TokenizerExtension

Get the precondition handle.

WritableDirectories::getName() — Method in class WritableDirectories

Get the precondition name.

WritableDirectories::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class WritableDirectories

Get the precondition handle.

XmlSupport::getName() — Method in class XmlSupport

Get the precondition name.

XmlSupport::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class XmlSupport

Get the precondition handle.

ZipSupport::getName() — Method in class ZipSupport

Get the precondition name.

ZipSupport::getUniqueIdentifier() — Method in class ZipSupport

Get the precondition handle.

WebPreconditionInterface::getInitialState() — Method in class WebPreconditionInterface

Get the initial state of the precondition.

WebPreconditionInterface::getInitialMessage() — Method in class WebPreconditionInterface

Get the initial message of the precondition.

WebPreconditionInterface::getHtml() — Method in class WebPreconditionInterface

Get the HTML used to check the precondition.

WebPreconditionInterface::getAjaxAnswer() — Method in class WebPreconditionInterface

Get the answer of ajax calls.

Event::getJobObject() — Method in class Event
Job::getJobName() — Method in class Job
Job::getJobDescription() — Method in class Job
Job::getJobHandle() — Method in class Job
Job::getJobID() — Method in class Job
Job::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Job
Job::getJobLastStatusCode() — Method in class Job
Job::getJobDateLastRun() — Method in class Job
Job::getJobStatus() — Method in class Job
Job::getJobLastStatusText() — Method in class Job
Job::generateAuth() — Method in class Job
Job::getList() — Method in class Job
Job::getByID() — Method in class Job
Job::getByHandle() — Method in class Job
Job::getJobObjByHandle() — Method in class Job
Job::getClassName() — Method in class Job
Job::getAvailableList() — Method in class Job
Job::getListByPackage() — Method in class Job
JobResult::getResultCode() — Method in class JobResult
JobResult::getResultMessage() — Method in class JobResult
JobResult::getJobID() — Method in class JobResult
JobResult::getJobHandle() — Method in class JobResult
JobResult::getDateLastRun() — Method in class JobResult
QueueableJob::getJobQueueBatchSize() — Method in class QueueableJob

Get the size of the queue batches

QueueableJob::getQueueObject() — Method in class QueueableJob

Get the queue object we're going to use to queue

Set::getList() — Method in class Set
Set::getByID() — Method in class Set
Set::getByName() — Method in class Set
Set::getListByPackage() — Method in class Set
Set::getDefault() — Method in class Set
Set::getJobSetID() — Method in class Set
Set::getJobSetName() — Method in class Set
Set::getPackageID() — Method in class Set
Set::getJobSetDisplayName() — Method in class Set

Returns the display name for this job set (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

Set::getJobs() — Method in class Set
Avatar::getImagePath() — Method in class Avatar

gets the image path for a users avatar.

Avatar::getGravatar() — Method in class Avatar

Get either a Gravatar URL or complete image tag for a specified email address.

Avatar::get_gravatar() — Method in class Avatar
$ DatabaseItemList#groupByStringProperty in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::getTotal() — Method in class DatabaseItemList

Returns the total number of items found by this list.

DatabaseItemList::getQuery() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::get() — Method in class DatabaseItemList

Returns an array of whatever objects extends this class (e.g. PageList returns a list of pages).

DatabaseItemList::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::groupBy() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::getSortByURL() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
FileList::get() — Method in class FileList

Returns an array of file objects based on current settings.

FileList::getTotal() — Method in class FileList

Returns the total number of items found by this list.

FilePermissions::getGlobal() — Method in class FilePermissions
ItemList::getQueryStringSortVariable() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getQueryStringSortDirectionVariable() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getStickySearchNameSpace() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getSearchRequest() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getTotal() — Method in class ItemList

Returns the total number of items found by this list.

ItemList::getPage() — Method in class ItemList

Returns an array of object by "page".

ItemList::get() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getSortByURL() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getActiveSortColumn() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getActiveSortDirection() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getPagination() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getSummary() — Method in class ItemList

Returns an object with properties useful for paging.

ItemList::getSortBy() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getSortByDirection() — Method in class ItemList
Model::getPrimaryKeys() — Method in class Model
Model::getAutoIncrementColumnName() — Method in class Model
PageList::getTotal() — Method in class PageList

Returns the total number of items found by this list.

PageList::get() — Method in class PageList

Returns an array of page objects based on current settings.

Pagination::getBaseURL() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getLIMIT() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getCurrentURL() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getCurrentPage() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getRequestedPage() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getTotalPages() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getNextURL() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getPreviousURL() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getNext() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getNextInt() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getPrevious() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getPreviousInt() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getAsJSONObject() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getPages() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getJSFunctionCall() — Method in class Pagination
PasswordHash::get_random_bytes() — Method in class PasswordHash
PasswordHash::gensalt_private() — Method in class PasswordHash
PasswordHash::gensalt_extended() — Method in class PasswordHash
PasswordHash::gensalt_blowfish() — Method in class PasswordHash
TaskPermission::getByHandle() — Method in class TaskPermission
UserList::get() — Method in class UserList

Returns an array of userInfo objects based on current filter settings.

UserList::getUserIDs() — Method in class UserList

Similar to get except it returns an array of userIDs.

UserList::getTotal() — Method in class UserList

Returns the total number of items found by this list.

Formatter::getSubdivisionValuesWithNames() — Method in class Formatter

Modified version of DefaultFormatter::getValues().

Formatter::getSubdivisionNameValue() — Method in class Formatter

Gets the subdivision's name value.

LocaleInterface::getLocaleID() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Get the locale record identifier.

LocaleInterface::getLanguage() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Get the language code.

LocaleInterface::getCountry() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Get the Country/territory code.

LocaleInterface::getLocale() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Get the full code of this locale.

LocaleInterface::getNumPlurals() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Get the number of plural rules used in this locale.

LocaleInterface::getPluralCases() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Get the plural rule names with examples (using CLDR format).

LocaleInterface::getPluralRule() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Get the plural rules definition of this locale (using gettext format).

LocaleInterface::getLanguageText() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Get the display name of this locale.

Service::getByID() — Method in class Service
Service::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class Service

Get the default site locale (if set).

Localization::getTranslatorAdapterRepository() — Method in class Localization

Gets the translator adapter repository.

Localization::getActiveContext() — Method in class Localization

Returns the currently active translation context.

Localization::getTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class Localization

Gets the translator adapter object for the given context from the translator adapter repository.

Localization::getActiveTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class Localization

Gets the translator adapter for the active context.

Localization::getContextLocale() — Method in class Localization

Gets the context locale for the given context.

Localization::getLocale() — Method in class Localization

Gets the locale for the active context.

Localization::getActiveTranslateObject() — Method in class Localization

Gets the translator object for the active context.

Localization::getInstance() — Method in class Localization

Gets a singleton instance of this class.

Localization::getTranslate() — Method in class Localization

Gets the translator object for the active context from from the singleton instance of this class.

Localization::getAvailableInterfaceLanguages() — Method in class Localization

Gets a list of the available site interface languages. Returns an array that where each item is a locale in format xx_XX.

Localization::getAvailableInterfaceLanguageDescriptions() — Method in class Localization

Generates a list of all available languages and returns an array like [ "de_DE" => "Deutsch (Deutschland)", "en_US" => "English (United States)", "fr_FR" => "Francais (France)"] The result will be sorted by the key.

Localization::getLanguageDescription() — Method in class Localization

Get the description of a locale consisting of language and region description e.g. "French (France)".

AddressFormat::getCountryAddressUsedFields() — Method in class AddressFormat

Gets an array of the used local address format keys, i.e. which address lines are used for the country.

AddressFormat::getCountryAddressRequiredFields() — Method in class AddressFormat

Gets an array of the required local address format keys, i.e. which address lines are required for the country.

AddressFormat::getCountryAddressFormat() — Method in class AddressFormat

Fetches the country's address format from the address format repository.

CountryList::getCountries() — Method in class CountryList

Returns an array of countries with their short name as the key and their full name as the value

CountryList::getCountryName() — Method in class CountryList

Gets a country name given its code.

CountryList::getCountriesForLanguage() — Method in class CountryList

Return a list of territory codes where a specific language is spoken, sorted by the total number of people speaking that language.

Date::getOverridableNow() — Method in class Date

Return the date/time representation for now, that can be overridden by a custom request when viewing pages in a moment specified by administrators (custom request date/time).

Date::getTimezoneName() — Method in class Date

Retrieve the display name (localized) of a time zone given its PHP identifier.

Date::getTimezones() — Method in class Date

Returns a keyed array of timezone identifiers (keys are the standard PHP timezone names, values are the localized timezone names).

Date::getGroupedTimezones() — Method in class Date

Returns the list of timezones with translated names, grouped by region.

Date::getTimezoneDisplayName() — Method in class Date

Returns the display name of a timezone.

Date::getTimezoneID() — Method in class Date

Returns the normalized timezone identifier.

Date::getUserTimeZoneID() — Method in class Date
Date::getTimezone() — Method in class Date

Returns a \DateTimeZone instance for a specified timezone identifier.

Date::getDeltaDays() — Method in class Date

Returns the difference in days between to dates.

Date::getJQueryUIDatePickerFormat() — Method in class Date

Returns the format string for the jQueryUI DatePicker widget

Date::getTimeFormat() — Method in class Date

Returns the time format (12 or 24).

Date::getPHPDatePattern() — Method in class Date
Date::getPHPTimePattern() — Method in class Date

Get the PHP date format string for times.

Date::getPHPDateTimePattern() — Method in class Date

Get the PHP date format string for dates/times.

Date::getLocalDateTime() — Method in class Date
Date::getSystemDateTime() — Method in class Date
LanguageList::getLanguageList() — Method in class LanguageList

Returns an associative array with the locale code as the key and the translated language name as the value.

StatesProvincesList::getAll() — Method in class StatesProvincesList

Returns the list of States/Provinces for some countries (States/Provinces are sorted alphabetically).

StatesProvincesList::getStateProvinceName() — Method in class StatesProvincesList

Returns the name of a specified State/Province in a specified Country.

StatesProvincesList::getStateProvinceArray() — Method in class StatesProvincesList

Returns a list of States/Provinces for a country.

StatesProvincesList::getStates() — Method in class StatesProvincesList

Returns the list of US states.

StatesProvincesList::getCanadianProvinces() — Method in class StatesProvincesList

Returns the list of Canadian provinces.

TranslationsChecker::getCoreTranslations() — Method in class TranslationsChecker
TranslationsChecker::getPackagesTranslations() — Method in class TranslationsChecker
TranslationsChecker::getPackageTranslations() — Method in class TranslationsChecker
LocalRemoteCouple::getLocalStats() — Method in class LocalRemoteCouple
LocalRemoteCouple::getRemoteStats() — Method in class LocalRemoteCouple
Factory::getAvailableCoreStats() — Method in class Factory

Get stats about all the locally available translation files for the core.

Factory::getCoreStats() — Method in class Factory

Get core translations stats for a specific locale ID.

Factory::getAvailablePackageStats() — Method in class Factory

Get stats about all the locally available translation files for a package.

Factory::getPackageStats() — Method in class Factory

Get package translations stats for a specific locale ID.

Factory::getTranslationsStats() — Method in class Factory

Get stats for a \Gettext\Translations instance.

Factory::getMoFileStats() — Method in class Factory

Get stats for a gettext .mo file.

FactoryInterface::getAvailableCoreStats() — Method in class FactoryInterface

Get stats about all the locally available translation files for the core.

FactoryInterface::getCoreStats() — Method in class FactoryInterface

Get core translations stats for a specific locale ID.

FactoryInterface::getAvailablePackageStats() — Method in class FactoryInterface

Get stats about all the locally available translation files for a package.

FactoryInterface::getPackageStats() — Method in class FactoryInterface

Get package translations stats for a specific locale ID.

Stats::getFormatHandle() — Method in class Stats

Get the translations file format handle.

Stats::getFilename() — Method in class Stats

Get the translations file name.

Stats::getFileDisplayName() — Method in class Stats

Get the display name of the translation file.

Stats::getVersion() — Method in class Stats

Get the version of the translations.

Stats::getUpdatedOn() — Method in class Stats

Get the date/time of the last update of the translations (null if and only if no translated string is present).

LocaleStatus::getInstalledUpdated() — Method in class LocaleStatus
LocaleStatus::getInstalledOutdated() — Method in class LocaleStatus
LocaleStatus::getOnlyRemote() — Method in class LocaleStatus
LocaleStatus::getOnlyLocal() — Method in class LocaleStatus
PackageLocaleStatus::getPackage() — Method in class PackageLocaleStatus
CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getEntryPoint() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Get the API entry point.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getApiToken() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Get the API token.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getProgressLimit() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Get the default progress limit.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getCacheLifetime() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Get the cache life time (in seconds).

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getAvailableCoreStats() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

List the available translations for a specific core version.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getCoreStats() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Get core translations stats for a specific locale ID.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getAvailablePackageStats() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

List the available translations for a specific package version.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getPackageStats() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Get package translations stats for a specific locale ID.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::getJsonFromResponse() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider
ProviderInterface::getAvailableCoreStats() — Method in class ProviderInterface

List the available translations for a specific core version.

ProviderInterface::getCoreStats() — Method in class ProviderInterface

Get core translations stats for a specific locale ID.

ProviderInterface::getAvailablePackageStats() — Method in class ProviderInterface

List the available translations for a specific package version.

ProviderInterface::getPackageStats() — Method in class ProviderInterface

Get package translations stats for a specific locale ID.

Stats::getVersion() — Method in class Stats

Get the version handle.

Stats::getTotal() — Method in class Stats

Get the total number of strings (translated and not translated).

Stats::getTranslated() — Method in class Stats

Get the number of translated strings.

Stats::getUpdatedOn() — Method in class Stats

Get the date/time of the last update of the translations (null if and only if $translated is null).

Stats::getProgress() — Method in class Stats

Get the translation progress.

CoreTranslationLoader::getAppLanguageFilePath() — Method in class CoreTranslationLoader

Get the full path to the file containing the localized strings for a specific locale (in the application directory).

CoreTranslationLoader::getCoreLanguageFilePath() — Method in class CoreTranslationLoader

Get the full path to the file containing the localized strings for a specific locale (in the concrete directory).

SiteTranslationLoader::getLanguageFilePath() — Method in class SiteTranslationLoader

Get the full path to the file containing the localized strings for a specific locale.

TranslatorAdapter::getTranslator() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Returns an instance of a translator object.

TranslatorAdapter::getLocale() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Get the locale from the translator object.

TranslatorAdapter::getTranslator() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

The plain translator does not have any translator object attached to it, so null is returned instead.

TranslatorAdapter::getLocale() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Get the locale from the translator object.

GettextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Loader
AbstractTranslationLoader::getLocaleIDAlternatives() — Method in class AbstractTranslationLoader

Get the locale identifier alternatives (eg: 'en_US' gives ['en_US', 'en']).

TranslationLoaderRepository::getTranslationLoader() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepository

Gets the translation loader for the specified handle.

TranslationLoaderRepository::getTranslationLoaders() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepository

Gets all registered translation providers.

TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface::getTranslationLoader() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface

Gets the translation loader for the specified handle.

TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface::getTranslationLoaders() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface

Gets all registered translation providers.

TranslatorAdapterInterface::getTranslator() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterInterface

Returns an instance of a translator object.

TranslatorAdapterInterface::getLocale() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterInterface

Get the locale from the translator object.

TranslatorAdapterRepository::getTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepository

Gets the translator for the given handle and locale. This will also initialize the translator object for the given handle if it has not been fetched previously through this method.

TranslatorAdapterRepository::getKey() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepository

Generates a store key for the given handle and locale. The translator for the combination of these two is stored in the local array with the key returned by this method.

TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface::getTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface

Gets the translator for the given handle and locale. This will also initialize the translator object for the given handle if it has not been fetched previously through this method.

Channels::getCoreChannels() — Method in class Channels

Get the list of the core channel.

Channels::getChannels() — Method in class Channels

Get the list of channels that have been used.

Channels::getChannelDisplayName() — Method in class Channels

Get the display name of a channel.

SimpleConfiguration::getCoreLevel() — Method in class SimpleConfiguration
ApplierEntry::getMessage() — Method in class ApplierEntry

Convert this entry into a string that can be inserted into the log

ApplierEntry::getEntryMessage() — Method in class ApplierEntry
ApplierEntry::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class ApplierEntry
ApplierEntry::getEntryOperation() — Method in class ApplierEntry
ApplierEntry::getEntryContext() — Method in class ApplierEntry
ApplierEntry::getContext() — Method in class ApplierEntry

Get the added context for the log entry

EntryInterface::getMessage() — Method in class EntryInterface

Convert this entry into a string that can be inserted into the log

EntryInterface::getContext() — Method in class EntryInterface

Get the added context for the log entry

AddGroup::getEntryMessage() — Method in class AddGroup
AddGroup::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class AddGroup
AddGroup::getEntryOperation() — Method in class AddGroup
DeleteGroup::getEntryMessage() — Method in class DeleteGroup
DeleteGroup::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class DeleteGroup
DeleteGroup::getEntryOperation() — Method in class DeleteGroup
EnterGroup::getEntryMessage() — Method in class EnterGroup
EnterGroup::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class EnterGroup
EnterGroup::getEntryOperation() — Method in class EnterGroup
ExitGroup::getEntryMessage() — Method in class ExitGroup
ExitGroup::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class ExitGroup
ExitGroup::getEntryOperation() — Method in class ExitGroup
GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\Group

Log entry for group actions

$ Group#groupProperty in class Group

The group being added or removed

Group::getEntryContext() — Method in class Group
UpdateGroup::getEntryMessage() — Method in class UpdateGroup
UpdateGroup::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class UpdateGroup
UpdateGroup::getEntryOperation() — Method in class UpdateGroup
UserGroup::getEntryContext() — Method in class UserGroup
Assignment::getMessage() — Method in class Assignment
Assignment::getContext() — Method in class Assignment
ActivateUser::getEntryMessage() — Method in class ActivateUser
ActivateUser::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class ActivateUser
ActivateUser::getEntryOperation() — Method in class ActivateUser
AddUser::getEntryMessage() — Method in class AddUser
AddUser::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class AddUser
AddUser::getEntryOperation() — Method in class AddUser
ChangeUserPassword::getEntryMessage() — Method in class ChangeUserPassword
ChangeUserPassword::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class ChangeUserPassword
ChangeUserPassword::getEntryOperation() — Method in class ChangeUserPassword
DeactivateUser::getEntryMessage() — Method in class DeactivateUser
DeactivateUser::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class DeactivateUser
DeactivateUser::getEntryOperation() — Method in class DeactivateUser
DeleteUser::getEntryMessage() — Method in class DeleteUser
DeleteUser::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class DeleteUser
DeleteUser::getEntryOperation() — Method in class DeleteUser
$ LoginAttempt#groupsProperty in class LoginAttempt

The group names that this user would have access to

LoginAttempt::getMessage() — Method in class LoginAttempt

Convert this entry into something that can be inserted into the log

LoginAttempt::getContext() — Method in class LoginAttempt

Get the added context for the log entry

ResetUserPassword::getEntryMessage() — Method in class ResetUserPassword
ResetUserPassword::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class ResetUserPassword
ResetUserPassword::getEntryOperation() — Method in class ResetUserPassword
UpdateUser::getEntryMessage() — Method in class UpdateUser
UpdateUser::getEntryMessageWithApplier() — Method in class UpdateUser
UpdateUser::getEntryOperation() — Method in class UpdateUser
User::getEntryContext() — Method in class User
Event::getLogger() — Method in class Event
GroupLoggerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
Levels::getLevelDisplayName() — Method in class Levels

Gets the name of the logging level.

LogEntry::getId() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::getChannel() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::getTime() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::getMessage() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::getLevel() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::getUser() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::getLevelName() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the name of the logging level.

LogEntry::getLevelDisplayName() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the name of the logging level.

LogEntry::getChannelDisplayName() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the channel name of the logging level.

LogEntry::getLevelIcon() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the HTML code for the icon of the logging level.

LogEntry::getUserID() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the user id of the user that caused the log.

LogEntry::getUserObject() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the user object of the user that caused the log.

LogEntry::getDisplayTimestamp() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the formatted time of the log timestamp.

LogEntry::getTimestamp() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the timestamp of the log.

LogEntry::getByID() — Method in class LogEntry

Gets the log object from its id.

LogList::getResult() — Method in class LogList
LogList::getTotalResults() — Method in class LogList

Returns the total results in this item list.

LogList::getPagerManager() — Method in class LogList
LogList::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class LogList
LogList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class LogList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

LogList::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class LogList
Logger::getChannels() — Method in class Logger

Deprecated. Use Concrete\Core\Logging\Channels::getChannels() instead.

Logger::getLevelDisplayName() — Method in class Logger

Deprecated. Use Concrete\Core\Logging\Levels::getLevelDisplayName() instead.

Logger::getChannelDisplayName() — Method in class Logger

Deprecated. Use Concrete\Core\Logging\Channels::getChannelDisplayName() instead.

LoggerAwareInterface::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class LoggerAwareInterface
LoggerAwareTrait::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class LoggerAwareTrait

Get the logger channel expected by this LoggerAwareTrait implementation The user is expected to declare this method and return a valid channel name.

LoggerFactory::getConfiguration() — Method in class LoggerFactory
ConcreteUserProcessor::getLoggedInUser() — Method in class ConcreteUserProcessor

Resolve a user intance from the IOC container and cache it

ColumnSet::getCurrent() — Method in class ColumnSet
ChannelColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class ChannelColumn
ChannelColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class ChannelColumn
ChannelColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class ChannelColumn
LevelColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class LevelColumn
LevelColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class LevelColumn
LevelColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class LevelColumn
LogIdentifierColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class LogIdentifierColumn
LogIdentifierColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class LogIdentifierColumn
LogIdentifierColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class LogIdentifierColumn
MessageColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class MessageColumn
MessageColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class MessageColumn
MessageColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class MessageColumn
TimeColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class TimeColumn
TimeColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class TimeColumn
TimeColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class TimeColumn
UserIdentifierColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class UserIdentifierColumn
UserIdentifierColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class UserIdentifierColumn
UserIdentifierColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class UserIdentifierColumn
DefaultSet::getCollectionTime() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getCollectionUser() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getCollectionLevel() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getFormattedMessage() — Method in class DefaultSet
ChannelField::getKey() — Method in class ChannelField

Get the field key.

ChannelField::getDisplayName() — Method in class ChannelField

Get the field display name.

DateField::getKey() — Method in class DateField

Get the field key.

DateField::getDisplayName() — Method in class DateField

Get the field display name.

KeywordsField::getKey() — Method in class KeywordsField

Get the field key.

KeywordsField::getDisplayName() — Method in class KeywordsField

Get the field display name.

LevelField::getKey() — Method in class LevelField

Get the field key.

LevelField::getDisplayName() — Method in class LevelField

Get the field display name.

Result::getItemDetails() — Method in class Result
Result::getColumnDetails() — Method in class Result
SearchProvider::getFieldManager() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSessionNamespace() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCustomAttributeKeys() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getBaseColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCurrentColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getItemList() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getDefaultColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSavedSearch() — Method in class SearchProvider
MailImportedAttachment::getMail() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedAttachment::getType() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedAttachment::getName() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedAttachment::getContent() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedMessage::getOriginalSender() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::getOriginalMailObject() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::getOriginalMessageObject() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::getOriginalMessageCount() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::getOriginalMessageID() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::getSubject() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::getBody() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::getAttachments() — Method in class MailImportedMessage

Return contents of attached files

MailImportedMessage::getProcessedBody() — Method in class MailImportedMessage

Returns the relevant content of the email message, minus any quotations, and the line that includes the validation hash.

MailImportedMessage::getValidationHash() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::getDataObject() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
MailImporter::getMessageBodyHeader() — Method in class MailImporter

gets the text string that's used to identify the body of the message.

MailImporter::getValidationHash() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMessageBodyHashRegularExpression() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getList() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getEnabledList() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getByID() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getByHandle() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getListByPackage() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterID() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterName() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterHandle() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterServer() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterUsername() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterPassword() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterEncryption() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterEmail() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterPort() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getMailImporterConnectionMethod() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getPackageID() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getPackageHandle() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getValidationErrorMessage() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getPendingMessages() — Method in class MailImporter
PrivateMessage::getValidationErrorMessage() — Method in class PrivateMessage
SenderConfiguration::getEntries() — Method in class SenderConfiguration
Entry::getName() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getEmailKey() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getNameKey() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getPriority() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getRequired() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getNotes() — Method in class Entry
Service::getSubject() — Method in class Service

Get the message subject.

Service::getBody() — Method in class Service

Get the plain text body.

Service::getBodyHTML() — Method in class Service

Get the html body.

Service::getTesting() — Method in class Service

Retrieve the testing state.

Service::getMailerObject() — Method in class Service
Service::generateEmailStrings() — Method in class Service

Convert a list of email addresses to a string.

LimitedSmtp::getSmtpTransport() — Method in class LimitedSmtp

Get the actual transport instance.

Connection::getPrivate() — Method in class Connection
Connection::getPublic() — Method in class Connection
ConnectionInterface::getPrivate() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
ConnectionInterface::getPublic() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Marketplace::getInstance() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::getAvailableMarketplaceItems() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::getConnectionError() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::getSitePageURL() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::getMarketplaceFrame() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::generateSiteToken() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::getSiteToken() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::getSiteURL() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::getMarketplacePurchaseFrame() — Method in class Marketplace
Marketplace::get() — Method in class Marketplace

Get the contents of a URL.

PackageRepository::getPackage() — Method in class PackageRepository

Load a package by its remote ID

PackageRepository::getPackages() — Method in class PackageRepository

Get a list of remote packages that are available for this connection

PackageRepository::getConnection() — Method in class PackageRepository

Get the existing connection if one is set

PackageRepository::getUrl() — Method in class PackageRepository
PackageRepositoryInterface::getPackage() — Method in class PackageRepositoryInterface

Load a package by its remote ID

PackageRepositoryInterface::getPackages() — Method in class PackageRepositoryInterface

Get a list of remote packages that are available for this connection

PackageRepositoryInterface::getConnection() — Method in class PackageRepositoryInterface

Get the existing connection if one is set

RemoteItem::getMarketplaceItemID() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getMarketplaceItemType() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getHandle() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getName() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getDescription() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getBody() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getPrice() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getSkillLevel() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getExampleURL() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getSkillLevelClassName() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getSkillLevelDisplayName() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getLocalURL() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getDisplayPrice() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getScreenshots() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getSlideshow() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getMarketplaceItemVersionForThisSite() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getAverageRating() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getVersionHistory() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getTotalRatings() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getRemoteReviewsURL() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getRemoteCollectionID() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getReviewBody() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getLargeThumbnail() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getRemoteURL() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getRemoteHelpURL() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getProductBlockID() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getFivePackProductBlockID() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getRemoteFileURL() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getRemoteIconURL() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getRemoteListIconURL() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getVersion() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getRemotePackageObject() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getByHandle() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::getByID() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItemList::getItemSets() — Method in class RemoteItemList
RemoteItemList::get() — Method in class RemoteItemList
RemoteItemSet::getMarketplaceRemoteSetName() — Method in class RemoteItemSet
RemoteItemSet::getMarketplaceRemoteSetID() — Method in class RemoteItemSet
UpdateRemoteDataCommand::getFields() — Method in class UpdateRemoteDataCommand
UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandler::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandler
Inspector::getUsersField() — Method in class Inspector
Inspector::getPrivilegedUsersField() — Method in class Inspector
Inspector::getSitesField() — Method in class Inspector
Inspector::getLocaleField() — Method in class Inspector
Inspector::getPackagesField() — Method in class Inspector
UpdatedField::getName() — Method in class UpdatedField
UpdatedField::getData() — Method in class UpdatedField
UpdatedFieldInterface::getName() — Method in class UpdatedFieldInterface
UpdatedFieldInterface::getData() — Method in class UpdatedFieldInterface
HandlersLocator::getHandlers() — Method in class HandlersLocator
MessageBusManager::getBus() — Method in class MessageBusManager
MessageBusManager::get() — Method in class MessageBusManager
MessengerEventSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class MessengerEventSubscriber
DefaultAsyncConnection::getWrappedConnection() — Method in class DefaultAsyncConnection
DefaultAsyncTransport::getSenders() — Method in class DefaultAsyncTransport
DefaultAsyncTransport::getReceivers() — Method in class DefaultAsyncTransport
DefaultSyncTransport::getSenders() — Method in class DefaultSyncTransport
DefaultSyncTransport::getReceivers() — Method in class DefaultSyncTransport
DefaultFailedConnection::getWrappedConnection() — Method in class DefaultFailedConnection
DefaultFailedTransport::getSenders() — Method in class DefaultFailedTransport
DefaultFailedTransport::getReceivers() — Method in class DefaultFailedTransport
FailedTransportManager::getDefaultFailedReceiverName() — Method in class FailedTransportManager
FailedTransportManager::getFailureSenders() — Method in class FailedTransportManager
FailedTransportManager::get() — Method in class FailedTransportManager
ReceiverLocator::get() — Method in class ReceiverLocator
ReceiverLocator::getAll() — Method in class ReceiverLocator
ReceiverLocator::getProvidedServices() — Method in class ReceiverLocator
DefinedTransportSendersLocator::getSenders() — Method in class DefinedTransportSendersLocator
SenderLocator::get() — Method in class SenderLocator
SenderLocator::getProvidedServices() — Method in class SenderLocator
SendersLocator::getSenders() — Method in class SendersLocator
TransportInterface::getSenders() — Method in class TransportInterface
TransportInterface::getReceivers() — Method in class TransportInterface
TransportManager::getSenders() — Method in class TransportManager
TransportManager::getReceivers() — Method in class TransportManager
Event::getLocale() — Method in class Event
Section::getLocaleFromHomePageID() — Method in class Section
Section::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Section
Section::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Section
Section::getByID() — Method in class Section

Returns an instance of MultilingualSection for the given page ID.

Section::getBySectionOfSite() — Method in class Section
Section::getLanguageText() — Method in class Section
Section::getLanguage() — Method in class Section
Section::getIcon() — Method in class Section
Section::getCountry() — Method in class Section
Section::getNumberOfPluralForms() — Method in class Section

Returns the number of plural forms.

Section::getPluralsRule() — Method in class Section

Returns the rule to determine which plural we should use (in gettext notation).

Section::getPluralsCases() — Method in class Section

Returns the plural cases for the language; array keys are the case name, array values are some examples for that case.

Section::getIDList() — Method in class Section
Section::getList() — Method in class Section
Section::getRelatedCollectionIDForLocale() — Method in class Section
Section::getMultilingualPageRelationID() — Method in class Section
Section::getCollectionIDForLocale() — Method in class Section
Section::getByLanguage() — Method in class Section
Section::getByLocale() — Method in class Section
Section::getCurrentSection() — Method in class Section

Gets the MultilingualSection object for the current section of the site.

Section::getByLocaleOrLanguage() — Method in class Section
Section::getLocaleObject() — Method in class Section
Section::getLocale() — Method in class Section
Section::getDefaultSection() — Method in class Section
Section::getTranslatedPageID() — Method in class Section

Receives a page in a different language tree, and tries to return the corresponding page in the current language tree.

Section::getSectionInterfaceTranslations() — Method in class Section

Loads the translations of this multilingual section.

Translation::getRecordID() — Method in class Translation
Translation::getByRow() — Method in class Translation
Translation::getByString() — Method in class Translation
Translation::getByRecordID() — Method in class Translation
Detector::getSite() — Method in class Detector
Detector::getActiveSection() — Method in class Detector

Returns the Multilingual Page Section based on the Page object.

Detector::getActiveLocale() — Method in class Detector

Returns the locale string (e.g. en_US) based on the Page object.

Detector::getAvailableSections() — Method in class Detector

Returns all Multilingual Sections on the current site.

Detector::getRelatedPage() — Method in class Detector

Returns a translated page based on the Page object.

Detector::getSwitchLink() — Method in class Detector

Get a switch language link URL to redirect to the target section from the current page.

Detector::getPreferredSection() — Method in class Detector

Returns the preferred section based on session, cookie, user object, default browser (if allowed), and finally site preferences.

Extractor::getDynamicTranslations() — Method in class Extractor
Extractor::getSectionSiteInterfaceCompletionData() — Method in class Extractor
Flag::getFlagIcon() — Method in class Flag

Returns a flag for a passed country/region.

Flag::getSectionFlagIcon() — Method in class Flag
Flag::getLocaleFlagIcon() — Method in class Flag
Flag::getDashboardSitemapIconSRC() — Method in class Flag
DashboardBreadcrumb::getItems() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb

Returns all the items in the navigation.

DashboardBreadcrumbFactory::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactory::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactory::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactory::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactory::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactory
FileManagerBreadcrumbFactory::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class FileManagerBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumb::getItems() — Method in class PageBreadcrumb

Returns all the items in the navigation.

PageBreadcrumbFactory::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumbFactory::getLink() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
FileFolderItem::getFolderId() — Method in class FileFolderItem
FileFolderItem::getChildren() — Method in class FileFolderItem
Item::getUrl() — Method in class Item
Item::getName() — Method in class Item
Item::getChildren() — Method in class Item
ItemInterface::getName() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getUrl() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getChildren() — Method in class ItemInterface
PageItem::getPageID() — Method in class PageItem
PageItem::getURL() — Method in class PageItem
PageItem::getKeywords() — Method in class PageItem
PageItem::getName() — Method in class PageItem
SavedSearchItem::getId() — Method in class SavedSearchItem
SavedSearchItem::getChildren() — Method in class SavedSearchItem
SwitchLanguageItem::getSectionID() — Method in class SwitchLanguageItem
AppendHTMLModifier::getSectionIDs() — Method in class AppendHTMLModifier
OpenToCurrentPageModifier::getSectionIDs() — Method in class OpenToCurrentPageModifier
GetPageItemFromNavigationTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Modifier\Traits
GetPageItemFromNavigationTrait::getPageItemFromNavigation() — Method in class GetPageItemFromNavigationTrait
Navigation::getItems() — Method in class Navigation

Returns all the items in the navigation.

NavigationInterface::getItems() — Method in class NavigationInterface

Returns all the items in the navigation.

AlertList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class AlertList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

AlertList::getTotalResults() — Method in class AlertList

The total results of the query.

AlertList::getResult() — Method in class AlertList
FilterInterface::getName() — Method in class FilterInterface

Get the human readable name of this filter

FilterInterface::getKey() — Method in class FilterInterface

Get the key of this filter

FilterList::getFilters() — Method in class FilterList
FilterList::getFilterByKey() — Method in class FilterList
StandardFilter::getKey() — Method in class StandardFilter
StandardFilter::getName() — Method in class StandardFilter
StandardFilter::getType() — Method in class StandardFilter
StandardFilter::getDatabaseNotificationType() — Method in class StandardFilter
WorkflowFilter::getName() — Method in class WorkflowFilter

Get the human readable name of this filter

WorkflowFilter::getKey() — Method in class WorkflowFilter

Get the key of this filter

ArchiveItem::getItemElement() — Method in class ArchiveItem
MercureService::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class MercureService
MercureService::getPublisherUrl() — Method in class MercureService
MercureService::getHub() — Method in class MercureService
MercureService::getSubscriber() — Method in class MercureService
MercureServiceProvider::getPublisherJwt() — Method in class MercureServiceProvider
AbstractEvent::getEventData() — Method in class AbstractEvent
AbstractEvent::getTopics() — Method in class AbstractEvent
AbstractEvent::getData() — Method in class AbstractEvent
AbstractEvent::getUpdate() — Method in class AbstractEvent
BatchUpdatedEvent::getTopicForSubscribing() — Method in class BatchUpdatedEvent
BatchUpdatedEvent::getEventData() — Method in class BatchUpdatedEvent
ProcessClosedEvent::getTopicForSubscribing() — Method in class ProcessClosedEvent
ProcessClosedEvent::getEventData() — Method in class ProcessClosedEvent
ProcessOutputEvent::getTopicForSubscribing() — Method in class ProcessOutputEvent
ProcessOutputEvent::getEventData() — Method in class ProcessOutputEvent
ServerEventInterface::getUpdate() — Method in class ServerEventInterface
SubscribableEventInterface::getTopicForSubscribing() — Method in class SubscribableEventInterface
TestConnectionEvent::getEventData() — Method in class TestConnectionEvent
ThumbnailGeneratedEvent::getTopicForSubscribing() — Method in class ThumbnailGeneratedEvent
ThumbnailGeneratedEvent::getEventData() — Method in class ThumbnailGeneratedEvent
Subscriber::getTopics() — Method in class Subscriber
Subscriber::getSubscriberJwt() — Method in class Subscriber
AbstractTopic::getBaseTopicUrl() — Method in class AbstractTopic
AbstractTopic::getTopicUrl() — Method in class AbstractTopic
ConcreteProcessTopic::getBaseTopicUrl() — Method in class ConcreteProcessTopic
ConcreteTopic::getBaseTopicUrl() — Method in class ConcreteTopic
Topic::getTopicUrl() — Method in class Topic
TopicInterface::getTopicUrl() — Method in class TopicInterface
NewPrivateMessageNotifier::getUsersToNotify() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageNotifier
NotifierInterface::getUsersToNotify() — Method in class NotifierInterface

Get a list of users to notify

StandardNotifier::getUsersToNotify() — Method in class StandardNotifier

Get a list of users to notify

WorkflowProgressNotifier::getUsersToNotify() — Method in class WorkflowProgressNotifier
SubjectInterface::getNotificationDate() — Method in class SubjectInterface

Get the date of this notification

SubjectInterface::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class SubjectInterface

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

Manager::getSubscriptions() — Method in class Manager
StandardSubscription::getSubscriptionIdentifier() — Method in class StandardSubscription

The lowercase snake_case hamdle of the subscription, like core_updates

StandardSubscription::getSubscriptionName() — Method in class StandardSubscription

The plain text human readable name of this subscription, like 'Core Updates'

SubscriptionInterface::getSubscriptionName() — Method in class SubscriptionInterface

The plain text human readable name of this subscription, like 'Core Updates'

SubscriptionInterface::getSubscriptionIdentifier() — Method in class SubscriptionInterface

The lowercase snake_case hamdle of the subscription, like core_updates

CoreUpdateType::getSubscription() — Method in class CoreUpdateType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

CoreUpdateType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class CoreUpdateType

Get available type subscriptions

CoreUpdateType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class CoreUpdateType

Get available notification filters

GroupCreateTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
GroupCreateType::getSubscription() — Method in class GroupCreateType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

GroupCreateType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class GroupCreateType

Get available type subscriptions

GroupCreateType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class GroupCreateType

Get available notification filters

GroupRoleChangeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
GroupRoleChangeType::getSubscription() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

GroupRoleChangeType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeType

Get available type subscriptions

GroupRoleChangeType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeType

Get available notification filters

GroupSignupRequestAcceptTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
GroupSignupRequestAcceptType::getSubscription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

GroupSignupRequestAcceptType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptType

Get available type subscriptions

GroupSignupRequestAcceptType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptType

Get available notification filters

GroupSignupRequestDeclineTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
GroupSignupRequestDeclineType::getSubscription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

GroupSignupRequestDeclineType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineType

Get available type subscriptions

GroupSignupRequestDeclineType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineType

Get available notification filters

GroupSignupRequestTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
GroupSignupRequestType::getSubscription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

GroupSignupRequestType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestType

Get available type subscriptions

GroupSignupRequestType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestType

Get available notification filters

GroupSignupTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
GroupSignupType::getSubscription() — Method in class GroupSignupType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

GroupSignupType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class GroupSignupType

Get available type subscriptions

GroupSignupType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class GroupSignupType

Get available notification filters

NewConversationMessageType::getSubscription() — Method in class NewConversationMessageType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

NewConversationMessageType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class NewConversationMessageType

Get available type subscriptions

NewConversationMessageType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class NewConversationMessageType

Get available notification filters

NewFormSubmissionType::getSubscription() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

NewFormSubmissionType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionType

Get available type subscriptions

NewFormSubmissionType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionType

Get available notification filters

NewPrivateMessageType::getSubscription() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

NewPrivateMessageType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageType

Get available type subscriptions

NewPrivateMessageType::getNotifier() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageType

Get the notifier this type should use

NewPrivateMessageType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageType

Get available notification filters

Type::getNotifier() — Method in class Type

Get the notifier this type should use

TypeInterface::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class TypeInterface

Get available type subscriptions

TypeInterface::getSubscription() — Method in class TypeInterface

Get a subscription for a specific subject

TypeInterface::getNotifier() — Method in class TypeInterface

Get the notifier this type should use

TypeInterface::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class TypeInterface

Get available notification filters

UserDeactivatedType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class UserDeactivatedType

Get available type subscriptions

UserDeactivatedType::getDefaultSubscription() — Method in class UserDeactivatedType

Get the default subscription object.

UserDeactivatedType::getSubscription() — Method in class UserDeactivatedType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

UserDeactivatedType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class UserDeactivatedType

Get available notification filters

UserDeactivatedType::getNotifier() — Method in class UserDeactivatedType

Get the notifier this type should use

UserSignupType::getSubscription() — Method in class UserSignupType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

UserSignupType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class UserSignupType

Get available type subscriptions

UserSignupType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class UserSignupType

Get available notification filters

WorkflowProgressType::getNotifier() — Method in class WorkflowProgressType

Get the notifier this type should use

WorkflowProgressType::getSubscription() — Method in class WorkflowProgressType

Get a subscription for a specific subject

WorkflowProgressType::getAvailableSubscriptions() — Method in class WorkflowProgressType

Get available type subscriptions

WorkflowProgressType::getAvailableFilters() — Method in class WorkflowProgressType

Get available notification filters

GroupCreateListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
GroupCreateListView::getTitle() — Method in class GroupCreateListView
GroupCreateListView::getIconClass() — Method in class GroupCreateListView
GroupCreateListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class GroupCreateListView
GroupCreateListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class GroupCreateListView
GroupRoleChangeListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
GroupRoleChangeListView::getTitle() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeListView
GroupRoleChangeListView::getIconClass() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeListView
GroupRoleChangeListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeListView
GroupRoleChangeListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeListView
GroupSignupListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
GroupSignupListView::getTitle() — Method in class GroupSignupListView
GroupSignupListView::getIconClass() — Method in class GroupSignupListView
GroupSignupListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class GroupSignupListView
GroupSignupListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class GroupSignupListView
GroupSignupRequestAcceptListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView::getTitle() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView
GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView::getIconClass() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView
GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView
GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView
GroupSignupRequestDeclineListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView::getTitle() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView
GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView::getIconClass() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView
GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView
GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView
GroupSignupRequestListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
GroupSignupRequestListView::getTitle() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestListView
GroupSignupRequestListView::getIconClass() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestListView
GroupSignupRequestListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestListView
GroupSignupRequestListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestListView
ListViewInterface::getNotificationObject() — Method in class ListViewInterface
ListViewInterface::getFormAction() — Method in class ListViewInterface
WorkflowProgressListViewMenu::getMenuElement() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListViewMenu
NewConversationMessageListView::getTitle() — Method in class NewConversationMessageListView
NewConversationMessageListView::getIconClass() — Method in class NewConversationMessageListView
NewConversationMessageListView::getInitiatorUserObject() — Method in class NewConversationMessageListView
NewConversationMessageListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class NewConversationMessageListView
NewConversationMessageListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class NewConversationMessageListView
NewConversationMessageListView::getMenu() — Method in class NewConversationMessageListView
NewFormSubmissionListView::getTitle() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionListView
NewFormSubmissionListView::getIconClass() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionListView
NewFormSubmissionListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionListView
NewPrivateMessageListView::getTitle() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageListView
NewPrivateMessageListView::getIconClass() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageListView
NewPrivateMessageListView::getInitiatorUserObject() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageListView
NewPrivateMessageListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageListView
NewPrivateMessageListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageListView
StandardListView::getNotificationObject() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::getShortDescription() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::getInitiatorUserObject() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::getInitiatorComment() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::getMenu() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::getFormAction() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::getLinkToUser() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::getDateString() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListViewInterface::getIconClass() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
StandardListViewInterface::getTitle() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
StandardListViewInterface::getShortDescription() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
StandardListViewInterface::getActionDescription() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
StandardListViewInterface::getInitiatorUserObject() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
StandardListViewInterface::getInitiatorComment() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
StandardListViewInterface::getMenu() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
UserDeactivatedListView::getIconClass() — Method in class UserDeactivatedListView
UserDeactivatedListView::getTitle() — Method in class UserDeactivatedListView
UserDeactivatedListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class UserDeactivatedListView

Build the description for this notification

UserDeactivatedListView::getUserLink() — Method in class UserDeactivatedListView

Resolve a <a...>...</a> tag from a user entity (or null) If null is passed, we return a placeholder that makes it clear the user has been deleted

UserDeactivatedListView::getApplication() — Method in class UserDeactivatedListView

Resolve an application instance

UserDeactivatedListView::getUrlResolver() — Method in class UserDeactivatedListView

Resolve the url resolver instance

UserSignupListView::getTitle() — Method in class UserSignupListView
UserSignupListView::getIconClass() — Method in class UserSignupListView
UserSignupListView::getInitiatorUserObject() — Method in class UserSignupListView
UserSignupListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class UserSignupListView
UserSignupListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class UserSignupListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getTitle() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getIconClass() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getInitiatorUserObject() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getActionDescription() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getInitiatorComment() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getFormAction() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getNotificationDateTimeZone() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getMenu() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::getRequestedByElement() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
BrokenPackage::getPackageName() — Method in class BrokenPackage

Get the translated name of the package.

BrokenPackage::getPackageDescription() — Method in class BrokenPackage

Get the translated package description.

BrokenPackage::getInstallErrorMessage() — Method in class BrokenPackage
DependencyChecker::getInstalledPackages() — Method in class DependencyChecker

Get the list of installed packages.

DependencyChecker::getPackageRequirementsForPackage() — Method in class DependencyChecker

Get the requirements for a package in respect to another package.

IncompatiblePackagesException::getBlockingPackage() — Method in class IncompatiblePackagesException

Get the package that can't be uninstalled.

IncompatiblePackagesException::getIncompatiblePackage() — Method in class IncompatiblePackagesException

Get the incompatible package.

MissingRequiredPackageException::getNotInstallablePackage() — Method in class MissingRequiredPackageException

Get the package that can't be installed.

MissingRequiredPackageException::getMissingPackageHandle() — Method in class MissingRequiredPackageException

Get the handle of the package that's not installed.

MissingRequiredPackageException::getRequirements() — Method in class MissingRequiredPackageException

Get the version requirements of the not installed package.

RequiredPackageException::getUninstallablePackage() — Method in class RequiredPackageException

Get the package that can't be uninstalled.

RequiredPackageException::getBlockingPackage() — Method in class RequiredPackageException

Get the package that requires the package that can't be uninstalled.

VersionMismatchException::getBlockingPackage() — Method in class VersionMismatchException

Get the package that causes the dependency problem.

VersionMismatchException::getPackage() — Method in class VersionMismatchException

Get the package that fails the requirement.

VersionMismatchException::getRequiredVersion() — Method in class VersionMismatchException

Get the required package version.

ContentSwapEvent::getPackage() — Method in class ContentSwapEvent
PackageEntities::getEntityManagers() — Method in class PackageEntities

Get the EntityManagerInterface instances.

AbstractCategory::getItems() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AntispamLibrary::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class AntispamLibrary
AntispamLibrary::getItemName() — Method in class AntispamLibrary
AntispamLibrary::getPackageItems() — Method in class AntispamLibrary
AttributeKey::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeKey
AttributeKey::getItemName() — Method in class AttributeKey
AttributeKey::getPackageItems() — Method in class AttributeKey
AttributeKeyCategory::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeKeyCategory
AttributeKeyCategory::getItemName() — Method in class AttributeKeyCategory
AttributeKeyCategory::getPackageItems() — Method in class AttributeKeyCategory
AttributeSet::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeSet
AttributeSet::getItemName() — Method in class AttributeSet
AttributeSet::getPackageItems() — Method in class AttributeSet
AttributeType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeType
AttributeType::getItemName() — Method in class AttributeType
AttributeType::getPackageItems() — Method in class AttributeType
AuthenticationType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getItemName() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::getPackageItems() — Method in class AuthenticationType
BlockType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::getItemName() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::getPackageItems() — Method in class BlockType
BlockTypeSet::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class BlockTypeSet
BlockTypeSet::getItemName() — Method in class BlockTypeSet
BlockTypeSet::getPackageItems() — Method in class BlockTypeSet
CaptchaLibrary::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class CaptchaLibrary
CaptchaLibrary::getItemName() — Method in class CaptchaLibrary
CaptchaLibrary::getPackageItems() — Method in class CaptchaLibrary
Container::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class Container
Container::getItemName() — Method in class Container
Container::getPackageItems() — Method in class Container
ContentEditorSnippet::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class ContentEditorSnippet
ContentEditorSnippet::getItemName() — Method in class ContentEditorSnippet
ContentEditorSnippet::getPackageItems() — Method in class ContentEditorSnippet
ConversationRatingType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class ConversationRatingType
ConversationRatingType::getItemName() — Method in class ConversationRatingType
ConversationRatingType::getPackageItems() — Method in class ConversationRatingType
ExpressEntity::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class ExpressEntity
ExpressEntity::getItemName() — Method in class ExpressEntity
ExpressEntity::getPackageItems() — Method in class ExpressEntity
ExternalFileProviderType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderType
ExternalFileProviderType::getItemName() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderType
ExternalFileProviderType::getPackageItems() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderType
GeolocatorLibraryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
GeolocatorLibrary::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class GeolocatorLibrary
GeolocatorLibrary::getItemName() — Method in class GeolocatorLibrary
GeolocatorLibrary::getPackageItems() — Method in class GeolocatorLibrary
GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
Group::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class Group
Group::getItemName() — Method in class Group
Group::getPackageItems() — Method in class Group
GroupSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
GroupSet::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getItemName() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getPackageItems() — Method in class GroupSet
ImageEditor::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class ImageEditor
ImageEditor::getItemName() — Method in class ImageEditor
ImageEditor::getPackageItems() — Method in class ImageEditor
IpAccessControlCategory::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory
IpAccessControlCategory::getItemName() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory
IpAccessControlCategory::getPackageItems() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory
ItemInterface::getItems() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getItemName() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class ItemInterface
Job::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class Job
Job::getItemName() — Method in class Job
Job::getPackageItems() — Method in class Job
MailImporter::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getItemName() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::getPackageItems() — Method in class MailImporter
Manager::getPackageItems() — Method in class Manager
Manager::getPackageItemCategories() — Method in class Manager
Page::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class Page
Page::getItemName() — Method in class Page
Page::getPackageItems() — Method in class Page
PageTemplate::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class PageTemplate
PageTemplate::getItemName() — Method in class PageTemplate
PageTemplate::getPackageItems() — Method in class PageTemplate
PageType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class PageType
PageType::getItemName() — Method in class PageType
PageType::getPackageItems() — Method in class PageType
PageTypeComposerControlType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class PageTypeComposerControlType
PageTypeComposerControlType::getItemName() — Method in class PageTypeComposerControlType
PageTypeComposerControlType::getPackageItems() — Method in class PageTypeComposerControlType
PageTypePublishTargetType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class PageTypePublishTargetType
PageTypePublishTargetType::getItemName() — Method in class PageTypePublishTargetType
PageTypePublishTargetType::getPackageItems() — Method in class PageTypePublishTargetType
PermissionAccessEntityType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class PermissionAccessEntityType
PermissionAccessEntityType::getItemName() — Method in class PermissionAccessEntityType
PermissionAccessEntityType::getPackageItems() — Method in class PermissionAccessEntityType
PermissionKey::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class PermissionKey
PermissionKey::getItemName() — Method in class PermissionKey
PermissionKey::getPackageItems() — Method in class PermissionKey
PermissionKeyCategory::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class PermissionKeyCategory
PermissionKeyCategory::getItemName() — Method in class PermissionKeyCategory
PermissionKeyCategory::getPackageItems() — Method in class PermissionKeyCategory
SinglePage::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class SinglePage
SinglePage::getItemName() — Method in class SinglePage
SinglePage::getPackageItems() — Method in class SinglePage
SiteType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class SiteType
SiteType::getItemName() — Method in class SiteType
SiteType::getPackageItems() — Method in class SiteType
StorageLocationType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class StorageLocationType
StorageLocationType::getItemName() — Method in class StorageLocationType
StorageLocationType::getPackageItems() — Method in class StorageLocationType
Task::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class Task
Task::getItemName() — Method in class Task
Task::getPackageItems() — Method in class Task
TaskSet::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::getItemName() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::getPackageItems() — Method in class TaskSet
Theme::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getItemName() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getPackageItems() — Method in class Theme
TreeNodeType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class TreeNodeType
TreeNodeType::getItemName() — Method in class TreeNodeType
TreeNodeType::getPackageItems() — Method in class TreeNodeType
TreeType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getItemName() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getPackageItems() — Method in class TreeType
Workflow::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getItemName() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getPackageItems() — Method in class Workflow
WorkflowProgressCategory::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class WorkflowProgressCategory
WorkflowProgressCategory::getItemName() — Method in class WorkflowProgressCategory
WorkflowProgressCategory::getPackageItems() — Method in class WorkflowProgressCategory
WorkflowType::getItemCategoryDisplayName() — Method in class WorkflowType
WorkflowType::getItemName() — Method in class WorkflowType
WorkflowType::getPackageItems() — Method in class WorkflowType
LocalizablePackageInterface::getTranslationFile() — Method in class LocalizablePackageInterface
Exception::getExceptionData() — Method in class Exception

Get the contextual data associated to the exception.

Inspector::getParsers() — Method in class Inspector

Get the parsers list.

PackageInfo::getPackageDirectory() — Method in class PackageInfo

Get the package directory (normalized, without trailing slashes).

PackageInfo::getHandle() — Method in class PackageInfo

Get the package handle.

PackageInfo::getVersion() — Method in class PackageInfo

Get the package version.

PackageInfo::getName() — Method in class PackageInfo

Get the package name, in English.

PackageInfo::getDescription() — Method in class PackageInfo

Get the package description, in English.

PackageInfo::getMinimumCoreVersion() — Method in class PackageInfo

Get the minimum Concrete version.

PackageInfo::getMayorMinimumCoreVersion() — Method in class PackageInfo

Get the major minimum Concrete version.

PackageInfo::getMinimumPHPVersion() — Method in class PackageInfo

Get the minimum PHP version.

Parser::getControllerClassNameRegularExpression() — Method in class Parser

Get the regular expression that the controller class name must match (without the namespace).

Parser::getDefaultPackageMinimumCodeVersion() — Method in class Parser

Get the default minimum core version when the package doesn't specify it.

Parser::getPackageHandleFromClassName() — Method in class Parser

Extract the package handle from the fully-qualified class name.

Parser::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Parser

Get the package handle.

Parser::getPackageVersion() — Method in class Parser

Get the package version.

Parser::getPackageName() — Method in class Parser

Get the package name.

Parser::getPackageDescription() — Method in class Parser

Get the package description.

Parser::getPackageMinimumCodeVersion() — Method in class Parser

Get the minimum supported core version.

Parser::getPackageMinimumPHPVersion() — Method in class Parser

Get the minimum supported PHP version.

Parser::getPropertyValue() — Method in class Parser

Get the value of a class property.

Parser::getSimpleMethodReturnValue() — Method in class Parser

Get the return value of a class method.

Parser::getSimpleMethodBodyTokenRange() — Method in class Parser

Get token range of the body of a very simple class method (that is, containing only a "return something;").

FiveSeven::getControllerClassNameRegularExpression() — Method in class FiveSeven

Get the regular expression that the controller class name must match (without the namespace).

FiveSeven::getPackageHandleFromClassName() — Method in class FiveSeven

Extract the package handle from the fully-qualified class name.

FiveSeven::getDefaultPackageMinimumCodeVersion() — Method in class FiveSeven

Get the default minimum core version when the package doesn't specify it.

Legacy::getControllerClassNameRegularExpression() — Method in class Legacy

Get the regular expression that the controller class name must match (without the namespace).

Legacy::getPackageHandleFromClassName() — Method in class Legacy

Extract the package handle from the fully-qualified class name.

Legacy::getDefaultPackageMinimumCodeVersion() — Method in class Legacy

Get the default minimum core version when the package doesn't specify it.

Package::getPackageEntity() — Method in class Package

Get the associated package entity (if available).

Package::getContentSwapFiles() — Method in class Package
Package::getApplication() — Method in class Package

Get the Application instance.

Package::getContentSwapper() — Method in class Package

Get the content swapper.

Package::getConfig() — Method in class Package

Get the default configuration liaison.

Package::getDatabaseConfig() — Method in class Package

Get the database configuration liaison.

Package::getFileConfig() — Method in class Package

Get the filesystem configuration liaison.

Package::getPackageAutoloaderRegistries() — Method in class Package

Get the custom autoloader prefixes to be automatically added to the class loader.

Package::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Package

Get the package handle.

Package::getPackageName() — Method in class Package

Get the translated name of the package.

Package::getPackageDescription() — Method in class Package

Get the translated package description.

Package::getPackageVersion() — Method in class Package

Get the installed package version.

Package::getApplicationVersionRequired() — Method in class Package

Get the minimum Concrete version compatible with the package.

Package::getPHPVersionRequired() — Method in class Package

Get the minimum PHP version compatible with the package.

Package::getPackagePath() — Method in class Package

Get the absolute path to the package.

Package::getRelativePath() — Method in class Package

Get the path to the package relative to the web root.

Package::getRelativePathFromInstallFolder() — Method in class Package

Get the path to the package relative to the Concrete installation folder.

Package::getTranslationFile() — Method in class Package
Package::getChangelogContents() — Method in class Package

Get the contents of the package's CHANGELOG file.

Package::getInstalledList() — Method in class Package
Package::getInstalledHandles() — Method in class Package
Package::getByHandle() — Method in class Package
Package::getLocalUpgradeablePackages() — Method in class Package
Package::getRemotelyUpgradeablePackages() — Method in class Package
Package::getAvailablePackages() — Method in class Package
Package::getByID() — Method in class Package
Package::getClass() — Method in class Package
Package::getPackageEntityPaths() — Method in class Package
Package::getNamespace() — Method in class Package

Get the namespace of the package by the package handle.

Package::getPackageEntityManager() — Method in class Package

Create an entity manager used for the package install, upgrade and unistall process.

Package::getEntityManager() — Method in class Package
Package::getPackageID() — Method in class Package
Package::getTranslatableStrings() — Method in class Package

Override this method in your package controller to add strings to the translator, so that you can translate dynamically generated strings.

Package::getPackageDependencies() — Method in class Package

Return the package dependencies.

Package::getErrorText() — Method in class Package

Get the error text corresponsing to an error code.

Package::getPHPVersionIDRequired() — Method in class Package

Get the minimum PHP version compatible with the package.

PackageList::getPackages() — Method in class PackageList
PackageList::getHandle() — Method in class PackageList
PackageList::get() — Method in class PackageList
PackageService::getByHandle() — Method in class PackageService

Get a package entity given its handle.

PackageService::getByID() — Method in class PackageService

Get a package entity given its ID.

PackageService::getInstalledList() — Method in class PackageService

Get the package entities of installed packages.

PackageService::getAvailablePackages() — Method in class PackageService

Get the package controllers of the available packages.

PackageService::getLocalUpgradeablePackages() — Method in class PackageService

Get the controllers of packages that have newer versions in the local packages directory than those which are in the Packages table.

PackageService::getInstalledHandles() — Method in class PackageService

Get the handles of all the installed packages.

PackageService::getRemotelyUpgradeablePackages() — Method in class PackageService

Get the controllers of the packages that have an upgraded version available in the marketplace.

PackageService::getClass() — Method in class PackageService

Get the controller of a package given its handle.

FileExcluder::getExclusionReason() — Method in class FileExcluder

Should a file be excluded accordingly to the configured flags?

SvgIconRasterizer::getBitmapData() — Method in class SvgIconRasterizer

Get the details of the bitmap data to be generated for a file.

PackagePacker::generateFileList() — Method in class PackagePacker

Generate the list of files/directories applying the filters specified.

PackerFile::getAbsolutePath() — Method in class PackerFile

Get the absolute path to the actual file/directory (with directory separators normalized to '/', without trailing slashes).

PackerFile::getAbsolutePathWithExtension() — Method in class PackerFile

Generate a new absolute path, with a new file extension.

PackerFile::getRelativePath() — Method in class PackerFile

Get the path to the file/directory relative to the package root directory (with directory separators normalized to '/', without trailing slashes).

PackerFile::getRelativePathWithExtension() — Method in class PackerFile

Generate a new relative path, with a new file extension.

PackerFile::getBasename() — Method in class PackerFile

The name of the file/directory, without the path.

PackerFile::getExtension() — Method in class PackerFile

Get the extension of the file, lower case without the leading dot.

PackerFile::getType() — Method in class PackerFile

Get the type of the file (one of the TYPE_... constants).

PackerFile::getPathWithExtension() — Method in class PackerFile

Change the extension of a path.

StartingPointInstallRoutine::getMethod() — Method in class StartingPointInstallRoutine
StartingPointInstallRoutine::getText() — Method in class StartingPointInstallRoutine
StartingPointInstallRoutine::getProgress() — Method in class StartingPointInstallRoutine
StartingPointPackage::getAvailableList() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::getClass() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::getInstallRoutines() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
Cloner::getUniquePageName() — Method in class Cloner

Get the name of a page that's unique for the parent.

Cloner::getUniquePageHandle() — Method in class Cloner

Get the handle of a page that's unique for the parent.

ClonerOptions::getCurrentUser() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Get the currently logged in user.

ClonerOptions::getVersionComments() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Get the version comments (if empty string, automatically build it).

Collection::getByID() — Method in class Collection

Get a collection by ID.

Collection::getByHandle() — Method in class Collection

Get a Collection by handle (provided that it's not a Page handle).

Collection::getCollectionID() — Method in class Collection

Get the collection ID.

Collection::getCollectionHandle() — Method in class Collection

Get the collection handle.

Collection::getCollectionDateLastModified() — Method in class Collection

Get the date/time when the collection was last modified.

Collection::getCollectionDateAdded() — Method in class Collection

Get the date/time when the collection has been created.

Collection::getVersionID() — Method in class Collection

Get the ID of the currently loaded version.

Collection::getVersionObject() — Method in class Collection

Get the currently loaded version object.

Collection::getVersionToModify() — Method in class Collection

Get the Collection instance to be modified (this instance if it's a new or master Collection, a clone otherwise).

Collection::getNextVersionComments() — Method in class Collection

Get the automatic comment for the next collection version.

Collection::getAttribute() — Method in class Collection

Return the value of the attribute with the handle $akHandle of the currently loaded version (if it's loaded).

Collection::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class Collection

Return the attribute value object with the handle $akHandle of the currently loaded version (if it's loaded).

Collection::getSetCollectionAttributes() — Method in class Collection

Get the list of attribute keys for which the currently loaded collection version has values.

Collection::getArea() — Method in class Collection

Get an existing area associated to this collection.

Collection::getAreaCustomStyle() — Method in class Collection

Get the custom style of an area in the currently loaded collection version.

Collection::getPageTypeID() — Method in class Collection

Returns the ID of the page/collection type.

Collection::getGlobalBlocks() — Method in class Collection

Get the blocks contained in all the global areas in this collection.

Collection::getGlobalBlockIDs() — Method in class Collection

Get the IDs for blocks contained in all the global areas in this collection.

Collection::getGlobalStacksForCollection() — Method in class Collection

Get all the global stacks loaded in this collection.

Collection::getBlocks() — Method in class Collection

List the blocks in the currently loaded collection version (or in a specific area within it).

Collection::getBlockIDs() — Method in class Collection

List the block IDs and the associated area handles in the currently loaded collection version (or in a specific area within it).

Collection::getCollectionAreaDisplayOrder() — Method in class Collection

Get the next value of the display order (to be used when adding new blocks to an area).

Collection::getAttributeValue() — Method in class Collection
Collection::getCollectionAttributeValue() — Method in class Collection
Collection::getCollectionTypeID() — Method in class Collection
EditResponse::getCollectionVersions() — Method in class EditResponse
EditResponse::getJSONObject() — Method in class EditResponse

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

Event::getCollectionVersionObject() — Method in class Event
GlobalVersionListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version

An object that holds a list of collection versions.

GlobalVersionList::getResult() — Method in class GlobalVersionList
GlobalVersionList::getTotalResults() — Method in class GlobalVersionList
Version::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Version
Version::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Version
Version::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Version
Version::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Version
Version::get() — Method in class Version

Get a Version instance given the Collection and a version identifier.

Version::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class Version
Version::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class Version
Version::getPublishDate() — Method in class Version

Get the scheduled date/time when the collection is published: start.

Version::getPublishEndDate() — Method in class Version

Get the scheduled date/time when the collection is published: end.

Version::getVersionID() — Method in class Version

Get the collection version ID.

Version::getCollectionID() — Method in class Version

Get the collection ID.

Version::getVersionName() — Method in class Version

The collection version name.

Version::getVersionComments() — Method in class Version

Get the collection version comments.

Version::getVersionAuthorUserID() — Method in class Version

Get the ID of the user that created this collection version.

Version::getVersionApproverUserID() — Method in class Version

Get the ID of the user that approved this collection version.

Version::getVersionAuthorUserName() — Method in class Version

Get the name of the user that approved this collection version.

Version::getVersionApproverUserName() — Method in class Version

Get the name of the user that approved this collection version.

Version::getCustomAreaStyles() — Method in class Version

Get the custom area style IDs.

Version::getVersionDateCreated() — Method in class Version

Get the date/time when the collection version was created.

Version::getVersionDateApproved() — Method in class Version

Get the date the collection version was approved.

VersionList::get() — Method in class VersionList

Returns an array of whatever objects extends this class (e.g. PageList returns a list of pages).

ClearPageCopyCommandBatch::getCopyBatchID() — Method in class ClearPageCopyCommandBatch
CopyPageCommand::getDestinationPageID() — Method in class CopyPageCommand
CopyPageCommand::getCopyBatchID() — Method in class CopyPageCommand
DeletePageCommand::getUserID() — Method in class DeletePageCommand
PageCommand::getPageID() — Method in class PageCommand
QueuedReindexPageCommand::getHandler() — Method in class QueuedReindexPageCommand
RebuildPageIndexCommand::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class RebuildPageIndexCommand
RebuildPageIndexCommand::getHandler() — Method in class RebuildPageIndexCommand
RebuildPageIndexCommand::getIndexName() — Method in class RebuildPageIndexCommand
PageSelectInstance::getAccessToken() — Method in class PageSelectInstance
PageSelectInstanceFactory::getAccessTokenString() — Method in class PageSelectInstanceFactory
AddContainerCommand::getHandler() — Method in class AddContainerCommand
ContainerCommand::getContainer() — Method in class ContainerCommand
UpdateContainerCommand::getHandler() — Method in class UpdateContainerCommand
ContainerBlockInstance::getBlock() — Method in class ContainerBlockInstance
ContainerBlockInstance::getInstance() — Method in class ContainerBlockInstance
IconRepository::getPath() — Method in class IconRepository
IconRepository::getBaseUrl() — Method in class IconRepository
TemplateLocator::getFileToRender() — Method in class TemplateLocator
AccountPageController::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class AccountPageController

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

DashboardAttributesPageController::getCategoryObject() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Get the attribute category we are working on.

DashboardAttributesPageController::getHeaderMenu() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Get the controller of the element to be placed in the header of the "Attribute List" page.

DashboardCalendarPageController::getCalendars() — Method in class DashboardCalendarPageController
DashboardExpressEntityPageController::getEntityName() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntityPageController
DashboardExpressEntityPageController::getExpressEntity() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntityPageController
DashboardPageController::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardPageController
DashboardPageController::getBreadcrumbElement() — Method in class DashboardPageController
DashboardPageController::getEntityManager() — Method in class DashboardPageController

Get the EntityManager instance (available after the on_start method has been called).

DashboardSitePageController::getSite() — Method in class DashboardSitePageController
MarketplaceDashboardPageController::getRedirectLocation() — Method in class MarketplaceDashboardPageController
MarketplaceDashboardPageController::getMarketplaceType() — Method in class MarketplaceDashboardPageController
MarketplaceDashboardPageController::getMarketplaceDefaultHeading() — Method in class MarketplaceDashboardPageController
PageController::getCustomRequestPath() — Method in class PageController

Get the custom request path (useful when replacing controllers).

PageController::getReplacement() — Method in class PageController
PageController::getSets() — Method in class PageController

Get the things "set" against this controller with $this->set(...) This output array may also contain items set with $this->flash(...) like message error success or other custom keys

PageController::getPageObject() — Method in class PageController
PageController::getTheme() — Method in class PageController
PageController::getRequestAction() — Method in class PageController
PageController::getRequestActionParameters() — Method in class PageController
PageController::getControllerActionPath() — Method in class PageController
PageController::getPassThruBlockController() — Method in class PageController
PageController::getBlockController() — Method in class PageController
PageController::getSearchableContent() — Method in class PageController

Override this method to send content created by the page controller to the indexer

PublicProfilePageController::getRequiredFeatures() — Method in class PublicProfilePageController

The list of one or more Features this class makes use of.

CustomStyle::getValueList() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getPresetHandle() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getTheme() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCustomCssRecord() — Method in class CustomStyle
DesktopList::getMyDesktop() — Method in class DesktopList
DisplayOrderUpdateEvent::getOldDisplayOrder() — Method in class DisplayOrderUpdateEvent

Get the old display order

DisplayOrderUpdateEvent::getNewDisplayOrder() — Method in class DisplayOrderUpdateEvent

Get the new display order

DuplicatePageEvent::getNewPageObject() — Method in class DuplicatePageEvent
EditResponse::getJSONObject() — Method in class EditResponse

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

Event::getRequest() — Method in class Event
Event::getPageObject() — Method in class Event
Event::getUserObject() — Method in class Event
Feed::getList() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getByID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::getByHandle() — Method in class Feed

Get a PageFeed by its handle

FeedEvent::getRequest() — Method in class FeedEvent
FeedEvent::getPageObject() — Method in class FeedEvent
FeedEvent::getFeedObject() — Method in class FeedEvent
FeedEvent::getWriterObject() — Method in class FeedEvent
HandleGenerator::generate() — Method in class HandleGenerator

Generate collection handle from requested data.

MovePageEvent::getNewParentPageObject() — Method in class MovePageEvent
MovePageEvent::getOldParentPageObject() — Method in class MovePageEvent
Page::getByPath() — Method in class Page

Get a page given its path.

Page::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class Page
Page::getByID() — Method in class Page
  • Get a page given its ID.
Page::getExporter() — Method in class Page
Page::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Page
Page::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Page
Page::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Page
Page::getSummaryCategoryHandle() — Method in class Page
Page::getSummaryIdentifier() — Method in class Page
Page::getJSONObject() — Method in class Page

Return a representation of the Page object as something easily serializable.

Page::getPageController() — Method in class Page

Get the page controller.

Page::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Page
Page::getPackageID() — Method in class Page

Get the package ID for a page (page thats added by a package) (returns 0 if its not in a package).

Page::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Page

Get the handle the the package that added this page.

Page::getFromRequest() — Method in class Page

Uses a Request object to determine which page to load. Queries by path and then by cID.

Page::getCollectionCheckedOutUserName() — Method in class Page

Gets the user that is editing the current page.

Page::getDraftsParentPage() — Method in class Page

Get the drafts parent page for a specific site.

Page::getDrafts() — Method in class Page

Get the list of draft pages in a specific site.

Page::getController() — Method in class Page
Page::getSummaryTemplates() — Method in class Page
Page::getCustomPageSummaryTemplateCollection() — Method in class Page
Page::getCustomSelectedSummaryTemplates() — Method in class Page
Page::getCollectionIcon() — Method in class Page

Gets the icon for a page (also fires the on_page_get_icon event).

Page::getCollectionCheckedOutUserID() — Method in class Page

Get the uID for a page that is checked out (if any).

Page::getCollectionPath() — Method in class Page

Get the path of this page.

Page::getCollectionPathObject() — Method in class Page

Returns the PagePath object for the current page.

Page::getPagePaths() — Method in class Page

Get all the page paths of this page.

Page::getAdditionalPagePaths() — Method in class Page

Get all the non-canonical page paths of this page.

Page::getCollectionLink() — Method in class Page

Returns full url for the current page.

Page::getSiteTreeID() — Method in class Page
Page::getSite() — Method in class Page
Page::getSiteTreeObject() — Method in class Page
Page::getCollectionPathFromID() — Method in class Page

Returns the path for a page from its cID.

Page::getCollectionUserID() — Method in class Page

Get the uID of the page author (if any).

Page::getCollectionHandle() — Method in class Page

Get the page handle.

Page::getCollectionTypeName() — Method in class Page
Page::getPageTypeName() — Method in class Page

Get the display name of the page type (if available).

Page::getCollectionTypeID() — Method in class Page
Page::getPageTypeID() — Method in class Page

Get the Collection Type ID.

Page::getPageTypeObject() — Method in class Page

Get the page type object.

Page::getPageTemplateID() — Method in class Page

Get the Page Template ID.

Page::getPageTemplateObject() — Method in class Page

Get the Page Template Object (if available).

Page::getPageTemplateHandle() — Method in class Page

Get the handle of the Page Template (if available).

Page::getPageTypeHandle() — Method in class Page

Get the handle of the Page Type (if available).

Page::getCollectionTypeHandle() — Method in class Page
Page::getCollectionThemeID() — Method in class Page

Get the theme ID for the collection (if available).

Page::getCollectionThemeObject() — Method in class Page

Get the collection's theme object.

Page::getCollectionName() — Method in class Page

Get the page name.

Page::getCustomAliasName() — Method in class Page

Get the custom name of the alias page.

Page::getAliasHandle() — Method in class Page

Get the handle of the alias page

Page::getCollectionPointerID() — Method in class Page

Get the collection ID for the aliased page (returns 0 unless used on an actual alias).

Page::getCollectionPointerExternalLink() — Method in class Page

Get the link for the aliased page.

Page::getCollectionPointerOriginalID() — Method in class Page

Get the original cID of a page (if it's a page alias).

Page::getCollectionFilename() — Method in class Page

Get the file name of a page (single pages).

Page::getCollectionDatePublic() — Method in class Page

Get the date/time when the current version was made public (or a falsy value if the current version doesn't have public date).

Page::getCollectionDatePublicObject() — Method in class Page

Get the date/time when the current version was made public (or NULL value if the current version doesn't have public date).

Page::getCollectionDescription() — Method in class Page

Get the description of a page.

Page::getCollectionParentID() — Method in class Page

Ges the cID of the parent page.

Page::getCollectionParentIDFromChildID() — Method in class Page

Get the parent cID of a page given its cID.

Page::getCollectionParentIDs() — Method in class Page

Get an array containint this cParentID and aliased parentIDs.

Page::getCollectionDisplayOrder() — Method in class Page

Get the position of the page in the sitemap, relative to its parent page.

Page::getPermissionsCollectionID() — Method in class Page

Get the ID of the page from which this page inherits permissions from.

Page::getCollectionInheritance() — Method in class Page

Where permissions should be inherited from? 'PARENT' or 'TEMPLATE' or 'OVERRIDE'.

Page::getParentPermissionsCollectionID() — Method in class Page

Get the ID of the page from which the parent page page inherits permissions from.

Page::getPermissionsCollectionObject() — Method in class Page

Get the page from which this page inherits permissions from.

Page::getMasterCollectionID() — Method in class Page

Get the master page of this page, given its page template and page type.

Page::getOriginalCollectionID() — Method in class Page

Get the ID of the original collection.

Page::getNumChildren() — Method in class Page

Get the number of child pages.

Page::getNumChildrenDirect() — Method in class Page

Get the number of child pages (direct children only).

Page::getFirstChild() — Method in class Page

Get the first child of the current page, or null if there is no child.

Page::getCollectionChildrenArray() — Method in class Page

Get the list of child page IDs, sorted by their display order.

Page::getCollectionChildren() — Method in class Page

Get the immediate children of the this page.

Page::getPageWrapperClass() — Method in class Page

Get the CSS class to be used to wrap the whole page contents.

Page::getPageRelations() — Method in class Page

Get the relations of this page.

Page::getSiteHomePageID() — Method in class Page

Get the ID of the homepage for the site tree this page belongs to.

Page::getHomePageID() — Method in class Page

Get the ID of the home page.

Page::getAutoGeneratedPagePathObject() — Method in class Page

Get a new PagePath object with the computed canonical page path.

Page::getNextSubPageDisplayOrder() — Method in class Page

Get the next available display order of child pages.

Page::generatePagePath() — Method in class Page

Get the URL-slug-based path to the current page (including any suffixes) in a string format. Does so in real time.

Page::getPageIndexScore() — Method in class Page

Get the page index score (as set by a PageList for instance).

Page::getPageIndexContent() — Method in class Page

Get the indexed content of this page.

Page::getCustomStyleObject() — Method in class Page

Get the custom style for the currently loaded page version (if any).

Page::getCollectionFullPageCaching() — Method in class Page

Get the full-page cache flag (-1: use global setting; 0: no; 1: yes - NULL if page is not loaded).

Page::getCollectionFullPageCachingLifetime() — Method in class Page

Get the full-page cache lifetime criteria ('default': use default lifetime; 'forever': no expiration; 'custom': custom lifetime value - see getCollectionFullPageCachingLifetimeCustomValue(); other: use the default lifetime - NULL if page is not loaded).

Page::getCollectionFullPageCachingLifetimeCustomValue() — Method in class Page

Get the full-page cache custom lifetime in minutes (to be used if getCollectionFullPageCachingLifetime() is 'custom').

Page::getCollectionFullPageCachingLifetimeValue() — Method in class Page

Get the actual full-page cache lifespan (in seconds).

Page::getCurrentPage() — Method in class Page

Get the currently requested page.

Page::getPageDraftTargetParentPageID() — Method in class Page

Get the ID of the draft parent page ID.

Page::getPageSkin() — Method in class Page
PageList::getPagerManager() — Method in class PageList
PageList::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class PageList
PageList::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class PageList
PageList::getTotalResults() — Method in class PageList

Returns the total results in this item list.

PageList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class PageList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

PageList::getResult() — Method in class PageList
PageList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class PageList
PagePathEvent::getPageObject() — Method in class PagePathEvent
PagePathEvent::getPagePath() — Method in class PagePathEvent
FormatterInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class FormatterInterface
SiblingFormatter::getDisplayName() — Method in class SiblingFormatter
RelationListController::getMenuItemLinkElement() — Method in class RelationListController
Available::getCollectionVersionStatus() — Method in class Available
ColumnSet::getAttributeKeyColumn() — Method in class ColumnSet
ColumnSet::getCurrent() — Method in class ColumnSet
CollectionVersionColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class CollectionVersionColumn
CollectionVersionColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class CollectionVersionColumn
CollectionVersionColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class CollectionVersionColumn
DateLastModifiedColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class DateLastModifiedColumn
DateLastModifiedColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class DateLastModifiedColumn
DateLastModifiedColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class DateLastModifiedColumn
DatePublicColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class DatePublicColumn
DatePublicColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class DatePublicColumn
DatePublicColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class DatePublicColumn
PageIDColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class PageIDColumn
PageIDColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class PageIDColumn
PageIDColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class PageIDColumn
SitemapDisplayOrderColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class SitemapDisplayOrderColumn
SitemapDisplayOrderColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class SitemapDisplayOrderColumn
SitemapDisplayOrderColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class SitemapDisplayOrderColumn
UrlPathColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class UrlPathColumn
UrlPathColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class UrlPathColumn
UrlPathColumn::getColumnValue() — Method in class UrlPathColumn
DefaultSet::getCollectionDatePublic() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getCollectionDateModified() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getCollectionAuthor() — Method in class DefaultSet
CacheSettingField::getKey() — Method in class CacheSettingField

Get the field key.

CacheSettingField::getDisplayName() — Method in class CacheSettingField

Get the field display name.

ContainsBlockTypeField::getKey() — Method in class ContainsBlockTypeField

Get the field key.

ContainsBlockTypeField::getDisplayName() — Method in class ContainsBlockTypeField

Get the field display name.

ContainsContainerField::getKey() — Method in class ContainsContainerField

Get the field key.

ContainsContainerField::getDisplayName() — Method in class ContainsContainerField

Get the field display name.

DateAddedField::getKey() — Method in class DateAddedField

Get the field key.

DateAddedField::getDisplayName() — Method in class DateAddedField

Get the field display name.

DateLastModifiedField::getKey() — Method in class DateLastModifiedField

Get the field key.

DateLastModifiedField::getDisplayName() — Method in class DateLastModifiedField

Get the field display name.

DatePublicField::getKey() — Method in class DatePublicField

Get the field key.

DatePublicField::getDisplayName() — Method in class DatePublicField

Get the field display name.

IncludePageAliasesField::getKey() — Method in class IncludePageAliasesField

Get the field key.

IncludePageAliasesField::getDisplayName() — Method in class IncludePageAliasesField

Get the field display name.

NumberOfChildrenField::getKey() — Method in class NumberOfChildrenField

Get the field key.

NumberOfChildrenField::getDisplayName() — Method in class NumberOfChildrenField

Get the field display name.

PageOwnerField::getKey() — Method in class PageOwnerField

Get the field key.

PageOwnerField::getDisplayName() — Method in class PageOwnerField

Get the field display name.

PageTemplateField::getKey() — Method in class PageTemplateField

Get the field key.

PageTemplateField::getDisplayName() — Method in class PageTemplateField

Get the field display name.

PageTypeField::getKey() — Method in class PageTypeField

Get the field key.

PageTypeField::getDisplayName() — Method in class PageTypeField

Get the field display name.

ParentPageField::getKey() — Method in class ParentPageField

Get the field key.

ParentPageField::getDisplayName() — Method in class ParentPageField

Get the field display name.

PermissionsInheritanceField::getKey() — Method in class PermissionsInheritanceField

Get the field key.

PermissionsInheritanceField::getDisplayName() — Method in class PermissionsInheritanceField

Get the field display name.

SiteLocaleField::getKey() — Method in class SiteLocaleField

Get the field key.

SiteLocaleField::getDisplayName() — Method in class SiteLocaleField

Get the field display name.

ThemeField::getKey() — Method in class ThemeField

Get the field key.

ThemeField::getDisplayName() — Method in class ThemeField

Get the field display name.

VersionStatusField::getKey() — Method in class VersionStatusField

Get the field key.

VersionStatusField::getDisplayName() — Method in class VersionStatusField

Get the field display name.

PageIndex::getIndexer() — Method in class PageIndex
PageIndexer::getPage() — Method in class PageIndexer

Get a page based on criteria

IndexedSearch::getSearchableAreaAction() — Method in class IndexedSearch
IndexedSearch::getSavedSearchableAreas() — Method in class IndexedSearch
IndexedSearch::getBodyContentFromPage() — Method in class IndexedSearch
Result::getItemDetails() — Method in class Result
Result::getColumnDetails() — Method in class Result
Result::getColumns() — Method in class Result
SearchProvider::getFieldManager() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSessionNamespace() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCustomAttributeKeys() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getBaseColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCurrentColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getItemList() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getDefaultColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSavedSearch() — Method in class SearchProvider
Single::getThemeableCorePages() — Method in class Single
Single::getListByPackage() — Method in class Single
Single::getPathToNode() — Method in class Single
Single::getByID() — Method in class Single
Single::getList() — Method in class Single
GenerateSitemapCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Command
GenerateSitemapCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Command
DeprecatedPageListGenerator::getInstances() — Method in class DeprecatedPageListGenerator
DragRequestData::getDragMode() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::getDestinationPage() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::getDestinationSibling() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::getOriginalPages() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::getSingleOriginalPage() — Method in class DragRequestData

Get a Page instance if and only if there's just one original page.

SitemapElement::getXmlMetaHeader() — Method in class SitemapElement

Get the XML meta-header.

SitemapHeader::getUrlset() — Method in class SitemapHeader
SitemapPage::getPage() — Method in class SitemapPage

Get the page.

SitemapPage::getUrl() — Method in class SitemapPage

Get the URL of the page.

SitemapPage::getLastModifiedAt() — Method in class SitemapPage

Get the last modification date/time.

SitemapPage::getChangeFrequency() — Method in class SitemapPage

Get the page change frequency (one of the SitemapPage::CHANGEFREQUENCY_... constants, or an empty string in unavailable).

SitemapPage::getPriority() — Method in class SitemapPage

Get the page priority.

SitemapPage::getAlternativeLanguages() — Method in class SitemapPage

Get the pages in alternative languages mapped to this page.

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::getSection() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Get the multilingual section associated to this alternative page.

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::getPage() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Get the alternative page in the alternative language.

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::getUrl() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Get the URL of the alternative page.

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::getOverriddenHrefLang() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Get the overridden hreflang value.

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::getFinalHrefLang() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Get the final value of the href lang.

DeprecatedPageReadyEvent::getSubject() — Method in class DeprecatedPageReadyEvent
DeprecatedPageReadyEvent::getPage() — Method in class DeprecatedPageReadyEvent

Get the page for which we are building the sitemap node.

DeprecatedPageReadyEvent::getNode() — Method in class DeprecatedPageReadyEvent

Get the sitemap XML node (may be set to null by an event listener).

ElementReadyEvent::getSubject() — Method in class ElementReadyEvent
ElementReadyEvent::getElement() — Method in class ElementReadyEvent

Get the sitemap element (may be set to null by an event listener).

XmlReadyEvent::getSubject() — Method in class XmlReadyEvent
XmlReadyEvent::getDocument() — Method in class XmlReadyEvent

Get the sitemap XML document.

PageListGenerator::getApproximatePageCount() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Get the approximage numnber of pages that will be included in the sitemap (the actual value can be lower than it).

PageListGenerator::generatePageList() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Generate the list of pages that should be included in the sitemap.

PageListGenerator::getMultilingualSectionForPage() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Get the multilingual section where a page resides (if any).

PageListGenerator::getMultilingualSections() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Get the list of multilingual sections defined for the current site.

PageListGenerator::getSite() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Get the currently used site.

PageListGenerator::getNow() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::getExcludeFromSiteMapAttributeKey() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::getViewPagePermissionKey() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::getVisitorsUserGroup() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::getVisitorsUserGroupAccessEntity() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::getConnection() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::getDashboardHelper() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::getSiteTreesIDList() — Method in class PageListGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getPageListGenerator() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getResolverManager() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::generateContents() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getSiteCanonicalUrl() — Method in class SitemapGenerator

Get the currently configured canonical URL of the site.

SitemapGenerator::getCustomSiteCanonicalUrl() — Method in class SitemapGenerator

Get the custom canonical URL for the site.

SitemapGenerator::getSitemapChangeFrequencyAttributeKey() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getSitemapPriorityAttributeKey() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getDefaultChangeFrequency() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getDefaultPriority() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getPageUrl() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getPageChangeFrequency() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::getPagePriority() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapWriter::getMode() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Get the write mode.

SitemapWriter::getIndenter() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Get the string used to indent the XML when the mode is set to MODE_LOWMEMORY.

SitemapWriter::getLineTerminator() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Get the string used as new-line terminator in the XML when the mode is set to MODE_LOWMEMORY.

SitemapWriter::getSitemapGenerator() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Get the SitemapGenerator instance to be used.

SitemapWriter::getOutputFilename() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Get the path to the sitemap to be generated.

SitemapWriter::getSitemapUrl() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Get the URL of the sitemap corresponding to the output file name.

SitemapWriter::generate() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Generate the sitemap.

SitemapWriter::getTemporaryDirectory() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Get the temporary directory to be used during the sitemap generation.

Folder::getExporter() — Method in class Folder
Folder::getPage() — Method in class Folder
FolderService::getByPath() — Method in class FolderService
FolderService::getByID() — Method in class FolderService
Formatter::getIconElement() — Method in class Formatter
Formatter::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class Formatter
Pile::getPileName() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getPileState() — Method in class Pile
Pile::get() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getOrCreate() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getPileID() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getDefault() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getMyPiles() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getUserID() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getPileLength() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getPileContentObjects() — Method in class Pile
Pile::getPileContentID() — Method in class Pile
PileContent::getPile() — Method in class PileContent
PileContent::getPileContentID() — Method in class PileContent
PileContent::getItemID() — Method in class PileContent
PileContent::getItemType() — Method in class PileContent
PileContent::getQuantity() — Method in class PileContent
PileContent::get() — Method in class PileContent
PileContent::getObject() — Method in class PileContent
PileContent::getModuleList() — Method in class PileContent
Stack::getGlobalAreaStackFromName() — Method in class Stack

Given an original collection that we're currently rendering, return a stack corresponding to a global area on that collection. (Note: the original collection is required because we check its permissions to determine what version of the stack to load.)

Stack::getByPath() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getOrCreateGlobalArea() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getByName() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getByID() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getMultilingualSectionFromType() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getStackType() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getStackName() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getExporter() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getStackTypeExportText() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getMultilingualSectionID() — Method in class Stack

Returns the ID of the multilingual section associated to this stack (or 0 if it's the language-neutral version).

Stack::getMultilingualSection() — Method in class Stack

Returns the multilingual section associated to this stack (or null if it's the language-neutral version).

Stack::getNeutralStackID() — Method in class Stack

Returns the collection ID of the locale.neutral version of this stack (or null if this instance is already the neutral version).

Stack::getNeutralStack() — Method in class Stack

Returns the locale-neutral version of this stack (or null if this instance is already the neutral version).

Stack::getLocalizedStack() — Method in class Stack

Returns the localized version of this stack.

StackCategory::getPage() — Method in class StackCategory
StackCategory::getCategoryFromMultilingualSection() — Method in class StackCategory
StackCategory::getFromDefaultMultilingualSection() — Method in class StackCategory
StackList::getFoldersFirst() — Method in class StackList

Should we list stack folders first?

StackList::getResult() — Method in class StackList
Statistics::getTotalPageVersions() — Method in class Statistics

Gets the total number of versions across all pages. Used in the dashboard.

Statistics::getSiteLastEdit() — Method in class Statistics

Returns the datetime of the last edit to the site. Used in the dashboard.

Statistics::getTotalPagesCheckedOut() — Method in class Statistics

Gets the total number of pages currently in edit mode.

Statistics::getTotalPagesCreated() — Method in class Statistics

Returns the total number of pages created for a given date.

EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommand::getTemplateIDs() — Method in class EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommand
Template::getByHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::getByID() — Method in class Template
Template::getListByPackage() — Method in class Template
Template::getList() — Method in class Template
Template::getIcons() — Method in class Template
BedrockThemeTrait::getThemeSupportedFeatures() — Method in class BedrockThemeTrait
BedrockThemeTrait::getThemeGridFrameworkHandle() — Method in class BedrockThemeTrait
BedrockThemeTrait::getColorCollection() — Method in class BedrockThemeTrait
Color::getName() — Method in class Color
Color::getVariable() — Method in class Color
ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommand::getPage() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommand
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand::getThemeID() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand::getPresetStartingPoint() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand::getCustomCss() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand::getStyles() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::getSkinName() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::getCustomCss() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::getThemeID() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::getAuthorID() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::getPresetStartingPoint() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::getStyles() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
DeleteCustomSkinCommand::getCustomSkin() — Method in class DeleteCustomSkinCommand
GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand::getCustomSkin() — Method in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand
GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand::getThemeID() — Method in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand
GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommand::getSite() — Method in class ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommand
ResetPageThemeSkinsCommand::getSite() — Method in class ResetPageThemeSkinsCommand
ResetSiteThemeSkinCommand::getSite() — Method in class ResetSiteThemeSkinCommand
UpdateCustomSkinCommand::getCustomSkin() — Method in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand
UpdateCustomSkinCommand::getCustomCss() — Method in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand
UpdateCustomSkinCommand::getStyles() — Method in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand
CustomizableInterface::getThemeCustomizerType() — Method in class CustomizableInterface
AbstractDocumentationContentPage::getContentXmlElement() — Method in class AbstractDocumentationContentPage
AbstractDocumentationContentPage::getDocumentationPageTypeHandle() — Method in class AbstractDocumentationContentPage
AbstractDocumentationContentPage::getDocumentationPageTemplateHandle() — Method in class AbstractDocumentationContentPage
AtomikDocumentationProvider::getPages() — Method in class AtomikDocumentationProvider
BedrockDocumentationPage::getName() — Method in class BedrockDocumentationPage
BedrockDocumentationPage::getContentXmlElement() — Method in class BedrockDocumentationPage
DocumentationNavigationPageItem::getPageID() — Method in class DocumentationNavigationPageItem
DocumentationNavigationPageItem::getTarget() — Method in class DocumentationNavigationPageItem
DocumentationNavigationPageItem::getURL() — Method in class DocumentationNavigationPageItem
DocumentationPageInterface::getName() — Method in class DocumentationPageInterface
DocumentationProvider::getPages() — Method in class DocumentationProvider
DocumentationProviderInterface::getPages() — Method in class DocumentationProviderInterface
ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage::getDocumentationPageTypeHandle() — Method in class ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage
ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage::getChildPages() — Method in class ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage
ThemeDocumentationPage::getName() — Method in class ThemeDocumentationPage
ThemeDocumentationPage::getContentXmlElement() — Method in class ThemeDocumentationPage
GetThemeContentXmlElementTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation\Traits
GetThemeContentXmlElementTrait::getThemeContentXmlElement() — Method in class GetThemeContentXmlElementTrait
File::getFilename() — Method in class File

Gets the filename for this theme file object.

File::getType() — Method in class File

Gets the type of file for this object.

File::getHandle() — Method in class File

Returns just the part of the filename prior to the extension.

GridFrameworkClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnExtraSmallDeviceClass() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnSmallDeviceClass() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnMediumDeviceClass() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnLargeDeviceClass() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkName() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowStartHTML() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowEndHTML() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerStartHTML() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerEndHTML() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkNumColumns() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClasses() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetClasses() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnAdditionalClasses() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetAdditionalClasses() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClassForSpan() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClassForOffset() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClassesForSpan() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClassesForOffset() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkSelectedDeviceHideClassesForDisplay() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getPageThemeGridFrameworkDeviceHideClasses() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getDeviceHideClassIconClass() — Method in class GridFramework
GridFramework::getDeviceHideClasses() — Method in class GridFramework
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkName() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowStartHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowEndHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerStartHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerEndHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap2::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap2
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkName() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowStartHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowEndHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerStartHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerEndHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnExtraSmallDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnSmallDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnMediumDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap3::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnLargeDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkName() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowStartHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowEndHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerStartHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerEndHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnExtraSmallDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnSmallDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnMediumDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap4::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnLargeDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkName() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowStartHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowEndHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerStartHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerEndHTML() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnExtraSmallDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnSmallDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnMediumDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Bootstrap5::getPageThemeGridFrameworkHideOnLargeDeviceClass() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkName() — Method in class Foundation
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowStartHTML() — Method in class Foundation
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowEndHTML() — Method in class Foundation
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerStartHTML() — Method in class Foundation
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerEndHTML() — Method in class Foundation
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClasses() — Method in class Foundation
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetClasses() — Method in class Foundation
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Foundation
Foundation::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetAdditionalClasses() — Method in class Foundation
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkName() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerStartHTML() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkContainerEndHTML() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowStartHTML() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkRowEndHTML() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnClasses() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetClasses() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getAggregatorGridItemMargin() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getAggregatorGridItemWidth() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getAggregatorGridItemHeight() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnAdditionalClasses() — Method in class NineSixty
NineSixty::getPageThemeGridFrameworkColumnOffsetAdditionalClasses() — Method in class NineSixty
Theme::getGlobalList() — Method in class Theme

Get the installed themes provided by packages.

Theme::getLocalList() — Method in class Theme

Get the installed themes provided by the core.

Theme::getListByPackage() — Method in class Theme

Get the installed themes provided by a package.

Theme::getList() — Method in class Theme

Get the installed themes.

Theme::getInstalledHandles() — Method in class Theme

Get the handles of all the installed themes.

Theme::getAvailableThemes() — Method in class Theme

Get the all the themes available in the /application/themes directory.

Theme::getByFileHandle() — Method in class Theme

Get a theme from the file system.

Theme::getSkinDirectoryRecord() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getPresetSkins() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getCustomSkins() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getSkins() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getThemeCustomizer() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getThemeDefaultSkin() — Method in class Theme

Gets the default skin for this theme

Theme::getSkinByIdentifier() — Method in class Theme

Returns a skin object when passed a string identifier

Theme::getThemeCustomizableStyleSheets() — Method in class Theme

Get all the customizable LESS stylesheets.

Theme::getStylesheetObject() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getStylesheet() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getThemeCustomStyleObject() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getByHandle() — Method in class Theme

Get an installed theme given its handle.

Theme::getByID() — Method in class Theme

Get an installed theme given its ID.

Theme::getFilesInTheme() — Method in class Theme

Grab all files in theme that are PHP based (or html if we go that route) and then lists them out, by type, allowing people to install them as page type, etc.

Theme::getThemeNameAndDescription() — Method in class Theme

Get the theme details by reading a directory containing the theme.

Theme::getDocumentationProvider() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getColorCollection() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getThemeDocumentationParentPage() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getThemeDocumentationPages() — Method in class Theme

Returns an array of documentation pages for this theme

Theme::getThemeID() — Method in class Theme

Get the ID of the installed theme (if available).

Theme::getThemeName() — Method in class Theme

Get the (English) name of the theme.

Theme::getThemeDisplayName() — Method in class Theme

Get the localized name for this theme (escaped accordingly to $format).

Theme::getPackageID() — Method in class Theme

Get the ID of the package providing this theme (if available).

Theme::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Theme

Get the handle of the package providing this theme (if available).

Theme::getThemeHandle() — Method in class Theme

Get the handle of this theme.

Theme::getThemeDescription() — Method in class Theme

Get the (English) description of this theme.

Theme::getThemeDisplayDescription() — Method in class Theme

Get the localized description for this theme (escaped accordingly to $format).

Theme::getThemeDirectory() — Method in class Theme

Get the directory containing this theme.

Theme::getThemeURL() — Method in class Theme

Get the URL prefix of the assets provided by this theme.

Theme::getThemeEditorCSS() — Method in class Theme

Get the URL of the theme typography.css file.

Theme::getStylesheetCachePath() — Method in class Theme

Get the absolute path of a directory where the CSS stylesheet files should be stored.

Theme::getStylesheetCacheRelativePath() — Method in class Theme

Get the path of a directory where the CSS stylesheet files should be stored, relative to the website root directory.

Theme::getThemeThumbnail() — Method in class Theme

Get the theme thumbnail image.

Theme::getSiteTheme() — Method in class Theme

Get the theme for the current site.

Theme::getThemeGridFrameworkObject() — Method in class Theme

Get the grid framework supported by this theme.

Theme::getThemeGridFrameworkHandle() — Method in class Theme

Get the handle of the grid framework supported by this theme.

Theme::getThemeSupportedFeatures() — Method in class Theme

Get the handles of the features supported by this theme.

Theme::getThemeBlockClasses() — Method in class Theme

Get the theme-specific CSS classes for every block.

Theme::getThemeAreaClasses() — Method in class Theme

Get the theme-specific CSS classes for every area.

Theme::getThemeEditorClasses() — Method in class Theme

Get the theme-specific style names to be used in the rich text editor.

Theme::getThemeDefaultBlockTemplates() — Method in class Theme

Get the theme-specific templates for every block.

Theme::getThemeResponsiveImageMap() — Method in class Theme

Get the handles of the thumbnail types and related resolution breakpoint. Important: make sure to define these in proper ascending size order, otherwise you might get inconsistencies in certain aspects of the UI that refer to these image types.

ThemeRouteCollection::getThemeByRoute() — Method in class ThemeRouteCollection

This grabs the theme for a particular path, if one exists in the themePaths array. Returns an array with the theme handle as the first entry and the wrapper file for views as the second.

TimedContentPermissionRecord::getPermissionKeyObject() — Method in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
TimedContentPermissionRecord::getDurationObject() — Method in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
TimedContentPermissionRecord::getAccessEntityObject() — Method in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::getPageTypeDefaultPageID() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::getPageID() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::getCollectionVersionID() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::getBlocksToUpdate() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::getBlocksToAdd() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
BlockControl::getBlockTypeID() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::getPageTypeComposerControlBlockObject() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::getBlockTypeObject() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::getPageTypeComposerControlPageNameValue() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::getPageTypeComposerControlCustomTemplates() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::getController() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class BlockControl
CollectionAttributeControl::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::getAttributeKeyObject() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::getAttributeKeyID() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::getPageTypeComposerControlCustomTemplates() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::getPageTypeComposerControlPageNameValue() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlCustomTemplates() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlCustomLabel() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlDescription() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageObject() — Method in class Control
Control::getTargetParentPageID() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlDisplayName() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlIcon() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlIdentifier() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlTypeObject() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlTypeHandle() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject() — Method in class Control
Control::getRequestValue() — Method in class Control
Control::getPageTypeComposerControlPageNameValue() — Method in class Control
Control::getList() — Method in class Control
CorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerSaveRequest() — Method in class CorePageProperty
CorePageProperty::getCorePagePropertyHandle() — Method in class CorePageProperty
CorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlCustomTemplates() — Method in class CorePageProperty
DateTimeCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class DateTimeCorePageProperty
DateTimeCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class DateTimeCorePageProperty
DescriptionCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class DescriptionCorePageProperty
DescriptionCorePageProperty::getRequestValue() — Method in class DescriptionCorePageProperty
DescriptionCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class DescriptionCorePageProperty
NameCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class NameCorePageProperty
NameCorePageProperty::getRequestValue() — Method in class NameCorePageProperty
NameCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class NameCorePageProperty
PageTemplateCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class PageTemplateCorePageProperty
PageTemplateCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class PageTemplateCorePageProperty
PublishTargetCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class PublishTargetCorePageProperty
PublishTargetCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class PublishTargetCorePageProperty
UrlSlugCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class UrlSlugCorePageProperty
UrlSlugCorePageProperty::getRequestValue() — Method in class UrlSlugCorePageProperty
UrlSlugCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class UrlSlugCorePageProperty
UserCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class UserCorePageProperty
UserCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class UserCorePageProperty
VersionCommentCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class VersionCommentCorePageProperty
VersionCommentCorePageProperty::getRequestValue() — Method in class VersionCommentCorePageProperty
VersionCommentCorePageProperty::getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() — Method in class VersionCommentCorePageProperty
CustomTemplate::getPageTypeComposerControlCustomTemplateFilename() — Method in class CustomTemplate
CustomTemplate::getPageTypeComposerControlCustomTemplateName() — Method in class CustomTemplate
BlockType::getPageTypeComposerControlObjects() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::getPageTypeComposerControlByIdentifier() — Method in class BlockType
CollectionAttributeType::getPageTypeComposerControlObjects() — Method in class CollectionAttributeType
CollectionAttributeType::getPageTypeComposerControlByIdentifier() — Method in class CollectionAttributeType
CorePagePropertyType::getPageTypeComposerControlObjects() — Method in class CorePagePropertyType
CorePagePropertyType::getPageTypeComposerControlByIdentifier() — Method in class CorePagePropertyType
Type::getPageTypeComposerControlObjects() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeComposerControlByIdentifier() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeComposerControlTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeComposerControlTypeDisplayName() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeComposerControlTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeComposerControlTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getByID() — Method in class Type
Type::getList() — Method in class Type
Type::getListByPackage() — Method in class Type
FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetID() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetName() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetDescription() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetCollapseType() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeID() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeObject() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetDisplayName() — Method in class FormLayoutSet

Returns the display name for this instance (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

FormLayoutSet::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetDisplayDescription() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getList() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::getByID() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlID() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetID() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerControlTypeID() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerControlObject() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlDisplayOrder() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerControlTypeObject() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetObject() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlCustomLabel() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlCustomTemplate() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlDescription() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlCustomDisplayLabel() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlDisplayDescription() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerControlLabel() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerControlDisplayLabel() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getList() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getByID() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerOutputControlObject() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
OutputControl::getPageTypeComposerOutputControlID() — Method in class OutputControl
OutputControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlID() — Method in class OutputControl
OutputControl::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetID() — Method in class OutputControl
OutputControl::getList() — Method in class OutputControl
OutputControl::getByID() — Method in class OutputControl
OutputControl::getByPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControl() — Method in class OutputControl
OutputControl::getPageTypeComposerControlOutputLabel() — Method in class OutputControl
Event::getPageTypeObject() — Method in class Event
AllConfiguration::getSelectorFormFactor() — Method in class AllConfiguration
AllConfiguration::getStartingPointPageID() — Method in class AllConfiguration
Configuration::getPageTypePublishTargetTypeID() — Method in class Configuration
Configuration::getPageTypePublishTargetTypeHandle() — Method in class Configuration
Configuration::getPageTypePublishTargetTypeObject() — Method in class Configuration
Configuration::getDefaultParentPageID() — Method in class Configuration
Configuration::getPageTypePublishTargetConfiguredTargetParentPageID() — Method in class Configuration
PageTypeConfiguration::getPageTypeID() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
PageTypeConfiguration::getSelectorFormFactor() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
PageTypeConfiguration::getDefaultParentPageID() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
PageTypeConfiguration::getStartingPointPageID() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
ParentPageConfiguration::getDefaultParentPageID() — Method in class ParentPageConfiguration

Note: if a configuration contains this method, it is assumed that the configuration will default to this page and can skip composer.

ParentPageConfiguration::getParentPageID() — Method in class ParentPageConfiguration
ParentPageConfiguration::getPageTypePublishTargetConfiguredTargetParentPageID() — Method in class ParentPageConfiguration
Type::getPageTypePublishTargetTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypePublishTargetTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypePublishTargetTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypePublishTargetTypeDisplayName() — Method in class Type

Returns the display name for this instance (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

Type::getByID() — Method in class Type
Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getList() — Method in class Type
Type::getListByPackage() — Method in class Type
Manager::getStandardSaver() — Method in class Manager
StandardSaver::getPageTypeObject() — Method in class StandardSaver
Type::getPageTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::getSiteTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getSiteTypeObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeDisplayName() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypePublishTargetTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypePublishTargetObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeAllowedPageTemplates() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeDefaultPageTemplateID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeDefaultThemeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeDefaultPageTemplateObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeDefaultThemeObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeDisplayOrder() — Method in class Type
Type::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Type
Type::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Type
Type::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeSelectedPageTemplateObjects() — Method in class Type
Type::getByDefaultsPage() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypePageTemplateDefaultPageObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypePageTemplateObjects() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeUsageCount() — Method in class Type
Type::getList() — Method in class Type
Type::getFrequentlyUsedList() — Method in class Type
Type::getInfrequentlyUsedList() — Method in class Type
Type::getListByPackage() — Method in class Type
Type::getListByDefaultPageTemplate() — Method in class Type
Type::getByID() — Method in class Type
Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeValidatorObject() — Method in class Type
Type::getPageTypeSaverObject() — Method in class Type
Manager::getStandardValidator() — Method in class Manager
StandardValidator::getPageTypeObject() — Method in class StandardValidator
ValidatorInterface::getPageTypeObject() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
PageView::getScopeItems() — Method in class PageView
PageView::getPageTemplate() — Method in class PageView
PageView::getCollectionObject() — Method in class PageView
PageView::getPageObject() — Method in class PageView
PageView::getThemeStyles() — Method in class PageView
PageView::getStyleSheet() — Method in class PageView
PageDesignPreviewRequest::getPageTemplate() — Method in class PageDesignPreviewRequest
PageDesignPreviewRequest::getTheme() — Method in class PageDesignPreviewRequest
SkinPreviewRequest::getSkin() — Method in class SkinPreviewRequest
ThemeCustomizerRequest::getCustomCss() — Method in class ThemeCustomizerRequest
Page::getPageObject() — Method in class Page
Page::getWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class Page
ProgressList::get() — Method in class ProgressList

Returns an array of page objects based on current settings.

Access::getPermissionObject() — Method in class Access

Get the object associated to the permission (for example, a Page instance).

Access::getPermissionObjectToCheck() — Method in class Access

Get the object to be used to check the permission (for example, a Page instance).

Access::getPermissionAccessID() — Method in class Access
Access::getPermissionAccessIDList() — Method in class Access
Access::getAccessListItems() — Method in class Access
Access::getWorkflows() — Method in class Access
Access::getByID() — Method in class Access
Access::getCacheIdentifier() — Method in class Access
AddBlockBlockTypeAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeAccess
AddBlockToAreaAreaAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaAccess
AddConversationMessageConversationAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class AddConversationMessageConversationAccess
AddFileFileFolderAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderAccess
AddSubpagePageAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class AddSubpagePageAccess
EditPagePropertiesPageAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageAccess
EditPageThemePageAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class EditPageThemePageAccess
EditUserPropertiesUserAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserAccess
ConversationMessageAuthorEntity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class ConversationMessageAuthorEntity
ConversationMessageAuthorEntity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class ConversationMessageAuthorEntity
ConversationMessageAuthorEntity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class ConversationMessageAuthorEntity
ConversationMessageAuthorEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class ConversationMessageAuthorEntity
Entity::getAccessEntityTypeID() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAccessEntityTypeObject() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAccessEntityTypeHandle() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAccessEntityID() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAccessEntityLabel() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getByID() — Method in class Entity
Entity::getForUser() — Method in class Entity
FileUploaderEntity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class FileUploaderEntity
FileUploaderEntity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class FileUploaderEntity
FileUploaderEntity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class FileUploaderEntity
FileUploaderEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class FileUploaderEntity
GroupCombinationEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
$ GroupCombinationEntity#groupsProperty in class GroupCombinationEntity

Collection of groups belonging to this GroupCombinationEntity.

GroupCombinationEntity::getGroups() — Method in class GroupCombinationEntity

Function to get the groups belonging to this GroupCombination.

GroupCombinationEntity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class GroupCombinationEntity

Function that returns a html link for the model dialog to be launched from.

GroupCombinationEntity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class GroupCombinationEntity

Returns all GroupCombination Access Entities for the provided user.

GroupCombinationEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class GroupCombinationEntity

Function used to get or create a GroupCombination Permission Access Entity.

GroupCombinationEntity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class GroupCombinationEntity

Get the users who have access to this GroupCombination.

GroupEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
$ GroupEntity#groupProperty in class GroupEntity
GroupEntity::getGroupObject() — Method in class GroupEntity
GroupEntity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class GroupEntity
GroupEntity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class GroupEntity
GroupEntity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class GroupEntity
GroupEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class GroupEntity
GroupSetEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
$ GroupSetEntity#groupsetProperty in class GroupSetEntity
GroupSetEntity::getGroupSet() — Method in class GroupSetEntity
GroupSetEntity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class GroupSetEntity
GroupSetEntity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class GroupSetEntity
GroupSetEntity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class GroupSetEntity
GroupSetEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class GroupSetEntity
PageOwnerEntity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class PageOwnerEntity
PageOwnerEntity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class PageOwnerEntity
PageOwnerEntity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class PageOwnerEntity
PageOwnerEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class PageOwnerEntity
SiteGroupEntity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
SiteGroupEntity::getSiteGroupObject() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
SiteGroupEntity::getInstanceGroup() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
SiteGroupEntity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
SiteGroupEntity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
SiteGroupEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
Type::getAccessEntityTypeID() — Method in class Type
Type::getAccessEntityTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getAccessEntityTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::getAccessEntityTypeClass() — Method in class Type

Returns the controller class for the currently selected captcha library.

Type::getAccessEntityTypeDisplayName() — Method in class Type

Returns the display name for this access entity type (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

Type::getByID() — Method in class Type
Type::getList() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageID() — Method in class Type
Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getListByPackage() — Method in class Type
Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::getControllerUrl() — Method in class Type
UserEntity::getAccessEntitiesForUser() — Method in class UserEntity
UserEntity::getOrCreate() — Method in class UserEntity
UserEntity::getAccessEntityUsers() — Method in class UserEntity
UserEntity::getUserObject() — Method in class UserEntity
UserEntity::getAccessEntityTypeLinkHTML() — Method in class UserEntity
GroupFolderAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
GroupTreeNodeAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
AddBlockBlockTypeListItem::getBlockTypesAllowedPermission() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeListItem
AddBlockBlockTypeListItem::getBlockTypesAllowedArray() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeListItem
AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem::getBlockTypesAllowedPermission() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem
AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem::getBlockTypesAllowedArray() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem
AddConversationMessageConversationListItem::getNewConversationMessageApprovalStatus() — Method in class AddConversationMessageConversationListItem
AddFileFileFolderListItem::getFileTypesAllowedPermission() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderListItem
AddFileFileFolderListItem::getFileTypesAllowedArray() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderListItem
AddSubpagePageListItem::getPageTypesAllowedPermission() — Method in class AddSubpagePageListItem
AddSubpagePageListItem::getPageTypesAllowedArray() — Method in class AddSubpagePageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::getAttributesAllowedPermission() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::getAttributesAllowedArray() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPageThemePageListItem::getThemesAllowedPermission() — Method in class EditPageThemePageListItem
EditPageThemePageListItem::getThemesAllowedArray() — Method in class EditPageThemePageListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::getAttributesAllowedPermission() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::getAttributesAllowedArray() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
GroupTreeNodeListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
ListItem::getPermissionAccessID() — Method in class ListItem
ListItem::getAccessType() — Method in class ListItem
ListItem::getAccessEntityObject() — Method in class ListItem
ListItem::getPermissionDurationObject() — Method in class ListItem
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem::getSubscriptionsAllowedPermission() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem::getSubscriptionsAllowedArray() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem
ViewUserAttributesUserListItem::getAttributesAllowedPermission() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserListItem
ViewUserAttributesUserListItem::getAttributesAllowedArray() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserListItem
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationAccess
PageAccess::getSite() — Method in class PageAccess
ViewUserAttributesUserAccess::getAccessListItems() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserAccess
WorkflowAccess::getWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class WorkflowAccess
AreaAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class AreaAssignment

Get the Access object for the Area or, in case of Stacks and Global Areas, the Access object for the Stack/Global Area.

AreaAssignment::getAreaPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class AreaAssignment

Get the Access object for the Area, even in case of Stacks and Global Areas.

AreaAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class AreaAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

Assignment::getPermissionObject() — Method in class Assignment

Get the object of the permission (for example, a Page instance).

Assignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class Assignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

Assignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class Assignment
BasicWorkflowAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class BasicWorkflowAssignment
BasicWorkflowAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class BasicWorkflowAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

BlockAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class BlockAssignment
BlockAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class BlockAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

BoardAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class BoardAssignment
BoardAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class BoardAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

CalendarAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class CalendarAssignment
CalendarAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class CalendarAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

ConversationAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class ConversationAssignment
ConversationAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class ConversationAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

ExpressEntryAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class ExpressEntryAssignment
FileAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class FileAssignment
FileAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class FileAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

GroupFolderAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
GroupTreeNodeAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
GroupTreeNodeAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class GroupTreeNodeAssignment
PageAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class PageAssignment
PageAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class PageAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

PageAssignment::getPermissionObject() — Method in class PageAssignment
PageTimedAssignment::getPermissionKeyObject() — Method in class PageTimedAssignment
PageTimedAssignment::getDurationObject() — Method in class PageTimedAssignment
PageTimedAssignment::getAccessEntityObject() — Method in class PageTimedAssignment
PageTypeAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class PageTypeAssignment
PageTypeAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class PageTypeAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

TopicTreeNodeAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeAssignment
TreeNodeAssignment::getPermissionKeyTaskURL() — Method in class TreeNodeAssignment

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getPermissionKeyToolsURL method)

TreeNodeAssignment::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class TreeNodeAssignment
Category::getByID() — Method in class Category
Category::getByHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getListByPackage() — Method in class Category
Category::getPermissionKeyClass() — Method in class Category
Category::getPermissionKeyByHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getPermissionKeyByID() — Method in class Category
Category::getTaskURL() — Method in class Category

Build the URL of a task (replaces the previous getToolsURL method)

Category::getPermissionKeyCategoryID() — Method in class Category
Category::getPermissionKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getPackageID() — Method in class Category
Category::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getList() — Method in class Category
GenericTaskHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Category

Abstrct class for task handles that does not have a permission object.

ObjectTaskHandler::getPermissionObject() — Method in class ObjectTaskHandler
TaskHandlerInterface::getViewPath() — Method in class TaskHandlerInterface

The path of the view file (used if handle returns NULL).

TaskLauncher::getTaskHandler() — Method in class TaskLauncher
TaskLauncher::getCategory() — Method in class TaskLauncher
Checker::getError() — Method in class Checker

Returns the error code if there is one.

Checker::getOriginalObject() — Method in class Checker
Checker::getResponseObject() — Method in class Checker
Duration::getByID() — Method in class Duration
Duration::getID() — Method in class Duration

The ID of this repetition, null for unsaved.

Duration::getPermissionDurationID() — Method in class Duration
BanIPEvent::getIPAddress() — Method in class BanIPEvent

Get the IP address that is going to be banned.

BanIPEvent::getBanExpiration() — Method in class BanIPEvent

Get the ban expiration date/time (or null if not expiration).

IPRange::getID() — Method in class IPRange

Get the record identifier.

IPRange::getIpRange() — Method in class IPRange

Get the IP address range.

IPRange::getType() — Method in class IPRange

Get the range type.

IPRange::getExpires() — Method in class IPRange
IPRangesCsvWriter::getHeaders() — Method in class IPRangesCsvWriter

Get the headers of the CSV.

IPService::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class IPService
IPService::getRequestIPAddress() — Method in class IPService
IPService::getErrorMessage() — Method in class IPService
IPService::getRanges() — Method in class IPService
IPService::getRangeByID() — Method in class IPService
IPService::getRequestIP() — Method in class IPService
IPService::getRangeType() — Method in class IPService
IPService::getFailedLoginService() — Method in class IPService
AbstractRegistry::getEntry() — Method in class AbstractRegistry
Entry::getPermissionKeyHandle() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getInheritedFromPermissionKeyHandle() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getInheritedFromPermissionKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Entry
EntryInterface::getInheritedFromPermissionKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class EntryInterface
EntryInterface::getPermissionKeyHandle() — Method in class EntryInterface
EntryInterface::getInheritedFromPermissionKeyHandle() — Method in class EntryInterface
RegistryInterface::getEntry() — Method in class RegistryInterface
IpAccessControlService::getCategory() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Get the IP Access Control Category.

IpAccessControlService::getEventsCount() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Get the number of events registered (in the time window if it's not null, or any events if null).

IpAccessControlService::getLastEvent() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Get the date/time of the last registered events (in the time window if it's not null, or any events if null).

IpAccessControlService::getRanges() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Get the list of currently available ranges.

IpAccessControlService::getRangeByID() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Get a saved range for this category given its ID.

IpAccessControlService::getErrorMessage() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Get the (localized) message telling the users that their IP address has been banned.

IpAccessControlService::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class IpAccessControlService
IpAccessControlService::getRange() — Method in class IpAccessControlService
AddBlockBlockTypeKey::getAllowedBlockTypeIDs() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeKey
AddBlockToAreaAreaKey::getAllowedBlockTypeIDs() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaKey
AddBlockToAreaAreaKey::getAllowedBlockTypeIDsFor() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaKey

Get the list of allowed block type IDs for a specific operation.

AddConversationMessageConversationKey::getMyAssignment() — Method in class AddConversationMessageConversationKey
AddFileFileFolderKey::getAllowedFileExtensions() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderKey
AddSubpagePageKey::getAllowedPageTypeIDs() — Method in class AddSubpagePageKey
AreaKey::getAreaPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class AreaKey
AreaKey::getAreaAccessListItems() — Method in class AreaKey
ConversationKey::getPermissionAssignmentObject() — Method in class ConversationKey
EditPagePropertiesPageKey::getAllAttributeKeyIDs() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageKey
EditPagePropertiesPageKey::getMyAssignment() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageKey
EditPageThemePageKey::getAllowedThemeIDs() — Method in class EditPageThemePageKey
EditUserPropertiesUserKey::getMyAssignment() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserKey
GatheringKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
GroupFolderKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
GroupTreeNodeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
Key::getSupportedAccessTypes() — Method in class Key

Get the identifiers (keys) and descriptions (values) of the access types.

Key::getPermissionKeyName() — Method in class Key

Returns the name for this permission key.

Key::getPermissionKeyDisplayName() — Method in class Key

Returns the display name for this permission key (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Key::getPermissionKeyHandle() — Method in class Key

Returns the handle for this permission key.

Key::getPermissionKeyDescription() — Method in class Key

Returns the description for this permission key.

Key::getPermissionKeyDisplayDescription() — Method in class Key

Returns the display description for this permission key (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Key::getPermissionKeyID() — Method in class Key

Returns the ID for this permission key.

Key::getPermissionKeyCategoryID() — Method in class Key

Returns the ID for the category of this permission key.

Key::getPermissionKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Key

Returns the handle for the category of this permission key.

Key::getPermissionObjectToCheck() — Method in class Key

Set the actual object that should be checked for this permission (for example, a Page instance).

Key::getPermissionObject() — Method in class Key

Get the object for which this permission is for (for example, a Page instance).

Key::getPackageID() — Method in class Key

Get the ID of the package that defines this permission key.

Key::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Key

Get the handle of the package that defines this permission key.

Key::getList() — Method in class Key

Returns the list of all permissions of this category.

Key::getListByPackage() — Method in class Key

Get the list of permission keys defined by a package.

Key::getByID() — Method in class Key

Get a permission key given its ID.

Key::getByHandle() — Method in class Key

Get a permission key given its handle.

Key::getAccessListItems() — Method in class Key

A shortcut for grabbing the current assignment and passing into that object.

Key::getPermissionAssignmentObject() — Method in class Key
Key::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class Key
Key::getPermissionAccessID() — Method in class Key
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationKey::getSelectedSubscriptions() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationKey
PageKey::getMultiplePageArray() — Method in class PageKey
ViewUserAttributesUserKey::getAllowedAttributeKeyIDs() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserKey
ViewUserAttributesUserKey::getMyAssignment() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserKey
WorkflowKey::getCurrentlyActiveUsers() — Method in class WorkflowKey
ObjectInterface::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class ObjectInterface
ObjectInterface::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class ObjectInterface
ObjectInterface::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class ObjectInterface
ObjectInterface::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class ObjectInterface
AbstractAccessRegistry::getEntries() — Method in class AbstractAccessRegistry
AbstractAccessRegistry::getEntriesToRemove() — Method in class AbstractAccessRegistry
AbstractAssignment::getEntry() — Method in class AbstractAssignment
AbstractAssignment::getRegistry() — Method in class AbstractAssignment
AbstractAssignmentList::getAssignments() — Method in class AbstractAssignmentList
AbstractObjectRegistry::getEntries() — Method in class AbstractObjectRegistry
AbstractObjectRegistry::getEntriesToRemove() — Method in class AbstractObjectRegistry
AccessRegistryInterface::getEntries() — Method in class AccessRegistryInterface
AccessRegistryInterface::getEntriesToRemove() — Method in class AccessRegistryInterface
AssignmentInterface::getEntry() — Method in class AssignmentInterface
AssignmentInterface::getRegistry() — Method in class AssignmentInterface
AssignmentListInterface::getAssignments() — Method in class AssignmentListInterface
Entity::getAccessEntity() — Method in class Entity
EntityInterface::getAccessEntity() — Method in class EntityInterface
FileUploaderEntity::getAccessEntity() — Method in class FileUploaderEntity
GroupEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Access\Entity
$ GroupEntity#groupProperty in class GroupEntity
GroupEntity::getAccessEntity() — Method in class GroupEntity
BasicWorkflow::getPermissionObject() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
CalendarObject::getPermissionObject() — Method in class CalendarObject
ExpressEntity::getPermissionObject() — Method in class ExpressEntity
FileFolder::getPermissionObject() — Method in class FileFolder
HomePage::getPermissionObject() — Method in class HomePage
NullObject::getPermissionObject() — Method in class NullObject
ObjectInterface::getPermissionObject() — Method in class ObjectInterface
Page::getPermissionObject() — Method in class Page
PageType::getPermissionObject() — Method in class PageType
StackFolder::getPermissionObject() — Method in class StackFolder
$ DefaultHomePageAccessRegistry#guestPermissionsProperty in class DefaultHomePageAccessRegistry
DefaultFileManagerAssignment::getRegistry() — Method in class DefaultFileManagerAssignment
DefaultFileManagerAssignment::getEntry() — Method in class DefaultFileManagerAssignment
DefaultSharedFolderAssignment::getRegistry() — Method in class DefaultSharedFolderAssignment
DefaultSharedFolderAssignment::getEntry() — Method in class DefaultSharedFolderAssignment
$ SiteGroupEntity#groupNameProperty in class SiteGroupEntity
SiteGroupEntity::getAccessEntity() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
SiteGroupInstanceEntity::getAccessEntity() — Method in class SiteGroupInstanceEntity
ObjectRegistryInterface::getEntries() — Method in class ObjectRegistryInterface
ObjectRegistryInterface::getEntriesToRemove() — Method in class ObjectRegistryInterface
RegistryInterface::getEntries() — Method in class RegistryInterface
RegistryInterface::getEntriesToRemove() — Method in class RegistryInterface
ExpressEntityResponse::getExpressNodePermissions() — Method in class ExpressEntityResponse
FileFolderResponse::getAllowedFileExtensions() — Method in class FileFolderResponse

Returns all file extensions this user can add.

FileTreeNodeResponse::getPermissionsCheckerObject() — Method in class FileTreeNodeResponse
GroupFolderResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
GroupResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
GroupResponse::getTreeGroupNodePermissions() — Method in class GroupResponse
GroupTreeNodeResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
PageResponse::getAllTimedAssignmentsForPage() — Method in class PageResponse
PageResponse::getAllAssignmentsForPage() — Method in class PageResponse
Response::getPermissionObject() — Method in class Response

Retrieves the current permission object.

Response::getResponse() — Method in class Response

Passing in any object that implements the ObjectInterface, retrieve the Permission Response object.

Set::getPermissionAssignments() — Method in class Set
Set::getPermissionKeyCategory() — Method in class Set
Set::getSavedPermissionSetFromSession() — Method in class Set
ApplicationRouteAction::getCallback() — Method in class ApplicationRouteAction
ControllerRouteAction::getControllerCallback() — Method in class ControllerRouteAction
MatchedRoute::getRoute() — Method in class MatchedRoute
MatchedRoute::getArguments() — Method in class MatchedRoute
Route::getAction() — Method in class Route
Route::getName() — Method in class Route
Route::getGeneratedName() — Method in class Route
Route::getMiddlewares() — Method in class Route
RouteBuilder::getRoute() — Method in class RouteBuilder
RouteBuilder::getRouter() — Method in class RouteBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::getPrefix() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::getNamespace() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteMiddleware::getMiddleware() — Method in class RouteMiddleware
RouteMiddleware::getPriority() — Method in class RouteMiddleware
Router::get() — Method in class Router
Router::getRoutes() — Method in class Router
Router::getActionFactory() — Method in class Router
Router::getRouteByPath() — Method in class Router

Get a route given its path.

RouterInterface::getRoutes() — Method in class RouterInterface
RouterInterface::getRouteByPath() — Method in class RouterInterface

Get a route given its path.

AbstractSearchProvider::getAllColumnSet() — Method in class AbstractSearchProvider
AbstractSearchProvider::getSessionCurrentQuery() — Method in class AbstractSearchProvider
AbstractSearchProvider::getSearchResultFromQuery() — Method in class AbstractSearchProvider
AbstractSearchProvider::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class AbstractSearchProvider

Gets items per page from the current preset or from the session.

AbstractSearchProvider::getItemsPerPageOptions() — Method in class AbstractSearchProvider
AttributeKeyColumn::getAttributeKey() — Method in class AttributeKeyColumn
AttributeKeyColumn::getColumnValue() — Method in class AttributeKeyColumn
Column::getColumnValue() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnKey() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnName() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnDefaultSortDirection() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnCallback() — Method in class Column
Column::getSortClassName() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnSortDirection() — Method in class Column
Column::getSortURL() — Method in class Column
ColumnInterface::getColumnValue() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ColumnInterface::getColumnKey() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ColumnInterface::getColumnName() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ColumnInterface::getColumnSortDirection() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ColumnInterface::getColumnCallback() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ColumnInterface::getSortClassName() — Method in class ColumnInterface
ColumnInterface::getSortURL() — Method in class ColumnInterface
FileAttributeKeyColumn::getColumnValue() — Method in class FileAttributeKeyColumn
PagerColumnInterface::getColumnKey() — Method in class PagerColumnInterface
PagerColumnInterface::getColumnSortDirection() — Method in class PagerColumnInterface
Set::getSortableColumns() — Method in class Set
Set::getDefaultSortColumn() — Method in class Set
Set::getAttributeKeyColumn() — Method in class Set
Set::getColumnByKey() — Method in class Set
Set::getColumns() — Method in class Set
AbstractField::getData() — Method in class AbstractField
AbstractSiteField::getKey() — Method in class AbstractSiteField

Get the field key.

AbstractSiteField::getDisplayName() — Method in class AbstractSiteField

Get the field display name.

AttributeKeyField::getKey() — Method in class AttributeKeyField

Get the field key.

AttributeKeyField::getDisplayName() — Method in class AttributeKeyField

Get the field display name.

FieldInterface::getKey() — Method in class FieldInterface

Get the field key.

FieldInterface::getDisplayName() — Method in class FieldInterface

Get the field display name.

KeywordsField::getKey() — Method in class KeywordsField

Get the field key.

KeywordsField::getDisplayName() — Method in class KeywordsField

Get the field display name.

GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
Group::getName() — Method in class Group

Get the group name.

Group::getFields() — Method in class Group

Get the fields belonging to this group.

GroupInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
GroupInterface::getName() — Method in class GroupInterface

Get the group name.

GroupInterface::getFields() — Method in class GroupInterface

Get the fields belonging to this group.

$ Manager#groupsProperty in class Manager

The groups of fields.

Manager::getGroups() — Method in class Manager

Get the groups of fields.

Manager::getGroupByName() — Method in class Manager

Get a fields group by name.

Manager::getFieldByKey() — Method in class Manager

Search a field across all the groups.

Manager::getFieldsFromRequest() — Method in class Manager

Get the list of fields whose keys are in the 'field' of an array, and initialize the fields with the data.

ManagerFactory::get() — Method in class ManagerFactory

Get a search field manager given its handle.

ManagerInterface::getGroups() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Get the groups of fields.

ManagerInterface::getGroupByName() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Get a fields group by name.

ManagerInterface::getFieldByKey() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Search a field across all the groups.

ManagerInterface::getFieldsFromRequest() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Get the list of fields whose keys are in the 'field' of an array, and initialize the fields with the data.

AbstractIndex::getIndexer() — Method in class AbstractIndex
DefaultManager::getIndexes() — Method in class DefaultManager

Get the indexes for a type

DefaultManager::getAllIndexes() — Method in class DefaultManager

Get all indexes registered against this manager

IndexManagerInterface::getIndexes() — Method in class IndexManagerInterface

Get the indexes for a type

AttributedItemList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class AttributedItemList
ItemList::getSearchRequest() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getQueryObject() — Method in class ItemList
EntityItemList::getEntityManager() — Method in class EntityItemList
EntityItemList::getQueryObject() — Method in class EntityItemList
ItemList::getResult() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getAutoSortColumns() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getSearchByColumn() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getResults() — Method in class ItemList

Returns a full array of results.

ItemList::getActiveSortColumn() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getSortClassName() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getSortURL() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getActiveSortDirection() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getQuerySortColumnParameter() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getQueryPaginationPageParameter() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getQuerySortDirectionParameter() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::getTotalResults() — Method in class ItemList

Returns the total results in this item list.

ItemList::getPagination() — Method in class ItemList

Deprecated – call the pagination factory directly.

ItemList::get() — Method in class ItemList
AbstractPagerManager::getCursorStartValue() — Method in class AbstractPagerManager
AbstractPagerManager::getCursorObject() — Method in class AbstractPagerManager
AbstractPagerManager::getNextCursorStart() — Method in class AbstractPagerManager
ExpressEntryListPagerManager::getCursorStartValue() — Method in class ExpressEntryListPagerManager
ExpressEntryListPagerManager::getCursorObject() — Method in class ExpressEntryListPagerManager
ExpressEntryListPagerManager::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class ExpressEntryListPagerManager
FileListPagerManager::getCursorStartValue() — Method in class FileListPagerManager
FileListPagerManager::getCursorObject() — Method in class FileListPagerManager
FileListPagerManager::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class FileListPagerManager
FolderItemListPagerManager::getCursorStartValue() — Method in class FolderItemListPagerManager
FolderItemListPagerManager::getCursorObject() — Method in class FolderItemListPagerManager
FolderItemListPagerManager::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class FolderItemListPagerManager
LogListPagerManager::getCursorStartValue() — Method in class LogListPagerManager
LogListPagerManager::getCursorObject() — Method in class LogListPagerManager
LogListPagerManager::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class LogListPagerManager
PageListPagerManager::getCursorStartValue() — Method in class PageListPagerManager
PageListPagerManager::getCursorObject() — Method in class PageListPagerManager
PageListPagerManager::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class PageListPagerManager
PagerManagerInterface::getNextCursorStart() — Method in class PagerManagerInterface
PagerManagerInterface::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class PagerManagerInterface
UserGroupPagerManager::getCursorStartValue() — Method in class UserGroupPagerManager
UserGroupPagerManager::getCursorObject() — Method in class UserGroupPagerManager
UserGroupPagerManager::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class UserGroupPagerManager
UserListPagerManager::getCursorStartValue() — Method in class UserListPagerManager
UserListPagerManager::getCursorObject() — Method in class UserListPagerManager
UserListPagerManager::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class UserListPagerManager
PagerProviderInterface::getPagerManager() — Method in class PagerProviderInterface
PagerProviderInterface::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class PagerProviderInterface
VariableFactory::getCursorVariableName() — Method in class VariableFactory
VariableFactory::getCursorValue() — Method in class VariableFactory
VariableFactory::getCurrentCursor() — Method in class VariableFactory
VariableFactory::getNextCursorValue() — Method in class VariableFactory
VariableFactory::getPreviousCursorValue() — Method in class VariableFactory
PagerAdapter::getNbResults() — Method in class PagerAdapter
PagerAdapter::getSlice() — Method in class PagerAdapter
PagerPagination::getLastResult() — Method in class PagerPagination
PagerPagination::getTotalPages() — Method in class PagerPagination
PagerPagination::getRouteCollectionFunction() — Method in class PagerPagination
PagerPagination::getCurrentPageResults() — Method in class PagerPagination
Pagination::getBaseURL() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getTotal() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getTotalResults() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getTotalPages() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getItemListObject() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getRouteCollectionFunction() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::getCurrentPageResults() — Method in class Pagination
PaginationProviderInterface::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class PaginationProviderInterface

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

PermissionablePagination::getCurrentPageResults() — Method in class PermissionablePagination
ConcreteBootstrap3View::getArguments() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap3View
ConcreteBootstrap4View::getArguments() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap4View
ConcreteBootstrap5View::getArguments() — Method in class ConcreteBootstrap5View
ViewInterface::getArguments() — Method in class ViewInterface
PermissionableListItemInterface::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class PermissionableListItemInterface
ProviderInterface::getBaseColumnSet() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getDefaultColumnSet() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getCurrentColumnSet() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getAllColumnSet() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getCustomAttributeKeys() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getSearchResultFromQuery() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getItemsPerPageOptions() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getItemList() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getSavedSearch() — Method in class ProviderInterface
ProviderInterface::getFieldManager() — Method in class ProviderInterface
AbstractRequestModifier::getParameterBag() — Method in class AbstractRequestModifier
QueryFactory::getRequestData() — Method in class QueryFactory
QueryableInterface::getSearchResultFromQuery() — Method in class QueryableInterface
Response::getJSONObject() — Method in class Response

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

Column::getColumnKey() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnTitle() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnStyleClass() — Method in class Column
Column::getColumnSortURL() — Method in class Column
Item::getColumns() — Method in class Item
Item::getItem() — Method in class Item
ItemColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class ItemColumn
ItemColumn::getColumnValue() — Method in class ItemColumn
ItemColumn::getColumn() — Method in class ItemColumn
Result::getFilters() — Method in class Result
Result::getQuery() — Method in class Result
Result::getItemListObject() — Method in class Result
Result::getBreadcrumb() — Method in class Result
Result::getBaseURL() — Method in class Result
Result::getListColumns() — Method in class Result
Result::getItems() — Method in class Result
Result::getColumns() — Method in class Result
Result::getColumnDetails() — Method in class Result
Result::getItemDetails() — Method in class Result
Result::getSortURL() — Method in class Result
Result::getPagination() — Method in class Result
Result::getJSONObject() — Method in class Result
SessionQueryProviderInterface::getSessionCurrentQuery() — Method in class SessionQueryProviderInterface
SessionQueryProviderInterface::getSessionNamespace() — Method in class SessionQueryProviderInterface
StickyRequest::getStickySearchNameSpace() — Method in class StickyRequest
StickyRequest::getSearchRequest() — Method in class StickyRequest
GeneratorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration
GeneratorInterface::getRules() — Method in class GeneratorInterface

Returns all the defined rules.

GeneratorInterface::getRule() — Method in class GeneratorInterface

Return a defined rule given its handle (if found).

ApacheConfigurator::getConfiguredRule() — Method in class ApacheConfigurator

Gets the rule, if present in a configuration.

ApacheGenerator::getPrettyUrlRule() — Method in class ApacheGenerator
ApacheStorage::getFilesystem() — Method in class ApacheStorage

Get the Filesystem to use.

ApacheStorage::getHTaccessFilename() — Method in class ApacheStorage

Return the full path name to the .htaccess file.

GeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration\HTTP
Generator::getRules() — Method in class Generator

Returns all the defined rules.

Generator::getRule() — Method in class Generator

Return a defined rule given its handle (if found).

NginxGenerator::getPrettyUrlRule() — Method in class NginxGenerator
$ Apache#generator_classProperty in class Apache

The class to use for our generator.

Apache::getName() — Method in class Apache

Get the human readable service name.

Apache::getVersion() — Method in class Apache

Get the version.

Apache::getFullName() — Method in class Apache

Get the human readable service name with the version.

Apache::getDetector() — Method in class Apache

Get a detector instance to determine if this service is active.

Apache::getGenerator() — Method in class Apache

Get the configuration generator instance.

Apache::getStorage() — Method in class Apache

Get the storage reader/writer instance.

Apache::getConfigurator() — Method in class Apache

Get the configurator instance.

$ Nginx#generator_classProperty in class Nginx

The class to use for our generator.

Nginx::getName() — Method in class Nginx

Get the human readable service name.

Nginx::getVersion() — Method in class Nginx

Get the version.

Nginx::getFullName() — Method in class Nginx

Get the human readable service name with the version.

Nginx::getDetector() — Method in class Nginx

Get a detector instance to determine if this service is active.

Nginx::getGenerator() — Method in class Nginx

Get the configuration generator instance.

Nginx::getStorage() — Method in class Nginx

Get the storage reader/writer instance.

Nginx::getConfigurator() — Method in class Nginx

Get the configurator instance.

ManagerInterface::getExtensions() — Method in class ManagerInterface

An array of handles that have been added with ->extend.

ManagerInterface::getService() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Get the driver for this handle.

ManagerInterface::getActiveServices() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Loops through the bound services and returns the ones that are active.

ServiceManager::getExtensions() — Method in class ServiceManager

An array of handles that have been added with ->extend.

ServiceManager::getService() — Method in class ServiceManager

Get the driver for this handle.

ServiceManager::getAllServices() — Method in class ServiceManager

Returns all the available services.

ServiceManager::getActiveServices() — Method in class ServiceManager

Loops through the bound services and returns the ones that are active.

ConfigurableRuleInterface::getOptions() — Method in class ConfigurableRuleInterface

Get all the rule options.

ConfigurableRuleInterface::getOption() — Method in class ConfigurableRuleInterface

Get an option given its handle.

Option::getDescription() — Method in class Option

Get the option description.

Option::getValue() — Method in class Option

Get the option value.

Rule::getCode() — Method in class Rule

Return the code of the rule.

Rule::getCommentsBefore() — Method in class Rule

Return optional comments to be placed before the rule itself.

Rule::getCommentsAfter() — Method in class Rule

Return optional comments to be placed after the rule itself.

Rule::getOptions() — Method in class Rule

Get all the rule options.

Rule::getOption() — Method in class Rule

Get an option given its handle.

RuleInterface::getCode() — Method in class RuleInterface

Return the code of the rule.

RuleInterface::getCommentsBefore() — Method in class RuleInterface

Return optional comments to be placed before the rule itself.

RuleInterface::getCommentsAfter() — Method in class RuleInterface

Return optional comments to be placed after the rule itself.

ServiceInterface::getName() — Method in class ServiceInterface

Get the human readable service name.

ServiceInterface::getVersion() — Method in class ServiceInterface

Get the version.

ServiceInterface::getFullName() — Method in class ServiceInterface

Get the human readable service name with the version.

ServiceInterface::getDetector() — Method in class ServiceInterface

Get a detector instance to determine if this service is active.

ServiceInterface::getGenerator() — Method in class ServiceInterface

Get the configuration generator instance.

ServiceInterface::getStorage() — Method in class ServiceInterface

Get the storage reader/writer instance.

ServiceInterface::getConfigurator() — Method in class ServiceInterface

Get the configurator instance.

SessionFactory::getFileHandler() — Method in class SessionFactory

Create and return a newly built file session handler.

SessionFactory::getDatabaseHandler() — Method in class SessionFactory

Create a new database session handler to handle session.

SessionFactory::getMemcachedHandler() — Method in class SessionFactory

Return a built Memcached session handler.

SessionFactory::getDefaultHandler() — Method in class SessionFactory

Return the default session handler.

SessionFactory::getSessionStorage() — Method in class SessionFactory

Get a session storage object based on configuration.

SessionFactory::getSessionHandler() — Method in class SessionFactory

Get a new session handler.

SessionFactory::getRedisHandler() — Method in class SessionFactory

Return a built Redis session handler.

SessionFactory::getRedisInstance() — Method in class SessionFactory

Decides whether to return a Redis Instance or RedisArray Instance depending on the number of servers passed to it.

SessionFactory::getRedisServers() — Method in class SessionFactory
SessionValidator::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class SessionValidator
SessionValidator::getUserActivityThreshold() — Method in class SessionValidator
SessionValidator::getActiveSession() — Method in class SessionValidator

Get the current session (if it exists).

RedisSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
LoggedStorage::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Declare our logging channel as "Security"

LoggedStorage::getId() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Returns the session ID.

LoggedStorage::getName() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Returns the session name.

LoggedStorage::getBag() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Gets a SessionBagInterface by name.

LoggedStorage::getMetadataBag() — Method in class LoggedStorage
Service::getByHandle() — Method in class Service
Service::getServiceLinkTarget() — Method in class Service
Service::getServiceLink() — Method in class Service
ServiceList::getServices() — Method in class ServiceList
ServiceList::get() — Method in class ServiceList
Link::getList() — Method in class Link
Link::getByID() — Method in class Link
Link::getByServiceHandle() — Method in class Link
Service::getHandle() — Method in class Service
Service::getName() — Method in class Service
Service::getDisplayName() — Method in class Service
Service::getIcon() — Method in class Service
Service::getServiceIconHTML() — Method in class Service
Service::getByHandle() — Method in class Service
ServiceList::getServices() — Method in class ServiceList
ServiceList::get() — Method in class ServiceList
AbstractSurvey::getQuestions() — Method in class AbstractSurvey
AbstractSurvey::getSaverNamespace() — Method in class AbstractSurvey
AbstractSurvey::getResult() — Method in class AbstractSurvey
AbstractSurvey::getSaver() — Method in class AbstractSurvey
DatabaseConfigSaver::getResults() — Method in class DatabaseConfigSaver

Returns an array with keys/values for the saved results.

AbstractQuestion::getLabel() — Method in class AbstractQuestion
AbstractSelectQuestion::getOptions() — Method in class AbstractSelectQuestion
AbstractSelectQuestion::getTag() — Method in class AbstractSelectQuestion
BuildQuestion::getKey() — Method in class BuildQuestion
BuildQuestion::getLabel() — Method in class BuildQuestion
BuildQuestion::getOptions() — Method in class BuildQuestion
OrganizationQuestion::getKey() — Method in class OrganizationQuestion
OrganizationQuestion::getLabel() — Method in class OrganizationQuestion
OrganizationQuestion::getOptions() — Method in class OrganizationQuestion
QuestionInterface::getKey() — Method in class QuestionInterface
QuestionInterface::getTag() — Method in class QuestionInterface
RoleQuestion::getKey() — Method in class RoleQuestion
RoleQuestion::getLabel() — Method in class RoleQuestion
RoleQuestion::getOptions() — Method in class RoleQuestion
SaverInterface::getResults() — Method in class SaverInterface

Returns an array with keys/values for the saved results.

SiteInformationSurvey::getSaverNamespace() — Method in class SiteInformationSurvey
SiteInformationSurvey::getSaver() — Method in class SiteInformationSurvey
SiteInformationSurvey::getQuestions() — Method in class SiteInformationSurvey
SurveyInterface::getSaver() — Method in class SurveyInterface
SurveyInterface::getResult() — Method in class SurveyInterface
SiteListController::getMenuItemLinkElement() — Method in class SiteListController
DriverInterface::getSite() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getActiveSiteForEditing() — Method in class DriverInterface
MultisiteDriver::getActiveSiteForEditing() — Method in class MultisiteDriver
MultisiteDriver::getSite() — Method in class MultisiteDriver
Resolver::getSite() — Method in class Resolver
Resolver::getActiveSiteForEditing() — Method in class Resolver
StandardDriver::getSite() — Method in class StandardDriver
StandardDriver::getActiveSiteForEditing() — Method in class StandardDriver
Selector::getSiteIDFromSession() — Method in class Selector
Service::getByType() — Method in class Service
Service::getByHandle() — Method in class Service
Service::getDefault() — Method in class Service
Service::getController() — Method in class Service
Service::getSiteTreeByID() — Method in class Service
Service::getByID() — Method in class Service
Service::getList() — Method in class Service

Returns a list of sites. If $sort = 'name' then the sites will be sorted by site name. If sort is false it will not be sorted. Only name is supported for now.

Service::getSite() — Method in class Service

Resolve the active site This method MUST be treated as final by extending drivers, but MAY be replaced by a complete override.

Service::getActiveSiteForEditing() — Method in class Service

Resolve the active site for editing This method MUST be treated as final by extending drivers, but MAY be replaced by a complete override.

Service::getSiteDomains() — Method in class Service
Service::getSiteByDomain() — Method in class Service
Service::getSiteByExpressResultsNodeID() — Method in class Service

Resolve the site instance associated with a given results node ID

Service::getSiteByExpressResultsNode() — Method in class Service

Resolve a site instance using an express results node

SiteAggregateInterface::getSite() — Method in class SiteAggregateInterface
SiteEvent::getSite() — Method in class SiteEvent
SiteList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class SiteList
SiteList::getTotalResults() — Method in class SiteList

The total results of the query.

SiteList::getResult() — Method in class SiteList
LocalizableTreeInterface::getLocale() — Method in class LocalizableTreeInterface
GetTreeIdsForQueryTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Tree\Traits
GetTreeIdsForQueryTrait::getTreeIdsForQuery() — Method in class GetTreeIdsForQueryTrait

A helper method for getting tree IDs for use in a query. Includes "0" in the query out of simplicity

TreeInterface::getSiteTreeID() — Method in class TreeInterface
TreeInterface::getSiteTreeObject() — Method in class TreeInterface
TypeInterface::getSiteType() — Method in class TypeInterface
ControllerInterface::getFormatter() — Method in class ControllerInterface
Manager::getStandardController() — Method in class Manager
$ StandardController#groupServiceProperty in class StandardController
StandardController::getFormatter() — Method in class StandardController
DefaultFormatter::getSiteTypeDescription() — Method in class DefaultFormatter
DefaultFormatter::getSiteTypeIconElement() — Method in class DefaultFormatter
FormatterInterface::getSiteTypeDescription() — Method in class FormatterInterface
FormatterInterface::getSiteTypeIconElement() — Method in class FormatterInterface
OptionsFormProvider::getPackageHandle() — Method in class OptionsFormProvider
OptionsFormProvider::getElementController() — Method in class OptionsFormProvider
OptionsFormProvider::getType() — Method in class OptionsFormProvider
$ Service#groupServiceProperty in class Service
Service::getSkeletonService() — Method in class Service
Service::getGroupService() — Method in class Service
Service::getDefault() — Method in class Service
Service::getByID() — Method in class Service
Service::getByHandle() — Method in class Service
Service::getByPackage() — Method in class Service
Service::getList() — Method in class Service
Service::getUserAddedList() — Method in class Service
Service::getController() — Method in class Service
Service::getEntityManager() — Method in class Service
Service::getSkeleton() — Method in class Service
Service::getHomePage() — Method in class Service
Service::getAttributeValues() — Method in class Service
Service::getSiteParentGroup() — Method in class Service
Service::getSiteTypeGroups() — Method in class Service
Service::getInstanceGroupsBySite() — Method in class Service
AggregateTracker::getTrackerGenerator() — Method in class AggregateTracker
CustomCssRecord::getByID() — Method in class CustomCssRecord

Get a CustomCssRecord entity given its ID.

LegacyCustomizationsManager::getCustomStyleObjectForPage() — Method in class LegacyCustomizationsManager

Used by the legacy customizer – this allows us to preload an active legacy style configuration into the panel This is NOT part of the customizations manager going forward, but this class is a better place to put this functionality than inline in a controller.

LegacyCustomizationsManager::getResetPageThemeCustomizationsCommand() — Method in class LegacyCustomizationsManager
LegacyCustomizationsManager::getResetSiteThemeCustomizationsCommand() — Method in class LegacyCustomizationsManager
ManagerInterface::getResetSiteThemeCustomizationsCommand() — Method in class ManagerInterface
ManagerInterface::getResetPageThemeCustomizationsCommand() — Method in class ManagerInterface
SkinCustomizationsManager::getResetPageThemeCustomizationsCommand() — Method in class SkinCustomizationsManager
SkinCustomizationsManager::getResetSiteThemeCustomizationsCommand() — Method in class SkinCustomizationsManager
Customizer::getTheme() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::getConfigurationFile() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::getType() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::getPresets() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::getPresetByIdentifier() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::getThemeCustomizableStyleList() — Method in class Customizer
LegacyCustomizerType::getPresetType() — Method in class LegacyCustomizerType
LegacyCustomizerType::getVariableNormalizer() — Method in class LegacyCustomizerType
LegacyCustomizerType::getStyleProcessor() — Method in class LegacyCustomizerType
LegacyCustomizerType::getParserManager() — Method in class LegacyCustomizerType
LegacyCustomizerType::getPreviewHandler() — Method in class LegacyCustomizerType
LegacyCustomizerType::getCustomizationsManager() — Method in class LegacyCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::getLanguage() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::getPresetType() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::getVariableNormalizer() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::getStyleProcessor() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::getParserManager() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::getPreviewHandler() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::getCustomizationsManager() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
TypeInterface::getPresetType() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getVariableNormalizer() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getStyleProcessor() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getParserManager() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getPreviewHandler() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getCustomizationsManager() — Method in class TypeInterface
CustomStyle::getStyleSet() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getStyleWrapper() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCSS() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getContainerClass() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::getCustomStyleClass() — Method in class CustomStyle
StyleSet::getByID() — Method in class StyleSet

Get a StyleSet entity given its ID.

$ ColorVariable#gProperty in class ColorVariable
ColorVariable::getName() — Method in class ColorVariable
ColorVariable::getRed() — Method in class ColorVariable
ColorVariable::getGreen() — Method in class ColorVariable
ColorVariable::getBlue() — Method in class ColorVariable
ColorVariable::getAlpha() — Method in class ColorVariable
ColorVariable::getValue() — Method in class ColorVariable
ImageVariable::getName() — Method in class ImageVariable
ImageVariable::getUrl() — Method in class ImageVariable
ImageVariable::getFileID() — Method in class ImageVariable
ImageVariable::getComputedUrl() — Method in class ImageVariable
ImageVariable::getValue() — Method in class ImageVariable
ImageVariable::getValue() — Method in class ImageVariable
NormalizedVariableCollection::getVariable() — Method in class NormalizedVariableCollection
NumberVariable::getNumber() — Method in class NumberVariable
NumberVariable::getUnit() — Method in class NumberVariable
NumberVariable::getName() — Method in class NumberVariable
NumberVariable::getValue() — Method in class NumberVariable
ScssNormalizerCompiler::getRootEnvironment() — Method in class ScssNormalizerCompiler
TextVariable::getValue() — Method in class TextVariable
Variable::getName() — Method in class Variable
Variable::getValue() — Method in class Variable
VariableInterface::getName() — Method in class VariableInterface
VariableInterface::getValue() — Method in class VariableInterface
Preset::getName() — Method in class Preset
Preset::getIdentifier() — Method in class Preset
Preset::getTheme() — Method in class Preset
PresetInterface::getName() — Method in class PresetInterface
PresetInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class PresetInterface
PresetInterface::getTheme() — Method in class PresetInterface
LessFilePresetType::getSkinNameFromFile() — Method in class LessFilePresetType
LessFilePresetType::getVariablesFile() — Method in class LessFilePresetType
LessFilePresetType::getEntryPointFile() — Method in class LessFilePresetType
ScssDirectoryPresetType::getVariablesFile() — Method in class ScssDirectoryPresetType
ScssDirectoryPresetType::getEntryPointFile() — Method in class ScssDirectoryPresetType
TypeInterface::getVariablesFile() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::getEntryPointFile() — Method in class TypeInterface
LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler::getCustomPreviewResponse() — Method in class LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler

Method used by the customizer when choosing one or more custom values from the customizer on the left panel, and allowing it to submit the preview on the righthand content side.

LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler::getPresetPreviewResponse() — Method in class LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler

Method used by the customizer when customizing a theme and clicking on a preset but not modifying any of the values.

LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler::getCustomStylePreviewResponse() — Method in class LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler

Used when a page level or custom theme customizer set has been saved and now needs to be re-previewed.

PreviewHandlerInterface::getCustomPreviewResponse() — Method in class PreviewHandlerInterface

Method used by the customizer when choosing one or more custom values from the customizer on the left panel, and allowing it to submit the preview on the righthand content side.

PreviewHandlerInterface::getPresetPreviewResponse() — Method in class PreviewHandlerInterface

Method used by the customizer when customizing a theme and clicking on a preset but not modifying any of the values.

StandardPreviewHandler::getPresetPreviewResponse() — Method in class StandardPreviewHandler

Method used by the customizer when customizing a theme and clicking on a preset but not modifying any of the values.

StandardPreviewHandler::getCustomPreviewResponse() — Method in class StandardPreviewHandler

Method used by the customizer when choosing one or more custom values from the customizer on the left panel, and allowing it to submit the preview on the righthand content side.

Set::getName() — Method in class Set

Get the name of the style customizer set.

Set::getDisplayName() — Method in class Set

Get the display name for this style set (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Set::getStyles() — Method in class Set

Get the list of styles associated to this set.

PresetSkin::getName() — Method in class PresetSkin
PresetSkin::getIdentifier() — Method in class PresetSkin
PresetSkin::getTheme() — Method in class PresetSkin
PresetSkin::getStylesheet() — Method in class PresetSkin
SkinInterface::getName() — Method in class SkinInterface
SkinInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class SkinInterface
SkinInterface::getTheme() — Method in class SkinInterface
SkinInterface::getStylesheet() — Method in class SkinInterface
StyleList::getSets() — Method in class StyleList

Get the list of the style sets.

StyleList::getAllStyles() — Method in class StyleList

Traverses all sets and retrieves all styles. Basically a shortcut to allow developers not to have to traverse the sets themselves when working with the basic values in a style list.

CustomizerVariable::getVariable() — Method in class CustomizerVariable
CustomizerVariable::getValue() — Method in class CustomizerVariable
GroupedStyleValueListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
GroupedStyleValueListSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
GroupedStyleValueListSet::getName() — Method in class GroupedStyleValueListSet
GroupedStyleValueListSet::getDisplayName() — Method in class GroupedStyleValueListSet

Get the display name for this style set (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

ColorStyle::getVariableToInspect() — Method in class ColorStyle

Gets the name of the CSS variable we should use to inspect the data collection AND write into the request data collection. The reason for this is because the new customizer just has a unified approach to this –whereas the old customizer made you define the name of the variable in the xml file as page-background and reference it with page-background-color in the variable collections.

ImageStyle::getVariableToInspect() — Method in class ImageStyle

Gets the name of the CSS variable we should use to inspect the data collection AND write into the request data collection. The reason for this is because the new customizer just has a unified approach to this –whereas the old customizer made you define the name of the variable in the xml file as page-background and reference it with page-background-color in the variable collections.

SizeStyle::getVariableToInspect() — Method in class SizeStyle

Gets the name of the CSS variable we should use to inspect the data collection AND write into the request data collection. The reason for this is because the new customizer just has a unified approach to this –whereas the old customizer made you define the name of the variable in the xml file as page-background and reference it with page-background-color in the variable collections.

TypeStyle::getVariableToInspect() — Method in class TypeStyle

Gets the name of the CSS variable we should use to inspect the data collection AND write into the request data collection. The reason for this is because the new customizer just has a unified approach to this –whereas the old customizer made you define the name of the variable in the xml file as page-background and reference it with page-background-color in the variable collections.

AbstractManager::getParserFromType() — Method in class AbstractManager
ManagerInterface::getParserFromType() — Method in class ManagerInterface
Style::getTypeFromClass() — Method in class Style

Get the type handle of a given Style instance.

Style::getName() — Method in class Style

Get the name of this style.

Style::getDisplayName() — Method in class Style

Get the display name for this style (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Style::getVariable() — Method in class Style

Get the name of the associated CSS variable.

Style::getVariableToInspect() — Method in class Style

Gets the name of the CSS variable we should use to inspect the data collection AND write into the request data collection. The reason for this is because the new customizer just has a unified approach to this –whereas the old customizer made you define the name of the variable in the xml file as page-background and reference it with page-background-color in the variable collections.

Style::getValuesFromVariables() — Method in class Style
StyleInterface::getName() — Method in class StyleInterface
StyleInterface::getVariable() — Method in class StyleInterface
StyleInterface::getVariableToInspect() — Method in class StyleInterface
StyleValue::getStyle() — Method in class StyleValue
StyleValue::getValue() — Method in class StyleValue
StyleValueList::getValues() — Method in class StyleValueList
TypeStyle::getStyleTypes() — Method in class TypeStyle
$ ColorValue#gProperty in class ColorValue

The value of the green channel.

ColorValue::getRed() — Method in class ColorValue

Get the value of the red channel.

ColorValue::getGreen() — Method in class ColorValue

Get the value of the green channel.

ColorValue::getBlue() — Method in class ColorValue

Get the value of the blue channel.

ColorValue::getAlpha() — Method in class ColorValue

Get the value of the alpha channel.

FontFamilyValue::getFontFamily() — Method in class FontFamilyValue
FontStyleValue::getFontStyle() — Method in class FontStyleValue
FontWeightValue::getFontWeight() — Method in class FontWeightValue
ImageValue::getImageURL() — Method in class ImageValue
ImageValue::getImageFileID() — Method in class ImageValue
PresetFontsFileValue::getValue() — Method in class PresetFontsFileValue
SizeValue::getSize() — Method in class SizeValue

Get the numeric amount of the size.

SizeValue::getUnit() — Method in class SizeValue

Get the unit of the size.

TextDecorationValue::getTextDecoration() — Method in class TextDecorationValue
TextTransformValue::getTextTransform() — Method in class TextTransformValue
ValueContainerInterface::getSubStyleValues() — Method in class ValueContainerInterface
ValueContainerTrait::getSubStyleValues() — Method in class ValueContainerTrait
WebFontCollectionStyleTrait::getWebFonts() — Method in class WebFontCollectionStyleTrait
Stylesheet::getCss() — Method in class Stylesheet

Compiles the stylesheet using LESS. If a ValueList is provided they are injected into the stylesheet.

Stylesheet::getOutputPath() — Method in class Stylesheet
Stylesheet::getOutputRelativePath() — Method in class Stylesheet
CustomizeControllerTrait::getCustomizer() — Method in class CustomizeControllerTrait
WebFont::getName() — Method in class WebFont
WebFont::getType() — Method in class WebFont
CategoryMemberInterface::getSummaryIdentifier() — Method in class CategoryMemberInterface
CategoryMemberInterface::getSummaryCategoryHandle() — Method in class CategoryMemberInterface
CategoryMemberInterface::getSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CategoryMemberInterface
CategoryMemberInterface::getCustomSelectedSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CategoryMemberInterface
CalendarEventDriver::getCategoryMemberFromIdentifier() — Method in class CalendarEventDriver
CalendarEventDriver::getMemberSummaryTemplate() — Method in class CalendarEventDriver
DriverInterface::getCategoryMemberFromIdentifier() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverInterface::getMemberSummaryTemplate() — Method in class DriverInterface
PageDriver::getCategoryMemberFromIdentifier() — Method in class PageDriver
PageDriver::getMemberSummaryTemplate() — Method in class PageDriver
Collection::getFields() — Method in class Collection
Collection::getField() — Method in class Collection
BasicCalendarEventDriver::getCategory() — Method in class BasicCalendarEventDriver
BasicCalendarEventDriver::getThumbnailAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class BasicCalendarEventDriver
BasicCalendarEventDriver::getCategoriesAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class BasicCalendarEventDriver
BasicPageDriver::getCategory() — Method in class BasicPageDriver
BasicPageDriver::getThumbnailAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class BasicPageDriver
DriverCollection::getDrivers() — Method in class DriverCollection
DriverInterface::getCategory() — Method in class DriverInterface
DriverManager::getDrivers() — Method in class DriverManager
DriverManager::getDriverCollection() — Method in class DriverManager
RegisteredDriver::getDriver() — Method in class RegisteredDriver
RegisteredDriver::getPriority() — Method in class RegisteredDriver
GetCategoriesTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Extractor\Driver\Traits
GetCategoriesTrait::getCategoriesAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class GetCategoriesTrait
GetCategoriesTrait::getCategoriesDataField() — Method in class GetCategoriesTrait
GetThumbnailTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Extractor\Driver\Traits
GetThumbnailTrait::getThumbnailAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class GetThumbnailTrait
GetThumbnailTrait::getThumbnailDataField() — Method in class GetThumbnailTrait
AuthorDataFieldData::getName() — Method in class AuthorDataFieldData
AuthorDataFieldData::getUserID() — Method in class AuthorDataFieldData
AuthorDataFieldData::getAvatar() — Method in class AuthorDataFieldData
DataField::getData() — Method in class DataField
DataField::getFieldIdentifier() — Method in class DataField
DataFieldInterface::getFieldIdentifier() — Method in class DataFieldInterface
DataFieldInterface::getData() — Method in class DataFieldInterface
DatetimeDataFieldData::getDateTime() — Method in class DatetimeDataFieldData
ExpressEntryDataFieldData::getEntry() — Method in class ExpressEntryDataFieldData
FieldInterface::getFieldIdentifier() — Method in class FieldInterface
ImageDataFieldData::getThumbnailURL() — Method in class ImageDataFieldData
SummaryObject::getDataSourceCategoryHandle() — Method in class SummaryObject
SummaryObject::getIdentifier() — Method in class SummaryObject
SummaryObject::getTemplate() — Method in class SummaryObject
SummaryObject::getData() — Method in class SummaryObject
SummaryObjectExtractor::getData() — Method in class SummaryObjectExtractor
SummaryObjectInspector::getCategoryMember() — Method in class SummaryObjectInspector
SummaryObjectInterface::getTemplate() — Method in class SummaryObjectInterface
SummaryObjectInterface::getData() — Method in class SummaryObjectInterface
SummaryObjectInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class SummaryObjectInterface
SummaryObjectInterface::getDataSourceCategoryHandle() — Method in class SummaryObjectInterface
Filterer::getTemplates() — Method in class Filterer
RenderableTemplateInterface::getData() — Method in class RenderableTemplateInterface
RenderableTemplateInterface::getTemplate() — Method in class RenderableTemplateInterface
Renderer::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class Renderer
RendererFilterer::getSpecificTemplateIfExists() — Method in class RendererFilterer
RendererFilterer::getTemplatesToCheck() — Method in class RendererFilterer
RendererFilterer::getRandomTemplate() — Method in class RendererFilterer
TemplateLocator::getFileLocator() — Method in class TemplateLocator
TemplateLocator::getFileToRender() — Method in class TemplateLocator
InlineTagFixer::getName() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
InlineTagFixer::getDefinition() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
PhpFixer::getOptions() — Method in class PhpFixer

Get the fixer options.

PhpFixerOptions::getDefaultWebRoot() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the default absolute path to the web root directory.

PhpFixerOptions::getWebRoot() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the absolute path to the web root directory.

PhpFixerOptions::getFilterByExtensions() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the list of file extensions to be parsed.

PhpFixerOptions::getFilterIncludeFiles() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the list of additional files (relative to the webroot) to be parsed.

PhpFixerOptions::getIgnoredDirectoriesByName() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the directory names that should not be parsed.

PhpFixerOptions::getIgnoredDirectoriesByPath() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that should not be parsed (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::getBootstrapFiles() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that are executed before checking the PHP version.

PhpFixerOptions::getPhpOnlyNonPsr4Files() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::getPhpOnlyNonPsr4Directories() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::getPhpOnlyNonPsr4Regexes() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names.

PhpFixerOptions::getPhpOnlyPsr4Files() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::getPhpOnlyPsr4Directories() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::getPhpOnlyPsr4Regexes() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names.

PhpFixerOptions::getMinimumPhpVersion() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the minimum PHP version.

PhpFixerOptions::getDirectoriesWithMixedContentsRegex() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Get the list of regular expressions that should be used to check if a directory contains files with mixed flags.

PhpFixerRuleResolver::getRules() — Method in class PhpFixerRuleResolver

Get the rules associated to specific flags.

PhpFixerRuleResolver::getFixers() — Method in class PhpFixerRuleResolver

Resolve the fixers associated to the rules.

PhpFixerRuleResolver::getFixerFactory() — Method in class PhpFixerRuleResolver
PhpFixerRunner::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::getErrorManager() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::getCacheFilename() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::getPhpCSFixerVersion() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
Application::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Application

Get the registered name of the component.

Application::getApplicationRelativePath() — Method in class Application
Application::getApplicationURL() — Method in class Application
Config::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Config

Get the registered name of the component.

Cookie::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Cookie

Get the registered name of the component.

Database::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Database

Get the registered name of the component.

DatabaseORM::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class DatabaseORM

Get the registered name of the component.

Element::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Element

Get the registered name of the component.

Events::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Events

Get the registered name of the component.

Express::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Express

Get the registered name of the component.

Facade::getFacadeRoot() — Method in class Facade

Get the root object behind the facade.

Facade::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Facade

Get the registered name of the component.

Facade::getFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade

Get the application instance behind the facade.

Image::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Image

Get the registered name of the component.

Log::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Log

Get the registered name of the component.

Package::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Package

Get the registered name of the component.

Route::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Route

Get the registered name of the component.

Session::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Session

Get the registered name of the component.

Site::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Site

Get the registered name of the component.

StackFolder::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class StackFolder

Get the registered name of the component.

Url::getFacadeRoot() — Method in class Url
Url::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Url

Get the registered name of the component.

UserInfo::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class UserInfo

Get the registered name of the component.

JSConstantGenerator::getConstantList() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
JSConstantGenerator::getRegister() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
TreeCallColor::getArguments() — Method in class TreeCallColor
TreeCallColor::getName() — Method in class TreeCallColor
Manager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Manager

Get the default driver name.

ClassSymbol::getFacadeReflectionClass() — Method in class ClassSymbol
ClassSymbol::getAliasNamespace() — Method in class ClassSymbol

Get the namespace of the alias.

MetadataGenerator::getAllBindings() — Method in class MetadataGenerator
MetadataGenerator::getCustomEntityRepositories() — Method in class MetadataGenerator

Return the list of custom entity manager repositories.

MetadataGenerator::getOverride() — Method in class MetadataGenerator
PhpDocGenerator::getIndentation() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Get the indentation.

PhpDocGenerator::getVarType() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Get the PHPDoc type name of a variable.

PhpDocGenerator::getObjectDescriptors() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Get all the names representing an object instance (class name, parent class names, interface names).

Info::getOverrideList() — Method in class Info
Info::getWebRootDirectory() — Method in class Info
Info::getCoreRootDirectory() — Method in class Info
Info::getCoreVersions() — Method in class Info
Info::getPackages() — Method in class Info
Info::getOverrides() — Method in class Info
Info::getCache() — Method in class Info
Info::getEntities() — Method in class Info
Info::getServerSoftware() — Method in class Info
Info::getServerAPI() — Method in class Info
Info::getPhpVersion() — Method in class Info
Info::getPhpExtensions() — Method in class Info
Info::getPhpSettings() — Method in class Info
Info::getJSONOBject() — Method in class Info
Info::getVersionInstalled() — Method in class Info
Info::getCodeVersion() — Method in class Info
Info::getDbVersion() — Method in class Info
Info::getDbCharset() — Method in class Info
Info::getDbCollation() — Method in class Info
Info::getDBMSVersion() — Method in class Info
Info::getDBMSSqlMode() — Method in class Info
Info::getHostname() — Method in class Info
Info::getEnvironment() — Method in class Info
InvalidMutexKeyException::getMutexKey() — Method in class InvalidMutexKeyException

Get the invalid mutex key.

MutexBusyException::getMutexKey() — Method in class MutexBusyException

Get the mutex key.

MutexTrait::getFilenameForMutexKey() — Method in class MutexTrait

Get the full path of a temporary file that's unique for the concrete5 application and for the specified mutex key.

QueueStatus::getQueues() — Method in class QueueStatus
QueueStatusQueue::getQueue() — Method in class QueueStatusQueue
QueueStatusQueue::getCount() — Method in class QueueStatusQueue
SystemUser::getCurrentUserName() — Method in class SystemUser
SystemUser::getCurrentUserWithPosix() — Method in class SystemUser
SystemUser::getCurrentUserWithWhoAmI() — Method in class SystemUser
SystemUser::getCurrentUserFromEnv() — Method in class SystemUser
AbstractItem::getItemName() — Method in class AbstractItem
AbstractItem::getAction() — Method in class AbstractItem
AbstractItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class AbstractItem
AbstractItem::getActionURL() — Method in class AbstractItem
AbstractItem::getItemElement() — Method in class AbstractItem
AddCategoryItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class AddCategoryItem
AddCategoryItem::getAction() — Method in class AddCategoryItem
AddCategoryItem::getActionURL() — Method in class AddCategoryItem
AddCategoryItem::getItemName() — Method in class AddCategoryItem
AddExpressEntryCategoryItem::getActionURL() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCategoryItem
AddExpressEntryResultsFolderItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class AddExpressEntryResultsFolderItem
AddExpressEntryResultsFolderItem::getItemName() — Method in class AddExpressEntryResultsFolderItem
AddExpressEntryResultsFolderItem::getActionURL() — Method in class AddExpressEntryResultsFolderItem
DeleteExpressEntryCategoryItem::getActionURL() — Method in class DeleteExpressEntryCategoryItem
EditCategoryItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class EditCategoryItem
EditCategoryItem::getAction() — Method in class EditCategoryItem
EditCategoryItem::getActionURL() — Method in class EditCategoryItem
EditCategoryItem::getItemName() — Method in class EditCategoryItem
EditExpressEntryResultsFolderItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class EditExpressEntryResultsFolderItem
EditExpressEntryResultsFolderItem::getItemName() — Method in class EditExpressEntryResultsFolderItem
CloneItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class CloneItem
CloneItem::getAction() — Method in class CloneItem
CloneItem::getActionURL() — Method in class CloneItem
CloneItem::getItemName() — Method in class CloneItem
CloneItem::getItemElement() — Method in class CloneItem
DeleteItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class DeleteItem
DeleteItem::getAction() — Method in class DeleteItem
DeleteItem::getActionURL() — Method in class DeleteItem
DeleteItem::getItemName() — Method in class DeleteItem
EditPermissionsItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class EditPermissionsItem
EditPermissionsItem::getAction() — Method in class EditPermissionsItem
EditPermissionsItem::getActionURL() — Method in class EditPermissionsItem
EditPermissionsItem::getItemName() — Method in class EditPermissionsItem
EditPermissionsItem::getItemElement() — Method in class EditPermissionsItem
DeleteFolderItem::getItemName() — Method in class DeleteFolderItem
DeleteFolderItem::getActionURL() — Method in class DeleteFolderItem
EditFolderItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class EditFolderItem
EditFolderItem::getAction() — Method in class EditFolderItem
EditFolderItem::getItemName() — Method in class EditFolderItem
EditFolderItem::getActionURL() — Method in class EditFolderItem
MoveFolderItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class MoveFolderItem
MoveFolderItem::getAction() — Method in class MoveFolderItem
MoveFolderItem::getItemName() — Method in class MoveFolderItem
MoveFolderItem::getActionURL() — Method in class MoveFolderItem
EditFolderItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class EditFolderItem
EditFolderItem::getAction() — Method in class EditFolderItem
EditFolderItem::getItemName() — Method in class EditFolderItem
EditFolderItem::getActionURL() — Method in class EditFolderItem
AddTopicItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class AddTopicItem
AddTopicItem::getAction() — Method in class AddTopicItem
AddTopicItem::getActionURL() — Method in class AddTopicItem
AddTopicItem::getItemName() — Method in class AddTopicItem
EditTopicItem::getDialogTitle() — Method in class EditTopicItem
EditTopicItem::getAction() — Method in class EditTopicItem
EditTopicItem::getActionURL() — Method in class EditTopicItem
EditTopicItem::getItemName() — Method in class EditTopicItem
Node::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class Node

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Node::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeTypeDisplayName() — Method in class Node
Node::getListFormatter() — Method in class Node
Node::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeID() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeParentID() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeParentObject() — Method in class Node
Node::getDateLastModified() — Method in class Node
Node::getDateCreated() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeObject() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeName() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeID() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeTypeID() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeTypeObject() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeTypeHandle() — Method in class Node
Node::getChildNodes() — Method in class Node

Return the list of child nodes (call populateDirectChildrenOnly() before calling this method).

Node::getTreeNodePermissionsNodeID() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeChildCount() — Method in class Node
Node::getChildNodesLoaded() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeParentArray() — Method in class Node

Returns an array of all parents of this tree node.

Node::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class Node
Node::getJSONObject() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeJSON() — Method in class Node
Node::getTreeNodeDisplayPath() — Method in class Node
Node::getAllChildNodeIDs() — Method in class Node
Node::getByID() — Method in class Node
Node::getNodeByName() — Method in class Node
Node::getHierarchicalNodesOfType() — Method in class Node
Node::getNodesOfType() — Method in class Node
NodeType::getTreeNodeTypeID() — Method in class NodeType
NodeType::getTreeNodeTypeHandle() — Method in class NodeType
NodeType::getPackageID() — Method in class NodeType
NodeType::getPackageHandle() — Method in class NodeType
NodeType::getByID() — Method in class NodeType
NodeType::getByHandle() — Method in class NodeType
NodeType::getTreeNodeTypeClass() — Method in class NodeType
NodeType::getListByPackage() — Method in class NodeType
NodeType::getList() — Method in class NodeType
Category::getTreeNodeTranslationContext() — Method in class Category
Category::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Category
Category::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Category
Category::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class Category
Category::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class Category
Category::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class Category

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Category::getTreeNodeJSON() — Method in class Category
Category::getListFormatter() — Method in class Category
ExpressEntryCategory::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class ExpressEntryCategory
ExpressEntryCategory::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class ExpressEntryCategory
ExpressEntryCategory::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class ExpressEntryCategory
ExpressEntryCategory::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class ExpressEntryCategory
ExpressEntryCategory::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class ExpressEntryCategory
ExpressEntryCategory::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class ExpressEntryCategory

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

ExpressEntryCategory::getListFormatter() — Method in class ExpressEntryCategory
ExpressEntryResults::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
ExpressEntryResults::getTotalResultsInFolder() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
ExpressEntryResults::getSiteResultsNode() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
ExpressEntryResults::getEntity() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
ExpressEntrySiteResults::getSite() — Method in class ExpressEntrySiteResults
ExpressEntrySiteResults::getSiteID() — Method in class ExpressEntrySiteResults

Get the ID of the site this node belongs to

File::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class File
File::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class File
File::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class File
File::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class File
File::getTreeNodeFileUUID() — Method in class File
File::getTreeNodeFileID() — Method in class File
File::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class File
File::getTreeNodeFileObject() — Method in class File
File::getTreeNodeName() — Method in class File
File::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class File

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

File::getDateLastModified() — Method in class File
File::getTreeNodeJSON() — Method in class File
FileFolder::getTreeNodeTranslationContext() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class FileFolder

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

FileFolder::getTreeNodeStorageLocationID() — Method in class FileFolder

Returns the storage location id of the folder.

FileFolder::getTreeNodeStorageLocationObject() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getTreeNodeJSON() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getListFormatter() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getTreeNodeName() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getFolderItemList() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::getChildFolderByName() — Method in class FileFolder

Get the first child folder this folder that has a specific name.

FileFolder::getChildFolderByPath() — Method in class FileFolder

Get a descendent folder of this folder given its path.

CategoryListFormatter::getIconElement() — Method in class CategoryListFormatter
CategoryListFormatter::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class CategoryListFormatter
ExpressEntryResultsListFormatter::getIconElement() — Method in class ExpressEntryResultsListFormatter
ExpressEntryResultsListFormatter::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class ExpressEntryResultsListFormatter
GroupFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Formatter
GroupFormatter::getIconElement() — Method in class GroupFormatter
GroupFormatter::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class GroupFormatter
LegacyGroupFormatter::getIconElement() — Method in class LegacyGroupFormatter
LegacyGroupFormatter::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class LegacyGroupFormatter
ListFormatterInterface::getIconElement() — Method in class ListFormatterInterface
ListFormatterInterface::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class ListFormatterInterface
SavedSearchListFormatter::getIconElement() — Method in class SavedSearchListFormatter
SavedSearchListFormatter::getSearchResultsClass() — Method in class SavedSearchListFormatter
GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
$ Group#gIDProperty in class Group
Group::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Group
Group::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Group
Group::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Group
Group::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class Group
Group::getTreeNodeGroupID() — Method in class Group
Group::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class Group
Group::getListFormatter() — Method in class Group
Group::getTreeNodeGroupObject() — Method in class Group
Group::getTreeNodeName() — Method in class Group
Group::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class Group

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Group::getTreeNodeByGroupID() — Method in class Group
Group::getTreeNodeJSON() — Method in class Group
GroupFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
GroupFolder::getContains() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getSelectedGroupTypes() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getTreeNodeTranslationContext() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class GroupFolder

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

GroupFolder::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getTreeNodeJSON() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getListFormatter() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getTreeNodeName() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getFolderItemList() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::getChildFolderByName() — Method in class GroupFolder

Get the first child folder this folder that has a specific name.

GroupFolder::getChildFolderByPath() — Method in class GroupFolder

Get a descendent folder of this folder given its path.

GroupFolderMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Menu
GroupMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Menu
SearchPreset::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getSavedSearchID() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class SearchPreset

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

SearchPreset::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getSavedSearchObject() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getTreeNodeName() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getTreeNodeJSON() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getNodeBySavedSearchID() — Method in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::getListFormatter() — Method in class SearchPreset
Topic::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Topic
Topic::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Topic
Topic::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Topic
Topic::getTreeNodeTranslationContext() — Method in class Topic
Topic::getTreeNodeTypeName() — Method in class Topic
Topic::getTreeNodeMenu() — Method in class Topic
Topic::getTreeNodeDisplayName() — Method in class Topic

Returns the display name for this tree node (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Topic::getTreeNodeJSON() — Method in class Topic
Tree::getTreeName() — Method in class Tree

Returns the standard name for this tree

Tree::getTreeDisplayName() — Method in class Tree

Returns the display name for this tree (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

Tree::getSelectedTreeNodeIDs() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getTreeTypeID() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getTreeTypeObject() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getTreeTypeHandle() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getTreeID() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getRootTreeNodeObject() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getRootTreeNodeID() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getNodeByDisplayPath() — Method in class Tree

Iterates through the segments in the path, to return the node at the proper display. Mostly used for export and import.

Tree::getRequestData() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getJSON() — Method in class Tree
Tree::getByID() — Method in class Tree
TreeType::getTreeTypeID() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getTreeTypeHandle() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getPackageID() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getPackageHandle() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getByID() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getByHandle() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getTreeTypeClass() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getListByPackage() — Method in class TreeType
TreeType::getList() — Method in class TreeType
ExpressEntryResults::getTreeName() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults

Returns the standard name for this tree

ExpressEntryResults::getTreeDisplayName() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults

Returns the display name for this tree (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

ExpressEntryResults::get() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
FileManager::getTreeName() — Method in class FileManager

Returns the standard name for this tree.

FileManager::getTreeDisplayName() — Method in class FileManager

Returns the display name for this tree (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

FileManager::get() — Method in class FileManager

Get the FileManager instance.

GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Type
Group::getTreeName() — Method in class Group

Returns the standard name for this tree

Group::getTreeDisplayName() — Method in class Group

Returns the display name for this tree (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

Group::get() — Method in class Group

Get the Group instance.

Topic::getTreeName() — Method in class Topic

Returns the standard name for this tree

Topic::getTreeDisplayName() — Method in class Topic

Returns the display name for this tree (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

Topic::getDefault() — Method in class Topic
Topic::getByName() — Method in class Topic
Topic::getList() — Method in class Topic
ApplicationUpdate::getUpdateVersion() — Method in class ApplicationUpdate

Returns the version string.

ApplicationUpdate::getUpdateIdentifier() — Method in class ApplicationUpdate

Returns the version identifier (equals to the name of the directory under the updates directory).

ApplicationUpdate::getByVersionNumber() — Method in class ApplicationUpdate

Returns an ApplicationUpdate instance given its version string.

ApplicationUpdate::get() — Method in class ApplicationUpdate

Parse an update dir and returns an ApplicationUpdate instance.

ApplicationUpdate::getVersion() — Method in class ApplicationUpdate
ApplicationUpdate::getIdentifier() — Method in class ApplicationUpdate
ApplicationUpdate::getDiagnosticObject() — Method in class ApplicationUpdate

Given the current update object, sends information to concrete5.org to determine updatability.

Diagnostic::getRequestedVersion() — Method in class Diagnostic
Diagnostic::getJSONObject() — Method in class Diagnostic
DiagnosticFactory::getFromJSON() — Method in class DiagnosticFactory
MarketplaceItemStatus::getMarketplaceItemID() — Method in class MarketplaceItemStatus
MarketplaceItemStatus::getMarketplaceItemHandle() — Method in class MarketplaceItemStatus
MarketplaceItemStatus::getJSONObject() — Method in class MarketplaceItemStatus
Status::getSafety() — Method in class Status
Status::getStatus() — Method in class Status
Status::getJSONObject() — Method in class Status
Version::getReleaseNotesURL() — Method in class Version
Version::getReleaseNotes() — Method in class Version
Version::getVersion() — Method in class Version
Archive::getArchiveDirectory() — Method in class Archive

Returns either the directory (if the archive itself contains files at the first level) or the subdirectory if, like many archiving programs, we the zip archive is a directory, THEN a list of files.

Configuration::getForcedInitialMigration() — Method in class Configuration

Get the forced initial migration (if set).

Configuration::getMigrationsToExecute() — Method in class Configuration
MigrationIncompleteException::getPerformedMigrations() — Method in class MigrationIncompleteException

Get the number of applied migrations.

MigrationIncompleteException::getRemainingMigrations() — Method in class MigrationIncompleteException

Get the number of remaining migrations.

Version20140919000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20140919000000
Version20140930000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20140930000000
Version20141017000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20141017000000
Version20141024000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20141024000000
Version20141113000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20141113000000
Version20141219000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20141219000000
Version20150109000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20150109000000
Version20150504000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20150504000000
Version20150515000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20150515000000
Version20150713000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20150713000000
Version20150731000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20150731000000
Version20151221000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20151221000000
Version20160412000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20160412000000
Version20160615000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20160615000000
Version20160725000000::getCollectionIdTrail() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20161109000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20161109000000
Version20161203000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20161203000000
Version20161208000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20161208000000
Version20161216000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20161216000000
Version20170123000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20170123000000
Version20170201000000::getConfig() — Method in class Version20170201000000
Version20170711151953::getDescription() — Method in class Version20170711151953
Version20170802000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20170802000000
Version20171129190607::getDescription() — Method in class Version20171129190607
Version20171218000000::getDescription() — Method in class Version20171218000000
Version20180122213656::getDescription() — Method in class Version20180122213656
Version20190111181236::getScopeDescription() — Method in class Version20190111181236
Version20190301133300::getDuplicatedStacks() — Method in class Version20190301133300
Version20221219220600::getAdminAddress() — Method in class Version20221219220600
RemoteApplicationUpdate::getDirectDownloadURL() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdate::getIdentifier() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdate::getVersion() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdate::getDate() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdate::getNotes() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdateFactory::getFromJSON() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdateFactory
Update::getLatestAvailableVersionNumber() — Method in class Update

Fetch from the remote marketplace the latest available versions of the core and the packages.

Update::getApplicationUpdateInformation() — Method in class Update

Retrieves the info about the latest available information.

Update::getLocalAvailableUpdates() — Method in class Update

Looks in the designated updates location for all directories, ascertains what version they represent, and finds all versions greater than the currently installed version of concrete5.

Update::getLatestAvailableUpdate() — Method in class Update

Retrieves the info about the latest available information.

Path::get() — Method in class Path
Normalizer::getDomain() — Method in class Normalizer
NormalizerInterface::getDomain() — Method in class NormalizerInterface
ResolverManager::getDefaultResolver() — Method in class ResolverManager
ResolverManager::getResolver() — Method in class ResolverManager
ResolverManager::getResolvers() — Method in class ResolverManager
ResolverManagerInterface::getDefaultResolver() — Method in class ResolverManagerInterface
ResolverManagerInterface::getResolver() — Method in class ResolverManagerInterface
$ RouteUrlResolver#generatorProperty in class RouteUrlResolver
RouteUrlResolver::getGenerator() — Method in class RouteUrlResolver
RouteUrlResolver::getRouteList() — Method in class RouteUrlResolver
RouterUrlResolver::getGenerator() — Method in class RouterUrlResolver

Get the url generator from the router.

RouterUrlResolver::getRouteList() — Method in class RouterUrlResolver

Get the RouteCollection from the router.

SeoCanonical::getPageCanonicalURL() — Method in class SeoCanonical

Generate the canonical URL of a page.

SeoCanonical::getPageCanonicalURLTag() — Method in class SeoCanonical

Generate the tag of a page.

SeoCanonical::getPathArguments() — Method in class SeoCanonical

Get path arguments to append canonical URLs

SeoCanonical::getIncludedQuerystringParameters() — Method in class SeoCanonical
Url::getAuthority() — Method in class Url
UrlImmutable::getAuthority() — Method in class UrlImmutable
AnonymousAvatar::getAlt() — Method in class AnonymousAvatar
AnonymousAvatar::getPath() — Method in class AnonymousAvatar
AvatarInterface::getPath() — Method in class AvatarInterface
AvatarService::getAvatar() — Method in class AvatarService
AvatarServiceInterface::getAvatar() — Method in class AvatarServiceInterface
EmptyAvatar::getPath() — Method in class EmptyAvatar
GravatarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Avatar
Gravatar::getPath() — Method in class Gravatar
StandardAvatar::getPath() — Method in class StandardAvatar
RebuildUserIndexCommand::getAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class RebuildUserIndexCommand
RebuildUserIndexCommand::getHandler() — Method in class RebuildUserIndexCommand
RebuildUserIndexCommand::getIndexName() — Method in class RebuildUserIndexCommand
UpdateUserAvatarCommand::getUser() — Method in class UpdateUserAvatarCommand
UpdateUserAvatarCommand::getAvatarFile() — Method in class UpdateUserAvatarCommand
UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandler::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandler
UserCommand::getUserID() — Method in class UserCommand
AvatarCropperInstance::getAccessToken() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstance::getUploadUrl() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstance::getWidth() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstance::getHeight() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstance::getTag() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstanceFactory::getAccessTokenString() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstanceFactory
UserSelectInstance::getAccessToken() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstance::getLabelFormat() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstance::getLabelFormatPropValue() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstance::getIncludeAvatarPropValue() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstanceFactory::getAccessTokenString() — Method in class UserSelectInstanceFactory
CsvWriter::getHeaders() — Method in class CsvWriter

A generator that returns all headers

CsvWriter::getAttributeKeys() — Method in class CsvWriter

Memoize the attribute keys so that we aren't looking them up over and over

CsvWriter::getTranslatedStatus() — Method in class CsvWriter

Get the translated status texts

EditResponse::getJSONObject() — Method in class EditResponse

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

AddUser::getData() — Method in class AddUser
DeactivateUser::getNotificationDate() — Method in class DeactivateUser

Get the date of this notification

DeactivateUser::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class DeactivateUser

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

DeactivateUser::getUserInfoObject() — Method in class DeactivateUser

Pass through calls for the user info object to the associated user info object

DeactivateUser::getUserEntity() — Method in class DeactivateUser

Get the user that is being deactivated

DeactivateUser::getActorEntity() — Method in class DeactivateUser

Get the user that is running the deactivation

Logout::getResponse() — Method in class Logout

Get the response to be sent to clients after the logout process (if available).

User::getUserObject() — Method in class User
$ UserGroup#gProperty in class UserGroup
UserGroup::getGroupObject() — Method in class UserGroup
UserInfo::getApplier() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserInfoObject() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfoWithAttributes::getAttributes() — Method in class UserInfoWithAttributes
UserInfoWithPassword::getUserPassword() — Method in class UserInfoWithPassword
CanDeleteGroupsTrait::getWhyUserCantDeleteGroups() — Method in class CanDeleteGroupsTrait

Get the reason why the current user can't delete groups.

AddGroupCommand::getPackageID() — Method in class AddGroupCommand
AddGroupCommand::getForcedNewGroupID() — Method in class AddGroupCommand
$ AddGroupCommandHandler#groupRepositoryProperty in class AddGroupCommandHandler
$ AddGroupCommandValidator#groupRepositoryProperty in class AddGroupCommandValidator
DeleteGroupCommand::getOnChildGroups() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommand
$ DeleteGroupCommandHandler#groupRepositoryProperty in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
Result::getDeletedGroupIDs() — Method in class Result
Result::getNumberOfDeletedGroups() — Method in class Result
Result::getNumberOfUndeletableGroups() — Method in class Result
Result::getUndeletableGroups() — Method in class Result

Array keys are the group IDs, array values are the reasons why the group couldn't be deleted.

$ ExistingGroupTrait#groupIDProperty in class ExistingGroupTrait
ExistingGroupTrait::getGroupID() — Method in class ExistingGroupTrait
GroupDetailsTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Command\Traits
GroupDetailsTrait::getName() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::getDescription() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::getBadgeDescription() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::getParentGroupID() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::getParentNodeID() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
$ EditResponse#groupsProperty in class EditResponse
EditResponse::getGroups() — Method in class EditResponse
EditResponse::getJSONObject() — Method in class EditResponse

Get an stdClass instance containing the serialized data of this instance.

$ Event#gProperty in class Event
Event::getGroupObject() — Method in class Event
FolderItemList::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::getPagerManager() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::getTotalResults() — Method in class FolderItemList

Returns the total results in this item list.

FolderItemList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class FolderItemList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

FolderItemList::getResult() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderManager::getFolder() — Method in class FolderManager

Get a folder given its ID.

FolderManager::getRootFolder() — Method in class FolderManager

Get the root folder.

GroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ Group#gIDProperty in class Group
$ Group#gIsBadgeProperty in class Group
$ Group#gNameProperty in class Group
Group::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Group
Group::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Group
Group::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Group
Group::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupMembers() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupMemberIDs() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupMembersNum() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupDateTimeEntered() — Method in class Group

Get the date/time when a user entered this group.

Group::getGroupID() — Method in class Group
Group::getOverrideGroupTypeSettings() — Method in class Group
Group::getJoinRequests() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupTypeId() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupType() — Method in class Group
Group::getDefaultRoleId() — Method in class Group
Group::getDefaultRole() — Method in class Group
Group::getThumbnailImage() — Method in class Group
Group::getUserRole() — Method in class Group
Group::getRoles() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupName() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupPath() — Method in class Group
Group::getParentGroups() — Method in class Group
Group::getParentNodes() — Method in class Group
Group::getChildGroups() — Method in class Group
Group::getParentGroup() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupDisplayName() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupDescription() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupStartDate() — Method in class Group

Gets the group start date.

Group::getGroupEndDate() — Method in class Group

Gets the group end date.

Group::getGroupBadgeDescription() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupBadgeCommunityPointValue() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupBadgeImageID() — Method in class Group
Group::getAuthorID() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupAutomationController() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupAutomationControllerClass() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupBadgeImageObject() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupExpirationMethod() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupExpirationDateTime() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupExpirationAction() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupExpirationInterval() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupExpirationIntervalDays() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupExpirationIntervalHours() — Method in class Group
Group::getGroupExpirationIntervalMinutes() — Method in class Group
Group::getPackageID() — Method in class Group
Group::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Group
Group::getBadges() — Method in class Group
Group::getAutomationControllers() — Method in class Group
Group::getAutomatedOnRegisterGroupControllers() — Method in class Group
Group::getAutomatedOnLoginGroupControllers() — Method in class Group
Group::getAutomatedOnJobRunGroupControllers() — Method in class Group
Group::getByID() — Method in class Group

Takes the numeric id of a group and returns a group object.

Group::getByName() — Method in class Group

Takes the name of a group and returns a group object.

Group::getByPath() — Method in class Group
GroupAutomationControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ GroupAutomationController#groupProperty in class GroupAutomationController
GroupAutomationController::getGroupObject() — Method in class GroupAutomationController
GroupJoinRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ GroupJoinRequest#groupProperty in class GroupJoinRequest
GroupJoinRequest::getGroup() — Method in class GroupJoinRequest
GroupJoinRequest::getUser() — Method in class GroupJoinRequest
GroupJoinRequest::getNotificationDate() — Method in class GroupJoinRequest

Get the date of this notification

GroupJoinRequest::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class GroupJoinRequest

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

GroupListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ GroupList#groupRepositoryProperty in class GroupList
GroupList::getTotalResults() — Method in class GroupList

The total results of the query.

GroupList::getResult() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::getPagerManager() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class GroupList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

GroupList::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::getGroupRepository() — Method in class GroupList
GroupRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group

This class simply exists as an intermediary between the local group repository and the Group::getByPath() method.

GroupRepository::getGroupByPath() — Method in class GroupRepository
GroupRepository::getGroupByName() — Method in class GroupRepository
GroupRepository::getGroupById() — Method in class GroupRepository
GroupRoleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ GroupRole#grIDProperty in class GroupRole
$ GroupRole#grNameProperty in class GroupRole
$ GroupRole#grIsManagerProperty in class GroupRole
GroupRole::getId() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupRole::getName() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupRole::getByID() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupRole::getListByGroupType() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupRole::getListByGroup() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupRole::getList() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupSearchColumnSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
GroupSearchColumnSet::getGroupName() — Method in class GroupSearchColumnSet
GroupSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
GroupSet::getList() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getByID() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getByName() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getListByPackage() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getGroupSetID() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getGroupSetName() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getPackageID() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSet::getGroupSetDisplayName() — Method in class GroupSet

Returns the display name for this group set (localized and escaped accordingly to $format)

GroupSet::getGroups() — Method in class GroupSet
GroupSetListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
GroupSetList::get() — Method in class GroupSetList

Returns an array of whatever objects extends this class (e.g. PageList returns a list of pages).

GroupTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ GroupType#gtIDProperty in class GroupType
$ GroupType#gtNameProperty in class GroupType
$ GroupType#gtPetitionForPublicEntryProperty in class GroupType
GroupType::getId() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::getName() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::getDisplayName() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::getByID() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::getDefaultRole() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::getSelectList() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::getList() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::getRoles() — Method in class GroupType
LogSubscriber::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::getCurrentUser() — Method in class LogSubscriber
Available::getType() — Method in class Available
Available::getMemberCount() — Method in class Available
Available::getGroupID() — Method in class Available
Available::getGroupName() — Method in class Available
ColumnSet::getCurrent() — Method in class ColumnSet
GroupIdColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\ColumnSet\Column
GroupIdColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class GroupIdColumn
GroupIdColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class GroupIdColumn
GroupIdColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class GroupIdColumn
NameColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class NameColumn
NameColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class NameColumn
NameColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class NameColumn
FolderField::getKey() — Method in class FolderField

Get the field key.

FolderField::getDisplayName() — Method in class FolderField

Get the field display name.

NameField::getKey() — Method in class NameField

Get the field key.

NameField::getDisplayName() — Method in class NameField

Get the field display name.

Item::getResultGroupId() — Method in class Item
Item::getDetailsURL() — Method in class Item
Result::getItemDetails() — Method in class Result
Result::getColumnDetails() — Method in class Result
SearchProvider::getFieldManager() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSessionNamespace() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCustomAttributeKeys() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getBaseColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCurrentColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getItemList() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getDefaultColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSavedSearch() — Method in class SearchProvider
LogSubscriber::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LoginService::getGroups() — Method in class LoginService

Aggregate a list of groups to report

LoginService::getLoggerChannel() — Method in class LoginService

Get the logger channel expected by this LoggerAwareTrait implementation The user is expected to declare this method and return a valid channel name.

PasswordUpgrade::getPasswordResetMessage() — Method in class PasswordUpgrade
PasswordUpgrade::getDefaultPasswordResetMessage() — Method in class PasswordUpgrade
CookieService::getCookie() — Method in class CookieService

Get the authentication data corrently contained in the cookie jar.

CookieValue::getUserID() — Method in class CookieValue

Get the user ID.

CookieValue::getAuthenticationTypeHandle() — Method in class CookieValue

Get the handle of the authentication type.

CookieValue::getToken() — Method in class CookieValue

Get the unique token identifier.

PostLoginLocation::getSessionPostLoginUrl() — Method in class PostLoginLocation

Get the post-login URL as stored in the session.

PostLoginLocation::getDefaultPostLoginUrl() — Method in class PostLoginLocation

Get the default post-login URL.

PostLoginLocation::getFallbackPostLoginUrl() — Method in class PostLoginLocation

Get the fallback post-login URL (called when all other methods fail).

PostLoginLocation::getPostLoginUrl() — Method in class PostLoginLocation

Get the post-login URL.

PostLoginLocation::getPostLoginRedirectResponse() — Method in class PostLoginLocation

Create a Response that redirects the user to the configured URL.

Event::getPrivateMessageObject() — Method in class Event
Limit::getErrorObject() — Method in class Limit
Mailbox::getMailboxID() — Method in class Mailbox
Mailbox::getMailboxUserID() — Method in class Mailbox
Mailbox::get() — Method in class Mailbox
Mailbox::getTotalMessages() — Method in class Mailbox
Mailbox::getLastMessageID() — Method in class Mailbox
Mailbox::getLastMessageObject() — Method in class Mailbox
Mailbox::getMessageList() — Method in class Mailbox
PrivateMessage::getNotificationDate() — Method in class PrivateMessage

Get the date of this notification

PrivateMessage::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class PrivateMessage

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

PrivateMessage::getMessageDelimiter() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getByID() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageStatus() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageAuthorID() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageID() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageUserID() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageAuthorObject() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageUserToID() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageUserToObject() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageRelevantUserID() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getFormattedMessageBody() — Method in class PrivateMessage

Responsible for converting line breaks to br tags, perhaps running bbcode, as well as making the older replied-to messages gray.

PrivateMessage::getMessageRelevantUserObject() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageRelevantUserName() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageAuthorName() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageDateAdded() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageSubject() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getFormattedMessageSubject() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getMessageBody() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::getAttachments() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessageList::get() — Method in class PrivateMessageList

Returns an array of whatever objects extends this class (e.g. PageList returns a list of pages).

RegistrationService::getNewUsernameFromUserDetails() — Method in class RegistrationService

Create an unused username starting from user details.

ColumnSet::getAttributeKeyColumn() — Method in class ColumnSet
ColumnSet::getColumns() — Method in class ColumnSet
ColumnSet::getCurrent() — Method in class ColumnSet
DateAddedColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class DateAddedColumn
DateAddedColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class DateAddedColumn
DateAddedColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class DateAddedColumn
DateLastLoginColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class DateLastLoginColumn
DateLastLoginColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class DateLastLoginColumn
DateLastLoginColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class DateLastLoginColumn
EmailColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class EmailColumn
EmailColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class EmailColumn
EmailColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class EmailColumn
HomeFolderColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class HomeFolderColumn
HomeFolderColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class HomeFolderColumn
HomeFolderColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class HomeFolderColumn
NumberOfLoginsColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class NumberOfLoginsColumn
NumberOfLoginsColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class NumberOfLoginsColumn
NumberOfLoginsColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class NumberOfLoginsColumn
UserIDColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class UserIDColumn
UserIDColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class UserIDColumn
UserIDColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class UserIDColumn
UsernameColumn::getColumnKey() — Method in class UsernameColumn
UsernameColumn::getColumnName() — Method in class UsernameColumn
UsernameColumn::getColumnCallback() — Method in class UsernameColumn
DefaultSet::getUserName() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getUserEmail() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getUserDateAdded() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getUserDateLastLogin() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getFolderName() — Method in class DefaultSet
DefaultSet::getUserStatus() — Method in class DefaultSet
DateAddedField::getKey() — Method in class DateAddedField

Get the field key.

DateAddedField::getDisplayName() — Method in class DateAddedField

Get the field display name.

GroupSetFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Field\Field
GroupSetField::getKey() — Method in class GroupSetField

Get the field key.

GroupSetField::getDisplayName() — Method in class GroupSetField

Get the field display name.

HomeFolderField::getKey() — Method in class HomeFolderField

Get the field key.

HomeFolderField::getDisplayName() — Method in class HomeFolderField

Get the field display name.

IsActiveField::getKey() — Method in class IsActiveField

Get the field key.

IsActiveField::getDisplayName() — Method in class IsActiveField

Get the field display name.

IsValidatedField::getKey() — Method in class IsValidatedField

Get the field key.

IsValidatedField::getDisplayName() — Method in class IsValidatedField

Get the field display name.

UserGroupField::getKey() — Method in class UserGroupField

Get the field key.

UserGroupField::getDisplayName() — Method in class UserGroupField

Get the field display name.

Result::getItemDetails() — Method in class Result
Result::getColumnDetails() — Method in class Result
SearchProvider::getFieldManager() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSessionNamespace() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCustomAttributeKeys() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getBaseColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getAvailableColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getCurrentColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getItemList() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getDefaultColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSearchResultFromQuery() — Method in class SearchProvider
SearchProvider::getSavedSearch() — Method in class SearchProvider
Statistics::getTotalRegistrationsForDay() — Method in class Statistics
Statistics::getLastLoggedInUser() — Method in class Statistics
User::getByUserID() — Method in class User

Return an User instance given its id (or null if it's not found)

User::getUserInfoObject() — Method in class User
User::getLastOnline() — Method in class User
User::getUserName() — Method in class User
User::getUserID() — Method in class User
User::getUserTimezone() — Method in class User
User::getUserSessionValidSince() — Method in class User

Return date in yyyy-mm-dd H:i:s format.

User::getLastAuthType() — Method in class User
User::getUserGroupObjects() — Method in class User

Returns an array of Group objects the user belongs to.

User::getUserGroups() — Method in class User

Returns an array of group ids the user belongs to.

User::getUserDefaultLanguage() — Method in class User

Gets the default language for the logged-in user.

User::getLastPasswordChange() — Method in class User

Returns date in yyyy-mm-dd H:i:s format.

User::getUserLanguageToDisplay() — Method in class User

Checks to see if the current user object is registered. If so, it queries that records default language. Otherwise, it falls back to sitewide settings.

User::getUserAccessEntityObjects() — Method in class User

Function to return Permission Access Entities belonging to this user object

User::getPreviousFrontendPageID() — Method in class User
UserBannedIp::getUniqueID() — Method in class UserBannedIp
UserBannedIp::getIPRangeForDisplay() — Method in class UserBannedIp
UserBannedIp::getCodeText() — Method in class UserBannedIp
UserBannedIp::getReason() — Method in class UserBannedIp
UserInfo::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getEntityObject() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getExporter() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserBadges() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserObject() — Method in class UserInfo

Gets the User object of the current UserInfo object ($this).

UserInfo::getUserAvatar() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserPublicProfileUrl() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getLastLogin() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getLastIPAddress() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getPreviousLogin() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserLastPasswordChange() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getNumLogins() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserID() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserDateLastUpdated() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserName() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserDisplayName() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserPassword() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserEmail() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserHomeFolderId() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserTimezone() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserDefaultLanguage() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getUserDateAdded() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getLastOnline() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getObjectAttributeCategory() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getAttributeValueObject() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getDirector() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getByID() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getByUserName() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getByEmail() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::getByValidationHash() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfoRepository::getByID() — Method in class UserInfoRepository

Returns the UserInfo object for a give user's uID.

UserInfoRepository::getByName() — Method in class UserInfoRepository

Returns the UserInfo object for a give user's username.

UserInfoRepository::getByUserName() — Method in class UserInfoRepository
UserInfoRepository::getByEmail() — Method in class UserInfoRepository

Returns the UserInfo object for a give user's email address.

UserInfoRepository::getByUserEntity() — Method in class UserInfoRepository

Get a UserInfo object from a user entity

UserInfoRepository::getByValidationHash() — Method in class UserInfoRepository
UserInfoRepository::get() — Method in class UserInfoRepository

Resolve an single entity by

UserInfoRepository::getRepository() — Method in class UserInfoRepository

Resolve the repository instance

UserList::getPermissionsChecker() — Method in class UserList
UserList::getPagerVariableFactory() — Method in class UserList
UserList::getPagerManager() — Method in class UserList
UserList::getTotalResults() — Method in class UserList

Returns the total results in this item list.

UserList::getPaginationAdapter() — Method in class UserList

Returns the standard pagination adapter. This is used for non-permissioned objects and is typically something like DoctrineDbalAdapter

UserList::getUserInfoRepository() — Method in class UserList
UserList::getResult() — Method in class UserList
UserList::getResultIDs() — Method in class UserList

similar to get except it returns an array of userIDs much faster than getting a UserInfo object for each result if all you need is the user's id.

UserList::getAttributeKeyClassName() — Method in class UserList
UserTransformer::getUserStatus() — Method in class UserTransformer
ValidationHash::generate() — Method in class ValidationHash

Generates a random string.

ValidationHash::getUserID() — Method in class ValidationHash

Gets the users id for a given hash and type.

ValidationHash::getType() — Method in class ValidationHash

Gets the hash type for a given hash.

ProgressList::get() — Method in class ProgressList

Returns an array of userInfo objects based on current filter settings.

User::getUserObject() — Method in class User
User::getWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class User
IPAddress::getIp() — Method in class IPAddress

Returns the IPAddress string, null if no ip address has been set.

Arrays::get() — Method in class Arrays

Fetches a value from an (multidimensional) array.

Identifier::generateFromBase() — Method in class Identifier

Like generate() below, but simply appends an ever increasing number to what you provide until it comes back as not found.

Identifier::generate() — Method in class Identifier

Generates a unique identifier for an item in a database table. Used, among other places, in generating User hashes for email validation.

Identifier::getString() — Method in class Identifier

Generate a cryptographically secure random string

Number::getBytes() — Method in class Number

Nice and elegant function for converting memory. Thanks to @lightness races in orbit on Stackoverflow.

Xml::getBool() — Method in class Xml

Extract a boolean from an element or an attribute value.

BannedWord::getWord() — Method in class BannedWord
BannedWord::getID() — Method in class BannedWord
BannedWord::getByID() — Method in class BannedWord
BannedWord::getByWord() — Method in class BannedWord
Service::getBannedWords() — Method in class Service
Token::getErrorMessage() — Method in class Token

Get the error message to be shown to the users when a token is not valid.

Token::generate() — Method in class Token

Generates a token for a given action. This is a token in the form of time:hash, where hash is md5(time:userID:action:pepper).

Token::getParameter() — Method in class Token

Generate a token and return it as a query string variable (eg 'ccm_token=...').

Response::getErrorObject() — Method in class Response
ResponseInterface::getErrorObject() — Method in class ResponseInterface
AbstractTranslatableValidator::getRequirementStrings() — Method in class AbstractTranslatableValidator

Get the validator requirements in the form of an array keyed by it's respective error code.

AbstractTranslatableValidator::getErrorString() — Method in class AbstractTranslatableValidator

Get an error string given a code and a passed value.

ClosureValidator::getRequirementStrings() — Method in class ClosureValidator

Get the validator requirements in the form of an array keyed by it's respective error code.

PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::getMaximumRequirement() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

Get maximum length validator

PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::getMinimumRequirement() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

Get minimum length validator

EmailValidator::getEguliasEmailValidator() — Method in class EmailValidator

Get the instance of Egulias\EmailValidator to be used.

MaximumLengthValidator::getMaximumLength() — Method in class MaximumLengthValidator

Get the maximum length allowed.

MinimumLengthValidator::getMinimumLength() — Method in class MinimumLengthValidator

Get the minimum length allowed.

RegexValidator::getPattern() — Method in class RegexValidator

Get the regex pattern.

ReuseValidator::getEntityManager() — Method in class ReuseValidator

Protected accessor method for subclasses

ReuseValidator::getMaxReuseCount() — Method in class ReuseValidator

Protected accessor method for subclasses

ValidatorInterface::getRequirementStrings() — Method in class ValidatorInterface

Get the validator requirements in the form of an array keyed by it's respective error code.

ValidatorManager::getRequirementStrings() — Method in class ValidatorManager

Get the validator requirements in the form of an array keyed by it's respective error code.

ValidatorManager::getValidators() — Method in class ValidatorManager

Get a list of all validators keyed by their handles.

ValidatorManagerInterface::getValidators() — Method in class ValidatorManagerInterface

Get a list of all validators keyed by their handles.

AbstractView::getViewTemplate() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::getRequestInstance() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::getScopeItems() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::getInstance() — Method in class AbstractView

Get an instance of the View.

DialogView::getViewTemplateFile() — Method in class DialogView
DialogView::getScopeItems() — Method in class DialogView
DialogView::getAssetsToOutput() — Method in class DialogView
ErrorView::getScopeItems() — Method in class ErrorView
View::getThemeDirectory() — Method in class View
View::getViewPath() — Method in class View
View::getThemeObject() — Method in class View
View::getThemePath() — Method in class View

gets the relative theme path for use in templates.

View::getThemeHandle() — Method in class View
View::getInnerContentFile() — Method in class View
View::getViewTemplateFile() — Method in class View
View::getAssetsToOutput() — Method in class View
View::getThemeStyles() — Method in class View
BasicWorkflow::getWorkflowProgressCurrentComment() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Get the comments about an operation.

BasicWorkflow::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
BasicWorkflow::getWorkflowProgressApprovalUsers() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Get the list of users that can approve an operation.

BasicWorkflow::getWorkflowProgressStatusDescription() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Get the description of the status of an operation.

BasicWorkflow::getWorkflowProgressActions() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Get the list of actions that can be performed against an operation.

BasicWorkflow::getTranslatedMessage() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
Description::getDescription() — Method in class Description
Description::getEmailDescription() — Method in class Description
Description::getInContextDescription() — Method in class Description
Description::getShortStatus() — Method in class Description
EmptyWorkflow::getWorkflowProgressApprovalUsers() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Get the list of users that can approve an operation.

EmptyWorkflow::getWorkflowProgressCurrentComment() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Get the comments about an operation.

EmptyWorkflow::getWorkflowProgressActions() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Get the list of actions that can be performed against an operation.

EmptyWorkflow::getWorkflowProgressStatusDescription() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Get the description of the status of an operation.

BasicHistoryEntry::getWorkflowProgressHistoryDescription() — Method in class BasicHistoryEntry
HistoryEntry::getWorkflowProgressHistoryDescription() — Method in class HistoryEntry
HistoryEntry::getAction() — Method in class HistoryEntry
HistoryEntry::getRequesterUserID() — Method in class HistoryEntry
Action::getWorkflowProgressActionExtraButtonParameters() — Method in class Action
Action::getWorkflowProgressActionStyleClass() — Method in class Action
Action::getWorkflowProgressActionStyleInnerButtonLeftHTML() — Method in class Action
Action::getWorkflowProgressActionStyleInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class Action
Action::getWorkflowProgressActionLabel() — Method in class Action
Action::getWorkflowProgressActionTask() — Method in class Action
Action::getWorkflowProgressActionURL() — Method in class Action
BasicData::getUserStartedID() — Method in class BasicData
BasicData::getUserCompletedID() — Method in class BasicData
BasicData::getDateCompleted() — Method in class BasicData
CalendarEventProgress::getSite() — Method in class CalendarEventProgress
CalendarEventProgress::getWorkflowProgressFormAction() — Method in class CalendarEventProgress
CalendarEventProgress::getPendingWorkflowProgressList() — Method in class CalendarEventProgress
Category::getByID() — Method in class Category
Category::getByHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getListByPackage() — Method in class Category
Category::getWorkflowProgressCategoryID() — Method in class Category
Category::getWorkflowProgressCategoryHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getPackageID() — Method in class Category
Category::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::getWorkflowProgressCategoryClass() — Method in class Category
Category::getList() — Method in class Category
History::getWorkflowProgressHistoryTimestamp() — Method in class History
History::getWorkflowProgressHistoryID() — Method in class History
History::getWorkflowProgressID() — Method in class History
History::getWorkflowProgressHistoryInnerObject() — Method in class History
History::getWorkflowProgressHistoryDescription() — Method in class History
History::getLatest() — Method in class History
History::getList() — Method in class History
PageProgress::getSite() — Method in class PageProgress
PageProgress::getList() — Method in class PageProgress
PageProgress::getWorkflowProgressFormAction() — Method in class PageProgress
PageProgress::getPendingWorkflowProgressList() — Method in class PageProgress
Progress::getNotificationDate() — Method in class Progress

Get the date of this notification

Progress::getUsersToExcludeFromNotification() — Method in class Progress

Get the users that should be excluded from notifications Expected return value would be users involved in the creation of the notification, they may not need to be notified.

Progress::getWorkflowObject() — Method in class Progress

Gets the Workflow object attached to this WorkflowProgress object.

Progress::getWorkflowProgressResponseObject() — Method in class Progress

Gets an optional WorkflowResponse object. This is set in some cases.

Progress::getWorkflowProgressDateLastAction() — Method in class Progress

Gets the date of the last action.

Progress::getWorkflowProgressID() — Method in class Progress

Gets the ID of the progress object.

Progress::getWorkflowProgressCategoryHandle() — Method in class Progress

Gets the ID of the progress object.

Progress::getWorkflowProgressCategoryID() — Method in class Progress

Get the category ID.

Progress::getWorkflowProgressDateAdded() — Method in class Progress

Gets the date the WorkflowProgress object was added.

Progress::getWorkflowRequestObject() — Method in class Progress

Get the WorkflowRequest object for the current WorkflowProgress object.

Progress::getByID() — Method in class Progress
Progress::getRequestedTask() — Method in class Progress
Progress::getWorkflowProgressActions() — Method in class Progress
Progress::getWorkflowProgressFormAction() — Method in class Progress
Progress::getWorkflowProgressHistoryObjectByID() — Method in class Progress
Progress::getPendingWorkflowProgressList() — Method in class Progress
Response::getWorkflowProgressResponseURL() — Method in class Response
UserProgress::getWorkflowProgressFormAction() — Method in class UserProgress
UserProgress::getPendingWorkflowProgressList() — Method in class UserProgress
UserProgress::getList() — Method in class UserProgress
ActivateUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestAdditionalActions() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::getRequestActionText() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest

Gets the translated text of action of user workflow request

ApproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::getRequestIconElement() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getRequestedVersionID() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getRequestIconElement() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestAdditionalActions() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getRequesterComment() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getPublishDate() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::getPublishEndDate() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
CalendarEventRequest::getCalendarEventVersionID() — Method in class CalendarEventRequest
CalendarEventRequest::getRequestedEventVersionObject() — Method in class CalendarEventRequest
CalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestAdditionalActions() — Method in class CalendarEventRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::getPagePermissionsInheritance() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::getPagePermissionSet() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::getWorkflowRequestAdditionalActions() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::getPagePermissionsInheritance() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
DeleteCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class DeleteCalendarEventRequest
DeleteCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class DeleteCalendarEventRequest
DeleteCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class DeleteCalendarEventRequest
DeleteCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class DeleteCalendarEventRequest
DeleteCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class DeleteCalendarEventRequest
DeleteCalendarEventRequest::getRequestIconElement() — Method in class DeleteCalendarEventRequest
DeletePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class DeletePageRequest
DeletePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class DeletePageRequest
DeletePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class DeletePageRequest
DeletePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class DeletePageRequest
DeletePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class DeletePageRequest
DeleteUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest
DeleteUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest
DeleteUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest
DeleteUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest
DeleteUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest
DeleteUserRequest::getWorkflowRequestAdditionalActions() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest
DeleteUserRequest::getRequestActionText() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest

Gets the translated text of action of user workflow request

MovePageRequest::getRequestedTargetPageID() — Method in class MovePageRequest
MovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class MovePageRequest
MovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class MovePageRequest
MovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class MovePageRequest
MovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class MovePageRequest
MovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class MovePageRequest
PageRequest::getRequestedPageID() — Method in class PageRequest
PageRequest::getRequestedPageVersionID() — Method in class PageRequest
PageRequest::getRequestIconElement() — Method in class PageRequest
Request::getWorkflowRequestStatusNum() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestID() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestPermissionKeyID() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestPermissionKeyObject() — Method in class Request
Request::getCurrentWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class Request
Request::getRequesterUserID() — Method in class Request
Request::getRequesterUserObject() — Method in class Request
Request::getByID() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class Request
Request::getWorkflowRequestAdditionalActions() — Method in class Request
Request::getRequesterComment() — Method in class Request
Request::getRequestIconElement() — Method in class Request
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::getRequestIconElement() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::getRequestedVersionID() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestStyleClass() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonClass() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::getWorkflowRequestApproveButtonText() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::getRequestIconElement() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UserRequest::getRequestedUserID() — Method in class UserRequest
UserRequest::getRequestAction() — Method in class UserRequest

Gets the action of user workflow request. There are four actions: activate, register_activate, deactivate and delete

UserRequest::getRequestIconElement() — Method in class UserRequest
Type::getWorkflowTypeID() — Method in class Type

Get the ID of this workflow type.

Type::getWorkflowTypeHandle() — Method in class Type

Get the handle of this workflow type.

Type::getWorkflowTypeName() — Method in class Type

Get the name of this workflow type.

Type::getPackageID() — Method in class Type

Get the ID of the package that created this workflow type.

Type::getPackageHandle() — Method in class Type

Get the handle of the package that created this workflow type.

Type::getWorkflows() — Method in class Type

Gets all workflows belonging to this type, sorted by their display name.

Type::getByID() — Method in class Type

Get a workflow type given its ID.

Type::getByHandle() — Method in class Type

Gets a Workflow Type by handle.

Type::getList() — Method in class Type

Get the list of the currently installed workflow types, sorted by their name.

Type::getListByPackage() — Method in class Type

Get the list of the currently installed workflow types that were created by a package, sorted by their name.

Workflow::getWorkflowID() — Method in class Workflow

Get the workflow ID.

Workflow::getWorkflowName() — Method in class Workflow

Get the workflow (English) name.

Workflow::getWorkflowDisplayName() — Method in class Workflow

Get the display name for this workflow (localized and escaped accordingly to $format).

Workflow::getAllowedTasks() — Method in class Workflow

Get the list of allowed tasks.

Workflow::getWorkflowTypeObject() — Method in class Workflow

Get the workflow type associated to this workflow.

Workflow::getRestrictedToPermissionKeyHandles() — Method in class Workflow

Get the list of permission key handles that this workflow can be attached to.

Workflow::getPermissionResponseClassName() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getPermissionAssignmentClassName() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getPermissionObjectKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getPermissionObjectIdentifier() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getWorkflowProgressCurrentStatusNum() — Method in class Workflow

By default the basic workflow just passes the status num from the request we do this so that we can order things by most important, etc.

Workflow::getList() — Method in class Workflow

Get the list of installed workflows, sorted by the workflow display name.

Workflow::getListByPackage() — Method in class Workflow

Get the list of workflows installed by a package, sorted by the workflow display name.

Workflow::getByID() — Method in class Workflow

Get a workflow given its ID.

Workflow::getByName() — Method in class Workflow

Get a workflow given its (English) name.

Workflow::getWorkflowProgressApprovalUsers() — Method in class Workflow

Get the list of users that can approve an operation.

Workflow::getWorkflowProgressActions() — Method in class Workflow

Get the list of actions that can be performed against an operation.

Workflow::getWorkflowProgressCurrentComment() — Method in class Workflow

Get the comments about an operation.

Workflow::getWorkflowProgressStatusDescription() — Method in class Workflow

Get the description of the status of an operation.

Workflow::getPermissionAccessObject() — Method in class Workflow
Controller::getPackageName() — Method in class Controller

Get the translated name of the package.

Controller::getPackageDescription() — Method in class Controller

Get the translated package description.

Controller::getPackageName() — Method in class Controller

Get the translated name of the package.

Controller::getPackageDescription() — Method in class Controller

Get the translated package description.

Controller::getPackageName() — Method in class Controller

Get the translated name of the package.

Controller::getPackageDescription() — Method in class Controller

Get the translated package description.

PageTheme::getThemeName() — Method in class PageTheme

Get the (English) name of the theme.

PageTheme::getThemeDescription() — Method in class PageTheme

Get the (English) description of this theme.

PageTheme::getThemeSupportedFeatures() — Method in class PageTheme

Get the handles of the features supported by this theme.

PageTheme::getThemeResponsiveImageMap() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getThemeEditorClasses() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getDocumentationProvider() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getColorCollection() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getThemeSupportedFeatures() — Method in class PageTheme

Get the handles of the features supported by this theme.

PageTheme::getThemeSupportedFeatures() — Method in class PageTheme

Get the handles of the features supported by this theme.

PageTheme::getThemeName() — Method in class PageTheme

Get the (English) name of the theme.

PageTheme::getThemeDescription() — Method in class PageTheme

Get the (English) description of this theme.

PageTheme::getThemeBlockClasses() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getThemeAreaClasses() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getThemeDefaultBlockTemplates() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getThemeResponsiveImageMap() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getThemeEditorClasses() — Method in class PageTheme
PageTheme::getThemeAreaLayoutPresets() — Method in class PageTheme


$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
Controller::handleFailedLogin() — Method in class Controller
Controller::hook() — Method in class Controller

Controller method for the hook template This method is called before hook.php is rendered, use it to set data for that template.

Controller::hooked() — Method in class Controller

Controller method for the hooked template This method gets called before hooked.php is rendered, use it to set data for that template.

Controller::handle_detach_attempt() — Method in class Controller
Controller::handle_detach_attempt() — Method in class Controller
Controller::handle_detach_attempt() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#haveRetrievedSelfProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#haveRetrievedSelfPlus1Property in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#homePageIDProperty in class Controller
$ NavItem#hasChildrenProperty in class NavItem
NavItem::hasChildren() — Method in class NavItem

Returns the number of children below this current nav item.

$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#heightModeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#headerBackgroundColorProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#headerBackgroundColorActiveSortProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#headerTextColorProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#hideFoldersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#headerBackgroundColorProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#headerBackgroundColorActiveSortProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#headerTextColorProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#heightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#heightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#hColorProperty in class Controller

The color to be used to highlight results.

Controller::highlightedMarkup() — Method in class Controller

Highlight parts of a text.

Controller::highlightedExtendedMarkup() — Method in class Controller

Highlight parts of a text (extended version).

$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
Controller::hasVoted() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#helpersProperty in class Controller
File::handleUpload() — Method in class File
File::handleUploadedFile() — Method in class File
$ Tasks#httpResponseFactoryProperty in class Tasks
$ Storage#helpersProperty in class Storage
HelpClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Help
$ SitemapSelector#helpersProperty in class SitemapSelector
$ Add#helpersProperty in class Add
$ Edit#helpersProperty in class Edit
Activate::handler() — Method in class Activate
Group::handler() — Method in class Group
HeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Express\Entries
HeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Files
HeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Pages\Types
HeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Reports\Forms
$ Search#headerSearchActionProperty in class Search

This is where the header search bar in the page should point. This search bar allows keyword searching in different contexts. Valid options are view and folder.

HeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Users
$ Search#headerSearchActionProperty in class Search

This is where the header search bar in the page should point. This search bar allows keyword searching in different contexts.

$ Search#headerSearchActionProperty in class Search

This is where the header search bar in the page should point. This search bar allows keyword searching in different contexts. Valid options are view and folder.

$ Search#headerSearchActionProperty in class Search

This is where the header search bar in the page should point. This search bar allows keyword searching in different contexts. Valid options are view and folder.

$ Search#headerSearchActionProperty in class Search

This is where the header search bar in the page should point. This search bar allows keyword searching in different contexts. Valid options are view and folder.

HeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Search\Pages
HeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Search\Users\Groups
$ Search#headerSearchActionProperty in class Search

This is where the header search bar in the page should point. This search bar allows keyword searching in different contexts. Valid options are view and folder.

HeartbeatClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
$ Install#helpersProperty in class Install
HelpClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel
Block::handle() — Method in class Block

Entrypoint to handle the task.

$ Board#hasWorkflowsProperty in class Board
$ BoardAdmin#hasWorkflowsProperty in class BoardAdmin
$ Calendar#hasWorkflowsProperty in class Calendar
$ CalendarAdmin#hasWorkflowsProperty in class CalendarAdmin
Conversation::handle() — Method in class Conversation

Entrypoint to handle the task.

Page::handle() — Method in class Page

Entrypoint to handle the task.

$ User#hasWorkflowsProperty in class User
$ EditProfile#helpersProperty in class EditProfile
$ Dashboard#helpersProperty in class Dashboard
$ Messages#helpersProperty in class Messages
$ AddSet#helpersProperty in class AddSet
$ Search#headerMenuProperty in class Search
$ Search#headerSearchProperty in class Search
$ Sets#helpersProperty in class Sets
$ News#helpersProperty in class News
HealthClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Reports
$ Logs#headerMenuProperty in class Logs
$ Logs#headerSearchProperty in class Logs
$ Search#headerMenuProperty in class Search
$ Search#headerSearchProperty in class Search
$ System#helpersProperty in class System
$ Add#helpersProperty in class Add
$ Icons#helpersProperty in class Icons
$ Multilingual#helpersProperty in class Multilingual
$ Filetypes#helpersProperty in class Filetypes
$ Thumbnails#helpersProperty in class Thumbnails
$ PageReport#helpersProperty in class PageReport
$ TranslateInterface#helpersProperty in class TranslateInterface
$ Maintenance#helpersProperty in class Maintenance
$ Workflows#helpersProperty in class Workflows
$ Groups#headerMenuProperty in class Groups
$ Groups#headerSearchProperty in class Groups
$ Search#headerMenuProperty in class Search
$ Search#headerSearchProperty in class Search
HealthClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Welcome
$ Login#helpersProperty in class Login
$ Register#helpersProperty in class Register
Library::hasOptionsForm() — Method in class Library
$ Locale#home_page_idProperty in class Locale
$ Site#handleProperty in class Site
$ Site#home_page_idProperty in class Site
$ User#has_avatarProperty in class User
$ CreateOAuthClientCommand#hasCustomScopesProperty in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::hasCustomScopes() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
Controller::handleLogin() — Method in class Controller

Handle the login portion of an authorization request This method renders a view for login that handles either email or username based login

Controller::handleAuthorizeClient() — Method in class Controller

Handle the scope authorization portion of an authorization request This method renders a view that outputs a list of scopes and asks the user to verify that they want to give the client the access that is being requested.

Application::handleScheduledJobs() — Method in class Application

If we have job scheduling running through the site, we check to see if it's time to go for it.

Application::handleAutomaticUpdates() — Method in class Application

Check if the core needs to be updated, and if so, updates it.

Application::handleURLSlashes() — Method in class Application

Using the configuration value, determines whether we need to redirect to a URL with a trailing slash or not.

Application::handleCanonicalURLRedirection() — Method in class Application

If we have redirect to canonical host enabled, we need to honor it here.

EditResponse::hasError() — Method in class EditResponse

Does this response contain an error?

HelpClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface
HelpPanelMessageFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
AbstractMenu::hasItems() — Method in class AbstractMenu
$ DialogLinkItem#heightProperty in class DialogLinkItem
AbstractNavigationCache::has() — Method in class AbstractNavigationCache
Navigation::has() — Method in class Navigation

Check if this instance contains a PageItem instance with the same page ID.

$ Item#handleProperty in class Item
$ Item#hrefProperty in class Item
CustomLayout::hasAreaLayoutCustomColumnWidths() — Method in class CustomLayout
ThemeGridLayout::hasAreaLayoutCustomColumnWidths() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
Asset::hasAssetBeenMapped() — Method in class Asset

Does the URL/path have already been resolved (starting from the location) for this (local) assets?

$ KeySerializer#hasMultipleValuesProperty in class KeySerializer

Check whether we need a specific display for this attribute form or not.

KeySerializer::hasMultipleValues() — Method in class KeySerializer
AuthenticationType::hasHook() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::hasHooked() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Does this authentication type support rendering a form when it has already been hooked?

GenericOauthTypeController::handle_error() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::handle_success() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::handle_register() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::handle_authentication_attempt() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::handle_authentication_callback() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::handle_attach_attempt() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::handle_attach_callback() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::handle_detach_attempt() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
HttpClientClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\OAuth
GenericOauth1aTypeController::handle_authentication_attempt() — Method in class GenericOauth1aTypeController
GenericOauth1aTypeController::handle_authentication_callback() — Method in class GenericOauth1aTypeController
GenericOauth1aTypeController::handle_attach_attempt() — Method in class GenericOauth1aTypeController
GenericOauth1aTypeController::handle_attach_callback() — Method in class GenericOauth1aTypeController
GenericOauth2TypeController::handle_authentication_attempt() — Method in class GenericOauth2TypeController
GenericOauth2TypeController::handle_authentication_callback() — Method in class GenericOauth2TypeController
GenericOauth2TypeController::handle_attach_attempt() — Method in class GenericOauth2TypeController
GenericOauth2TypeController::handle_attach_callback() — Method in class GenericOauth2TypeController
ServiceProvider::handle() — Method in class ServiceProvider
$ ContentImporter#homeProperty in class ContentImporter
$ ImportPageStructureRoutine#homeProperty in class ImportPageStructureRoutine
$ BlockController#headerItemsProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#helpersProperty in class BlockController
HasSubBlocksTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Traits
SlotRenderer::hasContents() — Method in class SlotRenderer

Returns true if the slot has a block inside it.

OpCache::hasEAccelerator() — Method in class OpCache

Is eAccelerator installed and enabled?

OpCache::hasAPC() — Method in class OpCache

Is Alternative PHP Cache (APC) installed and enabled?

OpCache::hasXCache() — Method in class OpCache

Is XCache installed and enabled?

OpCache::hasWinCache() — Method in class OpCache

Is WinCacne installed and enabled?

OpCache::hasZendOpCache() — Method in class OpCache

Is Zend OPCache installed and enabled?

Library::hasOptionsForm() — Method in class Library

Does this library has an option form?

HandleBatchMessageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch\Command
HandleBatchMessageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch\Command
HandleProcessMessageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
HandleProcessMessageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
HttpResponseFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Scheduler\Response
Input::hasField() — Method in class Input
InputInterface::hasField() — Method in class InputInterface
HttpResponseFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Response
HandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner
$ FileLoader#hintsProperty in class FileLoader

All of the named path hints.

Liaison::has() — Method in class Liaison
Repository::has() — Method in class Repository

Determine if the given configuration value exists.

Repository::hasGroup() — Method in class Repository

Determine if a configuration group exists.

$ Command#hiddenProperty in class Command
Command::hasArgument() — Method in class Command

Determine if the given argument is present.

Command::hasOption() — Method in class Command

Determine if the given option is present.

ConfigCommand::handle() — Method in class ConfigCommand
ExportCommand::handle() — Method in class ExportCommand

Handle processing calls to this command

FixDatabaseForeignKeys::handle() — Method in class FixDatabaseForeignKeys
PackPackageCommand::handle() — Method in class PackPackageCommand

Execute the command.

PhpCodingStyleCommand::handle() — Method in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
RefreshBoardsCommand::handle() — Method in class RefreshBoardsCommand
ReindexCommand::handle() — Method in class ReindexCommand
RunSchedulerCommand::handle() — Method in class RunSchedulerCommand
RunSchedulerInForegroundCommand::handle() — Method in class RunSchedulerInForegroundCommand
SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommand::handle() — Method in class SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommand
ConsoleAwareTrait::hasConsole() — Method in class ConsoleAwareTrait

Find out if we are in console context

$ AbstractController#helpersProperty in class AbstractController

The handles of the helpers to be returned by the getHelperObjects method.

$ DashboardExpressEntryListTrait#headerSearchProperty in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
$ DashboardExpressEntryListTrait#headerMenuProperty in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
HandleNewConversationMessageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Command
HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Command
Editor::hasOptionsForm() — Method in class Editor

Returns whether or not the current Conversation Editor has an options form.

$ FlagType#handleProperty in class FlagType
Message::hasRatedMessage() — Method in class Message
CookieJar::has() — Method in class CookieJar

Does a cookie exist in the request or response cookies?

ResponseCookieJar::hasCookie() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

There's a cookie with the specific name in the response cookies?

$ CsvSchema#headerCellsProperty in class CsvSchema

The header cells.

DatabaseStructureManager::hasEntities() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Determines whether the entity manager instance for this class has any entity classes defined in its entity class path.

$ Device#handleProperty in class Device
$ Device#heightProperty in class Device
DeviceManager::has() — Method in class DeviceManager
DeviceManagerInterface::has() — Method in class DeviceManagerInterface
$ PasswordHasher#hashOptionsProperty in class PasswordHasher

Options to provide when hashing and checking passwords

PasswordHasher::hashPassword() — Method in class PasswordHasher

Create a hash for a plain password.

$ Announcement#handleProperty in class Announcement
AddressSettings::hasCustomCountries() — Method in class AddressSettings
$ Task#handleProperty in class Task
$ TaskSet#handleProperty in class TaskSet
BlockType::hasAddTemplate() — Method in class BlockType

Determines if the block type has templates available.

$ Board#hasCustomSlotTemplatesProperty in class Board
$ Board#hasCustomWeightingRulesProperty in class Board
Board::hasCustomSlotTemplates() — Method in class Board
Board::hasCustomWeightingRules() — Method in class Board
$ DataSource#handleProperty in class DataSource
$ SlotTemplate#handleProperty in class SlotTemplate
$ Template#handleProperty in class Template
$ CalendarEvent#hasCustomSummaryTemplatesProperty in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::hasCustomSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::hasCustomSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
$ TextControl#headlineProperty in class TextControl
$ Entity#handleProperty in class Entity
Type::hasOptionsForm() — Method in class Type
File::hasFileUUID() — Method in class File
$ Editor#handleProperty in class Editor
StorageLocation::hasFiles() — Method in class StorageLocation

Check if the storage location contains files

Type::hasOptionsForm() — Method in class Type
Version::hasFileUUID() — Method in class Version
Version::hasPublicURL() — Method in class Version

If the file storage location of this file has public URL or not.

Version::hasImagineImage() — Method in class Version

Does the \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface instance have already been loaded?

Version::hasThumbnail() — Method in class Version
$ Finding#handleProperty in class Finding
$ Client#hasCustomScopesProperty in class Client
Client::hasCustomScopes() — Method in class Client
$ IpAccessControlCategory#handleProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The IP Access Control Category handle.

$ StyleSet#hideOnExtraSmallDeviceProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#hideOnSmallDeviceProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#hideOnMediumDeviceProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#hideOnLargeDeviceProperty in class StyleSet
$ Category#handleProperty in class Category
$ Field#handleProperty in class Field
$ Template#handleProperty in class Template
ErrorList::has() — Method in class ErrorList

Returns whether or not this error list has more than zero error registered within it.

HtmlAwareErrorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Error
$ ErrorHandler#hideConfigKeysProperty in class ErrorHandler
ErrorHandler::handle() — Method in class ErrorHandler
JsonErrorHandler::handle() — Method in class JsonErrorHandler
AttributeKeyHandleGenerator::handleIsAvailable() — Method in class AttributeKeyHandleGenerator
ExpressEntryCommandHandlerTrait::handleAttributeMap() — Method in class ExpressEntryCommandHandlerTrait
ExpressEntryCommandHandlerTrait::handleAssociationMap() — Method in class ExpressEntryCommandHandlerTrait
EntityHandleGenerator::handleIsAvailable() — Method in class EntityHandleGenerator
HandleRequiredFeaturesTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Feature\Traits
HandleRequiredFeaturesTrait::handleRequiredFeatures() — Method in class HandleRequiredFeaturesTrait

Given a block or page controller that we're rendering, we request all the features required by that block controller and then add them to the page's header/footer via requireAsset, if they're not already provided by the theme (which we check via getThemeSupportedFeatures)

ConfigurationInterface::hasCustomImportHandler() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface
$ ExternalFileEntry#heightProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
$ Version#handleProperty in class Version

The handle of the thumbnail type version.

$ Version#heightProperty in class Version

The height of the thumbnails (or the maximum height in case of proportional sizing).

Set::hasFileID() — Method in class Set
ConfigurationInterface::hasPublicURL() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Does this storage location have a public url

ConfigurationInterface::hasRelativePath() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Does this storage location have a relative path

LocalConfiguration::hasPublicURL() — Method in class LocalConfiguration

Does this storage location have a public url

LocalConfiguration::hasRelativePath() — Method in class LocalConfiguration

Does this storage location have a relative path

$ ControlEntry#handleProperty in class ControlEntry
Form::hidden() — Method in class Form

Creates a hidden form field.

$ Attribute#helperAlwaysCreateNewInstanceProperty in class Attribute
$ ClassAutoloader#hookedProperty in class ClassAutoloader

Is this instance in the autoload queue?

ClassAutoloader::hook() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Ensure that this instance is in the autoload queue.

HandlerAwareCommandInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Command
DefaultRunner::handleUpdates() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Update automatically.

DefaultRunner::handleEventing() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Fire HTTP events.

DefaultRunner::handlePermissionKeys() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Load all permission keys.

GeolocationResult::hasError() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Does an error occurred?

GeolocationResult::hasData() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Does this instance contain some geolocalized data?

GeolocatorController::hasConfigurationForm() — Method in class GeolocatorController

Does this geolocator library has a configuration form?

GeolocatorControllerInterface::hasConfigurationForm() — Method in class GeolocatorControllerInterface

Does this geolocator library has a configuration form?

PassFailGrade::hasPassed() — Method in class PassFailGrade
HealthServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health
HasLocationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message\Formatter\Search
HtmlServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html
HeadLinkClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Object
HtmlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Service

Functions to help with using HTML. Does not include form elements - those have their own helper.

$ Seo#hasCustomTitleProperty in class Seo
Seo::hasCustomTitle() — Method in class Seo
DefaultDispatcher::handleDispatch() — Method in class DefaultDispatcher
DefaultServer::handleRequest() — Method in class DefaultServer

Take a request and pass it through middleware, then return the response

FlysystemFileResponse::hasValidIfRangeHeader() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse
HttpServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
$ RequestBase#hasCustomRequestUserProperty in class RequestBase
RequestBase::hasCustomRequestUser() — Method in class RequestBase
ServerInterface::handleRequest() — Method in class ServerInterface

Handle a request and return a response

InstallerOptions::hasConfigurationFiles() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Do the configuration files exist?

$ DatabaseItemList#havingStringProperty in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::having() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
Loader::helper() — Method in class Loader
Pagination::hasNextPage() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::hasPreviousPage() — Method in class Pagination
PasswordHash::HashPassword() — Method in class PasswordHash
$ CommunityStoreTranslationProvider#httpClientFactoryProperty in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider
TranslationLoaderRepository::hasTranslationLoader() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepository

Determines whether a translation loader with the specified handle has been registered.

TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface::hasTranslationLoader() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface

Determines whether a translation loader with the specified handle has been registered.

TranslatorAdapterRepository::hasTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepository

Checks whether a translator has been defined for the given handle and locale.

TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface::hasTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface

Checks whether a translator has been defined for the given handle and locale.

$ Service#headersProperty in class Service

Additional email message headers.

Marketplace::hasConnectionError() — Method in class Marketplace
$ RemotePackage#handleProperty in class RemotePackage
HandlersLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger
MessageBusManager::has() — Method in class MessageBusManager
MessengerEventSubscriber::handleWorkerStartedEvent() — Method in class MessengerEventSubscriber
MessengerEventSubscriber::handleWorkerMessageFailedEvent() — Method in class MessengerEventSubscriber
FailedTransportManager::has() — Method in class FailedTransportManager
ReceiverLocator::has() — Method in class ReceiverLocator
SenderLocator::has() — Method in class SenderLocator
$ NavigationFactory#homeProperty in class NavigationFactory
$ MercureService#hubProperty in class MercureService
AbstractCategory::hasItems() — Method in class AbstractCategory
ItemInterface::hasItems() — Method in class ItemInterface
$ PackageInfo#handleProperty in class PackageInfo

The package handle.

Package::hasInstallNotes() — Method in class Package

Does this package have install notes?

Package::hasUninstallNotes() — Method in class Package

Does this package have uninstall notes?

Package::hasInstallPostScreen() — Method in class Package

Does this package have a post-install page?

StartingPointPackage::hasCustomList() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
Collection::hasAliasedContent() — Method in class Collection

Does this collection contain blocks that are aliased in other pages?

$ AccountPageController#helpersProperty in class AccountPageController
$ DashboardPageController#helpersProperty in class DashboardPageController
$ PageController#hasCheckedSessionMessagesProperty in class PageController
HandleGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
$ Page#hasCustomSummaryTemplateCollectionProperty in class Page

Whether this page has a custom summary template collection assigned to it. If null/false, then we just use any that are found to fit the criteria.

Page::hasCustomSummaryTemplates() — Method in class Page
Page::hasPageThemeCustomizations() — Method in class Page

Does this page have theme customizations?

GridFramework::hasPageThemeGridFrameworkOffsetClasses() — Method in class GridFramework
Theme::hasSkins() — Method in class Theme

Returns true if theme or user preset skins are available

Theme::hasPresetSkins() — Method in class Theme

Checks the filesystem and returns true if custom skins are available for the theme.

Theme::hasColorCollection() — Method in class Theme
Theme::hasThemeDocumentation() — Method in class Theme

Checks to see if theme documentation has been installed

Theme::hasCustomClass() — Method in class Theme

Returns whether a theme has a custom class.

Type::hasOptionsForm() — Method in class Type
Category::handleExists() — Method in class Category
$ GenericTaskHandler#hasWorkflowsProperty in class GenericTaskHandler

Should we save workflows when saving permissions?

GenericTaskHandler::handle() — Method in class GenericTaskHandler

Entrypoint to handle the task.

$ ObjectTaskHandler#hasWorkflowsProperty in class ObjectTaskHandler

Should we save workflows when saving permissions?

ObjectTaskHandler::handle() — Method in class ObjectTaskHandler

Entrypoint to handle the task.

TaskHandlerInterface::handle() — Method in class TaskHandlerInterface

Entrypoint to handle the task.

Key::hasCustomOptionsForm() — Method in class Key

Does this permission key have a form (located at elements/permission/keys/.php)?

HomePageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
Route::hasCustomName() — Method in class Route
Router::head() — Method in class Router
$ PagerPagination#hasNextPageProperty in class PagerPagination
PagerPagination::haveToPaginate() — Method in class PagerPagination
PagerPagination::hasNextPage() — Method in class PagerPagination
PagerPagination::hasPreviousPage() — Method in class PagerPagination
ConfiguratorInterface::hasRule() — Method in class ConfiguratorInterface

Checks if a configuration contains a rule.

ApacheConfigurator::hasRule() — Method in class ApacheConfigurator

Checks if a configuration contains a rule.

NginxConfigurator::hasRule() — Method in class NginxConfigurator

Checks if a configuration contains a rule.

ManagerInterface::has() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Does this handle exist? This method MUST return true for anything added with ->extend.

ServiceManager::has() — Method in class ServiceManager

Does this handle exist? This method MUST return true for anything added with ->extend.

SessionValidator::handleSessionValidation() — Method in class SessionValidator
SessionValidator::hasActiveSession() — Method in class SessionValidator

Check if there is an active session.

SessionValidatorInterface::handleSessionValidation() — Method in class SessionValidatorInterface

Handle invalidating a session This method MUST manage invalidating the session.

LegacyCustomizationsManager::hasPageThemeCustomizations() — Method in class LegacyCustomizationsManager

Detects whether individual pages have theme customizations applied, either through the application of a custom skin, or in the case of the legacy customizer, the application of a custom style set.

LegacyCustomizationsManager::hasSiteThemeCustomizations() — Method in class LegacyCustomizationsManager

Detects whether your site has theme-level customizations applied. Only really applicable for the legacy customizer.

ManagerInterface::hasSiteThemeCustomizations() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Detects whether your site has theme-level customizations applied. Only really applicable for the legacy customizer.

ManagerInterface::hasPageThemeCustomizations() — Method in class ManagerInterface

Detects whether individual pages have theme customizations applied, either through the application of a custom skin, or in the case of the legacy customizer, the application of a custom style set.

SkinCustomizationsManager::hasPageThemeCustomizations() — Method in class SkinCustomizationsManager

Detects whether individual pages have theme customizations applied, either through the application of a custom skin, or in the case of the legacy customizer, the application of a custom style set.

SkinCustomizationsManager::hasSiteThemeCustomizations() — Method in class SkinCustomizationsManager

Detects whether your site has theme-level customizations applied. Only really applicable for the legacy customizer.

ColorValue::hasAlpha() — Method in class ColorValue

Is the alpha channel set?

ValueContainerInterface::hasSubStyleValues() — Method in class ValueContainerInterface
ValueContainerTrait::hasSubStyleValues() — Method in class ValueContainerTrait
CategoryMemberInterface::hasCustomSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CategoryMemberInterface
$ MethodSymbol#handleProperty in class MethodSymbol

The method handle.

PathUrlResolver::handlePath() — Method in class PathUrlResolver
$ AvatarCropperInstance#heightProperty in class AvatarCropperInstance
Group::hasUserManagerPermissions() — Method in class Group
LoginService::handleUserError() — Method in class LoginService

Throw an exception based on the given error number

PasswordChangeEventHandler::handleEvent() — Method in class PasswordChangeEventHandler

Event handler for on_user_change_password events

HomeFolderColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet\Column
HomeFolderFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Field\Field
$ User#hasherProperty in class User
UserInfo::hasAvatar() — Method in class UserInfo
UserServiceProvider::handleEvent() — Method in class UserServiceProvider

Handle routing bound events

IPAddress::hex2bin() — Method in class IPAddress

Fallback function for those using < PHP 5.4 Decodes a hexadecimally encoded binary string.

Text::handle() — Method in class Text

Takes a string and turns it into a handle.

Text::highlightSearch() — Method in class Text

Highlights a string within a string with the class ccm-highlight-search.

Strings::handle() — Method in class Strings

Returns true if the passed string is a valid "handle" (e.g. only letters, numbers, or a _ symbol).

Service::hasBannedWords() — Method in class Service

Check if the given sentence has the banned words.

Service::hasBannedWord() — Method in class Service

Check if the given sentence has the banned word.

ReuseValidator::hasBeenUsed() — Method in class ReuseValidator

Check whether a string has been used against an id

ValidatorManager::hasValidator() — Method in class ValidatorManager

Does a validator with this handle exist?

ValidatorManagerInterface::hasValidator() — Method in class ValidatorManagerInterface

Does a validator with this handle exist?

HistoryEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\HistoryEntry
HistoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress


Controller::importValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isAuthenticated() — Method in class Controller

Test user authentication status.

Controller::invalid_token() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isValid() — Method in class Controller
$ AccordionEntry#idProperty in class AccordionEntry
$ Controller#initialStateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#itemHeadingFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#ignoreExcludeNavProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeParentItemProperty in class Controller
$ NavItem#isActiveProperty in class NavItem
NavItem::isActive() — Method in class NavItem

Determines whether this nav item is the current page the user is on.

$ Controller#includeCurrentProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#ignoreExcludeNavProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#ignorePermissionProperty in class Controller
Controller::importAdditionalData() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#instanceSlotIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::importAdditionalData() — Method in class Controller

Import additional data about this block.

$ Controller#itemsPerPageProperty in class Controller
Controller::ignorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainer() — Method in class Controller

If true, container classes will not be wrapped around this block type in edit mode (if the theme in question supports a grid framework.

Controller::isValidControllerTask() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isValidControllerTask() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isSelectedDate() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isColumnSortable() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isSearchListRequest() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isValidControllerTask() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#iconProperty in class Controller
Controller::isComposerControlDraftValueEmpty() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#iconProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#internalLinkCIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::isComposerControlDraftValueEmpty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isComposerControlDraftValueEmpty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importAdditionalData() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#includeDownloadLinkProperty in class Controller
Controller::importAdditionalData() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#imageProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#iconProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#internalLinkCIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::importAdditionalData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isComposerControlDraftValueEmpty() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#includeNameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeDescriptionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeDateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeAllDescendentsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#ignorePermissionsProperty in class Controller
Controller::isValidControllerTask() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isBlockEmpty() — Method in class Controller
Controller::isValidControllerTask() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#itemsToDisplayProperty in class Controller
Controller::indexExists() — Method in class Controller

Is there some page in the PageSearchIndex database table?

$ SurveyList#itemsPerPageProperty in class SurveyList
Controller::isValidStack() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#includeBrandTextProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeBrandLogoProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeTransparencyProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeStickyNavProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeNavigationProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeNavigationDropdownsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeSearchInputProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#includeSwitchLanguageProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#ignorePermissionsProperty in class Controller
Controller::includePageInNavigation() — Method in class Controller
Controller::includeSubPagesInNavigation() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#iv_load_policyProperty in class Controller
InstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Board
$ File#importOriginalPageProperty in class File

The original page to be used when importing files (if any).

File::importIncoming() — Method in class File
File::importRemote() — Method in class File
File::isFullChunkFilePresent() — Method in class File
Chooser::importExternal() — Method in class Chooser
ImageEditorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\File\Importer
ImageEditor::importData() — Method in class ImageEditor
Thumbnailer::isBuilt() — Method in class Thumbnailer
IntelligentSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
Multilingual::ignore() — Method in class Multilingual
$ MarketplaceItem#itemProperty in class MarketplaceItem
ImportClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
Permissions::isPermissionsInheritOverride() — Method in class Permissions
IntelligentSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Navigation
ItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Package
$ CustomizeResults#includeNumberOfResultsProperty in class CustomizeResults
CustomizeResults::includeNumberOfResults() — Method in class CustomizeResults
$ SearchFieldSelector#includeJavaScriptProperty in class SearchFieldSelector
Header::isCanAddGroup() — Method in class Header
AddFile::importFile() — Method in class AddFile
AddMessage::isSpam() — Method in class AddMessage
MessageDetail::isPostingEnabled() — Method in class MessageDetail
MessageDetail::isCommentRatingEnabled() — Method in class MessageDetail
MessageDetail::isDisplaySocialLinks() — Method in class MessageDetail
MessagePage::isPostingEnabled() — Method in class MessagePage
MessagePage::isOrderingEnabled() — Method in class MessagePage
MessagePage::isCommentRatingEnabled() — Method in class MessagePage
ViewAjax::isPaginate() — Method in class ViewAjax
ViewAjax::isDisplayForm() — Method in class ViewAjax
InstallClass in namespace Concrete\Controller
$ Install#installerProperty in class Install

The installer instance.

Entity::isDisableDuration() — Method in class Entity
Types::inspect() — Method in class Types
Types::install() — Method in class Types
InstancesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
InstallClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Extend
Install::inspect_package() — Method in class Install
Install::install_package() — Method in class Install
Themes::install_documentation() — Method in class Themes
Themes::install() — Method in class Themes
InspectClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Themes
Logs::isReportEnabled() — Method in class Logs
Explore::include_system_pages() — Method in class Explore
Full::include_system_pages() — Method in class Full
IntegrationsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Api
IconsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
Multilingual::interface_settings_saved() — Method in class Multilingual
Update::install_package_locale() — Method in class Update
ImportClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Calendar
InfoClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
Entities::include_unpublished_entities() — Method in class Entities
ImageEditorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
ImageUploadingClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
ImportersClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Mail
Importers::importer_updated() — Method in class Importers
Events::isTestConnectionAvailable() — Method in class Events

Looks at a) whether events are enabled b) whether the URL is specified c) whether all the required fields for the connection method are set.

Jobs::install() — Method in class Jobs
AutomatedLogout::invalidate_sessions() — Method in class AutomatedLogout

An action for invalidating all active sessions.

AutomatedLogout::invalidateSessions() — Method in class AutomatedLogout

Invalidate all user sessions.

GlobalPasswordReset::isFormDisabled() — Method in class GlobalPasswordReset
PasswordRequirements::int() — Method in class PasswordRequirements

Normalize a given number.

$ WelcomeController#itemFactoryProperty in class WelcomeController
IconInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Icon
ImgIconClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Icon
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item
$ StandardItem#iconProperty in class StandardItem
IntranetsAndPortalsItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item\Welcome
$ FeatureSlide#itemsProperty in class FeatureSlide
Library::isSystemAntispamLibraryActive() — Method in class Library
System::info() — Method in class System
InvalidLimitQueryParameterValueExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Exception
AreaTransformer::includeBlocks() — Method in class AreaTransformer
AreaTransformer::includeContent() — Method in class AreaTransformer
BaseBlockTransformer::includePage() — Method in class BaseBlockTransformer
BlockTransformer::includePages() — Method in class BlockTransformer
CalendarEventTransformer::includeCustomAttributes() — Method in class CalendarEventTransformer
CalendarEventTransformer::includeVersion() — Method in class CalendarEventTransformer
CalendarTransformer::includeSite() — Method in class CalendarTransformer
ExpressEntryTransformer::includeCustomAttributes() — Method in class ExpressEntryTransformer
ExpressEntryTransformer::includeAuthor() — Method in class ExpressEntryTransformer
FileTransformer::includeCustomAttributes() — Method in class FileTransformer
PageTransformer::includeCustomAttributes() — Method in class PageTransformer
PageTransformer::includeAreas() — Method in class PageTransformer
PageTransformer::includeVersion() — Method in class PageTransformer
PageTransformer::includeFiles() — Method in class PageTransformer
PageTransformer::includeContent() — Method in class PageTransformer

Attempts to include a representation of the page's content, not including header and footer. Basically all content, in a renderable format, in the proper order of the page. Historically that has been difficult because Concrete has no idea what order your pages areas appear in, but we're going to do our best.

SiteTransformer::includeLocales() — Method in class SiteTransformer
SiteTransformer::includeCustomAttributes() — Method in class SiteTransformer
UserTransformer::includeGroups() — Method in class UserTransformer
UserTransformer::includeCustomAttributes() — Method in class UserTransformer
IntegrationListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api
$ IntegrationList#itemsPerPageProperty in class IntegrationList
$ Block#idProperty in class Block
$ Calendar#idProperty in class Calendar
$ CalendarEvent#idProperty in class CalendarEvent
$ CalendarEventVersion#idProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersion#is_approvedProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CustomAttribute#idProperty in class CustomAttribute
$ File#idProperty in class File
$ Group#idProperty in class Group
$ Locale#idProperty in class Locale
$ OptionListOption#idProperty in class OptionListOption
$ Page#idProperty in class Page
$ PageVersion#idProperty in class PageVersion
$ PageVersion#is_approvedProperty in class PageVersion
$ Site#idProperty in class Site
$ Topic#idProperty in class Topic
$ UpdatedPageVersion#is_approvedProperty in class UpdatedPageVersion
$ User#idProperty in class User
CreateOAuthClientCommand::isEnableDocumentation() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
Controller::inflateType() — Method in class Controller

Inflate an identifier into a specific type

IdTokenResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Server
IdTokenResponse::isOidcRequest() — Method in class IdTokenResponse

Determine if this request is an OIDC requadmin past. We do this by checking if the "openid" scope is included

IncludesParameterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi\Parameter
$ IncludesParameter#includesProperty in class IncludesParameter
$ Parameter#inProperty in class Parameter
$ Parameter#isRequiredProperty in class Parameter
Parameter::isRequired() — Method in class Parameter
SpecParameter::isRequired() — Method in class SpecParameter
$ SpecProperty#itemsProperty in class SpecProperty
$ DeletedResponse#idProperty in class DeletedResponse
$ Application#installedProperty in class Application
Application::isInstalled() — Method in class Application

Returns true if Concrete is installed, false if it has not yet been.

Application::isRunThroughCommandLineInterface() — Method in class Application

Returns true if the app is run through the command line.

EditResponse::isReloadCurrentPage() — Method in class EditResponse

The current page should be reloaded?

Dashboard::inDashboard() — Method in class Dashboard

Test if the a page or path path is within the dashboard.

$ DashboardMenu#itemsProperty in class DashboardMenu
$ Sitemap#isSitemapOverlayProperty in class Sitemap
$ Sitemap#includeSystemPagesProperty in class Sitemap
Sitemap::includeSystemPages() — Method in class Sitemap
$ DefaultDashboardMenu#itemsProperty in class DefaultDashboardMenu
FileManager::image() — Method in class FileManager

Sets up a form field to let users pick an image file.

$ Message#identifierProperty in class Message

The message identifier.

Validation::isUniqueUsername() — Method in class Validation
Validation::isUniqueEmail() — Method in class Validation
$ AbstractMenu#itemsProperty in class AbstractMenu
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu\Item
$ FavoritesNavigationFactory#itemsProperty in class FavoritesNavigationFactory
$ BasicIconFormatter#iconProperty in class BasicIconFormatter
IconFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Icon
ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Menu\Item
$ Item#iconProperty in class Item
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Menu\Item
ProviderInterface::includeMenuInResponse() — Method in class ProviderInterface
StandardSitemapProvider::ignorePermissions() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider

Ignore the permissions.

StandardSitemapProvider::includeMenuInResponse() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider
$ Entry#isSelectedProperty in class Entry
Entry::isSelected() — Method in class Entry
EntryInterface::isSelected() — Method in class EntryInterface
Area::isGridContainerEnabled() — Method in class Area
Area::isGlobalArea() — Method in class Area

whether or not it's a global area.

$ ContainerArea#instanceProperty in class ContainerArea
$ GlobalArea#ignoreCurrentMultilingualLanguageSectionProperty in class GlobalArea
GlobalArea::isGlobalArea() — Method in class GlobalArea
GlobalArea::ignoreCurrentLanguageSection() — Method in class GlobalArea

If called on a multilingual website, this global area will not load its content from the language-specific global area stack. Instead, it'll use the stack in the default language, throughout the website.

Layout::isAreaLayoutUsingThemeGridFramework() — Method in class Layout
InvalidPresetExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset
$ Preset#identifierProperty in class Preset
ThemeGridLayout::isAreaLayoutUsingThemeGridFramework() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
Asset::isAssetLocal() — Method in class Asset

Is this asset a locally available file (accessible with the getAssetPath method)?

AssetInterface::isAssetLocal() — Method in class AssetInterface

Is this asset a locally available file (accessible with the getAssetPath method)?

CssInlineAsset::isAssetLocal() — Method in class CssInlineAsset
CssLocalizedAsset::isAssetLocal() — Method in class CssLocalizedAsset

Is this asset a locally available file (accessible with the getAssetPath method)?

JavascriptInlineAsset::isAssetLocal() — Method in class JavascriptInlineAsset
JavascriptLocalizedAsset::isAssetLocal() — Method in class JavascriptLocalizedAsset

Is this asset a locally available file (accessible with the getAssetPath method)?

AttributeKeyInterface::isAttributeKeySearchable() — Method in class AttributeKeyInterface

Is the attribute key searchable?

AbstractCategory::import() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Import a new attribute key from a SimpleXMLElement instance.

ExpressCategory::import() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Import a new attribute key from a SimpleXMLElement instance.

LegacyCategory::import() — Method in class LegacyCategory
ExpressSearchIndexer::isValid() — Method in class ExpressSearchIndexer

Check if a category is correctly configured to handle indexing stuff.

LegacySearchIndexer::indexEntry() — Method in class LegacySearchIndexer

Store in the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

SearchIndexerInterface::indexEntry() — Method in class SearchIndexerInterface

Store in the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

StandardSearchIndexer::indexEntry() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Store in the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

StandardSearchIndexer::isValid() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Check if a category is correctly configured to handle indexing stuff.

UserCategory::import() — Method in class UserCategory

Import a new attribute key from a SimpleXMLElement instance.

OptionSelectInstanceFactory::instanceMatchesAccessToken() — Method in class OptionSelectInstanceFactory
ComposerContext::isRequired() — Method in class ComposerContext
Context::includeTemplateIfAvailable() — Method in class Context
Controller::importKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::importValue() — Method in class Controller
InvalidAttributeExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Exception
$ FontAwesomeIconFormatter#iconProperty in class FontAwesomeIconFormatter
IconFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
ImportLoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\ImportLoader
Key::isAttributeKeySearchable() — Method in class Key
SearchIndexerInterface::indexEntry() — Method in class SearchIndexerInterface

Store in the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

StandardSearchIndexer::indexEntry() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Store in the index table the value of an attribute of an item.

TypeFactory::installDatabase() — Method in class TypeFactory
AuthenticationType::isEnabled() — Method in class AuthenticationType
AuthenticationType::isHooked() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Is this authentication type already hooked for a specific user?

AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface::isAuthenticated() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface

Test user authentication status.

Extractor::idNormalizer() — Method in class Extractor
Google::imageNormalizer() — Method in class Google
Google::idNormalizer() — Method in class Google
GenericOauthTypeController::isValid() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::isEmailVerified() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauth1aTypeController::isAuthenticated() — Method in class GenericOauth1aTypeController

Test user authentication status.

GenericOauth2TypeController::isAuthenticated() — Method in class GenericOauth2TypeController

Test user authentication status.

$ ContentImporter#importModeProperty in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::importContentFile() — Method in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::importContentString() — Method in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::importXml() — Method in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::import() — Method in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::importFiles() — Method in class ContentImporter
AbstractPageContentRoutine::importPageAreas() — Method in class AbstractPageContentRoutine
ImportAttributeCategoriesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportAttributeCategoriesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportAttributeCategoriesRoutine
ImportAttributeSetsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportAttributeSetsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportAttributeSetsRoutine
ImportAttributeTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportAttributeTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportAttributeTypesRoutine
ImportAttributesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportAttributesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportAttributesRoutine
ImportBannedWordsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportBannedWordsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportBannedWordsRoutine
ImportBlockTypeSetsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportBlockTypeSetsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportBlockTypeSetsRoutine
ImportBlockTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
$ ImportBlockTypesRoutine#importModeProperty in class ImportBlockTypesRoutine
ImportBlockTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportBlockTypesRoutine
ImportBoardDataSourcesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportBoardDataSourcesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportBoardDataSourcesRoutine
ImportBoardSlotTemplatesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportBoardSlotTemplatesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportBoardSlotTemplatesRoutine
ImportBoardTemplatesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportBoardTemplatesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportBoardTemplatesRoutine
ImportBoardsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportBoardsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportBoardsRoutine
ImportConfigValuesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportConfigValuesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportConfigValuesRoutine
ImportContainersRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportContainersRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportContainersRoutine
ImportConversationEditorsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportConversationEditorsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportConversationEditorsRoutine
ImportConversationFlagTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportConversationFlagTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportConversationFlagTypesRoutine
ImportConversationRatingTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportConversationRatingTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportConversationRatingTypesRoutine
ImportDesignTagsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportDesignTagsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportDesignTagsRoutine
ImportExpressAssociationsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportExpressAssociationsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportExpressAssociationsRoutine
ImportExpressEntitiesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportExpressEntitiesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportExpressEntitiesRoutine
ImportExpressFormsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportExpressFormsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportExpressFormsRoutine
ImportExpressRelationsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportExpressRelationsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportExpressRelationsRoutine
ImportFileImportantThumbnailTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportFileImportantThumbnailTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportFileImportantThumbnailTypesRoutine
ImportGeolocatorsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportGeolocatorsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportGeolocatorsRoutine
ImportGroupsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportGroupsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportGroupsRoutine
ImportIpAccessControlCategoriesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportIpAccessControlCategoriesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportIpAccessControlCategoriesRoutine
ImportJobSetsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportJobSetsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportJobSetsRoutine
ImportJobsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportJobsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportJobsRoutine
ImportPackagesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPackagesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPackagesRoutine
ImportPageContentRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageContentRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageContentRoutine
ImportPageFeedsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageFeedsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageFeedsRoutine
ImportPageStructureRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageStructureRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageStructureRoutine
ImportPageTemplatesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageTemplatesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageTemplatesRoutine
ImportPageTypeComposerControlTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageTypeComposerControlTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageTypeComposerControlTypesRoutine
ImportPageTypeDefaultsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageTypeDefaultsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageTypeDefaultsRoutine
ImportPageTypePublishTargetTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageTypePublishTargetTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageTypePublishTargetTypesRoutine
ImportPageTypeTargetsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageTypeTargetsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageTypeTargetsRoutine
ImportPageTypesBaseRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPageTypesBaseRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPageTypesBaseRoutine
ImportPermissionAccessEntityTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPermissionAccessEntityTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPermissionAccessEntityTypesRoutine
ImportPermissionKeyCategoriesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPermissionKeyCategoriesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPermissionKeyCategoriesRoutine
ImportPermissionsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportPermissionsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportPermissionsRoutine
ImportSinglePageContentRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSinglePageContentRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSinglePageContentRoutine
ImportSinglePageStructureRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSinglePageStructureRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSinglePageStructureRoutine
ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine
ImportSiteTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSiteTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSiteTypesRoutine
ImportSocialLinksRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSocialLinksRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSocialLinksRoutine
ImportStacksContentRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportStacksContentRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportStacksContentRoutine
ImportStacksStructureRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportStacksStructureRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportStacksStructureRoutine
ImportSummaryCategoriesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSummaryCategoriesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSummaryCategoriesRoutine
ImportSummaryFieldsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSummaryFieldsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSummaryFieldsRoutine
ImportSummaryTemplatesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSummaryTemplatesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSummaryTemplatesRoutine
ImportSystemCaptchaLibrariesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSystemCaptchaLibrariesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSystemCaptchaLibrariesRoutine
ImportSystemContentEditorSnippetsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportSystemContentEditorSnippetsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportSystemContentEditorSnippetsRoutine
ImportTaskSetsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportTaskSetsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportTaskSetsRoutine
ImportTasksRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportTasksRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportTasksRoutine
ImportThemesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportThemesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportThemesRoutine
ImportTreeNodeTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportTreeNodeTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportTreeNodeTypesRoutine
ImportTreeTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportTreeTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportTreeTypesRoutine
ImportTreesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportTreesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportTreesRoutine
ImportWorkflowProgressCategoriesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportWorkflowProgressCategoriesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportWorkflowProgressCategoriesRoutine
ImportWorkflowTypesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportWorkflowTypesRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportWorkflowTypesRoutine
ImportWorkflowsRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
ImportWorkflowsRoutine::import() — Method in class ImportWorkflowsRoutine
PopulateBoardInstancesRoutine::import() — Method in class PopulateBoardInstancesRoutine
RoutineInterface::import() — Method in class RoutineInterface
ImageRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
ImageItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
$ Result#itemsProperty in class Result
ValueInspector::inspect() — Method in class ValueInspector
ValueInspectorInterface::inspect() — Method in class ValueInspectorInterface
$ Block#instanceProperty in class Block
$ Block#issIDProperty in class Block

The custom style set ID.

$ Block#isOriginalProperty in class Block
Block::isEditable() — Method in class Block

Does this block have an edit user interface?

Block::isActive() — Method in class Block

Is the block active?

Block::isAlias() — Method in class Block

Check if this block instance is an alias.

Block::isOriginal() — Method in class Block
Block::isAliasOfMasterCollection() — Method in class Block

Check if this block is an alias from a page default.

Block::isBlockInStack() — Method in class Block

Is this block inside a stack?

Block::ignorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainer() — Method in class Block

Should the view ignore the grid container?

Block::inc() — Method in class Block

Include a file (if it exists).

Block::isGlobal() — Method in class Block
$ BlockController#identifierProperty in class BlockController
BlockController::install() — Method in class BlockController

Installs the current block's DB xml file. If a block needs to do more than this, this should be overridden.

BlockController::import() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::importAdditionalData() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::isValidControllerTask() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::isCopiedWhenPropagated() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::includeAll() — Method in class BlockController

Returns whether this block type is included in all versions. Default is false - block types are typically versioned but sometimes it makes sense not to do so.

BlockController::isBlockTypeInternal() — Method in class BlockController

Returns whether this block type is internal to Concrete. If it's internal it's not displayed in the front end interface. Examples include the LibraryFile block.

BlockController::ignorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainer() — Method in class BlockController

If true, container classes will not be wrapped around this block type in edit mode (if the theme in question supports a grid framework.

BlockType::installBlockType() — Method in class BlockType

Install a BlockType that is passed via a btHandle string. The core or override directories are parsed.

BlockType::installBlockTypeFromPackage() — Method in class BlockType
$ BlockTypeList#includeInternalBlockTypesProperty in class BlockTypeList
BlockTypeList::includeInternalBlockTypes() — Method in class BlockTypeList
HasSubBlocksTrait::isCacheSettingsInitialized() — Method in class HasSubBlocksTrait

Whether the cache settings has been initialized.

HasSubBlocksTrait::initializeSubBlockCacheSettings() — Method in class HasSubBlocksTrait

Check block cache settings and register assets for sub blocks.

BlockView::inc() — Method in class BlockView
$ BlockViewTemplate#itemsToCheckProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
$ BoardInstanceTrait#instanceProperty in class BoardInstanceTrait
$ GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler#itemSegmenterProperty in class GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand#isLockedProperty in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::isLocked() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommand#instancesProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
$ SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand#itemsProperty in class SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand
ItemSegmenterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance
$ AvailableObject#itemProperty in class AvailableObject
ItemObjectGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
$ ItemObjectGroup#itemProperty in class ItemObjectGroup
$ PlannedInstance#instanceProperty in class PlannedInstance
Planner::isValidInstance() — Method in class Planner
$ RenderedSlot#isLockedProperty in class RenderedSlot
$ RenderedSlot#instanceProperty in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::isLocked() — Method in class RenderedSlot
$ RenderedSlotCollection#instanceProperty in class RenderedSlotCollection
ItemProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Item
PlannerInterface::isValidTemplate() — Method in class PlannerInterface
PlannerInterface::isValidPlannedSlot() — Method in class PlannerInterface
PlannerInterface::isValidInstance() — Method in class PlannerInterface
SlotLayoutPlanner::isValidInstance() — Method in class SlotLayoutPlanner
SlotLayoutPlanner::isValidPlannedSlot() — Method in class SlotLayoutPlanner
SlotLayoutPlanner::isValidTemplate() — Method in class SlotLayoutPlanner
LaminasCacheDriver::internalGetItem() — Method in class LaminasCacheDriver

Internal method to get an item.

LaminasCacheDriver::internalSetItem() — Method in class LaminasCacheDriver

Internal method to store an item.

LaminasCacheDriver::internalRemoveItem() — Method in class LaminasCacheDriver

Internal method to remove an item.

Cache::init() — Method in class Cache

Initializes the cache by setting up the cache pool and enabling the cache.

Cache::isEnabled() — Method in class Cache

Returns true if the cache is enabled, false if not.

CacheInterface::isEnabled() — Method in class CacheInterface

Returns true if the cache is enabled, false if not.

RedisStashDriver::isAvailable() — Method in class RedisStashDriver
RedisStashDriver::isPersistent() — Method in class RedisStashDriver
ExpensiveCache::init() — Method in class ExpensiveCache

Initializes the cache by setting up the cache pool and enabling the cache.

ObjectCache::init() — Method in class ObjectCache

Initializes the cache by setting up the cache pool and enabling the cache.

OverridesCache::init() — Method in class OverridesCache

Initializes the cache by setting up the cache pool and enabling the cache.

RequestCache::init() — Method in class RequestCache

Initializes the cache by setting up the cache pool and enabling the cache.

$ EventList#includeInactiveEventsProperty in class EventList
EventList::isIncludeInactiveEvents() — Method in class EventList
EventList::includeInactiveEvents() — Method in class EventList
$ EventOccurrenceList#includeInactiveEventsProperty in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceList::includeInactiveEvents() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventService::isRelatedTo() — Method in class EventService
Library::isSystemCaptchaLibraryActive() — Method in class Library

Is this the active library?

$ SecurimageController#inputAttributesProperty in class SecurimageController
StandardLoggerFactory::isLoggingEnabled() — Method in class StandardLoggerFactory
Scheduler::isEnabled() — Method in class Scheduler
$ ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand#inputProperty in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand
$ Field#isRequiredProperty in class Field
Field::isValid() — Method in class Field
Field::isRequired() — Method in class Field
FieldInterface::isValid() — Method in class FieldInterface
SelectField::isValid() — Method in class SelectField
InputClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input

Responsible for presenting all loaded Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input\FieldInterface fields to the actual task system.

InputFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input
InputInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input
$ BatchProcessTaskRunner#inputProperty in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
$ ProcessTaskRunner#inputProperty in class ProcessTaskRunner
$ Repository#itemsProperty in class Repository

All of the configuration items.

$ Command#inputProperty in class Command
Command::initialize() — Method in class Command
Command::isRunningAsRoot() — Method in class Command

Is the current user root?

$ CommandRegistry#installedCommandsProperty in class CommandRegistry

Commands that only get added when Concrete is installed.

InfoCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
InstallCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
InstallCommand::interact() — Method in class InstallCommand
InstallLanguageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
InstallPackageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
InstallThemeCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
IsInstalledCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
PhpCodingStyleCommand::initialize() — Method in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
AbstractController::isPost() — Method in class AbstractController
Conversation::isUserSubscribed() — Method in class Conversation
Editor::isConversationEditorActive() — Method in class Editor
$ FlagType#idProperty in class FlagType
FlagType::init() — Method in class FlagType
Message::isConversationMessageDeleted() — Method in class Message
Message::isConversationMessageFlagged() — Method in class Message
Message::isConversationMessageApproved() — Method in class Message
ResponseCookieJar::isSecureDefault() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

Get the value of the "secure" flag when it is set to null.

EscapeFormula::isStringable() — Method in class EscapeFormula

Tell whether the submitted value is stringable.

AbstractExporter::insertHeaders() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Insert the header row.

AbstractExporter::insertObject() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Insert a row for a specific object instance.

AbstractExporter::insertList() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Insert one row for every object in a database list.

DownloadStatisticsExporter::insertHeaders() — Method in class DownloadStatisticsExporter

Insert the header row.

DownloadStatisticsExporter::insertRecords() — Method in class DownloadStatisticsExporter

Insert all the record rows.

AbstractImporter::isDryRun() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Is the import process just a test?

ImportResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv\Import
$ ImportResult#importSuccessCountProperty in class ImportResult

The total number successfully imported rows.

ImportResult::increaseImportSuccessCount() — Method in class ImportResult

Increase the total number successfully imported rows.

InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombinationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\CharacterSetCollation\Exception
Connection::Insert_ID() — Method in class Connection
Connection::isCollationSupportedForKeys() — Method in class Connection

Check if a collation can be used for keys of a specific length.

DatabaseStructureManager::installDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Installs the database tables according to the entity schema definitions.

DatabaseStructureManager::installDatabaseFor() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Installs the database tables for all entity classes contained within the $metadatas array. Returns true if new tables were created or existing ones altered. Otherwise this will return false if there were no database migrations needed.

ApplicationDriver::isLegacy() — Method in class ApplicationDriver

Does support legacy namespace with src

$ XmlParser#ignoreExistingTablesProperty in class XmlParser
IPadDeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device\Apple\IPad
IPhone13DeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device\Apple\IPhone
IPhone4DeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device\Apple\IPhone
IPhone5DeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device\Apple\IPhone
IPhone6DeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device\Apple\IPhone
IPhone6PlusDeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device\Apple\IPhone
Device::isMobile() — Method in class Device
Device::isTablet() — Method in class Device
Device::isDesktop() — Method in class Device
DeviceInterface::isMobile() — Method in class DeviceInterface
DeviceInterface::isTablet() — Method in class DeviceInterface
DeviceInterface::isDesktop() — Method in class DeviceInterface
$ CkeditorEditor#identifierProperty in class CkeditorEditor

The custom editor identifier.

LinkAbstractor::import() — Method in class LinkAbstractor

For the content block's getImportData() function.

PluginManager::isSelected() — Method in class PluginManager

Check if a plugin is selected (enabled).

PluginManager::isAvailable() — Method in class PluginManager

Check if a plugin is registered (available).

Snippet::isSystemContentEditorSnippetActive() — Method in class Snippet
PasswordHasher::isPortable() — Method in class PasswordHasher

Determine whether a given hash is a portable phpass hash

$ Announcement#idProperty in class Announcement
ExpressKey::isAttributeKeyUnique() — Method in class ExpressKey
Key::isAttributeKeyInternal() — Method in class Key
Key::isAttributeKeySearchable() — Method in class Key
Key::isAttributeKeyContentIndexed() — Method in class Key
Key::inAttributeSet() — Method in class Key
BooleanSettings::isCheckedByDefault() — Method in class BooleanSettings
ImageFileSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
ImageFileSettings::isModeFileManager() — Method in class ImageFileSettings
ImageFileSettings::isModeHtmlInput() — Method in class ImageFileSettings
UserKey::isAttributeKeyDisplayedOnProfile() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::isAttributeKeyEditableOnProfile() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::isAttributeKeyRequiredOnProfile() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::isAttributeKeyEditableOnRegister() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::isAttributeKeyRequiredOnRegister() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::isAttributeKeyDisplayedOnMemberList() — Method in class UserKey
Set::isAttributeSetLocked() — Method in class Set
Type::isAssociatedWithCategory() — Method in class Type
ImageFileValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ SelectValueOption#isEndUserAddedProperty in class SelectValueOption
$ SelectValueOption#isDeletedProperty in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::isOptionDeleted() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::isEndUserAdded() — Method in class SelectValueOption
$ Task#idProperty in class Task
Task::isRunning() — Method in class Task
$ TaskSet#idProperty in class TaskSet
BlockType::isInternalBlockType() — Method in class BlockType

Returns true if the block type is internal (and therefore cannot be removed) a core block.

BlockType::ignorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainer() — Method in class BlockType

If true, container classes will not be wrapped around this block type in edit mode (if the theme in question supports a grid framework.

BlockType::isCopiedWhenPropagated() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::includeAll() — Method in class BlockType

If true, this block is not versioned on a page – it is included as is on all versions of the page, even when updated.

BlockType::isBlockTypeInternal() — Method in class BlockType

if a the current BlockType is Internal or not - meaning one of the core built-in concrete5 blocks.

$ Board#instancesProperty in class Board
$ ConfiguredDataSource#itemsProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
$ CustomElement#idProperty in class CustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElementClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board\Designer
$ ItemSelectorCustomElement#itemsProperty in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElementItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board\Designer
$ ItemSelectorCustomElementItem#itemIdProperty in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
$ ItemSelectorCustomElementItem#itemProperty in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
InstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ Instance#itemsProperty in class Instance
InstanceItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ InstanceItem#itemProperty in class InstanceItem
$ InstanceItem#instanceProperty in class InstanceItem
InstanceItemBatchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ InstanceItemBatch#itemsProperty in class InstanceItemBatch
$ InstanceItemBatch#instanceProperty in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceItemRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
InstanceRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
InstanceSlotClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ InstanceSlot#instanceProperty in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlotRuleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ InstanceSlotRule#instanceProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ InstanceSlotRule#isLockedProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::isLocked() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRuleRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
ItemCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ ItemCategory#itemProperty in class ItemCategory
ItemTagClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ ItemTag#itemProperty in class ItemTag
$ SlotTemplate#idProperty in class SlotTemplate
$ SlotTemplate#iconProperty in class SlotTemplate
$ Template#idProperty in class Template
$ Template#iconProperty in class Template
CalendarEvent::isPending() — Method in class CalendarEvent

Returns true if none of the versions are approved

CalendarEventOccurrence::isCancelled() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::isAllDay() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventVersion::isApproved() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventTemplate#idProperty in class CalendarEventTemplate
$ Batch#idProperty in class Batch
$ Process#idProperty in class Process
$ ScheduledTask#idProperty in class ScheduledTask
$ ScheduledTask#inputProperty in class ScheduledTask
$ TaskProcess#inputProperty in class TaskProcess
$ DesignTag#idProperty in class DesignTag
$ Association#idProperty in class Association
$ Association#is_owned_by_associationProperty in class Association
$ Association#is_owning_associationProperty in class Association
$ Association#inversed_by_property_nameProperty in class Association
Association::isOwningAssociation() — Method in class Association
Association::isOwnedByAssociation() — Method in class Association
$ Control#idProperty in class Control
$ Control#is_requiredProperty in class Control
Control::isRequired() — Method in class Control
$ Entity#idProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#include_in_public_listProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#is_publishedProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#include_in_rest_apiProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#items_per_pageProperty in class Entity
Entity::isPublished() — Method in class Entity
Entry::is() — Method in class Entry

Checks if this Entry's entity handle is the same as the one specified.

$ Association#idProperty in class Association
$ AssociationEntry#idProperty in class AssociationEntry
$ FieldSet#idProperty in class FieldSet
$ Form#idProperty in class Form
$ DownloadStatistics#idProperty in class DownloadStatistics

The downloadStatistics record ID.

Type::includeOptionsForm() — Method in class Type
File::isStarred() — Method in class File

Tell if a file is starred by a user.

File::inFileSet() — Method in class File

If a file is in a particular file set.

File::isError() — Method in class File
Type::isRequired() — Method in class Type

Is this thumbnail type required? If yes, it can't be deleted.

Type::isUpscalingEnabled() — Method in class Type

Upscaling is enabled?

Type::isLimitedToFileSets() — Method in class Type

Should the thumbnails be build for every file that ARE NOT in the file sets (false), or only for files that ARE in the specified file sets (true)?

Type::isKeepAnimations() — Method in class Type

Should we create animated thumbnails for animated images?

StorageLocation::isDefault() — Method in class StorageLocation
Type::includeOptionsForm() — Method in class Type
$ Version#imagineImageProperty in class Version

The currently loaded Image instance.

Version::isApproved() — Method in class Version

Is this version the approved one for the associated file?

Version::importThumbnail() — Method in class Version

Import an existing file as a thumbnail type version.

Geolocator::isActive() — Method in class Geolocator

Is this Geolocator the active one?

$ Finding#idProperty in class Finding
InfoFindingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Health\Report
$ Result#idProperty in class Result
NotificationAlert::isNotificationArchived() — Method in class NotificationAlert
$ AccessToken#identifierProperty in class AccessToken
AccessTokenRepository::isAccessTokenRevoked() — Method in class AccessTokenRepository

Check if the access token has been revoked.

$ AuthCode#identifierProperty in class AuthCode
AuthCodeRepository::isAuthCodeRevoked() — Method in class AuthCodeRepository

Check if the auth code has been revoked.

$ Client#identifierProperty in class Client
Client::isConfidential() — Method in class Client
Client::isDocumentationEnabled() — Method in class Client
$ RefreshToken#identifierProperty in class RefreshToken
RefreshTokenRepository::isRefreshTokenRevoked() — Method in class RefreshTokenRepository

Check if the refresh token has been revoked.

$ Scope#identifierProperty in class Scope
Package::isPackageInstalled() — Method in class Package
InstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page\Container
$ Instance#instanceAreasProperty in class Instance
InstanceAreaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page\Container
$ InstanceArea#instanceProperty in class InstanceArea
$ Feed#itemsPerFeedProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#iconFIDProperty in class Feed
Feed::ignorePermissions() — Method in class Feed
PagePath::isPagePathCanonical() — Method in class PagePath
PagePath::isPagePathAutoGenerated() — Method in class PagePath
$ PageTemplate#idProperty in class PageTemplate
Template::isPageTemplateInternal() — Method in class Template
IpAccessControlCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Permission

Represent an IP Access Control Category.

$ IpAccessControlCategory#ipAccessControlCategoryIDProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The IP Access Control Category identifier.

IpAccessControlCategory::isEnabled() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Is this IP Access Control Category enabled?

IpAccessControlCategory::isSiteSpecific() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Is this IP Access Control Category site-specific?

IpAccessControlEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Permission

Represent an IP Access Control Event.

$ IpAccessControlEvent#ipAccessControlEventIDProperty in class IpAccessControlEvent

The IP Access Control Event identifier.

$ IpAccessControlEvent#ipProperty in class IpAccessControlEvent

The IP address associated to this event.

$ IpAccessControlEvent#ipAddressProperty in class IpAccessControlEvent

the IP address associated to this event.

IpAccessControlRangeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Permission

Represent an IP Access Control Range.

$ IpAccessControlRange#ipAccessControlRangeIDProperty in class IpAccessControlRange

The IP Access Control Range identifier.

$ IpAccessControlRange#ipFromProperty in class IpAccessControlRange

The initial IP address of the range.

$ IpAccessControlRange#ipToProperty in class IpAccessControlRange

The final IP address of the range.

$ IpAccessControlRange#ipRangeProperty in class IpAccessControlRange

The RangeInterface instance associated to this range.

$ Query#itemsPerPageProperty in class Query
$ SavedExpressSearch#idProperty in class SavedExpressSearch
$ SavedFileSearch#idProperty in class SavedFileSearch
$ SavedGroupSearch#idProperty in class SavedGroupSearch
$ SavedLogSearch#idProperty in class SavedLogSearch
$ SavedPageSearch#idProperty in class SavedPageSearch
$ SavedUserSearch#idProperty in class SavedUserSearch
Site::isDefault() — Method in class Site

Is this the default site?

Type::isDefault() — Method in class Type
$ StyleSet#issIDProperty in class StyleSet
StyleSet::isHiddenOnDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
$ Category#idProperty in class Category
$ Field#idProperty in class Field
$ Template#idProperty in class Template
$ Template#iconProperty in class Template
$ TemplateField#idProperty in class TemplateField
$ TemplateField#is_requiredProperty in class TemplateField
TemplateField::isRequired() — Method in class TemplateField
$ GroupCreate#idProperty in class GroupCreate
$ GroupRoleChange#idProperty in class GroupRoleChange
$ GroupSignup#idProperty in class GroupSignup
$ GroupSignupRequest#idProperty in class GroupSignupRequest
$ GroupSignupRequestAccept#idProperty in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
$ GroupSignupRequestDecline#idProperty in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
$ LoginAttempt#idProperty in class LoginAttempt

The attempt ID, this will be a unique identifier

$ User#ignoredIPMismatchesProperty in class User
User::isUserActive() — Method in class User
User::isUserFullRecord() — Method in class User

Returns false if there is no additional data but the email address.

User::isUserValidated() — Method in class User
User::isUserPasswordReset() — Method in class User
$ UsedString#idProperty in class UsedString

The subject this string was used for

ErrorHandler::isKeyHidden() — Method in class ErrorHandler
JsonErrorHandler::isAjaxRequest() — Method in class JsonErrorHandler

Check, if possible, that this execution was triggered by an AJAX request.

$ EntryStore#identifierProperty in class EntryStore
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory::instanceMatchesAccessToken() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory
EntryList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class EntryList
ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Search\Result
CsvWriter::insertHeaders() — Method in class CsvWriter
CsvWriter::insertEntryList() — Method in class CsvWriter

Insert all data from the passed EntryList

ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\Item
EntryIndexer::index() — Method in class EntryIndexer

Add an object to the index

GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::isCrop() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
InvalidDimensionExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Exception
ConfigurationInterface::importFile() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface
$ ExternalFileEntry#isFolderProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::isFolder() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
$ ExternalSearchRequest#itemsPerPageProperty in class ExternalSearchRequest
FileList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class FileList
FolderItemList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class FolderItemList
BitmapFormat::isFormatValid() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Check if a format identifier is valid.

$ AtomicThumbnailStream#isBuiltColumnProperty in class AtomicThumbnailStream
CustomThumbnail::isCropped() — Method in class CustomThumbnail
$ Version#isDoubledVersionProperty in class Version

Is this a high-DPI thumbnail type version?

Version::isUpscalingEnabled() — Method in class Version

Is upscaling enabled?

Version::isLimitedToFileSets() — Method in class Version

Should the thumbnails be build for every file that ARE NOT in the file sets (false), or only for files that ARE in the specified file sets (true)?

Version::isKeepAnimations() — Method in class Version

Should we create animated thumbnails for animated images?

AutorotateImageProcessor::isRescanThumbnails() — Method in class AutorotateImageProcessor

Should thumbnails be rescanned when the image is rotated?

ConstrainImageProcessor::isRescanThumbnails() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Should thumbnails be rescanned when the image is resized?

$ FileImporter#incomingProperty in class FileImporter
FileImporter::importLocalFile() — Method in class FileImporter

Import a local file into the application file manager.

FileImporter::importFromIncoming() — Method in class FileImporter

Import a file from the incoming directory into the application file manager.

FileImporter::importUploadedFile() — Method in class FileImporter

Import a file received via a POST request into the application file manager.

FileImporter::import() — Method in class FileImporter

Import a file into the application file manager.

ImportExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import
ImportOptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import

Options to be used when importing a file.

$ ImportOptions#importToFolderProperty in class ImportOptions
ImportOptions::isSkipThumbnailGeneration() — Method in class ImportOptions

Skip the thumbnail generation?

ImportingFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import

Represents a file being imported.

$ ImportingFile#imagineProperty in class ImportingFile
$ ImportingFile#imageProperty in class ImportingFile

The image loaded from the current local file.

ImageAutorotatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
ImageAutorotator::isEnabled() — Method in class ImageAutorotator

Is this pre-processor enabled?

ImageSizeConstrainClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
$ LegacyPostProcessor#implementationProperty in class LegacyPostProcessor
ImporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
$ Importer#importProcessorsProperty in class Importer
Importer::import() — Method in class Importer
Importer::importIncomingFile() — Method in class Importer
Importer::importUploadedFile() — Method in class Importer
IncomingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File

A seervice class to manage data in the "incoming" folder.

ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Result
Item::isFavoredItem() — Method in class Item
ItemColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Result
File::isSamePath() — Method in class File

Checks if two path are the same, considering directory separator and OS case sensitivity.

Zip::isNativeCommandAvailable() — Method in class Zip

Check if a native command is available.

$ SetList#itemsPerPageProperty in class SetList
StorageLocationInterface::isDefault() — Method in class StorageLocationInterface

Is this storage location default

FlvInspector::inspect() — Method in class FlvInspector

This method is called when a File\Version class refreshes its attributes.

ImageInspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Type\Inspector

An inspector to process image files.

ImageInspector::inspect() — Method in class ImageInspector

This method is called when a File\Version class refreshes its attributes.

InspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Type\Inspector

Abstract class that all the file inspectors must extend.

Inspector::inspect() — Method in class Inspector

This method is called when a File\Version class refreshes its attributes.

Type::isSVG() — Method in class Type

Is the file type an SVG.

$ TypeList#importerAttributesProperty in class TypeList
ClientSideUploader::isChunkingEnabled() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Should the client send files in chunks if they exceed a configured size?

ValidationService::image() — Method in class ValidationService

Tests whether the passed item a valid image.

AbstractLocation::isOverride() — Method in class AbstractLocation
ApplicationLocation::isOverride() — Method in class ApplicationLocation
Record::isOverride() — Method in class Record
IconClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\Icon

Class Icon

IconInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\Icon
IconRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\Icon
$ FormView#isRequiredProperty in class FormView
FormView::isRequired() — Method in class FormView
FormViewInterface::isRequired() — Method in class FormViewInterface

Whether the form control is required in the current form

Form::inputType() — Method in class Form

Internal function that creates an element of type $type. Handles the messiness of evaluating $valueOrMiscFields. Assigns a default class of ccm-input-$type.

Validation::invalidate() — Method in class Validation
$ ClassAutoloader#instanceProperty in class ClassAutoloader

The singleton ClassAutoloader instance.

ClassAutoloader::isHooked() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Is this instance in the autoload queue?

ClassAutoloader::isApplicationLegacyNamespaceEnabled() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Should we enable loading classes in the Application\Src namespace from the /application/src folder?

$ ClassLoader#instanceProperty in class ClassLoader
ConcreteObject::isError() — Method in class ConcreteObject
EnvironmentDetector::isMachine() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Determine if the name matches the machine name.

User::isSuperUser() — Method in class User

Check if the current user is root/superuser.

AbstractRepetition::isStartDateAllDay() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::isEndDateAllDay() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::isActive() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
RepetitionInterface::isStartDateAllDay() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::isEndDateAllDay() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::isActive() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
DefaultBooter::initializeConfig() — Method in class DefaultBooter

Enable configuration.

DefaultBooter::initializeEvents() — Method in class DefaultBooter

Some components create events that other components need to listen to. Register them here, but only if the CMS is installed.

DefaultBooter::initializeLocalization() — Method in class DefaultBooter

Enable localization.

DefaultBooter::initializeEnvironmentDetection() — Method in class DefaultBooter
DefaultBooter::initializeClassAliases() — Method in class DefaultBooter
DefaultBooter::initializeServiceProviders() — Method in class DefaultBooter
DefaultBooter::initializeLegacyDefinitions() — Method in class DefaultBooter
DefaultBooter::initializeAssets() — Method in class DefaultBooter
DefaultBooter::initializeRoutes() — Method in class DefaultBooter
DefaultBooter::initializeFileTypes() — Method in class DefaultBooter
DefaultBooter::initializeRequest() — Method in class DefaultBooter
DefaultBooter::initializePackages() — Method in class DefaultBooter
CLIRunner::initializeSystemTimezone() — Method in class CLIRunner
DefaultRunner::initializeLegacyURLDefinitions() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Define the base url if not defined This will define BASE_URL to whatever is resolved from the resolver.

DefaultRunner::initializeSystemTimezone() — Method in class DefaultRunner
DefaultRunner::initializeSiteTimezone() — Method in class DefaultRunner
DefaultRunner::initializeTimezone() — Method in class DefaultRunner
$ GeolocationResult#innerExceptionProperty in class GeolocationResult

The underlying exception causing the error (if available).

InfoFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Formatter
$ ResultList#itemsPerPageProperty in class ResultList
Runner::info() — Method in class Runner
$ Suite#itemsProperty in class Suite
ImageSliderBlockTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test\Search
SearchContentTrait::iterateQuery() — Method in class SearchContentTrait

Take a query and paginate over it in chunks defined by $perPage You can iterate over the return value and expect to receive all rows one by one.

ImageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html
$ HeadLink#isSelfClosingProperty in class HeadLink

Whether the element is self closing.

$ JavaScriptLazyImage#isSelfClosingProperty in class JavaScriptLazyImage

Whether the element is self closing.

JavaScriptLazyImage::img() — Method in class JavaScriptLazyImage

Create an image element with the image path set to a "data-src" attribute.

$ Picture#isSelfClosingProperty in class Picture

Whether the element is self closing.

$ Source#isSelfClosingProperty in class Source

Whether the element is self closing.

FontAwesomeIcon::isFixedWidth() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::isSpin() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::isPulse() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::isBordered() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::isPro() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
Lightbox::init() — Method in class Lightbox
$ RequestBase#instanceProperty in class RequestBase
RequestBase::isPost() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestMediaTypeParser::isMediaTypeSupported() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser

Check if the client signaled that it supports a media type.

ResponseAssetGroup::init() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup
Ajax::isAjaxRequest() — Method in class Ajax

Check if a request is an Ajax call.

ImageEditorServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\ImageEditor
$ ImageEditorService#imageEditorRepositoryProperty in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\ImageEditor
ImportableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Import
AssociationControl::import() — Method in class AssociationControl
AttributeKeyControl::import() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
EntityPropertyControl::import() — Method in class EntityPropertyControl
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Import\Item\Express
ItemInterface::import() — Method in class ItemInterface
InstallerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install
InstallerOptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install
$ InstallerOptions#isConnectToMarketplaceEnabledProperty in class InstallerOptions
InstallerOptions::isConnectToMarketplaceEnabled() — Method in class InstallerOptions
InstallerOptions::isAutoAttachEnabled() — Method in class InstallerOptions

If the database already exists and is valid, lets just attach to it rather than installing over it?

InstallerOptions::isPrivacyPolicyAccepted() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Returns whether privacy policy is accepted

PreconditionInterface::isOptional() — Method in class PreconditionInterface

Is this an optional precondition?

$ CanonicalUrls#installerOptionsProperty in class CanonicalUrls
CanonicalUrls::isOptional() — Method in class CanonicalUrls

Is this an optional precondition?

Cookies::isOptional() — Method in class Cookies

Is this an optional precondition?

$ DatabaseCharsetCollation#installerOptionsProperty in class DatabaseCharsetCollation
DatabaseCharsetCollation::isOptional() — Method in class DatabaseCharsetCollation

Is this an optional precondition?

$ DatabaseTimeZone#installerOptionsProperty in class DatabaseTimeZone
DatabaseTimeZone::isOptional() — Method in class DatabaseTimeZone

Is this an optional precondition?

DomExtension::isOptional() — Method in class DomExtension

Is this an optional precondition?

$ EmptyDatabase#installerOptionsProperty in class EmptyDatabase
EmptyDatabase::isOptional() — Method in class EmptyDatabase

Is this an optional precondition?

FileinfoExtension::isOptional() — Method in class FileinfoExtension

Is this an optional precondition?

ImageManipulationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
ImageManipulation::isOptional() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Is this an optional precondition?

InnoDBClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
$ InnoDB#installerOptionsProperty in class InnoDB
InnoDB::isOptional() — Method in class InnoDB

Is this an optional precondition?

InternationalizationSupportClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
InternationalizationSupport::isOptional() — Method in class InternationalizationSupport

Is this an optional precondition?

Javascript::isOptional() — Method in class Javascript

Is this an optional precondition?

JsonExtension::isOptional() — Method in class JsonExtension

Is this an optional precondition?

MemoryLimit::isOptional() — Method in class MemoryLimit

Is this an optional precondition?

NoAspStyleTags::isOptional() — Method in class NoAspStyleTags

Is this an optional precondition?

PdoMysqlExtension::isOptional() — Method in class PdoMysqlExtension

Is this an optional precondition?

PhpCommentsPreserved::isOptional() — Method in class PhpCommentsPreserved

Is this an optional precondition?

PhpVersion::isOptional() — Method in class PhpVersion

Is this an optional precondition?

RemoteFileImporting::isOptional() — Method in class RemoteFileImporting

Is this an optional precondition?

RequestUrls::isOptional() — Method in class RequestUrls

Is this an optional precondition?

$ StartingPoint#installerOptionsProperty in class StartingPoint
StartingPoint::isOptional() — Method in class StartingPoint

Is this an optional precondition?

$ TableCase#installerOptionsProperty in class TableCase
TableCase::isOptional() — Method in class TableCase

Is this an optional precondition?

TokenizerExtension::isOptional() — Method in class TokenizerExtension

Is this an optional precondition?

WritableDirectories::isOptional() — Method in class WritableDirectories

Is this an optional precondition?

XmlSupport::isOptional() — Method in class XmlSupport

Is this an optional precondition?

ZipSupport::isOptional() — Method in class ZipSupport

Is this an optional precondition?

$ Job#isScheduledProperty in class Job
Job::installByHandle() — Method in class Job
Job::installByPackage() — Method in class Job
Job::install() — Method in class Job
Job::isScheduledForNow() — Method in class Job
JobResult::isError() — Method in class JobResult
$ Set#isScheduledProperty in class Set
Set::isScheduledForNow() — Method in class Set
$ FileList#itemsPerPageProperty in class FileList
ImageHelperClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy

This is deprecated. It will be removed. Use app('image/thumbnailer') to grab the current class instead.

ItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
$ ItemList#itemsPerPageProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#itemsProperty in class ItemList
ItemList::isActiveSortColumn() — Method in class ItemList
Model::Insert() — Method in class Model
$ PageList#includeSystemPagesProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#includeAliasesProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#ignorePermissionsProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#indexedSearchProperty in class PageList
PageList::includeInactivePages() — Method in class PageList
PageList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class PageList
PageList::ignoreAliases() — Method in class PageList
PageList::includeSystemPages() — Method in class PageList
PageList::isIndexedSearch() — Method in class PageList
Pagination::init() — Method in class Pagination
$ PasswordHash#itoa64Property in class PasswordHash
$ PasswordHash#iteration_count_log2Property in class PasswordHash
$ UserList#itemsPerPageProperty in class UserList
TranslationsInstaller::installCoreTranslations() — Method in class TranslationsInstaller

Install a new core locale, or update an existing one.

TranslationsInstaller::installPackageTranslations() — Method in class TranslationsInstaller

Install a new locale for a package, or update an existing one.

TranslationsInstaller::installMissingPackageTranslations() — Method in class TranslationsInstaller

Install missing package translation files.

TranslationsInstaller::installTranslations() — Method in class TranslationsInstaller
$ LocaleStatus#installedUpdatedProperty in class LocaleStatus
$ LocaleStatus#installedOutdatedProperty in class LocaleStatus
$ DatabaseHandler#initializedProperty in class DatabaseHandler
DatabaseHandler::initialize() — Method in class DatabaseHandler
$ LogEntry#idProperty in class LogEntry
$ LogList#isFulltextSearchProperty in class LogList

Whether this is a search using fulltext.

LogList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class LogList
LogList::isFulltextSearch() — Method in class LogList
$ ServerInfoProcessor#includeKeysProperty in class ServerInfoProcessor

The $_SERVER[...] keys to include in the extra data

ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Result
ItemColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Result
MailImportedMessage::isSendError() — Method in class MailImportedMessage

checks to see if the message is a bounce or delivery failure.

MailImporter::isMailImporterEnabled() — Method in class MailImporter
Service::isThrowOnFailure() — Method in class Service

Should an exception be thrown if the delivery fails (if false, the sendMail() method will simply return false on failure).

Service::isMetaDataLoggingEnabled() — Method in class Service
Service::isBodyLoggingEnabled() — Method in class Service
Service::isInlineAttachment() — Method in class Service

Determine if an attachment should be used as an inline attachment associated to the HTML body.

InvalidConnectResponseExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Exception
InvalidDownloadResponseExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Exception
InvalidPackageExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Exception
$ Marketplace#isConnectedProperty in class Marketplace
Marketplace::isConnected() — Method in class Marketplace
$ RemotePackage#iconProperty in class RemotePackage
$ RemotePackage#idProperty in class RemotePackage
$ RemoteItem#isLicensedToSiteProperty in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::isLicensedToSite() — Method in class RemoteItem
$ RemoteItemList#includeInstalledItemsProperty in class RemoteItemList
$ RemoteItemList#itemsPerPageProperty in class RemoteItemList
InspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Update
$ PageList#includeAliasesProperty in class PageList
Section::isMultilingualSection() — Method in class Section
Section::isAssigned() — Method in class Section
Section::isDefaultMultilingualSection() — Method in class Section
Section::ignorePageRelation() — Method in class Section
Detector::isEnabled() — Method in class Detector

Check if there's some multilingual section.

$ DashboardBreadcrumb#itemsProperty in class DashboardBreadcrumb
$ PageBreadcrumb#itemsProperty in class PageBreadcrumb
$ PageBreadcrumbFactory#includeCurrentProperty in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
$ PageBreadcrumbFactory#ignoreExcludeNavProperty in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
$ PageBreadcrumbFactory#ignorePermissionProperty in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Item
$ Item#isActiveProperty in class Item
$ Item#isActiveParentProperty in class Item
Item::isActive() — Method in class Item
Item::isActiveParent() — Method in class Item
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Item
ItemInterface::isActive() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::isActiveParent() — Method in class ItemInterface
$ SavedSearchItem#idProperty in class SavedSearchItem
$ Navigation#itemsProperty in class Navigation
MercureService::isEnabled() — Method in class MercureService
AbstractConcreteEvent::isPrivate() — Method in class AbstractConcreteEvent
AbstractEvent::isPrivate() — Method in class AbstractEvent
$ StandardSubscription#identifierProperty in class StandardSubscription
BrokenPackage::install() — Method in class BrokenPackage

Install the package info row and the database (doctrine entities and db.xml).

$ DependencyChecker#installedPackagesProperty in class DependencyChecker
IncompatiblePackagesExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Dependency

Package dependency failure: a package doesn't want another package.

$ IncompatiblePackagesException#incompatiblePackageProperty in class IncompatiblePackagesException

The incompatible package.

$ AbstractCategory#itemsProperty in class AbstractCategory
ImageEditorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
IpAccessControlCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
InspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Offline

Class that extracts information from package controller.php files.

Inspector::inspectPackageDirectory() — Method in class Inspector

Extract the package details from the directory containing the package controller.php file.

Inspector::inspectControllerFile() — Method in class Inspector

Extract the package details reading its controller.php file.

Inspector::inspectControllerContent() — Method in class Inspector

Extract the package details analyzing the contents of its controller.php file.

Parser::isVersionValid() — Method in class Parser

Check if a version is valid.

Package::installContentFile() — Method in class Package

Import a concrete5-cif XML file.

Package::install() — Method in class Package

Install the package info row and the database (doctrine entities and db.xml).

Package::installDatabase() — Method in class Package

Installs the packages database through doctrine entities and db.xml database definitions.

Package::installEntitiesDatabase() — Method in class Package
Package::installDB() — Method in class Package

Installs a package database from an XML file.

PackageArchive::install() — Method in class PackageArchive

Installs a zip file from the passed directory.

PackageService::install() — Method in class PackageService

Install a package.

SvgIconRasterizer::isBitmapNewerThanSVG() — Method in class SvgIconRasterizer

Check if there's already a bitmap file, and that it's not older than the SVG file.

TranslationCompiler::isMONewerThanPO() — Method in class TranslationCompiler

Check if there's already a .mo file, and that it's not older than the .po file.

$ PackerFile#isDirectoryProperty in class PackerFile

Is this a directory?

$ PackerFile#isModifiedProperty in class PackerFile

Is this a file that has been modified?

PackerFile::isDirectory() — Method in class PackerFile

Is this a directory?

PackerFile::isModified() — Method in class PackerFile

Is this a file that has been modified?

$ StartingPointPackage#installerOptionsProperty in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_data_objects() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_attributes() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_dashboard() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_boards() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_page_types() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_required_single_pages() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_basic() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_navigation() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_form() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_express() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_social() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_calendar() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_multimedia() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_core_desktop() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_blocktypes_other() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_themes() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_tasks() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_config() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_file_manager() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::import_files() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_content() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_desktops() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_api() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_database() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::indexAdditionalDatabaseFields() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_permissions() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_site() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
StartingPointPackage::install_site_permissions() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
$ Version#isMostRecentProperty in class Version

Is this the most recent version?

Version::isApproved() — Method in class Version

Is this version approved?

Version::isApprovedNow() — Method in class Version

Is this version approved and in the publish interval?

Version::isMostRecent() — Method in class Version

Is this the most recent version?

Version::isNew() — Method in class Version

Is this a new version?

$ ClearPageIndexCommandHandler#indexManagerProperty in class ClearPageIndexCommandHandler
CopyPageCommand::isMultilingualCopy() — Method in class CopyPageCommand
$ ReindexPageCommandHandler#indexManagerProperty in class ReindexPageCommandHandler
PageSelectInstanceFactory::instanceMatchesAccessToken() — Method in class PageSelectInstanceFactory
$ ContainerBlockInstance#instanceProperty in class ContainerBlockInstance
IconRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container

Class IconRepository

PageController::isReplaced() — Method in class PageController
PageController::isEditingDisabled() — Method in class PageController
PageController::isValidControllerTask() — Method in class PageController
$ Page#isMasterCollectionProperty in class Page

Is this page a page default?

Page::isEditMode() — Method in class Page

Is the page in edit mode?

Page::isArrangeMode() — Method in class Page
Page::isAdminArea() — Method in class Page

Is this a dashboard page?

Page::isCheckedOut() — Method in class Page

Is the page checked out?

Page::isCheckedOutByMe() — Method in class Page

Checks if the page is checked out by the current user.

Page::isGeneratedCollection() — Method in class Page

Checks if the page is a single page.

Page::isPageDraft() — Method in class Page

Is this a draft page?

Page::isSystemPage() — Method in class Page

Returns true if a page is a system page. A system page is either a page that is outside the site tree (has a site tree ID of 0) or a page that is in the site tree, but whose parent starts at 0. That means its a root level page. Why do we need this separate boolean then? Because we need to easily be able to filter all pages by whether they're a system page even if we don't necessarily know where their starting page is.

Page::isBlockAliasedFromMasterCollection() — Method in class Page

Check if a block is an alias from a page default.

Page::isAliasPage() — Method in class Page

Is this page an alias page of another page?

Page::isAliasPageOrExternalLink() — Method in class Page

Is this page an alias page or an external link?

Page::isAlias() — Method in class Page
Page::isExternalLink() — Method in class Page

Is this page an external link?

Page::isMasterCollection() — Method in class Page

Is this page a page default?

Page::inheritPermissionsFromParent() — Method in class Page

Set this page permissions to be inherited from its parent page.

Page::inheritPermissionsFromDefaults() — Method in class Page

Set this page permissions to be inherited from its parent type defaults.

Page::isHomePage() — Method in class Page

Is this the homepage for the site tree this page belongs to?

Page::isLocaleHomePage() — Method in class Page
Page::isInTrash() — Method in class Page

Is this page in the trash?

Page::isActive() — Method in class Page

Is this page marked as active?

$ PageList#isFulltextSearchProperty in class PageList

Whether this is a search using fulltext.

$ PageList#includeSystemPagesProperty in class PageList

Whether to include system pages in this query. NOTE: There really isn't a reason to set this to true unless you're doing something pretty custom or deep in the core.

$ PageList#includeAliasesProperty in class PageList

Whether to include aliases in the result set.

$ PageList#includeInactivePagesProperty in class PageList

Whether to include inactive (deleted) pages in the query.

PageList::includeSystemPages() — Method in class PageList
PageList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class PageList
PageList::includeAliases() — Method in class PageList
PageList::includeInactivePages() — Method in class PageList
PageList::isFulltextSearch() — Method in class PageList
PageList::ignoreAliases() — Method in class PageList

This does nothing.

UrlPathColumn::isColumnSortable() — Method in class UrlPathColumn
IncludePageAliasesFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
PageIndexer::index() — Method in class PageIndexer

Add a page to the index

IndexedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search
ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Result
ItemColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Result
$ DeprecatedPageListGenerator#instancesProperty in class DeprecatedPageListGenerator
$ DragRequestData#isSomeOriginalPageWithChildrenProperty in class DragRequestData
$ DragRequestData#isSomeOriginalPageAnAliasProperty in class DragRequestData
$ DragRequestData#isSomeOriginalPageAnExternalLinkProperty in class DragRequestData
$ DragRequestData#isSaveOldPagePathProperty in class DragRequestData
$ DragRequestData#isCopyChildrenOnlyProperty in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::isSaveOldPagePath() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::isCopyChildrenOnly() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::isSomeOriginalPageWithChildren() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::isSomeOriginalPageAnAlias() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::isSomeOriginalPageAnExternalLink() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::initializeDragMode() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::initializeDestinationPages() — Method in class DragRequestData
DragRequestData::initializeOriginalPages() — Method in class DragRequestData
$ SitemapHeader#isMultilingualProperty in class SitemapHeader

Is multilingual supported?

SitemapHeader::isIsMultilingual() — Method in class SitemapHeader

Is multilingual supported?

SitemapPage::isSkip() — Method in class SitemapPage

Should this page be skipped?

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::isSkip() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Should this alternative be skipped?

$ PageListGenerator#isMultilingualEnabledProperty in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::isMultilingualEnabled() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Check if the current site has more than one multilingual section.

PageListGenerator::isPageStandard() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::isPagePublished() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::isPageExcludedFromSitemap() — Method in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::isPageAccessible() — Method in class PageListGenerator
$ SitemapWriter#indenterProperty in class SitemapWriter
$ Pile#isDefaultProperty in class Pile
Pile::isDefault() — Method in class Pile
Pile::inPile() — Method in class Pile
Pile::isMyPile() — Method in class Pile
$ PileContent#itemIDProperty in class PileContent
$ PileContent#itemTypeProperty in class PileContent
Stack::isValidStack() — Method in class Stack
Stack::isNeutralStack() — Method in class Stack

Checks if this instance is the locale-neutral version of the stack.

Statistics::incrementParents() — Method in class Statistics

For a particular page ID, grabs all the pages of this page, and increments the cTotalChildren number for them.

AbstractDocumentationContentPage::installDocumentationPage() — Method in class AbstractDocumentationContentPage
AtomikDocumentationProvider::installSupportingElements() — Method in class AtomikDocumentationProvider
CustomDocumentationPageInterface::installDocumentationPage() — Method in class CustomDocumentationPageInterface
CustomThemeDocumentationPage::installDocumentationPage() — Method in class CustomThemeDocumentationPage
DocumentationNavigationPageItem::isDocumentationCategory() — Method in class DocumentationNavigationPageItem
DocumentationProvider::installSupportingElements() — Method in class DocumentationProvider
DocumentationProviderInterface::installSupportingElements() — Method in class DocumentationProviderInterface
InstallerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
Installer::install() — Method in class Installer

Installs documentation

ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage::installDocumentationPage() — Method in class ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage
Theme::isThemeCustomizable() — Method in class Theme
Theme::isThemePreviewRequest() — Method in class Theme
Theme::install() — Method in class Theme

Install a theme.

Theme::isUninstallable() — Method in class Theme

Is this theme uninstallable?

BlockControl::isPageTypeComposerControlValueEmpty() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::inc() — Method in class BlockControl
CollectionAttributeControl::isPageTypeComposerControlValueEmpty() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::isFormSubmission() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
Control::isPageTypeComposerControlValueEmpty() — Method in class Control
Control::isPageTypeComposerFormControlRequiredOnThisRequest() — Method in class Control
Control::isPageTypeComposerControlRequiredByDefault() — Method in class Control
CorePageProperty::isPageTypeComposerControlValueEmpty() — Method in class CorePageProperty
FormLayoutSetControl::isPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlRequired() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
Configuration::includeChooseTargetForm() — Method in class Configuration
Type::importConfiguredPageTypePublishTarget() — Method in class Type
Type::includeOptionsForm() — Method in class Type
Type::isPageTypeFrequentlyAdded() — Method in class Type
Type::isPageTypeInternal() — Method in class Type
Type::importTargets() — Method in class Type
Type::import() — Method in class Type
Type::importContent() — Method in class Type
PageView::isEditingDisabled() — Method in class PageView

Checks to see if page editing has been manually disabled through code. This does things like hide the toolbar etc.

Access::isPermissionAccessInUse() — Method in class Access
$ AreaAssignment#inheritedPermissionsProperty in class AreaAssignment

Mapping between area permissions (keys) and page permissions (values) when an area inherit permissions.

$ BoardAssignment#inheritedPermissionsProperty in class BoardAssignment
$ CalendarAssignment#inheritedPermissionsProperty in class CalendarAssignment
$ ExpressEntryAssignment#inheritedPermissionsProperty in class ExpressEntryAssignment
$ FileAssignment#inheritedPermissionsProperty in class FileAssignment
$ GroupTreeNodeAssignment#inheritedPermissionsProperty in class GroupTreeNodeAssignment
$ PageAssignment#inheritedPageTypeDraftPermissionsProperty in class PageAssignment

Permissions that come from "Edit Page Type Draft" permissions.

$ TopicTreeNodeAssignment#inheritedPermissionsProperty in class TopicTreeNodeAssignment
Checker::isError() — Method in class Checker

Checks to see if there is a fatal error with this particular permission call.

$ BanIPEvent#ipAddressProperty in class BanIPEvent

The IP address that is going to be banned.

IPRangeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
$ IPRange#idProperty in class IPRange

Record identifier.

$ IPRange#ipRangeProperty in class IPRange

IP address range.

IPRangesCsvWriterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
IPRangesCsvWriter::insertHeaders() — Method in class IPRangesCsvWriter

Insert a header row for this result set.

IPRangesCsvWriter::insertRanges() — Method in class IPRangesCsvWriter

Insert a list of IPRange/IpAccessControlRange instances.

IPRangesCsvWriter::insertRange() — Method in class IPRangesCsvWriter

Insert an IPRange/IpAccessControlRange instance.

IPServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
IPService::isDenylisted() — Method in class IPService
IPService::isBlacklisted() — Method in class IPService
IPService::isAllowlisted() — Method in class IPService
IPService::isWhitelisted() — Method in class IPService
IPService::isBanned() — Method in class IPService
$ Entry#inheritedFromPermissionKeyHandleProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#inheritedFromPermissionKeyCategoryHandleProperty in class Entry
IpAccessControlServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
IpAccessControlService::isBlacklisted() — Method in class IpAccessControlService
IpAccessControlService::isDenylisted() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Check if an IP address is denylisted.

IpAccessControlService::isWhitelisted() — Method in class IpAccessControlService
IpAccessControlService::isAllowlisted() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Check if an IP address is allowlisted.

IpAccessControlService::isThresholdReached() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Check if the IP address has reached the threshold.

Key::import() — Method in class Key

Import a permission key from a SimpleXMLElement element.

$ Column#isSortableProperty in class Column
Column::isColumnSortable() — Method in class Column
ColumnInterface::isColumnSortable() — Method in class ColumnInterface
$ AbstractField#isLoadedProperty in class AbstractField

Determines whether the data is loaded into the field. If this is true, loadFromRequest will not repopulate from request.

AbstractSiteField::isSetToCurrent() — Method in class AbstractSiteField
AbstractSiteField::isSetToAll() — Method in class AbstractSiteField
$ AbstractIndex#indexDriverProperty in class AbstractIndex
AbstractIndex::index() — Method in class AbstractIndex

Add an object to the index

$ DefaultManager#indexesProperty in class DefaultManager
$ DefaultManager#inflatedProperty in class DefaultManager
DefaultManager::inflateIndex() — Method in class DefaultManager

Get the proper index from the stored value

DefaultManager::index() — Method in class DefaultManager

Index an object

IndexingDriverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Index\Driver
IndexingDriverInterface::index() — Method in class IndexingDriverInterface

Add an object to the index

IndexInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Index

Interface IndexInterface

IndexManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Index
IndexManagerInterface::index() — Method in class IndexManagerInterface

Index an object

IndexObjectProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Index

Provides messages to the reindexer for common objects

ItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Database
ItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList
$ ItemList#itemsPerPageProperty in class ItemList
ItemList::isDebugged() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::isActiveSortColumn() — Method in class ItemList
$ AbstractPagerManager#itemListProperty in class AbstractPagerManager
$ VariableFactory#itemListProperty in class VariableFactory
$ PagerAdapter#itemListProperty in class PagerAdapter
PermissionableListItemInterface::ignorePermissions() — Method in class PermissionableListItemInterface
$ ConfigurableItemsPerPageRequestModifier#itemsPerPageOptionsProperty in class ConfigurableItemsPerPageRequestModifier
ItemsPerPageRequestModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query\Modifier
$ Column#isColumnSortableProperty in class Column
Column::isColumnSortable() — Method in class Column
ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Result
$ Item#itemProperty in class Item
ItemColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Result
$ Result#itemsProperty in class Result
Option::isRequired() — Method in class Option

Is this option required?

Rule::isEnabled() — Method in class Rule

Is this rule enabled (should be present in the configuration) or disabled (should not be present in the configuration)?

RuleInterface::isEnabled() — Method in class RuleInterface

Is this rule enabled (should be present in the configuration) or disabled (should not be present in the configuration)?

LoggedStorage::isStarted() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Checks if the session is started.

InstallationServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site

A class that enables multisite support on a single Concrete installation. Responsible for detecting whether multisite is enabled, and responsible for enabling multisite, creating shared folders, etc.

InstallationService::isMultisiteEnabled() — Method in class InstallationService
Service::installDefault() — Method in class Service
Service::import() — Method in class Service
Service::installDefault() — Method in class Service
StyleSet::import() — Method in class StyleSet

Import a StyleSet entity from an XML node.

ImageVariableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
ImageVariableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer\Legacy
$ Preset#identifierProperty in class Preset
$ PresetSkin#identifierProperty in class PresetSkin
ImageStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
ImageStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Legacy
ImageParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
ImageParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser\Legacy
ImageValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ ImageValue#imageURLProperty in class ImageValue
$ ImageValue#imageFileIDProperty in class ImageValue
BasicCalendarEventDriver::isValidForObject() — Method in class BasicCalendarEventDriver

Returns true if the driver can/should be used with this object.

$ BasicPageDriver#installationServiceProperty in class BasicPageDriver
BasicPageDriver::isValidForObject() — Method in class BasicPageDriver

Returns true if the driver can/should be used with this object.

DriverInterface::isValidForObject() — Method in class DriverInterface

Returns true if the driver can/should be used with this object.

RegisteredDriver::inflateClass() — Method in class RegisteredDriver
ImageDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
$ SummaryObject#identifierProperty in class SummaryObject
InlineTagFixerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\CodingStyle\Fixer
InlineTagFixer::isCandidate() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
$ PhpFixerOptions#ignoredDirectoriesByNameProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The directory names that should not be parsed.

$ PhpFixerOptions#ignoredDirectoriesByPathProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The directory paths (relative to the webroot) that should not be parsed (allowed placeholders: ).

$ PhpFixerOptions#isCacheDisabledProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

Is the fixers cache disabled?

PhpFixerOptions::isCacheDisabled() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Is the fixers cache disabled.

PhpFixerOptions::isDirectoryWithMixedContents() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Check if a directory contains PHP files with mixed flags.

ImageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
ClassSymbol::isFacade() — Method in class ClassSymbol
$ PhpDocGenerator#insideNamespaceProperty in class PhpDocGenerator

Are we generating PHPDoc to be placed inside a namespace?

$ PhpDocGenerator#indentationProperty in class PhpDocGenerator
PhpDocGenerator::isInsideNamespace() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Are we generating PHPDoc to be placed inside a namespace?

PhpDocGenerator::isSingleDocBlock() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Insert the variable definitions in the same PHPDoc block?

InfoClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System
$ Info#installedProperty in class Info
Info::isInstalled() — Method in class Info
InfoTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System
FileLockMutex::isSupported() — Method in class FileLockMutex

Is this mutex available for the current system?

InvalidMutexKeyExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System\Mutex

Exception thrown when a mutex key is not valid.

MutexInterface::isSupported() — Method in class MutexInterface

Is this mutex available for the current system?

SemaphoreMutex::isSupported() — Method in class SemaphoreMutex

Is this mutex available for the current system?

Node::importNode() — Method in class Node
Node::importChildren() — Method in class Node
Category::importNode() — Method in class Category
Topic::importNode() — Method in class Topic
Tree::importDetails() — Method in class Tree
Tree::import() — Method in class Tree
Topic::importDetails() — Method in class Topic
$ ApplicationUpdate#identifierProperty in class ApplicationUpdate

The version identifier (equals to the name of the directory under the updates directory).

Archive::install() — Method in class Archive

Installs a zip file from the passed directory.

AbstractMigration::isAttributeHandleValid() — Method in class AbstractMigration
Version20150504000000::installMaintenanceModePermission() — Method in class Version20150504000000
Version20160725000000::installOtherEntities() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::installEntities() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::importAttributeKeys() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::importAttributeKeySettings() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::importAttributeTypes() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::installDesktops() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::installSite() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::installLocales() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20161216100000::installEntities() — Method in class Version20161216100000
Version20210216184000::insertGroupFolderPermissions() — Method in class Version20210216184000
$ RemoteApplicationUpdate#identifierProperty in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
Update::isCurrentVersionNewerThanDatabaseVersion() — Method in class Update

Checks migrations to see if the current code DB version is greater than that registered in the database.

UpdateArchive::install() — Method in class UpdateArchive

Installs a zip file from the passed directory.

$ SeoCanonical#includedQuerystringParametersProperty in class SeoCanonical

The list of query string parameters to be included from generated canonical URLs.

AccountService::inMyAccount() — Method in class AccountService

Test if the a page or path path is within the my account section.

$ Gravatar#imageSetProperty in class Gravatar
AvatarCropperInstanceFactory::instanceMatchesAccessToken() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstanceFactory
$ UserSelectInstance#includeAvatarProperty in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstance::includeAvatar() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstanceFactory::instanceMatchesAccessToken() — Method in class UserSelectInstanceFactory
CsvWriter::insertHeaders() — Method in class CsvWriter

Insert a header row for this result set

CsvWriter::insertUserList() — Method in class CsvWriter

Insert all data from the passed userlist

InvalidCredentialsExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception
DeleteGroupCommand::isOnlyIfEmpty() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommand
DeleteGroupCommand::isExtendedResults() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommand
Result::isGroupDeleted() — Method in class Result
$ GroupDetailsTrait#isBadgeProperty in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::isBadge() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
FolderItemList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class FolderItemList
Group::inGroup() — Method in class Group
Group::isPetitionForPublicEntry() — Method in class Group
Group::isGroupBadge() — Method in class Group
Group::isGroupAutomated() — Method in class Group
Group::isGroupExpirationEnabled() — Method in class Group
Group::isUserExpired() — Method in class Group
$ GroupList#includeAllGroupsProperty in class GroupList
GroupList::includeAllGroups() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class GroupList
GroupRole::isManager() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupType::isPetitionForPublicEntry() — Method in class GroupType
ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\Result
ItemColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\Result
$ LoginService#ipServiceProperty in class LoginService

This service tracks login attempts against IPs and deals with excessive attempts from specific IPs

PasswordUpgrade::isPasswordDefaultResetMessage() — Method in class PasswordUpgrade
Limit::isOverLimit() — Method in class Limit

checks to see if a user has exceeded their limit for sending private messages.

PrivateMessage::isMessageUnread() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::isMessageReplied() — Method in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::isMessageNew() — Method in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessageList#itemsPerPageProperty in class PrivateMessageList
IsActiveFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Field\Field
IsValidatedFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Field\Field
ItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Result
ItemColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Result
User::isLoggedIn() — Method in class User
User::isActive() — Method in class User
User::isSuperUser() — Method in class User
User::isRegistered() — Method in class User
User::invalidateSession() — Method in class User
User::inGroup() — Method in class User

Return true if user is in Group or any of this groups children.

User::inExactGroup() — Method in class User

Return true if user is in this Group.

User::isPasswordExpired() — Method in class User
UserInfo::isActive() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::isValidated() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::isFullRecord() — Method in class UserInfo
$ UserList#includeInactiveUsersProperty in class UserList

Whether to include inactive users.

$ UserList#includeUnvalidatedUsersProperty in class UserList

Whether to include unvalidated users.

$ UserList#includeEmailInKeywordSearchProperty in class UserList
$ UserList#includeAttributesInKeywordSearchProperty in class UserList
$ UserList#includeUsernameInKeywordSearchProperty in class UserList
UserList::ignorePermissions() — Method in class UserList
UserList::includeInactiveUsers() — Method in class UserList
UserList::includeUnvalidatedUsers() — Method in class UserList
ValidationHash::isValid() — Method in class ValidationHash

Validate the given hash

IPAddressClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility
$ IPAddress#ipHexProperty in class IPAddress
IPAddress::isIpSet() — Method in class IPAddress
IPAddress::isLoopBack() — Method in class IPAddress

Used to check of the current IP is a loopback IP address.

IPAddress::isPrivate() — Method in class IPAddress

Returns true if the IP address belongs to a private network, false if it is not.

IPAddress::isLinkLocal() — Method in class IPAddress

Returns true if the IP is a Link-local address, false if it is not.

IPAddress::isIPv4() — Method in class IPAddress
IPAddress::isIPv6() — Method in class IPAddress
IdentifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service

A helper that allows the creation of unique strings, for use when creating hashes, identifiers.

Number::isNumber() — Method in class Number

Checks if a given string is valid representation of a number in the current locale.

Number::isInteger() — Method in class Number

Checks if a given string is valid representation of an integer in the current locale.

Numbers::integer() — Method in class Numbers

Tests whether the passed item is an integer.

Strings::isValidRegex() — Method in class Strings

Check if a variable contains a valid regular expression.

$ BannedWord#idProperty in class BannedWord
BannedWord::init() — Method in class BannedWord
Response::isValid() — Method in class Response
ResponseInterface::isValid() — Method in class ResponseInterface
AbstractTranslatableValidator::isTranslatableStringValueValid() — Method in class AbstractTranslatableValidator

Check to see if $value a valid stand in for a translatable string.

ClosureValidator::isValid() — Method in class ClosureValidator

Is this mixed value valid.

EmailValidator::isTestMXRecord() — Method in class EmailValidator

Should we test the MX record to see if the domain is valid?

EmailValidator::isStrict() — Method in class EmailValidator

Should email address warnings be considered as errors?

EmailValidator::isValid() — Method in class EmailValidator

Is this mixed value valid.

MaximumLengthValidator::isValid() — Method in class MaximumLengthValidator

Is this mixed value valid.

MinimumLengthValidator::isValid() — Method in class MinimumLengthValidator

Is this mixed value valid.

RegexValidator::isValid() — Method in class RegexValidator

Is this mixed value valid.

ReuseValidator::isValidFor() — Method in class ReuseValidator

Is this mixed value valid for the specified (optional) subject?

UniqueUserEmailValidator::isValid() — Method in class UniqueUserEmailValidator

Is this mixed value valid.

UniqueUserEmailValidator::isValidFor() — Method in class UniqueUserEmailValidator

Is this mixed value valid for the specified (optional) subject?

UniqueUserNameValidator::isValid() — Method in class UniqueUserNameValidator

Is this mixed value valid.

UniqueUserNameValidator::isValidFor() — Method in class UniqueUserNameValidator

Is this mixed value valid for the specified (optional) subject?

ValidatorForSubjectInterface::isValidFor() — Method in class ValidatorForSubjectInterface

Is this mixed value valid for the specified (optional) subject?

ValidatorForSubjectManager::isValid() — Method in class ValidatorForSubjectManager

Is this mixed value valid.

ValidatorForSubjectManager::isValidFor() — Method in class ValidatorForSubjectManager

Is this mixed value valid for the specified (optional) subject?

ValidatorForSubjectTrait::isValid() — Method in class ValidatorForSubjectTrait
ValidatorInterface::isValid() — Method in class ValidatorInterface

Is this mixed value valid.

ValidatorManager::isValid() — Method in class ValidatorManager

Is this mixed value valid.

$ View#innerContentFileProperty in class View
View::inc() — Method in class View
View::isEditingDisabled() — Method in class View

Fix https://github.com/concretecms/concretecms/issues/11283

$ Description#incontextProperty in class Description
ActivateUserRequest::isActivationRequest() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::isRegisterActivationRequest() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::isDeactivationRequest() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::isNewEventRequest() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
$ ApprovePageRequest#isScheduledProperty in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::isNewPageRequest() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::isScheduled() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
DeleteCalendarEventRequest::isNewEventRequest() — Method in class DeleteCalendarEventRequest
Controller::install_file_manager() — Method in class Controller
Controller::install_config() — Method in class Controller
Controller::import_files() — Method in class Controller


AccordionEntry::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AccordionEntry
JumpToFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
JumpToFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Groups
JobsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
JobsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Optimization
Announcement::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Announcement
Broadcast::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Broadcast
AbstractComponent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractComponent
AbstractIcon::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractIcon
AbstractStandardItem::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractStandardItem
StandardItem::jsonSerialize() — Method in class StandardItem
FileContent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FileContent
JsonSchemaRefArrayContentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
JsonSchemaRefArrayContent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class JsonSchemaRefArrayContent
JsonSchemaRefContentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
JsonSchemaRefContent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class JsonSchemaRefContent
IncludesParameter::jsonSerialize() — Method in class IncludesParameter
SpecComponents::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecComponents
SpecModel::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecModel
SpecParameter::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecParameter
SpecPath::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecPath
SpecProperty::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecProperty
SpecPropertyRef::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecPropertyRef
SpecPropertyRefItems::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecPropertyRefItems
SpecRequestBody::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecRequestBody
SpecResponse::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecResponse
SpecResponseList::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecResponseList
SpecSchema::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecSchema
SpecSecurity::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SpecSecurity
EditResponse::jsonSerialize() — Method in class EditResponse
AbstractMenu::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractMenu
JsonFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap
JsonFormatter::jsonSerialize() — Method in class JsonFormatter
EntryJsonFormatter::jsonSerialize() — Method in class EntryJsonFormatter
GroupJsonFormatter::jsonSerialize() — Method in class GroupJsonFormatter
TreeCollectionJsonFormatter::jsonSerialize() — Method in class TreeCollectionJsonFormatter
JavascriptAssetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
JavascriptConditionalAssetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
JavascriptInlineAssetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
JavascriptLocalizedAssetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset
JavascriptFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset\Output
KeySerializer::jsonSerialize() — Method in class KeySerializer
ObjectSerializer::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ObjectSerializer
ObjectsSerializer::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ObjectsSerializer
SetSerializer::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SetSerializer
CalendarEventData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class CalendarEventData
PageData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class PageData
ObjectCollection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ObjectCollection
SummaryObject::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SummaryObject
RenderedSlot::jsonSerialize() — Method in class RenderedSlot
BooleanField::jsonSerialize() — Method in class BooleanField
Definition::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Definition
Field::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Field
SelectField::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SelectField
Field::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Field
Input::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Input
JobCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
ImportResult::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ImportResult
Announcement::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Announcement
Key::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Key
Set::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Set
Task::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Task
TaskSet::jsonSerialize() — Method in class TaskSet
Board::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Board
CustomElement::jsonSerialize() — Method in class CustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElement::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElementItem::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
Instance::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Instance
InstanceItem::jsonSerialize() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceSlotRule::jsonSerialize() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
SlotTemplate::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SlotTemplate
Template::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Template
CalendarEventVersion::jsonSerialize() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventTemplate::jsonSerialize() — Method in class CalendarEventTemplate
Batch::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Batch
Process::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Process
ScheduledTask::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ScheduledTask
AttributeKeyControl::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
Control::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Control
Entry::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Entry
FieldSet::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FieldSet
Form::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Form
Client::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Client
Scope::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Scope

Serialize this scope into a string.

PageTemplate::jsonSerialize() — Method in class PageTemplate
Template::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Template
CustomSkin::jsonSerialize() — Method in class CustomSkin
Query::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Query
Locale::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Locale
Site::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Site
Template::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Template
User::jsonSerialize() — Method in class User
ErrorList::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ErrorList
AbstractError::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractError
AbstractField::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractField
JsonFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Formatter
JsonErrorHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\Handler
UserMessageException::jsonSerialize() — Method in class UserMessageException
AssociationField::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AssociationField
ExternalFileProviderOptionTrait::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderOptionTrait
FileExtensionFilter::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FileExtensionFilter
FileTypeFilter::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FileTypeFilter
FilterCollection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FilterCollection
OptionSerializableTrait::jsonSerialize() — Method in class OptionSerializableTrait
ExternalFileEntry::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileList::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ExternalFileList
$ BasicThumbnailer#jpegCompressionProperty in class BasicThumbnailer

The currently configured JPEG compression level.

AbstractRepetition::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
JsonSerializerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Serializer
GeolocationResult::jsonSerialize() — Method in class GeolocationResult
AbstractGrade::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractGrade
ButtonControl::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ButtonControl
DropdownControl::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DropdownControl
Location::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Location
SimpleSerializableAndDenormalizableClassTrait::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SimpleSerializableAndDenormalizableClassTrait
Message::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Message
AttributeMessage::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AttributeMessage
BlockMessage::jsonSerialize() — Method in class BlockMessage
JavaScriptLazyImageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Object
Html::javascript() — Method in class Html
ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a response

ResponseFactoryInterface::json() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create a response

JsonClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Service
JavascriptClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
JsonExtensionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
$ Event#jProperty in class Event
JobClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Job
$ Job#jobClassLocationsProperty in class Job
$ Job#jIDProperty in class Job
$ Job#jStatusProperty in class Job
$ Job#jDateLastRunProperty in class Job
$ Job#jHandleProperty in class Job
$ Job#jNotUninstallableProperty in class Job
Job::jobClassLocations() — Method in class Job
JobQueueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Job

Wrapper class for our batching specifically for use with jobs to minimize backward compatibility headaches.

$ JobQueue#jobProperty in class JobQueue
JobQueueMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Job

A wrapper class for data coming into processQueueItem so transitioning to the version 9 queue is mostly pain-free.

JobResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Job
$ JobResult#jDateLastRunProperty in class JobResult
$ JobResult#jHandleProperty in class JobResult
$ JobResult#jIDProperty in class JobResult
$ QueueableJob#jQueueBatchSizeProperty in class QueueableJob
$ QueueableJob#jQueueObjectProperty in class QueueableJob
$ Set#jDateLastRunProperty in class Set
$ Pagination#jsFunctionCallProperty in class Pagination
FileFolderItem::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FileFolderItem
Item::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Item
PageItem::jsonSerialize() — Method in class PageItem
SavedSearchItem::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SavedSearchItem
Navigation::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Navigation
DependencyException::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DependencyException
JobClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PileContent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class PileContent
Color::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Color
ColorCollection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ColorCollection
Theme::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Theme
Column::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Column
Set::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Set
AbstractField::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractField
AttributeKeyField::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AttributeKeyField
Service::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Service
ColorVariable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ColorVariable
ImageVariable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ImageVariable
ImageVariable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ImageVariable
NormalizedVariableCollection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class NormalizedVariableCollection
NumberVariable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class NumberVariable
Variable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Variable
Preset::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Preset
Set::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Set
PresetSkin::jsonSerialize() — Method in class PresetSkin
StyleList::jsonSerialize() — Method in class StyleList
CustomizerVariable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class CustomizerVariable
CustomizerVariableCollection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class CustomizerVariableCollection
FontFamilyStyle::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FontFamilyStyle
GroupedStyleValueList::jsonSerialize() — Method in class GroupedStyleValueList
GroupedStyleValueListSet::jsonSerialize() — Method in class GroupedStyleValueListSet
Style::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Style
StyleValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class StyleValue
TypeStyle::jsonSerialize() — Method in class TypeStyle
ColorValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ColorValue
FontFamilyValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FontFamilyValue
FontStyleValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FontStyleValue
FontWeightValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class FontWeightValue
ImageValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ImageValue
PresetFontsFileValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class PresetFontsFileValue
SizeValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SizeValue
TextDecorationValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class TextDecorationValue
TextTransformValue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class TextTransformValue
ValueContainerTrait::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ValueContainerTrait
WebFont::jsonSerialize() — Method in class WebFont
WebFontCollection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class WebFontCollection
Collection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Collection
AbstractLazyDataFieldData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AbstractLazyDataFieldData
AuthorDataFieldData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AuthorDataFieldData
DataFieldData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DataFieldData
DatetimeDataFieldData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DatetimeDataFieldData
ExpressEntryDataFieldData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ExpressEntryDataFieldData
ImageDataFieldData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ImageDataFieldData
LinkDataFieldData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class LinkDataFieldData
TopicsDataFieldData::jsonSerialize() — Method in class TopicsDataFieldData
JSConstantGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support
QueueStatusQueue::jsonSerialize() — Method in class QueueStatusQueue
Group::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Group
GroupRole::jsonSerialize() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupType::jsonSerialize() — Method in class GroupType


KeySelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute\Component
$ EditKey#keyProperty in class EditKey
KeyHeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute
$ KeyHeader#keyProperty in class KeyHeader
KeyListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute
$ ApiServiceProvider#keyPairProperty in class ApiServiceProvider
$ CustomAttribute#keyProperty in class CustomAttribute
$ Credentials#keyProperty in class Credentials
$ View#keyProperty in class View
$ RendererBuilder#keyProperty in class RendererBuilder
KeySerializerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Component\KeySelector

Responsible for serializing an attribute key for use in the key selector component.

$ KeySerializer#keyProperty in class KeySerializer
KeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
ValueList::key() — Method in class ValueList
CacheLocal::key() — Method in class CacheLocal

Creates a cache key based on the group and id by running it through md5.

$ RedisStashDriver#keyCacheProperty in class RedisStashDriver

The cache of indexed keys.

$ Field#keyProperty in class Field
$ Field#keyProperty in class Field
$ Plugin#keyProperty in class Plugin

The plugin key.

$ Category#keysProperty in class Category
KeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
$ Settings#keyProperty in class Settings
$ Set#keysProperty in class Set
$ AttributeField#keyProperty in class AttributeField
$ AttributeKeyItem#keyProperty in class AttributeKeyItem
$ AttributeKeyFormView#keyProperty in class AttributeKeyFormView
$ Version#keepAnimationsProperty in class Version

Should we create animated thumbnails for animated images?

$ Column#keyProperty in class Column
Collection::key() — Method in class Collection
$ Assignment#keyProperty in class Assignment

The permission key being applied

KeywordsFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Field\Field
DashboardBreadcrumb::key() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb
PageBreadcrumb::key() — Method in class PageBreadcrumb
$ PageItem#keywordsProperty in class PageItem
$ StandardFilter#keyProperty in class StandardFilter
$ ClonerOptions#keepOriginalAuthorProperty in class ClonerOptions

Should the original author be kept?

ClonerOptions::keepOriginalAuthor() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the original author be kept?

KeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
KeywordsFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field\Field
$ Column#keyProperty in class Column
$ ItemColumn#keyProperty in class ItemColumn
$ UserInfoWithAttributes#keysProperty in class UserInfoWithAttributes
$ LoginAttemptService#knownUsersProperty in class LoginAttemptService

A cache for known users

$ ApprovePageRequest#keepOtherSchedulingProperty in class ApprovePageRequest


Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::loadSelectedTagValueFromPost() — Method in class Controller

Used by selectize. Automatically takes a value request and converts it into tag/text key value pairs.

Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::loadSettings() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#lastNameProperty in class Controller
$ NavItem#levelProperty in class NavItem
$ Controller#lightboxPropertiesProperty in class Controller
Controller::loadData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::load() — Method in class Controller
Controller::loadTypes() — Method in class Controller
Controller::loadData() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#linkToPageProperty in class Controller
Controller::loadKeys() — Method in class Controller
Controller::loadData() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#linkedPropertiesProperty in class Controller
Controller::loadData() — Method in class Controller
Controller::linkThisColumn() — Method in class Controller
Controller::loadResultsFolderInformation() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#lastAnswerSetIdProperty in class Controller
$ MiniSurvey#lastSavedMsqIDProperty in class MiniSurvey
$ MiniSurvey#lastSavedqIDProperty in class MiniSurvey
MiniSurvey::loadQuestions() — Method in class MiniSurvey
MiniSurvey::loadSurvey() — Method in class MiniSurvey
MiniSurvey::loadInputType() — Method in class MiniSurvey
MiniSurvey::limitRange() — Method in class MiniSurvey
Statistics::loadSurveys() — Method in class Statistics
$ Controller#locationProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#latitudeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#longitudeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#lazyLoadProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#loopSequenceProperty in class Controller

Whether the navigation should be looped.

$ Controller#listProperty in class Controller
Controller::loadKeys() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#launchInNewWindowProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#labelProperty in class Controller
Controller::loadAttribute() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#loopEndProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#lazyLoadProperty in class Controller
Tree::load() — Method in class Tree
Node::loadNode() — Method in class Node
Node::load_starting() — Method in class Node

This endpoint is meant to be called when we are starting from a particular spot in the tree. It will include the current node, and the children, while normally loading the node will only return the children.

Node::load() — Method in class Node

Returns the child nodes of the current node.

Subscribe::loadConversation() — Method in class Subscribe
AdvancedSearch::loadEntity() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
Statistics::load_more() — Method in class Statistics
Statistics::loadRecords() — Method in class Statistics
LocationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
ListDetailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Notification
$ ListDetails#listViewProperty in class ListDetails
Stylesheet::layout() — Method in class Stylesheet
LoadMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Dashboard
LocationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Page
LogsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
Express::loadEntity() — Method in class Express
Stacks::list_page() — Method in class Stacks
CustomizeSlot::load_preview_window() — Method in class CustomizeSlot
Feeds::loadFeedFromRequest() — Method in class Feeds
LegacyClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Reports\Forms
Legacy::loadSurveyResponses() — Method in class Legacy
LogsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Reports
Social::link_updated() — Method in class Social
Social::link_deleted() — Method in class Social
Social::link_added() — Method in class Social
Settings::loadEditors() — Method in class Settings
DatabaseCharset::listCharsetsAndCollations() — Method in class DatabaseCharset
LoggingClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
LoggingClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Mail
Copy::links_rescanned() — Method in class Copy
Setup::load_icon() — Method in class Setup
Health::loadProductionStatus() — Method in class Health
Health::loadReports() — Method in class Health
Health::loadLatestResults() — Method in class Health
Health::loadRunningReportProcesses() — Method in class Health
LoginClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
$ Login#localesProperty in class Login
Login::login_complete() — Method in class Login
Login::logout() — Method in class Login
LearnMoreActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Action
LearnMoreButtonClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Button
LibraryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Antispam
ApiRouteList::loadRoutes() — Method in class ApiRouteList
Express::listItems() — Method in class Express
Files::listFiles() — Method in class Files
Groups::listGroups() — Method in class Groups
Pages::listPages() — Method in class Pages
Sites::listSites() — Method in class Sites
Users::listUsers() — Method in class Users
Versions::listVersions() — Method in class Versions
LocaleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ Locale#languageProperty in class Locale
$ NewUser#languageProperty in class NewUser
$ Page#localeProperty in class Page
$ Site#localesProperty in class Site
$ UpdatedUser#languageProperty in class UpdatedUser
$ User#last_loginProperty in class User
$ User#languageProperty in class User
LimitParameterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi\Parameter
$ Message#linkProperty in class Message

The link to a video/external URL.

LinkItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu\Item
$ LinkItem#linkProperty in class LinkItem
$ AbstractNavigationCache#localizationProperty in class AbstractNavigationCache
$ Item#linkAttributesProperty in class Item
$ Item#labelProperty in class Item
LocaleEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection\Entry
$ LocaleEntry#localeProperty in class LocaleEntry
Area::load() — Method in class Area
Column::loadBasicInformation() — Method in class Column
CustomLayout::loadDetails() — Method in class CustomLayout
$ CustomFormatter#layoutProperty in class CustomFormatter
$ PresetFormatter#layoutProperty in class PresetFormatter
$ ThemeGridFormatter#layoutProperty in class ThemeGridFormatter
LayoutClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
Layout::loadColumnNumber() — Method in class Layout
PresetLayout::loadDetails() — Method in class PresetLayout
PresetLayout::loadColumnNumber() — Method in class PresetLayout
$ UserFormatter#layoutProperty in class UserFormatter
ThemeGridLayout::loadDetails() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
$ Asset#localProperty in class Asset

Is this asset a locally available file (accessible with the getAssetPath method)?

$ Asset#locationProperty in class Asset

The location of the asset (used to build the path & URL).

$ AssetList#locProperty in class AssetList
LegacyCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
LegacySearchIndexerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category\SearchIndexer
Controller::label() — Method in class Controller
ImportLoaderInterface::load() — Method in class ImportLoaderInterface
StandardImportLoader::load() — Method in class StandardImportLoader
$ Key#legacyAttributeKeyProperty in class Key
Key::load() — Method in class Key

In 5.7 and earlier, if a subclassed Key object called load, it was loading the core data of an attribute key. we're going to load that data into an internal legacy key object that we can keep around to pass calls to for attribute keys that incorrectly subclass this Key object.

ListenerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
RequestLoaderInterface::load() — Method in class RequestLoaderInterface
StandardRequestLoader::load() — Method in class StandardRequestLoader
Value::load() — Method in class Value
AuthenticationType::load() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Load an AuthenticationType from an array.

AuthenticationType::loadController() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Load the AuthenticationTypeController into the AuthenticationType.

LoginExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication
Extractor::lastNameNormalizer() — Method in class Extractor
Google::lastNameNormalizer() — Method in class Google
$ GenericOauthTypeController#lastNameProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
Block::loadNewCollection() — Method in class Block
BlockController::load() — Method in class BlockController

Loads the BlockRecord class based on its attribute names.

$ BoardSlotCommandHandler#loggerFactoryProperty in class BoardSlotCommandHandler
$ ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandler#loggerFactoryProperty in class ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandler
$ DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandler#loggerFactoryProperty in class DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandler
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandler#loggerFactoryProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandler
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommand#lockTypeProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand

L or U

$ ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler#loggerFactoryProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler
ListenerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot
LaminasCacheDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Adapter

Class LaminasCacheDriver Adapter class to hook Laminas's cache into Concrete's cache.

Cache::loadConfig() — Method in class Cache

Loads the composite driver from constants.

$ ClearCacheCommandHandler#loggerProperty in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
$ PageCache#libraryProperty in class PageCache
LinkFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Formatter
LinkFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Formatter
ListenerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Version
CaptchaInterface::label() — Method in class CaptchaInterface

Print out the label for this captcha library.

LibraryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha
NoCaptchaController::label() — Method in class NoCaptchaController

Print out the label for this captcha library.

RecaptchaV3Controller::label() — Method in class RecaptchaV3Controller

Print out the label for this captcha library.

$ SecurimageController#labelAttributesProperty in class SecurimageController
SecurimageController::label() — Method in class SecurimageController

Print out the label for this captcha library.

ListenerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Batch
$ ClearProcessDataCommandHandler#loggerFactoryProperty in class ClearProcessDataCommandHandler
$ DeleteProcessCommandHandler#loggerFactoryProperty in class DeleteProcessCommandHandler
FileLogger::logExists() — Method in class FileLogger
LoggerFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Logger
LoggerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Logger
LoggerInterface::logExists() — Method in class LoggerInterface
BooleanField::loadFieldFromRequest() — Method in class BooleanField
$ Field#labelProperty in class Field
Field::loadFieldFromRequest() — Method in class Field
Field::loadFieldFromConsoleInput() — Method in class Field
FieldInterface::loadFieldFromRequest() — Method in class FieldInterface
FieldInterface::loadFieldFromConsoleInput() — Method in class FieldInterface
$ MemoryOutput#listenerProperty in class MemoryOutput
$ ContextFactory#loggerFactoryProperty in class ContextFactory
$ CompositeLoader#loadersProperty in class CompositeLoader
CompositeLoader::load() — Method in class CompositeLoader

Load the given configuration group.

ConfigStore::load() — Method in class ConfigStore
CoreFileLoader::load() — Method in class CoreFileLoader

Load files from the core

DatabaseLoader::load() — Method in class DatabaseLoader

Load the given configuration group. Because it's the database, we ignore the environment.

RedisLoader::load() — Method in class RedisLoader

Load the given configuration group.

FileLoader::load() — Method in class FileLoader

Non-namespaced order: /concrete/config/group.php /application/config/generated_overrides/group.php /application/config/group.php /application/config/environment.group.php.

LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
LoaderInterface::load() — Method in class LoaderInterface

Load the given configuration group.

LiaisonClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config\Repository

Class Liaison.

$ Repository#loaderProperty in class Repository

The loader implementation.

Repository::load() — Method in class Repository

Load the configuration group for the key.

DenylistClear::listCategories() — Method in class DenylistClear
$ ApplicationAwareControllerResolver#loggerProperty in class ApplicationAwareControllerResolver
$ ImportResult#lastDataRowIndexProperty in class ImportResult

The index of the last processed row (if any).

LongKeysUnsupportedByCollationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\CharacterSetCollation\Exception
DatabaseStructureManager::loadMetadatas() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Loads the entity class metadata into the $metadatas variable.

$ StandardPackageProvider#locationsProperty in class StandardPackageProvider
$ XmlProvider#locationsProperty in class XmlProvider
LikeBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Query
Schema::loadFromXMLFile() — Method in class Schema
Schema::loadFromXMLElement() — Method in class Schema
Schema::loadFromArray() — Method in class Schema
LinkAbstractorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor
LegacyKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
$ SelectSettings#listProperty in class SelectSettings
LegacyValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
$ SelectValueOption#listProperty in class SelectValueOption
$ SocialLinksValue#linksProperty in class SocialLinksValue
$ Task#lastRunByProperty in class Task
BlockType::loadFromController() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::loadController() — Method in class BlockType

Loads controller.

$ Entity#label_maskProperty in class Entity
Version::logVersionUpdate() — Method in class Version

Log updates to files.

LocaleTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity
$ IpAccessControlCategory#logChannelHandleProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The log channel handle.

LinkClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Sharing\SocialNetwork
LocaleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site

Represents a site locale.

LocaleEntityInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
$ Site#localesProperty in class Site

The language sections of this site.

$ SiteTree#localeProperty in class SiteTree
$ Skeleton#localesProperty in class Skeleton
$ SkeletonTree#localeProperty in class SkeletonTree
$ StyleSet#linkColorProperty in class StyleSet
LoginAttemptClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
LoginAttemptRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
LocaleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
ListenerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entity
LabelFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Formatter
ListenerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry
LabelFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Formatter
$ LabelFormatter#loggerProperty in class LabelFormatter
AssociationField::loadAssociation() — Method in class AssociationField
$ Manager#loadedProperty in class Manager
FeedService::load() — Method in class FeedService

Loads a newsfeed object.

ConfigurationInterface::loadFromRequest() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Load in data from a request object

$ AtomicThumbnailStream#lockColumnProperty in class AtomicThumbnailStream
$ AtomicThumbnailStream#lockTimeoutColumnProperty in class AtomicThumbnailStream
$ AtomicThumbnailStream#lockIDProperty in class AtomicThumbnailStream
AtomicThumbnailStream::lockColumnsExist() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream

Check if the required lock columns have been added to the database.

$ Version#limitedToFileSetsProperty in class Version

Should the thumbnails be build for every file that ARE NOT in the file sets (false), or only for files that ARE in the specified file sets (true)?

$ ImportingFile#localFilenameProperty in class ImportingFile

The full path to the local file being imported.

ExifDataExtractor::listExifMetadata() — Method in class ExifDataExtractor
LegacyPostProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
Zip::listContents() — Method in class Zip

List the contents of a ZIP archive.

ConfigurationInterface::loadFromRequest() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Load in data from a request object

DefaultConfiguration::loadFromRequest() — Method in class DefaultConfiguration

Load in data from a request object

LocalConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation\Configuration
LocalConfiguration::loadFromRequest() — Method in class LocalConfiguration

Load in data from a request object

$ Element#locatorProperty in class Element

The locator instance to be used to get the actual PHP file that implements the view.

$ FileLocator#locationsProperty in class FileLocator
LocationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
FlysystemCache::listContents() — Method in class FlysystemCache
LocatableFileInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
$ TemplateLocation#locationProperty in class TemplateLocation
$ TemplateLocator#locationsProperty in class TemplateLocator
$ FormView#labelProperty in class FormView
Form::label() — Method in class Form

Creates a label tag.

AliasClassLoader::loadClass() — Method in class AliasClassLoader
$ ClassAliasList#locProperty in class ClassAliasList
ClassAutoloader::loadClass() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::loadClassFromCore() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::loadClassFromPackages() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::loadClassFromApplication() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::loadClassFromAliases() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::loadLegacyClass() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::listPackagesInfo() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::listStandardPackageInfo() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::listCustomPackageInfo() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassAutoloader::loadPSR4Class() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassLoader::legacyNamespaceEnabled() — Method in class ClassLoader
ConcreteObject::loadError() — Method in class ConcreteObject
ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader::loadClass() — Method in class ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader
CLIRunner::loadBootstrap() — Method in class CLIRunner
DefaultRunner::loadBootstrap() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Load in the /application/bootstrap/app.php file.

$ GeolocationResult#latitudeProperty in class GeolocationResult

The latitude.

$ GeolocationResult#longitudeProperty in class GeolocationResult

The longitude.

$ ButtonControl#locationProperty in class ButtonControl
LocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control
LocationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control
LoggingSettingsLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Location
$ SimpleBlockContentTest#locatorProperty in class SimpleBlockContentTest
Image::loadPictureSettingsFromTheme() — Method in class Image

Load picture settings from the theme.

LightboxClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Service
$ Client#loggerProperty in class Client
$ APIAuthenticatorMiddleware#loggerProperty in class APIAuthenticatorMiddleware
$ ApiLoggerMiddleware#loggerProperty in class ApiLoggerMiddleware
$ ResponseFactory#localizationProperty in class ResponseFactory
InstallerOptions::load() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Load the configuration options from file.

ItemList::loadQueryStringPagingVariable() — Method in class ItemList
LoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
Loader::library() — Method in class Loader
Model::load() — Method in class Model
PageList::loadPageID() — Method in class PageList
Pagination::limitResultsToPage() — Method in class Pagination
LocaleInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Locale
LocalizationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization
LocalizationEssentialServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization
LocalizationServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization
CountryList::loadCountries() — Method in class CountryList
LanguageListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Service
$ StatesProvincesList#localizedStatesProvincesProperty in class StatesProvincesList
$ TranslationsChecker#localFactoryProperty in class TranslationsChecker
$ TranslationsInstaller#localFactoryProperty in class TranslationsInstaller
LocalRemoteCoupleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation
$ LocalRemoteCouple#localStatsProperty in class LocalRemoteCouple
LocaleStatusClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation
$ TranslatorAdapterFactory#laminasFactoryProperty in class TranslatorAdapterFactory
CoreTranslationLoader::loadTranslations() — Method in class CoreTranslationLoader

Loads the translations from this loader type into the given translator instance.

CoreTranslationLoader::locateLanguageFile() — Method in class CoreTranslationLoader

Get the full path to the file containing the localized strings for a specific locale.

PackagesTranslationLoader::loadTranslations() — Method in class PackagesTranslationLoader

Loads the translations from this loader type into the given translator instance.

PackagesTranslationLoader::locateLanguageFile() — Method in class PackagesTranslationLoader

Get the full path to the file containing the localized strings for a specific locale.

SiteTranslationLoader::loadTranslations() — Method in class SiteTranslationLoader

Loads the translations from this loader type into the given translator instance.

SiteTranslationLoader::locateLanguageFile() — Method in class SiteTranslationLoader

Get the full path to the file containing the localized strings for a specific locale.

$ TranslatorAdapterFactory#loaderPluginManagerProperty in class TranslatorAdapterFactory
$ TranslatorAdapter#localeProperty in class TranslatorAdapter
Gettext::load() — Method in class Gettext
AbstractTranslationLoader::loadTranslations() — Method in class AbstractTranslationLoader

Loads the translations from this loader type into the given translator instance.

TranslationLoaderInterface::loadTranslations() — Method in class TranslationLoaderInterface

Loads the translations from this loader type into the given translator instance.

$ TranslationLoaderRepository#loadersProperty in class TranslationLoaderRepository
LoginAttemptClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User

Log entry for user login attempts

$ Event#loggerProperty in class Event
$ GroupLogger#levelProperty in class GroupLogger
$ GroupLogger#loggerProperty in class GroupLogger
LevelsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
LogEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
$ LogEntry#levelProperty in class LogEntry
LogListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
LoggerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
LoggerAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging

Interface LoggerAwareInterface

LoggerAwareTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging

Trait LoggerAwareTrait A trait used with LoggerAwareInterface

LoggerFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
LoggingServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
LevelColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet\Column
LogIdentifierColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet\Column
LevelFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Field\Field
$ Item#logIdProperty in class Item
Service::load() — Method in class Service

Load an email template from the /mail/ directory.

LimitedSmtpClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\Transport
$ LimitedSmtp#limitProperty in class LimitedSmtp

Maximum number of messages to be sent for for every connection.

$ MessengerEventSubscriber#loggerProperty in class MessengerEventSubscriber
$ Event#localeProperty in class Event
$ Section#localeProperty in class Section
ListViewInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
LocalizablePackageInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
LegacyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Offline\Parser

The token parser for legacy (prior to concrete5 5.7) packages.

$ PackageService#localizationProperty in class PackageService

The Localization service instance.

Collection::loadVersionObject() — Method in class Collection

Load a specific collection version (you can retrieve it with the getVersionObject() method).

$ Version#layoutStylesProperty in class Version
PageTypeField::loadDataFromImport() — Method in class PageTypeField
$ SitemapPage#lastModifiedAtProperty in class SitemapPage

The last modification date/time.

$ SitemapWriter#lineTerminatorProperty in class SitemapWriter
$ Access#listItemsProperty in class Access
ConversationMessageAuthorEntity::load() — Method in class ConversationMessageAuthorEntity
$ Entity#labelProperty in class Entity
Entity::load() — Method in class Entity
FileUploaderEntity::load() — Method in class FileUploaderEntity
GroupCombinationEntity::load() — Method in class GroupCombinationEntity

Function used to load the properties for this GroupCombinationEntity from the database.

GroupEntity::load() — Method in class GroupEntity
GroupSetEntity::load() — Method in class GroupSetEntity
PageOwnerEntity::load() — Method in class PageOwnerEntity
SiteGroupEntity::load() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
UserEntity::load() — Method in class UserEntity
ListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
ListItem::loadPermissionDurationObject() — Method in class ListItem
ListItem::loadAccessEntityObject() — Method in class ListItem
LogsAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
LogsAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
TaskLauncher::launch() — Method in class TaskLauncher
IPService::logFailedLogin() — Method in class IPService
IPService::logSignupRequest() — Method in class IPService
Key::loadAll() — Method in class Key

Get the list of all the defined permission keys.

Key::load() — Method in class Key

Load a permission key by its ID (or whatever is passed to $loadBy).

LogsKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
LoggerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
$ Logger#loggerFactoryProperty in class Logger
Logger::log() — Method in class Logger
LogsResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
RouteListInterface::loadRoutes() — Method in class RouteListInterface
Router::loadRouteList() — Method in class Router
RouterInterface::loadRouteList() — Method in class RouterInterface
SystemRouteList::loadRoutes() — Method in class SystemRouteList
AbstractField::loadDataFromRequest() — Method in class AbstractField

Set the search criteria.

AbstractField::loadDataFromImport() — Method in class AbstractField
AttributeKeyField::loadDataFromRequest() — Method in class AttributeKeyField

Set the search criteria.

FieldInterface::loadDataFromRequest() — Method in class FieldInterface

Set the search criteria.

FieldInterface::loadDataFromImport() — Method in class FieldInterface
ItemList::loadQueryStringPagingVariable() — Method in class ItemList

Get paging parameter from Concrete configuration

LogListPagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
$ PagerPagination#listProperty in class PagerPagination
$ Pagination#listProperty in class Pagination
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::last() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
$ Result#listColumnsProperty in class Result
$ Result#listProperty in class Result
LoggedStorageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session\Storage
LoggedStorage::log() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Log details if possible

LoggedStorage::logInfo() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Add info level logs

LoggedStorage::logDebug() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Add debug level logs

LinkClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Sharing\SocialNetwork
LiaisonClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Config

A repository stand-in that allows for accessing a site's config

ListenerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Locale
LocalizableTreeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Tree
$ Service#localeServiceProperty in class Service
LegacyCustomizationsManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizations
LegacyCustomizerTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizer\Type
$ SkinCustomizerType#languageProperty in class SkinCustomizerType

scss or less

LegacyNormalizerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer

Class LegacyNormalizer

LessNormalizerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
LessFilePresetTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preset\Type
$ LessFilePresetType#lessParserProperty in class LessFilePresetType
LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preview

Used by the legacy customizer, this preview handler loops through all customizable style sheets in the theme's root and saves them into the cache, which is then used by the getStylesheet method in the page.

LessProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Processor
AbstractParser::loadFromXml() — Method in class AbstractParser
CustomizeControllerTrait::loadPreviewPage() — Method in class CustomizeControllerTrait
CustomizeControllerTrait::loadCustomizer() — Method in class CustomizeControllerTrait
$ BasicCalendarEventDriver#linkFormatterProperty in class BasicCalendarEventDriver
LazyDataFieldDataInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
LazyDataFieldDataInterface::loadDataFieldDataFromCategoryMember() — Method in class LazyDataFieldDataInterface
LazyEventOccurrenceEndDatetimeDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
LazyEventOccurrenceEndDatetimeDataFieldData::loadDataFieldDataFromCategoryMember() — Method in class LazyEventOccurrenceEndDatetimeDataFieldData
LazyEventOccurrenceLinkDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
LazyEventOccurrenceLinkDataFieldData::loadDataFieldDataFromCategoryMember() — Method in class LazyEventOccurrenceLinkDataFieldData
LazyEventOccurrenceStartDatetimeDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
LazyEventOccurrenceStartDatetimeDataFieldData::loadDataFieldDataFromCategoryMember() — Method in class LazyEventOccurrenceStartDatetimeDataFieldData
LazyPageLinkDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
LazyPageLinkDataFieldData::loadDataFieldDataFromCategoryMember() — Method in class LazyPageLinkDataFieldData
LinkDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field

Represents a link.

$ LinkDataFieldData#linkProperty in class LinkDataFieldData
LogClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
QueueStatus::loadQueues() — Method in class QueueStatus
Node::loadDetails() — Method in class Node
Category::loadDetails() — Method in class Category
ExpressEntrySiteResults::loadDetails() — Method in class ExpressEntrySiteResults
File::loadDetails() — Method in class File
FileFolder::loadDetails() — Method in class FileFolder
LegacyGroupFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Formatter
ListFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Formatter
Group::loadDetails() — Method in class Group
GroupFolder::loadDetails() — Method in class GroupFolder
SearchPreset::loadDetails() — Method in class SearchPreset
Topic::loadDetails() — Method in class Topic
Tree::loadDetails() — Method in class Tree
ExpressEntryResults::loadDetails() — Method in class ExpressEntryResults
FileManager::loadDetails() — Method in class FileManager
Group::loadDetails() — Method in class Group
Topic::loadDetails() — Method in class Topic
LongRunningMigrationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations

Interface that migrations that take long time to be executed should implement.

$ UserSelectInstance#labelFormatProperty in class UserSelectInstance
LogoutClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
LogSubscriberClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
LogSubscriber::log() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriberClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
LogSubscriber::log() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LoginAttemptServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Login

A service for tracking and acting upon login attempts This service is NOT in charge of logging in users, it is meant to react to attempts

LoginServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Login
$ LoginService#loginAttemptServiceProperty in class LoginService

This service tracks login attempts and deals with excessive attempts

LoginService::login() — Method in class LoginService

Attempt login given a username and a password

LoginService::loginByUserID() — Method in class LoginService

Force log in as a specific user ID This method will setup session and set a cookie

LoginService::logLoginAttempt() — Method in class LoginService

Add a log entry for this login attempt

LimitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\PrivateMessage
UserGroupField::loadDataFromRequest() — Method in class UserGroupField

Set the search criteria.

User::loginByUserID() — Method in class User
User::legacyEncryptPassword() — Method in class User

This is for compatibility with passwords generated in older versions of concrete5.

User::logout() — Method in class User
User::loadMasterCollectionEdit() — Method in class User
User::loadCollectionEdit() — Method in class User

Loads a page in edit mode.

User::logIn() — Method in class User
DialogView::loadViewThemeObject() — Method in class DialogView
$ FileLocatorView#locatorProperty in class FileLocatorView
View::loadViewThemeObject() — Method in class View

Load all the theme-related variables for which theme to use for this request. May update the themeHandle property on the view based on themeByRoute settings.

BasicWorkflow::loadDetails() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Load the details of this workflow (usually called right after this instance has been created).

EmptyWorkflow::loadDetails() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Load the details of this workflow (usually called right after this instance has been created).

CalendarEventProgress::loadDetails() — Method in class CalendarEventProgress
PageProgress::loadDetails() — Method in class PageProgress
Progress::loadDetails() — Method in class Progress
UserProgress::loadDetails() — Method in class UserProgress
Workflow::loadDetails() — Method in class Workflow

Load the details of this workflow (usually called right after this instance has been created).

Workflow::load() — Method in class Workflow

Load the workflow data from the database row.


$ Controller#modeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#maxThumbWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#maxThumbHeightProperty in class Controller
MiniSurveyClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Form
$ Controller#maxWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#maxWidthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#maxHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#modeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#mp4fIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#modestbrandingProperty in class Controller
Announcement::markAsViewed() — Method in class Announcement
$ Entry#managerProperty in class Entry
$ Chooser#managerProperty in class Chooser
MessengerClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
$ Chooser#managerProperty in class Chooser
MultilingualClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
User::modifyGroup() — Method in class User
MarketplaceItemClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\UserInterface
$ MarketplaceItem#marketplaceProperty in class MarketplaceItem
$ Chooser#managerProperty in class Chooser
ManageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Area\Layout\Presets
$ Usage#managerProperty in class Usage
MiscellaneousClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
MoveClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node\FileFolder
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Express
MobileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Navigation
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Reports\Logs\Search
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\System\Multisite\SiteType
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\System\Multisite\Site
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Express\Search
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Files\Search
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Groups\Search
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Navigation
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Notification
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Pages\Search
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Users\Search
MessageDetailClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
MessagePageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
MarketplaceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller
MarketplaceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
MessagesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Account
Stacks::move_to_folder() — Method in class Stacks
MessagesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Conversations
MarketplaceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
MultilingualClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
Debug::message_example() — Method in class Debug
MailClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
MethodClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Mail
MultilingualClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
MultisiteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
Settings::multisite_required() — Method in class Settings
Range::make_range_permanent() — Method in class Range
MaintenanceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
Bulkupdate::move() — Method in class Bulkupdate
MessageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users\Groups
MembersClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
AnnouncementService::markAnnouncementAsViewed() — Method in class AnnouncementService
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement
Files::move() — Method in class Files
MoveFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
MoveFileRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ SpecComponents#modelsProperty in class SpecComponents
$ SpecGenerator#mergerProperty in class SpecGenerator
SpecMerger::merge() — Method in class SpecMerger
SpecMerger::mergeProperty() — Method in class SpecMerger
$ SpecPath#methodProperty in class SpecPath
$ SpecRequestBody#modelNameProperty in class SpecRequestBody
$ EditResponse#messageProperty in class EditResponse

The message of the response.

$ UserInterface#menuItemsProperty in class UserInterface
$ AbstractManager#messagesProperty in class AbstractManager
ManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
MessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
MessageFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
MessageInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface
$ AbstractManager#modifiersProperty in class AbstractManager
$ AbstractMenu#menuAttributesProperty in class AbstractMenu
$ AbstractMenu#minItemThresholdProperty in class AbstractMenu
ManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu
MenuInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu
ModifiableMenuInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu
ModifierInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu\Modifier
ModifierInterface::modifyMenu() — Method in class ModifierInterface
$ Controller#menuItemProperty in class Controller
$ Area#maximumBlocksProperty in class Area

limits the number of blocks in the area.

ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider
ManagerServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider
Asset::mapAssetLocation() — Method in class Asset

If the asset is local, set its path and URL starting from the relative path. If it's not local, set its URL.

AssetInterface::mapAssetLocation() — Method in class AssetInterface

If the asset is local, set its path and URL starting from the relative path. If it's not local, set its URL.

JavascriptLocalizedAsset::mapAssetLocation() — Method in class JavascriptLocalizedAsset

If the asset is local, set its path and URL starting from the relative path. If it's not local, set its URL.

ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
MulticolumnTextExportableAttributeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Attribute controllers should implement this interface if they support importing/exporting to/from multiple plain text fields.

AuthenticationType::mapAuthenticationTypeFilePath() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Return the first existing file path in this order:

  • /models/authentication/types/HANDLE
  • /packages/PKGHANDLE/authentication/types/HANDLE
  • /concrete/models/authentication/types/HANDLE
  • /concrete/core/models/authentication/types/HANDLE.
GenericOauthTypeController::markError() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::markSuccess() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
$ ContentExporter#mcBlockIDsProperty in class ContentExporter
$ ContentImporter#mcBlockIDsProperty in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::moveFilesByName() — Method in class ContentImporter

Moves files with a particular filename to a particular folder.

ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer
AbstractRegularExpressionRoutine::match() — Method in class AbstractRegularExpressionRoutine
RoutineInterface::match() — Method in class RoutineInterface
Block::moveBlockToDisplayOrderPosition() — Method in class Block

Move this block after another block (in the block page & area).

Block::move() — Method in class Block

Move the block to a new collection and/or area.

ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Menu
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Menu
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Driver
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Menu
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Menu
$ Menu#menuAttributesProperty in class Menu
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Driver
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Slot\Driver
$ ClearCacheCommandHandler#managerProperty in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
RedisStashDriver::makeKeyString() — Method in class RedisStashDriver

Turns a key array into a key string. This includes running the indexing functions used to manage the Redis hierarchical storage.

ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Search\Field
$ Batch#messagesProperty in class Batch
$ HandleBatchMessageCommand#messageProperty in class HandleBatchMessageCommand
$ HandleBatchMessageCommandHandler#messageBusProperty in class HandleBatchMessageCommandHandler
$ HandleProcessMessageCommand#messageProperty in class HandleProcessMessageCommand
$ HandleProcessMessageCommandHandler#messageBusProperty in class HandleProcessMessageCommandHandler
$ RetryFailedMessageCommand#messageIdProperty in class RetryFailedMessageCommand
$ RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler#messageBusProperty in class RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler
$ ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory#mercureServiceProperty in class ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory
$ ProcessFactory#messageBusProperty in class ProcessFactory
$ ProcessUpdater#mercureServiceProperty in class ProcessUpdater
$ ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler#messageBusManagerProperty in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task
MemoryOutputClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Output
$ MemoryOutput#messagesProperty in class MemoryOutput
$ CommandTaskRunnerHandler#messageBusProperty in class CommandTaskRunnerHandler
$ AbstractContext#messageBusProperty in class AbstractContext
$ ContextFactory#mercureServiceProperty in class ContextFactory
$ ProcessTaskRunner#messageProperty in class ProcessTaskRunner
$ ProcessStartedResponse#messageProperty in class ProcessStartedResponse
$ TaskCompletedResponse#messageProperty in class TaskCompletedResponse
FileLoader::mergeEnvironment() — Method in class FileLoader

Merge the items in the given file into the items.

$ CommandRegistry#migrationCommandsProperty in class CommandRegistry

The commands used for migration. These get an extra MigrationConfiguration object.

MultisiteRequiredTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Controller\Traits

Adds multisite checking to a Dashboard page controller. Note: This must be used from within a Dashboard page controller.

$ AbstractConversationMessageCommand#messageProperty in class AbstractConversationMessageCommand
$ SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandler#mailServiceProperty in class SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandler
$ ConversationService#managerProperty in class ConversationService
MarkdownEditorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Editor
MessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message
MessageEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message
$ MessageEvent#messageProperty in class MessageEvent
MessageListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message
$ NewMessage#messageProperty in class NewMessage
$ CsvSchema#missingHeadersProperty in class CsvSchema

The list of missing headers.

ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\CharacterSetCollation
$ Resolver#maximumStringKeyLengthProperty in class Resolver

The maximum length of string fields that should be supported using the specified collation.

Connection::MetaColumnNames() — Method in class Connection
Connection::MetaTables() — Method in class Connection
Connection::MetaColumns() — Method in class Connection
ConnectionFactory::make() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
DatabaseManager::makeConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Make the database connection instance.

$ DatabaseStructureManager#metadatasProperty in class DatabaseStructureManager

The entity classes and their metadata.

MySQL80KeywordsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Platforms\Keywords

Backport of https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/3128.

MySQL80PlatformClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Platforms

Backport of https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/3128.

MySqlSchemaManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Schema
SelectSettings::mergeAndPersist() — Method in class SelectSettings
Settings::mergeAndPersist() — Method in class Settings
$ CalendarEventConfiguration#maxOccurrencesOfSameEventProperty in class CalendarEventConfiguration
ManyAssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Entry
ManyToManyAssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
ManyToOneAssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
$ Finding#messageProperty in class Finding
$ LocaleTrait#msLanguageProperty in class LocaleTrait

The language code.

$ LocaleTrait#msCountryProperty in class LocaleTrait

The Country/territory code.

$ LocaleTrait#msNumPluralsProperty in class LocaleTrait

The number of plural rules used in this locale.

$ LocaleTrait#msPluralRuleProperty in class LocaleTrait

The plural rules definition of this locale (using gettext format).

$ LocaleTrait#msPluralCasesProperty in class LocaleTrait

The plural rule names with examples (using CLDR format).

$ NewPrivateMessageNotification#messageProperty in class NewPrivateMessageNotification
$ NewPrivateMessageNotification#msgIDProperty in class NewPrivateMessageNotification
MultilingualRelationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page\Relation
$ MultilingualRelation#mpLocaleProperty in class MultilingualRelation
$ MultilingualRelation#mpLanguageProperty in class MultilingualRelation
$ Relation#mpRelationIDProperty in class Relation
$ IpAccessControlCategory#maxEventsProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The maximum allowed events in the time window.

$ Locale#msIsDefaultProperty in class Locale
$ StyleSet#marginTopProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#marginBottomProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#marginLeftProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#marginRightProperty in class StyleSet
$ GroupSignupRequestAccept#managerProperty in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
$ GroupSignupRequestDecline#managerProperty in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
$ AbstractError#messageContainsHtmlProperty in class AbstractError

Does the message contain an HTML-formatted string?

AbstractError::messageContainsHtml() — Method in class AbstractError

Does the message contain an HTML-formatted string?

$ CustomFieldNotPresentError#messageProperty in class CustomFieldNotPresentError
$ Error#messageProperty in class Error

The error message.

HtmlAwareErrorInterface::messageContainsHtml() — Method in class HtmlAwareErrorInterface

Does the message contain an HTML-formatted string?

$ UserMessageException#messageContainsHtmlProperty in class UserMessageException

Does the message contain an HTML-formatted string?

UserMessageException::messageContainsHtml() — Method in class UserMessageException

Does the message contain an HTML-formatted string?

ManyToManyAssociationBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Builder
ManyToOneAssociationBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Builder
ManyToManyFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Formatter
ManyToOneFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Formatter
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Controller
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry
ManyAssociationSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
ManySaveHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
ManyToManyAssociationSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
ManyToOneAssociationSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\Field
$ GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand#maxWidthProperty in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
$ GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand#maxHeightProperty in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
$ AtomicThumbnailStream#managerProperty in class AtomicThumbnailStream
AtomicThumbnailStream::matchingLock() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream

Find the row matching the passed criteria This is used to verify that we've successfully locked a row in the database.

$ ConstrainImageProcessor#maxWidthProperty in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Maximum image width (if set).

$ ConstrainImageProcessor#maxHeightProperty in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Maximum image height (if set).

$ ImportingFile#mimeServiceProperty in class ImportingFile
$ ImportingFile#mimeTypeProperty in class ImportingFile

The mime type of the file.

$ ImageSizeConstrain#maxWidthProperty in class ImageSizeConstrain

Maximum image width (if set).

$ ImageSizeConstrain#maxHeightProperty in class ImageSizeConstrain

Maximum image height (if set).

MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
$ Menu#menuAttributesProperty in class Menu
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field
MenuFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Menu
File::makeExecutable() — Method in class File

Try to set the executable bit of a file.

MimeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Service
$ Mime#mime_types_and_extensionsProperty in class Mime
Mime::mimeFromExtension() — Method in class Mime

Converts a file extension into a mime type.

Mime::mimeToExtension() — Method in class Mime

Converts a known mime-type into it's common file extension.

Zip::mayUseNativeCommand() — Method in class Zip

Check if a native command is available and if we may use it.

$ UsageTracker#managerProperty in class UsageTracker
MapClassLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation
ModifiedPsr4ClassLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation

A PSR-4 compatible class loader.

MessageFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message\Formatter
MessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message
$ Message#messageProperty in class Message
MessageHasDetailsInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message
MessageInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Message
$ EmailReportMessageHandler#mailServiceProperty in class EmailReportMessageHandler
$ FontAwesomeIcon#migrateOldNameProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
$ FontAwesomeIcon#migrateListProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::migrateOldIconName() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
$ FlysystemFileResponse#maxlenProperty in class FlysystemFileResponse
MiddlewareDelegateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware

A middleware delegate for running the next middleware

$ MiddlewareDelegate#middlewareProperty in class MiddlewareDelegate
MiddlewareInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
MiddlewareStackClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware

The default stack used to keep track of middleware and process requests

$ MiddlewareStack#middlewareProperty in class MiddlewareStack
MiddlewareStack::middlewareGenerator() — Method in class MiddlewareStack

Get a generator that converts the stored priority array into a sorted flat list

RequestBase::matches() — Method in class RequestBase

Determines whether a request matches a particular pattern.

ResponseAssetGroup::markAssetAsIncluded() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Notes in the current request that a particular asset has already been provided.

ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\ImageEditor
$ PreconditionResult#messageProperty in class PreconditionResult

The warning/error message.

MemoryLimitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
Job::markStarted() — Method in class Job
Job::markCompleted() — Method in class Job
QueueableJob::markStarted() — Method in class QueueableJob

Mark the queue as started

Set::markStarted() — Method in class Set
Loader::model() — Method in class Loader
ModelClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
$ GroupLogger#messagesProperty in class GroupLogger
$ LogEntry#messageProperty in class LogEntry
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging
$ Menu#menuAttributesProperty in class Menu
MessageColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet\Column
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Field
MenuFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Menu
MailImportedAttachmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\Importer
$ MailImportedAttachment#mailProperty in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\Importer
MailImportedMessage::moveTo() — Method in class MailImportedMessage

Moves this mail by unique id (folder starts with '/')

MailImporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\Importer
MailServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail
MarketplaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
MarketplaceServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
MessageBusAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger

This interface declares awareness of the message bus.

MessageBusAwareTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger

A trait used with MessageBusAwareInterface

$ MessageBusAwareTrait#messageBusProperty in class MessageBusAwareTrait
MessageBusManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger
MessengerConsumeResponseFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger

This class is used to send responses when using app-powered message consumption. This is the default because it relies on zero configuration but you really should use the CLI messenger:consume command instead.

MessengerEventSubscriberClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger
MessengerServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger
MultilingualServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Multilingual
Extractor::mergeTranslationsWithSectionFile() — Method in class Extractor
Extractor::mergeTranslationsWithCore() — Method in class Extractor
Extractor::mergeTranslationsWithPackages() — Method in class Extractor
AppendHTMLModifier::modify() — Method in class AppendHTMLModifier
FlatChildrenModifier::modify() — Method in class FlatChildrenModifier
ModifierInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Modifier
ModifierInterface::modify() — Method in class ModifierInterface
NavigationStartingPointModifier::modify() — Method in class NavigationStartingPointModifier
OpenToCurrentPageModifier::modify() — Method in class OpenToCurrentPageModifier
TopLevelOnlyModifier::modify() — Method in class TopLevelOnlyModifier

Returns just the top level navigation of the dashboard. Used in the dashboard panel.

$ NavigationModifier#modifiersProperty in class NavigationModifier
MercureServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events
MercureServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events
$ ProcessOutputEvent#messageProperty in class ProcessOutputEvent
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Subscription
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
MissingRequiredPackageExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Dependency

Package dependency failure: a package can't be installed since it requires another package that's not installed.

$ MissingRequiredPackageException#missingPackageHandleProperty in class MissingRequiredPackageException

The handle of the package that's not installed.

MailImporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
$ PackageInfo#minimumCoreVersionProperty in class PackageInfo

The minimum Concrete version.

$ PackageInfo#minimumPHPVersionProperty in class PackageInfo

The minimum PHP version.

$ StartingPointInstallRoutine#methodProperty in class StartingPointInstallRoutine
StartingPointPackage::make_directories() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
Collection::markModified() — Method in class Collection

Update the last edit date/time.

$ CopyPageCommand#multilingualCopyProperty in class CopyPageCommand
MarketplaceDashboardPageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller

Abstract controller for extending Concrete CMS through the Dashboard.

MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
$ Menu#menuAttributesProperty in class Menu
MovePageEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
Page::move() — Method in class Page

Move this page under a new parent page.

Page::moveToTrash() — Method in class Page

Move this page and all its child pages to the trash.

Page::movePageDisplayOrderToTop() — Method in class Page

Make this page the first child of its parent.

Page::movePageDisplayOrderToBottom() — Method in class Page

Make this page the first child of its parent.

Page::movePageDisplayOrderToSibling() — Method in class Page

Move this page before of after another page.

Page::moveToRoot() — Method in class Page

Make this page child of nothing, thus moving it to the root level.

$ RelationListController#multilingualSectionProperty in class RelationListController
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field
IndexedSearch::matchesArea() — Method in class IndexedSearch
MenuFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Menu
$ PageListGenerator#multilingualSectionsProperty in class PageListGenerator
$ SitemapWriter#modeProperty in class SitemapWriter

The write mode.

PileContent::moveUp() — Method in class PileContent
PileContent::moveDown() — Method in class PileContent
$ Stack#multilingualSectionIDProperty in class Stack
Stack::mapImportTextToType() — Method in class Stack
$ UsageTracker#managerProperty in class UsageTracker
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework
ManagerServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework
ManagerServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Saver
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Validator
Access::markAsInUse() — Method in class Access
MarketplaceListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
MultilingualSectionListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
MarketplaceAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
MultilingualSectionAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
MarketplaceAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
MultilingualSectionAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
MarketplaceKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
MarketplaceNewsflowKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key

Not used, but upgrading without this class presents problems – easiest to just keep it here for now

MultilingualSectionKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
$ PageKey#multiplePageArrayProperty in class PageKey
MultilingualSectionResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
ModesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Production
MatchedRouteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ Route#middlewaresProperty in class Route
$ RouteGroupBuilder#middlewaresProperty in class RouteGroupBuilder
$ RouteMiddleware#middlewareProperty in class RouteMiddleware
Router::matchRoute() — Method in class Router
RouterInterface::matchRoute() — Method in class RouterInterface
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
ManagerFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
ManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
ManagerServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Field
$ PermissionablePagination#maxResultsToProcessAtOnceProperty in class PermissionablePagination
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ManagerServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
$ AbstractRequestModifier#methodProperty in class AbstractRequestModifier
AutoSortColumnRequestModifier::modify() — Method in class AutoSortColumnRequestModifier
ConfigurableItemsPerPageRequestModifier::modify() — Method in class ConfigurableItemsPerPageRequestModifier
$ CustomItemsPerPageRequestModifier#maxPerPageProperty in class CustomItemsPerPageRequestModifier
CustomItemsPerPageRequestModifier::modify() — Method in class CustomItemsPerPageRequestModifier
ItemsPerPageRequestModifier::modify() — Method in class ItemsPerPageRequestModifier
ModifierInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query\Modifier
ModifierInterface::modify() — Method in class ModifierInterface
$ QueryModifier#modifiersProperty in class QueryModifier
ManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Manager
MultisiteDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Resolver
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type\Controller
$ AggregateTracker#mapProperty in class AggregateTracker
ManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizations
ManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser\Manager
$ Writer#minifierProperty in class Writer
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Category\Driver
$ SummaryObjectInspector#memberMapProperty in class SummaryObjectInspector

A lightweight map of category handle/ids to inflated objects so we don't have to have these thing be a complete performance nightmare

$ Differ#maxTrailingUnchangedLinesProperty in class Differ
PhpFixer::mergePathAndFlags() — Method in class PhpFixer
$ PhpFixerOptions#minimumPhpVersionProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The minimum PHP version.

ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support
$ ClassSymbol#methodsProperty in class ClassSymbol

Array of MethodSymbols.

MethodSymbolClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Symbol\ClassSymbol\MethodSymbol
MetadataGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Symbol
$ InvalidMutexKeyException#mutexKeyProperty in class InvalidMutexKeyException

The mutex key.

MutexBusyExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System\Mutex
$ MutexBusyException#mutexKeyProperty in class MutexBusyException

The mutex key.

MutexInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System\Mutex

Represent a class that can offer a mutually-exclusive system that allows, for instance, to be sure to run some code just once even in concurrent situations.

MutexTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System\Mutex

Trait that contains stuff that can be useful for Mutexes.

MoveFolderItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\File
MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu
MoveExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Exception
Node::move() — Method in class Node

Move this node under another node.

File::move() — Method in class File

Move this node under another node.

Group::move() — Method in class Group

Move this node under another node.

$ Diagnostic#marketplaceItemStatusesProperty in class Diagnostic
MarketplaceItemStatusClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\ApplicationUpdate
$ MarketplaceItemStatus#marketplaceItemIDProperty in class MarketplaceItemStatus
$ MarketplaceItemStatus#marketplaceItemHandleProperty in class MarketplaceItemStatus
MigrationIncompleteExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations

Exception thrown when the migration.

Version20160725000000::migrateOldPermissions() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::migrateFileManagerPermissions() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::migrateFileSetManagerPermissions() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::migrateAttributeValue() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20171110032423::migrateCalendar() — Method in class Version20171110032423
$ Version20190129000000#mappingProperty in class Version20190129000000
AddPageDraftsBooleanTrait::migrateDrafts() — Method in class AddPageDraftsBooleanTrait
Result::merge() — Method in class Result

Merge another Result instance into this one.

MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group
$ Menu#menuAttributesProperty in class Menu
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\Field
MenuFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\Menu
LoginAttemptService::manageBatch() — Method in class LoginAttemptService

Manage a batched ORM operation

MenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
$ Menu#menuAttributesProperty in class Menu
$ PasswordUsageTracker#maxReuseProperty in class PasswordUsageTracker

The number of used strings we will track per subject

MailboxClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#mailboxProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#msgIsUnreadProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#msgIsNewProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#msgIsRepliedProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#msgIDProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#msgDateCreatedProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#msgSubjectProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#msgBodyProperty in class PrivateMessage
PrivateMessage::markAsRead() — Method in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessageList#mailboxProperty in class PrivateMessageList
ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Field
MenuFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Menu
$ StatusService#mhProperty in class StatusService
User::markPreviousFrontendPage() — Method in class User
UserInfo::markAsPasswordReset() — Method in class UserInfo

Marks the current user as having had a password reset from the system.

UserInfo::markValidated() — Method in class UserInfo
Text::match() — Method in class Text

Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.

Text::makenice() — Method in class Text

Runs a number of text functions, including autolink, nl2br, strip_tags. Assumes that you want simple text comments but with a few niceties.

Strings::min() — Method in class Strings

Returns true on whether the passed string is larger or equal to the passed length.

Strings::max() — Method in class Strings

Returns true on whether the passed is smaller or equal to the passed length.

MaximumLengthValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator\String

Validate the length of a string.

$ MaximumLengthValidator#maximum_lengthProperty in class MaximumLengthValidator

The maximum length.

MinimumLengthValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator\String

Validate the length of a string.

$ MinimumLengthValidator#minimum_lengthProperty in class MinimumLengthValidator

The minimum length.

$ ReuseValidator#maxReuseProperty in class ReuseValidator
ReuseValidator::matches() — Method in class ReuseValidator

Verify whether an obfuscated password matches a tracked used password

View::markHeaderAssetPosition() — Method in class View

Function responsible for outputting header items.

View::markFooterAssetPosition() — Method in class View

Function responsible for outputting footer items.

BasicData::markCompleted() — Method in class BasicData
Progress::markCompleted() — Method in class Progress
MovePageRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request


$ Controller#navArrayProperty in class Controller
NavItemClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Autonav

An object used by the Autonav Block to display navigation items in a tree.

$ Controller#navLinksProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#notifyMeOnSubmissionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#notifyMeOnSubmissionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#noSubmitFormRedirectProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#numbersProperty in class Controller
Controller::numbersHelper() — Method in class Controller

Memoized database instance

$ Controller#navigationTypeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#noAnimateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#nextLabelProperty in class Controller

The label to go to the next page.

$ Controller#numProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#noResultsMessageProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#nameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#noCookieProperty in class Controller
NodeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Tree
$ Node#nodeProperty in class Node
$ Duplicate#nodeProperty in class Duplicate
NodeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions\Tree
NodeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree
$ Node#nodeProperty in class Node
$ Header#nodeIdProperty in class Header
NoticeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Production
Versions::new_page() — Method in class Versions
NotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
NewsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
NameClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
NotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
$ Area#nameProperty in class Area
$ Calendar#nameProperty in class Calendar
$ CalendarEvent#nameProperty in class CalendarEvent
NewBlockClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
NewBlockRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
NewFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
NewFileRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
NewGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ NewGroup#nameProperty in class NewGroup
NewGroupRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
NewPageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
NewPageRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
NewUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
NewUserRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ Page#nameProperty in class Page
$ Site#nameProperty in class Site
$ Topic#nameProperty in class Topic
$ UpdatedPage#nameProperty in class UpdatedPage
$ CreateOAuthClientCommand#nameProperty in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
$ Parameter#nameProperty in class Parameter
$ SpecModel#nameProperty in class SpecModel
$ SpecSecurityScheme#nameProperty in class SpecSecurityScheme
UserInterface::notify() — Method in class UserInterface
NavigationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Dashboard\Navigation
NavigationCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Dashboard\Navigation
$ Preset#nameProperty in class Preset
$ ActiveThemeProvider#nameProperty in class ActiveThemeProvider

The name of this provider.

$ ThemeProvider#nameProperty in class ThemeProvider

The name of this provider.

ValueList::next() — Method in class ValueList
ExternalConcreteService::needsStateParameterInAuthUrl() — Method in class ExternalConcreteService

Always send through and verify "state" parameter

$ BoardDetailsTrait#nameProperty in class BoardDetailsTrait
$ DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandler#nowProperty in class DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandler
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand#nameProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
$ AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand#notesProperty in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
$ DuplicateEventEvent#newEventProperty in class DuplicateEventEvent
NoCaptchaControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha

Captcha controller used when there's no active captcha library.

$ Batch#nameProperty in class Batch
HandleBatchMessageCommand::normalize() — Method in class HandleBatchMessageCommand
HandleProcessMessageCommand::normalize() — Method in class HandleProcessMessageCommand
FileLogger::normalize() — Method in class FileLogger
AggregateOutput::normalize() — Method in class AggregateOutput
NullOutputClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Output

An output class that discards output sent to it.

PushOutput::normalize() — Method in class PushOutput
OutputStamp::normalize() — Method in class OutputStamp
$ Command#nameProperty in class Command
Parser::name() — Method in class Parser

Extract the name of the command from the expression.

$ HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler#notificationTypeProperty in class HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler
$ Author#nameProperty in class Author
NewMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message
NoCharacterSetCollationDefinedExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\CharacterSetCollation\Exception
Resolver::normalizeCharacterSet() — Method in class Resolver

Get the normalized form (lower case, only letters/digits/underscores) of a character set.

Resolver::normalizeCollation() — Method in class Resolver

Get the normalized form (lower case, only letters/digits/underscores) of a collation.

PDOStatement::numRows() — Method in class PDOStatement
$ Driver#namespaceProperty in class Driver
$ Device#nameProperty in class Device
$ Plugin#nameProperty in class Plugin

The plugin name.

PasswordHasher::needsRehash() — Method in class PasswordHasher

Determine whether the given hash needs to be rehashed

NumberValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ TaskSet#nameProperty in class TaskSet
$ ConfiguredDataSource#nameProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
$ DataSource#nameProperty in class DataSource
$ InstanceSlotRule#notesProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ Item#nameProperty in class Item
$ SlotTemplate#nameProperty in class SlotTemplate
$ Template#nameProperty in class Template
$ Process#nameProperty in class Process
$ Entity#nameProperty in class Entity
$ Form#nameProperty in class Form
$ Editor#nameProperty in class Editor
$ Result#nameProperty in class Result
NewConversationMessageNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
NewFormSubmissionNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
NewPrivateMessageNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
NotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
$ Notification#nIDProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#nDateProperty in class Notification
NotificationAlertClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
$ NotificationAlert#naIDProperty in class NotificationAlert
$ NotificationAlert#notificationProperty in class NotificationAlert
$ NotificationAlert#naIsArchivedProperty in class NotificationAlert
NotificationAlertRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
$ Client#nameProperty in class Client
$ IpAccessControlCategory#nameProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The IP Access Control Category name.

$ Category#nameProperty in class Category
$ Field#nameProperty in class Field
$ Template#nameProperty in class Template
$ GroupCreate#notificationsProperty in class GroupCreate
$ GroupRoleChange#notificationsProperty in class GroupRoleChange
$ GroupSignup#notificationsProperty in class GroupSignup
$ GroupSignupRequest#notificationsProperty in class GroupSignupRequest
$ GroupSignupRequestAccept#notificationsProperty in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
$ GroupSignupRequestDecline#notificationsProperty in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
$ UserSignup#notificationsProperty in class UserSignup
RebuildEntityIndexCommand::normalize() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommand
NotificationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier
NotificationInterface::notify() — Method in class NotificationInterface
NotificationListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier
$ NotificationList#notificationsProperty in class NotificationList
NotificationListInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier
NotificationProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier
FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification::notify() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
FormBlockSubmissionNotification::notify() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionNotification
NotifierInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier
$ StandardNotifier#notificationsProperty in class StandardNotifier
NameEntityPropertyItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\Item
$ DuplicateFile#newFileProperty in class DuplicateFile
BitmapFormat::normalizeFormat() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Normalize a format.

SanitizerOptions::normalizeStringList() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Takes an array, keeps only strings, makes them lowercase, and returns the unique values.

AtomicThumbnailStream::next() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream

Get the next matching thumbnail path row

$ Version#nameProperty in class Version

The name of the thumbnail type version.

NameColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet\Column
Zip::nativeCommandsEnabled() — Method in class Zip

Can we try to use native commands?

$ Type#nameProperty in class Type

Name (empty string if generic type).

$ ClientSideUploader#numberServiceProperty in class ClientSideUploader
$ TemplateFile#nameProperty in class TemplateFile

Stores the name of this template file

$ FilePicker#numbersProperty in class FilePicker
NoDestinationPickerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\DestinationPicker

A picker for DestinationPicker that allows users specify no value.

$ PagePicker#numbersProperty in class PagePicker
Form::number() — Method in class Form

Renders a number input field.

$ Location#nameProperty in class Location
RunReportTestMessage::normalize() — Method in class RunReportTestMessage
Collection::next() — Method in class Collection
JavaScriptLazyImage::noscriptFallback() — Method in class JavaScriptLazyImage

Create an img element wrapped in "". The image will be displayed if JavaScript is disabled.

Picture::noscriptFallback() — Method in class Picture

Create an img element wrapped in "". The image will be displayed if JavaScript is disabled.

$ FontAwesomeIcon#nameProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
Html::noFollowHref() — Method in class Html

Takes in a string, and adds rel="nofollow" to any a tags that contain an href attribute.

NavigationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Service
DelegateInterface::next() — Method in class DelegateInterface

Dispatch the next available middleware and return the response.

DispatcherDelegate::next() — Method in class DispatcherDelegate

Dispatch the next available middleware and return the response.

$ MiddlewareDelegate#nextDelegateProperty in class MiddlewareDelegate
MiddlewareDelegate::next() — Method in class MiddlewareDelegate

Dispatch the next available middleware and return the response.

RequestMediaTypeParser::normalizeMediaType() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser
ResponseFactory::notFound() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a page not found response

ResponseFactoryInterface::notFound() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create a page not found response

$ MemoryLimit#numberHelperProperty in class MemoryLimit

The number helper.

NoAspStyleTagsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
$ Pagination#number_of_pagesProperty in class Pagination
LevelField::normalizeArray() — Method in class LevelField
$ MailImportedAttachment#nameProperty in class MailImportedAttachment
$ Entry#nameProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#nameKeyProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#notesProperty in class Entry
$ RemotePackage#nameProperty in class RemotePackage
$ UpdatedField#nameProperty in class UpdatedField
DashboardBreadcrumb::next() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb
$ DashboardBreadcrumbFactory#navigationProperty in class DashboardBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactory#navigationProperty in class DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactory#navigationProperty in class DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactory#navigationProperty in class DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory#navigationProperty in class DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory
$ DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactory#navigationProperty in class DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumb::next() — Method in class PageBreadcrumb
$ PageBreadcrumbFactory#navigationProperty in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
$ Item#nameProperty in class Item
$ AppendHTMLModifier#navigationServiceProperty in class AppendHTMLModifier
NavigationStartingPointModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Modifier
$ OpenToCurrentPageModifier#navigationServiceProperty in class OpenToCurrentPageModifier
NavigationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation
NavigationFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation
NavigationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation
NavigationItemTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation
NavigationModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation

Class NavigationModifier

$ StandardFilter#nameProperty in class StandardFilter
NotificationServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification
NewPrivateMessageNotifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Notifier
NotifierInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Notifier
StandardNotifier::notify() — Method in class StandardNotifier
$ StandardSubscription#nameProperty in class StandardSubscription
NewConversationMessageTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
NewFormSubmissionTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
NewPrivateMessageTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
$ UserDeactivatedType#notifierProperty in class UserDeactivatedType

The notifier we use to notify

$ GroupCreateListView#notificationProperty in class GroupCreateListView
$ GroupRoleChangeListView#notificationProperty in class GroupRoleChangeListView
$ GroupSignupListView#notificationProperty in class GroupSignupListView
$ GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView#notificationProperty in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptListView
$ GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView#notificationProperty in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineListView
$ GroupSignupRequestListView#notificationProperty in class GroupSignupRequestListView
NewConversationMessageListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
$ NewConversationMessageListView#notificationProperty in class NewConversationMessageListView
NewFormSubmissionListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
$ NewFormSubmissionListView#notificationProperty in class NewFormSubmissionListView
NewPrivateMessageListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
$ NewPrivateMessageListView#notificationProperty in class NewPrivateMessageListView
$ StandardListView#notificationProperty in class StandardListView
$ UserDeactivatedListView#notificationProperty in class UserDeactivatedListView
$ UserSignupListView#notificationProperty in class UserSignupListView
$ WorkflowProgressListView#notificationProperty in class WorkflowProgressListView
$ MissingRequiredPackageException#notInstallablePackageProperty in class MissingRequiredPackageException

The package that can't be installed.

$ PackageInfo#nameProperty in class PackageInfo

The package name, in English.

PackerFile::newChangedFile() — Method in class PackerFile

Create a new instance of a file, representing a replacement for an existing original package file.

PackerFile::newlyCreatedFile() — Method in class PackerFile

Create a new instance of a file, representing a new file added to the package directory.

AbstractRebuildIndexCommand::normalize() — Method in class AbstractRebuildIndexCommand
$ DuplicatePageEvent#newPageProperty in class DuplicatePageEvent
$ MovePageEvent#newParentProperty in class MovePageEvent
NumberOfChildrenFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
$ DeprecatedPageReadyEvent#nodeProperty in class DeprecatedPageReadyEvent

The sitemap XML node (may be set to null by an event listener).

$ PageListGenerator#nowProperty in class PageListGenerator
$ Pile#nameProperty in class Pile
$ Color#nameProperty in class Color
$ BedrockDocumentationPage#nameProperty in class BedrockDocumentationPage
$ ThemeDocumentationPage#nameProperty in class ThemeDocumentationPage
NineSixtyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework\Type
NameCorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
NotificationListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
NotificationAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
NotificationKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
NullObjectClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
$ RouteGroupBuilder#namespaceProperty in class RouteGroupBuilder

The ability to set a common namespace for all classes within a group

Router::normalizePath() — Method in class Router
$ Group#nameProperty in class Group

The group name.

ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::nextDisabled() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::nextEnabled() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
$ StickyRequest#namespaceProperty in class StickyRequest
NginxConfiguratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration\HTTP
NginxGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration\HTTP
NginxStorageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration\HTTP
NginxDetectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Detector\HTTP
NginxClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\HTTP
SessionFactory::newMemcachedServers() — Method in class SessionFactory

Generator for only returning hosts that aren't already added to the memcache instance.

NativeFileSessionHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session\Storage\Handler
$ DatabaseConfigSaver#namespaceProperty in class DatabaseConfigSaver
$ MultisiteDriver#normalizerProperty in class MultisiteDriver
$ ColorVariable#nameProperty in class ColorVariable
$ ImageVariable#nameProperty in class ImageVariable
LessNormalizer::normalizeVariableName() — Method in class LessNormalizer
NormalizedVariableCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer

A way to normalize SCSS/LESS variables that can be injected into different compilers, stored in the database etc.

NormalizedVariableCollectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer

Responsible for creating a normalized collection of LESS/SCSS variables from a variety of input sources

NormalizerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
NumberVariableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
$ NumberVariable#nameProperty in class NumberVariable
$ NumberVariable#numberProperty in class NumberVariable
$ Variable#nameProperty in class Variable
$ Preset#nameProperty in class Preset
$ Set#nameProperty in class Set

The name of the style customizer set.

$ PresetSkin#nameProperty in class PresetSkin
$ GroupedStyleValueListSet#nameProperty in class GroupedStyleValueListSet
$ Style#nameProperty in class Style

The name of this style.

$ WebFont#nameProperty in class WebFont
InlineTagFixer::needsSemicolonAfter() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
PhpFixerOptions::normalizePath() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Normalize a path.

$ AbstractNodeItem#nodeProperty in class AbstractNodeItem
NodeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node
NodeTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node
NodeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node
$ Diagnostic#noticesProperty in class Diagnostic
AbstractMigration::nullifyInvalidForeignKey() — Method in class AbstractMigration

Set to NULL the fields in a table that reference not existing values of another table.

Version20160725000000::nullifyInvalidForeignKeys() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20190129000000::needsUpdating() — Method in class Version20190129000000
$ RemoteApplicationUpdate#notesProperty in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
NormalizerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\DomainMapper\Map

Class Normalizer Normalize paths and domains in a standard way

Normalizer::normalizePath() — Method in class Normalizer

Trim trailing slash, ensure there's a leading slash

NormalizerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\DomainMapper\Map

Interface NormalizerInterface Normalize domains and paths

NormalizerInterface::normalizePath() — Method in class NormalizerInterface
NotActiveExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception
NotValidatedExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception
$ GroupDetailsTrait#nameProperty in class GroupDetailsTrait
NameColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\ColumnSet\Column
NameFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\Field\Field
$ UserNotificationEventHandler#notificationManagerProperty in class UserNotificationEventHandler

The notification manager we send notifications with

Limit::notifyAdmin() — Method in class Limit
NumberOfLoginsColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet\Column
NumberClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service
NumbersClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Validation
Numbers::number() — Method in class Numbers

Tests whether the passed item is an integer or a floating point number.

Strings::notempty() — Method in class Strings

Returns false if the string is empty (including trim()).

BasicWorkflow::notify() — Method in class BasicWorkflow


Service::outputDisplay() — Method in class Service
Service::output() — Method in class Service
OptionClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Select
$ Controller#orderByProperty in class Controller
Controller::on_start() — Method in class Controller

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Controller::on_start() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#orderByProperty in class Controller
Controller::on_start() — Method in class Controller
Controller::on_before_render() — Method in class Controller
Controller::on_page_view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::outputAutoHeaderItems() — Method in class Controller
Controller::on_page_view() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#onlyCurrentUserProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#orderByProperty in class Controller
Controller::on_start() — Method in class Controller

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Controller::on_start() — Method in class Controller

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Controller::on_start() — Method in class Controller

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

$ Controller#openLinkInNewWindowProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#orderByProperty in class Controller

How to order the sibling pages.

$ Controller#orderByProperty in class Controller
Controller::on_start() — Method in class Controller

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Controller::on_start() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#optionsProperty in class Controller
OptionClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Survey

An object that represents an option in a survey.

$ Option#optionIDProperty in class Option
$ Option#optionNameProperty in class Option
$ Controller#oggfIDProperty in class Controller
OpenApiClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Api
Preview::on_start() — Method in class Preview

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Block::on_start() — Method in class Block

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

File::on_start() — Method in class File

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

MarketplaceItem::on_start() — Method in class MarketplaceItem

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Page::on_start() — Method in class Page

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Design::on_start() — Method in class Design

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Edit::on_start() — Method in class Edit

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

AdvancedPermissions::on_start() — Method in class AdvancedPermissions

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

$ AdvancedSearch#objectManagerProperty in class AdvancedSearch
Search::on_start() — Method in class Search

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Folder::on_start() — Method in class Folder

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Properties::on_start() — Method in class Properties

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Sets::on_start() — Method in class Sets

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Storage::on_start() — Method in class Storage

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

$ Import#originalPageProperty in class Import

The page where the file is originally placed on (false: not yet initialized; null: none; Page: specific page).

$ Add#otherPageTypesProperty in class Add
AddBlock::on_start() — Method in class AddBlock

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Permissions::on_start() — Method in class Permissions

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Properties::on_start() — Method in class Properties

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

AdvancedSearch::onAfterSavePreset() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
$ Delete#objectIDProperty in class Delete
$ Edit#objectIDProperty in class Edit
UpdateFromType::on_start() — Method in class UpdateFromType

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Properties::on_start() — Method in class Properties

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

$ KeySelector#objectsProperty in class KeySelector
OptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Express\Control
Feed::output() — Method in class Feed
Install::on_start() — Method in class Install

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Oauth2Class in namespace Concrete\Controller
CoreStack::on_start() — Method in class CoreStack
CoreThemeDocumentation::on_start() — Method in class CoreThemeDocumentation
Attributes::on_start() — Method in class Attributes

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Location::on_start() — Method in class Location

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Seo::on_start() — Method in class Seo

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

CheckIn::on_start() — Method in class CheckIn

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

$ Sitemap#otherPageTypesProperty in class Sitemap
Sitemap::on_start() — Method in class Sitemap

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Area::overridePagePermissions() — Method in class Area
Block::overrideAreaPermissions() — Method in class Block
File::overrideGlobalFilePermissions() — Method in class File
TreeNode::overrideGlobalNodePermissions() — Method in class TreeNode
Standard::onAfterSearchPreset() — Method in class Standard
Messages::on_before_render() — Method in class Messages

Override this method to do something right before the view is rendered.

Types::on_start() — Method in class Types

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Add::on_start() — Method in class Add

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Install::on_start() — Method in class Install

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Search::on_before_render() — Method in class Search

Override this method to do something right before the view is rendered.

Add::on_start() — Method in class Add

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Inspect::on_before_render() — Method in class Inspect

Override this method to do something right before the view is rendered.

OrganizeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Types
OutputClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Types
Multilingual::on_start() — Method in class Multilingual

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Geolocation::on_start() — Method in class Geolocation

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Associations::on_start() — Method in class Associations

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

CustomizeSearch::on_start() — Method in class CustomizeSearch

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Forms::on_start() — Method in class Forms

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

OrderEntriesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Express\Entities
ExternalFileProvider::on_start() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

ImageEditor::on_start() — Method in class ImageEditor

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

OptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files\Thumbnails
Importers::on_start() — Method in class Importers

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

OptimizationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
Jobs::on_start() — Method in class Jobs

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

OpenClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
Update::on_start() — Method in class Update

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

GroupSets::on_start() — Method in class GroupSets

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

GroupTypes::on_start() — Method in class GroupTypes

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

DownloadFile::on_start() — Method in class DownloadFile

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Login::on_before_render() — Method in class Login
Login::on_start() — Method in class Login
Directory::on_start() — Method in class Directory
Directory::on_before_render() — Method in class Directory
PageForbidden::on_start() — Method in class PageForbidden

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Register::on_start() — Method in class Register

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

Upgrade::on_start() — Method in class Upgrade

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

AbstractController::onViewAnnouncement() — Method in class AbstractController
CollectSiteInformationController::onViewAnnouncement() — Method in class CollectSiteInformationController
ControllerInterface::onViewAnnouncement() — Method in class ControllerInterface
OpenApiSpecifiableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Attribute
Oauth2Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
$ GenerateApiSpecEvent#openApiProperty in class GenerateApiSpecEvent
$ ExpressEntryTransformer#objectProperty in class ExpressEntryTransformer
OptionListOptionTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
OptionListOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ Controller#oauthServerProperty in class Controller
$ SpecGenerator#objectManagerProperty in class SpecGenerator
$ SpecModel#objectNameProperty in class SpecModel
$ SpecProperty#objectPropertiesProperty in class SpecProperty
$ DeletedResponse#objectProperty in class DeletedResponse
EditResponse::outputJSON() — Method in class EditResponse
OpenToCurrentPageModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Dashboard\Navigation\Modifier
OptionsFormClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\OptionsForm
OptionsFormControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\OptionsForm
OptionsFormProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\OptionsForm
Area::overrideCollectionPermissions() — Method in class Area

check if the area has permissions that override the page's permissions.

Area::overridePagePermissions() — Method in class Area
Asset::obfuscateNoCacheValue() — Method in class Asset

Obfuscate the value of the query-string parameter used to avoid browser cache problems.

FormatterInterface::output() — Method in class FormatterInterface
JavascriptFormatter::output() — Method in class JavascriptFormatter
StandardFormatter::output() — Method in class StandardFormatter
$ ClearAttributesCommand#objectProperty in class ClearAttributesCommand
$ SaveAttributesCommand#objectProperty in class SaveAttributesCommand
OptionSelectInstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Component
OptionSelectInstanceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Component
$ View#objectProperty in class View
$ Renderer#objectProperty in class Renderer
ObjectSerializerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Component\KeySelector

Responsible for retrieving attribute values from an object and serializing them.

$ ObjectSerializer#objectProperty in class ObjectSerializer
ObjectsSerializerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Component\KeySelector

Responsible for retrieving attribute values from objects and serializing them.

$ ObjectsSerializer#objectsProperty in class ObjectsSerializer
ObjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

The interface that any object thay may have attributes must implement.

ObjectTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
View::onBeforeGetContents() — Method in class View
View::onAfterGetContents() — Method in class View
$ Result#originalContentProperty in class Result
Block::overrideBlockTypeCacheSettings() — Method in class Block

Override cache settings?

Block::overrideAreaPermissions() — Method in class Block

Area permissions are overridden?

Block::overrideBlockTypeContainerSettings() — Method in class Block

Should this instance override the grid container settings of the block controller?

BlockController::outputAutoHeaderItems() — Method in class BlockController
$ DefaultsBlockCommand#originalBlockIDProperty in class DefaultsBlockCommand
$ DefaultsBlockCommand#originalPageIDProperty in class DefaultsBlockCommand
$ DefaultsBlockCommand#originalCollectionVersionIDProperty in class DefaultsBlockCommand
$ DefaultsBlockCommand#originalAreaHandleProperty in class DefaultsBlockCommand
$ BlockView#outputContentProperty in class BlockView
BlockView::onBeforeGetContents() — Method in class BlockView
$ BlockViewTemplate#objProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
$ CalendarEventData#occurrenceIDProperty in class CalendarEventData
ObjectCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
ObjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
$ PlannedSlotTemplate#objectCollectionProperty in class PlannedSlotTemplate
ObjectCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Level
OverridesCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Level

Class ExpensiveCache This cache stores data about where files are located in concrete5.

OpCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache

Manages opcaches.

PageCache::outputCacheHeaders() — Method in class PageCache

Send the cache-related HTTP headers for a page to the current response.

$ EditResponse#occurrencesProperty in class EditResponse
$ EventService#occurrenceFactoryProperty in class EventService
$ ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand#outputProperty in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand
$ ReindexContentController#objectManagerProperty in class ReindexContentController
$ SelectField#optionsProperty in class SelectField
$ AggregateOutput#outputsProperty in class AggregateOutput
OutputAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Output

This interface declares awareness of task output.

OutputAwareTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Output

A trait used with OutputAwareInterface

$ OutputAwareTrait#outputProperty in class OutputAwareTrait
OutputInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Output
$ AbstractContext#outputProperty in class AbstractContext
OutputStampClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Stamp
$ OutputStamp#outputProperty in class OutputStamp
$ Command#outputProperty in class Command
Command::option() — Method in class Command

Get the value of a command option.

Command::options() — Method in class Command

Get all of the options passed to the command.

ExportCommand::outputFormatCsv() — Method in class ExportCommand

Output the entries as CSV

$ InstallLanguageCommand#outputProperty in class InstallLanguageCommand
OutputStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console

Concrete's output style.

$ OutputStyle#outputProperty in class OutputStyle
AbstractController::on_start() — Method in class AbstractController

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

AbstractController::on_before_render() — Method in class AbstractController

Override this method to do something right before the view is rendered.

MultisiteRequiredTrait::on_start() — Method in class MultisiteRequiredTrait
Conversation::overrideGlobalPermissions() — Method in class Conversation
Editor::outputConversationEditorAddMessageForm() — Method in class Editor

outputs an HTML block containing the add message form for the current Conversation Editor.

Editor::outputConversationEditorReplyMessageForm() — Method in class Editor

Outputs an HTML block containing the message reply form for the current Conversation Editor.

MarkdownEditor::outputConversationEditorReplyMessageForm() — Method in class MarkdownEditor

Outputs an HTML block containing the message reply form for the current Conversation Editor.

PlainTextEditor::outputConversationEditorReplyMessageForm() — Method in class PlainTextEditor

Outputs an HTML block containing the message reply form for the current Conversation Editor.

RichTextEditor::outputConversationEditorReplyMessageForm() — Method in class RichTextEditor

Outputs an HTML block containing the message reply form for the current Conversation Editor.

DownVoteType::outputRatingTypeHTML() — Method in class DownVoteType
Type::outputRatingTypeHTML() — Method in class Type
UpVoteType::outputRatingTypeHTML() — Method in class UpVoteType
$ Connection#overriddenParamsProperty in class Connection

Overridden params.

$ LikeBuilder#oneCharacterWildcardProperty in class LikeBuilder

The wildcard that matches exactly one character in a LIKE query.

$ LikeBuilder#otherWildcardsProperty in class LikeBuilder

Any other characters that may have a special meaning in a LIKE query.

$ Device#orientationProperty in class Device
CkeditorEditor::outputInlineEditorInitJSFunction() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Generate the Javascript code that initialize the plugin when it will be used inline.

CkeditorEditor::outputPageInlineEditor() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the inline editor.

CkeditorEditor::outputSimpleEditor() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Outputs a simple, sanitized editor.

CkeditorEditor::outputStandardEditor() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the editor.

CkeditorEditor::outputEditorWithOptions() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the editor.

CkeditorEditor::outputStandardEditorInitJSFunction() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Generate the standard Javascript code that initialize the plugin.

CkeditorEditor::outputPageComposerEditor() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the editor in composer views.

CkeditorEditor::outputBlockEditModeEditor() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the editor when the page is in edito mode.

EditorInterface::outputPageInlineEditor() — Method in class EditorInterface

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the inline editor.

EditorInterface::outputPageComposerEditor() — Method in class EditorInterface

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the editor in composer views.

EditorInterface::outputBlockEditModeEditor() — Method in class EditorInterface

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the editor when the page is in edito mode.

EditorInterface::outputStandardEditor() — Method in class EditorInterface

Generate the HTML to be placed in a page to display the editor.

$ SelectValueOptionList#optionsProperty in class SelectValueOptionList
$ Board#overridePermissionsProperty in class Board
$ CalendarEventOccurrence#occurrenceIDProperty in class CalendarEventOccurrence
$ CalendarEventVersion#occurrencesProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersionOccurrence#occurrenceProperty in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
OneAssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Entry
OneToManyAssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
OneToOneAssociationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express
$ File#ocIDProperty in class File

Originally placed on which page.

File::overrideFileFolderPermissions() — Method in class File
$ FavoriteFolder#ownerProperty in class FavoriteFolder

The owner of the favorite folder.

ErrorList::offsetExists() — Method in class ErrorList
ErrorList::offsetGet() — Method in class ErrorList
ErrorList::offsetSet() — Method in class ErrorList
ErrorList::offsetUnset() — Method in class ErrorList
ErrorList::output() — Method in class ErrorList
ErrorList::outputJSON() — Method in class ErrorList
OneToManyAssociationBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Builder
OneToOneAssociationBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Builder
OneToManyFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Formatter
OneToOneFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Association\Formatter
$ AddExpressEntryCommandHandler#objectManagerProperty in class AddExpressEntryCommandHandler
$ ClearEntityIndexCommandHandler#objectManagerProperty in class ClearEntityIndexCommandHandler
$ ExpressEntryCommandFactory#objectManagerProperty in class ExpressEntryCommandFactory
$ RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandler#objectManagerProperty in class RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandler
$ ReindexEntryTaskCommandHandler#objectManagerProperty in class ReindexEntryTaskCommandHandler
$ UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandler#objectManagerProperty in class UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandler
CsvWriter::orderedEntry() — Method in class CsvWriter

Return an entry in proper order

OneAssociationSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
OneToManyAssociationSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
OneToOneAssociationSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
OwnedEntityFormClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form
$ OwnedEntityForm#owning_entryProperty in class OwnedEntityForm
ObjectAssociationBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express
ObjectBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express
$ AssociationBuilder#objectBuilderProperty in class AssociationBuilder
$ FormBuilder#objectBuilderProperty in class FormBuilder
ObjectManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express
$ EntryIndexer#objectManagerProperty in class EntryIndexer
OptionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
OptionSerializableTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
$ ExternalSearchRequest#orderByProperty in class ExternalSearchRequest
$ ExternalSearchRequest#orderByDirectionProperty in class ExternalSearchRequest
BasicThumbnailer::outputThumbnail() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer
Set::overrideGlobalPermissions() — Method in class Set
$ Record#overrideProperty in class Record
$ Attribute#objProperty in class Attribute
Color::output() — Method in class Color

Creates form fields and JavaScript includes to add a color picker widget.

Typography::output() — Method in class Typography

Creates form fields and JavaScript includes to add a font picker widget.

Environment::overrideCoreByPackage() — Method in class Environment
$ EnvironmentRecord#overrideProperty in class EnvironmentRecord
CsvWriter::outputResultFindings() — Method in class CsvWriter
Collection::offsetExists() — Method in class Collection
Collection::offsetGet() — Method in class Collection
Collection::offsetSet() — Method in class Collection
Collection::offsetUnset() — Method in class Collection
$ FlysystemFileResponse#offsetProperty in class FlysystemFileResponse
$ APIAuthenticatorMiddleware#oauthProperty in class APIAuthenticatorMiddleware
OAuthAuthenticationMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
$ OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware#oauthProperty in class OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware
OAuthErrorMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
$ ResponseAssetGroup#outputAssetsProperty in class ResponseAssetGroup
$ Installer#optionsProperty in class Installer

The options to be used by the installer.

OptionsPreconditionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install

Interface for the checks to be performed before installing concrete5 but after the configuration has been specified.

Avatar::outputUserAvatar() — Method in class Avatar
Avatar::outputNoAvatar() — Method in class Avatar

What to show if the user has no avatar.

$ AddressFormat#optionsProperty in class AddressFormat

Options that control the address formatting.

$ LocaleStatus#onlyRemoteProperty in class LocaleStatus
$ LocaleStatus#onlyLocalProperty in class LocaleStatus
$ MailImportedMessage#oMailProperty in class MailImportedMessage
$ MailImportedMessage#oMailMessageProperty in class MailImportedMessage
$ MailImportedMessage#oMailCntProperty in class MailImportedMessage
$ MailImportedMessage#oMailIDProperty in class MailImportedMessage
OpenToCurrentPageModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Modifier
FilterList::orderEntries() — Method in class FilterList
$ FileExcluder#outputProperty in class FileExcluder
$ ShortTagExpander#outputProperty in class ShortTagExpander
$ SvgIconRasterizer#outputProperty in class SvgIconRasterizer
$ TranslationCompiler#outputProperty in class TranslationCompiler
$ Cloner#overwriteProperty in class Cloner

Overwrite files if they already exist in the destination directory?

$ Cloner#outputProperty in class Cloner
$ SourceUpdater#outputProperty in class SourceUpdater
$ Zipper#outputProperty in class Zipper
Collection::outputCustomStyleHeaderItems() — Method in class Collection

Retrieve all custom style rules that should be inserted into the header on a page, whether they are defined in areas or blocks.

AccountPageController::on_start() — Method in class AccountPageController

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

AccountPageController::on_before_render() — Method in class AccountPageController

Override this method to do something right before the view is rendered.

DashboardPageController::on_start() — Method in class DashboardPageController

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

DashboardPageController::on_before_render() — Method in class DashboardPageController

Override this method to do something right before the view is rendered.

DashboardSitePageController::on_start() — Method in class DashboardSitePageController

Override this method to perform controller initializations.

PublicProfilePageController::on_start() — Method in class PublicProfilePageController
$ MovePageEvent#oldParentProperty in class MovePageEvent
Page::openCollectionPointerExternalLinkInNewWindow() — Method in class Page

Should the alias link to be opened in a new window?

Page::overrideTemplatePermissions() — Method in class Page

Are template permissions overriden?

$ DragRequestData#originalPagesProperty in class DragRequestData
$ DragRequestData#operationErrorsProperty in class DragRequestData

Array keys are the OPERATION_... constant values, array values are the reasons why the operation can't be performed (or empty string if they can be performed).

$ SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage#overriddenHrefLangProperty in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

The overridden hreflang value.

$ SitemapWriter#outputFilenameProperty in class SitemapWriter
BlockControl::onPageDraftCreate() — Method in class BlockControl
CollectionAttributeControl::objectExists() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
Control::onPageDraftCreate() — Method in class Control
Control::objectExists() — Method in class Control
OutputControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer
ObjectTaskHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Category

Abstrct class for task handles that use a permission object.

ObjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
ObjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
$ PermissionsEntry#objectProperty in class PermissionsEntry
ObjectAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
ObjectRegistryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
$ CollectionVersionResponse#objectProperty in class CollectionVersionResponse
$ Response#objectProperty in class Response
Router::options() — Method in class Router
OptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Rule

Represents an option for a configurable rule.

$ Rule#optionsProperty in class Rule

The rule options.

OrganizationQuestionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation\Question
OptionsFormControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type
OptionsFormProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type
$ Stylesheet#outputDirectoryProperty in class Stylesheet
Stylesheet::output() — Method in class Stylesheet
Stylesheet::outputFileExists() — Method in class Stylesheet
$ PhpFixer#optionsProperty in class PhpFixer
$ Info#overridesProperty in class Info
Node::overrideParentTreeNodePermissions() — Method in class Node
AbstractMigration::output() — Method in class AbstractMigration
Version20160725000000::output() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20161203000000::output() — Method in class Version20161203000000
Version20161208000000::output() — Method in class Version20161208000000
Version20161216000000::output() — Method in class Version20161216000000
Version20161216100000::output() — Method in class Version20161216100000
Version20211023155414::objectToArray() — Method in class Version20211023155414
AnonymousAvatar::output() — Method in class AnonymousAvatar
AvatarInterface::output() — Method in class AvatarInterface
StandardAvatar::output() — Method in class StandardAvatar
$ DeleteGroupCommand#onlyIfEmptyProperty in class DeleteGroupCommand
$ DeleteGroupCommand#onChildGroupsProperty in class DeleteGroupCommand
LogSubscriber::onGroupAdd() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onGroupUpdate() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onGroupDelete() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserEnterGroup() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserExitGroup() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserActivate() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserDeactivate() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserAdd() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserUpdate() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserDeleted() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserResetPassword() — Method in class LogSubscriber
LogSubscriber::onUserChangePassword() — Method in class LogSubscriber
Token::output() — Method in class Token

Create the HTML code of a token.

$ AbstractView#outputAssetsProperty in class AbstractView
AbstractView::onBeforeGetContents() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::onAfterGetContents() — Method in class AbstractView
BasicFileView::onBeforeGetContents() — Method in class BasicFileView
DialogView::onBeforeGetContents() — Method in class DialogView
DialogView::outputAssetIntoView() — Method in class DialogView
ErrorView::onBeforeGetContents() — Method in class ErrorView
FileLocatorView::onBeforeGetContents() — Method in class FileLocatorView
View::onBeforeGetContents() — Method in class View
View::outputAssetIntoView() — Method in class View


Controller::passwordUpgrade() — Method in class Controller
Controller::password_changed() — Method in class Controller
Controller::parseSignedRequest() — Method in class Controller
Controller::processJson() — Method in class Controller

Process an inputted json into a proper json object.

Controller::populateParentIDArray() — Method in class Controller

Pupulates the $cParentIDArray instance property.

$ Controller#paginateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#ptComposerOutputControlIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#passthruControllerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#ptIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#paragraphProperty in class Controller
Controller::processJson() — Method in class Controller

Process an inputted json into a proper json object

$ Controller#pauseProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#previousLabelProperty in class Controller

The label to go to the previous page.

$ Controller#parentLabelProperty in class Controller

The label of the parent page.

$ Controller#pageListTitleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#paginateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#ptIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#pfIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#postTo_cIDProperty in class Controller

Destination page (another page).

$ Controller#positionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#paragraphProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#posterfIDProperty in class Controller
PreviewClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Block
ProcessClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Block
PreviewClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Board\Element
Instance::pinSlot() — Method in class Instance
PreviewClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Board\Instance\Rules
GetImageData::parseImageDataJson() — Method in class GetImageData
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\File
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
Page::publishNow() — Method in class Page
ArrangeBlocks::performArrangement() — Method in class ArrangeBlocks
PreviewVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
PreviewVersion::prepareRequest() — Method in class PreviewVersion
PreviewVersion::prepareConfig() — Method in class PreviewVersion
PreviewVersion::preparePage() — Method in class PreviewVersion
PickClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page\Type\Composer\Form\AddControl
PrivacyPolicyClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
ProcessesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
Processes::poll() — Method in class Processes
$ Block#pageProperty in class Block
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\UserInterface
$ Page#pageProperty in class Page
$ Page#permissionsProperty in class Page
$ AdvancedPermissions#permissionKeyProperty in class AdvancedPermissions
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Area\Edit
PresetsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Area\Layout
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Block
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Board
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Calendar
PreviewClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Editor\Settings
$ Delete#preferencesProperty in class Delete
$ DeleteOccurrence#preferencesProperty in class DeleteOccurrence
$ Edit#preferencesProperty in class Edit
$ AdvancedSearch#pagePathProperty in class AdvancedSearch
Delete::populateFiles() — Method in class Delete
Folder::populateFiles() — Method in class Folder
PropertiesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File\Bulk
Properties::populateFiles() — Method in class Properties
Sets::populateFiles() — Method in class Sets
Storage::populateFiles() — Method in class Storage
PropertiesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
$ Delete#pagesProperty in class Delete
$ AddBlock#pageToModifyProperty in class AddBlock
$ Delete#pagesProperty in class Delete
Delete::populatePages() — Method in class Delete
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page\Bulk
$ Permissions#pagesProperty in class Permissions
$ Permissions#permissionsInheritProperty in class Permissions
PropertiesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page\Bulk
$ Properties#pagesProperty in class Properties

List of pages to edit.

Properties::populatePages() — Method in class Properties
PageTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Tree\Node
Activate::populateUsers() — Method in class Activate
Delete::populateUsers() — Method in class Delete
Group::populateUsers() — Method in class Group
PropertiesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User\Bulk
Properties::populateUsers() — Method in class Properties
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Boards\Configuration
$ Header#pageProperty in class Header
$ Extend#packageRepositoryProperty in class Extend
$ Extend#purchaseConnectionCoordinatorProperty in class Extend
$ ItemList#packageProperty in class ItemList
$ CustomizeResults#providerProperty in class CustomizeResults
$ AddMessage#parentMessageProperty in class AddMessage
AddMessage::processSpamMessage() — Method in class AddMessage
AddMessage::processValidMessage() — Method in class AddMessage
EditMessage::prepareViewsets() — Method in class EditMessage
PageForbiddenClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
PageNotFoundClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
Stylesheet::page_version() — Method in class Stylesheet
Stylesheet::page() — Method in class Stylesheet
$ Add#pagetypesProperty in class Add
$ Add#pageProperty in class Add
Caching::purge() — Method in class Caching
Composer::publish() — Method in class Composer
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Page
PreviewPageLegacyClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Theme
PreviewPresetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Theme
PreviewSkinClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Theme
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel
PageRelationsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel
Design::preview() — Method in class Design
Design::preview_contents() — Method in class Design
Devices::preview() — Method in class Devices
PreviewAsUserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Page
PreviewAsUser::preview_page() — Method in class PreviewAsUser
PageOwnerClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
PageTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
Clipboard::paste() — Method in class Clipboard
PagesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Search
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Blocks
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Calendar
Install::package_uninstalled() — Method in class Install
Install::package_installed() — Method in class Install
Install::package_deleted() — Method in class Install
Update::prepare_remote_upgrade() — Method in class Update
Details::preview_version() — Method in class Details
Search::preset() — Method in class Search
PagesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
Templates::page_template_added() — Method in class Templates
Templates::page_template_deleted() — Method in class Templates
Templates::page_template_updated() — Method in class Templates
Themes::preview() — Method in class Themes
Types::page_type_added() — Method in class Types
Types::page_type_updated() — Method in class Types
Types::page_type_duplicated() — Method in class Types
Types::page_type_deleted() — Method in class Types
$ Attributes#pageTypeProperty in class Attributes
$ Output#pagetypeProperty in class Output
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages\Types
$ Legacy#pageSizeProperty in class Legacy
Logs::preset() — Method in class Logs
PageChangesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Reports
Search::preset() — Method in class Search
ProductionModeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Boards
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Calendar
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Conversations
PointsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Conversations
Debug::produceNotice() — Method in class Debug
ProxyClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
Proxy::proxy_saved() — Method in class Proxy
Entities::publish() — Method in class Entities
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
Addresses::processEntry() — Method in class Addresses
PageReportClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Multilingual
Types::prepareAddOrEdit() — Method in class Types
Types::prepareSkeleton() — Method in class Types
PermissionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
Advanced::permissions_enabled() — Method in class Advanced
TrustedProxies::parseIPList() — Method in class TrustedProxies
PasswordRequirementsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
PostloginClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
ProfilesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
Groups::preset() — Method in class Groups
Message::process() — Method in class Message

Handle actually sending out the emails.

Search::preset() — Method in class Search
ProfileClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Members
PageForbiddenClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
PageNotFoundClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Workflow\Categories
PowerMovesItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item\Welcome
$ Library#pkgIDProperty in class Library
PagesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
PageContentTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
PageTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
$ AddressAttributeValue#postal_codeProperty in class AddressAttributeValue
$ ChangeUserPassword#passwordProperty in class ChangeUserPassword
$ NewPage#parentProperty in class NewPage
$ NewUser#passwordProperty in class NewUser
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ Page#pathProperty in class Page
PageVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ PageVersion#publish_end_dateProperty in class PageVersion
$ Topic#pathProperty in class Topic
$ UpdatedPageVersion#publish_end_dateProperty in class UpdatedPageVersion
$ User#previous_loginProperty in class User
Controller::pruneTokens() — Method in class Controller

Prune old authentication tokens

Controller::pruneResults() — Method in class Controller

Loop over a list of results and prune them

ParameterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi\Parameter
ParameterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi\Parameter
$ SpecFragment#pathCollectionProperty in class SpecFragment
$ SpecModel#propertiesProperty in class SpecModel
$ SpecPath#pathProperty in class SpecPath
$ SpecPath#parametersProperty in class SpecPath
$ SpecPathCollection#pathsProperty in class SpecPathCollection
$ SpecProperty#propertyKeyProperty in class SpecProperty
$ Application#packagesProperty in class Application
UserInterface::pagetabs() — Method in class UserInterface
PanelManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
$ Menu#pageHeaderMenuItemsProperty in class Menu
Validation::password() — Method in class Validation

Returns true if this is a valid password.

PopoverMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\ContextMenu
FullNavigationFactory::populateNavigation() — Method in class FullNavigationFactory
$ Item#pkgHandleProperty in class Item
$ Item#positionProperty in class Item
$ OptionsForm#providerProperty in class OptionsForm
$ JsonFormatter#providerProperty in class JsonFormatter
ProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap

Interface that all the sitemap providers must implement.

$ StandardSitemapProvider#permissionsIgnoredProperty in class StandardSitemapProvider
$ ApiArea#pageProperty in class ApiArea
PresetFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Formatter
PresetColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
PresetLayoutClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
$ PresetLayout#presetProperty in class PresetLayout
$ PresetLayout#presetObjectProperty in class PresetLayout
PresetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset
PresetInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset
$ ActiveThemeProvider#presetsProperty in class ActiveThemeProvider

The available layout presets.

$ Manager#providersProperty in class Manager

The keyed (by name) list of registered providers.

$ Manager#presetsProperty in class Manager

The list of loaded presets.

ProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider
$ ThemeProvider#presetsProperty in class ThemeProvider

The available layout presets.

$ SubArea#parentBlockProperty in class SubArea
$ Asset#positionProperty in class Asset

The position of this asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_HEADER or \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_FOOTER).

$ Asset#pkgProperty in class Asset

The package that defines this asset.

Asset::process() — Method in class Asset

Asset-type specific post-processing.

AssetInterface::process() — Method in class AssetInterface

Asset-type specific post-processing.

CssAsset::process() — Method in class CssAsset
JavascriptAsset::process() — Method in class JavascriptAsset
JavascriptConditionalAsset::process() — Method in class JavascriptConditionalAsset

Asset-type specific post-processing.

PageCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
Context::preferTemplateIfAvailable() — Method in class Context
Context::preferActionIfAvailable() — Method in class Context
Controller::post() — Method in class Controller

Get the whole $_POST array or a specific posted value.

Listener::preRemove() — Method in class Listener
StandardSearchIndexer::processColumn() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer
PendingTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
StandardValidator::parseResponse() — Method in class StandardValidator
$ AuthenticationType#pkgIDProperty in class AuthenticationType
ExternalConcreteService::parseAccessTokenResponse() — Method in class ExternalConcreteService

Parses the access token response and returns a TokenInterface.

Extractor::profileLoader() — Method in class Extractor

Load the external Concrete profile, either from id_token or through the API

Google::profileLoader() — Method in class Google
$ ContentExporter#ptComposerOutputControlIDsProperty in class ContentExporter
$ ContentImporter#ptComposerOutputControlIDsProperty in class ContentImporter
PopulateBoardInstancesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
PageFeedRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
PageRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
PageTypeRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
PictureRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
$ FileItem#prefixProperty in class FileItem
PageFeedItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
PageItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
PageTemplateItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
PageTypeItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
PictureItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
$ Block#proxyBlockProperty in class Block

The proxy block instance.

Block::populateManually() — Method in class Block

Initialize the instance by manually specifying the data.

BlockController::performSave() — Method in class BlockController

Persist the block options.

BlockController::post() — Method in class BlockController

Get the whole $_POST array or a specific posted value.

$ AddBlockToPageCommand#pageProperty in class AddBlockToPageCommand
$ BlockCommand#pageIDProperty in class BlockCommand
$ UpdatePageBlockCommand#pageProperty in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
BlockBeforeRender::preventRendering() — Method in class BlockBeforeRender
BlockBeforeRender::proceed() — Method in class BlockBeforeRender

Return true if the block should be rendered.

$ Menu#permissionsProperty in class Menu
$ Menu#pageProperty in class Menu
BlockView::postProcessViewContents() — Method in class BlockView
$ BlockViewTemplate#packageListProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
$ GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler#plannerProperty in class GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
PinSlotToBoardCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
PinSlotToBoardCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
PageDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Driver
PageSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Saver
PageDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Data
PagePopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Populator
PopulatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Item\Populator
PagePopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content\Populator
PopulatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content\Populator
Listener::preRemove() — Method in class Listener
PlannedInstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Planner

Simple object to tie a board instance to a set of a InstanceItem objects. These get decreased over time as the board slots are filled out.

$ PlannedInstance#plannedSlotsProperty in class PlannedInstance
PlannedSlotClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Planner

Joins content objects to a template and slot number. A simple object that we can use to store values BEFORE we actually populate block content and save items to the database.

PlannedSlotTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Planner

Actually responsible for grouping selected content object collections with the proper template. This is then joined back to the slot object.

PlannerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Planner
Planner::planSlot() — Method in class Planner
Planner::plan() — Method in class Planner
PossibleContentObjectCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Planner

Joins a content slot to all content objects that could be present in it. This is then filtered by board rules into the actual ContentObjectCollection objects passed to the PlannedSlotTemplate object.

PlannerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Layout
PermissionsManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Permissions
$ Cache#poolProperty in class Cache
$ RedisStashDriver#prefixProperty in class RedisStashDriver
RedisStashDriver::purge() — Method in class RedisStashDriver
FilePageCache::purgeByRecord() — Method in class FilePageCache

Remove a cache entry given the record retrieved from the cache.

FilePageCache::purge() — Method in class FilePageCache

Remove a cache entry given the page.

PageCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Page
PageCache::purgeByRecord() — Method in class PageCache

Remove a cache entry given the record retrieved from the cache.

PageCache::purge() — Method in class PageCache

Remove a cache entry given the page.

PageCacheRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Page
$ RedisPageCache#poolProperty in class RedisPageCache
RedisPageCache::purgeByRecord() — Method in class RedisPageCache
RedisPageCache::purge() — Method in class RedisPageCache
CalendarServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class CalendarServiceProvider
PermissionsManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Calendar
PopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Summary\Template
Listener::preRemove() — Method in class Listener
$ Event#progressProperty in class Event
ProgressListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Event\Workflow\Progress
PreferencesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Calendar\Utility
$ Library#pkgHandleProperty in class Library
$ Library#pkgIDProperty in class Library

The package ID (or 0 if it's a core library).

$ SecurimageController#pictureAttributesProperty in class SecurimageController
Listener::preRemove() — Method in class Listener
$ DeleteProcessCommand#processIdProperty in class DeleteProcessCommand
$ HandleProcessMessageCommand#processIdProperty in class HandleProcessMessageCommand
$ HandleProcessMessageCommandHandler#processUpdaterProperty in class HandleProcessMessageCommandHandler
ProcessMessageInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
ProcessEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Event
$ ProcessEvent#processProperty in class ProcessEvent
$ FileLogger#processProperty in class FileLogger
ProcessConfigurationResponseFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process
ProcessFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process
ProcessResponseFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process
ProcessUpdaterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process
$ ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler#processUpdaterProperty in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler
PageCacheReportControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
ProcessEmailControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
ProductionStatusControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
PushOutputClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Output
$ PushOutput#processIdProperty in class PushOutput
$ BatchProcessTaskRunner#processStartedMessageProperty in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
$ BatchProcessTaskRunner#processProperty in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
$ BatchProcessTaskRunnerHandler#processUpdaterProperty in class BatchProcessTaskRunnerHandler
ProcessTaskRunnerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner

Receives a command and asynchronously executes it on a process.

$ ProcessTaskRunner#processStartedMessageProperty in class ProcessTaskRunner
$ ProcessTaskRunner#processProperty in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunnerHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner
$ ProcessTaskRunnerHandler#processFactoryProperty in class ProcessTaskRunnerHandler
ProcessTaskRunnerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner
ProcessStartedResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner\Response
$ ProcessStartedResponse#processProperty in class ProcessStartedResponse
ActivitySlotItem::parseResponse() — Method in class ActivitySlotItem
$ CompositeLoader#processedProperty in class CompositeLoader
RedisPaginatedTrait::paginatedScan() — Method in class RedisPaginatedTrait

Scan for a specific key pattern

RedisPaginatedTrait::paginatedScanValues() — Method in class RedisPaginatedTrait

Get the keys and values matching a pattern

$ Repository#packagesProperty in class Repository

All of the registered packages.

$ Repository#parsedProperty in class Repository

A cache of the parsed items.

Repository::package() — Method in class Repository

Register a package for cascading configuration.

Repository::parseKey() — Method in class Repository

Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.

Repository::parseNamespacedSegments() — Method in class Repository

Parse an array of namespaced segments.

Repository::parsePackageSegments() — Method in class Repository
Repository::parseBasicSegments() — Method in class Repository

Parse an array of basic segments.

$ InstallCommand#preconditionsPassedProperty in class InstallCommand
PackPackageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
PackPackageCommand::parseInputArgument() — Method in class PackPackageCommand

Get the package details analyzing the command-line arguments.

PhpCodingStyleCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
PhpCodingStyleCommand::printChanges() — Method in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
PhpCodingStyleCommand::printErrors() — Method in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
PhpCodingStyleCommand::printCountersTable() — Method in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
ServiceCommand::parseRuleOptions() — Method in class ServiceCommand

Parse the rule-options input argument.

ParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console

Console command parser This was taken directly from illuminate/console

Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser

Parse the given console command definition into an array.

Parser::parameters() — Method in class Parser

Extract all of the parameters from the tokens.

Parser::parseArgument() — Method in class Parser

Parse an argument expression.

Parser::parseOption() — Method in class Parser

Parse an option expression.

$ AbstractController#parametersProperty in class AbstractController

The action parameters.

AbstractController::post() — Method in class AbstractController

Get the whole $_POST array or a specific posted value.

$ ElementController#pkgHandleProperty in class ElementController

The handle of the package defining this element.

DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::preset() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
$ Conversation#pageProperty in class Conversation
$ ConversationService#pageCategoryProperty in class ConversationService
$ Editor#pkgIDProperty in class Editor
PlainTextEditorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Editor
$ FrontendController#pageIDProperty in class FrontendController

The page ID as specified by the request.

$ FrontendController#pageProperty in class FrontendController

The page as specified by the request.

AbstractExporter::projectHeaders() — Method in class AbstractExporter

A generator that returns all headers.

AbstractExporter::projectObject() — Method in class AbstractExporter

A generator that returns all fields of an object instance.

AbstractExporter::projectList() — Method in class AbstractExporter

A generator that returns all the rows for an object list.

PageActivityExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv\Export
AbstractImporter::process() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Process the CSV data.

AbstractImporter::processHeader() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Read the header row and initialize the CSV schema.

AbstractImporter::processData() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Read the data rows and process them.

CsvSchema::parseStaticHeaders() — Method in class CsvSchema
CsvSchema::parseAttributeHeaders() — Method in class CsvSchema
WriterFactory::prepare() — Method in class WriterFactory

Add extra details to a writer.

Manager::persistConfiguration() — Method in class Manager

Persist the character set/collation configuration for a specific connection.

PDOConnectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Connection

PDO implementation of the Connection interface.

DatabaseManager::purge() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Disconnect from the given database and remove from local cache.

DatabaseManager::prepare() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Prepare the database connection instance.

DatabaseServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider

A list of things that this service provider provides.

PDOStatementClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Driver

The PDO implementation of the Statement interface.

$ AbstractPackageProvider#pkgProperty in class AbstractPackageProvider
AbstractPackageProvider::packageSupportsLegacyCore() — Method in class AbstractPackageProvider

Package supports legacy core

PackageProviderFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Provider
$ PackageProviderFactory#pkgProperty in class PackageProviderFactory
ProviderAggregateInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Provider

Implement this in your package controller if you'd like to provide a custom entity manager.

ProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Provider

Anything implementing the Provider interface is able to delivery one or more entity manager drivers. Currently the Concrete\Core\Package\Package class (extended by all package controllers) is the only object that implements this interface.

ArrayParser::parse() — Method in class ArrayParser
Axmls::parse() — Method in class Axmls

Transforms the XML from Adodb XML into Doctrine DBAL Schema.

DoctrineXml05::parse() — Method in class DoctrineXml05

Transforms the XML from Adodb XML into Doctrine DBAL Schema.

XmlParser::parse() — Method in class XmlParser
ProvidesTagsInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Design\Tag
$ CkeditorEditor#pluginManagerProperty in class CkeditorEditor

The plugin manager instance.

PageNameSnippetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor
PluginClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor
PluginManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor
$ PluginManager#pluginsProperty in class PluginManager

The list of available plugins.

PasswordHasherClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Encryption
$ PasswordHasher#phpassPasswordHashProperty in class PasswordHasher
PageKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
PageValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
$ AddressValue#postal_codeProperty in class AddressValue

Note: It's the public portion of this property that is deprecated.

$ BlockType#pkgIDProperty in class BlockType
$ Board#permission_assignmentsProperty in class Board
$ BoardPermissionAssignment#pkIDProperty in class BoardPermissionAssignment
$ BoardPermissionAssignment#paIDProperty in class BoardPermissionAssignment
PageConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board\DataSource\Configuration
$ ConfiguredDataSource#populationDayIntervalFutureProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
$ ConfiguredDataSource#populationDayIntervalPastProperty in class ConfiguredDataSource
$ Calendar#permission_assignmentsProperty in class Calendar
$ CalendarPermissionAssignment#pkIDProperty in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
$ CalendarPermissionAssignment#paIDProperty in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
$ Batch#pendingJobsProperty in class Batch
ProcessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Command
ProcessRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Command
$ Control#positionProperty in class Control
PublicIdentifierControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Control
$ Entity#plural_handleProperty in class Entity
$ Entry#publicIdentifierProperty in class Entry
$ FieldSet#positionProperty in class FieldSet
$ Type#pkgIDProperty in class Type
$ Type#pkgIDProperty in class Type
$ WorkflowProgressNotification#progressObjectProperty in class WorkflowProgressNotification
AccessTokenRepository::persistNewAccessToken() — Method in class AccessTokenRepository

Persists a new access token to permanent storage.

AuthCodeRepository::persistNewAuthCode() — Method in class AuthCodeRepository

Persists a new auth code to permanent storage.

RefreshTokenRepository::persistNewRefreshToken() — Method in class RefreshTokenRepository

Create a new refresh token_name.

PackageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity
$ Package#pkgIDProperty in class Package
$ Package#pkgHandleProperty in class Package
$ Package#pkgVersionProperty in class Package
$ Package#pkgIsInstalledProperty in class Package
$ Package#pkgAvailableVersionProperty in class Package
$ Package#pkgDescriptionProperty in class Package
$ Package#pkgDateInstalledProperty in class Package
$ Package#pkgNameProperty in class Package
PackageTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity
$ PackageTrait#packageProperty in class PackageTrait
$ Feed#pfDescriptionProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfHandleProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfTitleProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfIDProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#ptIDProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfIncludeAllDescendentsProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfDisplayAliasesProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfDisplaySystemPagesProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfContentToDisplayProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfAreaHandleToDisplayProperty in class Feed
$ Feed#pfDisplayFeaturedOnlyProperty in class Feed
PagePathClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page
$ PagePath#ppIDProperty in class PagePath
$ PagePath#ppIsCanonicalProperty in class PagePath
$ PagePath#ppGeneratedFromURLSlugsProperty in class PagePath
PageTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page\Summary

Handles joining a page object to template objects. Every time a new page version is approved we rebuild this association against the page (much like the PagePath object). This doesn't join directly to the HTML of template, but to the template object only.

$ Template#pTemplateIDProperty in class Template
$ Template#pTemplateHandleProperty in class Template
$ Template#pTemplateIconProperty in class Template
$ Template#pTemplateNameProperty in class Template
$ Template#pTemplateIsInternalProperty in class Template
$ Template#pkgIDProperty in class Template
$ CustomSkin#pThemeIDProperty in class CustomSkin
$ CustomSkin#presetStartingPointProperty in class CustomSkin
$ IpAccessControlCategory#packageProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The package that defines this IP Access Control Category.

$ SiteGroup#pegIDProperty in class SiteGroup
$ SiteGroup#peIDProperty in class SiteGroup
$ SavedSearch#presetNameProperty in class SavedSearch
$ Site#pThemeIDProperty in class Site

The ID of the theme.

$ Site#pThemeSkinIdentifierProperty in class Site

A theme skin to use for this site.

$ StyleSet#paddingTopProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#paddingBottomProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#paddingLeftProperty in class StyleSet
$ StyleSet#paddingRightProperty in class StyleSet
PlainTextHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\Handler
PublicIdentifierControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express\Control
Listener::preRemove() — Method in class Listener
Listener::prePersist() — Method in class Listener
Listener::postRemove() — Method in class Listener
$ EntryList#permissionsCheckerProperty in class EntryList
Listener::preRemove() — Method in class Listener
PublicIdentifierGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry
Item::populateDetails() — Method in class Item
CsvWriter::projectList() — Method in class CsvWriter

A generator that takes an EntryList and converts it to CSV rows

CsvWriter::projectEntry() — Method in class CsvWriter

Turn an Entry into an array

PublicIdentifierPropertyItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\Item
PublicIdentifierViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
ProcessorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Processor
Manager::populateGroups() — Method in class Manager
$ FeedPost#postProperty in class FeedPost
$ DeleteFile#proceedProperty in class DeleteFile
DeleteFile::proceed() — Method in class DeleteFile
$ FileWithPassword#passwordProperty in class FileWithPassword
$ ThumbnailDelete#pathProperty in class ThumbnailDelete

E.g. /thumbnails/medium_2x/9915/2801/7337/png-24.jpg

$ ThumbnailGenerate#pathProperty in class ThumbnailGenerate

E.g. /thumbnails/medium_2x/9915/2801/7337/png-24.jpg

ExternalFileProviderFactory::persist() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderFactory

Store a created external file provider to the database.

$ FileList#permissionsCheckerProperty in class FileList
$ FileList#paginationPageParameterProperty in class FileList
$ FolderItemList#parentProperty in class FolderItemList
$ FolderItemList#permissionsCheckerProperty in class FolderItemList
$ BasicThumbnailer#pngCompressionProperty in class BasicThumbnailer

The currently configured PNG compression level.

BasicThumbnailer::processThumbnail() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer
Sanitizer::processNode() — Method in class Sanitizer

Analyze an element (and all its children), removing selected elements/attributes.

$ Thumbnail#pathProperty in class Thumbnail

The thumbnail full URL (if available) or its path relative to the webroot.

$ CustomThumbnail#pathProperty in class CustomThumbnail
AutorotateImageProcessor::process() — Method in class AutorotateImageProcessor

Process a specific file version.

ConstrainImageProcessor::process() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Process a specific file version.

ForceImageFormatProcessor::process() — Method in class ForceImageFormatProcessor

Process a specific file version.

ProcessorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ImportProcessor
ProcessorInterface::process() — Method in class ProcessorInterface

Process a specific file version.

SetJPEGQualityProcessor::process() — Method in class SetJPEGQualityProcessor

Process a specific file version.

$ FileImporter#processorManagerProperty in class FileImporter
ProcessorManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import
$ ProcessorManager#preProcessorsProperty in class ProcessorManager

The list of pre-processors.

$ ProcessorManager#postProcessorsProperty in class ProcessorManager

The list of post-processors.

$ ExifDataExtractor#populateFileNameAttributesProperty in class ExifDataExtractor
$ ExifDataExtractor#populateDescriptionAttributesProperty in class ExifDataExtractor
$ ExifDataExtractor#populateKeywordAttributesProperty in class ExifDataExtractor
$ ExifDataExtractor#populateAdditionalAttributesProperty in class ExifDataExtractor
ExifDataExtractor::postProcess() — Method in class ExifDataExtractor

Post-process am imported file.

ImageAutorotator::preProcess() — Method in class ImageAutorotator

Pre-process a file being imported.

ImageSizeConstrain::preProcess() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Pre-process a file being imported.

LegacyPostProcessor::postProcess() — Method in class LegacyPostProcessor

Post-process am imported file.

PostProcessorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
PostProcessorInterface::postProcess() — Method in class PostProcessorInterface

Post-process am imported file.

PreProcessorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
PreProcessorInterface::preProcess() — Method in class PreProcessorInterface

Pre-process a file being imported.

ProcessorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
SvgProcessor::preProcess() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Pre-process a file being imported.

ThumbnailGenerator::postProcess() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator

Post-process am imported file.

$ Rescanner#processorManagerProperty in class Rescanner
Item::populateDetails() — Method in class Item
Application::prefix() — Method in class Application
$ VolatileDirectory#pathProperty in class VolatileDirectory

The path of this volatile directory.

Set::populateFiles() — Method in class Set

Get a list of files associated with this set.

$ LocalConfiguration#pathProperty in class LocalConfiguration
StorageLocationFactory::persist() — Method in class StorageLocationFactory

Store a created storage location to the database.

UsageTracker::persist() — Method in class UsageTracker
FlvInspector::parseUI8() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::parseUI16() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::parseUI24() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::parseUI32() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::parseDouble() — Method in class FlvInspector

IEEE 754.

$ Type#pkgHandleProperty in class Type

Handle of the owner package (empty string if not available).

$ Element#pkgHandleProperty in class Element

The handle of the package defining this element.

$ Element#pageProperty in class Element

The page where the element will be rendered.

Element::populateFromArguments() — Method in class Element

Initialize this instance.

$ AllPackagesLocation#packageListProperty in class AllPackagesLocation
PackageLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
$ PackageLocation#pkgHandleProperty in class PackageLocation
$ Record#pkgHandleProperty in class Record
$ ThemeLocation#pkgHandleProperty in class ThemeLocation
$ Template#pkgHandleProperty in class Template
$ TemplateFile#parentObjectProperty in class TemplateFile

Stores the parent object of this template file

$ TemplateLocation#pkgHandleProperty in class TemplateLocation
TemplateLocator::prependLocation() — Method in class TemplateLocator

Adds a new place to look at the front of the line

$ ContextFactory#providerProperty in class ContextFactory
PagePickerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\DestinationPicker

A picker for DestinationPicker that allows users specify a concrete5 page.

$ PagePicker#pageSelectorProperty in class PagePicker
PickerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\DestinationPicker
Form::password() — Method in class Form

Renders a password input field.

Form::processRequestValue() — Method in class Form

Checks the request based on the key passed.

Form::parseMiscFields() — Method in class Form
PageSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
$ ClassAutoloader#packagesDirProperty in class ClassAutoloader

The absolute path to the packages directory, always using '/' as directory separator and ending with '/'.

$ ClassAutoloader#packageInfoProperty in class ClassAutoloader

Details about the computed autoloading stuff for every package.

$ ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader#prefixesProperty in class ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader
Psr4ClassLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation
DefaultRunner::preloadClassAliases() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Pre-load class aliases This is needed to avoid the problem of calling functions that accept a class alias as a parameter, but that alias isn't still auto-loaded. For example, that would result in the following error: Argument 1 passed to functionName() must be an instance of Area, instance of Concrete\Core\Area\Area given.

ProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Service

Extending this class allows groups of services to be registered at once.

Provider::provides() — Method in class Provider
ProviderListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Service
$ GeolocationResult#postalCodeProperty in class GeolocationResult

The postal code.

GeolocatorController::performGeolocation() — Method in class GeolocatorController

Geolocate an IP address.

PassFailFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Grade\Formatter
PassFailGradeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Grade
CsvWriter::populateWriter() — Method in class CsvWriter
PageCacheReportGraderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Grader
ProductionGraderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Grader

A more severe version of the StandardGrader - all the behavior is the same but warnings count for 10 and any alerts at all result in a zero-failure.

PageTestInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test
PageCacheSuiteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Suite
ProductionStatusSuiteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Suite
$ AbstractPageTest#pageIdProperty in class AbstractPageTest
PictureClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Object
$ FontAwesomeIcon#prefixProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
$ FontAwesomeIcon#pulseProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
$ FontAwesomeIcon#pullProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
$ FontAwesomeIcon#proProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
FlysystemFileResponse::prepare() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse
APIAuthenticatorMiddleware::process() — Method in class APIAuthenticatorMiddleware

Process the request and return a response

ApiLoggerMiddleware::process() — Method in class ApiLoggerMiddleware

Process the request and return a response

ApplicationMiddleware::process() — Method in class ApplicationMiddleware

Apply the request instance to the request singleton

ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware::process() — Method in class ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware
CookieMiddleware::process() — Method in class CookieMiddleware

Process the request and return a response

FractalNegotiatorMiddleware::process() — Method in class FractalNegotiatorMiddleware

Process the request and return a response

FrameOptionsMiddleware::process() — Method in class FrameOptionsMiddleware
MiddlewareInterface::process() — Method in class MiddlewareInterface

Process the request and return a response

MiddlewareStack::process() — Method in class MiddlewareStack
$ OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware#psrFactoryProperty in class OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware
OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware::process() — Method in class OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware

Process the request and return a response

OAuthErrorMiddleware::process() — Method in class OAuthErrorMiddleware

Process the request and return a PSR7 error response if needed

StackInterface::process() — Method in class StackInterface

Process the request through middleware and return the response.

StrictTransportSecurityMiddleware::process() — Method in class StrictTransportSecurityMiddleware
RequestBase::post() — Method in class RequestBase

If no arguments are passed, returns the post array. If a key is passed, it returns the value as it exists in the post array.

RequestMediaTypeParser::parseRequestAccept() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser
$ ResponseAssetGroup#providedAssetGroupUnmatchedProperty in class ResponseAssetGroup
$ ResponseAssetGroup#providedAssetGroupProperty in class ResponseAssetGroup
$ RouteDispatcher#parametersProperty in class RouteDispatcher
$ InstallerOptions#privacyPolicyAcceptedProperty in class InstallerOptions

Whether the user has accepted the privacy policy from the front-end installation

PreconditionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install

Interface for the checks to be performed before installing concrete5.

PreconditionInterface::performCheck() — Method in class PreconditionInterface

Get the precondition result.

PreconditionResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install

The result of a precondition check.

PreconditionServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install

Service class for installation preconditions.

CanonicalUrls::performCheck() — Method in class CanonicalUrls

Get the precondition result.

Cookies::performCheck() — Method in class Cookies

Get the precondition result.

DatabaseCharsetCollation::performCheck() — Method in class DatabaseCharsetCollation

Get the precondition result.

DatabaseTimeZone::performCheck() — Method in class DatabaseTimeZone

Get the precondition result.

DomExtension::performCheck() — Method in class DomExtension

Get the precondition result.

EmptyDatabase::performCheck() — Method in class EmptyDatabase

Get the precondition result.

FileinfoExtension::performCheck() — Method in class FileinfoExtension

Get the precondition result.

ImageManipulation::performCheck() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get the precondition result.

InnoDB::performCheck() — Method in class InnoDB

Get the precondition result.

InternationalizationSupport::performCheck() — Method in class InternationalizationSupport

Get the precondition result.

Javascript::performCheck() — Method in class Javascript

Get the precondition result.

JsonExtension::performCheck() — Method in class JsonExtension

Get the precondition result.

MemoryLimit::performCheck() — Method in class MemoryLimit

Get the precondition result.

NoAspStyleTags::performCheck() — Method in class NoAspStyleTags

Get the precondition result.

PdoMysqlExtensionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
PdoMysqlExtension::performCheck() — Method in class PdoMysqlExtension

Get the precondition result.

PhpCommentsPreservedClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
PhpCommentsPreserved::performCheck() — Method in class PhpCommentsPreserved

Get the precondition result.

PhpVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
PhpVersion::performCheck() — Method in class PhpVersion

Get the precondition result.

RemoteFileImporting::performCheck() — Method in class RemoteFileImporting

Get the precondition result.

RequestUrls::performCheck() — Method in class RequestUrls

Get the precondition result.

StartingPoint::performCheck() — Method in class StartingPoint

Get the precondition result.

TableCase::performCheck() — Method in class TableCase

Get the precondition result.

TokenizerExtension::performCheck() — Method in class TokenizerExtension

Get the precondition result.

WritableDirectories::performCheck() — Method in class WritableDirectories

Get the precondition result.

XmlSupport::performCheck() — Method in class XmlSupport

Get the precondition result.

ZipSupport::performCheck() — Method in class ZipSupport

Get the precondition result.

QueueableJob::processQueueItem() — Method in class QueueableJob

Process a QueueMessage

$ FileList#permissionLevelProperty in class FileList
Loader::packageElement() — Method in class Loader
PageListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy

An object that allows a filtered list of pages to be returned.

PaginationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
$ Pagination#page_sizeProperty in class Pagination
PasswordHashClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
$ PasswordHash#portable_hashesProperty in class PasswordHash
Localization::pushActiveContext() — Method in class Localization

Change the active translation context, but remember the previous one.

Localization::popActiveContext() — Method in class Localization

Restore the context that was active before calling pushActiveContext.

PackageLocaleStatusClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation
$ PackageLocaleStatus#packageProperty in class PackageLocaleStatus
$ CommunityStoreTranslationProvider#progressLimitProperty in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

The default progress limit.

ProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation\Remote
$ TranslatorAdapterFactory#plainFactoryProperty in class TranslatorAdapterFactory
PackagesTranslationLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Adapter\Laminas\Translation\Loader\Gettext

Translation loader that loads the package translations for the Laminas translation adapter.

AdvancedConfiguration::prepareConfig() — Method in class AdvancedConfiguration

Takes the config array we're going to pass to monolog cascade and transforms it a bit. For example, if we have configuration we need to apply to all channels, we loop through all the channels in the channels class and add them to the config array.

$ LogList#permissionsCheckerProperty in class LogList
Item::populateDetails() — Method in class Item
ProcessEmailCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\Command
ProcessEmailCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\Command
PrivateMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail\Importer\Type
PrivateMessage::process() — Method in class PrivateMessage
$ Entry#packageHandleProperty in class Entry
$ Entry#priorityProperty in class Entry
$ Connection#publicProperty in class Connection
$ Connection#privateProperty in class Connection
PackageAlreadyExistsExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Exception
$ ConnectResult#privateProperty in class ConnectResult
$ ConnectResult#publicProperty in class ConnectResult
PackageRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
$ PackageRepository#pathsProperty in class PackageRepository
PackageRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
PurchaseConnectionCoordinatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
$ RemoteItem#priceProperty in class RemoteItem
RemoteItem::purchaseRequired() — Method in class RemoteItem
$ RemoteItemList#paramsProperty in class RemoteItemList
$ Inspector#packageServiceProperty in class Inspector
PageListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Page
$ Detector#preferredSectionProperty in class Detector
PageBreadcrumbClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb
PageBreadcrumbFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Breadcrumb
PageItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Item
$ PageItem#pageIDProperty in class PageItem
NavigationFactory::populateNavigation() — Method in class NavigationFactory
NavigationModifier::process() — Method in class NavigationModifier
MercureService::publish() — Method in class MercureService

Wrapper for getting the hub directly and publishing an update. Useful for ensuring Mercure doesn't raise undue errors.

ProcessClosedEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent
$ ProcessClosedEvent#processDataProperty in class ProcessClosedEvent
ProcessOutputEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent
$ ProcessOutputEvent#processIdProperty in class ProcessOutputEvent
$ TestConnectionEvent#pingProperty in class TestConnectionEvent
$ AbstractTopic#pathProperty in class AbstractTopic
$ WorkflowProgressListView#progressProperty in class WorkflowProgressListView
$ BrokenPackage#pkgHandleProperty in class BrokenPackage
$ BrokenPackage#pkgVersionProperty in class BrokenPackage
$ BrokenPackage#pkgNameProperty in class BrokenPackage
$ BrokenPackage#pkgDescriptionProperty in class BrokenPackage
$ VersionMismatchException#packageProperty in class VersionMismatchException

The package that fails the requirement.

$ ContentSwapEvent#packageProperty in class ContentSwapEvent
PackageEntitiesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Event
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PageTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PageTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PageTypeComposerControlTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PageTypePublishTargetTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PermissionAccessEntityTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PermissionKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PermissionKeyCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
$ Inspector#parsersProperty in class Inspector

The list of registered parsers.

PackageInfoClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Offline

Represents the package details extracted from a package controller.php file.

$ PackageInfo#packageDirectoryProperty in class PackageInfo

The package directory (normalized, without trailing slashes).

ParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Offline

Base class for actual parsers that extract informations from package controller files.

PackageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
$ Package#pkgEnableLegacyNamespaceProperty in class Package
$ Package#pkgAutoloaderRegistriesProperty in class Package

The custom autoloader prefixes to be automatically added to the class loader.

$ Package#phpVersionRequiredProperty in class Package

The minimum PHP version compatible with the package.

$ Package#pkgAllowsFullContentSwapProperty in class Package

Override this value and set it to true if your package clears all existing website content when it's being installed.

$ Package#pkgContentSwapFilesProperty in class Package

Override this value to add additional content swap templates.

$ Package#pkgContentProvidesFileThumbnailsProperty in class Package

Override this value and set it to true if your package provides the file thumbnails.

$ Package#packageDependenciesProperty in class Package

An array describing the package dependencies.

PackageArchiveClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package

This class is responsible for unpacking themes that have been zipped and uploaded to the system.

PackageListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
$ PackageList#packagesProperty in class PackageList
PackageServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package

Service class for the package entities and controllers.

PackageServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
PackagePackerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer

Class to create archives from package source files.

PackagePacker::process() — Method in class PackagePacker

Apply the filters and the writers to the package described by $packageInfo.

PackerFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer
$ StartingPointInstallRoutine#progressProperty in class StartingPointInstallRoutine
$ Version#pTemplateIDProperty in class Version

The ID of the page template.

$ Version#pThemeIDProperty in class Version

The ID of the page theme.

$ Version#pThemeSkinIdentifierProperty in class Version

The identifier of any custom skin attached to this page version.

PageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
$ PageCommand#pageIDProperty in class PageCommand
$ ReindexPageCommandHandler#pageCategoryProperty in class ReindexPageCommandHandler
$ ReindexPageCommandHandler#populatorProperty in class ReindexPageCommandHandler
PageSelectInstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Component
PageSelectInstanceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Component

Methods for use with the ConcretePageSelect component - primarily for creating on-the-fly access tokens

PersistContainerCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container\Command
$ ContainerExporter#pageProperty in class ContainerExporter
PageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller
$ PageController#passThruBlocksProperty in class PageController
$ PageController#parametersProperty in class PageController
PageTypeControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller
PublicProfilePageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Controller
$ CustomStyle#pThemeIDProperty in class CustomStyle
$ CustomStyle#presetHandleProperty in class CustomStyle
$ DeletePageEvent#proceedProperty in class DeletePageEvent
DeletePageEvent::proceed() — Method in class DeletePageEvent
$ Event#pageProperty in class Event
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page

The page object in Concrete encapsulates all the functionality used by a typical page and their contents including blocks, page metadata, page permissions.

$ Page#pkgIDProperty in class Page
$ Page#pkgHandleProperty in class Page
$ Page#ptIDProperty in class Page
Page::processArrangement() — Method in class Page

Persist the data associated to a block when it has been moved around in the page.

Page::populateRecursivePages() — Method in class Page

Create an array containing data about child pages.

Page::populatePage() — Method in class Page

Read the data from the database.

PageListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page

An object that allows a filtered list of pages to be returned.

$ PageList#permissionsCheckerProperty in class PageList
$ PageList#pageVersionToRetrieveProperty in class PageList

Which version to attempt to retrieve.

PagePathEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
$ PagePathEvent#pageProperty in class PagePathEvent
$ PagePathEvent#pathProperty in class PagePathEvent
PageServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
PageTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
$ RelationListController#pageProperty in class RelationListController
PageIDColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet\Column
PageOwnerFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
PageTemplateFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
PageTypeFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
ParentPageFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
PermissionsInheritanceFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
PageIndexClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Index
PageIndexerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Index
Item::populateDetails() — Method in class Item
$ SitemapPage#pageProperty in class SitemapPage

The page.

$ SitemapPage#priorityProperty in class SitemapPage

The page priority.

$ SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage#pageProperty in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

The alternative page in the alternative language.

$ DeprecatedPageReadyEvent#pageProperty in class DeprecatedPageReadyEvent

The page for which we are building the sitemap node.

PageListGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap

Class to be used to generate the list of the pages that should be included in a sitemap.xml file.

$ SitemapGenerator#pageListGeneratorProperty in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::populateLanguageAlternatives() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
$ Folder#pageProperty in class Folder
$ Formatter#pageProperty in class Formatter
PileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack\Pile

Class Pile.

$ Pile#pIDProperty in class Pile
PileContentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack\Pile
$ PileContent#pProperty in class PileContent
$ PileContent#pIDProperty in class PileContent
$ PileContent#pcIDProperty in class PileContent
$ StackCategory#pageProperty in class StackCategory
StackList::performAutomaticSorting() — Method in class StackList
UsageTracker::persist() — Method in class UsageTracker
PopulatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Summary\Template
$ ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommand#pageProperty in class ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommand
$ ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand#presetStartingPointProperty in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler::populateData() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler
$ CreateCustomSkinCommand#presetStartingPointProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
$ DocumentationNavigationPageItem#pageProperty in class DocumentationNavigationPageItem
$ DocumentationProvider#pagesProperty in class DocumentationProvider
$ Theme#pThemeNameProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pThemeIDProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pThemeDescriptionProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pThemeDirectoryProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pThemeThumbnailProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pThemeHandleProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pThemeURLProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pThemeIsPreviewProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pkgIDProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#pThemeGridFrameworkHandleProperty in class Theme

The handle of the grid framework supported by this theme.

Theme::providesAsset() — Method in class Theme

Mark an asset as provided by this theme.

Theme::populateThemeQuery() — Method in class Theme

Get the instance representing an installed theme.

$ TimedContentPermissionRecord#permissionKeyProperty in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
$ UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand#pageTypeDefaultPageIDProperty in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
$ UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand#pageIDProperty in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommandHandler::processBlockUpdateActions() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommandHandler
$ BlockControl#ptComposerControlTypeHandleProperty in class BlockControl
BlockControl::pageTypeComposerFormControlSupportsValidation() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::publishToPage() — Method in class BlockControl
$ CollectionAttributeControl#ptComposerControlTypeHandleProperty in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::pageTypeComposerFormControlSupportsValidation() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::publishToPage() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
$ Control#pageProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlIdentifierProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlNameProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlIconSRCProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlIconFormatterProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlRequiredByDefaultProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlRequiredOnThisRequestProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlCustomLabelProperty in class Control
$ Control#ptComposerControlDescriptionProperty in class Control
Control::publishToPage() — Method in class Control
Control::pageTypeComposerFormControlSupportsValidation() — Method in class Control
$ CorePageProperty#propertyHandleProperty in class CorePageProperty
$ CorePageProperty#ptComposerControlTypeHandleProperty in class CorePageProperty
$ CorePageProperty#ptComposerSaveRequestProperty in class CorePageProperty
$ CorePageProperty#ptComposerRequestControlsProcessedProperty in class CorePageProperty
CorePageProperty::pageTypeComposerFormControlSupportsValidation() — Method in class CorePageProperty
CorePageProperty::publishToPage() — Method in class CorePageProperty
DateTimeCorePageProperty::publishToPage() — Method in class DateTimeCorePageProperty
DescriptionCorePageProperty::publishToPage() — Method in class DescriptionCorePageProperty
$ NameCorePageProperty#ptComposerControlRequiredByDefaultProperty in class NameCorePageProperty
NameCorePageProperty::publishToPage() — Method in class NameCorePageProperty
PageTemplateCorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
PageTemplateCorePageProperty::pageTypeComposerFormControlSupportsValidation() — Method in class PageTemplateCorePageProperty
PageTemplateCorePageProperty::publishToPage() — Method in class PageTemplateCorePageProperty
PublishTargetCorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
PublishTargetCorePageProperty::pageTypeComposerFormControlSupportsValidation() — Method in class PublishTargetCorePageProperty
UrlSlugCorePageProperty::publishToPage() — Method in class UrlSlugCorePageProperty
UserCorePageProperty::publishToPage() — Method in class UserCorePageProperty
VersionCommentCorePageProperty::publishToPage() — Method in class VersionCommentCorePageProperty
$ CustomTemplate#ptComposerControlCustomTemplateFilenameProperty in class CustomTemplate
$ CustomTemplate#ptComposerControlCustomTemplateNameProperty in class CustomTemplate
$ FormLayoutSetControl#ptTargetParentPageIDProperty in class FormLayoutSetControl
PageTypeConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\PublishTarget\Configuration
$ PageTypeConfiguration#ptIDProperty in class PageTypeConfiguration
ParentPageConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\PublishTarget\Configuration
PageTypeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\PublishTarget\Type
ParentPageTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\PublishTarget\Type
$ Type#ptPublishTargetTypeIDProperty in class Type
$ Type#ptPublishTargetTypeHandleProperty in class Type
$ Type#ptPublishTargetTypeNameProperty in class Type
$ Type#pkgIDProperty in class Type
$ StandardSaver#ptDraftVersionsToSaveProperty in class StandardSaver
$ Type#ptDefaultPageTemplateIDProperty in class Type
$ Type#ptDefaultThemeIDProperty in class Type
Type::publish() — Method in class Type
PageViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\View
$ PageView#pTemplateIDProperty in class PageView
PageDesignPreviewRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\View\Preview
PreviewRequestInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\View\Preview
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Workflow\Progress
ProgressListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Workflow\Progress
$ Access#paIDProperty in class Access
$ Access#paIDListProperty in class Access
$ Access#pkProperty in class Access
$ Access#paIsInUseProperty in class Access
$ Entity#petIDProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#petHandleProperty in class Entity
$ Entity#peIDProperty in class Entity
PageOwnerEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
$ AddSubpagePageListItem#pageTypesAllowedPermissionProperty in class AddSubpagePageListItem
$ ListItem#paIDProperty in class ListItem
PageListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
PageTypeListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
PageAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
PageTypeAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
$ AreaAssignment#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class AreaAssignment
$ Assignment#pkProperty in class Assignment
$ Assignment#permissionObjectProperty in class Assignment

The object of the permission (for example, a Page instance).

$ BlockAssignment#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class BlockAssignment
$ BoardAssignment#permissionObjectProperty in class BoardAssignment
$ BoardAssignment#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class BoardAssignment
$ CalendarAssignment#permissionObjectProperty in class CalendarAssignment
$ CalendarAssignment#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class CalendarAssignment
$ ConversationAssignment#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class ConversationAssignment
$ FileAssignment#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class FileAssignment
$ GroupTreeNodeAssignment#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class GroupTreeNodeAssignment
PageAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
$ PageAssignment#pkProperty in class PageAssignment
PageTimedAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
$ PageTimedAssignment#permissionKeyProperty in class PageTimedAssignment
PageTypeAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
Category::populateCategories() — Method in class Category
$ Duration#pdIDProperty in class Duration
$ BanIPEvent#proceedProperty in class BanIPEvent

Should we proceed or the ban has been canceled?

BanIPEvent::proceed() — Method in class BanIPEvent

Should we proceed or the ban has been canceled?

IPRangesCsvWriter::projectRanges() — Method in class IPRangesCsvWriter

A generator that takes a collection of IPRange/IpAccessControlRange ranges and converts it to CSV rows.

IPRangesCsvWriter::projectRange() — Method in class IPRangesCsvWriter

Turn an IPRange/IpAccessControlRange instance into an array.

$ Entry#permissionKeyHandleProperty in class Entry
$ ConversationKey#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class ConversationKey
$ Key#permissionObjectProperty in class Key

The object for which this permission is for (for example, a Page instance).

$ Key#pkIDProperty in class Key
$ Key#pkNameProperty in class Key
$ Key#pkHandleProperty in class Key
$ Key#pkDescriptionProperty in class Key
$ Key#pkCategoryIDProperty in class Key
$ Key#pkCategoryHandleProperty in class Key
$ Key#pkgIDProperty in class Key
$ Key#pkCanTriggerWorkflowProperty in class Key
$ Key#pkHasCustomClassProperty in class Key
$ Key#permissionObjectToCheckProperty in class Key
Key::permissionKeyHasCustomClass() — Method in class Key

Returns whether a permission key has a custom class.

PageKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
PageTypeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
PermissionServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
PermissionsEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Access
$ PermissionsEntry#permissionsProperty in class PermissionsEntry
$ WorkflowEntry#pkHandleProperty in class WorkflowEntry
PageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
$ Page#pageProperty in class Page
PageTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
PermissionsEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object
$ PermissionsEntry#permissionsProperty in class PermissionsEntry
$ TaskPermissionsEntry#pkHandleProperty in class TaskPermissionsEntry
$ FileSetResponse#permissionsProperty in class FileSetResponse
PageResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
PageTypeResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
$ Set#permissionsProperty in class Set
$ Set#pkCategoryHandleProperty in class Set
Redirect::page() — Method in class Redirect

Redirect to a page.

$ RouteGroupBuilder#prefixProperty in class RouteGroupBuilder

A path prefix for all routes.

RouteGroupBuilder::processPrefix() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::processRequirements() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::processNamespace() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::processMiddlewares() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::processScope() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
$ RouteMiddleware#priorityProperty in class RouteMiddleware
Router::post() — Method in class Router
Router::put() — Method in class Router
Router::patch() — Method in class Router
PagerColumnInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
Manager::populateAttributeGroups() — Method in class Manager
$ ItemList#paginationPageParameterProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#paginationProperty in class ItemList
ItemList::performAutomaticSorting() — Method in class ItemList
PageListPagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
PagerManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
PagerProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager
PagerAdapterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\Adapter
PagerPaginationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination
PaginationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination
PaginationFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination
PaginationProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination
PermissionablePaginationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination

Processes a thousand requests and builds pagination out of them.

ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::page() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::pageWithText() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::previousDisabled() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::previousEnabled() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
PagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
$ ViewRenderer#paginationProperty in class ViewRenderer
PermissionableListItemInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search
ProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search
$ AbstractRequestModifier#providerProperty in class AbstractRequestModifier
QueryModifier::process() — Method in class QueryModifier
$ Result#paginationProperty in class Result
$ RedisSessionHandler#prefixProperty in class RedisSessionHandler
$ InstallationService#permissionsApplierProperty in class InstallationService
InstallationService::populateDefaultSiteTypeData() — Method in class InstallationService
Listener::preUpdate() — Method in class Listener
$ SiteListController#pageProperty in class SiteListController
$ StandardController#permissionsApplierProperty in class StandardController
Service::publishSkeletonToSite() — Method in class Service
$ Customizer#presetFactoryProperty in class Customizer
StyleSet::populateFromRequest() — Method in class StyleSet

If the request contains any fields that are valid to save as a style set, we return the style set object pre-save. If it's not (e.g. there's a background repeat but no actual background image, empty strings, etc...) then we return null.

$ LessNormalizer#parserProperty in class LessNormalizer
PresetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preset
PresetFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preset
PresetInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preset
PreviewHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preview
$ LessProcessor#parserProperty in class LessProcessor
ProcessorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Processor
PresetSkinClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Skin
AbstractParser::parseNode() — Method in class AbstractParser
FontFamilyParser::parseNode() — Method in class FontFamilyParser
ParserInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
ParserInterface::parseNode() — Method in class ParserInterface
TypeParser::parseNode() — Method in class TypeParser
PresetFontsFileStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
TypeStyle::parseStyleValueForVariable() — Method in class TypeStyle
PresetFontsFileValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
PageDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Category\Driver
$ RegisteredDriver#priorityProperty in class RegisteredDriver
PagePathLinkDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field

Represents a link to a page on your site by path. Useful to separate these from the basic link because these paths are run through the URL::to() mechanism to ensure they work irrespective of pretty URL settings, and when Concrete is installed in a subdirectory.

InlineTagFixer::popWhitespacesAndSemicolons() — Method in class InlineTagFixer
PhpFixerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\CodingStyle
PhpFixerOptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\CodingStyle

Options for PhpFixer.

$ PhpFixerOptions#phpOnlyNonPsr4FilesProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

$ PhpFixerOptions#phpOnlyNonPsr4DirectoriesProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

$ PhpFixerOptions#phpOnlyNonPsr4RegexesProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names.

$ PhpFixerOptions#phpOnlyPsr4FilesProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

$ PhpFixerOptions#phpOnlyPsr4DirectoriesProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

$ PhpFixerOptions#phpOnlyPsr4RegexesProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The regular expressions describing the paths (relative to the web root) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names.

PhpFixerRuleResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\CodingStyle
PhpFixerRunnerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\CodingStyle

Wrapper to PHP-CS-Fixer.

$ PhpFixerRunner#phpCSFixerVersionProperty in class PhpFixerRunner
PackageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
Url::page() — Method in class Url

This method is only here as a legacy decorator, use \URL::to($page).

$ MethodSymbol#parametersProperty in class MethodSymbol

The parameters.

PhpDocGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Symbol

Helper class to generate PHPDoc.

$ Info#packagesProperty in class Info
$ Info#phpVersionProperty in class Info
$ Info#phpExtensionsProperty in class Info
$ Info#phpSettingsProperty in class Info
Node::populateChildren() — Method in class Node
Node::populateDirectChildrenOnly() — Method in class Node
Node::populateRecursiveNodes() — Method in class Node
AbstractMigration::postUp() — Method in class AbstractMigration
AbstractMigration::postDown() — Method in class AbstractMigration
$ MigrationIncompleteException#performedMigrationsProperty in class MigrationIncompleteException

The number of applied migrations.

Version20140930000000::preUp() — Method in class Version20140930000000
Version20150515000000::purgeOrphanedScrapbooksBlocks() — Method in class Version20150515000000
Version20160725000000::prepareInvalidForeignKeys() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::prepareProblematicEntityTables() — Method in class Version20160725000000
PathClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Components

c5 specific path component for league/url.

$ ResolverManager#priorityTreeProperty in class ResolverManager
PageUrlResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver
$ PageUrlResolver#pathUrlResolverProperty in class PageUrlResolver
PathUrlResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver
$ RouteUrlResolver#pathUrlResolverProperty in class RouteUrlResolver
$ RouterUrlResolver#pathUrlResolverProperty in class RouterUrlResolver
$ UserInfoUrlResolver#pathUrlResolverProperty in class UserInfoUrlResolver
$ SeoCanonical#pathArgumentsProperty in class SeoCanonical

The list of path arguments to be included in canonical URLs.

CsvWriter::projectList() — Method in class CsvWriter

A generator that takes a UserList and converts it to CSV rows

CsvWriter::projectUser() — Method in class CsvWriter

Turn a user into an array

$ AddUser#proceedProperty in class AddUser
AddUser::proceed() — Method in class AddUser
$ DeleteUser#proceedProperty in class DeleteUser
DeleteUser::proceed() — Method in class DeleteUser
$ AddGroupCommand#pkgIDProperty in class AddGroupCommand
DeleteGroupCommandHandler::processChildGroups() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
$ GroupDetailsTrait#parentGroupIDProperty in class GroupDetailsTrait
$ GroupDetailsTrait#parentNodeIDProperty in class GroupDetailsTrait
$ DeleteEvent#proceedProperty in class DeleteEvent
DeleteEvent::proceed() — Method in class DeleteEvent
$ FolderItemList#parentProperty in class FolderItemList
$ FolderItemList#permissionsCheckerProperty in class FolderItemList
$ GroupList#permissionsCheckerProperty in class GroupList
Item::populateDetails() — Method in class Item
LoginAttemptService::pruneAttempts() — Method in class LoginAttemptService

Prune old login attempts

PasswordUpgradeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Login
PasswordChangeEventHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Password
PasswordUsageTrackerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Password
PasswordUsageTracker::pruneUses() — Method in class PasswordUsageTracker

Prune uses for a specific subject

PostLoginLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User

Class to handle the URL to redirect users to upon login.

$ Event#pmProperty in class Event
PrivateMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\PrivateMessage
PrivateMessageListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\PrivateMessage
Item::populateDetails() — Method in class Item
User::persist() — Method in class User

Manage user session writing.

UserBannedIp::parseUniqueID() — Method in class UserBannedIp
UserInfo::passwordMatches() — Method in class UserInfo

Checks the uPassword record for the current user and returns true if the hashed version of the passed password matches.

$ UserList#permissionsCheckerProperty in class UserList
ProgressListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Workflow\Progress
Arrays::parseKeys() — Method in class Arrays

Turns the string keys into an array of keys.

Text::prettyStripTags() — Method in class Text

Runs strip_tags but ensures that spaces are kept between the stripped tags.

PasswordValidatorServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator
$ RegexValidator#patternProperty in class RegexValidator

Regex pattern.

AbstractView::post() — Method in class AbstractView

Returns the value of the item in the POST array.

AbstractView::postProcessViewContents() — Method in class AbstractView
View::postProcessViewContents() — Method in class View
View::postProcessAssets() — Method in class View
PageHistoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress
PageProgressClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress
ProgressClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress

Base class for workflow progresses.

PageRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
Controller::performGeolocation() — Method in class Controller

Geolocate an IP address.

$ Controller#pkgHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#pkgHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#pkgContentProvidesFileThumbnailsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#pkgHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#pkgContentProvidesFileThumbnailsProperty in class Controller
PageThemeClass in namespace Concrete\Theme\Atomik
PageThemeClass in namespace Concrete\Theme\Concrete
PageThemeClass in namespace Concrete\Theme\Dashboard
PageThemeClass in namespace Concrete\Theme\Elemental
$ PageTheme#pThemeGridFrameworkHandleProperty in class PageTheme


$ Controller#questionSetIdProperty in class Controller
Controller::questionVersioning() — Method in class Controller

Ties the new or edited questions to the new block number.

MiniSurvey::questionCleanup() — Method in class MiniSurvey
$ Controller#questionProperty in class Controller
UpdateFromType::queueForPageTypeUpdate() — Method in class UpdateFromType
$ Menu#queryProperty in class Menu
$ Search#queryProperty in class Search
$ Menu#queryProperty in class Menu
$ Search#queryProperty in class Search
$ Menu#queryProperty in class Menu
$ Search#queryProperty in class Search
$ Menu#queryProperty in class Menu
$ Search#queryProperty in class Search
$ Menu#queryProperty in class Menu
$ Search#queryProperty in class Search
$ CustomizeResults#queryProperty in class CustomizeResults
$ Header#queryProperty in class Header
$ SearchFieldSelector#queryProperty in class SearchFieldSelector
$ Menu#queryProperty in class Menu
$ Search#queryProperty in class Search
Block::queueForDefaultsAliasing() — Method in class Block

Populate the queue to be used to add/update blocks of the pages of a specific type.

Block::queueForDefaultsUpdate() — Method in class Block

Populate the queue to be used to work on the block and it aliases.

Connection::query() — Method in class Connection
Connection::qstr() — Method in class Connection
$ CalendarEventConfiguration#queryProperty in class CalendarEventConfiguration
$ PageConfiguration#queryProperty in class PageConfiguration
QueryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Search
$ SavedSearch#queryProperty in class SavedSearch
$ SetJPEGQualityProcessor#qualityProperty in class SetJPEGQualityProcessor
PageSelector::quickSelect() — Method in class PageSelector
UserSelector::quickSelect() — Method in class UserSelector

Build the HTML to be placed in a page to choose a user using a select with users pupulated dynamically with ajax requests.

QueueableJobClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Job
$ DatabaseItemList#queryProperty in class DatabaseItemList
$ ItemList#queryStringPagingVariableProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#queryStringSortVariableProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#queryStringSortDirectionVariableProperty in class ItemList
$ Pagination#queryStringPagingVariableProperty in class Pagination
QueuedReindexPageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
Page::queueForDeletionSort() — Method in class Page

Sort a list of pages, so that the order is correct for the deletion.

Page::queueForDuplicationSort() — Method in class Page

Sort a list of pages, so that the order is correct for the duplication.

$ PileContent#quantityProperty in class PileContent
$ ItemList#queryProperty in class ItemList
$ EntityItemList#queryProperty in class EntityItemList
QueryFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query

Class QueryFactory

QueryModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query

Class QueryModifier

QueryableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Query
$ Result#queryProperty in class Result
QuestionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation\Question
QueueStatusClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System\Status
$ QueueStatus#queuesProperty in class QueueStatus
QueueStatusQueueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System\Status
$ QueueStatusQueue#queueProperty in class QueueStatusQueue


Controller::registrationGroupID() — Method in class Controller

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

Controller::required_password_upgrade() — Method in class Controller

Called when a user tries to log in after his password has been reset by "Global Password Reset".

Controller::registrationGroupID() — Method in class Controller

Get the ID of the group to enter upon registration This method grabs the registration group ID out of the auth config group.

Controller::registrationGroupID() — Method in class Controller

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

Controller::revoke() — Method in class Controller
Controller::registrationGroupID() — Method in class Controller

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

Controller::registrationGroupID() — Method in class Controller

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

$ Controller#requiredFeaturesProperty in class Controller
Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
Controller::resolveLayoutPreset() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#reviewAggregateAttributeKeyProperty in class Controller
Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
Controller::runAction() — Method in class Controller
Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
Controller::runAction() — Method in class Controller
Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#redirectToResultsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#rowBackgroundColorAlternateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#rootNodeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#rowBackgroundColorAlternateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#recipientEmailProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#redirectCIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#replyToEmailControlIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::runAttributeIndexer() — Method in class Controller
Controller::runAction() — Method in class Controller

Perform an action of this controller (if shouldRunControllerTask returns true).

Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#recipientEmailProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#redirectCIDProperty in class Controller
MiniSurvey::reorderQuestions() — Method in class MiniSurvey
Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#relatedTopicAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#rssFeedCacheLifetimeProperty in class Controller

Number of seconds that the RSS feed itself should be cached before fetching a fresh copy.

$ Controller#resultsURLProperty in class Controller

Destination page (external URL).

$ Controller#reservedParamsProperty in class Controller
Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#requiresRegistrationProperty in class Controller
Controller::requiresRegistration() — Method in class Controller
Controller::resolve_language_url() — Method in class Controller
Controller::replaceTreeWithPlaceHolder() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#relProperty in class Controller
RedirectClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Api\Documentation
Account::removeInboxNewMessageStatus() — Method in class Account
Block::render() — Method in class Block

Renders the block view, normally called via an ajax request path: /ccm/system/block/render

Preview::render() — Method in class Preview
Process::removeFromClipboard() — Method in class Process
RulesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Board\Instance
File::rescan() — Method in class File
File::rescanMultiple() — Method in class File
File::removeFavoriteFolder() — Method in class File
$ Messenger#responseFactoryProperty in class Messenger
PreviewVersion::renderPage() — Method in class PreviewVersion
$ Processes#responseFactoryProperty in class Processes
SummaryTemplate::render() — Method in class SummaryTemplate
User::removeGroup() — Method in class User
Design::reset() — Method in class Design
Design::reset() — Method in class Design
CustomSlot::replace() — Method in class CustomSlot
ReorderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Express\Association
Delete::remove_search_preset() — Method in class Delete
Delete::remove_search_preset() — Method in class Delete
ReplaceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
$ Replace#replacingFileProperty in class Replace

The file being replaced (false: not yet initialized; null: not found; File otherwise).

Delete::resolveGroups() — Method in class Delete
Delete::resolveGroup() — Method in class Delete
$ Permissions#responseFactoryProperty in class Permissions
Delete::remove_search_preset() — Method in class Delete
$ Attributes#requestSiteTypeProperty in class Attributes
Delete::remove_tree_node() — Method in class Delete
$ Attributes#requestPageTypeProperty in class Attributes
$ Attributes#repositoryProperty in class Attributes
$ Attributes#requestUserProperty in class Attributes
$ Details#repositoryProperty in class Details
$ EventVersion#responseProperty in class EventVersion
RateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
Jobs::run_single() — Method in class Jobs
Install::run_routine() — Method in class Install
Add::removeOrphanedBlock() — Method in class Add

Deletes a single orphaned block.

Add::removeOrphanedBlocks() — Method in class Add

Deletes all orphaned block for the given page.

Dashboard::removeFavorite() — Method in class Dashboard
Versions::revert() — Method in class Versions
$ AccessEntity#requestProperty in class AccessEntity
Area::revertToPagePermissions() — Method in class Area
Block::revertToAreaPermissions() — Method in class Block
Block::removeAccessEntity() — Method in class Block
Conversation::removeAccessEntity() — Method in class Conversation
File::revertToGlobalFilePermissions() — Method in class File
Page::removeAccessEntity() — Method in class Page
TreeNode::revertToGlobalNodePermissions() — Method in class TreeNode
Clipboard::render() — Method in class Clipboard
$ Entries#resultProperty in class Entries
Messages::reply() — Method in class Messages
Messages::reply_complete() — Method in class Messages
Stacks::rename() — Method in class Stacks
Types::refresh() — Method in class Types
Details::refresh_pool() — Method in class Details
Details::refresh_instance() — Method in class Details
Details::regenerate_instance() — Method in class Details
RulesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards\Instances
Weighting::reset_weighting() — Method in class Weighting
$ Install#repositoryProperty in class Install
Details::rescan() — Method in class Details
Search::renderSearchResult() — Method in class Search
Single::refresh() — Method in class Single
Themes::reset_customizations() — Method in class Themes
Themes::remove() — Method in class Themes
ReportsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
Logs::renderSearchResult() — Method in class Logs
Search::renderSearchResult() — Method in class Search
$ Integrations#redirectsProperty in class Integrations
Topics::remove_tree() — Method in class Topics
Topics::remove_tree_node() — Method in class Topics
Failed::retry_message() — Method in class Failed
ResetEditModeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
Entities::rescan_entries() — Method in class Entities
$ Associations#repositoryProperty in class Associations
$ CustomizeSearch#repositoryProperty in class CustomizeSearch
$ Forms#repositoryProperty in class Forms
$ ExternalFileProvider#responseFactoryProperty in class ExternalFileProvider
Copy::rescan_locale() — Method in class Copy
Setup::remove_locale_section() — Method in class Setup
TranslateInterface::reloaded() — Method in class TranslateInterface
TranslateInterface::reset_complete() — Method in class TranslateInterface
TranslateInterface::reset_languages() — Method in class TranslateInterface
Jobs::reset() — Method in class Jobs
RangeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions\Denylist
RegistrationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
Authentication::reorder() — Method in class Authentication
GlobalPasswordReset::reset_passwords() — Method in class GlobalPasswordReset
GlobalPasswordReset::resetUserPasswords() — Method in class GlobalPasswordReset
PasswordRequirements::reset() — Method in class PasswordRequirements
Excluded::reset() — Method in class Excluded
$ GroupTypes#responseFactoryProperty in class GroupTypes
GroupTypes::removed() — Method in class GroupTypes
GroupTypes::remove() — Method in class GroupTypes
Groups::renderSearchResult() — Method in class Groups
$ Message#repositoryProperty in class Message
Search::renderSearchResult() — Method in class Search
Health::run_report() — Method in class Health
$ DownloadFile#responseFactoryProperty in class DownloadFile
RegisterClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage
Register::register_success_validate() — Method in class Register
Register::register_success() — Method in class Register
Register::register_pending() — Method in class Register
User::renderTableData() — Method in class User
AnnouncementServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AnnouncementServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ SvgIcon#rawSvgProperty in class SvgIcon
Service::report() — Method in class Service

Report some content with the poster's information to the AntiSpam service.

$ ApiController#requestProperty in class ApiController
ApiServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ApiServiceProvider

Register API related stuff

ApiServiceProvider::repositoryFactory() — Method in class ApiServiceProvider
ApiServiceProvider::repositoryFor() — Method in class ApiServiceProvider
ApiServiceProvider::registerAuthorizationServer() — Method in class ApiServiceProvider

Register the authorization and authentication server classes

Account::read() — Method in class Account
Blocks::read() — Method in class Blocks
Express::read() — Method in class Express
Files::read() — Method in class Files
Groups::read() — Method in class Groups
Pages::read() — Method in class Pages
Sites::read() — Method in class Sites
Users::read() — Method in class Users
Versions::read() — Method in class Versions
RedirectUriFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Documentation
$ Content#rawProperty in class Content
$ CreateOAuthClientCommand#redirectProperty in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandler::revokeClientTokens() — Method in class DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandler
$ Controller#requestProperty in class Controller
Controller::restoreRequest() — Method in class Controller

Restore a real request from the passed data

$ JsonSchemaRefArrayContent#refProperty in class JsonSchemaRefArrayContent
$ JsonSchemaRefContent#refProperty in class JsonSchemaRefContent
$ SpecComponents#requestBodiesProperty in class SpecComponents
$ SpecPath#requestBodyProperty in class SpecPath
$ SpecPath#responsesProperty in class SpecPath
$ SpecPropertyRef#refProperty in class SpecPropertyRef
$ SpecPropertyRefItems#refProperty in class SpecPropertyRefItems
$ SpecResponseList#responsesProperty in class SpecResponseList
ResourcesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api
ApplicationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ApplicationServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ EditResponse#redirectURLProperty in class EditResponse

The redirect URL of the response.

$ EditResponse#reloadCurrentPageProperty in class EditResponse

The current page should be reloaded.

DashboardMenu::remove() — Method in class DashboardMenu
UserInterface::renderError() — Method in class UserInterface
AbstractManager::registerMessages() — Method in class AbstractManager
AbstractManager::registerMessageString() — Method in class AbstractManager
BlockTypeManager::registerMessages() — Method in class BlockTypeManager
RegistryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
RegistryInterface::registerMessageString() — Method in class RegistryInterface
RegistryInterface::registerMessages() — Method in class RegistryInterface
Navigation::remove() — Method in class Navigation

Remove (if present) the PageItems with the same page ID as the PageItem specified.

Controller::registerViewAssets() — Method in class Controller
ControllerInterface::registerViewAssets() — Method in class ControllerInterface
OptionsForm::renderForm() — Method in class OptionsForm
$ StandardSitemapProvider#requestProperty in class StandardSitemapProvider
Area::refreshCache() — Method in class Area
Area::revertToPagePermissions() — Method in class Area

This function removes all permissions records for the current Area and sets it to inherit from the Page permissions.

Area::rescanAreaPermissionsChain() — Method in class Area

Rescans the current Area's permissions ensuring that it's inheriting permissions properly up the chain.

Area::rescanSubAreaPermissions() — Method in class Area

works a lot like rescanAreaPermissionsChain() but it works down. This is typically only called when we update an area to have specific permissions, and all areas that are on pagesbelow it with the same handle, etc... should now inherit from it.

Area::rescanSubAreaPermissionsMasterCollection() — Method in class Area

similar to rescanSubAreaPermissions, but for those who have setup their pages to inherit master collection permissions.

ContainerArea::refreshInstanceAreas() — Method in class ContainerArea
Manager::register() — Method in class Manager

Register a provider.

Manager::reset() — Method in class Manager

Reset the list of loaded presets.

ManagerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ManagerServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Asset::register() — Method in class Asset

Register the asset properties.

AssetInterface::register() — Method in class AssetInterface

Register the asset properties.

AssetList::register() — Method in class AssetList
AssetList::registerMultiple() — Method in class AssetList
AssetList::registerAsset() — Method in class AssetList
AssetList::registerGroup() — Method in class AssetList
AssetList::registerGroupMultiple() — Method in class AssetList
CssAsset::register() — Method in class CssAsset

Register the asset properties.

JavascriptConditionalAsset::register() — Method in class JavascriptConditionalAsset

Register the asset properties.

AttributeServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AttributeServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

StandardSearchIndexer::refreshRepositoryColumns() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer
RebuildIndexCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Command
RebuildIndexCommandInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Command
$ ComposerContext#requiredProperty in class ComposerContext
Context::runActionIfAvailable() — Method in class Context
ViewContext::render() — Method in class ViewContext
$ Controller#requestArrayProperty in class Controller
Controller::request() — Method in class Controller

Get the whole $_REQUEST array or a specific requested value.

Controller::requestFieldExists() — Method in class Controller
Controller::retrieveAttributeKeySettings() — Method in class Controller
View::renderControl() — Method in class View
RendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Form
Renderer::render() — Method in class Renderer
Renderer::renderView() — Method in class Renderer
RendererBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Form
$ RendererBuilder#rendererProperty in class RendererBuilder
RendererBuilder::render() — Method in class RendererBuilder
$ ControllerTrait#requestProperty in class ControllerTrait
Key::reindex() — Method in class Key
RequestLoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\RequestLoader
StandardSearchIndexer::refreshSearchIndexKeyColumns() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer
ValueList::rewind() — Method in class ValueList
View::runControllerTask() — Method in class View
AuthenticationType::renderTypeForm() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Render the settings form for this type.

AuthenticationType::renderForm() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Render the login form for this authentication type.

AuthenticationType::renderHook() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Render the hook form for saving the profile settings.

AuthenticationType::renderHooked() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Render the a form to be displayed when the authentication type is already hooked.

$ CommunityServiceFactory#requestProperty in class CommunityServiceFactory
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

$ ServiceFactory#requestProperty in class ServiceFactory
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

$ FacebookServiceFactory#requestProperty in class FacebookServiceFactory
$ GoogleServiceFactory#requestProperty in class GoogleServiceFactory
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

GenericOauthTypeController::registrationGroupID() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

HttpClient::retrieveResponse() — Method in class HttpClient
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ TwitterServiceFactory#requestProperty in class TwitterServiceFactory
ContentExporter::run() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::replacePageWithPlaceHolder() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::replaceFileWithPlaceHolder() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::replacePageWithPlaceHolderInMatch() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::replaceFileWithPlaceHolderInMatch() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::replacePageTypeWithPlaceHolder() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::replaceFileFolderWithPlaceHolder() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentExporter::replacePageFeedWithPlaceholder() — Method in class ContentExporter
ContentImporterServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ContentImporterServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ Manager#routinesProperty in class Manager
Manager::registerImporterRoutine() — Method in class Manager

Registers a core importer routine. Add-on developers should use addImporterRoutine You can use this if you want to swap out a core routine.

RoutineInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
AbstractRegularExpressionRoutine::replaceContent() — Method in class AbstractRegularExpressionRoutine
RoutineInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\InspectionRoutine
RoutineInterface::replaceContent() — Method in class RoutineInterface
$ AbstractItem#referenceProperty in class AbstractItem
ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector
$ Result#replacedContentProperty in class Result
$ Result#routinesProperty in class Result
ResultInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector
$ ValueInspector#routinesProperty in class ValueInspector
ValueInspector::registerInspectionRoutine() — Method in class ValueInspector
Block::resetCustomStyle() — Method in class Block

Remove the block custom styles.

Block::resetCustomCacheSettings() — Method in class Block

Reset the cache settings, so that Concrete will use the values of the block type controller.

Block::refreshBlockOutputCache() — Method in class Block

Mark the output cache as expired.

Block::refreshBlockRecordCache() — Method in class Block

Refreshes the block record cache.

Block::revertToAreaPermissions() — Method in class Block

Revert the permission of the object to the one of the area that contains the block.

Block::resetBlockContainerSettings() — Method in class Block

Reset the settings related to the grid container to the block type default values.

Block::refreshCache() — Method in class Block
Block::refreshCacheAll() — Method in class Block
$ BlockController#recordProperty in class BlockController
$ BlockController#requestArrayProperty in class BlockController
BlockController::render() — Method in class BlockController

Renders a view in the block's folder.

BlockController::registerViewAssets() — Method in class BlockController
BlockServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BlockServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

BlockTypeList::resetBlockTypeDisplayOrder() — Method in class BlockTypeList
Set::rescanDisplayOrder() — Method in class Set

Regenereate the display order values of the block types associated to this set.

$ HasSubBlocksTrait#requiredFeaturesProperty in class HasSubBlocksTrait
BlockView::renderViewContents() — Method in class BlockView

Echo block contents.

BlockView::runControllerTask() — Method in class BlockView
$ BlockViewTemplate#renderProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
BlockViewTemplate::registerTemplateAssets() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
$ DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommand#ruleProperty in class DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommand
$ PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommand#retrieveDataObjectsAfterProperty in class PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommand


RefreshBoardInstanceCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
RegenerateBoardInstanceCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
RegenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
ResetBoardCustomWeightingCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
ResetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
$ AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand#ruleTypeProperty in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
RendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance
Renderer::render() — Method in class Renderer
ContentRenderer::render() — Method in class ContentRenderer
SummaryObjectFilterer::registerSlot() — Method in class SummaryObjectFilterer
ObjectInterface::refresh() — Method in class ObjectInterface

Refreshes the content object without changing any slot attributes. Useful for when summary objects need to update their fields, etc.

SummaryObject::refresh() — Method in class SummaryObject

Refreshes the content object without changing any slot attributes. Useful for when summary objects need to update their fields, etc.

PlannedInstance::removeObjectGroups() — Method in class PlannedInstance

Once object groups are used, remove them from the source array so they're not used again.

RenderedSlotClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot
RenderedSlotCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot

Holds a collection of RenderedSlot objects, each bound to a particular slot for easy rendering.

RenderedSlotCollectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot

Holds a collection of RenderedSlot objects, each bound to a particular slot for easy rendering.

$ SlotRenderer#renderedSlotCollectionProperty in class SlotRenderer
$ SlotLayoutPlanner#registryProperty in class SlotLayoutPlanner
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

CacheServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ ClearCacheCommandHandler#repositoryProperty in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
RedisStashDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Driver
$ RedisStashDriver#redisProperty in class RedisStashDriver

The Redis drivers.

$ RedisStashDriver#redisArrayOptionNamesProperty in class RedisStashDriver
RequestCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Level

Class RequestCache Cache that only lives for the current request. This cache level is not configurable.

RedisPageCacheClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Page

Class RedisPageCache

CalendarServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CalendarServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ EventRepetition#repetitionIDProperty in class EventRepetition
EventService::requireOccurrenceRegeneration() — Method in class EventService

Returns true if the difference between the event versions impacts repetitions and occurrences.

$ NoCaptchaController#responseFactoryProperty in class NoCaptchaController
RecaptchaV3ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha
RetryFailedMessageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
$ RetryFailedMessageCommand#receiverNameProperty in class RetryFailedMessageCommand
RetryFailedMessageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Command
FileLogger::remove() — Method in class FileLogger
FileLogger::readAsArray() — Method in class FileLogger
LoggerInterface::remove() — Method in class LoggerInterface
LoggerInterface::readAsArray() — Method in class LoggerInterface
RunningProcessesControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Menu\Item
RunningProcessesItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Menu\Item
ReindexContentControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
RemoveOldFileAttachmentsControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
RemoveOldPageVersionsControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
RemoveUnvalidatedUsersControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
RescanFilesControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
MemoryOutput::reset() — Method in class MemoryOutput
$ HttpResponseFactory#responseFactoryProperty in class HttpResponseFactory
ResponseFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Response
BatchProcessTaskRunnerHandler::run() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunnerHandler
CommandTaskRunnerHandler::run() — Method in class CommandTaskRunnerHandler
HandlerInterface::run() — Method in class HandlerInterface
ProcessTaskRunnerHandler::run() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunnerHandler
ResponseInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner\Response
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ConfigServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ConfigServiceProvider

Configuration repositories.

ConfigServiceProvider::registerFileConfig() — Method in class ConfigServiceProvider

Create a file config repository.

ConfigServiceProvider::registerDatabaseConfig() — Method in class ConfigServiceProvider

Create a database config repository.

$ ConfigStore#rowsProperty in class ConfigStore
RedisConfigServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config\Driver\Redis

Redis config service provider.

$ RedisConfigServiceProvider#redisFactoryProperty in class RedisConfigServiceProvider
RedisConfigServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RedisConfigServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

RedisLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config\Driver\Redis
RedisPaginatedTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config\Driver\Redis
RedisSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config\Driver\Redis
RendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
Renderer::render() — Method in class Renderer
Renderer::renderString() — Method in class Renderer
Renderer::renderRecursive() — Method in class Renderer
RendererExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
RendererInvalidTypeExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
$ Liaison#repositoryProperty in class Liaison
RepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config\Repository
Command::run() — Method in class Command
CommandRegistry::registerCommands() — Method in class CommandRegistry
$ ConfigCommand#repositoryProperty in class ConfigCommand
RefreshBoardsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
RefreshBoardsCommand::refreshBoard() — Method in class RefreshBoardsCommand
RefreshBoardsCommand::refreshInstance() — Method in class RefreshBoardsCommand
RefreshEntitiesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
ReindexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
ReindexCommand::reindex() — Method in class ReindexCommand
RescanFilesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
ResetCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
RunSchedulerCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
RunSchedulerInForegroundCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
$ AbstractController#requestProperty in class AbstractController

The current request instance.

AbstractController::requireAsset() — Method in class AbstractController

Add an asset required in views.

AbstractController::redirect() — Method in class AbstractController

Redirect the clients to a specific URL/page (specify path(s) as argument(s) of this function).

AbstractController::runTask() — Method in class AbstractController
AbstractController::runAction() — Method in class AbstractController

Perform an action of this controller (if shouldRunControllerTask returns true).

AbstractController::request() — Method in class AbstractController

Get the whole $_REQUEST array or a specific requested value.

ElementController::render() — Method in class ElementController

Render the element.

DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::renderSearchResult() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::renderExpressEntryDefaultResults() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardExpressEntryListTrait::renderExpressEntryAdvancedSearchResults() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryListTrait
DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTrait::results() — Method in class DashboardSelectableExpressEntryListTrait
Editor::removeJavascriptLinks() — Method in class Editor

Replace javascript links with dummy links

RichTextEditorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Editor
Message::rateMessage() — Method in class Message
Message::removeFile() — Method in class Message
Message::restore() — Method in class Message
RatingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message
DownVoteType::rateMessage() — Method in class DownVoteType
Type::rateMessage() — Method in class Type
UpVoteType::rateMessage() — Method in class UpVoteType
$ CookieJar#requestProperty in class CookieJar

The object containing the request cookies.

$ CookieJar#responseCookiesProperty in class CookieJar

The object containing the response cookies.

CookieServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CookieServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ResponseCookieJarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cookie
$ AbstractImporter#readerProperty in class AbstractImporter

The CSV Reader instance.

$ CsvSchema#rowIndexProperty in class CsvSchema

The row index of the CSV header.

$ Manager#resolverProperty in class Manager
Manager::reapply() — Method in class Manager

Re-apply the configured character set and collation to all the database tables.

ResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\CharacterSetCollation
Resolver::resolveCharacterSetAndCollation() — Method in class Resolver

Resolve the character set and collation.

Connection::replace() — Method in class Connection

Insert or update a row in a database table.

Connection::RollbackTrans() — Method in class Connection
Connection::refreshCharactersetCollation() — Method in class Connection
DatabaseManager::reconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Reconnect to the given database.

DatabaseManager::refreshPdoConnections() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Refresh the PDO connections on a given connection.

DatabaseServiceProvider::register() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

DatabaseStructureManager::refreshEntities() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Clears cache, regenerates all proxy classes, and updates metadatas in all entity managers

EntityManagerConfigFactory::registerGlobalIgnoredAnnotations() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigFactory

Register globally ignored annotations

$ XmlParser#rawXMLProperty in class XmlParser
Schema::refreshCoreXMLSchema() — Method in class Schema
$ Device#ratioProperty in class Device
DeviceManager::register() — Method in class DeviceManager
DeviceManagerInterface::register() — Method in class DeviceManagerInterface
DeviceServiceProvider::register() — Method in class DeviceServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

CkeditorEditor::requireEditorAssets() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Build the list of required assets.

EditorInterface::requireEditorAssets() — Method in class EditorInterface

Build the list of required assets.

EditorServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EditorServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

EditorServiceProvider::registerCkeditorPlugins() — Method in class EditorServiceProvider
EditorServiceProvider::registerCorePlugins() — Method in class EditorServiceProvider
EditorServiceProvider::resolveSelectedPlugins() — Method in class EditorServiceProvider

Find the selected ckeditor plugins

LinkAbstractor::replacePlaceholder() — Method in class LinkAbstractor

Replace a placeholder.

PageNameSnippet::replace() — Method in class PageNameSnippet

Required for snippets to work.

$ Plugin#requiredAssetGroupProperty in class Plugin

The list of required assets for this plugin.

Plugin::requireAsset() — Method in class Plugin

Add an asset to the assets required for this plugin.

PluginManager::register() — Method in class PluginManager

Register a new plugin, adding it to the list of available plugins.

Snippet::replace() — Method in class Snippet

Required for snippets to work.

UserNameSnippet::replace() — Method in class UserNameSnippet

Required for snippets to work.

Key::render() — Method in class Key
Type::render() — Method in class Type
BlockType::render() — Method in class BlockType

Renders a particular view of a block type, using the public $controller variable as the block type's controller.

BlockType::refresh() — Method in class BlockType

refreshes the BlockType's database schema throws an Exception if error.

$ Instance#rulesProperty in class Instance
$ InstanceSlotRule#ruleTypeProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ Item#relevantDateProperty in class Item
$ Item#relevantThumbnailProperty in class Item
$ CalendarEventOccurrence#repetitionProperty in class CalendarEventOccurrence
$ CalendarEventRepetition#repetitionIDProperty in class CalendarEventRepetition
$ CalendarEventRepetition#repetitionObjectProperty in class CalendarEventRepetition
$ CalendarEventVersion#repetitionsProperty in class CalendarEventVersion
$ CalendarEventVersionRepetition#repetitionProperty in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
$ CalendarRelatedEvent#relatedEventIDProperty in class CalendarRelatedEvent
$ CalendarRelatedEvent#relationIDProperty in class CalendarRelatedEvent
$ CalendarRelatedEvent#relationTypeProperty in class CalendarRelatedEvent

Only type right now is S, series.

$ Entity#result_column_setProperty in class Entity
$ Entry#resultsNodeIDProperty in class Entry
$ DownloadStatistics#relatedPageIDProperty in class DownloadStatistics

The ID of the page where the download originated.

File::reindex() — Method in class File

Reindex the attributes on this file.

File::resetPermissions() — Method in class File
File::resetFileUUID() — Method in class File

Remove the the UUID from this file.

Type::requireType() — Method in class Type

Mark this this thumbnail type as required (that is, it can't be deleted).

Version::rename() — Method in class Version

Rename the file.

Version::refreshAttributes() — Method in class Version

Rescan all the attributes of this file version.

Version::releaseImagineImage() — Method in class Version

Unload the loaded Image instance.

Version::refreshThumbnails() — Method in class Version

Create missing thumbnails (or re-create all the thumbnails).

Version::rescanThumbnails() — Method in class Version
$ Finding#resultProperty in class Finding
ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Health\Report
AccessTokenRepository::revokeAccessToken() — Method in class AccessTokenRepository

Revoke an access token.

AuthCodeRepository::revokeAuthCode() — Method in class AuthCodeRepository

Revoke an auth code.

$ Client#redirectUriProperty in class Client
RefreshTokenClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
RefreshTokenRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
RefreshTokenRepository::revokeRefreshToken() — Method in class RefreshTokenRepository

Revoke the refresh token.

RelationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page\Relation
$ IpAccessControlCategory#rangesProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The list of defined ranges associated to this category.

RelationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site\Group
RelationRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site\Group
$ StyleSet#rotateProperty in class StyleSet
$ GroupCreate#requestedProperty in class GroupCreate
$ GroupRoleChange#requestedProperty in class GroupRoleChange
$ GroupSignup#requestedProperty in class GroupSignup
$ GroupSignupRequest#requestedProperty in class GroupSignupRequest
$ GroupSignupRequestAccept#RequestAcceptedProperty in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
$ GroupSignupRequestDecline#RequestDeclineedProperty in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
FormatterInterface::render() — Method in class FormatterInterface

Render the error list.

JsonFormatter::render() — Method in class JsonFormatter

Render the error list.

StandardFormatter::render() — Method in class StandardFormatter

Render the error list.

TextFormatter::render() — Method in class TextFormatter

Render the error list.

ErrorHandler::registerHideList() — Method in class ErrorHandler
WhoopsServiceProvider::register() — Method in class WhoopsServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

EventsServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EventsServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ExportServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ExportServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Applier::removeAssociation() — Method in class Applier
Applier::rescanAssociationDisplayOrder() — Method in class Applier
$ AttributeKeyHandleGenerator#requestHandlesProperty in class AttributeKeyHandleGenerator
RebuildEntityIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
ReindexEntryTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
ReindexEntryTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
RescanEntityCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
RescanEntityCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
$ Manager#requestProperty in class Manager
$ FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification#replyToProperty in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Search\Result
ExpressServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ExpressServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

RendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form
Renderer::render() — Method in class Renderer
$ AbstractValidator#routinesProperty in class AbstractValidator
$ CSRFTokenRoutine#requestProperty in class CSRFTokenRoutine
RoutineInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator\Routine
$ ValidateAttributesRoutine#requestProperty in class ValidateAttributesRoutine
$ StandardValidator#requestProperty in class StandardValidator
AssociationBuilder::refresh() — Method in class AssociationBuilder
ObjectManager::refresh() — Method in class ObjectManager
AssociationField::renderSearchField() — Method in class AssociationField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

HandleRequiredFeaturesTrait::requireFeaturesIfNotPresentInTheme() — Method in class HandleRequiredFeaturesTrait

Requires one or more features if not present in theme.

FeedServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FeedServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ FilesController#requestProperty in class FilesController
FilesController::read() — Method in class FilesController

Return detailed information about a file.

RebuildFileIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
ReindexFileTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
ReindexFileTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
RescanFileAsyncCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
RescanFileCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
RescanFileCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
$ RescanFileCommandHandler#rescannerProperty in class RescanFileCommandHandler
RescanFileTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
RescanFileTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Command
RecentUploadsOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser\Option
FileServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FileServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

BasicThumbnailer::returnThumbnailObjectFromResolver() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Checks thumbnail resolver for filename, schedule for creation via ajax if necessary.

AtomicThumbnailStream::reserveNext() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream

Mark the next item as reserved

ResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Path
$ AutorotateImageProcessor#rescanThumbnailsProperty in class AutorotateImageProcessor

Should thumbnails be rescanned when the image is rotated?

$ ConstrainImageProcessor#rescanThumbnailsProperty in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Should thumbnails be rescanned when the image is resized?

ConstrainImageProcessor::resizeInPlace() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

This function is a copy of the core thumbnail() function, modified to allow thumbnailing without making a copy in memory first as it is not always needed depending on the context.

FileImporter::resolveIncomingFilename() — Method in class FileImporter

Get the local path of an incoming file (if the incoming file system is not local, we'll create a copy of it in a volatile directory).

ImportingFile::releaseImage() — Method in class ImportingFile

Unload the loaded Image instance.

ImportingFile::resetCustomData() — Method in class ImportingFile

Remove a value stored in the custom data.

$ ProcessorManager#registeredProcessorsProperty in class ProcessorManager

The list of registered processors.

ProcessorManager::registerProcessor() — Method in class ProcessorManager

Register a processor.

ExifDataExtractor::readConfiguration() — Method in class ExifDataExtractor

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

FileExistingValidator::readConfiguration() — Method in class FileExistingValidator

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

FileExtensionValidator::readConfiguration() — Method in class FileExtensionValidator

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

ImageAutorotator::readConfiguration() — Method in class ImageAutorotator

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

ImageSizeConstrain::readConfiguration() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

ImageSizeConstrain::resizeInPlace() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

This function is a copy of the core thumbnail() function, modified to allow thumbnailing without making a copy in memory first as it is not always needed depending on the context.

LegacyPostProcessor::readConfiguration() — Method in class LegacyPostProcessor

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

ProcessorInterface::readConfiguration() — Method in class ProcessorInterface

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

SvgProcessor::readConfiguration() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

ThumbnailGenerator::readConfiguration() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator

Initialize the processor from the configured values.

$ Importer#rescanThumbnailsOnImportProperty in class Importer
RescannerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File
Rescanner::rescanFile() — Method in class Rescanner

Rescan the currently approved version of a file.

Rescanner::rescanFileVersion() — Method in class Rescanner

Rescan a specific version of a file.

Rescanner::refreshAttributes() — Method in class Rescanner
Rescanner::rescanThumbnails() — Method in class Rescanner
$ AddedToPageField#requestVariablesProperty in class AddedToPageField
AddedToPageField::renderSearchField() — Method in class AddedToPageField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ DateAddedField#requestVariablesProperty in class DateAddedField
DateAddedField::renderSearchField() — Method in class DateAddedField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ ExtensionField#requestVariablesProperty in class ExtensionField
ExtensionField::renderSearchField() — Method in class ExtensionField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ FileSetField#requestVariablesProperty in class FileSetField
FileSetField::renderSearchField() — Method in class FileSetField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ FolderField#requestVariablesProperty in class FolderField
FolderField::renderSearchField() — Method in class FolderField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ SizeField#requestVariablesProperty in class SizeField
SizeField::renderSearchField() — Method in class SizeField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ StorageLocationField#requestVariablesProperty in class StorageLocationField
StorageLocationField::renderSearchField() — Method in class StorageLocationField
$ TypeField#requestVariablesProperty in class TypeField
TypeField::renderSearchField() — Method in class TypeField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Result
File::removeAll() — Method in class File

Removes all files from within a specified directory.

File::replaceExtension() — Method in class File

Takes a path and replaces the files extension in that path with the specified extension.

Set::removeFileFromSet() — Method in class Set
$ LocalConfiguration#relativePathProperty in class LocalConfiguration
$ UsageTracker#repositoryProperty in class UsageTracker
FlvInspector::readFlvHeader() — Method in class FlvInspector
FlvInspector::readFlvTag() — Method in class FlvInspector
Element::render() — Method in class Element

Render the element.

$ ElementManager#registryProperty in class ElementManager
ElementManager::register() — Method in class ElementManager

Register an element.

RecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
FilesystemServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ControlRegistry::registerControl() — Method in class ControlRegistry
ControlRegistry::register() — Method in class ControlRegistry
RendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Control
Renderer::render() — Method in class Renderer
RendererInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Control
RendererInterface::render() — Method in class RendererInterface
FormServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FormServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ DestinationPicker#requestProperty in class DestinationPicker
$ DestinationPicker#registeredPickersProperty in class DestinationPicker

List of registered destination picker.

DestinationPicker::registerPicker() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Register a new destination picker.

DestinationPicker::registerPickers() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Register multiple pickers.

$ Form#radioIndexProperty in class Form

Internal counter used to generate unique IDs for radio inputs with the same name.

$ Form#requestProperty in class Form

The Request instance.

Form::radio() — Method in class Form

Generates a radio button.

$ GroupSelector#requestProperty in class GroupSelector
RatingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
Rating::rating() — Method in class Rating
AliasClassLoader::register() — Method in class AliasClassLoader
ClassAliasList::register() — Method in class ClassAliasList
ClassAliasList::registerMultiple() — Method in class ClassAliasList
ClassAliasList::registerRequired() — Method in class ClassAliasList
ClassAliasList::registerMultipleRequired() — Method in class ClassAliasList
ClassAliasList::resolveRequired() — Method in class ClassAliasList
$ ClassAutoloader#requiredAliasesProperty in class ClassAutoloader

List of class aliases that must be autoloaded at boot time (without leading '\').

$ ClassAutoloader#registeredPackagesProperty in class ClassAutoloader

List of registered packages.

ClassAutoloader::reset() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Reset this instance values to the default ones.

ClassAutoloader::registerPackageHandle() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Register a package (given its handle).

ClassAutoloader::registerPackageController() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Register a package (given its controller).

ClassLoader::reset() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::registerPackage() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::registerPackageController() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::registerPackageCustomAutoloaders() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoaderInterface::register() — Method in class ClassLoaderInterface
ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader::register() — Method in class ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader

Registers this instance as an autoloader.

$ AbstractRepetition#repeatPeriodProperty in class AbstractRepetition
$ AbstractRepetition#repeatPeriodWeekDaysProperty in class AbstractRepetition
$ AbstractRepetition#repeatEveryNumProperty in class AbstractRepetition
$ AbstractRepetition#repeatMonthByProperty in class AbstractRepetition
$ AbstractRepetition#repeatMonthLastWeekdayProperty in class AbstractRepetition
$ AbstractRepetition#repeatPeriodEndProperty in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::repeats() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::rangeFromTime() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
RepetitionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Repetition
RepetitionInterface::repeats() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
$ DefaultRuntime#run_classProperty in class DefaultRuntime
DefaultRuntime::run() — Method in class DefaultRuntime

Begin the runtime.

CLIRunner::run() — Method in class CLIRunner

Run the runtime.

$ DefaultRunner#routerProperty in class DefaultRunner
DefaultRunner::run() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Begin the runtime.

DefaultRunner::registerLegacyConfigValues() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Set legacy config values This sets concrete.site to the current site's sitename.

RunInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Run
RunInterface::run() — Method in class RunInterface

Run the runtime.

RuntimeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime
RuntimeInterface::run() — Method in class RuntimeInterface

Begin the runtime.

Provider::register() — Method in class Provider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ProviderList::registerProvider() — Method in class ProviderList

Loads and registers a class ServiceProvider class.

ProviderList::registerProviders() — Method in class ProviderList

Registers an array of service group classes.

GeolocatorController::renderConfigurationForm() — Method in class GeolocatorController

Render the configuration form.

GeolocatorControllerInterface::renderConfigurationForm() — Method in class GeolocatorControllerInterface

Render the configuration form.

$ GeolocatorService#repoProperty in class GeolocatorService
GeolocatorServiceProvider::register() — Method in class GeolocatorServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

HealthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class HealthServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ DeleteReportResultCommand#resultIdProperty in class DeleteReportResultCommand
$ AbstractReportMessage#resultIdProperty in class AbstractReportMessage
RunReportTestMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
$ RunReportTestMessage#resultIdProperty in class RunReportTestMessage
RunReportTestMessageHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Message
$ RunReportTestMessageHandler#runnerFactoryProperty in class RunReportTestMessageHandler
ReportControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report
ReportControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report
ResultInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Result
ResultListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Result
RunnerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report
$ Runner#resultProperty in class Runner
RunnerFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report
TestInterface::run() — Method in class TestInterface
CheckConfigAutomationSettingsForProductionTest::run() — Method in class CheckConfigAutomationSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigCacheSettingsForProductionTest::run() — Method in class CheckConfigCacheSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigErrorSettingsForProductionTest::run() — Method in class CheckConfigErrorSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigLoggingSettingsForProductionTest::run() — Method in class CheckConfigLoggingSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigServerSentEventsSettingsForProductionTest::run() — Method in class CheckConfigServerSentEventsSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigUrlSettingsForProductionTest::run() — Method in class CheckConfigUrlSettingsForProductionTest
CheckPageCustomCacheSettingsTest::run() — Method in class CheckPageCustomCacheSettingsTest
FaqBlockTest::run() — Method in class FaqBlockTest
GalleryBlockTest::run() — Method in class GalleryBlockTest
ImageSliderBlockTest::run() — Method in class ImageSliderBlockTest
SimpleAttributeContentTest::run() — Method in class SimpleAttributeContentTest
SimpleBlockContentTest::run() — Method in class SimpleBlockContentTest
SurveyBlockTest::run() — Method in class SurveyBlockTest
HtmlServiceProvider::register() — Method in class HtmlServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Collection::rewind() — Method in class Collection
$ FontAwesomeIcon#rotateProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
Client::request() — Method in class Client
$ DefaultDispatcher#routerProperty in class DefaultDispatcher
DefaultServer::removeMiddleware() — Method in class DefaultServer

Remove a middleware from the stack

HttpServiceProvider::register() — Method in class HttpServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ APIAuthenticatorMiddleware#repositoryProperty in class APIAuthenticatorMiddleware
$ CookieMiddleware#responseCookieJarProperty in class CookieMiddleware
RequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http

An object that represents a particular request to the Concrete-powered website. The request object then determines what is being requested, based on the path, and presents itself to the rest of the dispatcher (which loads the page, etc...).

RequestBaseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http

An object that represents a particular request to the Concrete-powered website. The request object then determines what is being requested, based on the path, and presents itself to the rest of the dispatcher (which loads the page, etc...).

RequestBase::request() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestEventInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
RequestMediaTypeParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
$ RequestMediaTypeParser#requestProperty in class RequestMediaTypeParser
$ RequestMediaTypeParser#requestAcceptMapProperty in class RequestMediaTypeParser
ResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
ResponseAssetGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
$ ResponseAssetGroup#requiredAssetGroupProperty in class ResponseAssetGroup
ResponseAssetGroup::requireAsset() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup

Adds a required asset to this request. This asset will attempt to be output or included when a view is rendered.

ResponseFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
$ ResponseFactory#requestProperty in class ResponseFactory
ResponseFactory::redirect() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a redirect response

ResponseFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
ResponseFactoryInterface::redirect() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create a redirect response

RouteActionDispatcherClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
$ RouteActionDispatcher#routeProperty in class RouteActionDispatcher
$ RouteActionDispatcher#routerProperty in class RouteActionDispatcher
RouteDispatcherClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
$ RouteDispatcher#routeProperty in class RouteDispatcher
$ RouteDispatcher#routerProperty in class RouteDispatcher
ServerInterface::removeMiddleware() — Method in class ServerInterface

Remove a middleware

ImageEditorService::removeEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::renderActiveImageEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::renderActiveThumbnailEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ImageEditorServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Installer::reconfigureCharacterSetCollation() — Method in class Installer
RemoteFileImportingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
RequestUrlsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
$ RequestUrls#resolverProperty in class RequestUrls

The URL resolver.

Job::run() — Method in class Job
Job::reset() — Method in class Job
$ JobResult#resultProperty in class JobResult
QueueableJob::run() — Method in class QueueableJob

This is disabled since we don't want users to accidentally run a queable job without knowing it

Set::removeJob() — Method in class Set
Avatar::removeAvatar() — Method in class Avatar

Removes the avatar for the given user.

ItemList::resetSearchRequest() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::requiresPaging() — Method in class ItemList
Model::Replace() — Method in class Model
$ Pagination#result_offsetProperty in class Pagination
$ Pagination#result_countProperty in class Pagination
$ Pagination#result_lowerProperty in class Pagination
$ Pagination#result_upperProperty in class Pagination
Pagination::reset() — Method in class Pagination
Pagination::recalc() — Method in class Pagination
$ PasswordHash#random_stateProperty in class PasswordHash
Localization::removeLoadedTranslatorAdapters() — Method in class Localization

Removes all the loaded translator adapters from the translator adapter repository.

LocalizationEssentialServiceProvider::register() — Method in class LocalizationEssentialServiceProvider

Services that are essential for the loading of the localization functionality.

LocalizationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class LocalizationServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ TranslationsChecker#remoteProviderProperty in class TranslationsChecker
$ TranslationsInstaller#remoteProviderProperty in class TranslationsInstaller
$ LocalRemoteCouple#remoteStatsProperty in class LocalRemoteCouple
TranslationLoaderRepository::registerTranslationLoader() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepository

Registers the translation loader for the specified handle.

TranslationLoaderRepository::removeTranslationLoader() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepository

Removes the translation loader with the specified handle.

TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface::registerTranslationLoader() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface

Registers the translation loader for the specified handle.

TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface::removeTranslationLoader() — Method in class TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface

Removes the translation loader with the specified handle.

TranslatorAdapterRepository::registerTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepository

Registers the translator for the given handle and locale to be the object provided as the third parameter. The passed adapter needs to implement the TranslatorAdapterInterface.

TranslatorAdapterRepository::removeTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepository

Removes the translator for the given handle and locale.

TranslatorAdapterRepository::removeTranslatorAdaptersWithHandle() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepository

Removes all the translators for the given handle, no matter what their locale is.

TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface::registerTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface

Registers the translator for the given handle and locale to be the object provided as the third parameter. The passed adapter needs to implement the TranslatorAdapterInterface.

TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface::removeTranslatorAdapter() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface

Removes the translator for the given handle and locale.

TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface::removeTranslatorAdaptersWithHandle() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface

Removes all the translators for the given handle, no matter what their locale is.

$ LoginAttempt#requestPathProperty in class LoginAttempt

The path that the login was submitted to

ResetUserPasswordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User
LoggingServiceProvider::register() — Method in class LoggingServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ ChannelField#requestVariablesProperty in class ChannelField
ChannelField::renderSearchField() — Method in class ChannelField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ DateField#requestVariablesProperty in class DateField
DateField::renderSearchField() — Method in class DateField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ KeywordsField#requestVariablesProperty in class KeywordsField
KeywordsField::renderSearchField() — Method in class KeywordsField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ LevelField#requestVariablesProperty in class LevelField
LevelField::renderSearchField() — Method in class LevelField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\Result
MailServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MailServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ Entry#requiredProperty in class Entry
$ Service#replytoProperty in class Service

List of "Reply-To" recipients (every item is an array with at key 0 the email address and at key 1 an optional name).

Service::reset() — Method in class Service

Clean up the instance of this object (reset the class scope variables).

Service::replyto() — Method in class Service

Sets the Reply-To addresses of the message.

$ Marketplace#requestProperty in class Marketplace
MarketplaceServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MarketplaceServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

RemotePackageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Model
PackageRepository::rename() — Method in class PackageRepository
PackageRepository::rimraf() — Method in class PackageRepository
PackageRepository::registerUrl() — Method in class PackageRepository

Registers a new canonical URL with an existing marketplace connection.

PackageRepository::requestFor() — Method in class PackageRepository
PackageRepositoryInterface::registerUrl() — Method in class PackageRepositoryInterface

Registers a new canonical URL with an existing marketplace connection.

RemoteItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
$ RemoteItem#remoteCIDProperty in class RemoteItem
$ RemoteItem#remoteURLProperty in class RemoteItem
$ RemoteItem#remoteFileURLProperty in class RemoteItem
$ RemoteItem#remoteIconURLProperty in class RemoteItem
RemoteItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
RemoteItemSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace
$ UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandler#repositoryProperty in class UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandler
MessageBusManager::registerBus() — Method in class MessageBusManager
MessengerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MessengerServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ FailedTransportManager#routesProperty in class FailedTransportManager
FailedTransportManager::routeFailedReceiverToSender() — Method in class FailedTransportManager
ReceiverLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\Receiver
$ ReceiverLocator#receiversProperty in class ReceiverLocator
$ TransportManager#receiversProperty in class TransportManager
MultilingualServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MultilingualServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Section::registerDuplicate() — Method in class Section
Section::registerPage() — Method in class Section
Section::registerMove() — Method in class Section
Section::relatePage() — Method in class Section
DashboardBreadcrumb::rewind() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb
PageBreadcrumb::rewind() — Method in class PageBreadcrumb
AppendHTMLModifier::removeUnrelatedSectionsFromNavigation() — Method in class AppendHTMLModifier
OpenToCurrentPageModifier::removeUnrelatedSectionsFromNavigation() — Method in class OpenToCurrentPageModifier
MercureServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MercureServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Subscriber::removeTopics() — Method in class Subscriber
Subscriber::refreshAuthorizationCookie() — Method in class Subscriber
NotificationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class NotificationServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ListViewInterface::renderIcon() — Method in class ListViewInterface
ListViewInterface::renderDetails() — Method in class ListViewInterface
ListViewInterface::renderMenu() — Method in class ListViewInterface
StandardListView::renderIcon() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::renderDetails() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::renderMenu() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::renderInitiatorCommentDescription() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListView::renderInitiatorActionDescription() — Method in class StandardListView
StandardListViewInterface::renderInitiatorActionDescription() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
StandardListViewInterface::renderInitiatorCommentDescription() — Method in class StandardListViewInterface
$ UserDeactivatedListView#resolverProperty in class UserDeactivatedListView

The url resolver we use to build urls

$ WorkflowProgressListView#requestProperty in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowProgressListView::renderIcon() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView
$ MissingRequiredPackageException#requirementsProperty in class MissingRequiredPackageException

The version requirements of the not installed package.

RequiredPackageExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Dependency

Package dependency failure: an installed package can't be uninstalled since it's required by another package.

$ VersionMismatchException#requiredVersionProperty in class VersionMismatchException

The required package version.

AbstractCategory::removeItem() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AbstractCategory::removeItems() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AbstractCategory::renderList() — Method in class AbstractCategory
AttributeKey::removeItem() — Method in class AttributeKey
AttributeKeyCategory::removeItem() — Method in class AttributeKeyCategory
AttributeSet::removeItem() — Method in class AttributeSet
AttributeType::removeItem() — Method in class AttributeType
AttributeType::renderList() — Method in class AttributeType
BlockType::renderList() — Method in class BlockType
Container::removeItem() — Method in class Container
ExpressEntity::removeItem() — Method in class ExpressEntity
GeolocatorLibrary::removeItem() — Method in class GeolocatorLibrary
IpAccessControlCategory::removeItem() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory
ItemInterface::removeItems() — Method in class ItemInterface
ItemInterface::renderList() — Method in class ItemInterface
SinglePage::renderList() — Method in class SinglePage
SiteType::removeItem() — Method in class SiteType
Task::removeItem() — Method in class Task
TaskSet::removeItem() — Method in class TaskSet
Theme::renderList() — Method in class Theme
$ Package#REL_DIR_PACKAGES_COREProperty in class Package

Path to the /concrete/packages directory relative to the web root.

$ Package#REL_DIR_PACKAGESProperty in class Package

Path to the /concrete/packages directory relative to the web root.

Package::restore() — Method in class Package

If a package was just backed up by this instance of the package object and the packages/package handle directory doesn't exist, this will restore the package from the trash.

PackageList::refreshCache() — Method in class PackageList
PackageServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PackageServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ PackerFile#relativePathProperty in class PackerFile

The path to the file/directory relative to the package root directory (with directory separators normalized to '/', without trailing slashes).

$ Zipper#rootDirectoryProperty in class Zipper

The root directory inside the ZIP archive (empty string to not create a main directory inside the ZIP archive).

$ StartingPointPackage#REL_DIR_PACKAGES_COREProperty in class StartingPointPackage
$ StartingPointPackage#REL_DIR_PACKAGESProperty in class StartingPointPackage
$ StartingPointPackage#routinesProperty in class StartingPointPackage
Collection::reindexPendingPages() — Method in class Collection

(Re)Index all the collections that are marked as to be (re)indexed.

Collection::reindex() — Method in class Collection
Collection::resetAreaCustomStyle() — Method in class Collection

Delete all the custom styles of an area of the currently loaded collection version.

Collection::relateVersionEdits() — Method in class Collection

Associate the edits of another collection to this collection.

Collection::refreshCache() — Method in class Collection

Empty the collection-related cache.

Collection::rescanDisplayOrder() — Method in class Collection

Fix the display order properties for all the blocks within the collection/area.

Collection::rescanDisplayOrderFromBlock() — Method in class Collection

Fix the display order properties for all the blocks after this block in this area.

Version::refreshCache() — Method in class Version

Clear the cache for this collection.

Version::removeNewStatus() — Method in class Version

Mark this collection version as not new.

RebuildPageIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
ReindexPageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
ReindexPageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
ReindexPageTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
ReindexPageTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
RemoveOldPageVersionsTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
RemoveOldPageVersionsTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
RescanMultilingualPageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
RescanMultilingualPageCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
RescanMultilingualPageCommandHandler::replaceBlockPageRelations() — Method in class RescanMultilingualPageCommandHandler
RescanMultilingualPageCommandHandler::replaceContentLinks() — Method in class RescanMultilingualPageCommandHandler
DashboardAttributesPageController::renderList() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Configure the data for the view so that it can render the list of the attributes.

DashboardAttributesPageController::renderAdd() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Configure the data for the view so that it can render the "Add Attribute" page.

DashboardAttributesPageController::renderEdit() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Configure the data for the view so that it can render the "Edit Attribute" page.

$ DashboardPageController#restrictedMethodsProperty in class DashboardPageController
$ PageController#replacementProperty in class PageController
$ PageController#requestValidatedProperty in class PageController
$ PageController#restrictedMethodsProperty in class PageController

array of method names that can't be called through the url

PageController::replace() — Method in class PageController

Given either a path or a Page object, this is a shortcut to

  1. Grab the controller of THAT page.
PageController::render() — Method in class PageController

Given a path to a single page, this command uses the CURRENT controller and renders the contents of the single page within this request. The current controller is not replaced, and has already fired (since it is meant to be called from within a view() or similar method).

$ Event#requestProperty in class Event
$ FeedEvent#requestProperty in class FeedEvent
Page::removePermissions() — Method in class Page

Remove specific permission keys for a specific access entity (user, group, group combination).

Page::removeThisAlias() — Method in class Page

Remove an external link/alias.

Page::rescanAreaPermissions() — Method in class Page

Rescan the page areas ensuring that they are inheriting permissions properly.

Page::rescanChildrenDisplayOrder() — Method in class Page

Regenerate the display order of the child pages.

Page::rescanCollectionPath() — Method in class Page

Recalculate the canonical page path for the current page and its sub-pages, based on its current version, URL slug, etc.

Page::rescanSystemPageStatus() — Method in class Page

Recalculate the "is a system page" state.

PageServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PageServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ SiblingFormatter#relationProperty in class SiblingFormatter
RelationListControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Relation\Menu\Item
RelationListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Relation\Menu\Item
$ CacheSettingField#requestVariablesProperty in class CacheSettingField
CacheSettingField::renderSearchField() — Method in class CacheSettingField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ ContainsBlockTypeField#requestVariablesProperty in class ContainsBlockTypeField
ContainsBlockTypeField::renderSearchField() — Method in class ContainsBlockTypeField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ ContainsContainerField#requestVariablesProperty in class ContainsContainerField
ContainsContainerField::renderSearchField() — Method in class ContainsContainerField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ DateAddedField#requestVariablesProperty in class DateAddedField
DateAddedField::renderSearchField() — Method in class DateAddedField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ DateLastModifiedField#requestVariablesProperty in class DateLastModifiedField
DateLastModifiedField::renderSearchField() — Method in class DateLastModifiedField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ DatePublicField#requestVariablesProperty in class DatePublicField
DatePublicField::renderSearchField() — Method in class DatePublicField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ IncludePageAliasesField#requestVariablesProperty in class IncludePageAliasesField
IncludePageAliasesField::renderSearchField() — Method in class IncludePageAliasesField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ NumberOfChildrenField#requestVariablesProperty in class NumberOfChildrenField
NumberOfChildrenField::renderSearchField() — Method in class NumberOfChildrenField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ PageOwnerField#requestVariablesProperty in class PageOwnerField
PageOwnerField::renderSearchField() — Method in class PageOwnerField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ PageTemplateField#requestVariablesProperty in class PageTemplateField
PageTemplateField::renderSearchField() — Method in class PageTemplateField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ PageTypeField#requestVariablesProperty in class PageTypeField
PageTypeField::renderSearchField() — Method in class PageTypeField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ ParentPageField#requestVariablesProperty in class ParentPageField
ParentPageField::renderSearchField() — Method in class ParentPageField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ PermissionsInheritanceField#requestVariablesProperty in class PermissionsInheritanceField
PermissionsInheritanceField::renderSearchField() — Method in class PermissionsInheritanceField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ SiteLocaleField#requestVariablesProperty in class SiteLocaleField

The list of all the request variables.

SiteLocaleField::renderSearchField() — Method in class SiteLocaleField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ ThemeField#requestVariablesProperty in class ThemeField
ThemeField::renderSearchField() — Method in class ThemeField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ VersionStatusField#requestVariablesProperty in class VersionStatusField
VersionStatusField::renderSearchField() — Method in class VersionStatusField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

IndexedSearch::reindexPage() — Method in class IndexedSearch
ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Result
Single::refresh() — Method in class Single
$ DragRequestData#requestProperty in class DragRequestData
$ SitemapGenerator#resolverManagerProperty in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::resolveUrl() — Method in class SitemapGenerator

Resolve an URL using the custom site canonical URL (if set).

Pile::remove() — Method in class Pile
Pile::rescanDisplayOrder() — Method in class Pile
$ UsageTracker#repositoryProperty in class UsageTracker
BedrockThemeTrait::registerAssets() — Method in class BedrockThemeTrait
ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ResetPageThemeSkinsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ResetPageThemeSkinsCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ResetSiteThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ResetSiteThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
ManagerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ManagerServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Theme::requireAsset() — Method in class Theme

Mark an asset as reuired by this theme.

Theme::registerAssets() — Method in class Theme

Register the assets provided by this theme.

BlockControl::removePageTypeComposerControlFromPage() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::render() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::recordPageTypeComposerOutputBlock() — Method in class BlockControl
CollectionAttributeControl::removePageTypeComposerControlFromPage() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::render() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
Control::render() — Method in class Control
Control::removePageTypeComposerControlFromPage() — Method in class Control
CorePageProperty::removePageTypeComposerControlFromPage() — Method in class CorePageProperty
CorePageProperty::render() — Method in class CorePageProperty
PublishTargetCorePageProperty::render() — Method in class PublishTargetCorePageProperty
FormLayoutSet::rescanFormLayoutSetControlDisplayOrder() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSetControl::render() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
ManagerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ManagerServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Type::rescanPageTypeComposerOutputControlObjects() — Method in class Type
Type::rescanPageTypePageTemplateDefaultPages() — Method in class Type
Type::returnList() — Method in class Type
Type::rescanFormLayoutSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class Type
Type::renderComposerOutputForm() — Method in class Type
PageView::renderSinglePageByFilename() — Method in class PageView
Access::removeWorkflow() — Method in class Access
Access::removeListItem() — Method in class Access
AddSubpagePageAccess::removeListItem() — Method in class AddSubpagePageAccess
Factory::registerClass() — Method in class Factory
GenericTaskHandler::removeAccessEntity() — Method in class GenericTaskHandler
ObjectTaskHandler::removeAccessEntity() — Method in class ObjectTaskHandler
TaskLauncher::runHandler() — Method in class TaskLauncher
TaskLauncher::renderHandler() — Method in class TaskLauncher
$ Checker#responseProperty in class Checker
$ IPService#requestProperty in class IPService
RegistryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Inheritance\Registry
IpAccessControlService::registerEvent() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Create and save an IP Access Control Event.

IpAccessControlService::registerEventAt() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Create and save an IP Access Control Event at a specific date/time.

PermissionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PermissionServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

AbstractAccessRegistry::removeEntry() — Method in class AbstractAccessRegistry
$ AbstractAssignment#registryProperty in class AbstractAssignment
AbstractObjectRegistry::removeEntry() — Method in class AbstractObjectRegistry
PermissionsEntry::remove() — Method in class PermissionsEntry
WorkflowEntry::remove() — Method in class WorkflowEntry
EntryInterface::remove() — Method in class EntryInterface
PermissionsEntry::remove() — Method in class PermissionsEntry
TaskPermissionsEntry::remove() — Method in class TaskPermissionsEntry
RegistryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry
ResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
$ MatchedRoute#routeProperty in class MatchedRoute
RedirectClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RedirectResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ RedirectResponse#requestProperty in class RedirectResponse
RouteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RouteActionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RouteActionFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RouteActionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RouteBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ RouteBuilder#routerProperty in class RouteBuilder
$ RouteBuilder#routeProperty in class RouteBuilder
RouteGroupBuilderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ RouteGroupBuilder#routerProperty in class RouteGroupBuilder

This is the original router, not the temporary router we created for the route group callable.

$ RouteGroupBuilder#requirementsProperty in class RouteGroupBuilder

Regular expressions that lock down URL parameters to certain conditions.

RouteGroupBuilder::routes() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteListInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RouteMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RouterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ Router#routesProperty in class Router
Router::resolveAction() — Method in class Router
Router::register() — Method in class Router
Router::registerMultiple() — Method in class Router
Router::route() — Method in class Router

Returns a route string based on data. DO NOT USE THIS.

RouterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RouterInterface::resolveAction() — Method in class RouterInterface
RoutingServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
RoutingServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Set::removeColumnByKey() — Method in class Set
$ AbstractField#requestVariablesProperty in class AbstractField

The list of all the request variables.

AbstractField::renderSearchField() — Method in class AbstractField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ AbstractSiteField#requestVariablesProperty in class AbstractSiteField
AbstractSiteField::renderSearchField() — Method in class AbstractSiteField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

AttributeKeyField::renderSearchField() — Method in class AttributeKeyField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

FieldInterface::renderSearchField() — Method in class FieldInterface

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ KeywordsField#requestVariablesProperty in class KeywordsField

The list of all the request variables.

KeywordsField::renderSearchField() — Method in class KeywordsField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

ManagerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ManagerServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ VariableFactory#requestDataProperty in class VariableFactory
$ PagerPagination#requestProperty in class PagerPagination
PagerPagination::renderView() — Method in class PagerPagination
Pagination::renderDefaultView() — Method in class Pagination

This is a convenience method that does the following: 1. it grabs the pagination/view service (which by default is bootstrap 3) 2. it sets up URLs to start with the pass of the current page, and 3. it uses the default item list query string parameter for paging. If you need more custom functionality you should consider using the Pagerfanta\View\ViewInterface objects directly.

Pagination::renderView() — Method in class Pagination
$ PaginationFactory#requestProperty in class PaginationFactory
ManagerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ManagerServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ ViewRenderer#routeCollectionFunctionProperty in class ViewRenderer
ViewRenderer::render() — Method in class ViewRenderer
$ AbstractRequestModifier#requestProperty in class AbstractRequestModifier
ResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search
$ Response#resultProperty in class Response
ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Result
ResultFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Result

Class ResultFactory

SearchServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SearchServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

StickyRequest::resetSearchRequest() — Method in class StickyRequest
ConfiguratorInterface::removeRule() — Method in class ConfiguratorInterface

Removes a rule from the configuration (if it's there).

ApacheConfigurator::removeRule() — Method in class ApacheConfigurator

Removes a rule from the configuration (if it's there).

ApacheStorage::read() — Method in class ApacheStorage

Read the configuration.

$ Generator#rulesProperty in class Generator
NginxConfigurator::removeRule() — Method in class NginxConfigurator

Removes a rule from the configuration (if it's there).

NginxStorage::read() — Method in class NginxStorage

Read the configuration.

StorageInterface::read() — Method in class StorageInterface

Read the configuration.

$ ApacheDetector#requestProperty in class ApacheDetector
$ NginxDetector#requestProperty in class NginxDetector
ServiceManagerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceManagerServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ Option#requiredProperty in class Option

Is this option required?

RuleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Rule

A single rule for the web server.

RuleInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Rule

Interface describing a single rule for the web server.

$ SessionFactory#requestProperty in class SessionFactory

The request object We needed a reference to this object so that we could assign the session object to it.

SessionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ SessionValidator#requestProperty in class SessionValidator
RedisSessionHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session\Storage\Handler

Redis based session storage handler based on the Redis class provided by the PHP redis extension.

$ RedisSessionHandler#redisProperty in class RedisSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::read() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
LoggedStorage::regenerate() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Regenerates id that represents this storage.

LoggedStorage::registerBag() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Registers a SessionBagInterface for use.

AbstractSurvey::render() — Method in class AbstractSurvey
RoleQuestionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation\Question
SurveyInterface::render() — Method in class SurveyInterface
ResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Resolver
$ Resolver#requestProperty in class Resolver
ResolverFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Resolver
$ Service#resolverFactoryProperty in class Service
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ ColorVariable#rProperty in class ColorVariable
$ ColorValue#rProperty in class ColorValue

The value of the red channel.

$ Stylesheet#relativeOutputDirectoryProperty in class Stylesheet
$ BasicCalendarEventDriver#repositoryProperty in class BasicCalendarEventDriver
DriverManager::register() — Method in class DriverManager
RegisteredDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Extractor\Driver
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

RenderableTemplateInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Template
RendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Template
$ Renderer#rendererFiltererProperty in class Renderer
Renderer::render() — Method in class Renderer
Renderer::renderSummaryForObject() — Method in class Renderer
RendererFiltererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Template
$ PhpFixer#ruleResolverProperty in class PhpFixer
$ PhpFixer#runnerProperty in class PhpFixer
$ PhpFixerRunner#ruleResolverProperty in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::resetSteps() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
PhpFixerRunner::resetErrors() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
$ Facade#resolvedInstanceProperty in class Facade

The resolved object instances.

Facade::resolveFacadeInstance() — Method in class Facade

Resolve the facade root instance from the container.

RouteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
Url::route() — Method in class Url

This method is only here as a legacy decorator, use url::to.

UserInfo::register() — Method in class UserInfo
JSConstantGenerator::render() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
$ ClassSymbol#reflectionClassProperty in class ClassSymbol

The ReflectionClass instance.

ClassSymbol::resolveMethods() — Method in class ClassSymbol

Get the methods.

ClassSymbol::render() — Method in class ClassSymbol

Render Class with methods.

$ MethodSymbol#reflectionMethodProperty in class MethodSymbol
MethodSymbol::render() — Method in class MethodSymbol

Render the Method.

MetadataGenerator::render() — Method in class MetadataGenerator
MetadataGenerator::resolveAbstractToClassName() — Method in class MetadataGenerator
SymbolGenerator::registerClass() — Method in class SymbolGenerator

Register a class alias, and store it in the classes array.

SymbolGenerator::render() — Method in class SymbolGenerator

Render the classes.

$ FileLockMutex#resourcesProperty in class FileLockMutex
FileLockMutex::release() — Method in class FileLockMutex

Release a mutex given its key.

MutexInterface::release() — Method in class MutexInterface

Release a mutex given its key.

SemaphoreMutex::release() — Method in class SemaphoreMutex

Release a mutex given its key.

SystemServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SystemServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

Node::rescanChildrenDisplayOrder() — Method in class Node
$ Diagnostic#requestedVersionProperty in class Diagnostic
$ Version#releaseNotesProperty in class Version
$ Version#releaseNotesUrlProperty in class Version
AbstractMigration::refreshEntities() — Method in class AbstractMigration
AbstractMigration::refreshDatabaseTables() — Method in class AbstractMigration
AbstractMigration::refreshBlockType() — Method in class AbstractMigration
Configuration::resetForceInitialMigration() — Method in class Configuration

Reset the forced initial migration.

Configuration::registerPreviousMigratedVersions() — Method in class Configuration

This is a stupid requirement, but basically, we grab the lowest version number in our system database migrations table, and we loop through all migrations in our file system and for any of those LOWER than the lowest one in the table, we can assume they are included in this migration. We then manually insert these rows into the SystemDatabaseMigrations table so Doctrine isn't stupid and attempt to apply them.

$ MigrationIncompleteException#remainingMigrationsProperty in class MigrationIncompleteException

The number of remaining migrations.

Version20160725000000::renameProblematicTables() — Method in class Version20160725000000
RepeatableMigrationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations

Interface that migrations that can be safely re-executed should implement.

RemoteApplicationUpdateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater
RemoteApplicationUpdateFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater
$ CallableUrlResolver#resolverProperty in class CallableUrlResolver
CallableUrlResolver::resolve() — Method in class CallableUrlResolver

Resolve url's from any type of input.

$ CanonicalUrlResolver#requestProperty in class CanonicalUrlResolver
CanonicalUrlResolver::resolve() — Method in class CanonicalUrlResolver

Resolve url's from any type of input.

ResolverManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\Manager
$ ResolverManager#resolversProperty in class ResolverManager
ResolverManager::resolve() — Method in class ResolverManager

Resolve a URI.

ResolverManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\Manager
ResolverManagerInterface::resolve() — Method in class ResolverManagerInterface

Resolve a URI.

PageUrlResolver::resolveWithPageId() — Method in class PageUrlResolver
PageUrlResolver::resolve() — Method in class PageUrlResolver

Resolve url's from any type of input.

PageUrlResolver::resolveWithResolver() — Method in class PageUrlResolver
PathUrlResolver::resolve() — Method in class PathUrlResolver

Resolve url's from any type of input.

RouteUrlResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver

Class RouteUrlResolver.

$ RouteUrlResolver#routeListProperty in class RouteUrlResolver
RouteUrlResolver::resolve() — Method in class RouteUrlResolver

Resolve urls from the list of registered routes takes a string.

RouterUrlResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver
$ RouterUrlResolver#routerProperty in class RouterUrlResolver
RouterUrlResolver::resolve() — Method in class RouterUrlResolver

Resolve urls from the list of registered routes takes a string.

RouterUrlResolver::resolveRoute() — Method in class RouterUrlResolver

Resolve the route.

UrlResolverInterface::resolve() — Method in class UrlResolverInterface

Resolve url's from any type of input.

UserInfoUrlResolver::resolve() — Method in class UserInfoUrlResolver

Resolve url's from any type of input.

$ SeoCanonical#resolverProperty in class SeoCanonical

The instance of the class that builds page URLs.

UrlServiceProvider::register() — Method in class UrlServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

AvatarService::removeAvatar() — Method in class AvatarService
AvatarServiceInterface::removeAvatar() — Method in class AvatarServiceInterface
$ Gravatar#ratingProperty in class Gravatar
$ DeleteUserCommandHandler#repositoryProperty in class DeleteUserCommandHandler
RebuildUserIndexCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
ReindexUserTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
ReindexUserTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
$ ReindexUserTaskCommandHandler#repositoryProperty in class ReindexUserTaskCommandHandler
RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
$ DeleteGroupCommandHandler#requestCacheProperty in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Command\DeleteGroupCommand
Group::rescanGroupPath() — Method in class Group
Group::rescanGroupPathRecursive() — Method in class Group
Group::removeThumbnailImage() — Method in class Group
Group::removeGroupExpiration() — Method in class Group
GroupSet::removeGroup() — Method in class GroupSet
$ FolderField#requestVariablesProperty in class FolderField
FolderField::renderSearchField() — Method in class FolderField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ NameField#requestVariablesProperty in class NameField
NameField::renderSearchField() — Method in class NameField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search\Result
LoginAttemptService::remainingAttempts() — Method in class LoginAttemptService

Determine the amount of attempts remaining for a username

LoginAttemptService::resolveUser() — Method in class LoginAttemptService

Resolve the user from username / user email

$ LoginService#requestProperty in class LoginService

The request instance

PasswordUsageTracker::resolveUserID() — Method in class PasswordUsageTracker
$ PostLoginLocation#resolverManagerProperty in class PostLoginLocation
$ PostLoginLocation#responseFactoryProperty in class PostLoginLocation
PostLoginLocation::resetSessionPostLoginUrl() — Method in class PostLoginLocation

Clear the post-login data saved in session.

Mailbox::removeNewStatus() — Method in class Mailbox
Mailbox::removeMessageNewStatus() — Method in class Mailbox
RegistrationServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
RegistrationServiceInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
$ DateAddedField#requestVariablesProperty in class DateAddedField
DateAddedField::renderSearchField() — Method in class DateAddedField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ GroupSetField#requestVariablesProperty in class GroupSetField
GroupSetField::renderSearchField() — Method in class GroupSetField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ HomeFolderField#requestVariablesProperty in class HomeFolderField
HomeFolderField::renderSearchField() — Method in class HomeFolderField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ IsActiveField#requestVariablesProperty in class IsActiveField
IsActiveField::renderSearchField() — Method in class IsActiveField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ IsValidatedField#requestVariablesProperty in class IsValidatedField
IsValidatedField::renderSearchField() — Method in class IsValidatedField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

$ UserGroupField#requestVariablesProperty in class UserGroupField
UserGroupField::renderSearchField() — Method in class UserGroupField

Generates the HTML for the search form (or an empty string if search is not supported).

ResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Result
User::recordLogin() — Method in class User

Increment number of logins and update login timestamps.

User::refreshUserGroups() — Method in class User
User::refreshCollectionEdit() — Method in class User
UserInfo::resetUserPassword() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::register() — Method in class UserInfo
$ UserInfoRepository#repositoryProperty in class UserInfoRepository
UserServiceProvider::register() — Method in class UserServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ValidationHash::removeExpired() — Method in class ValidationHash

Removes old entries for the supplied type.

UtilityServiceProvider::register() — Method in class UtilityServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validation
ResponseInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validation
ValidationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ ClosureValidator#requirements_closureProperty in class ClosureValidator

The closure that returns requirements.

PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::regexValidator() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

Create a regex validator

RegexValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator\String
ReuseValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator\String
ReuseValidator::resolveUserID() — Method in class ReuseValidator
UserEmailValidatorServiceProvider::register() — Method in class UserEmailValidatorServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

UserNameValidatorServiceProvider::register() — Method in class UserNameValidatorServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

ValidatorServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ValidatorServiceProvider

Registers the services provided by this provider.

$ AbstractView#requestInstanceProperty in class AbstractView
$ AbstractView#requestInstancesProperty in class AbstractView
AbstractView::revertRequestInstance() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::requireAsset() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::render() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::renderViewContents() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::renderError() — Method in class AbstractView
DialogView::renderViewContents() — Method in class DialogView
ErrorView::runControllerTask() — Method in class ErrorView
View::renderViewContents() — Method in class View
View::renderInnerContents() — Method in class View

Render the file set to $this->innerContentFile

View::renderTemplate() — Method in class View

Render the file set to $this->template

View::replaceEmptyAssetPlaceholders() — Method in class View
View::replaceAssetPlaceholders() — Method in class View
$ Progress#responseProperty in class Progress
Progress::runTask() — Method in class Progress

Attempts to run a workflow task on the bound WorkflowRequest object first, then if that doesn't exist, attempts to run it on the current WorkflowProgress object.

ResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress
$ ActivateUserRequest#requestActionProperty in class ActivateUserRequest
$ DeleteUserRequest#requestActionProperty in class DeleteUserRequest
RequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
Request::runTask() — Method in class Request
UserRequest::runTask() — Method in class UserRequest

Override the runTask method in order to launch the cancel function correctly (to trigger user deletion for instance)

$ Workflow#restrictedToPermissionKeyHandlesProperty in class Workflow

The list of permission key handles that this workflow can be attached to.

PageTheme::registerAssets() — Method in class PageTheme

Register the assets provided by this theme.

PageTheme::registerAssets() — Method in class PageTheme

Register the assets provided by this theme.


$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::searchKeywords() — Method in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Attribute\Rating
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::setAllowedMultipleValues() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setAllowOtherValues() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setHideNoneOption() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setOptionDisplayOrder() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setOptions() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::setNodes() — Method in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::searchForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::search() — Method in class Controller
Controller::supportsRegistration() — Method in class Controller

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

Controller::saveAuthenticationType() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveAuthenticationType() — Method in class Controller
Controller::supportsRegistration() — Method in class Controller

Determine whether this type supports automatically registering users This method grabs this configuration from the auth config group.

Controller::saveAuthenticationType() — Method in class Controller

Save data for this authentication type This method is called when the type_form.php submits. It stores client details and configuration for connecting.

Controller::setData() — Method in class Controller

Method for setting general data for all views.

Controller::supportsRegistration() — Method in class Controller

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

Controller::saveAuthenticationType() — Method in class Controller
Controller::supportsRegistration() — Method in class Controller

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

Controller::saveAuthenticationType() — Method in class Controller
Controller::supportsRegistration() — Method in class Controller

Twitter doesn't give us the users email.

Controller::supportsEmailResolution() — Method in class Controller

Twitter doesn't give us the users email.

Controller::saveAuthenticationType() — Method in class Controller
Controller::supportsEmail() — Method in class Controller
AccordionEntry::setTitle() — Method in class AccordionEntry
AccordionEntry::setDescription() — Method in class AccordionEntry
AccordionEntry::setId() — Method in class AccordionEntry
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::shouldIncludeParentItem() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setIncludeParentItem() — Method in class Controller
NavItem::setCollectionObject() — Method in class NavItem

Sets the collection Object of the navigation item to the passed object.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::supportsLightbox() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setupCacheSettings() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#slotTemplateIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::setupCacheSettings() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#stIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#stIDNeutralProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setupCacheSettings() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#selectedYearProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#selectedMonthProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#slotProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#setIdsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#setModeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#searchPropertiesProperty in class Controller
Controller::setupFolderFileSetFilter() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setupFolderAdvancedSearch() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setupFolderFileFolderFilter() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::setupKeywordSearch() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#searchPropertiesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#searchAssociationsProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#submitLabelProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#storeFormSubmissionProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::saveAttributeKeySettings() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#surveyNameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#submitTextProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Form add or edit submit (run after the duplicate method on first block edit of new page version).

StatisticsClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Form
$ Statistics#sortChoicesProperty in class Statistics
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Handle saving entries and display choices

$ Controller#scrollwheelProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#speedProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#sizingOptionProperty in class Controller
Controller::shouldLinkOpenInNewWindow() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#showSummaryProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#supportSavingNullValuesProperty in class Controller

Set this to true if the data sent to the save/performSave methods can contain NULL values that should be persisted.

$ Controller#search_allProperty in class Controller

Whether or not to search all sites.

Controller::setHighlightColor() — Method in class Controller

Set the color to be used to highlight results.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#serviceProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#servicesProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#slIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#showResultsProperty in class Controller
Controller::setPollOptions() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

SurveyListClass in namespace Concrete\Block\Survey
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#searchInputFormActionPageIDProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

Controller::save() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setupCacheSettings() — Method in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ Controller#sizingProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#startTimeEnabledProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#startTimeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#showCaptionsProperty in class Controller
Controller::save() — Method in class Controller

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

$ OpenApi#specGeneratorProperty in class OpenApi
SiteInformationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Announcement
SiteInformation::submit() — Method in class SiteInformation
Attributes::sortUser() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::sortInSet() — Method in class Attributes
$ Preview#stackProperty in class Preview
SitemapCheckInClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Dashboard
SitemapUpdateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Dashboard
File::star() — Method in class File
Chooser::shouldRunControllerTask() — Method in class Chooser

Should the action be executed? Override this method to answer something different than true.

Chooser::searchFiles() — Method in class Chooser
Chooser::searchExternal() — Method in class Chooser
Edit::save() — Method in class Edit
Thumbnail::setThumbnailData() — Method in class Thumbnail
Permissions::setPassword() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::setLocation() — Method in class Permissions
$ Thumbnailer#streamProperty in class Thumbnailer
Thumbnailer::storageLocation() — Method in class Thumbnailer
Chooser::search() — Method in class Chooser
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Marketplace
Chooser::setPaginator() — Method in class Chooser

Add pagination to the collection adds metadata to the response

Chooser::searchPages() — Method in class Chooser

Callable through /ccm/system/page/chooser/search/{keywords}

SitemapDataClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
SitemapDeleteForeverClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
SaveClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page\Type\Composer\Form\EditControl
SummaryTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
$ Tasks#scheduleHttpResponseFactoryProperty in class Tasks
UserInterface::shouldRunControllerTask() — Method in class UserInterface

Should the action be executed? Override this method to answer something different than true.

File::setFileObject() — Method in class File
Page::setPageObject() — Method in class Page
Chooser::shouldRunControllerTask() — Method in class Chooser

Should the action be executed? Override this method to answer something different than true.

Chooser::searchUsers() — Method in class Chooser
Design::submit() — Method in class Design
Presets::submit() — Method in class Presets
Aliasing::submit() — Method in class Aliasing
Cache::submit() — Method in class Cache
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
Delete::submit_all() — Method in class Delete
Design::submit() — Method in class Design
Edit::submit() — Method in class Edit
CustomSlot::searchItems() — Method in class CustomSlot
CustomSlot::saveTemplate() — Method in class CustomSlot
ScheduleClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Board
SubscribeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Conversation
Subscribe::subscribe() — Method in class Subscribe
$ AdvancedSearch#supportsSavedSearchProperty in class AdvancedSearch
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
DeleteOccurrence::submit() — Method in class DeleteOccurrence
Duplicate::submit() — Method in class Duplicate
Edit::setResponseRedirectURL() — Method in class Edit
SummaryTemplatesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Event
SummaryTemplates::submit() — Method in class SummaryTemplates
Reorder::submit() — Method in class Reorder
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Express
Folder::submit() — Method in class Folder
Properties::submit() — Method in class Properties
SetsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File\Bulk
Sets::submit() — Method in class Sets
StorageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File\Bulk
Storage::submit() — Method in class Storage
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
Folder::submit() — Method in class Folder
Import::setViewHelpers() — Method in class Import

Set the helpers for the view.

Import::setViewSets() — Method in class Import

Set the variables for the view.

Import::setCurrentFolder() — Method in class Import

Set the current folder.

Import::setOriginalPage() — Method in class Import

Set the page where the file is originally placed on.

Properties::submit() — Method in class Properties
Replace::setViewSets() — Method in class Replace

Set the variables for the view.

Replace::setReplacingFile() — Method in class Replace

Set the file being replaced.

SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
SetsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
Sets::submit() — Method in class Sets
StatisticsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
Edit::submit() — Method in class Edit
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Groups
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
DeleteAll::submit() — Method in class DeleteAll
AddBlock::submit() — Method in class AddBlock
AddExternal::submit() — Method in class AddExternal
Compose::submit() — Method in class Compose
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
Properties::submit() — Method in class Properties
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
DeleteAlias::submit() — Method in class DeleteAlias
Css::setCss() — Method in class Css
Css::submit() — Method in class Css
DragRequest::submit() — Method in class DragRequest
DragRequest::setNewPagesDisplayOrder() — Method in class DragRequest
EditAlias::submit() — Method in class EditAlias
EditExternal::submit() — Method in class EditExternal
SeoClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
SitemapSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
SummaryTemplatesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
SummaryTemplates::submit() — Method in class SummaryTemplates
SiteGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions\Access\Entity
$ SiteGroup#siteTypeServiceProperty in class SiteGroup
$ AdvancedSearch#supportsSavedSearchProperty in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::savePreset() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::submit() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
$ Attributes#skeletonProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::submit() — Method in class Attributes
Move::submit() — Method in class Move
Attributes::submit() — Method in class Attributes
UpdateFromType::submit() — Method in class UpdateFromType
$ Attributes#serializerProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::submit() — Method in class Attributes
Delete::submit() — Method in class Delete
Properties::submit() — Method in class Properties
Properties::setupAllowedEditAttributes() — Method in class Properties
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\User
$ KeySelector#selectAttributeUrlProperty in class KeySelector
KeySelector::setSelectAttributeUrl() — Method in class KeySelector
KeySelector::setObjects() — Method in class KeySelector
$ EditableList#sectionTitleProperty in class EditableList
EditableList::setEditDialogURL() — Method in class EditableList
EditableList::setSectionTitle() — Method in class EditableList
$ EditableSetList#sectionTitleProperty in class EditableSetList
EditableSetList::setEditDialogURL() — Method in class EditableSetList
EditableSetList::setSectionTitle() — Method in class EditableSetList
Form::setBackButtonUrl() — Method in class Form
Form::setCategory() — Method in class Form
Form::setDashboardPageParameters() — Method in class Form
Form::setDashboardPageSubmitAction() — Method in class Form
KeyHeader::setDashboardPageDeleteAction() — Method in class KeyHeader
KeyHeader::setDashboardPageParameters() — Method in class KeyHeader
KeyList::setEnableSorting() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::setAttributeSets() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::setUnassignedAttributeKeys() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::setCategory() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::setAttributeTypes() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::setDashboardPagePath() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::setDashboardPageAddAction() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::setDashboardPageParameters() — Method in class KeyList
KeyList::setDashboardPageEditAction() — Method in class KeyList
SiteStandardListHeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute
StandardListHeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Attribute
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Api\Integrations
Header::setCreateURL() — Method in class Header
Header::setExportURL() — Method in class Header
Header::setEntity() — Method in class Header
$ Mobile#sectionProperty in class Mobile
SectionClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Navigation\Panel
$ Section#sectionProperty in class Section
$ Menu#searchProviderProperty in class Menu
Menu::setQuery() — Method in class Menu
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Reports\Logs\Search
Search::setQuery() — Method in class Search
Search::setHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class Search
SitemapOverlayClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Sitemap
$ Menu#siteProperty in class Menu
$ Menu#searchProviderProperty in class Menu
Menu::setQuery() — Method in class Menu
Menu::setEntity() — Method in class Menu
Menu::setCreateURL() — Method in class Menu
Menu::setExportURL() — Method in class Menu
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Express\Search
Search::setQuery() — Method in class Search
Search::setHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class Search
Search::setEntity() — Method in class Search
ConcreteThumbnailEditor::setThumbnail() — Method in class ConcreteThumbnailEditor
$ Menu#searchProviderProperty in class Menu
Menu::setQuery() — Method in class Menu
Menu::setCurrentFolder() — Method in class Menu
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Files\Search
Search::setQuery() — Method in class Search
Search::setHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class Search
$ Menu#searchProviderProperty in class Menu
Menu::setQuery() — Method in class Menu
Menu::setCurrentFolder() — Method in class Menu
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Groups\Search
Search::setQuery() — Method in class Search
Search::setHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class Search
$ Menu#startingParentPageProperty in class Menu
Menu::setTitle() — Method in class Menu
Menu::setWrapperClass() — Method in class Menu
SinglePagesItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Package
$ Menu#searchProviderProperty in class Menu
Menu::setQuery() — Method in class Menu
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Pages\Search
Search::setQuery() — Method in class Search
Search::setHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class Search
CustomizeResults::setIncludeNumberOfResults() — Method in class CustomizeResults
SearchFieldSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Search
SearchFieldSelector::setAddFieldAction() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector
SearchFieldSelector::setFieldManager() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector
SearchFieldSelector::setQuery() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector
SearchFieldSelector::setIncludeJavaScript() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector
Header::setCanAddGroup() — Method in class Header
$ Menu#searchProviderProperty in class Menu
Menu::setQuery() — Method in class Menu
Menu::setExportURL() — Method in class Menu
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Users\Search
Search::setQuery() — Method in class Search
Search::setHeaderSearchAction() — Method in class Search
MessagePage::shouldDisplaySocialLinks() — Method in class MessagePage
ViewAjax::setElementSets() — Method in class ViewAjax
SelectSiteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
$ SelectSite#serviceProperty in class SelectSite
$ SelectSite#selectorProperty in class SelectSite
SelectSite::select() — Method in class SelectSite
SelectSite::selectAndRedirect() — Method in class SelectSite
StylesheetClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
SwitchLanguageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend
SwitchLanguage::switchLanguage() — Method in class SwitchLanguage

Redirect to the translated page.

Install::select_language() — Method in class Install
Install::setup() — Method in class Install
Install::setInstallStep() — Method in class Install
Add::showOrphanedBlockOption() — Method in class Add
Attributes::submit() — Method in class Attributes
Caching::submit() — Method in class Caching
Composer::saveAndExit() — Method in class Composer
Composer::save() — Method in class Composer
Location::submit() — Method in class Location
Permissions::save_simple() — Method in class Permissions
SeoClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Page
Seo::submit() — Method in class Seo
CheckIn::submit() — Method in class CheckIn
Design::submit() — Method in class Design
SitemapClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel
$ Sitemap#siteProperty in class Sitemap
CustomizePreset::saveStyles() — Method in class CustomizePreset

Controller method run when a preset is used with the legacy customizer or other customizer that does not suppport skins.

CustomizePreset::save() — Method in class CustomizePreset

Controller method run when custom skins are saved. Custom skins can have custom variables, then be updated and tweaked and re-saved as necessary.

Entity::save() — Method in class Entity
SiteGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
Area::savePermissionAssignments() — Method in class Area
Block::savePermission() — Method in class Block
Block::savePermissionAssignments() — Method in class Block
Block::setTimedGuestAccess() — Method in class Block
Conversation::savePermission() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::savePermissionAssignments() — Method in class Conversation
File::savePermissionAssignments() — Method in class File
File::saveWorkflows() — Method in class File
Page::savePermission() — Method in class Page
Page::savePermissionAssignments() — Method in class Page
SitemapClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
TreeNode::savePermissionAssignments() — Method in class TreeNode
User::saveWorkflows() — Method in class User
Entries::submit() — Method in class Entries
Entries::search() — Method in class Entries
StandardClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Search
Standard::searchBasic() — Method in class Standard
Standard::searchCurrent() — Method in class Standard
Standard::searchPreset() — Method in class Standard
Avatar::save_avatar() — Method in class Avatar
Avatar::saved() — Method in class Avatar
EditProfile::save_complete() — Method in class EditProfile
EditProfile::save() — Method in class EditProfile
Messages::send() — Method in class Messages
Messages::send_complete() — Method in class Messages
Permissions::save() — Method in class Permissions
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Blocks
StacksClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Blocks
Stacks::stack_duplicated() — Method in class Stacks
Types::search() — Method in class Types
Types::sort_blocktypesets() — Method in class Types
Types::sort_blocktypes() — Method in class Types
Add::submit() — Method in class Add
ChooseItems::submit() — Method in class ChooseItems
CustomizeSlot::submit() — Method in class CustomizeSlot
Edit::submit() — Method in class Edit
Permissions::save_permissions() — Method in class Permissions
SchedulerClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
Scheduler::submit() — Method in class Scheduler
Add::submit() — Method in class Add
Attributes::select_type() — Method in class Attributes
Permissions::save_permissions() — Method in class Permissions
Attributes::select_type() — Method in class Attributes
Details::setupPage() — Method in class Details
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Files
Search::setCurrentFolder() — Method in class Search

Responsible for setting the current folder in the header menu, and in the JavaScript that powers the search table.

SetsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Files
Attributes::select_type() — Method in class Attributes
SingleClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages
Single::single_page_added() — Method in class Single
Single::single_page_refreshed() — Method in class Single
Themes::save_selected_skin() — Method in class Themes
Types::submit() — Method in class Types
Add::submit() — Method in class Add
Attributes::setupPageType() — Method in class Attributes
Organize::submit() — Method in class Organize
Permissions::save() — Method in class Permissions
Details::setHealthResultBreadcrumb() — Method in class Details
SurveysClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Reports
SitemapClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Sitemap
SystemClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
Integrations::setScopes() — Method in class Integrations
ScopesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Api
Scopes::synchronize() — Method in class Scopes
SettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Api
Settings::submit() — Method in class Settings
SetsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Attributes
Add::submit() — Method in class Add
Types::save_attribute_type_associations() — Method in class Types
Types::saved() — Method in class Types
ScheduleClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Automation
SettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Automation
Settings::submit() — Method in class Settings
Accessibility::save() — Method in class Accessibility
Attributes::select_type() — Method in class Attributes
Editor::submit() — Method in class Editor
Multilingual::save_interface_language() — Method in class Multilingual
$ Name#serviceProperty in class Name
Name::sitename_saved() — Method in class Name
ProductionMode::submit() — Method in class ProductionMode
ResetEditMode::submit() — Method in class ResetEditMode
SiteInformationClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
SiteInformation::submit() — Method in class SiteInformation
SocialClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
Timezone::setSystemTimezone() — Method in class Timezone
Permissions::save() — Method in class Permissions
SettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Boards
Colors::save() — Method in class Colors
Import::submit() — Method in class Import
Permissions::save() — Method in class Permissions
SettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Calendar
Settings::save() — Method in class Settings
BannedWords::save() — Method in class BannedWords
Editor::success() — Method in class Editor
Editor::save() — Method in class Editor
Permissions::save() — Method in class Permissions
Points::success() — Method in class Points
Points::save() — Method in class Points
SettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Conversations
Settings::saveEditors() — Method in class Settings
Settings::success() — Method in class Settings
Settings::save() — Method in class Settings
DatabaseCharset::set_connection_collation() — Method in class DatabaseCharset
Logging::showError() — Method in class Logging

Manage adding

SecurityClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Environment
Security::submit() — Method in class Security
Associations::save_association() — Method in class Associations
Attributes::select_type() — Method in class Attributes
CustomizeSearch::save() — Method in class CustomizeSearch
Forms::save() — Method in class Forms
Forms::save_control() — Method in class Forms
OrderEntries::save() — Method in class OrderEntries
ExportOptions::submit() — Method in class ExportOptions
ExternalFileProvider::select_type() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
FileManager::submit() — Method in class FileManager
Filetypes::saved() — Method in class Filetypes
ImageUploading::save() — Method in class ImageUploading
Permissions::save() — Method in class Permissions
StorageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
Storage::select_type() — Method in class Storage
Storage::storage_location_added() — Method in class Storage
Storage::storage_location_deleted() — Method in class Storage
Storage::storage_location_updated() — Method in class Storage
Thumbnails::save() — Method in class Thumbnails
Options::submit() — Method in class Options
Uploads::submit() — Method in class Uploads
$ Mail#sendUndefinedTasksToViewProperty in class Mail
Addresses::save() — Method in class Addresses
$ Importers#sendUndefinedTasksToViewProperty in class Importers
Importers::save_importer() — Method in class Importers
Method::save_settings() — Method in class Method
SetupClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Multilingual
Setup::set_default() — Method in class Setup
TranslateInterface::submit() — Method in class TranslateInterface
TranslateInterface::save_translation() — Method in class TranslateInterface
SettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Multisite
SitesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Multisite
Sites::submit() — Method in class Sites
Sites::setCurrentSite() — Method in class Sites
Types::setCurrentSiteType() — Method in class Types
Alerts::save() — Method in class Alerts
Events::submit() — Method in class Events
Antispam::saved() — Method in class Antispam
Antispam::save() — Method in class Antispam
Maintenance::saved() — Method in class Maintenance
SiteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
Site::saved() — Method in class Site
Tasks::save() — Method in class Tasks
TrustedProxies::save() — Method in class TrustedProxies
Users::save() — Method in class Users
Workflows::save_workflow_details() — Method in class Workflows
Workflows::submit_add() — Method in class Workflows
Authentication::save() — Method in class Authentication
AutomatedLogout::save() — Method in class AutomatedLogout

An action for saving the Session Security form This method will manage saving settings and redirecting to the appropriate results page.

PasswordRequirements::save() — Method in class PasswordRequirements
PasswordRequirements::setCustomRegexForView() — Method in class PasswordRequirements

Store in the 'customRegex' "set" the previously specified regular expressions.

SessionOptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Registration
SeoClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
Bulk::saveRecord() — Method in class Bulk
Bulk::serializePages() — Method in class Bulk
Bulk::serializePage() — Method in class Bulk
Codes::save() — Method in class Codes
Excluded::save() — Method in class Excluded
SearchindexClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Seo
Searchindex::save() — Method in class Searchindex
UrlSlug::save() — Method in class UrlSlug
Urls::save_urls() — Method in class Urls
Update::start() — Method in class Update
Update::setCanExecuteForever() — Method in class Update
Update::setLocalAvailableUpdateView() — Method in class Update
Add::submit() — Method in class Add
Attributes::select_type() — Method in class Attributes
GroupSets::set_added() — Method in class GroupSets
GroupSets::set_deleted() — Method in class GroupSets
GroupSets::set_updated() — Method in class GroupSets
GroupTypes::saveRoles() — Method in class GroupTypes
Groups::setCurrentFolder() — Method in class Groups

Responsible for setting the current folder in the header menu, and in the JavaScript that powers the search table.

Bulkupdate::search() — Method in class Bulkupdate
Message::sendMessage() — Method in class Message

Send a message to a list of recipients with limit disabled.

SearchClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Users
Search::save_account() — Method in class Search
Search::setupUser() — Method in class Search
Search::shouldViewIgnoredIPMismatches() — Method in class Search
DownloadFile::submit_password() — Method in class DownloadFile
Login::session_invalidated() — Method in class Login
Directory::search_members() — Method in class Directory
Upgrade::submit() — Method in class Upgrade
CalendarEvent::saveProgress() — Method in class CalendarEvent
Page::saveProgress() — Method in class Page
User::saveProgress() — Method in class User
$ Announcement#slidesProperty in class Announcement
AbstractController::shouldDisplayAnnouncementToUser() — Method in class AbstractController

Allows for additional filtering of announcements

CollectSiteInformationController::shouldDisplayAnnouncementToUser() — Method in class CollectSiteInformationController

Allows for additional filtering of announcements

ControllerInterface::shouldDisplayAnnouncementToUser() — Method in class ControllerInterface

Allows for additional filtering of announcements

SingleSlideTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Controller\Traits
$ ImgIcon#srcProperty in class ImgIcon
SvgIconClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Icon
$ WelcomeItemFactory#surveyProperty in class WelcomeItemFactory
StandardItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item
StandardItem::setTitle() — Method in class StandardItem
StandardItem::setIcon() — Method in class StandardItem
StandardItem::setDescription() — Method in class StandardItem
StandardItem::setActions() — Method in class StandardItem
SlideClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Slide
SlideInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Slide
$ Library#saslHandleProperty in class Library
$ Library#saslNameProperty in class Library
$ Library#saslIsActiveProperty in class Library
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Antispam
Api::setHttpPClient() — Method in class Api
Api::system() — Method in class Api
Api::site() — Method in class Api
AttributeValueMapEntry::setAttributeKey() — Method in class AttributeValueMapEntry
AttributeValueMapEntry::setAttributeValue() — Method in class AttributeValueMapEntry
SimpleApiAttributeValueInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Attribute
SupportsAttributeValueFromJsonInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Attribute
SynchronizeScopesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Command
SynchronizeScopesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Command
$ SynchronizeScopesCommandHandler#specGeneratorProperty in class SynchronizeScopesCommandHandler
Pages::sitemapPages() — Method in class Pages
SitesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
$ Sites#siteServiceProperty in class Sites
SystemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
$ RedirectUriFactory#siteServiceProperty in class RedirectUriFactory
GenerateApiSpecEvent::setOpenApi() — Method in class GenerateApiSpecEvent
SiteLocaleTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
SiteTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
SocialLinkTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
SanitizableContentTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer\Traits
SanitizableContentTrait::stripAllTags() — Method in class SanitizableContentTrait
$ AddressAttributeValue#state_provinceProperty in class AddressAttributeValue
$ Calendar#siteProperty in class Calendar
$ File#sizeProperty in class File
SiteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ User#statusProperty in class User
$ UserSocialLink#serviceProperty in class UserSocialLink
$ UserSocialLink#service_infoProperty in class UserSocialLink
$ Credentials#secretProperty in class Credentials
CreateOAuthClientCommand::setName() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::setRedirect() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::setConsentType() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::setEnableDocumentation() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::setHasCustomScopes() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommand::setCustomScopes() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommand
CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler::setConsentType() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler
CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler::setCustomScopes() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler
DeleteOAuthClientCommand::setClientId() — Method in class DeleteOAuthClientCommand
$ Controller#sessionProperty in class Controller
Controller::storeRequest() — Method in class Controller

Store a request against session

$ IdTokenResponse#siteProperty in class IdTokenResponse

The site service we use to determine the issuer

IdTokenResponse::setApplication() — Method in class IdTokenResponse

Set the application object.

DefaultValidator::setPublicKey() — Method in class DefaultValidator
DefaultValidator::setPrivateKey() — Method in class DefaultValidator

Set path to private key.

DefaultValidator::setEncryptionKey() — Method in class DefaultValidator

Set the encryption key

$ Parameter#specSchemaProperty in class Parameter
Parameter::setName() — Method in class Parameter
Parameter::setIn() — Method in class Parameter
Parameter::setDescription() — Method in class Parameter
Parameter::setSchema() — Method in class Parameter
SourceRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
$ SourceRegistry#sourcesProperty in class SourceRegistry
SpecComponentsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecFragmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
$ SpecFragment#securitySchemesProperty in class SpecFragment
SpecFragment::setComponents() — Method in class SpecFragment
SpecGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
$ SpecGenerator#sourceRegistryProperty in class SpecGenerator
SpecMergerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
$ SpecMerger#serializerProperty in class SpecMerger
SpecModelClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecParameterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecPathClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
$ SpecPath#summaryProperty in class SpecPath
$ SpecPath#securityProperty in class SpecPath
SpecPath::setSecurity() — Method in class SpecPath
SpecPath::setRequestBody() — Method in class SpecPath
SpecPathCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecPropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecPropertyRefClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecPropertyRefItemsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecResponseListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecSchemaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
SpecSecurityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
$ SpecSecurity#schemeNameProperty in class SpecSecurity
$ SpecSecurity#scopesProperty in class SpecSecurity
SpecSecuritySchemeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OpenApi
$ SpecSecurityScheme#scopesProperty in class SpecSecurityScheme
SetListLimitFromQueryTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Traits
SupportsCursorTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Traits
SupportsCursorTrait::setupSortAndCursor() — Method in class SupportsCursorTrait
Application::shutdown() — Method in class Application

Turns off the lights.

Application::setupPackageAutoloaders() — Method in class Application

Register package autoloaders. Has to come BEFORE session calls.

Application::setupPackages() — Method in class Application

Run startup and localization events on any installed packages.

Application::setupFilesystem() — Method in class Application

Ensure we have a cache directory.

ApplicationAwareInterface::setApplication() — Method in class ApplicationAwareInterface

Set the application object.

ApplicationAwareTrait::setApplication() — Method in class ApplicationAwareTrait

Setter method for the application

EditResponse::setError() — Method in class EditResponse

Set the error(s) of the response.

EditResponse::setTitle() — Method in class EditResponse

Set the title of the response.

EditResponse::setMessage() — Method in class EditResponse

Set the message of the response.

EditResponse::setRedirectURL() — Method in class EditResponse

Set the redirect URL of the response.

EditResponse::setReloadCurrentPage() — Method in class EditResponse

The current page should be reloaded?

EditResponse::setAdditionalDataAttribute() — Method in class EditResponse

Set additional response data.

DashboardMenu::sortItems() — Method in class DashboardMenu
SitemapClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\Dashboard
Sitemap::setExpandedNodes() — Method in class Sitemap
Sitemap::setIncludeSystemPages() — Method in class Sitemap
Sitemap::setDisplayNodePagination() — Method in class Sitemap
Sitemap::setIsSitemapOverlay() — Method in class Sitemap
UserInterface::submit() — Method in class UserInterface

Generates a submit button in the Concrete style.

UserInterface::showWhiteLabelMessage() — Method in class UserInterface
UserInterface::showHelpOverlay() — Method in class UserInterface
AbstractManager::setMessage() — Method in class AbstractManager
Message::setMessageContent() — Method in class Message
Message::setIdentifier() — Method in class Message
RegistryInterface::setMessage() — Method in class RegistryInterface
StandardManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service\UserInterface\Help
AbstractMenu::setAttribute() — Method in class AbstractMenu
$ AbstractNavigationCache#sessionProperty in class AbstractNavigationCache
AbstractNavigationCache::set() — Method in class AbstractNavigationCache
$ FavoritesNavigationFactory#serializerProperty in class FavoritesNavigationFactory
Controller::setMenuItem() — Method in class Controller
ControllerInterface::setMenuItem() — Method in class ControllerInterface
Item::setLabel() — Method in class Item
Item::setLinkAttributes() — Method in class Item
Item::setLink() — Method in class Item
Item::setIcon() — Method in class Item
Item::setPosition() — Method in class Item
Item::setController() — Method in class Item
ItemInterface::setController() — Method in class ItemInterface
OptionsFormControllerInterface::setupController() — Method in class OptionsFormControllerInterface
SkeletonSitemapProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap
$ SkeletonSitemapProvider#siteTypeProperty in class SkeletonSitemapProvider
$ SkeletonSitemapProvider#skeletonServiceProperty in class SkeletonSitemapProvider
StandardSitemapProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap
$ StandardSitemapProvider#siteServiceProperty in class StandardSitemapProvider
Entry::setIsSelected() — Method in class Entry
SiteGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection\Entry\Group
$ SiteGroup#siteProperty in class SiteGroup
SiteEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection\Entry
$ SiteEntry#siteProperty in class SiteEntry
StandardTreeCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection
$ Area#showControlsProperty in class Area
Area::setAreaDisplayName() — Method in class Area
Area::showControls() — Method in class Area

Returns whether or not controls are to be displayed.

Area::setAreaGridMaximumColumns() — Method in class Area
Area::setBlockLimit() — Method in class Area

Sets the total number of blocks an area allows. Does not limit by type.

Area::setBlockWrapperStart() — Method in class Area

Specify HTML to automatically print before blocks contained within the area.

Area::setBlockWrapperEnd() — Method in class Area

Set HTML that automatically prints after any blocks contained within the area.

Area::setCustomTemplate() — Method in class Area

Sets a custom block template for blocks of a type specified by the btHandle Note, these can be stacked. For example $a->setCustomTemplate('image', 'banner'); $a->setCustomTemplate('content', 'masthead_content');.

ContainerArea::setAreaGridMaximumColumns() — Method in class ContainerArea
$ CustomStyle#setProperty in class CustomStyle
Column::setAreaLayoutObject() — Method in class Column
Column::setAreaID() — Method in class Column
CustomColumn::setAreaLayoutColumnWidth() — Method in class CustomColumn
CustomLayout::setAreaLayoutColumnSpacing() — Method in class CustomLayout
Layout::setAreaObject() — Method in class Layout
Layout::setBlockObject() — Method in class Layout
Preset::setName() — Method in class Preset
Preset::setIdentifier() — Method in class Preset
ThemeGridColumn::setAreaLayoutColumnSpan() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridColumn::setAreaLayoutColumnOffset() — Method in class ThemeGridColumn
ThemeGridLayout::setThemeGridFrameworkObject() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
ThemeGridLayout::setAreaLayoutMaxColumns() — Method in class ThemeGridLayout
SubAreaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area
SubArea::setSubAreaBlockObject() — Method in class SubArea
Asset::setAssetPosition() — Method in class Asset

Set the position of this asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_HEADER or \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_FOOTER).

Asset::setAssetIsLocal() — Method in class Asset

Is this asset a locally available file (accessible with the getAssetPath method)?

Asset::setAssetSupportsMinification() — Method in class Asset

Does this asset support minification?

Asset::setAssetSupportsCombination() — Method in class Asset

Can this asset be combined with other assets?

Asset::setAssetLocation() — Method in class Asset

Set the location of this asset.

Asset::setAssetURL() — Method in class Asset

Set the URL of this asset.

Asset::setAssetPath() — Method in class Asset

Set the path to this asset.

Asset::setAssetVersion() — Method in class Asset

Set the version of this asset.

Asset::setPackageObject() — Method in class Asset

Set the package that defines this asset.

Asset::setCombinedAssetSourceFiles() — Method in class Asset

Set the URL of the source files this asset has been built from (useful to understand the origin of this asset).

AssetInterface::setAssetPosition() — Method in class AssetInterface

Set the position of this asset (\Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_HEADER or \Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetInterface::ASSET_POSITION_FOOTER).

AssetInterface::setAssetIsLocal() — Method in class AssetInterface

Is this asset a locally available file (accessible with the getAssetPath method)?

AssetInterface::setAssetURL() — Method in class AssetInterface

Set the URL of this asset.

AssetInterface::setAssetPath() — Method in class AssetInterface

Set the path to this asset.

AssetInterface::setAssetVersion() — Method in class AssetInterface

Set the version of this asset.

AssetInterface::setPackageObject() — Method in class AssetInterface

Set the package that defines this asset.

AssetInterface::setCombinedAssetSourceFiles() — Method in class AssetInterface

Set the URL of the source files this asset has been built from (useful to understand the origin of this asset).

AssetInterface::setAssetSupportsMinification() — Method in class AssetInterface

Does this asset support minification?

AssetInterface::setAssetSupportsCombination() — Method in class AssetInterface

Can this asset be combined with other assets?

CssAsset::setAssetMedia() — Method in class CssAsset

Set the media of this asset.

StandardFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Asset\Output
AttributeInterface::setAttributeType() — Method in class AttributeInterface
AttributeInterface::setAttributeKey() — Method in class AttributeInterface
AttributeInterface::saveKey() — Method in class AttributeInterface

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

AttributeInterface::setAttributeObject() — Method in class AttributeInterface

Set the subject for which the value is being managed.

$ AbstractCategory#setManagerProperty in class AbstractCategory

The instance of the SetManagerInterface (if set).

AbstractCategory::setEntityManager() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Get the EntityManager instance.

ExpressCategory::saveFromRequest() — Method in class ExpressCategory
SearchIndexerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category\SearchIndexer

Interface that all the classes that handle the search index of attribute categories must implement.

StandardSearchIndexerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category\SearchIndexer
StandardSearchIndexerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category\SearchIndexer

Class to be implemented by attribute categories to define the attribute indexing table.

SiteCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
SiteTypeCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
StandardCategoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
StandardCategoryTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
StandardCategoryTrait::setCategoryEntity() — Method in class StandardCategoryTrait
UserCategory::saveFromRequest() — Method in class UserCategory

Update the user attribute key with the data received from POST.

ClearAttributesCommand::setAttributeKeys() — Method in class ClearAttributesCommand
SaveAttributesCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Command

Saves a group of attribute keys against an object.

SaveAttributesCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Command
OptionSelectInstance::setAccessToken() — Method in class OptionSelectInstance
OptionSelectInstance::setAttributeKey() — Method in class OptionSelectInstance
BasicFormContext::setLocation() — Method in class BasicFormContext
BasicFormViewContext::setLocation() — Method in class BasicFormViewContext
ComposerContext::setTooltip() — Method in class ComposerContext
ComposerContext::setRequired() — Method in class ComposerContext
ComposerContext::setLocation() — Method in class ComposerContext
Context::setLocation() — Method in class Context
$ Controller#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class Controller
Controller::setAttributeType() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setAttributeObject() — Method in class Controller

Set the subject for which the value is being managed.

Controller::setAttributeKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveKey() — Method in class Controller

This method is called any time an attribute key is created or updated.

Controller::setAttributeValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::searchKeywords() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setRequestArray() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setupAndRun() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::saveValue() — Method in class Controller
$ DefaultController#searchIndexFieldDefinitionProperty in class DefaultController
DefaultController::searchForm() — Method in class DefaultController
DefaultController::search() — Method in class DefaultController
View::setValue() — Method in class View
View::setObject() — Method in class View
Renderer::setContext() — Method in class Renderer
ControllerTrait::saveAttributes() — Method in class ControllerTrait
KeySerializer::setMultipleValues() — Method in class KeySerializer
SetSerializerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Component\KeySelector

Responsible for serializing attribute sets for use in the key selector component.

$ SetSerializer#setsProperty in class SetSerializer
StandardImportLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\ImportLoader
Key::setPropertiesFromArray() — Method in class Key
Key::saveAttributeForm() — Method in class Key
Key::saveAttribute() — Method in class Key
Key::setAttribute() — Method in class Key
StandardRequestLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\RequestLoader
SearchIndexerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\SearchIndexer

Interface that all the classes that handle the search index of attribute keys must implement.

StandardSearchIndexerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\SearchIndexer
StandardSearchIndexer::setTypeLength() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Set the 'length' key of an array containing the column options.

SiteKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
SiteTypeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
ObjectInterface::setAttribute() — Method in class ObjectInterface

Sets the attribute of of the ObjectInterface instance to the specified value, and persists it.

ObjectTrait::setAttribute() — Method in class ObjectTrait

Sets the attribute of a user info object to the specified value, and saves it in the database.

SetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
SetFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Factory class for creating and retrieving instances of the Attribute type entity.

SetManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Handles adding and removing keys from attribute sets.

SimpleTextExportableAttributeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Attribute controllers should implement this interface if they support importing/exporting to/from plain text.

StandardSetManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Handles adding and removing keys from attribute sets.

StandardSetManager::setAllowAttributeSets() — Method in class StandardSetManager
StandardValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
Value::setAttributeKey() — Method in class Value
View::setAttributeObject() — Method in class View
View::start() — Method in class View
View::startRender() — Method in class View
View::setupRender() — Method in class View
View::setupController() — Method in class View
AuthenticationType::setAuthenticationTypeName() — Method in class AuthenticationType

Update the name.

AuthenticationType::setAuthenticationTypeDisplayOrder() — Method in class AuthenticationType

AuthenticationType::setAuthenticationTypeDisplayOrder Update the order for display.

$ CommunityServiceFactory#sessionProperty in class CommunityServiceFactory
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Community
$ Extractor#serviceProperty in class Extractor
ServiceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\ExternalConcrete
$ ServiceFactory#sessionProperty in class ServiceFactory
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\ExternalConcrete
$ FacebookServiceFactory#sessionProperty in class FacebookServiceFactory
$ GoogleServiceFactory#sessionProperty in class GoogleServiceFactory
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Google
$ GenericOauthTypeController#serviceProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::showError() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::showSuccess() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::setToken() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::supportsRegistration() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController

Whether or not we will attempt to register the user.

GenericOauthTypeController::supportsEmail() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::supportsUniqueId() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::supportsVerifiedEmail() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::supportsFullName() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::supportsFirstName() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::supportsLastName() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
GenericOauthTypeController::supportsUsername() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
$ GenericOauth2TypeController#serviceProperty in class GenericOauth2TypeController
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\OAuth
$ TwitterServiceFactory#sessionProperty in class TwitterServiceFactory
ContentImporter::setImportMode() — Method in class ContentImporter
ContentImporter::setHomePage() — Method in class ContentImporter
$ Manager#sortedRoutinesProperty in class Manager
AbstractPageStructureRoutine::setupPageNodeOrder() — Method in class AbstractPageStructureRoutine
ImportBlockTypesRoutine::setImportMode() — Method in class ImportBlockTypesRoutine

Either ContentImporter::IMPORT_MODE_INSTALL or ContentImporter::IMPORT_MODE_UPGRADE

ImportPageContentRoutine::setHomePage() — Method in class ImportPageContentRoutine

Useful when we're calling this from another routine that imports a new home page.

ImportPageStructureRoutine::setHomePage() — Method in class ImportPageStructureRoutine

Useful when we're calling this from another routine that imports a new home page.

ImportSinglePageContentRoutine::setHomePage() — Method in class ImportSinglePageContentRoutine
ImportSinglePageStructureRoutine::setHomePage() — Method in class ImportSinglePageStructureRoutine
$ ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine#skeletonServiceProperty in class ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine
$ ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine#siteTypeCategoryProperty in class ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine
ImportStacksContentRoutine::setHomePage() — Method in class ImportStacksContentRoutine
ImportStacksStructureRoutine::setHomePage() — Method in class ImportStacksStructureRoutine
SpecifiableHomePageRoutineInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
SpecifiableHomePageRoutineInterface::setHomePage() — Method in class SpecifiableHomePageRoutineInterface
SpecifiableImportModeRoutineInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\Importer\Routine
SpecifiableImportModeRoutineInterface::setImportMode() — Method in class SpecifiableImportModeRoutineInterface

Either ContentImporter::IMPORT_MODE_INSTALL or ContentImporter::IMPORT_MODE_UPGRADE

StackItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector\Item
Result::setOriginalContent() — Method in class Result
Block::setName() — Method in class Block

Set the name of the block.

Block::setTempFilename() — Method in class Block
Block::setCustomTemplate() — Method in class Block

Set the name of the custom template.

Block::setBlockCollectionObject() — Method in class Block

Set the collection instance containing the block.

Block::setBlockAreaObject() — Method in class Block

Set the area containing the block.

Block::setAbsoluteBlockDisplayOrder() — Method in class Block

Set the absolute position of this block, regardless other blocks in the same page & area.

Block::setProxyBlock() — Method in class Block

Set the proxy block instance.

Block::setBlockActionCollectionID() — Method in class Block

Set the ID of the collection that's associated to the block actions.

Block::setOriginal() — Method in class Block
Block::setCustomStyleSet() — Method in class Block

Set the block custom styles.

Block::setCustomCacheSettings() — Method in class Block

Customize the cache settings, overriding the values of the block type controller.

Block::setBlockCachedOutput() — Method in class Block

Set the output cache.

Block::setCustomContainerSettings() — Method in class Block

Set the custom settings related to the grid container (overriding the block type default values).

$ BlockController#supportSavingNullValuesProperty in class BlockController

Set this to true if the data sent to the save/performSave methods can contain NULL values that should be persisted.

BlockController::save() — Method in class BlockController

Run when a block is added or edited. Automatically saves block data against the block's database table. If a block needs to do more than this (save to multiple tables, upload files, etc... it should override this.

BlockController::setBlockObject() — Method in class BlockController

Sets the block object for this controller.

BlockController::setPassThruBlockController() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::setupAndRun() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::setAreaObject() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::supportsInlineEdit() — Method in class BlockController

if a the current BlockType supports inline edit or not.

BlockController::supportsInlineAdd() — Method in class BlockController

if a the current BlockType supports inline add or not.

SetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\BlockType
Set::setBlockTypeDisplayOrder() — Method in class Set

Update the display order of a block type contained in this set.

AddBlockToPageCommand::setBlockType() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommand
AddBlockToPageCommand::setPage() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommand
AddBlockToPageCommand::setArea() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommand
AddBlockToPageCommand::setData() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommand
BlockCommand::setBlockID() — Method in class BlockCommand
BlockCommand::setPageID() — Method in class BlockCommand
BlockCommand::setCollectionVersionID() — Method in class BlockCommand
BlockCommand::setAreaHandle() — Method in class BlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::setOriginalBlockID() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::setOriginalPageID() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::setOriginalCollectionVersionID() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::setOriginalAreaHandle() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::setForceDisplayOrder() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
UpdatePageBlockCommand::setBlock() — Method in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
UpdatePageBlockCommand::setData() — Method in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
UpdatePageBlockCommand::setPage() — Method in class UpdatePageBlockCommand
$ CustomStyle#setProperty in class CustomStyle
BlockDuplicate::setOldBlock() — Method in class BlockDuplicate
BlockOutput::setContents() — Method in class BlockOutput
$ BlockView#showControlsProperty in class BlockView
BlockView::showControls() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::setAreaObject() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::start() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::startRender() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::setupRender() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::setBlockViewHeaderFile() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::setBlockViewFooterFile() — Method in class BlockView
BlockViewTemplate::setPackageList() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
BlockViewTemplate::setBlockCustomTemplate() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
BlockViewTemplate::setBlockCustomRender() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
$ BoardDetailsTrait#sortByProperty in class BoardDetailsTrait
$ BoardDetailsTrait#siteProperty in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardDetailsTrait::setName() — Method in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardDetailsTrait::setTemplate() — Method in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardDetailsTrait::setSite() — Method in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardDetailsTrait::setSortBy() — Method in class BoardDetailsTrait
BoardInstanceTrait::setInstance() — Method in class BoardInstanceTrait
$ BoardSlotCommand#startDateProperty in class BoardSlotCommand
$ BoardSlotCommand#slotProperty in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommand::setSlot() — Method in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommand::setBlockID() — Method in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommand::setStartDate() — Method in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardSlotCommand::setEndDate() — Method in class BoardSlotCommand
BoardTrait::setBoard() — Method in class BoardTrait
$ ClearSlotFromBoardCommand#slotProperty in class ClearSlotFromBoardCommand
ClearSlotFromBoardCommand::setSlot() — Method in class ClearSlotFromBoardCommand
$ CreateBoardInstanceCommand#siteProperty in class CreateBoardInstanceCommand
CreateBoardInstanceCommand::setBoardInstanceName() — Method in class CreateBoardInstanceCommand
CreateBoardInstanceCommand::setSite() — Method in class CreateBoardInstanceCommand
EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommand::setTemplateIDs() — Method in class EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommand
$ GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler#serializerProperty in class GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommand::setRetrieveDataObjectsAfter() — Method in class PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommand
$ RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandler#serializerProperty in class RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandler
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command

This command is used by the in-page board instance rule scheduler. At this point, the instance rule has already been created, but it doesn't have a slot yet, or a start date/time/timezone. So this command is responsible primarily for setting those attributes, and setting the particular slot for the rule (which also puts it out of "draft" mode.)

$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand#startDateProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand#startTimeProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand#slotProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::setBoardInstanceSlotRuleID() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::setStartDate() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::setEndDate() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::setStartTime() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::setEndTime() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::setSlot() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::setTimezone() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand::setName() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
DataSourceElementController::setConfiguredDataSource() — Method in class DataSourceElementController
$ CalendarEventSaver#searchFieldManagerProperty in class CalendarEventSaver
$ PageSaver#searchFieldManagerProperty in class PageSaver
SaverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\DataSource\Saver
AbstractCustomElementCommand::setElementName() — Method in class AbstractCustomElementCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::setTimezone() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::setIsLocked() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::setRuleType() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::setUser() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::setNotes() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand::setBatchIdentifier() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommand#startDateTimeProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommand#slotProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::setInstances() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::setStartDateTime() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::setEndDateTime() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::setTimezone() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::setLockType() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::setSlot() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Designer\Command
SlotTemplateJsonHelperTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Helper\Traits
PageData::setPageID() — Method in class PageData
Renderer::setEnableEditing() — Method in class Renderer
$ AvailableObject#slotProperty in class AvailableObject
$ ContentPopulator#serializerProperty in class ContentPopulator
$ ContentRenderer#serializerProperty in class ContentRenderer
SummaryObjectFiltererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content\Filterer
$ SummaryObjectFilterer#slotsProperty in class SummaryObjectFilterer
SummaryObjectClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
$ SummaryObject#summaryObjectProperty in class SummaryObject
SummaryObjectCreatorTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
$ TemplateLocator#siteServiceProperty in class TemplateLocator
PlannedInstance::sliceContentObjectGroups() — Method in class PlannedInstance

Retrieves object groups without removing them from the source array.

$ PlannedSlot#slotProperty in class PlannedSlot
PlannedSlot::setSlot() — Method in class PlannedSlot
PlannedSlot::setTemplate() — Method in class PlannedSlot
$ PlannedSlotTemplate#slotTemplateProperty in class PlannedSlotTemplate
PlannedSlotTemplate::setSlotTemplate() — Method in class PlannedSlotTemplate
PlannedSlotTemplate::setObjectCollection() — Method in class PlannedSlotTemplate
$ Planner#slotFiltererProperty in class Planner
SlotFiltererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Planner

Responsible for filtering slot templates down to the appropriate ones given design criteria on the board, total content slots in templates, etc.

SlotFilterer::sortTemplatesForSlotNumber() — Method in class SlotFilterer

Given an array of potential slot templates, let's reorder them so that we don't just have the same types of templates showing up all the time.

$ RenderedSlot#slotTypeProperty in class RenderedSlot
$ RenderedSlot#slotProperty in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::setIsLocked() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::setBlockID() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::setSlot() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::setInstance() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::setSlotType() — Method in class RenderedSlot
RenderedSlot::setBoardInstanceSlotRuleID() — Method in class RenderedSlot
SlotPinnedFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Rule
SlotRendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot
SlotRenderer::setEnableEditing() — Method in class SlotRenderer
SlotLayoutPlannerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Layout
PermissionsManager::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class PermissionsManager
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board
Cache::save() — Method in class Cache
CacheLocal::set() — Method in class CacheLocal
ClearCacheCommand::setClearGlobalAreas() — Method in class ClearCacheCommand
ClearCacheCommandHandler::setClearGlobalAreas() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
ClearCacheCommandHandler::setCache() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler

Set a cache object to be cleared

ClearCacheCommandHandler::setupFilesystem() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
FileSystemStashDriver::storeData() — Method in class FileSystemStashDriver

This function takes the data and stores it to the path specified. If the directory leading up to the path does not exist, it creates it.

RedisStashDriver::setOptions() — Method in class RedisStashDriver

The options array should contain an array of servers,.

RedisStashDriver::storeData() — Method in class RedisStashDriver
FilePageCache::set() — Method in class FilePageCache

Store a page in the cache.

PageCache::shouldCheckCache() — Method in class PageCache

Determine if we should check if a page is in the cache.

PageCache::shouldAddToCache() — Method in class PageCache

Check if a page contained in a PageView should be stored in the cache.

PageCache::set() — Method in class PageCache

Store a page in the cache.

PageCacheRecord::setCacheRecordLifetime() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
PageCacheRecord::setCanonicalURL() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
PageCacheRecord::setCacheRecordContent() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
PageCacheRecord::setCacheRecordHeaders() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
PageCacheRecord::setCacheRecordKey() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
RedisPageCache::set() — Method in class RedisPageCache
CalendarService::save() — Method in class CalendarService
PermissionsManager::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class PermissionsManager
EditResponse::setEventVersion() — Method in class EditResponse
EditResponse::setOccurrences() — Method in class EditResponse
EventOccurrenceList::setTimezone() — Method in class EventOccurrenceList
EventOccurrenceService::save() — Method in class EventOccurrenceService
EventRepetition::setID() — Method in class EventRepetition
EventService::save() — Method in class EventService
DuplicateEventEvent::setEntityManager() — Method in class DuplicateEventEvent
DuplicateEventEvent::setNewEventObject() — Method in class DuplicateEventEvent
EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommand::setTemplateIDs() — Method in class EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommand
$ Preferences#sessionProperty in class Preferences
Preferences::setPreferredViewToGrid() — Method in class Preferences
Preferences::setPreferredViewToList() — Method in class Preferences
CaptchaInterface::showInput() — Method in class CaptchaInterface

Print out the input where users should enter the captcha code.

ConfigurableCaptchaInterface::setLabelAttributes() — Method in class ConfigurableCaptchaInterface

Set the custom attributes for the captcha label field.

ConfigurableCaptchaInterface::setPictureAttributes() — Method in class ConfigurableCaptchaInterface

Set the custom attributes for the captcha image.

ConfigurableCaptchaInterface::setInputAttributes() — Method in class ConfigurableCaptchaInterface

Set the custom attributes of the captcha input field.

$ Library#sclHandleProperty in class Library

The library handle.

$ Library#sclNameProperty in class Library

The library name.

$ Library#sclIsActiveProperty in class Library

Is this the active library?

NoCaptchaController::showInput() — Method in class NoCaptchaController

Print out the input where users should enter the captcha code.

RecaptchaV3Controller::showInput() — Method in class RecaptchaV3Controller

Print out the input where users should enter the captcha code.

RecaptchaV3Controller::saveOptions() — Method in class RecaptchaV3Controller
SecurimageControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha
$ SecurimageController#securimageProperty in class SecurimageController
SecurimageController::setLabelAttributes() — Method in class SecurimageController

Set the custom attributes for the captcha label field.

SecurimageController::setPictureAttributes() — Method in class SecurimageController

Set the custom attributes for the captcha image.

SecurimageController::setInputAttributes() — Method in class SecurimageController

Set the custom attributes of the captcha input field.

SecurimageController::showInput() — Method in class SecurimageController

Print out the input where users should enter the captcha code.

ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Captcha
Batch::setName() — Method in class Batch
Batch::setMessages() — Method in class Batch
BatchAwareInterface::setBatch() — Method in class BatchAwareInterface
BatchAwareTrait::setBatch() — Method in class BatchAwareTrait
HandleBatchMessageCommand::setMessage() — Method in class HandleBatchMessageCommand
BatchStamp::setBatchId() — Method in class BatchStamp
$ DeleteScheduledTaskCommand#scheduledTaskIdProperty in class DeleteScheduledTaskCommand
HandleProcessMessageCommand::setMessage() — Method in class HandleProcessMessageCommand
StandardLoggerFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Process\Logger
ProcessFactory::setBatchTotal() — Method in class ProcessFactory
$ HttpResponseFactory#sessionProperty in class HttpResponseFactory
SchedulerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Scheduler
$ Field#shortcutProperty in class Field
SelectFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Input\Definition
$ ConsoleOutput#symfonyOutputProperty in class ConsoleOutput
OutputAwareInterface::setOutput() — Method in class OutputAwareInterface
OutputAwareTrait::setOutput() — Method in class OutputAwareTrait
$ PushOutput#serviceProperty in class PushOutput
$ HttpResponseFactory#sessionProperty in class HttpResponseFactory
BatchProcessTaskRunner::setProcess() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
CommandTaskRunnerHandler::start() — Method in class CommandTaskRunnerHandler
HandlerInterface::start() — Method in class HandlerInterface
ProcessTaskRunner::setProcess() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunnerHandler::start() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunnerHandler
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task
TaskService::start() — Method in class TaskService
$ ActivityService#slotsProperty in class ActivityService
ConfigStore::set() — Method in class ConfigStore
DatabaseSaver::setConnection() — Method in class DatabaseSaver
DatabaseSaver::save() — Method in class DatabaseSaver

Save config item.

RedisConfigServiceProvider::setup() — Method in class RedisConfigServiceProvider

Register Redis as a config saver and loader.

RedisSaver::save() — Method in class RedisSaver

Save config item.

FileSaver::save() — Method in class FileSaver

Save config item.

Liaison::save() — Method in class Liaison
Liaison::set() — Method in class Liaison
Liaison::setRepository() — Method in class Liaison
Liaison::setDefaultNamespace() — Method in class Liaison
$ Repository#saverProperty in class Repository

The saver implementation.

Repository::set() — Method in class Repository

Set a given configuration value.

Repository::save() — Method in class Repository

Save a key.

Repository::setLoader() — Method in class Repository

Set the loader implementation.

Repository::setSaver() — Method in class Repository

Set the saver instance.

Repository::setParsedKey() — Method in class Repository

Set the parsed value of a key.

SaverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Config
SaverInterface::save() — Method in class SaverInterface

Save config item.

$ Command#signatureProperty in class Command

The command signature.

Command::secret() — Method in class Command

Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console.

Command::specifyParameters() — Method in class Command

Specify the arguments and options on the command.

Command::setCanRunAsRoot() — Method in class Command

Allow/disallow running this command as root without confirmation.

CommandRegistry::setupDefaultCommands() — Method in class CommandRegistry
CommandRegistry::setupInstalledCommands() — Method in class CommandRegistry
CommandRegistry::setupDoctrineCommands() — Method in class CommandRegistry
CommandRegistry::setupTaskCommands() — Method in class CommandRegistry
$ ConfigCommand#signatureProperty in class ConfigCommand
ConfigCommand::serialize() — Method in class ConfigCommand
$ ExportCommand#signatureProperty in class ExportCommand

The signature for this command

$ FixDatabaseForeignKeys#signatureProperty in class FixDatabaseForeignKeys
$ InstallLanguageCommand#shouldClearLocalizationCacheProperty in class InstallLanguageCommand
ServiceCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
$ SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommand#signatureProperty in class SetDatabaseCharacterSetCommand
ConsoleAwareInterface::setConsole() — Method in class ConsoleAwareInterface

Set the console object

ConsoleAwareInterface::setOutput() — Method in class ConsoleAwareInterface

Set the output object to use

ConsoleAwareInterface::setInput() — Method in class ConsoleAwareInterface

Set the input object to use

ConsoleAwareTrait::setConsole() — Method in class ConsoleAwareTrait

Set the console object

ConsoleAwareTrait::setOutput() — Method in class ConsoleAwareTrait

Set the output object to use

ConsoleAwareTrait::setInput() — Method in class ConsoleAwareTrait

Set the input object to use

OutputStyle::secret() — Method in class OutputStyle
$ AbstractController#setsProperty in class AbstractController

The values to be sent to views.

AbstractController::setRequest() — Method in class AbstractController

Set the current request instance.

AbstractController::set() — Method in class AbstractController

Set a value to be sent to the view.

AbstractController::shouldRunControllerTask() — Method in class AbstractController

Should the action be executed? Override this method to answer something different than true.

Controller::setViewObject() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setTheme() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setThemeViewTemplate() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setViewPath() — Method in class Controller

Set the path to the view file.

ElementController::setPackageHandle() — Method in class ElementController

Set the handle of the package defining this element.

DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::submit() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Command
SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Command
Conversation::setConversationPageObject() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationParentMessageID() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationAttachmentOverridesEnabled() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationNotificationOverridesEnabled() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationAttachmentsEnabled() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationMaxFileSizeGuest() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationMaxFileSizeRegistered() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationMaxFilesGuest() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationMaxFilesRegistered() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationFileExtensions() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationSubscriptionEnabled() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setConversationSubscribedUsers() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::subscribeUser() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::setDefaultSubscribedUsers() — Method in class Conversation
Editor::setConversationEditorInputName() — Method in class Editor
Editor::setConversationObject() — Method in class Editor
Editor::setConversationMessageObject() — Method in class Editor
FrontendController::setRequest() — Method in class FrontendController

Set the current request instance.

Author::setUser() — Method in class Author
Author::setName() — Method in class Author
Author::setWebsite() — Method in class Author
Author::setEmail() — Method in class Author
Message::setReview() — Method in class Message
Message::setMessageDateCreated() — Method in class Message
Message::setMessageBody() — Method in class Message
$ MessageList#sortByProperty in class MessageList
$ MessageList#sortByDirectionProperty in class MessageList
MessageList::sortByDateDescending() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::sortByDateAscending() — Method in class MessageList
MessageList::sortByRating() — Method in class MessageList
$ ThreadedList#sortByProperty in class ThreadedList
$ ThreadedList#sortByDirectionProperty in class ThreadedList
ThreadedList::sortByDateDescending() — Method in class ThreadedList
ThreadedList::sortByDateAscending() — Method in class ThreadedList
ThreadedList::sortByRating() — Method in class ThreadedList
ThreadedList::sortThreadedArrays() — Method in class ThreadedList
ThreadedList::sortItems() — Method in class ThreadedList
CookieJar::setRequest() — Method in class CookieJar

Set the request for this cookie jar.

CookieJar::set() — Method in class CookieJar
$ ResponseCookieJar#secureDefaultProperty in class ResponseCookieJar
ResponseCookieJar::setSecureDefault() — Method in class ResponseCookieJar

Set the value of the "secure" flag when it is set to null.

$ EscapeFormula#special_charsProperty in class EscapeFormula

Effective Spreadsheet formula starting characters.

AbstractExporter::setUnloadDoctrineEveryTick() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Set the number of ticks after which doctrine entities should be unloaded (0 for never).

AbstractExporter::setWriter() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Set the CSV Writer instance.

AbstractExporter::setCategory() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Set the attribute category to be used to export the data.

AbstractImporter::setDryRun() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Is the import process just a test?

AbstractImporter::setReader() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Set the CSV Reader instance.

AbstractImporter::setCategory() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Set the attribute category to be used to export the data.

CsvSchema::someHeaderRecognized() — Method in class CsvSchema

Do some of the headers have been recognized?

ImportResult::setImportSuccessCount() — Method in class ImportResult

Set the total number successfully imported rows.

ImportResult::setDataCollected() — Method in class ImportResult

Set the data collected during the import process.

Resolver::setCharacterSet() — Method in class Resolver

Set the character set.

Resolver::setCollation() — Method in class Resolver

Set the collation.

Resolver::setMaximumStringKeyLength() — Method in class Resolver

Set the maximum length of string fields that should be supported using the specified collation.

$ Connection#supportedCharsetsProperty in class Connection

The supported character sets and associated default collation.

$ Connection#supportedCollationsProperty in class Connection

The supported collations and the associated character sets.

Connection::StartTrans() — Method in class Connection
DatabaseManager::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Set the default connection name.

EntityManagerConfigFactory::setConfigRepository() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigFactory

Set configRepository

StandardPackageProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Provider

A simple, standard package provider; provide a Concrete\Core\Package\Package controller, and a path (or array of paths) to PHP entity classes. This uses the annotation driver.

$ ForeignKeyFixer#schemaManagerProperty in class ForeignKeyFixer
ForeignKeyFixer::setTick() — Method in class ForeignKeyFixer

Set a callback to be called to log/display progress.

LikeBuilder::splitKeywordsForLike() — Method in class LikeBuilder

Split a string into words and format them to be used in LIKE queries.

XmlParser::setIgnoreExistingTables() — Method in class XmlParser
SchemaClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Schema
S5DeviceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Device\Samsung\Galaxy
$ CkeditorEditor#stylesProperty in class CkeditorEditor
$ CkeditorEditor#siteProperty in class CkeditorEditor
CkeditorEditor::saveOptionsForm() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Save the plugin options.

CkeditorEditor::setAllowFileManager() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Set if the editor can offer the "browse files" feature.

CkeditorEditor::setAllowSitemap() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Set if the editor can offer the "browse sitemap" feature.

CkeditorEditor::setToken() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Set the CSRF token.

CkeditorEditor::setIdentifier() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Set the custom editor identifier.

EditorInterface::setAllowSitemap() — Method in class EditorInterface

Set if the editor can offer the "browse sitemap" feature.

EditorInterface::setAllowFileManager() — Method in class EditorInterface

Set if the editor can offer the "browse files" feature.

EditorInterface::saveOptionsForm() — Method in class EditorInterface

Save the plugin options.

Plugin::setKey() — Method in class Plugin

Set the plugin key.

Plugin::setName() — Method in class Plugin

Set the plugin name.

Plugin::setDescription() — Method in class Plugin

Set the plugin description.

$ PluginManager#selectedPluginsProperty in class PluginManager

The handles of the selected plugins.

PluginManager::select() — Method in class PluginManager

Mark a plugin as selected (enabled).

PluginManager::selectMultiple() — Method in class PluginManager
SnippetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor
Announcement::setHandle() — Method in class Announcement
Announcement::setDateCreated() — Method in class Announcement
AnnouncementUserView::setUser() — Method in class AnnouncementUserView
AnnouncementUserView::setAnnouncement() — Method in class AnnouncementUserView
$ Category#setsProperty in class Category
Category::setAttributeKeyCategoryHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::setAllowAttributeSets() — Method in class Category
Category::setAttributeTypes() — Method in class Category
ExpressKey::setEntity() — Method in class ExpressKey
ExpressKey::setIsAttributeKeyUnique() — Method in class ExpressKey
$ Key#settingsProperty in class Key
$ Key#set_keysProperty in class Key
Key::setAttributeKeyID() — Method in class Key
Key::setAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class Key
Key::setIsAttributeKeyInternal() — Method in class Key
Key::setAttributeKeyName() — Method in class Key
Key::setIsAttributeKeySearchable() — Method in class Key
Key::setIsAttributeKeyContentIndexed() — Method in class Key
Key::setAttributeKeySettings() — Method in class Key
Key::setAttributeType() — Method in class Key
Key::setAttributeCategoryEntity() — Method in class Key
Key::setAttributeSet() — Method in class Key
AddressSettings::setDefaultCountry() — Method in class AddressSettings
AddressSettings::setHasCustomCountries() — Method in class AddressSettings
AddressSettings::setCustomCountries() — Method in class AddressSettings
AddressSettings::setGeolocateCountry() — Method in class AddressSettings

Should we try to determine the Country starting from the visitor's IP address?

BooleanSettings::setCheckboxLabel() — Method in class BooleanSettings
BooleanSettings::setIsCheckedByDefault() — Method in class BooleanSettings
DateTimeSettings::setUseNowIfEmpty() — Method in class DateTimeSettings
DateTimeSettings::setMode() — Method in class DateTimeSettings
DateTimeSettings::setTextCustomFormat() — Method in class DateTimeSettings
DateTimeSettings::setTimeResolution() — Method in class DateTimeSettings

Set the time resolution (in seconds).

DurationSettings::setUnitType() — Method in class DurationSettings
ExpressSettings::setEntity() — Method in class ExpressSettings
ImageFileSettings::setModeToFileManager() — Method in class ImageFileSettings
ImageFileSettings::setModeToHtmlInput() — Method in class ImageFileSettings
SelectSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
SelectSettings::setOptionList() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::setAllowMultipleValues() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::setHideNoneOption() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::setAllowOtherValues() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::setDisplayOrder() — Method in class SelectSettings
SelectSettings::setDisplayMultipleValuesOnSelect() — Method in class SelectSettings
SettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
Settings::setAttributeKey() — Method in class Settings
TextSettings::setPlaceholder() — Method in class TextSettings
TextareaSettings::setMode() — Method in class TextareaSettings
TopicsSettings::setTopicTreeID() — Method in class TopicsSettings
TopicsSettings::setParentNodeID() — Method in class TopicsSettings
TopicsSettings::setAllowMultipleValues() — Method in class TopicsSettings
UserGroupSettings::setDisplayGroupsBeneathSpecificParent() — Method in class UserGroupSettings
UserGroupSettings::setDisplayGroupsBeneathParentID() — Method in class UserGroupSettings
UserGroupSettings::setGroupSelectionMethod() — Method in class UserGroupSettings
SiteKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
SiteTypeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
UserKey::setAttributeKeyDisplayedOnProfile() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::setAttributeKeyEditableOnProfile() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::setAttributeKeyRequiredOnProfile() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::setAttributeKeyEditableOnRegister() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::setAttributeKeyRequiredOnRegister() — Method in class UserKey
UserKey::setAttributeKeyDisplayedOnMemberList() — Method in class UserKey
SetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute
Set::setAttributeKeys() — Method in class Set
Set::setAttributeKeyCategory() — Method in class Set
Set::setAttributeSetHandle() — Method in class Set
Set::setAttributeSetName() — Method in class Set
Set::setAttributeSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class Set
Set::setAttributeSetIsLocked() — Method in class Set
SetKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute
$ SetKey#setProperty in class SetKey
SetKey::setAttributeKey() — Method in class SetKey
SetKey::setAttributeSet() — Method in class SetKey
SetKey::setDisplayOrder() — Method in class SetKey
Type::setAttributeTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::setAttributeTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::setAttributeCategories() — Method in class Type
AbstractValue::setAttributeKey() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::setAttributeValueObject() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::setGenericValue() — Method in class AbstractValue
EventValue::setVersion() — Method in class EventValue
ExpressValue::setEntry() — Method in class ExpressValue
FileValue::setVersion() — Method in class FileValue
PageValue::setPageID() — Method in class PageValue
PageValue::setVersionID() — Method in class PageValue
SiteTypeValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
$ SiteTypeValue#skeletonProperty in class SiteTypeValue
SiteTypeValue::setSkeleton() — Method in class SiteTypeValue
SiteValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
$ SiteValue#siteProperty in class SiteValue
SiteValue::setSite() — Method in class SiteValue
UserValue::setUser() — Method in class UserValue
AbstractValue::setGenericValue() — Method in class AbstractValue
$ AddressValue#state_provinceProperty in class AddressValue

Note: It's the public portion of this property that is deprecated.

AddressValue::setAddress1() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::setAddress2() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::setAddress3() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::setCity() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::setStateProvince() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::setCountry() — Method in class AddressValue
AddressValue::setPostalCode() — Method in class AddressValue
BooleanValue::setValue() — Method in class BooleanValue
DateTimeValue::setValue() — Method in class DateTimeValue
DurationValue::setValue() — Method in class DurationValue
$ ExpressValue#selectedEntriesProperty in class ExpressValue
ExpressValue::setSelectedEntries() — Method in class ExpressValue
ImageFileValue::setFileObject() — Method in class ImageFileValue
NumberValue::setValue() — Method in class NumberValue
SelectValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ SelectValue#selectedOptionsProperty in class SelectValue
SelectValue::setSelectedOptions() — Method in class SelectValue
SelectValueOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
SelectValueOption::setOptionList() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::setIsOptionDeleted() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::setSelectAttributeOptionID() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::setIsEndUserAdded() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::setSelectAttributeOptionValue() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOption::setDisplayOrder() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOptionListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
SelectValueOptionList::setOptions() — Method in class SelectValueOptionList
SelectValueUsedOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
SelectValueUsedOption::setSelectAttributeOptionID() — Method in class SelectValueUsedOption
SelectValueUsedOption::setSelectAttributeOptionValue() — Method in class SelectValueUsedOption
SelectValueUsedOption::setSelectAttributeOptionUsageCount() — Method in class SelectValueUsedOption
SelectedSocialLinkClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ SelectedSocialLink#serviceProperty in class SelectedSocialLink
$ SelectedSocialLink#serviceInfoProperty in class SelectedSocialLink
SelectedSocialLink::setService() — Method in class SelectedSocialLink
SelectedSocialLink::setServiceInfo() — Method in class SelectedSocialLink
SelectedSocialLink::setAttributeValue() — Method in class SelectedSocialLink
SelectedTopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
SelectedTopic::setTreeNodeID() — Method in class SelectedTopic
SelectedTopic::setAttributeValue() — Method in class SelectedTopic
SiteValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ SiteValue#siteProperty in class SiteValue
SiteValue::setSite() — Method in class SiteValue
SocialLinksValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
SocialLinksValue::setSelectedLinks() — Method in class SocialLinksValue
TextValue::setValue() — Method in class TextValue
TopicsValue::setSelectedTopics() — Method in class TopicsValue
Value::setAttributeKey() — Method in class Value
$ Task#set_tasksProperty in class Task
Task::setHandle() — Method in class Task
Task::setLastRunBy() — Method in class Task
Task::setDateLastStarted() — Method in class Task
Task::setDateLastCompleted() — Method in class Task
TaskSet::setHandle() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::setName() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::setDisplayOrder() — Method in class TaskSet
$ TaskSetTask#setProperty in class TaskSetTask
TaskSetTask::setTask() — Method in class TaskSetTask
TaskSetTask::setTaskSet() — Method in class TaskSetTask
TaskSetTask::setDisplayOrder() — Method in class TaskSetTask
BlockType::setBlockTypeIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainer() — Method in class BlockType

Sets the Ignore Page Theme Gride Framework Container.

BlockType::setBlockTypeName() — Method in class BlockType

Sets the block type handle.

BlockType::setBlockTypeDescription() — Method in class BlockType

Sets the block type description.

BlockType::setBlockTypeHandle() — Method in class BlockType

Sets the block type handle.

BlockType::setPackageID() — Method in class BlockType
BlockType::supportsInlineEdit() — Method in class BlockType

if a the current BlockType supports inline edit or not.

BlockType::supportsInlineAdd() — Method in class BlockType

if a the current BlockType supports inline add or not.

BlockType::setBlockTypeDisplayOrder() — Method in class BlockType
$ Board#siteProperty in class Board
$ Board#sortByProperty in class Board

Values include relevant_date_asc, relevant_date_desc

Board::setSite() — Method in class Board
Board::setBoardName() — Method in class Board
Board::setDataSources() — Method in class Board
Board::setTemplate() — Method in class Board
Board::setCustomSlotTemplates() — Method in class Board
Board::setHasCustomSlotTemplates() — Method in class Board
Board::setHasCustomWeightingRules() — Method in class Board
Board::setInstances() — Method in class Board
Board::setSortBy() — Method in class Board
Board::setOverridePermissions() — Method in class Board
Board::setChildPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Board
Board::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Board
BoardPermissionAssignment::setBoard() — Method in class BoardPermissionAssignment
BoardPermissionAssignment::setPermissionKeyID() — Method in class BoardPermissionAssignment
BoardPermissionAssignment::setPermissionAccessID() — Method in class BoardPermissionAssignment
CalendarEventConfiguration::setQuery() — Method in class CalendarEventConfiguration
CalendarEventConfiguration::setCalendar() — Method in class CalendarEventConfiguration
CalendarEventConfiguration::setMaxOccurrencesOfSameEvent() — Method in class CalendarEventConfiguration
Configuration::setDataSource() — Method in class Configuration
PageConfiguration::setQuery() — Method in class PageConfiguration
ConfiguredDataSource::setBoard() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::setDataSource() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::setName() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::setCustomWeight() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::setPopulationDayIntervalFuture() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
ConfiguredDataSource::setPopulationDayIntervalPast() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
DataSource::setHandle() — Method in class DataSource
DataSource::setName() — Method in class DataSource
$ CustomElement#statusProperty in class CustomElement
CustomElement::setElementName() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::setDateCreated() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::setAuthor() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::setBatchIdentifier() — Method in class CustomElement
CustomElement::setStatus() — Method in class CustomElement
$ ItemSelectorCustomElement#slotTemplateProperty in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElement::setContentObjectCollection() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElement::setSlotTemplate() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElement
ItemSelectorCustomElementItem::setItem() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
ItemSelectorCustomElementItem::setElement() — Method in class ItemSelectorCustomElementItem
$ Instance#siteProperty in class Instance

Not to be confused with the site that is set at the board level, a shared board (e.g. a board with a site = null, can have instances across multiple sites)

$ Instance#slotsProperty in class Instance
Instance::setItems() — Method in class Instance
Instance::setBatches() — Method in class Instance
Instance::setBoardInstanceName() — Method in class Instance
Instance::setSite() — Method in class Instance
Instance::setSlots() — Method in class Instance
Instance::setBoard() — Method in class Instance
Instance::setDateCreated() — Method in class Instance
Instance::setDateDataPoolLastUpdated() — Method in class Instance
InstanceItem::setDataSource() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::setInstance() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::setBatch() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::setDateAddedToBoard() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItem::setItem() — Method in class InstanceItem
InstanceItemBatch::setBoardItemBatchID() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceItemBatch::setItems() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceItemBatch::setInstance() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceItemBatch::setDateCreated() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
$ InstanceSlot#slotProperty in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlot::setTemplate() — Method in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlot::setSlot() — Method in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlot::setInstance() — Method in class InstanceSlot
InstanceSlot::setBlockID() — Method in class InstanceSlot
$ InstanceSlotRule#slotProperty in class InstanceSlotRule

Note: This CANNOT be an actual link to the slot object, even though you think it could/should be. This needs to be a dumb rule with just the number of the slot, so that we can manipulate objects after we render.

$ InstanceSlotRule#startDateProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setInstance() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setSlot() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setUser() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setDateCreated() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setRuleType() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setBlockID() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setStartDate() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setEndDate() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setTimezone() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setNotes() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setIsLocked() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
InstanceSlotRule::setBatchIdentifier() — Method in class InstanceSlotRule
Item::setDataSource() — Method in class Item
Item::setUniqueItemId() — Method in class Item
Item::setDateCreated() — Method in class Item
Item::setRelevantDate() — Method in class Item
Item::setName() — Method in class Item
Item::setData() — Method in class Item
Item::setRelevantThumbnail() — Method in class Item
ItemCategory::setItem() — Method in class ItemCategory
ItemCategory::setTreeNodeID() — Method in class ItemCategory
ItemTag::setItem() — Method in class ItemTag
ItemTag::setTag() — Method in class ItemTag
SlotTemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
SlotTemplate::setHandle() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::setIcon() — Method in class SlotTemplate
SlotTemplate::setName() — Method in class SlotTemplate
Template::setHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::setIcon() — Method in class Template
Template::setName() — Method in class Template
$ Calendar#siteProperty in class Calendar
Calendar::setSite() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setOverridePermissions() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setEventPageAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setEventPageTypeID() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setEventPageParentID() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setName() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setEnableMoreDetails() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setEventPageAssociatedID() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setChildPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Calendar
Calendar::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Calendar
$ CalendarEvent#selectedVersionProperty in class CalendarEvent

This points to the currently selected version in the object.

$ CalendarEvent#summary_templatesProperty in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::setCalendar() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::setSelectedVersion() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::setHasCustomSummaryTemplates() — Method in class CalendarEvent
$ CalendarEventOccurrence#startTimeProperty in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::setRepetition() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::setStart() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::setEnd() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::setVersion() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::setCancelled() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventRepetition::setID() — Method in class CalendarEventRepetition
CalendarEventRepetition::setRepetitionObject() — Method in class CalendarEventRepetition
CalendarEventVersion::setAuthor() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setRelatedPageRelationType() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setName() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setPageID() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setIsApproved() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setPageObject() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setDescription() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setEvent() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setRepetitions() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::setDateActivated() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::setAttribute() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence

Sets the attribute of of the ObjectInterface instance to the specified value, and persists it.

CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::setVersion() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionRepetition::setVersion() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
CalendarPermissionAssignment::setCalendar() — Method in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
CalendarPermissionAssignment::setPermissionKeyID() — Method in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
CalendarPermissionAssignment::setPermissionAccessID() — Method in class CalendarPermissionAssignment
CalendarEventTemplate::setEvent() — Method in class CalendarEventTemplate
CalendarEventTemplate::setTemplate() — Method in class CalendarEventTemplate
CalendarEventTemplate::setData() — Method in class CalendarEventTemplate
Batch::setTotalJobs() — Method in class Batch
Batch::setPendingJobs() — Method in class Batch
Batch::setFailedJobs() — Method in class Batch
Process::setDateStarted() — Method in class Process
Process::setDateCompleted() — Method in class Process
Process::setName() — Method in class Process
Process::setUser() — Method in class Process
Process::setBatch() — Method in class Process
Process::setExitCode() — Method in class Process
Process::setExitMessage() — Method in class Process
ScheduledTaskClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Command
ScheduledTask::setInput() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::setTask() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::setCronExpression() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::setUser() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTask::setDateScheduled() — Method in class ScheduledTask
ScheduledTaskRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Command
TaskProcess::setInput() — Method in class TaskProcess
TaskProcess::setTask() — Method in class TaskProcess
DesignTag::setValue() — Method in class DesignTag
$ Association#source_entityProperty in class Association
Association::setId() — Method in class Association
Association::setIsOwningAssociation() — Method in class Association
Association::setIsOwnedByAssociation() — Method in class Association
Association::setTargetPropertyName() — Method in class Association
Association::setInversedByPropertyName() — Method in class Association
Association::setSourceEntity() — Method in class Association
Association::setTargetEntity() — Method in class Association
AssociationControl::setAssociationEntityLabelMask() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::setEntrySelectorMode() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::setAssociation() — Method in class AssociationControl
AssociationControl::setEnableEntryReordering() — Method in class AssociationControl
AttributeKeyControl::setAttributeKey() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
Control::setId() — Method in class Control
Control::setCustomLabel() — Method in class Control
Control::setPosition() — Method in class Control
Control::setFieldSet() — Method in class Control
Control::setIsRequired() — Method in class Control
TextControl::setHeadline() — Method in class TextControl
TextControl::setBody() — Method in class TextControl
$ Entity#supports_custom_display_orderProperty in class Entity
Entity::setEntries() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setHandle() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setPluralHandle() — Method in class Entity
Entity::supportsCustomDisplayOrder() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setSupportsCustomDisplayOrder() — Method in class Entity
Entity::supportsEntrySpecificPermissions() — Method in class Entity

If an entity supports entry-specific permissions, we will check its permissions during any listing events, and use simple Pager next/back cursor pagination (unless the logged-in user is the super user).

Entity::setIncludeInPublicList() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setIsPublished() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setLabelMask() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setDescription() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setCreatedDate() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setResultColumnSet() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setDefaultViewForm() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setDefaultEditForm() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setId() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setName() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setItemsPerPage() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setAttributes() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setAssociations() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setForms() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setEntityResultsNodeId() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setUseSeparateSiteResultBuckets() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setIncludeInRestApi() — Method in class Entity
Entry::setEntity() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setID() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setAttributes() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setEntryDisplayOrder() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setAssociations() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setResultsNodeID() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setDateModified() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setDateCreated() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setAuthor() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setPublicIdentifier() — Method in class Entry
$ Association#selectedEntriesProperty in class Association
$ Association#sortedProperty in class Association
Association::setAssociation() — Method in class Association
Association::setId() — Method in class Association
Association::setEntry() — Method in class Association
Association::setSelectedEntries() — Method in class Association
AssociationEntry::setAssociation() — Method in class AssociationEntry
AssociationEntry::setId() — Method in class AssociationEntry
AssociationEntry::setEntry() — Method in class AssociationEntry
AssociationEntry::setDisplayOrder() — Method in class AssociationEntry
OneAssociation::setSelectedEntry() — Method in class OneAssociation
FieldSet::setId() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::setTitle() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::setDescription() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::setForm() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::setControls() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::setPosition() — Method in class FieldSet
Form::setId() — Method in class Form
Form::setName() — Method in class Form
Form::setFieldSets() — Method in class Form
Form::setEntity() — Method in class Form
ManyToManyAssociation::setAssociationType() — Method in class ManyToManyAssociation
OneToOneAssociation::setAssociationType() — Method in class OneToOneAssociation
ExternalFileProvider::setName() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::setConfigurationObject() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::save() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider

Save a external file provider

$ File#storageLocationProperty in class File
File::setStorageLocation() — Method in class File

Set the storage location for the file.

File::setFileStorageLocation() — Method in class File

Move a file from its current FSL to a new FSL.

File::setPassword() — Method in class File

Sets the access password on a file.

File::setOriginalPage() — Method in class File
File::setUser() — Method in class File

Set the user who authored the file.

File::setDateAdded() — Method in class File

Set the date a file was added Must call save() to persist.

File::setFileFolder() — Method in class File

Folder to put the file in.

File::setAttribute() — Method in class File

Sets the attribute of of the ObjectInterface instance to the specified value, and persists it.

File::save() — Method in class File

Persist any object changes to the database.

FavoriteFolder::setOwner() — Method in class FavoriteFolder

Set the owner of the favorite folder.

FavoriteFolder::setTreeNodeFolderId() — Method in class FavoriteFolder

Set the tree node id of the favorite folder.

Editor::setName() — Method in class Editor
Editor::setHandle() — Method in class Editor
Type::setHandle() — Method in class Type

Set the handle that identifies the thumbnail type.

Type::setName() — Method in class Type

Set the name of the thumbnail type.

Type::setWidth() — Method in class Type

Set the width of the thumbnails (or the maximum width in case of proportional sizing).

Type::setHeight() — Method in class Type

Set the height of the thumbnails (or the maximum height in case of proportional sizing).

Type::setSizingMode() — Method in class Type

Set the thumbnail sizing mode.

Type::setIsUpscalingEnabled() — Method in class Type

Upscaling is enabled?

Type::setLimitedToFileSets() — Method in class Type

Should the thumbnails be build for every file that ARE NOT in the file sets (false), or only for files that ARE in the specified file sets (true)?

Type::setKeepAnimations() — Method in class Type

Should we create animated thumbnails for animated images?

Type::setSaveAreaBackgroundColor() — Method in class Type

Background color of the Image Editor save area

Type::save() — Method in class Type

Save this instance to the database.

StorageLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File\StorageLocation
StorageLocation::setName() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::setIsDefault() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::setConfigurationObject() — Method in class StorageLocation
StorageLocation::save() — Method in class StorageLocation

Save a storage location

Version::setFile() — Method in class Version

Set the associated File instance.

Version::setFileVersionID() — Method in class Version

Set the progressive file version identifier.

Version::setFilename() — Method in class Version

Set the name of the file.

Version::save() — Method in class Version

Save the instance changes.

Geolocator::setGeolocatorHandle() — Method in class Geolocator

Set the Geolocator handle.

Geolocator::setGeolocatorName() — Method in class Geolocator

Set the Geolocator name.

Geolocator::setGeolocatorDescription() — Method in class Geolocator

Set the Geolocator description.

Geolocator::setGeolocatorConfiguration() — Method in class Geolocator

Set the Geolocator configuration options.

Geolocator::setGeolocatorPackage() — Method in class Geolocator

Set the package associated to this Geolocator entity.

Geolocator::setIsActive() — Method in class Geolocator

Is this Geolocator the active one?

Finding::setResult() — Method in class Finding
Finding::setMessage() — Method in class Finding
Finding::setHandle() — Method in class Finding
Finding::setControl() — Method in class Finding
$ Result#scoreProperty in class Result
Result::setTask() — Method in class Result
Result::setName() — Method in class Result
Result::setDateStarted() — Method in class Result
Result::setDateCompleted() — Method in class Result
Result::setScore() — Method in class Result
Result::setGrade() — Method in class Result
SearchResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Health\Report
$ SearchResult#searchStringProperty in class SearchResult
$ SearchResult#searchTypeProperty in class SearchResult
SearchResult::setSearchString() — Method in class SearchResult
SearchResult::setSearchType() — Method in class SearchResult
SuccessFindingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Health\Report
LocaleTrait::setLanguage() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Set the language code.

LocaleTrait::setCountry() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Set the Country/territory code.

LocaleTrait::setNumPlurals() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Set the number of plural rules used in this locale.

LocaleTrait::setPluralRule() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Set the plural rules definition of this locale (using gettext format).

LocaleTrait::setPluralCases() — Method in class LocaleTrait

Set the plural rule names with examples (using CLDR format).

$ GroupSignupNotification#signupProperty in class GroupSignupNotification
$ GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotification#signupProperty in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotification
$ GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotification#signupProperty in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotification
$ GroupSignupRequestNotification#signupRequestProperty in class GroupSignupRequestNotification
GroupSignupRequestNotification::setSignupRequest() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestNotification
Notification::setNotificationDate() — Method in class Notification
NotificationAlert::setNotificationIsArchived() — Method in class NotificationAlert
NotificationAlert::setUser() — Method in class NotificationAlert
NotificationAlert::setNotification() — Method in class NotificationAlert
$ UserSignupNotification#signupProperty in class UserSignupNotification
$ AccessToken#scopesProperty in class AccessToken
AccessToken::setIdentifier() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessToken::setExpiryDateTime() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessToken::setUserIdentifier() — Method in class AccessToken
AccessToken::setClient() — Method in class AccessToken
$ AuthCode#scopesProperty in class AuthCode
AuthCode::setIdentifier() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCode::setExpiryDateTime() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCode::setUserIdentifier() — Method in class AuthCode
AuthCode::setClient() — Method in class AuthCode
$ Client#scopesProperty in class Client
Client::setIdentifier() — Method in class Client

Set the client's identifier.

Client::setName() — Method in class Client

Set the client's name.

Client::setClientKey() — Method in class Client
Client::setClientSecret() — Method in class Client
Client::setRedirectUri() — Method in class Client

Set the registered redirect URI (as a string), or an indexed array of redirect URIs.

Client::setConsentType() — Method in class Client

Set the level of consent this client must receive from the authenticating user

Client::setDocumentationEnabled() — Method in class Client
Client::setHasCustomScopes() — Method in class Client
Client::setScopes() — Method in class Client
RefreshToken::setIdentifier() — Method in class RefreshToken
RefreshToken::setAccessToken() — Method in class RefreshToken
RefreshToken::setExpiryDateTime() — Method in class RefreshToken
ScopeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
Scope::setIdentifier() — Method in class Scope
Scope::setDescription() — Method in class Scope
ScopeRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
Package::setPackageHandle() — Method in class Package
Package::setPackageID() — Method in class Package
Package::setIsPackageInstalled() — Method in class Package
Package::setPackageVersion() — Method in class Package
Package::setPackageAvailableVersion() — Method in class Package
Package::setPackageDescription() — Method in class Package
Package::setPackageDateInstalled() — Method in class Package
Package::setPackageName() — Method in class Package
PackageTrait::setPackage() — Method in class PackageTrait
Container::setContainerHandle() — Method in class Container
Container::setContainerName() — Method in class Container
Container::setContainerIcon() — Method in class Container
Instance::setContainer() — Method in class Instance
Instance::setInstanceAreas() — Method in class Instance
InstanceArea::setInstance() — Method in class InstanceArea
InstanceArea::setAreaID() — Method in class InstanceArea
InstanceArea::setContainerAreaName() — Method in class InstanceArea
Feed::setIconFileID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setParentID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setDescription() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setDisplaySystemPages() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setDisplayAliases() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setDisplayFeaturedOnly() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setIncludeAllDescendents() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setTitle() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setCustomTopicAttributeKeyHandle() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setCustomTopicTreeNodeID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setPageTypeID() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setHandle() — Method in class Feed
Feed::save() — Method in class Feed
Feed::setCheckPagePermissions() — Method in class Feed
Feed::shouldCheckPagePermissions() — Method in class Feed
PagePath::setPagePath() — Method in class PagePath
PagePath::setPageObject() — Method in class PagePath
PagePath::setPagePathIsCanonical() — Method in class PagePath
PagePath::setPagePathIsAutoGenerated() — Method in class PagePath
MultilingualRelation::setLocale() — Method in class MultilingualRelation
MultilingualRelation::setLanguage() — Method in class MultilingualRelation
Relation::setPageRelationID() — Method in class Relation
Relation::setPageID() — Method in class Relation
SiblingRelationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page\Relation
CustomPageTemplateCollection::setPageID() — Method in class CustomPageTemplateCollection
CustomPageTemplateCollection::setTemplates() — Method in class CustomPageTemplateCollection
PageTemplate::setPageID() — Method in class PageTemplate
PageTemplate::setTemplate() — Method in class PageTemplate
PageTemplate::setData() — Method in class PageTemplate
$ CustomSkin#skinIDProperty in class CustomSkin
$ CustomSkin#skinIdentifierProperty in class CustomSkin
$ CustomSkin#skinNameProperty in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setSkinID() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setSkinIdentifier() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setSkinName() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setAuthor() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setDateCreated() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setDateUpdated() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setVariableCollection() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setThemeID() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setCustomCss() — Method in class CustomSkin
CustomSkin::setPresetStartingPoint() — Method in class CustomSkin
$ IpAccessControlCategory#siteSpecificProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

Is this IP Access Control Category site-specific?

IpAccessControlCategory::setHandle() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Set the IP Access Control handle.

IpAccessControlCategory::setName() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Set the IP Access Control name.

IpAccessControlCategory::setPackage() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Set the package that defines this IP Access Control Category.

IpAccessControlCategory::setEnabled() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Is this IP Access Control Category enabled?

IpAccessControlCategory::setMaxEvents() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Set the maximum allowed events in the time window.

IpAccessControlCategory::setTimeWindow() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the time window (in seconds) where the events should be counted (NULL means no limits).

IpAccessControlCategory::setBanDuration() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Set the duration (in seconds) of the ban when the maximum number of events occur in the time window (NULL means forever).

IpAccessControlCategory::setSiteSpecific() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Is this IP Access Control Category site-specific?

IpAccessControlCategory::setLogChannelHandle() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Set the log channel handle (empty string if log is disabled).

IpAccessControlCategory::splitTimeWindow() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Get the representation of a time window expressed in seconds.

$ IpAccessControlEvent#siteProperty in class IpAccessControlEvent

The Site where this event occurred (if applicable).

IpAccessControlEvent::setCategory() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Set the associated IP Access Control Category.

IpAccessControlEvent::setSite() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Set the Site where this event occurred (if applicable).

IpAccessControlEvent::setIpAddress() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Set the IP address associated to this event.

IpAccessControlEvent::setDateTime() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Set the date/time when this event occurred.

IpAccessControlEvent::setIp() — Method in class IpAccessControlEvent

Set the IP address associated to this event.

$ IpAccessControlRange#siteProperty in class IpAccessControlRange

The Site where this range is defined occurred (if applicable).

IpAccessControlRange::setCategory() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Set the associated IP Access Control Category.

IpAccessControlRange::setSite() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange
IpAccessControlRange::setIpRange() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Set the RangeInterface instance associated to this range.

IpAccessControlRange::setType() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Set the type of this range.

IpAccessControlRange::setExpiration() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange
IpAccessControlRange::setIpFrom() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Set the initial IP address of the range.

IpAccessControlRange::setIpTo() — Method in class IpAccessControlRange

Set the final IP address of the range.

SiteGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Permission
SiteGroup::setPermissionAccessEntityID() — Method in class SiteGroup
SiteGroup::setSiteGroup() — Method in class SiteGroup
Query::setFields() — Method in class Query
Query::setColumns() — Method in class Query
Query::setItemsPerPage() — Method in class Query
SavedExpressSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Search
SavedExpressSearch::setEntity() — Method in class SavedExpressSearch
SavedFileSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Search
SavedGroupSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Search
SavedLogSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Search
SavedPageSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Search
SavedSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Search
SavedSearch::setPresetName() — Method in class SavedSearch
SavedSearch::setQuery() — Method in class SavedSearch
SavedUserSearchClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Search
$ Link#ssHandleProperty in class Link

The social service handle.

$ Link#siteProperty in class Link
$ Link#slIDProperty in class Link
Link::setURL() — Method in class Link
Link::setSite() — Method in class Link
Link::setServiceHandle() — Method in class Link
Link::save() — Method in class Link
$ Domain#siteProperty in class Domain
Domain::setSite() — Method in class Domain
Domain::setDomain() — Method in class Domain
$ Group#siteGIDProperty in class Group
$ Group#site_groupsProperty in class Group
Group::setSiteGroupName() — Method in class Group
Group::setSiteType() — Method in class Group
$ Relation#siteProperty in class Relation
Relation::setSiteGroup() — Method in class Relation
Relation::setSite() — Method in class Relation
Relation::setInstanceGroupID() — Method in class Relation
$ Locale#siteLocaleIDProperty in class Locale
$ Locale#siteProperty in class Locale
Locale::setIsDefault() — Method in class Locale

Is this the default locale?

Locale::setSite() — Method in class Locale

Set the site associated to this locale.

Locale::setSiteTree() — Method in class Locale

Set the site tree associated to this locale.

LocaleEntityInterface::setSiteTree() — Method in class LocaleEntityInterface
SiteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
$ Site#siteConfigProperty in class Site

The site configuration repository.

$ Site#siteIDProperty in class Site

The site identifier.

$ Site#siteIsDefaultProperty in class Site

Is this the default site?

$ Site#siteHandleProperty in class Site

The site handle.

Site::setType() — Method in class Site

Set the site type object.

Site::setLocales() — Method in class Site

Set the language sections of this site.

Site::setSiteHandle() — Method in class Site

Set the handle of the site.

Site::setIsDefault() — Method in class Site

Is this the default site?

Site::setSiteName() — Method in class Site

Set the name of the site.

Site::setThemeID() — Method in class Site

Set the ID of the theme.

Site::setThemeSkinIdentifier() — Method in class Site
SiteTreeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
SiteTree::setLocale() — Method in class SiteTree
SkeletonClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
$ Skeleton#siteSkeletonIDProperty in class Skeleton
Skeleton::setType() — Method in class Skeleton
SkeletonLocaleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
$ SkeletonLocale#skeletonLocaleIDProperty in class SkeletonLocale
$ SkeletonLocale#skeletonProperty in class SkeletonLocale
SkeletonLocale::setSkeleton() — Method in class SkeletonLocale
SkeletonLocale::setSiteTree() — Method in class SkeletonLocale
SkeletonTreeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
SkeletonTree::setType() — Method in class SkeletonTree
SkeletonTree::setLocale() — Method in class SkeletonTree
$ Tree#siteTreeIDProperty in class Tree
$ Tree#siteHomePageIDProperty in class Tree
Tree::setSiteHomePageID() — Method in class Tree
Tree::setSiteTreeID() — Method in class Tree
$ Type#siteTypeIDProperty in class Type
$ Type#siteTypeHandleProperty in class Type
$ Type#siteTypeNameProperty in class Type
$ Type#siteTypeThemeIDProperty in class Type
$ Type#siteTypeHomePageTemplateIDProperty in class Type
$ Type#sitesProperty in class Type
Type::setSiteTypeHandle() — Method in class Type
Type::setSiteTypeName() — Method in class Type
Type::setSiteTypeThemeID() — Method in class Type
Type::setSiteTypeHomePageTemplateID() — Method in class Type
FileUsageRecord::setFileId() — Method in class FileUsageRecord
FileUsageRecord::setBlockId() — Method in class FileUsageRecord
FileUsageRecord::setCollectionId() — Method in class FileUsageRecord
FileUsageRecord::setCollectionVersionId() — Method in class FileUsageRecord
StackUsageRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Statistics\UsageTracker

Class StackUsageRecord

$ StackUsageRecord#stack_idProperty in class StackUsageRecord
StackUsageRecord::setStackId() — Method in class StackUsageRecord
StackUsageRecord::setBlockId() — Method in class StackUsageRecord
StackUsageRecord::setCollectionId() — Method in class StackUsageRecord
StackUsageRecord::setCollectionVersionId() — Method in class StackUsageRecord
$ CustomCssRecord#sccRecordIDProperty in class CustomCssRecord
CustomCssRecord::setValue() — Method in class CustomCssRecord
CustomCssRecord::save() — Method in class CustomCssRecord
StyleSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\StyleCustomizer\Inline
StyleSet::setCustomClass() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setCustomID() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setCustomElementAttribute() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBorderWidth() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setAlignment() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBackgroundRepeat() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBackgroundSize() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBackgroundPosition() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBaseFontSize() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBorderColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBorderStyle() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBorderRadius() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBoxShadowBlur() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBoxShadowColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBoxShadowHorizontal() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBoxShadowSpread() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBoxShadowVertical() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBoxShadowInset() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setLinkColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setTextColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setRotate() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setMarginBottom() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setMarginLeft() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setMarginRight() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setMarginTop() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setPaddingBottom() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setPaddingLeft() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setPaddingRight() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setPaddingTop() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBackgroundColor() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setBackgroundImageFileID() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setHideOnExtraSmallDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setHideOnSmallDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setHideOnMediumDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::setHideOnLargeDevice() — Method in class StyleSet
StyleSet::save() — Method in class StyleSet
Category::setName() — Method in class Category
Category::setHandle() — Method in class Category
Category::setTemplates() — Method in class Category
Field::setName() — Method in class Field
Field::setHandle() — Method in class Field
Template::setHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::setIcon() — Method in class Template
Template::setName() — Method in class Template
Template::setCategories() — Method in class Template
Template::setFields() — Method in class Template
TemplateField::setIsRequired() — Method in class TemplateField
TemplateField::setTemplate() — Method in class TemplateField
TemplateField::setField() — Method in class TemplateField
GroupCreate::setGID() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupCreate::setUser() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupCreate::setRequested() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupRoleChange::setGID() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::setGrID() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::setUser() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupRoleChange::setRequested() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupSignup::setGID() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignup::setUser() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignup::setRequested() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignupRequest::setId() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::setGID() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::setUser() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequest::setRequested() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequestAccept::setManager() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::setId() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::setGID() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::setUser() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestAccept::setRequestAccepted() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestDecline::setManager() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::setId() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::setGID() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::setUser() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
GroupSignupRequestDecline::setRequestDeclineed() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
LoginAttempt::setId() — Method in class LoginAttempt
LoginAttempt::setUserId() — Method in class LoginAttempt
LoginAttempt::setUtcDate() — Method in class LoginAttempt
$ User#signupProperty in class User
User::setUserID() — Method in class User
User::setUserName() — Method in class User
User::setUserEmail() — Method in class User
User::setUserPassword() — Method in class User
User::setUserIsActive() — Method in class User
User::setUserIsFullRecord() — Method in class User
User::setUserIsValidated() — Method in class User
User::setUserDateAdded() — Method in class User
User::setUserLastPasswordChange() — Method in class User
User::setUserDateLastUpdated() — Method in class User
User::setUserHasAvatar() — Method in class User
User::setUserLastOnline() — Method in class User
User::setUserLastLogin() — Method in class User
User::setUserPreviousLogin() — Method in class User
User::setUserTotalLogins() — Method in class User
User::setUserLastAuthenticationTypeID() — Method in class User
User::setUserLastIP() — Method in class User
User::setUserTimezone() — Method in class User
User::setUserDefaultLanguage() — Method in class User
User::setUserIsPasswordReset() — Method in class User
User::setHomeFileManagerFolderID() — Method in class User
User::setIgnoredIPMismatches() — Method in class User
UserSignup::setCreatedBy() — Method in class UserSignup
BannedWord::setWord() — Method in class BannedWord
$ UsedString#subjectProperty in class UsedString

The subject this string was used for

UsedString::setUsedString() — Method in class UsedString

Set the used string

UsedString::setSubject() — Method in class UsedString

Set the subject the string was used with

UsedString::setDate() — Method in class UsedString

Set the date this string was used

AbstractError::setField() — Method in class AbstractError

Set the field associated to the error.

AbstractError::setMessageContainsHtml() — Method in class AbstractError

Does the message contain an HTML-formatted string?

Error::setMessage() — Method in class Error

Set the error message.

Field::setDisplayName() — Method in class Field
StandardFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Formatter
UserMessageException::setCanBeLogged() — Method in class UserMessageException

Can this exception be added to the log?

UserMessageException::setMessageContainsHtml() — Method in class UserMessageException

Does the message contain an HTML-formatted string?

$ Entry#storeProperty in class Entry
SiteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
$ Site#serviceProperty in class Site
SiteTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
$ SiteType#skeletonServiceProperty in class SiteType
$ SiteType#siteTypeCategoryProperty in class SiteType
StackClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
StackFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
AbstractFormatter::setEntryFormatter() — Method in class AbstractFormatter

Supploy the entry formatter we should use

AbstractEntityCommand::setEntity() — Method in class AbstractEntityCommand
AddExpressEntryCommand::setEntity() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommand
AddExpressEntryCommand::setAttributeMap() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommand
AddExpressEntryCommand::setAssociationMap() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommand
$ RescanEntityCommandHandler#siteServiceProperty in class RescanEntityCommandHandler
UpdateExpressEntryCommand::setEntry() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
UpdateExpressEntryCommand::setAttributeMap() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
UpdateExpressEntryCommand::setAssociationMap() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
ExpressEntrySelectInstance::setAccessToken() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstance
ExpressEntrySelectInstance::setEntityHandle() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstance
$ Manager#standardControllerProperty in class Manager
Manager::setStandardController() — Method in class Manager
StandardControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Controller
$ EntryBuilder#siteProperty in class EntryBuilder
EntryBuilder::setAttribute() — Method in class EntryBuilder
EntryBuilder::setSite() — Method in class EntryBuilder
EntryBuilder::save() — Method in class EntryBuilder
EntryList::sortByDisplayOrderAscending() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class EntryList
EntryList::sortByDateAdded() — Method in class EntryList

Sorts this list by date added ascending.

EntryList::sortByDateAddedDescending() — Method in class EntryList

Sorts this list by date added descending.

EntryManagerInterface::saveEntryAttributesForm() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface
Manager::saveEntryAttributesForm() — Method in class Manager
EntrySubject::setEntry() — Method in class EntrySubject
FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification::setAttributeValues() — Method in class FormBlockSubmissionEmailNotification
NotifierInterface::sendNotifications() — Method in class NotifierInterface
StandardNotifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Entry\Notifier
StandardNotifier::sendNotifications() — Method in class StandardNotifier
Result::setEntity() — Method in class Result
Event::setEntityManager() — Method in class Event
Event::setEntry() — Method in class Event
$ CsvWriter#siteServiceProperty in class CsvWriter
CsvWriter::setSiteService() — Method in class CsvWriter

Override the site service

ContextInterface::setEntry() — Method in class ContextInterface
ContextInterface::setForm() — Method in class ContextInterface
DashboardFormContext::setLocation() — Method in class DashboardFormContext
DashboardViewContext::setLocation() — Method in class DashboardViewContext
FormContext::setLocation() — Method in class FormContext
ViewContext::setEntry() — Method in class ViewContext
ViewContext::setForm() — Method in class ViewContext
ViewContext::setLocation() — Method in class ViewContext
AttributeKeySaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class AttributeKeySaveHandler
AuthorSaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class AuthorSaveHandler
ManyToManyAssociationSaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class ManyToManyAssociationSaveHandler
ManyToOneAssociationSaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class ManyToOneAssociationSaveHandler
OneToManyAssociationSaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class OneToManyAssociationSaveHandler
OneToOneAssociationSaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class OneToOneAssociationSaveHandler
SaveHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\SaveHandler
SaveHandlerInterface::saveFromRequest() — Method in class SaveHandlerInterface
AssociationControlSaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class AssociationControlSaveHandler
ControlSaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class ControlSaveHandler
SaveHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\SaveHandler
SaveHandlerInterface::saveFromRequest() — Method in class SaveHandlerInterface
TextControlSaveHandler::saveFromRequest() — Method in class TextControlSaveHandler
$ AssociationView#selectedEntriesProperty in class AssociationView
StandardProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Processor
Renderer::setContext() — Method in class Renderer
StandardValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator
ObjectBuilder::save() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
AssociationBuilder::save() — Method in class AssociationBuilder
FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl::setTargetPropertyName() — Method in class FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl
FormBuilder::save() — Method in class FormBuilder
Manager::setExpressCategory() — Method in class Manager
SiteFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search\Field
SearchProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Search
SearchProvider::setColumnSet() — Method in class SearchProvider
$ ChangeFileStorageLocationCommand#storageLocationIDProperty in class ChangeFileStorageLocationCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::setFileID() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::setMaxWidth() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::setMaxHeight() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::setCrop() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
ChooserConfiguration::setFilters() — Method in class ChooserConfiguration
SavedSearchOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser\Option
SearchOptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser\Option
EditResponse::setFile() — Method in class EditResponse

Add a file to the added/modified file list.

EditResponse::setFiles() — Method in class EditResponse

Set the added/modified file list.

DuplicateFile::setNewFileObject() — Method in class DuplicateFile
FileAccess::setUserObject() — Method in class FileAccess
FileWithPassword::setFilePassword() — Method in class FileWithPassword
ConfigurationInterface::searchFiles() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface
ConfigurationInterface::supportFileTypes() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface
$ ExternalFileEntry#sizeProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setFID() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setTitle() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setThumbnailUrl() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setSize() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setWidth() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setHeight() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setFvDateAdded() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setIsFolder() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileEntry::setTreeNodeID() — Method in class ExternalFileEntry
ExternalFileList::setTotalFiles() — Method in class ExternalFileList
ExternalFileProviderInterface::save() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderInterface

Save a external file provider

$ ExternalSearchRequest#searchTermProperty in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::setSearchTerm() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::setFileType() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::setOrderBy() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::setOrderByDirection() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::setCurrentPage() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
ExternalSearchRequest::setItemsPerPage() — Method in class ExternalSearchRequest
FileList::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class FileList
FileList::sortByDateAddedDescending() — Method in class FileList
FileList::sortByFilenameAscending() — Method in class FileList

Sorts by filename in ascending order.

FileList::sortByFileSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class FileList

Sorts by file set display order in ascending order.

Filesystem::setDefaultPermissions() — Method in class Filesystem
$ FolderItemList#searchSubFoldersProperty in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::sortByNodeName() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::sortByNodeType() — Method in class FolderItemList
$ BasicThumbnailer#storageLocationProperty in class BasicThumbnailer
BasicThumbnailer::setStorageLocation() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Set the storage location to use. Note that the $savePath is going to be relative to this location.

BasicThumbnailer::setJpegCompression() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Overrides the default JPEG compression level per instance of the image helper.

BasicThumbnailer::setWebpCompression() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Overrides the default WEBP compression level per instance of the image helper.

BasicThumbnailer::setPngCompression() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Overrides the default PNG compression level per instance of the image helper.

BasicThumbnailer::setThumbnailsFormat() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer

Set the format of the generated thumbnails.

BitmapFormat::setDefaultJpegQuality() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Set the default JPEG quality.

BitmapFormat::setDefaultWebpQuality() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Set the default WEBP quality.

BitmapFormat::setDefaultPngCompressionLevel() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Set the default PNG compression level.

SanitizerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Svg
Sanitizer::sanitizeFile() — Method in class Sanitizer

Sanitize a file containing an SVG document.

Sanitizer::sanitizeData() — Method in class Sanitizer

Sanitize a string containing an SVG document.

Sanitizer::sanitizeXml() — Method in class Sanitizer

Sanitize a DOMDocument instance.

SanitizerExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Svg
SanitizerOptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Svg
SanitizerOptions::setUnsafeElements() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Set the list of unsafe XML elements.

SanitizerOptions::setUnsafeAttributes() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Set the list of unsafe XML attributes.

SanitizerOptions::setElementAllowlist() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Set the list of XML elements to not consider as unsafe.

SanitizerOptions::setAttributeAllowlist() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Set the list of XML attributes to not consider as unsafe.

AtomicThumbnailStream::setTimeout() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream

Set the timeout for the table lock in seconds

Resolver::storeThumbnailPath() — Method in class Resolver

Store a path against a storage location for a file version and a thumbnail handle and format

Resolver::storePath() — Method in class Resolver
ThumbnailerInterface::setStorageLocation() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Set the storage location to use. Note that the $savePath is going to be relative to this location.

ThumbnailerInterface::setJpegCompression() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Overrides the default JPEG compression level per instance of the image helper.

ThumbnailerInterface::setWebpCompression() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Overrides the default WEBP compression level per instance of the image helper.

ThumbnailerInterface::setPngCompression() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Overrides the default PNG compression level per instance of the image helper.

ThumbnailerInterface::setThumbnailsFormat() — Method in class ThumbnailerInterface

Set the format of the generated thumbnails.

$ Version#sizingModeProperty in class Version

The thumbnail sizing mode (one of the \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Type::RESIZE_... constants).

$ Version#saveAreaBackgroundColorProperty in class Version

Background color of the Image Editor save area

Version::setDirectoryName() — Method in class Version

Set the name of the directory that contains the thumbnails.

Version::setHandle() — Method in class Version

Set the handle of the thumbnail type version.

Version::setName() — Method in class Version

Set the name of the thumbnail type version.

Version::setWidth() — Method in class Version

Set the width of the thumbnails (or the maximum width in case of proportional sizing).

Version::setHeight() — Method in class Version

Set the height of the thumbnails (or the maximum height in case of proportional sizing).

Version::setSizingMode() — Method in class Version

Set the thumbnail sizing mode.

Version::setIsUpscalingEnabled() — Method in class Version

Is upscaling enabled?

Version::setLimitedToFileSets() — Method in class Version

Should the thumbnails be build for every file that ARE NOT in the file sets (false), or only for files that ARE in the specified file sets (true)?

Version::setAssociatedFileSetIDs() — Method in class Version

Set the IDs of the associated file sets (whose meaning depends on the value of limitedToFileSets).

Version::setKeepAnimations() — Method in class Version

Should we create animated thumbnails for animated images?

Version::setSaveAreaBackgroundColor() — Method in class Version

Background color of the Image Editor save area

Version::shouldExistFor() — Method in class Version

Check if this thumbnail type version should exist for an image with the specified dimensions.

AutorotateImageProcessor::setRescanThumbnails() — Method in class AutorotateImageProcessor

Should thumbnails be rescanned when the image is rotated?

AutorotateImageProcessor::shouldProcess() — Method in class AutorotateImageProcessor

Should this processor process a specific file version?

ConstrainImageProcessor::setMaxWidth() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Set the maximum image width (if set).

ConstrainImageProcessor::setMaxHeight() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Set the maximum image height (if set).

ConstrainImageProcessor::setConstraintMode() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Set the resize mode.

ConstrainImageProcessor::setRescanThumbnails() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Should thumbnails be rescanned when the image is resized?

ConstrainImageProcessor::shouldProcess() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Should this processor process a specific file version?

ConstrainImageProcessor::setResizeInPlace() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor
ForceImageFormatProcessor::setFormat() — Method in class ForceImageFormatProcessor
ForceImageFormatProcessor::shouldProcess() — Method in class ForceImageFormatProcessor

Should this processor process a specific file version?

ProcessorInterface::shouldProcess() — Method in class ProcessorInterface

Should this processor process a specific file version?

SetJPEGQualityProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ImportProcessor
SetJPEGQualityProcessor::setQuality() — Method in class SetJPEGQualityProcessor
SetJPEGQualityProcessor::shouldProcess() — Method in class SetJPEGQualityProcessor

Should this processor process a specific file version?

FileImporter::save() — Method in class FileImporter

Actually import a file into the application file manager.

$ ImportOptions#storageLocationFactoryProperty in class ImportOptions
$ ImportOptions#storageLocationProperty in class ImportOptions
$ ImportOptions#skipThumbnailGenerationProperty in class ImportOptions

Skip the thumbnail generation?

ImportOptions::setImportToFolder() — Method in class ImportOptions

The import process should create new files in a specific folder.

ImportOptions::setAddNewVersionTo() — Method in class ImportOptions

The import process should add a new Version to an existing File.

ImportOptions::setCustomPrefix() — Method in class ImportOptions

Set the custom prefix to be used to store the file.

ImportOptions::setSkipThumbnailGeneration() — Method in class ImportOptions

Skip the thumbnail generation?

ImportOptions::setCanChangeLocalFile() — Method in class ImportOptions

Can the local file be changed by file processors? If no, we'll create a copy of the file being imported.

ImportingFile::setCustomData() — Method in class ImportingFile

Set custom data for inter-processors communication.

ImportingFile::saveImage() — Method in class ImportingFile

Save the loaded image to the local file.

$ ExifDataExtractor#setFactoryProperty in class ExifDataExtractor
ExifDataExtractor::shouldPostProcess() — Method in class ExifDataExtractor

Check if this post-processor should process an imported file.

FileExistingValidator::shouldValidate() — Method in class FileExistingValidator

Check if this validator should validate a file being imported.

FileExtensionValidator::shouldValidate() — Method in class FileExtensionValidator

Check if this validator should validate a file being imported.

ImageAutorotator::shouldPreProcess() — Method in class ImageAutorotator

Check if this pre-processor should process a file being imported.

ImageAutorotator::setEnabled() — Method in class ImageAutorotator

Is this pre-processor enabled?

ImageSizeConstrain::setMaxWidth() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Set the maximum image width.

ImageSizeConstrain::setMaxHeight() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Set the maximum image height.

ImageSizeConstrain::setConstraintMode() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Set the resize mode.

ImageSizeConstrain::shouldPreProcess() — Method in class ImageSizeConstrain

Check if this pre-processor should process a file being imported.

LegacyPostProcessor::shouldPostProcess() — Method in class LegacyPostProcessor

Check if this post-processor should process an imported file.

PostProcessorInterface::shouldPostProcess() — Method in class PostProcessorInterface

Check if this post-processor should process an imported file.

PreProcessorInterface::shouldPreProcess() — Method in class PreProcessorInterface

Check if this pre-processor should process a file being imported.

SvgProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
$ SvgProcessor#sanitizerProperty in class SvgProcessor

The SVG sanitizer.

$ SvgProcessor#sanitizerOptionsProperty in class SvgProcessor

The SVG sanitizer options.

SvgProcessor::shouldValidate() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Check if this validator should validate a file being imported.

SvgProcessor::shouldPreProcess() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Check if this pre-processor should process a file being imported.

SvgProcessor::setAction() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Set the action that should be taken.

ThumbnailGenerator::shouldPostProcess() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator

Check if this post-processor should process an imported file.

ValidatorInterface::shouldValidate() — Method in class ValidatorInterface

Check if this validator should validate a file being imported.

Importer::setRescanThumbnailsOnImport() — Method in class Importer
$ Incoming#storageLocationFactoryProperty in class Incoming

The StorageLocation factory.

SizeColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet\Column
SizeFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field\Field
StorageLocationFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field\Field
Result::setFolder() — Method in class Result
SearchProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search
Application::serializeUploadFileExtensions() — Method in class Application

Serializes an array of strings into format suitable for multi-uploader.

File::sanitize() — Method in class File

Cleans up a filename and returns the cleaned up version.

File::splitFilename() — Method in class File

Splits a filename into directory, base file name, extension.

Zip::setFilesystem() — Method in class Zip

Set the Filesystem instance to use.

SetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Set

Represents a file set.

Set::shouldRefreshFileThumbnails() — Method in class Set

Check if we should build the thumbnails for files added or removed to this file set should.

SetListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Set
LocalConfiguration::setRootPath() — Method in class LocalConfiguration
LocalConfiguration::setWebRootRelativePath() — Method in class LocalConfiguration
StorageLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation

Class StorageLocation

StorageLocationFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation

Class StorageLocationFactory Get ahold of existing storage locations and create new ones.

StorageLocationInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation
StorageLocationInterface::save() — Method in class StorageLocationInterface

Save a storage location

Type::setPackageHandle() — Method in class Type

Set the handle of the owner package (empty string if not available).

Type::setGenericType() — Method in class Type

Set the generic category type (one of the \Concrete\Core\File\Type\Type::T_... constants).

Type::setName() — Method in class Type

Set the name (empty string if generic type).

Type::setExtension() — Method in class Type

Set the single file extension.

Type::setCustomImporter() — Method in class Type

Set the handle of the custom importer (empty string if not available).

Type::setEditor() — Method in class Type

Set the handle of the editor (empty string if not available).

Type::setView() — Method in class Type

Set the handle of the inline viewer (empty string if not available).

Type::supportsThumbnails() — Method in class Type

Does the file type support thumbnails.

ClientSideUploader::supportClientSizeImageResizing() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Can big images be resized on the client side before they are uploaded to the server?

ClientSideUploader::setParallelUploads() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Set the number of parallel uploads.

ClientSideUploader::setChunkingEnabled() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Should the client send files in chunks if they exceed a configured size?

ClientSideUploader::setConfiguredChunkSize() — Method in class ClientSideUploader

Set the configured size (in bytes) of the uploaded file chunks.

Dropzone::supportClientSizeImageResizing() — Method in class Dropzone

Can big images be resized on the client side before they are uploaded to the server?

Element::set() — Method in class Element

Set a variable to be used in the view.

FileLocator::setFilesystem() — Method in class FileLocator
AbstractLocation::setFilesystem() — Method in class AbstractLocation
AllPackagesLocation::setFilesystem() — Method in class AllPackagesLocation
CoreLocation::setFilesystem() — Method in class CoreLocation
LocationInterface::setFilesystem() — Method in class LocationInterface
Record::setFile() — Method in class Record
Record::setPackageHandle() — Method in class Record
Record::setUrl() — Method in class Record
Record::setExists() — Method in class Record
Record::setIsOverride() — Method in class Record
ThemeLocation::setTheme() — Method in class ThemeLocation
Template::setTemplateHandle() — Method in class Template
Template::setPackageHandle() — Method in class Template
TemplateFile::sortTemplateFileList() — Method in class TemplateFile

Sorts a list of TemplateFile instances

TemplateFile::sortTemplateFileListSorter() — Method in class TemplateFile

Callable function used by sortTemplateFileList.

TemplateLocation::setPackageHandle() — Method in class TemplateLocation
TemplateLocation::setLocation() — Method in class TemplateLocation
TemplateLocator::setTemplate() — Method in class TemplateLocator
ContextInterface::setLocation() — Method in class ContextInterface
$ FormView#supportsLabelProperty in class FormView
FormView::setIsRequired() — Method in class FormView
FormView::setLabel() — Method in class FormView
FormView::setSupportsLabel() — Method in class FormView
FormView::supportsLabel() — Method in class FormView

Returns true if the current form control supports labeling.

FormViewInterface::setLabel() — Method in class FormViewInterface

Sets the label for the current form control.

FormViewInterface::supportsLabel() — Method in class FormViewInterface

Returns true if the current form control supports labeling.

$ View#scopeItemsProperty in class View
$ Form#selectIndexProperty in class Form

Internal counter used to generate unique IDs for select inputs with the same name.

Form::setRequest() — Method in class Form

Set the request instance.

Form::submit() — Method in class Form

Creates a submit button.

Form::search() — Method in class Form

Renders a search input field.

Form::select() — Method in class Form

Renders a select field.

Form::selectCountry() — Method in class Form

Renders a select menu to choose a Country.

Form::selectMultiple() — Method in class Form

Renders a multiple select box.

Form::serializeMiscFields() — Method in class Form
Validation::setFiles() — Method in class Validation

Sets the data files array.

Validation::setData() — Method in class Validation

An associative array that we setup to validate against. Typical usage is $val->setData($_POST);.

Validation::setErrorsFromInvalidFields() — Method in class Validation
Attribute::setAttributeObject() — Method in class Attribute
CalendarEventSelector::selectEvent() — Method in class CalendarEventSelector
DateTime::selectNearestValue() — Method in class DateTime

Choose an array value nearest to a specified value.

DurationSelector::selectDuration() — Method in class DurationSelector
ExpressEntrySelector::selectEntry() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelector
FileFolderSelector::selectFileFolder() — Method in class FileFolderSelector
GroupSelector::selectGroup() — Method in class GroupSelector
GroupSelector::selectGroupWithTree() — Method in class GroupSelector
PageSelector::selectPage() — Method in class PageSelector

Creates form fields and JavaScript page chooser for choosing a page. For use with inclusion in blocks.

PageSelector::selectMultipleFromSitemap() — Method in class PageSelector
PageSelector::selectFromSitemap() — Method in class PageSelector
SiteLocaleSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
SiteLocaleSelector::selectLocale() — Method in class SiteLocaleSelector

Creates form fields and JavaScript page chooser for choosing a locale.

SiteLocaleSelector::selectLocaleMultiple() — Method in class SiteLocaleSelector

Creates form fields and JavaScript page chooser for choosing a locale.

SiteLocaleSelector::shouldDisplayLocaleCode() — Method in class SiteLocaleSelector
SiteSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
SiteSelector::selectSite() — Method in class SiteSelector

Creates form fields and JavaScript page chooser for choosing a site.

UserSelector::selectUser() — Method in class UserSelector

Build the HTML to be placed in a page to choose a user using a popup dialog.

UserSelector::selectMultipleUsers() — Method in class UserSelector

Build the HTML to be placed in a page to choose multiple users using a popup dialog.

ClassAutoloader::setCoreDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Set the absolute path to the core directory.

ClassAutoloader::setCoreStartingPointDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Set the absolute path to the core starting point directory.

ClassAutoloader::setApplicationNamespace() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Set the application namespace.

ClassAutoloader::setApplicationDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Set the absolute path to the application directory.

ClassAutoloader::setApplicationStartingPointDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Set the absolute path to the application starting point directory.

ClassAutoloader::setApplicationLegacyNamespaceEnabled() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Should we enable loading classes in the Application\Src namespace from the /application/src folder?

ClassAutoloader::setPackagesDir() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Set the absolute path to the packages directory.

ClassLoader::setApplicationNamespace() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::setupLegacyAutoloading() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::setupCoreAutoloading() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::setupCoreSourceAutoloading() — Method in class ClassLoader
ConcreteObject::setPropertiesFromArray() — Method in class ConcreteObject
FunctionInspector::setDisabledFunctions() — Method in class FunctionInspector

Set the system-level disabled functions.

$ AbstractRepetition#startDateProperty in class AbstractRepetition
$ AbstractRepetition#startDateAllDayProperty in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::setTimezone() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::setStartDateAllDay() — Method in class AbstractRepetition

Toggle whether start_date is all day.

AbstractRepetition::setEndDateAllDay() — Method in class AbstractRepetition

Toggle whether end_date is all day.

AbstractRepetition::setRepeatPeriod() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::setStartDate() — Method in class AbstractRepetition

Set the start date.

AbstractRepetition::setEndDate() — Method in class AbstractRepetition

Set the end date.

AbstractRepetition::setRepeatPeriodEnd() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::setRepeatEveryNum() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::setRepeatPeriodWeekDays() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::setRepeatMonthBy() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
AbstractRepetition::setRepeatMonthLastWeekday() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
RepetitionInterface::setTimezone() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::setStartDate() — Method in class RepetitionInterface

Set the start date.

RepetitionInterface::setEndDate() — Method in class RepetitionInterface

Set the end date.

RepetitionInterface::setStartDateAllDay() — Method in class RepetitionInterface

Toggle whether start_date is all day.

RepetitionInterface::setEndDateAllDay() — Method in class RepetitionInterface

Toggle whether end_date is all day.

RepetitionInterface::setRepeatPeriod() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::setRepeatPeriodWeekDays() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::setRepeatEveryNum() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::setRepeatMonthBy() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
RepetitionInterface::setRepeatPeriodEnd() — Method in class RepetitionInterface
DefaultBooter::setupErrorReporting() — Method in class DefaultBooter

Setup the configured error reporting.

$ DefaultRuntime#statusProperty in class DefaultRuntime
DefaultRuntime::setRunClass() — Method in class DefaultRuntime
DefaultRuntime::setBootClass() — Method in class DefaultRuntime
DefaultRuntime::sendResponse() — Method in class DefaultRuntime

The method that handles properly sending a response.

CLIRunner::shouldRunCommands() — Method in class CLIRunner
$ DefaultRunner#siteServiceProperty in class DefaultRunner
$ DefaultRunner#serverProperty in class DefaultRunner
DefaultRunner::setSystemLocale() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Initialize localization.

DefaultRunner::setupPackages() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Setup concrete5 packages.

DefaultRunner::setConfig() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Set the config repository.

DefaultRunner::setRouter() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Set the router.

DefaultRunner::setSiteService() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Set the site service.

DefaultRunner::setUrlResolver() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Set the url resolver.

DefaultRunner::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Set the url resolver.

DefaultRunner::shouldProcessRequest() — Method in class DefaultRunner
$ GeolocationResult#stateProvinceCodeProperty in class GeolocationResult

The code of the province/state.

$ GeolocationResult#stateProvinceNameProperty in class GeolocationResult

The name of the province/state (in American English).

GeolocationResult::setError() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the error state.

GeolocationResult::setCityName() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the city name.

GeolocationResult::setStateProvinceCode() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the code of the province/state.

GeolocationResult::setStateProvinceName() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the name of the province/state (in American English).

GeolocationResult::setPostalCode() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the postal code.

GeolocationResult::setCountryCode() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the code of the country (two letter upper case ISO-3166 code).

GeolocationResult::setCountryName() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the name of the country (in American English).

GeolocationResult::setLatitude() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the latitude.

GeolocationResult::setLongitude() — Method in class GeolocationResult

Set the longitude.

GeolocatorController::saveConfigurationForm() — Method in class GeolocatorController

Save the configuration form.

GeolocatorControllerInterface::saveConfigurationForm() — Method in class GeolocatorControllerInterface

Save the configuration form.

GeolocatorService::setCurrent() — Method in class GeolocatorService

Set the currently active geolocator library.

$ AbstractGrade#scoreProperty in class AbstractGrade
ScoreFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Grade\Formatter
ScoreGradeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Grade
DeleteReportResultCommand::setResultId() — Method in class DeleteReportResultCommand
SearchResultExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Export
StandardExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Export
ButtonControl::setLocation() — Method in class ButtonControl
Location::setName() — Method in class Location
Location::setUrl() — Method in class Location
ServerSentEventsSettingsLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Location
SimpleSerializableAndDenormalizableClassTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Traits

A simple trait to use when you're working with a class that's only property to serialize is "class" and it has nothing to set in the denormlize method.

AlertFormatter::showControl() — Method in class AlertFormatter
FormatterInterface::showControl() — Method in class FormatterInterface
InfoFormatter::showControl() — Method in class InfoFormatter
SuccessFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Formatter
SuccessFormatter::showControl() — Method in class SuccessFormatter
WarningFormatter::showControl() — Method in class WarningFormatter
ScoringGraderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Grader
StandardGraderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Grader
RunReportTestMessage::setResultId() — Method in class RunReportTestMessage
RunReportTestMessage::setTest() — Method in class RunReportTestMessage
SearchResultFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Result\Formatter
StandardFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Result\Formatter
Runner::setEntityManager() — Method in class Runner
Runner::setResult() — Method in class Runner
Runner::success() — Method in class Runner
PageTestInterface::setPageId() — Method in class PageTestInterface
SuiteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test
SuiteInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test
ScriptTagSuiteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Suite
AbstractPageTest::setPageId() — Method in class AbstractPageTest
$ CheckConfigUrlSettingsForProductionTest#serviceProperty in class CheckConfigUrlSettingsForProductionTest
SimpleAttributeContentTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test\Search
SimpleBlockContentTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test\Search
$ SimpleBlockContentTest#scanTablesProperty in class SimpleBlockContentTest
SurveyBlockTestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test\Test\Search
SearchContentTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Search\Traits

Helpful search methods

Picture::sources() — Method in class Picture

Create the source elements for the picture element.

Picture::setAttribute() — Method in class Picture

Set an attribute.

SourceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Object
$ FontAwesomeIcon#sizeProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
$ FontAwesomeIcon#spinProperty in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setName() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setPrefix() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setSize() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setFixedWidth() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setRotate() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setFlip() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setSpin() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setPulse() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setBordered() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setPull() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setPro() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::shouldMigrateOldName() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::setMigrateOldName() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
SeoClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Html\Service
$ Seo#siteNameProperty in class Seo
Seo::setSiteName() — Method in class Seo
Seo::setCustomTitle() — Method in class Seo
Seo::setTitleFormat() — Method in class Seo
Seo::setTitleSegmentSeparator() — Method in class Seo
Client::setLogger() — Method in class Client

Set the currently configured logger.

Client::send() — Method in class Client
$ DefaultServer#stackProperty in class DefaultServer
DefaultServer::setDispatcher() — Method in class DefaultServer

Set the dispatcher this server uses.

FlysystemFileResponse::setFile() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse

Sets the file to stream.

FlysystemFileResponse::setAutoEtag() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse

Automatically sets the ETag header according to the checksum of the file.

FlysystemFileResponse::setContentDisposition() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse

Sets the Content-Disposition header with the given filename.

FlysystemFileResponse::sendContent() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse

Sends the file.

FlysystemFileResponse::setContent() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse
$ ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware#stringValidatorProperty in class ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware
$ FractalNegotiatorMiddleware#serializerProperty in class FractalNegotiatorMiddleware
FractalNegotiatorMiddleware::setSerializer() — Method in class FractalNegotiatorMiddleware
$ FrameOptionsMiddleware#stringValidatorProperty in class FrameOptionsMiddleware
StackInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
StrictTransportSecurityMiddlewareClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware
$ StrictTransportSecurityMiddleware#stringValidatorProperty in class StrictTransportSecurityMiddleware
RequestBase::setInstance() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestBase::setCurrentPage() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestBase::setCustomRequestUser() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestBase::setCustomRequestDateTime() — Method in class RequestBase
RequestEventInterface::setRequest() — Method in class RequestEventInterface
RequestMediaTypeParser::sortRequestAcceptMap() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser
ServerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Http
ServerInterface::setDispatcher() — Method in class ServerInterface

Set the dispatcher this server uses.

Ajax::sendResult() — Method in class Ajax

Sends a result to the client and ends the execution.

Ajax::sendError() — Method in class Ajax

Sends an error to the client and ends the execution.

ImageEditorService::setupDefaultEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ImageEditorService::setActiveEditor() — Method in class ImageEditorService
ConnectionOptionsPreconditionInterface::setConnection() — Method in class ConnectionOptionsPreconditionInterface

Set the connection to the database.

Installer::setOptions() — Method in class Installer

Set the options to be used by the installer.

Installer::setPreferredCharsetCollation() — Method in class Installer
$ InstallerOptions#startingPointHandleProperty in class InstallerOptions

The handle of the starting point.

$ InstallerOptions#siteNameProperty in class InstallerOptions

The name of the site.

$ InstallerOptions#siteLocaleIdProperty in class InstallerOptions

The identifier of the site locale.

$ InstallerOptions#serverTimeZoneIdProperty in class InstallerOptions

The server time zone identifier.

InstallerOptions::setDeferInstallation() — Method in class InstallerOptions
InstallerOptions::setIsConnectToMarketplaceEnabled() — Method in class InstallerOptions
InstallerOptions::setAutoAttachEnabled() — Method in class InstallerOptions

If the database already exists and is valid, lets just attach to it rather than installing over it?

InstallerOptions::setConfiguration() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Set the installation configuration options (persisted as /application/config/site_install.php).

InstallerOptions::setUserEmail() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Set the admin user email.

InstallerOptions::setUserPasswordHash() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Set the admin password hash.

InstallerOptions::setPrivacyPolicyAccepted() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Set the privacy policy status

InstallerOptions::setStartingPointHandle() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Set the handle of the starting point.

InstallerOptions::setSiteName() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Get the name of the site.

InstallerOptions::setSiteLocaleId() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Set the identifier of the site locale.

InstallerOptions::setUiLocaleId() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Set the identifier of the UI locale.

InstallerOptions::setServerTimeZoneId() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Set the server time zone identifier.

InstallerOptions::save() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Save the configuration options to file.

OptionsPreconditionInterface::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class OptionsPreconditionInterface

Set the installer options to be checked.

$ PreconditionResult#stateProperty in class PreconditionResult

The precondition result state.

PreconditionResult::setState() — Method in class PreconditionResult

Set the precondition result state.

PreconditionResult::setMessage() — Method in class PreconditionResult

Set the warning/error message.

CanonicalUrls::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class CanonicalUrls

Set the installer options to be checked.

DatabaseCharsetCollation::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class DatabaseCharsetCollation

Set the installer options to be checked.

DatabaseCharsetCollation::setConnection() — Method in class DatabaseCharsetCollation

Set the connection to the database.

DatabaseTimeZone::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class DatabaseTimeZone

Set the installer options to be checked.

DatabaseTimeZone::setConnection() — Method in class DatabaseTimeZone

Set the connection to the database.

EmptyDatabase::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class EmptyDatabase

Set the installer options to be checked.

EmptyDatabase::setConnection() — Method in class EmptyDatabase

Set the connection to the database.

InnoDB::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class InnoDB

Set the installer options to be checked.

InnoDB::setConnection() — Method in class InnoDB

Set the connection to the database.

StartingPointClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
StartingPoint::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class StartingPoint

Set the installer options to be checked.

TableCase::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class TableCase

Set the installer options to be checked.

TableCase::setConnection() — Method in class TableCase

Set the connection to the database.

$ WritableDirectories#systemUserProperty in class WritableDirectories
$ Job#scheduledIntervalProperty in class Job
$ Job#scheduledValueProperty in class Job
Job::supportsQueue() — Method in class Job
Job::setJobStatus() — Method in class Job
Job::setSchedule() — Method in class Job
JobQueue::send() — Method in class JobQueue
QueueableJob::start() — Method in class QueueableJob

Start processing a queue Typically this is where you would inject new messages into the queue

SetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Job
$ Set#scheduledIntervalProperty in class Set
$ Set#scheduledValueProperty in class Set
Set::setSchedule() — Method in class Set
$ DatabaseItemList#sortByStringProperty in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::setQuery() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::setupAutoSort() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::setupSortByString() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::setupAttributeSort() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
DatabaseItemList::sortBy() — Method in class DatabaseItemList

Sets column to sort by. Only supports a single column; for multiple columns us sortByMultiple().

DatabaseItemList::setupAttributeFilters() — Method in class DatabaseItemList
FileList::setupFileSetFilters() — Method in class FileList
FileList::setPermissionLevel() — Method in class FileList
FileList::setBaseQuery() — Method in class FileList
FileList::setupFilePermissions() — Method in class FileList
FileList::sortByAttributeKey() — Method in class FileList
FileList::sortByFileSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class FileList
$ ItemList#startProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#sortByProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#sortByDirectionProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#stickySearchRequestNameSpaceProperty in class ItemList
ItemList::setItemsPerPage() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::setItems() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::setNameSpace() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::setCurrentPage() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::sortBy() — Method in class ItemList

Sets column to sort by. Only supports a single column; for multiple columns us sortByMultiple().

ItemList::sortByMultiple() — Method in class ItemList

Sets up a multiple columns to search by. Each argument is taken "as-is" (including asc or desc) and concatenated with commas Note that this is overrides any previous sortByMultiple() call, and all sortBy() calls. Alternatively, you can pass a single array with multiple columns to sort by as its values.

Model::Save() — Method in class Model
Model::setAutoIncrementColumn() — Method in class Model
PageList::setViewPagePermissionKeyHandle() — Method in class PageList
PageList::setupPermissions() — Method in class PageList

Sets up a list to only return items the proper user can access.

PageList::sortByRelevance() — Method in class PageList
PageList::sortByDisplayOrder() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by display order.

PageList::sortByDisplayOrderDescending() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by display order descending.

PageList::sortByCollectionIDAscending() — Method in class PageList
PageList::sortByPublicDate() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by public date ascending order.

PageList::sortByName() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by name.

PageList::sortByNameDescending() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by name descending order.

PageList::sortByPublicDateDescending() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by public date descending order.

PageList::setBaseQuery() — Method in class PageList
PageList::setupSystemPagesToExclude() — Method in class PageList
Pagination::setAdditionalQueryStringVariables() — Method in class Pagination
$ UserList#showInactiveUsersProperty in class UserList
$ UserList#showInvalidatedUsersProperty in class UserList
$ UserList#searchAgainstEmailProperty in class UserList
UserList::setBaseQuery() — Method in class UserList
LocaleInterface::setNumPlurals() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Set the number of plural rules used in this locale.

LocaleInterface::setPluralCases() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Set the plural rule names with examples (using CLDR format).

LocaleInterface::setPluralRule() — Method in class LocaleInterface

Set the plural rules definition of this locale (using gettext format).

ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Locale
Service::setDefaultLocale() — Method in class Service
Localization::setTranslatorAdapterRepository() — Method in class Localization

Sets the translator adapter repository.

Localization::setActiveContext() — Method in class Localization

Sets the active translation context.

Localization::setContextLocale() — Method in class Localization

Sets the context locale for the given context as the given locale.

Localization::setLocale() — Method in class Localization

Sets the locale for the active context.

Localization::setupSiteLocalization() — Method in class Localization

Load the site language files (must be done after all packages called their setupPackageLocalization).

AddressFormat::setOptions() — Method in class AddressFormat

Set the options that control how the address will be rendered. These can be passed to the underlying formatter class.

StatesProvincesListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Service
StatsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation\Local
CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::setEntryPoint() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Set the API entry point.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::setApiToken() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Set the API token.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::setProgressLimit() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Set the default progress limit.

CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::setCacheLifetime() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider

Set the cache life time (in seconds).

StatsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translation\Remote
TranslatorAdapterFactory::shouldTranslateBaseLocale() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterFactory
SiteTranslationLoaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Adapter\Laminas\Translation\Loader\Gettext

Translation loader that loads the site interface translations for the Laminas translation adapter.

TranslatorAdapter::setTranslator() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Sets the translator object.

TranslatorAdapter::setLocale() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Sets the locale to the translator object.

TranslatorAdapter::setLocale() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Sets the locale to the translator object.

TranslatorAdapterInterface::setLocale() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterInterface

Sets the locale to the translator object.

SimpleConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Configuration
SimpleDatabaseConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Configuration
SimpleFileConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Configuration
$ DatabaseHandler#statementProperty in class DatabaseHandler
LogEntry::setId() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::setChannel() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::setTime() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::setMessage() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::setLevel() — Method in class LogEntry
LogEntry::setUser() — Method in class LogEntry
LogList::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class LogList
ServerInfoProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Processor

A processor for packing $_SERVER info into the extra log info

SearchProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search
MailImportedAttachment::setMail() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedAttachment::setType() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedAttachment::setName() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedAttachment::setContent() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
$ MailImportedMessage#subjectProperty in class MailImportedMessage
$ MailImportedMessage#senderProperty in class MailImportedMessage
MailImporter::setupBody() — Method in class MailImporter
MailImporter::setupValidation() — Method in class MailImporter
SenderConfigurationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail

This class holds the configurable addresses for outgoing emails.

SenderConfiguration::sortEntries() — Method in class SenderConfiguration
Entry::setName() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setEmailKey() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setNameKey() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setPackageHandle() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setPriority() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setRequired() — Method in class Entry
Entry::setNotes() — Method in class Entry
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Mail
$ Service#subjectProperty in class Service

The message subject.

Service::setBody() — Method in class Service

Manually set the plain text body of a mail message (typically the body is set in the template + load method).

Service::setSubject() — Method in class Service

Manually set the message's subject (typically the body is set in the template + load method).

Service::setBodyHTML() — Method in class Service

Manually set the HTML body of a mail message (typically the body is set in the template + load method).

Service::setTesting() — Method in class Service

Set the testing state (if true the email logging never occurs and sending errors will throw an exception).

Service::setIsThrowOnFailure() — Method in class Service

Should an exception be thrown if the delivery fails (if false, the sendMail() method will simply return false on failure).

Service::setAdditionalHeaders() — Method in class Service

Set additional message headers.

Service::sendMail() — Method in class Service

Sends the email.

$ LimitedSmtp#sentProperty in class LimitedSmtp

Number of messages sent in current connection.

LimitedSmtp::send() — Method in class LimitedSmtp
Marketplace::setApplication() — Method in class Marketplace

Set the application object.

$ ConnectResult#siteIdProperty in class ConnectResult
$ RemotePackage#summaryProperty in class RemotePackage
$ ValidateResult#siteProperty in class ValidateResult
$ PackageRepository#serializerProperty in class PackageRepository
$ PackageRepository#siteServiceProperty in class PackageRepository
RemoteItem::setPropertiesFromJSONObject() — Method in class RemoteItem
RemoteItemList::setIncludeInstalledItems() — Method in class RemoteItemList
RemoteItemList::setType() — Method in class RemoteItemList
RemoteItemList::sortBy() — Method in class RemoteItemList

Sets column to sort by. Only supports a single column; for multiple columns us sortByMultiple().

HandlersLocator::shouldHandle() — Method in class HandlersLocator

Note: This was taken from the Symfony HandlersLocator class. I wish it were a trait or something more reusable but the logic seems important so we should add it to our own.

MessageBusAwareInterface::setMessageBus() — Method in class MessageBusAwareInterface
MessageBusAwareTrait::setMessageBus() — Method in class MessageBusAwareTrait
SkipSendersStampClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Stamp

Messages with this stamp applied will never be sent to an async sender. Useful for working with messages consumed via the console.

$ FailedTransportManager#sendersProperty in class FailedTransportManager
FailedTransportManager::setDefaultFailedReceiverName() — Method in class FailedTransportManager
SenderLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\Sender
$ SenderLocator#sendersProperty in class SenderLocator
SendersLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport\Sender
$ TransportManager#sendersProperty in class TransportManager
Event::setLocale() — Method in class Event
SectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Page\Section
Section::setLocale() — Method in class Section
$ Detector#siteProperty in class Detector
Detector::setupSiteInterfaceLocalization() — Method in class Detector

Set the locale associated to the 'site' localization context.

Extractor::saveSectionTranslationsToFile() — Method in class Extractor
Extractor::saveSectionTranslationsToDatabase() — Method in class Extractor
$ DashboardBreadcrumb#sanitizeNameProperty in class DashboardBreadcrumb
DashboardBreadcrumb::sanitizeName() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb
DashboardBreadcrumb::setSanitizeName() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb
DashboardBreadcrumb::setItems() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb

Replace all the existing items with new ones.

DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory::setDisplayGlobalAreasLandingPage() — Method in class DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumb::setItems() — Method in class PageBreadcrumb

Replace all the existing items with new ones.

PageBreadcrumbFactory::setIncludeCurrent() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumbFactory::setIgnoreExcludeNav() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumbFactory::setIgnorePermission() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumbFactory::shouldExcludeFromNav() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumbFactory::shouldExcludeSubpagesFromNav() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumbFactory::shouldExcludeCurrentPageFromNav() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
FileFolderItem::setFolderId() — Method in class FileFolderItem
Item::setChildren() — Method in class Item
Item::setUrl() — Method in class Item
Item::setName() — Method in class Item
Item::setIsActive() — Method in class Item
Item::setIsActiveParent() — Method in class Item
PageItem::setPageID() — Method in class PageItem
PageItem::setKeywords() — Method in class PageItem
SavedSearchItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Item
SavedSearchItem::setId() — Method in class SavedSearchItem
SwitchLanguageItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Item
$ SwitchLanguageItem#sectionIDProperty in class SwitchLanguageItem
SwitchLanguageItem::setSectionID() — Method in class SwitchLanguageItem
$ NavigationStartingPointModifier#startingPageProperty in class NavigationStartingPointModifier
Navigation::setItems() — Method in class Navigation

Replace all the existing items with new ones.

NavigationInterface::setItems() — Method in class NavigationInterface

Replace all the existing items with new ones.

StandardFilterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Alert\Filter
StandardFilter::setKey() — Method in class StandardFilter
StandardFilter::setName() — Method in class StandardFilter
StandardFilter::setType() — Method in class StandardFilter
StandardFilter::setDatabaseNotificationType() — Method in class StandardFilter
$ MercureService#subscriberProperty in class MercureService
ServerEventInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent

Responsible for translating a Concrete server event object into something the Mercure Hub can work with natively

SubscribableEventInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent
SubscriberClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events
SubscribeToProcessTopicsTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\Traits
SubscribeToProcessTopicsTrait::subscribeToProcessTopicsIfNotificationEnabled() — Method in class SubscribeToProcessTopicsTrait
StandardNotifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Notifier
SubjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Subject
StandardSubscriptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Subscription
SubscriptionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Subscription
StandardListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
StandardListViewInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
ContentSwapper::swapContent() — Method in class ContentSwapper

Removes any existing pages, files, stacks, block and page types and installs content from the package.

ContentSwapperInterface::swapContent() — Method in class ContentSwapperInterface
DependencyChecker::setInstalledPackages() — Method in class DependencyChecker

Set the list of installed packages.

SinglePageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
SiteTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
$ SiteType#serviceProperty in class SiteType
StorageLocationTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
PackageInfo::setPackageDirectory() — Method in class PackageInfo

Set the package directory.

PackageInfo::setHandle() — Method in class PackageInfo

Set the package handle.

PackageInfo::setVersion() — Method in class PackageInfo

Set the package version.

PackageInfo::setName() — Method in class PackageInfo

Set the package name, in English.

PackageInfo::setDescription() — Method in class PackageInfo

Set the package description, in English.

PackageInfo::setMinimumCoreVersion() — Method in class PackageInfo

Set the minimum Concrete version.

PackageInfo::setMinimumPHPVersion() — Method in class PackageInfo

Set the minimum PHP version.

$ Parser#stringValidatorProperty in class Parser

The string validator service to be used to check the validity of handles.

Parser::stripNonCodeTokens() — Method in class Parser

Strip whitespaces and comments from a list of tokens.

Parser::stripTFunctionCall() — Method in class Parser

Strip t() function calls at the beginning of a list of tokens tokens (if any).

Parser::stripEnclosingParenthesis() — Method in class Parser

Strip enclosing parenthesis ("(...)") (if any) in a list of tokens.

Parser::skipNonCodeTokens() — Method in class Parser

Skip to the next non-whitespace and non-comment token.

Package::setPackageEntity() — Method in class Package

Set the associated package entity.

Package::setContentSwapFiles() — Method in class Package
Package::shouldEnableLegacyNamespace() — Method in class Package

Should this package enable legacy namespaces?

Package::showInstallOptionsScreen() — Method in class Package

Should the install options page be shown? The install options page may be for install notes and/or full contents swap confirmation.

PackageService::setupLocalization() — Method in class PackageService
ShortTagExpanderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Filter

Expand the short PHP open tags (and optionally the short PHP echo tags).

SvgIconRasterizerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Filter

Generate bitmap icons starting from source SVG icons.

SourceUpdaterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Writer

Class that updates the source package directory.

SourceUpdater::saveFile() — Method in class SourceUpdater

Copy the contents of a source file to the package source directory.

StartingPointInstallRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
StartingPointPackageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package
StartingPointPackage::setInstallerOptions() — Method in class StartingPointPackage
$ Cloner#siteServiceProperty in class Cloner
ClonerOptions::setKeepOriginalAuthor() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the original author be kept?

ClonerOptions::setForceUnapproved() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Mark the copied data as not approved?

ClonerOptions::setCopyAttributes() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the collection version attributes be copied?

ClonerOptions::setCopyPageTypeComposerOutputBlocks() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the page type composer output block records be copied?

ClonerOptions::setCopyCustomStyles() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the custom theme styles be copied?

ClonerOptions::setCopyContents() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Should the collection version contents (blocks/areas/...) be copied?

ClonerOptions::setVersionComments() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Set the version comments (if empty string, automatically build it).

Collection::setAttribute() — Method in class Collection

Set the attribute value for the currently loaded collection version.

Collection::setCustomStyleSet() — Method in class Collection

Set the custom style of an area in the currently loaded collection version.

EditResponse::setVersionList() — Method in class EditResponse
Event::setCollectionVersionObject() — Method in class Event
GlobalVersionList::sortByDateApprovedDesc() — Method in class GlobalVersionList

Sort by approval date in descending order.

Version::setComment() — Method in class Version

Set the collection version comments.

Version::setPublishDate() — Method in class Version

Set the scheduled date/time when the collection is published: start.

Version::setPublishEndDate() — Method in class Version

Set the scheduled date/time when the collection is published: end.

Version::setPublishInterval() — Method in class Version

Set the scheduled date/time when the collection is published.

CopyPageCommand::setDestinationPageID() — Method in class CopyPageCommand
DeletePageCommand::setUserID() — Method in class DeletePageCommand
PageSelectInstance::setAccessToken() — Method in class PageSelectInstance
$ ContainerCommandValidator#stringValidatorProperty in class ContainerCommandValidator
ContainerBlockInstance::startRender() — Method in class ContainerBlockInstance

Runs when the file is about to be included.

DashboardAttributesPageController::sort_attribute_set() — Method in class DashboardAttributesPageController

Sort the attributes belinging to a set, reading the data from the request.

DashboardPageController::setBreadcrumb() — Method in class DashboardPageController
$ DashboardSitePageController#siteProperty in class DashboardSitePageController
$ PageController#supportsPageCacheProperty in class PageController
PageController::supportsPageCache() — Method in class PageController
PageController::setCustomRequestPath() — Method in class PageController

Set the custom request path (useful when replacing controllers).

PageController::setupRequestActionAndParameters() — Method in class PageController
PageController::setPassThruBlockController() — Method in class PageController
PageController::setBlockController() — Method in class PageController
$ CustomStyle#sccRecordIDProperty in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::setThemeID() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::setValueListID() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::setPresetHandle() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomStyle::setCustomCssRecordID() — Method in class CustomStyle
DisplayOrderUpdateEvent::setOldDisplayOrder() — Method in class DisplayOrderUpdateEvent
DisplayOrderUpdateEvent::setNewDisplayOrder() — Method in class DisplayOrderUpdateEvent
DuplicatePageEvent::setNewPageObject() — Method in class DuplicatePageEvent
EditResponse::setPage() — Method in class EditResponse
EditResponse::setPages() — Method in class EditResponse
Event::setUser() — Method in class Event
Event::setRequest() — Method in class Event
FeedEvent::setRequest() — Method in class FeedEvent
FeedEvent::setPageObject() — Method in class FeedEvent
FeedEvent::setFeedObject() — Method in class FeedEvent
FeedEvent::setWriterObject() — Method in class FeedEvent
$ HandleGenerator#stringsProperty in class HandleGenerator
MovePageEvent::setNewParentPageObject() — Method in class MovePageEvent
MovePageEvent::setOldParentPageObject() — Method in class MovePageEvent
$ Page#siteTreeProperty in class Page
$ Page#siteTreeIDProperty in class Page

The site tree ID.

Page::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Page
Page::setChildPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Page
Page::setController() — Method in class Page

Set the page controller.

Page::setCanonicalPagePath() — Method in class Page

Set the canonical page path for a page.

Page::setTheme() — Method in class Page

Set the theme of this page.

Page::setThemeSkin() — Method in class Page

Set the theme skin of this page.

Page::setPageType() — Method in class Page

Set the theme for a page using the page object.

Page::setPermissionsInheritanceToTemplate() — Method in class Page

Set the permissions of sub-collections added beneath this permissions to inherit from the template.

Page::setPermissionsInheritanceToOverride() — Method in class Page

Set the permissions of sub-collections added beneath this permissions to inherit from the parent.

Page::setPermissionsToManualOverride() — Method in class Page

Set this page permissions to be manually specified.

Page::setOverrideTemplatePermissions() — Method in class Page

Are template permissions overriden?

Page::setPageToDraft() — Method in class Page

Mark this page as non draft.

Page::setPageIndexScore() — Method in class Page

Set the page index score (used by a PageList for instance).

Page::setPageDraftTargetParentPageID() — Method in class Page

Set the ID of the draft parent page ID.

$ PageList#siteTreeProperty in class PageList
PageList::setSiteTreeObject() — Method in class PageList
PageList::setSiteTreeToAll() — Method in class PageList
PageList::setSiteTreeToCurrent() — Method in class PageList
PageList::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class PageList
PageList::setPageVersionToRetrieve() — Method in class PageList
PageList::sortByDisplayOrder() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by display order.

PageList::sortByDisplayOrderDescending() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by display order descending.

PageList::sortByDateModified() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by date modified ascending.

PageList::sortByDateModifiedDescending() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by date modified descending.

PageList::sortByCollectionIDAscending() — Method in class PageList

Sorts by ID in ascending order.

PageList::sortByPublicDate() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by public date ascending order.

PageList::sortByName() — Method in class PageList

Sorts by name in ascending order.

PageList::sortByNameDescending() — Method in class PageList

Sorts by name in descending order.

PageList::sortByPublicDateDescending() — Method in class PageList

Sorts this list by public date descending order.

PageList::sortByRelevance() — Method in class PageList

Sorts by fulltext relevance (requires that the query be fulltext-based.

PageList::selectDistinct() — Method in class PageList
PagePathEvent::setPagePath() — Method in class PagePathEvent
SiblingFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Relation\Formatter
SitemapDisplayOrderColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet\Column
SiteFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
SiteLocaleFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
$ PageIndexer#searchProperty in class PageIndexer
$ IndexedSearch#searchBatchSizeProperty in class IndexedSearch
$ IndexedSearch#searchReindexTimeoutProperty in class IndexedSearch
$ IndexedSearch#searchableAreaNamesProperty in class IndexedSearch
SearchProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search
SingleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page

SinglePage extends the page class for those instances of pages that have no type, and are special "single pages" within the system.

Single::sanitizePath() — Method in class Single
DeprecatedPageListGenerator::setDeprecatedChecker() — Method in class DeprecatedPageListGenerator
SitemapElementClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Element
SitemapFooterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Element
SitemapHeaderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Element
SitemapHeader::setIsMultilingual() — Method in class SitemapHeader

Is multilingual supported?

SitemapPageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Element
$ SitemapPage#skipProperty in class SitemapPage

Should this page be skipped?

SitemapPage::setUrl() — Method in class SitemapPage

Set the URL of the page.

SitemapPage::setLastModifiedAt() — Method in class SitemapPage

Set the last modification date/time.

SitemapPage::setChangeFrequency() — Method in class SitemapPage

Set the page change frequency.

SitemapPage::setPriority() — Method in class SitemapPage

Set the page priority.

SitemapPage::setSkip() — Method in class SitemapPage

Should this page be skipped?

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Element
$ SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage#sectionProperty in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

The multilingual section associated to this alternative page.

$ SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage#skipProperty in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Should this alternative be skipped?

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::setUrl() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Set the URL of the alternative page.

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::setSkip() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Should this alternative be skipped?

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::setOverriddenHrefLang() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Set the overridden hreflang value.

DeprecatedPageReadyEvent::setNode() — Method in class DeprecatedPageReadyEvent

Replace the sitemap XML node (use NULL to skip this node).

ElementReadyEvent::setElement() — Method in class ElementReadyEvent

Replace the sitemap element (use NULL to skip a page).

XmlReadyEvent::setDocument() — Method in class XmlReadyEvent

Replace the sitemap XML document.

$ PageListGenerator#siteProperty in class PageListGenerator
PageListGenerator::setSite() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Set the currently used site.

SitemapGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap

Class to be used to generate the elements to be included in a sitemap.xml file.

$ SitemapGenerator#sitemapChangeFrequencyAttributeKeyProperty in class SitemapGenerator
$ SitemapGenerator#sitemapPriorityAttributeKeyProperty in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::setPageListGenerator() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::setResolverManager() — Method in class SitemapGenerator
SitemapGenerator::setCustomSiteCanonicalUrl() — Method in class SitemapGenerator

Set the custom canonical URL for the site.

SitemapWriterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap
$ SitemapWriter#sitemapGeneratorProperty in class SitemapWriter
SitemapWriter::setMode() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Set the write mode.

SitemapWriter::setIndenter() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Set the string used to indent the XML when the mode is set to MODE_LOWMEMORY.

SitemapWriter::setLineTerminator() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Get the string used as new-line terminator in the XML when the mode is set to MODE_LOWMEMORY.

SitemapWriter::setSitemapGenerator() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Set the SitemapGenerator instance to be used.

SitemapWriter::setOutputFilename() — Method in class SitemapWriter

Set the path to the sitemap to be generated.

Folder::setChildPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Folder
Folder::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Folder
$ Pile#stateProperty in class Pile
StackClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack

Class Stack.

Stack::setMultilingualSection() — Method in class Stack

Mark this stack as a localized version.

StackCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack
StackCategory::setPage() — Method in class StackCategory
StackListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack
StackList::setFoldersFirst() — Method in class StackList

Should we list stack folders first?

StatisticsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommand::setTemplateIDs() — Method in class EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommand
Template::sort() — Method in class Template
ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommand::setPage() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommand
$ ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand#stylesProperty in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand

The styles data as posted by the customizer

ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand::setThemeID() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand::setPresetStartingPoint() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand::setCustomCss() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand::setStyles() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
$ ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler#styleValueListFactoryProperty in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler
$ CreateCustomSkinCommand#skinNameProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
$ CreateCustomSkinCommand#stylesProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommand

The styles data as posted by the customizer

CreateCustomSkinCommand::setSkinName() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::setCustomCss() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::setThemeID() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::setAuthorID() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::setPresetStartingPoint() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
CreateCustomSkinCommand::setStyles() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
$ CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler#styleValueListFactoryProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler
DeleteCustomSkinCommand::setCustomSkin() — Method in class DeleteCustomSkinCommand
GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand::setCustomSkin() — Method in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand
GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand::setThemeID() — Method in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand
$ GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler#styleValueListFactoryProperty in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler
$ ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommand#siteProperty in class ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommand
ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommand::setSite() — Method in class ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommand
$ ResetPageThemeSkinsCommand#siteProperty in class ResetPageThemeSkinsCommand
ResetPageThemeSkinsCommand::setSite() — Method in class ResetPageThemeSkinsCommand
$ ResetSiteThemeSkinCommand#siteProperty in class ResetSiteThemeSkinCommand
ResetSiteThemeSkinCommand::setSite() — Method in class ResetSiteThemeSkinCommand
$ ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandler#siteServiceProperty in class ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandler
SkinCommandValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
$ UpdateCustomSkinCommand#stylesProperty in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand

The styles data as posted by the customizer

UpdateCustomSkinCommand::setCustomSkin() — Method in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand
UpdateCustomSkinCommand::setCustomCss() — Method in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand
UpdateCustomSkinCommand::setStyles() — Method in class UpdateCustomSkinCommand
$ UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler#styleValueListFactoryProperty in class UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler
BedrockDocumentationPage::setName() — Method in class BedrockDocumentationPage
CustomThemeDocumentationPage::setContentFile() — Method in class CustomThemeDocumentationPage
ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage::setChildPages() — Method in class ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage
ThemeDocumentationPage::setName() — Method in class ThemeDocumentationPage
ThemeDocumentationPage::setContentFile() — Method in class ThemeDocumentationPage
File::setFilename() — Method in class File

Sets the filename of this object to the passed parameter.

File::setType() — Method in class File

Sets the type of file for this object to one of the constants.

GridFramework::supportsNesting() — Method in class GridFramework
Bootstrap3::supportsNesting() — Method in class Bootstrap3
Bootstrap4::supportsNesting() — Method in class Bootstrap4
Bootstrap5::supportsNesting() — Method in class Bootstrap5
Foundation::supportsNesting() — Method in class Foundation
$ Theme#stylesheetCachePathProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#stylesheetCacheRelativePathProperty in class Theme
Theme::supportsThemeDocumentation() — Method in class Theme

Checks to see whether the capability of theme documentation exists for this theme.

Theme::setThemeURL() — Method in class Theme

Set the URL prefix of the assets provided by this theme.

Theme::setThemeDirectory() — Method in class Theme

Set the absolute path of the theme folder.

Theme::setThemeHandle() — Method in class Theme

Set the handle of this theme.

Theme::setStylesheetCachePath() — Method in class Theme

Set the absolute path of a directory where the CSS stylesheet files should be stored.

Theme::setStylesheetCacheRelativePath() — Method in class Theme

Set the path of a directory where the CSS stylesheet files should be stored, relative to the website root directory.

Theme::supportsGridFramework() — Method in class Theme

Does this theme support a grid framework?

Theme::supportsFeature() — Method in class Theme
ThemeRouteCollection::setThemeByRoute() — Method in class ThemeRouteCollection

Used by the theme_paths and site_theme_paths files in config/ to hard coded certain paths to various themes.

ThemeRouteCollection::setThemesByRoutes() — Method in class ThemeRouteCollection
TimedContentPermissionRecord::setPermissionKeyObject() — Method in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
TimedContentPermissionRecord::setDurationObject() — Method in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
TimedContentPermissionRecord::setAccessEntityObject() — Method in class TimedContentPermissionRecord
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::setPageTypeDefaultPageID() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::setPageID() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::setCollectionVersionID() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::setBlocksToUpdate() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::setBlocksToAdd() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
BlockControl::setBlockTypeID() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::shouldPageTypeComposerControlStripEmptyValuesFromPage() — Method in class BlockControl
BlockControl::setPageTypeComposerControlBlockObject() — Method in class BlockControl
CollectionAttributeControl::setAttributeKeyID() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
CollectionAttributeControl::shouldPageTypeComposerControlStripEmptyValuesFromPage() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
Control::shouldPageTypeComposerControlStripEmptyValuesFromPage() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageTypeComposerControlName() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageTypeComposerFormControlRequired() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageTypeComposerControlCustomLabel() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageTypeComposerControlDescription() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageObject() — Method in class Control
Control::setTargetParentPageID() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageTypeComposerControlIconSRC() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageTypeComposerControlIconFormatter() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageTypeComposerControlIdentifier() — Method in class Control
Control::setPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject() — Method in class Control
CorePageProperty::shouldPageTypeComposerControlStripEmptyValuesFromPage() — Method in class CorePageProperty
CorePageProperty::setCorePagePropertyHandle() — Method in class CorePageProperty
FormElementControllerInterface::setPageTypeObject() — Method in class FormElementControllerInterface
FormElementControllerInterface::setPageObject() — Method in class FormElementControllerInterface
FormElementControllerInterface::setTargetPageObject() — Method in class FormElementControllerInterface
FormLayoutSetControl::setPageObject() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::setTargetParentPageID() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
Event::setPageType() — Method in class Event
$ AllConfiguration#selectorFormFactorProperty in class AllConfiguration
$ AllConfiguration#startingPointPageProperty in class AllConfiguration
AllConfiguration::setSelectorFormFactor() — Method in class AllConfiguration
AllConfiguration::setStartingPointPageID() — Method in class AllConfiguration
$ PageTypeConfiguration#selectorFormFactorProperty in class PageTypeConfiguration
$ PageTypeConfiguration#startingPointPageProperty in class PageTypeConfiguration
PageTypeConfiguration::setPageTypeID() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
PageTypeConfiguration::setSelectorFormFactor() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
PageTypeConfiguration::setStartingPointPageID() — Method in class PageTypeConfiguration
ParentPageConfiguration::setParentPageID() — Method in class ParentPageConfiguration
SaverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Saver
SaverInterface::saveForm() — Method in class SaverInterface
SaverInterface::setPageTypeObject() — Method in class SaverInterface
StandardSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Saver
StandardSaver::setPageTypeObject() — Method in class StandardSaver
StandardSaver::saveForm() — Method in class StandardSaver
Type::setChildPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Type
Type::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Type
Type::stripEmptyPageTypeComposerControls() — Method in class Type
Type::savePageTypeComposerForm() — Method in class Type
Type::setConfiguredPageTypePublishTargetObject() — Method in class Type
StandardValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Validator
StandardValidator::setPageTypeObject() — Method in class StandardValidator
ValidatorInterface::setPageTypeObject() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
PageView::setupRender() — Method in class PageView
PageView::startRender() — Method in class PageView
PageView::section() — Method in class PageView
PageView::setCustomPageTheme() — Method in class PageView
PageView::setCustomPreviewRequest() — Method in class PageView
PageDesignPreviewRequest::setPageTemplate() — Method in class PageDesignPreviewRequest
PageDesignPreviewRequest::setTheme() — Method in class PageDesignPreviewRequest
SkinPreviewRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\View\Preview
$ SkinPreviewRequest#skinProperty in class SkinPreviewRequest
SkinPreviewRequest::setSkin() — Method in class SkinPreviewRequest
ThemeCustomizerRequest::setCustomCss() — Method in class ThemeCustomizerRequest
Access::setListItems() — Method in class Access
Access::setPermissionKey() — Method in class Access
Access::save() — Method in class Access
AddBlockBlockTypeAccess::save() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeAccess
AddBlockToAreaAreaAccess::save() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaAccess
AddConversationMessageConversationAccess::save() — Method in class AddConversationMessageConversationAccess
AddFileFileFolderAccess::save() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderAccess
AddSubpagePageAccess::save() — Method in class AddSubpagePageAccess
EditPagePropertiesPageAccess::save() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageAccess
EditPageThemePageAccess::save() — Method in class EditPageThemePageAccess
EditUserPropertiesUserAccess::save() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserAccess
Entity::setAccessEntityTypeID() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setAccessEntityTypeHandle() — Method in class Entity
Entity::setAccessEntityID() — Method in class Entity
SiteGroupEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
$ SiteGroupEntity#siteGroupProperty in class SiteGroupEntity
AddBlockBlockTypeListItem::setBlockTypesAllowedPermission() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeListItem
AddBlockBlockTypeListItem::setBlockTypesAllowedArray() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeListItem
AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem::setBlockTypesAllowedPermission() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem
AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem::setBlockTypesAllowedArray() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaListItem
AddConversationMessageConversationListItem::setNewConversationMessageApprovalStatus() — Method in class AddConversationMessageConversationListItem
AddFileFileFolderListItem::setFileTypesAllowedPermission() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderListItem
AddFileFileFolderListItem::setFileTypesAllowedArray() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderListItem
AddSubpagePageListItem::setPageTypesAllowedPermission() — Method in class AddSubpagePageListItem
AddSubpagePageListItem::setPageTypesAllowedArray() — Method in class AddSubpagePageListItem
AddSubpagePageListItem::setAllowExternalLinks() — Method in class AddSubpagePageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::setAttributesAllowedPermission() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::setAttributesAllowedArray() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::setAllowEditName() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::setAllowEditDateTime() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::setAllowEditUserID() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::setAllowEditDescription() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPagePropertiesPageListItem::setAllowEditPaths() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageListItem
EditPageThemePageListItem::setThemesAllowedPermission() — Method in class EditPageThemePageListItem
EditPageThemePageListItem::setThemesAllowedArray() — Method in class EditPageThemePageListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAttributesAllowedPermission() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAttributesAllowedArray() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAllowEditUserName() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAllowEditEmail() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAllowEditPassword() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAllowEditAvatar() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAllowEditTimezone() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAllowEditDefaultLanguage() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
EditUserPropertiesUserListItem::setAllowEditHomeFileManagerFolderID() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserListItem
ListItem::setPermissionAccessID() — Method in class ListItem
ListItem::setAccessType() — Method in class ListItem
ListItem::setAccessEntityObject() — Method in class ListItem
ListItem::setPermissionDurationObject() — Method in class ListItem
$ NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem#subscriptionsAllowedPermissionProperty in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem::setSubscriptionsAllowedPermission() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem::setSubscriptionsAllowedArray() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationListItem
SinglePageListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
SitemapListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
StackListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
ViewUserAttributesUserListItem::setAttributesAllowedPermission() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserListItem
ViewUserAttributesUserListItem::setAttributesAllowedArray() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserListItem
NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationAccess::save() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationAccess
SinglePageAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
SiteAccessInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
SitemapAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
StackAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
ViewUserAttributesUserAccess::save() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserAccess
WorkflowAccess::setWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class WorkflowAccess
AssignableObjectInterface::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class AssignableObjectInterface
AssignableObjectInterface::setChildPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class AssignableObjectInterface
$ AreaAssignment#stackAssignmentProperty in class AreaAssignment

In case of stacks & global areas, this will contain the Assignment of its collection.

AreaAssignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class AreaAssignment

Set the object of the permission (for example, a Page instance).

AreaAssignment::setPermissionKeyObject() — Method in class AreaAssignment
Assignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class Assignment

Set the object of the permission (for example, a Page instance).

Assignment::setPermissionKeyObject() — Method in class Assignment
BlockAssignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class BlockAssignment
BoardAssignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class BoardAssignment
CalendarAssignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class CalendarAssignment
ConversationAssignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class ConversationAssignment

Set the object of the permission (for example, a Page instance).

FileAssignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class FileAssignment
GroupTreeNodeAssignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class GroupTreeNodeAssignment
PageTimedAssignment::setPermissionKeyObject() — Method in class PageTimedAssignment
PageTimedAssignment::setDurationObject() — Method in class PageTimedAssignment
PageTimedAssignment::setAccessEntityObject() — Method in class PageTimedAssignment
SinglePageAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
SitemapAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
StackAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
StackAssignment::setPermissionKeyObject() — Method in class StackAssignment
TopicTreeNodeAssignment::setPermissionObject() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeAssignment
GenericTaskHandler::savePermission() — Method in class GenericTaskHandler
ObjectTaskHandler::savePermission() — Method in class ObjectTaskHandler
Duration::save() — Method in class Duration
BanIPEvent::setBanExpiration() — Method in class BanIPEvent

Set the ban expiration date/time (or null if not expiration).

IPService::signupRequestThreshholdReached() — Method in class IPService
IPService::signupRequestThresholdReached() — Method in class IPService
$ IpAccessControlService#siteProperty in class IpAccessControlService
Key::setPermissionObject() — Method in class Key

Set the object for which this permission is for (for example, a Page instance).

Key::setPermissionKeyHasCustomClass() — Method in class Key

Mark this permission key as having (or not) a custom class.

PageKey::setMultiplePageArray() — Method in class PageKey
SinglePageKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
SitemapKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
StackKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
Logger::shouldLogAssignment() — Method in class Logger
AbstractAssignment::setEntry() — Method in class AbstractAssignment
AbstractAssignment::setRegistry() — Method in class AbstractAssignment
StackFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object\Object
SiteFileFolderAccessRegistryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite\Access
SiteGroupEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite\Entry\Access\Entity
SiteGroupInstanceEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Multisite\Entry\Access\Entity
$ SiteGroupInstanceEntity#siteProperty in class SiteGroupInstanceEntity
Response::setPermissionObject() — Method in class Response

Sets the current permission object to the object provided, this object should implement the Permission ObjectInterface.

Response::setPermissionCategoryObject() — Method in class Response

Sets the current Permission Category object to an appropriate PermissionKeyCategory.

SinglePageResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
SiteResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
StackResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
SetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission
Set::setPermissionKeyCategory() — Method in class Set
Set::saveToSession() — Method in class Set
ApplicationRouteAction::setCallback() — Method in class ApplicationRouteAction
MatchedRoute::setRoute() — Method in class MatchedRoute
MatchedRoute::setArguments() — Method in class MatchedRoute
RedirectResponse::setRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse
RedirectResponse::setTargetUrl() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Route::setAction() — Method in class Route
Route::setCustomName() — Method in class Route

Sets the custom name. Note: if the route has already been added to the route collection you will want to use $route->updateName($name, $router) instead

Route::setScopes() — Method in class Route

Explicitly sets an OAuth2 scope to a route. This will be used if the route is consumed in an OAuth2 request.

RouteBuilder::setName() — Method in class RouteBuilder
$ RouteGroupBuilder#scopeProperty in class RouteGroupBuilder

Define one or more scope (comma-delimited) that apply to this route. Used with API routes.

RouteGroupBuilder::setPrefix() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::scope() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::setNamespace() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::setRequirements() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::sendFromGroupToRouter() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder
RouteMiddleware::setMiddleware() — Method in class RouteMiddleware
RouteMiddleware::setPriority() — Method in class RouteMiddleware
Router::setThemeByRoute() — Method in class Router
SystemRouteListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Routing
$ AbstractSearchProvider#sessionProperty in class AbstractSearchProvider
AbstractSearchProvider::setSessionCurrentQuery() — Method in class AbstractSearchProvider
$ Column#sortDirectionProperty in class Column
Column::setColumnDefaultSortDirection() — Method in class Column
Column::setColumnSortDirection() — Method in class Column
Column::sanitizeSortDirection() — Method in class Column

Normalize a sort direction to "asc" or "desc".

ColumnInterface::setColumnDefaultSortDirection() — Method in class ColumnInterface
PagerColumnInterface::setColumnSortDirection() — Method in class PagerColumnInterface
SetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
Set::setDefaultSortColumn() — Method in class Set
AbstractField::setData() — Method in class AbstractField
AttributeKeyField::setData() — Method in class AttributeKeyField
Group::setName() — Method in class Group

Set the group name.

Group::setFields() — Method in class Group

Set the fields belonging to this group.

AttributedItemList::setupAutomaticSorting() — Method in class AttributedItemList
$ ItemList#searchRequestProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#sortColumnParameterProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#sortDirectionParameterProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#sortByProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#sortByDirectionProperty in class ItemList
$ ItemList#sortBySearchColumnProperty in class ItemList
ItemList::sortBy() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::sortBySearchColumn() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::sanitizedSortBy() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::setItemsPerPage() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::setupAutomaticSorting() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::setNameSpace() — Method in class ItemList

Allow to modify the auto-pagination parameters and the auto-sorting parameters

ExpressEntryListPagerManager::sortListByCursor() — Method in class ExpressEntryListPagerManager

Adds a secondary sort query to an item list so that items that are sorted by text criteria will paginate properly.

FileListPagerManager::sortListByCursor() — Method in class FileListPagerManager

Adds a secondary sort query to an item list so that items that are sorted by text criteria will paginate properly.

FolderItemListPagerManager::sortListByCursor() — Method in class FolderItemListPagerManager

Adds a secondary sort query to an item list so that items that are sorted by text criteria will paginate properly.

LogListPagerManager::sortListByCursor() — Method in class LogListPagerManager

Adds a secondary sort query to an item list so that items that are sorted by text criteria will paginate properly.

PageListPagerManager::sortListByCursor() — Method in class PageListPagerManager

Adds a secondary sort query to an item list so that items that are sorted by text criteria will paginate properly.

PagerManagerInterface::sortListByCursor() — Method in class PagerManagerInterface

Adds a secondary sort query to an item list so that items that are sorted by text criteria will paginate properly.

UserGroupPagerManager::sortListByCursor() — Method in class UserGroupPagerManager
UserListPagerManager::sortListByCursor() — Method in class UserListPagerManager

Adds a secondary sort query to an item list so that items that are sorted by text criteria will paginate properly.

Pagination::setBaseURL() — Method in class Pagination
ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate::separator() — Method in class ConcreteCMSPagerTemplate
PermissionableListItemInterface::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class PermissionableListItemInterface
Response::setSearchResult() — Method in class Response
$ Column#sortURLProperty in class Column
Column::setColumnSortable() — Method in class Column
Column::setColumnKey() — Method in class Column
Column::setColumnTitle() — Method in class Column
Column::setColumnStyleClass() — Method in class Column
Column::setColumnSortURL() — Method in class Column
Result::setFilters() — Method in class Result
Result::setQuery() — Method in class Result
Result::setBreadcrumb() — Method in class Result
Result::setBaseURL() — Method in class Result
SearchServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search
SessionQueryProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search
SessionQueryProviderInterface::setSessionCurrentQuery() — Method in class SessionQueryProviderInterface
StickyRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search
ApacheStorage::setFilesystem() — Method in class ApacheStorage

Set the Filesystem to use.

StorageInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Configuration
$ Apache#storage_classProperty in class Apache

The class to use to read/write options.

$ Nginx#storage_classProperty in class Nginx

The class to use to read/write options.

ServiceManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Manager
$ ServiceManager#servicesProperty in class ServiceManager
ServiceManagerServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service\Manager
Option::setValue() — Method in class Option

Set the option value.

ServiceInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Service
SessionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session

Class Session.

Session::setApplicationObject() — Method in class Session

DO NOT USE THIS METHOD Instead override the application bindings.

Session::start() — Method in class Session
SessionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session

Class SessionFactory Base concrete5 session factory.

SessionFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session

Interface FactoryInterface An object that can create symfony sessions.

SessionServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session
SessionValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session

Class SessionValidator Base concrete5 session validator, validates the IP and the agent across requests.

SessionValidator::shouldValidateUserActivity() — Method in class SessionValidator
SessionValidator::shouldCompareIP() — Method in class SessionValidator
SessionValidator::shouldCompareAgent() — Method in class SessionValidator
SessionValidator::setLogger() — Method in class SessionValidator

Sets a logger instance on the object.

SessionValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Session
LoggedStorage::start() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Starts the session.

LoggedStorage::setId() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Sets the session ID.

LoggedStorage::setName() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Sets the session name.

LoggedStorage::save() — Method in class LoggedStorage

Force the session to be saved and closed.

ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Sharing\ShareThisPage
ServiceListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Sharing\ShareThisPage
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Sharing\SocialNetwork
$ Service#ssHandleProperty in class Service
$ Service#ssNameProperty in class Service
$ Service#ssIconProperty in class Service
ServiceListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Sharing\SocialNetwork
DatabaseConfigSaver::saveFromRequest() — Method in class DatabaseConfigSaver
SaverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation
SaverInterface::saveFromRequest() — Method in class SaverInterface
SiteInformationSaverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation
SiteInformationSaver::saveFromRequest() — Method in class SiteInformationSaver
SiteInformationSurveyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation
SurveyInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\SiteInformation
$ Liaison#siteProperty in class Liaison
$ InstallationService#siteServiceProperty in class InstallationService
$ InstallationService#siteTypeServiceProperty in class InstallationService
SiteListControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Menu\Item
$ SiteListController#serviceProperty in class SiteListController
SiteListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Menu\Item
$ MultisiteDriver#selectorProperty in class MultisiteDriver
$ Resolver#serviceProperty in class Resolver
StandardDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Resolver
SelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site
$ Selector#sessionProperty in class Selector
Selector::saveSiteToSession() — Method in class Selector
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site
$ Service#siteTypeServiceProperty in class Service
Service::setEntityManager() — Method in class Service
Service::setCache() — Method in class Service
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site
SiteAggregateInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site
SiteEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site
$ SiteEvent#siteProperty in class SiteEvent
SiteListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site
$ Manager#standardControllerProperty in class Manager
Manager::setStandardController() — Method in class Manager
StandardControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type\Controller
$ StandardController#skeletonServiceProperty in class StandardController
OptionsFormController::setupController() — Method in class OptionsFormController
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type
$ Service#skeletonServiceProperty in class Service
$ Service#siteTypeFactoryProperty in class Service
$ Service#siteTypeControllerManagerProperty in class Service
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Type\Skeleton
$ Service#siteTypeCategoryProperty in class Service
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\User\Group
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Statistics\UsageTracker
SkinCustomizationsManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizations
Customizer::setTheme() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::setConfigurationFile() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::setType() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::supportsCustomSkins() — Method in class Customizer
Customizer::supportsPageCustomization() — Method in class Customizer
LegacyCustomizerType::supportsCustomSkins() — Method in class LegacyCustomizerType
LegacyCustomizerType::supportsPageCustomization() — Method in class LegacyCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizer\Type
SkinCustomizerType::setLanguage() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::supportsCustomSkins() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
SkinCustomizerType::supportsPageCustomization() — Method in class SkinCustomizerType
TypeInterface::supportsCustomSkins() — Method in class TypeInterface
TypeInterface::supportsPageCustomization() — Method in class TypeInterface
StyleSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Inline
StyleSet::sanitizeCssClasses() — Method in class StyleSet
ImageVariable::setName() — Method in class ImageVariable
ImageVariable::setUrl() — Method in class ImageVariable
ImageVariable::setFileID() — Method in class ImageVariable
$ NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory#serializerProperty in class NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory
NumberVariable::setNumber() — Method in class NumberVariable
NumberVariable::setUnit() — Method in class NumberVariable
ScssNormalizerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
ScssNormalizerCompilerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
Preset::setTheme() — Method in class Preset
ScssDirectoryPresetTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preset\Type
$ LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler#styleValueListFactoryProperty in class LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler
StandardPreviewHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preview
$ StandardPreviewHandler#styleValueListFactoryProperty in class StandardPreviewHandler
ScssProcessorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Processor
SetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer
$ Set#stylesProperty in class Set

The list of styles associated to this set.

Set::setName() — Method in class Set

Set the name of the style customizer set.

PresetSkin::setTheme() — Method in class PresetSkin
SkinFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Skin
SkinInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Skin
StyleListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer
$ StyleList#setsProperty in class StyleList

The list of the style sets.

StyleListFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer
CustomizerVariable::setVariable() — Method in class CustomizerVariable
CustomizerVariable::setValue() — Method in class CustomizerVariable
$ GroupedStyleValueList#setsProperty in class GroupedStyleValueList
GroupedStyleValueListSet::setName() — Method in class GroupedStyleValueListSet
SizeStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Legacy
SizeParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser\Legacy
SizeParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
SizeStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
StyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
Style::setName() — Method in class Style

Set the name of this style.

Style::setVariable() — Method in class Style

Set the name of the associated CSS variable.

StyleInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
StyleValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
$ StyleValue#styleProperty in class StyleValue
StyleValueListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style

Class StyleValueList Responsible for joining the styles found in a theme's styles.xml file with the actual values they have in a particular context.

StyleValueListFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style

Responsible for creating style value lists from a variable collection.

ColorValue::setRed() — Method in class ColorValue

Set the value of the red channel.

ColorValue::setGreen() — Method in class ColorValue

Set the value of the green channel.

ColorValue::setBlue() — Method in class ColorValue

Set the value of the blue channel.

ColorValue::setAlpha() — Method in class ColorValue

Set the value of the alpha channel.

FontFamilyValue::setFontFamily() — Method in class FontFamilyValue
FontStyleValue::setFontStyle() — Method in class FontStyleValue
FontWeightValue::setFontWeight() — Method in class FontWeightValue
ImageValue::setImageURL() — Method in class ImageValue
ImageValue::setImageFileID() — Method in class ImageValue
SizeValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ SizeValue#sizeProperty in class SizeValue

The numeric amount of the size.

SizeValue::setSize() — Method in class SizeValue

Set the numeric amount of the size.

SizeValue::setUnit() — Method in class SizeValue

Set the unit of the size.

TextDecorationValue::setTextDecoration() — Method in class TextDecorationValue
TextTransformValue::setTextTransform() — Method in class TextTransformValue
$ ValueContainerTrait#styleValuesProperty in class ValueContainerTrait
WebFontCollectionStyleTrait::setWebFonts() — Method in class WebFontCollectionStyleTrait
StylesheetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer
$ Stylesheet#sourceUriRootProperty in class Stylesheet
$ Stylesheet#stylesheetProperty in class Stylesheet
Stylesheet::setVariableCollection() — Method in class Stylesheet
WebFont::setName() — Method in class WebFont
WebFont::setType() — Method in class WebFont
AuthorDataFieldData::setData() — Method in class AuthorDataFieldData
DataFieldData::setData() — Method in class DataFieldData
ImageDataFieldData::setData() — Method in class ImageDataFieldData
LinkDataFieldData::setData() — Method in class LinkDataFieldData
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary
SummaryObjectClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary
SummaryObject::setData() — Method in class SummaryObject
SummaryObjectExtractorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary

Responsible for extracting all data fields from a Collection object. Primarily exists in order to handle lazy loading and more exotic data field use cases.

SummaryObjectInspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary

Responsible for getting the category member from a summary object.

SummaryObjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary
SummaryObjectInterface::setData() — Method in class SummaryObjectInterface
$ Renderer#serializerProperty in class Renderer
$ Renderer#summaryObjectExtractorProperty in class Renderer
$ Renderer#summaryObjectInspectorProperty in class Renderer
Renderer::summaryObjectSupportsTemplate() — Method in class Renderer
$ TemplateLocator#siteServiceProperty in class TemplateLocator
PhpFixer::splitPathToPathAndFlags() — Method in class PhpFixer
PhpFixer::splitFileToPathAndFlags() — Method in class PhpFixer
PhpFixer::splitDirectoryToPathAndFlags() — Method in class PhpFixer
PhpFixerOptions::setWebRoot() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the absolute path to the web root directory.

PhpFixerOptions::setFilterByExtensions() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the list of file extensions to be parsed.

PhpFixerOptions::setFilterIncludeFiles() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the list of additional files (relative to the webroot) to be parsed.

PhpFixerOptions::setIgnoredDirectoriesByName() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the directory names that should not be parsed.

PhpFixerOptions::setIgnoredDirectoriesByPath() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that should not be parsed (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::setBootstrapFiles() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that are executed before checking the PHP version.

PhpFixerOptions::setPhpOnlyNonPsr4Files() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::setPhpOnlyNonPsr4Directories() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that don't follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::setPhpOnlyPsr4Files() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the file paths (relative to the webroot) that only contain PHP and that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::setPhpOnlyPsr4Directories() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the directory paths (relative to the webroot) that contain PHP-only files that follow PSR-4 class names (allowed placeholders: ).

PhpFixerOptions::setIsCacheDisabled() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Is the fixers cache disabled.

PhpFixerOptions::setMinimumPhpVersion() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Set the minimum PHP version.

$ PhpFixerRunner#stepsProperty in class PhpFixerRunner
Facade::setFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade

Set the application instance.

SessionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
SiteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
StackFolderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
JSConstantGenerator::setConstants() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
JSConstantGenerator::scanSourceTree() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
ShortTagExpanderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support
$ PhpDocGenerator#singleDocBlockProperty in class PhpDocGenerator

Insert the variable definitions in the same PHPDoc block?

PhpDocGenerator::setIsInsideNamespace() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Are we generating PHPDoc to be placed inside a namespace?

PhpDocGenerator::setIndentation() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Set the indentation.

PhpDocGenerator::setIsSingleDocBlock() — Method in class PhpDocGenerator

Insert the variable definitions in the same PHPDoc block?

SymbolGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Symbol
$ Info#serverSoftwareProperty in class Info
$ Info#serverAPIProperty in class Info
MutexTrait::setTemporaryDirectory() — Method in class MutexTrait

Set the temporary directory.

SemaphoreMutexClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System\Mutex
$ SemaphoreMutex#semaphoresProperty in class SemaphoreMutex
SystemServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System
SystemUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\System
Node::setTree() — Method in class Node
Node::setTreeNodeName() — Method in class Node
Node::selectChildrenNodesByID() — Method in class Node

Recursively searches for a children node and marks it as selected.

Node::setChildPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Node
Node::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Node
Node::setTreeNodePermissionsToGlobal() — Method in class Node
Node::setTreeNodePermissionsToOverride() — Method in class Node
Node::setTreeNodeTreeID() — Method in class Node
Node::saveChildOrder() — Method in class Node
$ ExpressEntrySiteResults#siteIDProperty in class ExpressEntrySiteResults
ExpressEntrySiteResults::setTreeNodeSite() — Method in class ExpressEntrySiteResults
File::setTreeNodeFile() — Method in class File
FileFolder::setTreeNodeStorageLocation() — Method in class FileFolder
FileFolder::setTreeNodeStorageLocationID() — Method in class FileFolder
SavedSearchListFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Formatter
Group::setTreeNodeGroup() — Method in class Group
$ GroupFolder#selectedGroupTypesProperty in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::setContains() — Method in class GroupFolder
GroupFolder::setSelectedGroupTypes() — Method in class GroupFolder
SearchPresetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
$ SearchPreset#savedSearchIDProperty in class SearchPreset
SearchPreset::setTreeNodeSavedSearch() — Method in class SearchPreset
Tree::setSelectedTreeNodeIDs() — Method in class Tree
Tree::setRequest() — Method in class Tree
Topic::setTopicTreeName() — Method in class Topic
$ Diagnostic#statusProperty in class Diagnostic
Diagnostic::setRequestedVersion() — Method in class Diagnostic
Diagnostic::setUpdateStatusObject() — Method in class Diagnostic
MarketplaceItemStatus::setMarketplaceItemID() — Method in class MarketplaceItemStatus
MarketplaceItemStatus::setMarketplaceItemHandle() — Method in class MarketplaceItemStatus
StatusClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\ApplicationUpdate
$ Status#statusProperty in class Status
$ Status#safetyProperty in class Status
Status::setSafety() — Method in class Status
Status::setStatus() — Method in class Status
Version::setReleaseNotesURL() — Method in class Version
Version::setReleaseNotes() — Method in class Version
Version::setVersion() — Method in class Version
Version20160725000000::splittedTrackingCode() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::setupSinglePages() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20180716000000::setAndSaveConfig() — Method in class Version20180716000000
Version20200116115000::shouldUpdateCollectionVersions() — Method in class Version20200116115000

Should we update the CollectionVersions database table?

RemoteApplicationUpdate::setDirectDownloadURL() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdate::setIdentifier() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdate::setVersion() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdate::setDate() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
RemoteApplicationUpdate::setNotes() — Method in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
CallableUrlResolver::setResolver() — Method in class CallableUrlResolver
SeoCanonicalClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url

Helper class to work with SEO canonical URLs.

SeoCanonical::setPathArguments() — Method in class SeoCanonical

Set path arguments to append canonical URLs

Url::setPortIfNecessary() — Method in class Url
Url::sanitizeUrl() — Method in class Url

Overridden to allow paths be passed in and out

UrlImmutable::setPortIfNecessary() — Method in class UrlImmutable
UrlImmutable::sanitizeUrl() — Method in class UrlImmutable

Overridden to allow paths be passed in and out

AnonymousAvatar::setAlt() — Method in class AnonymousAvatar
$ AvatarService#siteServiceProperty in class AvatarService
$ Gravatar#sizeProperty in class Gravatar
StandardAvatarClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Avatar
UpdateUserAvatarCommand::setUser() — Method in class UpdateUserAvatarCommand
UpdateUserAvatarCommand::setAvatarFile() — Method in class UpdateUserAvatarCommand
AvatarCropperInstance::setAccessToken() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstance::setUploadUrl() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstance::setWidth() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
AvatarCropperInstance::setHeight() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstance
UserSelectInstance::setAccessToken() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstance::setIncludeAvatar() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstance::setLabelFormat() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
$ CsvWriter#statusProperty in class CsvWriter
EditResponse::setUser() — Method in class EditResponse
EditResponse::setUsers() — Method in class EditResponse
Logout::setResponse() — Method in class Logout

Set the response to be sent to clients after the logout process.

UserGroup::setGroupObject() — Method in class UserGroup
UserInfo::setApplier() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfoWithAttributes::setAttributes() — Method in class UserInfoWithAttributes
UserInfoWithPassword::setUserPassword() — Method in class UserInfoWithPassword
SessionExpiredExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception
AddGroupCommand::setPackageID() — Method in class AddGroupCommand
AddGroupCommand::setForcedNewGroupID() — Method in class AddGroupCommand
AddGroupCommandValidator::setCheckPermissions() — Method in class AddGroupCommandValidator
DeleteGroupCommand::setOnlyIfEmpty() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommand
DeleteGroupCommand::setExtendedResults() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommand
DeleteGroupCommand::setOnChildGroups() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommand
ExistingGroupTrait::setGroupID() — Method in class ExistingGroupTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::setName() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::setDescription() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::setIsBadge() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::setBadgeDescription() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::setParentGroupID() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
GroupDetailsTrait::setParentNodeID() — Method in class GroupDetailsTrait
EditResponse::setGroup() — Method in class EditResponse
EditResponse::setGroups() — Method in class EditResponse
$ FolderItemList#searchSubFoldersProperty in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::sortByNodeName() — Method in class FolderItemList
FolderItemList::sortByNodeType() — Method in class FolderItemList
Group::sendJoinRequest() — Method in class Group
Group::setOverrideGroupTypeSettings() — Method in class Group
Group::setGroupType() — Method in class Group
Group::setDefaultRole() — Method in class Group
Group::setThumbnailImage() — Method in class Group
Group::setPetitionForPublicEntry() — Method in class Group
Group::setBadgeOptions() — Method in class Group
Group::setAutomationOptions() — Method in class Group
Group::setGroupExpirationByDateTime() — Method in class Group
Group::setGroupExpirationByInterval() — Method in class Group
GroupList::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class GroupList
GroupList::setGroupRepository() — Method in class GroupList
GroupRole::setName() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupRole::setIsManager() — Method in class GroupRole
GroupType::setName() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::setPetitionForPublicEntry() — Method in class GroupType
GroupType::setDefaultRole() — Method in class GroupType
SearchProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Group\Search
LoginService::setUserClass() — Method in class LoginService

Change the user class used to validate the given credentials

PasswordUpgrade::setPasswordResetMessage() — Method in class PasswordUpgrade
CookieService::setCookie() — Method in class CookieService

Set (or delete) the authentication cookie.

CookieService::serializeCookieValue() — Method in class CookieService
$ PostLoginLocation#sessionProperty in class PostLoginLocation
$ PostLoginLocation#siteServiceProperty in class PostLoginLocation
PostLoginLocation::setSessionPostLoginUrl() — Method in class PostLoginLocation

Store in the session the post-login URL or page.

Limit::setEnabled() — Method in class Limit

Enable or disable Limits.

RegistrationService::stringToUsernameChunk() — Method in class RegistrationService
SearchProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search
StatisticsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
StatusServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
StatusService::sendEmailValidation() — Method in class StatusService
StatusServiceInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
StatusServiceInterface::sendEmailValidation() — Method in class StatusServiceInterface
$ User#superUserProperty in class User
User::setAuthTypeCookie() — Method in class User
User::setLastAuthType() — Method in class User
User::setUserDefaultLanguage() — Method in class User

Sets a default language for a user record.

User::saveConfig() — Method in class User
UserBannedIp::save() — Method in class UserBannedIp
UserInfo::setEntityObject() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::sendPrivateMessage() — Method in class UserInfo

Sent a private message.

UserInfo::setupValidation() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::saveUserAttributesForm() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::saveUserAttributesDefault() — Method in class UserInfo
UserList::setPermissionsChecker() — Method in class UserList
UserList::setIncludeEmailInKeywordSearch() — Method in class UserList
UserList::setIncludeAttributesInKeywordSearch() — Method in class UserList
UserList::setIncludeUsernameInKeywordSearch() — Method in class UserList
UserList::setUserInfoRepository() — Method in class UserList
UserList::sortByStatus() — Method in class UserList
UserList::sortByUserID() — Method in class UserList
UserList::sortByUserName() — Method in class UserList
UserList::sortByDateAdded() — Method in class UserList
UserList::setBaseQuery() — Method in class UserList
IPAddress::setIp() — Method in class IPAddress

Sets the current IP Address.

Arrays::set() — Method in class Arrays

Sets a value in an (multidimensional) array, creating the arrays recursivly.

Arrays::subset() — Method in class Arrays

Returns whether $a is a proper subset of $b.

Text::slugSafeString() — Method in class Text

Remove unsafe characters for URL slug.

Text::sanitize() — Method in class Text

Strips tags and optionally reduces string to specified length.

Text::specialchars() — Method in class Text

A concrete5 specific version of htmlspecialchars(). Double encoding is OFF, and the character set is set to your site's.

Text::shorten() — Method in class Text

An alias for shortText().

Text::shortText() — Method in class Text

Like sanitize, but requiring a certain number characters, and assuming a tail.

Text::sanitizeFileSystem() — Method in class Text
Text::shortenTextWord() — Method in class Text

Shortens and sanitizes a string but only cuts at word boundaries.

Url::setVariable() — Method in class Url
Url::shortenURL() — Method in class Url

Shortens a given url with the tiny url api.

StringsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Validation

Functions useful for validating strings.

Xml::serialize() — Method in class Xml
Xml::shouldUseCData() — Method in class Xml

Using a CDATA section is not mandatory: it'd be enough to call htmlentities(..., ENT_XML1).

BannedWord::setWord() — Method in class BannedWord
ServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validation\BannedWord
Service::setBannedWords() — Method in class Service
Response::setIsValid() — Method in class Response
Response::setErrorObject() — Method in class Response
SanitizeServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validation
SanitizeService::sanitizeString() — Method in class SanitizeService

Remove everything between < and > (or from < to the end of the string).

SanitizeService::sanitizeInt() — Method in class SanitizeService
SanitizeService::sanitizeURL() — Method in class SanitizeService
SanitizeService::sanitizeEmail() — Method in class SanitizeService
AbstractTranslatableValidator::setRequirementString() — Method in class AbstractTranslatableValidator

Set the requirement string to a mixed value.

AbstractTranslatableValidator::setErrorString() — Method in class AbstractTranslatableValidator

Set the error string to a string or to a closure.

ClosureValidator::setValidatorClosure() — Method in class ClosureValidator

Set the closure that handles validation.

ClosureValidator::setRequirementsClosure() — Method in class ClosureValidator

Set the closure that returns requirements.

$ EmailValidator#strictProperty in class EmailValidator

Should email address warnings be considered as errors?

EmailValidator::setTestMXRecord() — Method in class EmailValidator

Should we test the MX record to see if the domain is valid?

EmailValidator::setStrict() — Method in class EmailValidator

Should email address warnings be considered as errors?

MaximumLengthValidator::setMaximumLength() — Method in class MaximumLengthValidator

Set the maximum length allowed.

MinimumLengthValidator::setMinimumLength() — Method in class MinimumLengthValidator

Set the minimum length allowed.

RegexValidator::setPattern() — Method in class RegexValidator

Set the regex pattern.

TranslatableValidatorInterface::setRequirementString() — Method in class TranslatableValidatorInterface

Set the requirement string to a mixed value.

TranslatableValidatorInterface::setErrorString() — Method in class TranslatableValidatorInterface

Set the error string to a string or to a closure.

ValidatorManager::setValidator() — Method in class ValidatorManager

Add a validator to the stack.

ValidatorManagerInterface::setValidator() — Method in class ValidatorManagerInterface

Add a validator to the stack.

$ AbstractView#scopeItemsProperty in class AbstractView
AbstractView::setRequestInstance() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::start() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::startRender() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::setupRender() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::setController() — Method in class AbstractView
AbstractView::setViewTemplate() — Method in class AbstractView
BasicFileView::start() — Method in class BasicFileView
BasicFileView::setupRender() — Method in class BasicFileView
ErrorView::setupRender() — Method in class ErrorView
FileLocatorView::start() — Method in class FileLocatorView
FileLocatorView::setupRender() — Method in class FileLocatorView
View::setPackageHandle() — Method in class View
View::setInnerContentFile() — Method in class View
View::setViewRootDirectoryName() — Method in class View
View::setViewTheme() — Method in class View
View::start() — Method in class View

Begin the render.

View::setupRender() — Method in class View
View::startRender() — Method in class View
BasicWorkflow::setChildPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
BasicWorkflow::setPermissionsToOverride() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
BasicWorkflow::start() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Start the workflow.

$ Description#statusProperty in class Description
Description::setDescription() — Method in class Description
Description::setEmailDescription() — Method in class Description
Description::setInContextDescription() — Method in class Description
Description::setShortStatus() — Method in class Description
EmptyWorkflow::start() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Start the workflow.

HistoryEntry::setAction() — Method in class HistoryEntry
HistoryEntry::setRequesterUserID() — Method in class HistoryEntry
Action::setWorkflowProgressActionStyleClass() — Method in class Action
Action::setWorkflowProgressActionStyleInnerButtonLeftHTML() — Method in class Action
Action::setWorkflowProgressActionStyleInnerButtonRightHTML() — Method in class Action
Action::setWorkflowProgressActionLabel() — Method in class Action
Action::setWorkflowProgressActionTask() — Method in class Action
Action::setWorkflowProgressActionURL() — Method in class Action
Progress::setWorkflowProgressResponseObject() — Method in class Progress
Progress::start() — Method in class Progress

The function that is automatically run when a workflowprogress object is started.

Response::setWorkflowProgressResponseURL() — Method in class Response
SiteProgressInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress
SkippedResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress

Use this class to denote when a workflow can be approved immediately by the user requesting it, so it is effectively skipped Class SkippedResponse

ActivateUserRequest::setRequestAction() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ActivateUserRequest::sendActivationEmail() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ApprovePageRequest::setRequestedVersionID() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::scheduleVersion() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::shouldKeepOtherScheduling() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ApprovePageRequest::setKeepOtherScheduling() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
CalendarEventRequest::setCalendarEventVersionID() — Method in class CalendarEventRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::setPagePermissionsInheritance() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::setPagePermissionSet() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::setPagePermissionsInheritance() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
MovePageRequest::setRequestedTargetPage() — Method in class MovePageRequest
MovePageRequest::setSaveOldPagePath() — Method in class MovePageRequest
PageRequest::setRequestedPage() — Method in class PageRequest
PageRequest::setRequestedPageVersionID() — Method in class PageRequest
Request::setCurrentWorkflowProgressObject() — Method in class Request
Request::setRequesterUserID() — Method in class Request
Request::save() — Method in class Request
UnapprovePageRequest::setRequestedVersionID() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UserRequest::setRequestedUserID() — Method in class UserRequest
Workflow::start() — Method in class Workflow

Start the workflow.

Controller::saveConfigurationForm() — Method in class Controller

Save the configuration form.


Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
Controller::type_form() — Method in class Controller
$ AccordionEntry#titleProperty in class AccordionEntry
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#typesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#tagsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#tableNameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#tableDescriptionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#tableStripedProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#totalToRetrieveProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#totalPerPageProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#tableNameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#tableDescriptionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#tableStripedProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#thankyouMsgProperty in class Controller
TestFormClass in namespace Concrete\Block\ExternalForm\Form\Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#thankyouMsgProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#timeoutProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#trackerProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#thumbnailHeightProperty in class Controller

Thumbnail height.

$ Controller#thumbnailWidthProperty in class Controller

Thumbnail width.

$ Controller#truncateSummariesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#truncateCharsProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#topicTextFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#tagTextFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleTextProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller

Search title.

$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#targetCIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#topicAttributeKeyHandleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#topicTreeIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleFormatProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#titleProperty in class Controller
ThumbnailClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\File\Importer
ThumbnailerClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\File
$ Thumbnailer#thumbnailerProperty in class Thumbnailer
$ Messenger#tokenProperty in class Messenger
$ Messenger#transportManagerProperty in class Messenger
$ Alert#tokenProperty in class Alert
$ Processes#tokenProperty in class Processes
TasksClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
$ Tasks#tokenProperty in class Tasks
TreeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
$ Tree#treeProperty in class Tree
ThumbnailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
$ Form#typeProperty in class Form
$ KeyList#typesProperty in class KeyList
TextOptionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Express\Control
TopClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Dashboard\Navigation\Panel
$ Header#typeProperty in class Header
$ Menu#typeProperty in class Menu
ToastClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Files\Edit\ImageEditor
$ ConcreteThumbnailEditor#thumbnailProperty in class ConcreteThumbnailEditor
$ Menu#trailProperty in class Menu
$ Menu#titleProperty in class Menu
ThemeItemListClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Element\Package
AddMessage::trackMessage() — Method in class AddMessage
UpdateMessage::trackMessage() — Method in class UpdateMessage
Install::testAndRunInstall() — Method in class Install
Oauth2::token() — Method in class Oauth2
Dashboard::toggleFavorite() — Method in class Dashboard
$ AccessEntity#tokenProperty in class AccessEntity
TopicTreeNodeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
TreeNodeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
$ Stacks#themeViewTemplateProperty in class Stacks
TypesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Blocks
ThemesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Extend
TemplatesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages
ThemesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages
TypesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Pages
TopicsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Attributes
Topics::tree_added() — Method in class Topics
Topics::tree_deleted() — Method in class Topics
Topics::tree_edit() — Method in class Topics
TypesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Attributes
TasksClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Automation
TimezoneClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics
Geolocation::test_geolocator() — Method in class Geolocation
ImageUploading::test_manipulation_library() — Method in class ImageUploading
ThumbnailsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
TestClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Mail\Method
Copy::tree_copied() — Method in class Copy
TranslateInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Multilingual
TranslateInterface::translate_po() — Method in class TranslateInterface
TypesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Multisite
Events::test_connection() — Method in class Events
TasksClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
TrustedProxiesClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
$ LearnMoreButton#titleProperty in class LearnMoreButton
$ WelcomeController#tokenProperty in class WelcomeController
$ StandardItem#titleProperty in class StandardItem
$ FeatureSlide#titleProperty in class FeatureSlide
ApiController::transform() — Method in class ApiController

Transforms an object using the API transformer

AreaContentTransformer::transform() — Method in class AreaContentTransformer
AreaTransformer::transform() — Method in class AreaTransformer
AttributeValueTransformer::transform() — Method in class AttributeValueTransformer
BaseBlockTransformer::transform() — Method in class BaseBlockTransformer
CalendarEventTransformer::transform() — Method in class CalendarEventTransformer
CalendarEventVersionTransformer::transform() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionTransformer
CalendarTransformer::transform() — Method in class CalendarTransformer
CollectionVersionTransformer::transform() — Method in class CollectionVersionTransformer
ExpressEntryTransformer::transform() — Method in class ExpressEntryTransformer
FileTransformer::transform() — Method in class FileTransformer

Basic transforming of a file entity into an array

GroupTransformer::transform() — Method in class GroupTransformer
OptionListOptionTransformer::transform() — Method in class OptionListOptionTransformer
PageContentTransformer::transform() — Method in class PageContentTransformer
PageTransformer::transform() — Method in class PageTransformer
SiteLocaleTransformer::transform() — Method in class SiteLocaleTransformer
SiteTransformer::transform() — Method in class SiteTransformer
SocialLinkTransformer::transform() — Method in class SocialLinkTransformer
TopicTreeNodeTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
TopicTreeNodeTransformer::transform() — Method in class TopicTreeNodeTransformer
UserTransformer::transform() — Method in class UserTransformer

Basic transforming of a user into an array

$ Block#typeProperty in class Block
$ CustomAttribute#typeProperty in class CustomAttribute
$ File#tracked_urlProperty in class File
$ File#titleProperty in class File
$ File#tagsProperty in class File
$ NewBlock#typeProperty in class NewBlock
$ Page#typeProperty in class Page
$ Page#templateProperty in class Page
TopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ UpdatedFile#titleProperty in class UpdatedFile
$ UpdatedFile#tagsProperty in class UpdatedFile
$ UpdatedPage#typeProperty in class UpdatedPage
$ UpdatedPage#templateProperty in class UpdatedPage
$ User#total_loginsProperty in class User
$ User#timezoneProperty in class User
$ Controller#tokenProperty in class Controller
Controller::token() — Method in class Controller

Handle authorization

$ SpecPath#tagsProperty in class SpecPath
$ SpecProperty#titleProperty in class SpecProperty
$ SpecProperty#typeProperty in class SpecProperty
$ SpecSchema#typeProperty in class SpecSchema
$ EditResponse#timeProperty in class EditResponse

The date/time of the response in ISO-9075 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss).

$ EditResponse#titleProperty in class EditResponse

The title of the response.

FileManager::text() — Method in class FileManager

Sets up a form field to let users pick a text file.

UserInterface::trackHelpOverlayDisplayed() — Method in class UserInterface
UserInterface::tabs() — Method in class UserInterface
$ DialogLinkItem#titleProperty in class DialogLinkItem
TreeCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection
TreeCollectionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection

Interface that all the sitemap tree collections (eg multilingual sections) must implement.

TreeCollectionJsonFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection
TreeCollectionTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\UserInterface\Sitemap\TreeCollection
TreeCollectionTransformer::transformEntry() — Method in class TreeCollectionTransformer

Convert an entry to an array

TreeCollectionTransformer::transform() — Method in class TreeCollectionTransformer

Transform treecollections into lists of their entries

$ CustomStyle#themeProperty in class CustomStyle
ThemeGridFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Formatter
ThemeFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Formatter
$ ActiveThemeProvider#themeProperty in class ActiveThemeProvider

The theme that provides the presets.

ThemeProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider
$ ThemeProvider#themeHandleProperty in class ThemeProvider

The handle of the theme

$ ThemeProvider#themeProviderProperty in class ThemeProvider

The theme preset provider.

ThemeProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider
ThemeGridColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
ThemeGridLayoutClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout
$ OptionSelectInstanceFactory#tokenServiceProperty in class OptionSelectInstanceFactory
$ ComposerContext#tooltipProperty in class ComposerContext
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
TypeFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute

Factory class for creating and retrieving instances of the Attribute type entity.

$ View#templateLocatorProperty in class View
AuthenticationType::toggle() — Method in class AuthenticationType

AuthenticationType::toggle Toggle the active state of an AuthenticationType.

$ GenericOauthTypeController#tokenProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
TwitterServiceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Twitter\Factory
$ ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine#typeServiceProperty in class ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine
$ ImportSiteTypesRoutine#typeServiceProperty in class ImportSiteTypesRoutine
Block::temporaryClearBlockCache() — Method in class Block

Removes the block cache records (on this object) to null disables all cache on the cache object

CacheSettings::temporarilyDisableCache() — Method in class CacheSettings
$ CustomStyle#themeProperty in class CustomStyle
$ BlockViewTemplate#templateProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
$ BlockViewTemplate#themeProperty in class BlockViewTemplate
$ BoardDetailsTrait#templateProperty in class BoardDetailsTrait
$ EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommand#templateIDsProperty in class EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommand
$ ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand#timezoneProperty in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommand
$ AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand#timezoneProperty in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommand#timezoneProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
$ Renderer#templateLocatorProperty in class Renderer
$ ContentRenderer#templateLocatorProperty in class ContentRenderer
TemplateLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Instance\Slot\Content
$ TemplateLocator#themeLocationProperty in class TemplateLocator
$ PlannedSlot#templateProperty in class PlannedSlot
ThreeByThreeDriverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template\Driver
TemplateLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Template

Responsible for locating and rendering summary templates.

$ TemplateLocator#themeLocationProperty in class TemplateLocator
$ EventOccurrenceList#timezoneProperty in class EventOccurrenceList
EventRepetitionService::translateFromRequest() — Method in class EventRepetitionService
$ EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommand#templateIDsProperty in class EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommand
$ RunningProcessesController#tokenProperty in class RunningProcessesController
$ ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory#tokenServiceProperty in class ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory
$ ProcessResponseFactory#tokenServiceProperty in class ProcessResponseFactory
$ ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand#taskProperty in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand
$ BatchProcessTaskRunner#taskProperty in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
$ CommandTaskRunner#taskProperty in class CommandTaskRunner
$ CommandTaskRunnerHandler#taskServiceProperty in class CommandTaskRunnerHandler
$ ProcessTaskRunner#taskProperty in class ProcessTaskRunner
$ ProcessTaskRunnerHandler#taskServiceProperty in class ProcessTaskRunnerHandler
TaskCompletedResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner\Response
TaskRunnerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Runner
TaskInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task
TaskServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task

Methods useful for working with Task objects.

TaskSetServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task

Methods useful for working with Task sets.

$ TaskSetService#taskServiceProperty in class TaskSetService
TaskSetService::taskSetContainsTask() — Method in class TaskSetService
Liaison::transformKey() — Method in class Liaison
Command::table() — Method in class Command

Format input to textual table.

$ InstallLanguageCommand#translationsCheckerProperty in class InstallLanguageCommand
$ InstallLanguageCommand#translationsInstallerProperty in class InstallLanguageCommand
TaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
$ TaskCommand#taskProperty in class TaskCommand
TranslatePackageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
$ ConsoleAwareTrait#traitConsoleProperty in class ConsoleAwareTrait
$ ConsoleAwareTrait#traitOutputProperty in class ConsoleAwareTrait
$ ConsoleAwareTrait#traitInputProperty in class ConsoleAwareTrait
OutputStyle::table() — Method in class OutputStyle

Create a table instance

$ Controller#themeProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#themeViewTemplateProperty in class Controller
$ SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandler#textServiceProperty in class SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandler
ConversationService::trackReview() — Method in class ConversationService

Track a review on a message

ThreadedListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Rating
$ AbstractExporter#ticksUntilUnloadProperty in class AbstractExporter

Remaining ticks before unloading Doctrine entities.

AbstractExporter::tick() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Add a tick (to be used to unload Doctrine entities).

$ ImportResult#totalDataRowsProcessedProperty in class ImportResult

The total number of the data rows processed.

Connection::tableExists() — Method in class Connection

Returns true if a table exists – is NOT case sensitive.

TimezoneClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Connection

Helper class to work with database time zones.

$ ForeignKeyFixer#tickProperty in class ForeignKeyFixer
ForeignKeyFixer::tick() — Method in class ForeignKeyFixer
TagClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Design\Tag
TagCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Design\Tag
$ TagCollection#tagsProperty in class TagCollection
TagInspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Design\Tag
TagInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Design\Tag
$ Device#typeProperty in class Device
$ CkeditorEditor#tokenProperty in class CkeditorEditor

The CSRF token.

LinkAbstractor::translateTo() — Method in class LinkAbstractor
LinkAbstractor::translateFrom() — Method in class LinkAbstractor

Takes a chunk of content containing abstracted link references, and expands them to full urls for displaying on the site front-end.

LinkAbstractor::translateFromEditMode() — Method in class LinkAbstractor

Takes a chunk of content containing abstracted link references, and expands them to urls suitable for the rich text editor.

$ Category#typesProperty in class Category
$ Key#typeProperty in class Key
TextSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
TextareaSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
TopicsSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute
$ SelectedTopic#treeNodeIDProperty in class SelectedTopic
TextValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
TopicsValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ TopicsValue#topicsProperty in class TopicsValue
TaskClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Automation
TaskSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Automation
$ TaskSet#tasksProperty in class TaskSet
TaskSetTaskClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Automation
$ TaskSetTask#taskProperty in class TaskSetTask
$ Board#templateProperty in class Board
$ InstanceSlot#templateProperty in class InstanceSlot
$ InstanceSlotRule#timezoneProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ Item#tagsProperty in class Item
$ ItemCategory#treeNodeIDProperty in class ItemCategory
$ ItemTag#tagProperty in class ItemTag
$ SlotTemplate#tagsProperty in class SlotTemplate
TemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Board
$ CalendarEventTemplate#templateProperty in class CalendarEventTemplate
$ Batch#totalJobsProperty in class Batch
$ ScheduledTask#taskProperty in class ScheduledTask
TaskProcessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Command
$ TaskProcess#taskProperty in class TaskProcess
$ Association#target_entityProperty in class Association
$ Association#target_property_nameProperty in class Association
TextControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Express\Control
$ FieldSet#titleProperty in class FieldSet
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File\ExternalFileProvider\Type
File::trackDownload() — Method in class File

Tracks File Download, takes the cID of the page that the file was downloaded from.

$ FavoriteFolder#treeNodeFolderIdProperty in class FavoriteFolder

The tree node id of the favorite folder.

TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type

Entity representing a thumbnail type.

TypeFileSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type

Entity representing the association between a thumbnail type and file sets.

TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File\StorageLocation\Type
$ Result#taskProperty in class Result
$ CustomPageTemplateCollection#templatesProperty in class CustomPageTemplateCollection
$ PageTemplate#templateProperty in class PageTemplate
TemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Page
$ IpAccessControlCategory#timeWindowProperty in class IpAccessControlCategory

The time window (in seconds) where the events should be counted (NULL means no limits).

$ IpAccessControlRange#typeProperty in class IpAccessControlRange

The type of this range.

$ Group#typeProperty in class Group
$ Locale#treeProperty in class Locale
$ Site#typeProperty in class Site

The site type.

$ Skeleton#typeProperty in class Skeleton
$ SkeletonLocale#treeProperty in class SkeletonLocale
$ SkeletonTree#typeProperty in class SkeletonTree
TreeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Site
$ StyleSet#textColorProperty in class StyleSet
$ Category#templatesProperty in class Category
TemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Summary
$ Template#tagsProperty in class Template
TemplateFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Summary
$ TemplateField#templateProperty in class TemplateField
TemplateRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Summary
ErrorList::toText() — Method in class ErrorList

Render this error list as a plain text.

ThrowableErrorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Error
$ ThrowableError#throwableProperty in class ThrowableError

The associated Throwable.

TextFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\ErrorList\Formatter
TextControlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item\Express\Control
$ ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory#tokenServiceProperty in class ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory
ExpressTransformer::transform() — Method in class ExpressTransformer
TextEntityPropertyItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\Item
TextControlSaveHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type\SaveHandler
TypeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Type
TextViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
$ FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl#target_property_nameProperty in class FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl
$ GeneratedThumbnailCommand#thumbnailTypeHandleProperty in class GeneratedThumbnailCommand
$ FileTypeFilter#typeProperty in class FileTypeFilter

Corresponds to the Concrete\Core\File\Type\Type constants

$ FolderBookmarkOption#treeNodeProperty in class FolderBookmarkOption
ThumbnailDeleteClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
$ ThumbnailDelete#typeProperty in class ThumbnailDelete
ThumbnailGenerateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Event
$ ThumbnailGenerate#typeProperty in class ThumbnailGenerate
$ ExternalFileEntry#titleProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
$ ExternalFileEntry#thumbnailUrlProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
$ ExternalFileEntry#treeNodeIDProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
$ ExternalFileList#totalFilesProperty in class ExternalFileList
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\ExternalFileProvider\Type
ExternalFileTransformer::transform() — Method in class ExternalFileTransformer

Basic transforming of an external file into an array

FileTransformer::transform() — Method in class FileTransformer

Basic transforming of a file entity into an array

$ BasicThumbnailer#thumbnailsFormatProperty in class BasicThumbnailer

The currently configured format of the generated thumbnails.

$ AtomicThumbnailStream#tableProperty in class AtomicThumbnailStream
$ AtomicThumbnailStream#timeoutProperty in class AtomicThumbnailStream
ThumbnailClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail
ThumbnailFormatServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail
ThumbnailPlaceholderServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail
ThumbnailerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail

Interface ThumbnailerInterface An interface for classes tasked with creating thumbnails. This interace requires imagine.

TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type
ThumbnailGeneratorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
TypeColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\ColumnSet\Column
TypeFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Search\Field\Field
$ File#timestampProperty in class File
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation\Type
UsageTracker::track() — Method in class UsageTracker

Track a trackable object Any object could be passed to this method so long as it implements TrackableInterface

UsageTracker::trackCollection() — Method in class UsageTracker

Track a collection object

UsageTracker::trackAttributes() — Method in class UsageTracker
UsageTracker::trackBlocks() — Method in class UsageTracker

Track a list of blocks for a collection

UsageTracker::trackTrackables() — Method in class UsageTracker
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Type
$ Type#typeProperty in class Type

Generic category type (one of the \Concrete\Core\File\Type\Type::T_... constants).

TypeListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Type
$ TypeList#typesProperty in class TypeList
ThemeElementLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
ThemeLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator
$ ThemeLocation#themeHandleProperty in class ThemeLocation
TemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
$ Template#templateHandleProperty in class Template
TemplateFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
TemplateLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
TemplateLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Filesystem
$ TemplateLocator#templateProperty in class TemplateLocator
$ Form#thProperty in class Form

The text service instance.

Form::textarea() — Method in class Form

Creates a textarea field.

Form::text() — Method in class Form

Renders a text input field.

Form::telephone() — Method in class Form

Renders a telephone input field.

Validation::test() — Method in class Validation

After the validation error helper has been setup, the test() method ensures that all fields that require validation pass. Returns true for success and false for failure.

DateTime::translate() — Method in class DateTime

Takes a "field" and grabs all the corresponding disparate fields from $_POST and translates into a timestamp.

TypographyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
$ AbstractRepetition#timezoneProperty in class AbstractRepetition
CLIRunner::testAvailableMemory() — Method in class CLIRunner
DefaultRunner::trySteps() — Method in class DefaultRunner

Try a list of steps. If a response is returned, halt progression and return the response;.

$ RunReportTestMessage#testProperty in class RunReportTestMessage
TestGroupInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test
TestInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Test
$ Image#tagProperty in class Image
$ Image#themeProperty in class Image
JavaScriptLazyImage::title() — Method in class JavaScriptLazyImage

Set the image and noscript image fallback "title" attribute value.

Picture::title() — Method in class Picture

Set the image fallback and noscript image fallback "title" attribute value.

$ Seo#titleSegmentsProperty in class Seo
$ Seo#titleSegmentSeparatorProperty in class Seo
$ Seo#titleFormatProperty in class Seo
$ FlysystemFileResponse#trustXSendfileTypeHeaderProperty in class FlysystemFileResponse
FlysystemFileResponse::trustXSendfileTypeHeader() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse

Trust X-Sendfile-Type header.

TableCaseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
TokenizerExtensionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
$ ItemList#totalProperty in class ItemList
TaskPermissionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy
$ Localization#translatorAdapterRepositoryProperty in class Localization

The translator adapter repository to be used.

$ AddressFormat#textProperty in class AddressFormat
Date::toDB() — Method in class Date

Convert any date/time representation to a string that can be used in DB queries.

Date::timeSince() — Method in class Date

Describe the difference in time between now and a date/time in the past.

Date::toDateTime() — Method in class Date

Convert a date to a \DateTime instance.

TranslationsCheckerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Service
TranslationsInstallerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Service
$ Stats#totalProperty in class Stats

The total number of strings (translated and not translated).

$ Stats#translatedProperty in class Stats

The number of translated strings.

TranslatorAdapterFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Adapter\Core

The core translator adapter factory is a wrapper factory that abstracts the translator creation based on the passed locale. By default, a translator instance will be created through the LaminasTranslatorAdapterFactory.

TranslatorAdapterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Adapter\Laminas

Translator adapter that wraps the Laminas translator to provide the translator methods needed in concrete5.

$ TranslatorAdapter#translatorProperty in class TranslatorAdapter
TranslatorAdapter::translate() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Translate the given text. Returns the translated form of the text.

TranslatorAdapter::translatePlural() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Translate the text either into the singular or the plural format depending on the given number. Returns the correct format of the text in its translated form.

TranslatorAdapter::translateContext() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Translate the given text with the given context. Returns the translated form of the text.

TranslatorAdapterFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Adapter\Laminas

Provides a factory method to create translator objects for the Laminas translator.

$ TranslatorAdapterFactory#translationLoaderRepositoryProperty in class TranslatorAdapterFactory
TranslatorAdapterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Adapter\Plain

Translator adapter that wraps the plain translator to provide the translator methods needed in concrete5.

TranslatorAdapter::translate() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Dummy translate method for the plain translator adapter.

TranslatorAdapter::translatePlural() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Dummy plural translate method for the plain translator.

TranslatorAdapter::translateContext() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter

Dummy translate context method for the plain translator adapter.

TranslatorAdapterFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Adapter\Plain

Provides a factory method to create translator objects for the plain translator.

TranslationLoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Translation

Translation loaders provide a standardized way to load new translations into the translator adapters.

TranslationLoaderRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Translation

Basic implementation of the TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface.

TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator\Translation

Translation loader repositories provide a way to store multiple translation loaders.

TranslatorAdapterFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator

Translator adapter factories provide factory method for creating a new translator adapter.

TranslatorAdapterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator

Translator adapters wrap the functionality of a specific translator class into a format that can be used within the concrete5 context.

TranslatorAdapterInterface::translate() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterInterface

Translate the given text. Returns the translated form of the text.

TranslatorAdapterInterface::translatePlural() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterInterface

Translate the text either into the singular or the plural format depending on the given number. Returns the correct format of the text in its translated form.

TranslatorAdapterInterface::translateContext() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterInterface

Translate the given text with the given context. Returns the translated form of the text.

TranslatorAdapterRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator

Basic implementation of the TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface.

$ TranslatorAdapterRepository#translatorAdapterFactoryProperty in class TranslatorAdapterRepository
TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Localization\Translator

Translator adapter repository can store any number of translator adapters.

$ LogEntry#timeProperty in class LogEntry
TimeColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet\Column
$ MailImportedAttachment#typeProperty in class MailImportedAttachment
$ Service#transportProperty in class Service

The transport to be used to delivery the messages.

$ Service#toProperty in class Service

List of "To" recipients (every item is an array with at key 0 the email address and at key 1 an optional name).

$ Service#templateProperty in class Service

The last leaded message template file.

$ Service#testingProperty in class Service

Are we testing this service?

$ Service#throwOnFailureProperty in class Service

Should we throw an exception if the delivery fails?

Service::to() — Method in class Service

Add one or more "To" recipients to the message.

$ LimitedSmtp#transportProperty in class LimitedSmtp

The actual transport instance.

LimitedSmtp::trackLimit() — Method in class LimitedSmtp

Increment the counter of sent messages and disconnect the underlying transport if needed.

$ RemoteItemList#typeProperty in class RemoteItemList
$ MessengerConsumeResponseFactory#transportManagerProperty in class MessengerConsumeResponseFactory
$ DefinedTransportSendersLocator#transportHandleProperty in class DefinedTransportSendersLocator
$ DefinedTransportSendersLocator#transportManagerProperty in class DefinedTransportSendersLocator
TransportInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport

A convenient wrapper for all of the various objects that comprise a Symfony Messenger Transport.

TransportManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Messenger\Transport
TranslationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Page\Section
TopLevelOnlyModifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Navigation\Modifier
NavigationItemTransformer::transform() — Method in class NavigationItemTransformer

Basic transforming of a Navigation item into an array.

$ FilterListFactory#typeManagerProperty in class FilterListFactory
$ StandardFilter#typeProperty in class StandardFilter
TestConnectionEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent
ThumbnailGeneratedEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\ServerEvent
$ ThumbnailGeneratedEvent#thumbnailTypeVersionProperty in class ThumbnailGeneratedEvent
$ Subscriber#topicsProperty in class Subscriber

Topic URLs to subscribe to in Mercure

TestConnectionTopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\Topic
TopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\Topic
$ Topic#topicProperty in class Topic
TopicInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Events\Topic
$ Manager#typeManagerProperty in class Manager
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
TypeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
DependencyChecker::testForInstall() — Method in class DependencyChecker
DependencyChecker::testForUninstall() — Method in class DependencyChecker
TaskClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
TaskSetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
ThemeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
TreeNodeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
TreeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
Package::testForInstall() — Method in class Package

Perform tests before this package is installed.

Package::testForUpgrade() — Method in class Package

Perform tests before this package is upgraded.

Package::testForUninstall() — Method in class Package

Perform tests before this package is uninstalled.

TranslationCompilerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Filter

Generate compiled .mo translation files from source .po translation files.

$ PackerFile#typeProperty in class PackerFile

The type of the file (one of the TYPE_... constants).

$ StartingPointInstallRoutine#textProperty in class StartingPointInstallRoutine
$ PageSelectInstanceFactory#tokenServiceProperty in class PageSelectInstanceFactory
TemplateLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container

Responsible for locating and rendering templates in a theme.

$ TemplateLocator#themeLocationProperty in class TemplateLocator
$ DashboardPageController#tokenProperty in class DashboardPageController

The Token instance (available after the on_start method has been called).

$ HandleGenerator#textProperty in class HandleGenerator
Page::translatePermissionsXMLToKeys() — Method in class Page
PageTransformer::transform() — Method in class PageTransformer

Basic transforming of a page object into an array

ThemeFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
SitemapElement::toXmlLines() — Method in class SitemapElement

Returns the XML representation of this element.

SitemapElement::toXmlElement() — Method in class SitemapElement

Returns a SimpleXMLElement instance representing this element.

SitemapFooter::toXmlLines() — Method in class SitemapFooter

Returns the XML representation of this element.

SitemapFooter::toXmlElement() — Method in class SitemapFooter

Returns a SimpleXMLElement instance representing this element.

SitemapHeader::toXmlLines() — Method in class SitemapHeader

Returns the XML representation of this element.

SitemapHeader::toXmlElement() — Method in class SitemapHeader

Returns a SimpleXMLElement instance representing this element.

SitemapPage::toXmlLines() — Method in class SitemapPage

Returns the XML representation of this element.

SitemapPage::toXmlElement() — Method in class SitemapPage

Returns a SimpleXMLElement instance representing this element.

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::toXmlLines() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Returns the XML representation of this element.

SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::toXmlElement() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

Returns a SimpleXMLElement instance representing this element.

$ SitemapWriter#temporaryDirectoryProperty in class SitemapWriter
$ Pile#timestampProperty in class Pile
$ PileContent#timestampProperty in class PileContent
UsageTracker::track() — Method in class UsageTracker

Track a trackable object Any object could be passed to this method so long as it implements TrackableInterface

UsageTracker::trackCollection() — Method in class UsageTracker

Track a collection object

UsageTracker::trackBlocks() — Method in class UsageTracker

Track a list of blocks for a collection

$ EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommand#templateIDsProperty in class EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommand
TemplateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
$ ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand#themeIDProperty in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommand
$ CreateCustomSkinCommand#themeIDProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommand
$ GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand#themeIDProperty in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommand
$ SkinCommandValidator#textServiceProperty in class SkinCommandValidator
$ AtomikDocumentationProvider#themeProperty in class AtomikDocumentationProvider
$ CustomThemeDocumentationPage#themeProperty in class CustomThemeDocumentationPage
$ DocumentationNavigationFactory#themeProperty in class DocumentationNavigationFactory
$ DocumentationNavigationPageItem#themeProperty in class DocumentationNavigationPageItem
ThemeCategoryDocumentationPageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
ThemeDocumentationPageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation
$ ThemeDocumentationPage#themeProperty in class ThemeDocumentationPage
$ File#typeProperty in class File
ThemeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme

A page's theme is a pointer to a directory containing templates, CSS files and optionally PHP includes, images and JavaScript files.

ThemeRouteCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme

Class RouteCollection. Holds specific special route/theme combinations. These are functions that used to live in the Router class but it makes no sense for them to take up space there.

$ ThemeRouteCollection#themePathsProperty in class ThemeRouteCollection
TimedContentPermissionRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\Type
$ Event#typeProperty in class Event
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\PublishTarget\Type
$ StandardSaver#typeProperty in class StandardSaver
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type
$ StandardValidator#typeProperty in class StandardValidator
$ PageDesignPreviewRequest#templateProperty in class PageDesignPreviewRequest
$ PageDesignPreviewRequest#themeProperty in class PageDesignPreviewRequest
ThemeCustomizerRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\View\Preview
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
$ EditPageThemePageListItem#themesAllowedPermissionProperty in class EditPageThemePageListItem
TopicTreeNodeListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
TreeNodeListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
TopicTreeNodeAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
TreeNodeAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
TopicTreeNodeAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
TreeNodeAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
TaskHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Category
TaskLauncherClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Category
$ IPRange#typeProperty in class IPRange

Range type.

$ IPRangesCsvWriter#typeProperty in class IPRangesCsvWriter

One of the IpAccessControlService::IPRANGETYPE_... constants.

TopicCategoryTreeNodeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key

We need this class in place because upgrades from older versions die early before upgrade can be complete without it.

TopicTreeNodeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
TreeNodeKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
$ PageType#typeProperty in class PageType
TaskPermissionsEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Object
$ SiteGroupEntity#typeProperty in class SiteGroupEntity
CollectionVersionResponse::testForErrors() — Method in class CollectionVersionResponse

Returns an error constant if an error is present, false if there are no errors.

PageResponse::testForErrors() — Method in class PageResponse

Returns an error constant if an error is present, false if there are no errors.

Response::testForErrors() — Method in class Response

Returns an error constant if an error is present, false if there are no errors.

TopicTreeNodeResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
TreeNodeResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
Redirect::to() — Method in class Redirect

Redirects to a Concrete resource.

$ Column#titleProperty in class Column
Session::testSessionFixation() — Method in class Session
Liaison::transformKey() — Method in class Liaison

Prepend the "site" config group and the current site handle

TreeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site\Tree
TypeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Site
$ AbstractFormatter#typeProperty in class AbstractFormatter
$ OptionsFormController#typeProperty in class OptionsFormController
$ OptionsFormProvider#typeProperty in class OptionsFormProvider
$ AggregateTracker#trackersProperty in class AggregateTracker
AggregateTracker::track() — Method in class AggregateTracker

Track a trackable object Any object could be passed to this method so long as it implements TrackableInterface

AggregateTracker::tracker() — Method in class AggregateTracker

Get a tracker by handle

TrackableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Statistics\UsageTracker

Interface TrackableInterface Implement this interface to declare compatibility with the statistic tracker.

TrackerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Statistics\UsageTracker
TrackerInterface::track() — Method in class TrackerInterface

Track a trackable object Any object could be passed to this method so long as it implements TrackableInterface

TrackerManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Statistics\UsageTracker
$ Customizer#themeProperty in class Customizer
$ Customizer#typeProperty in class Customizer
TypeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Customizer\Type
TextVariableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
$ Preset#themeProperty in class Preset
$ ScssDirectoryPresetType#textServiceProperty in class ScssDirectoryPresetType
TypeInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Preset\Type
$ PresetSkin#themeProperty in class PresetSkin
$ SkinFactory#textServiceProperty in class SkinFactory
TypeStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Legacy
TypeParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser\Legacy
TextDecorationParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
TextTransformParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
TypeParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser
TextDecorationStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
TextTransformStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
TypeStyleClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
TextDecorationValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ TextDecorationValue#textDecorationProperty in class TextDecorationValue
TextTransformValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ TextTransformValue#textTransformProperty in class TextTransformValue
TypeValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ WebFont#typeProperty in class WebFont
TopicsDataFieldDataClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Data\Field
$ TopicsDataFieldData#topicTreeNodeIDsProperty in class TopicsDataFieldData
$ SummaryObject#templateProperty in class SummaryObject
$ Renderer#templateLocatorProperty in class Renderer
TemplateLocatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Summary\Template

Responsible for locating and rendering summary templates.

$ TemplateLocator#themeLocationProperty in class TemplateLocator
Url::to() — Method in class Url

Resolve a URL from data.

TreeCallColorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Less
InfoTransformer::transform() — Method in class InfoTransformer
$ MutexTrait#temporaryDirectoryProperty in class MutexTrait

The temporary directory.

TopicItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Menu\Item\Topic
$ TopicItem#topicProperty in class TopicItem
$ Node#treeNodeIsSelectedProperty in class Node
$ Node#treeProperty in class Node
Node::transformNode() — Method in class Node

Transforms a node to another node.

NodeTransformer::transform() — Method in class NodeTransformer

Basic transforming of a node into an array.

TopicMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Menu
TopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type
TreeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree
$ Tree#treeNodeSelectedIDsProperty in class Tree
TreeTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree
TopicClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Tree\Type
$ Archive#targetDirectoryProperty in class Archive

The directory where this archive will be unzipped.

Version20210216184000::transformPermissionsFromGroupToGroupFolder() — Method in class Version20210216184000
$ Path#trailProperty in class Path
$ AvatarCropperInstanceFactory#tokenServiceProperty in class AvatarCropperInstanceFactory
$ UserSelectInstanceFactory#tokenServiceProperty in class UserSelectInstanceFactory
$ AddGroupCommandValidator#textServiceProperty in class AddGroupCommandValidator
LoginAttemptService::trackAttempt() — Method in class LoginAttemptService

Track a login attempt for a user

$ PasswordChangeEventHandler#trackerProperty in class PasswordChangeEventHandler

The usage tracker we're using to track passwords

PasswordUsageTracker::trackUse() — Method in class PasswordUsageTracker

Track a string being used

$ CookieValue#tokenProperty in class CookieValue

The unique token identifier.

UserInfo::triggerDelete() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::triggerActivate() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::triggerDeactivate() — Method in class UserInfo
UserTransformer::transform() — Method in class UserTransformer

Basic transforming of a user into an array

Number::trim() — Method in class Number

Remove superfluous zeroes from a string containing a number.

TextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service
Text::twitterAutolink() — Method in class Text

automatically add hyperlinks to any twitter style @usernames in a string.

TokenClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validation\CSRF
$ AbstractTranslatableValidator#translatable_requirementsProperty in class AbstractTranslatableValidator
$ AbstractTranslatableValidator#translatable_errorsProperty in class AbstractTranslatableValidator
$ EmailValidator#testMXRecordProperty in class EmailValidator

Should we test the MX record to see if the domain is valid?

TranslatableValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

A modifier to the standard validator interface that enables translatable requirements and errors.

$ AbstractView#templateProperty in class AbstractView
$ View#themeHandleProperty in class View
$ View#themeObjectProperty in class View
$ View#themeRelativePathProperty in class View
$ View#themeAbsolutePathProperty in class View
$ View#themePkgHandleProperty in class View
$ Description#textProperty in class Description
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::trigger() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApprovePageRequest::trigger() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
$ MovePageRequest#targetCIDProperty in class MovePageRequest
PageRequest::trigger() — Method in class PageRequest
Request::triggerRequest() — Method in class Request

Triggers a workflow request, queries a permission key to see what workflows are attached to it and initiates them.

UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::trigger() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::trigger() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest
UserRequest::trigger() — Method in class UserRequest
TypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow


Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

$ Controller#unitTypesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#unitTypeProperty in class Controller
Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

Controller::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class Controller

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

$ Controller#urlResolverProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#usernameProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#urlsProperty in class Controller
Controller::urlResolver() — Method in class Controller

Memoized url resolver

$ Controller#useButtonForLinkProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#useCustomTitleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#useFilterTitleProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#useFilterTopicProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#useFilterTagProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#useFilterDateProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#urlProperty in class Controller
UpdateOrderClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Attribute\Set
Rules::update() — Method in class Rules
SitemapUpdate::updateDisplayOrder() — Method in class SitemapUpdate
File::upload() — Method in class File
File::uploadComplete() — Method in class File
Multilingual::unmap() — Method in class Multilingual
Save::updateSetControl() — Method in class Save
UrlSlugClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\Page
UrlSlug::urlify() — Method in class UrlSlug
DragRequest::updateChildren() — Method in class DragRequest
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
UserInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend
Subscribe::unsubscribe() — Method in class Subscribe
Edit::updateEvent() — Method in class Edit
UploadCompleteClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
UsageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Permissions
Edit::update_category_node() — Method in class Edit
Edit::update_file_folder_node() — Method in class Edit
Edit::update_group_folder_node() — Method in class Edit
Edit::update_topic_node() — Method in class Edit
UpdateFromTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Type

Note – this came from a half-completed pull request, and no routes actually reference this controller anymore.

$ Activate#usersProperty in class Activate
$ Delete#usersProperty in class Delete
$ Group#usersProperty in class Group
$ Properties#userInfoRepositoryProperty in class Properties
$ Properties#usersProperty in class Properties

List of pages to edit.

$ KeyList#unassigned_attribute_keysProperty in class KeyList
$ Extend#urlResolverProperty in class Extend
$ Notice#userProperty in class Notice
Event::unapprove() — Method in class Event
UpdateMessageClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
Versions::unapprove() — Method in class Versions
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Access\Entity
$ User#userInfoRepositoryProperty in class User
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Permissions\Categories\TaskHandlers
UsersClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Search
Permissions::updated() — Method in class Permissions
Stacks::usage() — Method in class Stacks
Types::uninstall() — Method in class Types
Appearance::update_appearance() — Method in class Appearance
DataSources::update() — Method in class DataSources
DataSources::update_data_source() — Method in class DataSources
Permissions::update_permissions_inheritance() — Method in class Permissions
Weighting::update_weighting() — Method in class Weighting
Attributes::update() — Method in class Attributes
Permissions::update_permissions_inheritance() — Method in class Permissions
Messages::unflag_message() — Method in class Messages
Messages::undelete_message() — Method in class Messages
Install::uninstall() — Method in class Install
UpdateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Extend
Attributes::update() — Method in class Attributes
Attributes::update() — Method in class Attributes
Containers::update_container() — Method in class Containers
Templates::update() — Method in class Templates
Themes::uninstall_documentation() — Method in class Themes
Form::update_set() — Method in class Form
Form::update_set_control_display_order() — Method in class Form
Form::update_set_display_order() — Method in class Form
Permissions::updated() — Method in class Permissions
Integrations::update() — Method in class Integrations
Sets::update_set() — Method in class Sets
Sets::update_set_attributes() — Method in class Sets
Attributes::update() — Method in class Attributes
Icons::update_icons() — Method in class Icons
Marketplace::update_connection_settings() — Method in class Marketplace
UpdateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Basics\Multilingual
Update::update_all_outdated() — Method in class Update
Name::update_sitename() — Method in class Name
Timezone::update() — Method in class Timezone
Permissions::updated() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::updated() — Method in class Permissions
Debug::update_debug() — Method in class Debug
Entities::update_entity_settings() — Method in class Entities
Logging::update_logging() — Method in class Logging

Updates logging settings.

Proxy::update_proxy() — Method in class Proxy
Entities::update() — Method in class Entities
Attributes::update() — Method in class Attributes
Forms::update_set_display_order() — Method in class Forms
Forms::update_set_control_display_order() — Method in class Forms
Forms::update_set() — Method in class Forms
ExternalFileProvider::update() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
Permissions::updated() — Method in class Permissions
Storage::update() — Method in class Storage
UploadsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Files
Types::update() — Method in class Types
Types::update_group() — Method in class Types
Cache::update_cache() — Method in class Cache
Jobs::update_job_schedule() — Method in class Jobs
Jobs::uninstall() — Method in class Jobs
Jobs::update_set() — Method in class Jobs
Antispam::update_library() — Method in class Antispam
Captcha::update_captcha() — Method in class Captcha
Configure::update_ipdenylist() — Method in class Configure
Tasks::updated() — Method in class Tasks
UsersClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
Users::updated() — Method in class Users
$ AutomatedLogout#urlsProperty in class AutomatedLogout

The URL manager that tells us how to get to the page we're looking for.

Deactivation::update() — Method in class Deactivation
Open::update_registration_type() — Method in class Open
Postlogin::update_login_redirect() — Method in class Postlogin
Profiles::update_profiles() — Method in class Profiles
UrlSlugClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Seo
UrlsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Seo
UpdateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System
UpdateClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Update
Update::userHasUpgradePermission() — Method in class Update
UsersClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
Attributes::update() — Method in class Attributes
GroupSets::update_set() — Method in class GroupSets
GroupTypes::updated() — Method in class GroupTypes
Groups::update_group() — Method in class Groups
$ Search#userProperty in class Search
Search::update_avatar() — Method in class Search
Search::update_status() — Method in class Search
Search::update_attribute() — Method in class Search
$ Directory#userListProperty in class Directory
UpgradeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Workflow\Categories
$ LearnMoreAction#urlProperty in class LearnMoreAction
$ VideoAction#urlProperty in class VideoAction
$ AnnouncementService#userProperty in class AnnouncementService
$ LearnMoreButton#urlProperty in class LearnMoreButton
$ Account#userProperty in class Account
Areas::updateBlock() — Method in class Areas
Express::update() — Method in class Express
Files::update() — Method in class Files
Pages::update() — Method in class Pages
UsersClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
Users::update() — Method in class Users
Versions::update() — Method in class Versions
UserTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Fractal\Transformer
$ File#uuidProperty in class File
$ File#urlProperty in class File
$ NewUser#usernameProperty in class NewUser
UpdatedBlockClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdatedBlockRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdatedFileClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdatedFileRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdatedPageClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdatedPageRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdatedPageVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdatedPageVersionRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdatedUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ UpdatedUser#usernameProperty in class UpdatedUser
UpdatedUserRequestBodyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
$ User#usernameProperty in class User
UserSocialLinkClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Model
UpdateOAuthClientCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Command
UpdateOAuthClientCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\OAuth\Command
$ Controller#userProperty in class Controller
$ IdTokenResponse#userInfoRepositoryProperty in class IdTokenResponse

A repository that we can get the active user from

UrlsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service

\@package Helpers

UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service
UserInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service

Useful functions for generating elements on the Concrete interface.

Validation::username() — Method in class Validation
$ FavoritesNavigationFactory#userProperty in class FavoritesNavigationFactory
StandardSitemapProvider::useGroups() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider
StandardSitemapProvider::useLocales() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider
UserFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Formatter
Manager::unregister() — Method in class Manager

Unregister a provider.

UserProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider
UserPresetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset
UserPreset::updateAreaLayoutObject() — Method in class UserPreset
UserPreset::updateName() — Method in class UserPreset
AbstractCategory::updateFromRequest() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Update an existing attribute key with the data contained in a request.

CategoryInterface::updateFromRequest() — Method in class CategoryInterface

Update an existing attribute key with the data contained in a request.

ExpressCategory::updateFromRequest() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Update an existing attribute key with the data contained in a request.

LegacyCategory::updateFromRequest() — Method in class LegacyCategory

Update an existing attribute key with the data contained in a request.

ExpressSearchIndexer::updateRepository() — Method in class ExpressSearchIndexer

Update (if needed) the name of the index table ater the express entity changed (for example because its handle changed).

SearchIndexerInterface::updateRepositoryColumns() — Method in class SearchIndexerInterface

Create or update the column that contains the indexed data of a specific attribute.

StandardSearchIndexer::updateRepositoryColumns() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Create or update the column that contains the indexed data of a specific attribute.

UserCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category
UserCategory::updateFromRequest() — Method in class UserCategory

Update an existing attribute key with the data contained in a request.

DefaultController::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class DefaultController

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

ExpressSetManager::updateAttributeSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class ExpressSetManager

Update the order of the attribute sets.

SearchIndexerInterface::updateSearchIndexKeyColumns() — Method in class SearchIndexerInterface

Create or update the column that contains the indexed data of a specific attribute.

StandardSearchIndexer::updateSearchIndexKeyColumns() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Create or update the column that contains the indexed data of a specific attribute.

UserKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key
MulticolumnTextExportableAttributeInterface::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class MulticolumnTextExportableAttributeInterface

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

SetManagerInterface::updateAttributeSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class SetManagerInterface

Update the order of the attribute sets.

SimpleTextExportableAttributeInterface::updateAttributeValueFromTextRepresentation() — Method in class SimpleTextExportableAttributeInterface

Update or create the attribute value starting from its text representation.

StandardSetManager::updateAttributeSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class StandardSetManager

Update the order of the attribute sets.

$ CommunityServiceFactory#urlResolverProperty in class CommunityServiceFactory
Extractor::usernameNormalizer() — Method in class Extractor
$ ServiceFactory#urlResolverProperty in class ServiceFactory
$ FacebookServiceFactory#urlResolverProperty in class FacebookServiceFactory
$ GoogleServiceFactory#urlResolverProperty in class GoogleServiceFactory
$ GenericOauthTypeController#usernameProperty in class GenericOauthTypeController
$ TwitterServiceFactory#urlResolverProperty in class TwitterServiceFactory
ImportGeolocatorsRoutine::unserializeOption() — Method in class ImportGeolocatorsRoutine
$ Block#uIDProperty in class Block
Block::update() — Method in class Block

Updates fields common to every block.

Block::updateBlockInformation() — Method in class Block

Update the block information, like its block filename, and block name.

BlockController::uninstall() — Method in class BlockController
Set::updateBlockTypeSetName() — Method in class Set

Update the name of this set.

Set::updateBlockTypeSetHandle() — Method in class Set

Update the handle of this set.

Set::updateBlockTypeSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class Set

Update the display order of this set.

UpdateForkedAliasDefaultsBlockCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
UpdateForkedAliasDefaultsBlockCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
UpdatePageBlockCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
UpdatePageBlockCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Command
BlockView::useBlockCache() — Method in class BlockView
BlockView::usedBlockCacheDuringRender() — Method in class BlockView
$ BoardSlotCommandHandler#uuidGeneratorProperty in class BoardSlotCommandHandler
UpdateBoardCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
UpdateBoardCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Board\Command
AbstractSaver::updateConfiguredDataSourceFromRequest() — Method in class AbstractSaver
SaverInterface::updateConfiguredDataSourceFromRequest() — Method in class SaverInterface
$ AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand#userProperty in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommand
$ CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler#userProperty in class CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler
$ CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler#uuidGeneratorProperty in class CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler#userProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler
$ ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler#uuidGeneratorProperty in class ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler
UnknownPageCacheRecordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Cache\Page
EventService::unapprove() — Method in class EventService
Populator::updateAvailableSummaryTemplates() — Method in class Populator
$ SecurimageController#urlResolverProperty in class SecurimageController
BatchUpdater::updateJobs() — Method in class BatchUpdater
UpdateStatisticsControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Command\Task\Controller
$ TaskService#userProperty in class TaskService
$ TaskService#userInfoRepositoryProperty in class TaskService
ConfigCommand::unserialize() — Method in class ConfigCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::updateLanguages() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
InstallLanguageCommand::updateLanguagesFor() — Method in class InstallLanguageCommand
ServiceCommand::updateConfiguration() — Method in class ServiceCommand
UninstallPackageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
UpdateCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
UpdatePackageCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Console\Command
UpdatePackageCommand::updatePackage() — Method in class UpdatePackageCommand
Conversation::updateConversationSummary() — Method in class Conversation
Conversation::unsubscribeUser() — Method in class Conversation
$ Author#userProperty in class Author
Message::unapprove() — Method in class Message
Message::unflag() — Method in class Message
UpVoteTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Conversation\Rating
$ AbstractExporter#unloadDoctrineEveryTickProperty in class AbstractExporter

Unload doctrine entities every X ticks (0 for never).

AbstractExporter::unloadDoctrineEntities() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Unload every Doctrine entites, and reset the state of this instance.

UserExporterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv\Export
$ CsvSchema#unrecognizedHeadersProperty in class CsvSchema

The list of unrecognized headers.

UnsupportedCharacterSetExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\CharacterSetCollation\Exception
$ UnsupportedCharacterSetException#unsupportedCharacterSetProperty in class UnsupportedCharacterSetException
UnsupportedCollationExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\CharacterSetCollation\Exception
$ UnsupportedCollationException#unsupportedCollationProperty in class UnsupportedCollationException
DatabaseStructureManager::uninstallDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

This drops all the tables related to the entities managed by this class.

DatabaseStructureManager::uninstallDatabaseFor() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Uninstalls the database tables for all given entity classes contained within the $metadatas array. Returns true if there were tables that were dropped and false otherwise.

UserNameSnippetClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Editor
$ AnnouncementUserView#userProperty in class AnnouncementUserView
LegacyKey::update() — Method in class LegacyKey
UserGroupSettingsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Settings
UserKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key
$ UserKey#uakProfileDisplayProperty in class UserKey
$ UserKey#uakProfileEditProperty in class UserKey
$ UserKey#uakProfileEditRequiredProperty in class UserKey
$ UserKey#uakRegisterEditProperty in class UserKey
$ UserKey#uakRegisterEditRequiredProperty in class UserKey
$ UserKey#uakMemberListDisplayProperty in class UserKey
ExpressValue::updateEntryDateModified() — Method in class ExpressValue
UserValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value
$ UserValue#userProperty in class UserValue
$ InstanceSlotRule#userProperty in class InstanceSlotRule
$ Item#uniqueItemIdProperty in class Item

Note: this is not fully unique in the table, but it is unique across data sources (e.g. calendar event IDs and page IDs can be dupes)

$ Process#userProperty in class Process
$ ScheduledTask#userProperty in class ScheduledTask
$ Entity#use_separate_site_result_bucketsProperty in class Entity

If true, this entity splits its results by multisite. If false, it is shared across all sites. Default should probably be true, but for backwards compatibility it is false.

Entity::usesSeparateSiteResultsBuckets() — Method in class Entity
Entry::updateDateModified() — Method in class Entry

Updates the entity dateModified field Normally called by ExpressValue Entity.

Version::updateFile() — Method in class Version

Update the filename and the path prefix of the file.

Version::updateTitle() — Method in class Version

Update the title of the file.

Version::updateDescription() — Method in class Version

Update the description of the file.

Version::updateTags() — Method in class Version

Update the tags associated to the file.

Version::updateContents() — Method in class Version

Update the contents of the file.

Version::updateThumbnailStorageLocation() — Method in class Version

Move the thumbnail of a specific thumbnail type version to a new storage location.

$ NotificationAlert#userProperty in class NotificationAlert
UserDeactivatedNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
$ UserDeactivatedNotification#userIDProperty in class UserDeactivatedNotification

The user that is being deactivated.

UserSignupNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
$ AccessToken#userIdentifierProperty in class AccessToken
$ AuthCode#userIdentifierProperty in class AuthCode
UserRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\OAuth
Template::update() — Method in class Template
$ Link#urlProperty in class Link
Site::updateSiteConfigRepository() — Method in class Site

Set the site configuration repository.

$ GroupCreate#userProperty in class GroupCreate
$ GroupRoleChange#userProperty in class GroupRoleChange
$ GroupSignup#userProperty in class GroupSignup
$ GroupSignupRequest#userProperty in class GroupSignupRequest
$ GroupSignupRequestAccept#userProperty in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
$ GroupSignupRequestDecline#userProperty in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
$ LoginAttempt#userIdProperty in class LoginAttempt

The user ID that a login was attempted for

$ LoginAttempt#utcDateProperty in class LoginAttempt

The datetime of the time the login happened. This date must be in UTC

UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
$ User#uIDProperty in class User
$ User#uNameProperty in class User
$ User#uEmailProperty in class User
$ User#uPasswordProperty in class User

255 is the recommended width according to https://www.php.net/manual/en/password.constants.php

$ User#uIsActiveProperty in class User
$ User#uIsFullRecordProperty in class User
$ User#uIsValidatedProperty in class User
$ User#uDateAddedProperty in class User
$ User#uLastPasswordChangeProperty in class User
$ User#uDateLastUpdatedProperty in class User
$ User#uHasAvatarProperty in class User
$ User#uLastOnlineProperty in class User
$ User#uLastLoginProperty in class User
$ User#uPreviousLoginProperty in class User
$ User#uNumLoginsProperty in class User
$ User#uLastAuthTypeIDProperty in class User
$ User#uLastIPProperty in class User
$ User#uTimezoneProperty in class User
$ User#uDefaultLanguageProperty in class User
$ User#uIsPasswordResetProperty in class User
$ User#uHomeFileManagerFolderIDProperty in class User
User::userHasAvatar() — Method in class User
UserSignupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\User
$ UserSignup#usIDProperty in class UserSignup
$ UserSignup#userProperty in class UserSignup
UsedStringClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Validator
$ UsedString#usedStringProperty in class UsedString

The used string

UserMessageExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error

Represents an error that can be safely shown to users.

UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Export\Item
UpdateExpressEntryCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Command
UsesFeatureInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Feature

Denotes that a particular block controller uses features, and allows the block controller to specify which features it requires to function. This allows blocks like the calendar, for example, to specify that they require the Calendar feature to function, which lets them use the feature fallback if the current theme doesn't support those features.

$ ChooserConfiguration#uploadersProperty in class ChooserConfiguration
UploaderOptionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Component\Chooser
$ FileAccess#uProperty in class FileAccess
$ SanitizerOptions#unsafeElementsProperty in class SanitizerOptions

The list of unsafe XML elements.

$ SanitizerOptions#unsafeAttributesProperty in class SanitizerOptions

The list of unsafe XML attributes.

$ Version#upscalingEnabledProperty in class Version

Upscaling is enabled?

ProcessorManager::unregisterProcessor() — Method in class ProcessorManager

Unregister a registered processor.

Importer::useDeprecatedProcessors() — Method in class Importer
Application::unSerializeUploadFileExtensions() — Method in class Application

Unserializes an array of strings from format suitable for multi-uploader.

File::unfilename() — Method in class File

Removes the extension of a filename, uncamelcases it.

Zip::unzip() — Method in class Zip

Decompress a ZIP archive to a directory.

Zip::unzipNative() — Method in class Zip

Decompress a ZIP archive to a directory using the native 'unzip' command.

Zip::unzipPHP() — Method in class Zip

Decompress a ZIP archive to a directory using the PHP functions.

$ Set#uIDProperty in class Set
Set::updateFileSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class Set
Set::update() — Method in class Set

Updates a file set.

UsageTrackerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Tracker
ImageInspector::updateSize() — Method in class ImageInspector

Update the width and height attributes of the file version starting from the image data.

ElementManager::unregister() — Method in class ElementManager

Unregister an element.

$ Record#urlProperty in class Record
$ Icon#urlProperty in class Icon
DestinationPicker::unregisterPicker() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Unregister a registered picker.

Form::url() — Method in class Form

Renders a URL input field.

UserSelectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service\Widget
ClassAutoloader::unhook() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Remove this instance from the autoload queue.

ClassAutoloader::unregisterPackage() — Method in class ClassAutoloader

Unregister a package (given its handle).

ClassLoaderInterface::unregister() — Method in class ClassLoaderInterface
ConcreteObject::uncamelcase() — Method in class ConcreteObject
$ EnvironmentRecord#urlProperty in class EnvironmentRecord
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Environment
MapClassLoader::unregister() — Method in class MapClassLoader
ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader::unregister() — Method in class ModifiedPsr4ClassLoader

Removes this instance from the registered autoloaders.

$ DefaultRunner#urlResolverProperty in class DefaultRunner
$ Location#urlProperty in class Location
UrlSettingsLocationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Control\Location
$ Image#usePictureTagProperty in class Image
$ InstallerOptions#userEmailProperty in class InstallerOptions

The admin user email.

$ InstallerOptions#userPasswordHashProperty in class InstallerOptions

The admin password hash.

$ InstallerOptions#uiLocaleIdProperty in class InstallerOptions

The identifier of the UI locale.

Job::uninstall() — Method in class Job
Set::updateJobSetName() — Method in class Set
$ DatabaseItemList#userQueryProperty in class DatabaseItemList
$ DatabaseItemList#userPostQueryProperty in class DatabaseItemList
$ Pagination#URLProperty in class Pagination
UserListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Legacy

An object that allows a filtered list of users to be returned.

Service::updatePluralSettings() — Method in class Service
$ Stats#updatedOnProperty in class Stats

The date/time of the last update of the translations (null if and only if no translated string is present).

$ Stats#updatedOnProperty in class Stats

The date/time of the last update of the translations (null if and only if $translated is null).

UpdateGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\Group
UserGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\Group

Log entry for group actions for a user

$ UserGroup#userProperty in class UserGroup

The user having the group added or removed

$ LoginAttempt#usernameProperty in class LoginAttempt

The attempted login username

UpdateUserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Entry\User

Log entry for user actions

$ User#userProperty in class User

The user being added

$ LogEntry#userProperty in class LogEntry
$ ConcreteUserProcessor#userProperty in class ConcreteUserProcessor

The cached user instance

UserIdentifierColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Logging\Search\ColumnSet\Column
MailImporter::update() — Method in class MailImporter
UnableToConnectExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Exception
UnableToPlacePackageExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Exception
$ Marketplace#urlResolverProperty in class Marketplace
PackageRepository::update() — Method in class PackageRepository
PackageRepositoryInterface::update() — Method in class PackageRepositoryInterface

Sends one or more updated fields to the marketplace backend for optional stage in the remote site object.

UpdateRemoteDataCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Update\Command
UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Update\Command
UpdatedFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Update
UpdatedFieldInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Update
Section::unregisterPage() — Method in class Section
Translation::updateTranslation() — Method in class Translation
$ Item#urlProperty in class Item
$ AlertList#userProperty in class AlertList
UserDeactivatedTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
UserSignupTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
UserDeactivatedListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
UserSignupListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
$ RequiredPackageException#uninstallablePackageProperty in class RequiredPackageException

The package that can't be uninstalled.

Package::uninstall() — Method in class Package

Uninstall the package:

  • delete the installed items associated to the package
  • destroy the package proxy classes of entities
  • remove the package info row.
Package::upgradeCoreData() — Method in class Package

Updates the package entity name, description and version using the current class properties.

Package::upgrade() — Method in class Package

Upgrades a package's database and refreshes all blocks.

Package::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Package

Updates a package's database using entities and a db.xml.

PackageArchive::uninstall() — Method in class PackageArchive
PackageService::uninstall() — Method in class PackageService

Uninstall a package.

Version::updateCollectionDateModified() — Method in class Version
$ DeletePageCommand#userIDProperty in class DeletePageCommand
UpdateStatisticsTrackersTaskCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
UpdateStatisticsTrackersTaskCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Command
UpdateContainerCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Container\Command
AccountPageController::useUserLocale() — Method in class AccountPageController

Should this page be displayed using the user's language?

DashboardPageController::useUserLocale() — Method in class DashboardPageController

Should this page be displayed using the user's language?

PageController::useUserLocale() — Method in class PageController

Should this page be displayed using the user's language?

$ Event#userProperty in class Event
$ Page#uIDProperty in class Page
Page::updateCollectionAlias() — Method in class Page

Update the alias details.

Page::updateCollectionAliasExternal() — Method in class Page

Update the name, link, and to open in a new window for an external link.

Page::updateCollectionName() — Method in class Page

Update the collection name.

Page::update() — Method in class Page

Update the data of this page.

Page::updatePermissionsCollectionID() — Method in class Page

Set the child pages of a list of parent pages to inherit permissions from the specified page (provided that they previouly had the same inheritance page as this page).

Page::updateGroupsSubCollection() — Method in class Page
Page::updateDisplayOrder() — Method in class Page

Set a new display order for this page (or for another page given its ID).

UrlPathColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\ColumnSet\Column
$ SitemapPage#urlProperty in class SitemapPage

The URL of the page.

$ SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage#urlProperty in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage

The URL of the alternative page.

$ Pile#uIDProperty in class Pile
Stack::update() — Method in class Stack
UsageTrackerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Stack
$ CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler#userProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler
UpdateCustomSkinCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Command
Theme::updateThemeCustomClass() — Method in class Theme

(Re)Scan the theme folder to check if it contains the page_theme.php file: if so, marks the theme as having a controller.

Theme::uninstall() — Method in class Theme

Uninstall this theme.

UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Command
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Command
UrlSlugCorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
UserCorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
FormLayoutSet::updateFormLayoutSetName() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::updateFormLayoutSetDescription() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::updateFormLayoutSetCollapseType() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSet::updateFormLayoutSetDisplayOrder() — Method in class FormLayoutSet
FormLayoutSetControl::updateFormLayoutSetControlDisplayOrder() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::updateFormLayoutSetControlCustomLabel() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::updateFormLayoutSetControlRequired() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::updateFormLayoutSetControlCustomTemplate() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
FormLayoutSetControl::updateFormLayoutSetControlDescription() — Method in class FormLayoutSetControl
Type::update() — Method in class Type
UserEntityClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity
$ UserEntity#uIDProperty in class UserEntity
UserListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
PageAccess::usePermissionCollectionIDForIdentifier() — Method in class PageAccess
UserAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
UserAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
UserKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
UserInfoResponseClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Response
Redirect::url() — Method in class Redirect

Redirects to a URL.

Route::updateName() — Method in class Route
UserAttributeKeyColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Column
UserGroupPagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
UserListPagerManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\Manager
RedisSessionHandler::updateTimestamp() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
$ InstallationService#userGroupServiceProperty in class InstallationService
ControllerInterface::update() — Method in class ControllerInterface
StandardController::update() — Method in class StandardController
$ ImageVariable#urlProperty in class ImageVariable
$ NumberVariable#unitProperty in class NumberVariable
$ SizeValue#unitProperty in class SizeValue

The unit of the size.

$ BasicPageDriver#userInfoRepositoryProperty in class BasicPageDriver
SummaryObjectExtractor::usesLazyLoading() — Method in class SummaryObjectExtractor
AbstractPopulator::updateAvailableSummaryTemplates() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
UrlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
UserInfoClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Support\Facade
Node::updateTreeNodePermissionsID() — Method in class Node

Set the child nodes of a list of tree nodes to inherit permissions from the specified tree node ID (provided that they previously had the same inheritance ID as this node).

Node::updateDateModified() — Method in class Node

Update the Date Modified to the current time.

Archive::uploadZipToTemp() — Method in class Archive

Moves an uploaded file to the tmp directory.

Archive::unzip() — Method in class Archive

Unzips a file at a directory level by concatenating ".zip" onto the end of it.

AbstractMigration::upgradeSchema() — Method in class AbstractMigration

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

AbstractMigration::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class AbstractMigration

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

AbstractMigration::up() — Method in class AbstractMigration
Version20140919000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20140919000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20140930000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20140930000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20141017000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20141017000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20141017000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20141017000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20141024000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20141024000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20141024000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20141024000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20141113000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20141113000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20141219000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20141219000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20141219000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20141219000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150109000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150109000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

$ Version20150504000000#updateSectionPluralsProperty in class Version20150504000000
$ Version20150504000000#updateMultilingualTranslationsProperty in class Version20150504000000
Version20150504000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20150504000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20150504000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150504000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150504000000::updatePermissionDurationObjects() — Method in class Version20150504000000
Version20150515000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150515000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150610000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150610000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150612000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150612000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150615000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150615000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150616000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150616000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150619000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150619000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150622000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150622000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150623000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150623000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150713000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150713000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20150731000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20150731000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20150731000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20150731000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20151221000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20151221000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20160107000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20160107000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20160213000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20160213000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20160314000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20160314000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20160412000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20160412000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20160615000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20160615000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20160725000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20160725000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20160725000000::updateDoctrineXmlTables() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::updateWorkflows() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::updateTopics() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::updateFileManager() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20160725000000::updateJobs() — Method in class Version20160725000000
Version20161109000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20161109000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20161109000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20161109000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20161203000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20161203000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20161208000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20161208000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20161208000000::updateBlocks() — Method in class Version20161208000000
Version20161208000000::updateDoctrineXmlTables() — Method in class Version20161208000000
Version20161208000000::updateEmptyFileAttributes() — Method in class Version20161208000000
Version20161216000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20161216000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20161216000000::updateExpressFormPermissions() — Method in class Version20161216000000
Version20161216100000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20161216100000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170118000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170118000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170123000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170123000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170201000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170201000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170202000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20170202000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20170202000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170202000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170227063249::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170227063249

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170313000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170313000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170316000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170316000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170404000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170404000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170406000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170406000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170407000001::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170407000001

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170412000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170412000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170418000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170418000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170420000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170420000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170421000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170421000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170424000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170424000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170505000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20170505000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20170512000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170512000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170519000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170519000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170608000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170608000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170608100000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170608100000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170609000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170609000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170609100000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170609100000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170610000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170610000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170611000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170611000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170613000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170613000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170614000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170614000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170626000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170626000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170711151953::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170711151953

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170731021618::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170731021618

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170802000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170802000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170804000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170804000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170810000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170810000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170818000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170818000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170824000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20170824000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20170824000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170824000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170905000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170905000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170915000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170915000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20170926000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20170926000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171012000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171012000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171025000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171025000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171109000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171109000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171109065758::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171109065758

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171110032423::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171110032423

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171110032423::uninstallLegacyCalendar() — Method in class Version20171110032423
Version20171110032423::updateAttributeKeys() — Method in class Version20171110032423
Version20171121000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20171121000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20171121000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171121000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171129190607::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171129190607

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171218000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20171218000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20171218000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171218000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20171221194440::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20171221194440

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180119000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180119000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180122213656::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180122213656

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180122220813::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180122220813

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180123000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180123000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180130000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180130000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180212000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180212000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180213000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180213000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180227035239::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20180227035239
Version20180308043255::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180308043255

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180328215345::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180328215345

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180329183749::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180329183749

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180330080830::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180330080830

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180403143200::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180403143200

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180518153531::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180518153531

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180524000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180524000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180531000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180531000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180604000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180604000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180609000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180609000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180615000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180615000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180617000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180617000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180621222449::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180621222449

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180622192332::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180622192332

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180627000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20180627000000
Version20180709175202::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180709175202

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180710203437::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180710203437

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180716000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180716000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180717000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180717000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180813220933::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180813220933

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180816210727::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180816210727

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180820205800::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180820205800

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180831213421::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180831213421

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180904165911::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180904165911

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180907091500::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180907091500

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180910000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180910000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180912113737::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180912113737

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180920000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180920000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180926000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180926000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180926070200::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20180926070200

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20180926070300::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20180926070300

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20181006212300::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181006212300

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181006212400::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181006212400

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181019010145::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181019010145

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181029223809::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181029223809

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181105102800::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181105102800

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181112211702::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181112211702

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181116072400::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181116072400

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181211000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181211000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181211100000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181211100000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181212000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181212000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181212221911::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181212221911

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20181222183445::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20181222183445

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190106000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190106000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190110194848::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190110194848

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190110231015::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190110231015

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190111181236::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190111181236

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190112000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190112000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190129000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190129000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190225000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20190225000000
Version20190225184524::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20190225184524

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20190225184524::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190225184524

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190301133300::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190301133300

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190309000000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20190309000000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20190309000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190309000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190310000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190310000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190416224702::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20190416224702
Version20190417180607::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190417180607

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190422235040::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190422235040

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190504005632::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190504005632

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190508232235::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20190508232235
Version20190509000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190509000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190509205043::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190509205043

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190513164028::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20190513164028
Version20190516204806::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190516204806

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190520171430::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190520171430

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190522202749::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190522202749

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190619141521::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190619141521

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190625177700::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190625177700

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190625177710::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190625177710

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190708000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190708000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190717090600::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190717090600

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190817000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190817000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190822160700::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20190822160700

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20190826000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190826000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20190925072210::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20190925072210

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20191002000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20191002000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20191029175713::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20191029175713

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200116115000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200116115000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200116115000::updateCollectionVersions() — Method in class Version20200116115000

Clear the cvName field of the CollectionVersions table for aliases, so that concrete5 knows that users want the current name of the aliased page.

Version20200118043285::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200118043285

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200203000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200203000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200501000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200501000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200523051311::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200523051311

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200604000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200604000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200609145307::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200609145307

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200610162600::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200610162600

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200611161800::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200611161800

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200625191946::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200625191946

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200626142348::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200626142348

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200810000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200810000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200814143401::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200814143401

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200903201537::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200903201537

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200923143317::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200923143317

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200928000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200928000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200928000001::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200928000001

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20200928000003::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20200928000003

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201015174802::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201015174802

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201018000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201018000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201022000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201022000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201028143317::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201028143317

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201028201040::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201028201040

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201031143314::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201031143314

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201110150900::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201110150900

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201112172200::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201112172200

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201119123200::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201119123200

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201130130221::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201130130221

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201205023211::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201205023211

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201229143500::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20201229143500

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20201229143500::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201229143500

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20201231153200::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20201231153200

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210128224608::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210128224608

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210205193115::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210205193115

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210216184000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210216184000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210216184000::upgradeSchema() — Method in class Version20210216184000

Override this method when the database structure is upgraded using ONLY the DBAL Schema object.

Version20210331213100::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210331213100

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210428212600::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210428212600

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210528170900::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210528170900

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210616131513::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210616131513

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210622145600::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210622145600

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210712110100::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210712110100

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210718190101::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210718190101

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210722225853::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210722225853

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210725000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210725000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210729191135::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210729191135

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210813173441::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210813173441

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210815000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210815000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210910234801::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210910234801

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20210926145823::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20210926145823

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20211001145301::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211001145301

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20211020151701::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211020151701

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20211023155414::upgradeColorValue() — Method in class Version20211023155414
Version20211023155414::upgradeSizeValue() — Method in class Version20211023155414
Version20211023155414::upgradeImageValue() — Method in class Version20211023155414
Version20211023155414::upgradeTypeValue() — Method in class Version20211023155414
Version20211023155414::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211023155414

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20211028000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211028000000
Version20211102171600::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211102171600

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20211102171700::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211102171700

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20211103142609::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211103142609

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20211104161958::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211104161958

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20211208145933::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20211208145933

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220114215506::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220114215506

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220210120000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220210120000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220301185614::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220301185614

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220304163335::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220304163335
Version20220307105409::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220307105409

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220321122800::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220321122800

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220331222557::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220331222557

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220408000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220408000000

Web Spell Checker ended support on December 31st, 2011, and was removed from CKEditor4 since 4.18.0

Version20220503000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220503000000

Refresh video block type for new title field

Version20220516191423::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220516191423

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220614180000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220614180000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220812035034::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220812035034

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220908074900::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220908074900

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220909000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220909000000

Refresh PageTypes table

Version20220909100000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220909100000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220909200000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220909200000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220909300000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220909300000

Refresh event list block type with sort order functionality

Version20220911000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220911000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20220919000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20220919000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20221012183922::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20221012183922

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20221121152044::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20221121152044

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20221122000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20221122000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20221219220600::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20221219220600

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20230107185800::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20230107185800

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20230127095217::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20230127095217

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20230225150942::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20230225150942

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20230308163514::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20230308163514

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20230503095900::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20230503095900

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20230812015937::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20230812015937

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20230905000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20230905000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20230924000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20230924000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20231002142400::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20231002142400

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20231207100748::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20231207100748

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20240119210413::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20240119210413

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20240122172319::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20240122172319

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20240506191622::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20240506191622

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20240508000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20240508000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20240515173142::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20240515173142

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20240618202000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20240618202000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

Version20240711000000::upgradeDatabase() — Method in class Version20240711000000

Override this method when database schema is not upgraded, or when it's upgraded without using a Schema.

UpdateClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater
Update::updateToCurrentVersion() — Method in class Update

Upgrade the current core version to the latest locally available by running the applicable migrations.

UpdateArchiveClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater
UrlResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver
UserInfoUrlResolverClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver
UrlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url
UrlImmutableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url
UrlInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url
UrlServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Url
AvatarService::userHasAvatar() — Method in class AvatarService
AvatarServiceInterface::userHasAvatar() — Method in class AvatarServiceInterface
$ StandardAvatar#userInfoProperty in class StandardAvatar
$ CheckAutomatedGroupsCommandHandler#userInfoRepositoryProperty in class CheckAutomatedGroupsCommandHandler
UpdateUserAvatarCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
$ UpdateUserAvatarCommand#userProperty in class UpdateUserAvatarCommand
UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
UserCommandClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Command
$ UserCommand#userIDProperty in class UserCommand
$ AvatarCropperInstance#uploadUrlProperty in class AvatarCropperInstance
UserSelectInstanceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Component
UserSelectInstanceFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Component

Methods for use with the ConcreteUserSelect component - primarily for creating on-the-fly access tokens

$ EditResponse#usersProperty in class EditResponse
$ DeactivateUser#userProperty in class DeactivateUser

The user that is running the deactivate operation

UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
$ User#uProperty in class User
UserGroupClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
UserInfoClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
$ UserInfo#uiProperty in class UserInfo
UserInfoWithAttributesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
UserInfoWithPasswordClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Event
$ UserInfoWithPassword#uPasswordProperty in class UserInfoWithPassword
UserDeactivatedExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception
UserExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception

An interface implemented by all "User" exceptions

UserPasswordExpiredExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception
UserPasswordResetExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Exception
CanDeleteGroupsTrait::userCanDeleteGroups() — Method in class CanDeleteGroupsTrait

Can the current user delete groups?

$ Result#undeletableGroupsProperty in class Result

Array keys are the group IDs, array values are the reasons why the group couldn't be deleted.

Group::update() — Method in class Group
$ GroupJoinRequest#userProperty in class GroupJoinRequest
GroupSet::updateGroupSetName() — Method in class GroupSet
$ LoginService#userClassProperty in class LoginService

The class to use when testing login credentials.

UserNotificationEventHandlerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Notification

This method is less of a "service" and more of a controller It deals with deactivated user events

CookieService::unserializeCookieValue() — Method in class CookieService
$ CookieValue#userIDProperty in class CookieValue

The user ID.

$ PrivateMessage#uIDProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#uAuthorIDProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ PrivateMessage#uToIDProperty in class PrivateMessage
$ RegistrationService#userInfoRepositoryProperty in class RegistrationService
UserIDColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet\Column
UsernameColumnClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\ColumnSet\Column
UserGroupFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Search\Field\Field
$ SearchProvider#userCategoryProperty in class SearchProvider
$ Statistics#uiProperty in class Statistics
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
$ User#uIDProperty in class User
$ User#uNameProperty in class User
$ User#uGroupsProperty in class User
$ User#uTimezoneProperty in class User
$ User#uDefaultLanguageProperty in class User
$ User#uLastPasswordChangeProperty in class User
User::updateOnlineCheck() — Method in class User

This code throttles the writing of uLastOnline to the database, so that we're not constantly updating the Users table. If you need to have the exact up to date metric on when a session last looked at a page, use the uOnlineCheck session key.

User::unloadAuthenticationTypes() — Method in class User
User::unloadCollectionEdit() — Method in class User
UserBannedIpClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
$ UserBannedIp#unique_keysProperty in class UserBannedIp
UserInfoClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
UserInfo::updateUserAvatar() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::update() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::updateGroups() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfoRepositoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
UserListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
$ UserList#userInfoRepositoryProperty in class UserList
UserServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
UserTransformerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
UserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User\Workflow\Progress
Number::unformat() — Method in class Number

Parses a localized number representation and returns the number (or null if $string is not a valid number representation).

Text::uncamelcase() — Method in class Text

Takes a CamelCase string and turns it into camel_case.

Text::unhandle() — Method in class Text

Takes a handle-based string like "blah_blah" or "blah-blah" or "blah/blah" and turns it into "Blah Blah".

Text::urlify() — Method in class Text

Takes text and returns it in the "lowercase-and-dashed-with-no-punctuation" format.

UrlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service
Url::unsetVariable() — Method in class Url
UtilityServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility
UniqueUserEmailValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator\String

Validate the length of a string.

UniqueUserNameValidatorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator\String

Validate the length of a string.

UserEmailValidatorServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator
UserNameValidatorServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator
AbstractView::url() — Method in class AbstractView

URL is a utility function that is used inside a view to setup urls w/tasks and parameters.

BasicWorkflow::updateDetails() — Method in class BasicWorkflow

Update the workflow details with data (usually received via POST).

EmptyWorkflow::updateDetails() — Method in class EmptyWorkflow

Update the workflow details with data (usually received via POST).

Progress::updateOnAction() — Method in class Progress
UserProgressClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Progress
$ UserProgress#uIDProperty in class UserProgress
$ Request#uIDProperty in class Request
UnapproveCalendarEventRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
UnapprovePageRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
UserRequestClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request
Workflow::updateName() — Method in class Workflow

Change the (English) name of this workflow.

Workflow::updateDetails() — Method in class Workflow

Update the workflow details with data (usually received via POST).


Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateForm() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validateValue() — Method in class Controller
Controller::verifyHash() — Method in class Controller

Verify cookie hash to identify user.

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::v() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Validate this block on save.

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#viewTypesProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#viewTypesOrderProperty in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#viewPropertiesProperty in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

TestForm::view() — Method in class TestForm
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate_composer() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::viewRequiresJqueryUI() — Method in class Controller

Internal helper function.

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller

Controller method for the view template

Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Validate the given request We check the the file exists and that the user has permissions, then we validate display choices.

Controller::validateEntry() — Method in class Controller

Validate a given entry for saving Add errors to the error list to signal a validation failure.

Controller::validateDisplayChoices() — Method in class Controller

Loop over display choices for a given entry and validate them

Controller::validateDisplayChoice() — Method in class Controller

Validate a given display choice Add errors to the error list to signal a validation failure.

Controller::validateTextDisplayChoice() — Method in class Controller

Validate text display choices Add errors to the error list to signal a validation failure.

Controller::validateSelectDisplayChoice() — Method in class Controller

Validate select display choices Add errors to the error list to signal a validation failure.

Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate_composer() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller

Default view method.

Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::validate() — Method in class Controller

Validates the survey block data, requiring at least survey options.

Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
$ Controller#videoSizeProperty in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller

The view function called when ever a block is viewed on a page.

$ Controller#videoURLProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#vHeightProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#vWidthProperty in class Controller
Controller::view() — Method in class Controller
$ Documentation#viewPathProperty in class Documentation
Documentation::view() — Method in class Documentation
$ Redirect#viewPathProperty in class Redirect
Redirect::view() — Method in class Redirect
UpdateOrder::view() — Method in class UpdateOrder
$ Preview#viewPathProperty in class Preview
$ Preview#viewPathProperty in class Preview
Preview::view() — Method in class Preview
$ Preview#viewPathProperty in class Preview
Preview::view() — Method in class Preview
GetImageData::view() — Method in class GetImageData
SitemapCheckIn::view() — Method in class SitemapCheckIn
SitemapUpdate::view() — Method in class SitemapUpdate
EditorData::view() — Method in class EditorData
Autocomplete::view() — Method in class Autocomplete
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
ImageEditor::view() — Method in class ImageEditor
Thumbnail::view() — Method in class Thumbnail
$ Permissions#viewPathProperty in class Permissions
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Backend\File
$ View#viewPathProperty in class View
View::view() — Method in class View
GetRemoteHelp::view() — Method in class GetRemoteHelp
IntelligentSearch::view() — Method in class IntelligentSearch
Connect::view() — Method in class Connect
Search::view() — Method in class Search
Autocomplete::view() — Method in class Autocomplete
PreviewVersion::view() — Method in class PreviewVersion
SitemapData::view() — Method in class SitemapData
$ AddControl#viewPathProperty in class AddControl
AddControl::view() — Method in class AddControl
$ Pick#viewPathProperty in class Pick
Pick::view() — Method in class Pick
$ EditControl#viewPathProperty in class EditControl
EditControl::view() — Method in class EditControl
$ Save#viewPathProperty in class Save
Save::view() — Method in class Save
UrlSlug::view() — Method in class UrlSlug
$ SummaryTemplate#viewPathProperty in class SummaryTemplate
User::validate() — Method in class User
$ UserInterface#validationTokenProperty in class UserInterface

An identifier to be used when checking tokens.

UserInterface::validateAction() — Method in class UserInterface

Check whether the token is valid and if the current page be accessed.

Autocomplete::view() — Method in class Autocomplete
CalendarFeed::view() — Method in class CalendarFeed
$ Design#viewPathProperty in class Design
Design::view() — Method in class Design
$ AdvancedPermissions#viewPathProperty in class AdvancedPermissions
AdvancedPermissions::view() — Method in class AdvancedPermissions
$ Permissions#viewPathProperty in class Permissions
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
$ Presets#viewPathProperty in class Presets
Presets::view() — Method in class Presets
$ Manage#viewPathProperty in class Manage
Manage::viewPresets() — Method in class Manage
$ Aliasing#viewPathProperty in class Aliasing
Aliasing::view() — Method in class Aliasing
Aliasing::validateAction() — Method in class Aliasing

Check whether the token is valid and if the current page be accessed.

$ Cache#viewPathProperty in class Cache
Cache::view() — Method in class Cache
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ Design#viewPathProperty in class Design
Design::view() — Method in class Design
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
Edit::validateBlock() — Method in class Edit
Permissions::viewList() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::viewDetail() — Method in class Permissions
Permissions::viewGuestAccess() — Method in class Permissions
$ CustomSlot#viewPathProperty in class CustomSlot
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
$ Schedule#viewPathProperty in class Schedule
Schedule::view() — Method in class Schedule
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
$ ChooseEvent#viewPathProperty in class ChooseEvent
ChooseEvent::view() — Method in class ChooseEvent
Subscribe::view() — Method in class Subscribe
$ Preview#viewPathProperty in class Preview
Preview::view() — Method in class Preview
$ EventOccurrence#viewPathProperty in class EventOccurrence
EventOccurrence::view() — Method in class EventOccurrence
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ DeleteOccurrence#viewPathProperty in class DeleteOccurrence
DeleteOccurrence::view() — Method in class DeleteOccurrence
$ Duplicate#viewPathProperty in class Duplicate
Duplicate::view() — Method in class Duplicate
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
Edit::validateRequest() — Method in class Edit
$ SummaryTemplates#viewPathProperty in class SummaryTemplates
SummaryTemplates::view() — Method in class SummaryTemplates
VersionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Event
$ Versions#viewPathProperty in class Versions
Versions::view() — Method in class Versions
ViewVersionClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Event
$ ViewVersion#viewPathProperty in class ViewVersion
ViewVersion::view() — Method in class ViewVersion
AdvancedSearch::view() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
$ Reorder#viewPathProperty in class Reorder
Reorder::view() — Method in class Reorder
$ Search#viewPathProperty in class Search
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ Folder#viewPathProperty in class Folder
Folder::view() — Method in class Folder
$ Properties#viewPathProperty in class Properties
Properties::view() — Method in class Properties
$ Sets#viewPathProperty in class Sets
Sets::view() — Method in class Sets
$ Storage#viewPathProperty in class Storage
Storage::view() — Method in class Storage
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ Folder#viewPathProperty in class Folder
Folder::view() — Method in class Folder
$ Import#viewPathProperty in class Import
Import::view() — Method in class Import
$ JumpToFolder#viewPathProperty in class JumpToFolder
JumpToFolder::view() — Method in class JumpToFolder
$ Properties#viewPathProperty in class Properties
Properties::view() — Method in class Properties
$ Search#viewPathProperty in class Search
Search::view() — Method in class Search
$ Sets#viewPathProperty in class Sets
Sets::view() — Method in class Sets
$ Statistics#viewPathProperty in class Statistics
Statistics::view() — Method in class Statistics
$ Thumbnails#viewPathProperty in class Thumbnails
Thumbnails::view() — Method in class Thumbnails
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
$ Edit#validationTokenProperty in class Edit
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
$ UploadComplete#viewPathProperty in class UploadComplete
UploadComplete::view() — Method in class UploadComplete
$ Usage#viewPathProperty in class Usage
Usage::view() — Method in class Usage
VersionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\File
$ Versions#viewPathProperty in class Versions
Versions::view() — Method in class Versions
$ Event#viewPathProperty in class Event
Event::view() — Method in class Event
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ JumpToFolder#viewPathProperty in class JumpToFolder
JumpToFolder::view() — Method in class JumpToFolder
$ Search#viewPathProperty in class Search
Search::view() — Method in class Search
$ Help#viewPathProperty in class Help
Help::view() — Method in class Help
$ Details#viewPathProperty in class Details
Details::view() — Method in class Details
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ DeleteAll#viewPathProperty in class DeleteAll
DeleteAll::view() — Method in class DeleteAll
Checkout::view() — Method in class Checkout
Download::view() — Method in class Download
$ Add#viewPathProperty in class Add
Add::view() — Method in class Add
$ AddBlock#viewPathProperty in class AddBlock
AddBlock::view() — Method in class AddBlock
$ AddBlockList#viewPathProperty in class AddBlockList
$ AddExternal#viewPathProperty in class AddExternal
AddExternal::view() — Method in class AddExternal
$ AddMobile#viewPathProperty in class AddMobile
Compose::view() — Method in class Compose
$ Attributes#viewPathProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ Permissions#viewPathProperty in class Permissions
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
$ Properties#viewPathProperty in class Properties
Properties::view() — Method in class Properties
$ Clipboard#viewPathProperty in class Clipboard
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
Delete::viewFromSitemap() — Method in class Delete
$ DeleteAlias#viewPathProperty in class DeleteAlias
DeleteAlias::view() — Method in class DeleteAlias
$ Design#viewPathProperty in class Design
$ Css#viewPathProperty in class Css
Css::view() — Method in class Css
$ DragRequest#viewPathProperty in class DragRequest
$ DragRequest#validationTokenProperty in class DragRequest
DragRequest::view() — Method in class DragRequest
$ EditAlias#viewPathProperty in class EditAlias
EditAlias::view() — Method in class EditAlias
$ EditExternal#viewPathProperty in class EditExternal
EditExternal::view() — Method in class EditExternal
$ Location#viewPathProperty in class Location
Location::view() — Method in class Location
$ Seo#viewPathProperty in class Seo
Seo::view() — Method in class Seo
$ SitemapSelector#viewPathProperty in class SitemapSelector
$ SitemapSelector#validationTokenProperty in class SitemapSelector
SitemapSelector::view() — Method in class SitemapSelector
$ SummaryTemplates#viewPathProperty in class SummaryTemplates
SummaryTemplates::view() — Method in class SummaryTemplates
VersionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Page
Versions::view() — Method in class Versions
$ SiteGroup#viewPathProperty in class SiteGroup
SiteGroup::view() — Method in class SiteGroup
$ GroupCombination#viewPathProperty in class GroupCombination
GroupCombination::view() — Method in class GroupCombination
$ GroupSet#viewPathProperty in class GroupSet
GroupSet::view() — Method in class GroupSet
$ BasicWorkflow#viewPathProperty in class BasicWorkflow
BasicWorkflow::view() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
$ BlockType#viewPathProperty in class BlockType
BlockType::view() — Method in class BlockType
$ Collection#viewPathProperty in class Collection
Collection::view() — Method in class Collection
$ Conversation#viewPathProperty in class Conversation
Conversation::view() — Method in class Conversation
$ File#viewPathProperty in class File
File::view() — Method in class File
$ FileSet#viewPathProperty in class FileSet
FileSet::view() — Method in class FileSet
$ Miscellaneous#viewPathProperty in class Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous::view() — Method in class Miscellaneous
$ PageType#viewPathProperty in class PageType
PageType::view() — Method in class PageType
$ Node#viewPathProperty in class Node
Node::view() — Method in class Node
$ User#viewPathProperty in class User
User::view() — Method in class User
$ Activity#viewPathProperty in class Activity
Activity::view() — Method in class Activity
$ AdvancedSearch#viewPathProperty in class AdvancedSearch
AdvancedSearch::view() — Method in class AdvancedSearch
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
$ Delete#validationTokenProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
$ Edit#validationTokenProperty in class Edit
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
$ Attributes#viewPathProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
Node::view() — Method in class Node
$ Add#viewPathProperty in class Add
Add::view() — Method in class Add
$ DeleteExpress#viewPathProperty in class DeleteExpress
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::validateRequest() — Method in class Delete
$ Add#viewPathProperty in class Add
Add::view() — Method in class Add
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::validateRequest() — Method in class Delete
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
$ Move#viewPathProperty in class Move
Move::view() — Method in class Move
$ Add#viewPathProperty in class Add
Add::view() — Method in class Add
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
$ Permissions#viewPathProperty in class Permissions
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
$ Add#viewPathProperty in class Add
Add::view() — Method in class Add
$ Edit#viewPathProperty in class Edit
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
$ Attributes#viewPathProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
$ UpdateFromType#viewPathProperty in class UpdateFromType
UpdateFromType::view() — Method in class UpdateFromType
$ Attributes#viewPathProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
$ Activate#viewPathProperty in class Activate
$ Delete#viewPathProperty in class Delete
Delete::view() — Method in class Delete
$ Group#viewPathProperty in class Group
$ Properties#viewPathProperty in class Properties
Properties::view() — Method in class Properties
$ Details#viewPathProperty in class Details
Details::view() — Method in class Details
$ Search#viewPathProperty in class Search
Search::view() — Method in class Search
$ ChangePagePermissions#viewPathProperty in class ChangePagePermissions
ChangePagePermissions::view() — Method in class ChangePagePermissions
KeySelector::view() — Method in class KeySelector
EditKey::view() — Method in class EditKey
EditableList::view() — Method in class EditableList
EditableSetList::view() — Method in class EditableSetList
Form::view() — Method in class Form
KeyHeader::view() — Method in class KeyHeader
KeyList::view() — Method in class KeyList
StandardListHeader::view() — Method in class StandardListHeader
Search::view() — Method in class Search
CalendarEvent::view() — Method in class CalendarEvent
Page::view() — Method in class Page
Control::view() — Method in class Control
Options::view() — Method in class Options
Header::view() — Method in class Header
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Header::view() — Method in class Header
Extend::view() — Method in class Extend
Mobile::view() — Method in class Mobile
Favorites::view() — Method in class Favorites
Section::view() — Method in class Section
Top::view() — Method in class Top
Header::view() — Method in class Header
Header::view() — Method in class Header
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Search::view() — Method in class Search
SitemapOverlay::view() — Method in class SitemapOverlay
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Header::view() — Method in class Header
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Search::view() — Method in class Search
Toast::view() — Method in class Toast
ConcreteThumbnailEditor::view() — Method in class ConcreteThumbnailEditor
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Search::view() — Method in class Search
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Search::view() — Method in class Search
IntelligentSearch::view() — Method in class IntelligentSearch
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
ListDetails::view() — Method in class ListDetails
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
AttributeTypeItemList::view() — Method in class AttributeTypeItemList
BlockTypeItemList::view() — Method in class BlockTypeItemList
ItemList::view() — Method in class ItemList
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Search::view() — Method in class Search
Notice::view() — Method in class Notice
CustomizeResults::view() — Method in class CustomizeResults
Header::view() — Method in class Header
SearchFieldSelector::view() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector
Header::view() — Method in class Header
Menu::view() — Method in class Menu
Search::view() — Method in class Search
AddFile::view() — Method in class AddFile
AddMessage::view() — Method in class AddMessage
$ CountHeader#viewPathProperty in class CountHeader
CountHeader::view() — Method in class CountHeader
DeleteFile::view() — Method in class DeleteFile
DeleteMessage::view() — Method in class DeleteMessage
$ EditMessage#viewPathProperty in class EditMessage
EditMessage::view() — Method in class EditMessage
$ FlagMessage#viewPathProperty in class FlagMessage
FlagMessage::view() — Method in class FlagMessage
$ GetRating#viewPathProperty in class GetRating
GetRating::view() — Method in class GetRating
$ MessageDetail#viewPathProperty in class MessageDetail
MessageDetail::view() — Method in class MessageDetail
$ MessagePage#viewPathProperty in class MessagePage
MessagePage::view() — Method in class MessagePage
Rate::view() — Method in class Rate
UpdateMessage::view() — Method in class UpdateMessage
ViewAjaxClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Frontend\Conversations
$ ViewAjax#viewPathProperty in class ViewAjax
ViewAjax::view() — Method in class ViewAjax
Heartbeat::view() — Method in class Heartbeat
Jobs::view() — Method in class Jobs
$ PageForbidden#viewPathProperty in class PageForbidden
PageForbidden::view() — Method in class PageForbidden
$ PageNotFound#viewPathProperty in class PageNotFound
Install::view() — Method in class Install
$ Marketplace#validationTokenProperty in class Marketplace
CoreThemeDocumentationCategory::view() — Method in class CoreThemeDocumentationCategory
$ Add#viewPathProperty in class Add
Add::view() — Method in class Add
$ Dashboard#viewPathProperty in class Dashboard
Dashboard::view() — Method in class Dashboard
$ LoadMenu#viewPathProperty in class LoadMenu
LoadMenu::view() — Method in class LoadMenu
$ Attributes#viewPathProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
$ Caching#viewPathProperty in class Caching
Caching::view() — Method in class Caching
$ Composer#viewPathProperty in class Composer
Composer::view() — Method in class Composer
$ Location#viewPathProperty in class Location
$ Location#validationTokenProperty in class Location
Location::view() — Method in class Location
$ Permissions#viewPathProperty in class Permissions
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
$ Seo#viewPathProperty in class Seo
$ Seo#validationTokenProperty in class Seo
Seo::view() — Method in class Seo
VersionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Detail\Page
$ Versions#viewPathProperty in class Versions
Versions::view() — Method in class Versions
$ PreviewPageLegacy#viewPathProperty in class PreviewPageLegacy
PreviewPageLegacy::view() — Method in class PreviewPageLegacy
PreviewPageLegacy::viewIframe() — Method in class PreviewPageLegacy
$ PreviewPreset#viewPathProperty in class PreviewPreset
PreviewPreset::view() — Method in class PreviewPreset
PreviewPreset::viewIframe() — Method in class PreviewPreset
$ PreviewSkin#viewPathProperty in class PreviewSkin
PreviewSkin::view() — Method in class PreviewSkin
PreviewSkin::viewIframe() — Method in class PreviewSkin
$ Help#viewPathProperty in class Help
Help::view() — Method in class Help
$ Page#viewPathProperty in class Page
Page::view() — Method in class Page
$ PageRelations#viewPathProperty in class PageRelations
PageRelations::view() — Method in class PageRelations
$ Attributes#viewPathProperty in class Attributes
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
$ CheckIn#viewPathProperty in class CheckIn
CheckIn::validateAction() — Method in class CheckIn

Check whether the token is valid and if the current page be accessed.

$ Design#viewPathProperty in class Design
Design::view() — Method in class Design
$ Devices#viewPathProperty in class Devices
Devices::view() — Method in class Devices
PreviewAsUser::view() — Method in class PreviewAsUser
VersionsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\Panel\Page
$ Versions#viewPathProperty in class Versions
Versions::view() — Method in class Versions
$ Sitemap#viewPathProperty in class Sitemap
Sitemap::view() — Method in class Sitemap
$ Customize#viewPathProperty in class Customize
Customize::view() — Method in class Customize
$ CustomizeLegacy#viewPathProperty in class CustomizeLegacy
CustomizeLegacy::view() — Method in class CustomizeLegacy
$ CustomizePreset#viewPathProperty in class CustomizePreset
CustomizePreset::view() — Method in class CustomizePreset
CustomizePreset::viewSkin() — Method in class CustomizePreset
$ Entity#viewPathProperty in class Entity
Entity::view() — Method in class Entity
Account::view() — Method in class Account
Avatar::view() — Method in class Avatar
EditProfile::view() — Method in class EditProfile
Messages::view() — Method in class Messages
Messages::view_mailbox() — Method in class Messages
Messages::view_message() — Method in class Messages
Messages::validateUser() — Method in class Messages
Dashboard::view() — Method in class Dashboard
Blocks::view() — Method in class Blocks
Search::view() — Method in class Search
Stacks::view_global_areas() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::view_details() — Method in class Stacks
Stacks::view() — Method in class Stacks
Types::view() — Method in class Types
Boards::view() — Method in class Boards
Add::view() — Method in class Add
Add::validateBoardRequest() — Method in class Add
Appearance::view() — Method in class Appearance
Boards::view() — Method in class Boards
DataSources::view() — Method in class DataSources
Designer::view() — Method in class Designer
Designer::view_element() — Method in class Designer
ChooseItems::view() — Method in class ChooseItems
CustomizeSlot::view() — Method in class CustomizeSlot
Details::view() — Method in class Details
Edit::view() — Method in class Edit
Instances::view() — Method in class Instances
Details::view_instance() — Method in class Details
Details::view() — Method in class Details
Rules::view() — Method in class Rules
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
Scheduler::view() — Method in class Scheduler
Weighting::view() — Method in class Weighting
Calendar::view() — Method in class Calendar
Add::view() — Method in class Add
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
EventList::view() — Method in class EventList
Events::view() — Method in class Events
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
Conversations::view() — Method in class Conversations
Messages::view() — Method in class Messages
Express::view() — Method in class Express
Entries::view() — Method in class Entries
Extend::view() — Method in class Extend
Connect::view() — Method in class Connect
Install::view() — Method in class Install
Update::view() — Method in class Update
Files::view() — Method in class Files
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
Details::view() — Method in class Details
Search::view() — Method in class Search
Sets::view() — Method in class Sets
Sets::view_detail() — Method in class Sets
$ News#viewPathProperty in class News
Pages::view() — Method in class Pages
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
Containers::view() — Method in class Containers
Add::view() — Method in class Add
Feeds::view() — Method in class Feeds
Feeds::validatePageRequest() — Method in class Feeds
Single::view() — Method in class Single
Templates::view() — Method in class Templates
Themes::view() — Method in class Themes
Inspect::view() — Method in class Inspect
Types::view() — Method in class Types
Add::view() — Method in class Add
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
Form::view() — Method in class Form
Organize::view() — Method in class Organize
Output::view() — Method in class Output

The main view method to display the available page templates for the passed page type.

Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
Reports::view() — Method in class Reports
Forms::view() — Method in class Forms
Legacy::view() — Method in class Legacy
Health::view() — Method in class Health
Details::view() — Method in class Details
Details::view_finding_details() — Method in class Details
Logs::view() — Method in class Logs
PageChanges::view() — Method in class PageChanges
Surveys::viewDetail() — Method in class Surveys
Surveys::view() — Method in class Surveys
Sitemap::view() — Method in class Sitemap
Explore::view() — Method in class Explore
Full::view() — Method in class Full
Search::view() — Method in class Search
System::view() — Method in class System
Api::view() — Method in class Api
Integrations::view() — Method in class Integrations
Integrations::validateIntegrationRequest() — Method in class Integrations
Integrations::view_client() — Method in class Integrations
Scopes::view() — Method in class Scopes
Settings::view() — Method in class Settings
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
Sets::view() — Method in class Sets
Topics::view() — Method in class Topics
Add::view() — Method in class Add
Automation::view() — Method in class Automation
Activity::view() — Method in class Activity
Failed::view() — Method in class Failed
Schedule::view() — Method in class Schedule
Settings::view() — Method in class Settings
Tasks::view() — Method in class Tasks
Backup::view() — Method in class Backup
Basics::view() — Method in class Basics
Accessibility::view() — Method in class Accessibility
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
Editor::view() — Method in class Editor
Icons::view() — Method in class Icons
Marketplace::view() — Method in class Marketplace
Multilingual::view() — Method in class Multilingual
Update::view() — Method in class Update
Name::view() — Method in class Name
ProductionMode::view() — Method in class ProductionMode
SiteInformation::view() — Method in class SiteInformation
Social::view() — Method in class Social
Social::validatePageRequest() — Method in class Social
Timezone::view() — Method in class Timezone
Boards::view() — Method in class Boards
Calendar::view() — Method in class Calendar
Colors::view() — Method in class Colors
Import::view() — Method in class Import
Settings::view() — Method in class Settings
Conversations::view() — Method in class Conversations
BannedWords::view() — Method in class BannedWords
Editor::view() — Method in class Editor
Points::view() — Method in class Points
Settings::view() — Method in class Settings
Environment::view() — Method in class Environment
DatabaseCharset::view() — Method in class DatabaseCharset
Debug::view() — Method in class Debug
Entities::view() — Method in class Entities
Geolocation::view() — Method in class Geolocation
Logging::view() — Method in class Logging

Dasboard page view.

Proxy::view() — Method in class Proxy
Security::view() — Method in class Security
Express::view() — Method in class Express
Entities::view() — Method in class Entities
Entities::view_entity() — Method in class Entities
Associations::view() — Method in class Associations
Associations::view_association_details() — Method in class Associations
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
CustomizeSearch::view() — Method in class CustomizeSearch
Forms::view() — Method in class Forms
Forms::view_form_details() — Method in class Forms
OrderEntries::view() — Method in class OrderEntries
Entries::view() — Method in class Entries
Files::view() — Method in class Files
ExportOptions::view() — Method in class ExportOptions
ExternalFileProvider::view() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
ExternalFileProvider::validateStorageRequest() — Method in class ExternalFileProvider
FileManager::view() — Method in class FileManager
Filetypes::view() — Method in class Filetypes
ImageEditor::view() — Method in class ImageEditor
ImageUploading::view() — Method in class ImageUploading
Storage::view() — Method in class Storage
Storage::validateStorageRequest() — Method in class Storage
Thumbnails::view() — Method in class Thumbnails
Options::view() — Method in class Options
Uploads::view() — Method in class Uploads
Mail::view() — Method in class Mail
Addresses::view() — Method in class Addresses
Logging::view() — Method in class Logging
Method::view() — Method in class Method
Test::view() — Method in class Test
Multilingual::view() — Method in class Multilingual
Copy::view() — Method in class Copy
PageReport::view() — Method in class PageReport
Setup::view() — Method in class Setup
TranslateInterface::view() — Method in class TranslateInterface
Multisite::view() — Method in class Multisite
Settings::view() — Method in class Settings
Sites::view() — Method in class Sites
Sites::view_site() — Method in class Sites
Sites::view_domains() — Method in class Sites
Types::view() — Method in class Types
Types::view_type() — Method in class Types
Types::view_skeleton() — Method in class Types
Types::view_groups() — Method in class Types
Types::view_attributes() — Method in class Types
Types::validateSave() — Method in class Types
Notification::view() — Method in class Notification
Alerts::view() — Method in class Alerts
Events::view() — Method in class Events
Optimization::view() — Method in class Optimization
Cache::view() — Method in class Cache
Clearcache::view() — Method in class Clearcache
Jobs::view() — Method in class Jobs
Jobs::view_sets() — Method in class Jobs
Permissions::view() — Method in class Permissions
Antispam::view() — Method in class Antispam
Captcha::view() — Method in class Captcha
Denylist::view() — Method in class Denylist
Configure::view() — Method in class Configure
Range::view() — Method in class Range
Maintenance::view() — Method in class Maintenance
Site::view() — Method in class Site
TrustedProxies::view() — Method in class TrustedProxies
Users::view() — Method in class Users
Workflows::view() — Method in class Workflows
Workflows::view_detail() — Method in class Workflows
Registration::view() — Method in class Registration
Authentication::view() — Method in class Authentication
AutomatedLogout::view() — Method in class AutomatedLogout

Main view function for the controller. This method is called when no other action matches the request.

Deactivation::view() — Method in class Deactivation
GlobalPasswordReset::view() — Method in class GlobalPasswordReset
GlobalPasswordReset::validateForm() — Method in class GlobalPasswordReset
Open::view() — Method in class Open
PasswordRequirements::view() — Method in class PasswordRequirements
PasswordRequirements::validate() — Method in class PasswordRequirements
PasswordRequirements::validateRegex() — Method in class PasswordRequirements

Check if a given regular expression is valid.

Postlogin::view() — Method in class Postlogin
Profiles::view() — Method in class Profiles
SessionOptions::view() — Method in class SessionOptions
Seo::view() — Method in class Seo
Bulk::view() — Method in class Bulk
Codes::view() — Method in class Codes
Excluded::view() — Method in class Excluded
Searchindex::view() — Method in class Searchindex
UrlSlug::view() — Method in class UrlSlug
Urls::view() — Method in class Urls
Update::view() — Method in class Update
Update::view() — Method in class Update
Users::view() — Method in class Users
Add::view() — Method in class Add
AddGroup::validateRoles() — Method in class AddGroup
AddGroup::view() — Method in class AddGroup
Attributes::view() — Method in class Attributes
GroupTypes::validate() — Method in class GroupTypes
GroupTypes::validateRoles() — Method in class GroupTypes
GroupTypes::view() — Method in class GroupTypes
Groups::view() — Method in class Groups
Groups::view_tree() — Method in class Groups
BulkUserAssignment::view() — Method in class BulkUserAssignment
Message::view() — Method in class Message

Main endpoint for this singlepage.

Search::view() — Method in class Search
Welcome::view() — Method in class Welcome
Health::view() — Method in class Health
DownloadFile::view() — Method in class DownloadFile
DownloadFile::view_inline() — Method in class DownloadFile
Login::view() — Method in class Login
Members::view() — Method in class Members
Profile::view() — Method in class Profile
$ PageForbidden#viewPathProperty in class PageForbidden
PageForbidden::view() — Method in class PageForbidden
PageNotFound::validateRequest() — Method in class PageNotFound
PageNotFound::view() — Method in class PageNotFound
Upgrade::view() — Method in class Upgrade
$ ApprovePagePreview#viewPathProperty in class ApprovePagePreview
ApprovePagePreview::view() — Method in class ApprovePagePreview
VideoActionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Action
Version920ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Controller\Update
Version929ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Controller\Update
Version930ControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Controller\Update
VersionsClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Api\Controller
$ Block#valueProperty in class Block
$ CalendarEvent#versionProperty in class CalendarEvent
$ CustomAttribute#valueProperty in class CustomAttribute
$ NewBlock#valueProperty in class NewBlock
$ OptionListOption#valueProperty in class OptionListOption
$ Page#versionProperty in class Page
$ UpdatedBlock#valueProperty in class UpdatedBlock
Controller::validateScopesAgainstClient() — Method in class Controller

Returns true if a) all scopes are allowed by the client or b) the scopes passed in the request are included in the allowed list of client scopes

$ DefaultValidator#validatorProperty in class DefaultValidator
DefaultValidator::validateAuthorization() — Method in class DefaultValidator

Determine the access token in the authorization header and append OAUth properties to the request as attributes.

$ DeletedAreaBlockResponse#versionProperty in class DeletedAreaBlockResponse
FileManager::video() — Method in class FileManager

Sets up a form field to let users pick a video file.

User::validNewPassword() — Method in class User
ValidationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Application\Service
$ LinkItem#valueProperty in class LinkItem
ViewContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Context
Controller::validateKey() — Method in class Controller
DefaultController::validateValue() — Method in class DefaultController
DefaultController::validateForm() — Method in class DefaultController
ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Form\Control\View
$ View#valueProperty in class View
$ RendererBuilder#viewProperty in class RendererBuilder
$ KeySerializer#valueProperty in class KeySerializer
StandardValidator::validateAddKeyRequest() — Method in class StandardValidator
StandardValidator::validateUpdateKeyRequest() — Method in class StandardValidator
StandardValidator::validateSaveValueRequest() — Method in class StandardValidator
StandardValidator::validateCurrentAttributeValue() — Method in class StandardValidator
StandardValidator::validate() — Method in class StandardValidator
ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
ValidatorInterface::validateAddKeyRequest() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
ValidatorInterface::validateUpdateKeyRequest() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
ValidatorInterface::validateSaveValueRequest() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
ValidatorInterface::validateCurrentAttributeValue() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
ValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Value
Value::validateAttributeValue() — Method in class Value

Validates the current attribute value to see if it fulfills the "requirement" portion of an attribute.

ValueListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute\Value
ValueList::valid() — Method in class ValueList
ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Attribute
AuthenticationTypeController::view() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeController
AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface::verifyHash() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeControllerInterface

Verify cookie hash to identify user.

GenericOauthTypeController::verifyHash() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController

Hash authentication disabled for oauth.

GenericOauth1aTypeController::view() — Method in class GenericOauth1aTypeController
GenericOauth2TypeController::view() — Method in class GenericOauth2TypeController
ValueInspectorClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector
ValueInspectorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Backup\ContentImporter\ValueInspector
BlockController::validate() — Method in class BlockController

Used to validate a blocks data before saving to the database Generally should return an empty ErrorList if valid Custom Packages may return a boolean value

BlockController::validateAddBlockPassThruAction() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::validateEditBlockPassThruAction() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::validateComposerAddBlockPassThruAction() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::validateComposerEditBlockPassThruAction() — Method in class BlockController
ValidateBlockRequestTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Block\Traits

A port of \Concrete\Controller\Dialog\Block::validateBlock functionality that can be more easily included in different situations

ValidateBlockRequestTrait::validateBlock() — Method in class ValidateBlockRequestTrait
$ BlockView#viewToRenderProperty in class BlockView
$ BlockView#viewPerformedProperty in class BlockView
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandValidator::validate() — Method in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandValidator
$ Planner#verificationChecksRunProperty in class Planner
PageCacheRecord::validate() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
$ Field#valueProperty in class Field
$ Controller#viewProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#viewPathProperty in class Controller

The path to the view file (update it with the setViewPath method).

$ ElementController#viewProperty in class ElementController

The view instance to be used when rendering the view.

DashboardExpressEntityTrait::view() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntityTrait
DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait::view_entry() — Method in class DashboardExpressEntryDetailsTrait
$ Tag#valueProperty in class Tag
$ EventValue#versionProperty in class EventValue
$ BooleanValue#valueProperty in class BooleanValue
$ DateTimeValue#valueProperty in class DateTimeValue
$ DurationValue#valueProperty in class DurationValue
$ NumberValue#valueProperty in class NumberValue
$ SelectValueOption#valuesProperty in class SelectValueOption
$ SelectValueOption#valueProperty in class SelectValueOption
$ SelectValueUsedOption#valueProperty in class SelectValueUsedOption
$ SelectedSocialLink#valueProperty in class SelectedSocialLink
$ SelectedTopic#valueProperty in class SelectedTopic
$ TextValue#valueProperty in class TextValue
ValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\Value
$ CalendarEvent#versionsProperty in class CalendarEvent
$ CalendarEventVersionOccurrence#versionOccurrenceIDProperty in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
$ CalendarEventVersionOccurrence#versionProperty in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
$ CalendarEventVersionRepetition#versionRepetitionIDProperty in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
$ CalendarEventVersionRepetition#versionProperty in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
$ DesignTag#valueProperty in class DesignTag
$ File#versionsProperty in class File
VersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File

Represents a version of a file.

ClientRepository::validateClient() — Method in class ClientRepository

Validate a client's secret.

$ CustomSkin#variableCollectionProperty in class CustomSkin
$ CustomCssRecord#valueProperty in class CustomCssRecord
LoginAttemptRepository::validateTimezone() — Method in class LoginAttemptRepository
LoginAttemptRepository::validateUser() — Method in class LoginAttemptRepository

Validate a passed user value and resolve the ID

ViewContextClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Context
AssociationControlValidator::validateRequest() — Method in class AssociationControlValidator
AttributeKeyControlValidator::validateRequest() — Method in class AttributeKeyControlValidator
ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\Validator
ValidatorInterface::validateRequest() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
$ AttributeKeyFormView#viewProperty in class AttributeKeyFormView
ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Control\View
AbstractValidator::validate() — Method in class AbstractValidator
CSRFTokenRoutine::validate() — Method in class CSRFTokenRoutine
CaptchaRoutine::validate() — Method in class CaptchaRoutine
CheckPermissionsRoutine::validate() — Method in class CheckPermissionsRoutine
CheckPublishedStatusRoutine::validate() — Method in class CheckPublishedStatusRoutine
RoutineInterface::validate() — Method in class RoutineInterface
ValidateAttributesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator\Routine
ValidateAttributesRoutine::validate() — Method in class ValidateAttributesRoutine
ValidateUniqueAttributesRoutineClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator\Routine
ValidateUniqueAttributesRoutine::validate() — Method in class ValidateUniqueAttributesRoutine
ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Express\Form\Validator
ValidatorInterface::validate() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
ConfigurationInterface::validateRequest() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Validate a request, this is used during saving

$ BitmapFormat#valnProperty in class BitmapFormat
$ Thumbnail#versionProperty in class Thumbnail

The thumbnail type version.

VersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type

Handles regular and retina thumbnails. e.g. Each thumbnail type has two versions of itself the regular one and the 2x one.

$ ProcessorManager#validatorsProperty in class ProcessorManager

The list of validators.

$ FileExistingValidator#validationServiceProperty in class FileExistingValidator
FileExistingValidator::validate() — Method in class FileExistingValidator

Validate a file being imported.

$ FileExtensionValidator#validationServiceProperty in class FileExtensionValidator
FileExtensionValidator::validate() — Method in class FileExtensionValidator

Validate a file being imported.

SvgProcessor::validate() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Validate a file being imported.

ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Import\Processor
ValidatorInterface::validate() — Method in class ValidatorInterface

Validate a file being imported.

VolatileDirectoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Service
ConfigurationInterface::validateRequest() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Validate a request, this is used during saving

DefaultConfiguration::validateRequest() — Method in class DefaultConfiguration
LocalConfiguration::validateRequest() — Method in class LocalConfiguration
$ Type#viewProperty in class Type

Handle of the inline viewer (empty string if not available).

ValidationServiceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File

Helper elements for validating uploaded and existing files in Concrete.

$ Element#variablesProperty in class Element

The list of variables to be "set" in the view.

$ ControlEntry#viewClassProperty in class ControlEntry
$ Renderer#viewProperty in class Renderer
ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Control
ViewInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Control
ValidationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Form\Service

Helper functions to use with validating submitting forms.

ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Foundation\Command
ValidatorInterface::validate() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
DefaultBooter::validateDatabaseDetails() — Method in class DefaultBooter

Check whether an environment has well formed database credentials defined

$ AttributeMessage#valueProperty in class AttributeMessage
Collection::valid() — Method in class Collection
DefaultDispatcher::validateUser() — Method in class DefaultDispatcher
ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a response from a view object

ResponseFactoryInterface::view() — Method in class ResponseFactoryInterface

Create a response from a view object

$ PageList#viewPagePermissionKeyHandleProperty in class PageList
$ Stats#versionProperty in class Stats

The version of the translations.

$ Stats#versionProperty in class Stats

The version handle.

$ MailImportedMessage#validationHashProperty in class MailImportedMessage
MailImportedMessage::validate() — Method in class MailImportedMessage

Validates the email message - checks the validation hash found in the body with one in the database. Checks the from address as well.

$ RemotePackage#versionProperty in class RemotePackage
ValidateResultClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Marketplace\Model
$ ValidateResult#validProperty in class ValidateResult
PackageRepository::validate() — Method in class PackageRepository
PackageRepositoryInterface::validate() — Method in class PackageRepositoryInterface

Determine if a given connection is valid for the current site

DashboardBreadcrumb::valid() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumb
PageBreadcrumb::valid() — Method in class PageBreadcrumb
ContentSwapper::validateClearSiteContents() — Method in class ContentSwapper
VersionMismatchExceptionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Dependency

Package dependency failure: a package requires specific versions of another package.

$ PackageInfo#versionProperty in class PackageInfo

The package version.

$ ShortTagExpander#volatileDirectoryProperty in class ShortTagExpander
$ SvgIconRasterizer#volatileDirectoryProperty in class SvgIconRasterizer
$ TranslationCompiler#volatileDirectoryProperty in class TranslationCompiler
$ ClonerOptions#versionCommentsProperty in class ClonerOptions

The version comments (if empty string, automatically build them).

$ Collection#vObjProperty in class Collection

The collection version object.

$ EditResponse#versionsProperty in class EditResponse
$ EditResponse#vlProperty in class EditResponse
$ Event#versionProperty in class Event
VersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version
VersionListClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version

An object that holds a list of versions for a particular collection.

ContainerCommandValidator::validate() — Method in class ContainerCommandValidator
MarketplaceDashboardPageController::view() — Method in class MarketplaceDashboardPageController
MarketplaceDashboardPageController::view_detail() — Method in class MarketplaceDashboardPageController
PageController::validateRequest() — Method in class PageController
$ CustomStyle#valueListIDProperty in class CustomStyle
VersionStatusFieldClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Search\Field\Field
$ PageListGenerator#viewPagePermissionKeyProperty in class PageListGenerator
$ PageListGenerator#visitorsUserGroupProperty in class PageListGenerator
$ PageListGenerator#visitorsUserGroupAccessEntityProperty in class PageListGenerator
$ Color#variableProperty in class Color
$ ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler#variableCollectionFactoryProperty in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler
$ CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler#variableCollectionFactoryProperty in class CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler
$ GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler#variableCollectionFactoryProperty in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler
SkinCommandValidator::validate() — Method in class SkinCommandValidator
$ UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler#variableCollectionFactoryProperty in class UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler
BlockControl::validate() — Method in class BlockControl
CollectionAttributeControl::validate() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
Control::validate() — Method in class Control
CorePageProperty::validate() — Method in class CorePageProperty
DateTimeCorePageProperty::validate() — Method in class DateTimeCorePageProperty
DescriptionCorePageProperty::validate() — Method in class DescriptionCorePageProperty
NameCorePageProperty::validate() — Method in class NameCorePageProperty
UrlSlugCorePageProperty::validate() — Method in class UrlSlugCorePageProperty
UserCorePageProperty::validate() — Method in class UserCorePageProperty
VersionCommentCorePagePropertyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty
VersionCommentCorePageProperty::validate() — Method in class VersionCommentCorePageProperty
PageTypeType::validatePageTypeRequest() — Method in class PageTypeType
ParentPageType::validatePageTypeRequest() — Method in class ParentPageType
Type::validatePageTypeRequest() — Method in class Type
StandardValidator::validateCreateDraftRequest() — Method in class StandardValidator
StandardValidator::validatePublishLocationRequest() — Method in class StandardValidator
StandardValidator::validatePublishDraftRequest() — Method in class StandardValidator
ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Validator
ValidatorInterface::validateCreateDraftRequest() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
ValidatorInterface::validatePublishDraftRequest() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
ValidatorInterface::validatePublishLocationRequest() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
Access::validateAndFilterAccessEntities() — Method in class Access
Access::validateAccessEntities() — Method in class Access
Access::validate() — Method in class Access
ConversationMessageAuthorEntity::validate() — Method in class ConversationMessageAuthorEntity
Entity::validate() — Method in class Entity
FileUploaderEntity::validate() — Method in class FileUploaderEntity
PageOwnerEntity::validate() — Method in class PageOwnerEntity
SiteGroupEntity::validate() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
ViewUserAttributesUserListItemClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\ListItem
ViewUserAttributesUserAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
AddBlockBlockTypeKey::validate() — Method in class AddBlockBlockTypeKey
AddBlockToAreaAreaKey::validate() — Method in class AddBlockToAreaAreaKey
AddFileFileFolderKey::validate() — Method in class AddFileFileFolderKey

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

AddSubpagePageKey::validate() — Method in class AddSubpagePageKey

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

EditPagePropertiesPageKey::validate() — Method in class EditPagePropertiesPageKey

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

EditPageThemePageKey::validate() — Method in class EditPageThemePageKey

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

EditUserPropertiesUserKey::validate() — Method in class EditUserPropertiesUserKey

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

FileKey::validate() — Method in class FileKey

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

Key::validate() — Method in class Key

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationKey::validate() — Method in class NotifyInNotificationCenterNotificationKey

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

ViewUserAttributesUserKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
ViewUserAttributesUserKey::validate() — Method in class ViewUserAttributesUserKey

Check if the current user is of for this key and its current permission object (if any).

Response::validate() — Method in class Response

This function returns true if the user has permission to the object, or false if they do not have access.

VariableFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Pager\QueryString
ViewInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
ViewRendererClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\View
$ ViewRenderer#viewProperty in class ViewRenderer
$ ItemColumn#valueProperty in class ItemColumn
$ Apache#versionProperty in class Apache

Service version.

$ Nginx#versionProperty in class Nginx

Service version.

$ Option#valueProperty in class Option

Option value.

InstallationService::validateEnvironment() — Method in class InstallationService
VariableClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
$ Variable#valueProperty in class Variable
VariableInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Normalizer
$ LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler#variableCollectionFactoryProperty in class LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler
$ StandardPreviewHandler#variableCollectionFactoryProperty in class StandardPreviewHandler
$ CustomizerVariable#variableProperty in class CustomizerVariable
$ CustomizerVariable#valueProperty in class CustomizerVariable
$ GroupedStyleValueListSet#valuesProperty in class GroupedStyleValueListSet
Version1ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser\Manager
Version2ManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Parser\Manager
$ Style#variableProperty in class Style

The name of the associated CSS variable.

$ StyleValue#valueProperty in class StyleValue
$ StyleValueList#valuesProperty in class StyleValueList
$ PresetFontsFileValue#valueProperty in class PresetFontsFileValue
ValueClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
ValueContainerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
ValueContainerTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
ValueInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\Value
$ Stylesheet#variableCollectionProperty in class Stylesheet
$ Info#versionInstalledProperty in class Info
$ ApplicationUpdate#versionProperty in class ApplicationUpdate

The version string.

VersionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\ApplicationUpdate
$ Version#versionProperty in class Version
$ AbstractMigration#validAttributesProperty in class AbstractMigration
Version20140919000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20140930000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20141017000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20141024000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20141113000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20141219000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150109000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150504000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150515000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150610000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150612000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150615000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150616000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150619000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150622000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150623000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150713000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20150731000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20151221000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20160107000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20160213000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20160314000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20160412000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20160615000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20160725000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20161109000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20161203000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20161208000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20161216000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20161216100000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170118000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170123000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170201000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170202000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170227063249Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Conversations Ratings Page Review Migration.

Version20170313000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170316000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Class Version20170316000000.

Version20170404000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170406000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170407000001Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170412000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170418000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170420000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170421000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170424000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170505000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170512000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170519000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170608000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170608100000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170609000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170609100000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170610000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170611000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170613000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170614000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170626000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170711151953Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170731021618Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170802000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170804000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170810000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170818000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170824000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170905000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170915000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20170926000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171012000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171025000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171109000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171109065758Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171110032423Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171121000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171129190607Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171218000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20171221194440Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180119000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180122213656Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180122220813Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180123000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180126000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180130000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180212000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180213000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180227035239Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180308043255Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180328215345Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180329183749Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180330080830Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180403143200Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180518153531Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180524000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180531000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180604000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180609000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180615000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180617000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180621222449Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180622192332Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180627000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180709175202Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180710203437Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180716000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180717000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180813220933Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180816210727Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180820205800Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180831213421Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180904165911Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180907091500Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180910000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180912113737Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180920000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180926000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180926070200Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20180926070300Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181006212300Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181006212400Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181019010145Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181029223809Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!

Version20181105102800Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181112211702Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181116072400Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181211000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181211100000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181212000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181212221911Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20181222183445Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190106000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190110194848Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Install OIDC scope

Version20190110231015Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Update all oauth2 clients to have a consent type of CONSENT_SIMPLE

Version20190111181236Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Update scope descriptions and connect access tokens to refresh tokens

Version20190112000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190129000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Update scope descriptions and install missing scopes on upgrades.

Version20190225000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190225184524Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190301133300Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190309000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190310000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190416224702Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190417180607Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190422235040Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190504005632Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190508232235Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190509000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190509205043Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190513164028Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190516204806Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190520171430Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190522202749Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190619141521Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190625177700Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190625177710Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190708000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190717090600Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190817000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190822160700Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190826000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20190925072210Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20191002000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20191029175713Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200116115000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200118043285Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200203000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200501000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

This migration updates topic category names imported from 5.x.

Version20200523051311Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200604000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200609145307Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200610162600Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200611161800Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200625191946Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200626142348Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200810000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200814143401Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200903201537Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200923143317Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200928000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200928000001Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20200928000003Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201015174802Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201018000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201022000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201028143317Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201028201040Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201031143314Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201110150900Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201112172200Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201119123200Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201130130221Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201205023211Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201229143500Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20201231153200Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210128224608Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210205193115Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210216184000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210331213100Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210428212600Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210528170900Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210616131513Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210622145600Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210712110100Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210718190101Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210722225853Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210725000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210729191135Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210813173441Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210815000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20210910234801Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!

Version20210926145823Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211001145301Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211020151701Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211023155414Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211028000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211102171600Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211102171700Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211103142609Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211104161958Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20211208145933Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!

Version20220114215506Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220210120000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220301185614Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220304163335Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220307105409Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Adds the inset option to styles

Version20220321122800Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220331222557Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220408000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220503000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220516191423Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220614180000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220812035034Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220908074900Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220909000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220909100000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220909200000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220909300000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220911000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20220919000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20221012183922Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20221121152044Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20221122000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20221219220600Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20230107185800Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20230127095217Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20230225150942Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20230308163514Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20230503095900Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20230812015937Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20230905000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20230924000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20231002142400Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20231207100748Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20240119210413Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations

Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!

Version20240122172319Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20240506191622Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20240508000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20240515173142Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20240618202000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
Version20240711000000Class in namespace Concrete\Core\Updater\Migrations\Migrations
$ RemoteApplicationUpdate#versionProperty in class RemoteApplicationUpdate
$ SeoCanonical#valnProperty in class SeoCanonical

The instance of the numbers validator.

AddGroupCommandValidator::validate() — Method in class AddGroupCommandValidator
$ PostLoginLocation#valnProperty in class PostLoginLocation
User::verifyAuthTypeCookie() — Method in class User
ValidationHashClass in namespace Concrete\Core\User
Token::validate() — Method in class Token

Validate a token against a given action.

$ Response#validProperty in class Response
ValidationServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validation
$ ClosureValidator#validator_closureProperty in class ClosureValidator

The closure that handles validation.

ValidatorForSubjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

A generic validator cabable of describing itself and validating mixed values, with the possibility to specify the subject for whom a value is valid.

ValidatorForSubjectManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator
ValidatorForSubjectTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

A trait that provides an implementation of ValidatorInterface::isValid

ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

A generic validator cabable of describing itself and validating mixed values.

ValidatorManagerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

A generic validator manager interface that enables validating against many validators at once.

$ ValidatorManager#validatorsProperty in class ValidatorManager

The list of registered validators.

ValidatorManagerForSubjectInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

A generic validator manager interface that enables validating against many validators at once.

ValidatorManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator

A generic validator manager interface that enables validating against many validators at once.

ValidatorServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Validator
ViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\View
$ View#viewPathProperty in class View
$ View#viewPkgHandleProperty in class View
$ View#viewRootDirectoryNameProperty in class View
Workflow::validateTrigger() — Method in class Workflow

Check if a workflow request is valid.


$ Controller#widthProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#webmfIDProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#widthProperty in class Controller
$ Menu#wrapperClassProperty in class Menu
Install::web_precondition() — Method in class Install
Messages::write() — Method in class Messages
WeightingClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\Boards
WorkflowsClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard\System\Permissions
Workflows::workflow_deleted() — Method in class Workflows
WelcomeClass in namespace Concrete\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard
WelcomeControllerClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Controller
WelcomeItemFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Announcement\Item\Factory
$ DialogLinkItem#widthProperty in class DialogLinkItem
$ SetBoardCustomWeightingCommand#weightingsProperty in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommand
FileLogger::write() — Method in class FileLogger
AggregateOutput::write() — Method in class AggregateOutput
ConsoleOutput::write() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
MemoryOutput::write() — Method in class MemoryOutput
NullOutput::write() — Method in class NullOutput
OutputInterface::write() — Method in class OutputInterface
PushOutput::write() — Method in class PushOutput
Liaison::withKey() — Method in class Liaison

Execute a callable using a specific key value.

Repository::withKey() — Method in class Repository

Execute a callable using a specific key value.

Command::writeError() — Method in class Command

Write an exception.

InstallCommand::wizardSteps() — Method in class InstallCommand

An array of steps Items: [ "option-name", "default-value", function($question, $input, $option) : $question ].

$ Author#websiteProperty in class Author
$ AbstractExporter#writerProperty in class AbstractExporter

The CSV Writer instance.

$ DownloadStatisticsExporter#writerProperty in class DownloadStatisticsExporter
$ ImportResult#warningsProperty in class ImportResult

The list of import warnings.

WriterFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Csv

Get an instance of a CSV Writer.

$ WriterFactory#writerClassProperty in class WriterFactory
$ LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation#wantedKeyLengthProperty in class LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation
$ Device#widthProperty in class Device
$ CalendarEvent#workflow_progress_objectsProperty in class CalendarEvent
$ CalendarEventWorkflowProgress#wpIDProperty in class CalendarEventWorkflowProgress
WarningFindingClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Health\Report
WorkflowProgressNotificationClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\Notification
$ WorkflowProgressNotification#wpIDProperty in class WorkflowProgressNotification
WhoopsServiceProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Error\Provider
$ CsvWriter#writerProperty in class CsvWriter
$ ExternalFileEntry#widthProperty in class ExternalFileEntry
$ BasicThumbnailer#webpCompressionProperty in class BasicThumbnailer

The currently configured WEBP compression level.

$ Version#widthProperty in class Version

The width of the thumbnails (or the maximum width in case of proportional sizing).

$ CsvWriter#writerFactoryProperty in class CsvWriter
WarningFormatterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Health\Report\Finding\Formatter
$ EmailReportMessageHandler#writerFactoryProperty in class EmailReportMessageHandler
Runner::warning() — Method in class Runner
MiddlewareStack::withDispatcher() — Method in class MiddlewareStack

Get a stack with the given dispatcher

MiddlewareStack::withMiddleware() — Method in class MiddlewareStack
MiddlewareStack::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class MiddlewareStack
StackInterface::withMiddleware() — Method in class StackInterface

Return an instance with the specified middleware added to the stack.

StackInterface::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class StackInterface

Return an instance without the specified middleware.

WritableDirectoriesClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
WebPreconditionInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install

Interface for the checks to be performed before installing concrete5 that need a web environment.

Localization::withContext() — Method in class Localization

Execute a function using a specific localization context.

$ Gettext#webrootDirectoryProperty in class Gettext

Tthe absolute path of the web root.

GroupLogger::write() — Method in class GroupLogger
DatabaseHandler::write() — Method in class DatabaseHandler
$ DefaultAsyncConnection#wrappedConnectionProperty in class DefaultAsyncConnection
$ DefaultFailedConnection#wrappedConnectionProperty in class DefaultFailedConnection
WorkflowFilterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Alert\Filter
$ WorkflowFilter#workflowProperty in class WorkflowFilter
WorkflowProgressNotifierClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Notifier
WorkflowProgressTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\Type
WorkflowProgressListViewMenuClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View\Menu
WorkflowProgressListViewClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Notification\View
$ WorkflowProgressListView#workflowProperty in class WorkflowProgressListView
WorkflowClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
WorkflowProgressCategoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
WorkflowTypeClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\ItemCategory
WriterInterfaceClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Writer

Interface that persists package files after the filters have been applied.

$ FeedEvent#writerProperty in class FeedEvent
$ GenerateSitemapCommandHandler#writerProperty in class GenerateSitemapCommandHandler
DragRequestData::whyCantDo() — Method in class DragRequestData

Get the reason why an operation can't be performed.

DragRequestData::whyCantMove() — Method in class DragRequestData

Get the reason why the move operation can't be performed.

DragRequestData::whyCantAlias() — Method in class DragRequestData

Get the reason why the alias operation can't be performed.

DragRequestData::whyCantCopy() — Method in class DragRequestData

Get the reason why the copy operation can't be performed.

DragRequestData::whyCantCopyAll() — Method in class DragRequestData

Get the reason why the copy-all operation can't be performed (NOTE: this DOES NOT include the checks performed in the whyCantCopy() method).

DragRequestData::whyCantCopyVersion() — Method in class DragRequestData

Get the reason why the copy-version operation can't be performed.

$ DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandler#writerProperty in class DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandler
$ GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler#writerProperty in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler
WorkflowAccessClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Access
$ WorkflowAccess#wpProperty in class WorkflowAccess
WorkflowAssignmentClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Assignment
$ IPRangesCsvWriter#writerProperty in class IPRangesCsvWriter

The writer we use to output.

WorkflowKeyClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Key
WorkflowEntryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Permission\Registry\Entry\Access
$ WorkflowEntry#workflowNameProperty in class WorkflowEntry
$ BasicWorkflow#wfNameProperty in class BasicWorkflow
ApacheStorage::write() — Method in class ApacheStorage

Read the configuration.

NginxStorage::write() — Method in class NginxStorage

Read the configuration.

StorageInterface::write() — Method in class StorageInterface

Read the configuration.

RedisSessionHandler::write() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
$ LoggedStorage#wrappedStorageProperty in class LoggedStorage

The storage instance we're wrapping / adding logging to

$ FontFamilyParser#webFontCollectionFactoryProperty in class FontFamilyParser
$ TypeParser#webFontCollectionFactoryProperty in class TypeParser
WebFontCollectionStyleTraitClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style
$ WebFontCollectionStyleTrait#webFontsProperty in class WebFontCollectionStyleTrait
WebFontClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\WebFont
WebFontCollectionClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\WebFont
WebFontCollectionFactoryClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\WebFont
WriterClass in namespace Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Writer

Responsible for writing CSS into the filesystem for use with a particular skin.

Writer::writeStyles() — Method in class Writer
$ PhpFixerOptions#webRootProperty in class PhpFixerOptions

The absolute path to the web root directory.

$ Info#webRootDirectoryProperty in class Info
Path::withoutDispatcher() — Method in class Path
$ AvatarCropperInstance#widthProperty in class AvatarCropperInstance
$ CsvWriter#writerProperty in class CsvWriter
Text::wordSafeShortText() — Method in class Text

alias of shortenTextWord().

$ BannedWord#wordProperty in class BannedWord
PasswordValidatorServiceProvider::wrappedRegexValidator() — Method in class PasswordValidatorServiceProvider

Create a closure validator that wraps a regex validator and handles all errors If the given regex is invalid, we will deny all passwords!

$ Action#wrActionStyleClassProperty in class Action
$ Action#wrActionStyleInnerButtonLeftProperty in class Action
$ Action#wrActionStyleInnerButtonRightProperty in class Action
$ Action#wrActionTaskProperty in class Action
$ Action#wrActionOnClickProperty in class Action
$ Action#wrActionURLProperty in class Action
$ Action#wrActionExtraButtonParametersProperty in class Action
$ Progress#wrIDProperty in class Progress
$ Progress#wpIDProperty in class Progress
$ Progress#wpDateAddedProperty in class Progress
$ Progress#wfIDProperty in class Progress
$ Progress#wpDateLastActionProperty in class Progress
$ Response#wprURLProperty in class Response
$ ApprovePageRequest#wrStatusNumProperty in class ApprovePageRequest
$ ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest#wrStatusNumProperty in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
$ ChangePagePermissionsRequest#wrStatusNumProperty in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
$ ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest#wrStatusNumProperty in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
$ DeletePageRequest#wrStatusNumProperty in class DeletePageRequest
$ MovePageRequest#wrStatusNumProperty in class MovePageRequest
$ Request#wrStatusNumProperty in class Request
$ Request#wrIDProperty in class Request
$ UnapprovePageRequest#wrStatusNumProperty in class UnapprovePageRequest
WorkflowClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Workflow
$ Workflow#wfIDProperty in class Workflow

The workflow ID.


Controller::xml_highlight() — Method in class Controller
XmlProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Provider

Use this provider if you wish to store your entity metadata in XML files.

XmlParserClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\Schema\Parser
Sanitizer::xmlToData() — Method in class Sanitizer

Render a DOMDocument instance as a string.

XmlSupportClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
XmlReadyEventClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\Event
XmlClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Utility\Service


YamlProviderClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Database\EntityManager\Provider

Use this provider if you wish to store your entity metadata in YAML files.


$ Controller#zoomProperty in class Controller
ZipClass in namespace Concrete\Core\File\Service

Wrapper for ZIP functions.

Zip::zip() — Method in class Zip

Compress the contents of a directory to a ZIP archive.

Zip::zipNative() — Method in class Zip

Compress the contents of a directory to a ZIP archive using the native 'zip' command.

Zip::zipPHP() — Method in class Zip

Compress the contents of a directory to a ZIP archive using the PHP functions.

ZipSupportClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Install\Preconditions
ZipperClass in namespace Concrete\Core\Package\Packer\Writer

Class that generate a ZIP archive containing the package files.

$ Zipper#zipFilenameProperty in class Zipper

The absolute path to the ZIP archive to be created.


Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller
AccordionEntry::__construct() — Method in class AccordionEntry

AccordionEntry constructor.

Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller

Instantiates the block controller.

$ NavItem#_cProperty in class NavItem
NavItem::__construct() — Method in class NavItem

Instantiates an Autonav Block Item.

Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller

Instantiates the block controller.

MiniSurvey::__construct() — Method in class MiniSurvey
Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller

Instantiates the block controller.

SurveyList::__construct() — Method in class SurveyList
OpenApi::__construct() — Method in class OpenApi
Preview::__construct() — Method in class Preview

Initialize the instance.

Preview::__construct() — Method in class Preview

Initialize the instance.

Preview::__construct() — Method in class Preview

Initialize the instance.

Entry::__construct() — Method in class Entry

Initialize the instance.

Chooser::__construct() — Method in class Chooser

Initialize the instance.

Thumbnailer::__construct() — Method in class Thumbnailer

Initialize the instance.

Messenger::__construct() — Method in class Messenger

Initialize the instance.

Alert::__construct() — Method in class Alert

Initialize the instance.

Chooser::__construct() — Method in class Chooser

Initialize the instance.

Processes::__construct() — Method in class Processes

Initialize the instance.

SummaryTemplate::__construct() — Method in class SummaryTemplate

Initialize the instance.

Tasks::__construct() — Method in class Tasks

Initialize the instance.

UserInterface::__construct() — Method in class UserInterface

Initialize the instance.

Chooser::__construct() — Method in class Chooser

Initialize the instance.

Delete::__construct() — Method in class Delete

Initialize the instance.

DeleteOccurrence::__construct() — Method in class DeleteOccurrence

Initialize the instance.

Edit::__construct() — Method in class Edit

Initialize the instance.

SummaryTemplates::__construct() — Method in class SummaryTemplates

Initialize the instance.

Versions::__construct() — Method in class Versions

Initialize the instance.

ViewVersion::__construct() — Method in class ViewVersion

Initialize the instance.

AdvancedSearch::__construct() — Method in class AdvancedSearch

Initialize the instance.

Properties::__construct() — Method in class Properties

Initialize the instance.

Properties::__construct() — Method in class Properties

Initialize the instance.

Search::__construct() — Method in class Search

Initialize the instance.

Usage::__construct() — Method in class Usage

Usage constructor.

Properties::__construct() — Method in class Properties

Initialize the instance.

SiteGroup::__construct() — Method in class SiteGroup

Initialize the instance.

Attributes::__construct() — Method in class Attributes

Initialize the instance.

Attributes::__construct() — Method in class Attributes

Initialize the instance.

Attributes::__construct() — Method in class Attributes

Initialize the instance.

Properties::__construct() — Method in class Properties

Initialize the instance.

Details::__construct() — Method in class Details

Initialize the instance.

KeySelector::__construct() — Method in class KeySelector

Initialize the instance.

EditKey::__construct() — Method in class EditKey

Initialize the instance.

EditableList::__construct() — Method in class EditableList

Initialize the instance.

EditableSetList::__construct() — Method in class EditableSetList

Initialize the instance.

Form::__construct() — Method in class Form

Initialize the instance.

KeyHeader::__construct() — Method in class KeyHeader

Initialize the instance.

StandardListHeader::__construct() — Method in class StandardListHeader

Initialize the instance.

Control::__construct() — Method in class Control

Initialize the instance.

Options::__construct() — Method in class Options

Initialize the instance.

Header::__construct() — Method in class Header

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

Header::__construct() — Method in class Header

Initialize the instance.

Extend::__construct() — Method in class Extend

Initialize the instance.

Mobile::__construct() — Method in class Mobile

Initialize the instance.

Favorites::__construct() — Method in class Favorites

Initialize the instance.

Section::__construct() — Method in class Section

Initialize the instance.

Top::__construct() — Method in class Top

Initialize the instance.

Header::__construct() — Method in class Header

Initialize the instance.

Header::__construct() — Method in class Header

Header constructor.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

Header::__construct() — Method in class Header

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

AccountMenu::__construct() — Method in class AccountMenu

Initialize the instance.

IntelligentSearch::__construct() — Method in class IntelligentSearch

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

ListDetails::__construct() — Method in class ListDetails

Initialize the instance.

ItemList::__construct() — Method in class ItemList

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

Notice::__construct() — Method in class Notice

Initialize the instance.

CustomizeResults::__construct() — Method in class CustomizeResults

Initialize the instance.

Header::__construct() — Method in class Header

Initialize the instance.

SearchFieldSelector::__construct() — Method in class SearchFieldSelector

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu

Initialize the instance.

EventVersion::__construct() — Method in class EventVersion

Initialize the instance.

SelectSite::__construct() — Method in class SelectSite

Initialize the instance.

CoreStack::__construct() — Method in class CoreStack
CoreThemeDocumentation::__construct() — Method in class CoreThemeDocumentation
AccessEntity::__construct() — Method in class AccessEntity

Initialize the instance.

SiteGroup::__construct() — Method in class SiteGroup

Initialize the instance.

User::__construct() — Method in class User

Initialize the instance.

Name::__construct() — Method in class Name

Initialize the instance.

AutomatedLogout::__construct() — Method in class AutomatedLogout

Initialize the instance.

Message::__construct() — Method in class Message

Initialize the instance.

PageNotFound::__call() — Method in class PageNotFound
GuideAction::__construct() — Method in class GuideAction
LearnMoreAction::__construct() — Method in class LearnMoreAction
VideoAction::__construct() — Method in class VideoAction
AnnouncementService::__construct() — Method in class AnnouncementService
Announcement::__construct() — Method in class Announcement
Broadcast::__construct() — Method in class Broadcast
LearnMoreButton::__construct() — Method in class LearnMoreButton
WelcomeController::__construct() — Method in class WelcomeController
ImgIcon::__construct() — Method in class ImgIcon
SvgIcon::__construct() — Method in class SvgIcon
WelcomeItemFactory::__construct() — Method in class WelcomeItemFactory
StandardItem::__construct() — Method in class StandardItem
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
FeatureSlide::__construct() — Method in class FeatureSlide
Slide::__construct() — Method in class Slide

Slide constructor.

Service::__construct() — Method in class Service
Service::__call() — Method in class Service
Api::__construct() — Method in class Api
Api::__call() — Method in class Api
ApiController::__construct() — Method in class ApiController
AttributeValueMapEntry::__construct() — Method in class AttributeValueMapEntry

AttributeValueMapEntry constructor.

SynchronizeScopesCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class SynchronizeScopesCommandHandler
SynchronizeScopesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class SynchronizeScopesCommandHandler
Account::__construct() — Method in class Account
Sites::__construct() — Method in class Sites
RedirectUriFactory::__construct() — Method in class RedirectUriFactory
GenerateApiSpecEvent::__construct() — Method in class GenerateApiSpecEvent
InvalidLimitQueryParameterValueException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidLimitQueryParameterValueException
AssociationMapEntry::__construct() — Method in class AssociationMapEntry

AssociationMapEntry constructor.

ExpressEntryTransformer::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntryTransformer

ExpressEntryTransformer constructor.

ExpressEntryTransformer::__call() — Method in class ExpressEntryTransformer
IntegrationList::__construct() — Method in class IntegrationList
ClientFactory::__construct() — Method in class ClientFactory
Credentials::__construct() — Method in class Credentials

Credentials constructor.

CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler
CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class CreateOAuthClientCommandHandler
DeleteOAuthClientCommand::__construct() — Method in class DeleteOAuthClientCommand
DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandler
DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteOAuthClientCommandHandler
UpdateOAuthClientCommand::__construct() — Method in class UpdateOAuthClientCommand
UpdateOAuthClientCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class UpdateOAuthClientCommandHandler
UpdateOAuthClientCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdateOAuthClientCommandHandler
Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller
IdTokenResponse::__construct() — Method in class IdTokenResponse
DefaultValidator::__construct() — Method in class DefaultValidator
FileContent::__construct() — Method in class FileContent
JsonSchemaRefArrayContent::__construct() — Method in class JsonSchemaRefArrayContent

JsonSchemaRefContent constructor.

JsonSchemaRefContent::__construct() — Method in class JsonSchemaRefContent

JsonSchemaRefContent constructor.

IncludesParameter::__construct() — Method in class IncludesParameter
Parameter::__construct() — Method in class Parameter
SpecGenerator::__construct() — Method in class SpecGenerator
SpecMerger::__construct() — Method in class SpecMerger
SpecModel::__construct() — Method in class SpecModel

SpecModel constructor.

SpecPath::__construct() — Method in class SpecPath

SpecBuilderPath constructor.

SpecProperty::__construct() — Method in class SpecProperty
SpecPropertyRef::__construct() — Method in class SpecPropertyRef

JsonSchemaRefContent constructor.

SpecPropertyRefItems::__construct() — Method in class SpecPropertyRefItems

JsonSchemaRefContent constructor.

SpecRequestBody::__construct() — Method in class SpecRequestBody
SpecResponse::__construct() — Method in class SpecResponse

SpecResponse constructor.

SpecSchema::__construct() — Method in class SpecSchema
SpecSecurity::__construct() — Method in class SpecSecurity

SpecSecurity constructor.

SpecSecurityScheme::__construct() — Method in class SpecSecurityScheme

SecurityScheme constructor.

EditResponse::__construct() — Method in class EditResponse
Sitemap::__construct() — Method in class Sitemap

Sitemap constructor.

BlockTypeManager::__construct() — Method in class BlockTypeManager
DashboardManager::__construct() — Method in class DashboardManager
PanelManager::__construct() — Method in class PanelManager
StandardManager::__construct() — Method in class StandardManager
AbstractMenu::__construct() — Method in class AbstractMenu
DialogLinkItem::__construct() — Method in class DialogLinkItem

LinkItem constructor.

LinkItem::__construct() — Method in class LinkItem

LinkItem constructor.

AbstractNavigationCache::__construct() — Method in class AbstractNavigationCache
FavoritesNavigationFactory::__construct() — Method in class FavoritesNavigationFactory
FullNavigationFactory::__construct() — Method in class FullNavigationFactory
BasicIconFormatter::__construct() — Method in class BasicIconFormatter
Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller

Initialize the instance.

Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
OptionsForm::__construct() — Method in class OptionsForm
JsonFormatter::__construct() — Method in class JsonFormatter
SkeletonSitemapProvider::__construct() — Method in class SkeletonSitemapProvider

StandardSitemapProvider constructor.

StandardSitemapProvider::__construct() — Method in class StandardSitemapProvider

StandardSitemapProvider constructor.

EntryJsonFormatter::__construct() — Method in class EntryJsonFormatter
GroupJsonFormatter::__construct() — Method in class GroupJsonFormatter
SiteGroup::__construct() — Method in class SiteGroup
LocaleEntry::__construct() — Method in class LocaleEntry
SiteEntry::__construct() — Method in class SiteEntry
TreeCollectionJsonFormatter::__construct() — Method in class TreeCollectionJsonFormatter
ApiArea::__construct() — Method in class ApiArea
Area::__construct() — Method in class Area

The constructor is used primarily on page templates to create areas of content that are editable within the cms.

Area::__destruct() — Method in class Area
ContainerArea::__construct() — Method in class ContainerArea
CustomStyle::__construct() — Method in class CustomStyle
CustomFormatter::__construct() — Method in class CustomFormatter
FormatterInterface::__construct() — Method in class FormatterInterface
PresetFormatter::__construct() — Method in class PresetFormatter
ThemeGridFormatter::__construct() — Method in class ThemeGridFormatter
Column::__construct() — Method in class Column
ThemeFormatter::__construct() — Method in class ThemeFormatter
UserFormatter::__construct() — Method in class UserFormatter
Preset::__construct() — Method in class Preset
ActiveThemeProvider::__construct() — Method in class ActiveThemeProvider
ThemeProvider::__construct() — Method in class ThemeProvider
SubArea::__construct() — Method in class SubArea
Asset::__construct() — Method in class Asset

Initialize the instance.

AssetInterface::__toString() — Method in class AssetInterface

Render the HTML tag that will load this asset.

AssetPointer::__construct() — Method in class AssetPointer
CssAsset::__toString() — Method in class CssAsset
CssInlineAsset::__toString() — Method in class CssInlineAsset
JavascriptAsset::__toString() — Method in class JavascriptAsset
JavascriptConditionalAsset::__toString() — Method in class JavascriptConditionalAsset
JavascriptInlineAsset::__toString() — Method in class JavascriptInlineAsset
AttributeInterface::__construct() — Method in class AttributeInterface

AttributeInterface constructor.

AbstractCategory::__construct() — Method in class AbstractCategory

Initialize the instance.

CategoryService::__construct() — Method in class CategoryService
ExpressCategory::__construct() — Method in class ExpressCategory

Initialize the instance.

LegacyCategory::__construct() — Method in class LegacyCategory
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
StandardSearchIndexer::__construct() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Initialize the instance.

ClearAttributesCommand::__construct() — Method in class ClearAttributesCommand

SaveAttributesCommand constructor.

ClearAttributesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearAttributesCommandHandler
RebuildIndexCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class RebuildIndexCommandHandler

RebuildIndexCommandHandler constructor.

RebuildIndexCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RebuildIndexCommandHandler
SaveAttributesCommand::__construct() — Method in class SaveAttributesCommand

SaveAttributesCommand constructor.

SaveAttributesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class SaveAttributesCommandHandler
OptionSelectInstanceFactory::__construct() — Method in class OptionSelectInstanceFactory
AttributeTypeSettingsContext::__construct() — Method in class AttributeTypeSettingsContext
BasicFormContext::__construct() — Method in class BasicFormContext
BasicSearchContext::__construct() — Method in class BasicSearchContext
Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller
Controller::__destruct() — Method in class Controller
ExpressSetManager::__construct() — Method in class ExpressSetManager
FileIconFormatter::__construct() — Method in class FileIconFormatter
FontAwesomeIconFormatter::__construct() — Method in class FontAwesomeIconFormatter
CalendarRenderer::__construct() — Method in class CalendarRenderer
View::__construct() — Method in class View
Renderer::__construct() — Method in class Renderer
RendererBuilder::__construct() — Method in class RendererBuilder
RendererBuilder::__call() — Method in class RendererBuilder
KeySerializer::__construct() — Method in class KeySerializer
ObjectSerializer::__construct() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

ObjectSerializer constructor.

ObjectsSerializer::__construct() — Method in class ObjectsSerializer

ObjectsSerializer constructor.

SetSerializer::__construct() — Method in class SetSerializer
Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Key::__toString() — Method in class Key
Key::__call() — Method in class Key

This is here to fulfill this type of code $key = StoreOrderKey::getByID(10); Which then calls $ak = new self(); $ak->load(10); if ($ak->getAttributeKeyID()) {...}

StandardSearchIndexer::__construct() — Method in class StandardSearchIndexer

Initialize the instance.

SetFactory::__construct() — Method in class SetFactory
StandardSetManager::__construct() — Method in class StandardSetManager
StandardValidator::__construct() — Method in class StandardValidator
TypeFactory::__construct() — Method in class TypeFactory

Initialize the instance.

ValueList::__construct() — Method in class ValueList
AuthenticationTypeController::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationTypeController
CommunityServiceFactory::__construct() — Method in class CommunityServiceFactory

CommunityServiceFactory constructor.

Extractor::__construct() — Method in class Extractor
ServiceFactory::__construct() — Method in class ServiceFactory

CommunityServiceFactory constructor.

FacebookServiceFactory::__construct() — Method in class FacebookServiceFactory

CommunityServiceFactory constructor.

Google::__construct() — Method in class Google
GoogleServiceFactory::__construct() — Method in class GoogleServiceFactory

CommunityServiceFactory constructor.

BindingService::__construct() — Method in class BindingService
GenericOauthTypeController::__construct() — Method in class GenericOauthTypeController
HttpClient::__construct() — Method in class HttpClient
TwitterServiceFactory::__construct() — Method in class TwitterServiceFactory

CommunityServiceFactory constructor.

ContentImporter::__construct() — Method in class ContentImporter
ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine::__construct() — Method in class ImportSiteTypeSkeletonsRoutine
ImportSiteTypesRoutine::__construct() — Method in class ImportSiteTypesRoutine
AbstractItem::__construct() — Method in class AbstractItem
FileItem::__construct() — Method in class FileItem

FileItem constructor.

Result::__construct() — Method in class Result
Block::__destruct() — Method in class Block

Destruct the class instance.

Block::_getBlockAction() — Method in class Block
BlockController::__wakeup() — Method in class BlockController
BlockController::__construct() — Method in class BlockController

Instantiates the block controller.

BlockTypeList::__construct() — Method in class BlockTypeList
AddAliasDefaultsBlockCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class AddAliasDefaultsBlockCommandHandler
AddBlockToPageCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommandHandler
AddBlockToPageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class AddBlockToPageCommandHandler
BlockCommand::__construct() — Method in class BlockCommand
DefaultsBlockCommand::__construct() — Method in class DefaultsBlockCommand
DeleteBlockCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteBlockCommandHandler
DeleteBlockCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteBlockCommandHandler
ForceDefaultDisplayOrderBlockCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ForceDefaultDisplayOrderBlockCommandHandler
UpdateForkedAliasDefaultsBlockCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdateForkedAliasDefaultsBlockCommandHandler
UpdatePageBlockCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class UpdatePageBlockCommandHandler
UpdatePageBlockCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdatePageBlockCommandHandler
CustomStyle::__construct() — Method in class CustomStyle
BlockAdd::__construct() — Method in class BlockAdd
BlockDelete::__construct() — Method in class BlockDelete
BlockEdit::__construct() — Method in class BlockEdit
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
BlockViewTemplate::__construct() — Method in class BlockViewTemplate
AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandler
AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class AddContentToBoardInstanceCommandHandler
BoardSlotCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class BoardSlotCommandHandler
BoardSlotCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class BoardSlotCommandHandler
ClearBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearBoardInstanceCommandHandler
ClearBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearBoardInstanceCommandHandler
ClearBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler
ClearBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler
ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandler
ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearSlotFromBoardCommandHandler
CreateBoardCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class CreateBoardCommandHandler
CreateBoardCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class CreateBoardCommandHandler
CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class CreateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
DeleteBoardCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteBoardCommandHandler
DeleteBoardCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteBoardCommandHandler
DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandler
DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteBoardInstanceCommandHandler
DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommand::__construct() — Method in class DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommand

DeleteBoardInstanceRuleCommand constructor.

DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandler
DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteBoardInstanceSlotRuleCommandHandler
DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler
DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DisableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class EnableCustomSlotTemplatesCommandHandler
GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class GenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler
PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class PopulateBoardInstanceDataPoolCommandHandler
RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandler
RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RefreshBoardInstanceCommandHandler
RegenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class RegenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler
RegenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RegenerateBoardInstanceCommandHandler

Clears out the board data pool, repopulates it, clears the instance of the board and regenerates it.

ResetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ResetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler
ResetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ResetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandler
ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ScheduleBoardInstanceRuleCommandHandler
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandHandler
SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandValidator::__construct() — Method in class SetBoardCustomWeightingCommandValidator
UpdateBoardCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class UpdateBoardCommandHandler
UpdateBoardCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdateBoardCommandHandler
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
AbstractSaver::__construct() — Method in class AbstractSaver
CalendarEventSaver::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventSaver
PageSaver::__construct() — Method in class PageSaver
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommandHandler
AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class AddDesignerSlotToBoardCommandHandler
CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler
CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class CreateItemSelectorCustomElementCommandHandler
ScheduleCustomElementCommand::__construct() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommand
ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler
ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ScheduleCustomElementCommandHandler
SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand::__construct() — Method in class SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommand
SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommandHandler
SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class SetItemSelectorCustomElementItemsCommandHandler
ItemSegmenter::__construct() — Method in class ItemSegmenter
CalendarEventData::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventData
PageData::__construct() — Method in class PageData
CalendarEventFilterer::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventFilterer
Renderer::__construct() — Method in class Renderer
AvailableObject::__construct() — Method in class AvailableObject

AvailableObject constructor.

ContentPopulator::__construct() — Method in class ContentPopulator
ContentRenderer::__construct() — Method in class ContentRenderer

ContentRenderer constructor.

ContentSlotRenderer::__construct() — Method in class ContentSlotRenderer

ContentSlotRenderer constructor.

ItemObjectGroup::__construct() — Method in class ItemObjectGroup
ObjectCollection::__construct() — Method in class ObjectCollection
CalendarEventPopulator::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventPopulator
SummaryObject::__construct() — Method in class SummaryObject
TemplateLocator::__construct() — Method in class TemplateLocator
Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
PlannedInstance::__construct() — Method in class PlannedInstance

PlannedInstance constructor.

Planner::__construct() — Method in class Planner
PossibleContentObjectCollection::__construct() — Method in class PossibleContentObjectCollection
SlotFilterer::__construct() — Method in class SlotFilterer

SlotFilterer constructor.

RenderedSlot::__construct() — Method in class RenderedSlot

State constructor.

RenderedSlotCollection::__construct() — Method in class RenderedSlotCollection
RenderedSlotCollectionFactory::__construct() — Method in class RenderedSlotCollectionFactory
SlotRenderer::__construct() — Method in class SlotRenderer
AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory::__construct() — Method in class AvailableTemplateCollectionFactory
SlotLayoutPlanner::__construct() — Method in class SlotLayoutPlanner

SlotLayoutPlanner constructor.

PermissionsManager::__construct() — Method in class PermissionsManager
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
TemplateLocator::__construct() — Method in class TemplateLocator
DoctrineCacheDriver::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineCacheDriver
LaminasCacheDriver::__construct() — Method in class LaminasCacheDriver
Cache::__construct() — Method in class Cache
ClearCacheCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
ClearCacheCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearCacheCommandHandler
RedisStashDriver::__destruct() — Method in class RedisStashDriver

Properly close the connection.

PageCacheRecord::__construct() — Method in class PageCacheRecord
RedisPageCache::__construct() — Method in class RedisPageCache

RedisPageCache constructor.

CalendarService::__construct() — Method in class CalendarService
PermissionsManager::__construct() — Method in class PermissionsManager
CalendarEventCommand::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventCommand
EventOccurrenceService::__construct() — Method in class EventOccurrenceService
EventRepetitionService::__construct() — Method in class EventRepetitionService
EventService::__construct() — Method in class EventService
LinkFormatter::__construct() — Method in class LinkFormatter
EventOccurrenceMenu::__construct() — Method in class EventOccurrenceMenu
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DisableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class EnableCustomCalendarEventSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
Preferences::__construct() — Method in class Preferences
NoCaptchaController::__construct() — Method in class NoCaptchaController

Initialize the instance.

SecurimageController::__construct() — Method in class SecurimageController

Initialize the instance.

Service::__call() — Method in class Service
BatchUpdater::__construct() — Method in class BatchUpdater

BatchUpdater constructor.

HandleBatchMessageCommand::__construct() — Method in class HandleBatchMessageCommand
HandleBatchMessageCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class HandleBatchMessageCommandHandler
HandleBatchMessageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class HandleBatchMessageCommandHandler
BatchStamp::__construct() — Method in class BatchStamp
EmptyResultCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class EmptyResultCommandHandler
AbstractFailedMessageCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFailedMessageCommandHandler
ClearProcessDataCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearProcessDataCommandHandler
ClearProcessDataCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearProcessDataCommandHandler
DeleteFailedMessageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteFailedMessageCommandHandler
DeleteProcessCommand::__construct() — Method in class DeleteProcessCommand

DeleteProcessCommand constructor.

DeleteProcessCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteProcessCommandHandler
DeleteProcessCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteProcessCommandHandler
DeleteScheduledTaskCommand::__construct() — Method in class DeleteScheduledTaskCommand
DeleteScheduledTaskCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteScheduledTaskCommandHandler
DeleteScheduledTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteScheduledTaskCommandHandler
HandleProcessMessageCommand::__construct() — Method in class HandleProcessMessageCommand
HandleProcessMessageCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class HandleProcessMessageCommandHandler
HandleProcessMessageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class HandleProcessMessageCommandHandler
RetryFailedMessageCommand::__construct() — Method in class RetryFailedMessageCommand
RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler
RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RetryFailedMessageCommandHandler
ProcessEvent::__construct() — Method in class ProcessEvent
FileLogger::__construct() — Method in class FileLogger

FileLogger constructor.

StandardLoggerFactory::__construct() — Method in class StandardLoggerFactory
RunningProcessesController::__construct() — Method in class RunningProcessesController

Initialize the instance.

RunningProcessesItem::__construct() — Method in class RunningProcessesItem
ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class ProcessConfigurationResponseFactory
ProcessFactory::__construct() — Method in class ProcessFactory
ProcessResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class ProcessResponseFactory
ProcessUpdater::__construct() — Method in class ProcessUpdater
HttpResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class HttpResponseFactory
Scheduler::__construct() — Method in class Scheduler
ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand::__construct() — Method in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand

ExecuteConsoleTaskCommand constructor.

ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler
ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ExecuteConsoleTaskCommandHandler
CheckAutomatedGroupsController::__construct() — Method in class CheckAutomatedGroupsController
ReindexContentController::__construct() — Method in class ReindexContentController

ReindexContentController constructor.

RemoveOldPageVersionsController::__construct() — Method in class RemoveOldPageVersionsController
RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController::__construct() — Method in class RemoveUnvalidatedUsersController
RescanFilesController::__construct() — Method in class RescanFilesController
UpdateStatisticsController::__construct() — Method in class UpdateStatisticsController
BooleanField::__construct() — Method in class BooleanField
Field::__construct() — Method in class Field
SelectField::__construct() — Method in class SelectField
Field::__construct() — Method in class Field

AbstractField constructor.

Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
AggregateOutput::__construct() — Method in class AggregateOutput

AggregateOutput constructor.

ConsoleOutput::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
MemoryOutput::__construct() — Method in class MemoryOutput
PushOutput::__construct() — Method in class PushOutput
HttpResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class HttpResponseFactory
BatchProcessTaskRunner::__construct() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunner
BatchProcessTaskRunnerHandler::__construct() — Method in class BatchProcessTaskRunnerHandler
CommandTaskRunner::__construct() — Method in class CommandTaskRunner
CommandTaskRunnerHandler::__construct() — Method in class CommandTaskRunnerHandler
AbstractContext::__construct() — Method in class AbstractContext

AbstractContext constructor.

ContextFactory::__construct() — Method in class ContextFactory
ProcessTaskRunner::__construct() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunner
ProcessTaskRunnerHandler::__construct() — Method in class ProcessTaskRunnerHandler
ProcessStartedResponse::__construct() — Method in class ProcessStartedResponse
TaskCompletedResponse::__construct() — Method in class TaskCompletedResponse
OutputStamp::__construct() — Method in class OutputStamp

OutputStamp constructor.

TaskService::__construct() — Method in class TaskService

TaskService constructor.

TaskSetService::__construct() — Method in class TaskSetService

TaskService constructor.

ActivityService::__construct() — Method in class ActivityService
ActivitySlotItem::__construct() — Method in class ActivitySlotItem
CompositeLoader::__construct() — Method in class CompositeLoader
ConfigStore::__construct() — Method in class ConfigStore
CoreFileLoader::__construct() — Method in class CoreFileLoader

Overridden constructor for the custom $defaultPath = ...

DirectFileSaver::__construct() — Method in class DirectFileSaver
RedisConfigServiceProvider::__construct() — Method in class RedisConfigServiceProvider
RedisLoader::__construct() — Method in class RedisLoader
RedisSaver::__construct() — Method in class RedisSaver
FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader

Create a new file configuration loader.

FileSaver::__construct() — Method in class FileSaver
Renderer::__construct() — Method in class Renderer
Liaison::__construct() — Method in class Liaison

Create a new configuration repository.

Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository

Create a new configuration repository.

Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
Command::__construct() — Method in class Command
CommandRegistry::__construct() — Method in class CommandRegistry

CommandRegistry constructor.

PhpCodingStyleCommand::__construct() — Method in class PhpCodingStyleCommand
TaskCommand::__construct() — Method in class TaskCommand
OutputStyle::__construct() — Method in class OutputStyle

Create a new Console OutputStyle instance.

AbstractController::__construct() — Method in class AbstractController

Initialize the instance.

ApplicationAwareControllerResolver::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationAwareControllerResolver
Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller

Initialize the instance.

FunctionController::__construct() — Method in class FunctionController

Initialize the instance.

FunctionController::__invoke() — Method in class FunctionController
AbstractConversationMessageCommand::__construct() — Method in class AbstractConversationMessageCommand
HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler
HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class HandleNewConversationMessageCommandHandler
SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandler
SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class SendEmailsToConversationMessageSubscribersCommandHandler
ConversationService::__construct() — Method in class ConversationService

ConversationService constructor.

FlagType::__construct() — Method in class FlagType
FlagTypeList::__construct() — Method in class FlagTypeList
AuthorFormatter::__construct() — Method in class AuthorFormatter
MessageEvent::__construct() — Method in class MessageEvent
MessageList::__construct() — Method in class MessageList
NewMessage::__construct() — Method in class NewMessage
ThreadedList::__construct() — Method in class ThreadedList
CookieJar::__construct() — Method in class CookieJar

Initialize the instance.

EscapeFormula::__construct() — Method in class EscapeFormula

New instance.

EscapeFormula::__invoke() — Method in class EscapeFormula

League CSV formatter hook.

AbstractExporter::__construct() — Method in class AbstractExporter

Initialize the instance.

DownloadStatisticsExporter::__construct() — Method in class DownloadStatisticsExporter
PageActivityExporter::__construct() — Method in class PageActivityExporter

Initialize the instance.

UserExporter::__construct() — Method in class UserExporter

Initialize the instance.

AbstractImporter::__construct() — Method in class AbstractImporter

Initialize the instance.

CsvSchema::__construct() — Method in class CsvSchema

Initialize the instance.

ImportResult::__construct() — Method in class ImportResult

Initialize the instance.

WriterFactory::__construct() — Method in class WriterFactory
InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination::__construct() — Method in class InvalidCharacterSetCollationCombination
LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation::__construct() — Method in class LongKeysUnsupportedByCollation
NoCharacterSetCollationDefinedException::__construct() — Method in class NoCharacterSetCollationDefinedException
UnsupportedCharacterSetException::__construct() — Method in class UnsupportedCharacterSetException
UnsupportedCollationException::__construct() — Method in class UnsupportedCollationException
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Resolver::__construct() — Method in class Resolver
ConnectionFactory::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
PDOConnection::__construct() — Method in class PDOConnection
Timezone::__construct() — Method in class Timezone

Inizialize the instance.

DatabaseManager::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Create a new database manager instance.

DatabaseManager::__call() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.

DatabaseManagerORM::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseManagerORM

Create a new database ORM manager instance.

DatabaseStructureManager::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseStructureManager

Create a new structure manager.

Driver::_constructPdoDsn() — Method in class Driver

Constructs the MySql PDO DSN.

EntityManagerConfigFactory::__construct() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigFactory
EntityManagerConfigUpdater::__construct() — Method in class EntityManagerConfigUpdater
EntityManagerFactory::__construct() — Method in class EntityManagerFactory
ApplicationDriver::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationDriver
CoreDriver::__construct() — Method in class CoreDriver
Driver::__construct() — Method in class Driver
AbstractPackageProvider::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPackageProvider
PackageProviderFactory::__construct() — Method in class PackageProviderFactory
StandardPackageProvider::__construct() — Method in class StandardPackageProvider
XmlProvider::__construct() — Method in class XmlProvider
YamlProvider::__construct() — Method in class YamlProvider
ForeignKeyFixer::__construct() — Method in class ForeignKeyFixer
LikeBuilder::__construct() — Method in class LikeBuilder

Initialize the instance.

Axmls::_setTableOpts() — Method in class Axmls
Axmls::_setPrimaryKeys() — Method in class Axmls
Axmls::_setIndexes() — Method in class Axmls
Axmls::_getColumnOptions() — Method in class Axmls
Axmls::_getColumnType() — Method in class Axmls
XmlParser::__construct() — Method in class XmlParser
Tag::__construct() — Method in class Tag
Tag::__toString() — Method in class Tag
TagCollection::__construct() — Method in class TagCollection
Device::__construct() — Method in class Device
CkeditorEditor::__construct() — Method in class CkeditorEditor

Initialize the instance.

Plugin::__construct() — Method in class Plugin

Initialize the instance.

PasswordHasher::__construct() — Method in class PasswordHasher
Announcement::__construct() — Method in class Announcement

Introduction constructor.

AnnouncementUserView::__construct() — Method in class AnnouncementUserView

Introduction constructor.

Category::__construct() — Method in class Category
Category::__toString() — Method in class Category
Key::__toString() — Method in class Key

Doctrine requires this for certain queries.

ImageFileSettings::__construct() — Method in class ImageFileSettings
SelectSettings::__construct() — Method in class SelectSettings
Set::__construct() — Method in class Set
Set::__toString() — Method in class Set
Type::__construct() — Method in class Type
AbstractValue::__destruct() — Method in class AbstractValue
AbstractValue::__toString() — Method in class AbstractValue
AddressValue::__toString() — Method in class AddressValue
BooleanValue::__toString() — Method in class BooleanValue
DateTimeValue::__toString() — Method in class DateTimeValue
DurationValue::__toString() — Method in class DurationValue
ExpressValue::__construct() — Method in class ExpressValue
ExpressValue::__toString() — Method in class ExpressValue
ImageFileValue::__toString() — Method in class ImageFileValue
NumberValue::__toString() — Method in class NumberValue
SelectValue::__construct() — Method in class SelectValue
SelectValue::__toString() — Method in class SelectValue
SelectValueOption::__toString() — Method in class SelectValueOption
SelectValueOptionList::__construct() — Method in class SelectValueOptionList

SelectValueOptionList constructor.

SiteValue::__toString() — Method in class SiteValue
SocialLinksValue::__construct() — Method in class SocialLinksValue
SocialLinksValue::__toString() — Method in class SocialLinksValue
TextValue::__toString() — Method in class TextValue
TopicsValue::__construct() — Method in class TopicsValue

TopicsValue constructor.

TopicsValue::__toString() — Method in class TopicsValue
TopicsValue::__clone() — Method in class TopicsValue
Value::__toString() — Method in class Value
Value::__clone() — Method in class Value
TaskSet::__construct() — Method in class TaskSet
TaskSet::__toString() — Method in class TaskSet
Board::__construct() — Method in class Board
Board::__toString() — Method in class Board
ConfiguredDataSource::__construct() — Method in class ConfiguredDataSource
Instance::__construct() — Method in class Instance
Instance::__toString() — Method in class Instance
InstanceItemBatch::__construct() — Method in class InstanceItemBatch
InstanceSlot::__construct() — Method in class InstanceSlot
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
ItemCategory::__construct() — Method in class ItemCategory
ItemTag::__construct() — Method in class ItemTag

ItemTag constructor.

SlotTemplate::__construct() — Method in class SlotTemplate
CalendarEvent::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEvent::__call() — Method in class CalendarEvent
CalendarEventOccurrence::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventOccurrence::__clone() — Method in class CalendarEventOccurrence
CalendarEventRepetition::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventRepetition
CalendarEventRepetition::__call() — Method in class CalendarEventRepetition
CalendarEventVersion::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersion::__clone() — Method in class CalendarEventVersion
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::__clone() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionOccurrence::__call() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionOccurrence
CalendarEventVersionRepetition::__construct() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
CalendarEventVersionRepetition::__call() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
CalendarEventVersionRepetition::__clone() — Method in class CalendarEventVersionRepetition
AssociationControl::__construct() — Method in class AssociationControl
Entity::__construct() — Method in class Entity
Entity::__clone() — Method in class Entity
Entry::__call() — Method in class Entry

Returns either an attribute (if passed an attribute handle) or the content of an association, if it matches an association.

Entry::__construct() — Method in class Entry

Entry constructor.

Association::__construct() — Method in class Association
FieldSet::__construct() — Method in class FieldSet
FieldSet::__clone() — Method in class FieldSet
Form::__construct() — Method in class Form
Form::__clone() — Method in class Form
DownloadStatistics::__construct() — Method in class DownloadStatistics
File::__construct() — Method in class File
File::__call() — Method in class File

For all methods that file does not implement, we pass through to the currently active file version object.

Type::__construct() — Method in class Type

Initialize the instance.

TypeFileSet::__construct() — Method in class TypeFileSet

Initialize the instance.

Version::__construct() — Method in class Version

Initialize the instance.

Geolocator::__construct() — Method in class Geolocator

Initialize the instance.

SearchResult::__construct() — Method in class SearchResult
GroupCreateNotification::__construct() — Method in class GroupCreateNotification
GroupRoleChangeNotification::__construct() — Method in class GroupRoleChangeNotification
GroupSignupNotification::__construct() — Method in class GroupSignupNotification
GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotification::__construct() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAcceptNotification
GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotification::__construct() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDeclineNotification
GroupSignupRequestNotification::__construct() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestNotification
NewConversationMessageNotification::__construct() — Method in class NewConversationMessageNotification
NewFormSubmissionNotification::__construct() — Method in class NewFormSubmissionNotification
NewPrivateMessageNotification::__construct() — Method in class NewPrivateMessageNotification
Notification::__construct() — Method in class Notification
UserDeactivatedNotification::__construct() — Method in class UserDeactivatedNotification
UserSignupNotification::__construct() — Method in class UserSignupNotification
WorkflowProgressNotification::__construct() — Method in class WorkflowProgressNotification
Client::__construct() — Method in class Client

Client constructor.

Scope::__construct() — Method in class Scope
Package::__construct() — Method in class Package
Package::__call() — Method in class Package
Instance::__construct() — Method in class Instance
CustomPageTemplateCollection::__construct() — Method in class CustomPageTemplateCollection
IpAccessControlCategory::__construct() — Method in class IpAccessControlCategory

Initialize the instance.

Group::__construct() — Method in class Group
Site::__construct() — Method in class Site

Initialize the instance.

Type::__construct() — Method in class Type
Template::__construct() — Method in class Template

Template constructor.

GroupCreate::__construct() — Method in class GroupCreate
GroupRoleChange::__construct() — Method in class GroupRoleChange
GroupSignup::__construct() — Method in class GroupSignup
GroupSignupRequest::__construct() — Method in class GroupSignupRequest
GroupSignupRequestAccept::__construct() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestAccept
GroupSignupRequestDecline::__construct() — Method in class GroupSignupRequestDecline
User::__construct() — Method in class User
User::__toString() — Method in class User
UserSignup::__construct() — Method in class UserSignup
ErrorList::__toString() — Method in class ErrorList
AbstractError::__toString() — Method in class AbstractError

Get the error message.

CustomFieldNotPresentError::__construct() — Method in class CustomFieldNotPresentError

Class constructor.

Error::__construct() — Method in class Error

Class constructor.

ExceptionError::__construct() — Method in class ExceptionError

Class constructor.

FieldNotPresentError::__construct() — Method in class FieldNotPresentError

Class constructor.

ThrowableError::__construct() — Method in class ThrowableError

Class constructor.

AbstractField::__toString() — Method in class AbstractField
AttributeField::__construct() — Method in class AttributeField
Field::__construct() — Method in class Field

Field constructor.

AbstractFormatter::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFormatter

Initialize the instance.

FormatterInterface::__construct() — Method in class FormatterInterface

Initialize the instance.

UserMessageException::__toString() — Method in class UserMessageException
EventDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class EventDispatcher
EventDispatcher::__call() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Entry::__construct() — Method in class Entry
EntryStore::__construct() — Method in class EntryStore
Site::__construct() — Method in class Site
SiteType::__construct() — Method in class SiteType
Applier::__construct() — Method in class Applier
AbstractAssociationBuilder::__construct() — Method in class AbstractAssociationBuilder
ManyToManyAssociationBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ManyToManyAssociationBuilder
OneToOneAssociationBuilder::__construct() — Method in class OneToOneAssociationBuilder
AbstractFormatter::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
AttributeKeyHandleGenerator::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKeyHandleGenerator
AbstractEntityCommand::__construct() — Method in class AbstractEntityCommand

AbstractEntityCommand constructor.

AddExpressEntryCommand::__construct() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommand

AddExpressEntryCommand constructor.

AddExpressEntryCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommandHandler
AddExpressEntryCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class AddExpressEntryCommandHandler
ClearEntityIndexCommand::__construct() — Method in class ClearEntityIndexCommand

ClearEntityIndexCommand constructor.

ClearEntityIndexCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearEntityIndexCommandHandler
ClearEntityIndexCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearEntityIndexCommandHandler
ExpressEntryCommandFactory::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntryCommandFactory
RebuildEntityIndexCommand::__construct() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommand
RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandler
RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RebuildEntityIndexCommandHandler
ReindexEntryTaskCommand::__construct() — Method in class ReindexEntryTaskCommand
ReindexEntryTaskCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ReindexEntryTaskCommandHandler
ReindexEntryTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ReindexEntryTaskCommandHandler
RescanEntityCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class RescanEntityCommandHandler
RescanEntityCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RescanEntityCommandHandler

Loops through all sites and ensures that the entity stored in the command has a express_entry_site_results tree node exists for it.

UpdateExpressEntryCommand::__construct() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommand
UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandler
UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdateExpressEntryCommandHandler
ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntrySelectInstanceFactory
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
StandardController::__construct() — Method in class StandardController
Cloner::__construct() — Method in class Cloner

Cloner constructor.

EntryBuilder::__construct() — Method in class EntryBuilder
EntryBuilder::__call() — Method in class EntryBuilder
AssociationUpdater::__construct() — Method in class AssociationUpdater
AssociationUpdater::__call() — Method in class AssociationUpdater
EntryList::__construct() — Method in class EntryList
LabelFormatter::__construct() — Method in class LabelFormatter
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
AbstractFormBlockSubmissionNotification::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFormBlockSubmissionNotification
EntrySubject::__construct() — Method in class EntrySubject
StandardNotifier::__construct() — Method in class StandardNotifier
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
Event::__construct() — Method in class Event

Event constructor.

CsvWriter::__construct() — Method in class CsvWriter
ManyAssociationSaveHandler::__construct() — Method in class ManyAssociationSaveHandler
OneAssociationSaveHandler::__construct() — Method in class OneAssociationSaveHandler
AssociationType::__construct() — Method in class AssociationType
AttributeKeyType::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKeyType
AssociationItem::__construct() — Method in class AssociationItem
AttributeKeyItem::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKeyItem
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
AssociationControlValidator::__construct() — Method in class AssociationControlValidator
AssociationFormView::__construct() — Method in class AssociationFormView
AssociationView::__construct() — Method in class AssociationView
AttributeKeyFormView::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKeyFormView

AttributeKeyView constructor.

AttributeKeyView::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKeyView

AttributeKeyView constructor.

FormView::__construct() — Method in class FormView
View::__construct() — Method in class View
OwnedEntityForm::__construct() — Method in class OwnedEntityForm
StandardProcessor::__construct() — Method in class StandardProcessor
Renderer::__construct() — Method in class Renderer
CSRFTokenRoutine::__construct() — Method in class CSRFTokenRoutine
CaptchaRoutine::__construct() — Method in class CaptchaRoutine
ValidateAttributesRoutine::__construct() — Method in class ValidateAttributesRoutine
StandardValidator::__construct() — Method in class StandardValidator
LabelFormatter::__construct() — Method in class LabelFormatter
EntityHandleGenerator::__construct() — Method in class EntityHandleGenerator
ObjectBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
ObjectBuilder::__call() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
AssociationBuilder::__construct() — Method in class AssociationBuilder
AssociationBuilder::__call() — Method in class AssociationBuilder
FieldsetBuilder::__construct() — Method in class FieldsetBuilder
FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl::__construct() — Method in class FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl

FieldsetBuilderAssociationControl constructor.

FormBuilder::__construct() — Method in class FormBuilder
ObjectManager::__construct() — Method in class ObjectManager
Available::__construct() — Method in class Available

DefaultSet constructor.

ColumnSet::__construct() — Method in class ColumnSet
ColumnSet::__wakeup() — Method in class ColumnSet
AssociationColumn::__construct() — Method in class AssociationColumn
AssociationColumn::__sleep() — Method in class AssociationColumn
AssociationColumn::__wakeup() — Method in class AssociationColumn

Initialize the instance once it has been deserialized.

DefaultSet::__construct() — Method in class DefaultSet

DefaultSet constructor.

AssociationField::__construct() — Method in class AssociationField

Initialize the instance.

AssociationField::__sleep() — Method in class AssociationField

Return an array with the names of the properties to be serialized.

AssociationField::__wakeup() — Method in class AssociationField

Initialize the instance once it has been deserialized.

EntityIndex::__construct() — Method in class EntityIndex

AbstractIndex constructor.

EntryIndexer::__construct() — Method in class EntryIndexer
SearchProvider::__construct() — Method in class SearchProvider
FeedPost::__construct() — Method in class FeedPost

FeedPost constructor.

FeedPost::__call() — Method in class FeedPost
GuzzleClient::__construct() — Method in class GuzzleClient
FilesController::__construct() — Method in class FilesController
ChangeFileStorageLocationCommand::__construct() — Method in class ChangeFileStorageLocationCommand
ChangeFileStorageLocationCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ChangeFileStorageLocationCommandHandler
ClearFileIndexCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearFileIndexCommandHandler
ClearFileIndexCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearFileIndexCommandHandler
FileCommand::__construct() — Method in class FileCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand::__construct() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailAsyncCommand
GenerateCustomThumbnailCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class GenerateCustomThumbnailCommandHandler
GenerateThumbnailCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class GenerateThumbnailCommandHandler
GenerateThumbnailCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class GenerateThumbnailCommandHandler
GeneratedThumbnailCommand::__construct() — Method in class GeneratedThumbnailCommand
ReindexFileTaskCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ReindexFileTaskCommandHandler
ReindexFileTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ReindexFileTaskCommandHandler
RescanFileCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class RescanFileCommandHandler
RescanFileCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RescanFileCommandHandler
RescanFileTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RescanFileTaskCommandHandler
DefaultConfigurationFactory::__construct() — Method in class DefaultConfigurationFactory
FileExtensionFilter::__construct() — Method in class FileExtensionFilter

FileExtensionFilter constructor.

FileTypeFilter::__construct() — Method in class FileTypeFilter
ExternalFileProviderOption::__construct() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderOption

ExternalFileProviderOption constructor.

FolderBookmarkOption::__construct() — Method in class FolderBookmarkOption

FolderBookmarkOption constructor.

File::__construct() — Method in class File
FileSet::__construct() — Method in class FileSet
FileSetFile::__construct() — Method in class FileSetFile
FileVersion::__construct() — Method in class FileVersion
ThumbnailDelete::__construct() — Method in class ThumbnailDelete
ThumbnailGenerate::__construct() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerate
FileException::__construct() — Method in class FileException
FileVersionException::__construct() — Method in class FileVersionException
ExternalFileProviderFactory::__construct() — Method in class ExternalFileProviderFactory
FileList::__construct() — Method in class FileList
FolderItemList::__construct() — Method in class FolderItemList
BasicThumbnailer::__construct() — Method in class BasicThumbnailer
BitmapFormat::__construct() — Method in class BitmapFormat

Initialize the instance.

Sanitizer::__construct() — Method in class Sanitizer

Initialize the instance.

SanitizerOptions::__construct() — Method in class SanitizerOptions

Initialize the instance.

AtomicThumbnailStream::__construct() — Method in class AtomicThumbnailStream
Resolver::__construct() — Method in class Resolver

Resolver constructor.

Thumbnail::__construct() — Method in class Thumbnail

Initialize the instance.

ThumbnailFormatService::__construct() — Method in class ThumbnailFormatService
CustomThumbnail::__construct() — Method in class CustomThumbnail

CustomThumbnail constructor.

Version::__construct() — Method in class Version

Initialize the instance.

AutorotateImageProcessor::__construct() — Method in class AutorotateImageProcessor
ConstrainImageProcessor::__construct() — Method in class ConstrainImageProcessor

Initialize the instance.

ForceImageFormatProcessor::__construct() — Method in class ForceImageFormatProcessor
SetJPEGQualityProcessor::__construct() — Method in class SetJPEGQualityProcessor
FileImporter::__construct() — Method in class FileImporter

Initialize the instance.

ImportOptions::__construct() — Method in class ImportOptions

Initialize the instance.

ImportingFile::__construct() — Method in class ImportingFile

Initialize the instance.

ExifDataExtractor::__construct() — Method in class ExifDataExtractor
FileExistingValidator::__construct() — Method in class FileExistingValidator
FileExtensionValidator::__construct() — Method in class FileExtensionValidator
LegacyPostProcessor::__construct() — Method in class LegacyPostProcessor

Initialize the instance.

SvgProcessor::__construct() — Method in class SvgProcessor

Initialize the instance.

Importer::__construct() — Method in class Importer
Incoming::__construct() — Method in class Incoming

Initialize the instance.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
DeleteFileItem::__construct() — Method in class DeleteFileItem
Rescanner::__construct() — Method in class Rescanner
Available::__construct() — Method in class Available
DefaultSet::__construct() — Method in class DefaultSet
FolderField::__construct() — Method in class FolderField
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
SearchProvider::__construct() — Method in class SearchProvider
VolatileDirectory::__construct() — Method in class VolatileDirectory

Initializes the instance.

VolatileDirectory::__destruct() — Method in class VolatileDirectory

Clear and delete this volatile directory.

Zip::__construct() — Method in class Zip

Initialize the instance.

Set::__callStatic() — Method in class Set
SetList::__construct() — Method in class SetList
DefaultConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class DefaultConfiguration
DefaultConfiguration::__wakeup() — Method in class DefaultConfiguration
DefaultConfiguration::__sleep() — Method in class DefaultConfiguration
StorageLocationFactory::__construct() — Method in class StorageLocationFactory
UsageTracker::__construct() — Method in class UsageTracker
ClientSideUploader::__construct() — Method in class ClientSideUploader
Element::__construct() — Method in class Element

Element constructor.

FileLocator::__construct() — Method in class FileLocator
AbstractLocation::__construct() — Method in class AbstractLocation
AllPackagesLocation::__construct() — Method in class AllPackagesLocation
CoreLocation::__construct() — Method in class CoreLocation
PackageLocation::__construct() — Method in class PackageLocation
Record::__construct() — Method in class Record

Record constructor.

ThemeLocation::__construct() — Method in class ThemeLocation
AbstractIconRepository::__construct() — Method in class AbstractIconRepository
Icon::__construct() — Method in class Icon
Template::__construct() — Method in class Template

Template constructor.

TemplateFile::__construct() — Method in class TemplateFile

Initializes this TemplateFile instance

TemplateFile::__toString() — Method in class TemplateFile

Returns the file name (implemented for backward compatibility with previuos BlockType->getBlockTypeCustomTemplates / BlockType->getBlockTypeComposerTemplates

TemplateLocation::__construct() — Method in class TemplateLocation

TemplateLocation constructor.

TemplateLocator::__construct() — Method in class TemplateLocator
ContextFactory::__construct() — Method in class ContextFactory
ContextRegistry::__construct() — Method in class ContextRegistry

ContextRegistry constructor.

ControlEntry::__construct() — Method in class ControlEntry

Entry constructor.

ControlRegistry::__construct() — Method in class ControlRegistry
Renderer::__construct() — Method in class Renderer
View::__construct() — Method in class View
DestinationPicker::__construct() — Method in class DestinationPicker

Initialize the instance.

EmailPicker::__construct() — Method in class EmailPicker
ExternalUrlPicker::__construct() — Method in class ExternalUrlPicker
FilePicker::__construct() — Method in class FilePicker
PagePicker::__construct() — Method in class PagePicker
Form::__construct() — Method in class Form

Initialize the instance.

Form::__call() — Method in class Form

Renders any previously unspecified input field type. Allows for adaptive update to any new HTML input types that are not covered by explicit methods. Browsers will either handle the specific input type or fallback to a text input.

Validation::__construct() — Method in class Validation
GroupSelector::__construct() — Method in class GroupSelector
UserSelector::__construct() — Method in class UserSelector

Initialize the instance.

AliasClassLoader::__construct() — Method in class AliasClassLoader
ClassAliasList::__get() — Method in class ClassAliasList
ClassAliasList::__set() — Method in class ClassAliasList
ClassAutoloader::__construct() — Method in class ClassAutoloader
ClassLoader::__construct() — Method in class ClassLoader
User::__construct() — Method in class User
AbstractRepetition::__construct() — Method in class AbstractRepetition

AbstractRepetition constructor.

AbstractRepetition::__toString() — Method in class AbstractRepetition
DefaultRuntime::__construct() — Method in class DefaultRuntime

DefaultRuntime constructor.

CLIRunner::__construct() — Method in class CLIRunner
DefaultRunner::__construct() — Method in class DefaultRunner

DefaultRunner constructor.

Provider::__construct() — Method in class Provider
ProviderList::__construct() — Method in class ProviderList
ProviderList::__sleep() — Method in class ProviderList

We are not allowed to serialize $this->app.

GeolocatorController::__construct() — Method in class GeolocatorController
GeolocatorService::__construct() — Method in class GeolocatorService

Initialize the instance.

AbstractGrade::__construct() — Method in class AbstractGrade
PassFailFormatter::__construct() — Method in class PassFailFormatter
ScoreFormatter::__construct() — Method in class ScoreFormatter
DeleteReportResultCommand::__construct() — Method in class DeleteReportResultCommand
DeleteReportResultCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteReportResultCommandHandler
DeleteReportResultCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteReportResultCommandHandler
Column::__construct() — Method in class Column
ButtonControl::__construct() — Method in class ButtonControl
DropdownControl::__construct() — Method in class DropdownControl
Location::__construct() — Method in class Location
CsvWriter::__construct() — Method in class CsvWriter
Message::__construct() — Method in class Message
AttributeMessage::__construct() — Method in class AttributeMessage
BlockMessage::__construct() — Method in class BlockMessage
AbstractReportMessage::__construct() — Method in class AbstractReportMessage

FinishReportMessage constructor.

EmailReportMessage::__construct() — Method in class EmailReportMessage

FinishReportMessage constructor.

EmailReportMessageHandler::__construct() — Method in class EmailReportMessageHandler
EmailReportMessageHandler::__invoke() — Method in class EmailReportMessageHandler
FinishReportMessageHandler::__construct() — Method in class FinishReportMessageHandler
FinishReportMessageHandler::__invoke() — Method in class FinishReportMessageHandler
GradeReportMessageHandler::__construct() — Method in class GradeReportMessageHandler
GradeReportMessageHandler::__invoke() — Method in class GradeReportMessageHandler
RunReportTestMessage::__construct() — Method in class RunReportTestMessage
RunReportTestMessageHandler::__construct() — Method in class RunReportTestMessageHandler
RunReportTestMessageHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RunReportTestMessageHandler
ReportController::__construct() — Method in class ReportController
ResultList::__construct() — Method in class ResultList
Runner::__construct() — Method in class Runner
RunnerFactory::__construct() — Method in class RunnerFactory
PageCacheSuite::__construct() — Method in class PageCacheSuite
ProductionStatusSuite::__construct() — Method in class ProductionStatusSuite
ScriptTagSuite::__construct() — Method in class ScriptTagSuite
CheckConfigAutomationSettingsForProductionTest::__construct() — Method in class CheckConfigAutomationSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigCacheSettingsForProductionTest::__construct() — Method in class CheckConfigCacheSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigErrorSettingsForProductionTest::__construct() — Method in class CheckConfigErrorSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigLoggingSettingsForProductionTest::__construct() — Method in class CheckConfigLoggingSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigServerSentEventsSettingsForProductionTest::__construct() — Method in class CheckConfigServerSentEventsSettingsForProductionTest
CheckConfigUrlSettingsForProductionTest::__construct() — Method in class CheckConfigUrlSettingsForProductionTest
CheckPagesCustomCacheSettingsTestGroup::__construct() — Method in class CheckPagesCustomCacheSettingsTestGroup
SimpleAttributeContentTest::__construct() — Method in class SimpleAttributeContentTest
SimpleBlockContentTest::__construct() — Method in class SimpleBlockContentTest
Image::__construct() — Method in class Image
Collection::__toString() — Method in class Collection
HeadLink::__construct() — Method in class HeadLink

Create a new Link.

JavaScriptLazyImage::__construct() — Method in class JavaScriptLazyImage
Picture::__construct() — Method in class Picture
Source::__construct() — Method in class Source
FontAwesomeIcon::__construct() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
FontAwesomeIcon::__toString() — Method in class FontAwesomeIcon
Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
DefaultDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class DefaultDispatcher
DefaultServer::__construct() — Method in class DefaultServer

Server constructor.

FlysystemFileResponse::__construct() — Method in class FlysystemFileResponse
APIAuthenticatorMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class APIAuthenticatorMiddleware
ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware
CookieMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class CookieMiddleware
DispatcherDelegate::__construct() — Method in class DispatcherDelegate

DispatcherFrame constructor.

FractalNegotiatorMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class FractalNegotiatorMiddleware
FrameOptionsMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class FrameOptionsMiddleware
MiddlewareDelegate::__construct() — Method in class MiddlewareDelegate
MiddlewareStack::__construct() — Method in class MiddlewareStack

MiddlewareStack constructor.

OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware
StrictTransportSecurityMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class StrictTransportSecurityMiddleware
RequestMediaTypeParser::__construct() — Method in class RequestMediaTypeParser

Initialize the instance.

ResponseAssetGroup::__construct() — Method in class ResponseAssetGroup
ResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class ResponseFactory
RouteActionDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class RouteActionDispatcher
RouteDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class RouteDispatcher
ImageEditorService::__construct() — Method in class ImageEditorService
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
AssociationControl::__construct() — Method in class AssociationControl
AttributeKeyControl::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKeyControl
Installer::__construct() — Method in class Installer

Initialize the instance.

InstallerOptions::__construct() — Method in class InstallerOptions

Initializes the instance.

PreconditionResult::__construct() — Method in class PreconditionResult

Initialize the class instance.

PreconditionService::__construct() — Method in class PreconditionService

Initializes the instance.

DatabaseCharsetCollation::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseCharsetCollation
DatabaseTimeZone::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseTimeZone

Initialize the instance.

FileinfoExtension::__construct() — Method in class FileinfoExtension

Initialize the instance.

ImageManipulation::__construct() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Initialize the instance.

InternationalizationSupport::__construct() — Method in class InternationalizationSupport

Initialize the instance.

MemoryLimit::__construct() — Method in class MemoryLimit

Initialize the instance.

RemoteFileImporting::__construct() — Method in class RemoteFileImporting

Initialize the instance.

RequestUrls::__construct() — Method in class RequestUrls

Initialize the instance.

TokenizerExtension::__construct() — Method in class TokenizerExtension

Initialize the instance.

WritableDirectories::__construct() — Method in class WritableDirectories

Initializes the instance.

XmlSupport::__construct() — Method in class XmlSupport

Initialize the instance.

Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
JobQueue::__construct() — Method in class JobQueue
JobQueueMessage::__construct() — Method in class JobQueueMessage
QueueableJob::__construct() — Method in class QueueableJob

QueueableJob constructor.

FileList::__call() — Method in class FileList
$ Model#_tableProperty in class Model
Model::__construct() — Method in class Model
PageList::__call() — Method in class PageList
Pagination::__construct() — Method in class Pagination
PasswordHash::__construct() — Method in class PasswordHash
UserList::__call() — Method in class UserList
Service::__construct() — Method in class Service
AddressFormat::__construct() — Method in class AddressFormat

The constructor for the service.

CountryList::__construct() — Method in class CountryList
TranslationsChecker::__construct() — Method in class TranslationsChecker
TranslationsInstaller::__construct() — Method in class TranslationsInstaller
LocalRemoteCouple::__construct() — Method in class LocalRemoteCouple
Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Stats::__construct() — Method in class Stats
LocaleStatus::__construct() — Method in class LocaleStatus
PackageLocaleStatus::__construct() — Method in class PackageLocaleStatus
CommunityStoreTranslationProvider::__construct() — Method in class CommunityStoreTranslationProvider
Stats::__construct() — Method in class Stats
TranslatorAdapterFactory::__construct() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterFactory
TranslatorAdapter::__construct() — Method in class TranslatorAdapter
TranslatorAdapterFactory::__construct() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterFactory
Gettext::__construct() — Method in class Gettext

Initialize the instance.

AbstractTranslationLoader::__construct() — Method in class AbstractTranslationLoader
TranslatorAdapterRepository::__construct() — Method in class TranslatorAdapterRepository
AdvancedConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class AdvancedConfiguration
ConfigurationFactory::__construct() — Method in class ConfigurationFactory
SimpleConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class SimpleConfiguration
SimpleFileConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class SimpleFileConfiguration

Initialize the instance.

ApplierEntry::__construct() — Method in class ApplierEntry
Group::__construct() — Method in class Group
UserGroup::__construct() — Method in class UserGroup
Assignment::__construct() — Method in class Assignment

Assignment constructor.

LoginAttempt::__construct() — Method in class LoginAttempt

LoginAttempt constructor.

User::__construct() — Method in class User
Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
GroupLogger::__construct() — Method in class GroupLogger
LogEntry::__construct() — Method in class LogEntry
LoggerFactory::__construct() — Method in class LoggerFactory
Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
ConcreteUserProcessor::__construct() — Method in class ConcreteUserProcessor
ConcreteUserProcessor::__invoke() — Method in class ConcreteUserProcessor

Invoke this processor

ServerInfoProcessor::__construct() — Method in class ServerInfoProcessor

ServerInfoProcessor constructor.

ServerInfoProcessor::__invoke() — Method in class ServerInfoProcessor

Invoke this processor

DefaultSet::__construct() — Method in class DefaultSet
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
ProcessEmailCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ProcessEmailCommandHandler
MailImportedAttachment::__construct() — Method in class MailImportedAttachment
MailImportedMessage::__construct() — Method in class MailImportedMessage
Entry::__construct() — Method in class Entry
Service::__construct() — Method in class Service

Initialize the instance.

Service::__destruct() — Method in class Service
LimitedSmtp::__construct() — Method in class LimitedSmtp

Initializes the instance.

Connection::__construct() — Method in class Connection
ConnectError::__construct() — Method in class ConnectError
ConnectResult::__construct() — Method in class ConnectResult
RemotePackage::__construct() — Method in class RemotePackage
ValidateResult::__construct() — Method in class ValidateResult
PackageRepository::__construct() — Method in class PackageRepository
PurchaseConnectionCoordinator::__construct() — Method in class PurchaseConnectionCoordinator
UpdateRemoteDataCommand::__construct() — Method in class UpdateRemoteDataCommand
UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandler
UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdateRemoteDataCommandHandler
Inspector::__construct() — Method in class Inspector
UpdatedField::__construct() — Method in class UpdatedField
HandlersLocator::__construct() — Method in class HandlersLocator
MessageBusManager::__construct() — Method in class MessageBusManager
MessengerConsumeResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class MessengerConsumeResponseFactory

MessengerConsumeResponseFactory constructor.

MessengerEventSubscriber::__construct() — Method in class MessengerEventSubscriber
DefaultAsyncConnection::__construct() — Method in class DefaultAsyncConnection
DefaultAsyncTransport::__construct() — Method in class DefaultAsyncTransport
DefaultSyncTransport::__construct() — Method in class DefaultSyncTransport
DefaultFailedConnection::__construct() — Method in class DefaultFailedConnection
DefaultFailedTransport::__construct() — Method in class DefaultFailedTransport
FailedTransportManager::__construct() — Method in class FailedTransportManager
DefinedTransportSendersLocator::__construct() — Method in class DefinedTransportSendersLocator

DefinedTransportSendersLocator constructor.

TransportManager::__construct() — Method in class TransportManager
Detector::__construct() — Method in class Detector
DashboardBreadcrumbFactory::__construct() — Method in class DashboardBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactory::__construct() — Method in class DashboardExpressBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactory::__construct() — Method in class DashboardFileManagerBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactory::__construct() — Method in class DashboardGroupBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory::__construct() — Method in class DashboardStacksBreadcrumbFactory
DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactory::__construct() — Method in class DashboardUserBreadcrumbFactory
PageBreadcrumbFactory::__construct() — Method in class PageBreadcrumbFactory
FileFolderItem::__construct() — Method in class FileFolderItem

Item constructor.

Item::__construct() — Method in class Item

Item constructor.

Item::__clone() — Method in class Item
PageItem::__construct() — Method in class PageItem

Item constructor.

SavedSearchItem::__construct() — Method in class SavedSearchItem

Item constructor.

SwitchLanguageItem::__construct() — Method in class SwitchLanguageItem

Item constructor.

AppendHTMLModifier::__construct() — Method in class AppendHTMLModifier
NavigationStartingPointModifier::__construct() — Method in class NavigationStartingPointModifier
OpenToCurrentPageModifier::__construct() — Method in class OpenToCurrentPageModifier
Navigation::__clone() — Method in class Navigation
NavigationFactory::__construct() — Method in class NavigationFactory
AlertList::__construct() — Method in class AlertList
FilterListFactory::__construct() — Method in class FilterListFactory
StandardFilter::__construct() — Method in class StandardFilter

StandardFilter constructor. The $notificationDatabaseType parameter is the name of the notification discriminator column. It is separate from the key.

WorkflowFilter::__construct() — Method in class WorkflowFilter

Filter constructor.

MercureService::__construct() — Method in class MercureService
BatchUpdatedEvent::__construct() — Method in class BatchUpdatedEvent

BatchUpdated constructor.

ProcessClosedEvent::__construct() — Method in class ProcessClosedEvent

ProcessClosed constructor.

ProcessOutputEvent::__construct() — Method in class ProcessOutputEvent
TestConnectionEvent::__construct() — Method in class TestConnectionEvent
ThumbnailGeneratedEvent::__construct() — Method in class ThumbnailGeneratedEvent
Subscriber::__construct() — Method in class Subscriber
AbstractTopic::__construct() — Method in class AbstractTopic
AbstractTopic::__toString() — Method in class AbstractTopic
TestConnectionTopic::__construct() — Method in class TestConnectionTopic
Topic::__construct() — Method in class Topic
TopicInterface::__toString() — Method in class TopicInterface
StandardNotifier::__construct() — Method in class StandardNotifier
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
StandardSubscription::__construct() — Method in class StandardSubscription
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Type::__construct() — Method in class Type
UserDeactivatedType::__construct() — Method in class UserDeactivatedType
StandardListView::__construct() — Method in class StandardListView
WorkflowProgressListView::__construct() — Method in class WorkflowProgressListView

WorkflowProgressListView constructor.

BrokenPackage::__construct() — Method in class BrokenPackage
DependencyChecker::__construct() — Method in class DependencyChecker

Initializes the instance.

DependencyException::__toString() — Method in class DependencyException
IncompatiblePackagesException::__construct() — Method in class IncompatiblePackagesException

Initialize the instance.

MissingRequiredPackageException::__construct() — Method in class MissingRequiredPackageException

Initialize the instance.

RequiredPackageException::__construct() — Method in class RequiredPackageException

Initialize the instance.

VersionMismatchException::__construct() — Method in class VersionMismatchException

Initialize the instance.

ContentSwapEvent::__construct() — Method in class ContentSwapEvent
AttributeKey::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKey
AttributeSet::__construct() — Method in class AttributeSet
AttributeType::__construct() — Method in class AttributeType
ExpressEntity::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntity
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
SiteType::__construct() — Method in class SiteType
Inspector::__construct() — Method in class Inspector
Parser::__construct() — Method in class Parser

Initialize the instance.

Package::__construct() — Method in class Package

Initialize the instance.

PackageArchive::__construct() — Method in class PackageArchive
PackageService::__construct() — Method in class PackageService

Initialize the instance.

FileExcluder::__construct() — Method in class FileExcluder

Initialize the instance.

ShortTagExpander::__construct() — Method in class ShortTagExpander

Initialize the instance.

SvgIconRasterizer::__construct() — Method in class SvgIconRasterizer

Initialize the instance.

TranslationCompiler::__construct() — Method in class TranslationCompiler

Initialize the instance.

PackerFile::__construct() — Method in class PackerFile

Initialize the instance.

Cloner::__construct() — Method in class Cloner

Initialize the instance.

SourceUpdater::__construct() — Method in class SourceUpdater

Initialize the instance.

Zipper::__construct() — Method in class Zipper

Initialize the instance.

StartingPointInstallRoutine::__construct() — Method in class StartingPointInstallRoutine
StartingPointPackage::__construct() — Method in class StartingPointPackage

Initialize the instance.

Cloner::__construct() — Method in class Cloner
ClonerOptions::__construct() — Method in class ClonerOptions

Initialize the instance.

Collection::__destruct() — Method in class Collection

Destruct the class instance.

GlobalVersionList::__construct() — Method in class GlobalVersionList
VersionList::__construct() — Method in class VersionList
ClearPageCopyCommandBatch::__construct() — Method in class ClearPageCopyCommandBatch
ClearPageCopyCommandBatchHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearPageCopyCommandBatchHandler
ClearPageCopyCommandBatchHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearPageCopyCommandBatchHandler
ClearPageIndexCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearPageIndexCommandHandler
ClearPageIndexCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearPageIndexCommandHandler
CopyPageCommand::__construct() — Method in class CopyPageCommand
CopyPageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class CopyPageCommandHandler
DeletePageCommand::__construct() — Method in class DeletePageCommand
DeletePageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeletePageCommandHandler
DeletePageForeverCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeletePageForeverCommandHandler
PageCommand::__construct() — Method in class PageCommand
ReindexPageCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ReindexPageCommandHandler
ReindexPageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ReindexPageCommandHandler
ReindexPageTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ReindexPageTaskCommandHandler
RemoveOldPageVersionsTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RemoveOldPageVersionsTaskCommandHandler
RescanMultilingualPageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RescanMultilingualPageCommandHandler
UpdateStatisticsTrackersTaskCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class UpdateStatisticsTrackersTaskCommandHandler
UpdateStatisticsTrackersTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdateStatisticsTrackersTaskCommandHandler
PageSelectInstanceFactory::__construct() — Method in class PageSelectInstanceFactory
ContainerCommand::__construct() — Method in class ContainerCommand
ContainerCommandValidator::__construct() — Method in class ContainerCommandValidator
DeleteContainerCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteContainerCommandHandler
DeleteContainerCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteContainerCommandHandler
PersistContainerCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class PersistContainerCommandHandler
PersistContainerCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class PersistContainerCommandHandler
ContainerBlockInstance::__construct() — Method in class ContainerBlockInstance
ContainerExporter::__construct() — Method in class ContainerExporter
TemplateLocator::__construct() — Method in class TemplateLocator
PageController::__construct() — Method in class PageController

Initialize the instance.

Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
HandleGenerator::__construct() — Method in class HandleGenerator

HandleGenerator constructor.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
Page::__construct() — Method in class Page

Initialize collection until we populate it.

Page::_getNumChildren() — Method in class Page

Populate the childrenCIDArray property (called by the getCollectionChildrenArray() method).

Page::_duplicateAll() — Method in class Page

Duplicate all the child pages of a specific page which has already have been duplicated.

Page::_associateMasterCollectionBlocks() — Method in class Page

Duplicate the master collection blocks/permissions to a newly created page.

Page::_associateMasterCollectionAttributes() — Method in class Page

Duplicate the master collection attributes to a newly created page.

PageList::__construct() — Method in class PageList
PagePathEvent::__construct() — Method in class PagePathEvent
SiblingFormatter::__construct() — Method in class SiblingFormatter
RelationListController::__construct() — Method in class RelationListController

Initialize the instance.

RelationListItem::__construct() — Method in class RelationListItem
Available::__construct() — Method in class Available
DefaultSet::__construct() — Method in class DefaultSet
SiteLocaleField::__construct() — Method in class SiteLocaleField

Initialize the instance.

Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
PageIndex::__construct() — Method in class PageIndex

PageIndex constructor.

PageIndexer::__construct() — Method in class PageIndexer

DefaultPageDriver constructor.

IndexedSearch::__construct() — Method in class IndexedSearch
MenuFactory::__construct() — Method in class MenuFactory
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
SearchProvider::__construct() — Method in class SearchProvider
GenerateSitemapCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class GenerateSitemapCommandHandler

GenerateSitemapCommandHandler constructor.

GenerateSitemapCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class GenerateSitemapCommandHandler
DragRequestData::__construct() — Method in class DragRequestData
SitemapHeader::__construct() — Method in class SitemapHeader

Initialize the instance.

SitemapPage::__construct() — Method in class SitemapPage
SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage::__construct() — Method in class SitemapPageAlternativeLanguage
DeprecatedPageReadyEvent::__construct() — Method in class DeprecatedPageReadyEvent

Initialize the instance.

ElementReadyEvent::__construct() — Method in class ElementReadyEvent

Initialize the instance.

XmlReadyEvent::__construct() — Method in class XmlReadyEvent

Initialize the instance.

PageListGenerator::__construct() — Method in class PageListGenerator

Initialize the instance.

SitemapGenerator::__construct() — Method in class SitemapGenerator

Initialize the instance.

SitemapWriter::__construct() — Method in class SitemapWriter
Folder::__construct() — Method in class Folder
FolderService::__construct() — Method in class FolderService
Formatter::__construct() — Method in class Formatter
StackCategory::__construct() — Method in class StackCategory
StackList::__construct() — Method in class StackList
UsageTracker::__construct() — Method in class UsageTracker
DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DisableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class EnableCustomPageSummaryTemplatesCommandHandler
Color::__construct() — Method in class Color
ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToPageCommandHandler
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler
ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ApplyCustomizationsToSiteCommandHandler
CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler
CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class CreateCustomSkinCommandHandler
DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandler
DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteCustomSkinCommandHandler
GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler
GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class GenerateCustomSkinStylesheetCommandHandler
ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommand::__construct() — Method in class ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommand
ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler
ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ResetPageThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler
ResetPageThemeSkinsCommand::__construct() — Method in class ResetPageThemeSkinsCommand
ResetPageThemeSkinsCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ResetPageThemeSkinsCommandHandler
ResetPageThemeSkinsCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ResetPageThemeSkinsCommandHandler
ResetSiteThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ResetSiteThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler
ResetSiteThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ResetSiteThemeLegacyCustomizationsCommandHandler
ResetSiteThemeSkinCommand::__construct() — Method in class ResetSiteThemeSkinCommand
ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandler
ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ResetSiteThemeSkinCommandHandler
SkinCommandValidator::__construct() — Method in class SkinCommandValidator
UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler
UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdateCustomSkinCommandHandler
AtomikDocumentationProvider::__construct() — Method in class AtomikDocumentationProvider
BedrockDocumentationPage::__construct() — Method in class BedrockDocumentationPage
CustomThemeDocumentationPage::__construct() — Method in class CustomThemeDocumentationPage
DocumentationNavigationFactory::__construct() — Method in class DocumentationNavigationFactory
DocumentationNavigationPageItem::__construct() — Method in class DocumentationNavigationPageItem

Item constructor.

ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage::__construct() — Method in class ThemeCategoryDocumentationPage
ThemeDocumentationPage::__construct() — Method in class ThemeDocumentationPage
Theme::__construct() — Method in class Theme
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand::__construct() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommand
UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdatePageTypeDefaultsCommandHandler
CollectionAttributeControl::__sleep() — Method in class CollectionAttributeControl
DateTimeCorePageProperty::__construct() — Method in class DateTimeCorePageProperty
DescriptionCorePageProperty::__construct() — Method in class DescriptionCorePageProperty
NameCorePageProperty::__construct() — Method in class NameCorePageProperty
PageTemplateCorePageProperty::__construct() — Method in class PageTemplateCorePageProperty
PublishTargetCorePageProperty::__construct() — Method in class PublishTargetCorePageProperty
UrlSlugCorePageProperty::__construct() — Method in class UrlSlugCorePageProperty
UserCorePageProperty::__construct() — Method in class UserCorePageProperty
VersionCommentCorePageProperty::__construct() — Method in class VersionCommentCorePageProperty
CustomTemplate::__construct() — Method in class CustomTemplate
Configuration::__construct() — Method in class Configuration
Page::__construct() — Method in class Page
ProgressList::__construct() — Method in class ProgressList
Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Type::__call() — Method in class Type
Checker::__construct() — Method in class Checker
Checker::__call() — Method in class Checker

We take any permissions function run on the permissions class and send it into the category object.

BanIPEvent::__construct() — Method in class BanIPEvent
IPRangesCsvWriter::__construct() — Method in class IPRangesCsvWriter
IPService::__construct() — Method in class IPService
BlockRegistry::__construct() — Method in class BlockRegistry
Entry::__construct() — Method in class Entry

AbstractEntry constructor.

IpAccessControlService::__construct() — Method in class IpAccessControlService

Initialize the instance.

Logger::__construct() — Method in class Logger
AccessAssignment::__construct() — Method in class AccessAssignment
Entity::__construct() — Method in class Entity
GroupEntity::__construct() — Method in class GroupEntity
PermissionsEntry::__construct() — Method in class PermissionsEntry
WorkflowEntry::__construct() — Method in class WorkflowEntry
BasicWorkflow::__construct() — Method in class BasicWorkflow
CalendarObject::__construct() — Method in class CalendarObject

Calendar constructor.

ExpressEntity::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntity
FileFolder::__construct() — Method in class FileFolder
Page::__construct() — Method in class Page
PageType::__construct() — Method in class PageType
StackFolder::__construct() — Method in class StackFolder
PermissionsEntry::__construct() — Method in class PermissionsEntry
TaskPermissionsEntry::__construct() — Method in class TaskPermissionsEntry
DefaultHomePageAccessRegistry::__construct() — Method in class DefaultHomePageAccessRegistry
DefaultRootFileFolderAccessRegistry::__construct() — Method in class DefaultRootFileFolderAccessRegistry
DefaultSharedFolderAccessRegistry::__construct() — Method in class DefaultSharedFolderAccessRegistry
SiteFileFolderAccessRegistry::__construct() — Method in class SiteFileFolderAccessRegistry
SiteGroupEntity::__construct() — Method in class SiteGroupEntity
SiteGroupInstanceEntity::__construct() — Method in class SiteGroupInstanceEntity
ApproverObjectRegistry::__construct() — Method in class ApproverObjectRegistry
AuthorObjectRegistry::__construct() — Method in class AuthorObjectRegistry
ObjectAssignment::__construct() — Method in class ObjectAssignment
ExpressEntityResponse::__call() — Method in class ExpressEntityResponse
FileSetResponse::__call() — Method in class FileSetResponse
GroupResponse::__call() — Method in class GroupResponse
Response::__call() — Method in class Response
ApplicationRouteAction::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationRouteAction

ApplicationRouteCallback constructor.

ClosureRouteAction::__construct() — Method in class ClosureRouteAction

ClosureRouteAction constructor.

ClosureRouteAction::__sleep() — Method in class ClosureRouteAction
ControllerRouteAction::__construct() — Method in class ControllerRouteAction

ControllerRouteCallback constructor. $action is something like \My\Controller::myAction

MatchedRoute::__construct() — Method in class MatchedRoute
RedirectResponse::__construct() — Method in class RedirectResponse
RouteBuilder::__construct() — Method in class RouteBuilder

RouteBuilder constructor.

RouteBuilder::__call() — Method in class RouteBuilder
RouteGroupBuilder::__construct() — Method in class RouteGroupBuilder

RouteGroupBuilder constructor.

Router::__construct() — Method in class Router
AbstractSearchProvider::__construct() — Method in class AbstractSearchProvider
AttributeKeyColumn::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKeyColumn
Column::__construct() — Method in class Column
Set::__sleep() — Method in class Set
Set::__wakeup() — Method in class Set
AttributeKeyField::__construct() — Method in class AttributeKeyField

Initialize the instance.

AttributeKeyField::__sleep() — Method in class AttributeKeyField

Return an array with the names of the properties to be serialized.

AttributeKeyField::__wakeup() — Method in class AttributeKeyField

Initialize the instance once it has been deserialized.

KeywordsField::__construct() — Method in class KeywordsField

Initialize the instance.

AbstractIndex::__construct() — Method in class AbstractIndex

AbstractIndex constructor.

IndexObjectProvider::__construct() — Method in class IndexObjectProvider

IndexObjectProvider constructor.

AttributedItemList::__call() — Method in class AttributedItemList

Magic method for setting up additional filtering by attributes.

ItemList::__construct() — Method in class ItemList
ItemList::__clone() — Method in class ItemList
EntityItemList::__construct() — Method in class EntityItemList
AbstractPagerManager::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPagerManager

AbstractPagerManager constructor.

ExpressEntryListPagerManager::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntryListPagerManager

AbstractPagerManager constructor.

VariableFactory::__construct() — Method in class VariableFactory

VariableFactory constructor.

PagerAdapter::__construct() — Method in class PagerAdapter
PagerPagination::__construct() — Method in class PagerPagination
Pagination::__construct() — Method in class Pagination
PaginationFactory::__construct() — Method in class PaginationFactory

PaginationFactory constructor.

PermissionablePagination::__construct() — Method in class PermissionablePagination
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
ViewRenderer::__construct() — Method in class ViewRenderer
AbstractRequestModifier::__construct() — Method in class AbstractRequestModifier
ConfigurableItemsPerPageRequestModifier::__construct() — Method in class ConfigurableItemsPerPageRequestModifier
CustomItemsPerPageRequestModifier::__construct() — Method in class CustomItemsPerPageRequestModifier
Column::__construct() — Method in class Column
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
ItemColumn::__construct() — Method in class ItemColumn
Result::__construct() — Method in class Result
StickyRequest::__construct() — Method in class StickyRequest
ApacheGenerator::__construct() — Method in class ApacheGenerator

Initializes the instance.

Generator::__construct() — Method in class Generator

Initializes the instance.

NginxGenerator::__construct() — Method in class NginxGenerator

Initializes the instance.

ApacheDetector::__construct() — Method in class ApacheDetector

Class constructor.

NginxDetector::__construct() — Method in class NginxDetector

Class constructor.

Apache::__construct() — Method in class Apache

Class constructor.

Nginx::__construct() — Method in class Nginx

Class constructor.

ServiceManager::__construct() — Method in class ServiceManager

Manager constructor.

Option::__construct() — Method in class Option

Initializes the instance.

Rule::__construct() — Method in class Rule

Intializes the instance.

SessionFactory::__construct() — Method in class SessionFactory

SessionFactory constructor.

SessionValidator::__construct() — Method in class SessionValidator
NativeFileSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class NativeFileSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler

List of available options:

  • prefix: The prefix to use for the keys in order to avoid collision on the Redis server.
LoggedStorage::__construct() — Method in class LoggedStorage
Service::__construct() — Method in class Service
DatabaseConfigSaver::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseConfigSaver
SiteInformationSaver::__construct() — Method in class SiteInformationSaver
Liaison::__construct() — Method in class Liaison

Create a new configuration repository.

Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
InstallationService::__construct() — Method in class InstallationService
SiteListController::__construct() — Method in class SiteListController

Initialize the instance.

SiteListItem::__construct() — Method in class SiteListItem
MultisiteDriver::__construct() — Method in class MultisiteDriver
Resolver::__construct() — Method in class Resolver
ResolverFactory::__construct() — Method in class ResolverFactory
Selector::__construct() — Method in class Selector
Service::__construct() — Method in class Service
SiteEvent::__construct() — Method in class SiteEvent
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
StandardController::__construct() — Method in class StandardController
AbstractFormatter::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
OptionsFormProvider::__construct() — Method in class OptionsFormProvider
Service::__construct() — Method in class Service
Service::__construct() — Method in class Service
Service::__construct() — Method in class Service
LegacyCustomizationsManager::__construct() — Method in class LegacyCustomizationsManager
SkinCustomizationsManager::__construct() — Method in class SkinCustomizationsManager
Customizer::__construct() — Method in class Customizer
CustomizerFactory::__construct() — Method in class CustomizerFactory
AbstractCustomizerType::__construct() — Method in class AbstractCustomizerType

AbstractCustomizerType constructor.

ColorVariable::__construct() — Method in class ColorVariable

NumberVariable constructor.

ImageVariable::__construct() — Method in class ImageVariable

ImageVariable constructor.

LessNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class LessNormalizer
NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory::__construct() — Method in class NormalizedVariableCollectionFactory
NumberVariable::__construct() — Method in class NumberVariable
ScssNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class ScssNormalizer

ScssNormalizer constructor.

Variable::__construct() — Method in class Variable

Variable constructor.

Preset::__construct() — Method in class Preset
PresetFactory::__construct() — Method in class PresetFactory
LessFilePresetType::__construct() — Method in class LessFilePresetType

LessFileSkinType constructor.

ScssDirectoryPresetType::__construct() — Method in class ScssDirectoryPresetType

DirectorySkinType constructor.

LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler::__construct() — Method in class LegacyStylesheetPreviewHandler
StandardPreviewHandler::__construct() — Method in class StandardPreviewHandler
LessProcessor::__construct() — Method in class LessProcessor
ScssProcessor::__construct() — Method in class ScssProcessor

ScssProcessor constructor.

PresetSkin::__construct() — Method in class PresetSkin
SkinFactory::__construct() — Method in class SkinFactory
CustomizerVariable::__construct() — Method in class CustomizerVariable
GroupedStyleValueListSet::__construct() — Method in class GroupedStyleValueListSet

GroupedStyleValueListSet constructor.

FontFamilyParser::__construct() — Method in class FontFamilyParser
AbstractManager::__construct() — Method in class AbstractManager
TypeParser::__construct() — Method in class TypeParser
StyleValue::__construct() — Method in class StyleValue

StyleValue constructor.

FontFamilyValue::__construct() — Method in class FontFamilyValue

FontFamilyValue constructor.

FontStyleValue::__construct() — Method in class FontStyleValue

FontStyleValue constructor.

FontWeightValue::__construct() — Method in class FontWeightValue

FontWeightValue constructor.

ImageValue::__construct() — Method in class ImageValue
PresetFontsFileValue::__construct() — Method in class PresetFontsFileValue
SizeValue::__construct() — Method in class SizeValue

SizeValue constructor.

TextDecorationValue::__construct() — Method in class TextDecorationValue

TextDecorationValue constructor.

TextTransformValue::__construct() — Method in class TextTransformValue

TextTransformValue constructor.

Stylesheet::__construct() — Method in class Stylesheet
WebFont::__construct() — Method in class WebFont

WebFont constructor.

Writer::__construct() — Method in class Writer

Writer constructor.

AbstractDriver::__construct() — Method in class AbstractDriver
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection
BasicCalendarEventDriver::__construct() — Method in class BasicCalendarEventDriver
BasicPageDriver::__construct() — Method in class BasicPageDriver
DriverCollection::__construct() — Method in class DriverCollection
DriverManager::__construct() — Method in class DriverManager
RegisteredDriver::__construct() — Method in class RegisteredDriver
AuthorDataFieldData::__construct() — Method in class AuthorDataFieldData
AuthorDataFieldData::__toString() — Method in class AuthorDataFieldData
DataField::__construct() — Method in class DataField

DataField constructor.

DataFieldData::__construct() — Method in class DataFieldData
DataFieldData::__toString() — Method in class DataFieldData
DatetimeDataFieldData::__construct() — Method in class DatetimeDataFieldData
DatetimeDataFieldData::__toString() — Method in class DatetimeDataFieldData
DatetimeDataFieldData::__call() — Method in class DatetimeDataFieldData
ExpressEntryDataFieldData::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntryDataFieldData
ExpressEntryDataFieldData::__toString() — Method in class ExpressEntryDataFieldData
ExpressEntryDataFieldData::__call() — Method in class ExpressEntryDataFieldData
ImageDataFieldData::__construct() — Method in class ImageDataFieldData
ImageDataFieldData::__toString() — Method in class ImageDataFieldData
LinkDataFieldData::__construct() — Method in class LinkDataFieldData
LinkDataFieldData::__toString() — Method in class LinkDataFieldData
PagePathLinkDataFieldData::__toString() — Method in class PagePathLinkDataFieldData
TopicsDataFieldData::__construct() — Method in class TopicsDataFieldData
TopicsDataFieldData::__toString() — Method in class TopicsDataFieldData
SummaryObject::__construct() — Method in class SummaryObject
SummaryObjectExtractor::__construct() — Method in class SummaryObjectExtractor
SummaryObjectInspector::__construct() — Method in class SummaryObjectInspector
AbstractPopulator::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPopulator
Filterer::__construct() — Method in class Filterer
Renderer::__construct() — Method in class Renderer
TemplateLocator::__construct() — Method in class TemplateLocator
Differ::__construct() — Method in class Differ

Initialize the instance.

PhpFixer::__construct() — Method in class PhpFixer

Initialize the instance.

PhpFixerOptions::__construct() — Method in class PhpFixerOptions

Initialize the instance.

PhpFixerRuleResolver::__construct() — Method in class PhpFixerRuleResolver
PhpFixerRunner::__construct() — Method in class PhpFixerRunner
Database::__callStatic() — Method in class Database

This is overridden to allow passthru to DatabaseManager's __call.

Facade::__callStatic() — Method in class Facade

Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.

$ JSConstantGenerator#_constantsProperty in class JSConstantGenerator
$ JSConstantGenerator#_registerProperty in class JSConstantGenerator
JSConstantGenerator::__construct() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
JSConstantGenerator::_populateRegister() — Method in class JSConstantGenerator
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
ClassSymbol::__construct() — Method in class ClassSymbol
MethodSymbol::__construct() — Method in class MethodSymbol
SymbolGenerator::__construct() — Method in class SymbolGenerator
Info::__construct() — Method in class Info
FileLockMutex::__construct() — Method in class FileLockMutex

Initialize the instance.

FileLockMutex::__destruct() — Method in class FileLockMutex
InvalidMutexKeyException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidMutexKeyException

Initialize the instance.

MutexBusyException::__construct() — Method in class MutexBusyException

Initialize the instance.

SemaphoreMutex::__construct() — Method in class SemaphoreMutex

Initialize the instance.

QueueStatus::__construct() — Method in class QueueStatus
QueueStatusQueue::__construct() — Method in class QueueStatusQueue
SystemUser::__construct() — Method in class SystemUser
AbstractNodeItem::__construct() — Method in class AbstractNodeItem
CategoryItem::__construct() — Method in class CategoryItem

CategoryItem constructor.

FolderItem::__construct() — Method in class FolderItem

FolderItem constructor.

FolderItem::__construct() — Method in class FolderItem

FolderItem constructor.

TopicItem::__construct() — Method in class TopicItem

CategoryItem constructor.

Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
CategoryMenu::__construct() — Method in class CategoryMenu
ExpressEntryCategoryMenu::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntryCategoryMenu
ExpressEntryResultsFolderMenu::__construct() — Method in class ExpressEntryResultsFolderMenu
FileFolderMenu::__construct() — Method in class FileFolderMenu
GroupFolderMenu::__construct() — Method in class GroupFolderMenu
GroupMenu::__construct() — Method in class GroupMenu
TopicMenu::__construct() — Method in class TopicMenu
Archive::__construct() — Method in class Archive
AbstractMigration::__construct() — Method in class AbstractMigration
Configuration::__construct() — Method in class Configuration

Construct a migration configuration object.

MigrationIncompleteException::__construct() — Method in class MigrationIncompleteException
UpdateArchive::__construct() — Method in class UpdateArchive
Path::__construct() — Method in class Path
CallableUrlResolver::__construct() — Method in class CallableUrlResolver
CanonicalUrlResolver::__construct() — Method in class CanonicalUrlResolver

CanonicalUrlResolver constructor.

ResolverManager::__construct() — Method in class ResolverManager
PageUrlResolver::__construct() — Method in class PageUrlResolver
PathUrlResolver::__construct() — Method in class PathUrlResolver

PathUrlResolver constructor.

RouteUrlResolver::__construct() — Method in class RouteUrlResolver
RouterUrlResolver::__construct() — Method in class RouterUrlResolver
UserInfoUrlResolver::__construct() — Method in class UserInfoUrlResolver
SeoCanonical::__construct() — Method in class SeoCanonical

Initialize the instance.

AnonymousAvatar::__construct() — Method in class AnonymousAvatar
AvatarService::__construct() — Method in class AvatarService
StandardAvatar::__construct() — Method in class StandardAvatar
CheckAutomatedGroupsCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class CheckAutomatedGroupsCommandHandler
CheckAutomatedGroupsCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class CheckAutomatedGroupsCommandHandler
ClearUserIndexCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClearUserIndexCommandHandler
ClearUserIndexCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ClearUserIndexCommandHandler
DeactivateUsersCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeactivateUsersCommandHandler
DeactivateUsersCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeactivateUsersCommandHandler
DeleteUserCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteUserCommandHandler
DeleteUserCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteUserCommandHandler
DeleteUserTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteUserTaskCommandHandler
ReindexUserTaskCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class ReindexUserTaskCommandHandler
ReindexUserTaskCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ReindexUserTaskCommandHandler
RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandler
RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class RemoveOldFileAttachmentsCommandHandler
UpdateUserAvatarCommand::__construct() — Method in class UpdateUserAvatarCommand

UpdateUserAvatarCommand constructor.

UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandler
UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class UpdateUserAvatarCommandHandler
UserCommand::__construct() — Method in class UserCommand
AvatarCropperInstanceFactory::__construct() — Method in class AvatarCropperInstanceFactory
UserSelectInstance::__construct() — Method in class UserSelectInstance
UserSelectInstanceFactory::__construct() — Method in class UserSelectInstanceFactory
CsvWriter::__construct() — Method in class CsvWriter
AddUser::__construct() — Method in class AddUser
DeactivateUser::__construct() — Method in class DeactivateUser

DeactivateUser constructor.

Logout::__construct() — Method in class Logout
User::__construct() — Method in class User
UserInfo::__construct() — Method in class UserInfo
AddGroupCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class AddGroupCommandHandler
AddGroupCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class AddGroupCommandHandler
AddGroupCommandValidator::__construct() — Method in class AddGroupCommandValidator
DeleteGroupCommand::__construct() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommand
DeleteGroupCommandHandler::__construct() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
DeleteGroupCommandHandler::__invoke() — Method in class DeleteGroupCommandHandler
Result::__toString() — Method in class Result
Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
FolderItemList::__construct() — Method in class FolderItemList
GroupAutomationController::__construct() — Method in class GroupAutomationController
GroupJoinRequest::__construct() — Method in class GroupJoinRequest
GroupRepository::__construct() — Method in class GroupRepository

GroupRepository constructor.

GroupSearchColumnSet::__construct() — Method in class GroupSearchColumnSet
GroupSetList::__construct() — Method in class GroupSetList
Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
Available::__construct() — Method in class Available
DefaultSet::__construct() — Method in class DefaultSet
FolderField::__construct() — Method in class FolderField

FolderField constructor.

Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
LoginAttemptService::__construct() — Method in class LoginAttemptService
LoginService::__construct() — Method in class LoginService
PasswordUpgrade::__construct() — Method in class PasswordUpgrade
Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
UserNotificationEventHandler::__construct() — Method in class UserNotificationEventHandler
PasswordChangeEventHandler::__construct() — Method in class PasswordChangeEventHandler
PasswordUsageTracker::__construct() — Method in class PasswordUsageTracker
CookieService::__construct() — Method in class CookieService

Initialize the instance.

CookieValue::__construct() — Method in class CookieValue
PostLoginLocation::__construct() — Method in class PostLoginLocation

Initialize the instance.

Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
PrivateMessageList::__construct() — Method in class PrivateMessageList
RegistrationService::__construct() — Method in class RegistrationService
Available::__construct() — Method in class Available
DefaultSet::__construct() — Method in class DefaultSet
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
SearchProvider::__construct() — Method in class SearchProvider
Statistics::__construct() — Method in class Statistics
StatusService::__construct() — Method in class StatusService

StatusService constructor.

User::__construct() — Method in class User
User::_getUserGroups() — Method in class User
UserBannedIp::__construct() — Method in class UserBannedIp
UserInfo::__construct() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::__toString() — Method in class UserInfo
UserInfo::__call() — Method in class UserInfo

Magic method for user attributes. This is db expensive but pretty damn cool so if the attrib handle is "my_attribute", then get the attribute with $ui->getUserMyAttribute(), or "uFirstName" become $ui->getUserUfirstname();.

UserInfoRepository::__construct() — Method in class UserInfoRepository
UserList::__construct() — Method in class UserList
UserTransformer::__construct() — Method in class UserTransformer
ProgressList::__construct() — Method in class ProgressList
User::__construct() — Method in class User
IPAddress::__construct() — Method in class IPAddress

Builds the IPAddress object from the ip address string provided, or from a hexadecimal string If no ip address is provided, it can be set later by running the setIp function.

Strings::__construct() — Method in class Strings
BannedWord::__construct() — Method in class BannedWord
Response::__construct() — Method in class Response

Response constructor.

ClosureValidator::__construct() — Method in class ClosureValidator

ClosureValidator constructor.

EmailValidator::__construct() — Method in class EmailValidator

EmailValidator constructor.

MaximumLengthValidator::__construct() — Method in class MaximumLengthValidator

MaximumLengthValidator constructor.

MinimumLengthValidator::__construct() — Method in class MinimumLengthValidator

MinimumLengthValidator constructor.

RegexValidator::__construct() — Method in class RegexValidator

RegexValidator constructor.

ReuseValidator::__construct() — Method in class ReuseValidator
UniqueUserEmailValidator::__construct() — Method in class UniqueUserEmailValidator

UniqueUserEmailValidator constructor.

UniqueUserNameValidator::__construct() — Method in class UniqueUserNameValidator

UniqueUserNameValidator constructor.

AbstractView::__construct() — Method in class AbstractView
ApprovalAction::__construct() — Method in class ApprovalAction
CancelAction::__construct() — Method in class CancelAction
BasicData::__construct() — Method in class BasicData
Category::__call() — Method in class Category
Progress::__callStatic() — Method in class Progress
ActivateUserRequest::__construct() — Method in class ActivateUserRequest
ApproveCalendarEventRequest::__construct() — Method in class ApproveCalendarEventRequest
ApprovePageRequest::__construct() — Method in class ApprovePageRequest
ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest::__construct() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsInheritanceRequest
ChangePagePermissionsRequest::__construct() — Method in class ChangePagePermissionsRequest
ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest::__construct() — Method in class ChangeSubpageDefaultsInheritanceRequest
DeletePageRequest::__construct() — Method in class DeletePageRequest
DeleteUserRequest::__construct() — Method in class DeleteUserRequest
MovePageRequest::__construct() — Method in class MovePageRequest
Request::__construct() — Method in class Request
UnapproveCalendarEventRequest::__construct() — Method in class UnapproveCalendarEventRequest
UnapprovePageRequest::__construct() — Method in class UnapprovePageRequest