Adding Redactor custom styles in a theme (content block/rich text editor)
Custom styles work on a theme by theme basis.
1. You start by creating page_theme.php in your theme folder.
2. Add the namespacing and extend the Theme class.
Namespacing for a theme in application
namespace Application\Theme\Your_Theme_Name;
class PageTheme extends \Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme
Namespacing for a theme in a package
namespace Concrete\Package\Your_Package_Name\Theme\Your_Theme_Name;
class PageTheme extends \Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme
3. Add the getThemeEditorClasses() method.
public function getThemeEditorClasses()
4. Add an array with the custom style names and classes you want Redactor to use.
As an example, these are the arrays that come with the Elemental theme
public function getThemeEditorClasses()
return array(
array('title' => t('Title Thin'), 'menuClass' => 'title-thin', 'spanClass' => 'title-thin'),
array('title' => t('Title Caps Bold'), 'menuClass' => 'title-caps-bold', 'spanClass' => 'title-caps-bold'),
array('title' => t('Title Caps'), 'menuClass' => 'title-caps', 'spanClass' => 'title-caps'),
array('title' => t('Image Caption'), 'menuClass' => 'image-caption', 'spanClass' => 'image-caption'),
array('title' => t('Standard Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-default'),
array('title' => t('Success Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-success'),
array('title' => t('Primary Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-primary')
5. getThemeEditorClasses() array keys
- title - is the name that will be displayed in the custom styles dropdown in Redactor
- menuClass - will be the class/classes applied to the dropdown title text (this makes the title text a preview of the style)
- spanClass - will be the class/classes you want applied for that custom style (the classes applied to the selected text).
As an example, here I added a custom pina colada button that changes the text color and background along with a pina colada picture.
public function getThemeEditorClasses()
return array(
array('title' => t('Title Thin'), 'menuClass' => 'title-thin', 'spanClass' => 'title-thin'),
array('title' => t('Title Caps Bold'), 'menuClass' => 'title-caps-bold', 'spanClass' => 'title-caps-bold'),
array('title' => t('Title Caps'), 'menuClass' => 'title-caps', 'spanClass' => 'title-caps'),
array('title' => t('Image Caption'), 'menuClass' => 'image-caption', 'spanClass' => 'image-caption'),
array('title' => t('Standard Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-default'),
array('title' => t('Success Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-success'),
array('title' => t('Primary Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-primary'),
array('title' => t('Pina Colada Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'pina-colada')
default Elemental custom styles
new Pina Colada Button style
new style applied
Refresh the theme when adding a page_theme.php to an existing theme or if settings in page_theme.php are not being applied
Dashboard > Pages & Themes > Themes
1. activate the default Elemental theme
2. remove the custom theme
3. install the custom theme
4. activate the custom theme
Writing custom style CSS that will display in the Custom Styles preview
It is a best practice to scope theme CSS with the .ccm-page class. This helps prevent theme CSS from overriding the CSS of the Concrete CMS interface. Scoping CSS this way, using .ccm-page or another class, will prevent custom style title previews from displaying. This can be addresed by creating a second selector for your custom style using #redactor-dropdown-holder.
#redactor-dropdown-holder .your-style-name,
.ccm-page .your-style-name {
New in Concrete 5.7.5+
When defining custom styles, there is now the option to make the style inline or block. An inline style will wrap the selected text in a span tag and then apply the the custom style to the span. A block style will apply the custom style directly on the block level element tag of the selected text (examples of block level elements are p, h1-h6, etc.).
What makes a custom style inline or block is determined by a new getThemeEditorClasses() array key called "forceBlock". A 'forceBlock' value of -1 will make the style inline and a value of 1 will make the style block.
Example: the Elemental theme default styles
public function getThemeEditorClasses()
return array(
array('title' => t('Title Thin'), 'menuClass' => 'title-thin', 'spanClass' => 'title-thin', 'forceBlock' => 1),
array('title' => t('Title Caps Bold'), 'menuClass' => 'title-caps-bold', 'spanClass' => 'title-caps-bold', 'forceBlock' => 1),
array('title' => t('Title Caps'), 'menuClass' => 'title-caps', 'spanClass' => 'title-caps', 'forceBlock' => 1),
array('title' => t('Image Caption'), 'menuClass' => 'image-caption', 'spanClass' => 'image-caption', 'forceBlock' => '-1'),
array('title' => t('Standard Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-default', 'forceBlock' => '-1'),
array('title' => t('Success Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-success', 'forceBlock' => '-1'),
array('title' => t('Primary Button'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'btn btn-primary', 'forceBlock' => '-1'),
If you create a custom style that you want to use both as an inline style and a block style, then you can define the custom style twice. One approach is to add a "- Inline" or "- Block" suffix to the custom style title.
Example: a custom style used both as inline and block
public function getThemeEditorClasses()
return array(
array('title' => t('Title Thin - Block'), 'menuClass' => 'title-thin', 'spanClass' => 'title-thin', 'forceBlock' => 1),
array('title' => t('Title Thin - Inline'), 'menuClass' => 'title-thin', 'spanClass' => 'title-thin', 'forceBlock' => '-1'),