Full Event List

Here is a full list of events supported by Concrete CMS.

Application Level

Event Description Event Class Argument
on_start Run when a Concrete rendering session is started Generic Event
on_before_dispatch Runs aofter Concrete starts, but before the current request is dispatched None
on_before_render Run right before a view is to be rendered Generic Event
on_render_complete Run when a render is complete Generic Event
on_shutdown Run when Concrete shuts down None
on_cache_flush Run when the cache is cleared None
on_before_console_run Run when Concrete is run from the command line None
on_after_console_run Run after Concrete is run from the command line None
on_entity_manager_configure Runs when the entity manager is first created by the database connection Generic Event
on_locale_load Runs when an active locale is set Generic Event
on_locale_add Runs when a locale is added Generic Event
on_locale_delete Runs when a locale is deleted Generic Event
on_locale_change Runs when a locale is changed Generic Event
on_logger_create Runs when the logger is created Concrete\Core\Logging\Event
on_header_required_ready Runs when the header is rendered Generic Event


Event Description Event Class Argument
on_page_view Run when a user visits a page Concrete\Core\Page\Event
on_get_page_wrapper_class Run when a page is rendered (9.1.2+) Generic Event
on_page_output Run when a page is output to a visitor Generic Event
on_page_add Run when a page is added Concrete\Core\Page\Event
on_page_get_icon Run when an icon is retrieved for a page in the sitemap Concrete\Core\Page\Event
on_page_update Run when a page is updated Concrete\Core\Page\Event
on_page_delete Run when a page is about to be deleted Concrete\Core\Page\DeletePageEvent
on_page_move Run when a page is moved Concrete\Core\Page\MovePageEvent
on_page_display_order_update Run when the display order of a page changes (8.5.0+) Concrete\Core\Page\DisplayOrderUpdateEvent
on_page_duplicate Run when a page is duplicated Concrete\Core\Page\DuplicatePageEvent
on_page_move_to_trash Run when a page is moved to the trash but not yet deleted Concrete\Core\Page\Event
on_page_not_found Run when a page is not found None
on_compute_canonical_page_path Run when a page's canonical path is computed Concrete\Core\Page\PagePathEvent
on_multilingual_page_relate Run when a multilingual page is related to another Concrete\Core\Multilingual\Page\Section\Event

Page Types

Event Description Event Class Argument
on_page_type_publish Run when a page of a certain type is published Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Event
on_page_type_save_composer_form Run when a page type composer form is saved Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Event

Page Version

Event Description Event Class Argument
on_page_version_add Run when a new page version is created Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version\Event
on_page_version_approve Run when a particular page version is approved Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version\Event
on_page_version_submit_approve Run when a particular page version is submitted for approval Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version\Event
on_page_version_deny Run when a page version is denied approval Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version\Event


Event Description Event Class Argument
on_file_add Run when a file is added Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion
on_file_set_password Run when a file password is set Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileWithPassword
on_file_download Run when a file is downloaded Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileAccess
on_file_delete Run when a file is deleted fully Concrete\Core\File\Event\DeleteFile
on_file_duplicate Run when a file is duplicated Concrete\Core\File\Event\DuplicateFile

File Versions

Event Description Event Class Argument
on_file_version_add Run when a file version is added Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion
on_file_version_deny Run when a file version is denied Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion
on_file_version_approve Run when a file version is approved Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion
on_file_version_duplicate Run when a file version is duplicated Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion
on_file_version_update_title Run when a file version's title is updated Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion
on_file_version_update_tags Run when a file version's tags are updated Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion
on_file_version_update_description Run when a file version's description is updated Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion
on_file_version_update_contents Run when a file version's contents are updated Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion

File Sets

Event Description Event Class Argument
on_file_set_add Run when a file set is added Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileSet
on_file_set_delete Run when a file set is deleted (available from version 8.3.3) Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileSet
on_file_added_to_set Run when a file is added to a set Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileSetFile
on_file_removed_from_set Run when a file is removed from a set Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileSetFile


Event Description Event Class Argument
on_block_load Run when a block is loaded for display Generic Event
on_block_add Run after a block is added Concrete\Core\Block\Events\BlockAdd
on_block_edit Run after a block is edited Concrete\Core\Block\Events\BlockEdit
on_block_delete Run after a block is deleted Concrete\Core\Block\Events\BlockDelete
on_block_before_render Run before a block is rendered (8.4.0+) Concrete\Core\Block\Events\BlockBeforeRender
on_block_duplicate Run after a block is duplicated (8.4.0+) Concrete\Core\Block\Events\BlockDuplicate
on_block_output Run just before a block is outputted (8.4.1+) Concrete\Core\Block\Events\BlockOutput


Event Description Event Class Argument
on_express_entry_saved Run when an express entry is saved. Concrete\Core\Express\Event\Event


Event Description Event Class Argument
on_before_user_add Run before a user is added Concrete\Core\User\Event\AddUser
on_user_add Run when a user is added Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfoWithPassword
on_user_update Run when a user is updated Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo
on_user_change_password Run when a user's password is changed Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfoWithPassword
on_user_delete Run before a user delete. Concrete\Core\User\Event\DeleteUser
on_user_deleted Run when a user is deleted fully (From v8.3.0) Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo
on_user_validate Run when a user is validated Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo
on_user_activate Run when a user is activated Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo
on_user_deactivate Run when a user is deactivated Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo
on_user_login Run when a user logs in Concrete\Core\User\Event\User
on_user_logout Run when a user logs out None
on_user_attributes_saved Run when a user's attributes are saved Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfoWithAttributes

Private Messages

Event Description Event Class Argument
on_private_message_marked_not_new Run when new status is removed from a mailbox Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo
on_private_message_marked_as_read Run when a user has read a private message Concrete\Core\User\PrivateMessage\Event
on_private_message_delete Run when a user deletes a private message Concrete\Core\User\PrivateMessage\Event
on_private_message_over_limit Run when a user has tripped private message sending limits Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo

User Groups

Event Description Event Class Argument
on_group_add Run when a group is added Concrete\Core\User\Group\Event
on_group_update Run when a group is updated Concrete\Core\User\Group\Event
on_group_delete Run when a group is deleted Concrete\Core\User\Group\DeleteEvent
on_user_enter_group Run when a user enters a group Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserGroup
on_user_exit_group Run when a user exits a group Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserGroup


Event Description Event Class Argument
on_new_conversation_message Run when a conversation message is added Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message\MessageEvent


Event Description Event Class Argument
on_job_install Run when a job is installed Concrete\Core\Job\Event
on_job_uninstall Run when a job is uninstalled Concrete\Core\Job\Event
on_before_job_execute Runs before a job is executed Concrete\Core\Job\Event
on_job_execute Runs when a job is executed Concrete\Core\Job\Event


Event Description Event Class Argument
on_get_countries_list Runs when the country list is retrieved for use Generic Event
on_get_states_provinces_list Runs when the states/provinces are retrieved Generic Event
on_sitemap_xml_ready Runs when the generate sitemap job's XML is ready Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap\EventXmlReadyEvent
on_sitemap_xml_addingpage Runs when the generate sitemap job adds a page Generic Event
on_page_feed_output Runs when an RSS feed is output Concrete\Core\Page\FeedEvent
on_form_submission Runs when a form block is submitted Generic Event