Customize the core Calendar block time format

This is a community-contributed tutorial. This tutorial is over a year old and may not apply to your version of Concrete CMS.
Feb 11, 2018

The default time format for the core Calendar block depends on the locale, but you can customize it using a custom block template. In the custom block template you can add a timeFormat property option with the time format you prefer.

Steps to customize the default calendar time format:

  • copy view.php
  • navigate to application\blocks and create a folder called "calendar"
  • inside the "calendar" folder, create a folder called "templates"
  • paste view.php into the "templates" folder
  • rename view.php to "custom_time_format.php"
  • open custom_time_format.php and look for the .fullCalendar() method call
  • directly below the .fullCalendar() method call, paste in the timeFormat: 'hh:mma', option and value
  • after pasting the timeFormat option and value, the top portion of the .fullCalendar() method call should look like this

        timeFormat: 'hh:mma',
        header: {
  • you can now apply the "Custom Time Format" custom block template to your Calendar block to display the custom time

Example time format values:

timeFormat: 'H(:mm)', // 22:30 or 23  
timeFormat: 'h(:mm) t', // 10:30 p or 11 p  
timeFormat: 'h(:mm)t', // 10:30p or 11p  
timeFormat: 'h:mm', // 10:30 or 11:00  
timeFormat: 'hh:mma', // 10:30pm or 11:00pm  
timeFormat: 'hh:mm a', // 10:30 pm or 11:00 pm  
timeFormat: 'hh:mmA', // 10:30PM or 11:00PM  
timeFormat: 'hh:mm A', // 10:30 PM or 11:00 PM  

Setting a timeFormat property option will affect all views.

The time format can also be set on a per view basis.

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