How To Upgrade PHP Using the MultiPHP Manager In cPanel

This tutorial is over a year old and may not apply to your version of Concrete CMS.
Nov 23, 2020

PHP is the programming language used to power Concrete CMS. Older versions of PHP stop receiving updates and is a security issue for your websites as new PHP vulnerabilities arise. Servers and websites need to stay secure; we recommend upgrading all sites to the latest PHP version: 7.3. The latest PHP versions are faster and use less memory, but some older functions and syntax are no longer supported. While many sites will continue to keep working with PHP version 7.3, the upgrade can cause some websites to break. We recommend that you make sure the code powering your website is compatible with PHP version 7.3 and higher.

You can see which versions of concrete are compatible with the various versions of PHP here: Note that legacy versions of concrete (anything below version 5.7) are unlikely to run on PHP version 7.3 without modification.

Upgrading PHP version in cPanel with EasyApache MultiPHP

  1. Log in to cPanel
  2. Under Software: Click MultiPHP Manager
  3. Make a note of your current version!
  4. Select an updated version of PHP and click Apply
  5. Visit your site to confirm that the change has not broken your site.
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