Update jQuery to 3.5 on Concrete CMS version 8.5.x

This is a community-contributed tutorial. This tutorial is over a year old and may not apply to your version of Concrete CMS.
Dec 1, 2021
By hissy for Developers


Concrete CMS version 8 uses jQuery 1.22.2, but this version has officially been marked as the end of life. It has some vulnerabilities, but the jQuery team won't fix them. They announced you should upgrade jQuery 3.5.0 or later.

The core team of Concrete CMS does not plan to update jQuery on version 8.x for backward compatibility. If you can update to Concrete CMS version 9, it'd be best to fix those vulnerabilities. However, if you have to take some time to fix your site to work with version 9 and want to update jQuery immediately, you can override it.


  1. Download this jquery.js and upload it to YOUR_CONCRETE_ROOT/application/js/jquery.js
  2. Clear cache from your dashboard
  3. Check the source code if Concrete loads application/js/jquery.js instead of concrete/js/jquery.js

Known Issues

Mobile Preview doesn't work, but all of other interfaces works well. If you find some issue, please leave your comment at this gist.

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