Upgrade Concrete versions 9.3.1 and 9.3.2

Sep 10, 2024
By myq for Developers


When trying to upgrade from Concrete versions 9.3.1 and 9.3.2 through the dashboard, you may encounter the following error message:

The directory /www/public_html/updates/ already exists. Perhaps this item has already been installed.

However, if you delete the updates/ directory, you will get another error about not being able to find the updates/ directory. How can you get past this catch-22?

There are two ways:

  1. patch the relevant code, or
  2. manually download the update

Patch the relevant code

  1. Find the directory holding the currently used Concrete core. If you have ever updated Concrete through the dashboard, the directory is going to be in the updates/ directory and will likely be the most recently modified directory or the directory with the latest version in the name. If you are unsure, check the value of the core key in application/config/update.php which should match the name of one of the directories.

    If you have never updated through the Dashboard, then the directory is probably concrete/.

  2. Within the directory identified in the previous step, find the following file: concrete/controllers/single_page/dashboard/system/update/update.php.
  3. Make the following 3 changes described here:

    Line 120: change $file = uniqid(time(), true) . '.zip'; to
    $file = uniqid(time(), true);
    Line 124: change RequestOptions::SINK => $location . '/' . $file, to RequestOptions::SINK => $location . '/' . $file . '.zip',
    Line 138: change $ar->install($location . '/' . $file); to

  4. Go to the Dashboard > System & Settings > Update Concrete and select "Install Update".

manually download the update

  1. Download the latest version of the Concrete core here: https://www.concretecms.com/latest.zip.
  2. Unzip the archive into the updates/ directory.
  3. Either delete application/config/update.php or change the value of the core key inside of that file to match the name of the directory that you just decompressed in the updates/ directory.
  4. Go to the Dashboard > System & Settings > Update Concrete and select "Install Update".
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