Example: Handling a Form Submission from a Block's View Layer

The survey block presents the user with a form that, when submitted, tallies the result against a particular option. Here's how that works:

Form Action

To create a form action in a block, use the \Concrete\Core\Block\View\BlockView::action method:


The $view object is an instance of the \Concrete\Core\Block\View\BlockView object. It is automatically available in a blocks' template's local scope. The name of this action isn't important. It could be "submit" or even "save."

Generated URL

The $view->action('form_save_vote') method generates the following URL:


Where bID is the numerical block ID.

Controller Method

Now create a method named action_method_name, where method_name is the contents of the action() method you used on the page. For the survey block, the name is action_form_save_vote. When the form is submitted, this action will be run. At the end of this method you can redirect the user to another page, but this is not required.

public function action_form_save_vote($bID = false)
    if ($this->bID != $bID) {
        return false;

    if (!$this->hasVoted()) {
        // Code omitted
        $c = \Page::getCurrentPage();
        $this->redirect($c->getCollectionPath() . '?survey_voted=1');

When we use $view->action(), the current block ID is automatically entered as the first argument. This then gets passed to our action, and we can determine whether to proceed. Some blocks don't care about whether they are being triggered by the same instance as they began. Others, like the form and survey, definitely want to ensure that only the submitted form is the one that is saved for that request.