How To - Using topics and the topic list block in Concrete CMS 5.7

This is a community-contributed tutorial. This tutorial is over a year old and may not apply to your version of Concrete CMS.
Apr 2, 2015

A breakdown of Project Topics in the Elemental theme.

Step 1. Create the topic tree
Dashboard> System & Settings> Attributes> Topics> Add Topic Tree button
- click to add and edit
- Add Category (subcategory)
- Add Topic
- Edit Category
- Edit Permissions
- you can drag and drop to organize and reorder items
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Step 2. Create a topics attribute and assign a topics tree to it
Dashboard> Pages & Themes> Attributes> Add Attribute button

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Step 3. Add topics attribute to a page or to the composer form for a page type

Add topics attribute to a page
Edit Mode> Settings (gear icon)> Attributes

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Add topics attribute to the composer form for a page type
Dashboard> Pages & Themes> Page Types> Edit Form button

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plus sign + (add form control) button alt text

Select the topics attribute alt text

The topics attribute is now available in the composer form for the page type

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Step 4. Topics List block
- display a list of topics that apply to the current page
- display all topics in a topic tree

Display all topics in a topic tree

Add a topics list block
- Mode: Search - Display a list of all topics for use on a search.
- select topic tree
- optional - Post Results to a Different Page - sorts and displays the results on another page that has a page list block with the "Enable Other Blocks to Filter This Page List" option checked alt text alt text

Add a page list block - "Enable Other Blocks to Filter This Page List" option must be checked (the topics list block will display results using this page list block)
- select the page type to list alt text

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Using the Flat Filter topics list block custom template
Design & Custom Template alt text

Gear button (Custom CSS Classes, Block Name, Custom Templates and Reset Styles)> Custom Template> Flat Filter alt text

The Flat filter custom template will display the top level topics and categories

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Supplies selected

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Activities selected
/portfolio/topic/activities alt text

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