Home Page

And now, true to our “Bottom-Up” approach, we come to the Home page, the last of the pages we need to build for this site.

We’re going to create a custom page template for this page as well, because we need certain specific markup for things like About, Services, etc... So let’s call that Home.

Then, we’re going to create a special home page image block, because this Page Header block has a few more options than the page header used throughout the rest of the site. So let’s create a “Home Header” block type.

Within these areas, we simply repeat the same content as defined on the About page. After that, we add a Section Title block and repeat the same Project Grid custom block type that we added on our Projects page. After that, we repeat the same services content, and we conclude with the Page List with the custom Apartment Grid template.


We’re going to need to create the following Concrete CMS items for this page (in addition to other items we’re reusing from other pages.)

  • Home Header Block Type

And that’ll do it! That’s our site!