Behavioral Improvements
- You can no longer deactivate or delete your own user account in the Dashboard
- Social Links block opens links in new tabs (thanks MrKarlDilkington)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed inability to clear site contents when installing themes that swap the site’s contents with their own.
- Responsive flag images in multilingual sites (thanks seebaermichi)
- Fixed issue where pasted blocks weren’t using proper grid container settings.
- Fixed inability to bulk delete files.
- Fixed Form block's questions are ordered incorrectly after ordering some of them and creating a new question. (thanks ojalehto)
- Fixed: An error was thrown e.g. when trying to change user's password in dashboard while MYSQL is used in STRICT_TRANS_TABLES mode (thanks ojalehto)
- Fixed error when adding files to sets and not logged in as admin.
- Fixed inability to login with Oauth-based authentication types, including community and others (thanks Fabian Vogler)
- Fixed bug: Layout column widths are no longer editable after being saved the first time
- Fixed
- Minor fixes to certain command line commands (thanks mlocati)
- Fixed (thanks ojalehto)
- Fixed (thanks seebaermichi)
- Fixed (jaromirdalecky)
- Fixed (thanks Ruudt)