9.3.9 Release Notes


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New Features

  • Add options to get author name/email to Attribute Display block (thanks JohnTheFish)

Behavioral Improvements

  • When you command-click (Mac), control-click (Windows) or middle-click your mouse button on Dashboard search tables, the links will now open in a new tab or window.
  • We now rescan the pagetheme custom class when clearing the cache – this can help if you are actively developing a theme and accidentally install it before defining your theme’s custom class file.
  • Multilingual stack dropdowns are now more visible and accessible (thanks mlocati)
  • If you write custom code that filters a user list by a nonexistent group name, we now throw a proper exception that should point you in the right direction.
  • Improve conversation captcha failure message (thanks JohnTheFish)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error where the “Remove Orphaned Blocks” functionality did not work.
  • Fixed bug where you could improperly create a topics attribute without a selected top level node, leading to errors when selecting topics in Composer or on the page.
  • Avoid Undefined array key "optionID" exception in survey block in PHP8 (thanks biplobice)
  • Removed broken poll/survey pie chart image from survey block view and Dashboard results pages.
  • Fix memory allocation issue with thumbnail generation and Imagick (thanks ahukkanen)

Developer Updates

  • Cleaned up old code in Page List block (thanks biplobice)