class GalleryBlockTest implements TestInterface (View source)
Helpful search methods
Take a query object and add "or having" or "and having" for each filter on the Report This object gives us one place to implement new types of filters added to the Report class
Take a query and paginate over it in chunks defined by $perPage You can iterate over the return value and expect to receive all rows one by one.
Audit a dbal table or set of tables
protected bool
applyQueryFilters(Runner $report, QueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $query, bool $having = true, string $filterColumn = 'content')
Take a query object and add "or having" or "and having" for each filter on the Report This object gives us one place to implement new types of filters added to the Report class
protected iterable
iterateQuery($query, int $perPage = 1000)
Take a query and paginate over it in chunks defined by $perPage You can iterate over the return value and expect to receive all rows one by one.
auditDbal(Runner $report, string $table, string $idSelect, array $scanColumns, array $joins, callable $findingPopulator)
Audit a dbal table or set of tables
run(Runner $runner)
No description
createFinding(array $result, Runner $report)
No description