Refreshing an Extension

If you've got something misbehaving on your add-on, you may need to try re-installing it. Here's how to do that by hand:

  1. Release the add-on license from your project by visiting your site's project page.
  2. Visit your licenses page to see a list of all the licenses owned by your account. If an unassigned copy of a license is available, a "Download Archive" link will appear to the right side of the addon's row. Click this link to download a zip archive of the add-on's files.
  3. When your download is complete, upload the zip archive to (your_site_root)/packages on your webserver. You can do this through an FTP client, or a web-based utility like cPanel.
  4. Locate the old package folder. This may look something like (your_site_root)/packages/document_library
  5. Move the document_library folder to a safe location.
  6. Using cPanel, FTP, etc, unzip the zip archive file into the packages/ folder. This puts a "fresh" copy of your add-on's code in place for Concrete to use.
  7. Go to Dashboard > Extend Concrete, and find the add-on on the list of installed add-ons and themes. If you see a message telling you that an update for your add-on is available, click the Update Add-ons button.
  8. Return to your licenses page and re-assign the license to your site.
  9. For more detailed instructions, see: Download and Manually Install an Add-on