

The Welcome dashboard page appears to users upon logging in. This dashboard page is designed to provide users with a quick overview of the current status of their website and allows them to perform various tasks. Here are some of the tools available on the welcome dashboard page:

  1. Waiting for me / Profile Links - In the black bar at the top, there are quick links to the Waiting for Me area where you can approve any workflows pending for you, and you can access your profile quickly.
  2. Production Mode - This banner allows users to see whether their site is in development, staging, or production mode. You can learn more about this functionality here
  3. Form Submissions - The first widget on the page allows you to see recent form submissions that have come through and navigate to the form submissions report page.
  4. Latest Site Health Result - This shows the results of the latest Site Health report. 
  5. News - News and updates about Concrete CMS, updates, add-ons, etc.