class DefaultRunner implements RunInterface, ApplicationAwareInterface (View source)

Default HTTP Runner.

Replace pipeline style functionality with middleware


Trait ApplicationAwareTrait A trait used with ApplicationAwareInterface


protected Application $app from  ApplicationAwareTrait
protected Repository $config
protected UrlResolverInterface $urlResolver
protected Router $router
protected Service $siteService
protected EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
private ServerInterface $server


setApplication(Application $app)

Setter method for the application

__construct(ServerInterface $server)

DefaultRunner constructor.


Begin the runtime.

initializeLegacyURLDefinitions() deprecated

Define the base url if not defined This will define BASE_URL to whatever is resolved from the resolver.


No description


No description

initializeTimezone() deprecated

No description

setSystemLocale() deprecated

Initialize localization.

registerLegacyConfigValues() deprecated

Set legacy config values This sets to the current site's sitename.


Create the request object to use.

setupPackages() deprecated

Setup concrete5 packages.

preloadClassAliases() deprecated

Pre-load class aliases This is needed to avoid the problem of calling functions that accept a class alias as a parameter, but that alias isn't still auto-loaded. For example, that would result in the following error: Argument 1 passed to functionName() must be an instance of Area, instance of Concrete\Core\Area\Area given.

loadBootstrap() deprecated

Load in the /application/bootstrap/app.php file.

handleUpdates() deprecated

Update automatically.

handleEventing() deprecated

Fire HTTP events.

handlePermissionKeys() deprecated

Load all permission keys.

trySteps(array $steps)

Try a list of steps. If a response is returned, halt progression and return the response;.

getConfig() deprecated

Get the config repository to use.


Get the default config repository to use.

setConfig(Repository $repository) deprecated

Set the config repository.

getRouter() deprecated

Get the router to use.


Get the default router to use.

setRouter(Router $router) deprecated

Set the router.

getSiteService() deprecated

Get the site service to use.


Get the default site service to use.

setSiteService(Service $site) deprecated

Set the site service.

getUrlResolver() deprecated

Get the url resolver to use.

getDefaultUrlResolver() deprecated

Get the default url resolver to use.

setUrlResolver(UrlResolverInterface $urlResolver) deprecated

Set the url resolver.

getEventDispatcher() deprecated

Get the url resolver to use.

getDefaultEventDispatcher() deprecated

Get the default url resolver to use.

setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher $urlResolver) deprecated

Set the url resolver.

shouldProcessRequest(Request $request)

No description


setApplication(Application $app)

Setter method for the application


Application $app

__construct(ServerInterface $server)

DefaultRunner constructor.


ServerInterface $server

mixed run()

Begin the runtime.

Return Value


protected Response|void initializeLegacyURLDefinitions() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Define the base url if not defined This will define BASE_URL to whatever is resolved from the resolver.

Return Value


Returns a response if an error occurs

protected initializeSystemTimezone()

No description

protected initializeSiteTimezone()

No description

protected initializeTimezone() deprecated

deprecated Splitted into initializeSystemTimezone and initializeSiteTimezone

No description

protected setSystemLocale() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Initialize localization.

protected Response|void registerLegacyConfigValues() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Set legacy config values This sets to the current site's sitename.

Return Value


Returns a response if an error occurs

protected createRequest()

Create the request object to use.

protected Response|void setupPackages() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Setup concrete5 packages.

Return Value


Returns a response if an error occurs

protected preloadClassAliases() deprecated

deprecated Don't use this method: it will be removed in future concrete5 versions

Pre-load class aliases This is needed to avoid the problem of calling functions that accept a class alias as a parameter, but that alias isn't still auto-loaded. For example, that would result in the following error: Argument 1 passed to functionName() must be an instance of Area, instance of Concrete\Core\Area\Area given.

protected Response|void loadBootstrap() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Load in the /application/bootstrap/app.php file.

Return Value


Returns a response if an error occurs

protected Response|void handleUpdates() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Update automatically.

Return Value


Returns a response if an error occurs

protected Response|void handleEventing() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Fire HTTP events.

Return Value


Returns a response if an error occurs

protected Response|void handlePermissionKeys() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Load all permission keys.

Return Value


Returns a response if an error occurs

protected Response|null trySteps(array $steps)

Try a list of steps. If a response is returned, halt progression and return the response;.


array $steps

Return Value


protected Repository getConfig() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Get the config repository to use.

Return Value


private Repository getDefaultConfig()

Get the default config repository to use.

Return Value


$this setConfig(Repository $repository) deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Set the config repository.


Repository $repository

Return Value


protected Router getRouter() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Get the router to use.

Return Value


private Router getDefaultRouter()

Get the default router to use.

Return Value


$this setRouter(Router $router) deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Set the router.


Router $router

Return Value


protected Service getSiteService() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Get the site service to use.

Return Value


private Service getDefaultSiteService()

Get the default site service to use.

Return Value


$this setSiteService(Service $site) deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Set the site service.


Service $site

Return Value


protected UrlResolverInterface getUrlResolver() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Get the url resolver to use.

Return Value


private UrlResolverInterface getDefaultUrlResolver() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Get the default url resolver to use.

Return Value


$this setUrlResolver(UrlResolverInterface $urlResolver) deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Set the url resolver.


UrlResolverInterface $urlResolver

Return Value


protected EventDispatcher getEventDispatcher() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Get the url resolver to use.

Return Value


private EventDispatcher getDefaultEventDispatcher() deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Get the default url resolver to use.

Return Value


$this setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher $urlResolver) deprecated

deprecated In a future major version this will be part of HTTP middleware

Set the url resolver.


EventDispatcher $urlResolver

Return Value


protected bool shouldProcessRequest(Request $request)

No description


Request $request

Return Value
