How to avoid problems upgrading from 8.5 to 9.x
Change the format of the default date
Describes how to deploy, manage, and upgrade a Concrete CMS website
This tutorial will guide you through the creation of a new Site Health task
How to create and manage multiple associations in Express
Different ways to style Express forms
How to configure Concrete to use one or more Redis servers to persist the cache.
For developers worn out with setting the latest addon or theme version manually across too many core versions, here is a JavaScript bookmarklet to do it for you.
Now, why don't we just have a getLocale() method on Page objects beats me, but here's how you work around it
How to use the Concrete CMS Migration Tool
Concrete CMS has a page attribute you can add to a global area called "Page Date Modified." Here's how to add it
How to exclude subpages from navigation - useful for a news or blog link in your main navigation where you don't want all the subpages to appear in a drop down menu.
This tutorial explains how to update your php settings.
This tutorial covers commonly encountered issues when upgrading a Concrete CMS theme from version 8 to version 9
If you encounter a Concrete CMS add-on or theme that you love but not being maintained, you may want to ask the author to help or take over the add-on or theme. Here is the quick step-by-step guide of how to transfer the ownership.
How to manually download an add-on and update it when your site's core versions isn't considered compatible with the add-on version.
In Concrete CMS, you can use a form to initiate contact between logged-in users and then create helpful reports. After form submissions are collected, they can be searched, sorted, and exported as a spreadsheet. This tutorial will detail how to add author information to a report using the advanced search.
How to clone and customize Atomik theme
If you have to take some time to fix your site to work with version 9 and want to update jQuery immediately, you can override it.
Concrete CMS 9.0 is coming! But there are some changes in version 9 that might affected your add-ons and themes. This document aims to answer questions about the most common ways that your add-ons might need to be changed, and common problems you'll run into.
How to set up a multilingual Concrete CMS site for groups of language-specific editors
Doctrine is a very flexible, simple (once you get to know it better) and powerful PHP library for database interactions primarily focused on the ORM = Object Relational Mapping and DBAL = DataBase Abstraction Layer.
This article will explain how to upgrade your PHP version using cPanel.
Adding analytics to your website is an important part of running your website. There’s no need to edit your theme or install a plugin to add a tracking code to Concrete CMS you can do it right from the CMS.
Learn how to create a sitemap.xml in a couple clicks
An example to add express entry detail pages in the sitemap.xml
An example of customization of express entry detail block type to improve SEO
We love community code submissions to Concrete CMS; here's how you can ensure your code submissions make it into the core.
In version 9, the process for updating Concrete CMS JS and CSS files is changing a bit; learn how it works and how you can help us get the interface ready.
How to use workflows to set up a group of users so that they can edit a page set up by an admin and then create, publish and edit new pages below that first page.