class Service (View source)






protected Application $app

The application instance.

protected TransportInterface $transport

The transport to be used to delivery the messages.

protected array $headers

Additional email message headers.

protected $to

List of "To" recipients (every item is an array with at key 0 the email address and at key 1 an optional name).

protected $replyto

List of "Reply-To" recipients (every item is an array with at key 0 the email address and at key 1 an optional name).

protected $cc

List of "CC" recipients (every item is an array with at key 0 the email address and at key 1 an optional name).

protected $bcc

List of "BCC" recipients (every item is an array with at key 0 the email address and at key 1 an optional name).

protected string[] $from

The sender email address and its name.

protected array $data

A dictionary with the parameters to be sent to the template.

protected string $subject

The message subject.

protected Part[] $attachments

The message attachments.

protected string $template

The last leaded message template file.

protected string|false $body

The plain text body.

protected string|false $bodyHTML

The HTML body.

protected bool $testing

Are we testing this service?

protected false $throwOnFailure

Should we throw an exception if the delivery fails?


__construct(Application $app, TransportInterface $transport)

Initialize the instance.


No description


Clean up the instance of this object (reset the class scope variables).

addParameter(string $key, mixed $val)

Adds a parameter for the mail template.

addAttachment(File $file)

Add a File entity as an attachment of the message.

addAttachmentWithHeaders(File $file, array $headers)

Add a File entity as an attachment of the message, specifying the headers of the mail MIME part.

addRawAttachment(string $content, string $filename, string $mimetype = 'application/octet-stream')

Add a mail attachment by specifying its raw binary data.

addRawAttachmentWithHeaders(string $content, string $filename, array $headers = [])

Add a mail attachment by specifying its raw binary data, specifying the headers of the mail MIME part.

load(string $template, string|null $pkgHandle = null)

Load an email template from the /mail/ directory.

setBody(string|false $body)

Manually set the plain text body of a mail message (typically the body is set in the template + load method).

setSubject(string $subject)

Manually set the message's subject (typically the body is set in the template + load method).


Get the message subject.


Get the plain text body.


Get the html body.

setBodyHTML(string|false $html)

Manually set the HTML body of a mail message (typically the body is set in the template + load method).

enableMailResponseProcessing(MailImporter $importer, array $data)

No description

from(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Set the from address on the message.

to(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Add one or more "To" recipients to the message.

cc(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Add one or more "CC" recipients to the message.

bcc(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Add one or more "BCC" recipients to the message.

replyto(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Sets the Reply-To addresses of the message.

setTesting(bool $testing)

Set the testing state (if true the email logging never occurs and sending errors will throw an exception).


Retrieve the testing state.

setIsThrowOnFailure(bool $throwOnFailure)

Should an exception be thrown if the delivery fails (if false, the sendMail() method will simply return false on failure).


Should an exception be thrown if the delivery fails (if false, the sendMail() method will simply return false on failure).

setAdditionalHeaders(array $headers)

Set additional message headers.


No description


No description

sendMail(bool $resetData = true)

Sends the email.

getMailerObject() deprecated

No description

generateEmailStrings(array $arr)

Convert a list of email addresses to a string.


Get the MIME part for the plain text body (if available).

isInlineAttachment(Part $attachment)

Determine if an attachment should be used as an inline attachment associated to the HTML body.


Get the MIME part for the plain text body (if available).


__construct(Application $app, TransportInterface $transport)

Initialize the instance.


Application $app

the application instance

TransportInterface $transport

the transport to be used to delivery the messages


No description


Clean up the instance of this object (reset the class scope variables).

addParameter(string $key, mixed $val)

Adds a parameter for the mail template.


string $key

the name of the parameter

mixed $val

the value of the parameter

addAttachment(File $file)

Add a File entity as an attachment of the message.


File $file

The file to attach to the message

addAttachmentWithHeaders(File $file, array $headers)

Add a File entity as an attachment of the message, specifying the headers of the mail MIME part.


File $file

The file to attach to the message

array $headers

Additional headers fo the MIME part. Valid values are:

  • filename: The name to give to the attachment (it will be used as the filename part of the Content-Disposition header) [default: the filename of the File instance]
  • mimetype: the main value of the Content-Type header [default: the content type of the file]
  • disposition: the main value of the Content-Disposition header [default: attachment]
  • encoding: the value of the Content-Transfer-Encoding header [default: base64]
  • charset: the charset value of the Content-Type header
  • boundary: the boundary value of the Content-Type header
  • id: the value of the Content-ID header (without angular brackets)
  • description: the value of the Content-Description header
  • location: the value of the Content-Location header
  • language: the value of the Content-Language header

addRawAttachment(string $content, string $filename, string $mimetype = 'application/octet-stream')

Add a mail attachment by specifying its raw binary data.


string $content

The binary data of the attachemt

string $filename

The name to give to the attachment (it will be used as the filename part of the Content-Disposition header)

string $mimetype

The MIME type of the attachment (it will be the main value of the Content-Type header)

addRawAttachmentWithHeaders(string $content, string $filename, array $headers = [])

Add a mail attachment by specifying its raw binary data, specifying the headers of the mail MIME part.


string $content

The binary data of the attachemt

string $filename

The name to give to the attachment (it will be used as the filename part of the Content-Disposition header)

array $headers

Additional headers fo the MIME part. Valid values are:

  • mimetype: the main value of the Content-Type header [default: application/octet-stream]
  • disposition: the main value of the Content-Disposition header [default: attachment]
  • encoding: the value of the Content-Transfer-Encoding header [default: base64]
  • charset: the charset value of the Content-Type header
  • boundary: the boundary value of the Content-Type header
  • id: the value of the Content-ID header (without angular brackets)
  • description: the value of the Content-Description header
  • location: the value of the Content-Location header
  • language: the value of the Content-Language header

load(string $template, string|null $pkgHandle = null)

Load an email template from the /mail/ directory.


string $template

The template to load

string|null $pkgHandle

The handle of the package associated to the template

setBody(string|false $body)

Manually set the plain text body of a mail message (typically the body is set in the template + load method).


string|false $body

Set the text body (false to not use a plain text body)

setSubject(string $subject)

Manually set the message's subject (typically the body is set in the template + load method).


string $subject

string getSubject()

Get the message subject.

Return Value


string|false getBody()

Get the plain text body.

Return Value


string|false getBodyHTML()

Get the html body.

Return Value


setBodyHTML(string|false $html)

Manually set the HTML body of a mail message (typically the body is set in the template + load method).


string|false $html

Set the html body (false to not use an HTML body)

enableMailResponseProcessing(MailImporter $importer, array $data)

No description


MailImporter $importer
array $data

from(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Set the from address on the message.


string $email
string|null $name

to(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Add one or more "To" recipients to the message.


string $email

(separate multiple email addresses with commas)

string|null $name

The name to associate to the email address

cc(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Add one or more "CC" recipients to the message.


string $email

(separate multiple email addresses with commas)

string|null $name

The name to associate to the email address

bcc(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Add one or more "BCC" recipients to the message.


string $email

(separate multiple email addresses with commas)

string|null $name

The name to associate to the email address

replyto(string $email, string|null $name = null)

Sets the Reply-To addresses of the message.


string $email

(separate multiple email addresses with commas)

string|null $name

The name to associate to the email address

setTesting(bool $testing)

Set the testing state (if true the email logging never occurs and sending errors will throw an exception).


bool $testing

bool getTesting()

Retrieve the testing state.

Return Value


$this setIsThrowOnFailure(bool $throwOnFailure)

Should an exception be thrown if the delivery fails (if false, the sendMail() method will simply return false on failure).


bool $throwOnFailure

Return Value


bool isThrowOnFailure()

Should an exception be thrown if the delivery fails (if false, the sendMail() method will simply return false on failure).

Return Value


setAdditionalHeaders(array $headers)

Set additional message headers.


array $headers

private isMetaDataLoggingEnabled()

No description

private isBodyLoggingEnabled()

No description

bool sendMail(bool $resetData = true)

Sends the email.


bool $resetData

Whether or not to reset the service to its default when this method is done

Return Value


Returns true upon success, or false if the delivery fails and if the service is not in "testing" state and throwOnFailure is false



static getMailerObject() deprecated

deprecated To get the mail transport, call \Core::make(\Laminas\Mail\Transport\TransportInterface::class)

No description

protected string generateEmailStrings(array $arr)

Convert a list of email addresses to a string.


array $arr

Return Value


protected Part|null buildTextPart()

Get the MIME part for the plain text body (if available).

Return Value


protected bool isInlineAttachment(Part $attachment)

Determine if an attachment should be used as an inline attachment associated to the HTML body.


Part $attachment

Return Value


protected Part|null buildHtmlPart()

Get the MIME part for the plain text body (if available).

Return Value
