Interface ApplicationAwareInterface This interface declares awareness of the concrete5 application.
Handles adding and removing keys from attribute sets.
A cache store that has the ability to be flushed
Interface for EntityManagerConfig factories
Specify a namespace for a Doctrine ORM driver, as well as what kind of mapping driver it should be.
Implement this in your package controller if you'd like to provide a custom entity manager.
Anything implementing the Provider interface is able to delivery one or more entity manager drivers. Currently the Concrete\Core\Package\Package class (extended by all package controllers) is the only object that implements this interface.
Class Device A representation of a device.
Interface ThumbnailerInterface An interface for classes tasked with creating thumbnails. This interace requires imagine.
Implementations of this interface will provide their own path in the event that
Translation loaders provide a standardized way to load new translations into the translator adapters.
Translation loader repositories provide a way to store multiple translation loaders.
Translator adapter factories provide factory method for creating a new translator adapter.
Translator adapters wrap the functionality of a specific translator class into a format that can be used within the concrete5 context.
Translator adapter repository can store any number of translator adapters.
Interface AttachModeCompatibleRoutineInterface.
Interface IndexInterface
Interface describing a configurable rule for the web server.
Interface describing a single rule for the web server.
Interface FactoryInterface An object that can create symfony sessions.
Interface TrackableInterface Implement this interface to declare compatibility with the statistic tracker.
Interface TranslatableValidatorInterface A modifier to the standard validator interface that enables translatable requirements and errors.
Interface ValidatorInterface A generic validator cabable of describing itself and validating mixed values.
Interface ValidatorManagerInterface A generic validator manager interface that enables validating against many validators at once.