Profile Picture
Uploading or Changing Your Profile Picture
- Navigate to Dashboard > Welcome > Edit Profile.
- Click on the current profile picture or the placeholder avatar to initiate the upload process.
- Upload New Image:
- A file selection dialog will appear.
- Choose an image from your computer.
- After selecting, crop the image to suit your needs.
- Save.
Deleting Your Profile Picture
- Remove Current Picture:
- On the Edit Profile page, if you wish to remove your existing profile picture without uploading a new one, look for a Remove or Delete option near the profile picture section.
- Confirm the removal when prompted.
- Your profile will revert to the default avatar.
Image Format: Ensure your profile picture is in a supported format (e.g., JPEG, PNG) and adheres to any specified size guidelines.
Profile Visibility: If public profiles are enabled on your site, your profile picture will be visible to other users.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage your profile picture in Concrete CMS version 9, enhancing your personal presence within the platform.